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prince-zoisite · 1 month ago
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cursedwithgloriouspurpose · 3 months ago
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Starting the year off right with a bit of Sen/Shi shipping. Ami Mizuno and Zoisite, of course. I figured it was appropriate to start with them, first, since they were the first of the set I drew two years ago when I started getting back into art. Also... I just really wanted to draw an underwater scene, and who better, right?
Unfortunately, I had to crop it down a bit a so that tumblr's compression didn't eat it. You can find the larger image in my kofi gallery (linked in source along with my commission info)
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xelbleedsglitter · 2 months ago
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KunZoi buttons are the first to experiment with The Sparkle >:3
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elleskinner-justart · 5 months ago
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Day 4 of @smvillainsweek!
The prompt for day four is "snacks".
Zoicite spending a night in with a face mask and some popcorn (and a Kunzite plushie, shh). Conquering earth is exhausting and self care is important!
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maythevoidnotscreamback · 7 months ago
My outrage given voice: The Shittenou were done so dirty!
It's very damn annoying to me and I hate it! Why the hell were the Shittenou not given a chance for a 'normal' life like Usagi wished for in the 90's anime; especially with the implication of the time of the first season repeating for the second and thus meant that they hadn't been nabbed for Beryl's/Metallia's purposes? Or even in the manga/reboot rather than kept as the stones they became after their deaths?
Like, what thoughts went into that? Why were the various relationships of the Shittenou changed so drastically, and not just between each other but their Prince and their Love Interests too? Especially when Mamo got a, technically, third chance to be with Usa after the first season's finale. The girls themselves have other love interests, I know, but you'd think that they'd at least be given the option to see if they were still compatible and part (hopefully) amicably if they weren't, rather than just have the view that they'll never have love or even a family. And, no, I don't count the "Parallel" world of the manga because it seems that they're right proper clones of their mothers rather than their own persons with thoughts, feelings and dreams like Chibi is. Yes, she's annoying and a frickin' Obnoxious Brat, but at least with that we know she's not Usa's clone just with pink hair and red eyes.
I remember watching the show growing up and never, not once, thinking they used to be love interests of the Senshi during the SilMil. Just that they were at the front of the invading army once that episode aired. Not to mention how my perceptions were fucked with beforehand because two of the four were in a relationship with each other (after one of them had been 'gender-bent'. Just...why?!) and a third was romancing a side character that had disappeared after the one episode she was in during the third season. Hell, the only reason I found out Sen/Shi was a Thing was due to the internet a while after watching the 'last' (for the North America viewing audience) episode of the fourth season. That pissed me right the fuck off.
I believe that shouldn't have happened. They could've done so much foreshadowing, maybe even a bit of character development, about the tragedy that would've been the Shittenou being killed off as the season went on once the SilMil's Last Day came about.
Like, think about it.
With Jad's constant disguises and schemes, it could've been that Rei, being a trained Miko, always seemed to find and flirt with him, because he was cute no matter his disguises, and then get mad about it because why?! is it always him?! she does that with?! The fuck?! And Jad's just like, 'How the hell does she keep doing this?!' before putting together that she must be an informer to the Senshi with the way they always show up when she does so he tries to keep her distracted in one form or another so his youma can do its job because she's too passionate and fiery to want to hurt or drain despite getting in his way so much. Beryl actually kills him off after his showdown with the Senshi, not listening when he says how he knows who they are, instead of being iced for his constant failures. (I never did get why he was singled out like that.)
With Neph's civilian identity of Sanjoin Masato, instead of Naru being the 'victim' of his 'manipulations', Makoto could've been brought in earlier and get to experience being treated like the young woman she is despite how other guys were put off by her strength and stature and just discovered she could transform just as or after he died. He still dies to Zoi's schemes but it's because, due to being around his Lady so much more than Jad was with Rei, he's starting to question what once he hadn't, especially if some dormant memories he hadn't known about break loose from their shadowy bonds, and so Beryl made out that he was defecting or losing sight of their goals so she didn't have to get her hands dirty.
With Zoi, 'cause I found it real annoying that only he could extract the Nijizuishou when the Moon Wand could also track them down but not get them out, Ami could've used her palmtop to scan whatever residue might've been left on the Wand, to also help look for the Carriers as Zoi did the same with his own tracking crystal. It could go that, because she does take her duties as a Senshi seriously and she's not all about school/studying despite her grades and work ethic and she's gonna prove it, she might get in trouble for 'stalking' while Zoi's just wondering what this cute but annoying brat is doing following him where she could get hurt - the Great Demon he awoke might very well kill her! - when in all reality she's trying to get close to the Carrier but this jerk-wad with the beautiful blond waves, because those are not curls as far as I'm concerned, in a ponytail keeps getting in her way! Shenanigans are had where they try to outsmart, trick or distract each other to get to the Nijizuishou first without outing themselves or her comrades. Zoi's killed by Beryl because when Ren's revealed and Zoi takes that hit with the Ginzuishou it purified him and left him unconscious, like Mamo is later in the season, and so taken to be "healed". I was thinking of how she seemed to be the one most hovering over Mamo while he was being converted to their side. She heard Zoi's fevered ramblings after being purified of the DK's taint, heard him talk about how 'This is wrong. We're loyal to Dymi, not Beryl. We serve a Prince, not a Queen. Where is he?' and made plans because she'd rather lose the General than waste the energy re-brainwashing him while Mamo is also being brainwashed. Kunzite's not a witness, just told in the aftermath that Zoi died due to complications of whatever the newly revealed Princess had done to him to leave him weakened and "delusional". That way Kunz is kept low-key scared of what the Princess might be able to do to him if she caught him in a moment of weakness, distraction or off guard. So that he never stuck around long enough or kept far to the back so that he wasn't healed even accidentally.
With Kunz, well... we all kinda-sorta saw how many times Minako seemed to fall into his traps meant to nab Usa, not to mention their own history while she was in London. And he's killed as in canon because he would not be tricked by the images and lies the Witches from the Sky tried to force into his head, an unintended side-effect of how the SilMil's Last Day was shown, especially regarding her (Venus), into betraying his Liege; completely unknowing that he, technically, already has!
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sorakazeno · 2 days ago
Kodansha TV Picture Book Volume 9
Tuxedo Kamen is on the cover for this and so is the Ginzuishou. So that means that Mamoru should be in this book given the role he played in the debut of Princess Serenity.
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Back of book.
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Nope! Usagi enters the Starlight Tower with Minako, Rei, Ami, Makoto, Luna, and Artemis.
Usagi never followed an injured Mamoru that Zoicite set a trap for. They never talked in the elevator. #mamoru chiba is missing
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The girls are trapped in dark energy so they transform.
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Kunzite and Zoicite put their plan into action. Zoicite attacks all of the senshi.
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Tuxedo Kamen appears out of nowhere. How did he get in? He is hit in the arm with Zoicite's crystal blade. A lot different from being stabbed in the back.
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For some reason Sailor Moon becomes really upset even though he has only helped her two other times in the entire book series. She cries and her tears become the Ginzuishou.
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Sailor Moon transform into the Moon Princess.
After the shock wears off Jupiter, Mars, and Venus attack Kunzite and Zocite.
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Princess Serenity is angry and uses her crystal against the two generals.
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..... where did Tuxedo Kamen go?
Wow was he forgotten about quickly!!!!
No one is worried about Tuxedo Kamen as they think about how they are going to defeat the Dark Kingdom.
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cailleachcaine · 2 months ago
Ah. yes. Queen Beryl's four generals:
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landofanimes · 10 months ago
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Nogimyu 2024
Zoisite + Aaya Mercury (Team Moon) and Aruno Mercury (Team Star, pic #3)
feat. Water Fairies!
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rileyoe1 · 6 months ago
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Happy birthday to @the-lone-huntress ! This beautiful piece was done by the talented @classysassy9791, so if anyone wants something this lovely, go give her money.
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prince-zoisite · 1 month ago
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giocsev · 1 year ago
If you’re a KunZoi fan on Tumblr and wanting content, it’s on a dedicated Discord server. There’s a lot posted there for a small server. Join for your KunZoi fix.
There’s also a lot on Negaverse, a server dedicated to Sailor Moon villains. There are two threads devoted to Kunzoi.
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whatcha-reading-today · 7 months ago
The Process of Elimination | zoicite
The bachelorette in GtN, and oh my goodness is it a good time. Sacramental paint indeed.
Read it here:
Author: zoicite
Fandom: The Locked Tomb
Main characters: Harrow/Gideon, assorted Locked Tomb peeps
Author's description:
The Emperor calls for eligible heirs to compete for a chance to marry his treasured progeny, Her Divine Highness, First Born of the First Reborn. Each week one House will be sent home until only one remains and the winning heir shall ascend to stand beside Her Divine Highness, hand in hand, with House replenished and legacy secured.
Harrow does not intend to compete.
Note: This story contains spoilers for Harrow the Ninth.
Word count: 122,267 words
Rating: E
Complete: Yes
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oldladythatlovesanime · 2 years ago
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Princess Mercury and General Zoicite
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vampiristic-converse · 7 months ago
I was watching sailor moon today and it came to my knowlage that Zoicite is a GAY, EVIL, DRAG QUEEN. He's just so girly idk
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sorakazeno · 11 days ago
Sailor Moon Crystal Artbook 2
Page 2 of Usagi and Sailor Moon stills. Seeing the art again reminds me of how different it is compared to the 3rd season of Crystal and the movies.
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Sailor Mercury
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Sailor Mars
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Makoto and Sailor Jupiter were combined
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Minako and Sailor Venus were combined as well.
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Queen Beryl and the four generals
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Mamoru and Tuxedo Kamen only have a one full page.
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Naru, Luna, Ikuko, Shingo, and Naru's Mom
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the-lone-huntress · 11 months ago
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"Star Crossed"
Gift for: @rileyoe1
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