#Zia’s theories
zyana-wyvern · 8 months
I think the Unascended vs Ascended question can easily be boiled down to a simpler choice. Do you want a vampire or an elf? Because the last elven thing Ascended Astarion has are probably his ears, while the only vampiric traits Unascended Astarion has are just the teeth and functional needs of the curse, while his yearning and ideals are fully elven.
I will always choose the elf and will hc (though Larian themselves suggest this will happen) that his condition will be fully healed at some point, because there are cures for it. I see this as him fulfilling his destiny, succeeding where poor, tragic Jander Sunstar failed, overcoming an immense obstacle despite immense odds, fulfilling the deepest elven yearning - that of absolute freedom.
The other choice can be just as valid and compelling for someone who takes what he becomes seriously, owns it and doesn’t downplay or soften it.
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dearinglovebot · 2 months
we just found out that brooklyn will be a part of a new dinosaur liberation terrorism group so here is my new au where she joins the og dinosaur terrorism group
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allronix · 3 months
This one is for @caripr94 and this post
(I'm pretty sure someone in the thread blocked my cynical butt because I can be That Bitch)
Was it a horrible thing Anakin killed the kids? YES. Though I'd take a fast death by saber compared to whatever the hell Paplatine would think up.
My position though is that the kids never should have been there in the first place.
There is absolutely no universe, either real life or any fictional setting, where we're supposed to see the guys who conscript toddlers as the Good Guys. Especially when the explicit purpose of that policy being too young to have conscious memories or "attachment" to the caregivers. No way in hell that is ever done for benign or benevolent purposes. Even in universe, this whole thing is used to establish the First Order as a bunch of bad dudes.
No, it's not abduction or kidnapping. It's consenting (Jedi apologist argument #1)...though the consent gets kinda dubious in far too many cases. The recruiter has a mighty big thumb on the scale, and no one in the apologia camp has given a clear answer to "who is making sure the Seeker isn't cutting corners?"
And I've heard the Jedi apologist argument that "Oh, it's to make sure they don't accidentally hurt someone with their powers." (Jedi apologist argument #3) That's bantha shit. Anakin, Luke, Leia, Rey in the films, countless others in Legends...they aren't frying the cat or being possessed by demons. They just grow up wherever they are; maybe a little luckier or unluckier than usual, maybe the reflexes are a little uncanny. But no more or less dangerous than anyone else.
The only reason in real life (or fiction, for that matter) an organization recruits children is for control and power. Cut off any potential for disloyalty, any competing desires, any real chance they have somewhere to go if they want to leave. (And yes, I've ranted elsewhere about Jedi Apologist Argument #2, the "Oh, but they can leave if they're unhappy") Get them too small to run away or fight back. In real life, it was also used as a display of power by the ruling classes against those who were not in favor. We can march in and take anything we want, even your kids, and you can console yourself that it's a great honor we're doing it because you can do that or just suck it.
The kids are raised in institutional care without any real specific affection as far as I can tell. Maybe you get nice one like Zia. (Young Jedi Adventures is a guilty pleasure) Maybe you get Jorus C'Both. Developing the younglings as people isn't really the goal here. What this system is set up to do is produce useful tools for the organization. The only time we see a class of younglings in ATOC, for example, they are not learning peaceful communion with the Force or languages, or even playing. No, they are learning to use the organization's signature weapon. It was not really any different from the Clone boys being put through their combat training. Maybe that was a deliberate point on Lucas's part - it would be pretty cool if it were - but it doesn't seem to be the case.
It's like most Jedi compassion; maybe got some good intentions, but the end goal is to make these kids into resources in a weird arms race of "we take them and shape them to our army or The Enemy will take them and shape them into their army." And I can kinda see it with that logic. Take them young, cut off any possible competing loyalties that they could choose over you, shape them to a singular purpose, and you have perfect field agents who are psychologically incapable (in theory) of betrayal or defection.
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arthurdrakoni · 1 year
Flag of the Pueblo Sultanate
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This is the flag of the Pueblo Sultanate. It comes from a world where the Ottoman Empire established colonies in the New World. The Ottomans began in the Caribbean, and soon went on to conquer Mexico. Eventually, the Ottomans made their way to the American Southwest, and subjugated the Pueblo peoples. Life was harsh for the Pueblo people under Ottoman colonialism. Pueblo people were forced to toil away in silver mines to feed the Ottomans’ hunger for precious metals. Several madrasas were established with the intent to convert the Pueblo peoples to Islam. In theory, the madrasas would provide aid, education, and social services to the Pueblo people. In practice, however, the imams often subjected their charges to horrific abuse. Despite this, Islam did manage to spread among the Pueblo peoples. The Pueblo peoples begged for a savior. But where could he be? 
The Pueblo people received their answer in the form of a charismatic preacher named Po’Pay. Despite the similar name, he is a separate individual from the Po’Pay of our world. This Po’Pay preached the highly syncretic religion that combined indigenous Pueblo beliefs with Islamic liberation theology. This was in sharp contrast to the Islam of the Ottomans, which frowned upon syncretism, and suppressed indigenous beliefs. Po’Pay teachings began to spread, and soon Po’Pay a revolt against the Ottomans. Though the fight was hard, at last the Pueblo peoples were free from the Ottoman yoke. The Pueblo peoples began to think of themselves not as a collection of disparate tribes, but as a united people sharing in a common destiny. 
 Po’Pay organized the tribes into a sultanate, with himself as the first sultan. However, the sultan would not rule alone. An assembly of tribes was created. Representatives of each tribe could voice the opinions and concerns of the tribe to the assembly. Thus, the Pueblo Sultanate became the first representative monarchy in the New World. The Pueblo Sultanate stretches over much of what would be he American Southwest.   The Pueblo Sultanate is famous for begin very tolerant, open-minded, and accepting of peoples with different beliefs. Most citizens practice Pueblo Islam, but don’t try to push it on other people. Most women do not veil, and most Pueblo citizen wear traditional indigenous-style clothing. to Po’Pay developed a written script based upon Arabic, and the Pueblo Sultanate is home to several libraries and other centers of learning. In fact, the Great Pueblo Library is world renown for its expansive collection of books. Qurans are written in the Pueblo script, and the call to prayer to announced in the various Pueblo languages. The Pueblo Sultanate is also quite famous for its cooking. Pueblo cuisine combines cooking techniques from the Eastern Mediterranean with spices and ingredients of the American Southwest. The Pueblo Sultanate has a noticeable minority of Greeks, Serbians, Bulgarians, and Amazighs. They are mostly descended from slaves brought over during the days of Ottoman colonialism.  
Also, the Pueblo Sultanate isn’t actually called the Pueblo Sultanate in-universe, but I couldn’t think of a better name.  The flag includes the sun symbol of the Zia people, and the crescent moon of Islam. This is a reference to the Sultanate’s mixed indigenous and Islamic heritage. The blue band represents turquoise, an important stone to many Pueblo peoples. The green band represents prosperity, and green is a color associated with Islam. The yellow band is there because it goes well with everything else. 
Link to the original flag on my blog: https://drakoniandgriffalco.blogspot.com/2022/06/flag-of-pueblo-sultanate.html?m=1
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atiny-for-life · 2 years
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained - Part 16
Halazia (Unnamed World)
I'd first like to say that all the information I’m referencing here comes from the MV, Prologue and Epilogue, Hongjoong’s Q&A shorts and the MV reaction video
In short: I'm just theorizing here but let's get going
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First: the name "Halazia" - it's just a combination of "Hala" from Hala Hala (which can be translated from Sanskrit to 'black mass' or 'time puzzle') and "zia" which refers to the sun -> "Be the light, oh Halazia"
looking it up, you'll find some information about the Pueblo of Zia where a very specific symbol has been used for hundreds of years among the indigenous people to represent the sun that looks like this:
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You'll now also find this symbol on the flag of New Mexico but the actual natives whose ancestors created and passed it down didn't consent to this and now there's a lot of (very justified) debate regarding intellectual property - this part has nothing to do with the Ateez lore, I just thought it was interesting and important to share in case anyone was thinking of getting this symbol tattooed or sth
Theory no 1 (basically confirmed by Hongjoong in his short lore Q&A vid): we're dealing with neither Ateez, nor the Black Pirates here
The main indicator to me was the lack of Mingi's "Fix on" and Hongjoongs lil giggles before their respective rap parts (which had previously been a constant, regardless of whether they were acting as Ateez or the Black Pirates)
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But aside from that, it also seems like Yunho is the leader of this group with Hongjoong being his right-hand man as opposed to the other way around (and we get to see Yeosang’s birthmark which was previously always covered)
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We do still see Hongjoong wearing an armband with the Cromer logo on it - so maybe it's more like Yunho's the public-facing head of the group while Hongjoong's in charge behind the scenes
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Alternate reality-wise, we're in one very close to the Z-World where the Revolution has already ended but not quite so successfully, as we can see by the city up in smoke and rubble in the background
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Since we've got Yunho sitting inside a ginormous, shattered Cromer, we can assume either (A) these guys themselves have already traveled through time and alternate realities to get here (which would align with what we see in the iconic Mnet livestage with the red and black outfits) and are now stuck until they found another one to take them back home - wherever that home may be or (B) this entire room is the remainder of the Black Pirates' hideout and the Cromer was destroyed by one of them before they were captured so it wouldn't fall into the hands of the government (which could mean one of them escaped to another reality)
Side-note: We've seen such a gravitational anomaly before during Diary Film after Hongjoong first received the Cromer in the A-World and was alone in the Ateez hideout
Side-note 2: You can find my theory on why a Cromer may be intentionall shattered by someone who understands its powers here)
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Going by the lyrics, they've already been here long before the Revolution and used to live as regular citizens in Strictland before they had their microchips removed by the Black Pirates - I'm largely basing that on the iconic "No more, keep control" and "No more, keep your soul" -> they want to be in charge of their own lives, to feel and have free thought as opposed to the mindless drones the chips had forced them to be
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Another thing worthy of noting is that, as the bell rings, we can see Seonghwa glitch which could have several meanings: they've got hologram technology which helps them make public appearances in the daytime more safely OR (given the ominous vibes of the sound and the association with the bell) they're either not fully human (which would also explain the post-production added CGI glint we see in Jongho's eye at two separate points in the MV) or otherwise existing in this world on borrowed time.
Alternatively, the bell could also indicate that our protaganists are more powerful at certain points in time and this is a visualization of that power. As the moon phases affect the Cromer, they may also affect them.
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Regarding the Black Pirate outfits we're seeing throughout the video: our protagonists here were freed by them, alongside all the other people we get to see in the plaza and abandoned mall, but without Ateez's help, they didn't manage to stay undetected so the government either captured or straight-up murdered them
Left behind and without guidance while everyone is praying for the Black Pirates return (see: the Prologue), our protagonists have now stepped up and are rebuilding the movement - though whether they're burning the Black Pirates' outfits as a funeral ritual, out of frustration and anger due to feeling abandoned... or because the tattered clothes were strung up that way by the government to scare off further acts of rebellion Vlad-the-Impaler style which would make this a symbol of defiance, is unclear
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Regardless, many of the other citizens who were freed seem willing to join their cause and their current mission seems to be to take down this anti-gravity orb
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I can only make a rather baseless guess as to what the purpose of these things is but since it's actively rising here, it seems to be something newly installed that's meant to rise above city-level
The central government presumably built and installed it so maybe it can send out some kind of pulse or signal to regain control over the population - after all, the chips seem to have only had the link cut but weren't removed so re-establishing the link could be possible as long as the hardware wasn't fully fried (which would've probably needed harsher, more painful for the skin interference but what the heck do I know about this world's technological advances)
Either way, to me, that would explain both the fear in the lyrics about returning to their prior state of being pre-awakening, as well as why San was so ready to risk it all to break this thing
Either way, we've got Yeosang bringing in the chains to tie this thing up
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Based on the skyline compared to the one from the prologue, it seems like the thick smoke pillars might be originating from the crash sites of the other orbs which would mean they already brought down all the other ones successfully and have now reached their last stop
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They wrap the chains around the orb, tie it up all nice and neatly (which must've been a pain in the ass to do since that thing is floating in mid air, makes lightweight shit in its vicinity float and is well, the shape of a super smooth ball) and all start pulling together up until everyone seemingly leaves San to finish the job by himself
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To me, there could be multiple reasons for this: (1) it was always part of the plan (highly unlikely imo), (2) everyone but San lost hope this was gonna work out since they're already exhausted af from doing this several times before and don't seem to have made all that much progress and maybe they think they've already done enough since this is seemingly the last orb left, (3) San convinced everyone to leave as they were working/everyone but him got too scared to continue because Android Guardians or another government entity were underway and would've killed or captured them if they were caught
Either way, it all ends with the orb evaporating the moment it collides with San as if his existence somehow canceled out the orb's. While this is very likely to be a creative decision since no one wants to see this human embodiment of sunshine get crushed to death, it could also mean San is still alive if he possesses abilities that go beyond a regular human's or if the orb isn't made up of regular matter/material.
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Moving on to the Prologue and Epilogue:
Aside from what I already covered, there are also quite a few other things I want to bring up regarding what we get to see in these two bonus videos, starting with the numbers behind Hongjoong in the Prologue here (which were also pointed out by him in the Making Of video)
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You can put these numbers (22152984) and decode them with A1Z26 in which case you'd get this (yes, I still use the Gravity Falls: Break the Code website for this kinda stuff - I refuse to be judged for it):
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While this is rather nonsensical, it is quite close to "Bluebird" which would fit the lyrics but it's still just a lil bit unsatisfying since, properly encoded, it should have been "2-12-21-5-2-9-18-4", meaning they forgot a "1" twice.
Regardless, I couldn't find anything better - it can't be coordinates, there's no cypher like this for Hangul that I could find, and using Base64 only gets you "my8" which doesn't make too much sense but Ateez are 8 members so that's nice, I guess.
The first thing that pops up in my search results when I look up the numbers is "Buy 22152984 from Oxygen Electronics" by the way - shout out to life support machine parts you can order online (no affiliation, though I do hope they're an ethical company)
Regarding the numbers, I'll leave it at that for now but if I ever find something that makes more sense, I'll update this!
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Ah yes, the mysterious blonde person that pops up toward the end of the Prologue and disappears in the blink of an eye as someone walks past
Seonghwa is the only one who takes note of them and, based on his neutral expression, it doesn't seem to be the first time he's seen them
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Are they the Witness? I do think so but we'll come back to it in a moment.
Skipping ahead to the Prologue uploaded yesterday, we're opening with a shot of the bluebird we've already gotten to see in the Prologue and which has also been referenced in the lyrics - it's a symbol of reclaiming freedom, of escaping your shackles, of finding your voice and using it. They've now made it. They've chosen freedom. They've chosen to fight.
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The bird's path now guides Seonghwa through the abandoned mall where the orb was brought down and San was sacrificed. It whistles a lil tune and disappears near a lone white-clad figure we've seen before.
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Last seen among a small group on the rooftop at the end of the MV, our blondie stands by themselves again, though the others aren't far as we'll soon see
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Since the mission is now over, Seonghwa let's his curiosity win and follows the figure up a dark staircase, letting his flashlight guide him
He finds the group of four from the rooftop standing in a dark room against the backdrop of the smoking skyline behind the large windows - they were waiting for him
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A white flash, rolling thunder and they're gone. Just like after Yeosang broke the Cromer, we also got to witness the Cromer's powers here. This marks the third Cromer, meaning these four are from yet another reality and they've now become Witnesses of our protagonists' achievements.
They also left behind a departing gift: a silver bracelet engraved with the words "Be Free"
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Like A-World's Seonghwa, it seems the blonde Witness has also gotten inspired by their world's version of the dancing girl (whom I theorize to be Left Eye's daughter) and they've now left behind this bracelet, hoping it'll inspire this world's Seonghwa the way it inspired them
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All the Black Femmes || The Walking Dead
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I really didn’t do tags for all of the uncredited and/or one time appearances, and I ONLY used IMDB for the set, so if they didn’t have a photo on there, I didn’t include. Still wanted to put them on the list though.
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Similar to the Star Wars ATBF POST, I’ve provided the BFCD links to the characters that are featured on the blog and also the actresses playing the roles, if I found any content for them. I didn’t bother with the nameless characters, as I definitely didn’t have the energy to search for their content in the various TWD tags, but I still included the links to their tags for this blog, in case you���d like to see their faces again (since most likely their The Walking Dead portrayal didn’t get a lot of screen time).
Characters with existing content:
Annie | Arat | Bertie | Connie | Cyndie | Jacqui | Max | Michonne | Nabila | Nora | Sasha 
Wikis for those who I couldn’t find content for:
Briana | Dr. Stevens | Jeanette | Jenny Jones (Morgan’s Wife) | Jocelyn | Maya (Alexandria, Listed only as “Woman” on IMDB) | Maya (Meridian) | Sally | Vickers | Zia 
BFCD Links to The Stars: Content will be added as becomes available
Danai Gurira | Sonequa Martin Green | Lauren Ridloff | Angel Theory | Elizabeth Faith Ludlow | Medina Senghore | Tamara Austin | Nadine Marisa | Margot Bingham | Karen Ceesay | Sydney Park | Jeryl Prescott | Rutina Wesley | Donzaleigh Abernathy | Brianna Butler | Yvette Nicole Brown | Ciera Payton | Sharon Conley | Shellita Boxie |
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pastara-cell · 2 months
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Freakblr day 9!
So, I absolutely love the jomies (“We know Pastara!” you all yell in unison) to no end, And I love acknowledging their flaws and utter perfections. I’m gonna say jomies because dromies to me means that its gonna be a sad post cause its not the whole gang!Jomies is happy!!
To start off, They’re such a realistic friendgroup. They’re so weird, so funny, so goofy- They match each others freak fr. Henry’s the friend with that one hyper fixation he wont stop rambling about while everyone is tired of it, but they let him cause he’s henry and they love him. Liam is probably the only semi-normal one, minus his love for stacy’s mum. And after seeing her…Yeah I don’t blame him/silly. Drew’s the strict dad of the group, but guys, He loves them. He really does. We’ve seen how he is to people he doesn’t like, and despite how absolutely insane his friends are, he still loves them 100%. We’ve seen the things he’s willing to do for his friends (Literally buys them expensive shit like its nothing) because he loves them and wants to feel needed. Thats canon and you can’t convince me otherwise guys. Now, whether you’re a “jake was only there for protection” or a “Jake was good friends with the rest of the jomies!” Truther, there was no denying it, they definitely had fun. The way they all teased eachother, reciprocated that teasing, talked to eachother, thats something you only get from real friendships. Henry and liam and drew telling jake to go confess to daisy, hyping him up, thats so real man. Hell, i’ll even add zoey and maria and lia to this, they’re like two friend groups who happened to merge into one and decided “eh fuck it”. Guys, they’re literally called the jomies. They have a group name and probably a secret handshake. I love them and this is me typing all this in like 5 minutes so I promise i didn’t even get down half of my love for them as a friendgroup
Now- for what I dislike about them. They never showed more 1 to 1 friendships. I mean- yeah, henriam and jake and zia, but other than that, theres barely any moments. I need liam and jake, or henry and drew, or drew and lia! Hell, another pet peeve of mine is that maria would 100% be such an awesome character to put in the dromies. Also, they’re, ofc, bullies. The entire friendship may or may not also be based off of the fact that drew buys stuff for henry and liam (I really do hate that theory, but I’m not going to say its not a possibility) and because he provided protection to jake, as well as funding zoey and probably lia + maria as a byproduct to that. I really hate to think about it, but honestly, I cant deny that its an angsty theory and Its not 100% out of the question.
Plus, I need more jomiee interactions….(Pleaspleasoleapslepaleepaldplease more driam rosy I beg you, its like drake but like…infinity times healthier)
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sparrowsarus · 9 months
au: dnd but college professor au
MA'AM (By college I assume university as you are in America; if you mean the more trades-focused college let me know, I contain multitudes)
Office romance between Ed, who teaches music theory, and Xenk, who is a contract instructor for idk, Comparative Religion? Ed's annoyed by it, a little.
Zia lives because I said so. She does not work at the university; rather, she raises champion wolfhounds and looks after Kira. Her and Ed are amicably divorced--again, because I say so. Or they are happily married and we get an OT3 because of who I am as a person.
Holga teaches Physical Education and is brutal. Her and Ed are best friends, from way back when they were teen delinquents, before they got their lives in order.
Doric is one of those teachers who chains themselves to trees and arranges climate marches. She is famous around the school for having a mean right hook.
Simon helps with the wolfhounds. He went to school with Doric, has a huge gross crush on her, and Ed knows him because Simon tried to break into his car, and Ed's inner dad convinced him to bring Simon into the house, have a chat about life choices, and--well, that was that.
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theurgic-necromancer · 6 months
Jack of Hearts - How does your muse view their friends, both old and new?
Card Suits
((He cares them all very much :)
His old friends are people he spent a lot of time traveling with, getting to know them and coming to like them. ...For the most part. There are a couple of companions he never really liked. Often because they often antagonized other people he liked for no good reason, or in one particular case, were actively manipulating someone who was fairly naive to the ways of the world. And also happened to be someone he liked lmao
Still, he cares deeply for his old friends, and hates to think about how many of them are likely dead of old age. (Because he's optimistic enough to hope they all lived very long and fruitful lives, no matter what they chose to do.) It would be nice to reconnect with the ones who are still alive, but that's likely going to be an undertaking and a half on its own.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about individual companions because, well. There's like... I want to say 31 potential companions between the first two games? So I'm not going to bother going over his relationships with Every Single One in this post. Feel free to send asks about them, though.
His new friends he's still getting to know, but he likes them! They've all got their charms, even despite their flaws.
He likes Gale a lot! Fellow wizard who knows his stuff and was willing to set him up with a new spellbook and help him re-learn how to do magic in this day and age. You mean he doesn't need to individually memorize each spell he wants to cast in a day? Fuck yeah, that's so much easier. They've hung out and chatted about everything from magical theory to cooking, and Sayran has been a very avid listener which Gale appreciates. Sayran has no idea that Gale has developed a bit of a crush on him.
He clicked with Astarion remarkably quickly lmao. What can I say, he's always had a thing for rogues. He does recognize that Astarion is kind of duplicitous and was maybe a little bit suspicious of him at first... but after finding out he's a vampire he's actually not all that suspicious of him anymore. Like, sure, the guy's clearly trying to manipulate him, but Sayran is reasonably confident that he's not angling to betray them all. And anyway, he's traveled with a vampire before. He knows the drill.
He likes and respects Lae'zel. Her bluntness and tendency to get straight to the point is honestly a little refreshing. And her commitment to getting them all cured of this whole mind flayer infection is actually a little touching? She's the most compassionate githyanki he's ever met—which is admittedly not a very high bar to clear, but the point still stands. He trusts her with his life, which is good because she knows about the Slayer form.
He and Shadowheart get along surprisingly well. Even moreso since both of them revealed they know the others' secrets: that Shadowheart is a priestess of Shar, and that Sayran is a Bhaalspawn. Shadowheart is the only one so far who's managed to figure that out on her own. There's a certain mutual understanding between them. While Shadowheart is open with the group about her worship (kinda got dragged out into the open regardless of her attempts to hide it), she also understands Sayran's desire to keep his heritage secret and is willing to help keep it under wraps.
He had Karlach for less than a day and he instantly liked her. She's just so... fun and excitable and full of life! It's hard not to like her. Also he is reasonably certain that the only thing keeping her from hauling him around like a sack of potatoes is the fact that she would literally set him on fire.
Wyll... he likes him, for the most part. However, he has one rather big, glaring flaw: his tendency to view the world in shades of black and white, Good™️ vs Evil™️. He's a little wary of Wyll possibly turning on him (or Zia) out of a misguided desire to purge the world of evil—and what could possibly be more Evil™️ than the half-mortal child of the Lord of Murder? On the other hand, he knows Zia and is very clearly fond of her, so he can't exactly bring himself to hate the guy outright.
And speaking of Zia! She is firmly in the category of Beloved Niece, and he lowkey wants nothing more than to dote on and spoil her like he should have been doing to her whole family line damn it. There is a bit of wistfulness there, a desire to hang onto her as the only living remnant of his now-dead sister. But also he's just... curious about her! He wants to get to know her as a person, on her own merits. Because it wouldn't be fair to her or Imoen to treat her like a replacement. And hey, if he can lend her a hand in dealing with some of the awful instincts she's inherited as a Bhaalspawn, all the better.))
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dearinglovebot · 19 days
Do you think that at some point it will be possible to see the main characters from the JW movies in Chaos Theory?
honestly, i think it's extremely unlikely for anyone except maybe soyona to show up. which is a shame because they're doing a plot with SO much overlap without the restrictive island setting anymore. for example:
darius and the dearing/grady family both live and work in northern california. owen directly works for the same department as darius did in the dpw. there's an extremely high chance they were coworkers
claire, zia, and franklin are also doing the exact same thing as brooklyn. claire in particular takes it to the next level. she and brooklyn likely run in the same circles. brooklyn investigated the lockwood manor crisis which claire was directly part of. it would be extremely weird and bad journalism if she never had any contact with claire. and when you think about how they both run in the same eco terrorist circles, wouldn't it be weird that they don't have some kind of social overlap??
kayla is the person who smuggles the dinosaurs the dpw is selling. if they're following clues about where these dinosaurs are heading, then they're going to run into her name somewhere because she's deeply involved with the big guys at biosyn and in the black market. she was involved in smuggling dinosaurs off the islands according to extended universe lore, too. she's not the only smuggler, but she did some pretty notable smuggling operations.
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The Divide Between Worlds by Shelb253947
Fandoms:Jurassic Park - All Media Types, Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies)  
Not Rated
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Work in Progress
08 Jun 2024
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Ian Malcolm/Original Female Character(s)
Alan Grant/Ellie Sattler
Owen Grady/Original Female Character(s)
Original Female Character(s)
Original Male Character(s)
Owen Grady
Ian Malcolm
Zia Rodriguez (Jurassic Park)
Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Ellie Sattler
Eli Mills
Maisie Lockwood
Benjamin Lockwood (Jurassic Park)
Henry Wu (Jurassic Park)
Blue (Jurassic Park)
Blood and Injury
Panic Attacks
Mental Health Issues
It's been three years since the events that took place at Jurassic World, and every one has seemingly moved on. However, the threat of an extinction level event due to an impending volcano eruption, throws Chrysanthemum Malcolm right back into the mix, and into a plot to exploit the dinosaurs.
Part 5 of Chaos Theory 
Part 2 of Butterfly Effect
Language: English 
Words: 23,924 
Chapters: 7/? 
Kudos: 7 
Bookmarks: 1 
Hits: 212
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spotlightstudios · 9 months
Okay so, Theory has a weird quirk when I think about him.
Their original design was named 'Pharoah', and they were named that for years until the recent redesign. However, whenever I think of them, I refer to them as 'Zia'.
It's just weird, because I only referred to her as Zia like... twice. Ever. He's Theory or Pharoah. It's like a curse in my brain lmao.
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binniesoob · 2 years
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1) Wonder what that "zia" exactly means here in the title track Halazia 🤔 from the Arabic “diya/ضياء”, it means “light”, “splendour” and “glow”, so could it talk about Ateez as Halateez "light" that guides them or gives them hope? And could it be reaching Utopia?
Ateez have a song called Light from the Treasure ep2 and the lyrics could actually fit the runaway-to-Utopia theme:
(End of Verse 1) Even when darkness follows, we gon' light up Towards a shining place further away, we gonna shine-er
(Verse 2) A place where you look at the darkness, to a brighter place Where I open my eyes is a fantasy I've met in my dream I don't wanna stop, this is the fantasy I dreamed of I can't breathe, we are here, let them in Take a deep breath, a new dimensional trip
2) Take Me Home remixxxxxxx I KNEW ITTTT 😭 this supports my theory of Take Me Home fitting when Ateez escape from the grey city aka Strictland to reach Utopia 😈 (can i consider this canon now? 😭)
(Chorus) Somebody, take me home, I don't wanna be alone anymore Every night, the place of my dreams Somebody, take me there, Get out of the gray city and follow the lights To the place in our memories
(Verse 2, last line) It's a remote island that isn't uninhabited, I'm alive
(Refrain) I'll have to get out of here and go back to my dreams So tell me where I go to the other side
After reading them, they also seem to connect to those of Light 👀
Performance video of TMH: we see Strictland in the background while they drive away and their destination is the sea: they're ready to set sail again... this time to Utopia? In the end they're all smiling and Hj is writing in his diary.
(this is another clip from the XR Show Fever: the eXtended edition 2021 online concert)
3) The whole Blue Bird/feather theme seems connected to Yunho 👀
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Bluebird Meaning and Symbolism: some believe the bluebird is a symbol of joy and hope; others, that good news will be arriving soon. Others still think that bluebirds represent a connection between the living and those who have passed away.
(here the meaning is explained really well!)
Makes a lot of sense since Yunho lost his brother. The hope could be connected with the "light" we were talking about above for the title track. Joy could be the one they find at Utopia (that is an illusion though).
Yunho's role as a pirate is the first mate (and he can substitute Hongjoong on leading the helm = he's the one driving the car in the Take Me Home clip above). In the Illusion mv (this is hidden in the speeded clips at 2:02) he consults the compass and maps so he could be the reason for the group's hope and joy when he finds the way to Utopia.
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Other easter eggs in the Illusion mv:
There's a black fedora in the background with blue feathers in it, bet it's Yunho’s
They turn the Cromer!! Utopia is (in) another dimension they managed to find. As we talked in my quick Paradigm analysis, the lyrics reference having a new moon to use aka they use the Cromer, that uses the moon power to function, to move elsewhere.
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4) In the tracklist there's also a remix of Win 🧐 (lyrics here) that's from Treasure Fin: All to Action aka after Utopia... I wonder why is that? It also connects to Rocky from Fever 3 🤔 Honestly idk what to think about this so I'll leave it here.
And that's about it for now!
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atiny-for-life · 2 years
Ateez's Full Storyline Explained
I realized I never actually added my take on the name "Halazia" so here is the excerpt of the new section I just added to the OG post:
First: the name "Halazia" - it's just a combination of "Hala" from Hala Hala (which can be translated from Sanskrit to 'black mass' or 'time puzzle') and "zia" which refers to the sun -> "Be the light, oh Halazia"
looking it up, you'll find some information about the Pueblo of Zia where a very specific symbol has been used for hundreds of years among the indiginous people to represent the sun that looks like this:
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You'll now also find this symbol on the flag of New Mexico but the actual indiginous people whose ancestors created and passed it down didn't consent to this and now there's a lot of (very justified) debate regarding intellectual property - this part has nothing to do with the Ateez lore, I just thought it was interesting and important to share in case anyone was thinking of getting this symbol tattooed or sth
Addressing the responses to the Halazia post:
Side-note: lmao I just got to the last reply and realized I did them from the bottom up for some reason - I'm so dumb sometimes...
Important parts/new theories are in green!
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I have seen footage of the concerts where they're raising a fake moon inside the concert venues so I definitely do get where you're coming from! It would also give a nice contrast between Halazia/the sun and this orb/the moon but I can't think of a way to fit this into the general storyline.
I don't think the orb is necessarily actually an artificial moon since I wouldn't be able to explain why someone would want to create that. I mean, the only reason the moon affects the oceans is due to its general gravitational pull and water just so happens to be partially made up of Hydrogen which only has one electron and is thus more lightweight than our Carbon rich land masses so the moon's influence on the oceans is just more noticable, yada yada
What I mean by that is that raising a fake moon from within a building would really only put a ball with its own field of gravity up into the sky. Other than that, it wouldn't really help the central government control the masses or anything.
However, I do think maybe the idea is to completely put the city under a giant sunshield and disguise what is actually a giant transmitter for their propaganda-spiel as the moon, thus creating an eternal night for the masses. It would certainly be a big "fuck you" to the revolutionists who took down the previous window coverings to return sunlight to the people. And it would also make it far harder for them to hijack the transmission again.
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I don't think the Black Pirates have died - we know they were working with Ateez last we've seen them, however, it currently only seems to be Ateez who are performing in the streets while the Black Pirates stick to working from inside the underground hideout. But to the population, it should be the same difference since they look identical and perform the same function.
It's also not just Wooyoung who burnt their clothes - the entire group did:
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Because of that, I still think these guys might just feel abandoned, betrayed or disillusioned by the Black Pirates somehow and that this is their way of saying "Fuck you and your movement - we're doing our own thing now."
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Hongjoong specifically said we'll understand the theme of "Thunder" come The World Episode 2 which will be released this year so I guess I'll be waiting for the Diary version of that album before I think about it too hard.
But I mean, we already know how Ateez and the Black Pirates can travel between dimensions. They use the Cromer - an ancient Mayan relic containing very unique energy that's been used for this exact purpose for centuries. In general, scientists already have theories about how time travel could be possible so it's not exactly an unnatural concept - it goes more into the realm of science fiction right now.
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Since Hongjoong also specifically corrected the question from "Lightning" to "Thunder", we can't really draw parallels to Frankenstein as the Monster was specifically brought to life with the electricity of a lightning strike. The book also goes more into the depths of philosophy about what it means to be human, the ethics of science, the dangers of self-gratification and ignorance and such so I don't necessarily think I can reference it for my theorizing - at least not at this point in the story.
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I can see that being the case since we know they're clearly highly aware of the Black Pirates' existence.
Though it could also be Mingi talking to himself since he's no longer being controlled by the chip and finally able to figure out who he himself is.
Either way, the line "Where do I stand among the next and future generations" really strikes a chord, doesn't it? It's a really weighted question.
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There was certainly a hunt going on for the Black Pirates, yes. And I can definitely see the Central Government pulling a Vlad the Impaler to scare off others.
While I still don't think the Black Pirates have died, they did get captured for a while and I could see the government plastering that everywhere to show they can squash any attempts at a rebellion. In which case any newly awakened civilians who found signs of this and saw Ateez would either assume the Black Pirates have escaped, the government had lied about imprisoning them in the first place or they have been replaced by identical lookalikes.
It would really help if we knew more about who this group is since I'm still stuck between "they're regular civilians" and "they're from another dimension" or even "they're some failed attempts at creating Android Guardians".
The main reason why I think they might not be human is these moments in the MV:
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This glow/sheen in Jongho's iris looks like it was added in post-production in two separate shots at different parts of the video so there must be some meaning to it.
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Seonghwa is glitching and I think the reason for that could be any of the following:
he's a hologram in this shot
he's somehow experiencing some Into the Spider-Verse side-effects from traveling between dimensions. However, if that were the case, we'd have seen Ateez deal with the same thing. That is, unless these guys used a different method of travel or have lived in this universe for far longer and side-effects only become noticable later.
this dimension is starting to reject them as there are now three alternate versions of the same eight people moving around in it
the anti-gravity orb can detect dimension-travelers and its purpose is to send them back or otherwise eliminate them
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The orb disappeared as it struck San at the end as if his existence somehow cancelled out the orb's. Though this is very likely to be a creative decision since no one wants to see this human embodiment of sunshine get crushed to death, it could also be that this group of people has some abilities that go beyond a regular human's.
In conclusion: I really hope we get to see more of these guys - be that in the Diary Version of a future album or in another music video.
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
So I’ve been volunteering at my old middle school and I ran into my music teacher and he wanted me to come see the drama practice because I did drama.
And when I tell you I’m having a fucking mental breakdown Zia. Some of those kids were the siblings of kids I went there with and they looked like them and I was fucking thirteen years old again.
It’s literally pouring like I’ve never seen before and I’m sobbing walking home because I fucking miss it all so much. Like being in that auditorium every day after school was the best time of my life. And I hated middle school then, but I would give fucking anything to go back for a day.
Rory I'm so sorry youre feeling like that. Missing some art form with your entire being is one of the most painful feelings to have ever existed. I never had the most concise theater experience, but ever since graduating all im doing is theory so u havent actually acted in months and sometimes it will catch my unexpectedly just how much i miss that.
If can't imagine what its likr for you. Is there any way you can get imvolved with theater again? Community theater? Some projects near you? Hell even getting involved with online communities can help.
Im mentally hugging you very tightly with yoir concent or just doing anything that might make you feel better because I know how rough it is. To miss it so much.
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lilliankillthisman · 7 months
Finished Bridge, A Love Story this evening after reading most of it over the weekend. By Zia Mahmood, probably the biggest personality in world bridge, it follows the same formula as his 1991 classic Bridge My Way - a mix of anecdotes from his life, problem hands and exemplars across different themes, and more general expounding of his approach to bridge and to life. His writing style is very recognisable; his sense of humour shows through in every chapter.
Bridge My Way was for some time my number one favourite book; it is still my favourite book on bridge and might be the book that's influenced me most in my life. It left me in floods of tears; I teared up just now checking the back cover for the publication date. It... isn't supposed to do that; it's a light-hearted not-quite-autobiography by a libertine gambler with an enormous ego which hit me in ways that I'm not going to explain here. So I really wasn't expecting Bridge, A Love Story to have anything like that impact, and it didn't.
But it's good! The anecdotes are funny and charming (his story of psyching opposite President General Musharraf and being threatened by armed guards is a highlight), and nothing major is reused from Bridge My Way apart from the bones of his start as a professional bridge player, which is pretty essential. His love for his children (new additions since the earlier book) really shows through. There are sections on the 2010s cheating scandals, where his pride and love of the game show through in a much harsher way than the rest of the book. And the bridge is good too! This is fairly mass-market stuff; the problems aren't top level, and the exotic hands shown off aren't too hard to follow, but there's still a lot of theory to enjoy. I'll definitely try out some of his recommended treatments in future.
And yes, I still teared up at one point.
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