#a group that commonly has round faces
thatrandomblogsays · 7 months
I’m not very interested in watching the live action AtLA because I’m sick of studios making live action remakes of animated shows and movies, however whoever mocks/bullies/complains about any of the child actors for not looking as hot as their animated counterparts are going straight to the whole levels of hell.
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forestdeath1 · 6 months
Sirius’s attitude towards Peter
This is going to be a bit controversial because in the fandom, it's commonly believed that Sirius loved Peter. People backs this up with two points:
Sirius suggested Peter as the Secret Keeper.
Sirius said he'd die for Peter.
In my view, their relationship was a bit more complicated than just "he loved him." Emotions aren't just about love and hate, there's a lot of grey area in between. But personally, I don't see any evidence that Sirius truly loved or respected Peter.
From what we know in the books, teachers saw Peter like this:
Pettigrew... that fat little boy who was always tagging around after them at Hogwarts?’ said Madam Rosmerta. ‘Hero-worshipped Black and Potter,’ said Professor McGonagall.
For an observant and clever person like McGonagall, the group dynamics aren't a secret. It's exactly what people saw from the outside.
We know for sure that Peter visited the Potters, and Lily worried about him being sad, whereas there's no mention of Remus. In the Order of the Phoenix photo, Peter stands next to James, Lily and Sirius, while Remus is on the other end. So at least during the war, Peter was closer to the Potters than Remus.
Here's what JKR says about their relationship with Peter:
"Pettigrew, who they, in a slightly patronizing way, James and Sirius at least, who they allowed to hang round with them, it turned out that he was a better wizard than they knew. Turned out he was better at hiding secrets than they knew."
And it makes sense. Patronizing. They didn't intend to be friends with Peter at all, it was Remus who felt sorry for him and persuaded James and Sirius to include him.
Remus, always the underdog’s friend, was kind to short and rather slow Peter Pettigrew, a fellow Gryffindor, whom James and Sirius might not have thought worthy of their attention without Remus’s persuasion. Soon, these four became inseparable. (Pottermore)
And what we see in their relationship in reality:
Every time James made a particularly difficult catch, Wormtail gasped and applauded. 
‘Put that away, will you,’ said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer, ‘before Wormtail wets himself with excitement.’ 
Wormtail turned slightly pink, but James grinned. 
Peter's behaviour:
Lupin and Wormtail remained sitting: Lupin was still staring down at his book, though his eyes were not moving and a faint frown line had appeared between his eyebrows; Wormtail was looking from Sirius and James to Snape with a look of avid anticipation on his face. 
How can someone like Sirius, who literally hates groveling ("I, a spy for Voldemort? When did I ever sneak around people who were stronger and more powerful than myself?"), respect and love someone who constantly grovels? Was Sirius blind not to see that? Everyone saw it. Remus simply pitied and was kind to Peter ("always the underdog’s friend"), and James loved Peter's adoration. James is the kind of person who really loves attention, and at the same time, he has a pretty black-and-white view of the world, and probably considered Peter a good guy, albeit one he could sometimes make fun of ('How thick are you, Wormtail?' said James impatiently. 'You run round with a werewolf once a month –')
But Sirius didn't need attention, he wasn't an attention-seeker. He could see pretty well who and what everyone was.
Many say that what Sirius says in PoA,he says it after many years of reflection in Azkaban and on emotions. I don’t think so:
‘Lily and James only made you Secret Keeper because I suggest- ed it,’ Black hissed, so venomously that Pettigrew took a step backwards. ‘I thought it was the perfect plan ... a bluff ... Voldemort would be sure to come after me, would never dream they’d use a weak, talentless thing like you ... it must have been the finest moment of your miserable life, telling Voldemort you could hand him the Potters.’ 
Sirius came up with a bluff. A plan where Voldemort was supposed to come after him, Sirius, not Peter. It wasn't just that Sirius trusted Peter. The point was that Voldemort would NOT come after Peter. Why was he so sure Voldemort wouldn't come after Peter?
Because first of all, I think Sirius really, as he said, believed that Voldemort would never pay attention to Peter. And secondly, Sirius was sure that Peter admired James too much and loved him too much to betray. The one who was always attached to them, the one who always looked up to James in admiration.
Sirius underestimated Peter's "bravery" and cunning.
‘I, a spy for Voldemort? When did I ever sneak around people who were stronger and more powerful than myself? But you, Peter – I’ll never understand why I didn’t see you were the spy from the start. You always liked big friends who’d look after you, didn’t you? It used to be us ... me and Remus ... and James ...’
He always saw that Peter was attached to them as "big friends," but Sirius, being arrogant, underestimated that besides them, Peter could have other "big friends." He was too convinced that Peter idolized James.
At the same time, it's pretty obvious why Sirius didn't trust Remus. He always respected Remus more, considered him smarter and more capable. He couldn't not trust James, James was everything to him, but Remus, who also often disappeared on missions, he could. This distrust shows not so much that they had bad relations, but rather that Sirius considered Remus a more capable and independent person, not just an appendage to James, like Peter.
So why were they considered inseparable and why did Sirius say he would die for Peter?
‘He – he was taking over everywhere!’ gasped Pettigrew. ‘Wh-what was there to be gained by refusing him?’ 
‘What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?’ said Black, with a terrible fury in his face. ‘Only innocent lives, Peter!’ 
‘You don’t understand!’ whined Pettigrew. ‘He would have killed me, Sirius!’ 
Sirius has a very strong sense of honor. For him, dying for those he considers «ours» is a matter of honor. This is a nuance in his character — he may not particularly like or respect someone, but if they're "ours" he'll defend them (even someone like Mundungus).
He considered Peter their friend, he was with them from the first year, James loved Peter, Remus loved Peter, Peter helped in their mischiefs, and Sirius treated Peter okay, as a friend, but without much respect or some unearthly love that fandom usually portrays. He could see what Peter was like, and surely there were tense situations between them, but Sirius wasn't a bad person, and Peter knew how to play the helpless and miserable guy. It's like a patronizing friendship, where you're friends not because you really respect and love the person, but because they're in your group, and you're used to them. It was a childhood friendship. There was no sacred friendship. Children often start friendships simply because they end up in the same bedroom.
And Sirius isn't afraid of death. His death – it's not the worst thing for him. He tells Peter the same thing. Better to die than betray friends. That's his honor—he doesn't understand betrayal. The concept of honor isn't linked to love. For some reason, many think that a person can only decide to die for those they love. But some might choose death because their honor demands it. And if Sirius considered someone a friend, and he did consider Peter a friend, then dying for him is a normal reaction.
JKR on this: "Sirius would have done it. With all his faults and flaws, he has this profound sense of honor, ultimately, and he would rather have died honorably, as he would see it, than live with the dishonor and shame."
And Sirius would die not just for Peter. He told the twins about their father, who was on a mission: "You don't understand - there are things worth dying for!"
So, I don't see any evidence that Sirius truly loved and respected Peter. Did he consider him a friend? Yes, he did. Not personally his own, but their friend. James's friend first and foremost and an integral part of the Marauders. Would he die for him? Yes, of course. It's a matter of honor. But he always saw him as lesser than themselves, not as worthy, not as strong, not as smart, too cowardly, and sly. And it's precisely because of his arrogant attitude that he thought Voldemort would never pay attention to Peter, making Peter the perfect Secret Keeper. Also, in his opinion, Peter would never betray James precisely because Peter supposedly idolized James too much and loved him too much. But "it turned out that he was a better wizard than they knew. Turned out he was better at hiding secrets than they knew."
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tianshiisdead · 7 months
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a skull measuring guide. not absolute, not exhaustive. just some tips i thought may help some people <+> <+>
disclaimers and other info
- everyone looks diff and every ‘ethnicity’ is on a spectrum etc etc take everything here as ‘commonly seen’ and not ‘absolute’
- i said easian because this applies to most easians but i was thinking ‘chinese’ so that does show
- rather then something to use as a guide to drawing, this is more like something to help decipher what you’re looking at when you use reference photos of easians and help point out features to focus on, which can be hard for someone who isn’t used to easian faces even while using references
- this isn’t scientific lol the source is me an east asian who paints a lot of east asians and has seen white people before (hence drawing comparisons)
- im using ‘white’ as a comparison because that is the set of features people tend to default to over here and I’m making this guide for those people who default to white features. Ik there are many other groups out there and white people aren’t all the same, but some features more commonly found in most white people but rarely found in easians keep making their way into the easians that western fandom draws so (gestures)
- everything mentioned is RELATIVE. again, this should be used in conjunction with actual reference photos.
- I mention softness/roundness a few times because like… honestly easian faces do tend to have greater fat distribution, but that doesn’t mean easians can’t look sharp and like . make sure not to infantilize easian faces or always default to doll faces, faces can have smoother fat distribution while still being very long/sharp/masculine which you’ll notice when you Use Reference Photos (speaking loudly)
- I KNOW STYLIZATION EXISTS!! tbh some people have a style where it’s going to be harder to express easian features (ie super simplified eyes, no nose bridges on anyone, etc) and that is okay. Just please avoid the highlighter yellow skin. Stuff like eyelids and general proportions (ie the space between the eyebrow and eye being slightly larger due to the forward set eyes) can also be included in stylization 👍 but yeah if you have a style that isn’t super easy to tell race outside of skin colour thats cool I’m not coming after you specifically
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nanowrimo · 1 year
How to Avoid Token Representation
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What's the difference between token representation and authentic representation? NaNo Participant Nayantara discusses token representation and how to avoid doing it in your own writing! The smart Asian character. The sassy Black character. The Gay Best Friend.
Too many stories written today that supposedly have “diverse” casts fall prey to “token representation”: a symbolic effort towards inclusion that gives the appearance of equality, without actually exploring diverse narratives.
Recently in the publishing industry, readers have been calling for more representation within their novels, whether it is the LGBTQ+ community, racially and ethnically diverse readers, people with disabilities, or other marginalised groups of people, and many authors have responded with this easy-way-out tokenism — leaving readers unsatisfied and indignant.
So, what exactly is the difference between token diversity and real representation?
Essentially, tokenism includes a character that checks boxes titled “diversity” in face and name, but does not acknowledge their lived experience.
For example, Cho Chang in the Harry Potter series and Lane Kim in Gilmore Girlsare reduced to harmful stereotypes of their characters (both their names and characteristics) without acknowledging the diverse experiences that East Asian people have. Their Asianness becomes their entire character, yet at the same time, that same Asianness is entirely misunderstood.
In contrast, the recent Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All At Once stars East Asian characters whose lives are affected by their race and background. However, they are fully fleshed out characters regardless of it.
As actor, Anna Leong Brophy, said in an interview, she enjoys it when her “Asianness complements a role, but is not the full role.” Real representation acknowledges how someone’s lived experience as a person of colour, queer person, woman, or member of another marginalised community affects their life — but they have genuine feelings, thoughts, and characteristics far beyond simply their race or identity.
The terms “Black dude dies first” and “Bury your gays” are also commonly associated with token representation. Quite self-explanatory, they are tropes in which the cast’s “diverse” characters are killed early, to save the writer from having to explore or acknowledge their experiences.
Not only is this lazy writing that erases diverse narratives, it also creates the subconscious belief that marginalised groups of people have no place in these stories or in commercialised publishing in general. Everyone deserves representation, whether or not the cis-het (cisgender-heterosexual) white reader can relate to the character’s specific cultural experience.
What counts as good representation, then?
Good representation involves any story that includes a diverse cast and follows each of their story lines fully, allowing them to be well-rounded characters that contain depth and get adequate development.
My personal favourite example of this is Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows duology, where her cast of six main characters includes Black and Brown people, bisexual and gay people, people from different countries and religions, and people recovering from trauma — all of whom have their own, carefully constructed character arcs that acknowledge their identity, but also give them substance and characteristics far beyond that.
However, this is not to say every story has to be as international — The Poppy War trilogy by R.F. Kuang has a solely East Asian coded cast due to its setting. But even within this, her characters are from different ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds, and each have their own, carefully-constructed character arc extending far beyond their identity on paper.
As you begin writing for Camp NaNoWriMo, ask yourself the following three questions:
Is my cast truly representing the diverse types of people who exist in this world (either real or imagined)?
Are each of these characters individuals beyond simply their ethnicity, sexuality, gender, disability, etc?
Do each of these characters have a fully fleshed out character arc?
You don’t have to be an author from a marginalised or minority background to write characters with diverse experiences. Just make sure to approach each character with empathy and respect, and devote adequate time to research (or to world building, if you’re a fantasy author!)
Good luck, and I know that you are going to absolutely smash your writing goals next month!
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Nayantara is an 18 year old student, green tea connoisseur, bookworm, Spotify-playlist-maker, dancer, and writer hoping to study economics and political science at university next year — and hopefully find some time to work on her many unfinished novels in the meantime! Follow her on Instagram @ moonlitsunflowerbooks.
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels
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Rock on with Rock Pigeons
Rock pigeons, also known as rock doves or common pigeons (Columba livia) are one of the most common species of bird in the world, with over 400 million pigeons spread over feral and wild populations. They can be found on every continent, and feral doves are particularly abundant in urban areas. Before their global distribution, the species was native only to southern Europe, northern Africa, and southern Asia. However, due to their use as messengers, food, and pets, the species has been introduced to nearly every area humans inhabit.
Most urban populations are feral pigeons (C. livia domestica),  descendants of  domesticated individuals that either escaped or were freed when their use to humans fell out of fashion. These individuals tend to have more color and pattern variation in their plumage, but are otherwise identical to their wild relatives. In fact, as they are functionally a sub species of rock pigeon, feral and wild populations interbreed where they overlap, though wild pigeons more commonly nest along cliff faces closer to agriculture or open fields. In urban areas, pigeon nests are found nearly anywhere with a flat surface large enough for a nest; particularly window ledges, archways, and overpasses.
Generally speaking, the rock dove has dark plumage-- usually grey or black-- with white or iridescent markings along the neck and wings. The distinctive ‘moustache’ on their beaks is actually a piece of cartilage known as an operculum, which can help to reduce moisture loss. Healthy adults have a wingspan of 62 to 72 cm (24 to 28 in), and can weigh up to 380 g (13.4 oz). Females are nearly identical to males, especially among populations with mixed colors, but can be identified by their duller colors and smaller iridescent patches.
 C. livia breeds year round, so long as food is available, but peak nesting times are in the spring and summer. Courtship rituals begin with a male puffing out his feathers and strutting about on the ground. He then approaches the female while cooing, bowing, and spinning. If the female shows interest, he then feeds her regurgitated food before mounting. The female lays two eggs in a prepared nest  and both mates take turns incubating for 17-19 days. Hatchlings, also called squabs, are fed on a rich substance known as crop milk which is produced from the parents’ throat. Individuals take up to 4 months to become fully mature, though young typically leave the nest at only 30 days old.
Rock doves are largely monogamous and mate for life, though separations are not uncommon. Pairs regularly preen each other, and once mated build a semi-permanent nest together. They are also highly social and typically live in flocks of 50 to 500 individuals, with members often moving between nearby groups. Social organization is kept by pecking order-- disputes over territory, food, or mating rights are solved by two individuals pecking each other until the loser retreats. Flocks are also divided by foraging ability; one group, the producers, are responsible for locating food while scroungers feed on what the producers find.
One of the reasons for the common pigeon’s broad distribution is their diet; C. livia are omnivores. In the wild their main staple are seeds and fruits, but wild and feral populations can subsist on a wide variety of plant matter, as well as insects and human food waste. Interestingly, rock pigeons are one of the few birds that can drink continuously from a water source, as opposed to taking only small sips. Groups forage during the day when those on the outer edge of the flock can keep an eye out for predators like birds of prey. Other animals like opossums or raccoons are also known to steal eggs and squabs from  undefended nests.
Conservation status: The feral C. livia domestica has a large and growing population, and is considered Least Concern by the IUCN. However, many urban populations are considered healthy due to poor diet and abundance of diseases and parasites. The wild populations of rock pigeon are functionally considered Least Concern, but their populations are decreasing due to habitat loss and genetic intermingling, and they truly wild rock doves are extinct in many places in Europe.
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scotianostra · 5 months
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Duncan Curdy MacSporran Haston was born on April 19th 1940.
Commonly known as Dougal, Haston was one of the finest climber Scotland has ever produced.
Haston was born in the parish of Currie on the West Side of Edinburgh in 1940 .Even with the war on Haston seemed destined to follow in the footsteps of countless others into a life of work in the mills and shops and on into obscurity. However, history and Everest would hold an entirely different destiny for Dougal.
Haston developed a taste for climbing while trekking about the Pentlands in Scotland. Rock climbing skills were acquired by clambering up railway and riverside walls around Currie. Already showing a mischievous streak, which would become darker later in life, Haston and friends would climb to the top of Currie Church and leave things, including women’s underwear, atop the flagpole!
He soon began rock and ice climbing and struck up a friendship with another climber, Robin Smith, who like so many others would die climbing. Smith died in 1962, 4 years before Haston gained fame for the first direct (bottom to top) ascent of the North Face of the Eiger in the Swiss alps. Though a broken rope would claim the life of American climbing great John Harlin during the climb, Haston would finish the ascent with a group of German climbers and name the route John Harlin Direct.
His run-up to a climb of Everest included the first climb of the South Face of Annapurna in 1970, and the first summit of Changabang in India in 1974. Along with fellow Briton Doug Scott, Haston summited Everest via a previously unclimbed route up the South West Face. Though forced to spend the night following their summit huddled in a hand-dug snow cave at the South Summit the two emerged unharmed by their experience. Later that same year Haston would participate in the first climb of the South West face of Mount McKinley in Alaska.
Haston was no angel, his exploits away from the climbing routes were as legendary as his feats of mountaineering. He led a life renowned for drinking, fighting, stealing and risky climbs which would culminate in a drunk-driving accident in which a person was killed, a conviction and prison time.
His career and life was cut short by an avalanche while skiing in the Alps in 1977. There is a plaque honouring him on a railway bridge in Currie where he was born and learned to climb.
There’s a great article in the Herald from 2001 focusing on his girlfriend Ariane Giobellina which must have been very hard for her………the article has a paywall on it since I last read it, but if you are clever there are ways round it, I myself use Tor Browser to get round them.
I also recommend the article below, which describes Haston as “the Mick Jagger of the Mountains”
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trans-koupen-chan · 1 month
listen. listen. I need everyone who sees this post to know that the Swedish study that partially looked at crime rates among cis vs. trans people is being WILDLY misinterpreted and used with absolutely zero critical thinking to paint transgender woman as a violent “other.”
the study’s own author has come out and said “The individual […] who is making claims about trans criminality, specifically rape likelihood, is misrepresenting the study findings.”
having looked at both the study and the author’s comments myself, the only similarity between cis men and trans women is the conviction rate by population size, and this similarity is only seen when looking at trans women who had sex reassignment surgery before 1989, when fewer opportunities and resources were available to trans people in Sweden. The study also did not control for socio-economic status which is commonly understood as a MAJOR contributing factor in criminality.
Here’s another quote from the study’s author;
“The difference we observed between the 1989 to 2003 cohort and the control [1973 to 1988] group is that the trans cohort group accessed more mental health care, which is appropriate given the level of ongoing discrimination the group faces. What the data tells us is things are getting measurably better and the issues we found affecting the 1973 to 1988 cohort group likely reflects a time when trans health and physiological care was less effective and social stigma was far worse.”
I will not deny that trans people, both trans women and trans men, sometimes commit or are convicted of crimes. That would be unfactual of me. But I feel as though it’s basic common sense that being convicted of a crime does not automatically make someone a bad or violent or dangerous person — for example, shoplifting food that you otherwise couldn’t afford, or the case of trans woman Tara Wolf, where the judge themself admitted that Wolf was provoked but convicted her of assault anyways. It’s also worth noting that the woman who Wolf had an altercation with approached Wolf and others attempting to film them without consent and admitted to grabbing and kicking Wolf’s partner, highlighting again that there are many cases where a conviction is not a cut-and-dry good/evil situation.
If you believe that the results of this study — or that any one isolated incident — prove that trans women are inherently more violent and criminal than cis woman, I am here to tell you that is incorrect. Even if this paper that looks as though it proves this, which it does not in the eyes of its own author, that would still be insufficient evidence to draw such a broad and sweeping conclusion about an entire demographic group.
Painting any demographic as inherently dangerous and violent is an “othering” tactic that has been used against stigmatized groups and minorities (including radical feminists!) for centuries now. It is not progressive, even if you cite papers and statistics to “prove” it. If you’ve made it this far in the post maybe you should reconsider your stance on this.
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(obligatory inclusion: if you believe trans woman are men and trans men are women that is bioessentialist and also not progressive. just to round off the post and make sure we’re clear. limiting people’s choices and basing the way they are treated by society on a few body parts they are born with is inherently antifeminist. no I will not argue about this point.)
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sexymancouldabeen · 1 year
Round 3 Match 3: Dusknoir VS. Kotaro
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(sorry about how slow this round has been, istg i've had the worst luck running this competition. a shit tumblr redesign, a vacation with barely any internet, and now covid. all of this piling on to my executive dysfunction.)
Dusknoir, specifically the one from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Starts the game out being a famous explorer, even being fairly close to the protagonist and saving them, and teaming up a few times to attempt to stop a criminal who he claims is attempting to paralyze the world by stopping the flow of time, causing what would later be revealed to be the “dark future”. However, he eventually betrays the protagonist and its revealed that it was Dusknoir who wanted to cause the dark future the whole time, under direct orders from the god of time. However, it's revealed he mostly goes along with his orders due to a genuinely realistic fear. If the dark future is erased, so will Dusknoir. However, he eventually agrees to help stop the dark future anyway despite it resulting in his erasure. Commonly shipped with Grovyle, due to the two starting out as enemies, but eventually gaining a sort of kinship.
Kotaro, the mysterious manager of a group of zombie idols he raised from the dead in order to bring fame and recognition to the small prefecture of SAGA, pulling it from the brink of obscurity. He can be extremely loud and over the top, constantly yelling at his idols and making some of the most ridiculous poses and faces possible. He can also be extremely serious and wise, giving the perfect advice to motivate someone from the pits of despair, as well as always having the stars align for almost everything to go perfectly despite the odds, as he just looks on from the background. Yet somehow he can also be weirdly pathetic at times. Highlights include when he entered the meeting room in the most ridiculous scuba gear to announce their next way to gain recognition, only for one of the idols to take care of the announcement and he just sits down dejected, or the time he entered a talent show flopping on the ground, attempting to mimic the mating dance of a mudfish. He’s also charmed multiple owners of various establishments simply by holding their chin and looking into their eyes, two thirds of these owners being male.
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group I Round 1: #I2 vs #I7
#I2: Three girls start a fun club and get into shit
During recess, Olivia, a foreign transfer student who doesn’t know English, plays a game of “look-the-other-way” with Hanako Honda, a loudmouthed airhead. Their rowdy behavior spurs the ire of Kasumi Nomura, a deadpan loner constantly teased by her older sister for her tendency to lose games.
Not willing to compete, Kasumi declines Olivia’s offer to join the fun, but eventually gets involved anyway and dispenses her own brand of mischief. Soon, a strange friendship blossoms between the peculiar trio, and they decide to form the “Pastime Club,” where they are free to resume their daily hijinks.
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#I7: Older brother plays catch-up with his younger sibling
On a fateful summer night in 2006, Mutta Nanba and his younger brother Hibito witness what they believe to be a UFO flying toward the Moon. This impressing and unusual phenomenon leads both siblings vowing to become astronauts, with Hibito aiming for the Moon and Mutta, convinced that the eldest brother has to be one step ahead, for Mars.
Now an adult, life hasn't turned out how Mutta had pictured it: he is diligently working in an automotive company, whereas Hibito is on his way to be the very first Japanese man to step on the Moon. However, after losing his job, Mutta is presented with an unexpected opportunity to catch up to his younger brother when the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, commonly known as JAXA, accepts his application to participate in the next astronaut selection. Despite self-doubts about his prospects, Mutta is unwilling to waste this chance of a lifetime, and thus embarks on an ambitious journey to fulfill the promise made 19 years ago.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#I2: Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -
It’s really funny and hilarious and kind of hard to pin down the demographic and who they were trying to get to watch the show because the girls uniforms are ugly, they make ugly faces and funny noises, and one of the main characters has a strong fear/disgust of men. I live and then I had a really fun time watching it because it’s so out of pocket with the stuff they do.
Trigger Warnings: Gender Identity/Sexuality Discrimination.
One character is implied to be a trans girl and is called out for it by the main characters in a way that suggests they are uncomfortable with it. Her boyfriend is okay with it, though.
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#I7: Space Brothers (Uchuu Kyoudai)
Have you ever wanted to see adults pursue their dreams in anime, even those they abandoned along the way? Do you enjoy space or the arduous process to become an astronaut? Do you like characters being so well-rounded while still being positive even if they fail? Well, this series is exactly that, but with a touch more wholesomeness. Ranging from comedic moments to heartfelt revelations, this series feels so grounded in reality while still having that air of positivity around it, it just motivates you to follow any dream you might currently have. It is a long journey, almost 100 episodes, but it uses it well to flesh out not only the main pair, but many of the side characters, each coming from different backgrounds. A very character driven story that sometimes doesn’t shy in mentioning the risks of space exploration, but also presents us with the marvel and importance of it.
Trigger Warnings: Discussion of possible death. It’s not in depth, but there were moments where they did discuss the possibility of death since it has a high risk of happening in space.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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school56df · 5 days
Barnsley vs Manchesters Highlights An FA Cup Upset to Remember
  Manchester vs Barnsley highlights as of my remaining update in September 2021,  Football Club, commonly referred to as Barnsley, have had limited interactions due to the exclusive divisions they commonly compete in. Manchester United, one of the maximum a success clubs in English soccer records, regularly competes inside the Premier League, while Barnsley, a team from South Yorkshire, has traditionally moved between the decrease tiers of English soccer, such as the Championship and League One.
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While the fixture of Manchester United vs Barnsley Goals  isn't always as commonplace as some of Manchester United’s famous rivalries with teams like Liverpool or Manchester City, the history of their conferences offers moments of intrigue and traditional underdog testimonies.
Historical Background of Manchester United
Manchester United is one of the most successful and well-known football clubs within the international. Founded in 1878 as Newton Heath, the membership rebranded as Manchester United in 1902 and has because emerge as synonymous with achievement. With a record 20 English league titles, 12 FA Cups, and three UEFA Champions League trophies, United has been a dominant force in English and European football. Under the legendary Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United loved unheard of achievement within the Nineties and early 2000s, establishing itself as a worldwide footballing powerhouse.
The membership's iconic stadium, Old Trafford, called the "Theatre of Dreams," is one of the largest and maximum famous football grounds in the international. Known for its passionate fanbase and wealthy way of life of playing attacking football, Manchester United has developed a recognition for generating pinnacle-tier talent and turning in exciting fits.
Barnsley FC – The Underdog Story
Barnsley FC, based in 1887, has a more modest records compared to Manchester United. Nicknamed "The Tykes,"  has spent the bulk of its existence inside the decrease ranges of English soccer, but the membership is nicely-reputable for its gritty, tough-running fashion of play. It is  finest hour came in 1912 after they won the FA Cup, beating West Bromwich Albion in a replay. While they've never won a primary league title, Barnsley has maintained a faithful fan base and is still aggressive inside the Championship.
It has a history of producing and nurturing proficient young gamers, as well as punching above their weight in cup competitions. Despite their underdog popularity, the membership’s proud tradition of struggling with towards more potent opposition has given them a reputation for being hard fighters, specially in knockout codecs.
Notable Matches Between Manchester United and Barnsley
Although Manchester United and Barnsley do no longer frequently face each other, their encounters have often been memorable, specifically in cup competitions in which  has once in a while challenged the might of Manchester United.
FA Cup Clash in 1998
One of the maximum famous encounters between Manchester United and Barnsley befell within the 1997-98 FA Cup. Who had been newly promoted to the Premier League, hosted United at Oakwell in a 5th-round tie. Although Barnsley struggled within the league that season, they produced a lively performance in the cup competition, forcing a replay after a 1-1 draw at Oakwell.
In the replay at Old Trafford,  produced one in every of the largest shocks in FA Cup history. Despite being overwhelming underdogs,  secured a dramatic 3-2 victory, doing away with Manchester United from the competition. This end result stays considered one of the  greatest achievements, and it cemented the club’s recognition as a group able to causing upsets in knockout competitions.
 Premier League Meetings (1997-98 Season)
It is lone season within the Premier League, 1997-98, saw them face Manchester United inside the league as nicely. As expected, United have been the dominant pressure in each encounters, winning 7-zero at Old Trafford in one of the most one-sided games among the two teams. Andy Cole scored a hat-trick, and United confirmed their magnificence and firepower, overwhelming  with their tempo, creativity, and ruthlessness.
The return fixture at Oakwell turned into extra aggressive, but Manchester United nonetheless emerged as 2-zero victors, with desires from Andy Cole and Ryan Giggs. It is  the long run suffered relegation from the Premier League that season, however the experience of gambling towards top-tier groups like Manchester United turned into beneficial for the club and its gamers.
 League Cup Encounter in 2009
Another sizeable assembly between Manchester United and Barnsley got here inside the 2009 League Cup (now called the Carabao Cup). United, underneath Sir Alex Ferguson, confronted Barnsley inside the fourth round of the opposition at Oakwell. Manchester United fielded a fantastically younger team mixed with experienced players like Gary Neville and Michael Owen.
Despite Barnsley’s lively attempt, Manchester United ran out 2-0 winners, with dreams from Danny Welbeck and Michael Owen. The Tykes put up a very good fight, but the first-class and intensity of United’s squad proved an excessive amount of for them on the night time.
Analysis: A Clash of Football Cultures
Whenever Manchester United and Barnsley face off, it represents extra than only a football healthy. It’s a clash of football cultures — the wealthy and illustrious history of Manchester United versus the working-class, underdog mentality of Barnsley.
Manchester United’s Approach
Manchester United is thought for its attacking philosophy, constructed on fast, flowing football and a constant choice to dominate ownership. From the times of the Busby Babes to Sir Alex Ferguson’s era of dominance, United has continually prioritized exciting, ahead-wondering soccer.
United’s games against smaller groups like Bamsley frequently contain the Red Devils controlling the game with their advanced talent and technical capacity. The likes of Ryan Giggs, Eric cantona , Cristiano Ronaldo, and Bruno Fernandes have graced the pitch for United, showcasing their character brilliance while contributing to the group’s ordinary achievement.
Barnsley’s Resilience and Spirit
In contrast, of  represents the spirit of English lower-league football. They are a group constructed on hard paintings, discipline, and resilience. It is  fulfillment in cup competitions, particularly against bigger clubs like Manchester United, regularly comes from their capacity to frustrate the opposition with disciplined protecting and a counter-attacking technique.
Teams like  thrive on the energy of their enthusiasts and their potential to punch above their weight, that's why cup competitions keep special importance for clubs from the decrease leagues. A fit against Manchester United affords  the hazard to show off their competencies on a bigger level, despite the fact that they enter the game as underdogs.
The Future of Manchester United vs Barnsley
As  maintains to combat for promotion in the Championship and Manchester United competes at the very best stage within the Premier League and Europe, their paths might not pass often. However, cup competitions like the FA Cup or Carabao Cup will usually offer opportunities for those two golf equipment to fulfill.
For  playing in opposition to a membership like Manchester United is not just about the result, however also about the enjoy. Facing top-tier expertise allows  gamers to check themselves against some of the first-class in the international, whilst additionally providing a full-size monetary increase to the club from ticket sales and television revenue.
For Manchester vs Barnsley Live United, these furniture provide the chance to rotate their squad, giving more youthful or fringe players an possibility to benefit precious game time. United’s academy has always been relevant to the club’s success, and fits against teams like  allow the club to show off its future stars.
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finemealcreates · 2 months
4th POV
Hello! I've semi-recently discovered 4th POV, written a fic in it, and said I would explain what exactly 4th POV is. This is me finally living up to that promise. Strap in, it's both more and less complicated than you might think.
4th POV is when you describe something that is very similar to 1st and 3rd POV. You're discussing multiple characters (using pronouns that you most likely would use with 3rd POV) while using the viewpoint of those characters (as is most common with 1st POV). Basically, you get the intimacy that you typically get from the 1st POV while also getting to group characters together (representing multiple voices at the same time) like in 3rd POV.[2]
There are multiple benefits to writing 4th POV, such as setting a specific mood, portraying a groups thoughts, or broadening character's voices.[2]
Just like other POV's, 4th point of view isn't just one thing. There are multiple types of 4th POV. At the current moment in time, there are "collective" and "indefinite" types. Most commonly, you'll find yourself reading the collective type of 4th POV than the indefinite, but we'll discuss both in this post.[1]
The collective...
4th POV is when you're telling the story from multiple POV's but as if it's one entity. That's when you'll typically see the use of "us, we, ours" etc. And while this is similar to 1st POV, the difference is that in 4th POV you never use "I" or "me" or anything indicating a singular entity.[1]
This is a great option when you're wishing to tell a horror novel (think hive mind), critiquing social norms/larger institutions, or even if you just want to demonstrate how close a group of people are. "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner utilizes 4th POV to tell the story from an entire town's POV. "The Virgin Suicides" by Jeffrey Eugenides is also written in 4th POV to show a group of teenage boys.[3]
Another way to think about collective POV is that there are multiple narrators, but they are telling the story as one.[4] This could be from the perspective of a research team all taking notes, a couple telling a story together.[5] The important thing to remember is: there is no singular pronoun usage. That would make it 1st POV (plural) in most cases.[1]
Some examples...
For the collective would be:
1st POV: "We ran out into the rain without even stopping to put on shoes. I tripped on a tree root in my excitement, and the others got ahead of me. But soon enough, we were splashing around in the park."[1]
4th POV: "We ran out into the rain without even stopping to put on shoes. One of us tripped on a tree root, straggling behind. But soon enough, we were all together again, splashing around in the park."[1]
Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi: "The first time our mother came for us, we screamed. We were three and she was a snake, coiled up on the tile in the bathroom, waiting."[2]
The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides: "They were short, round-buttocked in denim, with roundish cheeks that recalled that same dorsal softness. Whenever we got a glimpse, their faces looked indecently revealed, as though we were used to seeing women in veils."[3]
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner: "We believed she had to do that. We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will."[5]
The indefinite...
While this might be more used in grammar or scholarly writing, it is not as common in storytelling. It's more often used to avoid using passive voices or for generalizations. Words such as "one, someone, anybody" etc.[1]
Basically, the indefinite 4th POV only uses ... indefinite pronouns. That's why it's not very commonly utilized for storytelling as it's not as engaging and can cause a bit of separation between the reader and the story. It can be a bit awkward to use for story's the entire time, but it has some specific uses if you wish to utilize them.[5]
Some examples...
“If they're not careful, someone could break a leg on that thing!”[1]
“One should never leave one's elbows on the table while eating.”[1]
Or, if you wish to avoid the passive voice, you can write: “Someone can ride that bike now,” instead of, “That bike can be ridden now.”[1]
"One is in disbelief when waking up to find no car in the driveway. Someone stole it during the night, which now means a day one loses making reports to the police and insurance company."[5]
There are multiple ways to write 4th POV, and multiple reasons you would utilize it. I would recommend trying it in small doses to get a feel for it, and decide if this POV is right for the story you're trying to tell. It might even just be a fun writing exercise to get you trying something new!
Either way, I hope this explains it well and why it's such a specific (and not very common) POV you can use in your writing. If you wish to explore more articles or people discussing and explaining 4th POV, I have also listed my sources below.
Happy reading and writing!
Sources: [1][2][3][4][5]
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Periodic Table Championship: Round 2, Day 2, Berylilum vs. Xenon
Match 5 of day 2 of round 2 of the championship has element 4, beryllium, facing off against element 54, xenon. Last round, beryllium easily beat flerovium with 89.3% of the votes, while xenon had a closer match, beating samarium with 67.1% of the votes. A reminder of our challengers:
Beryllium is a hard, brittle, alkaline earth element that crystalizes in the hexagonal system at room temperature. Transparent to X rays, beryllium is used in windows for X ray equipment; it is also commonly alloyed with copper. It was named for the mineral beryl, but was for a time known as glucine, for the sweet taste of several of its compounds.
Xenon is a dense, colorless gas belonging to the group of noble gases on the periodic table and existing in the Earth’s atmosphere only in trace amounts. While extremely nonreactive, alongside the other noble gases, xenon was the first of this group to be synthesized in a compound, xenon hexafluoroplatinate. It is known for its applications in lighting, lasers, and as a general anesthetic. Its name comes from the Greek for foreigner, stranger, or guest.
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quydanduong · 2 years
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"Roof" Bangs Trend
The "roof" bangs (mái diềm) named for their similarity to roof tiles, are half circle hair loops closely grouped together at the hairline. There are often 4-6 loops symmetrically placed on two sides of the face, framing the person's face. This is a 'trend' popular among Nam Bình Northern women.
This trend can be traced back to Heaven's Tenth Princess, who was the first person seen wearing this hairstyle. Her hairstyle is symmetrical and has many circular elements such as buns, hair loop and other round accessories. This is popularized among heaven people for generations to come. Fairies later wear their roof bangs with jewelries and flowers, though they’ve begun to retire making their hair symmetrical.
As Nam Bình begins its era of worshiping deities, royalties also pick up on the “roof” bangs trend, you can see it commonly worn among the queens, concubines or other wealthy family's girls. This trend eventually spread to other Northern commoners.
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Hairstyles of Kingdom people
In the north, hair and teeth are considered where beauty, temperament and status are displayed, and so feminine hairstyles use plenty accessories (flowers and jewelries) to characterize. For masculine styles, people prioritize neatness, so all of the hair are bunned and hidden under a haircloth. The cloth is wrapped many rounds around the head, usually at least 7 layers. For feminine styles, the haircloth is used more diverse ways: either similar to the the masculine styles, or used to twist and cover their hair prior to looping it before the head. Their hairline (often styled as roof bangs, middle part and else) are shown.
In the Central area, hairstyles are much less gendered. People don't use hair cloth, and their hair is done in intricate styles involving multiple buns, loops, locks of hair, creating patterns at the back of their head like blooming flowers. Some people with very good hair quality also let their hair down.
In the south, the buns are situated lower on the back of the head. Masculine hairstyles are a simple bun. People donning feminine hairstyles would twist their hair and wrap it around the crown of their head, then they will cover their head simply with a square haircloth. Southern people prefer to wear hats, so their hair are simply styled in order to contrast their elaborately decorated hats (and outfits).
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haute-pockette · 2 years
Den-Au! Turtle Rider Forms
So in this it’s like some Kamen Rider series where they don’t actually go by their specific name, Lou is just called Kamen Rider. But he has different forms depending on which of his Imagins are possessing him just like how Den-O works.
One of the big differences is that the turtles still have their ninpo but very limited. They are only able to use their abilities when in their solid regular forms or as finishing moves in their rider forms. So no, Leo possessed Lou can't just teleport as he pleases.
Sword Form - Leo's form is equiped with an odachi as tall as Lou Jitsu. It's pretty standard and based off Den-O's sword form except the coloring is light blue. As far as skill goes for fighting, Sword Form is well balanced with speed and power to make him heavily lean towards offensive tactics. He doesn't have the best defense though, so falls back on dodging or blocking with his weapon. His finisher is the Full Charge: Portal Chop. By charging up his weapon he is able to use his ability to open portals. He sets one up behind his enemy before rider kicking them through the portal. Before they can go through all the way he closes the portal which slices the enemy Imagin in half. A partial charge allows him to teleport himself short distances to move around the battlefield. The problem with using a partial charge though is that it requires the user to start the charging process over again.
Sai Form - The second most commonly used form is Raphael's Sai Form. When he is in control the weapon splits into a pair of sais. The suit alters to red accents with the pauldrons and couters spiked to mimic his shell. Raphael has the highest strength and stamina of the group at the cost of speed and jump height. He is best for short range attacks and heavy brawling style combat. His finisher is Full Charge: Power Smash Jutsu. By fully charging his sais he can create holographic copies of himself which surround the enemy and rain down an assault of powerful punches. He has also been known to partially charge his weapons which only allows him to create holographic fists over his own which isn't enough to finish an enemy but still increases his punching power.
Bo Form - Donnie's form is equiped with a bo and covered in purple. Each lens of his helmet is a different color, right red and left blue. The armor on his form is heavier, especially on the back which mimics his battle shell. As you can guess he excells at defense and mid-range fighting. While he isn't used often because his general fighting style isn't always the best against the enemies they deal with, his finisher is one of the most powerful. Full Charge: Armory allows Donnie to form holographic weapons around his bo and shell. They form as projectiles that all hone in on the enemy with explosive power. A partial charge allows him to form rockets on just his bo or shell alone to add power behind his standard attacks.
Chigiriki Form - Mikey's form is bright orange with rounded armor. The Poleyns and helmet resemble faces just like the ones on his knee pads in canon. He is the fastest and most mobile fighter with heighest jump as well. Utilizing acrobatics alongside his chained-weapon, Mikey excells at ranged fighting. His fighting style also gives him an advantage for maneuvering around multiple enemies as well. Being the one to use partial charge the most, he can extend the length of his chigiriki's chain as he pleases as well as able to lift whatever it grapples despite the weight. His full charge is Full Charge: Whip-o-rama generates a fire from the weight at the end of his weapon. Swinging it creates a powerful funnel of flames that engulfs and destroys enemy Imagins.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Duncan Curdy MacSporran Haston was born on April 19th 1940.
Commonly known as Dougal, Haston was one of the finest climber Scotland has ever produced.
Haston was born in the parish of Currie on the West Side of Edinburgh in 1940 .Even with the war on Haston seemed destined to follow in the footsteps of countless others into a life of work in the mills and shops and on into obscurity. However, history and Everest would hold an entirely different destiny for Dougal.
Haston developed a taste for climbing while trekking about the Pentlands in Scotland. Rock climbing skills were acquired by clambering up railway and riverside walls around Currie. Already showing a mischievous streak, which would become darker later in life, Haston and friends would climb to the top of Currie Church and leave things, including women’s underwear, atop the flagpole!
He soon began rock and ice climbing and struck up a friendship with another climber, Robin Smith, who like so many others would die climbing. Smith died in 1962, 4 years before Haston gained fame for the first direct (bottom to top) ascent of the North Face of the Eiger in the Swiss alps. Though a broken rope would claim the life of American climbing great John Harlin during the climb, Haston would finish the ascent with a group of German climbers and name the route John Harlin Direct.
His run-up to a climb of Everest included the first climb of the South Face of Annapurna in 1970, and the first summit of Changabang in India in 1974. Along with fellow Briton Doug Scott, Haston summited Everest via a previously unclimbed route up the South West Face. Though forced to spend the night following their summit huddled in a hand-dug snow cave at the South Summit the two emerged unharmed by their experience. Later that same year Haston would participate in the first climb of the South West face of Mount McKinley in Alaska.
Haston was no angel, his exploits away from the climbing routes were as legendary as his feats of mountaineering. He led a life renown for drinking, fighting, stealing and risky climbs which would culminate in a drunk-driving accident in which a person was killed, a conviction and prison time.
His career and life was cut short by an avalanche while skiing in the Alps in 1977. There is a plaque honouring him on a railway bridge in Currie where he was born and learned to climb.
There’s a great article in the Herald from 2001 focusing on his girlfriend Ariane Giobellina which must have been very hard for her………the article has a paywall on it since I last read it, but if you are clever there are ways round it, I myself use Tor Browser to get round them.
Pics are of the man and one of his published books, the las pic is a memorial to Dougal Haston in Currie on the outskirts of Edinburgh.
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tvdoes · 2 years
Zonnia Pokedex: Pakrab and Avarayth
Horde Pokemon Normal / Dragon Drifloon + Dewpider
Pakrab are crustacean Pokemon that consist of six individual members, with the full group of six making up one singular Pokemon together.
Each individual entity within the Pokemon group is a golden-carapaced crustacean, measuring a foot in height and slightly longer in width. These Pokemon have four legs that emerge from their carapace shell forming a loose X-shape when viewed from above, and two arms consisting of pincers that emerge from their front. The joints of their legs and arms are black, while the remainder is plated in gold carapace. The left pincer is notably larger than the right, and has a mixture of purple and gold patterning across it.
At the front of each individual's body is a face consisting of two round black eyes that are mounted on the end of very short eye-stalks, and a toothless mouth, although the shape of the carapace around the jaw gives the impression of fangs.
A mostly transparent but still visible bubble can be seen on the back of each individual. This bubble does not burst when punctured, but instead closes around whatever passes through it. It generates from between gaps in the carapace plating on the Pokemon's back. Often within this bubble is stored collected food or treasure belonging to the Pokemon group.
While each individual within the group of six that makes up Pakrab has a degree of individuality, can come to harm individually and requires food for itself, the unit of six shares a mental connection that causes them to remain close to one another, work together as one cohesive group in combat, and take all necessary actions to ensure the health of the group as a whole. While a missing member can be replaced by an individual from another group, the acclimatising process is slow, and difficult for the group to go through. Pakrab cannot exist in a group greater than six, and become tense and moody should they be reduced to any smaller number.
Despite all of these factors, the actual key reason for considering the group of six as one singular Pokemon is that its evolution, Avarayth, requires a full group of six to evolve into and links the six together in a more physical manner than just the mental link that connects the six individuals of Pakrab.
Pakrab are collectors: the Pokemon grasp hold of anything that catches their interest and stores such within the protective bubbles on their backs. Accessing their own bubble is difficult for the individual, and so they will place things into and remove things from the bubbles of their fellows, entrusting the others to do the same for them.
While not aquatic themselves, Pakrab prefer to live on the boundary between water sources and nature, and can be found commonly on beaches and alongside rivers, seemingly fine with fresh and saltwater both. In areas Pakrab are found, the Pokemon scavenge for food and items of interest, having a fascination for anything that stands out. A particularly shiny rock, a piece of bone, a certain flower, or in environments that humans frequent things such as Pokeballs, bottle caps, or loose coins, are commonly items that draw Pakrab's attention. Once the Pokemon has found something it likes, it moves to store it in the bubble of one of its components. Pakrab prefer to store similar things together, so while one or two individuals may be the designated food carriers, who haul surplus food about on their back, the rest will act as long-term storage for collected treasures.
With time, energy, and experience, Pakrab evolve into Avarayth. While not an explicit requirement for evolution, a goodly collection of treasures belonging to the Pokemon does wonders for its sense of self, which makes up an important part of the evolution process all the same.
Field Report
The Dragon-typing of Pakrab originates entirely from their outer carapace, which bears some similarities in physical property to other Dragon-types both within Zonnia and around the world. With its high defensive powers, doing harm to Pakrab is a difficult feat - made all the moreso by the manner in which the individuals that make up the Pokemon rally in defence of one another.
The shared mental connection of Pakrab grants its components awareness of the precise position of one another when in close (within ten metres) proximity, and the direction to each other when further apart to a seeming unlimited distance. As such when together the Pokemon is able to act as a cohesive unit, and when spread apart for whatever reason will put their all into regrouping together again.
Capable of burrowing through soft sand and dirt, Pakrab have been known to carry about lost possessions or items of interest on their backs, making finding the wild Pokemon an interesting event for their potential gatherings. That said Pakrab do not relinquish their possessions easily, but have been known to make trades for items they perceive of greater value. A popular story tells of a trio of Pakrab - making eighteen individuals in total - located at a river cave entrance in the Zonnia Basin, that had successfully extracted a number of Water Stones from the cave's depths, and traded them for hand-crafted and painted wooden tokens to a nearby village who then sold the stones at market.
While boasting a high defence, confusing movements due to being a group of six individuals, and some powerful force in their pincers, Pakrab are not an exceptionally strong Pokemon. Their evolved from Avarayth however does possess notable strength, and so the raising of Pakrab into Avarayth is attempted by a number of Pokemon Trainers.
With their collecting habit, the Pokemon can easily take things that do not belong to them in human-habited locales, and bring about responsibility on their Trainer for retrieving their new prizes - which must of course be traded for as a Pakrab will never give up a treasure for free. This trait - and the need for collecting a fine hoard to give Pakrab the mental stability to engage in evolution - makes evolving the Pokemon a challenge not only in training and giving battle experience, but learning its personal likes, the differing natures within its six individuals and what each likes to carry, and the relationship that forms between the Pokemon's component units.
Thus while evolving a Pakrab to an Avarayth sounds like a wonderful idea to anyone living close enough to a water source to encounter the Pokemon, the actual act is a great deal more complicated than most Pokemon Trainers are capable of fulfilling.
Follow the source link to AO3 to learn about the evolution of Pakrab: Avarayth!
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