#a 28 year old girl moves back to her hometown to take care of her grandmother
kalpaca · 3 months
ive decided to write a novel. the trouble is, i have approximately 2 weeks until this hyper fixation wears off, which means i have 2 weeks to write a novel.
no, i do not have any kind of inspiration or ideas. yes, i’ve already started writing, 10 pages in and i still don’t know what’s gonna happen in the story. it’s FINE.
please send help?
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northliights · 2 years
𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻. repost,  don’t reblog
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basics ! FULL NAME.   Aurora May Phillips NICKNAME.   Rora GENDER.  female. HEIGHT.    5′3 AGE.  28 (but also verse dependent) ZODIAC.    aquarius (february 3rd) LANGUAGES.   English, Irish HAIR COLOR.   auburn EYE COLOR.   blue SKIN TONE.    fair BODY TYPE.    mesomorph is the closest fit. ACCENT. British with an Irish lilt every once in a while, especially when she is excited or angry. VOICE.    soft spoken but steel. She has the slightest hint of a lisp when she says her s’. It’s not high pitched or deep, fairly average. When she speaks, you listen, no matter how quiet or loud her voice is. She has a very commanding presence when she talks. DOMINANT HAND. Right hand.  POSTURE. Very straight. Never slouches. When she is tired, rather than slouching, she tends to lean more towards one side or the other. When she’s angry her shoulders are squared as she does her best to make herself look bigger than she is. Think puffer fish ;) SCARS.   A few. The noticeable ones are: She has a scar from the removal of her appendix. She’s got a scar on her upper left arm from an accident when she was a kid - she fell out of a tree. She also has a scar from the polio vaccine on her upper right bicep. TATTOOS.  There is a small pink rose on her left hip. Though she does know a guy whos really into tattoos so ... watch this space  BIRTHMARKS.   she has a small dark mole right on the upper part of her left breast, right in front of her arm MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   Her blue eyes.They are very bright and they sparkle, which really annoys her when she’s angry and accidentally throwing out mischievous fun eyes.
childhood ! PLACE OF BIRTH.  She was born in County Cork in Ireland. Specifically, the village of Crosshaven. HOMETOWN.    Crosshaven briefly until she was sent by her father to a boarding school in london. BIRTH WEIGHT.    6lbs 9oz BIRTH HEIGHT.    Literally no idea. FIRST WORDS.  mum and kitty.  SIBLINGS.  She is an only child PARENTS.   She was born to Fiona and Stephen Phillips. Fiona was 25 and Stephen was 32. They got married when Fiona discovered she was pregnant. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  Her mother was very influential in her early childhood. Aurora was definitely a momma’s girl. She barely knew her father, he wasn’t around much due to work as an up and coming politician. Her parents divorced when she was 9 years old and her mum moved back to Ireland. Aurora was in boarding school in London and was not allowed to leave ( by her father). He later sent her to university where he paid for her to earn a degree in political sciences. Aurora was fine with this because it allowed her the chance to get into journalism and undo everything he has done/did
adult life ! OCCUPATION.   freelance journalist. CURRENT RESIDENCE.   London, England. More specifically, Brentford. CLOSE FRIENDS.   She doesn’t have many close friends, mostly just business acquaintances. She is always busy and on the go and works odd hours ..combine that with the fact that she can’t often talk about what she does and it makes maintaining both conversation and relationships difficult. RELATIONSHIP STATUS. She is in a committed relationship with @spynorth’s Lucas North FINANCIAL STATUS. She’s comfortable. She saves a little bit of money and despite the fact that her father always wants to pay for her flat or buy her things .. she can’t be bought. She does everything on her own and she makes a good living. She is perfectly capable of taking care of herself and refuses any assistance from her father. DRIVER’S LICENSE.    She has one, yes. CRIMINAL RECORD.   She was arrested once for a political protest while she was in university. Her father offered to have it expunged from her record and she refused. SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.   Bi-romantic  PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive  |  dominant  | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch LIBIDO.    While she doesn’t need it to ‘function’, she does enjoy a healthy sex life. She considers herself a very sexual being and is very comfortable in her skin. She will not hesitate to initiate when the mood strikes. Definitely not a passive player. TURN ON’S.  partners who aren’t afraid to be vulnerable. Intelligence is a huge one - I’d say she is 100% sapiosexual. Good sense of humor. Clever. Someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously. TURN OFF’S.   Being a Lannister. Poor hygiene. Ego. People who can’t take no for an answer. Intentional ignorance. LOVE LANGUAGE.   quality time together RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Aurora tends to very possessive in relationships. If you’re hers, you are hers only. She doesn’t like to share her toys. She can be bossy but it’s usually done in an affectionate manner. When in a relationship, she will check in throughout the day (text, phone call as time permits, etc.) as long as she knows her partner is comfortable with her doing so. In a relationship with Aurora, you always know you’re never far from her mind. She secretly is a huge cuddle bug but if called on it - she’ll stab you before she admits it.
miscellaneous ! CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.   We Will Rock You by In This Moment. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   She loves to read. And read some more. She’ll stop a second to pet the cat.. and then read some more ... She also loves old movies (think cheesy horror films. the cult classics). MENTAL ILLNESSES.   a little ptsd PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  she had scoliosis as a child. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.   If you go off by the classic stereotype she would be right brained. FEARS. Open water because she is not a strong swimmer. Heights, she is very low to the ground and likes to stay that way. But other than that .. not much scares her. She tends to be pretty unflappable. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Very high. VULNERABILITIES.   She tends to be lonely. She grew up lonely and whenever she finds herself feeling that way once more, it brings back a lot of those hurts from childhood.
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andreajaurez · 1 year
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[ cis woman | she&her ] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ANDREA “ANDI” JUAREZ]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [CIERRA RAMIREZ]. You must be the [TWENTY-EIGHT] year old [RACE CAR DRIVER & STUDENT]. Word is your [DILIGENT] but can also be a bit [FIERY] and your favorite song is [SPEED DRIVE BY CHARLI XCX]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY TOWERS]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
NAME: Andrea Marie Jaurez NICKNAMES: Andi, AJ GENDER & PREFERRED PRONOUNS: Cis Woman (She/Her) AGE: 28 BIRTHDAY: July 25, 1995 ZODIAC: Leo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Aries Moon SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual / Biromantic FACE CLAIM: Cierra Ramirez OCCUPATION: Race Car Driver / Student HOMETOWN: Oakland, CA CURRENT RESIDENCE: Aurora Bay Towers CHARACTER PLAYLIST: HERE.
Andrea was never lost in the mix. Being the middle child and the only female, she was held to higher standards by her mother but was often pampered by her father. To a degree, this messed the girl up in a way that taught her how to be sneaky. Ask mom for X, Y, Z - go to dad for the rest. Her relationship with her mother was always strained, but she quickly learned how to pull the wool over her eyes.
Sneaking off to LA was a common occurrence for the Jaurez girl; some of her best memories growing up being sneaking into bars and attending underground comedy shows. Though she was underage, no one really cared. She learned that it was confidence that really drove one's image as well as got one whatever they wanted.
This carried with her through school, and was often the reason she was able to schmooze better grades out of her teachers. Work smarter, not harder. The first time Andi got a taste of the racing realm was when she escaped a cop when attempted being pulled over. She had her older brother's love for racing games to thank for her skills; seeing that he always roped her into playing with him.
Andi stepped in as her brother at one of his junior races due to him running extremely late. She wasn't aware as she crossed the finish line in first place, that he got into a serious car accident on the way to the track and passed away. It was his death that triggered her desire to keep working at it. By the age of 21, Andi was driving with the big dogs.
Recently, Andi moved to Aurora Bay as a means to figure her life out. It hadn't been until this past year that the realization she was living a life for her brother and not herself had set in. Andi is now exploring her options through the community college, seeing where her true passion lays as she takes a step back from racing.
Andrea is extremely loyal to the select few she allows into her circle. She has an intense personality; mostly icing people out, until she gets to know someone better and feels she can trust them. Andrea is well aware of her looks, and tends to utilize them to her advantage. People tend to be more like jewelry to her - she'll try them on and rip them off at a moment's notice. She thrives off experiences, and is actually vastly talented in so much more than driving. Cooking, handiwork (mechanic, plumbing, all that good stuff), sewing, woodwork. Everything she picks up, she tends to master with little to no effort. This makes her easily likable, but also easily hated amongst peers. Andrea is highly competitive, and will find any opportunity to make a bet. She loves to go out to parties and clubs to dance. Not a stranger to drugs and alcohol, she's down to try anything once. Twice if she deems it okay. She came from nothing, so she's very resourceful and doesn't understand the need for excess spending. Though, it's not a problem if someone wants to blow their money on her. Andrea is witty, though she doesn't see herself in that light. She loves Y2K and her everyday look is the equivalent to Maddy from Euphoria honestly. Though she has an interest in 'girly' aesthetics, Andrea has no issue with getting her hands dirty and her personality is more tomboyish than anything else. She's definitely someone you want on your side in a fight, or if you're heading out for the night to have fun. She currently is anti-relationships due to a fear of getting too close to people and them leaving (via trauma from brother's death). She has a golden heart, but cold hands. Loves slurpees, cheesy action films, and butterfly clips. Would love to finally get through a full book, but easily gets bored.
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angelenohq · 1 year
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in the city of angels.
NAME: Dilan Ozdemir FACE CLAIM: Aslihan Malbora AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28 & December 13th, 1995 HOMETOWN: Istanbul, Turkey TIME IN LOS ANGELES: 15 years NEIGHBORHOOD: West Hollywood OCCUPATION: Singer/songwriter
trigger warning: drug use, addiction
Growing up in Turkey, Dilan was sheltered from the world. Her father, Berat Ozdemir is the founder and CEO of the luxury hotel chain Azure Tulip Resorts & Hotels throughout Europe and Asia. Dilan and her older sister and brother had everything they could every want due to their status, but still her father tried to shield them from everything that could harm them. She grew up with nannies and tutors devoting their entire work and time to bettering her in every which way possible and she excelled with everything that was put in front of her. However, her father had aspirations to grow his brand into something larger.
Berat looked to the west for his newest and biggest hotel concept: Los Angeles, to be specific. It was a huge project that would take a number of years, something he would take care of remotely and with many trips to the states for. However, he began to realize it wouldn't be a task that he could continue to leave his children and wife as he had been doing for the last year. Making the hard choice, he decided to move his entire family to L.A., permanently.
Moving to Los Angeles was a culture shock for Dilan. All the things her father had hidden away from her was suddenly in her face and glared back at her. The luxurious things her father only gave in moderate were now everywhere in front of her eyes and readily available to devour. Designer bags, clothes and eventually drugs had consumed Dilan, a complete change from her former self. She took every opportunity to flaunt the wealth her father had provided her, throwing parties in the hotel penthouse, taking friends on trips around the world on their private jet and every other destructive thing she could possibly participate in.
Her father would attempt to interfere as much as he could, but the more he tried to control his youngest child, she would often fight harder against him. The wholesome relationship she had with her father and turned dark as she would oppose every restriction he'd put on her. It was easier for her to fall into the lifestyle that he had brought her into willingly. It seemed Dilan had gone from the happy go lucky daddy's girl to this disrespectful and deplorable woman Berat no longer recognized. He had given up on her as she continued to spiral and eventually she fell into an addiction that she couldn't get out of. It wasn't until hotel staff found his youngest daughter passed out on the bathroom floor of one of the penthouse suites with vomit spilling from her mouth.
Finally, Berat was pushed to the point of no return and pulled a baker act, putting her on an involuntary 72 hour hold so that his daughter couldn't hurt anyone or herself most importantly. Finally, he had come to an agreement with her: he wouldn't cut her off if she completed rehab. Finally throwing in the towel, Dilan gave into her father's demands and completed a ninety day sober program. It was there without an escape and anything to cloud her mind that she turned her anxious thoughts in to words on page, prose that flowed easily from her fingertips.
Once out of rehab, Dilan had dabbled into her old bad habits, just on a smaller scale and she was able to balance a life that her father would be proud of and the one he wouldn't. She didn't let her stint in rehab change her completely, but enough to have her father off her back. Now, she still uses her father's name and money to get her whatever she wants. All the effort she puts into the world deals with the music she attempts to make, but has never showed anyone her work and if she ever sings, it's just covers. Her anxiety still gets the better of her and she turns to illicit substances to help her through every bump in life.
Her father still has a secret that he's kept from his youngest daughter and swore the rest of his family to secrecy: their funds are not as liquid as they were once. Her spending habits, her rehab, everything Berat has done to support her without question as attributed to the significant amounts of money lost. Their family still has the Ozdemir power it always has, but they have been secretly saving money in hopes of returning to the same amount of prestige as they once did. It's only a matter of time before the truth comes out and Dilan spirals once more.
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valenciagomez · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Valencia Gomez
NICKNAME(S): Val, Val Val, Valley AGE: 30 | April 10th, 1993 GENDER & PRONOUNS: Transwoman, She/her FACE CLAIM: Zion Moreno EYE COLOR: Brown HAIR COLOR: Brown HEIGHT: 5′10″ OCCUPATION: Owner of Rose Salon; Retired Adult Film Actress HOMETOWN: Hidehill NEIGHBORHOOD: Hove Lake
TWs in bio: Divorce, drug addiction, parental abuse
Valencia’s father; the retired chief of police wasn’t the best to her nor her siblings. He ruled with an iron fist and if they did anything that he found to be remotely out of the norm, he would have a lot to say about it. 
The first time Valencia felt like a girl rather than a boy was when she was five years old. Her twin sister gave her some dresses and they played around together in them for hours. Her father found her like this and the outcome was nothing less than aggressive. This was when she felt like something was wrong with her.
Initially her parents sent her off to live with family in Hadley Park, which taught her a sense of humility. While they obviously didn’t have a lot financially, they were a lot closer than her family back at home. They even supported her for who she was.
With zero assistance from her parents, they had to fight tooth and nail to begin her transition, ultimately fighting her parents for custody but unfortunately losing and forcing her to move back into their Horwick home. 
Instead of taking this on the chin, she packed her items and hit the road to surf on couches at the age of 15. She would end up back with her family in Hadley Park and they helped her to the best of their ability. 
She began doing hair out of the trailer at this time, racking up money for herself and being careful not to use any products that would require a license to avoid getting in trouble. Prom, weddings, etc. were all coming to her in order to make their looks come true.
Due to the funds she’d built up from this, she was able to be emancipated from her parents at the age of 16 and she decided that little old Nashville wasn’t for her anymore. She went off to attend hair school in Atlanta, doing whatever she needed to make ends meet and sustain herself. She would also obtain her GED during this time.
When she turned 18, she began her career in the adult film industry, but she wasn’t happy with any of what she was doing. Thus, she turned to drugs to numb herself and move past it all. 
It wasn’t until she’d nearly overdosed at the age of 25 that she would end up being self off to rehab to get herself together. She wanted to change for the better, but she enjoyed the money she was getting. This money had paid for surgeries, name and document changes... all of the things she needed. And though she’d obtained all of this, the attention, the money was almost addicting for her.
Every few months she would go back to Hidehill, especially when she made the purchase of Rose salon at the age of 27. She wanted to make sure things were perfect... and she did just that.
Finally fully moving back at the age of 28, she opened Rose Salon and retired from the porn industry entirely. 
Family! Cousins: Carmen Reyes. 
Closest friends since childhood. (0/4) - These were the four best friends who hung out all throughout their school years.
Exes. (0/?). Valencia dated a lot. She often used her looks to help her secure a comfortable place to sleep and hot meals but somewhere in there, she had some people she actually fell in love with.
Enemies. People have their reasons not to like Valencia and sometimes she humors them.
Anything and everything!
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savannasolis · 3 years
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‷ watch out , SAVANNA SOLIS has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 28 YEARS OLD and celebrate their birthday on JUNE 6TH . they are from LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, reside in LUNAR CRESCENTS and are currently working as MAKEUP ARTIST at SUN SPOT BEAUTY SALON. one thing you should know about them is she’s allergic to bees! ‷
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FULL NAME: Savanna Cruz Solis NICKNAMES: Sav HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California TIME IN ROSWELL: 3 months GENDER: Ciswoman PRONOUNS: She/her ETHNICITY: Mexican and Lebanese SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic EDUCATION: Pepperdine University, BS in Biology SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Italian, French
01. Savanna was born in sunny Los Angeles, California to Naila Karim and Santiago Solis on a humid summer day. Naila was a nineteen-year-old cocktail waitress when she met oil-tycoon, Santiago who was twenty years her senior. Santiago was a lively bachelor, finding ways to spend his fifteen billion dollar fortune. Naila was a woman who wanted to be taken care of; and after two years of serving Santiago; she was now 21 and fully dependent on the lifestyle he provided her. On Christmas Day, the same day as her 21st birthday, he asked her to marry him and the rest was history. Naila got what she wanted, Santiago found a way to fill the lonely void in his life and it just worked. 
02. Ever since Savanna was a little girl, she was used to the glitz and glam of the luxuries Santiago happily provided his family. She was a baby wearing diamonds due to Naila’s extravagant taste. This was all normal in Savanna’s eyes, the materialistic generosity to cover up the truth of her parent’s neglectful ways. When she was five, her little sister was born and suddenly; Savanna was pushed aside. Everything became about her little sibling, mostly due to the struggle of having her on Naila and Santiago’s part. Savanna loved being a big sister, but she didn’t love being forgotten about. Suddenly, her passions weren’t important for the family anymore. 
03. Her father’s reputation was something that was always the course of discussion in her life. Being on her “best behavior” and following the rules was demanded from her. Ever since she was a little girl, Savanna took life one day a time. She believed in stopping and smelling the roses, laughing and dancing– instead of being uptight and on edge like her father was. As a little girl, she was the kind of kid to pick up a worm and move it somewhere safer instead of screaming and running. Her mother’s style for didn’t fit the kind of kid she was, but she would never shy away from what she truly liked to explored. 
04. She loved sports, getting deep into nature and taking advantage of the beautiful universe around her. Santiago always disagreed with her lifestyle. Savanna was interested in getting to know the world around her. She didn’t want to be in California forever, but Santiago gave her an ultimatum: receive a college degree or never receive her inheritance. Savanna knew what she had to do. She followed her father’s wishes, on her terms. She set off to Pepperdine University to study what she loved most: the environment. With her family’s network and their money, she knew her father would approve of anything as long as she went to university. She received a BS in Biology, focusing on Natural Science. Through her four years, she chose to study abroad and go on research projects through many internationals lands. She found love through her studies, too, as much as she hated the thought of long-distance commitment.
05. Savanna graduated at 21, choosing to continue her career in the science division until she turned 23. She was burnt out from how demanding her career was, and truthfully– she didn’t need to do it. Santiago was relieved Savanna made something of herself, until she chose her happiness, again. Savanna quit the big-Pharma company she was with, dumped her partner who was ready to propose, and planned the getaway trip of her dreams. She even met someone along the way, enjoying along his side and continuing through her trek for two years. 
06. After the trip of her dreams, Savanna returned home at 25. She had her own money, but was quickly becoming dependent on her inheritance. It was something that made her uneasy and the hard-working attitude her father had instilled in her was something that lingered. Wanting to steer a different way than science this time, she tapped into what she knew best: beautification. Thanks to Naila’s doings, Savanna was more than trained to turn anything from sham to glam. 
07. Connecting with her friends and network, she was in the hub of fame and beauty. She was thankful for having fortunate, shallow, wealthy friends and family suddenly. Bettering her chances by becoming a licensed cosmetologist, Savanna began to officially work for the faces of Hollywood. From doing Grammy’s to Emmy’s, she traveled within her clients schedules as well. Being back and forth was natural for her at this point in her life and career. 
08. Savanna’s portfolio has grown in the past three years, choosing to do exclusive and special events only. Her rates were high and her demand was higher. Currently, Savanna has four elite clients she works with through the year. Six months ago, her longtime client invited her join her in Roswell for the year long project she’ll be working on. The natural-born traveler in Savanna accepted hoping she’d meet some new faces; and maybe run into some not so new ones. 
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I. I LIKE THAT (0/1) : Savanna’s best friend! They could be from any part of her life. Childhood, middle school, high school, university, traveling, etc. I’m open to discussion but ideally, they’d be super close besties. 
II. AIN’T NUN TO IT, BOSS (0/1): Her current exclusive client! They’d be $$$ for the lifestyle she lives. 
III. DANG! (0/1): Her FWB. Savanna is one to get what she wants. She isn’t ready for any sorts of real commitment... but this person seems like they have potential. As long as they act good, for her. 
GENERAL: Friends, exes, hook-ups, crushes, etc. 
I’m open to plotting, always. 
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icariamusing · 4 years
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FACECLAIM: Troian Bellisario
NAME: Aurora Hart
AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: FBI agent on assignment.
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
Can either bless or curse someone with with either success or failure in whatever they’re working on or competing in.
TW: Child abuse, self harm, homophobia
Aurora was born to a family of politicians and scientists; If one wanted to know when the last time a direct relation to her WASN’T one of those two, you’d have to go back four generations… That is if you don’t count her biological mother… Nike, Goddess of Victory. Nike had been watching over the Hart family for generations. Aurora’s great, great, great, great grandmother was a worshiper of the goddess and asked to be blessed; the goddess obliged and had for the past 100 years watched over and blessed each child with a bit of victorious spirit and achievement in whatever they pursued. That was until her father, Richard Hart, was 25 years old. He found and married a congresswoman, Kenna Cooper, who at first appeared to be perfect. But perfection was an illusion and the perfect wife and mayor image shattered ten years after little Aurora was born. Rewinding a bit, Aurora was conceived when her father and mother had gotten into a bit of a tiff and he left her. They were “broken up” or “Separated” as her mother likes to say, for about a week when Richard met Nike. A one-night stand turned into a child delivered to their doorstep 9 months later on the eve of an election. She explained who she was, told Richard stories of his great-great-grandmother who worshiped her and how she had made a promise to look after the family. That this child would come to do great things considering she was a demi-god blessed with Nike’s victory. That she would only return when they told Aurora about her. She wasn’t about to get in the middle of whatever the family wanted to do to raise Aurora.
Needless to say, Kenna was pissed at first to realize that this woman had slept with her husband and that she suddenly was being thrust with a child when she had ambitions and goals to reach. And how was she going to explain the sudden appearance of a newborn when she clearly had not been pregnant? So a plan was made and they said they had used a surrogate mother and wanted to keep the pregnancy hidden and the baby protected. The next day proved just how powerful demi-god DNA was as Kenna won her election by a landslide – only a day before they had assumed it would be close but most likely not a victory. So Kenna started to dote on the child.
For the first ten years of her life, it was picturesque, she had a loving doting father who worked in aerospace, a mother on the rise within politics, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who were in all realms of science and politics who happily would teach her anything and everything… She was brought up to be a perfectionist. At 4 she was already starting to write full sentences, not in great handwriting but still! By 8 she was reading at a 7th-grade level. And by the age of 11, she was a certified genius. She was deemed a child prodigy when it came to academics, specifically those within the realm of politics and aerospace science having picked up those two the most from her parents despite their infrequent times at home.
Her father traveled to and from Florida for NASA for months at a time. While her mother had stepped up to the role of congresswoman and traveled to and from DC on a basically bi-weekly basis. A live-in-nanny was hired to be home with Aurora whenever the parents couldn’t be. Why hadn’t they just moved her? Aurora had no idea. She assumed it had to do with her mother’s role as a congresswoman, she still had to have a house in Portland so why not keep your child there and away from you when you’re that busy? At least – that’s the reasoning Aurora came up with. Aurora had loved it when her father came home. He was so caring, so playful, and fun; his presence kept her mother at bay. Kept the house calm…. But those times only lasted for so long before he had to go back to Kennedy Space Center.
TW: homophobia, abuse, death threats
Her mother though? That was the opposite. Kenna being home meant life would be a bit of a hellscape; it meant screaming, yelling, and insults. It meant crying until no more tears could be produced, it meant pressure and guilt and hatred tossed in her direction if she so much as dared to disagree with the congresswoman. It meant being gaslit and lied to and disassociating… it meant self harm which lead to her mother screaming at her for hurting herself and the image it put out in the world if anyone were to see the cuts. Which lead to even more anger from her mother and the cycle continued. If her father wasn’t there to distract her mom then the only other reprieve was sleepovers with friends. Her mother always put on the face of the perfect loving mom if people were over. It was Aurora’s sanctuary because not even the nanny could stop Kenna’s rage.
The person who she spent the most time with, that helped relieve the hellscape that was her mom was Kassandra. The two grew up next to one another, a tree between their houses branches stretching out and brushing each of their windows. It became a treehouse as the girls got older, a way for them to sneak between houses to hang out together. The two were thick as thieves doing everything together, experiencing everything together. It started innocently enough, their first day of school, their first tests, one another first best friends, but as they got older their firsts became more mature, first crushes – on one another, first kiss… They were surprisingly not one another’s first relationships that honor went to Brandon, a boy in their grade who was surprisingly decent. The two ended based on the fact that Brandon – wanted to have sex… which Aurora was not ready for. She was still a virgin at the time. So the two ended… though they stayed friends. Not long after Kass and Aurora started to date in secret. Neither were ready to come out to their parents; so they kept it between themselves, using the tree to sneak into one another’s room and one thing led to another and they became one another’s first time as well.
Things had been going surprisingly well in young Aurora’s life if you could ignore the abuse that Kenna lobbed at her on a bi-weekly basis. She was starting to think she could make it out of the house alive and without hating everything … when the worst happened. Kass told her mother about her being gay and she was promptly kicked out; Kass’ mother came next door once the other was gone and demanded to talk to Kenna knowing that Richard was out of town. There was a hushed conversation that Aurora tried to listen in on, but nothing could easily be made out. Though, when the other woman left all hell broke loose in the house – She screamed and screamed about how Aurora could NOT have a gay best friend, that she could NOT hang out with that “degenerate” anymore. That she, well really, both of them, were pieces of shit, that she was going to hell. Aurora tried to stand up to her, to tell her that Kass was a wonderful person, that she loved her best friend, and that her mother had no right to say any of that. This was when for the first time, Kenna slapped Aurora telling her that if she was anything like that f-word that she would not see the next day because no daughter of hers could be gay and that it would ruin her reputation as a congresswoman.
It was the blood she touched on her cheek that finally shut down Aurora’s brain and let her just zone out as her mother continued to yell and scream. Kenna’s wedding ring had created a long cut along her cheek and despite seeing her daughter bleeding by her own hand Kenna didn’t stop yelling. It was three hours later before Kenna finally stopped and Aurora could take care of her cheek,  by the blood had run down her face and scabbed over and a bruise had started to form. She took the next couple of days off school and avoided everyone. Or tired too, but she ended up getting yelled at each day by her mother, each time there was the threat that lingered over her head that something horrible would happen.
So when Kass asked to meet her at the park one day Aurora knew she would have to do the hardest thing and break up with her. She couldn’t keep this up or she might end up dead. Putting on makeup and trying to hide the bruise and cut she made her way to the park — only to lie her ass off and break both their hearts in the process. Aurora cried for three days afterwards which only caused her mother to rage more. Luckily for Aurora, her mother was called back to DC and she got a reprieve.
It wasn’t until six months before graduation that her father finally learned the truth about what Kenna had been doing when he came home the day after his wife left to see Aurora covering up a bruise on her shoulder. He demanded to know what happened – and she broke down. She told him everything, told him that if he didn’t believe her to call her old nanny that she would corroborate the story. That Kenna threatened her too and to not get mad at the nanny. She had done what she could to protect Aurora. Two months later her father filed for divorce and custody of the almost 18-year-old Aurora – but the allegations of abuse had been shoved under the rug, avoided, and hidden away. Her mother was too powerful and had too many friends in high places.
After four months of living with her dad and she was off to college. Aurora could not be anymore more excited to get away from her family and be on her own. She gained herself a roommate, her own space and started school. For the first three years of college, Aurora had never felt freer and more herself. She had escaped her mother’s clutches but even despite that, she couldn’t let go of the political aspect – she wanted now, more than anything, to get into politics so she could make it easier for kids to escape abusive households and harder for abusive parents to skirt the system. She rose to the top of her classes, stood out, and earned summa cum laude with her bachelor’s. As she returned back to college to get her master’s she met Juliette. Juliette – the most beautiful woman on campus, the smartest, the kindest – and needless to say – Aurora fell hard and fast.
It became clear though that the feelings were reciprocated and the two fell so quickly and so hard it would be impossible to deny that the two seemed rather perfect for one another. Their friends joked that they were waiting for a wedding invite after four months of them dating. The two laughed it off and just continued on. They moved in together a year later. Jules graduated and started working in a firm while Aurora started to work for the local government. As Jules moved up quickly and Aurora couldn’t have been more proud of her girlfriend. They celebrated one another whenever they got a chance and told one another everything.
Aurora did end up telling Jules about the abuse she experienced and confided in her about all of her hopes and fears. This was the first time she ever told anyone about the abuse she experienced, save for her father. This, in Aurora’s mind, cemented the next-level – engagement. They had been talking about it on and off for a year already, so it seemed inevitable. Aurora went out, found a gorgeous ring, and waited for the right moment – but the moment never came. Because at 24 Jules left her and went to rejoin the Huntresses.
Heartbroken and alone Aurora tossed herself into her work, her sudden silence worried her father knowing his daughter had had such a rough go of things. So he came out to check on her. In doing so he asked if she cursed herself, if she had for some reason thought she deserved the pain. Insulted and upset she asked him what the hell he meant – and that’s when the truth came out. She was the daughter of Nike, goddess of Victory — and at the mention of her bio mother the goddess appeared. She scolded Richard for keeping her a secret for so long and not getting Aurora out of the horrible situation she had been in. Nike spent the next week training Aurora in her powers, teaching her about the Greek Gods and just – getting to know one another.
When the week was up Aurora knew her purpose, she would help politicians in fighting to protect those that couldn’t protect themselves and she would work with the government in actually physically saving those that were not in a good place. She got recruited to the FBI at 25 and dedicated her life to helping others; she used her ability to grant victory to her coworkers and slowly started to make big changes within the community. By 27 she had risen in the ranks and was slowly starting to choose her own assignments and partners. This is how she ended up on a case that kept her up at night. A human trafficking ring – that seemed to have something a bit odd going on, or odder than just the trafficking. Every fiber of her being screamed that it was demi-god related and she couldn’t let it go. She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus on anything other than these missing people. Was it related to the kidnappings of demi-gods around the world? She really didn’t know but she was damn determined to find out.
It took almost a full year to get it all together but they finally busted in on multiple clients of the ring. Each had at least one demi-god trapped and being used for personal gain. She kept close tabs on each person rescued, making sure therapy was set up and things were in place to take care of them…. When one just vanished. The fact that one of her charges vanished without a trace pissed off Aurora. She wanted Jane to get the best help and now – now she couldn’t. So, with a bit of research and time, she found Jane Doe on Icaria taken there by her demi-god father. Arrangements were made and Aurora was on her way to Icaria to find Jane and make sure she was okay.
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aerajecng · 4 years
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[ AERA JEONG. 28. CISFEMALE. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 1 WEEK ] and are originally from [ BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA ]. They are a [ FILM DIRECTOR ] and in their downtime love [ WRITING ] and [ PLAYING TENNIS ]. They look a lot like [ SEO YE-JI ] and live [ ON SILVERWOOD TERRACE ].
hi everyone!! my name is nora and i bring to you my new muse but also my most chaotic muse up to date bless up
Name: Aera Jeong Nickname(s): she just goes by aera bc she doesn’t have friends to nickname her, sometimes people call her bitch Age: 28 Birthday: July 29th, 1992 Zodiac: Leo ☀ Aries ☾ Capricorn ↑  Birthplace/Hometown: Seoul, South Korea & Beverly Hills, California Current Location: Silver Lake, California  Orientation: Demiromantic Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Dark Brown Height: 5′7″ Positive Traits: Adroit, Confident, Quick-witted, Observant Negative Traits: Callous, Erratic, Selfish, Deceitful
Aera was born to a famous South Korean violinist & composer in South Korea on July 29th, 1992. When she was 2 years old her father got a few great offers from Hollywood and so they moved to Beverly Hills where he could expand on his composing work
Aera’s early life was very normal, however soon enough her father got sucked into the dark life of Hollywood where he associated with the worst kind of people
People involved in high secret societies that promised him a better life
Her father ended up getting involved with people who held a lot of power and he got sucked in and wasn’t able to get out. 
He saw some messed up shit and it ultimately changed him as a person, or as Aera likes to say ‘he just showed his true colors’
Aera’s mother wasn’t any better either, Aera was always more wary of her mother and was more of a daddy’s girl than anything
Eventually, her father came in contact with a well known director in Hollywood who saw something in Aera that was different
From her youth, Aera’s perspective on life was a bit twisted and she started off writing stories when she was as young as 6 years old. Her stories were disturbing from the result of her family environment at home which went from normal to eerie after her father got involved with the higher society
This Hollywood director offered Aera’s parents a large sum of money to adopt her into their family in order to use her stories in his movies. At first her father refused until his career and livelihood was threatened
Aera’s mother was never against it, in fact, she talked her father into selling her daughter for money which is exactly what happened
At the age of 7, Aera was sold off and her new “father” used her ideas in his movies which helped him gain popularity for his unusual spins in his films
As Aera got older, she understood how her new “father” was using her, and when she was 18 years old she demanded that she get money from his movies in which he rejected her offer since he already gives her money to live with
Unhappy with that, Aera went behind his back and began directing her own movies under a different name which were getting noticed but not as much as her father since he was the “original” creator of such movies. Until Aera began giving him ideas that she knew would be bad and caused him to take a huge hit in profit from his films
Aera’s ideas only got better and her “father”’s fans began preferring her work over his. Her father then found out that she was directing her own movies in which case he locked her away in her room and she wasn’t allowed to leave for 3 years, only used to feed him ideas and if they didn’t succeed, she would receive physical abuse as punishment. 
After a few years of planning in her room, Aera planned an attack on her father only with the intention to get away but resulted in the accidental murder of her “father” which she was able to set it up as a suicide.
Aera inherited her father’s wealth and continued to live in the same house that her “father” passed in. She used her own name to direct films and people believed that she was following in her “father”’s footsteps. She didn’t care to correct it. She didn’t care about the rumors, as long as her work was being consumed. 
Aera isn’t the kindest person and her publicist was able to keep that under wraps. In fact, the people who knew her described her as one of the kindest people they had met which was a lie
She knew how to fool people into thinking she was nice unless she was having a bad day which is when she wouldn’t care to mask how she felt
A video was posted on the internet of her insulting someone for asking for a photograph which resulted in her getting cancelled and people boycotting her movies. It completely destroyed her career and she decided to move to a different town where people would most likely not know who she was which is what she had hoped
Aera is currently not directing any new films, having quit however her manager is still begging her to continue with her work but she doesn’t think the people deserve it
Instead she’s living off of the money she made on her movies and the money she inherited from her “father”. 
She keeps in touch with her biological parents but the relationship is horrible
She spends her time playing tennis or writing stories with no intention to publish them
She wants to spend the rest of her life enjoying the pleasures of life, after all, she has enough money to never work a day in her life again
Aera can come off as a complete sweetheart if she wants to but her true personality is a nightmare. She doesn’t care to have friends or make connections with people since she’s lived most of her life alone. Her only friends are her manager and publicist
She has a habit for observing people
She also has a very twisted view on life
She believes heroes in films are villains and she thinks anyone who believes otherwise is an ignorant fool
this is my nightmare child and i’m down to get some plots in!! shes only been in silver lake for a week but i’m down for brainstorming or just basing things off of chem!!
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ashlyn-avery · 4 years
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hi friends here is my new babe ashlyn. she’s a veterinarian, a social justice warrior and lowkey badass and her bio is under the cut 
Name: Ashlyn Avery Gender/Pronouns: She/Her Date of Birth: April 6, 1986 Age: 34 Hometown: Crescent Harbor  Length of time in Crescent Harbor: Born & raised, left from age 19-28, has been back 6 years Neighborhood: Downtown. Occupation: Veterinarian Sexuality: Pansexual Sign: Aries
Ashlyn Avery was born to a single mother, Jessica Avery, who got pregnant in high school and lived to regret all of her choices up until she gave birth to a healthy little girl, Ashlyn Renae. She grew up without a father figure in her life and it wasn’t until her mom found love with a man who was known around town as something of a shady figure, a common criminal, that Ashlyn had anything that resembled a family. When she was nine years old, her mother married that man, Andrew Jennings, and had three more children with him, making Ash feel like the black sheep of the family. Her step father was a liar and a thief and the family grew up on what most people considered to be the wrong side of the tracks in Hemlock Docks. With the constant uncertainty at home, violence and poverty making it a rough place to grow up, and the feeling that she never really belonged anywhere, Ashlyn was constantly getting into mischief and making it clear to all the old money folks in Sunstone Beach that she was trouble. Those children were rarely allowed to associate with her, and when they did it was typically done in a plan to outrage their parents.
It didn’t take long for Jessica and Andrew to split, the children staying with their mother as Andrew took off for bigger and better things. Ashlyn kept her siblings and her mother at arms length for the remainder of her childhood and by the time she was 16 she’d moved out of the house to live with her boyfriend. Unfortunately for Ashlyn, she’d learned by her mother’s bad example and ended up in an abusive relationship and she was stuck in that life for 5 years before she found the courage to leave and she moved to California, looking for a fresh start.  
California was like a whole new world full of people and places that were unfamiliar to her. She found herself in college and broke free from all the negativity that was holding her back pursuing a career as a veterinarian. She had no plans to return to Crescent Harbor but when she received word that her younger brother Aaron had been killed in a tragic car accident, she knew it was time to come back. Ashlyn has been back in Crescent Harbor for 6 years now and in that time she’s hardly seen her own family, choosing to keep her past tucked away in a neat little box that she pushes to the back of her mind. Her two younger siblings and her mother have all tried to repair the relationship with Ashlyn and though they haven’t made much progress, things are slowly getting better. She works at the Better Bay Vet Clinic and loves her job more than anything else. 
Ashlyn is a vibrant personality and she cares deeply for the people of Crescent Harbor that she’s let be part of her life. She has close friends and some extended family members who are closer to her than her own siblings, but even those who know Ash the best would say she’s still a little guarded deep down. Her romantic history has been spotty but she did have a long term boyfriend in California when she was in school. That relationship ended suddenly when Ashlyn left to go back home after Aaron’s death and she cut him out of her life without much explanation. Out of all of Ashlyn’s siblings, Aaron was the oldest brother and she was closest with him, making it hard for her to really move on from that loss. He was the glue that tied the family together and Ash has never really been the same since he died.
Ash is very passionate about social justice and she regularly speaks out about things she thinks are wrong. 
Terrible cook, just so bad.
Being a vet means that she’s taken home a few too many strays over the years and now has two dogs and a cat
Outdoorsy kind of girl who spends her weekends hiking with her dogs or finding a new place to explore.
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sgmwesters · 3 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › camila mendes. cis woman. she/her. . ╯ have you met larissa sousa yet ? this twenty six year old scorpio has been living in the seattle area for one year. she makes a living as a cardio nurse, which is best suited for their self-assured, amorous, bitchy, and hot-headed personality. bad girls by m.i.a is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: larissa eva sousa.
nickname(s): lara.
age: twenty six (26).
date of birth: 28 october 1994, scorpio.
hometown: raleigh, north carolina.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: brazilian-american.
nationality: american.
gender: cis woman.
pronouns: she/her.
orientation: again ?? all will be revealed ??
religion: christian.
political affiliation: democrat.
occupation: cardio nurse.
living arrangements: lives with sam bello.
language(s) spoken: english, portuguese (fluent).
accent: none.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: camila mendes.
hair color: brown.
eye color: brown.
height: 5 ft 2.
weight: 108lbs.
build: slim, athletic.
tattoos: none.
piercings: ears x3.
clothing style: scrubs, if at home then sweats, but when she makes an effort she brings it.
usual expression: a smile.
distinguishing characteristics: birth mark on the back of her left leg.
physical ailments: mild arrhythmia.
neurological conditions: suffers from depression.
allergies: none.
sleeping habits: with other people usually.
eating habits: a lot of pasta, mostly cooked in bulk for the week.
exercise habits: attends spin classes when she can, but usually only makes it once a week.
emotional stability: sits at about a seven but could be knocked to a two from the wrong coffee order.
sociability: would flirt with a tree.
body temperature: runs a little warm.
addictions: none.
drug use: none (any more).
alcohol use: often.
positive traits: self-assured, amorous.
negative traits: bitchy, hot-headed.
fears: car crashes.
weather: she’d say it’s the sun, but she secretly enjoys the rain.
colour: pink.
music: whatever is in the top on spotify.
movies: horror.
sport: beer pong.
beverage: water, or rum.
food: lasagne.
animal: panda.
larissa was born as the only child to first generation brazilian immigrants, and is very proud of her heritage, taking the time to speak in portuguese where she can in order to maintain it.
larissa lost her mother at a young age. her mother, also a nurse, had been driving home from the hospital in the early hours of new years day after a long shift, where she was hit by a drunk driver. this has always stayed with larissa, and is part of what pushed her into nursing herself.
growing up, larissa and her father were not close. he had to work more hours than possible in a day following her mother’s death, and as such the two barely saw one another.
this strained relationship and lack of structure had larissa hanging out with those her father would consider the ‘wrong crowd’. she started partaking in recreational drugs, for no reason other than the attention the others gave her when she agreed to do it.
one evening and a couple of pills into the night, larissa started having chest pains. she collapsed, and one of the friends she was with had the right idea to call an ambulance. a series of tests later revealed that larissa had a mild arrhythmia, and the increasing use of drugs had caused her heart to beat out of rhythm.
assured by the doctors that this was only mild, and after a stern talking to with her father, larissa had to buck up her ideas and focus on what she knew she was meant to be doing: nursing school.
upon graduation larissa moved to florida to attend a nursing school there, it not taking her long to decide that cardio was where her skills were best suited.  she knew the ins and outs from her own experiences, and figured that would only help with her patient care.
while she worked to become a nurse, she met sam bello, and once she found out sam was moving to seattle it didn’t take long for her to decide to follow suit.
2 0 2 1    U P D A T E S
we all know larissa’s heart went bang and she went back home in order to be cared for by her dad and her aunt. she thought that this would make things easier on their relationships, being close together, and it did for a while. as soon as she started making a better recovery though, the cracks started showing again. 
larissa made the decision to come back to seattle. she was always happier there, it’s where sam was, and it just made sense for her to be close to those who had always been there for her in the past. she’s back as a nurse in the cardio ward, but has altered duties as not to over-exert herself.
so anyway yeah she’s back <3
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
what if i said i wanted a dramatic ex to lovers would you give it to me would you
we all know larissa was a pretty laid back gal in the romance department so gimme old hookups/exes nothing serious probably just oncall rooms from before her heart went bang
the big brother figure that garrett was gonna be when he was here <3
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what-if-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, Chris! Your application to KURT HUMMEL was accepted. We’re really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! We can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Kurt Elizabeth Hummel CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28, May 27th OCCUPATION: Executive Vogue Editor. FACE CLAIM: Chris Colfer HOMETOWN & CITY WHERE LIVES NOW: From Lima, Ohio. Currently, New York, New York. SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: Cisgender Homosexual Male. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Separated. POSITIVE TRAITS: Caring, Romantic, Enthusiastic. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Materialistic, Judgemental and Cold. CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: Fashion has no gender.
Kurt always knew he was meant for great things. When he was a boy, he loved performing. Not as much as he loved playing dress up and marrying and divorcing his power ranger, but he loved being creative. He spent his childhood trying to better himself in any way he could and while he worried about how his father might see him, it never stopped him being him.
At High School, Kurt was at his lowest point in life. He thought that coming out of the closet might have improved his life, but he was wrong. Things only got worse. He was tormented more for being out and it made him feel low. If it wasn’t for the glee club, his friends and yes, Blaine, then he would have found keeping his head above water a lot harder.
He auditioned for NYADA at the end of his senior year and didn’t get it. Come September, he left Ohio and made his way to New York to move in with Rachel and try his hand at drama school again. On the way however, he started out as an intern at Vogue, his absolute favourite job in the world. He learnt so much from Isabelle and owes her everything, literally!
Kurt was accepted into NYADA on his second attempt and eventually graduated with a glowing recommendation from the woman herself, Carmen Tibbeduex. He gained an agent fairly quickly and started out as ensemble and swings in some of Broadways biggest hits.
His true break came when he starred in Be More Chill as Jeremy Hare. The show was a hit and Kurt adored being on stage as a lead in a musical, it was a dream come true!
His home life was great, for a while. He and Blaine had a baby girl called Serena in 2016 and Kurt adores his daughter, more than anything.
When BMC came to an end, he found himself getting promoted to an Editor at Vogue. That was amazing, an absolute dream! He would take small roles on the side and fell back into ensemble at lot of the times but he adored being at Vogue. It felt like home.
Then, the unfortunate happened. Isabelle past on her job to Kurt. He became an Executive Editor at Vogue and things got busy… He left Broadway and focused on his writing career. He started getting busier and busier and suddenly… It fell apart. He didn’t have enough time for himself, never mind hs husband. It was a hard talk and an even harder decision, but they split up. They haven’t divorced because he can’t do that… It’s not fair. Why should they sign a piece of paper and divorce? He still loved Blaine and he loved Serena. But something had to give… But was it worth it?
ELIZABETH HUMMEL & BURT HUMMEL: Kurt lost his mother to cancer when he was eight years old, but he still remembers her smile and the smell of her perfume. Though he doesn’t have a lot of memories of her, he still misses her. His father is his rock in lie. He is the most supportive and caring father he could ever hope for. Kurt stays active in his fathers life and tries to skype him every Friday night to have dinner together. CAROLE HUDSON-HUMMEL (Step-Mother): Kurt adores Carole and she is a reminder that sometimes, life gives you a second chance. He has always been able to depend on Carole in his life, she is as much of his mother as his birth mother. FINN HUDSON (Step-Brother): Kurt and Finn are brothers and while he loves Finn, he also finds himself bickering with Finn quite often. He adores Finn and is happy to have him in his life but sometimes he wishes he would think before he speaks. BLAINE ANDERSON (Ex-Husband): Kurt and Blaine separated around Oct 2018 due to irreconcilable differences. At least that is what it is officially. Kurt was getting too busy and never had time for Blaine anymore, however, there is still love between them through the things they experienced together. They are now divorced and have joint custody of their daughter - Serena. She will be three from July 2019. Kurt hopes they can still be friends for the sake of their daughter.  Kurt and Blaine are not officially divorced yet as papers never got signed. Maybe there could one day be something? MERCEDES JONES & RACHEL BERRY (Best Friends): Two of his best friends. He loves them both but he definitely see’s Rachel as more of a sister. A sister he could strangle but a sister. Mercedes, he loves with all of his heart and she is definitely his best friend.
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geo-winchester · 4 years
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Summary: Yn and Poe meet after a night on a bar, she was knew on the city and he was sang on the same bar as her, after that he show her a little of the city.
A/N: hi! So first of all sorry for been a little absent second I king of inspire on the son of lucky of Jason Mraz and Ximena sariñana, I used that son for one of the parts but I think it can be what ever song you like, I hope you like!
Yn had been sitting on the bar for a long time, she feel how her hands sweat as she keep hearing at the singer on the stage, she’s been wanting to do this for a long time but she never got the guts to sing in front of an audience but after move to a different city and found that little bar she decide to give it a try, she wait until it was her turn, she gave a drink to her beer before she concentrate in the guy who was performing in that moment, his curl hair cover part of his face but she could see the little bear he had, she pay attention to the song and she recognizer, he was signing one of her favorite songs. As if he could feel her staring he look up and look her directly to her eyes as he give her a smile, for a moment she forgot about where she was and what she was about to do. When he was done with his song she take the last zip of her beer and made her way to the stage, the guy who finish was descending from the stage and wink at her.
-Break a leg- he said with a smile, but when she saw how nervous she was he stop for a moment -it helps if you picture yourself practicing- she nod.
-Thank you.
-Give it up for YN YLN- as she made her way to the piano she could hear the people applauding.
-Hi everyone my name is Yn and I think you’ll know this song- she said.
She take a deep breath before she start to play piano man on the piano, she could see the smile on the faces of the people on the bar when they recognized the song, she smiled when they join her on the chorus and for the most part of the song and when she was playing the final notes she could feel how fast her heart, the people cheer as she made her way down of the stage. She get back to her sit where the barman gave her a beer and congratulate her, she stay for a few hours before she decide it was time to go, before she start to walk trough the sidewalk, she hear someone coming to her.
-Hey- The guy from before get close to her.
-Oh hey, you’re the guy who sang before me, I like your song- she said.
-Thank you, I also like you... I mean your song- she smile.
-Thank you, I didn’t know if I was going to be brave enough to do it- she said.
-Well good thing you did it- he said -This was your first time?- she nod.
-Is that obvious?- he shook his head a little.
-I practically leave here and I never saw you before.
-Well I move here a few weeks ago and I saw the poster of free singers and I thought that I could try out- she said, he nod.
-So you don’t know the city, uh?- she shook her head.
-Not really only the way from my house and work- he nod again.
-Well... maybe you’ll like to see it with me?- she thought about it for a minute -I can show you the cheapest restaurant of the zone?- she finally nod making him smile, he took his guitar before start to walk down the road and she look at him confuse -we’re going to walk to it, good thing you didn’t bring the piano- he wink.
As they walk side by side, they talked about different things but mostly about the musics they like which was the music that make them fall in love in music, she didnt even pay that much of attention to where they walking, but he had something that she feels comfortable with him even in those moments when none of them say a word. When he stop she look around looking for a restaurant but she only saw a market and a few people coming in or out of the market.
-What are we doing here?- she asked.
-I told you I’ll bring you to the cheapest restaurant- he smile.
-And a market is the cheapest?- he nod while he kneel in front of the guitar case and take the instrument -Ok I’m lost here, know what are you doing?
-This is the best way to make money and we can buy what ever we want- he shrugged -you want to go first?
-Not really- he nod.
-I’ll do the first one, but if you don’t join me I’ll keep all the money for myself...
-And you going to let me starving to death?- he shrugged.
-That depends on you- he wink.
He start to play his guitar as he sings, the few people came and put some money on the case, she look at him, she like the way he sing and in some point he didn’t take his eyes from her making her blush, the people who stay to listen him applause when he was done, he took the money before he walk to her.
-30 bucks, do you thing you can do it better?- she laugh.
-Wow a little too competitive no?- he shrugged before he smile -If I’m being honest I think most of the people gave you money because you seen hungry- both of them laugh
-Is part of the act- he said -are you going to join me?- she look at him for a moment before she sighed.
-I really hate you- she said as she get up -If I get more money than you, you’re going to buy all the food by yourself- he smile and nod.
She took the guitar and slowly walk to the open case, she could feel how her body was shaking and with a deep breath she start to play the guitar, Poe recognized the song immediately she was about to sing but he start to sing the song making her smile, the people who was getting out of the market stop to listen to them but none of them where interesting about them, the only thing they care was them, they never stop seeing each others eyes, she blushed when they were done and he didn’t take his eyes from her, she turn to the case and take the money.
-the moment of the truth- she said and start to count the dollars- 27, 28, 29, 30 and... 31...
-That’s cheating! I help you with the song!
-Hey I didn’t told you to help me and a deal is a deal- she said.
-that song didn’t work for just one person!- she thought for a moment.
-Fine, I’ll help you to buy something- she said as she roll her eyes.
-Thank you!
Yn feel like a high school girl with the food he choice for them, a couple of sandwiches, some potatoes chips and a beer, but as they walk to the market choosing what they were going to eat she thought it’s been one of the best nights that she spend with a guy, she didn’t know what but he has something that made her want to stay for as long as she could.
-So what do you do for leaving?- he asked her as he set the food on a table outside of the market.
-I work on a music record- she said, Poe freeze for a moment but he relax when she start to laugh -Sorry, I’m kidding I just want to see your face- she laugh a little more -I worked for a little newspaper from my hometown.
-What changed?
-I don’t know, I felt that I was stuck on that place and that I was wasting my life because I was afraid of the change... so I come here for an interview about a month ago and when they call me that the job was mine I freak out... I mean what was I thinking, all my family, all my friends were there, how can I leave them... My mom was the one who make me come here, she told me that I wasn’t happy there and that I should follow what I think was the best for me.
-She sounds like an amaizing women
-She is- she smiled at the thought for her mother, then she look at him -and what about you? You always want to be a musician?
-meh... kind of, as you my mother make me follow this path but in a different way.
-How’s that?
-She died when I was 10 years old, but I remember her playing the guitar or singing to me so I could slept, she want to be a musician when she was younger and I think that inspired me, but my dad want me to be a doctor and I want to please him so I went to college I kept singing and playing for fun and before I knew I had to make a choice, to please my father or to follow what I want...
-And you follow your dreams...- he shook his head.
-I do this for fun, after a lot of thinking I realize that I didn’t want to be famous, the music was something I share with my mother, I felt that that was the way I could connect with her and I didn’t want to loose that...
-But it’s ok to sing in a bar?- he shrugged.
-Is like I had both of the things I like- he took a chip in to his mouth.
-Wait... so you could just pay for this? Why you make me sing?
-Because I didn’t know if I was going to see you again and I want to hear you, and I know that I would hear you again- he wink.
-You seem pretty sure about that...
Poe was thinking about the first time he met his wife, after a long day on the hospital the only thing he want to do was to get home and spend time with his family, but he didn’t know why he stay for a moment on a car looking at his weeding ring, it’s been a while since that night, and he thank his lucky star that he took that night free, after that day they become close pretty quickly, of course they fight for a few things but nothing they couldn’t fix, she was there when he become the surgeon chief just like he was there when she became the newspaper’s director. When he step inside of the house he could hear her humming on the living room, he walk to her and saw her carrying their little boy on her arms and smiled when he recognized the song she was humming, he hug her from behind and kiss her temple.
-Hey sweetheart- he said before he take the baby on his arms -Hey buddy- he said and put his other arm around her -Have I told you how lucky I am?
-You mention a couple of times- she said with a smiled, the baby move -I think he want you to play the guitar for him.
-He’s not even a year and he already love music.
-Well, that’s because you sang to him all the pregnancy- she said making him smile -How was your day?
-Hard- he said -I just want to come home and be with you.
-We missed you too- she said as she kiss his cheek.
-You know I should thank your mother more often.
-Why?-she asked.
-because she was the one to convince you to come here- he said and she blushed.
-Sometimes you’re a dork- she said.
-but I’m your dork.
-You’re damn right about that- she said, he look at her with surprise.
-You heard that little David? Mommy just said a bad word- he said.
-You’re the one who said a hundred of bad words in front of...- he make her stop with a kiss.
-I love you- he said.
-I love you too.
-Thank god to that because this could be ackward if you didn’t- she roll her eyes before both of them start to laugh.
-By the way I’m still going to complain about your bad language in front of our song- she said.
-I’m sorry I promise I won’t say a bad word from now on.
-Good, because I’ll hate that our son’s first word been fuck.
-How about shit, that would be useful- she hit him in the arm -ok no bad word in front of David- she nod in satisfaction as both of the cuddle on the couch -I really am lucky- he said before he kiss her.
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icariahq · 4 years
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Thanks for applying Lauren! We look forward to seeing Aurora around the island. Make sure to send your blog in within the next 24 hours or reach out to us if you need an extension. Troian Bellisario is now taken!
( TROIAN BELLISARIO, FEMALE, SHE/HER) ⌇ have you seen AURORA HART around icaria? they are the 28 year old child of NIKE. they remind me of long hours at work, perfectly delivered quips, a gun strapped to her thigh, and a gaze that watches your every move. They’ve been on the island for one day.
IT ME. Lauren / she her | 30 | EST
To damn long.
FACECLAIM: Troian Bellisario
NAME: Aurora Hart
AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: FBI agent on assignment.
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
Can either bless or curse someone with with either success or failure in whatever they’re working on or competing in.
TW: Child abuse, self harm, homophobia
Aurora was born to a family of politicians and scientists; If one wanted to know when the last time a direct relation to her WASN’T one of those two, you’d have to go back four generations… That is if you don’t count her biological mother… Nike, Goddess of Victory. Nike had been watching over the Hart family for generations. Aurora’s great, great, great, great grandmother was a worshiper of the goddess and asked to be blessed; the goddess obliged and had for the past 100 years watched over and blessed each child with a bit of victorious spirit and achievement in whatever they pursued. That was until her father, Richard Hart, was 25 years old. He found and married a congresswoman, Kenna Cooper, who at first appeared to be perfect. But perfection was an illusion and the perfect wife and mayor image shattered ten years after little Aurora was born. Rewinding a bit, Aurora was conceived when her father and mother had gotten into a bit of a tiff and he left her. They were “broken up” or “Separated” as her mother likes to say, for about a week when Richard met Nike. A one-night stand turned into a child delivered to their doorstep 9 months later on the eve of an election. She explained who she was, told Richard stories of his great-great-grandmother who worshiped her and how she had made a promise to look after the family. That this child would come to do great things considering she was a demi-god blessed with Nike’s victory. That she would only return when they told Aurora about her. She wasn’t about to get in the middle of whatever the family wanted to do to raise Aurora. 
Needless to say, Kenna was pissed at first to realize that this woman had slept with her husband and that she suddenly was being thrust with a child when she had ambitions and goals to reach. And how was she going to explain the sudden appearance of a newborn when she clearly had not been pregnant? So a plan was made and they said they had used a surrogate mother and wanted to keep the pregnancy hidden and the baby protected. The next day proved just how powerful demi-god DNA was as Kenna won her election by a landslide – only a day before they had assumed it would be close but most likely not a victory. So Kenna started to dote on the child. 
For the first ten years of her life, it was picturesque, she had a loving doting father who worked in aerospace, a mother on the rise within politics, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who were in all realms of science and politics who happily would teach her anything and everything… She was brought up to be a perfectionist. At 4 she was already starting to write full sentences, not in great handwriting but still! By 8 she was reading at a 7th-grade level. And by the age of 11, she was a certified genius. She was deemed a child prodigy when it came to academics, specifically those within the realm of politics and aerospace science having picked up those two the most from her parents despite their infrequent times at home.
Her father traveled to and from Florida for NASA for months at a time. While her mother had stepped up to the role of congresswoman and traveled to and from DC on a basically bi-weekly basis. A live-in-nanny was hired to be home with Aurora whenever the parents couldn’t be. Why hadn’t they just moved her? Aurora had no idea. She assumed it had to do with her mother’s role as a congresswoman, she still had to have a house in Portland so why not keep your child there and away from you when you’re that busy? At least – that’s the reasoning Aurora came up with. Aurora had loved it when her father came home. He was so caring, so playful, and fun; his presence kept her mother at bay. Kept the house calm…. But those times only lasted for so long before he had to go back to Kennedy Space Center. 
  TW: homophobia, abuse, death threats 
Her mother though? That was the opposite. Kenna being home meant life would be a bit of a hellscape; it meant screaming, yelling, and insults. It meant crying until no more tears could be produced, it meant pressure and guilt and hatred tossed in her direction if she so much as dared to disagree with the congresswoman. It meant being gaslit and lied to and disassociating… it meant self harm which lead to her mother screaming at her for hurting herself and the image it put out in the world if anyone were to see the cuts. Which lead to even more anger from her mother and the cycle continued. If her father wasn’t there to distract her mom then the only other reprieve was sleepovers with friends. Her mother always put on the face of the perfect loving mom if people were over. It was Aurora’s sanctuary because not even the nanny could stop Kenna’s rage. 
The person who she spent the most time with, that helped relieve the hellscape that was her mom was Kassandra. The two grew up next to one another, a tree between their houses branches stretching out and brushing each of their windows. It became a treehouse as the girls got older, a way for them to sneak between houses to hang out together. The two were thick as thieves doing everything together, experiencing everything together. It started innocently enough, their first day of school, their first tests, one another first best friends, but as they got older their firsts became more mature, first crushes – on one another, first kiss… They were surprisingly not one another’s first relationships that honor went to Brandon, a boy in their grade who was surprisingly decent. The two ended based on the fact that Brandon – wanted to have sex… which Aurora was not ready for. She was still a virgin at the time. So the two ended… though they stayed friends. Not long after Kass and Aurora started to date in secret. Neither were ready to come out to their parents; so they kept it between themselves, using the tree to sneak into one another’s room and one thing led to another and they became one another’s first time as well. 
Things had been going surprisingly well in young Aurora’s life if you could ignore the abuse that Kenna lobbed at her on a bi-weekly basis. She was starting to think she could make it out of the house alive and without hating everything … when the worst happened. Kass told her mother about her being gay and she was promptly kicked out; Kass’ mother came next door once the other was gone and demanded to talk to Kenna knowing that Richard was out of town. There was a hushed conversation that Aurora tried to listen in on, but nothing could easily be made out. Though, when the other woman left all hell broke loose in the house – She screamed and screamed about how Aurora could NOT have a gay best friend, that she could NOT hang out with that “degenerate” anymore. That she, well really, both of them, were pieces of shit, that she was going to hell. Aurora tried to stand up to her, to tell her that Kass was a wonderful person, that she loved her best friend, and that her mother had no right to say any of that. This was when for the first time, Kenna slapped Aurora telling her that if she was anything like that f-word that she would not see the next day because no daughter of hers could be gay and that it would ruin her reputation as a congresswoman. 
It was the blood she touched on her cheek that finally shut down Aurora’s brain and let her just zone out as her mother continued to yell and scream. Kenna’s wedding ring had created a long cut along her cheek and despite seeing her daughter bleeding by her own hand Kenna didn’t stop yelling. It was three hours later before Kenna finally stopped and Aurora could take care of her cheek,  by the blood had run down her face and scabbed over and a bruise had started to form. She took the next couple of days off school and avoided everyone. Or tired too, but she ended up getting yelled at each day by her mother, each time there was the threat that lingered over her head that something horrible would happen.
So when Kass asked to meet her at the park one day Aurora knew she would have to do the hardest thing and break up with her. She couldn’t keep this up or she might end up dead. Putting on makeup and trying to hide the bruise and cut she made her way to the park — only to lie her ass off and break both their hearts in the process. Aurora cried for three days afterwards which only caused her mother to rage more. Luckily for Aurora, her mother was called back to DC and she got a reprieve. 
It wasn’t until six months before graduation that her father finally learned the truth about what Kenna had been doing when he came home the day after his wife left to see Aurora covering up a bruise on her shoulder. He demanded to know what happened – and she broke down. She told him everything, told him that if he didn’t believe her to call her old nanny that she would corroborate the story. That Kenna threatened her too and to not get mad at the nanny. She had done what she could to protect Aurora. Two months later her father filed for divorce and custody of the almost 18-year-old Aurora – but the allegations of abuse had been shoved under the rug, avoided, and hidden away. Her mother was too powerful and had too many friends in high places. 
After four months of living with her dad and she was off to college. Aurora could not be anymore more excited to get away from her family and be on her own. She gained herself a roommate, her own space and started school. For the first three years of college, Aurora had never felt freer and more herself. She had escaped her mother’s clutches but even despite that, she couldn’t let go of the political aspect – she wanted now, more than anything, to get into politics so she could make it easier for kids to escape abusive households and harder for abusive parents to skirt the system. She rose to the top of her classes, stood out, and earned summa cum laude with her bachelor’s. As she returned back to college to get her master’s she met Juliette. Juliette – the most beautiful woman on campus, the smartest, the kindest – and needless to say – Aurora fell hard and fast.
It became clear though that the feelings were reciprocated and the two fell so quickly and so hard it would be impossible to deny that the two seemed rather perfect for one another. Their friends joked that they were waiting for a wedding invite after four months of them dating. The two laughed it off and just continued on. They moved in together a year later. Jules graduated and started working in a firm while Aurora started to work for the local government. As Jules moved up quickly and Aurora couldn’t have been more proud of her girlfriend. They celebrated one another whenever they got a chance and told one another everything. 
Aurora did end up telling Jules about the abuse she experienced and confided in her about all of her hopes and fears. This was the first time she ever told anyone about the abuse she experienced, save for her father. This, in Aurora’s mind, cemented the next-level – engagement. They had been talking about it on and off for a year already, so it seemed inevitable. Aurora went out, found a gorgeous ring, and waited for the right moment – but the moment never came. Because at 24 Jules left her and went to rejoin the Huntresses. 
Heartbroken and alone Aurora tossed herself into her work, her sudden silence worried her father knowing his daughter had had such a rough go of things. So he came out to check on her. In doing so he asked if she cursed herself, if she had for some reason thought she deserved the pain. Insulted and upset she asked him what the hell he meant – and that’s when the truth came out. She was the daughter of Nike, goddess of Victory — and at the mention of her bio mother the goddess appeared. She scolded Richard for keeping her a secret for so long and not getting Aurora out of the horrible situation she had been in. Nike spent the next week training Aurora in her powers, teaching her about the Greek Gods and just – getting to know one another.
When the week was up Aurora knew her purpose, she would help politicians in fighting to protect those that couldn’t protect themselves and she would work with the government in actually physically saving those that were not in a good place. She got recruited to the FBI at 25 and dedicated her life to helping others; she used her ability to grant victory to her coworkers and slowly started to make big changes within the community. By 27 she had risen in the ranks and was slowly starting to choose her own assignments and partners. This is how she ended up on a case that kept her up at night. A human trafficking ring – that seemed to have something a bit odd going on, or odder than just the trafficking. Every fiber of her being screamed that it was demi-god related and she couldn’t let it go. She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus on anything other than these missing people. Was it related to the kidnappings of demi-gods around the world? She really didn’t know but she was damn determined to find out.
It took almost a full year to get it all together but they finally busted in on multiple clients of the ring. Each had at least one demi-god trapped and being used for personal gain. She kept close tabs on each person rescued, making sure therapy was set up and things were in place to take care of them…. When one just vanished. The fact that one of her charges vanished without a trace pissed off Aurora. She wanted Jane to get the best help and now – now she couldn’t. So, with a bit of research and time, she found Jane Doe on Icaria taken there by her demi-god father. Arrangements were made and Aurora was on her way to Icaria to find Jane and make sure she was okay. 
yeah this got long. sorry!
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Rural Montana Had Already Lost Too Many Native Women. Then Selena Disappeared. https://nyti.ms/37h2SjG
Rural Montana Had Already Lost Too Many Native Women. Then Selena Disappeared.
For decades, with little public notice, Native women and girls have gone missing or been found murdered. The disappearance of Selena Not Afraid is showing how much things are changing.
By Jack Healy, Photographs by Cristina Baussan | Published Jan. 20, 2020, 3:00 a.m. ET | New York Times | Posted January 20, 2020 |
BIG HORN COUNTY, Mont. — Jackie Big Hair slept in her car again, waking every few hours to fire up the engine and gaze at the frozen highway rest stop where her 16-year-old daughter had been reported missing.
“I just have to be here,” Ms. Big Hair, 50, said, watching semis lumber across the plains. “I don’t know where else to go.”
This was her vigil now, along with searches in Billings about 30 miles away, three weeks after her youngest child, Selena Not Afraid, was reported missing from a barren stretch of Interstate 90 in a southern Montana county where 65 percent of the population is Native American. Law enforcement officials said a van carrying Selena home the day after a New Year’s party in Billings had pulled into the rest stop after breaking down, and then reportedly started up again and driven away without her. Nobody had heard from her since.
A national outcry over the killings and disappearances of Indigenous women has reached a boiling point here in Big Horn County, a rural stretch of rolling mountains and ranch lands that contains the Crow and Northern Cheyenne reservations and has the highest rate of missing and murdered Native Americans in Montana, and among the highest nationwide.
Local activists had an incomplete count of 27 Native women who had gone missing in recent memory in Big Horn County alone. Now, there are 28. The difference here and in many parts of the West is that for decades the disappearance of mothers and children, cousins and friends almost invariably played out in utter obscurity, with modest law enforcement investigations that almost invariably languished unsolved.
Activists and researchers say the crisis burned unheeded for generations until a few years ago, when families’ stories of how their loved ones were sex trafficked, murdered with impunity or dismissed as chronic runaways gained traction through grass-roots organizing and social media, forcing politicians and law enforcement to take notice.
Last year, 5,590 Indigenous women were reported missing to the F.B.I.’s National Crime Information Center, but advocates say the staggeringly high rates of violence suffered by Indigenous people is still not fully reflected in official accounting. Some of the victims are misclassified as Asian or Hispanic, or are overlooked if they live in urban areas instead of reservations, or their cases are lost in a jurisdictional maze over which state, federal or tribal law enforcement agency bears responsibility for investigating.
Law enforcement officials said these can be extremely difficult cases to investigate, sometimes ranging over vast expanses of territory, but that they are committed to solving them. The families say the problem is more a matter of will and resources than of difficulty.
“Native women have been dehumanized from the very beginning,” said Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear, a demographer who grew up in Big Horn County and is on the board of the Sovereign Bodies Institute, which has created its own database of cases. “The law has failed us time and time again. We’re tired of it. We’re tired of our people dying, of our kids going to jail.”
Now, families like Selena’s are taking an urgent public stand to pressure politicians and law enforcement to provide more aggressive responses to these cases. They are raising alarms through social media and even bracing themselves against Montana blizzards to keep their loved ones from being forgotten. They are organizing candlelit vigils, rallying at courthouses and sheriff’s offices and marching for days along prairie highways, reservation roads and to the steps of state capitols.
“We’re here demanding it,” Selena’s aunt Cheryl Horn said one afternoon, warming her hands with a bowl of chili as volunteers returned from another fruitless search of the nearby hills. “We’re not being quiet. We’re not leaving.”
In recent months, a flurry of federal and state agencies across the country and here in Montana have raced to respond with task forces and law-enforcement resources, including a new Justice Department effort to coordinate federal and local responses to disappearances and murders in Indian Country.
Law-enforcement authorities say that Selena, a member of the Crow tribe, went missing at about 2 p.m. on New Year’s Day. A New Year’s Eve party in Billings had spilled over into the following afternoon, and she was riding back toward her home in Hardin, about 50 miles east.
According to local and federal law-enforcement alerts, the van broke down and pulled over at the rest stop, where Selena was last seen walking into a field. Her family believes she was taken, possibly by a passing car.
When her relatives heard the news, they began pouring into the rest stop, circling their cars and campers and horse trailers into a makeshift windbreak and transforming a frozen spit of asphalt and concrete into a scene of prayer and protest.
They lit a campfire, searched through ranchers’ fields and garlanded the fences and sign poles with red ribbons and posters of Selena. They saturated social media with calls for help. “Internet warriors,” one of Selena’s aunts called the response.
At 16, Selena already knew the toll of violence too well.
She had buried three siblings — a brother who had been fatally shot by Billings police officers; a sister who was struck and killed by a car; and her twin sister, who died by suicide when she was just 11 years old.
“I’ve always felt like there’s a bad presence against us,” Selena’s older brother, R.J., said. “I’ve expected the worst.”
After Selena was reported missing, police officers from South Dakota and Wyoming joined Big Horn County sheriff’s deputies, Bureau of Indian Affairs officers and volunteers to search the nearby hills. Federal and local law-enforcement officers set up a command center in the basement of the county courthouse. Thermal drones and helicopters buzzed overhead.
The F.B.I. issued an alert for Selena and sent in a search team, but agents and sheriff’s investigators have said little more about her disappearance, or whether they are investigating the older acquaintances who had been riding in the van with her. .
The swift response has surprised some activists. “Nothing moves that fast,” said BethYana Pease, a Crow community organizer.
Families and activists say they have been sounding these alarms for years. They say the crisis flows from generations of discriminatory government policies and racism in reservation border towns like Hardin that devalue Native women’s lives and deaths.
Jay Harris, the county prosecutor, who is a member of the Crow tribe, said the proliferation of meth use and a scarcity of federal law enforcement had exacerbated the problem. Last November, the Crow chairman declared a state of emergency over what he called ineffective investigations and unanswered police calls on the 2.3 million-acre reservation, and said the tribe would move to form its own police force.
Some victims’ families wondered why the deaths and disappearances of their own mothers, sisters and nieces had not sparked a similar outcry. Ms. Pease ticked off names she said had never received justice: 14-year-old Henny Scott, who was found dead two weeks after she went missing in December 2018. Bonnie Three Irons, a mother of six, whose body was found in the mountains in April 2017.
Or 18-year-old Kaysera Stops Pretty Places. It was late August when Kaysera went out with friends in her hometown, Hardin, the county seat. Four days later, a jogger found her body in a suburban backyard next to the house where she had been that evening, just steps away from a busy road.
“Where the hell were these big shots when my granddaughter was missing?” asked Carmelia Brown, a relative who said she loved Kaysera as a granddaughter.
Kaysera’s family believes she was murdered, but her cause of death has lingered undetermined for four months, her autopsy still unfinished. Her family says it has never been told a certain time of death. The case is classified as “Suspicious” and still being investigated, said Mr. Harris, the county attorney.
Kaysera’s family members wondered how she could have lain in someone’s lawn for days without being seen. They were troubled that her body had been shuttled back and forth between the funeral home and state crime lab before being cremated by the county coroner, who is also the funeral director. They were disturbed that one of the lead investigators into Kaysera’s death had also been involved in an incident in which her younger brother was beaten and forcibly restrained.
“Why does nobody care about this?” asked Grace Bulltail, one of Kaysera’s aunts and an assistant professor of engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “We’re not being given any information.”
Family members were uncertain whether Kaysera and Selena knew each other, but their stories have become intertwined. When Kaysera’s family led marches to the county courthouse seeking answers into her death, Selena attended, her aunt Cheryl Horn said. She posted Facebook tributes to Big Horn County’s missing and murdered Indigenous women.
One morning at Selena’s roadside vigil, as one of her great-aunts lit the day’s fire, her overcoat swung open to show a red sweatshirt bearing Kaysera’s face.
“This is the justice that Kaysera didn’t get,” Ms. Horn, Selena’s aunt, said.
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icariamusing · 4 years
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FACECLAIM: Saoirse Ronan
NAME: Larkspur Durham Fox
AGE: 27
BIRTHDAY: July 20, 1993
OCCUPATION: PhD Candidate in History at Icaria University / Freelance copywriter and Editor
HOMETOWN: Calgary, Alberta, Canada (although she has not lived there since she was twelve)
PETS: Red-eared slider turtles named Justin Turtleake and Alanis Tortoisette
Manipulation in volume and origin point of the sound of the human voice in real time. While technically unvoiced consonants are not, well, voiced, she can take those along for the ride too. Unable to distort the contents of the speech (or scream, I guess), but can make them inaudible or painfully loud with perfect clarity. This ability does work on recorded voices, but has less effectiveness the more distortion is built into the audio. Lark has an odd tendency to slightly raise her own volume without thinking about it, but she’s also just loud without powers. Your guess is as good as hers when she’s using powers or just shouting. She would be better with her powers if she made a point of using them, but she has not tested them heavily outside of verbal conjecture. While she has never tried it, Lark considers her best offensive tactic to shift the origin point to within an opponent’s inner ear and amplify.. but she’s a pacifist, and does not like to think about it.
Lark came in two volumes: Loud and VERY LOUD. An intellectually brilliant radical anarchist, she was prone to protesting against Icaria’s government and for a different cause every week. Although she certainly spread awareness for some significant issue, not every cause Lark champions is noteworthy… or even logical. Whoever came within her radar will inevitably hear an earful. She could best be described as a gigantic nerd- particularly history- that knows a lot of stuff but lacks in common sense.
Her conception kicked off in a dramatic fashion. Diana Fox was a sixteen year old Canadian teenager when she attended her first protests (various feminist ones, mostly). After one of them, she met up with a strange guy who just seemed to get it who would debate her for fun. He (the god Zelus) was definitely too old for her, but she lied about her age, and ended up pregnant after a few trysts. Diana decided to keep the kid, but she most definitely wasn’t ready to be a mother. Thinking the name sounded cool, Diana named her daughter “Larkspur” after pretty flowers… and also she was kind of a punk who got a kick out of her kid being named after something poisonous. And that was about as much contribution as little Larkspur’s parents offered up in terms of upbringing for those early years. Gods weren’t about that sort of child-raising life, and Diana wanted to enjoy what remained of her adolescence.
Cecilia and Dale Fox stepped up, and raised their granddaughter. Larkspur adored her grandparents, even if they did not quite expect to have to raise a baby at their age. They were only in their late forties, but had not expected to deal with a grandchild while they were both still working. Cecilia’s job didn’t pay as well, so she took a few years off to be the primary caretaker for the little girl age four and preschool became an option. Larkspur frankly thought her name was embarrassing.  She was much happier to go by Lark in school, or even just Fox. Even though her mother could have cared less about books and learning, Lark took to school rather well. Rarely needing to study, Lark knocked out essays and reports without thinking too hard about it. Marks didn’t mean much to her, but she still skipped grade two and continued to excel academically.
When Lark was nine, Dale started to get sick, which inspired Diana to head back home. After moving back in, Diana tried to be more than a parent, but only when it was convenient. Lark saw right through her mother, and clung to her grandmother, or shut herself up in her room for a while. The only time that Lark felt really close to her mom was when she took her along to protests. Lark was absolutely arrested for protesting before, but it never resulted in any real convictions. Her mom is the one who’s actually seen prison time, which Lark always considered extremely cool. Diana and Dale could not be considered sterling examples of propriety, but they did not quite agree with the coolness level of any criminal activity. They always did their best to point the kids (i.e. Diana and Lark) in the right direction.
Not that long after returning home, Diana explained the mystery of Lark’s parentage to the family using print-outs of search results from Google. Even after doing some research on Zelus, Lark decided that her dad was terrible, and did not actively seek him out. Lark met her father once, and while he was less awful in person than she had expected, she still could not get over his poor judgment. Later in life, Lark would make a game out of ignoring him when he visited on Icaria. Anyway, Lark’s grandparents were the best parents that she could have asked for, and her mother… helped.
It devastated the family when Dale passed away when Lark was twelve, but Cecilia took it especially poorly.  When the opportunity came up, Cecilia accepted a job transfer opportunity with slightly better pay in the UK, where she was born (while technically she was from Northern Ireland, the job was in England where some family lived). Diana wanted to stay in Calgary, but Lark wanted to go with her grandmother. Making her first mature decision in a long time, Diana conceded, and applied for jobs overseas.
Lark had never been a popular child, and her ease of making friends did not suddenly improve after moving thousands of miles away. The person that she got on best with was Steffi, a recent transplant from Germany. Since Steffi did not seem to have any friends either, Lark latched on immediately. The mean comments did not exactly phase Lark (especially because the older girl didn’t seem to outright hate the idea of being friends). While they were very good friends, it still did not come up in conversation where they both settled on schools until acceptance time came. Heidelberg University’s History program was amazing, and Lark couldn’t turn down how reasonably priced German schools were. She casually-but-not-casually suggested that she and Steffi room together, and was pleasantly surprised to start the next year with a roommate that wanted to be friends. Their friendship was always odd and a little codependent, and Lark sometimes struggled to figure out whether her infatuation with Steffi was strongly platonic or a romantic crush. Whatever it was, Steffi apparently did not have any romantic feelings for her, and Lark wondered if that was for the best. After that graduation (Lark was 20 at the time), Lark and Steffi went to separate universities for graduate school, and largely lived separate lives apart from a few odd chance encounters. Lark even began to make more like-minded friends in her Musicology masters program at the University of Birmingham. The professors seemed not to hate her either; she was “a pleasure to have in class” but not the student with the highest grades.
After finishing off her masters, Lark stuck around Birmingham for a year. She wrote prolifically- scholarly writing for her own enjoyment, and copywriting professionally. The future seemed murky, but Lark assumed that she would head back into academia at some point. She had no plans of moving to Icaria until she got her heart figuratively ripped to shreds, and decided on a spontaneous move to Greece.
It had never seemed like a good idea to mention her demigod status until Lark and Steffi bumped into each other… on Icaria. Overjoyed to have her friend back, Lark suggested rooming together again, but this was shot down. She kept up her freelance positions, but she had a difficult experience filling her time. Eventually, she decided on starting up a PhD program in history at the local university (on the topic of music’s impact on ancient Greece). Unfortunately, Lark’s previous tendencies toward procrastination have not served her well without a short timeline to hide behind. The June 2021 deadline has haunted her ever since she started it up, but she leveraged many distractions.
lisa| she/her | 28 | pacific
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, April 27
Cover: Dying Queen Elizabeth Has Months to Live 
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Page 2: The coronavirus quarantine has finally forced Kaley Cuoco and her husband of two years Karl Cook to move in together but the clashing couple have been bickering night and day and having a hard time adjusting to the cozy new domestic arrangements
Page 3: Ben Affleck’s new girlfriend Ana de Armas can’t quit her former co-stars and that’s got him wild with jealousy -- Ben hates that Ana stays in close contact with everybody from Brad Pitt to Keanu Reeves to Ryan Gosling
Page 4: Reformed lush Kiefer Sutherland is devastated by the death of his beloved mom and pals fear he’ll relapse 
Page 5: John Mellencamp’s whirlwind romance with reality star Nurse Jamie has already hit a snag -- she’s married and in the middle of a $40 million divorce battle 
Page 6: Has-been Regis Philbin has been yanked back from the brink of irrelevance and despair by a new acting role on the sitcom Single Parents served up by his own daughter J.J. Philbin, Pauley Perrette has taken yet another shot at her former show NCIS and her old boss Mark Harmon
Page 7: Gwyneth Paltrow’s already shaky marriage to Brad Falchuk is fizzling further because she prefers her sizzling Goop-brand sex toys to her hubby in the sack 
Page 8: Tampa Bay Buccaneer Tom Brady had to change his priorities to save his marriage to Gisele Bundchen 
Page 9: With Jennifer Aniston’s former husband Brad Pitt tied up with galpal Alia Shawkat and his ongoing custody battle with ex Angelina Jolie the unlucky-in-love actress has set her sights on another reunion with Hollywood horndog John Mayer 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Kelly Bensimon, Ryan Seacrest and his bike, Olivia Wilde walking her dog 
Page 11: Backstabber Linda Tripp made her peace with Monica Lewinsky before dying of pancreatic cancer at age 70, in a radio interview seven years after O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman -- Wendy Williams gushed over the creep calling him handsome and flirting outrageously, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are so devoted to keeping their bodies beautiful they’re willing to put their lives and those of their staffers on the line by ignoring a citywide coronavirus lockdown and headed into a shuttered Miami gym without wearing gloves or masks 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- now that ladies are swooning over NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo for his handling of the virus crisis his baby brother and CNN star Chris Cuomo is yesterday’s news despite his mind-boggling biceps, Jill Zarin dropped a bombshell days before the new season of RHONYC she revealed she conceived her daughter Ally with a sperm donor but the revelation didn’t help her get back on the show, the title of Daniel Craig’s new James Bond film No Time to Die is causing heartburn in Hollywood as this is not the time to put out anything with die in the title, Rachel Maddow has been broadcasting from her home in Massachusetts but she’s not allowed to do her own makeup so her partner Susan is glamming her up before she goes live 
Page 13: Ever since video of Matthew McConaughey hosting a Bingo night at a Texas senior living center went viral network bosses have been calling him nonstop to pitch a small-screen game show hosting gig 
Page 14: Shocking New Lives of Scandal-Scarred Stars -- what brought them down and what they’re doing now -- Mel Gibson, Gary Hart, Lance Armstrong 
Page 15: Pee-Wee Herman/Paul Reubens, Stephen Collins, Tonya Harding 
Page 16: True Crime 
Page 17: Two years after they escaped from an unspeakable house of horrors the Turpin children are building new lives, Welsh soul singer Duffy revealed harrowing details about her four-week ordeal that saw her drugged and abducted abroad and held captive and raped
Page 18: Robert F. Kennedy’s granddaughter Maeve Kennedy McKean and her eight-year-old son Gideon didn’t have to die if they had worn life jackets 
Page 20: Real Life 
Page 21: The recent death of Kenny Rogers has triggered a flood of conflicting feelings for the woman who claimed he sexually assaulted her 30 years ago, Mariah Carey is being asked to dedicate a performance of her song Hero to health care workers in her hometown of Huntington, NY as they fight on the frontlines against the deadly coronavirus pandemic 
Page 22: Health Watch 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Queen Elizabeth hid a tragic secret when she delivered an inspiring televised message on the world’s war with coronavirus -- she’s been hospitalized with heart failure and doctors believe she has only months to live
Page 25: Furious over the disastrous reviews for her voice-over in a Disney film Meghan Markle is now demanding that she only work with A-list superstars and Hollywood’s top directors
Page 28: Lizzo worshipped her late father but he was a petty criminal and a deadbeat dad, Lady Gaga is desperate to get married and have kids with her new beau after dating him for just three months 
Page 29: How to grow tomatoes indoors 
Page 30: America’s dirty clergy revealed 
Page 34: Daytime TV yakker Joy Behar’s shocking announcement that she is going to throw in the towel at The View when he contract is up came as no surprise to insiders, fading pop star Britney Spears is spending her days in quarantine by pounding down junk food 
Page 36: Channing Tatum is already on the celebrity dating site Raya after his break up with Jessie J, Hollywood Hookups -- Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom having a baby girl, Bernie Ecclestone and Fabiana Flosi are going to be parents, Jeannie Mai and Jeezy engaged 
Page 38: Kanye West may give up music to return to one of his first loves -- painting, Tracy Morgan’s shocking X-rated rant on the Today show left host Hoda Kotb horrified and disgusted 
Page 42: Red Carpet Stars & Stumbles -- Renee Zellweger is smoking 2020 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Goldie Hawn takes a walk with Kurt Russell’s son Boston Russell 
Page 47: Sports announcer Joe Buck asked sports fans to send him new material to work on his play-by-play but is now begging the public to stop sending him sex tapes, Marvel has been slammed over the names of its new twin superheroes Safespace and Snowflake 
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