#class zend not found
evrigsolutions · 11 months
How to Fix “Class Zend Not Found” Issue in Magento 2
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Hey there! Guess what? On March 14, 2023, Adobe launched Magento 2.4.6, and it was super exciting! This update came with over 300 quality fixes and awesome platform improvements. We were all looking forward to these positive changes, but there was one thing we didn’t expect: a big change that might cause some issues for those who upgraded. You see, Adobe decided to say goodbye to the Zend framework, and because of that, some users started facing a problem called “Class Zend Not Found” after upgrading to Magento 2.4.6. But worry not! In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the simple steps to fix this problem and make sure your Magento 2 store runs smoothly. Let’s get started!
Reasons for the “Class Zend Not Found” Error
The primary reason behind the “Class Zend Not Found” error in Magento 2.4.6 is Adobe’s choice to phase out the Zend framework from Magento’s codebase. Instead, they opted to replace it with Laminas, which is a fork of the Zend framework.
The switch from Zend to Laminas was made to take advantage of the progress and enhancements provided by the Laminas project. Laminas offers a more resilient and contemporary framework for PHP development, prompting the decision to transition.
Nevertheless, this shift implies that custom code, third-party modules, or extensions dependent on Zend classes might not work with Magento 2.4.6 anymore. The absence of the Zend framework could trigger the “Class Zend Not Found” error when the system tries to create or use Zend classes that have been substituted with their Laminas counterparts.
To fix this error, it’s essential to modify the affected codebase, including custom code and third-party modules, by replacing deprecated Zend classes with their corresponding Laminas counterparts. Alternatively, although not recommended, you can temporarily resolve the issue by re-adding the Zend framework to Magento.
Common Messages When Facing the “Class Zend Not Found” Error
Error: Class “Zend_Json” not found.
Error: Class “Zend_Http_Client” not found.
Error: Class “Zend_Validate” not found.
Error: Class “Zend_Filter” not found.
These typical error messages assist in pinpointing the specific Zend classes responsible for the “Class Zend Not Found” error. It is vital to update the codebase to utilize the relevant Laminas classes or, if possible, consider reintegrating the Zend framework. More Info: https://www.evrig.com/blog/how-to-fix-class-zend-not-found-issue-in-magento-2/
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jaechanartz · 2 years
Heroes & Monsters Rising Chapter 1
NOTE: DO NOT reblog this without permission. PM me or send me a comment if you wish to reblog this chapter
Five years later...
"Shit, it's so damn hot today."
A young twenty-year-old male drenched in sweat slowed his pace and slumped down under the green shade of a nearby tree to hide from the sun blazing heat in the park. Dark patches formed on his grey sleeveless hoodie from his underarms, and his face, biceps and hair were damp with sweat from all the running he had done up until this point. He swung his light rucksack off his back and within seconds his water bottle was out. Taking a few good gulps, he sighed after the cool liquid he seriously needed ran down his throat. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and rested his chin on his palm as rays of sunlight penetrating the leave above him made the dark turquoise fade of his naturally raven hair glisten. He figured he would stay here to catch his breath, and then head back home. After stealing another quick gulp of water, he leaned back on the tree trunk and closed his eyes, only to hear a familiar voice soon afterwards.
"Oh, hey! Is that you, Zen?"
Zende opened his eyes and saw a young bald male wearing a blue running suit and carrying a grocery bag, standing in front of him. He instantly sat up the moment he recognised him.
"Oh. Hey, Saitama," he greeted.
"Hey. You out on another run?"
Zende chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah, I was. I think I'm going to take a breather and head home," he replied before glancing at his shaven-headed friend's blue running clothes. "Hey, aren't you hot in that? It's blazing out here."
"Well, you've been out running, right?" Saitama pointed out, "Of course you're going to feel hotter. You can come over to my place if you want to."
"You sure? Genos will most likely kill me if he sees me like this." Zende tried to say jokingly, remembering Saitama's cyborg disciple reacted the last he saw him in this current state.
"That's okay. You can sort yourself out when we get back."
"Saitama, I live just below you."
The twenty-year-old smiled with a shake of his head. He had never met anyone in his life as chill and casual as Saitama. He remembered when the two first met: just two months before he was nineteen, he got caught up in a fight against a monster in Z-City, and he sustained multiple injuries to the brink to defeat. He would have died that day if the hero for fun hadn't arrived and saved him, giving the younger man a good insight of how powerful the guy truly was. He had been Saitama's friend ever since, and that day his childhood dreams of becoming a hero came back to him, and sure enough, after he became registered as a B-Class hero, he was training himself up to get stronger so that he would be able to fight tougher monsters and villains and raise his rank. As he learnt from Saitama, he decided to become a hero not for sake of public praise, but because he wanted to. Not only that but he had his own secret motive.
"Well, no matter. I guess it wouldn't hurt to crash at yours again for a bit," he remarked, getting to his feet. "Do you want to head back now?"
Saitama smiled, "Well, if you're ready to go, then yeah!"
The two heroes chatted and occasionally joked all the way back to Saitama's apartment in the abandoned area of Z-City, where they both lived since Zen lived on the next floor down. The conversations were about small stuff, like hero work, brief plans for the next week and so on, until Saitama asked a question that changed Zende's mood entirely.
"So, Zen. Have you found any clues yet?"
"You know, about your sister?"
"Oh...that..." Zende hung his head and gazed down at his feet. Five years ago, his father was killed during a terrorist attack, and out of his own guilt and self-hatred, he took his anger out on his younger sister as though the incident was her fault, even though he knew deep down that it wasn't. He had walked away from her, leaving her on her own, before he soon succumbed to his injuries and passed out, only to wake up in the hospital. And his sister? He was told that she was never found, and he was immediately seized with knife-twisting remorse. For the last five years, he had been trying to search for his younger sister, and every time he recalled that day, he regretted what he had done to her. He still loved her, and missed her terribly every day. He missed her bright smile, her outgoing and energetic personality. He even missed seeing her cute little face and being able to pick her up and swing her around in his arms. He could've given up entirely, but his thoughts of her, along with the hope of being able to be with her again was enough to keep him going. In fact, finding his beloved sister was the ultimate, and only, goal he had. It was the reason why he wanted to get stronger, why he chose to become a hero. But deep down inside, it threatened to kill him with pain. Whenever he thought of the day their father died, and of how he left her, ignoring her pleads for him to come back, there was always that pain in his chest, that twisting and crushing in his heart, and he ended up breaking down. He tried his best not to let the pain show in front of others, including Saitama and Genos, but whenever the topic of his sister was brought up, it wasn't always easy.
"No," he said quietly, "No I haven't. Sorry."
"Oh," was the response from Saitama, "What was her name? Jaela, right?"
"Yeah..." Zende whispered, his voice slightly starting to break. Any more of this and he could shatter.
To his surprise, Saitama placed his hand on his shoulder with a comforting pat, and when the black haired male looked up, he saw a smile on his friend's face.
"Don't worry about it too much, okay?" he said, "I'm sure you'll find her soon. I bet she's out there somewhere waiting for you. So don't give up hope yet, okay?"
Zende, whose dark hazel eyes were glazed with tears, gave a sad yet hopeful smile. He was happy enough to know that Saitama was there for him when he needed it. He may not have looked it, but he was the kind of guy who could actually understand, someone Zen could easily talk to.
"Thanks, Saitama. I appreciate it."
"No problem. I mean, I am your friend and all," he replied casually, giving Zen another shoulder pat before lowering his arm. "Hey, if you're struggling, then don't be afraid to ask me to help you find your sister. I wouldn't mind."
"Sure. Thanks."
After that, Zende felt slightly better. Knowing that he wasn't fighting alone was enough for him to keep going, to keep fighting until he reached her. The sadness instantly washed away and soon he was continuing to talk and joke with his friend. It was the least he could do to take his mind off things, apart from the exercise and training he was doing.
'There's still some hope left. I can't waste it. I won't give up until I find you, Jaela. I promise, no matter where you may be right now, I'll find you. I'll save you...'
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Brand New Revolution in PHP Web Development
Almost 82% of all sites of the world are based on PHP. That is, the greater part of the web relies upon this mind-boggling programming language. Be that as it may, with a quick increment in the number of individuals coming on the web, and the quantity of versatile clients who frequently depend on a somewhat moderate system association has made it vital for sites to react a lot quicker. In addition, ponders demonstrate that 40 % of clients will undoubtedly surrender a site page that takes over three seconds to stack, implying that speed is an essential factor in web composition.
Since PHP controls the vast majority of the world’s sites, their thought process behind amping up to PHP7 is just self-evident. They needed to improve the speed, permitting web engineers to make sites that give fascinating and intuitive highlights that still react to client contribution as fast as present-day web clients have generally expected.
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In case you’re a web engineer or a site proprietor whose site keeps running on custom PHP advancement systems, for example, Drupal, WordPress, Joomla or Magento, at that point, you’re at the perfect spot. This blog will give you a profound jump into the most recent rendition of PHP – the PHP 7.
What Is New in PHP 7?
· Doubles the speed 
· Simplifies Error Management
· New Operators: Spaceship and Null Coalescing
· Assigns Accurate Type Declarations
· Provides a lot of Space
Doubles the speed :
A totally verifiable and unmistakable preferred position of the new PHPNG engine is the huge improvement in execution. The Zend structure has been effectively refactored by the PHPNG’s advancement group to give a striking improvement in memory. The consideration of Just-In-Time (JIT) likewise guarantees that the accumulation is done at runtime. Subsequently dodging it to be done before the code execution. This implies fewer servers would serve the careful number of clients in PHP7, yet the code will be executed similarly as snappy if not speedier. Furthermore, PHP 7 has additionally figured out how to exceed HHVM.
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Simplifies Error Management:
Up to this point, the PHP coders found the treatment of catchable fatal and only fatal to be an overwhelming assignment. The new engine enables the coders to supplant such errors while enabling the likelihood to keep exceptions. Nonetheless, on the off chance that the exemption stays unfamiliar, PHP will come back to indistinguishable fatal errors from they have in the 5.x version.
In the most current engine exemption article doesn’t spread to the Exception Base Class. This makes in reverse similarity and leads two sorts of exceptions regarding mistake dealing with:
· Traditional exceptions
· Engine exceptions
PHP 7 gives a totally different shared Parent Class, named as Base Exception to enable engineers to get both these exceptions.
New Operators: Spaceship and Null Coalescing:
There are two new operators that have been presented by the PHP7-Spaceship and Null Coalescing.
Spaceship operator, also known as the three-way comparison operator, keeps running under the Combined Comparison Operator name. The Null Coalescing operator is signified by two question marks (??). The capacity of this operator is to check whether you are searching for something which exists or doesn’t. In the case of nothing exists, it comes back to its default esteem.
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Assigns Accurate Type Declarations:
Haven’t you at any point pondered about how easy it would be if no one but you could forestall the unintended return esteems through the arrival of a capacity type? Think about what! It’s currently conceivable! The new PHP 7 enables developers to support the nature of the code through the arrival type affirmation’s assistance.
Truth be told, PHP7 has gone well beyond to improve the component, much more by presenting four new types of announcements for the scalar types:
· Bool
· String
· Float
The new scalar types grant the site proprietors and developers to speak to the normal Booleans, strings, floats, and integers that may return. These scalar types also increase Type Hints by enabling the developers to constrain the parameters of a sort after the PHP 5.X version. This is a totally new thing and also maybe, also probably the greatest preferred position for the web developers, whenever utilized effectively.
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Provides a lot of Space:
The fundamental rationale of PHP 7 was to give upgrades in this version by setting up free space. This made it essential to dispose of the reprimanded functionalities, alongside the unsupported, old server expansions and APIs.
Considering the propelled idea of PHP 7, this aspect is only a glimpse of something larger. Aside from these highlights referenced above, there will be various changes and improvements in the following PHP version as well.
The above-discussed revolution is beneficial and it is advisable for you to use these trends in your website development. You can also get the help of a renowned PHP development company or PHP website developer to meet constant support for your work. Rajasri Systems a leading PHP web development company in India.
To know more about our services please evisit our website https://www.rajasri.com/services
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Choose Best PHP Frameworks For Startup Your Business in 2019
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PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the most widely used programming language designed for developing websites and web apps. Being an open source programming platform PHP provides you a basic structure to build the web applications.
Choose Best PHP Frameworks For Startup Your Business in 2019
Use of PHP Framework –
Promoting rapid application development PHP reducing the amount of repetitive codes helps you save your time. Without PHP if you desire to build any such application you will have to use a lot of repetitive codes. Consuming your time and efforts it still would not be able to build such a stable application. Also with no use of PHP framework executing the connections between database and application is not easy. However, the use of a PHP framework ensures easier connections.  
Allowing you to develop massive web applications PHP is very popular and easy in learning as compared to other scripting languages.
MVC Architecture
PHP works behind the idea of Model View Controller (MVC). In MVC, Model refers to data, View refers to the presentation layer, and Controller to the application logic. MVC breaking the development process of applications isolates business logic from UI. The domain will be used for handling information exchanged between your database and user interface.
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Allowing you to work on the individual elements without affecting the other elements of work. Therefore once you understood the working of PHP it will become much easier for you to work with.
After going through a lot about PHP, its uses and importance of working let’s check out the top 15 PHP frameworks:
Laravel is a very famous open source PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell. Following the MVC architectural plan, it is used for the development of web applications. It is one of the most renowned web development frameworks used by businesses to intricate rich web applications. Considered by the majority of the businesses Laravel falls first for reliable routing.
Laravel is used as one of the topmost PHP frameworks as it is pretty good in delivering crisp web applications. Laravel even helps you customize applications as per the user’s requirements. Offering you the benefit of web application it aids the development of maintainable codes. Thus it is highly fit for the development of robust web apps.
Some of the advantages of using Laravel are:
Laravel makes authentication implementation straightforward
Faster execution of web applications
Laravel supports popular cache back-ends
Easily handle errors
Reliable Routing
Yii is an open-source object-oriented PHP web application framework known for its enhanced security features. Coming up with its another version of Yii 2 it is popularly used for its faster loading process.  Easy to install this lightest Yii framework has integration with CodeCeption.
Yii supporting the development of complex web apps never disappoint developers while building apps. Some mobile app developers accepted and used this framework very well for their projects.
Some of the advantages of using Yii are:
Free of repetitive code writing
Fastest framework for large-scale applications
Provides faster performance
Protects sensitive data against threats
Handles a large number of requests per seconds
Symphony is a set of reusable PHP component aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications. Building robust applications it aims in giving developers full control over the configuration. Using the additional tools it helps developers test, debug and document projects. Being a highly scalable and dependable PHP framework it provides best web development.
Some of the advantages of using Symphony are:
Symphony provides a good user interface
Easy to find a good hosting solution
Easy Deployment
Active Community
Better Security
Easy to Maintain
CakePHP is another open source web framework introduced after the arrival of Ruby on Rails.
You can always receive a better and definitive response using the CakePHP framework. Using CakePHP you can always easily create, read, update, and delete anything you want from your website.
CakePHP makes the development of your website more flexible, compatible, and cost-efficient.
Some of the advantages of using CakePHP are:
Less Coding
Convenient in Use
Easy Development
Better Reliance
Cost Efficient
Read here,  
How to outsource software developer for PHP application development?
CodeIgniter is one of the popular PHP frameworks used for rapid development of web framework. CodeIgniter is a powerful framework used for delivering the exceptional performance-based website designing experience.
While comparing with other PHP frameworks it is mainly considered for its speed. It provides easy customization and configuration for your business websites. Its unique qualities of features help you enhance your business.
Some of the advantages of using Codeigniter are:
No restrictive coding rules
No need for template languages
Easy Customization
Develops rapid web frameworks
Exceptional Performance
Fat-Free Framework
Fat-Free is an open-source PHP framework used for combining full feature set code base.
Due to its light in weight feature property, it is highly recommended by professional website developers.
Providing a powerful framework it supports numerous plugins for compatibility. Supporting multilingual application, URL router, and seamless support provides efficient development of the framework. This lightweight PHP framework is used for developing robust and dynamic web applications. For augmenting online marketing needs lots of developers choose Fat-Free for its development purpose.
Some of the advantages of using Fat-Free are:
Lightweight Framework
Delivers good performance
Efficient Development
Support for multiple languages
Hassle-free Installation
Phalcon is another open-source extensively used PHP web development framework. Compared with other frameworks it uses very less memory. Therefore the time request used for Phalcon is very less. Its speed makes it very useful than other frameworks. Handling a greater number of HTTP requests Phalcone lowers resource usage.
Slim is also popularly famous with the name micro-framework. For developing small and medium size web applications this is a perfect choice. Using this framework you can also develop API’s and web services. It carries various features such as  URL routing, client-side HTTP caching, session and cookie encryption, etc.
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In-House VS Outsourcing a PHP Developer in India
It is one of the finest PHP frameworks that help you enable the development of the advanced plugin. Utilizing the namespaces to intricate a forceful plug-in planning. All the components of PHP framework are replaceable. Rendering various responses with different content-types it is incredibly useful and easy to extend.
It is a very good framework for building RESTful API. It is a more robust network structure development PHP framework for creating an effortless API and complex web applications.
Flight is a micro-framework utilized for developing a suitable website design for both the business and personal purposes. Using this framework you can always experience easy documentation. Recommended for small web application development it cannot handle large size applications. Flight web development framework is a compact forceful structure. This simple small web application is easy to learn and code.
Zikula is another open source free framework. Using this framework you can design any big or small size web project.Based on Doctrine and Symfony this framework provides advantages of being integrated with Font Awesome 4 and Bootstrap 3. This useful network structure comes packed with a much more receptive theme.
Nette is a free source software used for developing feature-rich applications. It is rated as the 3rd most renowned web development in the world.Putting the extra emphasis on productivity, clean code, and security this popular framework is globally used around the world.
Zend is a popular light-weight PHP framework. With the improved latest version of Zend, many new features got introduced. Providing you best designing and reliability it offers good consistency in design. Its flexible architecture with quick development quality makes it highly productive in use.
This OOP framework provides websites with incredible features. Using this anyone can easily include OOP functionality. Automatic class loading, overloading, and interfaces are the primary features of Kohana. Holding good experience it creates websites with dynamic functionality.
Founded in 2012 PHPixie is an amazing web development framework started as a micro-framework which later became the most popular full-stack PHP framework. High in performance, this strict architecture avoids common pitfalls.
From the above list of PHP frameworks, you can surely help your business achieve success. Therefore use this list of startup frameworks in the coming future of 2019 and add new experiences to your business projects.
If you want to create a PHP web framework for your business with an advanced list of features. Outsource  PHP developers from Nimap Infotech (software development company). We have experienced team of PHP developers ready to provide you excellent web development services.
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softgossip · 6 years
Best free web hosting sites for free WordPress blog || create free WordPress blog
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Best free web hosting sites for free WordPress blog, the lists are here. Hello friends, do you want to create a WordPress site for free also, do you want the free hosting account for a lifetime or free domain too for a lifetime? Friends, today I will tell you about some such sites which also offer free hosting accounts with free domains. With the benefits of these free web hosting sites, you can create a free WordPress blog or a website, without giving a subscription charge to them. And in these sites, it is not that if you are free then you will not get the full benefit of WordPress, it is not so. You can take the full benefit of WordPress from these sites, with the full feature.
So, friends know about these free web hosting sites for free WordPress blog
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Infinity Free
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From this site, you can also get a free hosting plan and create a professional free WordPress blog. From this site, you will also find all the features that are available on the rest of the above site. Friends, I hope this information from will be useful to you and will help you to create a free WordPress blog site. Read the full article
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bowsetter · 6 years
The Daily: Coinbase Launches Investment Fund, Cointext Enters New Markets
In this edition of The Daily, we look at Coinbase’s decision to create a new investment vehicle for institutions in partnership with asset manager Wilshire Phoenix. We also cover the expansion of bitcoin cash SMS wallet service Cointext into four new markets. Also, New Zealand’s financial regulator has issued a warning against a platform offering cryptocurrency trading services.  
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Coinbase Custody and Wilshire Phoenix Launch Cryptocurrency Fund
Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has entered into a partnership agreement with asset management company Wilshire Phoenix. The deal aims to establish a new $500 million fund that will offer institutional investors exposure to digital assets. The partners revealed the underlying approach will be to mitigate the risks associated with market volatility and the current drop in cryptocurrency prices. At the same time, the fund will not use derivatives or other leverage tools to achieve its main objective, which is to limit counterparty exposure and the additional fees associated with such investments.
The new investment vehicle is the latest addition to an array of institutional products offered by Coinbase. News about the joint venture between Coinbase Custody and the New York-based Wilshire Phoenix comes after the San Francisco-headquartered cryptocurrency trading platform raised $300 million in equity funding which brought its market valuation up to $8 billion. According to Bill Herrmann, founder and CEO of Wilshire Phoenix, the partnership with the leading U.S. crypto exchange provides his company with the “best in class platform on which to securely store digital assets.”
Bitcoin Cash SMS Wallet Now Available in 33 Countries
SMS-based cryptocurrency wallet provider Cointext has entered four new markets. The platform, which allows people who don’t have smartphones or access to the internet to send cryptocurrency using text messages, launched its bitcoin cash (BCH) wallet in Hungary, Slovenia, Taiwan, and Puerto Rico. The company is currently operating in 33 countries after recently adding Brazil, Poland, Croatia, and Romania.
Users can take advantage of the service without installing any apps or setting up accounts. The platform allows individuals to send digital cash to domestic and international mobile phone numbers or BCH addresses. When someone receives cryptocurrency to their phone, Cointext automatically sets up a bitcoin cash wallet for them. Commenting on the expansion, Cointext founder and CTO Vin Armani said:
Cointext is the easiest way to introduce new people to bitcoin … We’re excited to launch in Slovenia because bitcoin cash is already popular there.
The ability to access a wallet via SMS (short message service) means users don’t need internet connection to transfer cryptocurrency. Cointext also settles all transactions without holding customer funds. The company charges $0.02 per byte on all transactions. The flat fee is levied independently of the value of coins being transferred.
New Zealand’s Financial Regulator Blacklists Cryptogain
The Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand, FMA, has issued a warning against three online platforms. According to the watchdog, the trio have the characteristics of scams. Two of them, Russ Horn and Zend Trade, have been luring investors into forex trading schemes offering unrealistic returns. The websites have advertised forex advisory and professional brokerage services, trading software and educational materials. Regulators have found that the two platforms are actually connected.
The third entity, Cryptogain, has been presenting itself as a provider of cryptocurrency trading services. Its website used the name of another, legitimate company registered in New Zealand, Cryptogain Ltd., without consent. In a number of complaints filed with the FMA, the platform is accused of withholding client funds.
The news about the blacklisted company comes after a positive development for the cryptocurrency industry in the island nation. The government of New Zealand recently invested $315,000 into the Auckland-based startup Vimba which maintains a cryptocurrency savings platform and offers a range of trading services. The company will use the funds provided through the government innovation arm Callaghan Innovation to develop new features, build multi-signature wallets and increase the number of supported cryptocurrencies.
What are your thoughts on today’s news tidbits? Tell us in the comments section.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Nexo, Bitfinex.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP Zend Framework Interview Questions and Answers
Zend Framework Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. Which version of PHP does Zend Framework require? Zend Framework requires PHP 5.2.4 and up. Some Zend Framework components may work with earlier versions of PHP, but these components are tested and supported only on 5.2.4 and up. 2. Does Zend Framework support PHP 4? No. Zend Framework was built to use all of the sophisticated object oriented features of PHP 5 and take advantage of significant performance and security enhancements. Another consideration was support of the platform ZF would be running on. The PHP community officially discontinued support for PHP 4 as of 2008-01-01, and no critical security updates will be published for PHP 4 after 2008-08-08. These factors, among others, convinced us that PHP 5 was the best platform for Zend Framework and applications built on ZF. 3. Where is the model in ZF's MVC implementation? The model component can vary dramatically in responsibilities and data store from one MVC application to the next. The ZF community has not defined a model interface, class, or other formalism simply because we wanted to avoid introducing limitations without significant added value. 4. Is ZF a component library or a framework? Simple answer: both. Zend Framework provides all the components required for most web applications in a single distribution. But Zend Framework components are also loosely coupled, making it easy to use just a few components in a web application- even alongside other frameworks! Using this use-at-will architecture, we are implementing features commonly found in more monolithic frameworks. In fact, we are currently working on a tooling component for the 1.8 release that will make it simpler to build applications using ZF components, yet will not sacrifice the use-at-will nature of existing ZF components. It's a testament to the use-at-will architecture of Zend Framework that the tooling component itself can be used standalone. 5. Where's the model? Unlike the view and the controller components, the model component can vary dramatically in responsibilities and data storage from one MVC application to the next. It should represent what your application does in the abstract. The Zend Framework community has not defined a model interface, class, or other formalism because we haven't identified enough added value to justify limitations on what constitutes a model. 6. I want to use a SQL function or perform calculations in a statement I'm generating with Zend_Db_Select. How can I do this? Actually, by default, if your expression includes parentheses, Zend_Db_Select will cast the statement appopriately. However, if it does not, or you are having problems, you can useZend_Db_Expr to explicitly create the expression: * Build the SQL: * SELECT p."product_id", p.cost * 1.08 AS cost_plus_tax * FROM "products" AS p */ $select = $db->select() ->from(array('p' => 'products'), array( 'product_id', 'cost_plus_tax' => new Zend_Db_Expr('p.cost * 1.08'), )); 7. Is ZF a component library or a framework? ZF is both. Zend Framework provides all the components required for most web applications in a single distribution. But Zend Framework components are also loosely coupled, making it easy to use just a few components in a web application- even alongside other frameworks! Using this use-at-will architecture, we are implementing features commonly found in more monolithic frameworks. In fact, we are currently working on a tooling component for the 1.8 release that will make it simpler to build applications using ZF components, yet will not sacrifice the use-at-will nature of existing ZF components. It’s a testament to the use-at-will architecture of Zend Framework that the tooling component itself can be used standalone. 8. What is autoloader? Autoloader is function that load all the object on start up. 9. What is use of Zend front controller? Routing and dispatching is managed in the front controller. It collects all the request from the server and handles it. 10. What is the use of Bootstrap? Apart from index if we want to do any extra configuration regarding database and other things that is done within bootstrap. 11. Zend auth? It is used to authenticate user, for example like admin, general etc. 12. Zend Acl? Based on the zend authentication it allows the user to access certain actions. 13. How do u set Module name, Controller name, and Action name in Zend framework? a) $request->setModuleName(‘front’); b) $request->setControllerName(‘address’); c) $request->setActionName(‘addresslist’); 14. Configuration in Zend Framework, application.ini file? Configuration can be done in application.ini file in Zend framework. This file in the path application/configs/application.ini. 15. Checking whether form posted or not in Zend framework? $request = $this->getRequest(); $_GET = $request->getParams(); $_POST = $request->getPost(); 16. Does Zend Framework support PHP 4? No. Zend Framework was built to use all of the sophisticated object oriented features of PHP 5 and take advantage of significant performance and security enhancements. 17. Fetch last inserted id, fetch all record and fetch a single record. $this->_db->lastInsertId(); $this->_db->fetchAll($sql); $this->_db->fetchRow($sql); 18. Difference between Zend_Registry and Zend_Session? The basic difference between these objects is the ‘scope’ in which they are valid: a) Zend_Registry : request scope b) Zend_Session : session scope Zend_Registry is used to store objects/values for the current request. In short, anything that you commit to Registry in index.php can be accessed from other controllers/actions (because EVERY request is first routed to the index.php bootstrapper via the .htaccess file). Config parameters and db parameters are generally prepped for global use using the Zend_Registry object. Zend_Session actually uses PHP sessions. Data stored using Zend_Session can be accessed in different/all pages. So, if you want to create a variable named ‘UserRole’ in the /auth/login script and want it to be accessible in /auth/redirect, you would use Zend_Session. 19. When do we need to disable layout? At the time of calling AJAX to fetch we need to disable layout. $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); 20. Filters in Zend Framework with Examples? The Zend_Filter component provides a set of commonly needed data filters. It also provides a simple filter chaining mechanism by which multiple filters may be applied to a single datum in a user-defined order. Example: // Add an email element $this->addElement(‘text’, ‘email’, array( ‘label’ => ‘Your email address:’, ‘required’ => true, ‘filters’ => array(‘StringTrim’), ‘validators’ => array( ‘EmailAddress’, ) )); Other Filters: Alnum – Zend_Filter_Alnum is a filter which returns only alphabetic characters and digits. All other characters are supressed. Alpha – Zend_Filter_Alpha is a filter which returns the string $value, removing all but alphabetic characters. This filter includes an option to also allow white space characters. 21. Name some important component in zend framework? Uses of Zend_Controller Gives the request & reponse methods by using its sub-classes. $request = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http() $response = new Zend_Controller_Response_Http() Uses of Zend_Date Date related processing can be done using this component. Uses of Zend_File_Transfer it provides extensive support for file uploads and downloads. Uses of Zend_Db It is used to doing database related purpose in our appication. Uses of Zend_Paginator Doing the pagination in our application. Uses of Zend_Auth It is used to authenticate a user. $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $results = $auth->authenticate($adapter); if ($results->isValid()){ /* user successfully authenticate into login process */ } Zend_Session_Namespace This is a simple proxy class to use API into the Zend_Session managed $_SESSION Superglobal. 22. Where is the model in ZF’s MVC implementation? The model component can vary dramatically in responsibilities and data store from one MVC application to the next. 23. How to call two different views from same action? Example1: Public function indexAction() { If(condition) $this->render(‘yourview.phtml’); Else Index.phtml; Example2: Public function indexAction() { } Now in your index.phtml you can have this statement to call other view $this->action(‘action name’,’controller name’,’module name’,array(‘parameter name’=>’parameter value’)); 24. Can we call a model in view? Yes, you can call a model in view. Simple create the object and call the method. 25. How can I customize the appearance of forms generated by Zend_Form? You're probably looking for decorators. All forms and form elements in Zend_Form use decorators to render their output. 26. Why can't Zend_Form render my File element without errors? The file element needs a special file decorator, which is added by default. When you set your own decorators for file elements, you delete the default decorators. For example: $element->setDecorators(array( array('ViewHelper'), array('Errors') )); You should use a File decorator instead of the ViewHelper for the file element, like so: $element->setDecorators(array( array('File'), array('Errors') )); 27. How can I detect if an optional file has been uploaded? The receive() method will return true for file elements that are not required. The reason is that you said "the file can be omitted, and that's ok for me". The receive() method will return false only in the event of a failure. Still there are several ways to detect if a file has been uploaded or not: Use isUploaded which returns a boolean Use getFileName which returns null in this case (note that you must use the latest release for this behaviour) Use getFileInfo which will have an empty 'file' key and the flag 'isUploaded' set to false 28. Custom function to Fetch last Insert ID in Zend Framework public function insertData($tableName,$colName) { $this->_name = $tableName; $sql = "INSERT INTO $tableName SET $colName"; $this->_db = $this->getAdapter(); $this->_db->query($sql); return $this->_db->lastInsertId(); } 29. When do we need to disable layout in Zend Framework? In Zend Framework, at the time of calling AJAX to fetch data, we need to disable layout using following steps: $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); 30. What are the features of Zend framework? Zend framework features are: Pure object oriented web application framework. Advanced MVC implementation. Supports multi databases Simple cloud API. Session management. Data encryption. Flexible URI Routing. Zend Framework Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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evrigsolutions · 11 months
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kimremolta-blog · 7 years
Assignment #2
As I observed, most of the study follows the same structure. All papers are composed of the following: the title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgement, and lastly, the references.
The title page, actually tells the readers what to expect in the paper and it is where the authors name are printed. Abstract contains the summary or the synopsis of the research paper. The summary briefly discussed some parts of the introduction, objectives, methods and the results and discussions. Introduction is where the authors discussed the foundation of their research, stated the purpose of their study, listed a questions and stating their hypothesis. Methods is where the authors described the procedures done to their research, their study design and their analysis. Results is where the authors present their findings on what did they find in doing the research and Discussion is where the authors interpret the results and discussed the findings with reference to previous research. Conclusion is where the author states their speculations and presented their perspective for future works. Acknowledgement is where the authors listed the names of people who helped and contributed in doing their research. Lastly, the references, it is where the authors listed all the complete citations for any articles.
GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) ­-is a digital mobile telephony system that is widely used in Europe and other parts of the world. GSM uses a variation of time division multiple access (TDMA) and is the most widely used of the three digital wirelesstelephony technologies (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA). GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at either the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band.      
Source: http://searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.com/definition/GSM
Kiosk (pronounced KEE-ahsk) -is a small, free-standing physical structure that displays information or provides a service. Kiosks can be manned or unmanned, and unmanned kiosks can be digital or non-digital. The word kiosk is of French, Turkish and Persian origin and means pavilion or portico.      
Source: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/kiosk
RFID stands for Radio-Frequency IDentification. The acronym refers to small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The chip typically is capable of carrying 2,000 bytes of data or less. The RFID device serves the same purpose as a bar code or a magnetic strip on the back of a credit card or ATM card; it provides a unique identifier for that object. And, just as a bar code or magnetic strip must be scanned to get the information, the RFID device must be scanned to retrieve the identifying information.
Source: http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/technology-article.asp
CDMA employs analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) in combination with spread spectrumtechnology. Audio input is first digitized into binary elements. The frequency of the transmitted signal is then made to vary according to a defined pattern (code), so it can be intercepted only by a receiver whose frequency response is programmed with the same code, so it follows exactly along with the transmitter frequency. There are trillions of possible frequency-sequencing codes, which enhances privacy and makes cloning difficult. The CDMA channel is nominally 1.23 MHz wide. CDMA networks use a scheme called soft handoff, which minimizes signal breakup as a handset passes from one cell to another. The combination of digital and spread-spectrum modes supports several times as many signals per unit bandwidth as analog modes. CDMA is compatible with other cellular technologies; this allows for nationwide roaming. The original CDMA standard, also known as CDMA One, offers a transmission speed of only up to 14.4 Kbps in its single channel form and up to 115 Kbps in an eight-channel form. CDMA2000 and Wideband CDMA deliver data many times faster.
Source: http://searchtelecom.techtarget.com/definition/CDMA
PDA -personal digital assistant, a handheld device that combines computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking features. A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, Web browser and personal organizer. PDAs may also be referred to as a palmtop, hand-held computer or pocket computer. Not a Portable Computer. Unlike portable computers, most PDAs began as pen-based, using a stylus rather than a keyboard for input. This means that they also incorporated handwriting recognition features. Some PDAs can also react to voice input by using voice recognition technologies. PDAs are available in either a stylus or keyboard version.
Source: https://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/PDA.html
A customizable wireless food ordering system with real-time customer feedback
To automate food ordering system at City Corner Restaurant that can eliminate or at least minimize the current problems in conventional system. To utilize wireless communication and smart phone technology in implementing the automated system. To facilitate more intuitive interfaces and customization for the restaurant owner to update the menu content on the customer devices.
The researchers conducted and evaluated the performance of CWOS-RTF by running several system and user testing procedures. They tested the system with the customers of City Corner Restaurant which primarily consists of UTHM staff and students. Provided questionnaires:
• User-friendly interface design – easy to understand and interact with the system
• Easy to make order – anytime, anywhere
• Successful in sending order
• Simplify ordering process – save time as order can be made prior to arriving at the restaurant
Then analyzed that there were 43 respondents involved in the evaluation phase of the system. About 91% of the respondents rated each item as Good (scale = 4) to Excellent (scale = 5). The percentage implies positive acceptance among the customers. CWOS-RTF demonstrates the feasibility of using wireless communication and smart phone technology to meet food ordering system specifications.
Restaurant business units operate efficiently, serve customers quickly, promptly and in accordance with the tastes of customers in today's era.
This application meets the customers’ needs. It was evident in the survey and interview conducted that the use of this application garners positive perception and response from the respondents especially the restaurant’s manager and staff for they can manage and update the menu flexibly in a fast and convenient manner.
FOODS: A Food-Oriented Ontology-Driven System
Data that enable the food industry, including SMEs, to produce healthier foods, thereby obtaining a larger share of the food market, information to nutrition professionals and consumers via labels and via printed and electronic information, enabling them to protect and enhance their health
The authors propose a food-oriented ontology, which consists of concepts of ingredients, nutrients, substances, and so on, defining the semantics of nutritional facts. Ontologies emanate from the idea of the Semantic
Web, and they are used more and more for automated data exchange, collection, and manipulation in the Internet.
Design and Development of Multi-Touchable E-Restaurant Management System
           Allows customers to make order conveniently on the developed multi-touchable dining table during the busy hours using their fingers. Orders made by the customers will be updated instantly to a centralized database and subsequently reach the cashier and the kitchen module respectively. Management staff could use the system to manage the restaurant operations digitally, starting from the creation of food items for the multi-touchable interactive dining menu to deleting it or to manage orders from customers all the way to billing it.
The researchers used Zend framework that provides extensive component libraries to develop a functional web management system was selected to build the MEMS. Zend framework provides a lot of modules and classes resulted from development throughout the years by the open source community and it is easily extensible. With the MEPS built on top of Zend, the system can be easily expanded. The paper reported a newly developed Multi-touchable Erestaurant management system on top of Zend framework that solved some of the limitations encountered by the PDA-based food ordering system. The MEMS provides a proper workflow for restaurant staffs to manage restaurant operations digitally, from ordering to billing systematically.
Intelligent Restaurant System Smart-menu
Smartmenu is not limited only to the electronic menu application but it can be extended to be a total intelligent restaurant service platform. In the future, it may be extended to include also service robots in the system.
The authors conducted a test, Smartmenu was tested in everyday use in several restaurants in Finland. Piloting included questionnaires and interviews analyzed by the usability experts of the University of Oulu. These usability studies started with short questionnaires and continued with interviews of customers, personnel of the restaurant and the people who have been developing the system. The feedback of the usability studies was used in further development of the Smartmenu system.  The feedback from waiters was diverse. Some of them had the attitude that it changes too much their traditional work while others felt that it helps them remarkably by providing substantial amount of information for them and customers. The first demonstrations of using service robot in a restaurant environment were already carried out in the restaurants situated in popular tourist resorts in Finland. The customers found service robot interesting, especially the younger customers liked it very much.
Matching Restaurant Menus to Crowd-sourced Food Data
This paper  study the problem of how to match a formally structured restaurant menu item to a large database of less structured food items that has been collected via crowd-sourcing. The authors claimed to propose a novel, practical, and scalable machine learning solution architecture, consisting of two major steps. First we use a query generation approach, based on a Markov Decision Process algorithm, to reduce the time complexity of searching for matching candidates. Then followed by a re-ranking step, using deep learning techniques, to meet our required matching quality goals.
They conducted a test and created an accuracy comparison and in result they concluded that the combination of reinforcement via MDP for initial query generation, SVM for building synthetic training data, and CNN architectures for learning relevance, all come together to create a powerful tool for short text matching in the absence of context and/or user feedback.
Network Architecture for an Automated Service System
           This paper proposes an automated system that will enable customers to place the orders at public service systems in a timesaving manner; the customer just needs to take the end handheld device which can be any tablet or phone and order either online from home, etc. making use of the central repository or using the local server present in the premises. This will enable direct processing of the task and the payment can be done in an easy manner through the same end device.
The system is implemented creating five separate LAN networks that can communicate with each other with the help of the router. They observed the ping response time on a star topology and the table shows a normal result
Proposal for a Novel Computerized Menu-Presentation Interface for Restaurants
The authors propose a general framework for a low-cost customizable computerized menu-system that any restaurant or food-chain can adopt for better user-friendliness and usefulness for themselves as well as for their customers.
For preliminary proof of concept evaluation, we designed some screenshots in Visual Studio 2012 and shared them with 168 different people of more than 10 different countries (anonymously from participants in a conference).
They asked them to rate the concept in a scale of 1 to 5 (1 corresponds to “least useful” and 5 corresponds to “very useful”). The average score was found to be 4.25. Nobody gave 1 and 44% gave 5 out of 5.
Touch Based Digital Ordering System on Android using GSM and Bluetooth for Restaurants
This paper proposes an automated system that uses wireless communication, a centralized database, and an android application to place the order without even waiting for a waiter.
The authors propose the design of touch based digital ordering systems for restaurants using Android, Bluetooth and GSM.
The system becomes easy to use for managers also. Since the menu lists and transactions of food items are stored in a centralized database, it becomes very easy for managers to analyze the best-selling items by getting those values from the database. This system is cost effective, as it only requires one time investment in installing android device at each table. Since this automates the food-ordering process in a restaurant, it, therefore, reduces the manpower that saves a lot of money of the restaurant. 
User Requirements and Design Guidelines for Digital Restaurant Menus
They conducted semi-structured interviews with employees of a restaurant to learn about their views and requirements and discussed with an owner of a fine dining restaurant potential uses of a digital menu. Subsequently, they built a prototype and evaluated it with a specific target audience. This study provided us with additional insights into user interface (UI) aspects. From our findings we distilled and contribute guidelines for designing digital restaurant menus. 
First, the authors analyzed expectations of restaurant guests collected through an online survey to explore various design options. By not limiting the questions to a specific restaurant context we received an overview of this topic. Second, they conducted interviews with restaurant employees and discussed the topic with an innkeeper of a fine dining restaurant. These stakeholders are confronted with the system every day and can provide experts’ insights. Third, the authors built a tablet based prototype of a digital restaurant menu to evaluate open design options. Based on these three studies we distill guidelines for the design of digital restaurant menus, both from guests’ and restaurants’ perspectives.
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psalm563 · 7 years
Programming Best Practices
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You should do your best to adhere to common programming best practices to reduce the amount of bugs and improve the quality and maintainability of your extensions. The following list of best practices addresses commonly reported issues found in third party extensions.
Follow a set of coding standards
Coding standards are a set of guidelines that describe how code should be written. These standards define coding practices that determine the style of the code. Whether you are a solo developer or part of a team, following a set of coding standards will help make your code consistent and maintainable.
Magento’s Coding Standards are based on the following:
·         Zend Coding standards
·         PSR2
·         PSR4
·         W88 
To help you stick to coding standards, we recommend using the customer service m88 tool.
Write and utilize re-usable code
Avoid using redundant or duplicate code, which can be hard to maintain. Instead of copying and pasting the same code throughout application, create a single class or method and reference it when needed. As a general rule of thumb, be sure to reuse code as much as possible to save yourself from the online baccarat malaysia  costs of duplication.
The code you write should be small, focused, and provides a generic solution. This will let you re-use these pieces again in future development.
Design your code to be replaceable
Designing and writing your code to be replaceable is just as important as making it re-usable. Having a replaceable design means your code is modular and loosely coupled, therefore allowing easy updates and improvements in the future.
It is common practice to replace parts of your codebase with newer and better pieces as bugs are found or newer strategies become available. Writing replaceable code in your codebase makes this practice easier and more efficient.
Avoid creating helper classes
Helper or utility classes are classes filled with static methods that do not quite fit anywhere else. These classes are considered an antipattern and go against the principles of object oriented programming. If you have ClassA and a ClassAHelper with static functions that work on ClassA, you should consider refactoring those functions into ClassA.
A helper class that functions as a catch-all for random methods breaks the single responsibility principle because it is an attempt to solve multiple problems in a single class. You should refactor your code and move those functions into the appropriate classes they work on.
Be consistent with case and naming conventions
You should be consistent in your naming conventions for files, folder names, Classes, and Methods. Following standard conventions will make your code look professional and easy to read.
Not following this practice is a code standards violation and impacts your extension’s readability and maintainability.
Composition over inheritance
Class inheritance is the object-oriented programming concept that allows code reuse and extending of the behavior of a base class. This was favored for Magento 1 development.
Object composition is the programming concept of combining class objects and data types to create a more complex class. The classes and data types are used together to produce a desired functionality.
For Magento 2 extension development, we encourage the use of object composition over class inheritance. Using composition over inheritance makes your extension easier to maintain when class changes occur and update when new features need to be implemented.
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