icey-arts · 2 months
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pumaskulls · 1 year
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Weeeeeegh, some Velocity refs on this fine morning~
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never-enough-whump · 1 year
Whumptember Day 5: Whispered Conversation
Summary: While journeying to a new land, Zentha learns that some of her traveling companions think she's useless.
“Useless,” a whispered voice hisses. “Absolutely useless.”
Zentha had been about to roll over, but she stills upon hearing the words. She listens carefully for any information she can gather. Words whispered after everyone has gone to bed are sure to be the most intriguing. Perhaps what she learns can give her some advantage.
But Zentha gains nothing but warning from what she hears next.
“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted that little liar. We all look like fools and for what? She contributes nothing.”
“I know,” another voice whispers back. Zentha recognizes the first voice as Riniya and the second as Galan. “But you know how Folwin has a soft spot.”
“Well, it’s ridiculous. I never thought we should take her in, not even when we thought she was a child. We’ll be lucky if she doesn’t slow us down.”
“We can make sure she doesn’t.”
The threat is clear, and so is the fact that they’re talking about her. Zentha does not cry, hasn’t in so long she’s not sure she still can. Still, hurt shoots through her chest so sharp she can physically feel it.
Sure, she had deceived the caravan in order to join them. Sure, she may have technically put them in danger with the bounty out for her. Sure, she didn’t necessarily want to go with them and was only looking for a convenient way out of town. They had good reason not to trust her, and she wasn’t looking to trust them, either.
She’d hoped for more than this, though. She’d hoped that she had left behind the threats and beatings and found a life of painless freedom.
She’s been here before – despised for not being strong enough to be useful enough. Riniya and Galan had been against her from the beginning, but she hoped – lulled into false security by how easily Folwin had accepted her – that it wasn’t this bad. There was a line between simple dislike and hating someone so much you would hurt them. And if Galan’s ominous words were anything to go by, Zentha had once again found herself on the wrong side of that line.
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altsmultimuse · 1 year
Closed starter for riiese.
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     "Uh—— hi there?"
     It was pretty hard to ignore what felt like another presence nearby. Especially one THAT HUGE. With no way to tell what exactly it was ( how was something that gigantic so sneaky? ) Killian didn't know how to approach it. Zentha, the hatchling dragon who was supposed to be his guide, clearly had more training to do. She didn't care about the giant at all.
     "I have to stable the horses soon and they pass right by here, so... please don't scare them."
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moonxsuncelestials · 4 months
Enemy: Zentha Faeren
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The biological mother of Stephen
She is extremely cruel and was very racist against her own child, said to have enjoyed tormenting him since his birth. There is no love in her heart for anyone outside her children, minus Stephen, as they are in her eyes perfect. 
Her marriage to Druindar was arranged and she has no love for him at all, only concerned that he provides the best for their offspring. They were often in a game of the cold war, very toxic and nasty to each other ‘til Stephen came into their lives then they just aimed everything at him.
Came from a very high position and her magic was mostly associated with the tides despite what others think. 
Spiritually she was devoted more to Bran but honestly didn’t care about the Gods, as to her they abandoned them long ago when Humans became the more predominant vermin. 
Very similar to the Evil Queen of Snow White with her vanity that was passed on to her children; Stephen only took in the beauty routines for skincare.
In general, Zentha was a very cruel elf who fanned the toxicity in her household and wasn’t afraid to berate Stephen or accuse him of black sorcery. More often than not, she took her own anger out on him and accused him of being a changeling, having taken her original baby from her womb and replaced it with him.
When she learned that Stephen was an omega, she decided to screw with his body hoping that he wouldn’t be able to bear a child, and even told Gardenia of this to ensure that she would continue the torment. Many times, she had thought of just killing Stephen to save the family’s reputation and her own.
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Jinx Redvalor
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Jinx Redvalor is the first dungeons and dragons character that I've created. Unfortunately, he was never used in a game. Because of this, I have plans to make him a character in a future story that I am planning on writing. Jinx here is a changeling swashbuckler rogue, who's family was murdered by another group of pirates; who then took Jinx in simply to do all of the dirty work on the ship. From the beginning the ships captain, Belynor, told Jinx that his family abandoned him and he was the only one kind enough to take Jinx in. He sailed on Belynor's ship, The Citadel, for the first majority of his life, starting around the age of 5. By the time that he was in his teens, Jinx became a very capable pirate. Belynor trusted him more than he did some of his oldest crew members; that is until Jinx decided to take over another ship and sail on his own. Jinx named his ship The Tainted Gold, and a few crew members of The Citadel decided to switch ships; which infuriated Belynor. Belynor and the remainder of his crew tried to gun down The Tainted Gold, but luckily Jinx and his skeleton crew were able to just barely get away. Now, Jinx sails the seas with his closest friends, Duck and Zentha, trying their hardest to avoid Belynor and his crew; who want him dead.
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planarfates-blog · 7 years
Pre-Campaign one-shot
Zentha Nailo the skilled wood elf spy is ordered by Drakkin spy master Vanderil to investigate the organization called Filamond’s baked goods and report any suspicious activity. she makes her way to the capital of Sehlean Ahn’sorril then made her way to the port city of Ahm’serrin. Ahm’serrin is a city of opportunity where people of all walks of life can be found, it is often viewed as a seedy city and Zentha is now walking through the very streets of said city. Zentha slowly made her way to the store front of Filamond’s Baked Goods and walked into the store where she encountered Delilah who looked at her with an unnaturally wide and white smile the entire time she was there. Zentha sought to find any information on the owners and found out that the previous owner mister Filamond had passed away recently and his wife Mrs. Filamond had taken over the business. Zentha bought a cinnamon bun and then walked out of the shop declaring she would be back in one hour to talk to Mrs. Filamond. as soon as she walked out she moved toward the edge of the store in a crowded city street in front of a large window and climbed up the building to it’s roof which gathered a bit of a crowd.
Zentha climbed down and announced to the crowd that she was just getting a better view and seeing what was around and then swiftly moved into a nearby alleyway and hide herself among various boxes and barrels. She waited until she was sure the crowd that she gathered had left before moving around behind the buildings and behind the bakery where she slowly approached and overheard two guards back door whispering where she learned that they had been waiting for someone to show up. Zentha then snuck over to a cluster of boxes and barrels with the logo of Filamond’s Baked Goods and opened a nearby barrel filled with a thick viscous red liquid that smelled like a mixture of jam and whiskey, Zentha then took out a crowbar and attempted to open a crate but unfortunately the crate broke with a loud crash revealing a crate full of small bags of a fine white powder that Zentha thought was similar to various powders and medicines that she’d used on other missions and pocketed one of them before submerging herself in the barrel of red liquid and closed it. she heard the two guards searching the area as one runs off to warn of an intruder and another moved down the alley way searching. 
Zentha once sure the coast was clear climbed out of the barrel and with a slow squishing noise approached the door handily picked the lock and entered a kitchen that was empty, Zentha changed mostly out of her soiled clothes into really small clothes and snuck through a door on the other side of the kitchen. she stumbled upon a stairway down and a door near it that seemingly lead to the store front. slowly Zentha moved down stairs leaving a red trail behind her from the red liquid in her boots. She stumbled upon a large hallway with glowing stones every 5 feet and with glowing red glyphs at the molding on either side of the hallway every 5 feet. Zentha turned around and went up the stairs to the door she saw and slowly opened it to reveal Delilah standing at the counter and that the door was actually a bookcase. moving closer Zentha placed her shortsword at the neck of Delilah and froze in place under the influence of a hold person spell.
Zentha was dragged down into the underground base and with her weapons confiscated was thrown into a holding cell where she was told to wait for Delilah to come talk to her. 
while frozen Zentha staring at a wall in the cell, she heard foot steps behind her as the hold person fades where she turns to see a man with long white hair pulled back into a pony tail, the man had grey skin with solid purple eyes and wearing what appeared to be a tricorne hat. this man melted the bars to the holding cell and handed zentha a satchel and gave her the information that she was ratted out by a mole. the man then took Zentha’s hand and the two teleported and found themselves at the Ahn’sorril skyport.
She heads home to Drakkin and sets foot in her home city after a week long journey and heads toward her apartment where she sees and listens in on a few of the people she worked with, Helga Headspinner the enormous goliath women that she over heard warning someone that ‘she’ was back and to warn the others. Zentha listened into the conversation between a halfling known at Kit Black and a fellow worker known as Nex. utilizing a distraction Zentha managed to steal Kit’s bag and a strange cup like object from Helga and fled.
Zentha found her way to a nearby in called the Grinning wyrm and ordered a room. she went up and inspected her finding going through Kit’s bag only to find that she was a prolific author and had 8 or 9 different manuscripts that were written by Kit. suspicious Zentha checked the back for any secret compartments and found a small obsidian scarab that animated and through some bad luck found it’s way to Zentha’s spine and dug in and every attempt to remove it had zentha experience temporary paralysis and she could remove it. she later found out that this was called a Kelter and they were found in the ruins of a newly discovered landmass to the north and every attempt to remove these from the people that had them ended with death. Zentha chose to leave the scarab thing be and go attempt to stealthily return the bag she took. 
she went and threw the bag through the library window of her apartment building but was then called by her boss Spy master Vanderil and found that she forgot that she had to go toward the main citadel and talk to him. once arriving Zentha was led by a disgruntled Vanderil to the High Magister Rusorth who cast zone of truth and proceeded to interrogate Zentha about the events of her mission. He was told about the mole and Tricorne hat man to which the High Magister reacted with fear and Vanderil horrified. High Magister Rusorth demanded that Zentha bring forth the items that Tricorne gave her. Zentha placed the the satchel on the table. the High magister demanded that she show everything tricorne gave her.  Zentha reluctantly brings out a small black bead that the High magister attempts to take but upon touching it recoils with pain. 
in surprise Zentha asks what the bead does to which the High magister gestures for her to hold it above her head. the bead locks into place as a ring of shadows forms into a crown floating above her head. Zentha pulls the bead down and it is revealed that the bead is called the crown of the Masked King. 
Zentha is ordered to look into Tricorne and see what he wants and is dismissed. Zentha then goes and gets ready to leave and make her way toward the capital of Hendral and the Poorman’s gambit an inn that she has to meet up with 3 others on the first day of the summer’s vale festival.
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satterlly · 3 years
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Elven dress - Zentha
New mesh (EA-mesh edit)
30 swatches
Female only
Adult only
For humans, vampires and aliens
Public view - 30 August 2021
Enjoy ♥
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yellowcharm · 7 years
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icey-arts · 14 days
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bearogrechaos · 3 years
Done with my nightly exercises. Time to wine down and play some puzzle&dragons on the switch. But b4 I do that here is a glow up image :) her name is zentha one of my first assassins
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feathernotes · 3 years
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Some OC webcomic fusions that I did with friends!  Top is Zentha (Kate Blast) and Casper (GJS). Second is Cheth(Phantomarine) and Raine (GJS)
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werekxnglives · 2 years
Fall of the Faerens Part 3
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Looking back on it, it was a cruel irony that Ralnor had saved him from following through a suicidal decision after the auction. 
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After his engagement was announced it got to where he really did think it was better to be dead; his fiancé a real piece of work. She may have been very beautiful but her soul was so twisted and ugly that Stephen swore she used black magic to keep her appearance. She was a cruel and vicious shrewd woman who made it very clear in private with his family that she would continue to make his life a living Hell. Her name was Gardenia, but she was no nice smelling flower-in fact, she ruined his favorite flower. Gardenia made it clear that he  would be barred from their marital bed, never touch her and forced to raise any child she bears from any male suitor; yet if she ever caught him having an affair of his own accord, she would bring scandal upon the house so fast that the only way out of it would be for Stephen to kill himself.
Gods this bitch is just as cruel as Zentha and worse than his own sister, Azula. The worst part was that his mother had even laughed and encouraged Gardenia to do her worst, even start an affair with his brothers already before the marriage!
Stephen had just stood there. How could anyone just say that and find it okay?! He was dumbfounded at just how low his family would sink and two-seriously?! If anything, he thought that Gardenia would have wanted to keep a clean image of the family name-no instead he’s marrying a monster!
That was how their secret relationship began and for once, Stephen thought that his life was going in the right direction. He could handle the cruelty, abuse; so long as he had Ralnor in his life. And Ralnor was always being so kind and comforting, never a backhanded compliment, and Stephen gobbled it up, a lovesick pup who should’ve seen the signs. But he was so desperate and starved for love, that he didn’t see through Ralnor’s facade.
And it came with a very steep price…
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moonxsuncelestials · 4 months
Druindar Faeren
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Stephen’s biological father.
Druindar Faeren is one of the worst fathers in history. An abusive, sexist, racist, xenophobic, and homophobic elf of the Faeren Clan; Druindar had always been the worst of Stephen’s tormentors going on par with Zentha, whom Druindar didn’t love, but merely saw her as good breeding stock. Both were undeniably toxic and encouraged their children to be cruel to one another, as well as going as far as even reminding the children that they are merely tools of their father.
Perform well, get love and attention.  Perform poorly, neglect. Disobey-kicked out or worse.
Druindar was also involved in various illegal activities, which was how the Faerens kept their vast fortune and often paid off the police both humans and those involved in their community to look the other way. If not, well they would be taken care of via enchantment.
When Stephen was born, Druindar had accused Zentha of an affair and refused to believe that the DNA test results were legitimate. Unfortunately, he was forced to accept it as he couldn’t cause anymore scandal for the family; this though sealed the poor innocent child’s fate. 
Druindar became unbelievably cruel towards Stephen, participating in as many beatings as he could and inflicting starvation on the boy when he got older; the only reprieve Stephen got was when Druindar moved the rest of the family to New York but it didn’t last long. 
As Stephen grew, Druindar would get crueler, increasing his abusive techniques and venting his hatred for the boy. And it got worse when he learned that Stephen was an omega; which prompted him to agree with Zentha to put him on suppressants. Druindar often invaded his privacy and threatened to kill Stephen himself if he ever found out that his son was into men and not women. When Stephen had also been unable to produce the same magic as the Faeren Clan and Zentha’s were known for, he beat Stephen so badly that it was a miracle that the boy didn’t die.
Thankfully Druindar got his comeuppance after Stephen got involved with Ralnor Daeven. He had fled back to the UK and no one has heard of him since, though he is still hunted and charged with various crimes; one of them being murder from back in his youth and attempted murder on Stephen. 
Yun is watching for him and Stephen has full rights to end his death.
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renieplayerone-art · 3 years
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A character fusion between my character Zentha and @feathernotes‘s and @spacerocketbunny‘s character Casper! This was a lot of fun to draw!! Read their webcomic here!! www.ghostjunksickness.com/ Read my webcomic here!! www.kateblast.com
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renieplayerone · 3 years
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Been drawing a lot of zentha lately.
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