#a LOT of the fanon shit i see about this dlc and characters are a lil eyebrow raising
possumteeths · 4 months
I love love love new vegas its my fav game EVER but I gotta say that like the way fandom behaves about the honest hearts dlc really does show me how the nuance and subtext themes of this game really fly over ppls heads, maybe its cause im hyper aware of all things mormon but at the heart of the dlc its about a war mongering racist who thinks its his divine purpose to deal with “savage” tribal natives.
Youre not supposed to think he’s based just because he’s an enemy to the legion, the POINT of introducing him to the overall narrative is to reiterate the point that war never changes. Joshua Graham is SUCH a cool character, hes got a lot you can dive into and think about but i’m kinda sick of his fanonized portrayal of “im a good person, who has to do bad things” hes more like “i was a terrible person, I’m still a terrible person” Theres much to discuss when it comes to the mormon themes and like church beginnings, my god can I go off about like mormons and their stupid fucking tribes omg. This DLC kinda has a jokey message once its boiled down to its basics, its poking fun at stupid white mormons in a meta way. Just because Graham spits out some baller lines doesnt mean he’s cool and good. Hes… racist with deeply racist beliefs and ideals, hes MORMON lol.
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dballzposting · 3 months
Everyone has a lot of opinions about Dragon Ball Super and now here's mine. The fight scenes go on for forever and it quickly becomes very boring. Howveer when somehting cool happebns then that's cool.
The domestic/filler moments are SO. FUNNY. They're why I watch it. It is all so LUDICROUS. The overwrought dub acting. It always makes me scream and roll around like a fool. Pausing & rewinding and making as much noise as I can reasonably get away with. And then some.
Perfect example is when Future Trunks went to hang out with Gohan . Goahn brought over soft serve ice cream and tried to hand him a chocolate cone. Trunks gruffly and immediately declined. Gohan offered him the vanilla cone instead. Trunks said "nah, chocolate's fine" and accepted the cone this time. He had declined it initially becasue he is perturbed by this nerd Gohan, perturbed by this sugar-sweet reality. But he didn't want to cause fuss so he accepted the ice cream as soon as it seemed like Gohan was gonna push. Gohan then said "I'm a softie for soft serve!" and Trunks said "Uh, yeah." LIKE WHAT IS THAT !??!?!?!?!?!?! WHJAT IS ALL OF THAT. That was just ludicrous. All of it. You're not gonna get that anywhere else.
Furhtermore people give DBS shit for butchering/altering many characters. This is true. But what they've done is really enjoyable to watch. Goku is so crazy and silly.
Emperor Pilaf is completely delusional and insane and it's fun that they brought him back.
I like the screentime that Goten & Trunks get. Trunks has grown out of his emulation phase of DBZ and what is instead showcased is a sensitive and gentle boy. He seems insecure, but his sweet heart is resilient. Meanhwile we see the first inklings of Goten's Jackass GT personality. He';s kind of a dickhead in GT. Scratch that he's a complete asshole in the most inconsequential way. Even in the EOZ Kakarot DLC he's such a whinerrr. These sorts of things read as a virtue in children, that they can put their foot down and self-defend, but Goten never grows out of his petulance so he becomes an asshole. FURTHERMORE DBS afforded Goten some wit as well. You really get the sense that he's a smart kid who's coming along well. But he's also fast-tracking it to being a dickhead. Meanwhile Trunks is sensitive and thoughtful.
The thing is this portrayal of Trunks is perfectly consistent with all that we've seen. People (myself included) sometimes get caught up in the way he was in DBZ, and we extrapolate that he will grow up to be an armored and egotistical dickhead with issues. But that's just so far from the truth . EOZ and DBGT and DBS and DBS:SH and DBZ Future Trunks and DBS Future Trunks all show us that Trunks really does take after his grandparents: he has this ease, want of peace, and sensitivity to him.
Kind of a kick in the face that DBS completely strips Trunks of all technological capabilities. But it's also really funny that they did that so I'll let it slide. Kind of a mindfuck though. Now GT really can't happen.
DBS seems to usurp expectations in a lot of ways that are meaningful. For one, in common fanon (and on this blog) Goten is soulful and heartfelt and Trunks is too cool 4 school but secretly insecure; whereas in the new canon, Goten is a blockhead and Trunks is sensitive and not knowing how to be anyone else but himself. There's a bunch of other shit tht DBS does with characters & storylines tht I think is meanignful but I dont remeber anything else
Also I loooove Mr Satan's screentime. He is so. Funny.
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
Y’know, I have a funny story with the ship between Innocence and Pebbles.
@eggobuggo , my sister, was playing The Sims and made the iterators in her own humanised forms, including her version of Innocence and Wind, along with Moon, Pebbles, NSH and Suns, all with their own personalities and stuff. She set up a generic apartment, put the gang in, and just had fun making them do silly shenanigans together, while I sit and watched her play.
In particular, we headcanon NSH, Pebbles and Innocence as Gen 3s, the newer modes, and so she made them into teenagers, which, with a DLC, have a whole new host of features that are not in the base game. This includes getting crushes (which weirdly enough, young adults and adults cannot get).
But anyway, one day, later into the game (the gang basically all were in the high end of the friendship scale with each other), the notif board popped up that Innocence had gotten a crush on Pebbles. Unfortunately for her, NSH and Pebs were already being all flirty with each other (Ragequit is where it’s at for us), making Pebble basically keep her in the friendzone. Ngl, my heart went out to her :,) Especially so, because they were all sharing a room. (space was tight)
After that, I began thinking about it in context of it in-universe, and ngl, I came to quite liking it as a ship, especially since I see Innocence to be less… asshole-ish (?), I guess, than what the general fandom makes her out to be (I mean it’s understandable, we only see her to leak the pic of Pebbles condition and that’s it.). To me and Eggo, she’s much nicer unless you really piss her off, which then, her more cynical and gossipy side of her comes out. She was actually more of on the friends side with Pebble before the shit went down.
At the time, I thought “dang, it’s a shame I won’t be seeing anything of it since she’s so obscure.”. This was a couple months before I began seeing art of them on the main tag.
Soooo… I guess I’m somewhat of an og Milkshake (as is the fandom name) shipper???
Just, seeing you and others make art about them is almost surreal in a way, since the only reason I really considered them as a ship was cuz of a random event in a life sim game lol.
Also @eggobuggo, I hope you don’t mind me sharing the story. :)
Wow, that seems like quite the story! And I do agree, after witnessing something like that in a totally different game it must be pretty surreal to see the ship gaining popularity in the actual RW fandom now too! It's nice to get another seal of approval from an original Milkshake shipper!
For me, it's also a bit strange because it's something I've considered for a really long time as a lingering "oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could make this work?" idea. The obscurity and lack of content for UI to draw inspiration from, both canon and fanon, definitely added to these feelings and the difficulty of imagining a working portrayal of the ship, hence I've only recently felt confident enough about the relationship and UI as a character to act on it. So after Pura coined the ship name and made a lot more art of it, then other artists started expressing approval and even drawing it themselves, it almost feels like I'm watching the ship enter the mainstream (Tumblr) fandom consciousness in real time, which is honestly pretty cool, especially since it feels like I had a hand in it with that initial ask! And even if I wasn't the very first to consider it, I'll definitely continue supporting this ship!
For some other thoughts though, I totally agree on Innocence not being mean in reality, though for me she's not mean or gossipy at all and more so has a kind-of opposite major flaw that tends to cause bad things unintentionally. As much as I can understand interpreting the character as a genuinely mean person, I thought it'd be interesting to imagine that her leaking the rot simply caused others to perceive her as mean, not that she's that way in reality. After all, I don't think we ever see direct dialogue from Innocence in canon, and the only evidence I can find of her being mean is Wind's speculation on her motivations. I also took inspiration from @shkika's Innocence, but I just wanted to see if I could take those ideas further to create my own unique interpretation.
Also, it's actually pretty coincidental you're telling me this too, because in regards to what I've come up for my Milkshake portrayal, Innocence having an unrequited crush on Pebbles for a really long time is actually really important for both plot and character arc reasons! I've been developing my own take on the classic worm-off-the-string iterator AU idea with @hail-strom for like the past week or so and the ship as of now plays a decent role in that, but the unrequited crush acts as subtle, yet major context for Innocence's actions throughout, which in turn slowly influence Pebbles especially as he starts to reciprocate those feelings (much to his alarm)!
Anyway, thanks for sharing that with me, and thanks for giving me a chance to ramble about this ship more! I'm honestly so happy to see it growing, and all support counts!
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
So what are your thoughts on Cassie? Fandom perception of her went from scared little girl, to spunky tomboy, and then the DLC finally came out and she turned out to be a valley girl whose constantly grossed out or complaining about everything around her but also has a very strong sense of loyalty to the only friend she has.
There's also some interesting parallels to Evan of all people. Both are the lonely children of wealthy but neglectful fathers (who have a hobby involving the Freddy Fazbear brand). They were also both a bawling mess at their birthday parties.
Cassie is awesome and amazing and we love her here :)
her character is ofc a lot different than the fanon take for her, but I think she's cool. Maybe it's just bc of the stress she's under in the dlc but she gives me "take no shit" vibes, which is great for her.
From what we've seen of her, she's very strong and brave and loyal. There is still so much we really don't know about her. I would love to find out more about how Cassie and Gregory met, if they're not siblings.
Is Cassie from a wealthy family? I wonder if being a Fazbear Technician pays well. I can definitely see what you mean from how she dresses, though.
The crying child parallels aren't something that I thought about before, but that's super interesting! Her personality is more on par from what I would expect of Liz, but one of the endings is literally unlocked by Cassie looking at a Fredbear cutout of all things, not to mention Glam Freddy's stomach having teeth in it like Nightmare Fredbear... hmmm....
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mannatea · 2 years
fe asks: 11, 12, 28, 30, 35, 37, 38 [leans mic closer] go off, my dear
11. A character that deserved better? My girl Rinkah (FE14) was probably one of the characters done most dirty by the entire fucking franchise. So many weird creepy "taming the savage" vibes around this character by the writers of the game and it's all so vile and disrespectful.
12. A game that deserved better? Oooohhh this is tough. My first instinct is to say FE9/10 (a cheating combo answer) because they were released on the Gamecube/Wii and that limited the audience to an extreme that we as a fandom hadn't really experienced before. But then I think about the clumsy race metaphors in the game and I'm like ehhh maybe it's better the audience was limited lol.
I also think FE14 deserved better in general. There were some really great ideas in there but a lot of it was just so clumsily done and cobbled together in a way that let them sell more shit.
28. Because this fandom doesn't see enough discourse [citation needed], post a spicy hot take here🔥🔥 I don't think it's a spicy take but I really fucking hate DLC and think the introduction of DLC to Fire Emblem had a hand in turning me off of the franchise for a good number of years and away from the fandom. I don't think 3H was as bad in this area as FE13/14 but it was very frustrating to me to have to look up maps and dialogues for things just to get little character bits. This was especially bad in FE14 because I really didn't have the funds to even buy the game. If my sister hadn't gifted it to me I would not have played it at all. But to then find out interesting maps and character bits were behind a paywall? Rage.
30. Since horse abuse is currently popular on Tumblr, beat up a dead horse with your take on an oversaturated topic🐴 I am sure this is a dead topic by now, so I just wanna say I don't like avatar characters. I'm not sorry. They're generally poorly designed, bland, or too Special Snowflake to be interesting to me within the main story. Also, I'm fucking old. I don't want to self-insert into a teenager. It makes every romance option weird and gross to me. Mark is the ideal avatar character because he didn't do anything and you could pretty much leave him out of fanfic entirely and nobody batted an eye. Love that for him. I think Byleth had potential but they just didn't reach it.
35. What's something you wish IntSys would just stop doing? Five billion supports. I never thought I'd say it, but I think having fewer supports in general, and even fewer that end in a meaningful relationship, would be a lot more fun. This would end with a lot more truly quality, interesting supports that were satisfying to read...and romances we could actually be invested in.
37. What's a weird theory or headcanon you have? I generally don't develop many headcanons for FE these days and I'm actively ashamed of old fanon I fell into and/or helped create (FE7 friends, I'm deeply sorry for the shy Kent fanon I let everyone down). That said, a few of us oldster KentLyn simps saw their paired ending and we were determined to make Rutger from FE6 work as their son.
38. Freebie! Talk about whatever you want 🐉⚔ I'm pretty sure my active Fire Emblem fandom days are over. It's not necessarily just Fire Emblem, though: I've largely given up writing in my free time due to lack of energy and the fact that writing anything takes literally entire days away from me and I simply don't feel rewarded for bothering anymore (especially now that I can get more comments just recording WoW gameplay and posting it to YouTube—and I'm not even a good player).
It's still really weird to think that I've been around as long as I have, but I don't really have the energy to engage in fandom the way I did when it was 2003. You'd never guess I was so involved in the earlier FE days, writing literally HUNDREDS of fics and running a fic contest and participating in LJ discussions. There's a disconnect there that I can't quite explain. I've been in other fandoms for a long time, but Fire Emblem and many of its fans got me through the roughest years of my life from start to finish, so it's a hard pill to swallow that I'm not sure I can really consider myself a fan in the same capacity I once was.
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zet-sway · 3 years
@the-wip-project day 23:
Have you ever read a thing in a book or seen in a show/movie where you thought: "Oh, this is bad, I can do this so much better!" What was it?
YEAH it's called Thane's Death in Mass Effect 3.
The most fucking ruthless thing about Thane's Death is that no one acknowledges it. Like if you're going to kill a character, at least let the people close to them mourn. It's profoundly fucked up.
I've posted about this before but I can't express how betrayed I felt to see Garrus' standing by the memorial wall afterwards, fully expecting to hear him say anything at all about Thane. And then he says nothing. He talks about your Virmire survivor and whatever else. Idk what popular fanon of Garrus is like but I really don't believe he would be that oblivious. Garrus has endured enough loss to understand how exhausting it is. But all you get is a name on a wall.
It's bad, folks.
Like what the fuck. I wasn't expecting some mushy scene of heartfelt condolences, but since he's staring at the fucking memorial after a character dies, I expected some form of acknowledgement.
When Mordin dies, it's all anyone talks about. When Legion dies, everyone acknowledges his sacrifice. When Thane dies it's just silence. It hurts. Maybe they swept him under the rug because we already knew he was going to bite it, which is a piss poor excuse.
All it would have taken is for someone to stay, "I'm sorry about Thane, Commander."
The citadel memorial service is a nice touch but it's abundantly clear it's a reactionary addition, after the backlash from fans. I don't need to elaborate on why locking grief behind paid DLC is a problem. And when you choose the "I loved him" dialogue, your character actually says nothing of the fucking sort. Although I will admit it was a nice touch that the salarian counselor showed up. There's a lot to unpack there.
It's not Thane's fault that Kai Leng is a poorly written villain. The writers gave enough of a shit to give him a dignified death, saving the life of another, even if he absolutely kicked Leng's ass six ways to Sunday and then jumped on his sword like an idiot. The prayer by his bedside was beautiful even if I wish Shepard had the option of holding his hand. I actually think the animators struggled with gestures like hand holding, at least that's the impression I get when I watch the rigging throughout the game. There's a strong difference between motion captured scenes and everything else. Mocap is expensive, I get it, and the models don't have collision which makes it challenging to rig them in a believable way. But I still wish they'd made the effort. Like Thane's arms clipping into Shepards back during their kiss, likely due to technical limitations. It's imperfect but still has the desired impact. And now that I think about it, Thane's animation got a lot more budgetary attention in ME2.
Let me stop myself before I take this tangent off the fucking rails. ME3 is breathtaking in it's scope and care despite it's shortcomings, and now that I'm older and know more about how games are made I can better appreciate how much time and money went into it. I mean it when I say I fully believe the developers were not lazy when they made this game. They made some bad choices, but that's not the same as being lazy.
But if I had to ask for one thing to be done over, it would be the crew's reaction when Thane dies. Even if all that amounts to is "I heard Krios didn't make it."
EDIT: I'm actually shocked you don't get to keep Thane's memorial picture. For years I assumed you did. I was gutted when I learned it's only for the memorial ಠ_ಠ
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volot · 3 years
grips u and shakes u. i am so late for this but i will not be deterred!! listen i love your volo portrayal SO FUCKING MUCH words are hard but you just nail his character so damn well and the way you write him is just so special and nice i love it. i love it. there's just Something so special about the way you get his voice and character down into all of your writing with him and!!! it's so great it's a delight to see your replies every single time. also the way you write down his little silly lying ways into even pre reveal things??? chef kiss
GINTER AS WELL BECAUSE GRANDPA IS GREAT AND YOU WRITE HIM SO WELL??? even with SO little material in canon you make him so distinct and your hcs for him feel so in line with him i could see them as canon so easily. love how well you got down the tired old man that has seen Shit but cares even when he pretends he doesn't. you do all of this so fucking well. i care him thank u for writing him
›   ❝  report card, but brutal honesty edition.
i feel like i sound like a broken record with how much i keep saying thank you so i'm sorry for saying it so much 😭 but thank YOU. sincerely. from the bottom of my heart. i say this with full honesty when i say that like... people's support really keeps me going. i tend to doubt myself a lot with writing, and namely with a character as popular as volo whose... popular fanon opinions i tend to heavily disagree with, for the most part, as if my 500000 page metas didn't make that obvious enough. because of that, i usually tend to lean towards self-critique and i sometimes wonder if maybe i've got it all wrong, and i often worry my frequent rambling and ooc posts come off as obnoxious and in a sort of soundproof room of me never stopping in running my Big Mouth about this blorboayga from my myths. i've also been out of practice with writing for a few years and my rust is immeasurable, so coming back to writing on tumblr made me indescribably nervous. all of this encouragement really brightens my spirits a whole bunch; just hearing simple things like 'hey, we like your writing funky magic man' brings a smile to my face. :')
EITHER WAY thank you, sincerely, i'm really glad my efforts into trying to write all that i can into him don't go unnoticed! i always worry on sneaking in showcasing how he's lying into pre-betrayal stuff, because i think to myself 'well, maybe i shouldn't? would it be more impactful if i cut it from this writing, to make it more unable to discern if he's being genuine or not? does telegraphing it like that cheapen it? am i telling, rather than showing? or should i keep it, to show the double nature of who he is? is it better for the impact?', so knowing someone appreciates that definitely helps with easing some of those thoughts!
and with ginter, thank you so much again! i wouldn't be exaggerating when i say picking up a character with next to nothing with them and fleshing them out has always been my specialty: i think my last long-standing muse had maybe.. my god, six lines total? in canon? and like, thoughts from the characters around them that i just worked off of, and somehow, it worked. so i'm glad that you enjoy him, too: i think he's a character with a lot of potential, and i was a little sad when he wasn't anything more to him other than just idle shop dialogue. i hope in the dlc, we might see more to him and what's up with him, since volkner's a fan favorite: until then, i'll keep on trucking with grandpa, and developing that sweet ginkgo lore... and amassing the angst with good ol' volkner, of course, because the stuff we've talked about with them Gets My Ass. :')
and before i sign off: to you, fae, i give my praise as well!! as i said with morty, i think ingo and emmet are difficult characters to pull off. being the popular fandom darlings of the 2011, it's easy to water down their characters or shove them into tropey boxes, but you put a lot of charm into ingo and a lot of thought that goes a long way! he feels very natural, and wonderfully pulled off! you really dig into the depth that pla gives him too, and while he bounces magnificently off of morty's emmet - kudos to that too! their relationship feels very natural - you guys manage to strike them as individual people who can stand on their own, while also being the most important character's in each others lives and highlighting how important their bond is. a two car train!!
and i've also mentioned how much i love your volk in dms, but seriously, you made me care for the big lug who i didn't spare a second glance usually because he just wasn't my type of character. that takes a lot of skill, and i can't tell you how much i commend you for it. full speed ahead, and don't lose your spark!
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alethiometry · 4 years
Character simping breakdown for our man Brasidas,,, GO 👀
(sorry for the delay, was watching blaseball while gathering my thoughts) *cracks my knuckles* HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
How I feel about this character
in all seriousness, i think brasidas is one of the coolest characters in odyssey not just because of his absolutely fucking legendary intro scene, but also because he’s... not actually that well-developed of a character? all we really know about him is that he’s your friend, and he’s also spartan, and also he’s not as bloodthirsty or warmongering as other spartans you encounter. but beyond that, and despite him being more involved in the latter half of the main storyline than other characters, we don’t really see that much more of his motivations or character development until we see him again in the underworld. there’s a distinct difference between game-brasidas and fanon-brasidas, and it’s hard to talk about one completely divorced from the other. especially as someone who writes a lot of fic from his pov—which, honestly, is 99% just shit i made up because ubisoft basically said “here’s this badass dude, here is why you should like him, fill in the rest of the blanks yourself” and boy....... We As A Fandom Did Just That.
basically what i’m trying to say is, brasidas is basically everyone’s collective-yet-distinct OC at this point.
also, i’m putting this here because i don’t know where else i would say it but it needs to be said: at the end of the arkadia questline, if you successfully spare lagos, brasidas gets SO smug and passive-aggressive when he thanks you, IN FRONT OF MYRRINE, for seeing things his way. and honestly?!?!? FUNNIEST SHIT. LOVE THAT FOR HIM.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
KASSANDRA!!! although that’s a given. also lagos and anthousa and, honestly, myrrine. i was only reminded of the latter by @winedark which i completely forgot about until just this morning, which is why i didn’t list brasidas in that post i did yesterday about myrrine. oops.
also thucydides definitely had a big fat crush on the guy.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
also lagos! i just like their relationship in any form, honestly.
i also have a headcanon that brasidas is buddies with kalibos (the dude from the sidequest where you do a bunch of shrooms) and together they form the Chill Spartans Coalition. actually they may be the only chill dudes in all of sparta, now that thaletas has (in my game, at least) more or less defected to go live on mykonos, and lagos no longer actually lives in sparta.
My unpopular opinion about this character
okay soooooo i have a few hot takes, here we go:
1. as much as i like to joke about ubisoft being cowards, i... actually don’t mind that we can’t romance him in the game. not because i don’t ship him with kassandra/alexios (i think we all know where i stand on that), but because i simply do not trust ubisoft to write their romance well. my stance is pretty much: leave it non-canon, because fans write it better. and because it gives us less restrictions on how the relationship develops.
2. i don’t really mind that he got killed off in amphipolis. by that point in the game i couldn’t care less about hIsToRiCaL aCcUrAcY (esp given how perikles went out) so that’s not why i don’t mind... i think by this point i’ve read so many fix-it fics that it has, effectively, fixed it for me. (it being watching deimos skewer him like a fucking kebab.) basically, having him die at amphipolis gives fandom more opportunity for both happily-ever-after fix-its that are frankly better than whatever ubisoft could have written, AND tragic angsty sad fics that are my ultimate guilty pleasure.
3. i loved his character development in the hades dlc. this might be the only instance i don’t dunk on ubisoft’s writing in this entire post, but i don’t feel as if they did him dirty at all; frankly i’m extremely impressed that they threw in a bit of nuance to his character and his spartan upbringing, considering how the main game is basically pro-sparta propaganda that erases or masks actual wartime atrocities. like, if they’re going to talk about war crimes in a way that engages the player, then yeah, it should be with the dude who you actually spent time developing a meaningful friendship with over the course of the game. and boy does that dlc looooooooove to hammer home how good friends you are!!! god. also: if you tell him to stay in the underworld, he has a job! good for him! i bet he plays poker with charon on fridays.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
obviously it would have been great if brasidas were a romanceable character, if only because then we’d have more material to make gifsets of. still, at the end of the day, i still stand by what i said above. but that also doesn’t mean i’ll ever shut up about ubisoft’s cowardice in denying us the opportunity to peg him halfway to mount olympus.
anyway, back to the question/prompt at hand: i... actually don’t know? like i said in response to the first question, it’s really fun to have such a loosely-characterized npc to the point where we can pretty much write/interpret him in any way we want, and it’s hard for me to want more canon material that may restrict that.
name a character and watch me ramble my way into simping for them
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deathofamemer · 5 years
✨ 💕 💔 💢 all of them
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
lego movies: there’s just something so lively and fun about them... the world they exist in and craft throughout the four warner brothers lego movies is fascinating and complex and has a lot of nuance to it that makes rewatching the movies a delight just to catch little things that got missed the first time around! the characters are vibrant and lively and there’s not really any who fall flat (outside of the lego ninjago movie but the main lego movies are my focus), there’s a lot of tropes that i personally enjoy (particularly the meta stuff, i love meta humor), and the style itself is gorgeous and unique. using CG to mimic stop motion? that’s genius, and it makes for a beautiful set of films
danny phantom: danny phantom as a series is just a bundle of a trillion of my favorite tropes and the amount of content that can be created from it is truly overwhelming. part of the allure of danny phantom is actually the fandom, for once, because while it’s not free of issues, there’s a sense of continuity. there’s a lot of widely accepted fanon in there, including whole fandomwide ocs, and it’s really something spectacular. i’m a sucker for the supernatural and superheroes, and danny phantom mingles the two nicely.
greek mythology: greek myth is one of those things that just perfectly slides into the academic portion of my brain, tbh. it’s a vast mythos with colorful characters and epic stories and quirky anecdotes and scraps of information spread across history, and the fact that it can be collected and looked at and interpreted even today? it’s super interesting and good. for a mostly dead religion, it’s still fairly ubiquitous in society, and i love seeing all of the variations on each story, seeing what various places thought were fit to keep or discard.
pokemon: pokemon, as a franchise, is immensely soothing. you get to raise animals and befriend them and play with them, winding your way through the countryside, facing challenges and stopping strife. the characters are memorable, the pokemon designs are generally really appealing, and the lore is crafted in such a way that it feels like something you could examine for a long time. there’s a lot of heart in it, and it shows.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
lego movies: you’re expecting me to put rex, aren’t you. i’ve given my diatribes on rex fucking dangervest enough, i’m talking about my original fave, gcbc. gcbc is a charming character with a neat concept, embodying the lego minifigs with two faces as a single character, providing some of the only positive DID representation i’ve ever seen. liam neeson’s voice acting for them is really stellar, and back in 2014/15, i read all of the gcbc-centric fics i could get my hands on. they’re just interesting to examine.
danny phantom: i’m betting you’re also expecting me to talk about danny’s evil future self because i’m a predictable shit, but NO i refuse. clockwork is one of my favorite fucking characters of anything ever, because he embodies the whole ‘father time’ concept in a neat way, transitioning from child to adult to elder as a constant cycle. he’s also clever and witty and makes a good mentor, showing consequences for actions without forcing danny’s hand. clockwork is just great, honestly,,,
greek mythology: everyone in greek myth is terrible all the time, but dionysus is really fun? he’s a male god who got raised as a girl, so like, trans rights, he’s equal parts party god and brain ruiner, he’s got a million conflicting portrayals that make him fun to examine, and he’s actually one of the oldest gods in the pantheon in terms of historicity. there’s more to him than meets the eye, for sure, and his myths are fun.
pokemon: i really love zinnia... she’s a badass dragon lady who’s super lively and fun, she kicks ass and knows she does, she nearly wrangles rayquaza themself in order to save the world... god i just adore her
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
lego movies: lord business don’t even fucking look at me i swear to god, capitalist ass bitch, abusive boss supreme, tyrannous dickmunch,
danny phantom: it’s kind of hard to place least faves? if i have to choose, though, probably gregor. he’s a one-off asshole liar trying to get into sam’s pants, gregor gets no rights.
pokemon: hey. hey ghetsis. hey lusamine. look at me. be better parents. fuck you
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
lego movies: tlm2 was weaker than the first due to the change of directors, i’m happy that we got rex and watevra and mayhem, they’re all fun and great, but the characterization of everyone is really fucking off and emmet gets treated like shit when he doesn’t deserve it. my rage over rex’s fate is well documented, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. i think often about a hypothetical tlm2 that actually resolved things and kept people in character and featured gcbc for more than 5 seconds
greek mythology: why did the ancient greeks like incest and rape so much what the fuck is your goddamn deal guys just chill out and suck a dick that isn’t your cousin’s
pokemon: i’m very fucking angy about the pokemon company trying to wring money out of people with swsh, everyone i know who’s played it has enjoyed it but the fact that there’s expensive dlc for a pokemon game like this, that you can never have all of the pokemon in the game, the fact that even one game is the cost of a double pack for the previous ones, it irks me deeply
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queen-scribbles · 6 years
Jowan, Sebastian, Theron?
Hoo boy, this turned into A Lot. :D I have many feelings about Jowan, and only slightly fewer about the other two :D
Why I like them– He’s so earnest. He wants so bad to do the right thing, even if he fails miserably and winds up making things worse. And then he owns up to it and is willing to accept whatever punishment you deem fitting, even including death(or potentially Tranquility, since that’s on the table if you send him back to the Circle….) (I have the Karma’s companions mod, so his “punishment” is usually becoming a Grey Warden. HE’S MINE NOW BIOWARE)
Why I don’t–Jealousy’s an ugly color, and he could stand to think things through just a little bit more(but, I mean, he’s supposed to be 20-ish iirc. Planning and foresight are not strengths for a lot of people around that age)
Favorite scene– His appearance in the Gauntlet 
Favorite line–either this exchange or the “Who want their hair on fire?” battle chatter(though the VA work on “Am I not allowed to have regrets?” makes that a strong contender, too)
Favorite outfit–When I recruit him, he usually winds up an Arcane Warrior and I put him in the Warden Commander plate from Warden’s Keep which looks fiiine
OTP–aside from various origins(most strongly Tabris or Brosca), Jowan/Leliana all the way, man. (redemption parallels ftw)
Brotp–TRINNE AND JOWAN 5EVER(Trinne ghostwrote this. Also, in OWaP canon, I think he and Harvey are gonna get along pretty well)
Head Canon–Have a couple, bc he is one of my faves and I almost literally never stopping thinking about him this can’t be healthy /cough 1) he’s artistically inclined. It started as doodling in class when he was bored, and he did it so much he’s actually really good now 2) he’s really good at fire spells(bc that’s almost always what the game randomly gives him for me, to the point I thought for a long time all he got was fire spells) 3) given the link between magic and your will I think part of why he’s not a better mage is constantly being compared to his best friend and hearing “You’re not as good”. Not saying he’d be a super powerful, war-hero-esque mage ~if someone just believed in him~, but I definitely think he’d be decent enough to not worry about passing the Harrowing if he wasn’t constantly hearing “You aren’t as good and never will be”. 4) He sleeps like a mcfreakin’ log 5) He’s extremely ticklish
Unpopular opinion–I actually like his voice and don’t find it annoying at all.  
A wish–a positive-slanted reference at some point in the franchise would be nice, but since he’s not even in the Keep, I’m not holding my breath 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen– Anything confirming in any version of canon he gets made Tranquil. I don’t care that there’s a way to reverse it. I’ve read Asunder; that didn’t go well for Pharamond. 
5 words to best describe them-- Earnest, jealous, and trying his best
My nickname for them– My Disaster Mage Son
Why I like them--He’s kind, wants to help people, perseveres no matter how many times he loses almost everything, his banters with Merrill hint at an open-mindedness no one else in the entire Chantry shows, and, I mean, the accent ofc
Why I don’t--indecisive(pot meet kettle /cough), naive in regards to the Chantry, stubborn, quick-tempered
Favorite scene– I mean…. He’s DLC, so there’s not a lot, but him bowing to Hawke’s mabari is pretty cute.
Favorite line– Oh, so many. Mostly party banters with Isabela or Merrill, though the ever popular “I think I need to pray. A lot.” is definitely up there too.
Favorite outfit–He only has one, so…. his armor.
OTP– SebAstrid /sobs
Brotp– He and Fenris
Head Canon– He has a great singing voice
Unpopular opinion– What, liking him at all isn’t unpopular enough? xD Even if Astrid went the rival path, I really like his friendship romance too. And I do not wish we’d known him in the Wild Party Boy Sebastian days over when we do meet him
A wish– More content, but only if it’s ACTUALLY Sebastian and not some demonized fanon version BioWare throws in bc casting him as a joke/jerk is an easy way to earn points with this fandom (*GLARES at DAI, specifically Varric*)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen– Have him go full-on villain
5 words to best describe them– “So pretty I wanna cry”
My nickname for them–Don’t really have one. I don’t even call him Seb that much; it’s usually the full Sebastian
Why I like them--Dry, sarcastic sense of humor, good heart even if he screws up sometimes, clever, snarky etc etc 
Why I don’t–when he screws up, he screws up big, seems the type to hold grudges, can be excessively reckless
Favorite scene– Either saving himself from the Revanites on Rishi or running into Lorman in KotET 
Favorite line– “And here they told me if I ever kissed an Imp I’d spontaneously implode”
Favorite outfit– I do love his jacket, but he also looks good in his deep cover get-up, and the Bold Hellion armor. Or Canderous’ armor. And none of them have a collar that get in the way of screencapping kisses, so. Sorry, Red Jacket. 
OTP– Theron/Taking a Gosh Darn Break (also him/Jaaide, obviously)
Brotp–Theron & Lana
Head Canon– I don’t really think I have any, tbh
Unpopular opinion– I like the Copero Cut™, which apparently most people don’t?
A wish–please don’t completely sideline him since there was the option for him to die in Nathema Conspiracy
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen– see above
5 words to best describe them– Reckless, well-intentioned, sarcastic lil shit
My nickname for them– I mean… “Idiot Spy Boyfriend” works really well, and I’ve been using that since NC dropped. :P Also, Theron You Nerd
Give Me A Character
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downtroddendeity · 7 years
Hey I was wondering if you had any thoughts of Raynie and her character, because I just finished Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology and I just wasn't a fan?? And I don't know if that's because she changed since the original or she wasn't that great? I just feel kind of guilty not liking a major female character as it feels like my only reasoning is that she's a little flat in comparison and her fanservice
Oh wow, when I saw 5 inbox notifications when I opened Tumblr, I kinda panicked. Okay, sticking all these responses in one post for simplicity’s sake, and cutting because long.
Re: Raynie: I can’t speak to what PC did to her character, but most of the garbage fanservice is new (and a major contributing factor to why I’m not giving Atlus money), as is the bland moeface. They even increased her bust size, because I guess “huge” wasn’t huge enough for them. Her biggest problems in the original were sharing lack-of-focus problems with Marco (because they were added to the permanent party late in development, so they drop off the face of the planet a lot in mid-to-late game) and the fact that AJE is an “oops there’s only one major female character close to the male lead’s age who isn’t related to him or dating someone else, better hook them up so people don’t think he’s not straight” Obligatory Het mess. (Joke’s on them, I think they’re both bi.)
Personally I like her a lot and am a major contributor to the “enthusiastically bisexual party girl” Raynie fanon, and feel there’s a lot you can explore with her, especially re: the sheer amount of awfulness in her backstory that she largely thinks of/tries to pass off as not all that bad.
Also in Radiant Historia who did you ship any why? Are you cool with still getting questions about this? I realise you might have answered them already            
I am ALWAYS cool with getting the opportunity to talk about RH. :::PPP But I’m more of a gen reader/writer than I am a shipper.
My #1 ship is Stocke/suffering. My #2 ship is Kiel->everyone. My #3 ship is practically-every-adult-not-related-to-him-or-named-Marco -> Stocke with Stocke not noticing any of them. :::PPP Stocke/Rosch and Stocke/Rosch/Sonja are both more canon than canon, Stocke/Raynie is a mess but one I’m invested in in spite of myself, and if I had my way I’d just quietly canonize Dias/Selvan in incidental NPC dialogue. Beyond that, my opinion is largely *shrug emote*.
So another question (sorry) but do you think the resistance would’ve tried to befriend Stocke after the games ending or at all? Like he looks so much like the prince (which he is but they don’t know that) and it’d probably be real nostalgic for them. I just feel kind of bad for them you know? that someone that they loved so much just entirely forgot them and what they meant            
*whistles innocently and slides one of her fanfics across the table*
Which is to say: I don’t think so. I think the odds that they tell much of anyone who Stocke really is post-canon are pretty much nil; if nothing else, 1) it’d destabilize Eruca’s rule even if he was still supporting her and 2) he’d have to develop, like, manners? And wear clothes that aren’t 60% leather and belts? And probably marry a Suitable Noblewoman and attend court functions and come under all sorts of scrutiny for everything he does or has done, and not be able to just wander off and do sidequests when no one is looking. And Stocke absolutely hates people sucking up to or flattering him; one thing I know you’re tragically missing if you’ve only played PC is this thing of beauty:
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And, from the fact that some of the Resistance act rude to the point of hostility to him…
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…I don’t think they’re seeing him as their dead friend who’s forgotten them, they’re seeing him as a stranger who looks uncannily and uncomfortably similar to their dead friend.
So I think if Stocke befriended the Resistance after the game, it would be more in spite of who he is than because of it, and everything would suddenly turn awkward whenever anyone was reminded that he “looks like” Ernst.
last question (I swear) but what’s the non-true ending? because I  managed to do all the side quests and shit before the end            
It’s just the true ending minus a whole bunch of scenes.
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If you load your clear file after beating the final boss, you’ll see all these events in the Chronicle/Story screen. There’s one for each of the sidequests with bad ends. These don’t play if you haven’t cleared the quest; e.g. Aht’s scene in Itolia only plays if you’ve done the sidequest with Isla. The bit at the end with Stocke and Heiss in Historia only happens if you’ve gotten all ten.
I lied because I just remembered the fanservice towel thing and your opinion, in depth if you can be bothered, on the lack of scars on literally any of them.             
My opinion:
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(I expect to be getting a lot of use out of this gif re: PC.)
Most of these characters are veteran soldiers. They will have scars.
Raynie grew up as an orphaned street urchin refugee. She should have scars from even before she became a mercenary.
Rosch has a huge prosthetic arm. He should, at a minimum, have Edward Elric levels of scarring on the left side of his chest where it connects.
Stocke was impaled at the start of the game, and was explicitly textually too far gone for magic healing to fix it. He should have a scar from Palomides.
Stocke LITERALLY DIED. HE WAS EXECUTED. Not giving him a mark in the middle of his chest or around his neck or something is a huge missed opportunity.
I will now go back to blocking the existence of the fanservice DLC from my memory except to occasionally fantasize about writing spitefic where Eruca bumps into Stocke with his shirt off and it triggers a PTSD episode.
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bascojinn · 7 years
What Ardyn did wrong... and why everything was wrong with Noctis’ fate
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Ardyn is the most interesting character in FFXV, indeed. Mysterious man of no consequences. Despite his horrible actions, a lot of people being sympathetic to him, because Trash Jesus is very charismatic person with aura of tragic, misunderstood hero, who was punished by terrible Gods for nothing.
But people simply ignore a big elephant in the room.
Ardyn didn’t cure Starscourge. 
He didn’t fullfill God’s task, he absorbed Starscourge within himself, but didn’t destroy the plague properly. 
But why? Why didn’t he sacrifice himself like Noctis? Why did once selfless and kind man choose the path of Accursed?
There is popular fanon that Ardyn was both - Chosen King and Oracle, but I doubt it. There is no evidence for it, aside once dropped “healer” during Ardyn’s speech. But nature of Ardyn’s “healing” was different from actual healing.
One more reason why I didn’t support Oracle!Ardyn fanon - Oracle bloodline has already existed 2000 years ago.
In the distant past, Bahamut, the Draconian, descended to the mortal realm and graced the people of Tenebrae. From among them, he handpicked a pious maiden and bestowed upon her the power of the Stars and his trident. Using these gifts for the good of all, she became the first Oracle—she who joins heaven and earth.
In Cosmogony books Chosen King always portrayed with the First Oracle behind his back.
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The Crystal and Ring of the Lucii were delivered to the king of Lucis by the astrals before they entered a deep sleep.
Ancient King had Crystal and Ring. Covenants with Gods were forged. But something went wrong. But something stopped him. 
Okay, here is my theory. 
Ardyn didn’t want his Oracle to die.
[If you don’t like the idea of another forced lovestory and idea of straight Ardyn at all, you can replace Ardyn x Oracle with Ardyn x someone significant to Ardyn, who’s death was required to fullfill the Prophecy. I went with Ardyn x Oracle as example, because it helps to cover massive amount of plotholes in noctluna storyline. I included another variants under the cut.]*
[you can also said that Ardyn x Oracle or “Ardyn wished to save his s/o” wasn’t mentioned in game. But Ardyn’s backstory is very vague and almost nonexistant in game. More information about Ardyn spread across different media (Ultimania, guidebook, interviews). E.g. only recent DLC revealed that first Chosen King had his own Shield and Ardyn has his own Sword of Father]
Just like Noctis he fell in love with her and just like Ravus he wanted to find a way to save her from her destiny.
Why I think so?
Usually we tried to find answers in the past, but due to “glorius” FFXV storytelling I would pay attention to the present, specifically to Noctis x Luna plotline.
Since the first day of release I had wondered why Luna didn’t join Noctis and bros after Insomnia’s fall. She loved him, she wanted to hear his voice once again... but she went her own way. The pursuit of Imperial army wasn’t a big problem, because her brother was in charge of Nifflheim military. But for some reason she avoided Noctis’ company.
It doesn’t make sense at the first sight.
It makes sense if we assume that 2000 years ago happened incident when certain Chosen King failed his job, because he wanted to save Eos, but without Oracle’s* sacrifice.
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The earliest accounts of covenants are found in ancient times dating back to the time of the Cosmogony, some two millennia ago. According to such tomes, the rites are a means by which the Oracle summoned forth the gods, that she might make the will of mortals known to the divine.
Lunfreaya is Oracle. She knew about Prophecy, her and Noctis’ fate, Ardyn’s identify and many other important things. I’m pretty sure that she also knew why previous Chosen King was a mistake didn’t comply his mission to cure Starscourge.
[don’t forget that she was trained by Shiva in disguise]
Luna’s illness is weird thing, which seems unnecessary on first sight. Why should we care about it, when she is already dead? What’s the point of this ass-pulled revelation?
Now imagine if Noctis was aware about her illness. Imagine if Luna joined chocobros after events of Kingsglaive. Imagine her travelling with them, making covenants with Gods, helping Noctis with trials... and slowly dying.
What would Noctis do if he learned “price of the covenant”?
I think we know the answer.
Until Luna’s death Noctis didn’t see himself as Chosen King. He wanted to save Luna and nothing else. He fought against Empire, he wanted to beat the shit out of Ravus, because he thought that Ravus hunted Lunafreya, he would have done everything for her, but he didn’t know what actually killed Luna. He was misguided by Luna herself.
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[and then Lunafreya... told Noctis about Prophecy again]
It also explains why Gentiana didn’t help to save Luna in Altissia. Luna should’ve died. Her own precense kept Noctis from fulfillment his duty as Chosen King.
Almost everyone, who knew about Prophecy, tried to hide from Noctis horrible truth about his fate and, which is more important, Luna’s illness. Gentiana, Regis, Luna, Ardyn (just how fucked up is plot of this game if “good guys” used exactly the same methods to manipulate Noctis as main villain) deprived him of any chance to change something. Looks like they were afraid that Noctis can choose another path, isn’t it?
I put Luna’s illness over Noctis’ future sacrifice, because Noctis was ready to die young. It was revealed in Ignis Brotherhood Episode, when Noctis realized that like his dad he will spend his life sources to hold the Wall around Insomnia. Ofc, he didn’t expect to die like in this one cutscene, but he was ready to die anyway. Luna is whole different thing. Her death was last straw for him.
Although, there was a moment, when Noctis had a chance to learn the truth from another character, who was also informed about Prophecy and constantly tried to mess up with it.
Back to chapter Five, when Noctis met Ravus first time. There is a common misconception about this scene, a lot of people thought that Ravus wanted to kill Noctis and Ardyn saved him.** But I think that real reason why Ardyn interrupted them was this particular line:
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Ravus told Noctis about trials and consequences, but Noctis didn’t mind about it... and you know what happened later. 
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Congratulations, Noctis, you fooled yourself.
[now there is another big question - why Luna didn’t write Noctis about Ravus’ true position?]
After this event Ardyn took Ravus on leash. Ravus himself wasn’t dangerous for Noctis, but Ravus’ knowledges and intentions were dangerous for future sacrificial lamb. Remember: Noctis shouldn't have a choice.
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People compare FFXV with FFX and FFXIII a lot. These games are opposite to each other. In FFX and FFXIII characters didn’t accept their fate so easy as characters in FFXV, they fought for their lifes and lifes of their beloved (Lightning and Snow wanted to save Sera, Sazh wanted to save his son, Tidus wanted to save Yuna), they fought against destiny, broke the rules and won. 
It always bothered me that chocobros never demonstrated any serious resistance. But, well, they simply didn’t know what’s going on. They were desinformed from the beginning. 
[That one character in FFXV who just wanted to save his sister was labeled as villain and turned into monster. Just think about it]
Now back to Ardyn and his possible past. Imagine him travelling in company of his King’s Shield, Oracle and may be his own versions of Prompto and Ignis. Imagine them fightning daemons, camping, making covenants with Gods...
But something went wrong. Oracle is dying. Ardyn wanted to save the world, but not for this price. He tried to find a loophole... and he was tricked or made a deal with Ifrit. From perspective of mortal man it was perfect deal - he can save everyone by healing absorbing Starscourge into his own body without sacrifices. But from Astrals’ point of view it was nothing. It was temporary solution.*
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I never liked Noctis that much***,but I think that his situation was horrible. People that are most dear to him treatened Noctis like possible failure aka Ardyn 2.0. They were afraid that if he finds out the truth, he will get out of control. They did everything to prevent Noctis’ possible resistance to his fate.
All these people prioritized Prophecy over Noctis’ life, happiness and free will.
Just like Ardyn.
It wasn’t even “kill one to save many”.
Everything is wrong with Final Fantasy XV story.
@stephanythedramaqueen it’s not exactly that Regis’ post, which I promised, but it’s something like prequel to it.
*I prefer Chosen King x Oracle, because it’s good parallel to noctluna. But I also thought about Ardyn x Chosen King (not in shipping manner, but what if Ardyn wanted to save previous Chosen from his fate? So, Chosen King could be Ardyn’s brother or son. Or just his good friend. May be Ardyn wanted to avoid his own death, but I think that it’s too... boring?
**Go and rewatch this scene if you think opposite. Ravus had a good opportunity to choke Noctis with MT hand, but he didn’t do it. 
***I wouldn’t mind Regis or Luna actions, if this game didn’t try to show them as epitome of goodness. I wouldn’t mind if Tabata stayed with old concept of Yakuza Regis. I wouldn’t mind if he stayed with concept of antagonistic love interest. But Tabata erased moral ambivalence of Versus XIII. Lunafreya is perfect woman, which Noctis can’t reach and his role model. But she is also woman, who didn’t tell him all truth. Shiva, the most friendly Astral, hides the truth too. And of course, Regis didn’t even try to raise Noctis as king, because he knew true meaning of Chosen King title.
Chosen to die.
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zet-sway · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
@the-wip-project day 23:
Have you ever read a thing in a book or seen in a show/movie where you thought: "Oh, this is bad, I can do this so much better!" What was it?
YEAH it's called Thane's Death in Mass Effect 3.
The most fucking ruthless thing about Thane's Death is that no one acknowledges it. Like if you're going to kill a character, at least let the people close to them mourn. It's profoundly fucked up.
I've posted about this before but I can't express how betrayed I felt to see Garrus' standing by the memorial wall afterwards, fully expecting to hear him say anything at all about Thane. And then he says nothing. He talks about your Virmire survivor and whatever else. Idk what popular fanon of Garrus is like but I really don't believe he would be that oblivious. Garrus has endured enough loss to understand how exhausting it is. But all you get is a name on a wall.
It's bad, folks.
Like what the fuck. I wasn't expecting some mushy scene of heartfelt condolences, but since he's staring at the fucking memorial after a character dies, I expected some form of acknowledgement.
When Mordin dies, it's all anyone talks about. When Legion dies, everyone acknowledges his sacrifice. When Thane dies it's just silence. It hurts. Maybe they swept him under the rug because we already knew he was going to bite it, which is a piss poor excuse.
All it would have taken is for someone to stay, "I'm sorry about Thane, Commander."
The citadel memorial service is a nice touch but it's abundantly clear it's a reactionary addition, after the backlash from fans. I don't need to elaborate on why locking grief behind paid DLC is a problem. And when you choose the "I loved him" dialogue, your character actually says nothing of the fucking sort. Although I will admit it was a nice touch that the salarian counselor showed up. There's a lot to unpack there.
It's not Thane's fault that Kai Leng is a poorly written villain. The writers gave enough of a shit to give him a dignified death, saving the life of another, even if he absolutely kicked Leng's ass six ways to Sunday and then jumped on his sword like an idiot. The prayer by his bedside was beautiful even if I wish Shepard had the option of holding his hand.
Let me stop myself before I take this tangent off the fucking rails. ME3 is breathtaking in it's scope and care despite it's shortcomings, and now that I'm older and know more about how games are made I can better appreciate how much time and money went into it. I mean it when I say I fully believe the developers were not lazy when they made this game. They made some bad choices, but that's not the same as being lazy.
But if I had to ask for one thing to be done over, it would be the crew's reaction when Thane dies. Even if all that amounts to is "I heard Krios didn't make it."
EDIT: I'm actually shocked you don't get to keep Thane's memorial picture. For years I assumed you did. I was gutted when I learned it's only for the memorial ಠ_ಠ
71 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 12:43:19 GMT
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79 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 22:59:18 GMT
cool things to say in the bedroom:
“Assuming direct control.”
“I am the Harbinger of your ascendance.”
“The flesh is a machine.”
“I will direct this personally.”
“We are limitless.”
“The forces of the universe bend to me.”
“I know you feel this.”
82 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 00:09:48 GMT
If you wanna, reblog and share some mass effect headcanon about any character or anything. For no reason. Headcanon is just great.
90 notes • Posted 2021-08-21 16:46:01 GMT
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Did I ever fucking mention how much I love krogan lmfao
483 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 01:56:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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