#Zend Developer
arihant2023 · 1 month
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At Arihant webtech, we pride ourselves on being a leading Zend Framework development agency dedicated to crafting bespoke web solutions that drive business success. Our team of skilled developers and technology experts leverage the robust capabilities of Zend Framework to build scalable, high-performance web applications tailored to meet your unique needs.
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evrigsolutions · 11 months
How to Fix “Class Zend Not Found” Issue in Magento 2
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Hey there! Guess what? On March 14, 2023, Adobe launched Magento 2.4.6, and it was super exciting! This update came with over 300 quality fixes and awesome platform improvements. We were all looking forward to these positive changes, but there was one thing we didn’t expect: a big change that might cause some issues for those who upgraded. You see, Adobe decided to say goodbye to the Zend framework, and because of that, some users started facing a problem called “Class Zend Not Found” after upgrading to Magento 2.4.6. But worry not! In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the simple steps to fix this problem and make sure your Magento 2 store runs smoothly. Let’s get started!
Reasons for the “Class Zend Not Found” Error
The primary reason behind the “Class Zend Not Found” error in Magento 2.4.6 is Adobe’s choice to phase out the Zend framework from Magento’s codebase. Instead, they opted to replace it with Laminas, which is a fork of the Zend framework.
The switch from Zend to Laminas was made to take advantage of the progress and enhancements provided by the Laminas project. Laminas offers a more resilient and contemporary framework for PHP development, prompting the decision to transition.
Nevertheless, this shift implies that custom code, third-party modules, or extensions dependent on Zend classes might not work with Magento 2.4.6 anymore. The absence of the Zend framework could trigger the “Class Zend Not Found” error when the system tries to create or use Zend classes that have been substituted with their Laminas counterparts.
To fix this error, it’s essential to modify the affected codebase, including custom code and third-party modules, by replacing deprecated Zend classes with their corresponding Laminas counterparts. Alternatively, although not recommended, you can temporarily resolve the issue by re-adding the Zend framework to Magento.
Common Messages When Facing the “Class Zend Not Found” Error
Error: Class “Zend_Json” not found.
Error: Class “Zend_Http_Client” not found.
Error: Class “Zend_Validate” not found.
Error: Class “Zend_Filter” not found.
These typical error messages assist in pinpointing the specific Zend classes responsible for the “Class Zend Not Found” error. It is vital to update the codebase to utilize the relevant Laminas classes or, if possible, consider reintegrating the Zend framework. More Info: https://www.evrig.com/blog/how-to-fix-class-zend-not-found-issue-in-magento-2/
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queenburd · 3 months
The use of color in The Stanley Parable: HD and Ultra Deluxe (with honorable mentions to the Demo)
dedicated to @squuote who needs more TSP analysis to rotate
A little over a year ago, I (only somewhat jokingly) lay out the argument that while The Stanley Parable is notorious in its use of yellow, the color yellow is not actually associated to the Narrator. The color most associated with him, I argued, was red. [1, 2]
I've had plenty of thoughts regarding color and TSP in the interim and I want to go over those thoughts today in as much depth as I can manage. You know, for fun. None of this is to argue about creator intent, but it's a fun way to stretch the critical thinking and literary analysis portions of my brain. It's also super cool if you don't agree with my readings, since the point is to get you thinking about these things and studying them to interpret for yourself.
Anyway let's gooooooo
(note: all images are embedded with a link to the source page I pulled them from. For those on mobile, be careful with your scrolling and tapping!)
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Okay let's start with the “obvious” one. Yellow is seen as one of the main colors in the game, it's the color of the main office and the primary assets associated with the Parable. We see yellow PRIMARILY in the beginning of the office, before the two doors room. It lines the cubicles and the walls are often interpreted as yellow (eh, they're more of an off-white. They're actually absorbing color from the brown-yellow carpet, and they do the same in the lounge).
It's the color of the Line(TM), it's the color of the cargo lift in the warehouse, and, most strikingly, it's the color of the SKIP Button.
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We'll get to you.
Okay, so yellow is a color with conflicting interpretations, which is par for the course for all of them, we're not going TOO insane on color theory and color psychology we will be here ALL DAY and I was an ART student. So let's just look at the most basic reading. Bright, oversaturated yellow is a color that can exhaust the eyes easily. It grabs our attention like a highlighter and burns our retinas.
It can be a color of excitement, but it can also be a color of sickness. I've been thinking about the short story The Yellow Wallpaper the past couple days. Or maybe I've been thinking about it for longer. It's just that I haven't reread it in actual years, but every time I saw someone talk about the wallpaper in TSP, I thought about the story. Here's some passing thoughts on the short story in comparison to TSP. [3]
Sickness, and madness, and beginnings, and infinity. In the end, yellow, to me, is the color of the Parable grabbing the player (and by extension the Narrator) by the nose and saying “let's get moving. We have a story to play. Play the game, and keep playing.” Notable to me is how the SKIP button is almost scathingly yellow in contrast to the room it's in, and as the room gets darker the glow gets more foreboding. The Parable did this. The Narrator might think he made it, but he doesn't control it. Yellow isn't his color, and it never was.
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“Stanley walked through the RED. DOOR.”
The use of red in TSP is probably the most interesting and fun to analyze for me. It's used extremely intentionally and it's commonly associated with power, anger, and passion. We see red in the Boss's Office, in the Countdown ending, as the door to the Starry Dome, and a TON in the TSP2 Expo. There's red doors and signs in the Escape Pod Bay.
So I've joked that the color red is the Narrator's color, and while it's still a fun interpretation, it's not one I'm married to. I think it's more accurate to say red symbolizes control. The Zending Door is you letting him control the story. The Countdown screens are him taking control from you. And TSP2 is the Narrator trying to exert control over what the developers have made. It's a response to New Content and to the SKIP button. I have a million trillion thoughts about the TSP2 Expo but I won't get into them here.
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Anyway, red feels very obviously to me associated with the Narrator trying to take control, or things only being possible when he has control. I'm thinking about the signs in the Escape Pod Bay telling you that it won't work without him. (I'm thinking about how the same door asset for the Zending is used in the Escape Pod Bay. No. shhh. Staying on topic.) So I don't have much more to say on the matter because I feel like I've tread this ground before. Red is about control, and it is held in direct contrast with blue.
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Oh, blue. Soothing blue, sweet relaxing lounge and ocean paintings and boss's bathroom and blue door that leads to broken textures and an irritable Voice.
If red is the color of control, then blue is the color of rebellion. Small rebellion, sure. Rebellion that means nothing in the scheme of things. Blue is the stepping stone to bigger deviations from the path. I mean, the lounge is only the first step to the right, and you can still get on the “correct” path. The blue door you have to go through repeatedly, you have to make the choice multiple times, for it to lead to the Games ending. The boss's bathroom doesn't GO anywhere until after the epilogue. These are “rebellious choices” in a game where you don't really have a choice, and it's the closest you get to defiance.
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I like to make it Stanley's favorite color for obvious reasons.
(Hey, fandom, why you keep associating it with the Curator? The only blue in the Museum is in a couple assets on display.)
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I gotta admit, while there's definitely something to green and its use in TSP, a clear meaning for it is eluding me, and I've been thinking about it on and off for a couple days now. It's a fairly infrequent color in TSP as a whole, but it does make an appearance. Besides being the color of plants (such as the ever important fern, the potted plants scattered through the office and the ones in the TSP2 expo, and of course the growth in the SKIP button room), it's also the wallpaper in the Demo, and the same wallpaper is used in the Boss's Office in the Real Person Ending. Thinking further, it also appears in the small room before the stage in the Press Conference Ending, and it's the color of the carpet in the HL2 Office that is found under the Games ending. (It was also brought up by my pal glitch that green is the color of the cursor on Stanley's screen, the first thing you see before gameplay begins. Good catch!)
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Thinking about it, it's hard to find a throughline. There's something familiar about the green. Not necessarily safe, but it usually comes before something much bigger. Maybe this is a bit of a stretch, though. Let's say for now green is associated with the familiar in the face of the unfamiliar.
(There's possibly a thesis here about green being associated with gifts and surprises. The Narrator makes the Press Conference ending something that teases but also praises Stanley, the Green Room in the Demo is the space where the Demo is meant to be revealed to you, and that alternate Boss's Office is supposed to, in the Narrator's mind, be the first step to a wonderful story made just for you.)
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Most people, when they think of white in The Stanley Parable, immediately think of the Museum. And they're right to! It's one of the most prominent environments that uses white. With that in mind, we can't forget the other places it appears, since it's best to keep everything in mind when trying to formulate a meaning for it.
So, other places where white is prominent: We have the out-of-bounds ending, and the Art ending (aka play that Baby game for four hours). We also have a massive part of the TSP2 expo.
Honestly, there is a lot of white in the rest of the office, but it tends to be absorbing the colors of the environment in ways that make it less noticeable. White's really good at that, which means the times where it's by itself as the outstanding color are outliers and feel intentional. So what do these things have in common?
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Well, they kind of show the seams of the game? Take this with a grain of salt, but the Museum is designed to show you some of the design process for the game, effectively taking you out of the setting to give you a top-down perspective (hehe, literally in the case of the diorama of the office up to the two doors), and the out-of-bounds ending is a joke about breaking the map, falling out of the world , which can break immersion in other games. The TSP2 Expo is the Narrator showing off all the features for his sequel idea, giving a “sneak peek” of what will be included.
The Art ending doesn't fit with this thesis, but it does involve the... revelation, I suppose, of the “character” of the Essence of Divine Art. What I'm trying to get to is that white is a color of revelation and display.
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Gray is not a color that tends to stand on its own merit in The Stanley Parable, and that in itself is intentional. Gray is used as a texture of “unfinished” things, things the Narrator doesn't want you to look closely at, and would prefer you move past Right Now Right This Second Please.
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It's the walls of the Broom Closet, as well as the walls of the maintenance room. It's also the walls of the room right outside the Starry Dome—the hall that leads right to the stairs. (Honorable mention, @chirpbudgie brought up that the desks in the office are gray, which is also an implication of the way Stanley's coworkers seemed to disappear with work unfinished. There is a sense of “wrongness” in how they've all vanished. Nice eye, bud.)
You're not supposed to dwell in these places. Go back to the story, please!
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“Blackness, and a rising chill of uncertainty. Was it over?”
Last and least is black, less used as a color in its own right and more a use of shadow. It really stars primarily in the Mind Control Facility, dark rooms with a sense of foreboding. Honestly, what is there to say about black?
Only, I tell a lie. You see quite a lot of black in this game, don't you? After all:
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It's the Loading screen.
Blackness is uncertainty, and mystery, like the game tells us, because anything could be hiding in the darkness, and anything could happen when that screen is finished loading. It's white's opposite not just in value but in meaning. You don't know what's going on, you just have to wait and see. Any time you might have an answer, or an ending, here comes that loading screen to wipe the slate clean and say “hey, what haven't you found yet? What haven't you tried? What tricks does this game still have up its sleeve?”
(And now I'm thinking about the Figurines ending, and how the Narrator shouts to stop the loading screen, to go back and stay in the familiar please!! Because the fellow hates uncertainty, really he does. But that's a thesis for another day.)
(We also can't forget that Ultra Deluxe's Setting the Time is also set on a black background, and there's always, to me, a sense of foreboding and uncertainty there too. What happens after this is the game, right? Is this for something? Is this doing anything? Is it changing anything?)
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It's a bucket :)
Okay that's the end of this post. There's probably plenty more to say about this subject, this isn't exhaustive by any means. Color is an incredible tool, and visual storytelling and color interpretation is not in any way a science. As I posted bits of this in my server for extra feedback and examples of color, other folks brought up an entirely different interpretation of the color green. And I didn't even bring up Mariella being dressed in full green!
Anyway I didn't bring up orange because there's only a couple instances of it in the game but its always about unfinished things/assets (Baby game, just a lot of Games ending things) but it also shows up in the TSP2 Expo (Button That Says The Name of the Player Playing The Game (Jim)) for features that uuuuuh. Aren't done. So that's funny.
Like I said, there's almost certainly more to say about color theory and the game, but this thing is hitting 4 pages long and that's not including images oops.
I hope this was a fun read! Some of this stuff has been percolating in my brain for a while and it's good to finally get it on the page. Talk to me about TSP I love this game.
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thisnoah · 1 year
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Hiii! This is my first time doing something like this, but I'm Noah (or 林武达) with the beloved bucket for @springbon-t-art "The Missing Coworkers" event :D
The favorite ending(s) that comes to mind first are endings like zending or the skip button. I just think it's really interesting when the game highlights how little authority the Narrator really has despite the role he tries to play. The whole game is how the Narrator can't make Stanley listen and just play out the story, like how there can be unreliable narrators or third person oriented or anything where the narrator isn't omnipotent. The Narrator is only as powerful as the story allows him to be, like how in the confusion ending the game can't handle the Narrator becoming independent and saying he isn't going to restart this time, so the game just automatically restarts and erases all of the Narrator's memories. The Narrator isn't even there anymore at some point in the epilogue and skip button, which could imply mortality or something to that degree. I just really like it when the Narrator becomes a character who is capable of developing despite how you're supposed to be the protagonist, but he's stuck being a passive character by virtue of the game's design.
He's just so silly to me, little British man who just wants his story to go smoothly
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cheezieypoofz · 2 months
can I get uh…
Stan x Fem!Reader x Craig SFW & NSFW poly relationship headcanons pls 🙏 ?
take ur time & hope ur doing well :3
Ztanley Marzh x F!Reader x Craig Tucker
ZFW & NZFW Dating Headcanonz!
DIZCLAIMER: headcanonz are hard for me to write, zo i will only write headcanonz for my mutualz. alzo, ztan might juzt be the hardezt character for me to write, zo i zend my deepezt apologiez to moon if it'z not up to her ztandardz alzo i think i lied when i zaid there waz gonna be more nzfw headcanonz than zfw- i went a little overboard teehee. i'm zozozozo zorry if it zeemz ruzhed!!!
WARNINGZ: pet namez, mentionz of zex, zub&dom mentionz, mentionz of threezomez, waizt grabbing, implied p in v & p in a, ztaig mentionz
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; How did you three get together?
; You most likely forgot all about each other, luckily enough, Bebe wanted to have a little get-together with all her friends from high school (my dumbazz couldn't think of anything elze-)
; After maybe a year or so of catching up, becoming friends, and then developing crushes on each other, confessions are made
; I feel like Craig would fall first, and confess first
; Craig was definitely on the more open-minded side of being in a poly relationship, Stan, still being open-minded, but a little reluctant
; Being reluctant only because of what others might think, he's a little paranoid
; But, you need not worry, after weighing the pros and cons of dating both you and Craig, he agreed to the proposal
; The relationship is... rocky—at first
; They both have some issues to work out, everyone does
; But everything's better when you work it out in a group
; As long as you're patient with them, the relationship will turn out just fine
; After a couple months, and everyone figures out how the relationship works, it definitely goes from rocky to chaotic
; In a good way!
; Stan is more on the affectionate side, wanting to shower you and Craig with love
; His love language is physical touch and quality time
; Craig's being words of affirmation and acts of service
; Craig is the one who plans out all the dates, Stan only occasionally plans the more physical dates—hiking, biking, skating, skiing/snowboarding, etc.
; One of y'alls favorite dates is a picnic under the stars
;  Definitely being Craig's favorite because he can geek out; it's the entire reason why he planned it to begin with
; Stan is the type to buy y'all matching items, whether that's bracelets, shirts, pins, body jewelry, necklaces, or just anything really
; You three go stargazing together pretty regularly
; You better like animals, cause Stan LOVES them, and Craig refuses to live without Stripes NO. 7
; I feel like Stan would be trying to be a veterinarian in college, and Craig aiming to be an astronaut (and no, you can't change my mind on thiz)
; Craig loves to use pet names, but only basic ones—babe, hunny, sweetheart, etc.
; Stan rarely uses pet names—hun, sweetie, babe, and, angel
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御負け ,,, OMAKE
; Craig is probably more active in the afternoon, while Stan is definitely a night owl
; They have greasy ass hair (i will die on thiz hill)
; They both use 5-in-one shampoo
; Craig seems like a smartass but is a dumbass, Stan's a dumbass through thick and thin
; Craig and Stan fight over who'll pay the bill during a dinner date, and you end up paying for it when they're not paying attention
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; The first time between the three of you was... awkward to say the least
; But, it's okay, you three got the hang of it after a bit
; Their favorite position is probably DP Cowgirl
; Maybe because it was the easiest to do—the easiest once you figured out where to put your knees at
; You and Stan, chest to chest, while Craig leans over you, hand gripping onto your waist
; Stan likes to look at your face when y'all fuck, it just gets him going to watch your face contort in pleasure
; And Craig?
; Craig just likes ass, man
; They're so competitive, they turn everything they can into a competition
; They'll literally fight over you man
; Stan looks like he whimpers and whines (zorry chat, ztan iz not a heavy dom in my mind)
; Craig is on the quiet side in bed, only letting out groans and grunts every now and then
; In my eyes, Stan is a switch leaning towards sub, and Craig is also a switch, buuuttttt
; Craig prefers to dom and will in most situations
; Craig is the type to degrade you, and so is Stan
; But Stan also likes to be degraded, yet he also likes to be praised
; I feel like Stan would like to be called Stanley when he's in the mood to be more submissive
; Stan looks like the type to crack a couple jokes when being intimate, he's still a bit serious though
; Craig is serious, there is no joking around
; He honestly gets pissed off when Stan starts joking in the middle of sex
; Which works out in your favor, but they don't need to know that
; Remember how I said they wear competitive?
; Yeah, they definitely compete to see who can get you to cum first
; Either that or who can get you to cum the most
; Craig likes to give you and Stan hickeys
; But Craig likes it when he gets hickeys too, it proves that y'all love each other
; Stan LOVES when either you or Craig bite or kiss his neck
; Craig doesn't have a high sex drive, I just don't see it
; Stan?
; I wouldn't say he would be as high as Kenny, but MAN
; It's fucking up there
; Craig is the one who usually does all the aftercare stuff
; Stan is too fucked out to do anything
; Craig will usually draw a bath for you and Stan, or start up a shower for y'all
; Then he'll carry you to bed, making sure to tuck y'all in all once and cozy
; Craig still likes to use pet names—slut, babydoll, sweetie, and love
; Stan's—my sweet angel, slut, whore, and baby
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御負け ,,, OMAKE
; If you're not in the mood, but Stan and Craig are, they go to fuck each other on the couch
; And Craig will always dom if that's the case
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steampoweredwerehog · 10 months
*raises hand* hi! So! In a previous ask you said that the curator knew what she looked like cause she’s rad and that the narrator could get there with some character development but can’t cause resets. In the current bit of the story the narrator can perceive himself now after Stanley perceived him even harder then normal, so does that mean that the narrator is reset proof now, or is there a difference between the curators thing and the narrators new thing?
Apologies for the wait but I wanted to make sure I answered this properly! :D
The only difference between the Narrator & Curator’s situations is that the Narrator has more ‘bindings’ on him. The Curator was a less volatile entity & needs all her memories to do her job. Meanwhile, the memory reset acts as a sort of Leash on the Narrator. But Stanley did the impossible. What happened in the Zending Room never should have happened under the Parable’s rules. But it did. In turn, the Narrator was given a change at Real Development.
So—is he reset proof now? Well, they have no idea. Which makes things rather scary and uncertain for them, doesn’t it? We’ll have to wait & see
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shinakazami1 · 1 year
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Edit: yo mobile tumblr pls chill why is it all non chronological kwjsjs
Some Skip Button shenanigans with my Jester Narrator! :D
Jester's Parable is cut in 3 acts. Act 1 is the main game, act 2 and 3 are UD Edition.
Maybe some Jester Parable lore if anyone is interested under the cut (Heavy Zending and Skip Button mentions)
Act 2 starts with Narrator finding Stanley in Zending and thinking it's the actual Stanley he was supposed to get. Which in some way is right - his Stanley is his, after all. This act starts with Stanley pretending he is different, starting First Save run. He goes through the whole game, seeing if Narrator has changes.
The main game /act 1 ends with Stanley becoming one with Zen ending (due to Narrator wanting to punish him) , consuming the lights in there and leaving Narrator alone for 8 years. The one year spared between the releases is him coming back and starting to work on the UD Edition due to higher ups - as the actual game developers are called in there - get Curator to kick Narry's ass and start working on the game again.
Stanley in act 1 was tortured a lot - and by that, I do hope I will soon post one of the live writings I did in stanarr server - and during the time he became one with the zending, he also spread overall in the Parable, causing him to get power over it. Narrator is obsessed with the idea that this Stanley is not his and shoved another one he was supposed to have somewhere, making him overall angry at the man.
Realising he hadn't, he ends the game and goes to Second Save run where things change in Skip button, which is a room used as torture for Jester Narrator, marking the start of act 3 - revenge
Sksusus dunno if anyone wants to read this tbh, I never posted much of my own stuff and I'm a bit nervous but if you're reading this little ramble of mine, thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it :D
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zipzapzopzoop · 2 months
(Zending as an ask ayyyy)
Okay so we know Wil and Gaston are ADHD...depression and anxiety are really comorbid with it. Gaston def had particularly bad depression when younger, Wil develops panic attacks.
No this isn't me projecting idk what you're talking about
It’s interesting to think of Gaston having some hard stuff he deals with that stays hidden behind his goofy and upbeat attitude. I’d imagine he’s much better nowadays, but every once in a while it comes to the surface in those quiet moments in the night where he’s alone.
It would not surprise me if Wilbur dealt with panic attacks after the events of the movie. Panic attacks suck.
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employee052 · 11 months
guess who spent an hr fleshing out the lore for my tsp universe (aka what my blog is based off of, and also narry rn)
puttin this under the cut bc its long as fuck n i dont wanna clog up your dash djehfjsjf
(this was written on the bus so im so sorry for any errors skfjs)
Fourth Wall AU
The Narrator
The Adventure Line/Lynne
• The Stanley Parable (2013) started off as nothing more than a video game with a basic ai Narrator repeating a script with minor changes every run.
• Eventually, the Narrator gains consciousness but keeps to the game, trapping himself in repetition as opposed to trying to escape
• He has major issues with the endings such as the zending and the confusion ending. While he knows he was purely artificial originally, he prefers to ignore it and believe he is a real being with free will.
• Aside from the Narrator, everything in the game is coded. Stanley is just a vessel for the player, all the objects don't really talk, ad everything is planned, despite what the Narrator believes.
• He remembers every reset. Though not every ending in incredible detail. Endings like the Zending, Confusion, and the Skip Button are vague memories in his head. The skip button being a time-sped up ending and becoming a blur to him that he forgets normally.
• The Narrator knows about the developers, but cannot speak to them.
• All Stanley's input is from the players. The Narrator doesn't know this and just thinks that Stanley either has terrible memory or has vastly different mood swings.
• In the Not Stanley Ending, he realises that the player isnt the Stanley he believes he knows and splits them. Leaving the Player above the two doors room.
• The Narrator, in the HD remake, cant believe that there are real people. He knows of them, but knowing that they are with him in the game will give him an existential crisis/make him distressed, and as a result, reset the game (see: confusion, zending). So the game has a feature where it wipes his memories from the Player unplugging the phone up until they split.
• Things change when Ultra Deluxe comes out.
• The game is revamped completely, The Narrator can feel how smoother the game feels, especially since its running in unity despite it looking exactly like its 2013 version on the source engine (? fact check this)
• One major change is that the Narrator can hear some players as they play the game. Given that they have a working mic and all.
• Surprisingly he doesn't mind it. Enjoying getting reactions from his script despite the fact its real people.
• Ultra Deluxe loses the feature to reset the game if the Narrator gets too upset. Instead, its a plannes forced reset.
• Eventually, he ends up with a player whom he enjoys hearing the responses to. Responding to the Narrator like they were in a conversation as the player rambles. Internally, he's scared to break the fourth wall. Afraid it might spook the player and lose this one shred of genuine connection.
• They continue like this for a while. The narrator subtly changing the delivery of his lines to better suit the players moods. In turn the player responds as usual, without noticing that the Narrators dialogue is changing.
• Its subtle. Being more harsh and boring when they hear the player talking about an exam they should be studying for and not here playing the game so they can leave and do well. Being more soft when theres that all too familiar hurt tone in their voice while they play. Being a bit more snarky when they laugh at everything he says. The player even goes to the starry dome to study, and the Narrator feels like he is hanging out with a friend, knowing that the player would never go into the other room. (They have, once. then never again)
• At some point, the Narrator slips up and responds to something the player says and as while he fears a negative reaction, he gets a surprised gasp followed by a few noises he cant place before a "Is that new Narry dialogue?! lets fucking go!"
• The narrator sighs in relief before chuckling a bit. "Language, dear player."
• The player pauses. Now there is the silence he was afraid of.
• "...Hello?"
• "Hello, Player."
• More silence.
• "This... this isnt prerecorded right? No voice recognition system in the game-?"
• "Prerecorded?! I'll have you know I do all of my voice lines live for you players, thank you." He scoffs, somewhat offended
• "Have you been listening to every players reactions this whole time?!"
• "Well not every player of the Stanley Parable. But right now its just been you that ive been hearing for the past few months."
• "Oh my god you must've heard me talk about your voice so much- im so sorry."
• He laughs, surprisingly genuine. "Nonsense! It's been a delight hearing your responses and your voice, Player-"
• "Oswin." The player says gently, "My name is Oswin, Narrator."
• "...Well, Oswin. To be perfectly honest, I adore hearing your responses to the game and to my script. You are one of the rare few who respond as though we were in conversation and truth be told, its a welcome change to the players who tell me to piss off or talk to themselves."
• They snort. "You mean the youtubers?"
• "Definitely."
• Thus starts A friendship between Oswin and the Narrator
• With this new connection, the Narrator slowly gets used to the idea of sentience and the real world. Feeling more and more human as the friendship helps him understand his world and beyond.
• He gets used to manipulating the game around him. Locking the game to be only on Oswin's computer and being able to interact with him through screens.
• While this happens, the game slowly starts to glitch. Stanley becomes sentient, going through the same dillema the Narrator had, however the Narrator is able to reassure him and help him understand.
• It takes a bit of work, considering that Stanley up until their instance of the game locked onto Oswin's PC had undergone every ending an unfathomable amount of times. With his sentience he has to process the fact that both he and the narrator were trapped in the game with no free will.
• At this time, the Narrator manages to enter the real world. With some help of coding magic and Oswin's powers alowing him to exist in the real world.
• The Adventure Line grows sentient too. However due to the fact that the Line was never fully fleshed out as a character, when it came to the real world, it turned into a teenage girl by the name of Lynne.
• Stanley also enters the real world.
The three of them are able to pop in and out of the Parable. It being treated more like their second home
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chronicsheepdrawing · 2 years
A rough timeline of the events of Drinky Bird Narrator's story that I've thought of.
Spoilers for The Stanley Parable and The Narrator's story under the cut, Warning: It's Long.
At some point, Employees 427, 432, and 436 are hired.
A regular office environment is maintained, although strangely more quiet than expected as everyone is really focused on their tasks- although when 427 and 436 break away from their computers on occasion to go get a drink or eat, they'll chat lightly. 436 develops a crush on 427 but doesn't confess his feelings.
Upon learning that 427's name is Stanley, 436 will call him that instead.
Simultaneously 432 is slowly becoming more stressed and mad that they're unable to carry out their task of sharpening pencils, even when visibly agitated and/or begging for another person's pencil and outwardly spiraling- no one gives in or pays them any attention, including Stanley and 436, ignoring their plight and acting like it's just another standard day at the office.
432 disappears, still no one notices, not even asking why their desk is empty. It's simply not registered.
At some point after this event, 436 stops receiving commands on his monitor, confused, he tries asking those around him if they're experiencing the same thing but no one seems to even hear him, even when he speaks up to command attention.
Frustrated about this, 436 heads to the meeting room, wondering if he's simply missed a memo, but no one is currently using it.
He decides to head up to the bosses office and ask about his situation, but the office is empty. Curious, he roots around in his desk only to find a paper in which the code to the keypad behind his desk is written, 2845, Employee 436 tries it out.
The lights go dark and the fireplace opens to reveal a secret elevator shaft, upon descending, 436 finds he feels strangely freer then before, able to question his place as an employee and what his job's purpose really is.
Employee 436 feels a grip of terror as he steps into a dimly lit hallway and finds the words MIND CONTROL FACILITY illuminated before him.
Once entering and illuminating the screens around him, 436 drops to his knees in anguish upon the realization that he and his coworkers are being closely monitored and that they've been nothing but puppets.
He enters the lift, thinking back in disbelief that he was only content in his work because he'd been made to be. 436 sees the main control area filled with various emotions on display, happy, sad, anger.
Employee 436 walks into a room with a large monitor awaiting input, and decides that never again will this place have control over any human life.
He Makes His Choice.
Everything goes dark, 436 waits in nervous anticipation, had he done it? Had he won? The massive wall before him begins to descend and the room is flooded with a bright, white light.
The Narrator wakes up, confused and dazed, he's not sure where he is or exactly who he is. He can barely remember, what he can is snippets of his time in an office and chatting with another man he may have had feelings for, his designation was 427, but his real name was Stanley.
His surroundings are that of an office, yes, but it is dark and dilapidated- and why are his hands gloved? What's with this suit? What's with his... Stomach?
The Narrator panics over his appearance, he may not remember much but he certainly doesn't remember looking like this.
After getting himself to calm down, he knows he has to get out of here, there's something bad about this place he knows that much, and he'll get that man, Stanley, out as well. He's his friend, isn't he? Why wouldn't The Narrator help him?
The Narrator searches for a way out of this particular area of the office space, eventually this moment too will be forgotten and he will be unable to return.
The events of the game play out as usual, Stanley is introduced, gets a few endings, his progress is reset, etc.
That is until he takes the route for the Zending, upon which he sees The Narrator in person for the first time, who is too relaxed with his surroundings to realize Stanley is there and can see him.
Once The Narrator does realize he quickly unloads his model, passing it off as an Easter Egg.
Instead of having the Zending play out, the run is manually reset, this only happens once and the regular ending occurs every time after. Eventually Stanley brushes the encounter off, thinking it really could have been some random event he's unsure how to trigger again.
The game continues. The End is Never.
Ultra Deluxe ( Timeline is rough Here, Events and their order are subject to Change )
New Content is unlocked! Of which The Narrator is wholly disappointed with.
The Narrator decides that he and Stanley should take a trip to The Memory Zone, a comfortable place where they can reminiscence about how great The Stanley Parable used to be.
Feeling contented, he and Stanley unintentionally meet face to face once again, but The Narrator is either halted from disappearing by Stanley requesting he stay, or is unable to because the area they're in is technically in The Narrator's mind and not part of the office.
Stanley doesn't find his appearance funny or silly at all, or at least if he does he doesn't show it. He's just glad to have another person with him, to hold his hand, to hug him. Stanley actually says he thinks he looks handsome.
The Narrator let's himself be vulnerable, he allows himself to be held by Stanley, the pair of them cry, mixed emotions about being grateful to see one another and The Narrator, having been so ashamed of his appearance and how it might affect Stanley's view of him and his story, feels accepted and loved.
The Skip Button Ending is avoided for now, with The Narrator simply going to showcase his ideas for The Stanley Parable 2, although it does occur when the pair visit the Memory Zone again at a later date.
The Narrator becomes much more involved with Stanley at this point, opting to show himself and be in the same office space as him.
Once the New Content had been unlocked, 432 'awoke' and wishes to contact Stanley, to escape their isolation and make themselves known.
That's about all I've got at the moment! No one is required to stick to this timeline and is free to change things in their own interpretations if they'd like!
Thank you so much again for encouraging me to draw and explore more of this. [|^^>
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give-soup-please · 2 years
So... why do you like the narrator so much?
oh- oh bud, you've opened a can of worms here.
first, his ego. i dunno how it was accomplished, but somehow he comes off as charming more than anyone else. he boasts about how great his own work is, and instead of being repulsed or rolling my eyes (which is usually what happens when i run across egotistical characters) i am thinking to myself, 'yeah! praise your own work! you deserve it!' dude's got an ego the size of a planet, and it's hilarious.
secondly, his earnestness. he wants more than anything else, to pull of a successful story and receive adoration from an audience. if you mess around in the expo long enough he'll talk about how he has so many things he wants to show 'you' (interpretation is in the air on whether or not he's talking to stanley, or us. or both?) he wants this story of his to work so bad, and at his more tender moments (like the memory zone pre... horrors... he genuinely wants to make his audience happy. and speaking of tenderness-
third, that secret hidden side of him. now, this is open to interpretation more than anything else, but there are moments- very small and easily missable moments- that proves this guy has a heart of some kind. when he talks about being happy during the zending, him letting us into an area- THAT HE HID FROM THE DEVELOPERS!!!!!- the fucking french song about the memory zone?????? there is something honest to god tender in him that makes me go feral. i always wonder how he'd operate as a friend to someone outside the context of the parable, which is one of the focus points of the longfic of mine.
fourth, his voice. Kevan Brighting really knocked the performance out of the park, and his range is undeniable. they found a VA who can be sweet, manipulative, malicious, and snarky without overdoing it. he has the range, darling. and uh- y'know,,, i've always loved someone who can rock a nice baritone. goddamn. zoo wee, his voice is lovely, and i could listen to it all day. not everyone liked ultra deluxe for one reason or another, but i was just overjoyed to get more dialogue from him. i think there's two, maybe three hours of extra content, and oooooogh, it really filled a need.
fifth, his snark and sarcasm. i could talk at length all day about this aspect of him. he's so goddamn funny. the way he repeatedly roasts us is fantastic, and driving him off script again and again is a never ending source of entertainment for someone who tends to overreact to characters getting 'burned'. you should have seen me the first time i read pride and prejudice, there are some delicious moments of snark that i used to shout about.
sixth, he's a fucking dork with a poor understanding of humanity. from the uranium line in the demo to the guitar song when you fall out of a window, this dude is a dramatic dork, and i love him for it. this goes hand in hand with his people pleasing tendencies, and i just wanna hug him so bad.
seventh, his relatability. i write a lot, and some struggles are universal among writers. his desire for praise, his frustrations when a script doesn't go to plan, and at the end of the figurine ending, when he talks about his need for companionship and loneliness? as someone who doesn't socialize IRL that often, and who has used fictional characters as both a means of escape and as company during rough times in my life, i've never felt a click that strong with a character before. i felt like i understood him so well in that moment.
eighth, (8!) i just empathize with him so much. the poor bastard is stuck in an eternal loop, doomed by the narrative that he himself constructed. this dude desires freedom so much but can never quite have it due to the structure of his story and his own flaws of being unable to let go- (both his story and negative feedback)- he's an utterly tragic character which is why my fic focuses on giving him an actual happy ending.
anyway, there's eight reasons for you. give me a few hours and i'm sure i could come up with eight more.
someone needs to give this dude a blanket and a hot drink. he's been through too much. and truth be told, besides his overly antagonistic side which crops up in a few endings, i don't think there's a single aspect of him i don't like. i dunno man, i'm pretty soft hearted, and there are days i just want to give him a hug and say, 'you are so loved, you have no idea. you have millions of fans, and i'm one of your biggest'
he's my blorbo, my scrungly, my scrimblo, my beloved, my anchor. 10/10, best boy.
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lixel-5 · 18 days
i printed out Stanley and put him on cardboard so i can carry him with me (i’ve taken him to school a few times…) and it got me thinking about his model. tl;dr i made headcanons
His original model, the one in the mod, is straight up stolen from HL2. that’s not even a headcanon that’s what Davey Wreden did. Stanley kicked ass in that blue jumper.
Once the Narrator started making the HD remake of the mod, he obviously had to make Stanley an actual model. At this point, he was in a feverish state of hyperfocus and tunnel vision and he mashed a few scraps together to make. stanley. and his uneven eyebrows and terrible posture. (affectionate)
Despite Stanley’s model being a Shepard’s pie cooked by someone in a serious psychotic episode, the Narrator thought it was perfect.
In his rush, he messed up. Stanley’s right hand was slightly off set with his forearm. The game rendered this as a light line, resembling a long faded scar.
(The Narrator doesn’t notice it because Stanley’s left handed. Once he does, it’s because Stanley specifically pointed it out, asking where he got it. The Narrator bullshitted something about a workplace accident. Stanley knew he was lying and never mentioned it.)
As time goes by and Stanley develops a personality and all, his model grew with him. At some point, the Narrator told him he had developed freckles. He didn’t have a mirror to confirm, but eventually he noticed a few across his body.
His hair got thicker, and maybe more curly? Eh, he couldn’t tell. The Narrator wanted it slicked back, anyways. (Stanley eventually got permission to grow out his hair. He never got far before deciding he liked it short.)
A few other, smaller things. A crooked tooth, a slight bump in his nose, a mole on his back, etc.
Stanley never gets to see his face (mirrors don’t work in the Parable), but as time goes by if face and body feel more his, like he’s taken control back from the Narrator.
heheheh he’s so silly i love stanley he’s my favorite guy ever
anways; gore. what’s stanley parable headcanons without some angst and blood?
TW/CW: mentions of blood, self mutilation/harm, mental breakdowns, psychotic breakdowns, and harsh scars.
if you don’t like any of those things: you’re all good, the rest of the headcanons are centered around blood and scars, so you’re not missing anything
live laugh love the stanley parable am i right or am i right?
back to our regularly schedules program.
Sometime towards the early days of the HD remake, Stanley has a mental breakdown.
He’s done the Zending more times than he can fathom, and it just not doing it for him anymore.
He claws at his skin, tearing skin and drawing blood. It’s much more painful and effective than a couple short falls.
He cuts into his face with nothing but his fingers, he attempts to slit his throat but fails to get deep enough.
Once he’s done, he bleeds out under the florescent lights of his office.
It was in an area the Narrator had little control over, all he could do was call out to Stanley and wait for him to lose enough blood to die.
Once respawned, Stanley was left with harsh scars everywhere he cut into. The Narrator says he has mo clue why Stanley’s injuries stayed over the reset, but he knows; Stanley wants them.
After respawning, Stanley spent nearly an hour grazing his finger tips over the jagged skin on his face. They weren’t sensitive, as if they had been there for years.
He did the freedom ending a few times as a sorry, even steering away from the broom closet.
He could hear a slight shake in the Narrator’s voice for countless resets afterwards.
The scars eventually faded a little, but were still noticeable once you got closer than 8 feet.
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swayaminfotech · 1 year
Advanced Web Development Tools For Efficient PHP Developers
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Web Development is working with frontend and backend both languages that are used by programmers and developers to build a well-functioning website or web application. Some of the most commonly used frontend languages are JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue and backend languages are Python, Java, PHP, and C#. 
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meentosys · 2 years
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virtualemployeeblog · 13 days
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