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geek-fashionista · 1 year ago
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May you get the girl in a thousand lifetimes. 🙏🏼
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frnkiebby · 1 year ago
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some random frank pics for you !! i swore you posted some of these already but whatever 😭😭😭 they’re still great
the rest yea i think i have posted HOWEVER i don’t care if i posted a pic ten mins ago and its sent to me with someone losing it over frank bc i will ALWAYS want to see him and scream too 😭😭☠️☠️
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castieldelamancha · 1 year ago
i might not be talking about it out loud, but don't let my silence fool you i am always thinking about purgatory deancas
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hostilebutcuddly · 6 months ago
↖ is always accepting curious anons
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quite-right-too · 2 years ago
hiya!!!!! 💞 if you’re still taking prompts:
“take me with you. i can’t do this alone.”
“Take me with you. I can’t do this alone.”
Rose turned around at the Doctor, who was leaning against the console. His gaze was fixed on her, eyes scanning for any sign of pushback.
“Doctor,” she said exasperated. “I’m just popping by to see my mum. I won’t be gone long.” She offered him a small smile, walking back up the ramp to grab his hands. His grip tightened and he pulled her into his arms.
She realized he was serious. He really didn’t want to be left alone.
Hugging him back just as tightly, Rose rubbed his back soothingly. “Oh Doctor. Of course you can come.” She reluctantly pulled herself away, and the haunted look in his eyes said all she needed to know.
Not once did she let go of his hand, not even when they went up the stairs and into the estate.
“Mum?” Rose called out, opening the door quietly. “We’re here. Just popped in for a bit.” They made their way to the living room and she encouraged the Doctor to sit on the couch. She could hear her mum in the kitchen, likely prepping tea after she heard the unforgettable sound of the TARDIS materializing.
Reassuringly, she rubbed the Doctor’s back as she stood up. “I’m going to go help my mum with tea. I’ll make it just how you like it.” The Doctor looked up at her like a sad puppy, not wanting to be away from her side. “It’ll just be for a mo’, Doctor. I promise.”
That seemed to do the trick as he let he walk away into the kitchen. Jackie was at the counter, already having made the tea (just as they liked it, of course) and was getting ready to bring it out to them.
“Rose! I’m so glad to see you!” Jackie exclaimed, hugging her daughter. “Where’s himself then? I don’t hear him running his gob. He better not be messing with my television again.”
The younger Tyler pursed her lips. “He’s having a rough day, mum. Just… be easy on him. Please?” She swallowed hard, reaching over to take the tray from her mother, walking it out to the living room as Jackie followed behind.
Still sitting on the couch, the Doctor looked up to see Rose and Jackie emerging from the kitchen. The piping hot tea on the tray was set on the coffee table, Rose moving to place the cups in everyone’s respective seats. She offered the Doctor a small smile which he returned.
Jackie could see the tension on the Time Lord’s features. She didn’t know much about aliens, but she could tell when someone was struggling. Walking over, she encouraged the Doctor to stand up. “Come here, sweetheart,” she said soothingly, holding her arms out for a hug, which the Doctor quickly accepted.
Jackie didn’t know if she had ever been hugged tighter in her life.
It tugged at Rose’s heart, watching the Doctor hug her mother with such desperation. She knew that the last week had been rough for them, especially after nearly losing her to the void, but she didn’t expect him to so willingly accept affection from Jackie Tyler, the woman who nearly slapped him into an early regeneration.
Rose knew that a mother’s hug could fix anything, though.
Send me a sentence prompt and I'll write you a TenRose ficlet!
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nsfwitchy2 · 1 year ago
Of course once I enter my cozy era global warming kills winter again ://///
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asheanon · 1 year ago
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Y'all have no idea how much it means to me whenever someone tells me I've inspired them somehow...
I think it hits even harder in the OC x Canon department, because a lot of folks are intimidated by the idea of pursuing that interest and sharing it with others - especially via social media. (Understandably so, though, if you came from ye olden "cringe" days where anything of that caliber was considered "cringe." There's no telling how much creativity that negativity stifled. I pray everyday that it's a bygone era... haha!)
Part of why I do what I do is literally to do just that. To help inspire others to not be afraid to "follow their dreams," as cheesy as that sounds...
To me, it is one of the greatest honors I know of and one of the best ways I could realistically give back to the world - to inspire, just as I have been inspired by other creative minds around me throughout my lifetime. 💙🌠
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grimalkinmessor · 2 years ago
This is Mice!
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They're one of my Death Note OCs!
Mice is a homeless teenager of unknown origins who is an excellent thief. A little manic klepto. They assist Light as a sort of straddler between the law and crime, a lot like Wedy and Aiber do for L—though Mice is less like a pet criminal and more like a possum that just keeps breaking into Light's various places and rifling through his shit. They're on the young side though—somewhere between twelve and fifteen—but trying to get a straight answer out of them is practically impossible.
Mice adores Light! And Mikami! And pretty much everyone else on Team K. They annoy people they like. Plus Light feeds them. It's great. This does not stop Mice from stealing his clothes/jewelry/books :3
And, because Mice has no legal documents for Light to trace, they're safe from his wrath. ...Pretty much.
But! Mice is also incredibly useful to him because they know where to go to get the names of people that Light can't reach/see, and their expertise in getting in and out of places they shouldn't be means that Light has someone to do stealth missions. Though he is reluctant to do so most of the time, both because Mice is a kid and because they're a feral chaos gremlin. They rival Matsuda on unpredictability stats.
Mice is one of two Crime Straddlers™ I have for Light, one of three of my other Team Kira OCs, and one of my five total DN OCs :D
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star-anise · 3 months ago
I really wonder if trauma theorists who say things like "Humans are the only animal that will be in a fright state when physically safe" or "the rest of the animal kingdom doesn't get PTSD" have ever, like
Do you think they've actually ever met an animal?
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actressposts · 5 months ago
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rubeau-art · 4 months ago
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Up until shore-leave, Jax's shifting is pretty unstable. There are still incidents after that, but he's got a much better handle on his shifts and how to do it himself, hence being allowed to actually go on shore-leave
Even after getting the hang of it though, shifting is physically draining, especially if going from one extreme size to another, or doing multiple shifts in a short space of time.
It takes a lot of energy, and kind of hurts to do. His body sort of tearing to allow it to shift, then restitching itself back together afterwards. It happens almost instantly, but it adds up.
People tell him not to push it, and for the most part he tries not to, but sometimes its unavoidable when there's a lot going on.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 10 months ago
finally watched the new dungeon meshi episode and i crave fluffy pancakes
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ryllen · 1 year ago
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.+💚. Green .💚+.
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pastelaspirations · 6 months ago
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Controversial opinion; Error should have lost because the bit of him coming 2nd place for three freaking years in a row would have been comedy gold.
O h w e e e l l, I love you, Error. Congrats on finally winning, ya handsome lad. I drew a crap post comic where Ink expresses the same sentiment that I do lmao
Transcript just in case my handwriting is awful to read
Error: FINALLY, people see my ✧˖°.greatness.°˖✧ Ink: Yay! I'm so happy for you! <3 Ink: Although... I was kind of hoping you'd lose- Error: WHAT?! Ink: Just- It would have been really funny if you came 2nd place 3 years in a row, wouldn't it? Error: .... Error: You're dead to me Ink: I'm sorry! I just thought it'd be funny-
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nsfwitchy2 · 9 months ago
Fuckin. Without fail man. Everytime I sub at the second salon I always, ALWAYS break a nail and it’s always my longest one that I’m the most proud of :’)
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not-so-mundane-after-all · 10 months ago
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Him not being able to let her go 😭😭😭 holding her against his shoulder, keeping his lips on her forehead. Tech trying to pull him away even though he knows how hard this is because it's hard for him too. Someone waterboard me in bleach.
I am on my knees in front of you. This made my day.
Bad batch ficlet
So after @not-so-mundane-after-all’s most recent fic knocked me flat i was like ‘what if hunter got to hold omega as a baby’ and i was like ‘timey-wimey stuff could make that happen’ and just decided to go for it. Who needs plot. 400ish words of pure schmoop
also techs alive in this bc im in charge here and i said so
Hunter doesn’t answer. Doesn’t look away from the little face cradled in the crook of his elbow.
“Hunter. We have to go.”
Her face is so peaceful in sleep, her little eyelashes fluttering across cheeks flushed and soft with baby fat. They had decided it might be better to let her fall asleep before they left, but now that she has, Hunter can tell it will be no easier to tear himself away from her. 
It will be no easier for her, either. Either way, she won’t understand why he’s left her.
A gentle hand settles on his shoulder. A gesture of kindness, and a cruelty. He knows that Tech feels this parting keenly too, but he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand. 
He doesn’t understand how many times Hunter has daydreamed this very scenario. Most often when she was parted from him, during the awful months she was on Tantiss.
Lying in his bunk, trying to sleep and yearning for her, his mind would conjure up images of Omega as a small child, of sweet smiles and screaming laughter, of sweeping her up in his arms the way he had seen men on Pabu do with their young children. Of holding her little body safe in his arms and rocking her to sleep.
And somehow those dreams came true, and now he has to leave her. 
He hitches her up to his shoulder, careful to keep her neck supported, so he can kiss her forehead. He lets his lips linger on her temple, at the crown of her head. Lets her soft baby hairs tickle his lips as he sways gently from side to side.  Sees Tech out of the corner of his eye, shyly reaching out to stroke sunshine-colored curls.
Their Omega is waiting for them. He knows that. Their brave girl, so grown up, all gangly limbs and teenage attitude and burgeoning independence. His Omega who grew up here in this sterile lab, alone, with a scientist who didn’t know how to nurture a young human the way she deserved. Until he found her. And she still needs him. 
But how can he leave? How can he leave this baby to her lonely childhood?
Will she remember this? Is his Omega the same one he holds now in his arms? He doesn’t know. He has left the particulars of their predicament to Tech, divergent timelines and alternate universes and such.  It makes Hunter’s head hurt to think about it.
He only know that this is the hardest thing he’s ever had to do.
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