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nikolamga · 5 days ago
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revelstein · 6 days ago
Uratuj Ziemię. Zabij się sam!
Mówią i piszą, że po epoce żelaza, nastała właśnie epoka plastiku, a jej początek wedle różnych szkół, można datować gdzieś na lata 50-te ubiegłego wieku, co jest na swój sposób intelektualną nico zabawą i nigdy nie wiadomo, czy traktować to poważnie, czy może jednak z lekceważeniem. W każdym razie statystycy wyliczają, wedle jakiś dostępnych sobie danych, że od tamtego czasu, czyli początku lub…
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backgrounds-for-ads · 4 months ago
Pirkt attēlu Ziemassvētku Santa Ziemassvētku eglīte
Ziemassvētki strauji tuvojas, un tagad ir labākais laiks pievienot brīnišķīgas attēlus saviem projektiem. Nekas neatspoguļo svētku atmosfēru tik labi kā augstas kvalitātes Ziemassvētku attēls. Ja meklējat attēlus ielūgumiem, sociālajiem tīkliem vai mārketinga materiāliem, mēs piedāvājam visu, kas jums nepieciešams.
Mūsu kolekcijā ir plaša Ziemassvētku tēmu attēlu izvēle, sākot no klasiskām un beidzot ar modernām interpretācijām. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties skaistu Ziemassvētku eglīti, sniegotas ainavas vai siltas ģimenes mirkļus, mēs piedāvājam attēlus, kas atbilst visām vajadzībām. Katrs attēls ir rūpīgi izvēlēts, lai nodotu Ziemassvētku atmosfēru un siltumu, dodot iespēju jums izveidot unikālus projektus.
Perfekta attēla atrašana nekad nav bijusi tik vienkārša. Ja meklējat tradicionālas Ziemassvētku eglītes, sniegotas ielas vai jautrus mirkļus ar Ziemassvētku vecīti, mēs piedāvājam daudzveidīgas izvēles iespējas, kas palīdzēs jums ātri un viegli atrast vajadzīgo. Attēlus var meklēt pēc krāsām, stiliem vai tēmām, padarot šo procesu aizraujošu un vienkāršu.
Visi mūsu attēli ir pieejami augstā kvalitātē un dažādos formātos. Tas nozīmē, ka neatkarīgi no tā, vai plānojat tos izmantot sociālo mediju ziņās, lielizmēra izdrukās, elektroniskajās kartītēs vai mārketinga materiālos, tie būs ideāli piemēroti jūsu projektiem. Mūsu attēli palīdzēs piešķirt svētku noskaņu jebkuram projektam.
Ziemassvētku attēlu daudzveidība ļaus jūsu projektiem kļūt par radošiem un unikāliem darbiem. Sākot no tradicionālajiem stiliem līdz moderniem un inovatīviem dizainiem – mūsu kolekcijā ikviens varēs atrast kaut ko sev piemērotu. Apvienojot dažādus attēlus, jūs varat radīt svētku atmosfēru, kas vislabāk atbilst jūsu vajadzībām.
Mēs piedāvājam arī jautrus un humoristiskus attēlus, kas noteikti liks jums pasmaidīt. Ja meklējat Ziemassvētku vecīša jautrus brīžus vai mierīgas un klusas ainavas, mūsu kolekcija ir pilna ar burvīgiem attēliem, kas iemieso Ziemassvētku garu.
Mūsu platforma ir ne tikai par lieliskiem attēliem, bet arī par ērtu lietošanu. Lietotāji var vienkārši pārlūkot, izvēlēties un lejupielādēt vajadzīgos attēlus ar dažiem klikšķiem. Katrs attēls tiek piedāvāts ar skaidru informāciju par licenci, ļaujot jums tos droši izmantot savos projektos.
Ja jūs apsverat unikālu Ziemassvētku attēlu iegādi, mēs piedāvājam arī pielāgošanas pakalpojumus, kas ļauj mainīt krāsas, pievienot tekstus vai veidot personalizētus dizainus. Tas dod iespēju izveidot darbus, kas atspoguļo jūsu individuālo stilu un pieeju.
Ziemassvētki ir mīlestības un labestības dalīšanās laiks. Mūsu attēli var kalpot kā lieliskas dāvanas. Tā ir lieliska iespēja sazināties ar klientiem, kolēģiem vai draugiem, nosūtot viņiem skaistus Ziemassvētku attēlus, kas izstaro svētku prieku un siltumu. Turklāt jūs varat radīt neaizmirstamus atmiņas cilvēkiem, kurus mīlat.
Mēs saprotam, cik svarīgi ir pārvaldīt budžetu svētku laikā, tāpēc piedāvājam konkurētspējīgas cenas un elastīgas pirkšanas iespējas. Tas ļauj jums iegūt augstas kvalitātes attēlus, nepārsniedzot jūsu budžetu. Jūs varat iegādāties atsevišķus attēlus vai izveidot komplektu, kas atbilst jūsu projekta prasībām.
Mūsu klientu atbalsta komanda vienmēr ir gatava palīdzēt. Ja jums ir jautājumi par licencēm vai ja jums ir grūtības atrast piemērotus attēlus, nevilcinieties sazināties ar mums. Mēs esam šeit, lai nodrošinātu, ka jūsu pieredze ir patīkama un atbilstoša jūsu vajadzībām.
Mūsu attēli nav tikai vizuāli materiāli – tie ir pilni ar emocijām, siltumu un prieku, ko ienes šis unikālais svētku laiks. Ar mūsu attēliem jūs varat dalīties Ziemassvētku burvībā ar visiem, kurus mīlat.
Nepalaidiet garām iespēju dalīties Ziemassvētku priekā ar citiem. Apskatiet mūsu Ziemassvētku attēlu kolekciju jau šodien un atrodiet ideālos attēlus savam projektam. Ar mūsu plašo izvēli jūs noteikti atradīsiet visu nepieciešamo, lai padarītu Ziemassvētku projektus īpašus.
Mēs aicinām jūs izpētīt mūsu kolekciju, piedzīvot radošumu un svētku prieku, ko sniedz augstas kvalitātes Ziemassvētku attēli. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai plānojat tos izmantot personīgiem vai komerciāliem mērķiem, mūsu attēli palīdzēs jums padarīt šo svētku laiku neaizmirstamu.
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kristinutee · 2 years ago
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Winter magic ❄️ ------------------------------------------------------ Credits: KrisArtry 📷 Shot with: Sony A7II 28-70 mm ------------------------------------------------------ #winter #snow #lithuania #nature #photography #tree #sniegas #ziema #sirvintos #lietuva #gamta #fotografia #naturephotography #winterphotography #magical #wintermagic #view #instagood #explore #photos #coldweather (at Sirvintos) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9XsVBtEpq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reina0sin0corona · 2 years ago
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Mežaparks ziemā.
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canaanitechristian · 2 years ago
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Winter Painting
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rigarightnow · 2 years ago
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25.12.22, Rīga.
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prussianmemes · 1 year ago
Armored vehicles of the Polish People's Republic during the Invasion of Czechoslovakia, August 1968.
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1. "W jednym szeregu z armiami państw Układu Warszawskiego bronimy pokoju i socjalizm[u]" - "In one rank with the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, we defend peace and socialism"
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2. "CSRS do widzenia, przed nami ojczysta ziema" - "Goodbye Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, our homeland is ahead of us"
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3. "Każdy Polak to dzielny wojak" - "Every Pole is a brave soldier"
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4. "Poznaliśmy czeskie drogi i witamy polskie progi" - "We got to know Czech roads and welcome Polish thresholds"
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5. "Witaj ojczyzno" - "Hello, homeland"
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notquitedeadpod · 10 months ago
The more angsty backstory Neige gets the more im attached to him kcmdmdms
No but i was thinking what are your thoughts on Neige being given nicknames in different languages (like how Casper calls him Zima ect.)? Bc ive been thinking about possible Neige nicknames in my native language (latvian!) And its been quite fun!
I even have some ideas:
- Ziema (means winter and is already very close to Zima so not really that unique)
- Sniegs (means snow and sounds pretty nice, can be turned into a pet name "sniedziņš" lol)
- Ledus (means ice and sounds very cold and brutal, doesnt exactly fit the character but still good)
- Sals (it means like frost or frostbite im pretty sure, sounds nice tho)
So yeah from now on i will be reffering to Neige as sniedziņš sometimes and no one can stop me.
(Also i love love love how you bring other languages into the podcast i speak literally no french but its nice to see it used so casually and just aagghhh its amazing <3. I love the representation of languages XD)
I am glad you are having fun gnawing on this prehistoric boy. And yeah!! So, without getting too much into canon, anything wintery or cold themed is an appropriate thing to call Neige, based on the conventions used to name him elsewhere. It's all based on the 'cold' reputation of his blood.
I LOVE the idea of nicknaming him something to do with frostbite, bc he DOES bite, it's a very important thing about him. He's a lover and a biter. No bark, all bite, and so on and so forth.
Anyway YES you are absolutely right in the way you're nicknaming him!!
I really love playing with languages. English is my first language, Welsh is my second, and I also speak a handful of French and Russian. I also know a little grab-bag of words in Italian and Spanish, but not much, and a few words here and there of Czech, but like. VERY scant. Like I know stray bits of vocab, and that is all.
Languages are so fun, I love how they work and relate to each other, I love how when you start learning a new language it's like 'oh the whole way I think about using words is not the default, there are other structures, other systems, different ways to communicate about these objects and this world'. I love how languages are alive and fluid and they borrow and share and steal and give and change and exchange. I love how it's all about connecting with other people and even when the language barrier is a wall, eventually you will find a way to speak with each other, because that's what people do.
Language <3 It's amazing. In my Top 10 Things Humans Did of All Time.
--- Eira xxx
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nikolamga · 11 days ago
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zuzanx · 3 months ago
ziema siema, ogólnie już byłam blisko 50 ale waga nagle zawróciła na 51,4 znowu.. polecacie coś bym osiągnęła wkońcu te 50??
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kaul1 · 10 months ago
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harpers-tartarus · 2 years ago
So, I have tentatively written the (new, I swear its going to stick this time) first chapter to book one of Crookedverse:
Nomia’s life truly began when everyone thought she was dead. It was a dark view to have, she knew, but a true one. Her father had been dead from the drink long before the fire started and she’d only seen the smoke curling in the air when it was too late to douse it.
But everyone said that she died with him, a tragic accident involving a lit candle, a strong wind, and spilled alcohol. The blaze had burned to bones and ash, and it didn’t help that it was wildfire season. The entire field nearly burned with their barn.
Her father had never had a good reputation in their little town in Okarr, not since he’d dragged her through a transportation ring, her heels breaking the circle and causing the magick to hiss through the air, still wailing for her mother and her twin sister. Between him knocking her around through her youth and drinking his way through the pubs and beds in town, no one was really surprised how he’d gone.
The only reason the people of Bellmond had even come together to throw buckets of water over the flames was for the preservation of food rather than her father’s feeble life.
They still whispered about her all through town, the Firestarter. A girl with hair as red as flames who had been stolen from the sea and chose to fight back against her captor by burning him and everything he held dear to the ground only to be consumed by the very fire she had started.
Nomia supposed that it was supposed to be some kind of warning to children, not to take what didn’t belong to you, but it was hard to say if the Firestarter was the daughter in the story or killed the daughter.
Both were technically true.
Tristen Reeper died with her father that night. Nomia the Ashbringer was reborn in her place.
It was hard to take pride in flame magick when you were a nymph. Even her father had found her brand of elemental magick difficult to stomach, when he could twist water out of the air in the middle of drought.
Nomia had just made things worse, so even after the fire, she stayed away, allowing her new name to become mythic.
But myths so often are born from truth and some truths were so much worse than imagined, as the world would soon learn.
The first few months after Nomia was reborn were hard, the hardest Nomia had ever endured, and that included the harsh Endless Winter when the eastern winds had refused to let up and food was scarce. Winters were normally short in Okarr, nothing like Tornea, where Nomia had been born, where her sister and mother still lived.
In Tornea, the winters were long and the springs very short. Their food and plants had learned to adapt to such a cold environment, and their people were tough and enduring with tempers that ran on the colder side. Okarr had a drier climate by far than Tornea, with common droughts, with few forests and many rivers. Bellmond, the village where Nomia lived, was a seaside village, and with the common droughts, there was far more emphasis placed on the fishing trade than growing food.
It wasn’t the worst place to live, but it certainly wasn’t anywhere close to being the best.
However, if one thing could’ve been said about Tornea over Okarr, it was that, at least, they didn’t forcibly test their citizens for magickal acuity. Depending on magick was always a poor choice to make if you asked Nomia, because it was a finite resource and once you’d hit bottom, you had to wait and rest before you could use any more, and no amount of praying to the god of your choice could change that.
That was the reason that her mother had taught her and her sister to hunt before she and their father had fractured apart, because then, at least, they had some skill to fall back on.
There were several branches of magick throughout all of Ziema and the only way to possess more than one was through a deal with a god, and even that didn’t amount to much. Nothing good had come from pledging yourself to a god if you asked Nomia. She’d never much cared for them. Her mother had always prayed to the Wanderer, the goddess of the wild, carrying her symbol around with her wherever she went, but Nomia had never seen any value in gods, not with how her life had gone.
Even so, using more than one branch of magick was heavily frowned upon in Okarr. It didn’t matter if the person had been blessed by the gods, to the people of Okarr, they were cursed, twice over, and aptly named Twice-Cursed for it.
The first and last queen of Okarr had been Twice-Cursed. A Healer that had become an Evocator. Healing was one of the most common branches of magick and their skill lay in keeping the living from death. There were many of them, but truly skilled Healers who could save a mortally wounded person inches from death were far less common, as she had been. They said all the Banished One had to do was touch you and you could live or die by her hand, which was an impressive feat by itself, but then, somehow, she'd gained the magick of an Evocator, a branch so rare that Nomia knew of none still alive.
Every country had a different word for them; the Great Ones, Battle Generals, the Blade, the Axes of the Dispatcher, there were too many to name. They were the ones that could twist the world around them to suit their needs, but it was a wild magick, difficult to control and utterly unpredictable.
At the time, being Twice-Cursed had made her the prime choice to marry the king who possessed no magick of his own. A union that brought about peace, for the first few years, then the king fell ill, an illness that was now known as the Frozen Death. She was suspected as the cause of it, but after she became the reigning monarch, people cared less about how she did it and more about how to rid her of her station.
Every story differed around that point.
She poisoned him as recompense for the years of abuse she endured under him.
They were both afflicted, but only one of it came out alive and changed.
The gods had been losing ground amongst the faithful so they instilled her with powers that would gain her the monarchy and cursed the king to get him out of the way.
History was written by the victors but stories only lasted when they were remembered; it didn’t matter if they were true, as long as they entertained. Twisting the truth to suit the narrative was a skill they’d always possessed and only improved on over the centuries.
What they did agree on, was that the power had consumed her until all that was left of her was the name she was known by and a country that refused to sustain a monarchy since the coup. Whatever her true name was had been struck from all record.
Like Nomia had been.
Now, she was like a ghost that haunted Bellmond, unable to rest, unable to leave. She’d thought about it, leaving, more than a few times over the years. Of returning home to Tornea, to be with her mother and her sister again…but that hope had twisted into something unrecognizable after the years of reaching out and receiving no reply.
Whatever life her mother had built with Isolde, she wanted her second daughter to have no part of it, and that was the thing that made her so impossibly wrathful. Just thinking about her mother made flames burst into being, blazing bright.
Nomia would make her own family, forge it in the place she could never bring herself to leave and one day they would understand what it was that they had lost.
She would make them see.
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spatsirkspart · 2 years ago
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Winter in the park (Ziema parkā), 2012
From my art it might seem like winter is my favourite season when I very much dislike dealing with snow (even if it can look nice) and the cold.
Another one of my art school pieces done under a teacher I don't even remember think this was the 3rd grade in art school and 4th grade in actual normal school judging by it saying I was 11 when I made it lol
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denissvasiljevs1999 · 2 years ago
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teknokusak · 2 days ago
2025. gada Šampiyonat Līgas Ziemas Sezona: Pirmās Nedēļas Spēles un Komandas
League of Legends 2025. gada Šampiyonat Līgas Ziemas Sezona 2025. gada Šampiyonat Līgas Ziemas sezona ir klāt, un ar nepacietību gaidām pirmās nedēļas spēles! Šī sezona solās būt aizraujoša, ar daudziem jauniem un talantīgiem komandu sastāviem, kas sacenšas par uzvarām un prestižu. Šajā rakstā mēs aplūkosim pirmās nedēļas spēļu grafiku, komandas un to, ko sagaidīt no šīs sezonas. 1. Nedēļas Spēļu…
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