#a fancy freak
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skeleton-mischief · 1 year ago
Wine Serrif
Conforming is easier than resistance, so don't fight against the system. It's safer that way
* But in truth, FS!Gold Sans wonders if what he's doing is a good idea...
- Official height 5'8 because of heels
- He/Him
- Plays chess as a hobby
- Plays the piano
- Head of the Royal Guard, he's deeply feared
- Good friends with Carmine, Razz, and Powder
- He had a good relationship with Gaster, at least that's what he remembers. They were only doing what was necessary, after all
- Doting on friends and loves cooking for them
- Sews as a hobby in secret and loves fashion. he's always well dressed as a result and hates those who don't have a fashion sense
- Won't hesitate to be violent if needed, he'll play around with peaceful interactions. But don't test him, he's only being polite because that's what manners are
- Always wears gloves, even above ground. He has sharp bones and doesn't want to poke others.
- Confident, responsible, well spoken, manipulative, intuitive, kind, overprotective, secretly jealous, cunning, intelligent, loyal, perfectionist, tired, patient, overworking, and ruthless
- A cat person, dogs are so messy. However, they can be useful in his guard
- Extremely polite, but he curses sparingly
- Walks with his hands clasped behind his back, always appearing to be at ease despite actually being highly tense at all times. Hardly can someone actually see that
- Supports his brothers hobbies a lot, he encourages anyone's interets
- Won't admit it, but he has a sweet tooth for chocolate
- Like Coffee, he can shortcut
- A master sharpshooter, he actually taught Coffee
- A helicopter brother, no one is allowed to mess with his younger brother
- Requires reading glasses, but he actually uses them unlike some of the other Sanses
- A fantastic cook
- Likes to read in his free time or shop
- Grew to be a role model for Rus, Stretch, and Cash overtime
- The most intuitive Sans, he can read micro expressions and is great at steering the convo in a way he wants
- Has the most informative details on the others, great at gathering blackmail. He's quite secretive though, which makes it practically impossible for someone to learn about him
- He had destroyed his files long ago, only the Queen knows about his past
- Meticulous on his notes and excellent at the jobs he has
- Makes farfalle
- Encourages Carmine to go clothes shopping and dress up with him, they became close because of this
- Magic smells like pomegranate, magic tastes like almond and wine
- The type to insult using someone's trauma or drama. Passively does this if insulted by someone else. "Oh you say that but I don't see you with your man!"
- Loves classical music
- A huge romantic, he loves thinking about it even if he's never been in love
- Likes handshakes, he's very formal and does not do fistbumps or high fives
- A silent crier, it's rare to ever see him like that. Since he doesn't want to be seen, you'll probably get a nasty word from him as a result
- Would call his lover little monarch, or his papillon, his butterfly
- Analyzes stupidly hard on his purchases, even if it's something stupid
- Was convinced that junk food and wine can go great together when Vanilla made him try kt
- watches reality TV above ground, especially acute to drama
- He only has one eyelight since the other is "blind", only forming an eyelight if its a star, aka during a battle and he needs to be acutely merciless
- He struggles letting go of control, he needs to work on that since he's used to being in a place of authority
- He is not allowed to question the Queen, even if she does things that he finds....detrimental. He tries to soothe her woes, as she has yet to stop crying
- He has been considered ruthless, and yet only a short few know that he's more merciful than expected. But only sparingly
- He finds it hard to explore forms of living when it's not what he's used to, but he observes and tries
- He has never been bested, since he's sharp and calculated. He's had a lot more experience, grown in a ruthless world that requires no mercy
Closing Notes: I haven't given him too much thought even if I genuinely love his concept, but that is okay, because I can at some point explore his character later on as he develops in my mind. I want to explore his dynamic with others so badly
- He would listen to Opera, I know it
- He would kill for someone, but so far that has only been for Coffee and for The Queen
- He loves the thrill of someone who's strong fighting him, but he loves it even more when he crushes them
- He will crush bugs so fast, he's great at finding them inside homes
- He has not been seen without a full set of clothes, but sometimes he will wear some that show bone. He's surprisingly not that scarred, but he won't ever show his chest/ribcage. Don't ask why
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glassclownz · 7 months ago
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this fucker won’t let me sleep (he’s in my head trying to steal my credit card information)
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macking-cheese · 23 days ago
Blah blah, proper name, place name, backstory stuff...
It would appear that I got infected by @chaotixcx 's swinbee virus, oh nooo whatever will I doooo cough cough bleugh sick noises
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Swinny you're so real for that (my brain is melting. I have more ideas for them ughhhh)
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anjellicles · 1 month ago
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so you all know how lbh kept his qjp disciple robes.....? lets talk abt the girls outfit for a sec ☺️💕
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melljam · 2 months ago
villainous taco dinner date
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toads-treasures · 8 months ago
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"She was laughing even as we kissed and kissed again. There is no better taste than this: someone else's laughter in your mouth."
- Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
It may be a bumpy road but these two will get their fairytale happily ever after god dammit.
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kacievvbbbb · 6 months ago
Look Mihawk’s eyes definitely glow in the dark and this fact definitely threw Shanks of the first time he learned it which coincidently was during their *coughs* first time. But it’s kind of hot and he’s grown used to it now……mostly.
Because you know Mihawk is definetly the type of dude to never turn on a light ever and with his propensity for staring unblinkingly and his half hazard middle of the night sleeping habits. It’s a bit of a bit of a problem .
the years Shanks has lost of his life waking up to a floating pair of shimmering golden and ringed eyes staring at him in complete darkness he will never gain back and are best not talked out.
Also imagine if Mihawk is prone to midnight snacking (making up for all the food he doesn’t eat during the day to maintain his vampiric reputation) so many a red haired pirate have woken the ship with Shrieks having stumbled into the very dark kitchen to see a pair of otherworldly eyes completely demolishing a plate of leftovers or an entire charcuterie board staring right into their soul.
Ben and Yasopp have almost shot him multiple times(with only one of those times being on purpose) Many a crew member has solicited Shanks to get his boyfriend exorcised and the ship cleansed. In 2 years the closest Zoro ever came to cutting Mihawk was while blindly flailing his swords around in the dark trying to fend of the kitchen demon that besieged him during his midnight beer run. This will happen every night, they never talk about it. Zoro never figures out it’s Mihawk and is pretty sure the Kitchen is haunted. Won’t keep him from his midnight protein shake (he is no longer allowed beer)
Perona is the only person who is even slightly normal about this (she lived on thriller bark floating pair of eyes in the dark is child’s play) she just switches on the very bright white kitchen lights, effectively blinding Mihawk and leaving his terrible posture and he use of his precious kogatana to eat meatballs exposed to the light. She gets a cup of water turns off the light and leaves. The next day Mihawk buys her a new dress they never speak of this again.
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squarecloud73 · 9 months ago
*I worship you Tumblr please don’t remove it
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leslietheluna · 5 days ago
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✨💫Spotlight Fever!!💫✨ Their Spotlight outfits are so cutee🫶
[here's the rough and cleaned up sketches! (Rip the one beetle that was also going to be there but I had to scrap drawing in order to make room for Sig's spirit asgsjdhjjsksbsh)]
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grif-hawaiian-rolls · 1 month ago
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I will post my modern au Sarge/Florida propaganda.
-Flowers is a dance teacher as a Hobby (mostly ballet but his studio does have Options!), who has a Vast and Wide collection of stickers for his students, his friends and himself. He picked all the bumper stickers for Sarge’s motorcycle, and his helmet is decked out w stickers from his students bc those are his favorites to show off, trust me
-Sarge is a mechanic, and that old style bike is his goddamn baby. He loves it. He has told Flowers he will divorce his ass if he ever wants Sarge to get rid of the bike but Flowers loves the bike too! Sarge is the one who got them not quite matching but color coordinated helmets because it’s Sarge.
-They’re both unapologetically obnoxious about their husband/partner/love of their life but they don’t often mention them by name, specifically, so they both end up jumpscaring like, half their weirdly overlapped friend groups the first time they both show up to an event together
-They have a cat named Lopez, affectionately called Dos Point O, because the actual Human Lopez got annoyed with being called Human Lopez and threatened to steal custody of the cat if they kept it up.
-Flowers has a tattoo collage of various state flowers over the length of his leg, but he is always vague on what exactly it means when asked about it, but he will openly confess to being the artist. Sarge has a small tattoo of an orange blossom on his shoulder from flowers as well :3
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months ago
legend a bigger feral problem gremlin than wild (more likely than you think)
Fanfic prompt:
You know a funny thing about cadence of Hyrule is how it outright makes legend a bigger feral problem gremlin than wild
Like wild dies because he can afford it as it has little impact on him
He can just go throw himself in danger and as long as he lets the countdown pass he can do so again
Mipha's Grace is just this good and essentially a second chance
But the messed up thing about cadence of Hyrule is how dying is PART of the game
It is not a consequence for failure but rather an opportunity to upgrade your items permanently
Like the game is designed around the idea that you die at some stage and then go back to try again with a better item
A strategy for this game is literally just farming diamonds and dying get good items
Then repeat again until you have the most outrageous items (long spear , hearth ring, hook shot combo my beloved… it is so good it feels like cheesing the game)
Learning the pattern is part of the game
And because dying is not a problem it is the least of your worries
And the game can be merciless
If you lack rhythm you will have a bad time with the normal mode (oracle of seasons trauma is something else the dancing mini game genuinely scared baby me )
So when dying makes legend stronger and more aware of the patterns
Then obviously he would be a bigger menace than wild could ever hope to be
Would be the funniest if he had a joking competition and warriors accidentally said out loud “if you die I certainly wouldn’t care”
And the next thing he knows is legend jumping out a window (he just wanted to change items lol)
Wild charges at a Lynel with nothing but a stick
Meanwhile legend is contemplating whether he should straight up bomb himself (bomb fairy strat be like)
And try again later with a bow or something
He probably just one day stood up and walked infront of a charging Lynel while the chain was fighting tooth and nail to stop him
Wild jumps down a ledge and ragdolls down
Legend is a stain under said ledge already
Wild goes to fight an entire camp with a pot lid and a damaged weapon
Legend does the same dies and respawns with the needed weapon to take it down
Why carry your stuff if you can just die to get them when needed
Legend has the power of respawning endlessly with no time limit or consequences (except going broke on diamonds but if you have the stuff you need the upgrades are permanent anyway lol)
And we should let him be a gremlin who bases their entire strategy on it
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hello-delicious-tea · 6 months ago
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Principessa Beret finally photographed (I've had it done for a month) to go with my Industrial Revolution shawl!
The pattern is more naturalistic, but I think you could conceive of it as belts or wiring, and I really like the first chart - most berets have really boring bits at the edge, and this one didn't.
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Unfortunately the wool wash dulled the sheen of the yarn - I'm contemplating doing a couple of cold rinses to see if it's soap that didn't get rinsed out all the way dulling it. Don't have the right size of plate here though, so I'll have to wait a week to find out!
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mercuriart · 2 months ago
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oh my sweet, gender ambiguous baby.
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couch-house · 7 months ago
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and so yeah. he's small.
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sarroora · 8 months ago
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motionjames · 1 year ago
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guide for new gundam fans
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