#a beggar in the morning
thecousinsdangereux · 1 month
i just recently discovered your soulmate au and i loves it so much. so incredibly intriguing and well written and damn is it hot 🔥 thanks so much for sharing with us. in your mind, does it have a happy ending for them?
also wanted to ask if you'll be checking in to see the big warrior nun announcement coming tomorrow?
Ahhhh thank you! This ask is kind of tragic now given how everything with Warrior Nun ended up going, but I thought I'd use it as a way to share my ideas for the rest of a beggar in the morning, if anyone is interested in learning how it was going to go. Long story short, it was going to have a happy ending. :)
Here's a full outline for what I had in mind for the second half of the fic. Under the cut because it's very detailed in the parts that I'd started writing. Also in case anyone cares about spoilers? At the moment, I don't plan on finishing this fic, but I do plan on returning to writing in general, so guess there's a non-zero chance that I could come back to it. Stranger things have happened.
Beatrice keeps looking for the recipient of the Letter she's been trying to deliver and starts taking trips out into the countryside. She takes Ava's advice and takes to enjoying the journey - stopping into small cafes for lunch rather than eating in the car, taking the long way when it means she can enjoy a new view, etc.
During one of these side quests, she's told about a man who lives way off in the middle of nowhere who has the last name of Reis (the last name of the Letter recipient: Lara Reis), and she tracks him down. He had a sister who had a child with someone who was not her Match. I wanted to go more into what this looks like (and how the church is still anti-abortion in this world, because they think this could potentially ruin a future match, cue eye-roll) but in this case, the woman was basically run out of town. The man directs Beatrice to an orphanage where the child was raised.
This trail eventually goes cold because the orphanage has no records of the girl. They only know she left when she became of age.
The end of chapter six is basically Beatrice being frustrated and taking some 'advice' from Lilith to find someone to fuck hfkjshlk so she goes to the bar and ohhh nooo Ava is working that night, filling in for someone. Ava gets jealous, Bea does some shots, and it's basically a rehash of the lemon drop scene from the show, but hornier. Eventually, they make out, and decide to be friends with benefits.
Chapter 7 was honestly just going to be porn. lol. It's actually some of the first stuff I wrote for this fic - just a page of porn. Beggar came out of a Secret Santa fic exchange, and my friend Alex asked for lots of sex and a soulmate au. So... Chapter 7 was the payoff (part 2). Here's a few disjointed scenes, in case anyone is interested in reading some unedited very E-rated stuff.
A few months go by and all the nuns visit Beatrice for her bday and they're like huh so what's going on here and Beatrice has to pretend that it's not that serious with Ava (lol). I also wanted to do a conversation between Shannon and Beatrice where Shannon talks about the whole Mary thing and loving someone against the will of god (or at the very least, in the very gray areas).
The end of chapter seven is Ava finally talking about her past, which is that Ava doesn't remember hers. She woke up in a hospital without her memories and then spent the next decade traveling around trying to find something that felt like home.
In chapter 8, a lot of time passes, and the fucking continues. Beatrice is kind of losing it, poor girl.
I hadn't exactly decided what was going to happen next, but Ava was going to overstep in some way (or in some perceived way) and Beatrice was going to panic. Either Beatrice was going to have a brief thought about being in love, they were going to have reallyyyy soft sex, or something like that, but either way, Beatrice was going to have to admit she has deeper feelings for Ava than what's allowed allowed, so she goes back to Spain and ignores Ava's texts/calls/etc.
Eventually she realizes she owes Ava closure. She comes back and kind of explains why she's reacted the way she has. She gets more into why she joined the church and it's not for God or the Church itself, but because she does genuinely believe that love itself is holy. She admits she's falling in love with Ava, but she can't break her vows. She believes giving into her feelings would be putting herself above the whole history of love... the sanctity of the entire universe... and to be that selfish would be monstrous.
There's a callback to their early game of three questions, and how Ava still owes Beatrice one answer. Beatrice nearly asks if Ava loves her, but pulls back because she's scared of the answer. They basically break up, but Ava tells Bea to let her know when she's ready to ask her last question.
Beatrice takes it HARD. She buries herself in her work and starts visiting hospitals in various towns. She finds a Spanish doctor and he recognizes the number (or rather, the system behind the number) that is on Letter Beatrice is still trying to deliver. He tells Beatrice she's not looking for a hospital in Portugal, but rather in Spain - one in a small town in Andalusia. He mentions a patient who was in a coma, who woke up without her memories.
At this point, Beatrice obviously knows and she flies to Spain in daze. She visits the hospital, gives them the number, and asks for the name of the patient. When they'd brought the girl in, no one knew where she came from, she didn't have an ID, memories, etc. Nothing except for an old receipt from a restaurant in Portugal. ("Beatrice braces herself for what she already knows, but doesn't want to face.") The nurse at the hospital tells her they used a generic Portuguese name for the girl and it stuck: Ava Silva.
Beatrice visits Cat's Cradle because what else is she supposed to do? How is she supposed to deliver this Letter to Ava, who she's obviously in love with. She talks with Mary and we get the other side of the whole Mary/Shannon thing, and Mary is kind of like, okay, the Letters matter but they don't Matter. Beatrice asks Mary what she would do if she got a Letter (since Mary isn't a nun and could get one, but Shannon never could) and Mary basically says she would throw it away without opening it because she wouldn't want to give Shannon a reason to go self-sacrificial.
Of course, Beatrice doesn't really think this is her call to make. She's going to deliver Ava's Letter. There's this whole scene of her very dramatically and angstily getting ready for the delivery in the Official White Habit, then walking through the town she's come to associate so completely with Ava. And chapter 9 ends.
When Beatrice walks through the doors of the bar, Ava looks up, but doesn't seem surprised, even says 'oh, finally', which is pretty much the last thing that Beatrice expected, but then again, maybe it should have been the first, because Ava is always surprising her, and shouldn't she expect it by now? She asks Ava if she'd known that she was the person Beatrice had been trying to deliver to all along and Ava looks confused at this, like she hadn't considered that at all. "It's not that. I just knew my Letter would be coming because I'd already met you."
Beatrice is like, no no no. That's not how this works. It can't be me. I've been carrying this Letter with me this whole time - before I met you - and the Letters are only sent to a person when they've met their soulmate. And obviously, Beatrice is a nun and can't have a soulmate, etc. etc.
And then Ava says something like this: “Maybe every once in a while, God -- or the universe or whatever it is -- knows that it’ll be really hard to make two people meet organically, so it fudges the rules a little bit. Makes one girl a nun, makes another one hard to find, and sets up the dominos really early on."
And when Beatrice says she's being ridiculous/it's impossible, she says, "I know what’s in that letter. It’s you. I don’t need to open it to know it's you." and "Maybe it’s like some people say and god arranged it all. Fine. Then god chose me for you. Simple. He made me in this exact way, down to my hands and toes and whatever, so that I was perfect for his favorite creation in all of the universe. Because that has to be you."
And: "Or maybe it’s like what those other people say. You know - the past lives reincarnation stuff. Fine, then in our first lives we fell in love and then I found you in the second and third and the five hundredth. I found you and I picked you and I wanted you every time. Or okay, fine, maybe it’s what the the pseudo science people say. Even if those guys are right, I still know. It’s you because at the very start of the universe - at the very beginning of everything - we were the first two bits of something. The first two tiny little sparks. One of those was you and one of them was me. And even when we split off into a million trillion billion infinite pieces, the core of one was you. And the other one was me."
And: "In every religion or in any theory, the world exists so that I can find you again, and the world will do whatever it takes - bend the rules in whatever way - to make sure that at the exact right time, we would meet. And maybe it wasn’t perfect - maybe it was stupid hard for us to get to this point - maybe there was an easier way to make it happen - but I don’t care. Because it worked and I found you and I fell in love with you and I would do anything for that. So yeah. This Letter is telling me that I’m for you. That’s easy. It’s not faith. It’s just a fact.
And: "Besides, whatever’s on that paper? It’s going to be you. If it’s a picture of a butterfly, then it’s going to be you because of that time we went to the dam and one landed on your hand and you said “isn’t the world beautiful?” and that’s when I knew I loved you for the very first time. If it’s the notes to the first bar in At Last, then it’s you, because we used to play it all the time in the bar and I always thought it was fucking stupid to think you'd know like that right away, before everything, but it was the song that played in my head anyways when you walked in the bar that first night. There she is, I sort of thought, a dream that I can speak to."
"It could be any single word or phrase or letter and it would be you, because I love you and I love you so much I see you in every part of this entire world. I love you and I want to keep you with me always, and so you’re always there in my thoughts, slipping over and into everything else and I love it. It makes me love everything I see a little bit more, because it reminds me of you. It makes the world more beautiful."
"So, no offense, but I don't really give a fuck about the Letter. I already know it's going to be you. But I think you need to see it. So you know you’re not as selfish as you think you are."
And Beatrice admits that she wants to be with Ava anyways. Even if it makes her selfish. (Even if it makes her heretical.) Love is holy and what she feels for Ava is holy too, even if it's a sort of holy no one else will ever understand.
I went back and forth about whether they actually SHOULD open the Letter. lol. But I think I eventually settled on that they should, and that when Ava does open it, it's a blank page with like, 7 little dots and Beatrice is like??????????????? But Ava recognizes it instantly and it's the freckles on Beatrice's cheeks, the ones she's always tracing, and she does that again, following the ink on the paper.
Beatrice had been ready to give up her religion for Ava, so getting to keep it, maybe, suddenly is a LOT. She can't quite believe something divine would do something like this for her. But maybe she can believe that something divine would do something like this for Ava.
Later, I wanted Beatrice to have a conversation with Mother Superion. I thought it would be interesting to get into the philosophical bits of it. To debate if Ava could actually be right in her ideas about how this could be, and still fit into what they know about god/Letters/religion. I liked the idea of the conversation ending with neither of them really knowing, and Mother S being like, look girl, you'll never know for sure, but that sounds like faith to me. And Beatrice says no, no this is different, capital F Faith is for the divine. This is just trusting that Ava isn't lying about the freckles thing, or won't get tired of me, or won't find someone else. Etc etc etc. because it's panicking time for Beatrice, suddenly. And Mother Superion just raps her knuckles sort of in the most gentle way she can manage and says "That's love, Beatrice." in the way way someone might say "That's pussy, babe."
Beatrice does leave the church (though she eventually goes back to 'consulting' kind of like Mary). And when she does actually physically leave as well, Ava is waiting outside on a bench. Beatrice asks why she didn't just come inside, and she says something about being a little afraid of churches these days. She did steal god's favorite, after all.
And then they walk off into the sunset, with Beatrice being like wait a second, I thought you said this was all God's plan. And Ava shrugs and says that she would never willingly give Beatrice up, so god might come to her senses and change her mind.
I was going to end it there, but I did consider doing an epilogue as well. Early on in planning I had this idea where, years later, all the nuns regularly come over to the Silvas (because Ava does keep her 'second' name, though she does start to learn more about the Reis family, and meets her Uncle - the dude Beatrice learned about the orphanage from). And on one of these occasions, the nuns are all in white, and they're delivering Beatrice's Letter, which is addressed to Beatrice Silva. In the end, I decided against this, because I liked leaving it more open-ended, but nothing had been set in stone at this point, of course.
So yeah, that was going to be a beggar in the morning. lol. I plotted most of it out before I even started writing, because it wasn't the sort of story you could make up as you went and still tell it well. And I did want to tell the story well! There's a part of me that's sad that I wasn't able to, but I do think it was worth writing what I did. I really loved seeing people realize that Lara was Ava, even as early as chapter 5! And I also loved people coming up with theories about how Avatrice would be endgame. Some of them were honestly really good and maybe better than mine fhdskjhfd I had one person be like PLEASE let Ava's Letter be for someone else so they can metaphorically spit in god's face and honestly that was valid.
I don't know if anyone is going to bother to read this very, very long reply to an ask that doesn't actually ask for any of this, but it honestly just feels nice to put all these ideas together and 'complete' the story. Even if I've done it in the most half-assed way possible I am so sorry fhadskjlfhldsj
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Every other paragraph of the avatrice soulmate au is absolutely rocking my shit. Holy fuck.
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unheavenlybody · 2 months
in the process of accepting/getting screened for a job offer i dont even rly want but need. devastation
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autoneurotic · 1 year
i’m a beggar in the morning, i’m a king at night—my belt is loose and my trigger is tight. may it come without warning at the speed of light, make it shine so pretty make it shine so bright
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axaki · 1 year
we're getting a new screen door! truly the highlight of my week
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✝️ ✝️ ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️ ✝️ ✝️
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Be not afraid 👁️👄👁️ The worlds Third Largest River, The Yangtze is only polluted with Cancer.
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Revelation 8:11 Beacuse of wormwood a Third of the waters and rivers and streams became bitter like wormwood, and many people have died as a results of the Wormwood. (Rot from within) ☠️
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🀄 ☣️🀄☣️🀄☣️🀄☣️🀄☣️🀄☣️🀄☣️🀄☣️ 🀄
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e-vasong · 1 month
I think that Daniel should get a little cat that he names something cute. like typo. and it should be the silliest dumbest creature in the world, and Armand should be so jealous of that cat that it still somehow makes him look stupid in comparison.
he's just like. you, feline companion to my beloved. most loathsome of creatures. i see through your foul ruse. my daniel may be taken in by your charms, but i will not be played for the fool. you seek to replace me in his esteems, and you may yet distract him for a time. but he will see the truth of you soon enough. your cruelty. batting him in the face with your dreadful claws while he is trying to rest. begging for your meals at the wicked hours of the morning and night! you will visit no more of these horrors upon him. know this, 'typo.' if you did not bring my daniel such joy i would see you removed from this home and cast out into street like a beggar. i suggest you watch your back.
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Logan and Wade's relationship post movie is slow burn in the most infuriating way cause they have so many hang ups about the relationship
On Logan's side: He fell in love with Wade first. Which mortifies him cause 1) Wade is still in love with Vanessa 2) they're roommates in a one bedroom apartment with Blind Al until he gets his life together in a parallel world where he's technically dead and his SSN is donezo 3) Wade Winston Wilson is probably the most embarrassing person to have a crush on, let alone be in love with. Logan will defend him to heaven and hell and back, but even he knows it's crazy to fall for the Blowjob Queen of Sasqatoon.
He's fully aware of his feelings but tries to squash it down, acts like he hates Wade's guts. Even though every morning he wakes up early to make coffee for the both of them before Wade wakes up. Even though he's memorized what's his favorite gun cleaner and oil are, then stocks them up before Wade even notices his supply is running low. Even though he's the most at peace when Wade and Laura are having Girls' Night in the living room, wearing face masks and watching A24 horror films, while he's kicking back with Blind Al in the kitchen, sipping shitty beer.
On Wade's side: He has no idea Logan likes him. Or, better to say, he has no idea WHY Logan would like him. He might be gods perfect idiot, but if 2+2 = 22, then if someone tells you to shut up and stabs you in every argument to be had, they can't possibly LIKE like you. So even when the initial hostility of being new roommates dies down, he takes the domesticity they find together a side effect of being a Wolverine over the age of 40 with a teenage daughter and no active income in sight. "Beggars can't be ungrateful bastards who couch surf for free" and all that jazz.
Wade is also still hooked up on Vanessa. She'll always be his soul mate, and that will never change. So they try to talk it out. They go on a couple dates. They try to work something, anything out, but in the end they both agree it just isn't right anymore. They still love each other, but that doesn't mean they should be in a relationship. They both deserve better than to be stuck in the past.
So by the time Wade is single for real, Logan is already set on them not getting together. Previous points aside, he's no rebound chick. He just got promoted from Worst Wolverine to Okay-est Wolverine (via the coffee mug Laura got him from etsy) -- so he's absolutely NOT fucking gonna be a sloppy bitch and make a move on his roommate after he got out of a whatever the fuck situationship with his ex-dead, ex-fiance.
When they finally get together, it's so far down the line and so slow-burn, that they genuinely don't know how they got there. All they know is that they share a new one bedroom apartment together, alone (but Blind Al lives on the same floor of the complex) and that they are so far gone in domestic bliss that they're arguing with each other over how to properly assemble a pet condo for Mary Puppins.
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saenora · 2 years
me every night: sleep in fir the weak
me in the morning: i’m weak. i’m so weakkkk
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alexthetrashyracoon · 6 months
Whenever Simon returns home from any kind of deployment, but especially the long ones, he follows a very specific routine and you are there to greet him
Your shared flat is dark when he comes home, not many sounds to be heard, the windows had been sound proofed since your home was located a very busy street.
So Simon just stands in the doorway, door closed and locked, and does nothing for a whole minute.
He just takes in the different smells he missed, the smells that weren’t death and demise but so uniquely yours.
You smelled of home and peace, at least for him.
Next he kicks of his shoes and throws his bag to the ground, he could unpack it in the morning and hushes through the dark flat, as quiet as a mouse, to not wake you up, he makes his way in the kitchen, finding his favorite dinner in a Tupperware container in the fridge, waiting to be heated up.
It tastes better than Simon remembers, he wishes it was fresh and not warmed up but beggars can’t be choosers, right?
So he eat the food, enjoying the warmth of his tongue, too used to the rations he got on the field. It’s perfectly seasoned, not too salty or too spicy or anything, god, Simon loves your food. 
With every bite Simon takes his body relaxes more and more, slowly understanding that he was home again and that you wanted him still with you, even with how long he is always absent.
He sees it in the food you have prepared, Simon knows how much you hate cooking the meat and the vegetables, it takes always way too long you usually complain so Simon only gets it to special occasions.
Returning home has to be one of them.
When the plate is empty, Simon contemplates either to take a shower or to wait for tomorrow when he can take one with you.
He decides against it, having taken one before he left base this morning and he wasn’t even smelling that bad at the moment.
You wake up to rustling in the room, and no matter how hard Simon tries to be quiet, it’s like his presence is a natural clock to you, and you watch him for a moment before calling his name.
A soft and careful whisper, knowing he could still be in another headspace, one where his instincts are tuned on survival, not living.
He turns to look over his shoulder and smiles before crawling into the bed with you, halfway dressed but none of you mind.
Simon crawls between your legs, touching them with his fingertips, leaving goosebumps in their wakes.
“You’re real.” He whispers, leaning down to place his lips against your stomach. “You’re here.”
“I am here.” You reply and run your nails through his blond hair. “I am real.”
He lays down next to you and cradles your body against his, making sure to hold onto every inch of your body to keep you safe and warm. “I am home.” He whispers into your hair and not a second later he falls asleep.
You almost break your neck to pull the blanket over your bodies and smiles at his sleeping form. “You are home.”
Thank you for 100 Followers <3
And Requests are open if you like?
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ozzgin · 8 months
“Do you mean it in the sense that Reader goes through monster boyfriends and is quick to dump them for the next catch”
Yep. Just a vile reader who’s breaking hearts left and right. I think you’ll write it beautifully if you channel your evil side like when you play the sims! ☺️
Yandere! Monsters x Heartbreaker! Reader
You've always been a free spirit, unable to settle on a single partner. Even after being abruptly transported into a different dimension where you are the only human surrounded by monsters, this habit of yours has persisted. Except monsters, as you will see, are harder to discard than humans. They aren't as willing to accept rejection.
Content: female reader, reader is a player, monster smut
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Ah, how troublesome. He won't stop calling. You lazily pick up the phone and look for the options to block the number, clicking your tongue in irritation. You'd specifically told him you're not interested in anything serious. "Who's calling?" The man shuffles under the sheets, still half-asleep. "No one." You respond curtly, glaring at the intruder. "It's morning already, by the way. When are you leaving?"
You slam the door shut before the overnight guest can bring up the classic "Will I see you again", and exhale theatrically in relief. Finally alone again. You look up and shake your fist menacingly, as if whichever entity governing this world is responsible for your bad luck. You've always been utterly indifferent towards committed relationships, and yet most fuck buddies end up head over heels for you, dragging themselves at your feet like pitiful beggars. Pathetic and a pain in the ass to deal with.
Well, someone must be up there, because your situation feels too much like a sassy answer to your complaint. You've just rushed out of your apartment a moment ago and last time you checked, the concierge office wasn't on a rocky hill covered in deep cracks erupting with lava, stretching out into the seemingly unending horizon. Where the hell are you? You turn on your heels, reaching for the door, only to find out - who would've expected? - that it's gone. Great. Your immediate explanation is that the guy you've mistakenly brought home last night must've slipped something in your drinks. All this for a sloppy, clumsy eating out.
The worry of being drugged vanishes quickly once the first creatures of the realm appear. Hard to believe anything on the market could cause such detailed hallucinations that can sniff and touch you: Some alligator-looking minions with eyes popping out of their backs slid out of a nearby crevice to investigate the newcomer. Ironically enough, they seem to be the ones shocked by your appearance. Once they've hesitantly assessed your presence, they scurry aside to discuss their findings. "What could it be?" You hear one mumble, completely baffled. For whatever reason you can understand their language, so you decide to speed up their detective work. "Ever heard of human?" You shout, with a hint of sarcasm in your voice. The beasts gasp in unison. "Nonsense! Straight out of a children's tale!"
Eventually, after a lot of confusion and pointed fingers, you manage to figure out your predicament. You've somehow landed in a world of monsters, where humans are more of a fictional, mythical existence. Thankfully they don't seem to consider your potential as food, though you're not sure if the sudden, massive ambush of creatures is any better. The alligator-like quadrupeds brought you to the nearest settlement and had to form a barrier to stop the curious beasts from almost trampling you in their frenzy to see "the human". You've garnered ridiculous amounts of attention, yet such reaction is to be expected; how often would an earthling wander into their world? It could very well be a lifetime singularity for many.
As the days pass and you become more accustomed to your fate, you begin to feel that familiar calling. It doesn't look like you'll be going home anytime soon and a lady has her needs. Additionally, whatever popularity you had back in the human world is a minuscule fraction of what you're currently experiencing here. In the eyes of the monsters, you're an exotic treat that cannot be refused. It shouldn't be too hard to find yourself a partner, or two. Or three. Who keeps count nowadays?
You remember stumbling upon a postcard print of "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife" at some museum shop. You immediately picked up the thick cardboard, eyeing the artwork in amusement. A woman enveloped in the limbs of two octopuses and very obviously enjoying herself. Who even came up with the pairing, you wondered at the time. Whatever the artist was thinking, you can certainly see his point now. The first one to receive your indecent proposal was an eldritch creature of sorts, something straight out of Lovecraft's lucid dreams. Dark, long tendrils sprawling out of an amorphous core - which you assume is its head based on the bulging, glistening orbs hungrily staring at you. Your whole body is throbbing under the tight hold of the slippery tentacles, wrapping around you in masterful intricacy. You could see the result featured in a bondage magazine, though you don't...can't ponder much on it given the fact you're, well, stuffed with monstrous appendages. You doubt any genital variation back home could compare. The monster is even polite enough to occasionally wipe away the continuous stream of drool spilling out of your whining mouth. Towards the end you barely have a voice anymore, throat sore from the loud moans and merciless constriction. Your muscles contract all at once, overwhelmed by the sensations. Whatever sensitive areas you might have are presently aching under the needy fondling of the creature.
Mind-blowing. The memory is enough to have you wet and squirming with desire. Even more so when you consider the other varieties of monsters ready to fuck you senseless. Soon enough you're surveying the neighborhood for the ideal suitors and thankfully you don't have to worry about making wrong choices, as there's always a next target. Thus the following weeks fill you with a particular kind of nostalgia (among other things and fluids), reminding you of the bed-hopping in the human realm. From werewolves drowning out your whimpers with their desperate howling, to hooved legs of hybrids violently thrusting into you until you're a dripping mess. "Look at me" is what one of the beasts demanded in a low growl, turning you on with its ragged voice and clawed hand encircling your frail neck. Although you had to ask it where exactly to look, given it was covered entirely in eyes.
You yawn and stare at the ceiling, reminiscing about the depraved fuckfest you're currently recovering from. You might've overdone it with the last one. Alas, you came enough times to make up for it. Just as you turn around to readjust the ice pack, you hear a loud thud coming from the entrance. You (carefully) sit up and rub your eyes, trying to focus on the shadow figure approaching your bed. It's one of the lizard monsters, swiftly slithering across the wall and landing over you with an angered expression. "Where the fuck is that dog?" it inquires with a hiss. "What? Who're you talking about?" you mumble, wildly confused. "The one that dared to touch you."
Oh, not this crap again. You almost roll your eyes. "You never said anything about us being together." Is your annoyed reply. "What? I thought it'd be obvious you belong to me!" You're about to question the strange logic, but your couple's quarrel is interrupted by the sound of shattered glass. The many-eyed monster crawls its way in with fluid, uncanny movements, releasing a deafening screech once it notices the lizard in your bed. "Off! Get off my human now!" is what it finally manages to verbalize in its fury. Okay, it seems to be the common belief. To clear off any shred of doubt remaining, the ceiling gives in and crumbles like putty under the weight of an enormous tentacle. You scream and cover your face from the bits of rubble flying everywhere, but you're quickly sheltered by another thick appendage looping itself around you, against the wrathful protests of the lizard. You did not anticipate the eldritch creature could expand to this gargantuan size.
For the first time since arriving here, you feel homesick. At least back home you could get rid of your annoying admirers with the slide of a button. Is there a larger scale alternative for cosmic blasphemies? You shake your fist (up? down? you can't tell in the darkness of the tentacle shield) towards the entity once more. Damn it, you've learned your lesson. Several steps must’ve been skipped before reaching a pack of angry, possessive monsters fighting over your ownership.
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lewisvinga · 8 months
sorry not sorry | daniel ricciardo x fem! reader
summary; daniel and y/n were just friends, that’s it, although everyone else around them wanted for them to be more. but one drunken night lead to y/n posting some questionable things to her story.
fc; christina nadin
warnings; mentions of drinking , suggestive comment
note; requested !
taglist; @namgification
masterlist !
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and others
yourusername: before n after danny said no to chicken tenders
tagged; danielricciardo
danielricciardo: it’s because you need to expand your tastebuds, sunshine
yourusername: i just wanted some chicken tenders, danny☹️☹️
danielricciardo: stop pouting at my from the other side of the room
danielricciardo: fine i’ll get you chicken tenders, sunshine
yourusername: thank u danny 💗💗💗
username: i love them sm
username: they HAVE to be dating
username: LMFAOO
username: i love them so much😭😭
landonorris: you have the tastebuds as a child
yourusername: a lot of talking for a man who gags at sushi and steals my chicken tenders everytime we hang out…
username: i need the grid to try to set them up bc they have to be in love or something
username: ppl when a guy and girl are friends: 🤯
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; party rocking 🤪] [caption 2; i Love danny Sooooolmuch his face is SooO stupidly cute I wanna kiss him] [caption 3; he’s so Sexy i want him to be my boyfriend Now.]
these posts have been deleted!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others
danielricciardo: my ☀️, now n forever.
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: sorry not sorry 4 posting abt how sexy u are on my story
danielricciardo: but ur sexier
yourusername: have u seen u post workout? that is very sexy 😌
danielricciardo: no but i have seen you in my bed post… and that’s very sexy😉
yourusername: love u stupid, 4ever n ever 🥹🥹💗💗
danielricciardo: love u weirdo, n ur weird chicken tender obsession 4ever and ever 😌😌❤️
username: oh OH
username: good morning to y/niel only
username: the way they were absolutely silent for like a month after y/n’s stories just for daniel to randomly hard launch on a tuesday morning
username: they’re so perfect for each other 🥹
username: daniel’s smile w her😩😩🥹🥹🥹
landonorris: why is she eating in almost every picture
yourusername: like you aren’t a beggar who begs for my left overs every time
yourusername: i’m giving yuki my leftover tenders next time
landonorris: NO
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lovelytsunoda · 3 months
(what’s the story) morning glory // lando norris
summary: noel gallagher’s daughter has a reputation for two things: being the funniest woman on the internet, and really having a thing for american guys. to the delight of all, she shows up at one of her dads concerts with a boy from bristol on her arm.
pairing: lando norris x gallagher!reader
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yngallagher just posted!
northern quarter, manchester, united kingdom
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liked by oliviarodrigo, heatherbarongracie and 3,457 others
yngallagher break through the barrier - tina turner
see all comments
user mommy? sorry, mommy. sorry!
user she really is that bitch
user real question: is she united or city?
-> yngallagher would you hate me if i said neither?
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yngallagher just posted!
manchester, england
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liked by noelgallagher, rollingstone and 4,170 others
yngallagher acquiesce - oasis
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noelgallagher it was an honor sharing the stage with you, my wonderful daughter
-> yngallagher awe love you too dad!
user is it just me or did it look like she was blowing kisses to someone off stage?
-> user no ur so right someone was definitely there for her
user yn could single-handedly bring oasis back together
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liked by 984 users
entertainmentbuzzmanchester YN Gallagher spotted last night in the VIP area of her fathers Manchester show cozying up to this unidentified man. Gallagher, who performed at the show, was later seen leaving the arena with the same man.
see all comments
user has she finally found her american prince?
user we’ve lost her to a fucking yank y’all! the hold that eighties matt dillon had on her was too much!
stacey_spacey I’ve seen that shitty haircut somewhere before
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yngallagher posted to her story!
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landonorris so born jovi is better than me?
yngallagher maybe maybe not ;) listen i'm ready to hard launch whenever you are, but don't feel like we need to rush things
yngallagher you have my dad's approval, and where i come from that's like being knighted
yngallagher just posted!
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liked by noelgallagher, caitybaser and 2,391 others
yngallagher my daddy likes him so you guys should too :) silvo dump is incoming, just have to get some film developed
see all comments
user hottie
user now that's defo lando norris fight me
-> user idk bro it seems like a reach to connect them together
-> user yes but have you seen the twitter thread by user stacey_spacey? she makes some good points
noelgallagher im just gald you aren't dating an american. i wish he was from manchester, but beggars can't be choosers
noelgallagher im just kidding, darling. glad youre happy xx
yngallagher just posted!
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tagged: landonorris
liked by landonorris, stacey_spacey, noelgallagher and 5,000 others
yngallagher . . . surprise!
see all comments
user holy shit
charles_leclerc what the fuck
-> oscarpiastri what the fuck
-> carlossainz55 what the actual fuck
-> alex_albon what the literal fuck
-> yngallagher why are you guys being so mean to pookie?
stacey_spacey i was right HAHAH
landonorris you're my wonderwallll
-> yngallagher i love you too my sexy loser boyfriend
-> oscarpiastri what is wrong with both of you
user lmao why is everyone so shocked?
-> maxfewtrell when i saw them together at silverstone i was certain it was like a joke or a pr thing?
user he looks like he negotiated with god to be allowed on earth
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night-dazai · 8 months
Random thoughts on Nanami Kento :
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This perfect husband material is nothing but respectful, careful and soft with you . Waking up you get a kiss “ good morning “ in the morning voice making you wet in an instant.
Going out for the office “ bye love “ again a kiss on the forehead and lips (might be steamy but mostly he has good control )
Little texts whenever he is free “ How are you feeling ?” are you alright, ate lunch ?” 
“Gojo is getting on my nerves i need someone to hold me back from killing him  “ and more. 
If you come home later than him you are always welcomed with the lovely smell of home cooked lavish meal “Welcome love freshen up let's eat “ his face stoic but adored with a little smile which you know is only for you!
If he comes later than you you welcome him with the same, if cooking is not your strong point it ends with both of you cooking dinner together (mostly he does you are an assistant ). 
After dinner, it is always with you both enjoying your alone time with TV or a nice cup of hot milk and conversations about your day. Or there are times he comes homes all pent up and fucks you the moment his eyes see you. 
Loves cafe dates with you day or night not matter if he can have you dress up and come out, loves seeing you getting ready and has amazing taste in clothing. (his tie is just for fun he did not wear it in his office )
The gentleman who is known till 9 pm vanishes and is replaced with a monster who is a pathetic beggar for your pussy “ pleasee let me eat you out pleaseee” his fox eyes pleading with you holding your legs apart. 
His tongue is so skilled he makes sure every night you come at least twice or thrice on it before he fucks you with his cock . 
His strong arms hold you down while he fucks you in missionary slowly but can go fast on your command. His moments are ruled by your words “Tell me princess what should I do “ he asks panting drilling his cock deep into your cunt as your cry out telling him to make a mess out of you. 
Never says no to any kink open to all, being the simple man he is he does not have many kinks ….STOPP. 
This man is a walking sex symbol, soo into BDSM, having you tied, whipping you you name it it's in his kink book he is not a  simple man and open to all, he is just so much more kinker than you, you kinks are little request to him . 
He can fuck you anywhere and everywhere, always takes consent and role plays with him are soo good, teacher-student, master-slave you name it its done princess~
After fucking the life out of you or slow sensational love making the first thing that comes out of his mouth is “ you okay ? “ “ need anything ? “ . Again your words are his command bath, done warm with bath bombs, and water, ready, want to just sleep, no worries he has a cloth next to the nightstand wipes you a little and holds you close in his arms watching your face relax as you fall into a deep slumber “ thank you and love you “ he mumbles kissing your eyes he might fall asleep looking at you or if there is work he has to do its done now . 
His worry that you would worry if he would come home or not every day kills him yet he tries to be on time , messages you if he cannot come always keeps in touch with you and loves you just for the mere fact you love a man like him who might die anytime any day, you are his light source in his dark monotonous life.
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aidenlydia · 11 months
Collection of 09 SoapGhost fics
I Will Follow by m1ckstart
Burdens Of Command by m1ckstart
Sleep by Asasin
When I Die by InterGalacticKnight
A Toast To Life And Death by InterGalacticKnight
What Remains by m1ckstart *note: mentions of hooking up, but no explicit scenes
rather waste my time with you by s0fter-sin
Winter fall by callofdudes (part 2)
Around my bed, America by Kabbal (Aledane)
And If I Let Myself Go, I'm the Only One to Blame by softer_sin *note: mentions of hooking up, but no explicit scenes
5 times Riley ended up in Mactavish's lap for purely "tactical" reasons and the 1 time it wasn't by SpotlessSpectre *note: not complete
yours to keep by anonymous
NSFW with Trans Ghost:
Reverence by SharkNoises
Sunshine enough to spread by MGCraig
You’ve got a pretty kind of dirty face by qwentinsmith
hunger by bravo07
Soft lips are open, them knuckles are pale by bbgrlsimonriley
Fantastic Phantom Feelings by ErlKönig (Herm_own_ninny)
patience is a shitty virtue when it's me getting fucked by you by ErlKönig (Herm_own_ninny)
Oh Captain, My Captain by ErlKönig (Herm_own_ninny)
hush by puppyghost (whinypuppy) *note: this one is 22 but I read it as 09 caus beggars can’t be choosers
when i think about you i touch myself by sghostriley
Bloody Hell by garbage_cannot
sweet love of mine by gh0stspace
Stutter by m1ckstart
Venus Flytrap by 6sundragons
Don’t Interfere With a Mans Work by InterGalacticKnight
Yes Sir by InterGalacticKnight
A night in the Afghanistan desert by Hetsez
Morning Pleasures by Asasin
we could do this all night by Torierra
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo by x_posed_again
gimme just a little bit (more) by applepieces
Hands That Are Softer Than Voices by ultrakombo
In Your Absence by badlifechoices *note: not complete, no explicit content yet
Fed by His God by Azilver
clockwork by NarcissosByThePool
Sounds Almost Romantic by haggywags
I will update this post whenever I find more <3
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compact-turtle · 1 year
Yandere Space Explorer X GN Reader PT 1
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Concept: Yandere Space Explorer X GN Reader
Part One
Summary: Yandere Space Explorer crashes on an unknown planet. He's miserable until he meets you...
TW: Obsession, Possessiveness, Usual yandere behavior yk , brief mention of pregnancy
Words: 1.4K
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-Yandere Space Explorer who gets stranded on a different planet. His aircraft crash landed in the middle of a thick canopy jungle. The gray communicator pad was damaged in the crash and his supplies are slowly dwindling. He’s sure that he’s gonna die on this foreign planet all alone. 
-His days are filled with endless sorrow and regret for taking on this mission. Of course, he understood the risks. He may never return, he could encounter a hostile entity, and so much more. However, he had always believed he would prevail and return home as a hero. 
-One night, he abandons his camp. There’s almost no food left and he’s struggling to find a reason to survive. It doesn’t help that he’s feeling paranoid lately. Almost as if there’s been a pair of eyes always watching him. He treks deeper into the canopy hoping to find something edible. The gigantic vegetation loomed over him with tangled tree vines tripping him at every turn.
-Shiny red berries call out to him in the corner of his eyes. They beckon him to have a small sample. Consumed by desperation, he stuffs the berries into his mouth. Bitterness explodes in his mouth but it’s not enough to stop him. He engulfs the berries like a pig eating feed. Red juice dyed his hands as continually shoves his mouth full. 
-A sharp pain hits him in the back of the head.
-Yandere Space Explorer who wakes up tied to a pole. His eyes take a moment to adjust as he studies his surroundings. It’s a modest wooden home decorated in ornate trinkets. There are potted plants everywhere with beads hung up on the wall. 
-Adrenaline pumps through his veins as he searches for his attacker. It feels like hours until a figure emerges from a doorway. 
-He examines the figure. They’re dressed in a green robe with a brown satchel tied around their waist. There’s nothing remarkable about them besides their bright pink eyecolor.The figure speaks to him but he can’t understand them. The words sound like eerie shrills to his ears. 
-Finally, the figure points to themself and repeats a single word multiple times. 
-It takes a few moments for him to understand that they’re communicating their name. 
- “Orion” The space explorer says, pointing back to himself. 
-You nod in acknowledgement. He continually attempts to communicate but gives up. It’s clear that you don't quite understand his language. 
-For the next few days, you feed him odd fruits that taste sweet with a hinge of spiciness. You address the wound on his head and clean him up. Of course, he’s still tied up but beggars can’t complain. 
-Eventually, you do set him free. Yandere Space Explorer is cautious of you however you seem harmless enough. He’s spent the past few days studying your routine and habits.
-Your day consists mainly of foraging for food in the morning until noon.
-In the afternoon, you return to feed him and check up on him. After a bit, you leave to trek the jungle again. 
-During the evening, you come home to feed him a second time. You also spend the time preparing for tomorrow’s trip or relaxing. You'll make beaded items, sing small hymns or organize the small home.
-Not everyday is the same, sometimes you switch it up. However, you never forget to feed him. Yandere Space Explorer feels that you treat him something akin to a pet. When he’s good you reward him with some white flowers to eat, and when he displeases you, you sit in the corner and pout. 
-However, after he’s released, you allow him to join you on your daily adventure. Yandere Space Explorer writes in his journal every little action you do and your little quirks. He notices that you tend to stay clear of rectangular blue plants when foraging. You seem to point your nose in disgust when you see the plant. 
-Furthermore, he makes note of the cute little squeak you make when you find something that makes you happy. 
-After four years on this planet (at least according to his calculations), Yandere Space Explorer had come to terms with living here. He really enjoys the simple life here with you. Go out, forage, come home then rinse and repeat. 
-At first, he thought he’d grow tired of it but never actually did. Each day offered something new and unique. You’ve shown him waterfalls that flow upwards, flowers that sing, and creatures that seem older than time. 
-His favorite part though was your attention. The way you clung to him and refused to let go. Sometimes you’d accidentally scratch him with your sharp nails. You’d fret over him since you learned how weak humans were. Hurriedly, you would kiss his wound to make him feel better. He indulged in your attention like it was a newfound drug. 
-He also made notes on everything about your species. Everyday, he closely monitored you then would scribble pages about new discoveries. Your species was stronger, faster and more resilient to pain. However, a downfall was the lack of awareness and naivety (Maybe that was exclusive to you though?) Compared to humans, your species also contained an odd trait where regardless of gender, it was possible to conceive a child. You attempted to explain the biology however your language couldn’t properly translate over. 
-You’ve made tremendous progress learning his language in four years though. Naturally, you’re no master however your intelligence amazes him. It took him a while to comprehend your language. There were so many tones or certain shrill sounds he couldn't replicate.  
- “Ri, look!” You called out. 
-He turned around to see you holding something behind your back. You were giddy and full of joy like a child on their birthday. You couldn’t stop shaking in excitement for what he assumed was his present. 
“I fix it for you! I help!” 
-You placed a worn out rectangular box in his hands. It was crudely held together with a thick leaf wrapped around it. Multiple wires sticking out. Faint glows of a purple crystal shone beneath the ill fitting top. For a moment, the space explorer was confused. He wasn’t sure what you were showing him. Still, he didn’t want you to be disappointed by his reaction. Orion leaned down and kissed your cheek. 
“Thank you, dear. I’ll keep your present safe.” 
“NO! Look! I fix!” 
-You grabbed the box from his hand and began to fiddle with it. The box whirred to life with the sounds of different frequencies screeching. He was still so confused until he heard voices on the box. This was his communicator pad that was damaged in the crash landing. 
-A while back, you’d grown curious about his origins . You constantly asked questions about why he was here, where his home was and his friends. Finally, he took you to the damaged aircraft. He showed you the inside and all the mechanics. 
-You ran around observing everything, as he stood by and explained it all to you. You let out little squeaks as you collected multiple objects. Orion enjoyed watching how excited you were about everything. 
-However, he had no idea that you kept his communication pad. Hell, he didn’t even know that you could fix it. You were always intelligent but he couldn’t imagine that you’d repair the thing. 
-Were you tired of him? Why did you fix it? Why were you trying to send him away? Had he done something wrong to displease you? 
“Now you go home!” You said proudly smiling. 
“Dear, I don’t understand? Why would I go home? I have you here with me.” 
“But friends miss you! They tell me.” 
“Won’t you be sad if I go home?”
“Little sad. But Ri should go home! Friends will be happy to see you. When plane crash, I watch you. I see you cry. You miss friends.” 
“Would you go with me?” 
“No, this is my home.” 
-You acted out the plane crashing and crying with hand motions. Orion was tempted to laugh but the situation was serious. You had somehow made contact with a Space Explorer team and they were arriving here. 
-He imagined a million different scenarios in his head. Perhaps they’d capture you and then lock you up to study. You’d be forced to complete tests and be stuck in isolation. Maybe they’d abuse you. A sweet creature like you could never handle that type of treatment.
-Or even worse…
-You’d grow attached to someone else and leave him. 
-Orion forced those thoughts down. He had to focus on the current situation. Time was of the essence to fix this problem. 
“Do you know when they’re coming, dear?” 
“In three days! I remember.” 
-You smiled proudly waiting for some type of praise. Orion gently kissed the top of your head and whispered compliments in your ear. 
-Three days would have to be enough time to prepare.
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