#a girl in spirit but not societally. if it even makes sense
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queen0fm0nsterz · 4 months ago
So, (sits down at the table) (lights up cigarette) are we all ready to discuss how Six's lack of gender conformity in the beginning of the franchise can be read not only as an expression of her nonbinary identity but also an inherent refusal of what their assigned gender requires of her, which is why they are put in contrapposition with the Lady, whose name and role is inherently tied to her identity as a woman, and by refusing to abide to that standard Six challenges not only the structure of the Maw but also the basic concept on which the Lady based her entire life and identity on
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vesora · 2 years ago
is law of assumption real? yeah
i have come across an individual vilifying the loa community and i find their statements kinda funny and stupid but i love having my beliefs challenged bc i can know why i believe in this. please also read my response to this other girl who thought loa ppl were crazy. it is ok to think if it’s crazy. ur welcome to criticize it. also, i am using aesthetic pictures bc of my ocd, i need things to be divided.
this is for the people who want to listen whether LOA is real from MY perspective:
firstly, i was primed for law of assumption from a young age. this means that i experienced many and i mean MANY spiritual things from a young age. i saw spirits (not hallucinations, it was my dead grandma who i had never seen and i described her down to her ring to my dad and he started crying because it was her), started speaking french at random points without ever having consciously learned the language, heard random piano compositions in my ear which i had never heard before, had visions which protected me/warned me about the future/informed me about the future and many manyyy more things. this proves to me the power of the subconscious mind.
the difference between someone who was born with their third eye awakened versus someone who has no spiritual experiences + is not open-minded to it, is that they will view spiritual phenomena from a materialistic practical sense.
this is saddening, because humans before being impacted by materialism were so spiritual and we were the ones who created the pyramids and all the structures you see on earth. we did that.
is it real?
my opinion: yes. 
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no i am not in a cult waiting to pounce on the next vulnerable piece of meat. in fact, my future career is removing people out of cults and helping trafficking victims but anyways.
i have manifested things far beyond logic. you know how and why? because manifestation is the most basic human trait. and awakening to the fact that you are the creator of your reality is the most liberating amazing feeling and practice. i manifested one of my dying cats becoming free of cancer. that is not luck. that is manifestation. i manifested bad circumstances away. not luck, manifestation. i manifested all my exes leaving me the SAME way because i had assumed they would. not a coincidence, manifestation. there is definitely a lot we don’t know about the universe. i can’t say with certainty that all things are attributed to us which is also why i hate any form of victim blaming. but one thing is for sure is that humans have more control over our lives than we think. we don’t need a divine presence outside of us to dictate us the circumstances in OUR lives.
also, law of assumption is not law of attraction. law of attraction is “AHHH DONT THINK BAD THOUGHTS OR U WILL GET BAD JUJU” very fear-based, also seen in dogmatic religions. law of assumption uses a CBT based approach to change assumptions and therefore, influence reality. you have every right to not believe in this and even chastise me for it, i understand. however, i know this is real for me.
i was a victim of many racist attacks, however, as soon as i decided that the outside world is safe for me, i never had ONE negative experience. is this a coincidence? not for me, no. this is a human taking control of their life. this is a human not bound by societal expectations and leaning into divine energy and expressing the truest essence of one’s self. i am not blaming myself for being a victim, it is the racist’s fault. i am not blaming other victims, it is the perpetrators’ fault. however, if there is any fucking chance i can help a victim, i will take it, i do NOT care.
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things i manifested regarding other people towards me:
1. no more racism towards me, family and friends.
2. parents being emotionally available with me
3. my friends expressing affection the way i want them to
4. my mum making me the exact food i visualised many times
5. my professor saying the exact words to me as i visualised
6. my friends saying to me the exact words i visualised
7. this guy flirting with me out of nowhere because i visualised it
8. and many more stuff this shit is too easy so
maybe i feel this strongly because i am a fighter for the working class. my main goal in life is to help liberate all oppressed people. if there is any chance that it can be done by mind, i would take it. would you not? would you not help people by the means you have helped yourself?
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how can you so strongly and with such conviction without ever practising the law come to a conclusion that is a harmful new age ideology when the maxim prevalent in so many esoteric practices (yes, non-white too) have preached that reality is made by the mind? will we ignore the science behind it too? will we ignore the cia declassified documents? will we ignore ancient accounts of reality shifting? will we ignore hermes trismegistus? will we ignore rumi? will we ignore plato? 
you can ignore this. i won’t, however. this is the liberation of the human soul. having said this, anyone is welcome to criticise the LOA community, look at us as vultures, think we are crazy. i value all opinions (even if they’re wrong HAHA sorry). 
how is loa different from dogmatic religion?
well for one, there is evidence for conscious manifestation (e.g. dr joe dispenza’s books). i personally do not like religion. i have religious trauma so if you are religious, id advise you to not read this section. abrahamic religion is based on fear to oppress minorities, trap human potential and it also makes you rely on luck and wishful thinking (this view is only if the holy books were to be taken in the literal sense and abused by ministers etc) whereas the human is able to decide its own fate. law of assumption liberates the human by putting the human from an us vs them view to an us AND them view, meaning everyone is one and the same. this is not a christian thing, this is a well documented thing featured in asian philosophy. consciousness is the thing that unites us all. it is within you and it is within me. religion (abrahamic) forces you to look at the people who are not like you, aka dont believe what you do, as these other creatures who have defied the will of God and ahhh will face wrath. LOA instead empowers the individual and promotes free will. i understand if you think this is dangerous, the woo-woo stuff, just dont practise it.
how is loa not a cult?
loa CAN be misused in a cult but on its own it is not a cult. no one in the loa community is forcing the individual to join this practice which lowkey is just manifestation. however, i get your concerns and i advise you to read this reply: x
i wish i took pics of my cat when she was sick so i could provide u guys evidence but of course i didnt take any pics.
anyone is welcome to leave. anyone is welcome to adjust loa to their lives the way they see fit.
the void state
i doubt that so many people are lying about manifesting in the void state. i do think it’s not a big deal but i definitely don’t think it’s fake. besides, whats the harm in trying?
thing is right, if you are not garnering results or whatever, u dont need to stay. i stayed regardless of whether i manifested my shit instantly or not (which in the beginning was hard for me) because i believed in the philosophy, it resonated with me and it didn’t make me alienate my fellow man. however, if you feel you have a chance of being manipulated here or idk what, don’t join this practice. seriously, it’s okay. i am not being sarcastic or anything, because you are welcome to stay or leave. you are welcome to compliment me or insult me. i will love you either way for you are my fellow man.
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also this is so random and a general thing but only psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychologists use the subconsciously thing.
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theshittymarimo · 11 months ago
Dreams and Daemons
Chapter 1: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji Fandom: One Piece Summary: Introduction of Meggy, Sora and Mimi. Words: 1 851 Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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Monkey D. Luffy - MEGGY, Ring-tailed Lemur
"Family, Play, Happiness. Lemur people are very focused on family and friends, food, tradition, and enjoying the simpler things in life. They tend to be charismatic, unique, spirited individuals. They also have a great sense of fun and are often considered eccentric, living in their own world (and happily so)." - “Dæmons Unveiled: Navigating the Bonds of this World”, Filipe Haulman
Initially, Zoro had spotted the black-haired boy from atop the wall and attempted to scare him off. However, the situation took an unexpected turn when the little girl from the town came back, and the idiot son of a navy officer stomped on the first food Zoro had seen in a long while before callously ordering the girl to be thrown over the wall. Zoro found himself silently hoping that she was all right when he noticed the boy from earlier now standing in front of him, and this time he saw his daemon. The first thing to catch Zoro’s attention was the long black and white striped tail wrapped around the boy’s stomach and neck. For a moment, he mistook it for a snake, but swiftly realized his mistake as a small face with golden eyes, framed by black fur, emerged just centimetres from his own. Zoro had never seen such an animal, nor a daemon. A deamon who seemed to ignore all societal norms by climbing onto his shoulders, sniffing curiously at the ropes binding his arms to the cross. “Oi!” Zoro’s daemon, Sora, growled indignantly and with surprise from beside him as the unfamiliar daemon touched Zoro. Despite the almost paralyzing hunger they both felt, Sora stood up but hesitated – technically, Zoro wasn’t touching the daemon; the daemon was touching him. But such a thing was unheard of. The boy in front of them laughed happily, looking relaxed with his arms crossed. “They say you’re a bad guy”, the unfamiliar daemon suddenly spoke to him from her perch on his arm. Zoro looked at the daemon disbelievingly, who tilted her head slightly when he didn’t respond. “… You still here?” Zoro redirected his attention to the boy; he wasn’t comfortable talking with someone else’s daemon. He could almost hear the daemon pout next to his ear. There was something strange about the boy, and not just his daemon, who later introduced themselves as Luffy and Meggy. Zoro wasn’t usually the one for conversation, even among those he might possibly call friends. Yet, Luffy managed to coax Zoro into sharing his dream, much to Sora’s surprise, as Zoro found himself speaking more than he had in a long time. Luffy didn’t laugh at him; instead, his daemon, Meggy, seemed to shiver with excitement. However, Luffy did blackmail Zoro into joining his crew with Zoro’s own katanas, which Luffy had gotten from the base. It was ridiculous - a grinning boy, probably younger than him, with his strange black and white daemon perched atop his hat. Yet, when Zoro threatened that he would make him commit seppuku if he ever got into his way, Luffy just grinned and said he expected no less. Zoro could feel a kindred spirit in that grin and smirked back. Though he hadn’t anticipated Luffy being made of rubber. Nevertheless, he seemed strong, Zoro noted as he observed his new captain fight Morgan. If you could even call it a fight as he was clearly stronger than the marine. “She’s fighting too”, Sora murmured to him. Zoro blinked down at her in surprise, then looked up to see what she meant. Normally, daemons only fought each other, and stayed out of the human’s fights to avoid touching other people. But Meggy was darting around, distracting Morgan and using her tail to unbalance him despite the marine’s daemon chasing after her, touching him without reservation. There was something very strange about them. Later, at the restaurant in town, after Zoro had finally eaten his fill (though Luffy still managed to eat more than him), he got to know what kind of animal Meggy was. She was a ring-tailed lemur, some strange sort of monkey, or so they claimed. Despite his skepticism, Sora insisted it must be real, as Meggy was living proof.
Roronoa Zoro - SORA, Bengal tiger
"Independence, strength, beauty. Tiger people tend to be confident, powerful people that need space, enjoy solitude, and revere silence. Tiger medicine teaches ferocity, passion, sensuality, and physical grounding. The tiger is a symbol of power, physical strength, and indulgence."      - “Dæmons Unveiled: Navigating the Bonds of this World”, Filipe Haulman  
Chopper had to admit that the one he feared most on the ship was Zoro and his daemon. Chopper was still new to the crew and didn’t have a daemon. He never had one, probably because he was a reindeer from the beginning; it was the one thing the devil fruit hadn’t been able to give him. However, the daemons on the crew were so friendly and kind to him, accepting him like he was one of them, even though he wasn’t a daemon. So, he felt very close and similar to them. But Sora was just terrifying - those huge teeth and sharp claws made him shudder at the mere thought of them. Though he hadn’t seen her in action yet, she and Zoro mostly seemed to lay around and sleep. But a tiger was a dangerous animal; he had read about them, very powerful and independent. Still … he was on Luffy’s crew; that had to mean something. Chopper peeked over his shoulder and saw Zoro leaning back on Sora, both of them sleeping on the deck. Suddenly, Sora yawned, showing all those large canines, which looked very dangerous. Chopper gulped. “You looking at Zoro?” Luffy’s voice suddenly spoke up from behind him, making him jump. “Or wait, is it Sora?” “Ah, no, I mean, yes”, Chopper stumbled over his words. Though Luffy and Meggy had been incredibly kind to him, he didn’t want to make a mistake. “She just looks so… And Zoro is …” “Scary?” Meggy grinned, while Luffy looked confused that anyone could ever think that. “Don’t worry, they’re big softies!” If they said so… But still, Chopper couldn’t quite believe it. Until they were in Alabasta, walking in the desert. Chopper was nearly dying, or at least it certainly felt like it, from the heat. The other daemons must have felt the same; Meggy had been collapsed on Luffy’s back for a long while after the first excitement, but Chopper had checked that she was still breathing. When Chopper wasn’t able to walk anymore, he suddenly felt someone grab the back of his clothes and lift him up. He almost yelped, but when he looked up, he barely managed to keep the sound in. Sora was holding him in her mouth; it must’ve been heavy. But she held him and walked up to Zoro, who looked down and grunted before taking over and helping Chopper. Chopper hadn’t even needed to say a word, and surely Sora needed Zoro’s help more - after all, no one else could touch and help her. “Are you sure..?” Chopper mumbled in embarrassment as Sora walked next to them. “What?” Sora said, a bit annoyed, but Chopper guessed they were all a bit annoyed because of the heat. “Don’t be dumb. I’m fine.” Chopper glanced at her and saw that she was panting, her long tongue lolling out. She didn’t look very fine and would probably not like to know how much she looked like Luffy in that moment. Chopper managed to keep in the giggle only because it was too hot to giggle. He felt a lot more comfortable with them after that.
Sanji - MIMI, Mountain goat
"Fearlessness, high ambitions, curiosity, intuition. Sensuality, determination, health and vitality. Goats have a reputation for having great dignity and composed behavior. Goat people are good at maintaining their balance. Whether climbing a narrow mountain ledge of challenges or walking a calm wooded path, they have sure-footed determination. They take life one moment, one step at a time. As a Goat person they instinctively know when and whom to trust. Even when the ground may look very uncertain or dangerous, they proceed cautiously, yet confidently." - “Dæmons Unveiled: Navigating the Bonds of this World”, Filipe Haulman
During Sanji’s childhood, his daemon had been just another failure to his family. His siblings’ daemons had already achieved their final forms from a young age. But Sanji’s daemon, Mimi, kept changing. Most of the time, she preferred to take the form of a mouse so she could hide in one of his pockets. A mouse. His father called it useless. Sometimes she changed into the bird his mother’s daemon was, but mostly she remained something small so she could run and hide from his brothers’ daemons, who liked to pick on her just as his brothers did to him. Sanji sometimes felt jealous of her; he wanted to be able hide too. However, when they ran away from home, Mimi slowly started to take on bigger forms as they grew more comfortable. Though the mouse shape came in handy during their weeks on the island. A mouse didn’t need a lot of food. It wasn’t until the late teenage years that Mimi finally found her final form. It was a bit embarrassing. Zeff’s daemon was a brown-red goat, and lately Mimi had become fond of taking the shape of a large white goat. The other chefs teased Sanji relentlessly, claiming he wanted to be like Zeff since they were both goat people. Sanji found them annoying, and one day during a long stint of washing the dishes and enduring their teasing and laughter, he asked Mimi if she could change into something else. “No?” Mimi looked at him with a confused look in her comforting golden eyes. “Just for the moment, please?” Sanji hissed lowly so the others wouldn’t hear him. “But I can’t change”, Mimi stated plainly and sat down on her bum, she looked ridiculous. “I haven’t been able to for a while.” Sanji blinked, and the kitchen suddenly fell silent as the others had heard her too. They all stared at the goat daemon, who sat there looking as if it wasn’t something special. “You what?!” The kitchen suddenly exploded into laughter. Sanji asked her why she hadn’t told him earlier, and she answered that she thought he had noticed. If he wasn’t so hell-bent on not kicking ladies, he would’ve kicked her then and there. The teasing didn’t get any better; the others even baked a cake in the shape of a white goat. Sanji would deny forever that he felt a bit warm from that cake. He hadn’t even considered the possibility that someone would celebrate that. Zeff just huffed.
Notes: I knew that I wanted to give Luffy a monkey. I wanted it to be a happy smaller monkey and at first I thought of a squirrel monkey. But soon I recalled the ring-tailed lemur, so I looked up some symbolism behind the animal and it was perfect for Luffy. That's all he love; food, his family and crew, and having fun. The name Meggy come from I wanted to have a similar short simple name as Luffy, ending in y, for her. Zoro have been a tiger since the start, classic but yet so right. I wanted her to have a short similar sounding name to Zoro, and I could only find Sora that satisfied me. I realized later that Sanji's mom had that name. But let's say that there was a couple of uncomfortable weeks there in the beginning before Sanji got used to her name. Sanji's mountain goat is also an animal that I had for him from the start. I wanted her to be female and have horns, so I was specific in the search for a goat that had horns. His "family" had a tradition of letting the children give their daemons their names when they found their final forms, Sanji's brothers all gave their daemons harsh masculine names. Sanji was a "late bloomer" and called his daemon the name Mimi, a cute-sy name, that was supposed to be temporary. But in the end Mimi liked her name and Sanji didn't feel it was right to change it. Fun fact: Sanji and Mimi's party trick is when Sanji straighten up one leg into the air, and Mimi jumps up to stand on the sole of his shoe. Sanji loves to impress the ladies and Mimi loves to show off.
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natsmagi · 1 year ago
sorry for making yet another textpost but i came across that post saying they dislike transfem natsume because he "canonically hates being perceived as a girl and tries to erase all sorts of memories related to that" and also went on to shame genderbends of him aswell. So, as someone who not only draws genderbends of natsume but is myself someone who is nonbinary and hates being perceived as a woman, i thought id offer my two cents
first of all; i think its important to note that natsume does NOT hate his childhood. in fact, hes quite happy that he had such an unusual upbringing!
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what natsume hates is being perceived as weak. thats why he was raised as a girl after all, it was his mother trying to protect him from evil spirits. he doesnt hate the whole "-chan" or "wearing dresses" thing because he has a hatred for womanhood, its because due to his upbringing hes now come to associate those things as being weak. he begs tsumugi to forget about it because that means tsumugi remembers natsume being weak, and natsume thinks tsumugi still referring to him as "natsume-chan" means he still sees natsume as weak. (iirc natsume did however once say that he is a little sad that he doesnt really know how to relate to young boys due to this in poltergeist, but i couldnt find the exact quote. either way that just adds to the complexity of natsumes relationship with his childhood, because while he is happy to be "abnormal" in that sense, it has left him lacking in some areas)
i have to ask though, should this conflict of his not be something we hope he overcomes? should we not want him to develop a healthy relationship with various gender expressions? should we not want natsume to overcome his belief that feminine things = weakness? i want natsume to reach a point where he can wear feminine clothing and not feel like some damsel in distress because of it. i want natsumes character to grow. i want him to develop a positive relationship with his gender because natsume DOES enjoy some more typically feminine things, like baking! he used to bake with his mom when he was little! and i want him to feel like he can indulge in that side of him without feeling insecure.....
i LOVE transmasc natsume, my primary hc for him is transmasc nonbinary after all, but with all these things considered, shouldnt people be allowed to headcanon him however they want? if they hear his story and negative relationship with femininity and how that resonates with them and they themselves are transfem, should they not be allowed to hc him as such too?
which brings me to my next point; my own personal relationship with gender and femininity. i was raised as a girl and i fucking DESPISED womanhood. i hated everything about it. i hated how i felt forced into a box i didnt want to be stuck in, and i hated how it felt like my whole life had already been planned out for me due to societal expectations, aswell as me needing to present a certain way. i was peak "tomboy" growing up, constantly wearing super baggy clothes and wouldnt even brush my hair alot of the time. but despite that i remained miserable. i frankly hated how i looked and would constantly dye my hair vibrant colors in an attempt to make me like myself a little more. it wasnt until i realized "wow, im actually not a girl at all" that i finally let go of believing i needed to look a certain way (and thus, defying it) and started to dress for myself. i started to dress in clothes that made me happy and feel pretty! alot of which leans feminine, but clothes doesnt have a gender, and how you dress doesnt define your gender either, but it can still be a bit scary yknow? especially since i dont want people to think of me as a girl, and drawing a bunch of femstars has really made me learn to love myself more in a funny way. i can put these characters in clothes i think are beautiful, i can explore the more feminine parts of me that i adore but dont want to express in public due to how i want others to perceive me, but it has also warmed me up to femininity even more. because femstars to me feels detached from the expectations of society because its not a real thing!! there are no canon femstars designs!!! i can do literally whatever the hell i want with it and its been so liberating to me!!
all this to say; i think it really sucks seeing the way this fandom treats transfem hcs and explicit genderbends, because like ive said before; they can truly be something so personal. you dont know why that person is drawing what theyre drawing, so its a little unwise to make assumptions based on ........ Well, whatever it may be. i know very well that women dressing the way society expects them to SUCKS, esp if you have personal ties to it, but you have to realize the issue isnt femininity, but misogyny.
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paschameleon · 5 months ago
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The DunBroch Family.
Merida never married, but she had daughters with a descendant of one of the three brothers of Mor’du (a great grandnephew).
Merida and Alastair shared a deep bond rooted in their mutual defiance of societal expectations. While Merida challenged the stereotypical princess role Alastair did so by embracing more "feminine" interests, like painting, sewing, and music. They connected over their shared sense of individuality and independence. Merida admired Alastair’s intelligence, diplomacy, curiosity, and adventurous spirit, while he valued her fierce spirit. Though romance never bloomed between them, their friendship was unwavering.
Now Merida, who had always adored caring for her younger brothers, knew she wanted children but still had no desire to marry. She asked Alastair if he would father her child, and he agreed. Together, they had triplet girls Annora, Moira, and Adira. Alastair, though he didn’t live with them, remained a loving father and frequently visited, continuing to share adventures and his wisdom with Merida and their daughters.
Annora has inherited Elinor’s elegance, always composed and calm, even in high-pressure situations. As a "proper" princess, her regal appearance commands respect from those around her, and she carries herself with graceful authority, never straying far from the customs and traditions of her heritage.
From Alastair, she has inherited a love for the arts and intellectual pursuits. Annora is an accomplished musician, painter, and writer. She is very educated and knowledgeable, often admired for her intellect and quick wit. Like Alastair she is skilled at resolving conflicts with words rather than force. Her ability to empathize with others and find common ground is her greatest strength.
While she respects and upholds many of the traditional customs of her heritage, she remains open to new ideas, particularly those that challenge outdated norms. This open-mindedness, influenced by her mother’s defiance of societal expectations, makes her a bridge between the old ways and the evolving future.
Annora is confident and she can be a bit stern, especially when she needs to take control of a situation that might go wrong, but her kind and caring nature always shines through. Annora is deeply compassionate and loyal, always ready to support and care for her family and friends. Despite her elegance, Annora has a playful side that emerges when she's with her sisters, Moira and Adira.
Overall Annora's personality is a blend of seriousness and lightheartedness. She is a unique harmony between traditional elegance and progressive thinking. Her composure and responsibility are balanced by her playful spirit and deep compassion, making her both a poised leader and a loving sister.
Moira is the creative and daring type, always brimming with energy and an adventurous spirit. Kind and caring at heart, she has an innocence about her that makes her a bit naive at times, but her quick wit often pulls her through tricky situations. Much like her mother, Merida, Moira loves riding her horse, practicing her archery, and wandering around the forest. She has a love for exploring her surroundings and finds joy in the simplest moments.
On her adventures she always brings a sketchbook along with her capturing the beauty of the landscapes before her. She is very talented at drawing. While she is free-spirited and energetic, Moira also has a deep appreciation for traditions, enjoying the stories and customs passed down to her and finding beauty in the rituals of her heritage.
Daring and brave, she’s never one to back down from a challenge and has a fiercer edge that shines through when the moment calls for it. Despite her boldness, Moira remains playful and lighthearted, often bringing joy to those around her with her adventurous tales and enthusiasm.
Adira is a bold, brave, daring, courageous, stubborn, rebellious, and headstrong girl. She is a whirlwind of energy and adventure, embodying a wild and free-spirited nature. She is always seeking the next challenge and is never content to sit still. Unruly and loud, she often stands out with her tomboyish demeanor, never shying away from getting her hands dirty or chasing the next thrill. Her impulsive nature makes her quick to action, sometimes without thinking, and she has a short temper that flares up easily, especially when things don’t go her way.
While her brashness can come across as slightly selfish at times, Adira has a kind strong heart, always determined to prove her strength and capability. Despite her kind heart her raw strength, pride, and stubbornness give her the potential to be a fearsome force. She harbors a competitive drive to be the best, and her frustration with limitations or challenges can turn into a dangerous hunger for power if left unchecked. Adira knows she has the potential to become someone feared if she allows pride and anger to control her actions. Yet, what keeps her grounded is her deep love for her family and fierce loyalty to her sisters.
Much like her mother, Adira is skilled at archery, an activity that she loves doing. She shares a playful side with her sisters, often keeping things light-hearted, though her hyperactivity can make her difficult to keep up with. Despite her strong-willed and unruly personality, Adira’s bold spirit and boundless energy make her a force to be reckoned with, always keeping her family on their toes.
For those who want more information about Alastair here is his personality
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Alastair is a gentle, intellectual, and somewhat rebellious young man. He is stubborn when it comes to his deeply held beliefs and principles, yet he expresses his defiance in a calm, measured way, never raising his voice but standing firm in what he believes in. Although he doesn’t fit into the traditional male role of his society, he holds a deep love for customs and traditions, appreciating the beauty in heritage while rejecting the rigid expectations others place on him. His passion lies in the creative arts—painting, drawing, sewing, writing poetry, and playing music are his favourite pastimes, all of which are often considered feminine to others.
Despite his graceful demeanor and refined manners, he is no stranger to adventure. He enjoys riding his horse, exploring the countryside, and allowing his curiosity to guide him to new discoveries. Always diplomatic, he is quick-witted and wise, keeping a calm head in dangerous situations and resolving conflicts with reason and understanding. Loyal and compassionate, he listens carefully to others, remaining open-minded and kind, no matter the circumstances.
Beneath his calm and elegant exterior, he has a playful, adventurous side, enjoying lighthearted moments and spontaneous exploration. His sharp intellect, combined with his caring and graceful nature, makes him both an unconventional man and an admirable one.
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martyrbat · 10 months ago
i think my favorite part is how you know what follows after manderley is set ablaze. you know what happens, the life of these characters and how truly tragic it is rather than being left up to imagination. the first chapter, she describes manderley in detail with a sense of deep longing. before we know anything, we know there was a house that is no more. that this house was a vessel to their soul and spirit, not merely a home to their physical bodies. and now it is no more. we later learn the symbolism of the house. the way it was a tie in to the main character's youth, the postcard she had of it since she was a little girl and dreams and admiration and curiosity she had for the house at such a young age—how she lives more in a daydream than a reality. those hopes, that curiosity, was everything for a character like hee. and now, despite being only 25 at the oldest, that youth is no more. she left it and all the hopes that manderley was a symbolistic house for behind her. her husband, while proposing, never said i love you. he never had a confession of happiness or love for her. he told her he wanted to show her manderley. he wanted to bring her with him to manderley. manderly, equally haunted and beloved, was more of a presence than he ever was for her.
in the second chapter she details a bit of their life in exile. the way the boring post is what they look forward to. she says she'll keep the things that hurt to herself, that thinking of manderley and the excitement she once dreamt of is her secret indulgence. ‘color and scent and sound, rain and the lapping of water, even the mists of autumn and the smell of the flood tide, these are memories of manderley that will not be denied.’ she becomes the partner with the secret, despite earlier stating that her and maxim have none between them. she says theyre happy, that happiness is not a possession to be prized but a state of mind and thought. and yet follows ‘Poor whims of fancy, tender and un-harsh. They are the enemy to bitterness and regret, and sweeten this exile we have brought upon ourselves. Because of them I can enjoy my afternoon, and return, smiling and refreshed, to face the little ritual of our tea.’
she establishes herself as an unreliable narrator instantly. she says they're happy, they because they are finally together in unison, they must be. but we know how the story concludes, not on the last page but in the very first. she dreamt of manderley again and will not tell him. her dreams, her indulging fantasy, is the only thing she has left. she has sacrificed her life, something she feared when working for mrs van hooper. instead of being payed with money to be an assistant, a companion, she is payed with his approval. with his need of her, his dependence on her after the whole ordeal being her reward. she speaks only to read him stories he approves of, she doesn't share her dream or desires with the man she loves. she packs their things and accompanies him. she is a pretty little thing to carry his burdens and do his tasks and be his company. she will cover up murder just to get his approval, his love. she excused the murder of rebbeca and now she is slowly being killed, letting her spirit dwindle before its ever firey like rebbeca's once was. she is desperate to be the perfect housewife even without a house, she makes herself the perfect companion. not too opinionated, not firey or passionate. insecure and shy, basing her worth on his happiness and moodiness, on him entirely. the story is titled rebbeca because she's the only one who was shown to have lived enough to haunt later, to have made a crimson impact against this gray societal world that our main character was so eager to slot into. she lives to fulfill her expected wifely duties without anything being left for her outside of it. rebbeca was dead yet continues to haunt them while our main character is the living dead—a ghost in her own story until maxim is dead. and once he is, rebbeca will still continue to haunt her.
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awooooooooooo · 1 month ago
how do you view the whole 'leader/captain' thing and the 'maknae' and the eldest hyung type of interpersonal hierarchy they push a lot in kpop boyband reality side content?
First some context: The Netherlands has a pretty non-hierarchical culture even when compared to the countries around us. It wouldn't be unheard of for me to go up a couple layers of the chain of command at my company and directly talk to someone there about an issue or some other. We also don't have a strict division by age, an older person is not necessarily afforded more authority than a younger person especially if they're only a couple of years apart. The preferred method of conflict resolution on a governmental level is different parties talking everything to death until no one is happy but also no one is unhappy, so the spirit of cooperation/compromise is pretty deeply ingrained.
(That isn't to say that I live in some perfect egalitarian society btw, all the biases and phobias you would imagine show up just sometimes in different or more insidious ways.)
I can see the sense in having a designated leader for your team, the same way you would have a team captain for your sport's team or a team lead at work. I wouldn't say that it's necessarily always the oldest person who should be the leader, but if age is something that holds a lot of societal weight or corresponds to the number of years someone has been training it makes sense. And I mean with Ateez, we see that Hongjoong is one of the oldest, but not the eldest in the team. He's got more leadership qualities than just age. All in all I think having a strong and decisive leader for your team in an industry that's so cutthroat and so demanding makes sense; internal conflict seems like a quick way to Not Make It so better that there's one person who has the final authority.
But! I don't really "get" the point of having a 막내 in the same way. As in, as I understand it 막내==being the youngest, so by virtue of how age works there will always be someone who is that? (Or now I'm wondering, in a group of people all born in the same year, is the one who was born latest still the 막내?) I don't directly see a benefit of the 막내 as a specific position someone in a team should occupy.
I do think it's interesting to contrast the Jongho of Ateez and I.N of SKZ with each other. I think they're both a year younger than the next set of members? As far as I know they're both afforded the same respect as their fellow group members, but they're doted on a bit? And it's interesting to see how each of them fit (or don't fit) themselves to that role. With I.N I get the impression that he's happy to be babied a bit and to be gushed over by the older members. Like he's certainly not a pushover but when e.g. Hyunjin ruffles his hair x10000 or Felix says "our boy...... has become a MAN!" he maybe acts a bit grumpy but he's not going against them. I skipped a year in primary school (brainiac i know) so I was always the youngest up until late into my uni career, and it gives me a bit of that same vibe where classmates will be like yeah we have this girl in our class.... She's a WHOLE YEAR younger!!!! But all that to say I think I.N plays the role of 막내 well and seems to suit it.
Now if we look at Jongho, I think he has such a strong personality and doesn't really take well to being the uwu baby of the group. It seems to me as if he sees himself as an equal to the 99-liners and sometimes chafes at being set apart from them? It's hard to describe but an example is that he's absolutely not afraid to resort to mild violence basically as a first resort to any of the 99-liners (cough Wooyoung cough Mingi) messing with him. If the role of the 막내 is to be both coddled a bit and doted on but in exchange you're taken slightly less seriously it seems to me as if Jongho would rather not be coddled and be taken more seriously.
It's so interesting to think about! Because like, if more authority is afforded to you based on age, and that's just the way things are, then it will probably feel natural to you if the eldest in your team is also the leader. And if you're the eldest, you may be encouraged to develop your leadership skills more. So even though a strict role division like in kpop groups would seem restrictive to me, I can envision what it would be like to feel totally at ease with it if that makes sense?
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happi-tree · 2 years ago
👀 your pfp is from your fae amphibia au right? i would love to know more about it <3333
Actually, my pfp is from a different Amphibia au that I haven't talked about at all on here! I've tentatively called it "the raven and the dove" and it's roughly based on the movie (the MOVIE, not the books) The School for Good and Evil and my friend @toonteller came up with a lot of it (hi, toon, hope you don't mind the tag!). If you're at all familiar with the characters from that, Anne takes Agatha's role while Marcy takes Sophie's and Sasha takes Tedros'. You don't have to be familiar with the characters at all for the au to make sense, though!
Basically, Anne and Marcy are two girls growing up in a rural village. They've been friends since they were very small, sticking close together and facing the mean-spirited remarks of their peers together. Marcy happens to stumble across a book one day that tells her of a magical place that trains the heroes and villains of fairytale stories and becomes very determined to find it, while Anne rushes along after her because she doesn't want to lose her only friend and sincerely doubts that any good could come of this. The two of them end up getting whisked away to The School For Good and Evil, where they are promptly deposited into their respective schools - Anne into the School For Good, which trains heroes, and Marcy into the School For Evil, which trains villains. And obviously this is a huge mistake, because not only does Anne want to get back to her parents, but also Marcy cannot possibly be evil! There isn't a vindictive bone in her body! The headmaster, Andrias, tells the girls that the only way to prove Marcy's innate Goodness is a true love's kiss (because villains don't get one of those in the stories, right?). They end up causing quite a stir among the students, as they are both generally disruptive and the first to enroll from outside the fairytale realm in a long time, and the shenanigans draws the attention and disapproval of one Sasha of Camelot, heir to the throne of the Storied and the School For Good's golden child. And. Well.
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Quite a lot of chaos ensues in an attempt to get Marcy into the "proper" school and get Anne home, including but not limited to a Marcy corruption arc (and one for Anne, to a different extent), some identity/morality/sexuality crises on the part of Sasha, magic and shapeshifting, a slow dance (with evil overtones), gay archery lessons, ruminations on the societal expectations of beauty, attraction, gender roles, and morality, women covered in blood, true love's kiss(es), and LOTS of impractical fantasy costume changes. It's quite a bit of fun (and Sashannarcy endgame, obviously), even if I haven't thought about it in awhile! :DDD
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ohhgingersnaps · 9 months ago
Hrm...what's a fun and different ship to ask about lmfao...oh yes. What do you think about Wizard/Linus? Oh and also I actually saw Maru/Sam once and while that's kinda crack I also love it? What do you think? 😂
Oooh Wizard/Linus is ship I haven't considered before!! I could see it working— I could see this ship falling into Grumpy Old Man Divorcee/Free-Spirited Sunshine territory, which I do enjoy (albeit the Sunshine here is one who's a bit wary of other people, but I love a good slow burn).
Re: Maru/Sam, my feelings are !!!! YES. It's an OTP for me. Sam's very emotionally intelligent, upbeat, and a good listener, and he is endlessly supportive as a spouse. He's had to shoulder a lot of responsibility with Kent gone, and imo he's more mature than he seems (see: the cutscene with Vincent), but he has learned to chill. And Maru is passionate, intelligent, outgoing, and ambitious, but she also needs to undergo the process of differentiating herself from her dad that Sam kind of had to undergo when Kent left, and navigating that is a huge part of her in-game arc (or it was intended to be, even if it comes across as more Demetrius' arc than Maru's imo).
Sam's tendency to question societal expectations of productivity, and his ability to relax, will be good for Maru, actually! Let Maru question the expectations she (and Demetrius) puts on herself a little bit. Get that girl a man who challenges her to ask what she wants, instead of what she thinks she's "supposed" to do and be. ("Did you get everything done on [your research project] today? If you didn't I won't be mad!" <- a post-marriage quote from Sam that Maru would greatly benefit from hearing more)
Also, once he gets the job at the library/museum?? In my mind, he is burning custom-tailored playlists for her and sliding the CDs in alongside the books she puts on reserve. He is constantly asking for her opinions on his songs. They infodump at each other (him about music, her about her latest fun chemistry or mechanical engineering thing) (yes I am sprinkling in some autism/ADHD solidarity here). She is fixing his audio equipment with scraps she finds around the lab like MacGyver and he thinks it's the absolute coolest thing.
Also worth mentioning: Sam isn't set on a traditional career. If Maru's pursuing a full-time STEM career (as she wants and deserves to!), this is actually a benefit, logistically speaking. From personal experience, a STEM career requires constant relocating from college age through your late twenties (undergrad -> PhD -> postdoc), which makes romantic relationships during that stage of life notoriously difficult— not to mention the "two-body problem" dilemma she'll face if she ends up wanting to go into academia. A STEM career is a lot easier to navigate if your partner is open to rearranging their own career to move with you.
Side note: Demetrius would not approve of Sam, at least at first. He's near and dear to my heart, but he tends to have Ideas About How Things Should Go, and I don't think it's easy for him to let go of the idea that his little girl deserves someone who has the same type of talents and intelligence and can "provide for her" in the traditional sense, despite Maru a) being happy and fulfilled because of Sam's differences, b) recognizing that Sam's talents and ambitions, while less traditional and financially stable, are incredibly valuable, and c) being fully capable of being the main breadwinner. There's a whole character arc of "Demetrius learns to let Maru be a grown woman who makes her own decisions, even if he doesn't understand them, and Maru learns to be cool with her dad not approving of her choices" that's begging to be written, here.
Also, secondary to the rest of it, but I can't get over the idea of Sam going through Maru's two-heart event. Demetrius tries to give Sam a shovel talk and our favorite golden retriever boy immediately goes "haha oh yeah Maru's the BEST isn't she? :D" and spends the next ten minutes rambling about what Cool Fun Science Girl Vibes she has. This is fully off-script from the scenarios Demetrius prepped in his head, and he has no idea how to respond.
Thank you for asking!! I apologize that this turned into such an essay, I'm just really invested in them haha :)
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bvalls-blogs · 1 month ago
My Relation To The Film "Spirited Away"
The story, "Spirited Away" follows Chihiro, a young girl who finds herself trapped in a magical bathhouse after her parents are transformed into pigs. Her journey of self-discovery, newfound independence, and personal growth is filled with social and cultural commentary, making it an accessional film and one of my favorite anime movies so far.
In my opinion, the predominant theme illustrated in this film is the critique of consumerism and the dehumanizing effects it often has on individuals in society. The bathhouse seems to me as a sphere of a capitalist society in which greed and materialism dominate. This was made clear when her parents ate food that was meant for the spirits in the abandoned amusement park. Their gluttony and sense of entitlement symbolized the dangers of overconsumption and greed which, in turn, is a critique of materialism and self-entitlement.
The theme of Identity and independence resonates deeply with me in that as a student balancing school and work, I often feel a pull between pursuing my educational goals and the pressure of financial independence that work provides. Chihiro's journey demonstrated courage and adaptability which served as a reminder that even in challenging environments, it’s possible to grow and thrive without losing sight of what matters most -her identity, sense of compassion and love for her family. Overall, this film inspires me to reflect on how I prioritize my goals and maintain balance, even when societal pressures from both friends and parents may seem overwhelming.
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blackrosedthorn · 4 months ago
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen's 7 Thesis.
In this post I will once again return to Jeffrey Jerome Cohen thesis and explore how his third thesis relates to the Nathaniel Hawthorne's " The Birthmark" and "Poor Things" directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and written by Tony McNamara based on the the 1992 novel by Alasdair Gray. https://cinema.usc.edu/spectator/43.2/03_Anderson.pdfThe Birthmark written by Nathaniel Hawthorn published in 1843 https://pls.nd.edu/assets/272513/the_birthmark.pdf and Poor Things written by Alasdair Gray in 1993 https://www.google.com/books/edition/Poor_Things/vhwP82d6ragC?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PR3&printsec=frontcover will allow us to explore Cohen's thesis through the theme of female sexuality and agency. Historically, women empowerment through voice or body has always been area for cultural anxieties and control. Cohen's thesis helps us understand how women can be portrayed as monsters because they challenge the roles of which women are categorized as submissive.
THE BIRHMARK written by Nathaniel Hawthorne connects to Jeffery Jerome Cohen's 3rd thesis that, Monsters are a Harbingers of Category Crisis as it stresses human imperfections as monstrous. Like, how dare I come out with a mole on the side of my face and give others a reason to either label it as beauty or an imperfection. Firstly, who gives anybody the right to do so. Is it, entitlement or what?! I guess.. that's how Georgianna would have replied had the times been different. Had Georgianna seen her beauty through her eyes and not those of her husband, she would of used that passion for wanting to be perfect for him for wanting to be perfect for herself. After all, he was the one who had become obsessed with it and titled it as a monstrous flaw. Aylmer's inability to accept the flaw reflects societal anxieties about human imperfections and the desire to be "perfect".
"The crimson hand expressed the ineludible gripe in which mortality clutches the highest and purest of earthly mold, degrading them into kindred with the lowest, and even with the very brutes, like whom their visible frames return to dust. In this manner, selecting it as the symbol of his wife's liability to sin, sorrow, decay, and death, Aylmer's somber imagination was not long in rendering the birthmark a frightful object, causing him more trouble and horror than ever Georgiana's beauty, whether of soul or sense, had given him delight." Her beauty overshadowed by a birthmark that is labeled as a flaw. Like Cohen's thesis, her birthmark creates a category crisis. Alymer finding this to be a flaw in which he needs to perfect through science goes against nature in which he later finds out after Georgianna's death.
POOR THINGS written by Alasdair Gray Introduces us to a BELLA FREAKING BAXTER! I love how unapologetic she is is through the film. A woman trying to find herself in a world that tells her how to be herself! lets talk about standing in her femininity and power. She allowed no man or rumor of who all believed her to be to stop her for finding her way to becoming. Cohens 3rd thesis of " The Monster is the Harbinger of Category Criss," reflects Bella's self discovery and her interactions with the characters in the story as they try and place her in gender norms. Critiquing Victorian structures Bella is a free spirit woman finding that, not everyone and everything is as free as she is. From talking about sex openly, exploring her sexually loudly Bella is my kind of girl! She embraces her sexuality openly and without shame. Sleeping with both women and men while she pleased her and didn't care to stop and think of the pleasures of others in the sense of playing it safe for their liking By doing so, Bella embodies the monstrous in Cohens 3rd thesis challenging gender roles and sexuality. Bella sleeping with the women and men in the film. Bella challenges Victorian times by making choices for her own body and relationships. Kicking the bucker on Chasity belts and more on handing out the master key for all to see!
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elegantsongwombat · 5 months ago
Shed in Her Globe: The Excitement of Shrinking in Giantess Stories
Giantess accounts have actually captured the creative imagination of numerous, supplying a thrilling as well as special experience for those who look into their world. One specific facet of these accounts that kindles exhilaration is actually the idea of shrinking. It includes an extra layer of imagination and also experience, allowing viewers to engage themselves in a planet where they come to be small beings in the visibility of big girls. In this post, we are going to explore the appeal of shrinking in giantess accounts, delving right into the themes, dreams, and emotions it evokes.
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The Enthrallment with Vore What is Vore?
Vore is actually a term typically related to giantess stories, describing the process of being accepted whole by a giantess or any other large company. It take advantage of primitive desires as well as imaginations, mixing factors of dominance, article, as well as affection. The tip of being actually fully utilized by an effective personality sets off both fear and excitement, generating an eye-catching narrative for readers.
The Electrical power Dynamic
One of the crucial tourist attractions in giantess accounts entailing vore https://giantess.miraheze.org/wiki/Giantess is the power dynamic at play. As tiny creatures in the visibility of a towering giantess, viewers experience a feeling of susceptability as well as fretfulness. This energy imbalance fuels dreams of relinquishing management and going to the mercy of a dominant force. It entwines along with motifs of submitting and dominance, offering a thrilling getaway from day-to-day life.
The Emotional Rollercoaster
Shrinking in giantess stories can bring about a vast array of emotional states for audiences. The first concern as well as uneasiness as https://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/giantess/ being one familiarizes their belittled measurements progressively gives way to awe and also wonderment at the transparent range of their settings. The contrast in between their little growth and also the enormous planet around all of them makes a sense of mind-blowing beauty.
Moreover, there is an undeniable aspect of sexiness interwoven within these stories. The susceptability of the contracted protagonist and the sexy power of the giantess develop a sizzling mix of desire as well as threat. It use primordial intuitions and also whips up intense feelings, improving the overall physical experience.
The Artistic Phrase in Hentai Exploring Dreams with Hentai
Hentai, a category of Oriental cartoon pornography, has welcomed the concept of shrinking in giantess tales. It gives an unique system for artists to carry these imaginations to life in visually promoting methods. With their vibrant illustrations as well as attention to particular, hentai performers grab the spirit of the shrinking experience, submersing visitors in a globe where desires can be looked into without limitations.
Pushing Boundaries as well as Taboos
Hentai allows the expedition of themes that might be actually taken into consideration taboo in traditional media. It offers an electrical outlet for individuals to enjoy their imaginations safely and also anonymously, without opinion or even societal restraints. The imaginative articulation found in hentai giantess accounts presses borders, demanding standard notions of wish and also arousal.
Emotional Link by means of Art
Artistic representations in hentai giantess tales transcend plain arousal. They ai
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Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 9000 x 9000 pi
Year: 2024
This artwork encapsulates the spirit of women's empowerment, with the luminous white eyes symbolizing a profound inner resilience and potential. an artwork I decided to make after a skirt and uniform issue that occurred in our school where girls didn't get any support and were at many times hurt even more. The act of flipping her hair becomes a symbolic gesture, challenging societal norms and breaking free from traditional constraints. The divine white eyes radiate wisdom and untapped strength, underscoring the inherent power often overlooked in women. This celebrates the beauty found in strength, encouraging viewers to recognize the potent force within every woman. The composition speaks to the broader theme of defying limitations, inviting women to embrace their power and challenge preconceived notions. This piece, aims to evoke a universal sense of empowerment, inspiring a narrative that transcends individual identity and speaks to the collective strength of women.
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Empowering Strength: 9 Reasons Why Girls Should Embrace Lifting Weights
In a world that is gradually shifting towards inclusivity and breaking down gender stereotypes, the realm of fitness is no exception. Girls lifting weights is a powerful movement gaining momentum, and it's time to celebrate the myriad benefits that weightlifting brings to the table. In this article, we'll explore nine compelling reasons why girls should wholeheartedly embrace lifting weights and make it an integral part of their fitness journey.
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1. Strength, Not Bulk: Dispelling the Myth of Bulking Up
One common misconception that often discourages women from lifting weights is the fear of bulking up. It's crucial to emphasize that weightlifting, when done properly, does not automatically lead to a bulky physique. In fact, it helps in toning and sculpting muscles, creating a lean and strong body.
2. Body Confidence: Sculpting More Than Just Muscles
Beyond physical strength, weightlifting has a profound impact on body confidence. Engaging in strength training fosters a positive relationship with one's body, promoting self-acceptance and appreciation for what it can achieve.
3. Mental Resilience: Lifting Weights, Lifting Spirits
The benefits of weightlifting extend far beyond the physical realm. The mental resilience developed through challenging workouts can empower girls to face life's obstacles with a newfound strength. The discipline and determination required in the weight room translate into a resilient mindset outside of it.
4. Empowering Independence: Taking Control of Your Fitness Journey
Girls who embrace weightlifting gain a sense of empowerment and independence in their fitness journey. Unlike some workout routines that may rely on external factors, weightlifting allows individuals to take control of their progress, set personal goals, and achieve them through dedication and hard work.
5. Efficient Fat Loss: Boosting Metabolism with Strength Training
Weightlifting is a highly effective tool for fat loss. As muscle mass increases, so does the body's metabolism. This means that even when not actively working out, individuals who lift weights burn more calories at rest, contributing to efficient fat loss over time.
6. Bone Health: Strengthening the Foundation for Life
Especially crucial for girls and women, weightlifting plays a significant role in enhancing bone health. As they age, the risk of osteoporosis increases, making weight-bearing exercises like lifting crucial for maintaining strong and healthy bones.
7. Versatility in Workouts: Breaking the Monotony
Weightlifting introduces a diverse range of exercises that add versatility to workout routines. From compound movements like squats and deadlifts to isolation exercises, incorporating weightlifting ensures that workouts remain interesting and challenging, preventing the monotony that can lead to exercise burnout.
8. Functional Fitness: Preparing for Real-Life Challenges
Girls who lift weights aren't just building strength for the gym; they are enhancing their functional fitness for everyday life. Whether lifting groceries, moving furniture, or tackling physical challenges, the strength gained from weightlifting proves invaluable in real-world situations.
9. Community and Support: Joining the Rise of Women in the Weight Room
As more girls embrace weightlifting, a supportive community is emerging. Breaking stereotypes and joining a community of like-minded individuals fosters a sense of belonging and encourages girls to challenge societal norms, creating a more inclusive space in the traditionally male-dominated weight room.
In conclusion, the reasons for girls to embrace lifting weights extend beyond physical strength. It's about challenging stereotypes, fostering mental resilience, and promoting a positive relationship with one's body. By embracing weightlifting, girls can embark on a journey that not only transforms their physical well-being but also empowers them in all aspects of life. It's time to celebrate the strength, both physical and mental, that comes with girls lifting weights.Visit at Transform Personal Training.
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randomlywanderingmoth · 1 year ago
"Right, so. Everybody on your best behavior, okay? These are our newest Masters, so we need to make a good impression. Ready, Senpai?" Mash was three bundles of nerves jammed into one very cute body- which she had no business being, given what we'd survived.
I, meanwhile, could only nod in response. I had no business feeling critical, since by contrast, I was five bundles of nerves in a critically underslept body. I knew only today that this was even happening.
The firm slap of Goredolf's hand on my back did a lot to knock the nerves loose. "Relax, girl. If anything, we're the ones to judge them."
The various other Servants and human personnel busied about- the few more agreeable Spirits on standby to receive the three new Masters. Apparently they'd survived a Grail War, and done more besides.
EMIYA approached me privately as I prepared the cafeteria, helping Tamamo set plates- anything to busy myself. "Master? I noted the new mages we're receiving today. You should know-"
"Oh god they aren't super important are they please tell me I'm not committing some sort of mage societal faux pas by not being there in person I'm trying my hardest here okay-" the nerves were back. The nerves were very very back. I would've rather been fistfighting a Beast right now, that would've been less nervewracking for me.
EMIYA cracked a smirk. "Not at all on any counts. But it will be complicated for me, and for a few specific Servants, for a few days during their onboarding."
"Right, they were in a Grail War. You were one of their Servants?"
His smirk turned faintly awkward. "That, and... well, you'll understand when-"
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?" That was Ishtar's voice. I bolted for the shouting.
At the entrance, I saw Ishtar, Muramasa, and B.B., along with Kama and Ereshkigal.
Except, the first three had Chaldea uniforms on.
And they had Command Seals.
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I pointed a finger at the brunette. "Tohsaka Rin."
Tohsaka nodded. There was an indescribable air to her- I could almost sense traces of Ishtar in her.
My finger re-angled to the purple haired girl. "Matou Sakura."
"Pleasure to meet you." Sakura bowed. By contrast, she was utterly nothing like B.B., even on a trace level.
I redirected my hand toward the autumn-haired young man. "Emiya Shirou."
"Why do you have him here?" Emiya pointed a finger accusatorily at EMIYA. The young man that could've been my distant cousin was rather red-faced about spotting someone sharing a name with him- and perhaps a history as well, I suspected.
"I'm an agent of the Counter Force, this is a base with the explicit mission of protecting humanity. The math does itself."
Emiya leaned in, and whispered in a conspiratorial tone, "Is he still a hardass?" Oh. They knew each other. EMIYA was likely in his Grail War.
"Only to you," EMIYA replied. The two seemed poised to act like aggressively bickering siblings, except with maybe a greater volume of swords than the usual bickering siblings.
"Stop- stop stop stop- I need to ask now, why in the hell are there Servants that look like us?" Rin was making an attempt to force order into the conversation.
"Pseudo-Servants. Servants that are normally too strong, or under different conditions, using human bodies as a medium to not overload their Master. There's some stuff about compatibility in there somewhere too." Every last ounce of my formal training had turned into mud and I was having the utmost difficulty trying to recognize these three as strangers.
She sat back down, and introspected for a moment. "... so, me 'n' Sakura are compatible with goddesses, huh?" That made Rin puff her chest out a bit. "Hmm! So, we're here to help protect the world against possible threats, caused by the formation of Singularities- compared to being in a Holy Grail War, this should be a snap!"
I could physically feel the foreshadowing in her statement.
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Three weeks into bringing in new Masters to the fold, two weeks into a new Singularity. A Christmas Singularity, hosted by the Moon Cancer herself. A Singularity that disgorged wildly strange and periodically inappropriate gifts, a novel method of messing up Christmas.
Emiya had taken to the antics like a fish to water- he had taken Nightingale and Karna (two veteran Santas), and become Santa Emiya (which a few Heroic Spirits found amusing, given he himself was not even a Servant.) I figured out rather embarrassingly slowly that Emiya was the person that EMIYA used to be, prior to becoming a Servant. I elected to not introspect on that too much.
Matou had somehow become the new favorite girl for a large number of Servants- Parvati, Kama, Medusa and her sisters, Ushiwakamaru, and several others doted on her heavily. More than once I saw her riding around on Asterion's back. More than once I saw her getting along with even the likes of Jeanne Alter (in her own way of getting along). The violet girl did a remarkable job of taking care of the Servants off-mission, but the few Servants she'd bonded with objected heavily to sending her on-mission. It was fine enough, though- between me, Emiya, and Kadoc, we had things handled.
Then there was Tohsaka Rin.
Of the three, the most competent magus, by a wide margin. Given how I was incompetent as a mage, and Kadoc was of only passing competence, and we were the Masters who survived prior to their introductions, it probably bode ill for the comparatively hypercompetent Tohsaka.
She had eased into her position as Chaldean Master like it was made of fresh brambles. A bit unused to the sheer volume of Servants, it didn't help that she had several layers of personal beef with at least a few of them. The momentary balm of her bonding well with Ishtar (who shared her face) was dispersed by her friction with Ishtar (who roughly shared her personality).
Then there was the three-hit combo. Christmas Singularity, Santa Emiya, B.B., one, two, three. The idea of a Singularity, an instability that threatened the continuity of the world, being festive, and the rest of us taking it casually, gave her quite the fit. The idea of Emiya taking such a thing in stride riled her something fierce.
B.B. was the worst part. Evidently the idea of a playfully malicious program from the moon committing identity theft on her sister and then becoming a Heroic Spirit was the point at which Tohsaka Rin's poor sanity finally reached critical failure.
"She was always a bit bad with technology," Emiya conceded.
"I think, Emiya- I think Tohsaka's issues with B.B. are a bit more wide-reaching than the technological aspect." I tried not to wrinkle my nose too hard.
"Oh, you mean the fact that B.B. looks like Sakura?" Emiya watched alongside me as Tohsaka went into the latter stages of an extended meltdown. "It's not that weird, Tohsaka summoned a future version of me during the Grail War we were in. Oh! Before I forget." He leaned back into his Santa sack, and pulled out a folding knife, bundling it into my hands. "Merry Christmas, here's a knife."
I stared at the knife, then back at Emiya. It took me a moment. "You got advice from the previous Santas?"
He nodded enthusiastically. "I should get going, I'm on a schedule." And Emiya bounded off in the traditional festive Santa attire.
Meanwhile, Tohsaka had made an admirable recovery from this latest round of extreme mental duress- just in time for one more thing to test her.
"Hiya!" I watched as another Santa Servant approached Tohsaka. "We haven't had the chance to get acquainted yet, have we, Master Tohsaka?"
"Oh, hello there." Tohsaka stooped down to address the Servant. "I think, with all the madness of Chaldea, I may have missed a lot of introductions." It had taken her the better part of her first week to get used to seeing the younger Servants, but I was happy to see her make progress- even if it was by simply imitating Sakura.
"Oh, you should take it more slowly, then! Some folks are better at being Masters than others! Master Fujimaru's the bestest Master, so she can adapt to all of us pretty quick, but you should take it at your own pace!" The little Santa was remarkably wizened. I chalked it up to Amakusa playing mentor in the moments when he wasn't playing villain.
"That's very good advice, thank you, erm..."
"Oh, I'm Lancer, Jeanne Alter Santa Lily! I'm the Santa Lily form of Jeanne Alter!" Santa Lily struck a little pose with her flagpole to cap off her introduction.
"... I see." Tohsaka stiffly patted Santa Lily on the head, stood up, and politely walked into her own room- in the same way I might politely crawl into a vent. Her door slid shut.
For what it was worth, Matou Sakura and Emiya Shirou had grown accustomed to hearing Tohsaka Rin's daily anguished screams- even if there were a bit more than usual. I elected to make sure Sakura brought her ice cream to console her in her time of comic desperation.
Just another day in Chaldea.
okay , for real , outta all the f/sn masters, i bet shirou would have the easiest time adjusting to the chaos of life at chaldea .
an rin is stuck on the struggle bus with now way out the second she meets BB.
Good for him
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aphrostarot · 3 years ago
Astrology and The Sexes: Aries Woman
The Aries Woman:
Title: “The Original” 
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For simplicity's sake, I will use the pronouns “he/him” for the male versions of the signs and “she/her” for the female versions of the signs. This is not to say that the people who identify with the male or female versions of each sign identify with those pronouns. This post is focusing on the different sexes (male vs female) not gender. Gender is fluid and I am in no way labeling people with these posts. Also, these posts are focusing solely on the Sun signs of each zodiac, other birth chart placements may cause someone to not fit into everything I have described.
Mind (how they think):
The Aries woman can be quite active, directive, and goal-oriented. She is often described as being anything universally recognized as “masculine” as opposed to anything “feminine” such as being, passive, subjective, etc. 
The Aries woman is the personification of masculinity in the feminine form. 
She takes herself the most seriously. She tends to be quite guarded and doesn’t impress easily. 
Her goddess archetypes are Lilith and Athena. 
She naturally poses a challenge to the world of men. 
She is hard-pressed to carve out and sustain her identity in a society that has only just recently, and, still, just barely, begun to allow a woman all the rights and privileges afforded to men. 
She believes that the only way for her to be successful is by distancing herself from others. 
She also refuses to be dominated by men so, she will often keep to her own counsel. 
She is extremely competitive and you will oftentimes find her showing someone up. And she will be incredibly cutthroat while doing so. 
She is incredibly independent and she does this on purpose. She would much rather work alone than with someone else. 
She appears as an aloof loner rather than a social outcast.
She will often be labeled as a “feminist” from a young age, but, such political purpose couldn’t be further from her mind. She has no agenda but her own. 
Without even trying she just seems so out of reach which makes people pursue her all the more vigorously. 
She gives off an air of superiority that makes people fall to their knees around her. 
She is not opposed to throwing a temper tantrum when she doesn’t get what she wants. Other than those tantrums though, she appears to be relatively unemotional. 
She doesn’t need, she demands. Mainly attention, and to be allowed to assert her will. 
She is usually the female version of her father. 
However, she often looks down on her mother with pity. This is because she views her mother as repressing her own needs and goals for those of her husband, which the Aries female is determined to never allow in her own life. 
The Aries girl may be the son her father never had. Regardless of whether he has sons or not. She is her dad's favorite child. 
Because of her parent's relationship, she will associate feminity with weakness and identifies strength in a masculine presence, which explains why she often is overly masculine. 
Body + Soul (what they look like inside and out):
An Aries woman has an indomitable spirit. She demonstrates what a woman can do on her own, against societal odds. She is a symbol of strength, self-reliance, and liberation. 
Almost anything she wears looks good on her. However, her main style is jeans and a T-shirt.
She can pull off a sexy dress if need be, but she prefers to be comfortable. 
She tends to be on the taller and leaner side. She can be pretty light-skinned when compared to her family members, regardless of her race.
Her face is very striking. She has a sculpted bone structure that makes her face look wide and flat.
She has round eyes and bushy brows. A small straight nose, and a small mouth. 
Her lips tend to be on the thinner side, with the bottom one being bigger than the top. It may seem as though she doesn’t have a top lip sometimes because it is so thin. 
She can also look like an owl because of her flat face and big round eyes. This makes sense though, because, Athena's sacred animal was an Owl.
Her skin will appear porcelain-like, it is almost perfect with rarely any beauty marks or acne. 
Her back and shoulders are strong and straight. It seems as though she has perfect posture. 
She tends to have smaller boobs that remain relatively muscular (they are not very soft and squishy to the touch).
She has quite long legs and big thighs that make her a great athlete. 
Her pelvis is pretty prominent and forward-projected with long thigh muscles that create a U-turn look at her crotch. 
She doesn’t tend to have a hairy body but when it comes to her pubes she tends to have quite the bush. 
She doesn’t lack any moisture in her vagina. Her clit can get enlarged quite quickly when she is aroused. 
There is a springiness to her walk that is almost childlike, and she never appears ungraceful. It's hard not to notice a sexy bit of boyish energy running right through her wispy feminine figure.
When you first meet her she can seem quite brusque, cliquey, or even outright confrontational. This is because it’s hard for her to trust people that she doesn’t know and she doesn’t care to be subtle about it. 
She is ruggedly feminine rather than ambiguously androgynous. She is a handsome beauty, both admirable and sexually appealing to everyone.   
Sex + Sexuality (what they are like in bed and what they look for in a mate):
Aries Woman Interested in Men:
Since she does not want to end up like her mother she tends to go for the strong silent type. 
She can be quite indifferent when it comes to a long-term relationship. 
Sex has to be a daily mainstay in her relationships. If she is not in a relationship she will masturbate almost every day. 
She can be like the stereotypical man who is only looking to “score” rather than entering a committed relationship. 
This is not to say that she can’t settle down or won’t settle down because she usually does it later in life. And once she is in a committed relationship her partner will need to try and keep her interested by doing things that excite her both in and out of the bedroom because she tends to get bored very easily. 
She also isn’t ever one to jump into a marriage.
She prefers older guys when she is younger but, as she ages, she may start to prefer younger guys. 
When she is sick of being single she will steer clear of commanding personalities and will prefer a nurturing guy that will allow her to assert herself whenever she pleases.  
It takes her a while to open up to her partner because she doesn’t trust easily. However, if you have been in her life for quite some time she will soon start to open up and show her more vulnerable sides which will make you fall even more in love with her.
There may be some Aries women who crave a traditional marriage with someone who is okay with her independent lifestyle. But, most of the time even when an Aries woman is madly in love she will still despise the idea of marriage and becoming legally beholden. 
Her ideal mate is a hardworking man who will keep up with her rough sex life. 
She naturally assumes superiority over her significant other, especially intellectually.
Men often label her as a “tease” and a “slut” because of their double standards. She is very unapologetic about her directness when it comes to sex which intimidates many men. 
Sexually she acts on impulse and responds to whatever physical attraction she feels.
She doesn’t take rejection very easily. This is because she doesn’t understand how someone could not be interested in her.
She craves instant gratification in sex. 
She is not one for foreplay, she would much rather get to the main event. 
She is in pursuit of her own orgasm and that will be her main focus during sex. It isn’t until she has finished that she will direct her focus on her partner. 
She is known to play with herself during sex. This is because she believes she truly is the only one who can get her off the proper way and she also doesn’t want her partner to be distracted.
 She likes oral but only when she is on the receiving end. She rarely will want to suck a guy off. 
She mainly likes it on top. 
She can drink many guys under the table and she can also outscrew men too. 
Sex can be quite competitive with her. 
She likes it rough but she will not accept someone taking advantage of that. 
She likes a submissive man. She wants to make him squirm. 
She, however, likes a struggle for domination and prefers a partner who is a switch. 
She gets off on the raw scent of a man.
She is not the stereotypical feminine sexuality (perfume, plucking, and powder puffs) and this is something she wants all men to know about her. She has an almost animalistic quality to her sexuality. 
She also dreams of pegging a man. This is another physical representation of her desire to dominate men. 
She gets off on being watched. Lights on, shades up, and sex in public are some of the things she likes. 
She likes to be cuckolded. She wants her partner to watch while she gets fucked by another guy. 
Aries Woman Interested in Women:
An Aries woman who is attracted to other women looks for a more domineering woman. She wants to be their sex object. 
She may be way more feminine than the straight Aries. 
She likes to dress up in lingerie and perform stripteases for her partner. 
On the outside, though she will still be wearing a T-shirt and jeans. However, underneath there may be some pretty sexy lingerie. 
She likes to share her alpha female status with her partner when she is in a relationship with a woman. 
She wants a woman to worship her in a dominating way. 
She may like an older lover. 
She wants her partner to take care of her, almost as if they are her mother. 
She wants to be the submissive one in the bedroom. She wants her partner to ravish her. 
If her partner is more masculine she will take the femme role to the next level. 
She is not opposed to the use of a strap-on in the bedroom and may even crave it. 
The gay Aries may completely withhold herself from male contact and only associate herself with women. 
She may also like to have a threesome with another woman or sometimes maybe a man if she is attracted to men. However, she will happily respect her partner’s wishes, and if they do not want a third party involved she is okay with that. 
Nothing should ever come in between her and her lover no matter her sexuality. An Aries woman is very territorial and possessive even jealous sometimes over her lover and will fight anyone who tries to break them apart. 
When she finds someone she actually loves, she will do anything and everything to protect and preserve that bond.
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