#a bridge over the lagoon
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Last Light — A Bridge Over the Lagoon (Carbon/What Lies Beneath)
A bridge can provide a path from one place to another, but it can also be a means of suspension. If you match title to sound-induced association, A Bridge Over The Lagoon acts more as the latter; at a minimum, it’s auditorily faithful to an environment in which nothing happens fast. It is the debut LP of Last Light, which comprises Ben Spiers and Dean Brown.
The two men are New Zealanders who transplanted to England in 2008. Spiers has recorded under his own name and with Anthony Milton, Campbell Kneale, and 1/3 Octave Band; Brown performs as Little Skull and has been part of Nova Scotia and Negative Eh. Despite each of them having been known to each other prior to their synchronous shift, and despite both having been involved in music both prior to and after their respective migrations, they didn’t get around to collaborating until the middle of 2023, when they convened for one day at Witney, a town near Oxford whose municipal website boasts of its stunning countryside.
If geography is a prompt, it’s safe to suppose that Spiers and Brown spent little time looking out the window while they recorded. This LP’s six tracks are about as anti-bucolic as an automobile graveyard whose contents have been rusting away since the lead was taken out of gasoline. They range in length from 2:20 to 18:14, but each imparts a sense of stasis that immune is palpable change. Both the tooth-drilling electric guitar and the buzzing electric organ on “Hills Turn Black,” for example, shift in pitch, the one moving up while the other descends and vice versa. But their constant adjustments in proximity feel less like a representation of change than a demarcation of a zone that contains movement, but never lets it leave. And while “A Gulf Of Lions” is an undeniably active slugfest between feedback tones, there’s no resolution, no escape. The players might as well be gladiators doomed never to leave the stadium, no matter who wins.
None of these statements are critical; rather, they celebrate the fact that Last Light scales a peak that most would never look at, let along climb. A Bridge Over The Lagoon is an heir to fellow New Zealanders Surface Of The Earth and RST in their treatment of abrasive, electric sound as raw material to be formed into rough but very particularly selected shapes.
Bill Meyer
#last light#a bridge over the lagoon#carbon#bill meyer#albumreview#dusted magazine#ben spiers#dean brown#new zealand#noise#what lies beneath
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"For generations, the people of Erakor village in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu would pass their time swimming in the local lagoon. Ken Andrew, a local chief, remembers diving in its depths when he was a child, chasing the fish that spawned in its turquoise waters.
That was decades ago. Now 52, Andrew has noticed a more pernicious entity invading the lagoon: plastic.
“The plastic would form a small island inside the lagoon, it was so thick,” Andrew says. “We used fishing nets to pull some of the trash out, but we didn’t know how to get rid of it all. We couldn’t conquer it, there was just too much.”
While residents were struggling to empty Vanuatu’s waters of plastic, the country’s politicians were considering another solution. Could they stop the waste directly at the source?
Small island nations like Vanuatu face a series of unique challenges when it comes to plastic pollution. Many rely on imported goods to sustain their populations, and receive tonnes of plastic packaging every day as a result. Ocean currents pull plastic waste from around the world into Pacific waters, which eventually end up on the shores of its islands.
Few Pacific island governments have adequate recycling or waste management facilities on their narrow strips of land, so rubbish is often burned or left to wash up in rivers or lagoons like the one in Erakor. It is estimated that Pacific countries generate 1kg of waste per person a day, 40% higher than the global average.
In an attempt to drastically limit the amount of waste generated in Vanuatu, in 2018 the government became one of the first in the world to outlaw the sale and distribution of certain single-use plastics – including a world-first ban on plastic straws.
In the six years since, the results have been impressive. Thin, plastic shopping bags are hardly ever seen, with most shoppers carrying reusable bags at their local market or grocery store. At festivals and outdoor events, food is more often served wrapped in banana leaves instead of polystyrene takeaway boxes. Now-banned items used to make up 35% of Vanuatu’s waste, but now make up less than 2%.

Pictured: Pandanus leaves are now used instead of plastic bags at markets, but supply of the crop can be affected by storms and cyclones, vendors say.
The plastic islands that once choked Erakor lagoon are also shrinking.
“Since they started the ban, you can see the lagoon has become cleaner,” says Andrew.
It is a massive victory for a small island nation made up of just over 300,000 people across 83 islands...
In 2020, a second phase of the policy added seven more items to the list of forbidden plastics, which now covers cutlery, single-use plates and artificial flowers.
“It’s quite difficult to enforce because of the very low capacity of the department of environment,” Regenvanu says. “So we try to work with the municipal authorities and customs and other people as well.”
Compromises had to be made, though. Fishers are still allowed to use plastic to wrap and transport their produce. Plastic bottles are also permitted, even though they often litter coastlines and rivers.
Secondary industries have now developed to provide sustainable alternatives to the banned items. On the island of Pentecost, communities have started replacing plastic planter pots with biodegradable ones made from native pandanus leaves. Mama’s Laef, a social enterprise that began selling fabric sanitary napkins before the ban, has since expanded its range to reusable nappies and bags.
“We came up with these ideas to reduce the amount of plastic in Vanuatu,” says the owner Jack Kalsrap. “We’re a small island state, so we know that pollution can really overwhelm us more than in other, bigger countries.” ...
Willy Sylverio, a coordinator of the Erakor Bridge Youth Association, is trying to find ways to recycle the litter his team regularly dredges up from the lagoon.
“The majority of the plastic waste now comes from noodle packaging or rice packaging, or biscuit packets,” Sylverio says. He hopes the plastic ban will one day include all packaging that covers imported goods. “Banning all plastic is a great idea, because it blocks the main road through which our environment is polluted.”
The Vanuatu government plans to expand the plastic ban to include disposable nappies, and says it will also introduce a plastic bottle deposit scheme this year to help recycle the remaining plastic waste in the country."
-via The Guardian, June 20, 2024
#vanuatu#pacific islands#pacific islander#pacific ocean#pollution#plastic pollution#plastic waste#recycling#sustainability#waste#environment#lagoon#good news#hope
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bridget’s sister - part IV
pairing: james hook x fem!reader
summary: final part of bridget’s sister!
type: angsty then fluffy :)
CW: bullying
WC: 3.8K
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | not proofread!

“I don’t know what happened, B!” you sobbed, blowing your nose into a tissue before throwing it into the mountain of tissues next to you. “H-he said that he wanted nothing to do with me!”
Bridget sat down next to you, placing a fresh box of tissues in your lap. “I’m so sorry, Buttercup.” You laid your head on her shoulder, crying into the sleeve of her shirt. You were clearly handling your first heartbreak well. “I just… I thought he was better than that! That he would never do this to me!”
Wrapping her arms around you, she pulled you into a tight embrace. “I know that it really hurts, I do. But, if it makes you feel any better, he doesn’t deserve someone as sweet as you.” You looked up at her, your lip quivering like you were a lost puppy. “I lo- liked, I liked him, Bridg. Why would he do this?”
“I don’t know, I really don’t. But, he’s missing out on a really great girl.” Bridget got up, grabbing your trash can from over by your desk and going over to the other side of your bed, swiping the mountain of tissues in. “I love you with all of my heart, but you’ve been in bed for the past three days. You’re not going to feel any better if you sit here and mope. You’re going to get up, take a nice shower, and we’re going to go out and do something.”
You shook your head, pulling your comforter entirely over yourself. Bridget huffed, grabbing the ends of your blankets and ripping it off of your bed. “Come on, put the pout away.” she said softly, grabbing your arms and not so gently dragging you off of your bed. “Get in the shower, right now. You smell like the Black Lagoon.”
“That’s not nice!”
“I love you, but what my nose is smelling isn’t nice. Come on, shower time.”
You followed behind Bridget as she led you out of the dorm building, bringing your hands up to shield your eyes from the sun. “You haven’t been outside in three days and all of the sudden you’re a vampire?” Bridget asked, giggling. You rolled your eyes. “Shut up, B. I don’t understand how this is going to make me feel better.”
“We’re going to go to that nice little cafe that they just opened up. I heard that they have the best danishes. Ella is going to meet us there, too.” Bridget grabbed your hand, continuing to walk with you. Across the courtyard, the VKs were walking around, presumably looking to find their next victim. Your eyes wandered over to Hook, and he was staring right back at you.
“Buttercup, let’s go.” Bridget noticed your wandering eyes and wrapped an arm around your waist, forcing you to keep moving. “Yes, you’re going to see him around school. But, we’ve gotta move on.”
“I guess…” you mumbled.
The two of you made your way to the cafe, the smell of warm croissants and hot coffee hitting your nose as soon as you walked through the door. “It smells heavenly in here, B. Like, I think I just actually died and went to heaven.”
“Hey, guys!” Ella called out, waving at the two of you from the table she was sat at. “I got you your favorites.” You sat down, immediately digging into the chocolate chip muffin in front of you. “How’re you feeling?” Ella asked, looking over at you. You shrugged, shoving bites of muffin into your mouth. “Like I got my heart stomped on. But, this muffin is pretty good.”
“Well, that’s better than yesterday. What was it yesterday? You wanted the eels in the Black Lagoon to tear you apart? Yeah, I think that was it.”
“Not nice, Ella.” you mumbled. “I think I feel a little better. I just don’t understand what happened, we were fine.” Ella shrugged, reaching over the table to hold your hand. “Everything happens for a reason. He’s just a villain, don’t get so worked up over it.”
You huffed, pushing your muffin aside. “No, but he’s not just a villain, and he showed me that! I don’t know what, but Uli did something to him. He’s evil, not a monster.”
The girls stayed silent, eating their pastries. They knew that you were upset, but there was nothing that could be gone. You lost Hook, maybe forever.
“I just… it sucks. It really, really does. Things were going really great, or at least I thought they were. But, hey, we weren’t even together for that long. I’ll get over it.” you grumbled, stirring your drink with your spoon.
You sat at your usual table during your lunch, this time a lot more alone. You hadn’t been alone in so long that you forgot what it felt like. What was once peaceful was now just… depressing. Hook usually sat with you, telling you about his day and sneaking little bites of your food from you. Now it was just you, or so you thought.
“Hey, princess!” Maleficent swiped your lunch off of the table in one fell swoop, sitting in its place. “Sitting all alone? Such a shame…” she snickered, the rest of the VKs slowly joining her. They were like fruit flies; once one is there, more are bound to show up.
You avoided their eyes, opting to stare down at your lap. “Go away…” Hook scooted closer to you, his hook finding it’s familiar spot under your chin. “Easy there, lass. Why so glum? Hmm?” You pouted, feeling a pit of anger bubbling in your chest. “You’re a jerk, James.”
He put on a fake pout, acting offended. You rolled your eyes, moving your head away from him before standing up. “They’re right. You are nothing more than a vile, evil human being. It really sucks, I thought you were more than surface deep. Fooled me.”
Hook’s eyes flickered, showing the tiniest bit of remorse before he went back to his cold demeanor. “Boo hoo, princess! Cry us a river.” Maleficent smirked, moving closer to you. “You’re lucky Uli isn’t here, she really wouldn’t be happy with the way you’re talking to us.”
“She knows where to find me. If she cares so much, she can say it to my face. Oh! By the way, James…” you went into your backpack, rummaging around before pulling out a dark red sweatshirt. “This is yours. You left it in my room. I should’ve fed it to the eels, but I’m not a horrible person.” You shoved it against his chest, forcing him to take it. “Now, uh, if you’ll excuse me. I have better things to do than… this.”
Hook watched you walk away, his jaw dropped. Morgie giggled quietly behind him. “Hoooooooook, you really messed up.” James sneered, shooting a glare at Morgie.
“Well, if he doesn’t want Uli to hurt her, he’ll do as he’s told.” Maleficent moved in front of Hook, staring him down. “Isn’t that right, James-y?”
“I don’t think spelling him was a good idea.” Morgie whispered to Maleficent, loud enough for everyone else at the table to hear.
“Shut up, Morgie!” Maleficent reached her hands up, covering Hook’s ears. “It’s for the best. It’s not like the little princess is going to figure it out, she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore.”
“But, he really likes her. What if we just, like, kept it a secret?”
“I said shut up, Morgie.”
“Alright, class. It’s time for everyone’s favorite thing… partner work! Everyone get together with your station mates and study for the upcoming exam. I will be at my desk to answer any questions!” Merlin announced, making his way over to his desk and sitting down. You grimaced, your eyes slowly glancing over at Hook.
Pulling out your notes, you finally turned to face him completely. “Alright, James. Do you even know how to do literally any of this?” you asked, your eyes involuntarily looking him up and down. He immediately noticed, a smirk growing on his face. “Enjoying the view, darling?”
“You need to knock it off.” you growled. “Was this all just some sick little game to you? What? You befriend the lonely girl and make her think you care before ripping her heart out? Fun game, Hook.” You turned away from him, reading your notes. “I don’t even care if you fail, I’m done with you.”
“Less chatting, more studying!” Merlin called out.
Hook looked over at you, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. But, once again, that feeling was quickly overtaken. It was like there was someone in his head, controlling his every thought and movement. He sighed, pulling out his own notes. He did start paying attention in the class just a bit more after he met you.
After an hour of sitting there and not talking to each other, probably the longest the two of you had gone without talking since you met, you shoved your belongings into your bag and raced out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. You couldn’t stand to see Hook any longer. No matter how much you tried to push it aside, you were still hurting. Seeing him made all of those feelings resurface.
On your way out of the room, you bumped into someone, making your drop your bag on the floor. You really had to watch where you were going. You groaned, looking up at who you had bumped into. “Oh, uh hi, Morgie…” Morgie giggled, picking up your bag and handing it to you. “Hey, y/n! How’s it going?”
“Your best friend is a big jerk, Morgs. You’re cool, though. Always will be.” You gently nudged his arm. Hook sauntered out of the classroom, a scowl growing on his face when he saw the two of you talking, and how you had your hand on his arm. He walked up to the two of you. “Well, this is nice and all, but Morgie has to get to class. Goodbye, Morgie.”
“But, I do-”
“Goodbye, Morgie.”
He nodded, waving goodbye to you before making his way to his next class. You glared at Hook. “I will never understand you, James. I told you when we first got together that this was a bad idea. You said you didn’t care. So what gives? You’re torturing me over here.”
Hook just stood there, like his mouth was physically incapable of saying the words. “Cool. I’ll see you around, James.” you mumbled, walking away from him.
“What did you do, Uliana?” Hook asked, stomping into the lair. “What did you do to me?” Uliana turned to face him, rolling her eyes. “Hello to you, too. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” James snarled, getting in her face. “Don’t act coy, Uli. You did something to me.”
“I made you better, Hook. Well, Mali made you better, I just told her what to do.” she giggled, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. “She was weighing you down. Like I told her, it’s for the best.”
“You don’t get to decide what’s the best for me!” Hook all but screamed. “I can’t even talk to her without her hating me more and more! You’re ruining people’s lives, Uliana. Whatever you did, you need to undo it.” Uliana scoffed, “I don’t understand what the big fuss is about. Need I remind you that you are a villain, Hook?”
He groaned, his hand running through his hair. “I know what I am! I know! She liked me for who I was. I… I loved her. But now that’s over, so thank you!”
“You’re welcome.” she replied, sitting down. “Now you can focus on bigger, better things.”
“You’re a monster.”
“I know, it’s my best quality.” she giggled. Hook bent down, gripping her shoulders. “Listen here, squid face. I don’t know what kind of spell you put on me, but I’m going to fix it. I’m going to fix it, and you’ll be sorry.”
“I’m going to fix it, and you’ll be sorry. Grow up! Get out, or you’ll be sorry.”
He rolled his eyes, standing up and making his way out. He needed to find you.
“I’m totally done with him.”
You were with Bridget in her dorm, helping her test out her newest cupcake recipe. “I mean, I’m not going to let some boy ruin my life.” You shrugged, scooping up some batter to put in the cupcake tins. “That’s good. He doesn’t deserve you, you’re amazing.”
“What’re these cupcakes again?” you asked, staring at the bright pink frosting that Bridget was mixing up. “They’re my newest Fabulous Flamingo Feather cupcakes. The feathers are super rare, they’re magical.”
“Looks yummy.” You reached your hand over to dip your finger in the frosting bowl, earning a gentle smack from Bridget. “Not yet, Buttercup. Have some patience.” Groaning, you pulled your hand away. “You know I can’t resist your baking, B. You’re too good at it.”
She giggled, picking up the cupcake tray and bringing it over to her mini oven. “They’re going to be delicious.”
Bang. Bang. Bang.
The two of you jumped, looking over at the door. Bridget put the cupcakes in the oven before going over to the door, opening it slightly to see who was outside. “Hook?” she asked. Your eyes widened at the mention of his name. Hook tried to look over Bridget’s head into her room. “Is y/n here? She wasn’t in her room.”
“I don’t think she wants to talk to you… at all.” Bridget went to shut the door but he pushed it all the way open, inviting himself inside. “I need to…” His thought trailed off when his eyes locked with yours. Bridget noticed, quietly observing him. “Hook, I don’t want you in my life anymore. You hurt me.”
He sighed, mentally trying to push away whatever was controlling him. You scoffed. “Cat got your tongue? I’m mad at you, James. I liked you so much, and you hurt me. Have a good day.” You grabbed his shoulders, turning him around and walking him out the door. After you shut the door, you turned to look at Bridget.
“Y/n, he’s spelled.” she said, walking over to her bookshelf. Your eyes could’ve burst from how wide open they were. “What? That’s crazy.” Bridget pulled a book off of her shelf, opening it up. “Hate spell. You said that Uliana was up to something. Well, this is it. She, or someone, spelled him.”
“Okay, so… how do we fix it?” You took the book from her, reading it carefully. “It doesn’t say.” Bridget mumbled. “Whoever cast the spell would know, but you’re not going to get that information out of them.” You groaned, throwing the book on her bed. “This sucks! He was being a complete jerk and it wasn’t even his fault! I feel awful.”
Bridget grabbed the book, putting it back on her shelf. “Don’t beat yourself up, you didn’t know. None of us knew. But it makes a lot of sense. The sudden attitude change, the way that he couldn’t even speak unless it was something negative.” You sat down on the edge of the bed. “I’ve gotta do something about this.”
“I thought you were, y’know, totally over him?” she asked, sitting beside you. “Well… not totally. I really liked him, my feelings weren’t gonna go away that easily. Unfortunately.” Bridget smiled, wrapping an arm around you. “Well, I guess we’ve got a spell to break.”
It was around a week later, and you still hadn’t figured out how to break the spell. You spent countless nights staying up late and reading books to try to figure it out. The VKs certainly wouldn’t help you, so you were stuck trying to figure it out on your own. You and Bridget were sat at the Enchanted Lake, enjoying the beautiful sun on your day off from school.
“I’ve stayed up every single night the past week, and I’ve still got nothing. I mean, we can’t talk to Uliana.” you sighed, looking over at Bridget. “No one said that love was easy, Buttercup.” she responded. You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I already told you that I do not love him. Especially right now.”
“I don’t think you’d be going through all of this work for someone you just like. It’s okay to love someone, love can be amazing. Like how I love you.” She pulled you into a hug, much to your dismay. “I don’t know if I love him. I haven’t seen the real him in quite some time. I don’t know if I’ll see the real him ever again…”
Bridget squeezed you tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, Bridget’s hugs did make you feel the tiniest bit better. She was one of, if not the best, big sisters. “We’re gonna figure this out, okay? It might take some time, but I’m gonna help you.”
“Thank you, B. I love you, more than you’ll ever know.”
She giggled, smoothing your hair with her hand. “I think I have a pretty good idea. But, I love you too, Buttercup. I’m glad that I got someone like you as my little sister.” You grinned, slowly pulling away from her. “Alright, now we’re getting too sappy.”
“You need to open up a bit more. Not that I don’t love you for who you are. But, you shut people out a lot. This is the perfect place to make friends, I want to see you surround yourself with people you love.” She pinched your cheek gently. You groaned, batting her hand away. “I have you and Ella. That’s good enough for me.”
“Y/n!” A voice called out from the distance.
You looked over, seeing Hook make his way over to the two of you. You groaned again, putting your head in your hands. “Oh god…” Hook stood in front of you, a smirk on his face. “What’s got you all bothered, darling?”
You hesitated before standing up. “I know what happened, Hook. I don’t know how, but I will fix it.” Hook wanted nothing more than to leap in your arms and kiss you, but his body only allowed him to scoff in response. Bridget watched the two of you, her heart breaking for you. It wasn’t easy seeing your little sister get her heart broken… repeatedly. She looked down at the water, not wanting to watch anymore.
All of the sudden, something clicked in Bridget’s head. The Enchanted Lake was, well, enchanted. Almost any spell could be washed away in the water. She quickly got up. “Y/n, push him in the water.” Hook glared at Bridget. “I’m sorry, I don’t think anyone was talking to you.” Bridget ignored him, focusing her attention on you. “The water is enchanted. Push him in.”
Your jaw dropped and you turned to face Hook. “Don’t you dare, lass.” he growled. Wrapping your arms around him, you let out a quick apology before pulling him into the water with you. The cold water but at your skin, reminding you much of the night of yours and Hook’s first date. When you rose to the surface you quickly looked around for the brunette boy. “James?”
He popped up behind you, brushing his sopping wet hair out of his face. You spun around, a pit of nerves bubbling in your stomach. Hook stared at you for a second, his face blank. “James…?” you mumbled.
“Oh my god, it’s you!” Hook wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into the tightest possible hug he could muster. “I missed you so much, I am so sorry.” You could’ve sobbed right then and there. Hugging him back, you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“I feel absolutely awful.” He pulled away, holding onto your arms. “I don’t expect for you to take me back, but I will spend every single day proving to you that we’re meant to be. Uliana can take it or leave it, I’m not losing you again.” You nodded, your heart beating a million times a minute. “James… I love you.”
“I love you too. There’s not a single doubt in my mind that you’re the one for me, my princess.” He held your waist, leaning down and kissing you. You immediately kissed back, your hands trailing up to cup his cheeks.
“Eeek! This is so exciting!” Bridget squealed, watching from the rocks. You both pulled away, looking over at her. “Sorry, sorry!” she apologized, getting up. “I’ll, uh, I leave you the towels. Yay for love!” She folded up the towels before blowing you a kiss and running off.
Hook looked back at you, the grin that you missed so much plastered all over his face. “This’ll be an interesting story for the kids, huh?” You raised a brow, your hands toying with his wet hair. “Kids? You’re thinking a little far there, Hook.” He shrugged. “Maybe. Now, where were we?”
You rolled your eyes, pulling him into another kiss. All of your bad memories from the past week had faded away, being replaced with every single good memory you had of Hook. He wasn’t perfect, but he was yours, and that was all that you needed.
“And that’s how me and your mama met.” Hook said, holding the tiny boy in his lap close. You walked into the room, putting your hands on your hips. “James, I told you to put him to bed almost half an hour ago. C’mon, Harry. It’s bed time.” The little boy crawled out of his dad’s lap, running over to you. “Come on, princess. I was just telling him a little bedtime story.”
You picked Harry up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You tell him that story almost every night, I’m surprised that he doesn’t have it memorized by now.” James got up with a groan, making his way over to you. “We just love you so much. Isn’t that right, my little pirate?” Harry giggled, making a hook shape with his finger. “Aarg!”
“Wow, you spend way too much time with your dad. Okay, say goodnight.” Harry looked over at James, blowing him a kiss. “Goodnight, papa!” James ruffled his hair before blowing him a kiss back. “Goodnight, H.”
When you came back from putting Harry to sleep, you found Hook sitting in your bed, looking through old photos; Castlecoming, your graduation, your wedding. You grinned, sitting down next to him. “Wow, we’ve gotten old, James. Good thing you’re still as handsome as ever.” He rolled his eyes playfully, his arm snaking around your waist. “I love you too, darling.”
“James, do you ever think about how different our lives would be if we didn’t break that spell?” you asked, looking up at him. He thought about it for a second before shaking his head. “No, I haven’t. I think that one way or another, we would’ve found each other again. Like I said all those years ago, we’re meant to be together.” You giggled, pressing a short kiss to his cheek. “You’re such a sap.”
“Maybe. I just love you a lot. Always have, always will.”
“Shut up, James… I love you, too.”
a/n: AAAAAAND THATS THE END!! thank you so much for reading! aaah i had such a fun time writing this. they are probably my favs, i’m so sad to say goodbye to them.
taglist: @skellseerwriting @sleepyking @ljaylmaoo @lesbpotmurdocklokistan @yokolesbianism @eretsupremacy89 @descendantsramblings @thegoddessofnothingness @1luvkarina
#_emily’s writing_#descendants#descendants the rise of red#descendants x reader#descendants the rise of red x reader#james hook#james hook x reader#young hook#young hook x reader#young james hook#young james hook x reader
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instead of you [part thirty-nine] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, angst
word count: 3.1k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
“How much longer until we reach it?”
“You’ve asked that six times in the past ten minutes!”
“That’s because no one’s given me an answer!”
“Because no one knows, Felix! None of us have hiked this path before.”
Felix grumbled something behind his brother’s back but he must not have heard because he didn’t argue further.
The majority of the hike thus far had been uphill, something that the park rangers had neglected to mention when they sent you off into the forest. Thankfully, the mountains and canopy of trees provided some kind of shade but it was still scorching hot. And humid. And you were sweating like crazy.
Everyone was. Minho had already taken his shirt off and Felix had completely sweat through his. That was probably why he was complaining so much. He refused to take it off, though. Something about not wanting to get sunburned again.
“You doing okay?” Jisung asked, looking over at you.
The two of you had found yourselves in the middle of the pack for once, walking behind his parents and in front of his brothers.
“Yeah, fine,” you answered, trying not to sound as out of breath as you felt.
“Did you bring your inhaler?”
“Why do I even ask?”
After fifteen more minutes of walking and a bathroom break, you finally reached the waterfall.
Felix sighed. “That’s it? We walked all this way for this?”
“Shut up, Felix,” Jisung snapped. “It just looks small from the bridge, it’s not actually that small.”
“I’d say it’s a pretty average size,” you added, ��maybe even kind of big.”
Minho laughed behind you. Thankfully, his parents didn’t seem to hear your comment. To be fair to Felix, it wasn’t a huge waterfall. It certainly wasn’t the biggest waterfall in Hawai’i, but it was one of the few that visitors could swim under. That’s what made it so popular.
And the bridge had made it look smaller than it really was.
There was an area to rinse off before and after getting in the water so you all took turns under the showerhead.
Nikki was the only one who didn’t want to swim, which meant that she was stuck with all of the bags. You felt sort of bad when Jisung handed over the backpack you were sharing but Nikki assured you that it was fine, that she would rather hold them for you than have you rent one of the rusty lockers to store it in.
Waimea Falls required everyone to wear a life jacket, regardless of swimming ability. You knew it was a liability thing but you still couldn’t help but shiver when you slung on the cold, wet vest and buckled it around your chest. Who knew how many people had worn it before you today.
Shoes were optional so you left your sandals in the gravel by the bleachers and tiptoed your way back over to the edge of the water. The boys did the same.
The five of you stood there, staring at the rocks leading down into the lagoon, trying to figure out how to proceed without falling. It was hard to determine the best way in as all of the rocks that were big enough to step on were either jagged and/or slippery.
“Ladies first,” Felix said unceremoniously.
You glared at him but decided to take a step down anyway. Someone had to go first and since everyone else was being a pussy it might as well be you. You moved at a snail’s pace, trying your best to move in a way that wouldn’t send you tumbling down the incline if you misstepped.
The rocks seemed stable enough to hold your weight without sliding around in the mud but one of them wobbled under you upon stepping on it, making you nearly lose your balance.
“Careful!” Jisung and Minho shouted at the same time, causing you to turn around and make a face at them both.
They traded weird looks with each other before turning their attention back to you, who had made significant progress toward the water. By the time you finally reached the edge, the boys had started trekking down behind you, much more haphazardly than you had.
You extended your leg out in front of you to feel it out, trying not to scream when your toes grazed the water. It was freezing, way colder than you expected, but you knew it would feel incredible once you were fully submerged. It was one of if not the hottest days of the trip and you had sweat through everything. Even the life vest they’d saddled you with was beginning to feel sticky.
“How is it?” Jisung called from behind you.
“Feels good!” you lied, not trusting yourself to turn around and show him your face. He’d know you were bluffing instantly.
Since you didn’t want to hold up the line, you took a deep breath and pushed yourself off of the ledge, finding your footing with both feet in the water. The bed of the lagoon was also covered with rocks. They were more slippery than the ones on the path seeing as they were wet and covered with algae so you had to be extra careful.
You moved away from the shore so that the boys could get in after you.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!” was Jisung’s shout from behind you.
You turned back to see him submerged up to his waist. He apologized to the people around him for cursing before glaring at you.
“You little brat!” he muttered, lunging at you.
You let out a yelp as the weight of your best friend dragged you under. You both emerged with dripping hair, laughing and sputtering.
“You said it felt good!”
“It does! It’s refreshing!”
“It’s cold as fuck,” he muttered, “and you knew that.”
“What, can’t take a little chill?” you taunted.
He splashed you.
“Are we going to swim over to the waterfall or what?” Minho’s voice echoed from behind you both, sounding annoyed.
Jisung smirked before turning around to face his older brother.
“We don’t all have to go together. You could have gone on without us.”
Felix was the last to get in, gingerly stepping on the algae-covered rocks to make his way over to the three of you. Dom stayed by the edge, content to keep Nikki company from the water. He claimed to be too old to swim against the current just to get thousands of gallons of water dunked on him.
“Let’s go, babe,” Jisung said, jerking his head over his shoulder in the direction of the waterfall.
Swimming to the base of the waterfall proved to be a lot more difficult than it looked. The current was strong and moving against it required a lot of effort. People who weren’t strong swimmers had no chance of making it all the way under.
It was doable for you, but not without struggle. The boys seemed to be in the same boat, save for Minho, who was the fittest out of all of you. He was already several strokes ahead of the rest of you when Jisung called out for him to wait up. He paused and tread water while he waited for you and the twins to catch up.
“I thought we were going together,” Felix panted bitterly.
“Not my fault you guys are slow,” he rebutted.
“Maybe we should hold hands,” Jisung suggested and pointed to another family who was making significantly more progress. “They’re doing it.”
“You think that’s going to work?” you asked.
“Yeah, how do we know you guys aren’t just going to hold me back?”
Felix clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Minho-”
“You could stand to pull some more weight, K-pop boy,” Jisung pointed out.
“Tsk, fine. How should we do this?”
Minho obviously helmed the line. You were stuck between him and Jisung, with Felix bringing up the rear. You didn’t argue about your place in the order but it did feel strange to be holding both Minho and Jisung’s hands at the same time. You couldn’t tell whether they felt similarly but you had to assume they did.
Minho tugged you along and you pulled Jisung in turn. They held on to you tightly so as not to lose you in the tide. You tried to focus on keeping your head above the surface instead of the feeling of both of their hands in yours.
Jisung’s hand-holding strategy actually worked and you made it to the waterfall twice as fast as you would have on your own.
Trying to get under the waterfall was another ordeal. The water pressure was so aggressive that you had to fight against the water in order to get up on the rocks right beneath the stream.
“This kind of hurts!” Jisung shouted over the roaring of the water.
“Yeah, I think I’m getting bruises!” Minho agreed.
“You guys are pussies!” you yelled, even though it did hurt and you wouldn’t be surprised if was bruising you.
“I think Mom is trying to take a picture!” Felix screamed.
Automatically, all four of you posed even though you couldn’t see where Nikki was and you could barely open your eyes under the stream. You grabbed for Jisung but got Minho instead, accidentally squeezing his ass in an effort to hold his hand. How you mixed up the person standing beside you and mis-approximated where their wrist was, you didn’t know, but you immediately let go once you realized your mistake and fumbled for the right person’s hand instead.
If Jisung noticed what happened, he didn’t say anything about it. Minho definitely did notice and you could see him trying not to laugh out of the corner of your eye.
“Should we swim back now?” one of the boys, you weren’t sure which, asked after you had stood there for what felt long enough for their mother to have snapped a couple of photos.
“You guys can, I think y/n and I are going to swim around by ourselves for a bit longer.”
That was news to you but you weren’t necessarily upset about it. You hadn’t been in the water for long anyway and you wanted to make the most of it. And if Jisung wanted to be alone with you, you weren’t going to say no.
Your number one priority was winning him back, making it up to him, as much as you could.
You followed Jisung to a secluded part of the pool, letting him tug you along as you floated on your back. Minho and Felix either got out or fucked off to another part of the lagoon. You weren’t paying attention when you split up and you weren’t about to look for them.
“Did you want to talk about something?” you asked your best friend.
“No, just wanted some space from my brothers.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Did you want to talk about something?” he parroted.
You made a face. “No, unless you’ve changed your mind.”
You could tell he knew what you referring to immediately from the way his expression shifted.
“Not here, yeah?”
You nodded in agreement. He was right, you should have that conversation somewhere private. Still, you took his answer as a good sign. ‘Not here’ implied that there was somewhere that you would have that conversation, which meant that he was willing to have it. You counted that as a win. A very small win, but a win nonetheless.
“What?” Jisung asked, squinting at you through the sunlight.
“What’s got you smiling like that? What’s on your mind?”
You hadn’t realized you were smiling until he pointed it out.
“Just happy to be here with you.”
You had dinner at some famous burger place that night. You were too tired to pay much attention to what you were eating or what everyone was talking about but you’re pretty sure the food tasted good.
The restaurant was in the middle of their dinner rush when your party arrived so you had to wait for a table. There was a small surf shop attached to the same building so you went with the boys to check it out while Nikki and Dom scoped out somewhere to sit. Everything was expensive so no one bought anything but window shopping kept you occupied for the time being.
After dinner, you rode with Jisung’s parents back to the resort. He seemed indifferent to your presence this time, which you took as another win. He held your hand in the back seat and you rested your head on his shoulder. Neither of you fell asleep but you kept your eyes closed, enjoying the silence.
“We’re here, kids,” Nikki said softly once Dom had parked in the lot.
Jisung stretched, forcing you to sit up too. You thanked them for the ride, and for dinner since they paid, before Jisung asked if you wanted to take a walk on the beach.
“Sure, let’s go.”
He led you by the hand through the maze of buildings to the hotel’s beach entrance. You passed other couples as you strolled past the pool and the firepits and it made your heart sink a little. You were jealous of them. Jealous that they could enjoy each other’s company out in the open like that. Jealous that they looked so happy. Jealous that they weren’t sacrificing one relationship for another.
You were definitely projecting, they absolutely could have been in the same situation as you and you would never know but you refused to acknowledge that possibility because you were resolute on feeling bitter.
The sun hadn’t fully set yet despite the late hour. Being that it was still the middle of summer, it wouldn’t get dark until much later than usual. You were also convinced that daylight lingered longer in Hawai’i than it did in other places but you had no evidence to back that up.
“Here, I’ll carry your shoes for you,” Jisung offered, holding out his free hand for them.
You paused. “Oh, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t like the feeling of sand in your shoes.”
“Thank you.”
You bent down to undo your sandals and handed them to Jisung. He looped the straps around two of his fingers and resumed holding your hand.
The sand was still warm, holding on to the heat of the day.
“Are we going all the way down to the water?” you asked.
“If you want to,” Jisung answered.
“I don’t really feel like getting wet again.”
“That’s fine with me.”
You settled for walking along the outline of the tide where the sand was still dry. You followed the curves of the waves from hours past, tracing the remnants of high tide with your arms out like you were walking on a tightrope. Jisung trailed behind you for a few moments before catching up with you again.
You had pulled your hand out of his grasp moments earlier to run ahead, distracted by the seafoam in the distance. You waited for him and put your arms back by your sides.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ditch you,” you sighed when he reappeared at your side.
“I know,” he replied.
Instead of offering you his hand this time, he gave you his elbow. You took it gently, resting your hand on his bicep.
He was uncharacteristically quiet. You wondered what was on his mind. When he invited you down here, you thought it would be to talk, to finally have that conversation. Maybe it had been and he changed his mind. Or maybe it had never been his intention in the first place.
You were starting to think you’d never get an answer when he finally spoke.
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
You tensed but kept walking, not wanting to confront whatever expression might be on Jisung’s face. If you stopped, you would have to look at him or stare at the ground. If you continued walking, you could just look straight.
“I... didn’t mean that shit... about wishing I never met you. Or any of it really. I wanted to mean it. But I couldn’t, because none of it’s true. I was just really hurt. I still am, to be honest.”
“I understand,” you responded.
“I want us to move past this,” he continued, “but it still feels really fresh. I mean, I only found out about you and Min a few days ago.”
You nodded as you listened. He was right. It had only been a handful of days even though it felt like an eternity. Being at odds with Jisung was hell. He was your best friend, after all. You had lived life with him by your side for the past four years. You didn’t want to imagine what that would look like without him.
He cocked his head to the side, lost in thought.
“I’m sorry too,” you added, wanting to reiterate just how shitty you felt about the whole thing.
“I know,” he said softly. “I know you are. I knew you were then too. I’m sorry for invalidating your apology-”
“Don’t be!” you interrupted. “My actions and my words... they don’t add up. I would’ve thought I was bullshitting too.”
Jisung scratched the back of his neck and forced a laugh. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy to wrap my head around. But I get it, I think. There’s just something about Minho, isn’t there?”
You snuck a glance at him but didn’t say anything. You had a feeling it was a rhetorical question.
“You must have been miserable this whole time. Trying to push down your feelings for him and then finally acting on them but being consumed by guilt when you finally do.”
“It hasn’t been the best,” you admitted, “but it’s my own fault.”
“Not entirely,” Jisung reasoned.
You were surprised he was coming to your defense but you figured he’d go up to bat for anyone if it was against Minho.
“Enough of it is.”
Your best friend shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like you’re known for your decision-making skills.”
You scoffed and nudged him with your shoulder. He laughed a real laugh for the first time in days. You had missed hearing it. It made you smile too. You rested your head on his shoulder and for once it felt natural.
“I really am sorry, Ji,” you sighed, your voice wavering.
“I know. I can’t pretend that I’m over it... but I will be. I also know that I can’t ask you to end things with him...”
“You can-”
“No,” he murmured. “I can’t. You would resent me for it.” You opened your mouth to protest but Jisung shook his head and you closed it again. “You would. Maybe unconsciously, but you would. Things wouldn’t be the same.”
“Things won’t be the same if I don’t end things with him,” you pointed out.
“I know,” he agreed solemnly. Then he sighed as if it was something he had already come to terms with. “But you’ll still love me the same. And that’s enough.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
#instead of you stray kids#instead of you skz#iou stray kids#iou skz#stray kids x reader#lee know x reader#lee know x female reader#stray kids x female reader#lee know x bi!reader#lee know series#lee minho x reader#minho x reader#stray kids series
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“Just A Girl” : 02
SYNOPSIS: After insisting so much, you're finally given the opportunity to attend college away from home and feel like a normal girl. It is there that you meet Gojo Satoru, another undergraduate student, and for the first time in your life are shown what having a true connection feels like. Or at least that's what you think...

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Blue was your new favorite color.
How could it not be with what you had just seen? Nanami and Sukuna had probably been weirded out by how fast you had entered your apartment and thrown yourself to the couch.
It wasn’t your fault though. Who had those kind of eyes?
Ocean blue eyes that made you feel like you’d sink and drown in them, yet still thank him. Clear as the sky, and shining like a Zircon. They seemed eternal.
You groan, grabbing the closest cushion and screaming into it. You were acting like a teenager.
A lovesick teenage girl, if you’re specific.
Your moment is interrupted by a knock on your door, so ignoring the how hot your face feels you stand up lazily and head to it.
“Sorry, guys, just needed a momen…”, you trail off as you’re met with not one of your guards, but a pretty brunette.
Pretty brunette with a cigarette residing in her lips.
“You probably thought I was muscle 1 and 2 here, right?”, her voice is muffled by the unlit cigarette so she soon takes it off, “I’m Ieiri Shoko, right across the hall”
“A pleasure, I’m Y/L/N Y/N” you smile sweetly.
“I know, sweetie” she whispers playfully, “Just wanted to ask if you wanted to join me? I’m gonna walk around while taking a smoke, thought it be good for the newbie to sightsee some of the university’s domain”
“Oh. Oh!” You nod excitedly, “Yeah! I’d love that actually, just let me grab my purse real quick”
Shoko nods and you hurry to grab your purse before joining her. But as soon as you take one step with her, two other pairs of feet startle you.
Shoko side eyes them, “I’m assuming they’re joining us?”
“Uh…” they nod making you sigh, “I… I guess so…”
Shoko eyes you carefully before shrugging nonchalantly, “Whatever”
You appreciate how nonchalant she acts, knowing it isn’t nice to be followed, especially after Nitta and Higuruma join.
Both of you silently take the elevator before going out the building. As soon as you’re out, Shoko lights her cigarette and places it on her mouth, taking a big inhale.
“You mind the smoke?” She ask after exhaling.
You shake your head, “Many politicians smoke on our poker games, although they prefer cigars”
“Fancy” another intake, “Wanna try?”
You hurriedly shake your head, already imagining the headlines if a photo of you were to be taken as you tried smoking.
Shoko doesn’t pressure you, instead she restarts walking and you follow her silently.
Until you stop feeling cement under your feet and instead hear the crunching of leaves. Your eyes widen as you see the sight before you.
“Welcome to my favorite place” Shoko smiles faintly, “Paradise inside Hell”
You don’t laugh at her slight joke about university, too mesmerized by the sight in front of you.
Many trees, as green as anyone could imagine, surrounding a light blue lagoon that has a little wooden bridge for students to cross. Everything enclosed because of the tall trees making the sun slightly make it through the spaces, giving it a magical twinkling atmosphere. And many beautiful vibrant wild flowers.
It was what as a child you’d imagine a fairy forest would look like.
The wind was rustling, the leaves of the trees and the birds were singing along, and you had never felt more free.
“Are you high?”
You snap out of your daze, “W-What?!”
“You had a weird look just now” she shrugs.
“I-I’m not” you cross your arms, “It’s just… it’s beautiful”
Shoko grins faintly, “Yeah, it is. Come on”
She takes you over to the bridge where she takes out another cigarette to lit.
“So, Miss First Daughter…”
“Y/N” you correct her.
“So, Miss Y/N First Daughter” you sigh “why did you come here?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Not trying to be rude, just curious” she shrugs, taking a hit of her cigarette, “Seems too far from home”
“Everybody goes far for college”
“You’re not everybody though, you’re… different”
“Maybe I’m not really that different”
“And, yet, to their eyes you’ll always be it” she takes a deep hit, “Fucking stereotypes, right?”
You frown before sighing, turning to look at the lagoon in front of you that’s being bathe in soft sunlight.
She was right. No matter what you did or how you presented yourself, you’d always be the President’s daughter. You could try as hard as you’d like but nothing would change that fact, and nothing would change the fact that people would treat you as they found convenient.
You side eyed Shoko and thought that maybe not everyone would treat you according to their convenience. Maybe someone would treat you with sincerity, view you as an equal, just as she had done now.
You smiled faintly. Everything would by fine.
⛊ ☼ ⛉ ☼ ⛊ ☼ ⛉ ☼ ⛊
You had thought you’d blend in. Thought you’d be able to show everyone that you were one of them. But you just had to wear the newest set from Burberry, that hadn’t even come out.
You looked just as if you’d come right out of a Vogue magazine, while everyone else wore jeans and sneakers.
Your skirt felt tighter around you, and your matching vest suddenly itch. Why did you have to wear this? Did you even owned a pair of jeans? You must, right? You could feel the stares of the students around you as you entered the classroom.
Kill me now, you thought.
You sigh. You’d keep your head high. Giving the matching headband, you make your way to one of the middle seats.
Only for the ones surrounding you being occupy by your four bodyguards, leaving at least two seats between you and them as they made sure no one else even considered joining you.
Keeping your face down, you try to focus on setting the iPad you’d use for taking notes. Trying to ignore the stares, muting the whispers.
But they didn’t stop, not even when the professor started his lesson. You felt vulnerable.
“Wasn’t she taller on TV?”
“I thought her hair was darker.”
“What is she wearing?”
“Do you think she really speaks six languages? Looks kinda dumb… no offense”
Mute them. Mute them.
You were trying to take some notes as your professors explained, but the whispers seemed to just get louder as time passed. You wouldn’t be able to take it much longer, you felt too exposed like this.
You needed an out. But… what would they say if you just stood and left?
Was this how it was gonna be from now on?
“Okay!” Your professor finally calls out, “I know I’m not as pretty, but come on, work with me”
Your hand on your Apple pen tightens as you try to stare without an ounce of discomfort at your professor. You couldn’t let yourself be affected. Not with these many eyes on you.
Fake it, Y/N, you remind yourself, just fake it.
“I’m pretty, why is no one staring at me?”
You turn around, startled, towards the deep soothing voice. Shining blue Zircon eyes and an award winning smile. Striking white hair that matched his pale white skin.
He was… beautiful. Ethereal.
“That’s more like it! Appreciate your TA more” he pouts jokingly, “I’m not meant to blend in, so please don’t be modest”
And he was your savior.
Everyone’s attention had left you as soon as he spoke. And he kept it. His playful smile and the twinkle in his eyes as he joked around had everyone hooked.
The class kept going as if nothing happened and nobody looked your way again. All thanks to him.
You run as fast as your heeled loafers let you, trying to catch up to him. But his legs were way longer and you’d never catch him with four people surrounding you.
But you had to thank him.
“Hey! Hey!” You screamed, “Hey! You! Hey!”
You groan.
That made him stop… along with everyone else. You blush under all the stares but ignore them to hurriedly make your way to the white haired god-looking guy.
Who’s currently looking at you as if trying very hard to not laugh in your face.
“Jack Frost?”
“First thing that came to mind” you excuse yourself rapidly, “I just wanted to thank you”
“By calling me Jack Frost?”
“It just came out, okay?” You sigh, “Thank you, for what you did in there… I was ready to run out of there when you stepped in, so thank you”
His grins softens, “No problem, Blair Waldorf”
“Gossip Girl’s true queen B” he explains, making you frown in confusion, “Wait… you haven’t watched Gossip Girl?”
You shake your head making him gasp.
“What girl hasn’t watched Gossip Girl? It’s like the show for teenage girls”
“And you watched it…?”
“It’s not just for girls, okay? I appreciate some drama” he shakes his head in disapproval, “Can’t believe you are like her modern version with your cute matching set and headband, yet have no idea who she is. The disappointment”
“Is it that popular?”
“You asking that is a total insult. It should be illegal to be this uncultured” he sighs, “Wanna thank me for what I did in there? Watch Gossip Girl”
You laugh silently at the odd request but nod, feeling slightly warm once you realize the comfort in which you both speak to one another. It was refreshing.
“I’m Y/L/N Y/N” you hold your hand out.
He stares at your hand with a playful twinkle, laughing slightly before shaking it with his own.
“Gojo Satoru” his grin widens, “a.k.a. Jack Frost, Miss Waldorf”
You feel yourself smile, “A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Mr. Frost”
“Likewise, my lady”
⛊ ☼ ⛉ ☼ ⛊ ☼ ⛉ ☼ ⛊
Maybe you had to go to the doctor. It couldn’t be normal to feel this giddy or smile this much. The way your stomach was twisting and turning by itself couldn’t be normal. Also your face was hot, like freakingly so.
And it all had happened after meeting Satoru.
Just remembering the encounter made you giggle to yourself as you hug your precious teddy bear close to your chest.
Maybe you were going crazy.
That must be it. Sitting up, you start contemplating. You nod, standing up, and heading in your pajamas to your door and into the hallway. Kento stares at you with a frown but you ignore him. You’re on a mission.
You stop in front of the door and knock softly.
Footsteps are soon heard and you contemplate running for away but the door opens. All air leaves your lungs once you realize it is not Shoko in front of you.
“And who might you be?”
His voice is deep yet warm. And even though he is tall nothing about him makes him seem intimidating. Well, nothing except his looks.
What the hell was going on in this university? Was one of its requirements to be out-of-this-word good looking? It was honestly insane.
If Satoru had been like the dazzling, bright, mesmerizing sun, then the guy in front of her was the mysterious, beautiful, pure moon. Pale skin, dark eyes and night dark shoulder-length silky hair.
Satoru had been beautiful in a godly way. But this guy was beautiful in a fairytale way.
“You’re not Shoko” you whisper.
He smiles, sweetly, “Thankfully I’m not. She’s across from you on the other end”
“Oh” you stupidly answer, “I was too in my head, I’m so sorry”
“No worries. It’s not every night I get to see a pretty girl in a silk nightgown”
You squeal crossing your arm to try to cover yourself a bit, blushing as you hear his deep laugh.
“Here” he gives you a leather jacket.
“N-no. Don’t worry. I don’t have to go that far”
“I know. Still, take it” he smiles, “You seem too self conscious right now to be comfortable”
You smile at his consideration, taking the way-too-big-for-you leather jacket and putting it on.
“Isn’t it too late to go wandering?”
“I wasn’t wandering, I was going to visit a… friend?”
“You don’t sound to sure” he teases, “Was it an emergency at least? Shoko appreciated her beauty sleep”
“It could be” you try to defend yourself.
“So… you don’t know?”
“It c-could be”
He nods, biting his lips to not laugh, “If it’s that important, does it need to be with her or can I help you? I’m the RA here, so you don’t think I’m trying something freaky”
“You’re the RA? I didn’t know that”
“Your little informant didn’t give you that important detail?” He jokes, “Maybe you sure consider lowering his salary”
“Definitely. Who knows what else he got wrong? Is your middle name not Fernando?”
You both laugh slightly. You don’t even notice the way he silently eyes you and your surroundings, as if alert.
“I get what they meant now”
“Shoko and Satoru. They mentioned you were interesting, guess they were right”
You feel your chest warm, as if you’d been hugged, “They mentioned me?”
He nods, “Yeah. Is that a surprise?”
“I mean… to be mention by people who actually got to know me at least a little because they actually talked and listened to me? Yeah”
“It’s tough?”
“You don’t even know the slightest” you sigh.
“Then, good thing none of us really care about backgrounds” he smiles caringly, “You should join us this Friday, a friend of us is hosting a party”
“Yeah, seems like you need to have some fun. Loosen up a little”
“I don’t know…”
“Think about it. No pressure, okay?” You nods, “Now go to bed, you have class early tomorrow”
“Aye, aye, captain!”
You wave goodbye before turning around and happily make your way back to your studio. Not even questioning how he knew that you had an early schedule the next day.
How could you when you were on cloud nine after making three new acquaintances your age for the first time?
You threw yourself on your bed, laughing out loud in excitement. Was this what it was like to make friends? Were you finally able to live some normal experiences?
The hold on the leather jacket you were wearing tightens as you hug yourself, letting his strong cologne be inhaled by you.
You had friends. You were not alone anymore.

TAG LIST: @aishies-stuff @kouyoumarryme @mikyapixie @simbaaas-stuff @ichikanu
#gojo x oc#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#gojo saturo#gojo satoru x reader#gojou satoru x reader#jujutsu kaisen gojo#satoru gojo#satoru gojo x reader#gojo satoru#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu kaisen#jjk satoru#jjk x reader#gojo satoru x y/n#gojo satoru x you#shoko ieiri#geto suguru
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instead of you [part sixty] || th
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, angst
word count: 3.1k
“How much longer until we reach it?”
“You’ve asked that six times in the past ten minutes!”
“That’s because no one’s given me an answer!”
“Because no one knows, Harry! None of us have hiked this path before.”
Harry grumbled something behind his brother’s back but he must not have heard it because he didn't argue further.
The majority of the hike thus far had been uphill, something that the park rangers had neglected to mention when they sent you off into the forest. Thankfully, the mountains and canopy of trees provided some kind of shade but it was still scorching hot. And humid. And you were sweating like crazy.
Everyone was. Tom had already taken his shirt off and Harry had completely sweat through his. That was probably why he was complaining so much. He refused to take it off, though. Something about not wanting to get sunburned again.
“You doing okay?” Sam asked, looking over at you.
The two of you had found yourselves in the middle of the pack for once, walking behind his parents and in front of his brothers.
“Yeah, fine,” you answered, trying not to sound as out of breath as you felt.
“Did you bring your inhaler?”
“Why do I even ask?”
After fifteen more minutes of walking and a bathroom break, you finally reached the waterfall.
Harry sighed. “That’s it? We walked all this way for this?”
“Shut up, Harry,” Sam snapped. “It just looks small from the bridge, it’s not actually that small.”
“I’d say it’s a pretty average size,” you added, “maybe even kind of big.”
Tom laughed behind you. Thankfully, his parents didn’t seem to hear your comment. To be fair to Harry, it wasn’t a huge waterfall. It certainly wasn’t the biggest waterfall in Hawai’i, but it was one of the few that visitors could swim under. That’s what made it so popular.
And the bridge had made it look smaller than it really was.
There was an area to rinse off before and after getting in the water so you all took turns under the showerhead.
Nikki was the only one who didn’t want to swim, which meant that she was stuck with all of the bags. You felt sort of bad when Sam handed over the backpack you were sharing but Nikki assured you that it was fine, that she would rather hold them for you than have you rent one of the rusty lockers to store it in.
Waimea Falls required everyone to wear a life jacket, regardless of swimming ability. You knew it was a liability thing but you still couldn’t help but shiver when you slung on the cold, wet vest and buckled it around your chest. Who knows how many people had worn it before you today.
Shoes were optional so you left your sandals in the gravel by the bleachers and tiptoed your way back over to the edge of the water. The boys did the same.
The five of you stood there, staring at the rocks leading down into the lagoon, trying to figure out how to proceed without falling. It was hard to determine the best way in as all of the rocks that were big enough to step on were also either jagged and/or slippery.
“Ladies first,” Harry said unceremoniously.
You glared at him but decided to take a step down anyway. Someone had to go first and since everyone else was being a pussy it might as well be you. You moved at a snail’s pace, trying your best to move in a way that wouldn’t send you tumbling down the incline if you misstepped.
The rocks seemed stable enough to hold your weight without sliding around in the mud but one of them wobbled under you upon stepping on it, making you nearly lose your balance.
“Careful!” Sam and Tom shouted at the same time, causing you to turn around and make a face at them both.
They traded weird looks with each other before turning their attention back to you, who had made significant progress toward the water. By the time you finally reached the edge, the boys had started trekking down behind you, much more haphazardly than you had.
You extended your leg out in front of you to feel it out, trying not to scream when your toes grazed the water. It was freezing, way colder than you expected, but you knew it would feel incredible once you were fully submerged. It was one of if not the hottest days of the trip and you had sweat through everything. Even the life vest they’d saddled you with was beginning to feel sticky.
“How is it?” Sam called from behind you.
“Feels good!” you lied, not trusting yourself to turn around and show him your face. He’d know you were bluffing instantly.
Since you didn’t want to hold up the line, you took a deep breath and pushed yourself off of the ledge, finding your footing with both feet in the water. The bed of the lagoon was also covered with rocks. They were more slippery than the ones on the path seeing as they were wet and covered with algae so you had to be extra careful.
You moved away from the shore so that the boys could get in after you.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!” was Sam’s shout from behind you.
You turned back to see him submerged up to his waist. He apologized to the people around him for cursing before glaring at you.
“You little brat!” he muttered, lunging at you.
You let out a yelp as the weight of your best friend dragged you under. You both emerged with dripping hair, laughing and sputtering.
“You said it felt good!”
“It does! It’s refreshing!”
“It’s cold as fuck,” he muttered, “and you knew that.”
“What, can’t take a little chill?” you taunted.
He splashed you.
“Are we going to swim over to the waterfall or what?” Tom’s voice echoed from behind you both, sounding annoyed.
Sam smirked before turning around to face his older brother.
“We don’t all have to go together. You could have gone on without us.”
Harry was the last to get in, gingerly stepping on the algae-covered rocks to make his way over to the three of you. Dom stayed by the edge, content to keep Nikki company from the water. He claimed to be too old to swim against the current just to get thousands of gallons of water dunked on him.
“Let’s go, babe,” Sam said, jerking his head over his shoulder in the direction of the waterfall.
Swimming to the base of the waterfall proved to be a lot more difficult than it looked. The current was strong and moving against it required a lot of effort. People who weren’t strong swimmers had no chance of making it all the way under.
It was doable for you, but not without struggle. The boys seemed to be in the same boat, save for Tom, who was the fittest out of all of you. He was already several strokes ahead of the rest of you when Sam called out for him to wait up. He paused and tread water while he waited for you and the twins to catch up.
“I thought we were going together,” Harry panted bitterly.
“Not my fault you guys are slow,” he rebutted.
“Maybe we should hold hands,” Sam suggested and pointed to another family who was making significantly more progress. “They’re doing it.”
“You think that’s going to work?” you asked.
“Yeah, how do we know you guys aren’t just going to hold me back?”
Harry clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Tom-”
“You could stand to pull some more way, Spider-man,” Sam pointed out.
“Tsk, fine. How should we do this?”
Tom obviously helmed the line. You were stuck between him and Sam, with Harry bringing up the rear. You didn’t argue about your place in the order but it did feel strange to be holding both Tom and Sam’s hands at the same time. You couldn’t tell whether they felt similarly but you had to assume they did.
Tom tugged you along and you pulled Sam in turn. They held on to you tightly so as not to lose you in the tide. You tried to focus on keeping your head above the surface instead of the feeling of both of their hands in yours.
Sam’s hand-holding strategy actually worked and you made it to the waterfall twice as fast as you would have on your own.
Trying to get under the waterfall was another ordeal. The water pressure was so aggressive that you had to fight against the water in order to get up on the rocks right beneath the stream.
“This kind of hurts!” Sam shouted over the roaring of the water.
“Yeah, I think I’m getting bruises!” Tom agreed.
“You guys are pussies!” you yelled, even though it did hurt and you wouldn’t be surprised if was bruising you.
“I think Mum is trying to take a picture!” Harry screamed.
Automatically, all four of you posed even though you couldn’t see where Nikki was and you could barely open your eyes under the stream. You grabbed for Sam but got Tom instead, accidentally squeezing his ass in an effort to hold his hand. How you mixed up the person standing beside you and mis-approximated where their wrist was, you didn’t know, but you immediately let go once you realized your mistake and fumbled for the right person’s hand instead.
If Sam noticed what happened, he didn’t say anything about it. Tom definitely did notice and you could see him trying not to laugh out of the corner of your eye.
“Should we swim back now?” one of the boys, you weren’t sure which, asked after you had stood there for what felt long enough for their mother to have snapped a couple of photos.
“You guys can, I think y/n and I are going to swim around by ourselves for a bit longer.”
That was news to you but you weren’t necessarily upset about it. You hadn’t been in the water for long anyway and you wanted to make the most of it. And if Sam wanted to be alone with you, you weren’t going to say no.
Your number one priority was winning him back, making it up to him, as much as you could.
You followed Sam to a secluded part of the pool, letting him tug you along as you floated on your back. Tom and Harry either got out or fucked off to another part of the lagoon. You weren’t paying attention when you split up and you weren’t about to look for them.
“Did you want to talk about something?” you asked your best friend.
“No, just wanted some space from my brothers.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Did you want to talk about something?” he parroted.
You made a face. “No, unless you’ve changed your mind.”
You could tell he knew what you referring to immediately from the way his expression shifted.
“Not here, yeah?”
You nodded in agreement. He was right, you should have that conversation somewhere private. Still, you took his answer as a good sign. ‘Not here’ implied that there was somewhere that you would have that conversation, which meant that he was willing to have it. You counted that as a win. A very small win, but a win nonetheless.
“What?” Sam asked, squinting at you through the sunlight.
“What’s got you smiling like that? What’s on your mind?”
You hadn’t realized you were smiling until he pointed it out.
“Just happy to be here with you.”
You had dinner at some famous burger place that night. You were too tired to pay much attention to what you were eating or what everyone was talking about but you’re pretty sure the food tasted good.
The restaurant was in the middle of their dinner rush when your party arrived so you had to wait for a table. There was a small surf shop attached to the same building so you went with the boys to check it out while Nikki and Dom scoped out somewhere to sit. Everything was expensive so no one bought anything but window shopping kept you occupied for the time being.
After dinner, you rode with Sam’s parents back to the resort. He seemed indifferent to your presence this time, which you took as another win. He held your hand in the back seat and you rested your head on his shoulder. Neither of you fell asleep but you kept your eyes closed, enjoying the silence.
“We’re here, kids,” Nikki said softly once Dom had parked in the lot.
Sam stretched, forcing you to sit up too. You thanked them for the ride, and for dinner since they paid, before Sam asked if you wanted to take a walk on the beach.
“Sure, let’s go.”
He led you by the hand through the maze of buildings to the hotel’s beach entrance. You passed other couples as you strolled past the pool and the firepits and it made your heart sink a little. You were jealous of them. Jealous that they could enjoy each other’s company out in the open like that. Jealous that they looked so happy. Jealous that they weren’t sacrificing one relationship for another.
You were definitely projecting, they absolutely could have been in the same situation as you and you would never know but you refused to acknowledge that possibility because you were resolute on feeling bitter.
The sun hadn’t fully set yet despite the late hour. Being that it was still the middle of summer, it wouldn’t get dark until much later than usual. You were also convinced that daylight lingered longer in Hawai’i than it did in other places but you had no evidence to back that up.
“Here, I’ll carry your shoes for you,” Sam offered, holding out his free hand for them.
You paused. “Oh, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I know you don’t like the feeling of sand in your shoes.”
“Thank you.”
You bent down to undo your sandals and handed them to Sam. He looped the straps around two of his fingers and resumed holding your hand.
The sand was still warm, holding on to the heat of the day.
“Are we going all the way down to the water?” you asked.
“If you want to,” Sam answered.
“I don’t really feel like getting wet again.”
“That’s fine with me.”
You settled for walking along the outline of the tide where the sand was still dry. You followed the curves of the waves from hours past, tracing the remnants of high tide with your arms out like you were walking on a tightrope. Sam trailed behind you for a few moments before catching up with you again.
You had pulled your hand out of his grasp moments earlier to run ahead, distracted by the seafoam in the distance. You waited for him and put your arms back by your sides.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to ditch you,” you sighed when he reappeared at your side.
“I know,” he replied.
Instead of offering you his hand this time, he gave you his elbow. You took it gently, resting your hand on his bicep.
He was uncharacteristically quiet. You wondered what was on his mind. When he invited you down here, you thought it would be to talk, to finally have that conversation. Maybe it had been and he changed his mind. Or maybe it had never been his intention in the first place.
You were starting to think you’d never get an answer when he finally spoke.
“I’m sorry for what I said.”
You tensed but kept walking, not wanting to confront whatever expression might be on Sam’s face. If you stopped, you would have to look at him or stare at the ground. If you continued walking, you could just look straight.
“I... didn’t mean that shit... about wishing I never met you. Or any of it really. I wanted to mean it. But I couldn’t, because none of it’s true. I was just really hurt. I still am, to be honest.”
“I understand,” you responded.
“I want us to move past this,” he continued, “but it still feels really fresh. I mean, I only found out about you and Tom a few days ago.”
You nodded as you listened. He was right. It had only been a handful of days even though it felt like an eternity. Being at odds with Sam was hell. He was your best friend, after all. You had lived life with him by your side for the past four years. You didn’t want to imagine what that would look like without him.
He cocked his head to the side, lost in thought.
“I’m sorry too,” you added, wanting to reiterate just how shitty you felt about the whole thing.
“I know,” he said softly. “I know you are. I knew you were then too. I’m sorry for invalidating your apology-”
“Don’t be!” you interrupted. “My actions and my words... they don’t add up. I would’ve thought I was bullshitting too.”
Sam forced a laugh. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy to wrap my head around. But I get it, I think. There’s just something about Tom, isn’t there?”
You snuck a glance at him but didn’t say anything. You had a feeling it was a rhetorical question.
“You must have been miserable this whole time. Trying to push down your feelings for him and then finally acting on them but being consumed by guilt when you finally do.”
“It hasn’t been the best,” you admitted, “but it’s my own fault.”
“Not entirely,” Sam reasoned.
You were surprised he was coming to your defense but you figured he’d go up to bat for anyone if it was against Tom.
“Enough of it is.”
Your best friend shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like you’re known for your decision-making skills.”
You scoffed and nudged him with your shoulder. He laughed a real laugh for the first time in days. You had missed hearing it. It made you smile too. You rested your head on his shoulder and for once it felt natural.
“I really am sorry, Sammy,” you sighed, your voice wavering.
“I know. I can’t pretend that I’m over it... but I will be. I also know that I can’t ask you to end things with him...”
“You can-”
“No,” he murmured. “I can’t. You would resent me for it.” You opened your mouth to protest but Sam shook his head and you closed it again. “You would. Maybe unconsciously, but you would. Things wouldn’t be the same.”
“Things won’t be the same if I don’t end things with him,” you pointed out.
“I know,” he agreed solemnly. Then he sighed as if it was something he had already come to terms with. “But you’ll still love me the same. And that’s enough.”
this one made me emo to write but I hope you enjoyed it lmk what you think I always appreciate feedback!!
#instead of you#iou#tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland x y/n#tom holland x female reader#tom holland x bi!reader#tom holland series#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland fanfic#tom holland fic
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Valencia Forest Camp Mountain Resort is an expansive property in the foothills of Valencia, with its natural beauty blended into the green jungle surroundings it comprises.This family-owned and run resort is a common destination for locals looking for a nature escape without having to stray too far from Dumaguete City.
The swimming pools at Forest Camp Valencia are the biggest draw, attracting travelers from all over the world to see or hear pictures of the incredible cascading pools. There are so many to count, spread around the whole house, so you shouldn't have to share with so many others on the busiest of days. The water is chemical-free, naturally pumped out of the river that flows across the grounds.

In the dialect ‘pula’ means red while ‘bato’ means rock, hence the name Pulangbato (Red Rock). Like many other waterfalls, swimming lagoons and pools in the town of Valencia, Pulangbato Falls is blessed with calm and refreshing waters. This is mainly because of Valencia’s geography – 60% of its land composition being hilly and mountainous – that the climatic temperature is always moderate to cool.
It is also the color of the water in Pulangbato Falls that makes it more special. It appears to be red but quickly turns clear once taken out from the river. It must be only a reflection of the red rock formations that make up most of the landscape. Surrounding the waterfall is thick foliage of wild plants and vegetation coupled with some trees. The ambience is rather calming in an unsophisticated kind of way because of the impression of being far from civilization. To get down to the base of falls you must walk across the photogenic bridge and down a few small steps. Another featured spot along the Pulangbato is the Red Rock Hot Spring where one can take a dip at the calming waters that flows from the river, and the Sulfur Vents, with its sulfuric smoke coming from the stone walls smells like rotten eggs (but it is bearable haha).

The Barn at Mango Ranch is an American-inspired events place located in Brgy. Palinpinon, Valencia. Georg Steakhouse offers a wide variety of steaks, ribs, and pasta. Imagine a combination of great meals and the good staff, providing every visitor a spectacular atmosphere. What a way to cap our Dumaguete trip before heading out to Siquijor!
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Rode out to the lagoon today for a 2hr 45min hack! Only a couple hairy moments (when he tapdanced his way over a rickety wooden bridge and spooked at a water grate in the road 🥴) but really happy with how he’s going and how I’m feeling so far, now just need to keep the confidence up for pony club 🤞
#the lupins are in full bloom and it’s STUNNING I wish my phone camera was better#horseblr#horsblr#equiblr#equine#equestrian#horses#horses of tumblr#standardbred#standardbred pacer#retired racehorse#ex racehorse#my ponies
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TARGETS - 31 - Naive
Roman Reigns is an agent in the secret organization The Authority and one of the world’s deadliest assassins. When he crosses paths with a mysterious woman during an assignment, he makes a life-changing decision that switches his role from the hunter to the hunted. (AU Espionage Story)
By early morning, Roman and Jasmine were gone from the W Hotel. Jasmine confirmed to Roman that their rendezvous with representatives of F.L.O.R.A. and The Authority for negotiation talks were still on for later that day. They were going to congregate in an area full of civilians. Though they were confident their former employers wouldn't open fire in a place as public as a shopping mall, the couple refused to risk being unarmed, so they kept only a single pistol and a dagger on each of their persons.
They pulled up at the massive shopping mall outlet, the venue of the meeting place, situated on the outskirts of town. Stepping out of the car, the two trudged across the car park towards the building. Approaching the glass sliding doors leading into the mall, they stopped when they saw the sign plastered on the right side of the door.
This is to inform all our customers that Lagoon Shopping Mall has been temporarily closed for renovation. This is to provide the better service our esteemed customers deserve.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
The sign looked fresh, not more than a couple of hours old. Roman immediately understood what was going on. "Motherfuckers...they shut the mall down themselves,” he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. “No one will be in there. That means they'll have clear shots at us."
Jasmine shook her head, her expression grim as she adjusted her backpack over her shoulder. "It doesn't matter. We stick to the plan," she said.
“What?” Roman pursed his lips. He was beginning to have a bad feeling about this. "Jasmine, are you sure about this? We can walk away right now, disappear. Go completely off the grid, just like you suggested before."
"You trust me, don't you? You trust yourself?" she asked.
"Of course I do," he replied.
Jasmine met his gaze. "Then we do this. It's our biggest chance to get out of this mess in one piece." When Roman’s doubtful countenance didn’t change, she let out a heavy sigh. “What is it, Roman?”
“Look. I know how risky this is, but it don’t mean we should make it that easy for them,” he answered.
She let his words digest, and then, looked away for a moment, her beautiful face hard, focused. "Okay. To ease your mind, I'll take the back door of the mall, check out the perimeter before we go in. Make sure there are no surprises. You take the front, and then we meet in the middle. I believe that’s the food court. You got your gun?"
"Jacket pocket," Roman answered, "You?"
"Same." Jasmine tapped the side of her coat where her Glock was situated. For a long time, they looked at each other, communicating without saying a word. "We got this," she said.
"We got this," the Samoan echoed. “Be careful in there.”
"I will. I'll see you soon."
Roman watched her leave, making sure she disappeared safely round the back before turning back to the door. At least, he supposed, on the bright side, when it all went down...no civilians would be caught in the crossfire. And he would be naive to think there wasn't going to be crossfire.
The fire exit next to the sliding doors was open, unchained. A building of this size 'undergoing renovation' had no business leaving the doors open like this. He knew it was deliberate. They were being waited on. For a brief moment, Roman considered changing his mind again, grabbing Jasmine and disappearing off the face of the earth, somewhere much more obscure than Jamaica. But they were here now. There was no turning back.
The former Authority operative walked inside and patrolled his designated area for several minutes, eyes and ears open and alert like a bat at midnight. That such a large place like this was empty and silent was eerie to him. He wondered how Jasmine was doing. He eventually arrived at the vast food court, in the middle of the mall, where she had said they would meet. She wasn't here yet. She was supposed to be here by now. Roman's eyes kept moving, looking for anything suspicious. There was a lot, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The place was quiet. Too quiet. It didn't feel right.
"Mr. Reigns."
Roman turned at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. Expensive high heels clicked, growing louder as they approached him. A beautiful woman emerged. Hauntingly exotic features. Her smile was broad, terrifyingly artificial. Her movements were calm but deliberate, as though she never let a move go to waste. Thanks to Jasmine, he instantly knew who she was.
"Lily." He kept his tone curt, business-like, keeping his hands in his black jacket pockets. His fingers were already itching. His brown eyes continued to shift, subtly darting left and right.
Lily's smile tightened on realizing that Roman knew her name.
There was no one else in sight, but a new smell suddenly permeated through the air, a smell he knew all too well…the lead of not one, not two, but a multitude of bullets awaiting him. His eyes continued to scan the surroundings, and they widened slightly as he looked closely now. The weapons were in clear sight now; the sniper rifles, the Remingtons, laser lights – dozens of them, pointing at him from all corners of the mall. He could see the faces now, most of which he recognized. Authority agents, former colleagues. He could see Owens and Bianca. Others were ladies, just as beautiful as Jasmine and Lily were. F.L.O.R.A. agents. Clearly most of them had survived the explosion of their HQ from months ago and wanted revenge, he jokingly assumed, despite the fact that this was no time for jokes. He could almost hear them talking into their hands-frees, status-checking, reminding the other to stay in position. Seth and Dean were nowhere to be found. Hopefully they were already in Jamaica by now.
"Looks like everyone's all here," Roman commented, raising an eyebrow. "To take out just two people? Isn't that a bit extreme, Lily?"
"One can never be too thorough," Lily nodded good-naturedly. "And speaking of…you're probably wondering where Jasmine is right now," she said, peering at him. "Am I right?"
At the mention of his girlfriend's name, Roman's gaze immediately snapped back to the older woman, his shoulders squaring, his eyes hard, cold and dangerous. "Where is she?" he growled.
"Oh, calm down you big brute," Lily waved him away with a flippant smile. "She's perfectly fine. Although...I don't think she'll be joining us just yet. But she'll be here to pick up her payment soon."
"Payment? What are you talking about?" Roman demanded quietly.
"Did she tell you she'd take the back route? Meet you in the middle?" Lily asked with a smile that shouldn't have looked so ugly on such a beautiful woman. "Did she tell you you're here to negotiate your freedom?"
The dark-haired man went quiet, his hard dark gaze still on the F.L.O.R.A. boss. Tense silence fell between them. Lily continued to smile at him, but the expression was different now, as though there was something she knew that he didn't.
"Honestly...between Hunter and I, we've always known she was the better agent," she went on. "Of course, it took her a little longer than usual to deliver the goods this time. But at least she got it done. She always does, because she's the best. Better than you even, which says a lot." Her smile widened at the gut-punched expression on the former Authority agent's face.
"You think she doesn't know you'll kill her the first chance you get?" Roman challenged.
Lily stared at him for a moment, then nodded. "We considered it," she conceded, "but let's just say she gave us an offer we couldn't refuse. We may not be able to kill two birds with one stone, but it's better than nothing, right?" she said, clearly reveling in Roman's defeated demeanor. It seemed to have sunk in now, he seemed to realize the seriousness of the predicament he'd suddenly found himself in. Lily tilted her head to the side, looking at him with what resembled pity. "Come on now, Mr. Reigns. You didn't really think this would have a happy ending, did you? You take down F.L.O.R.A. and The Authority all by your lonesome and run off into the sunset with the girl of your dreams? For a man as revered as you are, I never thought you would be that naive."
Lily moved, walking slowly to the side, hands still tucked in her pockets. Roman never took his eyes off her. “We have one thing in common, Roman. We are master assassins. You know damn well that our kind can never be trusted. I'm slightly disappointed that you did, so soon too. I mean, how long have you known Jasmine for? Seven, eight months? And she isn't just any assassin. She's F.L.O.R.A. through and through. It's nothing personal, Reigns. I'm sure you understand that. I think it's admirable that you thought you could be the knight in shining armor today and try to save Jasmine. But all this time, you should have been trying to save yourself. F.L.O.R.A are strong women, smart, resourceful. And we don't care who we use to try to preserve ourselves. Because all we should be concentrating on is trying to survive and thrive. And that's exactly what Jasmine has done. She takes her job very, very seriously and we pay her handsomely for it." As she spoke, she turned her head to the side. "Isn't that right, Jasmine?" she called into the air.
Roman watched with darkened eyes as his girlfriend slowly stepped out from behind her boss, her arms crossed, the triumphant smirk lighting up her beautiful face as she glared arrogantly at Roman.
"Absolutely right, Lily."
Credit to the owners of the gifs.
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Tucked at the end of Dewey Avenue, you'll find a darkened stone fort that looks out of place among the modern tree-lined streets, proper sidewalks, and manicured front yards. It is the only standing remnant of an arsenal and a massive gate.
The Spanish Navy authorized the construction of the Arsenal de Olongapo on March 8, 1885, but the actual work started in September of that year. First, a harbor and a canal were built to make an island and separate the arsenal from the mainland. The newly built canal served as an additional line of defense over which a bridge was constructed. To enter the arsenal, two impressive gates were built to the west and south.
The main entrance to the arsenal was the west gate, which still stands today. This gate was equipped with gun ports and also served as a jail. Artilleries were stationed beside both gates. Thousands of tons of earth and rock from Kalalake in Olongapo had to be brought in as fill. The magnitude of this quarrying was so huge that a hill eventually disappeared and became a lagoon in the area now known as Bicentennial Park.
During the Philippine-American War, Filipinos occupied the arsenal, whereas the Americans used the Sangley Naval base in Cavite. It came to a fore on September 23, 1899 when the arsenal was attacked and destroyed by the Americans. They would go on to build the Subic Naval Base, the largest U.S. defense facility until 1992.
On November 26, 2013, the Spanish Gate was declared a historical landmark by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.
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I know talking about the war in Ukraine has fallen out of the regular new cycle in many parts of the world so talking about it isn't vogue anymore, but anyway if you've ever wondered why Russia wants Crimea *so badly*, it can be broken down into three primary reasons.
1. It provides those sweet, sweet warm water ports Russia is always dying to have since it opens up a lot more commerce options, and with the way Russia's been doing economically, it needs all the help it can get, but unfortunately due to uhhh history, most everyone else is unwilling to help. Many of its neighbors in particular have been getting bullied by it for centuries, and when your bully comes up and asks to borrow a coat because it's cold, you're probably not going to be inclined to hand it over. That, plus Russia is often too proud to ask for help anyway.
2. It offers a nice little foothold into Ukraine, which we've seen them take advantage of.
3. What's most relevant to the general interests of this blog, the fact that Crimea is a defender's wet dream. It's a textbook case of just about everything you could possibly want, it's a peninsula connected to the continent by one small isthmus that at most is three or four miles wide (or about five to seven kilometers). That isthmus is marred by lagoons, and the terrain often changes significantly with the tide, which goes from low to high and vice versa approximately every six hours. It's a perfect choke point. There are a couple of major bridges connecting it to other parts of the continent, but those can easily be guarded or sabotaged. Moreover, Crimea also has some pretty steep mountain ranges, so if you were smart enough to make sure they were under control, you'd have the high ground, especially since so much of the rest of Crimea is pretty flat. It has a ton of rivers acting as natural barriers to either keep the enemy at bay or slow them down if you have to retreat.
Likewise, Crimea is a nightmare for invaders. Sure, they could attack via air or sea, but that's much more expensive and logistically nightmarish than just having your guys march or drive across dry land, and that mostly necessitates having had a really good navy or airforce to begin with. The most 'reliable' strategy is also one of the worst case scenarios for just about any military force, having to throw people into that choke point and cross your fingers hoping that if you throw enough people hard enough for long enough, eventually they'll make headway. This is an incredibly costly strategy, for Crimea in particular just about every successful invasion with somewhat accurate stats count tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of deaths often spread out over months, the majority of those being on the invader's side.
'If Crimea is so great for whoever's occupying it then why did Russia take it so easily in 2014?'
A few reasons, largely because they'd been planning ahead for a long time. In the 1940s the Tatars who inhabited Crimea were forcefully removed and it was resettled by ethnic Russians, many of whom continued to be loyal to Russia even when Crimea was made part of Ukraine. A lot of the guys in the military had also been there since the soviet days and felt some sense of loyalty for that, and they happily defected due to that loyalty (or because they knew they were on the losing side and wanted to save their own skin). Basically the population was preemptively primed to not resist because Russia coming along and taking over was seen as a good thing by many of them. The state of the Ukranian military also didn't put them in much of a place to put up a fight, and even the few who tried were quickly handled by the Russian military. So that was a process at least seven decades in the making, but it sure did work out for them, unfortunately.
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Josh x reader
Word count: 1500
WARNING // Unprotected sex, raw sex, oral sex, dirty talk, substances, explicit wording. 18+ advised!
Summary// You’re on a lake trip with the whole trio Sam, Daniel, Jake, and Josh. Josh has some other forms of ideas intimately with you. In between the trees and grass you lie upon, gasping for air from the pleasure you’ll be receiving.
This is just something I wrote fast, I might do chapters of. Please let me know what y’all think❤️
❀ ❀ ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ❀ ❀ ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ❀ ❀ ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ❀
Josh was very adventurous, he’d always want to do something crazy in an instant. Being outside does something to this man. With my thoughts running though my clouded mind, he grabs my hand with force. He yells out to the group, rudely might I add.
“Y/N and I are going for a private walk boys, no followers!” Josh continues with a huge smile waving them off, guiding me through the bushes into a trail.
“Why are you walking so fast Kiszka?” I giggle while being drug past the trail.
“Shhh, don’t ruin this moment. Come on Y/N this way!”
He seemed very serious about where he was leading us to. Anything is exciting when it comes to him, he makes sure I come out of my shell. Before him I never taken any risk really, I wasn’t living life like I should be. Josh makes me feel alive, makes me want to take risks, that I wouldn’t dare to ever do. It’s a scary thing you see, is it love?
Am I in love? Our love making has different out comes every time, it’s never boring with him. I told him to spice it up, I don’t care anymore. I don’t care what he does to me, I told him he has complete control. That’s why I’ve been so happy, I haven’t been stressing about anything at all.
“Here, just over there.” Josh points to a little lagoon surrounded by vines and flowers. We pass the bridge to sit on the ledge.
He holds my hand to help me down, taking his shoes off.
“Get comfortable, we’re going to be naked here soon.” He starts to take his pants off following with his shirt.
“Naked? N-now?” I ask a little shy. “What if they see us?” I mumble.
“We are far from them, remember what I said?” He look at me staring at my shorts.
“I-okay!” I stand up fast taking my shoes off sliding them to the side. My hand reaches for my shirt, I slowly take it off adding to the pile Josh has started. My heart is pumping, my breathing has quickened. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
As my eyes are closed, I can feel Josh’s burning right through mine. I swallow hard to pull down my shorts but interrupted by Josh fast hands.
He rushes to force them off along with my panties, ripping them. I gasp letting this happen, leaving me in my bra. My hands find their way to unclasp it, my hands tug at Josh’s boxers ripping them down his lightly hairy legs.
I knew why he wanted to take me back here to fuck me but I was playing dumb. I knew he was about to pound me and I was so fine with that. His lips find mine while his hands grasp my thighs lifting me up. My legs are around him while he takes my breast into his mouth. He bites down softly, causing my head to fall back.
“J-Josh… I’m so fucking… h-hoorny.” I whisper in his ear, he bites down hard on his lip mouthing fuck. He puts me down so I’m straddling his hips, my fingers trail down his short torso. Our soft bare skin is touching, I start to grind my hips down so he can feel my wetness.
He starts to cup my breast groping them, tightening his grip he looks into my eyes. He massages them, guiding his delicate soft hands down my body his hand reaches to my throbbing pussy.
“You’re drenched, soaked!” He turns us over so he’s on top, he immediately attacks my neck. He sucks hard biting while trailing down. He makes his way back up kissing me hard, biting my lip. Our tongues battle for dominance, feeling the smile on his lips as I buck my hips to his groin.
“You’re gonna fuck me out in the open, for everyone to see?” I say following my hands down to his ass before slapping it hard.
“It’s all about the risk.” The pupils of his eyes were so dilated, knowing how turned on he actually was.
He continues to kiss me, we’re fully making out with salvia everywhere. He pulls my hair tugging it getting a little scream out of me. I take my hand to place it gently onto his hard cock. I began to rub slow causing him to grunt.
“Fuck, I don’t have any condoms on me at all. I switched my pants last minute.” He kisses me slowly but I don’t care.
“Just come on my titties then, pull out.” I wink playing with his cock again.
He kisses me again but with passion. With that he lines himself up with your hips, gently pushing his tip through. I wince in pain, a good pain. He notices and goes slower. My legs spread open allowing him to move closer to me. As soon as he’s fully inside me he stops. My insides adjust to his length, pulling him into a sloppy kiss.
“Fuuuck, you’re so damn tight.” My legs wrap around him pulling him in close.
“I’m ready, fuck me how you want.” My eyes are on him he starts to move slowly. In then out with a small force, until my wetness provided enough lube for him to move his hips faster.
“Joshua, fuck. Me!” His hands wrap around my throat causing him to thrust into me with all he had got.
“Ahh, fuck. That’s it! R-right there.” I scream wrapping my legs right around him tighter. His hips are pounding into mine making a loud smacking noise to echo. His cock is relentlessly pounding into your wet cunt. Josh grabs your legs to place them on his shoulder, tightening his grip on the bottom of your thighs. His thumb finds your clit, massaging lightly on circles.
“Josh.. holy fuck.” I barely say in a whisper, mouth is widening.
“You like that Y/N? My cock deep inside you.. fuck baby.. so good.” Josh continues to slide is cock into me, until I’m being flipped around with my head shoved into the grass.
He repositions himself from behind me, grabbing my arms holding them slightly. His face is inches from your ear.
“I’m gonna make you cum baby okay?” I moan in response to him.
He rams his juiced thick cock inside me, holding onto my ass with a grip. His hands roam to the lower region of my belly, holding on to get a better angle.
“Mmmm, Josh.. I’m close.” He yanks my hair while taking me with force in the woods.
“Cum for me!” He barely manages to get out without huffing his breath.
He finds my neck squeezing with light pressure, as I’m coming off of pure lust and want.
My knees start to buckle as I fall onto the ground beneath me.
“Oh, FUCK!” I shout while shaking my whole body for release.
Josh with one last push inside me started to grunt. He was close. I bounce my ass on his cock a little while longer, until he’s ready.
“I need that cum Josh, fuck me.”
“I-I.. baby it feels too good I can’t.”
He can’t what? What did he mean.
The moans escaping his sweet mouth was different. He was cumming, and inside me.
He releases with a hard thrust while he stayed paused inside me. I could feel his cock twitching from his release building up.
“Joshhhhh!” He collapsed next to me with his cheeks red.
“I’m so sorry baby, I thought I could do it. Your pussy was so warm and tight.” He begins to laugh while I laugh with him.
“Oh jeez boy! Give me your shirt, it’s leaking all out of me.” I say while leading my hand down playing with his hot fresh cum. He throws me his shirt while I get cleaned up. He stands up pulling his pants on buttoning them. He turns to me with a smirk.
“You really need to get on birth control, I can’t go back to condoms after that.” He’s hooked on having you raw now, great. It did feel much better, so deep inside me. I begin to get dressed walking closer up to him.
“Or you could just practice to pull out, Joshy.” I wink at him kissing him slow.
“I love you, let’s head back.” He grabs my hand intertwining them, while leading us back to the path back to the boys. My face turns red as I glance at Josh.
“I love you more, you drive me crazy!” I giggle.
The sun is setting and it’s time for dinner. The smell of the grill smoke and weed has caught my attention. We join Sam, Daniel, Jake for a smoke. The night consist of laughter and more love making at the end of the night. It couldn’t have been with a more better person, Josh.
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Japan Day 10, (yes still from last November, don’t judge me…)
Disney Day!!
Early breakfast at the hotel and then off to Disney! We got in line before the park even opened and there were still many people before us. We rush to the back of the park to try and get a short line for the ride. DisneySea is so pretty! It’s so well decorated and magical I could just wander and be happy

I forgot to bring my ears and only made it a couple of hours before caving and buying more. But they’re sparkly!
We managed a couple rides and then waited to go to Roosevelt lounge where my by gets a drink and I get a mermaid themed ice cream float like a child (a really happy child)

My favorite was the little mermaid lagoon which was underground and so cool. Plus Ariel was my favorite as a child

The park is super super crowded (like 45 min lines for the popcorn from street carts crowded and many ride lines 3+ hours) so we don’t ride a ton of rides. But we do wander and explore this pirate ship/castle play ground that is somehow empty and has remote controlled ships. And then we end the night with a carousel ride which I obviously loved and my bf tolerated

Overly long travel diary! Feel free to read it is not a secrete it’s only a readmore because it’s just long and wordy (so also free to skip)
Day 10
Disney day! So excited to go DisneySea but sad I forgot to bring my ears. We got up early, had more hot dog breakfast at the hotel and then took two trains. We were going to take the Disney monorail for the last bit but with timing it’s actually faster and cheaper to walk. It’s nice just walking through the Disney resort area although the sun is right in our eyes. We get to the gates at about 8:30 and wait with a bunch of other people for the gates to open. I get jealous of all of the ears and a couple of peoples Mickey Mouse sun glasses.
Once we are let into the park we head straight towards the back to try and get on the Indian Jones ride before the lines get too long. The park is so pretty and I want to stop and look and everything and take pictures but know we’ll have time for this later so power walk with my bf. The park is so full of people already it’s wild.
We get in line and wait about 30 minutes for Indian Jones and the crystal skull but the queue is very cool and basically a movie set. I love how Disney queues are decorated and give you an interesting and immersive waiting place.
The ride is one of those jeep track ones with small turns and ups and downs. The human robots are out of this world realistic and I had to do a double take at the first one to be sure it wasn’t a real person. Overall a fun ride even tho I’m not an Indian Jones person.
After that one we head over to the Arabian land looking for short lines and basically walk on to sindbad storybook voyage, basically small world vibes. We spent longer on the slow meandering boat ride than we did waiting to get on it. It was cute and fun and I loved the little tiger. We book lunch for mobile pickup order for later.
We then head to the mermaid lagoon which I’m very excited about. It’s underground and has neon lights and has a cool vibes. I talk my bf into doing the whirlpool ride (teacups) with me and it’s so fun go swirling and twirling around under the lagoon ceiling and all the cool scenery. We then walk through Ariel playground which has a jungle gym for children and then also caverns to explore with an Ursula mirror and jelly fish on the walls. It’s great fun.
All of the rides are getting pretty busy so we slowly make our way to the front of the park for the Christmas show. I get a cute pic on the mermaid bridge. I keep looking at the ears because I’m so jealous of all the people with them and not feeling cute and Disney without them. Finally near the front I find some with rainbow sparkles and even tho the bow is black I decide they are the best I’m going to do and I really want to be wearing ears right now and it’s worth the 12 dollars. We do a little more exploring of the big shops at the front before the show and I get Disney hot chocolate and a super cute Disney ornament. I had wanted a more Japanese ornament but they don’t seem to exist so this will work.
Then we find a spot to watch the Disney show in the Mediterranean harbor, most people have staked out their spots already but we find an okay spot to watch from. The
The Disney characters come out a fun decorated boat and sing Christmas songs and doing a little skit. All of the talking is in Japanese but the songs are all English Christmas songs.
After the show it’s time for lunch so we head back to the Arabian land to pickup our lunch. The lines to order food are like 45 minutes long which is insane for fast food. We wait maybe five ten minutes into the start of our pickup window and then we have our food. I got chicken curry and chocolate off brand mnms in a festive souvenir bell. It honestly would make great ornament and has a tag that says Tokyo Disney on it. (My wreath one I didn’t think said tokyo on it but it did on the back).
After lunch we go to raging spirits, a roller coaster with an upside loop. Anthony had booked a priority pass using one of the three 40th free anniversary passes. So we only to wait maybe ten minutes to ride it even though the main line is like 90 minutes. It’s a cute little roller coaster and it’s fun but not the biggest fastest or most visually interesting.
After that one we just wander the park for a bit exploring. We go through port of discovery, mystery island and American harbor where we find a pirate ship to explore. We think there’s a scavenger hunt for kids you could do but we just explore and play with the canons and pay a 100 yen coin to play with the remote boats. It’s shockingly un crowded. We then go to the sss Columbia to wait for the Roosevelt lounge since it’s supposedly a great bar and the shortest wait of basically anything. Even the popcorn lines are like 30-45 minutes which is bonkers. The ship is surprisingly full of people in matching outfits seemingly practicing or executing tik toks and instagrams. I have no idea why this is a thing but there’s so many people doing it. I guess white but cool background and relative uncrowded? But why even go to Disney then? An excuse to wear matching ears?
After about 45 minutes we get in to the lounge and get specialty cocktails. Mine is a non alcoholic mermaid lagoon drink that is blue and comes with ice cream. My bf gets a manhattan haha. My drink is super pretty and comes with a really long fun silver spoon, the sign of a great drink. it’s fun and tasty but icier than I’d want because I keep getting ice chunks while trying to eat my ice cream. The lounge itself is very cools very 1940ish (?) and classically posh and filled with giant pictures of Roosevelt through his life. It’s fun to see what American cultural looks like packaged for tourists in Japan.
After the bar we ride the railroad around the park. It’s fun to wave and all the people and have them wave back and just see everything. Disney is a bit of a magical place.
After the railroad we head slowly to our second free priority pass for 20000 leagues under the sea. I really like mystery island and it’s steam punk nautical vibes. The line for the ride is over 100 minutes but it only takes us like ten.
The ride is cool you go in a little submarine and look through a giant fishbowl lense at a cool underground world. The submarine breaks and you get saved by an alien/ocean species. The narrative is in japananes but it’s easy to follow the gist. The only bummer is we are in a side view port and I think the front one would’ve been cooler but you can’t really pick. Still cool tho. My bf remarks that he would’ve been grumpy to wait over an hour for that.
It’s almost sunset so we look into doing the gondolas but the line has spiked from 10 minutes to 50 (everyone wants to ride at sunset. So we decide to ride the transit boat instead. We wait 30ish minutes and mange to catch it as the sky is turning colors and it’s very cool. It goes through a tunnel in mystery island which is so fun.
After the sunset boat ride we go and explore the fortress attached to the pirate ship. It’s so cool and very uncrowded. The lines are starting to die down and we have time before our dinner pick up order so ride aquatopia, basically a water tea cup ride. It’s fun but there’s not as much to look at as I was hoping for.
We see that the line for Nemo and friends is 15 minutes so decide to try and squeeze it in before our dinner pickup. The wait is 15 minutes but then the ride takes like 15 minutes so we are running late o pickup our food. The ride is fun but was hard to enjoy with worry about being late. You sit in a giant theater and get tipped and shaken in front of a large imax screen to feel like you are swimming with Nemo. It’s cute. There was also some fish facts in the ride queue by a digital aquarium that were in Japanese so hard to get into.
We power walk and manage to pick up our food in time but see that the lines are really short so we needn’t have bothered. But was necessary for lunch.
I got a Donald Duck themed dish that was really just potato duck feet on the rice ball with meat and gravy. And then three Mochi that looked like green alien men. I share with my bf and he gets the chocolate one and I have vanilla and strawberry which is not my fav but no way to know ahead of time. My one of pic of them came out super blurry.
We eat quickly before the big celebration show.
We struggle to find a good spot but finally find one on some fortress stairs. Some people where camped out in the front seats over two hours before the show started which is insane. The show is super fun and filled with lights and Disney song mashups in a mix of English and Japanese and some fireworks. We think it’s over like four times but it keeps going. We have to leave a tiniest bit before the very end to make our paid for priority passes for journey to center of the earth (lines over 100 minutes all day).
It’s a cool ride but I wish we could’ve been in the front of the little three row car, but still fun and you go through the volcano.
After that we hear an announcement that firework show is canceled for the night due to weather. Anthony says we can do whatever or go home so I ask to do a couple more of the small rides. I don’t think he is particularly into it but goes along with it and says it’s fine because I want to do it. Although it’s never as fun to do something if the other person isn’t also having fun even if they’re polite about it. But I still have fun.
We ride the carousel in Arabian land and it’s fun to see it lit up at night as we go by slowly on our horsies. The carousel is two stories. I also get a hilarious selfie of me and Anthony with his “humoring me” face on.
And then we go visit the mermaid lagoon one more time and ride the blowfish. It is very much a kiddie ride but I think it’s fun to go gently flying through the air especially in a fun underground lagoon. I take a couple more pictures and then it’s time to leave.
We get a quick selfie in with the giant lit up globe at the exit.
We take the Disney monorail to start our home journey and it’s so fun. Has Mickey Mouse windows and then little Mickey Mouse hand holds inside too. What a wonderful Disney day.
#Japan#travel diary#Japan travel#day 10#Disney#tokyo disneysea#I am very late on posting#but better late than never
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detail of Miracle of the Relic of the Cross at the Rialto Bridge, by Vittore Carpaccio, tempera on canvas, circa 1496.
Although African —especially black African— attendants and bystanders in European depictions (except in some parts of Northern Europe) are usually assumed to be slaves, in most cases legal status is not apparent and cannot be discerned from the image. In Venice, a niche occupation for freed black Africans existed, linked to their prior skills as slaves, and possibly also their prior lives in West Africa: that of gondolier. Two iconic Venetian Renaissance paintings, Vittore Carpaccio's Miracle of the True Cross at the Rialto Bridge, also known as The Healing of the Possessed Man, of 1494, which includes two black gondoliers, and his Hunting on the Lagoon of ca. 1490-95, which includes a couple of black boatmen, show black Africans at work in water activities, but there is no way of telling whether they were enslaved or free.
Kate Lowe ("The Lives of African Slaves and People of African Descent in Renaissance Europe," from Revealing the African Presence in Renaissance Europe)
While studying the charters of several guilds of ferrymen (known as "Mariegole"), Lowe discovered that several Black Africans were included and that some of them held the top ranks of these associations. In 1514 the "Gastaldo" (the top officer) of one of these associations of ferrymen was identified as "ser Giovanni ethiops" which translates to "Mr. John from Ethiopia." He was an African man who had previously been enslaved and was employed by the patrician Cappello household. His story traces a path from domestic slave to free gondolier, who held a position of authority over his peers within the Guild. Unfortunately, it's not possible to know the precise social status of the Black gondoliers depicted by Carpaccio. But it is possible that they were not servants or enslaved workers in a patrician family, but freed men who had become professional gondoliers or boatmen.
Davide Gasparotto (The Black Gondoliers of Renaissance Venice)
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Starfall's Helpful Locations Guide 2 !
We thought it'd be helpful if we discussed some of the locations you can visit during your stay in Starfall, that way you can plan ahead on site-seeing! So have this 'lil guide with descriptions of each place and what they have to offer! (This post includes places from the Suburbs! Check our other post for City Sites!)
Suburban Spots !
Sweet Dreams Pastries
If you're a fan of sweets, try checking out this quaint corner bakery! Its exterior isn't anything extravagant - the building is painted in black with detailing in the same color to give subtle texture, with many large windows for natural lighting, and a sign that sits above a cute striped awning, decorated heavily with flora decor, giving a modernized twist on a classic look. The interior is quite small, as it wasn't intended to be a place for sitting and dining; though recently, they've taken customer feedback and have added a few tables and seats inside, more on the patio. Murals were also painted inside to add some colorful flair against the stark-white walls. The pastries aren't particularly eye-catching, their appearances like any others, yet somehow Sweet Dreams makes them taste far better than any other place. People joke that there has to be a secret ingredient since there's no way it's possible for something as simple as a chocolate chip cookie to taste so different and sweet!
Among The Stars Casino
Gambling isn't a child's game, so if you're looking for games with high stakes and big prizes, Among The Stars Casino is your place to go. Being around for years, the casino has built a reputation. One might be shocked when first seeing the outside; a 3 story-bricked and worn building, old detailing, and a giant awning decked in neon lights, the name included, would make anyone think it wasn't a high-end casino like the rumors, but once inside, it lives up to the claims. The interior is a complete 360 from the run-down outside; it sports a large walkway as you enter through the doors, fancy, red carpet lining the floor with tiles where it's not, murals painted on the ceilings with white trimming highlighting them, chandeliers hanging from ornate holders, and on either side of the walkway are tables upon tables for playing to your heart's content. The two other floors are similar in appearance, but there is a mixture of open tables and slot machines rather than only tables; there's also a bar on the second floor! There's talk of a basement floor, how only VIPS are allowed down for special games with even better prizes, but it's a silly rumor that's meant to rack in VIP membership money.. right?
Mystic Lagoon
Uncovering secret spots is something any explorer can do, but if you're looking for a real challenge, try finding this Mystical Lagoon. Hidden deep within the forest, losing your way while searching is easy; the signs of whether you made it or not are nearly non-existent; a tip.. if you notice vines, thorny ones, sticking together to form a make-shift wall, trying to hide something, you're most likely on the right path. To know if you've found the lagoon, not some random, hidden pond, the biggest sign will be the entrance; there'll be a bridge – unlike the other spots – old, a bit dilapidated, and missing a few stone bricks. Reeds shroud the sides of it, while vines and moss cover every inch. Past the bridge, under leaves and past tall reeds, there'll be the first bit of the lagoon, colorful flora surrounding the area, while drooping trees and flowery vines create a canopy over it. Following the path deeper, the light that once seeped through the thin openings of the leaves disappear; it's like an eternal night, getting darker the farther you travel, and the plants and vines glow like stars. Even then, with the iridescent shine from the plants, a feeling of unease surrounds it; maybe that's why larger animals won't travel deeper, or maybe it's 'cause of that large thing hiding under the murky waters.
If you want to see even more fun stuff, check out our links !
Server Link | Spotify Playlist | Carrd
#Jaidens yapping :3#ty sm bread and cooper for the help!#Starfall lore#cw yandere#tw yandere#yandere blog#yandere rp#yandere x oc#cw dark implications#fictional locations#yandere server#yandere oc#discord rp#dark oc#I may have technically recommended it ..but don't travel to the mystic lagoon. most don't even make it there before–
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I feel like the final straw of not being able to speak to anyone would be if I stopped being able to write here. It would be like forgetting how to talk to myself.
I feel it a bit now. I know a big part is that my boss followed me on here years ago, but I’m not sure if she reads any of this or not? Lol. I don’t think she does. I guess it wouldn’t matter.
The same thing happened about 10 years ago when the people I worked with at the grocery store found my blog. Haha. Oh no. That ended up being fine. You just find ways over time to explore how to express feelings you can’t say in different ways. Philosophy is vague posting, essentially. You just take it up a level of abstraction. I’ve always been good at that. I’m far worse at just saying what I mean.
Harper took the weekend off to see the eclipse back home, so, I had to work. If you told me that in 2017, I’d have leapt off a bridge with a concrete block tied around my ankle. I said, immediately, several times, Well I’m just calling off then. But, I have no money. Another coworker was taking his family down to Indianapolis, but he ditched me.
I broke into the cemetery at night to take some supplies and make some eclipse viewers. I got the text at 5:30am that I had been ditched. I asked my boss if I could just take a half day, and she said I HAD to come in, which of course the correct response would be to just say “Yeah, I’m sick. Good luck today!” But I juggled driving, getting stuck in traffic, my car breaking down, clouds, terrorist attacks, and just went to work.
Now, that said, it was a beautiful blue sky’d day. Hard to imagine it any clearer. I took lunch at 1:20 and spent the next hour driving around the cemetery observing the eclipse. Found some people sitting by the swan lakes and they let me borrow their eclipse glasses and I showed them my shoebox viewer. The changes in the sunlight on the cemetery were amazing. A wheezing twilight like the battery was going out on the sun. A few minutes after totality, the night birds started singing, just in time for the sun to start coming back, which caused a ruckus of confused birds in the marshy lagoons to start croaking up.
It was an experience, and I enjoyed it a lot. I’m trying to repress feeling like my entire life is a failure. It reminds me of missing Godspeed You Black Emperor on my 21st birthday, the day the Iraq war began. Negative punctuation marks on an empty life. A huge waste from start to finish.
But it would be a shame if I could no longer express myself anywhere. I don’t think matters of survival are necessarily narcissism. Why is it always so important to break me down?
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