#Zeke is DOWN BAD for our girl
abbott976 · 2 months
I've been thinking a lot about Zekina lately (shocker, I know) and @theangrypomeranian has me noticing just how often Zeke and Tina really interact throughout the show, specifically in terms of physical proximity.
But beyond that, there are so many amazing examples and moments where Zeke is truly just DOWN BAD for Tina and willing to do anything for her.
While we have the classic examples of The Mad Pooper and Mid-Day Run, there are a lot of other moments where Zeke shows how much he likes Tina!
For example, in Teen-a Witch (S7 Ep 3), when Tina notes that she feels Jimmy Jr likely responded to her new attitude and chocker necklace, while J-Ju doesn't seem convinced (even stating "eh, idk") Zeke interjects that he liked her new look and confidence.
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Similarly, in The Landship (S6 Ep 2), we see Zeke tell Tina that she has a spicy and a not spicy side and that he likes both sides of her. He also at the start of this episode is the one to encourage her to "get some spice in ya girl!" and to let loose a bit. I think this just shows that while he is supportive of whatever side Tina has to give, he is also willing to encourage her to have fun and be more in tune with herself.
Throughout the show, we also see multiple instances where Zeke is an enthusiastic participant in the Belcher Sibling Shenanigans, like in The Kids Run the Restaurant (S3 Ep 20), Stand By Gene (S6 Ep 12) and Stuck in the Kitchen With You (S12 Ep 8). There are plenty of other good examples of this, but they all demonstrate that not only is Zeke accepting and supportive of Tina, but he is willing to collaborate with her and her siblings and finds fun in their mischief.
For us as an audience, I think a real turning point for Tina going from hating Zeke to beginning to see him grow on her as a friend is seen in The Oeder Games (S5 Ep 21), where Zeke famously tells Tina that he's "up to his butt" in how much he likes her and the J-Ju takes her for granted.
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This moment really pushes us as an audience into a new perspective where we begin to see this trio in new lights. As the series continues, we see Zeke and Tina continue to develop a growing friendship, albeit slowly, through moments like The Taking of Funtime One Two Three (S9 Ep 2) where we see Tina seek Zeke out for his skills and see J-Ju as an afterthought to the situation.
There seems to just be a slow and steady building of Zeke growing on Tina and their friendship slowly coming together, and I love to see how throughout it all, Zeke never wavers in his care and support for her. He's just patiently waiting in the wings, but also doesn't seem to feel that being her friend is settling in any way. He just likes her and likes spending time with her however she will let him.
There are a ton of other examples I could give, but I think it just goes to show there are those little strings and pieces of them throughout the show if you are really looking for them.
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xotrashratxo · 11 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die Quotebook
Comment any I missed LMAO
“I am only ONE MAN’s girl, and that man is JESUS CHRIST.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT UUUUUUPPPP.” Max Jagerman *Audience cackles* 
“THE ANSWER IS STILL NO….. by the way.” Max Jagerman
“RAAH” Max Jagerman and Grace Chastity
“the fucking BOW TIE KID???” Brenda the Cheerleader
“I know he’s RICH. But money isn’t everything! Looks are. “ Stacy the Cheerleader
“WAIFU MATERIAL” Richie Lipchitz
“SHE’S TOUCHING MEEE!! LUCKYYYY!” Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipchitz
“Woooow…. These toilets aren’t even in stalls! It’s better than I ever imagined!” Ruth Fleming
“Thats some cooool kid privilege right there.” Ruth Fleming OR Richie Lipchitz
“DESTROY HIM.” Grace Chastity
“God you suck, Grace.” Stephanie Lauter
“He’s made ALL OUR LIVES a living HECK.” Grace Chastity
“The most terrifying, HOTTEST bully in Hatchetfield” Grace Chastity
“We’ll fight sin with sin! Let the games begin!” ‘Nerdy Prudes’
“Ugh I gotta piss….” Max Jagerman
“Oh SHIT, where’s that creepy music coming from?” Max Jagerman
“Oh shit oh fuck it’s a fucking ghost!!!” Max Jagerman
“He thinks it’s real he’s just really fucking BRAVE.” Richie Lipchitz
“BOO HOO BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“Oh shit oh fuck I didn’t think there’d be a skele’in HERE!” Max Jagerman
“WOW… I uh… I thought you guys hated me. But uh, thanks! This was really great! No no no, this is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me!” Max Jagerman
“That was really special.” *bows* Max Jagerman
“And with MY luck, no one will even BOTHER making me their BITCH.” Ruth Fleming
“It was an act of god!” Grace Chastity
“Oh no she’s snapping again!” Richie Lipchitz
“Oh my asthmas back…” Richie Lipchitz
“I just cut off his nips.” Ruth Fleming FORESHADOWING??? 
“Steph, you can keep it. It would bring down my GPA.” Peter Spankofvski
“I’m tryna feel bad but it’s hard when everything is objectively better.” Peter Spankofvski
“Never thought I could open my locker without the fear running through me.” Richie Lipchitz
“N-IG-HT-AWE AWE- ks!” Everyone
“FUCK clivesdale.” Everyone, repeatedly. 
“FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE WE’LL KILL YOU!” Cheerleaders and Jocks
“Zeke! The fighting nighthawk!” Jason the Football player
“We support and love you, but you fuckin’ stink man!” Jason the Football player
“I love being alive!” Richie Lipchitz
“YA BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“Of course not! But you’ve lost everything.” Max Jagerman HIT SO HARD 
“Mama I’m cured!” Grace Chastity
“HWAELL they didn’t say!” Mark Chastity
“Alright ima need the 3 of you to shut the FUDGE up about Max Jagerman.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT. THE FUCK UP. RUTHY.” Stephanie Lauter
“People tell me to die everyday!” Ruth Fleming
“Don’t be ridiculous! Wait-“ Grace Chastity
“DAN!” Angry Adult Mob
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” Angry Adult Mob
“Fuckin’ transcendent…..!” Cop Corey
“I wanna remember who I YAAAMmmm…” Trevor, who’s only other credit is Barbecue Monologues Man 2 
“I turned 40 today.” *pours alcohol* Ruth Fleming in Barbecue Monologues
“Oh shit not Clivesdale!” Officer Shapiro
*heavy breathing* “…… thank you.” Peter Spankofvski
“MY DAD sells WOMEN’S SHOES.” Peter Spankofvski
“Dork at the beany’s counter has more balls than you.” Stephanie Lauter
“She’s bisexual and dead, where else could she be?” Grace Chastity, also GRACE DONT CALL ME OUT
“I’ve done horrible things! Like touching myself and lying to the police! I called god a son of a b word! Who am iiiiii…..” Grace Chastity
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fucking weird.” Stephanie Lauter
“KYUK KYUK KAH FUCK.” Max Jagerman
“I beg to differ, BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“I’ve got a gun.” Stephanie Lauter
“Are you a woman of god?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no.” Grace Chastity and Officer Shapiro (as a Catholic this is hilarious.) 
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” Peter Spankofvski (Me too Peter, me too.)
“My phone!” Stephanie Lauter
“Or fuck off!” The Lords in Black
“It’s you Steph. I’m into you.” Peter Spankofvski (IM CRYINGGGG)
“I just took a bullet for you bro!” Max Jagerman
“SO YOU DO KNOW THE BIBLE?” Grace Chastity
“But Jesus never threw a football like you Max.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH HOLE SPANKOVSKI. I wanna hear this.” Max Jagerman
“FUCK. YEAH.” Max Jagerman
“GASP. That’s NASTY. I like it.” Max Jagerman
“WHAT. THE FUCK. IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.” Stephanie Lauter (That’s so me, Steph.)
“I paid the price. Now fuck off!” *Spins* Grace Chastity
“WHAT ARE YOUUU-“ Max Jagerman
“You’re in my world now. Bitch.” One of the Lords in Black (Pokey I think???) 
“I…. Am gonna get some fucking coffee.” Officer Shapiro
“Did you guys know JASON goes to my CHURCH?” Grace Chastity
Total quotes: 85
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laphixsoka · 1 year
Birthday boy.
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Eren x fem reader
(Girl I was rushing to publish this so some parts aren’t proof read.)
CW: Smut, weed , drinking
Being “easy.” Wasn’t something you’d been known for. You’d never really entertained to many guys except for Riner, but after he did you foul you’d been harder to get with. Hell to even invite to anything cause you’d just decline.
So it came to everyone’s surprise when you’d accepted his invite. He didn’t even really treat it like a big deal either he kept the new nonchalant demeanor he’d recently gained.
“You don’t even need to give me a birthday present, just show up ” He joked as he chewed his gum.
“Imma have to do a rain check.” You joked. Then said your goodbyes heading across the campus for your next class.
You were in line at the rented out club. It was cold as shit and you regretted your outfit choices. Should of came in some sweats to damn cold for this skimpy dress! You stood holding your arms together till you felt a familiar pair of hands.
It was Jean and behind him was Marco, Marco had a whole ass stress ball squeezing it. You could tell Jean dressed him with the creams and browns.
“Look who’s paying for the consequences of being fast.” Jean said slapping his coat on you, you were about to die from the whole cologne store he had on the bitch.
“You can have the shit back.” You started to see why Marco was about to break the damn stress ball. He needed about 60 dealing with Jean alone. Jean took his coat and settled on line with you. Some people in the back started to complain.
“Where the fuck is Sasha and Connie?” Jean was scrolling through his messages.
“They said they were pregaming and eating a wing stop.” You said putting your hand out for Marco’s stress ball. He gave up on half and you two squished it together.
Jean closed his phone and put it in his pockets and all three of you started to chat.
“Eren is not this goddamn popular.” Jean messing with Marco’s earing.
“You saw how Mikasa was handing out them flyers and Zeke know half of the colleges in the state.” Marco said squeezing some more.
“That’s right the Yeager’s are overachievers.” You said said nodding you head at Marco.
“The fuck Eren overachieving at selling weed with Floch?!” You and Marco laughed as you let go of the ball and rubbed your hands on your short silk dress. To keep them warm.
“Hey y’all!!” Sasha shouted and she dragged Connie to the front of the line were you all were. She then stopped and looked at you. She knew what you were doing. “You trying to get a peice of that birthday boy!” Sasha said and the rest besides Marco started to tease.
“She ain’t gonna get nothing with guard dog ass Mikasa.” Connie said before blowing in his hands. You just rolled your eyes while they all laughed you know Jean didn’t though.
Once you all got to the front they bouncer looked at the list for the names.
“Okay you guys can-.” Before he could finish all y’all was in the door immediately feeling the heat. The music was bumping through your chest, and the lights thrashed all over the main room. “Jean you trying to dance.” You asked. “Where’s Marco-.” You two looked and saw him finding a rotation to join.
“You done stressed his ass out that bad.” You said as y’all headed to the bar to get drinks. Jean decided to ignore the comment and order for the both of you.
“Got us drinking heavy ass brown we just got here!” You put up a fuss but still down the cup faster than Jean. You ain’t really party but you said you don’t be drinking?
“Let’s get our ass on that floor the suit light up!” Jean shouted and you were right behind him.
You you twerked all over Jean and he caught every your threw. It was just code as friends he loosely held your waist and you whined on him. You could hear him hyping you up and you’d laugh out from the fun of it.
But you could see Eren from a little gap in the crowd. Girls had been throwing themselves on him and the party just got started. You’d like a good chase why not entertain yourself a bit.
“Jean let’s go to the front Mikasa up there.” You didn’t want to wait for his answer so you pulled him along. The bass could be felt through all your bones, you let the brown and lust kick in for a few minutes. You knew Jean’s answer as soon as you two started dancing. Y’all wanted and y’all are going to get.
The playfulness between you two, you’d miss his hype ups cause you’d be staring into Eren’s soul. He’d looked back he grabbed some girl and had her dancing with him so he could one up. You could tell he was bored she’d have the same two little wags. The same thing would go on for thirty minutes, and you and Jean left the floor for some water and more alcohol even a little weed.
After a while Jean ran after Mikasa he’d saw her head up the stairs, which left you alone at the bar. You drank and looked at your phone. Till you saw Eren pull a chair up next to you. “Thought you was only gonna dance with me.” He said leaned into your ear. You rolled your eyes at him and put your hand on his lap as you went next to his ear to talk to him.
“You’d have to work for that I don’t dance with anybody, you might not even be able to keep up.” You said letting your hand linger a bit on his lap before pulling away.
“Don’t worry about me keeping up just throw I’ll catch.” He said his voice was sending tingles through your body. You started to wonder what was so special about him that you wanted him. Staring at him as he ordered a drink the soft light highlighting his features, and the way his Adam’s apple would Bob as he spoke. You started to even count the wispy hairs on his head. You watch as his ring infested hand took the glass from the bar tender. You even caught a glance of some tattoos from his rolled up sleeves riding up. You bent forward to talk and he put his hand at the hem of your dress to keep it from riding up.
“What made you invite me to the party?” You asked he let go of your dress and went to speak.
“I just seen you in the hallway a few times and those small conversations we had made me want to invite you…Maybe talk to you bit more.”
You were about to lean in but one of his friends came up. “Birthday boy we need to start that birthday blunt.” Floch said eren got up and pulled your arm. You got down with the help of him and you three headed up to the lounge. You saw Marco up there in the rotation messing with a dude. You weren’t about to say shit cause you were about to do the same.
You came down to the fact they you haven’t had none and ms. Toy from target wasn’t cutting it. You can’t get to emotionally attached anyways.
They sat down and everywhere was filled up. “C’mere you can sit with me.” He patted his land on his lap three times and went to rolling. You went over and sat on his lap. You watched his tongue as he licked the wrapper sealing it off. He handed it to Floch to light it up and rested his hand on your waist. His fingers rubbed the silk on your dress together as everyone sung him happy birthday, till Floch passed him the first hit.
He eyed you almost like he was beckoning you and you went closer once he passed the blunt over, and he shotgunned the smoke into your mouth. You didn’t let it last long just to tease him and he knew it cause he gripped your thigh while giving you the “I’m finna get you.” Look, and you could feel his hand getting higher and higher. He’d rub little circles on your skin.
After a few more hits y’all did the shotgun again and it was a full on make out, passing some to one another him gripping hard on your ass. He had to pass it while you were devouring his lips. Nobody cared cause everyone was getting some for real. Marco and the guy had got up and left to a different room. You and Eren would of been in the same predicament, but you two wanted to play games.
He was borderline fingering you and you’d be grinding against him. Y’all were in your little world till you came to your senses. “Ren I wanna dance.” You moaned into his ear cause he was still there rubbing. “You think I’ve worked hard enough?” He was eating you being whiny up.
“Yess let’s go dance.” Your voice was soft from being high as shit, he was basically the only thing holding you up. He didn’t answer you the second time he was talking to home more friends that came up. He’s went back to rubbing the silk on your dress together. You started to doze off but he softly bounced his leg, as they wrapped up their conversation. You felt your sensitive bud against that knee as it softly and quickly rubbed against it.
You’d never been this down bad, to were a dude knee had you in a chokehold. Something that was intended to keep you up, had turned into something completely different.
You heard them about to wrap up and Eren patted your hip. “Let’s get up and dance.” He said watching you closely as you got up.
The floor was at its most packed at this moment, which was good cause what y’all had going on needed to be covered up. Your ass rubbing ass over the center of his pants. His hands letting your dress ride all the way up, as he watched your ass bounce all over him. You made your way back up and you two were just leaving no type of room for anything. His hand traveling all under your dress, as you danced you felt his lips press against your ears.
He started to speak about all the things he’d do to you. You kept dancing grinding and dancing, he kept up caressing every inch of your body. You couldn’t take it anymore, you could feel how wet you’ve gotten over the course of the night.
Lust took over all your senses.
His hair, his rings, his tattoos, his opening on his shirts, the way his voice rattled you, and how nonchalant he was about everything. God he was driving you fucking nuts.
“Eren I need you now.” You said in his ear you pulled away and dragged him upstairs.
As you entered one of the private rooms, they had they had their own music. Soft lights adorned the room he sat down on the booth that was infront of a small poll. You weren’t going to touch something that you had no idea how to use. So you went to straddling him he instantly went to both hands on your ass. You hands cupped his face as you two kissed, it was deep and hungry. You grinded against his lap as you felt him practically knead your ass.
You could feel him getting hard and you gently got his hands off your ass. And you went down between his legs. You undid his pants and he poked out immediately. You began to lick at his base and you could see how his face changed. You could hear his groans as you worked your way up, the tip being the loudest. Then your started to put him in your mouth with your hand in the base. Bobbing your head as you moved your wrist in repeated motions at the bottom. You were making nothing but slurping noises and it was driving him crazy. Then you’d stick it all down Your throat and come back up, but he was so Into it he held your head down. You struggled to come up for air but it added to the effect. The heartbeat down there was getting stronger along with the heat.
When you got back up you looked up trying to catch your breath, Eren wiped your tears as you kept pumping and licking. You wanted him to cum as you watched his face change. You put your mouth over the tip, and let all of it come in your mouth you swallowed it all.
You eyes kept contact through that and he patted the seat. “Let me have my cake.” He told you as you got up on the booth seat. He pulled your panties off as soon as he got down there.He opened your legs with his hands and littered the inside of your thighs with kisses.
Once he had you comfortable with that he started to go in. He started to eat like he was starving. It had you moaning as you gripped his hair. It felt so good your toes curled and your eyes shut. It was so much intense stimulation, cause you never had been ate out before.
It felt like heaven, you could even tell Eren a proper thing. Everything would be broken up as you moaned and your words were clumped. You couldn’t think properly not with him. As he began to start to glide and flick and do some more tricks.
You’d cum.
You both were on the bed they’d had lube in the room and Eren had fingered you. Like him eating you out like a hungry man wasn’t enough. His fingers had you clutching onto pillows, as he rubbed and pumped his way to your spot. He hit it so good you saw stars early on.
Once you two got deep into it, you cling to his back as he was ontop of you. He looked into your eyes and you watched him as his face would change. His little wispy hairs had flown forward, the green eyes started to see more and more Intimate. He was pumping you so deep you thought it wouldn’t come out your mouth. The only thing you could say was his name, and a weak please as cream coated his dick with each pump.
Your nails grip on his back got harder as you both got closer. You squirted as you came from him continuing to pump as he came inside of you.
“Did you like your birthday present?” You asked as you both cleaned up.
“My best one tonight.”
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Eren is that he actually went on and asked his older brother, who he’s not close to, for girl advice. Also this wasn’t 15 year old impulsive Eren, he was 19 (!). And in the middle of a war and discussing a genocidal plan. And in true Eren fashion, he tries to disguise his intentions and keep cool and collected, while Zeke immediately sees through his act and just tells him Mikasa likes him. The concept of Eren being so desperate for Mikasa that he actually turns to Zeke out of all people to ask for dating advice never fails to send me. Can you just imagine how this scene plays out in a modern au?
Eren is such a dork. I can just see him bringing up Mikasa constantly while they're plotting because he's got her permanently on the brain. Zeke's like, "We're going to need to fight our way out in this contingency," and Eren is like, "Mikasa Ackerman is soooo good at fighting. That wouldn't even be a problem for her."
In a modern au, I think we're looking at Grisha being originally from Germany and moving to the US for his work (and let's say this is the cause of his divorce from Dina), so Zeke is in Germany and Eren hasn't had much of a chance to get to know him. However, Zeke very much wants the chance to be the big brother he always dreamed he could be. When Eren drops out of college to mope around at home in his childhood bedroom, Carla and Grisha decide to send him off to see his older brother and see if a change of scenery will help get him out of his slump.
Eren's trying to act like a cool tough guy but he is, in fact, just exposing himself as a down bad loser who can't get over his best friend who, when he tried to get her to confess her feelings before he left on his trip, froze and said he was family because she didn't know what he was after.
Zeke, luckily, eats it up. Big brothers help with girl problems and so that is what he will do! And, it's clear from Eren's endless ramblings that she likes him, too!
I could totally see Zeke stealing Eren's phone and texting Mikasa for him in secret. Like, he grabs it while Eren is in the shower and really quickly sends off, "I miss you so much. I wish you were here. I would take you on a hiking date," then just doesn't tell Eren about it so when Mikasa texts back, "I miss you, too. When are you coming home? We can go for a hike together here..." Eren sees her message, sees the message from himself that he does not remember sending, and starts to wonder if he's going crazy. But, like, Mikasa seems down for a hiking date, so........ is there really an issue?
Meanwhile, Zeke is sitting there, schemer that he is, tapping his fingers together and smiling smugly to himself because it's all coming together and if he plays his cards right maybe he can be Eren's best man at their wedding (he can't. The honor goes to Armin. Zeke doesn't even get invited except as an afterthought because Eren is happy to go on pretending he's an only child.)
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sawtastic-sideblog · 11 months
Dumbest thought of the day:
Prima ballerina Adam
Douche bag manager Hoffman (mans is secretly a dancer but life happened and now he's a bitter man who dances I secret)
Ballerina bff Amanda
(Only open if you wanna see my incoherent sleep deprived ramblings. I haven't slept in 2 days because insomnia and my anxiety has decided to 🎶 kick it up a notch 🎶 I currently have no filter)
Obsessed audience member that wants Adam...idk probably William or Logan...fuck it it's Ivan
Logan works in props
William (this is emmerson schenk whatever btw) works with the lights
Theater owners John and Jill (they hate hoffman and love Adam)
Buff head stangehand Strahm
Zeke is a principal dancer as well and they whore him out to film and other theater productions (they can spare him but not Adam because Adam puts asses in the seats)
Remember Addy? The middle aged lady that works for William Easton? Yeah she was prima ballerina back in her day but an injury to her out of the game. Now she's the dance teacher/instructor who adores Amanda and Daniel.
Speaking of William Easton he's the number one patron he's at every show and everyone calls him Uncle MoneyBags ™ because he dressed like Mr. Monopoly for Halloween ones fifteen years ago (Adam started it)
Brent Abbott you ask? He's just starting out in the big leagues. Adam has taken him under his wing
Corbett Denlon? Star of her class. Been dancing sine she was 3. She's at every performance she can get her parents to go to. The practice room she uses to rehearse is named after her late brother (who was also a student everyone adored)
And who is this up in the rafters changing the backdrops for scenes? Why it's Bobby Dagen the stage hand who is down bad for children's dance instructor and another principal dancer that gets lent out to other productions Joyce Young (in this universe Amanda and Joyce are cousins just go with it)
Where's our favorite Doctor Lawrence Gordon? (I know our actual favorite doctor is Lynn Denlon but for the sake of this post it's Larry (imagine cary elwes saying Larry from that one scene of men in tights)) well I'll tell you. He is the new front of house manager and he hates Hoffman and he went backstage to confront him but got distracted when he saw Adam dancing. Completely transfixed. He was smitten but has never talked to him in the 3 months he's Been there.
Zep is John's nephew. He's clumsy and spills his mop water on the daily. He's also the janitor/ maintenence man for the theater. He's been electrocuted many times. He's fine. His hair is permanently sticking up tho.
Remember Britt and Addison? Yeah they're the mean girls who constantly undermine everyone they dont like (mainly Amanda. They try to get into Adam's pants) (honestly they could hit me with a car and I'd say thank you)
Perez is Strahms BFF and costume designer
Cecil Adams? Of course he's here. He's the pervy stage hand nobody likes (think Joseph Buquet in Phantom of the Opera meets Ted Spankofski from Starkid's Hatchetfield series)
Art Blanc of course he's the theaters legal aid
Rigg is Amanda's dance partner. They're also like together but not
Kerry is there. She's Gordon's second in command.
Daniel Matthews was forced into dance classes by his mom when he got in trouble in school at 13. He's a natural. He still isn't the best but he takes extra lessons with Addy, Adam, Rigg, Amanda, and Joyce (everyone does one of one with him) and Brett helps him outside of the theater. (They're bffs)
Eric Matthews is head of security who is constantly watching Daniel. He's proud
Dan Erickson is here too. He's the accountant.
Jeff joined Eric's security after his son died so he could spend more time with Corbett
Lynn serves as the unofficial theater nurse. She's patched up many floor burns (trust me it fucking hurts when you fall on a stage/dance studio floor even with something to cover your skin think rug burn but from a wooden floor) and sprain ankles and a few broken toes, one time Daniel was a little over zealous and rammed himself into the mirror and broke his nose. She loves being the only unofficial nurse on the unofficial payroll (they're donations for new pediatrics wing of the hospital. John and Jill are grateful for her services but she won't accept payment so they donate to her new department she runs)
The theater is called "Gideon Theater" of course.
Other characters make up the orchestra but I'm too lazy to look them up rn. Up to your imagination but like Charles from 5 plays bass clarinet. The two from the pound of flesh trap are here too. I don't remember their names but the girl plays clarinet and the guy is percussion (I can see him playing xylophone the hammer bell things and crashing th cymbals) And the last surviving dude from the fatal 5 plays trumpet. I know their names my brain is just fried right now
Oh and Bobby's BFF I think he's named after spinach or some other leafy vegetable I can't remember but he's an investor in the theater too.
(Just because I don't have motivation to write this I'd love for people to write their own interpretation of this and tag me) (bonus points if we cross universes and Specs and Tucker show up) (I don't expect anyone to actually do this)
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
I know it’s weeks late but 11x20 review
* the flashbacks of Daryl and Carol moments through the seasons and Carol being a badass is making me sob
* Look you know I’ll always be a Caryler through and through but Zeke might have been one of the best thing for Carol. He was genuinely sweet and loving and open with her and she needed that. But like I say. Caryl for life
* That’s my queen 🥰 fighting off those men with a baking tray and a rolling pin was ICONIC
* Carol is so pretty when she’s running from the Law
* Hell yeah Carol went straight off to find her man (went off to find Daryl even though Zeke go nabbed from right under her nose might I add. I see you miss girl)
* Daryl bro that’s a bit embarrassing that you’re getting choked out.
* Carol handing Daryl’s crossbow back to him🥺
* Shut up Pamela I literally don’t care
* Okay Yumiko go off. Smack that bitch
* Daryl immediately trusting Carol in her plan to get Hornsby >>
* Once again I ask myself - is Tommi hot or is he just British?
* On a side note Tommi and Yumiko are amazingly cast siblings. They look so similar (even down to the CHEEKBONES) and have similar mannerisms
* CONNIE!! Hey girl!! Long time no see. I need more Connie and Kelly content. Best sibling duo
* Oh my lord I will never be over how seamlessly Daryl and Carol can work together without even speaking a word
* Hornsby is cracking the fuck up Jesus
* Daryl bro Hornsby looks like he’s enjoying being choked out a little too much
* Carol pushing Daryl off Lance was SO FUCKING HOT
* Lance asking Daryl to carry him was the funniest fucking scene ever why did no one mention this. I’m pissing. I had to pause the ep. The slightly unhinged flirty undertones? The pissed off but slightly taken aback look on Daryl’s face. Carol man handling him. Cracked me up
* The brief
* shot of blood covered Hornsby with Daryl over his right shoulder and Carol over his left is a beautiful piece of cinema.
* Carol stopping in fear when Daryl is being shot at— not much phases this woman but put her man in danger then she’s gonna panic
* “Not without you!!” !!!! The looking back at each other as Carol leaves!! The final glance!! The fear!!! God these two
* Daryl’s look of relief as he watches Carol leave!!! Knowing he might die in this shoot out but knowing that Carol made it out is enough!! The brief sigh and droop of his head as he turns away from watching Carol leave before springing back into action!!! I can’t deal with these two anymore
* Was Pamela really expecting to keep Sebastian’s Walker in that cell forever?? That’s fucked up
* Lance telling Carol that she was right to leave Daryl behind and he was slowing her down…. And asking who else could do what she just did??? Now I’m not saying I agree with Lance… but I low-key agree
* Lol Carol pulling a gun on Lance after he mentioned Daryl is peak simp energy
* I’m sorry but I’m not that attached to Eugene so his whole story isn’t hitting these emotional beats for me. I do feel bad for him tho
* “It’s hard to find someone like that, someone you’d do anything for.” And then Lance goes on to compare his feelings for Pamela to Carols feelings for Daryl. AND THEN asking Carol what comes after all the trouble at the commonwealth?? Bros I’m not being funny but like… I don’t think cannon is lost just yet. This convo might be important
* “I know you.” Then in the next breath “Will you let the commonwealth burn?… yeah of course she will. Any of our group would for the safety of their group
* Lance, I’m telling you now, DO NOT hold the kids well-being over Carols head
* That slow mo peely Walker was v cool
* THE MUSIC!!! THE RELIEF ON CAROLS FACE WHEN DARYL SHOWS UO TO SAVE HER!! The shot of him walking through the light!!! Her Guardian Angel!!
* Hell yeah they did get away!!
* Okay Yumiko pop off. Big respect
* That look between Carol and Daryl when Lance mentions the tracks and the train
* Lance stfu these two don’t need you for a single second
* My parents are so hot when they threaten Lance in tandem
* Daryl stepping forward like an attack dog the second Carol says “we’ve heard enough.” They’re so in sync I love them
* Yes Carol take him down. I love her. Nothing but respect for my queen
* Carols little disappointed shake of her head as she gets into the truck after killing Lance honestly makes me think she respected the game he played. He made the wrong choice in the end tho
* Oh my god have they drugged them all?!? That’s awful
That ep was brilliant. A bit bitter sweet knowing we could’ve had way more of that content in the Caryl spin off but what can you do about it aye. Hope isn’t lost just yet
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sapphireginger · 1 year
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Chapter #9
Stiles turns off the tv and coaxes her to look at him. “I will always braid your hair. I think it’s really cool that you’re showing him how but that doesn’t mean he’s going to do it better than me. I don’t think it’s bad if he gets really good at it.” “You don’t?” “Nope. Do you know why?” She shakes her head. “Why?” Stiles brushes her hair out of her eyes. “Because one day Boyd might have a little girl of his own and when she asks him to braid her hair, he’ll be able to do it because you taught him how.” Olivia’s eyes widen and she smiles. “Oh. Well, then that’s okay."
AO3 Link
Lunchtime rolls around the next day, when Erica brings Olivia home, Derek having headed home after breakfast.
“In the kitchen Liv!”
She runs inside and throws her arms around his waist. “Did you have fun Daddy? How was your date? Is Mr. Derek here? Are you gonna go on another date?”
“Woah, slow down kiddo.”
Erica closes the front door and makes her way to the kitchen. She eyes the wine glasses in the dish drainer and sends a smirk at Stiles who silences her with a look. She raises her hands in a placating gesture and smiles. “I’m sure your daddy had fun. You need to put your laundry in the hamper Livvy.”
Olivia huffs. “Okay but then I want to know how daddy’s date went.”
Stiles waits until Olivia is in the laundry room before giving Erica a go ahead gesture. “So how was it, Batman? Is he sculpted all over?”
Stiles makes a face even as he blushes. “That’s none of your business. He’s gorgeous and I had an amazing evening.”
“Well good. So where is he?” She glances at the stairs. “Bedroom closet?”
“No,” Stiles says with a snort. “He left after breakfast.”
Erica looks like the cat that got the cream. “So, he stayed the night then. Get it, Batman. Do I need to call Boyd to do any repairs to the bed?”
“Erica!” he hisses. He checks to make sure Olivia hasn’t returned and then fixes Erica with a glare. “We didn’t have sex.” His admission is followed by a one shoulder shrug.
“Why not?”
“Because I have Olivia to think about and he has Zeke. Being a parent means we have to take our kids into consideration when it comes to relationships.” He waits until she looks ready to argue before continuing. “That being said, we're going to a movie this weekend. He also asked about stopping by after he gets off work. I told him he was welcome anytime. I think he mentioned getting dinner on Wednesday night and then depending on how the movie goes we’re going to go out to dinner at the diner with the kids.”
Erica is stunned and then lets out a shrill squeal before hugging him and spinning him around. “Holy shit, Batman!” She smiles and pinches his cheeks. “My little Batman is all grown up.”
Stiles rolls his eyes but he’s wearing a soft smile. “About time huh?”
“I’m happy for you, Stiles. You deserve to be happy. Boyd and I are happy to have Olivia stay with us anytime.”
Olivia chooses that moment to run back out slipping on her socks and barely stops herself from falling. “Olivia Claudia Rose!”
“Sorry, Daddy.”
“What have I said about running in the house?”
Olivia wrings her hands. “No running in the house and never in socks because that’s how you get concussions, and you would know because you got one.”
Stiles nods. “Exactly.” He sighs and opens his arms pulling her into a hug. She melts into the embrace and accepts the kiss to her forehead. “So, how did Boyd do with braiding your hair?”
“He did okay for his first try.”
Erica beams. “He may even get to be as good as you one day.”
Olivia looks at Erica and shakes her head. She frowns and looks up at Stiles who quirks a brow. “Nobody will ever be better than daddy at braiding my hair.” She buries her head against Stiles’s stomach, and he puts his hand up to stop Erica from trying to backtrack. He’s pretty sure he knows what’s wrong.
“Livvy, angel?” he says softly. “I planned for us to watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi this afternoon. Do you want to go get the couch movie ready?”
“Okay,” she mumbles.
Once she’s out of earshot Erica looks at Stiles with guilty eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Stiles shakes his head and hugs her. “Don’t be. It’s okay. I think I know what’s wrong.”
“Really? Was it something I said?”
“No. Not really. I haven’t dated anyone since…” he trails off. 
Erica cups the back of his head and rubs his back. “Oh, Stiles. I’ll leave so you can talk to her but if you need me don’t hesitate to call. Okay?”
Stiles relaxes in her arms. “Okay.”
They hug for a few minutes longer before Erica heads out and Stiles joins Olivia on the couch. She crawls into his lap and rests her head on his shoulder, her eyes on the movie that’s playing. Stiles wraps his arms around her, one hand playing with her hair. He doesn’t say anything, just letting her calm down.
It’s not until the credits roll that Olivia starts talking. “Will you always braid my hair daddy? I don’t want Boyd to do it better than you.”
Stiles turns off the tv and coaxes her to look at him. “I will always braid your hair. I think it’s really cool that you’re showing him how but that doesn’t mean he’s going to do it better than me. I don’t think it’s bad if he gets really good at it.”
“You don’t?”
“Nope. Do you know why?”
She shakes her head. “Why?”
Stiles brushes her hair out of her eyes. “Because one day Boyd might have a little girl of his own and when she asks him to braid her hair, he’ll be able to do it because you taught him how.”
Olivia’s eyes widen and she smiles. “Oh. Well then that’s okay. You’re the only one I want to braid my hair though. Okay, Daddy?” she says with a yawn.
With a smile and a kiss to her forehead Stiles nods. “Of course.”
“Can we take a nap now, Daddy? I’m sleepy.”
Stiles pulls a blanket over them and adjusts to lay down with her head on his chest. “Go to sleep, Livvy. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Her eyes close and her breathing evens out as she falls asleep. Just like the time Stiles has with her when he braids her hair, moments when they cuddle like this are just as precious. He kisses Olivia's forehead and tucks a loose golden blonde curl behind her ear, smiling at her sleeping face. She looks so much like her mother. 
Sometimes he has to stop to catch his breath. He and Gracie, Grace, were kindred spirits, platonic soulmates and he'd do anything for Grace, including raising her daughter as his own no matter how much it hurts sometimes to see her in her.
Stiles feels his own eyelids grow heavy and doesn’t try to fight it when he too drifts off. He’s glad they have today and tomorrow to themselves.
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babystepsofficial · 1 year
Other than that, he hadn’t given Becky Krespe a second thought. In fact, he’d pretty much forgotten that she existed until he’d seen her sitting at the table, her eyes wide and startled like a deer in headlights. She was so…tiny. Not height wise, she was like an inch taller than him – something he totally wasn’t a little bitter about, no – but in size. The girl was thin, like the kind that made people question if you ate. But she was also pretty. So, so pretty, with her curls and emerald eyes and shy smile that made him want to start wars over. And he’d suddenly understood why Zeke acted the way he did around Tina. Darryl was down bad for the girl before they’d even said a single word to each other.
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andie-cake · 1 year
here's some hcs abt older jasper (in non-yellow jacket timelines), yippee
their powers fade once they turn 16. he has the misfortune to find this out in the middle of a match at the rollerama. the effects of the mind milk only let them start a transformation, but not finish it, and the fox hat straight up stops working altogether. this kinda sends him into a panic bc no powers means no more matches, and no more matches means no more rollerama money, and no more rollerama money means "oh god, are we still gonna be able to afford our house?". thankfully, the rollerama folks settle on sending the mckenzie family checks once a month (not quite as much money as jasper was making from the matches, but still enough to let them keep their home in pinebrook), if only to keep the family on their good side so they don't rat them out. the family does still eventually decide to downsize to a still nice but not pinebrook nice house, mainly bc jasper's older bro larry has already moved out and started college when this goes down.
as they get further into their teenage years, jasper ends up getting their ears pierced and growing their hair out to a little past shoulder length. he lets his little sister millie style his hair, and he very frequently goes to school with whatever style she gave him that day. she's surprisingly good at it honestly, and even if she wasn't, jasper doesn't give a fuck. what're the kids at school gonna do? pick on the kid who's weirdly good at self-defense maneuvers bc their hair looks kinda silly? nuh-uh.
he still gets crushes all the time, but he's at least better at recognizing his feelings and not. freaking out about them. somewhat. they still get very very nervous about asking people out. jasper's actually considered pretty attractive by his peers, a lot of folks think he aged into his looks quite well despite (or to some, partially because of) his crooked nose and one missing tooth (both gotten courtesy of the rollerama). they have a handful of romantic relationships throughout high school, some definitely lasting longer than others. mostly with girls bc he has a slight preference, but he's gone out with a few guys as well.
they still rollerblade a lot, even after leaving the rollerama! as i've said, he really took to rollerskating after matches, and was one of the few kids to upgrade to rollerblades during his tenure there. they've been trying to teach millie how to skate, and they've taken more than one of their romantic partners on skate dates in oakley park.
he's mostly a jock throughout high school, he's been on hatchetfield high's swim team and baseball team at different points. and while they never fully joined the football team (they've fought kids who can manipulate time and control fire, and they still find football too intimidating for them, which is valid), they did spend a year in the zeke the fightin' nighthawk mascot costume out on the field (they did not enjoy that, the costume smelled really bad). but also, he's participated in the school musical once or twice. they're not a great singer, and they're only kind of okay at dancing (they're a fast learner, at least), but they've got good comedic timing and they're quick to improv a funny line if something goes wrong up onstage. this kid still wants to host game shows when he gets older, so that's prolly the most important skill he could have.
their relationship with their parents gets a little... strained as they age into adulthood. like, they still love each other to death, but jasper gets some conflicted feelings about how the whole rollerama situation was handled. he doesn't regret fighting in the rollerama, not at all, the family prolly would've ended up on the streets if he hadn't. but they question how... responsible it was for their folks to essentially let jasper be the family's main breadwinner, especially with how dangerous the rollerama could be. no one in the family quit their jobs once they got rich, no, but jasper was still raking in like 90-95% of the family's income. again, he has no regrets over participating in the rollerama, but it still gets kinda tense and uncomfortable between him and his parents when the subject comes up.
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naussensei · 2 years
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Erwin was sitting at the veranda, patiently wove something out of rope when Levi joined his side. He walked to sit next to him, careful not to disturb his concentration. 
“Is it time for dinner already?” Erwin said without looking away from his craft.
“Not yet.”
He watched Erwin’s fingers move skillfully around the rope, tying knots and twisting it.
“What are you making?”
“Sandals,” Erwin rushed to say, still too focused to look at him, “for the guests. It’s a parting gift for their help. The young girl helped me in the garden many times.”
Levi smiled. “You’re surprisingly skillful at it. Where did you learn to do that?”
“Every warrior knows shibari .” Erwin smiled with pride. “It’s part of our education. You must know how to tie an enemy or make a useful tool when needed.”
“Like what? Like sandals?”
“Yes, like sandals.” Erwin chuckled. “And…other things.”
“What other things?” Levi tilted his head, moved closer to him until their knees touched.
Erwin’s fingers stopped for a moment to look at him. “Now you’re asking questions?”
“What other things?” Levi insisted, resting his chin on Erwin’s shoulder, teasingly.
Erwin smiled, but his gaze lowered, and resting the sandal on the veranda, he spoke thoughtfully. 
“Not so pleasant things. It’s mostly used in war for prisoners. For punishment and torture.”
Levi gulped. 
He forgot about it sometimes. Every time he looked at Erwin’s soft smile he would forget how much of a deadly soldier he once used to be. A ‘killer’, in that man, Zeke’s words. Levi refused to think of him that way. He could never picture it.
It suddenly occurred to him, thinking of the scars on Erwin’s back. Why hadn’t he thought of it before? Those were mostl likely the marks of torture.
“Have you…” Levi inquiered carefully, “have you used shibari for that purpose?”
A pause. Erwin’s lips moved, hesitant to answer. Averting his eyes, he said. 
“Has someone used it against you?”
“Are the scars on your back–?”
“Yes, Levi-dono.” Erwin turned to him with threatening eyes, demanding silence.
Levi complied. “Sorry…”
“It’s alright.” He shook his head. “I do not mind talking about it, but if you are going to ask, please do not make that sad face.”
Levi went quiet, overwhelmed with self-awareness, wondering what face he was making. He looked away in silence.
“But shibari is not all bad. It has its practical uses too,” added Erwin with a lazy smile, perhaps out of guilt, or just to ease the tension. “Some people use it for other, more pleasant purposes.”
Levi watched Erwin rise on his feet and take a piece of rope, playing with it in his hand.
Curiosity struck him again. 
“Oh?” He stood behind him.
“Using rope is an efficient way to severe nerves and tendons. Pull the right string, tie the right knot, apply the right pressure and it will inflict intense pain.” He turned to Levi, looked him in the eye, and walked to stand behind him. “But it can cause intense pleasure as well. It is thought that the part of the brain that regulates pain, fear and pleasure is the same.”
“That’s— Interesting.” Levi managed to speak over the lump in his throat. 
“It is even said that, if the pressure of the knot is applied it in the right spot, it can highly stimulate intense sexual pleasure.” Erwin’s voice was warm against his ear, a finger trailed down the back of his neck. Levi’s mouth watered.
“What-” he cleared his throat to find his voice, barely inaudible. “What spots?”
Thumb and index pressed against Levi’s neck, sending goosebumps down his spine. “Like here, for instance…” 
He swallowed. “Where else?”
Erwin’s hands slid over Levi’s kimono and down his chest to cup his breasts softly, “Here… and here.”
Levi closed his eyes, held his breath to keep from hyperventilating. Erwin’s fingers trailed down his ribs, stopped on his hip bone, only to continue down his groin.
“Levi! Erwin!” Isabel’s voice came from inside the house. “What are you doing there? Dinner is ready!”
They recoiled, and dared not to look at each other on their way to the dining room until they sat at either end of the table.
From: Cherry Blossoms in Winter.
A historical Japan AU
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Birthday Gift Conundrum
Hey guys! I tried my hand at writing my first fanfic for Fleur's upcoming birthday. Featuring Felicity, Emery, Weylyn, Cooper Ophelia and a mentioning of the birthday girl who deserves the best in the world, Fleur.
Note: I do not own the characters nor the original story "Cheers to the Elites". All credits to the author @l-writes-things for creating the story @cheerstotheelites-if.
note note: The characters may act different from the original.
note note note: timeline of the events is the in the first year of MC and Fleur dating period
note note note note: sending it in the form of an ask because for some reason the submission option is not working for me
note note note note note: for fear of the ask getting too long, the fanfic will come with parts. Enjoy part 1
14 February 2023
You can see the special mark, the word written in capital letters “IMPORTANT” on the date, as if to further emphasize its significance to the calendar’s owner.
3 months ago
Felicity POV
“Emery, go call MC to come down for dinner.”
Her child had been cooped up in their room from the moment they arrived home. It was not the first time and not too unusual for someone studying at a prestigious school as Lumintoille. But this habit of theirs has gotten worse lately. Unless she sends Emery to distract them/call them down (drag them), they won’t budge from their seat.
*Sigh* She should have a talk with them.
It’s good to be studious, but they should be careful. Pushing their body to its limits could damage their health. She and Zeke would know.
(Author note” little does she know her child is worrying over a birthday gift for their girlfriend…)
Just as Emery is about to knock on his parent/sibling’s door, he hears some voice sounds. Not only his parent/sibling’s. Others too. Familiar voices. Family. His eyes lit up.
And just like that, he opens the door excitedly, barging in their room.
Are you talking with Big Brother Weylyn, Cooper and Big Sis Ophelia?
They did not expect Emery barging into their room. But even if he knocked, would they have heard?
Probably not.
They were too focused on the topic of the group call, which they initiated. Asking for help was not their forte, nor their preferred option, buuuuuuuuut… they had to.
You see… Observing Fleur carefully everyday would result in her reprimanding them for staring too much. Mulling over the perfect gift for her yielded results… though not helpful ones considering the huge list their brain came up with. Then the anxiety from the overthinking on how she would like the gift crept over. It didn’t leave for months.
Dispersing the stray thoughts away, they smile softly: “Yes Emery. Come and greet them if you’d like.”
Emery rushes to their parent/sibling’s side and they lift him up to sit on their lap. He takes the phone from where MC left it earlier, thrilled to talk with Weylyn, Cooper and Ophelia.
“Hello! – he greets them, waving his free hand at the same time.
“Hi!” “Hello!” “Heyo!” – all three of them greet Emery at the same time.
“Well, MC, you didn’t like any of our ideas so maybe you should ask Emery for help” – Cooper suggests, grinning mischievously similarly to a Cheshire cat.
“Hmmm. Not a bad idea. So, buddy. What do you think we should prepare for Fleur’s birthday?”- They ask half-jokingly.
Big Sis Fleur’s BIRTHDAY?! Tomorrow?! Why didn’t you tell me, MC?! – Emery shouts at them with a pouting face.
All of four of them laugh. Emery, leaves the phone on the table and crosses his arms, still pouting. “Meanie.”
MC stops their laugh and apologizes: “Sorry. I forgot to tell you. But don't worry, her birthday is not tomorrow, I promise."
"When is her birthday then, MC?" - he asks. Pouting face vanished, replaced by an expression of curiosity, but still keeping his hands crossed.
Thinking that, they chuckle and lean over to take their handmade desk calendar to show him.
"Here, Emery. Look at the marked date. 14 February (14 Blossom). That's when we celebrate and give our gifts to her."
"Can I give her a rose? Will she like it?"
"Of course. You can give her any gift and she will like it." - their girlfriend always had a soft spot for their son/sibling.
"What will you give her?" - Emery innocently asks, not knowing their struggles with picking a single gift for her.
"Why don't you help him with picking a gift Emery?" - Ophelia chimes in.
"Why not give her a rose too?"- a good idea but not one they preferred. They wanted to give her something more unique and memorable. Not something they could give her any da-
They could do that!
Something handmade and memorable. But what?
Thank you for reading until the end. Stay tuned for the next part: "Birthday Gift Preparation"
Words cannot describe on how I feel about this jgfhds and there's more coming?! 😳😳😳
Thank you for sharing your work, Fic. I can't wait to read the rest of it.🥺💙💙💙
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dejwritesarchived · 3 years
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♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — tell my brother she ours. 🥴, p power by gunna ft drake [ ft your fav brother duos, osamu + atsumu, rindou + ran, & zeke + eren, her/she pronouns, female anatomy, smut, threesome, degradation kink, pet names [babygirl, slut, pretty girl, etc], slight bimbo sugar baby recording of intercourse (for rindou + ran part), reader (for rindou + ran part), oral / f.receiving (for atsumu + osamu part), power dynamic & corruption kink (for eren + zeke part), slight drabble format ]
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YOU THOUGHT BEING GRISHA YEAGER'S APPRENTICE WOULD BE EASY WORK. Being able to be the mentee of one of the best surgeons in the medical field was a dream come true considering that you were currently in medical school. However, it wasn't going the way you wanted it to go. You were expecting to be able to watch him perform surgeries, read his personal research from the surgeries he's done, and the list goes on. You've only been met with such a harsh old man when you met him. You've only been able to watch about two of his surgeries within your month of being his mentee and he didn't even like you stepping into his office (unless you were fetching him a patient's file). Don't get you started on the unofficial role of babysitting his sons.
Two complete opposite of each other. It was like flipping a coin and deciding who was exactly going to bother you as you sat in your little office right across from Grisha's in his clinic. You were quite observant though. Mondays and Fridays, the youngest Eren would always pop into your office with some goofy grin and even goofier pickup line because he didn't have classes that day. While Tuesdays and Thursdays, the eldest Zeke would bother you with a cup of coffee and some sarcastic remark about his dad. On those days, he didn't have to go to his job as a T.A at the same university Eren attended.
You were observant of their little tricks to try to toy you and for the fun of it, you let them play with you. Just to get under Grisha's skin. A poor example and even bad influence on you as the three of you managed to break into the clinic after it was closed. You just didn't expect to bent off Grisha's desk as Eren's cock was bullying its way into your tight cunt. Your desperate moans are muffled with Zeke's girthy cock in your moan.
Your sweet moans vibrate off the back of your throat causing the eldest to groan in complete bliss. You can feel Eren's grip on your waist get tighter as he's backing you up on his cock like his personal fleshlight. Your mascara stained your hollow cheeks with each tear droplet that ran down them. You just kept wondering which was going to give out on your first. Your pussy that Eren was fucking into like a madman or your throat that Zeke seemed to be obsessed with thrusting so harshly forward until the tip of your nose kissed his happy trail.
"Maybe if we make a lil mess in his office he'll finally pay attention to you." Eren groaned out through his breathless groans.
"Probably not, but it's worth the try." Zeke added as his hips trusted forward to feel your wet mouth around his cock some more.
YOU WERE A PRETTY SIGHT AS YOU TOOK ORDERS AT ONIGIRI MIYA. A wonderful worker that came to work on time every day, helped out when the restaurant was closing, and the list goes on. You were practically employee of the month every month. Obviously, being the cute girl you were, you always had your boss Osamu swooning with each passing by step you did by him. Osamu would get a quick whiff of your flowery perfume that caused him to smile. You also gained the attention of his twin brother also who would stop by occasionally to get food and annoy his brother.
"No." was the only thing that uttered out Osamu's mouth as he noticed Atsumu staring at you while you were chatting with a customer.
"You don't even know what I'm about to say," Atsumu argued.
"But you have that look on your face and I know that look," Osamu ended his comment with an annoyed eye roll.
"Oh come on, I know you think about it." Atsumu nudged him playfully.
The two didn't expect their pornographic daydreams to become a reality after a devious dare after sharing a bottle of sake with you. Who's the better kisser, Osamu or Atsumu? You can't even tell even after lip-locking with the two as you're sandwich in between them on the sofa. "It's no fair, he kissed you longer." Atsumu pouted causing you to let out a giggle. A couple more kisses later, Atsumu had taken comfort in between your plump thighs. His face buried into your cunt which caused you to arch your back off of Osamu who was sitting behind you littering small kisses and nibbles on your naked. His large hands lean over to squeeze at your breast, occasionally pinching at your nipples to gain an intoxicating moan from you. Your body radiated so much heat feeling the way the flat of Atsumu's tongue slurped up your arousal.
"So, tell me (Y/N), is Atsumu eating you out correctly or should I take over?" Osamu whispered in your ear.
YOU WERE ALWAYS A GIRL LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE. Always looking for a rich person to grasp upon to fund your luxury lifestyle of designer clothes and diamonds. You even had a black book to keep up with the elite people you've milked out dry before ditching them for the next. Just your luck, you've grasped upon not just one Haitani, but both of them. A spoiled airhead that lips would curl into a pretty smile when one brother put a new diamond Cartier bracelet on your wrist. An even huger smile on your face when the other brother is zipping up the custom Versace dress that hugs your figure perfectly.
You have Ran and Rindou feeding out the palm of your hand.
Or so you thought you did?
They caught onto how you were eyeing for your next victim as you sat in the private section of a Bonten owned club. The way your eyes lingered a little longer on Japan's Attorney General son. They saw how your eyes no longer lit up when they gifted you things or placed a quick peck on the corner of your Fenty lip gloss-covered lips. You've grown bored of them.
And boy did they put you in your place.
Your head buried into the flushness of the pillow while Ran was bottoming down into your drooling cunt. You could only hiccup moans with each harsh thrust forward from the eldest Haitani brother. Each time you tried to break the perfect arch, he's pushing you back down thrusting even quicker. The lewd sound of skin slapping against each other echoed within the master bedroom of your highrise penthouse (Haitani funded).
Rindou held his phone recording the action. His cock is rock hard and coated with your saliva and he couldn't help but use his free hand to palm his own cock at the sight of his brother fucking their favorite girl. He's very sure to get your pretty fucked out face in the shot. Your hand going to cover your face, but Rindou instantly moved it away, and Ran only stuffed you some more. Your thighs were stained with their cum and drool droplets were on the pillow as Ran fucked your cunt.
"Maybe we should send this those lil rich idiots that are in that black book of yours, hm? They wouldn't want something that's the Haitani's." Rindou questioned as he brought his phone closer to Ran just to get a perfect view of your cunt swallowing his brother whole.
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TAGS — @festive @nanaminshousewife @luffysthickwaifu @thicksimpx @gabzlovesu @misss-chrisss @maydayaisha @novaresque @gardenof-venus @plussizeficchick @queenmjp @itzgabz22 @caribbeanwifey19 @sunkissedebony97 @hw-shorty @gaiasmight @himbrosimp @sakusakwiyoomi @rinhoes @maideneyes @thenerdyrebel @reiners-milkbiddies @woahhajime @little-aruma @sleepy3 @ghoejo @daichisbunny @xsweetdellzx @manjiroscum @minniecums @serotoninaf @greattragedy @sal3m-is-lon3ly @onyxluva @anajah @bokutossidepiece @ceeriusly-dumb @hellavile @blessings-phiri @cloudseo @solaceinarts @7inaa @myabae-blog
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pockcock · 3 years
No thoughts. Pussy dwelling on Erwin's fingers edging you until you're a begging mess though. (Because let's face it, we all know the calluses on his hands feel like heaven when his tongue eases the feeling soon after-)
"whore mouth" // erwin smith x f!reader
word count: 2.4k
a/n: Oh god I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYY :( This was supposed to be a drabble but I got carried away... Anyways. ENJOY <3
tw// porn with very little plot. impact play. slapping. jealous!erwin. sugardaddy!erwin. dom!erwin. sadist!erwin. edging. cunnilingus. breath play. dumbification. spitting. forced orgasm. slight blood. squirting. clit slapping. slight consensual non-con (reader and erwin have a dom/sub relationship). prey-predator if you squint. usage of "whore, slut, bitch". aftercare.
Erwin isn't the jealous type in your eye. He is a confident man, he is fierce. He is the CEO of the Corps Ltd. after all. He isn't jealous, people are jealous of him.
But the look he gave you at the party made you lose your ability to breathe.
He bought this black silk dress for you a couple of weeks ago. It arrived at your door by his assistant, Armin, a pretty young boy. He reminded you of Erwin, only young and naive. You felt incredible in the fabric, it felt as if the dress was made for you and you only. Everything was right about the dress. But you didn't have any opportunity to wear it. Until tonight.
"Here we are, madam," Armin spoke, his eyes met yours from the rearview mirror. It was obvious that he was having a hard time keeping his eyes away from your beautifully exposed chest and perky nipples showing through the dress. "Mr. Smith is waiting for you inside."
You thanked him and carefully got out of the car not letting your dress go even higher. As you entered the hotel where the party was being hosted, your eyes found your pretty CEO. Surrounded by his close friends Miche and Levi, he was laughing. He was wearing his brand new black Hermes set with a gold detailed Versace tie. Then he saw you, his whole expression changed. The bright, playful eyes turned into loving ones.
"My sunshine," he greeted you with open arms, calling you in. "She is finally here!"
You walked towards him. "Traffic hold me hostage!"
A little laugh escaped his lips as he hugged you. But his words were far far away from his laugh. "Why the fuck are you wearing that?"
You hugged him, hiding your surprised and sad face in his neck. "I-I thought you'd enjoy it..."
He let you go, fixed your hair a bit. Cupping your cheeks, he said: "We'll talk about it when we go home, okay? Now let's enjoy our party." And, uh, what a bastard he is, to put the smile back into your face, he added. "You're looking like a swan."
And the rest of the night was almost perfect. Erwin introduced you as "My cup of sunshine!" to his friends, co-workers, business partners. He complimented you, let others compliment you and he even let Miche steal you for the dance and touch your bareback with his enormous hands. He let Zeke kiss your hand which was decorated by the ring Erwin gave. Everything went smoothly.
And yet, here you were, in front of him. Couldn't even look at his face because of the humiliation and mockery he possessed in his eyes.
"Tell me, princess. Why did you wear that?" he asked, emphasizing the word 'that'.
"I'm sorry-"
Your head went to your right with the impact. Your left cheek was burning and you were in shock. Did he slap you?
"I'm not asking for your apology. I'm asking for the reason."
You lifted your head, eyes filled with fear. "I-"
Another slap. This one hurt more than the other. "Stop this fucking nonsense and answer me." His voice was calm, steady. It contained no anger or fury.
"I thought..." A tear left your eye, you wiped it with the back of your hand. "I thought y-you'd like it."
Another slap. "Did you get the note I sent with the dress? I remember putting it into the box myself. I even attached it to the dress with an anklet. Remember?"
Another slap, you fell onto the ground. "What did it say?"
A sob left your lips. "I-I don't..."
"You don't what, princess?" He kneeled down. He grabbed your chin, lifting it up and looking directly into your teary eyes. "Tell me."
" I don't remember!" You screamed it out. Humiliation now took over your body, making you ache in pain. It was also creating a pool between your legs. "I don't remember, Erwin! I'm so-"
Another slap. "You don't get to say my name tonight." He took his jacket off, then his tie, he threw both across the room. He talked as he rolled his sleeves up. “You don’t deserve to say my name with that whore mouth.”
He yanked your hair making you scream in pain, he slammed you into the wall. The photos fell down, shattered. His rough hands ripped the dress’ straps, making it fall onto the floor, pooling around your feet. “I bought this for my eyes. My pleasure.” He slapped your right breast harshly. “You are mine.” He pinched your cheeks together, making you open your mouth. “That’s what I wrote, stupid whore.” He spitted onto your tongue, it tasted like whiskey and cigar. Then he covered your mouth and your nose, not letting you breathe. “Swallow.”
You did as he said. How couldn’t you?
“Open your mouth, tongue out.” He let go of your mouth, wanted to see your mouth empty. You inhaled in relief, brain too hazy to understand anything. He slapped you again. “Open your fucking mouth.”
“Erwin!” You screamed with pain again.
He laughed and let your hair go, you fell down with the sudden movement. “Your stupid brain can’t understand a word I say, right?” He grabbed you by the neck, lifting your fragile body up. “What are you good for? Oh, right! Being a whore, now I remember.”
You grabbed his forearm, nails digging into his skin. You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything. You tried to push him away but he didn’t budge. The worst part wasn’t him being harsh with you. It was him being calm as usual, never shouting, never talking with clenched teeth. Even his damn expression was calm. His damn eyebrows weren’t furrowed. That scared you.
“Stop,” he said, pushing your hands away with a harsh move. You made his arms bleed a little. He looked at you unimpressed. “You never understand, do you?”
He took you to your shared bedroom, threw you onto the bed. You tried to get away, silly you, where could you go. Your makeup was a mess, mascara running down onto your cheeks as your tears left your eyes, painting your face black. Crying loudly, you screamed once more. “Please! Please don’t!” You tried to stop him. “Daddy please!”
He choked you, again, harsher this time. You held onto his arms, wishing he would let you breathe just once. Slammed your weak body into the mattress, he ripped your panties. “You’re begging me not to do anything, yet you’re soaking like a fucking slut.” Without warning, he pushed his thick middle and ring finger inside you. “See? You take my fingers like a slut too!” Amusement coated his tone. “You either want my fingers or my dick. You just want to be my pocket pussy, right, slut?” He was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow, wet noises filled the room. “Stupid whore.”
Your eyes rolled back. Everything was too much. Too much pleasure, too much pain, too little air. Your brain was shutting down slowly, you couldn’t think straight. You wanted to kiss him, wanted to beg him to fuck you with his huge cock. Wanted him to take you then and there, without preparation. Yet, the only thing you could do was to moan, like a stupid whore. His voice echoed in your brain. You got closer, his fingers curled inside you, finding that pretty spot. It was too much?
“You’re cumming already?” He mocked, his pace quickened. “You won’t. Hold it.”
Your fingernails once again found the little cuts they made previously, digging even harder as the pleasure built up. You were losing consciousness due to the lack of oxygen in your body. You couldn’t do anything. Couldn’t breathe, couldn’t hold your orgasm, couldn’t stop him.
Erwin felt your orgasm before you. He pulled his hands away from you. “Open your legs. Ruin it. Don’t cum.”
You couldn’t.
The pleasure hit you, hit your body like a truck. With the sudden feeling of air coming into your lungs, your legs started trembling. Your whole body clenched, shaking like your vibrator Erwin bought you for your birthday. Your eyes snapped open and you felt something coming out of your cunt, wetting your legs, the bed and Erwin in front of you. You squirted.
“Fuck…” You heard Erwin cursing under his breath. His pants were soaking wet.
“D-Daddy...” You reached out for him, eyes barely functioning after the intense orgasm. “I-I’m sorry, I co-uldn’t hold it… I couldn't ruin it!”
He tsked. “Princess, what have you done?”
Your eyes filled with tears once again. You were slowly regaining your ability to think. “Daddy... I’m sorry…”
He sat next to you, pushed the hair from your face. “Shh, don’t talk…” He cupped your cheeks. “Maybe I was a bit too harsh for you.” He leaned down to kiss your puffy lips. “But you still need to be punished baby.”
Before you could protest, he spanked your clit.
“You were being a whore today.” Spank. “And you were also being a bad girl.” Spank. “You didn’t listen to me.” Spank. “But now,” Spank. “You’ll be cumming from this.”
You did. You didn’t know you could. But you did. And he didn’t stop.
“Daddy! S-Stop! I’ve come already” You tried to close your legs, the pleasure was turning into pain with each slap. “Can’t take it! Daddy I’m cumming!”
“Yes, babygirl,” He whispered. His eyes were locked into your, his pupils had expanded. “You’re cumming again. And you’ll be cumming again. And again. Until I’m done with you.”
His spanks became even faster and harder, hitting that sensitive bud throbbing in a mixture of pain and pleasure. When you opened your mouth to moan, he spitted onto your tongue once again. “Don’t swallow. Stick your tongue out, slut,” he said as his other hand caressed your hair. “Let yourself drool like a stupid whore.” His words, his actions… Everything was so complicated. Making you feel even more stupid.
After cumming another four times you were a drooling, dripping mess. You were lost your sight. Everything was spinning, the ceiling, Erwin in front of you, and you. Your breaths were unsteady, you couldn’t even hear your heartbeat because of its speed.
Erwin patted your cheek. “Don’t faint on me now, bitch.”
He smiled. “Shh, princess. I know.” His hands came down on your face to wipe your tears away. “I’m proud of you.” He kissed your forehead. “Now, I’m going to eat you out, ‘kay? I wanna taste my pretty pocket pussy.”
You squinted your eyes to see him. Your eyes filled with tears once again. Your makeup was already ruined and smudged into the sheets. “Please daddy! I can’t take-”
“Shut up, baby.” He stood up, got between your legs and pulled you towards his face. Erwin loved your pussy so much, he could live in there forever. He inhaled the heavenly scent and licked your slit, drinking everything you offered. “It’s my pussy and I chose to do whatever I want.”
You tried to push him, kick him away. Nothing worked. Erwin Smith, ate your pussy like it was his last day on earth. He ate your cum, drank your juices, sucked on your clit and fucked you with his tongue. His face was sweaty, his perfect hair stuck onto his forehead. His naked chin was now coated with your nectar. He made you cum again, leaving you breathless, sucking your soul out of your body. He made you cum, made you squirt onto his face. He was pussy drunk, couldn’t let you go. Couldn’t stop sucking your clit. He loved the way your legs trembled after each orgasm. He loved the way you screamed “Daddy!” first and when he didn’t stop you screamed “Erwin!”. He loved the way you babble nonsense trying to apologize from him. Stupid slut, he thought. And ate you out until your whole body went numb.
When he was finally done, both of you were panting. You were barely awake, holding onto nothing but trying your best not to lose consciousness. Erwin was tired, tired from eating you out, fingering you and taking your soul away from you. He got up, laid right next to you. He adored this sight; you, completely fucked up and ruined. He did this without putting his cock in you. He was proud.
“Are you with me princess?” He whispered into the night. He was being cautious.
You nodded weakly.
“Good girl,” he said. Kissed your forehead slowly he cupped your cheeks. “Can you give me a color baby?” You were using a color system alongside your safeword. It was for your safety.
“Y-Yellow…” Your voice was hoarse after all the screaming.
He furrowed his brows. He was too harsh on you. “I’m sorry, kitten.” He carefully flipped you onto your side, hugging your back tightly, he kissed your shoulder. “I was too harsh on you. I’m so sorry baby.”
A sob escaped your lips. “But you didn’t cum…”
“It’s okay baby, it’s okay. You’ve done so well. I got pleasure from your pleasure. I'm not important. You are. Your pleasure is. You did so well. So well baby. That’s what is important. I got you now, okay? I’ll never let you go. You’re my everything. I got you. I’ll never leave you.”
You stayed there, tangled together for a long time. Erwin kissed your shoulders, back and hair, his calloused hands caressed your arms. When the extreme pleasure made you clench again, he hugged you tighter, whispering. “Calm down, baby. I got you.” He made sure you were fully okay after your intense session.
His heart shattered into thousand pieces after hearing that tone in your voice. “You can say my name baby, it’s over now.”
“Erwin,” you said almost hesitantly. “C-Can I go to the bathroom? I need to pee.”
His eyes snapped open. Right, you had to. “Yes baby, let me take you there.” He took you into his arms bridal style. “And we’ll take a bath, I really want to try that lavender bath bomb you bought. Is that okay baby?”
You snuggled into his shirt, it was still wet after your countless orgasms.
After you were done with everything, you were in your marble bathtub with Erwin. A purple color was prominent in the water, making you feel safe. You leaned into his chest filled with little patches of thin gold hair even more. He was your home.
“Erwin?” you asked, melting into his touches.
“Yes, princess?”
“How many times did I cum?” You asked, lifted your head to look at him. You loved that expression. You could see surprise, confusion, calculation and answer in seconds.
“Thirty..” he furrowed his thick brows, he was counting. “Thirty-nine.” Then he realized what he said. His eyes opened up with amazement. “Oh.”
“Yeah..” you said, a chuckle left your chest.
“We broke our record!”
taggings: @maries-gallery @st-arlert (you have to read this baby, no escapes) @azazelles
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Tower of Fantasy v/ Genshin Impact
So I only did about 2 hours of Tower of Fantasy. But I'm not one of those people who are willing to play something for 10 hours waiting for it to get good.
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Haha, that kind of gives my opinion way, doesn't it?
Let me start by saying that Tower of Fantasy and Genshin are different games.
And you might say, "Well, No shit Kai."
But listen, what I mean by that is Genshin Is an RPG with Co-op. Tower of Fantasy (I'm gonna just call it Tower form from now on) Is an MMORPG. And those are different experiences at their core. And to be honest with that, I don't know how the comparison between the two came about.
Because in an MMORPG, you have to play with other people. And story-wise this is a trickier hill to climb. While in an RPG playing with others is optional. And I like that option with Genshin.
And my big issues with most MMORPGs are the issues of immersion and player agency. Both of which Genshin does well, and Tower does not.
Let me start by talking about player agency because this was my biggest issue with Tower.
Because of the gacha nature of both games, it's optional to play the game as your chosen protagonist. But in genshin, the player still has a contention with the Lumine and Aether. The story is ultimately still about the traveler. And the traveler, like the player, is slowly discovering the world. So the player has a deep connection to the traveler while still not needing to play as them. And the ability to play as a character you can connect more with only builds on this, but the traveler is still crucial.
Now little spoilers for Tower.
Tower's PC. From what I played. There was no reason for them to be there. There is no reason for them to care so much about Zeke and Shirli. The story is about Zeke and Shirli, and the player is chasing them. This takes all the agency away from the player.
And really, this is a big pet peeve of mine with media, in particular, games (Because they tend to be the worst offenders of this), try to pull an emotional scene with character but haven't given us a chance to connect to the character. Let me break down my understanding of what happened to show you why this just doesn't fuck work.
So form I got off the game. The world got the Raccoon City treatment. And the air carries this radiation that turns humans into mutants or something.
The players get attacked and separated from our twin(?) and end up injured, and the devices that protect us from the radiation it's battery die. (This was really weird cause who would go on like a mission and not have that bitch at full charge) But as we lose consciousness, someone is talking about wiping our memories.
We wake up saved by this sibling pair that changed the battery. They show us around the safe camp we do some basic help-out shit. The gacha element is introduced. (And actually, I like the idea of why this came was gacha, but the execution was really poor). What ends up happening is the safe haven is attacked by raiders. We help fight them off. This ends with not only a RE-style fight with a boss who thinks it's a good idea to inject himself with some suspicious goo. ut with, the young girl sibling overloading the device that helps protect her in an effort to protect her brother.
Needless to say, she starts to turn into a monster, and they try to pull off this emotional scene where Shirli is telling Zeke to kill her Of course, he can do it, and he eventually runs off to this bad guy group to try and save her And we follow after to bring them both back.
First off. I had no empathy for Zeke of Shirli. Shirli was your dull typical happy-go-lucky girl who really just wanted to see the world and Zeke, her overprotective brother. So both of them were really very boring. And I would have had more empathy for Zeke IF HE DIDN'T MAKE A RULE WHERE THE PERSON CLOSES TO THE SICK PERSON HAD TO KILL THEM. Like He's a bad leader for not being able to follow through, and he's worst for putting that rule in the first place. Because he's essentially forcing people to traumatize themselves by killing their loved ones.
And the worst part. I was just along for this melodramatic ride. Like I was already building my character in my head as this happy (robot) boy who just wants to help and protect people. Also, a little on the dumb side, which would fit into why he wasn't fucking bothered at all waking up and having NO fucking memories. But It was tough to get into it when I had no effect on the story, and while I could see why my character being the dumb baby boy he was, would latch on to Sherli. I just struggled to want to, and I honestly wanted to see him more as stopping Zeke and letting Sherli pass as the person she wanted to be. But Again. I had no choice.
And In genshin thing can be very linear storywise. The Traveler and their journey are still the strong core of the story. We are the focus, and we are affecting the world, even when Paimon volunteers up forever little favor someone asks of us. And heck, even in recent updates, the Traveler has been showing more annoyance at these events. But in Tower, I felt none of that. Instead of me driving the story forward, I felt like I was being pushed along. Nothing I did would matter.
Now let me touch on the Gacha of Tower. Part of what makes Genshin's Gacha interesting and why people pull for characters. IS THE STORY. In the main quest, we connect to characters like Diluc and Jean, Zhongli and childe, Ayaka and Kazuha. We learn about these people, and we just want to see more of them! To play with them and for me make up little stories about my daily adventures with my team!
In Tower, there isn't any of this. The characters are actually weapons. And from what I understand, the character themselves if a simulation of a former great warrior or something. And I like the only weapon banner, and I like this idea. I'm simply not invested in getting the characters because I don't get any connection with them. Like, I managed to get an SSR. I think his name was Crow or something. And I liked seeing my character with this character's weapon. I just didn't care about him. I think it would have been interesting to see interactions between the Simulacra and the PC.
Oh, a more technical side. Genshin's controls are more intuitive. And the graphics are tighter. I had a lot of clipping while playing Tower, and I had to turn the sensitive way down for the controls not to feel like I was on ice everywhere. (Also, nitpick they called the sensitivity they called it camera and not the mouse. And please, please let me bind skills to my other mouse buttons. I bought this expensive gaming mouse for a reason!)
But here is sort of my point in this long ramble.
Games are an art form. An interactive art form. And That makes it a fantastic way to tell a story! To truly connect with people to have them really experience your story! And Despite all its flaws (And it is very flawed). I can tell that Genshin wants to tell me a story. It wants me to engage with its fun characters, it wants to take me on an adventure, and it wants me to shape that adventure. Tower wanted to bather on about this really cool dream it had about Mixing Resident Evil and Kingdom Hearts, and it was all in space.
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sufjanoflove · 3 years
Like a boss, he sang jazz & blues
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Featuring: Zeke Yeager x afab! reader ♡
Synopsis: Lana Del Rey romance with Zeke.
Warning: hopeless romantics lol
Zeke Yeager and I.. never did I see this coming. A tall mysterious man falling for a regular girl like me? It was strange, my younger self prayed and dreamed of a man like this, and hear I was. Playing my favorite songs on the stereo of his red, vintage convertible.
My arms flew in the air as I was stood in the passenger seat, dangerously soaring through the sky as he sped. Driving on the sides of California’s mountains, with the great water just below us.
My Levi shorts, unbuttoned, and my white bikini top on, from just leaving the beach, allowed me to feel the evening air. Goosebumps soon forced me to sit down and reach for his sweater on my seat. The warmth from his cashmere sweater, and his scent made me sigh. I’m so stupidly in love.
Zeke chuckled, his cigarette pushed to the side of his mouth as he spoke. “Hold on baby, we’re almost there.” I turned to him, his shirt unbuttoned and his face full of the sun’s light, adding a glimmer of romance to it. Making me fall for him all over again. I leaned closer to him, leaving my head to rest on the section where his neck met his shoulder. Breathing in his smell, I remembered how we met.
A mysterious man he was, ordering black coffee and nothing else. What business did a man like that have by coming to this small diner every morning just for coffee. He always sat on the bar stool all the way to the right, sipping it slowly, drifting away in thoughts or so I thought. Zeke, after a month, finally spoke to me. I had asked him what he’d like to order and he said the usual.
“Why don’t you ever order food?” I asked, leaning against the counter. He smiled, looking down then up at my face, “I don’t know. Kind of nervous of making a fool of myself in front of a pretty girl.”
Flustered, I stepped back but composed myself before tripping and looking like an idiot. “You.. you starved just because you-”
“Every morning, 7 am sharp, I’m sat here, drinking dark, black coffee, thinking of my insufferable co-workers, starving. Yet, I still never catch myself in a bad mood.” He stands up, reaching to his pocket, pulling out a pen. He wrote something on a napkin, tucking it into my apron, “It’s because of you. Your smile brightens up every single one of my mornings.”
I called him that night, staying on the phone for hours. The following days and weeks, we went on dates, making it official two weeks in. He made love to me the night he asked me to be his girlfriend. Our bodies merged, lovingly in his home, with soft jazz playing in the back. I made him a big breakfast the next morning, and ever since then, we never left each other’s sight.
We slowly pull over to the side of the road, he parks near the edge of the cliff. Reaching over, grabs a blanket from the back of the car and places it on the hood of his car for us to lay.
An hour in, Zeke hands me an unlit cigarette, placing it between my lips. He liked to light the cigarette whilst on my lips. “Hey baby?”
He hummed in response, staring at the sunset.
“You never answered my question that morning, y’know.” I exhaled, looking ahead as well. “You starved each morning just to watch me. Kind of perverted.. don’t you think?” The car shifted as he leaned on his side, now staring at me.
“I like to think of it as romantic.” A glimmer in his eyes, “seems you liked it enough to fall for me. You should be careful though, perverts shouldn’t get attention.” He kissed my neck, never leaving my side. The stereo hummed the melody of Salvatore as he continued leaving kisses down my neck.
“You taste so sweet.” His beard prickled my neck, then my chest as he kept going lower.
“I’m so glad I saw you working that morning. Geez, it’s already been more than a year since I met you.”
“And a year since we made it official. I adore you, my sweet boy.” I whispered, placing my hands on his jaw. Zeke looked up into my eyes and placed a kiss on my lips, “I adore you more than you think. I love everything about you.”
His swiftly stands up, pulling me up with him. We stand side to side, “Your love is what keeps me going.” He finally speaks, “Oh baby I’m so in love.”
© sufjanoflove — all rights reserved to me, Leon, the author and creator of these works. do not translate/claim my work as yours on any platform.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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♡ Pairing: Reiner Braun x AFAB!Reader  ♡ Rating: 18 plus, MDNI! or I’ll gnaw on your ankles like corn  ♡ TW: Smut obvies besties, breeding kink like heavily, nursing mentions, lactation mention, oral (fem recieving), dirty talk, praising, a whole lot ! Also not proofread. ♡ Synopsis: Wedding night sexy and fluff with your breeding kink ridden husband Reiner  ♡ WC: 2.3k
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♡ A/N: AHHHH, my first ever collab ! this is for my bby, @saccharine-darling​ ‘s Reiner and Zeke birthday collab. Thank you so much for letting me participate and giving me the experience of being in my very first collab. Congrats on your milestone yet again babes !
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The welcoming aroma of lavender and rose candles that omitted a warm, soft glow throughout the dimly lit suite of the newlyweds did very little to help calm the nerves that ran like electricity through your nervous system. 
Every second your fingers ran over the see through coverup nightgown over your lingerie, not even smoothing out wrinkles anymore but giving your so awkwardly placed hands something to do; anything that kept you hidden away in the bathroom for a couple more seconds to compose yourself before you had to be met with Reiner’s hunger filled gaze.
This was nowhere near his first time seeing you naked or the first time he would ravage your body, nor would it be the last, but it was something about the newfound intimacy between you two as husband and wife that made this night especially special, the two of you right back in your honeymoon phase all over again. 
Not that you two had ever really left it. Every day with Reiner was a day you felt loved and appreciated by him and that was only amplified by 100 today. You couldn’t possibly count how many times he glanced over at you with that loving doe look in his eyes that just screamed ‘Finally, you’re my wife.’ And you could’ve sworn that you saw tears slip from his hazel eyes the moment he saw you cladded in your silk white wedding dress, done up the prettiest he had ever seen you, as you walked down the aisle towards him.
He made sure to let everyone know that he was proud of his beautiful bride by holding you close to his side the whole day, arm hardly ever leaving from around your waist and always ready to sing praises about you to whoever would listen.
And now that the two of you were alone he was ready to appreciate you in a different way, the way he knew best.
“Come on, love. There’s no need for you to act all shy around me now,” His voice beckons you from the other side of the door, “I want to see my pretty bride in all her glory.
He lounged on the large California king sized bed situated in the middle of the room with nothing but briefs attached to his body, toned chest prickled slightly with stray blonde hairs that glimmered against the golden light of the lit candles, as he awaited your arrival. Any time spent away whether it was a couple of days or a handful of minutes while you got ready in the bathroom was always excruciating for him to deal with.
With hesitant fingers you twisted at the doorknob until the door opened wide enough for Reiner’s eyes to meet yours with something like a sly smirk painting his features the moment he saw the lace lingerie that hugged your body in all the right places.
It was his words and the expression on his face that gave you enough confidence to step from behind the bathroom door, finally putting your whole body on display for him to see as you made your way over to the bed.
He wastes no time at all, the moment your knees hit the cushioning of the bed he already has his large hands at your waist groping the skin that couldn’t all fit into the restraints of your undergarments and pulling you into his lap, forcing you to straddle his large thighs.
 Immediately his lips find their way on yours, wanting and hungry as he practically devours them with open mouth kisses with the occasional tongue slipping past your lips just to get whatever taste of you he could right now.
His fingers traced the irregular pattern of the lace adorning your skin, continuing the pattern up your abdomen until he reaches the mounds of your breasts where he transitions to a grope, his hand nearly covering every square inch of the skin except for the gaps in between his fingers. 
Breaking away from the kiss with a trail of saliva still connecting you two, hooded darkened hazel eyes looked up at you with nothing short of admiration, “Look at you,” The blonde nearly growled out in a feral tone, “So, so pretty and dressed up just for me. Too bad I’m going to ruin it, hm?”
His words bring flutters to the deepest parts of your abdomen, making the already damp spot that had begun to collect on your underwear accumulate even more. He always had that type of effect on you.
Peeling off the cover up that hid the rest of your body from him, he discarded it on the floor and was quick to do the same with your bra next. The warmth and moistness of his mouth engulfed your nipple and large areola with ease, already knowing exactly where to direct his mouth after doing so plenty of times, before beginning to suckle on it gently as if he were nursing from you while his other hand flicked over your other nipple getting it prepared next.
“That feels so good, Rei.” Your moans only encouraged him on more, his suckling becoming slightly harder and his tongue flicking faster once he moved on to the other nipple. 
“I can’t wait until these are filled to the brim and leaking with milk once you’re carrying our child,” he nuzzles his face between the valley of your breast, sucking on the skin there and leaving a few hickies before motorboating and pulling away completely.
Ruin is exactly what he planned to do with you tonight. In seconds you were being flipped onto your back, not hard enough that it hurt but with enough force to leave you confused and shocked before you realized your positions had been switched. It left him with the perfect opportunity to lean down and rip your panties quite literally off of your lower torso completely, mumbling about how he was going to buy you even prettier ones in the future as he trailed kisses down your legs. Making sure to stop and give extra attention to the areas on the inside of your thigh that he knew would make you squirm up against him.
“Fuck,” Just the sight of your cunt adorned with arousal alone had him ready to cum undone, rough finger pads moving your lips around to observe the beauty that was you. 
“I’m the luckiest man on earth. I must be to have someone as beautiful as you, love.” The words leave his lips in a tone that doesn’t allow it to come off as anything short of a fact because in his heart it was. 
Spreading your legs further apart with the placement of his arms, he allowed a long trail of saliva to escape from between his lips and fall directly over your sensitive bud, sending shivers up your spine, before leaning down and adding on to the mess he created with his saliva by moving his tongue in a way that only accumulated more. It didn’t matter how much you squirmed beneath him or tried to move your hips against his mouth at a pace that wouldn’t have you cumming as fast as he was going to, he wasn’t going to slow down.
His lips isolated directly over your clit and collected all the wetness he could in his mouth as he continued abusing it with pleasure. His face was soaked in your juices at this point and that only made it all the more better for him; Reiner getting just as much pleasure as you the more he made you feel good.
“Oh, fuck baby,” the words left your lips in a broken moan that borderlined a choke and something about the way your husband hummed against your cunt in surprise let you know that he knew you were close as well,
“I know darling, I know. Go ahead and cum all over my tongue like the good girl you are.” 
Removing himself from your cunt with pop, he allowed only those words to be spoken before he went right back to work. Even going the extra mile and slipping two fingers inside of you to give your pussy something to clench around for the meantime. 
And it wasn’t long after that, that your thighs clenched tight around the sides of his head and your fingers found themselves entangled in his blonde locks as you rode your orgasm out on his tongue. Your hips bucking wildly up against his mouth that he gladly left open for you to use and small ‘thank you’s escaping with gasps from your lips.
A kiss to each inner thigh was given before Reiner merely situated his lower torso between your waist instead of his face, gathering your legs from the back of your thighs and pressing them against your chest so you were spread out nice and perfect for him. He didn’t even bother removing his briefs completely, only moving the band around his waist down far enough for this thick cock to come springing out and slap against his stomach. The precum leaking from his pretty peach tip leaving a stain on one of his abs that glistened when he was positioned perfectly in the dim lighting of the room.
He strokes his thumb over his tip with a groan, taking his cock at the base and sliding it through the soaked lips of your cunt. He needed as much lube as he could possibly get. Taking him wasn’t an easy task at all even after you had done it plenty of times; he was huge just by girth alone and he didn’t want to hurt his pretty wife. Especially not the pretty pussy he was going to be stuffing with children in the near future.
Lining himself up with your plush entrance, he groaned with each inch of him that sunk into your inviting walls, moving his hands to the side of your head for leverage as he began snapping his hips up against yours in swift calculated motions he knew would curve up into your most sensitive areas. His eyes never left contact with yours, still holding that loving gaze he had hours before during your ceremony despite how roughly he was thrusting up against you, cock hitting all the right spots.
“Fuck you feel so fucking good baby you have no idea. Such a tight and breedable pussy you have on you.” His fingers tangle with yours and holds them tight as he pounds into you from above, the weight of his meaty body keeping your legs pressed up against your chest, still sensitive from his suckling and biting from earlier. 
And all you could do was take how deep he was going and the feeling of his tip gently pressing against your cervix at a pressure that didn’t quite hurt, but sent a shiver throughout your whole body in response. 
“Fill me up, Rei. I want you to fill me up nice and full.” You finally managed to get out in stutters through his rough pace of fucking, thock cock invading every inch of your insides and wall with a burn that felt too good.
Your words clearly had an effect on him because not only did his cheeks visibly turn red, but you could feel dribbles of precum dripping inside of you. You just had that type of effect on him.
“My pretty little wife wants to be bred like a slut, hm? Then I’ll do exactly that for you, love. I’m gonna fill you to the brim with cum until you have no choice but to take it and get pregnant.” And on cue, hot spurts of cum release deep inside of you with one last stroke. So filled to the brim with cum that even with his dick inside of you acting as a stopper, it still can’t help but trickle down to your asshole.
“Don;t think we’re done yet because we’re nowhere near that.” He huffs into your ear and although you can't see his face, you can just hear the smirk in his tone. “M’not stopping until I know for sure that you’re going to be nice and plump in the next few months.”
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