d21-c · 4 years
“How many cats can you have in this game? I need to build like an extra room in my house I have so many!!”
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d21-c · 4 years
Fox (AN63L) boops Tim on the shoulder. "Hi. You're amazing, Tim. Bye."
Tim blushed, moving to look over his shoulder after the boop. “Wha- O-Oh! Thanks, Fox. You don’t have to leave though.”
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d21-c · 4 years
"Geez...Who pisses in yar cornflakes this mornin'?" (Zane)
Tim gave Zane a look at the question and... yeah he wasn’t in the best mood. Still he asked and Tim needed a good rant. “Who hasn’t?! I was kind of hoping for a fresh start on Promethea, but of freakin course people still remember Jack! I had a lady harass me through a grocery store trying to claim I was the father of her child. I kept telling her I was just a body double but since I looked like Jack it still counted apparently. She kept threatening the have me arrested or sue me over some stupid kid I have no connection at all too. Honestly the kid didn’t even resemble Jack and they had to be like five or six so like- not possible b-but that’s not the point!! 
“I finally got rid of that creep and when I went to check out, the card Moxxi lent me was declined. I just wanted some juice and chips, Zane... Then it rained on me while I walked back here so like... today sucks so far.” All of that said though, it was way better than a day on the casino. “I’m broke, wet, and pretty sure that woman actually did call someone over the whole dumb child support thing.”
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d21-c · 4 years
“ you’re so cute and i literally can not handle it right now , so i have to go— “
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“W-wait what?” He was being too cute? He didn’t even realize he was being cute! He wasn’t trying to be cute right now he was just getting Skittle into a nice little sweater since it was kinda cold on Promethea. “You don’t have to go, I can be less cute?” 
Seriously he was being cute???
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d21-c · 4 years
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[ I have been gone way too long, now excuse me as i slip into my drafts. ]
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d21-c · 4 years
random sentence starters: the third
change around as you see fit!
“ i want to be like you. “
“ that is … literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. “
“ what’s the plan here ? “
“ please just … come home. “
“ all i’m saying is that jurassic park could happen ! “
“ jeez , who pissed in your cornflakes this morning ? “
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up. “
“ you’re so cute and i literally can not handle it right now , so i have to go— “
“ hey , uh , what do you got there ? “
“ we’re not friends. “
“ so , do you come here often or … ? “
“ slow down , i just want to get to know you … “
“ i’m angry at you ! i’m upset ! and you … you don’t even care ! “
“ will you promise to marry me in the future ? “
“ what are your thoughts on having kids ? “
“ oh , come on ! they were literally holding hands and becoming self aware of their own mortality ! it was a sad moment— stop laughing at me ! toy story 3 didn’t have to do us like that ! “
“ you’re my best friend. i’ll always have your back. “
“ … do you want to do something stupid with me ? “
“ you don’t have to be jealous , you know~ “
“ sing me a song. “
“ did you do this ? “
“ for once can you please be honest with me ? “
“ lets run away together. anywhere. i’m tired of this life. “
“ are you binge watching that show on netflix again ? “
“ how much britney spears i’ve listened to in the last 72 hours is none of your business ! “
“ god … i can’t look away , it’s like my eyes are drawn to it. “
“ why are you leaving ? “
“ admit it … i drive you wild. “
“ you’re so infuriating. “
“ i hate this town. “
“ i’m one call away , okay ? just one call. “
“ you want me so bad , don’t you ? “
“ i’ll just live in the forest as a goblin. “
“ you don’t know what i’m capable of. “
“ you want a tattoo of what now ? “
“ i can’t believe i’m confessing this but … i really really like you. “
“ look me in the eye when you’re breaking my heart ! you don’t get to look away , dammit ! “
“ i can’t believe we’ve just sat here for four hours and have done nothing. “
“ hey , hey , hey … guess what ? “
“ you are my platonic soulmate. “
“ someone thought we were a couple so like , we totally just hit best friend goals. “
“ the bigger the boobs , the stronger they are. that’s anime logic , at least. “
“ i can’t believe i fell in love … like an idiot. “
“ i’ve never fallen in love before … what’s it like ? “
“ hello ? 911 ? i’d like to report a murder of my remaining brain cells …. “
“ wow , look who remembered my existence. “
“ you want to hear a story ? oh uh … well … uh … l — let me tell you all about how this boy’s life got flipped turned upside down— “
“ … not many people really talk to me … “
“ tell me all about you. anything. everything. “
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d21-c · 4 years
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[ Hi guys... Sorry I’ve been so inactive I just don’t have much of a muse atm. Think Quarantine has been rottign my brain. BUT!!! I have been drawing a lot!!  
Made a little side blog for my art if anyone is interested. ]
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d21-c · 4 years
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my boys….
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d21-c · 4 years
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“This thing.” He’s pointing to the AC system. “’Ack’… ‘Ach’…. I probably ain’t pronouncin’ it right.”
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Tim stares at it for a moment and snorts, no, no he was not going to laugh at Nick for this. He wanted to but he wouldn’t. “That’s AC, its an Air Conditioner. Makes the room cooler so we don’t get hot.”
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d21-c · 4 years
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And in he comes, rushing with gun in hand looking around for the emergency.
“What-? What’s wrong?!”
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“W-Woah! Woah no guns!! It’s my cat! She has something in her mouth, help me catch her!” 
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d21-c · 4 years
d21-c liked your post: “Like for a starter?
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“Hey, Tim, what’s an ‘Ack’?”
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“An Ack? I dunno, where’d you hear it?” What the heck was an Ack? Would Wil or Rhys know?
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d21-c · 4 years
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that’s it, that’s the post
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d21-c · 4 years
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   Huh, it’s been a while since someone was genuinely interested in … him. That’s definitely going int he memory bank. But how exactly is he supposed to tell him all of this?  “ – uh, well, I woke up with the rest of my scrapped product line … and the one and only Sir Hammerlock – you’d like him, he’s pretty badass – found me and helped fix me up. We’re kind of like fate friends. ”
Were they really? Doubtful, considering Hammerlock was a part of the crew of people who …. – yeah, don’t dive into that. You don’t want to look pitiful in front of your old-time friend. Friend? Did Timothy consider him a friend?
“ I’ve been helping travelers ever since! Helping new Vault Hunters around, protecting them – the usual. ”
This was harder than he thought it would be – after everything that’s happened, ever since Hammerlock found him, it’s not like he’s had a bad life. Sure, people were either in awe of him or annoyed that he was even in the same room. It’s , uh, hard on a bot like him. But he has to keep up that pep – someone has to keep that good mood around here. That and he’s programmed to sound this way. 
“ Oh, I did help take down Jack – you know, some sweet revenge. Well, sort of helped … couldn’t go up the stairs. But I’m pretty sure he put those there because he was so scared of me. ”
He hadn’t been exactly fond of fighting along side Claptrap. didn’t hate him but some of his more... quirky moves he remembered not being super fun... Still he’d keep that to himself. As far as friends went they’d never really developed a friendship but he wouldn’t be against that now... Claptrap was the only one of his former teammates he was in contact with, the only one he even knew was still alive. No one had given him a straight answer on the others yet.
“I’m sorry about that... the whole.... scrapped product line thing. I couldn’t really stop Jack but I-I was against it. Well at least the whole trying to get rid of you part.” He felt guilty, he’d been there and done nothing. but he was happy the little bot was alive. “But hey, Hammerlock sounds cool... Silver lining right?”
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“You helped take out Jack? I dunno if I should thank you for freeing me or be mad for the whole... Trapped in a casino for seven years with people wanting to kill me.” He laughed a bit at his own turmoil, he normally did. Oh man he hated that stupid Casino. “But seriously... Sounds like you’ve had a way more eventful time since leaving Jack than I have.”
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d21-c · 4 years
@vaultiism​ liked for a starter
“You know I bet I could make like a fortune being a Handsome Jack actor. Like play the villain in a few movies... People do paint him as a villain now right?” 
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d21-c · 4 years
Tim was just relaxing for a bit curled up with a good book when he heard a loud crunch. He glanced over at his cat and frowned. “What’s in your mouth?” He asked moving to set the book down and of course she’s running now. “No! No, come back! What do you have!” He’s on his feet ready to chase. “Nick! Help?”
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d21-c · 4 years
@d21-c - starter
The grand opening.
Jack had been waiting for this day for months. He’d barely been sleeping or eating, juggling his regular work on Helios and getting all the finishing touches done for tonight on the casino.
God, he was excited.
He met with Timothy when his ship got docked right away, looking slightly disheveled, his shirt and vest discarded in the tower as he wore just his sweater as opposed to the multiple top layers he usually dressed in.
Already, Jack seemed a little intoxicated, his speech slower than usual and he seemed more off balance.
Maybe it was the fact that he was running purely on caffeine for the past thirty six hours, it wasn’t necessarily the four shots he had before going to greet Timothy.
He decided, though, that Tim could use a little loosening up, so to speak, and he led him to one of the bars.
Unable to resist the laugh that came out when he saw the sign, he elbowed Tim lightly in the ribs and pointed to it.
“H- Hey, you- you get it? Foxx-” he couldn’t even finish his sentence, letting out a loud, sharp laugh and sighing, “Oh, I crack myself up sometimes, you know that? I’m just- God, I’m funny.”
It doesn’t take long for the bot to serve Timothy his drink, and before he can even take a sip Jack began speaking again.
“So! Rundown of tonight,” he started, taking in a deep breath, “If anyone so much as lays a finger on you, they’re gotta get blasted all the way to Eden-5 by your security. M'kay, kiddo? You got bots and human guards, no one’s gonna hurt that handsome mug.”
“There’s gonna be some hot shots from other companies who like to pretend they’re more important than they actually are. They’re lying, most of them are broker than Pandora’s economy, and that’s sayin’ something. But, you gotta give the devil his due. Not really in the mood for a corporate war, never am, so we play nice. Show ‘em around, take what little cash they have, yadda yadda.” Jack stopped talking suddenly, looking to Tim and grinning, “You still followin’ there, cupcake? 'Course you are, that’s why I chose you to be my right hand man tonight, huh? You’re the best there is, baby.”
“I’ll keep the guys from the cartel busy in VIP, you won’t have to worry about them this time round. Don’t think you could handle shit like that, anyway.” Was he trying to bait Tim? Maybe a little. The kid needed to bite, too, or Jack might just have to cut his losses, and have Tim 'disappear’ and replaced with someone tougher.
Jack hoped it wouldn’t come to that.
“You got everything, babe? Need me to repeat anything, any questions, shit like that?”
Timothy was equal parts nervous and excited as he exited the shuttle for the casino. It was a very nice position he had been given but being the Jack of the Casino was nerve wracking. He messed up here and he had no idea what Jack would do with him. Being a favorite only went so far when your boss was very... trigger happy.
As soon as he saw Jack and how few layers he had on there was instant envy in his gut. He hated how many layers he had to put on any time he went out. Sure Jack looked good in them- and in extension Tim- but he didn’t want to wear this every day. he’d be happy in just a sweater or a Tshirt but not Jack. Jack had to look good.
Despite this he smiled, giving Jack his best Handsome Jack smirk as soon as he saw him and walked along with him listening to what ever he said. in all honestly he couldn’t tell if he was sleep deprived or just drunk already, knowing Jack it was both. Still he walked with him acting like nothing was off and- oh God did he want him to drink before this? He’d rather loosen up during not before.
Of course as soon as Jack started laughing Tim tried to find what he found funny and joined him in laughter, it wasn’t hard to find... and honestly he could see the joke in bright neon above them. Okay it was kind of funny, that laugh might have been a little genuine by the end of it as he followed Jack up to the bar... and he didn’t even get a chance to order he was just given what Jack liked... He’d be upset if Jack wasn’t right beside him.
The double began nursing the drink as he listened to Jack talk and... Oh geez he was going fast. He’d start to open his mouth to respond and then he’d just keep going. There was like no off button on this man. “I’ve got this sir, I can handle the opening night of a casino” He said it with confidence because he really felt like he could and now he finally took a long drink from his glass. Oh man that burned going down but he hid it the best he could, doing his best to react how Jack had. Though the bailing was noticed, he wanted to snap back that he could handle this but was honestly afraid of Jack. Still he could feel he was poking fun at Tim, the double bit his tongue and huffed softly. “I fought a freaking Vault Monster running a casino will be easy. Every aspect of it will be easy.” He felt like he could handle this, in his old life Tim would have never dreamed of dealing with the cartel but now... now he was Handsome Jack.
“So, you said I’d have security? Who are we talking?”Was he hoping it would be a familiar face like Wilhelm, yeah he was. He liked the big silent giant, made things feel safe. He’d like Athena too but he knew that wasn’t happening.
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d21-c · 4 years
Tell me which Pokemon reminds you of my muse!
Can be looks, personality, type, or simply one that you think my muse would have!
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