#a felafel
Anyway I brought literally one pair of pants and one skirt for this trip planning to live in the skirt and uh—turns out I ripped a massive hole in the skirt my first day here. My feet are bofffffffff after already walking all over for Research Stuff today but I’m thinking of going out again to this amazing thrift shop I know in the Marais to see if I can find a replacement. (Along with some other errands)
Update: Found a new skirt. Bought wine. Ate Falafel. Visited Courfeyrac’s house en route.
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kiurit · 1 year
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he died with a felafel in his hand (2001) dir. richard lowenstein
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foodglorious-food · 24 days
Had a very nice Lebanese meal at Al Wadi in West Roxbury MA, a few miles southwest of Boston. My first time at this restaurant, which has been in business since 2010.
This is a humus (Al Wadi spells it Hommus) is topped with pieces of beef, pine nuts and olive oil.
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One of my favorite dishes was "Sayadieh Bi Samak" which is baked haddock filet served over spiced rice topped with tahini sauce, caramelized onions and roasted pine nuts. The fish was moist and the spiced rice very flavorful.
The mixed grill (shish taouk, kafta kebab and beef tenderloins) served with rice pilafwas also very well executed, as were the kebabs.
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cannibaldaughter · 1 year
I need Armenian food sooooo bad right now
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The Ultimate Falafel Machine: Crispy and Delicious Falafel Every Time!
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sarchakra · 1 year
Felafel is a popular Middle Eastern food believed to have originated in Egypt, where it was known as ‘ta’miyah’ . Made with fava beans, garlic, and onion, it is the ultimate street food of the Middle East and has been around for centuries. The word Felafel comes from the Arabic word ‘filfil,’ meaning pepper. This is because the original recipe for Felafel contained a lot of spicy pepper. The…
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holmsister · 3 months
Do you wanna know why I ship Labru. Do you wanna know the true harsh truth.
Yesterday I was out with a good friend of mine and we ate kebab at a shop here. She noted the place's menu is entirely in our Euro language except for the word 'halal' and wondered why they used an Arab word there.
And I was like. Well you can't really translate 'halal', it's a religious concept. It means the food has been prepared following Muslim religious precepts. Mostly the meat.
And then I stopped myself because we were literally eating and I was so close to start talking about halal butchering and the way they have to kill the animal and slit its throat and drain all of the blood which I find utterly fascinating because it might have developed in order to prevent the blood to carry diseases and help conserve the meat better in very hot climates etc etc but that's not. Something a quasi-vegetarian wants to learn about while she's peacefully eating her felafel.
So yeah I ship labru because I want Kabru to be a freak with someone who not only lets him talk but actively matches his freak. For me. Let him be free where I can't
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badscooter · 2 months
Im still thinking about the housemates from he died with a felafel in his hand (2001) arguing about the queer subtext of reservoir dogs they would have done numbers on here seriously
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Celebrating July 4th in Strange Times Pt 3
El fin.
At about a quarter til five, I slogged back out to start prepping the chicken. This phase of today's food is because roomie bought a MEGAPACK of chicken thighs, perfect for our purposes.
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The pan itself gets a few sloshes of olive oil and a few spoons of The Sauce put down before the chicken itself gets completely covered, top and bottom, by The Sauce.
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Five PM rolled around and the chicken went in the oven. I figured I had time to run back to my room and take a cool-down.
At Six PM, I turned the heat down to 325, they were beginning to get some color.
At 6:30, you could smell the sauce beginning to carmelize.
I turned the oven down to 170 to keep it warm, and ended up eating at 7pm...chicken was absolutely melt-in-your-mouth tender and the sauce gave it the right about of zing.
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With a big mountain of Tater Sallid, creamy and crunchy and tart all at once, a meatball or two, and a felafel ball or two and some tzatziki, just about every possible button got at least a chance to get punched.
I'm pretty much exhausted, and will have ice cream, raspberry jam and chocolate-coffee sauce in a bit. I need to sit, let things settle, and get this posted.
Hope y'all have had a good day, however you chose to commemorate.
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mh-and-celiac · 4 days
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I use to love this salad from the a food court take away shop before I was diagnosed with Coeliac disease. Whilst it’s a gluten free salad, it’s incredibly high cross contamination risk from other salads beside it in the store & from the staff grabbing salads with the big spoons. So instead, I’ve given it a go at home & it’s worked out really well. I need to find just the right aoli I think, but otherwise yum!
Ingredients if anyone cares.
Brown rice
Baby spinach/rocket mix
Saltanas (I think these are raisins for you non Australian people)
Felafels - yumi brand sesame yellow packet are my favourite
I just guessed how much I’d need, I made like 1.5 cups rice, 1 cup quinoa, 3 tomatoes & 2 cucumber. This made 3+ big servings
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hero-israel · 5 months
On the subject of AJ+: in my foolish youth I watched some of their YouTube videos and I distinctly remember that their reporter Dena Takruri did an interview with LaVoy Finicum, one of the right-wing nutjobs who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge who a few weeks later would decide to scream at armed FBI agents that they would have to killed them while reaching into his pockets and get his damfool self shot to death, and it was notably more sympathetic than literally any video she or AJ+ had ever done regarding Israel.
Also I remember them doing a video in response to Israel declaring hummus and felafel to be their official national foods, where they said essentially “hummus is from Lebanon, felafel is from Egypt….which means this is cultural appropriation of Palestinian culture!”
Clowns, the lot of them
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apropositodime · 5 months
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Il cibo porta lontano
Fa viaggiare
Porta indietro nel tempo
Il cibo evoca momenti
Ti porta lontano in posti di cui hai nostalgia, senza esserci mai stata.
Ti porta dove vuoi.
Stasera chiudo gli occhi sono nel mercato antico di khan el khalil al Cairo.
Un misto di colori, profumi , passando da tra un venditore d'oro a uno di tessuti,incantata..
Ho fatto i Felafel 😍
E mi sono venuti
F A V O L O S I.
La Sicilia è a soli cento km dalle costa tunisina, Africa. ❤️
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batmansymbol · 5 months
hey y'all -- if you have a buck, consider donating to help a friend of a friend open a permanent shop to stabilize his livelihood. more info:
Please help us secure a permanent home for our friend Ismail and his amazing food truck! Ismail is from a small town near Hebron in the West Bank of Palestine. Since his arrival in Franklin County in 2020 he has made friends and community wherever he goes. He opened the Mohawk Felafel and Shawarma food truck in Greenfield in 2022 and it immediately became a favorite destination for people looking for a friendly interaction and a tasty meal. He has tried multiple locations for the truck over the past year and half but the difficulties of not having a permanent place to run the business have been an impediment to his success. We know he is capable of great things, both with his truck and with his ability to bring people together to build community and a better world wherever he goes. Being able to purchase property is unfortunately a privilege that is getting harder to access. We believe our community is generous and will come together to share resources to make this dream possible for our friend. Please join us and dig deep! No contribution is too big or too small.
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farahblack · 2 years
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[ID: four images of Dirk Gently from DGHDA TV 2016 with tumblr textposts overlayed on them. they are:
Dirk speaking to Todd. a textpost by queefito reads, "are u in love with me? no?? *slides u a chocolate pudding* how about now?"
Dirk with a roughed-up appearance and messy hair. a textpost by ain reads, "wheres the hand though ??? wheres the hand in my unloveable hand ????"
Dirk holding the everbulb. the textpost is a set of tags that say, "op's mind ugh. so powerful. self rb"
Dirk climbing in through Todd's window. a textpost by felafel-waffle reads, "actually saying hiiiiiii is required. we need it"
/end ID]
dirk + textposts
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divinekangaroo · 1 month
Watching a movie with Noah Taylor (He Died With a Felafel in his Hand) and genuinely do not understand what he was doing in Peaky, or why they cast him as Sabini. He is a good actor! Except not in that role!
The only thing I can think of is they *wanted* Sabini to be such an absolute loser, to make it even worse when our Centre-Screen Tommy is held open and torn apart in an alley by Sabini - I mean, it's one thing being proxy-raped by a Horror but another thing entirely being proxy-raped by the most pathetic emotionally juvenile scrawn in existence. Except honestly? Even *that* is compromised by just how horrendously Noah played Sabini's accent. I hear every bit of the Australian pretending to be English pretending to be Italian. All it needed was *one* scene between Alfie and Sabini where Sabini drops the pretend Italian accent to make it clear he's putting it on as part of his whole idiot loser gangster pantomime. Instead we have the most (un?)ironically unbelievable character of all time getting his knife into Tommy's mouth, a brutal and forced internal invasion unrepeated even with Hughes' head-cracking, which came from the outside in and not the inside out; even Diana and Oswald's forcing Tommy's external Performance, Hughes forcing Tommy's external Performance/Act of Contrition; none of them get it in him the way Sabini does.
And then CM wears that on his face in a deliberate piece of makeup artistry applied every day for the next (10?) years of filming.
I mean, there is something to be said about a pathetic smear of a character being the one doing that to Tommy, with such little Weight of Threat that Tommy pretty much ignores Sabini except as a social artefact that must be manvoured around; even after events, Tommy ignores Sabini to the point of leaving Sabini alive and impotent and meaningless.
But why did Noah have to play him so poorly...
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Felafel Buddha Bowl
* high protein + plant based option
tomato chickpea sauce
pumpkin seeds
🌱Vegan: extra felafels and pumpkin seeds as protein source instead of an egg
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