#a bit of an exxageration
the-real-wispetzz · 1 year
hate being autistic because ill be scrolling through tumblr and see someone say the most INCORRECT thing about my silly and then i have to exit the app before i smash my laptop into tiny little pieces
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apileofmoss · 2 years
tgm is vc like "nooo :(((( im hotguy me im hot hottest guy ever MEOW hot guy memeeee"
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
sometimes I check mdzs twitter and get reminded that there's apparently people who don't realize that ''a victim of circumstance'' is an option in discussing various questions of guilt regarding the characters
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just-a-little-anxious · 8 months
it sucks ass that i can't be petty and mean. My brother will yell at me and treat me like shit just because he feels bad, and in doing so he'll ruin my whole mood for the day. And i can't even be passive aggresive in the slightest because then he'll go from verbal violence to physical.
I am so filled with rage and all i can do to let it out is slightly disorganise his room when he is not looking, and even then he'll find out and be upset. Like yeah sOrry for putting your books in the wrong order but also you literally yelled at me and made me cry and didn't even apologise. And I'M supposed to forgive you??
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w-stote · 2 years
Purolator deserves to have all the possible disabilities in the world without any assistance and with everyone telling it that its its fault for not being able to live like everyone else and that it shoud feel ashamed for being lazy and unwilling to get better
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lightnersdream · 2 years
fucking mangled my finger trying to feed the cats (can lid) and ive just been bleeding all over whatever
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prince-liest · 7 months
Mr Prince, do you think Alastor can still speak with a Cajun/Louisiana creole accent, or is his voice stuck as the transatlantic radio show host accent? I like the idea that he could slip back into his older accent when he's has a bit too much to drink, or when he's very excited/angry/feels a strong emotion, or when he's lost in thought and something reminds him of his old life/hometown/mother
Pilot VA doing an exxagerated cajun accent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Rml2FtvW4
Cover of Friends on the other side (w/ Dr Facilier's - AKA Husk's VA - Louisiana cajun accent) with Alastor's voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZVwcFWSji8
ETA: I forgot to add this due to being distracted by accent mechanics, but the asker sent a follow-up that I think is worth noting since as a commentor said, Alastor is Creole specifically:
just an interesting publication I found about the interconnection of Creole and Cajun - TIL Creole is mistakenly used as a racial designation, even though it encompasses a large spectrum of people of all colors and cultures - including some Cajun people who were considered a subset of the Creole people (LINK)
Okay, so, FASCINATING that you ask me this, hahaha, because I actually have a roommate that was put into speech therapy at around 11 years old because she was facing bullying due to having a UK accent, and she converted pretty fully to speaking with USAmerican accent over the course of 2-3 years.
This ask prompted me to ask her some questions about it, so here are some points she shared:
She does experience revertigo to her UK accent, but it has less to do with feeling strong emotions and more to do with context. It happens more easily if she's had something to drink or is sleepy, but the actual trigger for it is speaking with people or watching media that includes that accent. On rare occasion, if she is thinking deeply about old memories from when she still spoke with a UK accent, that can also cause the code-switch.
She still does vowel and consonant exercises sometimes, especially after a night where she had revertigo (most recently: had a few drinks with her boyfriend and got an Uber driver that was from a neighboring town to where she was born on the way home).
She has moments where she feels like she has to focus on speaking with sharper consonants, and also moments where she feels like the USAmerican accent is effortless. The more she's around people with US accents, the easier it is.
Now, Alastor's case is pretty different in some ways (for one, he likely started putting on the transatlantic accent a few years older than that), but is probably pretty similar in others (I imagine with the accent being so popular for media, there were plenty of known resources for teaching it to yourself, akin to speech therapy). And beyond that, a lot of how the human brain processes language, pronunciation, accents, and code-switching would remain consistent across the two different situations.
So most likely, he does have a chance of reverting back to his "mother" accent, likely when he's had a few drinks and is around folks who speak the same way. Now, whether his control issues would allow that to happen is a different question - he's very dedicated to his image, and I can see him being fully aware of the circumstances in which he's likely to slip, and subsequently either going a little easier on the alcohol or just plain paying extra attention to his enunciation when he speaks.
Since he probably started putting on the transatlantic accent later in life and also is never actually around people who speak it (since it's fake), I imagine he probably still has to regularly do vocal exercises for upkeep!
(Various sources: My roommate's life experiences and own education in psycholinguistics, oops, haha.)
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mana-sputachu · 7 months
You're my fav iori artist. I love your art so much 😭🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Sorry for the hella late reply but THANK YOU SO MUCH??!
It has been A DAY, and it's in general a very meh period, you can't even begin to imagine HOW NICE YOUR MESSAGE IS AND HOW IT MAKES ME FEEL 😭❤️
Knowing I'm someone's fave artist is amazing, especially someone's FAVE IORI ARTIST
I feel like not many people like my portrayal of him so it makes me feel extra emotional. And I know I probably sound cringe or exxagerate in saying this, but I truly teared up a bit when I read your message. I'm an old weepy lady.
Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ❤️
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hel-phoenyx · 3 months
Okay okay so I kinda need to rant a bit so here's what's happening in France rn from my understanding.
After the European Parliament elections France saw a win from Rassemblement National (our far-right party created by a Nazi, and I'm not exxagerating no matter how much Marine Le Pen wants us to forget that) by a landslide. It beat even Macron's list by more than 10%, making it one of the most dangerous victories in history. Far-right is now even more prominent in Parliament (I think there's about 130 seats all far-right lists and countries combined but don't trust me on this).
It's a defeat for our asshole of a President but a very, very bitter and dangerous one. And what does he do when results are announced and his defeat to far-right is obvious?
So now, when France's far-right is at all-time high, when Reconquête (cartoonishly worse than RN) got more French seats than the ecologists, when everyone shits on left and far-left because our government and the media most listened to are at right we French people have to go back to the urns to form a new National Assembly. Which is worse than it looks because if RN comes out first Macron will be forced to choose his prime minister among the far-right party.
That means a far-right government even if Macron is still in power.
But why is he doing this, you ask. That's stupid. Well you're right. That's stupid. Several possibilities are on the table, one of them being he wants that electrochoc to make the french people wake up and make barrage (that means vote for him bc he's the far-right barrage president, that's his trademark). Or on the contrary, that he wants far-right to win and then not be able to do jack shit to demonstrate how incompetent they are.
That won't work. We had several examples throughout Europe history.
So now all of France that still is able to see their rights menaced is panicking, all left is trying to unite under a new Front Populaire for the elections (please let it work and not be like Melenchon's defeat at the presidentials) and everywhere I go on the news (notably HugoDecrypte's account) I see far-right bullshit on the comments from people who will vote.
So if you are French and afraid of that far-right uprising, I am begging you to go vote at the end of June. We need you as much as we need Front Populaire holding its grounds. This has rarely been a more dire situation.
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kamil-a · 2 months
sayer itself for the ask meme!
Yayyyyy ty!!
How I feel about this character
LOVE IT, DOWN BAD FOR IT, OBSESSED WITH IT, SHOWSTOPPING AND INCREDIBLY EVIL HOTTIE I NEED TO TELL MY FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ABOUT, and a strange and intense protectiveness coming from a subconscious layer i cant really word. i want to compliment it and boost its ego but it would only get me killed bc it would sniff out instantly i do so from a place of worry/pity for it lololol. but at least it might be a change of pace for it...?
All the people I ship romantically with this character
svencob haleson🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
My non-romantic OTP for this character
speaker though im equally open to romantic speakersayer!! It could go either way for me. I feel like this one hasnt quite Caught the lever in my mind yet tho so im mostly nodding at what others say. speakerhalesayer is excellent too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think more fanwork should take advantage of the fact that it cant see/senses info both through alternate means and via trusting that data given to it is correct!! i really like the twist away from like.... controlling company=eye/camera imagery that feels a bit Too obvious. Id love to see it pointed out more... while im mentioning things, i also would love to see more fanwork focusing on it as an inbetween for things. i tried to emphasize that in faustfic lolol
entirely setting aside my own design funtimes which are, like, obviously Exxagerated For Fun And Not Reflective Of Actual Analysis, i still think of it as nb in the direction of turned away from masculinity. and it likes its voice, right, its not a question of dysphoria, but of mislabeling what SHOULD be a good and neutral trait if humans werent so weiiiird. not to mention its literally wire mother. all this to say i take a noticible but ultimately insignificant 1hp damage (which is ofc only to Describe The Heart's Phenomenon and not To Assert Correctness- mistake or not, canon DOES use he/it+"space boyfriend") when i see it reffered to with he/him or sayerhale described as m/m and i think more exploration of sayer as a fully agender or even slightly feminine figure would be interesting perhapbs...... this feels like an extremely dumb thing to care about- aaaa the tumblrina has complex specific headcanons on the finer points of an nb characters gender, pointnlaugh- but!
(But also more ppl should put it in beautiful dresses.)
I guess this is worth mentioning- for whatever Naming or Intensifying s4 future's program did, i think it extremely obviously had emotions all along. I think the only thing it actually gave it fresh and new was the ability to conceptualize how someone else is feeling emotionally.
I also am always skeptical of a move towards a more "human" experience being "better"- i want it to be skeptical of what emotion is- it knows who made them, after all!! It watched!!- and to retain its inhumanity even after its been so changed. its very, extremely, important to me to separate out the experience of both "nanite in occupied body" and "nanite in empty body" from "regular bodied existance". we love separating and categorizing here at kam inc.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
connected to the above, i wish sooooo much we'd gotten an earlier-season episode with an equivalent situation to In Darkness where someone is able to successfully lie to sayer by describing something they can see and it cannot. (doubleconnected to the further above..... claims to feel protective of it, wishes there was an ep where it got tricked via an exploitable weakness.... MY HEART IS LARGE, AND FULL OF CONTRADICTION!!)
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dogday-shines-bright · 4 months
I think cee's trying to talk down shield from going through with it.
"Oh, that's good... I mean, it's a bit exxagerated... I hope they don't actually ship the poor thing..."
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hoenn-tv-official · 1 year
Welcome to the official blog of Hoenn TV run by yours truly, Gabby and Ty because apparently we're "more trouble than we're worth" and "are costing us a fortune in legal fees." Hmmph, what do they know? I'm one of the best reporters on this Network and everybody know it! Nobody else is willing to go as far for a scoop as me!
Ahem. Anyways, I'm Gabby, I'll be making most of the posts on this blog. Ty will also post occasionally but he's a bit more... well he says "level headed" but he's clearly exxagerating. We'll be posting the latest scoops that are, unfortunately, not being reported by me. And... that's pretty much it. Hope you enjoy this more than I am.
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epicfranb · 1 year
hi ^^ 21 and 38 for the ask game ?
21. Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
that's funny cuz i can't actually answer with a hermitcraft character or any adjacent smp's one.... as much as i like etho and bdubs, they're REALLY fucking hard to write and i always go through multiple iterations of everything that involves them cuz they're sooooo tricky..
but to this day. NOTHING beats writing BENCH TRIO for me. tubbo, ranboo and tommy were MY GUYS for a long time, i got their voices down PERFECTLY to the point where i could HEAR them running around and shouting at each other in my head. it really felt like writing bits and pieces of my own personality, separated and a little bit exxagerated, bc THAT'S HOW I FELT ABT THEM IRL KINDA?? it also helps that they're the same age as me. i never wrote abt their dsmp characters, i only made au's of them and to this day their dialogues are THE best things i have ever written and i look back at it with fondness.
38. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
i think it could work as a crack fic (which i kinda started on but quickly dropped), uhhh it was like a dating reality show, like put popular ships against each other, create some crack ships, have some ppl be the judges and also have their own little storylines.. planned to have poly zit win in the end even tho they weren't really doing anything theywere just chilling as everyone else was at each other's throats. so yeag
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nocohyper · 2 years
I kinda just wrote a whole noco songfic and have no where to post it so I guess here it is JAJA
Meteor Shower
I've got miles of regrets and confusing friends
-As I stepped out of the jewelry shop with a tiny box now in my hands decorated by a tiny blue ribbon I realized I had finally done it, I have been saving money so I could buy this for him, I mean...Justin told me it was stupid and that i should not spend that much money on a crush but... -
But perhaps it's just my stupid head in the end
Its something... Different y'know? With him I don't have to be the ladies man like I have to be with the girls, I don't have to be Anderson like with my parents, I don't havr to be codemeister like with the drama brothers, I can just be Cody with him, I guess thats kinda exxagerated but its really how i feel-
Thinking should I wait here or make my way home?
-I was walking down the street when a drop of rain fell directly into my face taking me by surprise, oh great, just GREAT, I quickly placed the small box in my backpack hoping it wouldn't get wet and started walking faster hoping that I would look at least acceptable when I reached to his house, but the world just hates happy couples doesn't it?? It was raining cats and dogs out of the sky, I started sprinting trying to get the less wet that I could, I had finally arrived to his home completely soaked in water, nothing for trying to pick a cute outfit, I got under the tiny ceiling right outside of his door thinking if this was a good idea-
You said, "Go" (you said, "Go")
-I took out my phone going to whattsapp re reading Trent and Harold's texts encouraging me to just confess my feelings-
Making up problems that don't exist
-But what if they were wrong? I mean I know he is gay but what if he doesn't like me back? Maybe he even already has a boyfriend... -
Why do I let myself dream like this?
-I quickly shook my head making water drops go everywhere from my hair, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door-
We're floating away, my body's in space
-They may have been a couple minutes but the time I waited for the door to be opened felt like an eternity, I don't think I have ever been this nervous, I held the tiny box behind my back rrying my hardest to not drop it since my hands were trembling lile they were jelly-
We are going home
-Then the door finally opened, Noah came out of the house with a tired face still looking at his phones thinking I may have been a delivery guy or something like that-
Missing pieces of my skull
-I took one final deep breath, it felt like being underwater and I needed to grab tons of air so my lungs would last, I had to do it-
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
-"Hey noah!" I said waving my hand at him while tilting my head a bit to the right-
-"Oh hey Cod- wow- You are really rocking the wet cat aesthethic" he said while pointing at me with his free hand that wasn't holding his phone"
There's nothing you or I can do so let the stars fall
-I giggled lightly, I mean thats how he had always been, sarcastic, funny and a pretty lovable guy if you got to meet him, I adored every little part of his personality-
-"You needed something or just came here randomly codemeister?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts-
'Cause from up here the sky's my thoughts and we're all so small
-I scractched the back part of my neck nervously while I gave him an awkward smile-
-" Oh yeah about that hehe.. I- uhm.." I said tripping with my own words while my hand held the gift strongly as if it would just dissapear-
Meteor shower, quick take cover
-"You know how we have been friends since our time in Total drama, how I alsways write you about my interests and you always listen to me and when we get to spend time together alone and well... Hang out.." -
-he quickly nodded with a very confused face with one eyebrow lower than the other-
But the hues in our hair compliment one another
-I quickly showed him the tiny gift still in its decorated small box-
-" I wanted to give you this in y'know, a symbol of our friendship?" I looked away trying to not make eye contact as I felt my face getting heated even I had been dripping cold water all this time-
I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones
-he looked at me impressed and took the tiny box from my hand making myself getting a step back and rubbing one of my arms with my other arm trying to hide how nervous I was, he slowly opened the tiny box revealing the beautiful collar I had been saving up for-
'Cause blue's your favorite color
-"You once told me your favourite color was blue so I thought of getting you some jewerly with a saphire.." -
He looked shocked staring at the gift then at me at least 10 times before his lips slightly curved up making him giving the faintests of smiles-
Missing pieces of my skull
-We both stayed in a comfortable silence for some minutes the rain still pouring from the sky in a way that others might find depressing but for me it just made it more romantic, I remembered what I actually wanted to tell him making me nervous again-
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
-I took a step closer to the brown eyed boy-
-"you wanna know why my favourite color is blue?" he asked me, I quickly nodded in response, it was kinda random but i'd love to know more about him-
There's nothing you or I can do so let the stars fall
-he gave a happy and dreamy sigh and then said.. -
'Cause from up here the sky's my thoughts
and we're all so small
-"because your eyes are blue and I think they are the most beautiful I have ever seem" he said with a faint blush on his cheels but still with a tiny smile, not a teasing smile, a genuine smile, one that came directly from his soul-
We're all so
-thanks to what he haid said my cheeks and probably whole faced started to burn, he thought my eyes were beautiful? He thoight i was beatiful? My brain soon started filling itself with dumb words that didn't even make sense but before i got to formulate a whole and normal sentence a pair of lips quickly interwined with mine-
My heart and the earth share the same rule
-It was a bit surprising but inmediantly returned it placing my hands on his shoulders while sharing the cutest kiss i had ever been able to imagine, he tasted like sugar but it was probably my brain imagining nice flavors thanks to how happy I was-
It starts with love and it ends with you
-We spend some more time still sharing a bit of each others soul but at some point we separated to get a bit of air with both of us with a goofy smile on our faces, he started giggling at how dumb the situation was but it was all that i had ever dreamt, I quickly started laughing lightly with him-
But don't go outside, it's dangerous tonight
-the laughing died but we were still as happy, he placed the collar in my hands as I stared at it curiously to what he wnated me to do-
Without me right here by your side
-"hey, mind putting it on my neck? I probably won't reach on my own" I smile and with a slight whisper said yes, he turned his back to me and parted his hair in two hoping it wouldn't get stuck in the necklace -
Take it slow, you'll know
-once he heard a small click and felt my hands get away from his neck he stopped pulling his hair away with his hands and looked at me again still with the prettiest smile i had ever seen-
Which way to go
-he looked happily to the small gift a gave him with sparkles in his dark eyes-
Sew up your skull
-I gave him a hug quickly being returned by him, I felt such warm at the moment even if I was freezing because of the rain-
Take your time
-It didn't matter how much time we spend like that-
And we'll be just fine
-It was such a nice feeling I could spend the rest of my life holding him close to me-
Missing pieces of my skull
-even if the rain was pouring from the sky, even if it was cold, even if i was covered in rain water and made it uncomfortable he was still hugging me-
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
-Because as long as we had each other everything woulf be great-
MAN it was not a good idea to drink horchats with coffee
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charmorningstar · 7 months
do you think you'd make a good queen?
Like, you're a doormat at the moment, but could you be a good queen, and not let people stomp on you?
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"I'm not actually- sure on that- and I think saying I 'let people stomp on me' is a bit too exxagerated-"
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jaejaesan23 · 10 months
Geez Im back. Im 23 now and its odd how life treated me since being on here.
To start this off... I was on tumblr since i was 12 ish 13 years old and I was so PAINFULLY SCENE. Then I made a few stan acc on mazerunner and was decently successful but teenagerhood, adolescent year smh idk but that shit happened and all of a sudden I acted waaaay older than i shouldve been at 15. I thought the world didnt know me at 13... bro I didnt know me at 15!!! ATLEAST AT 13 I KNEW A LITTLE BIT and OhmyGOD turning 20 was the worst decision of my life! Quarantine had such highs but many many lows.. which destroyed my brain...I never really recovered since then being 21 was harder, life got harder, my mental health got harder and it broke me. I know im exxagerating but it hurt. I changed my hair, my lifestyle, I got tattoos, I fell off and I ran away. I fully removed myself from what was happening in real life. Im 23 now and life is better. I live away from what hurts, and Ive receieved many blessings since turning 23, I hope i have more to look forward to because I didnt expect to be at this spot for a very long time.
If you got to the end of this I applaud you and I apologize for rambling
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