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sgcruz21-blog · 12 days ago
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jakesparks777 · 14 days ago
In The House in A Heartbeat on Halloween28 Days Later Theme and Hallowee...
Here’s a really cool remix. The Halloween Theme and the 28 Days Later theme. Enjoy.
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filmeniamovies · 28 days ago
🧟 Train to Busan Tamil Dub! 😱
Experience the zombie horror on the train! Watch "Train to Busan" Tamil dubbed on Filmenia
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moviesbest · 3 months ago
Trailer of Deadheads (2025)
🧟‍♂️💀 Deadheads (2025) – Get ready for a thrilling, darkly comedic ride through a world overrun by zombies! 🧟‍♀️🎬 Deadheads brings a fresh twist to the zombie genre, combining heart-pounding action with biting humor. Follow a group of survivors as they navigate a post-apocalyptic world, encountering undead dangers and hilarious moments that only the living can understand.
With sharp dialogue, unexpected friendships, and plenty of thrills, Deadheads is not your typical zombie film. Expect the unexpected as the survivors fight for their lives in a world where the dead don’t always stay dead...
🔥 Watch the trailer now and get ready for a zombie experience unlike any other in 2025!
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monstersarentreal · 2 years ago
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Monster #7: Grandma-Beast from There's Something Wrong with Grandma (2017)
This magical body horror film brings necromancy into modern day suburbia for a ghoulish showdown at the film's climax! It's sad they couldn't save Grandma, however.
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zombiemagickeepsmealive · 2 months ago
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Movie #133 watching every zombie movie ever. The Discarnates (1988) was a work of art. I haven't felt this moved since I saw J'accuse.
Our hero travels to his hometown and meets his long dead parents. He is so overcome with happiness that he keeps going back to visit them. His neighbor, who he is falling in love with doesn't want him to see them anymore. He can't see how it is killing him.
The pain and grief that this film portrays so beautifully hit very close to home for me, to the point that I thought it was going to be a tragic ending, for sure. The uptick at the end was surprising and inspiring, I can't even say how much.
I'm not watching every zombie movie to have spiritual life-changing experiences, but it's happening anyway.
Zombies were the loved ones we had to let go.
There is no need to rate it. This movie is all time.
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steambunsposts · 2 days ago
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My personal little Tier List of zombie movies that I have seen over the years.
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thebearboy · 5 months ago
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Day 27-- Shaun of the Dead (2004)-- Shaun is a bit of a loser-- with a dead end job and slovenly, freeloading best friend-- he's a constant disappointment to his girlfriend. When a zombie plague breaks out, however, it's his opportunity to cowboy-up and be a hero.
I forgot what a fantastic movie this is. Full of humor, heart and blood splatter. Great movie, well deserving of the classic status it has achieved.
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DEWASUPER86 yang kami sediakan disini merupakan situs terbaik yang sudah kami survey terlebih dahulu sebelum kami rekomendasikan anda untuk mencobanya
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elumen · 8 months ago
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Sugestão de filme: Lidando com os mortos-vivos (Handling the undead) Em um dia quente de verão em Oslo, um estranho evento magnético acontece e faz com que os mortos misteriosamente despertem. Três famílias são lançadas no caos quando seus entes queridos falecidos voltam para eles. Quem são eles e o que querem? Uma família enfrenta o despertar da mãe antes mesmo de terem lamentado sua morte após um acidente de carro; uma idosa recupera o amor de sua vida no mesmo dia em que o enterrou; um avô resgata seu neto do túmulo em uma tentativa desesperada de tirar sua filha da depressão.
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sgcruz21-blog · 1 year ago
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inner-life-meditation · 11 months ago
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esonetwork · 16 days ago
 Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies? | Earth Station Boo
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/who-died-and-made-you-fucking-king-of-the-zombies-earth-station-boo/
 Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies? | Earth Station Boo
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Grab your Cornetto and a Pint with the Haunted Hosts and guest Beth Dolgner to have tongue wag about Edgar Wright’s masterful RomZomCom, Shaun of the Dead. With its blend of horror and humor, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost’s iconic performances, and how it redefined the genre. From hilarious one-liners to clever visual gags and heartfelt moments, it’s a zombie-filled discussion you won’t want to miss.
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waywordsstudio · 1 year ago
13 Days of Halloween: "Blood Quantum" (2019) Review -
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dbmcneill · 2 years ago
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#3 are back to watching #zombiemovies. World War z was our latest & least favorite so far. Brad Pitt had some serious plot armor. Also, from what I remember of the book, it wasn’t even plot adjacent.
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zombiemagickeepsmealive · 6 days ago
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Movie #216 watching every zombie movie ever. Choking Hazard (2004) was right up my alley. It had philosophy and humor and also zombies.
A small group meets at an out-of-the-way motel to talk to some smart guy about the meaning of life. Zombies who are all woodsmen for some reason begin to swarm the motel. They are biters and eaters and pretty dumb. They run on instinct. Later a different group of zombie woodsmen appear: the hunters, zombies who can clearly think. They represent reason. Meanwhile, as people die one by one, the survivors continue talking about the meaning of life, morality, meaning itself, quite divorced from the horror going on around them. The teacher philosopher smart guy says that we must balance reason and instinct as he is inexplicably led away with the rest of the zombies (by this time he has been zombified). The filmmakers chose not to make sense of this movie and especially its ending(s?), keeping in line with the different views of the characters and leaving any meaning to be interpreted by the viewer.
I enjoyed this one and saw myself in many of the silly philosophical takes made by each of the students.
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