skykiuwu · 7 months
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Hey I’m back and I return with some old cotl stuff!
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chocolatkpopidols · 2 years
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commoninfected · 8 months
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Zealous SMP icons :3
Wostopher | Zealous | EV
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Elijah's Reply
And he said, “I have been very zealous for Yahweh, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, pulled down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.” — 1 Kings 19:10 | Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Exodus 20:5; Exodus 34:14; Deuteronomy 31:16; 1 Kings 18:22; Romans 11:3-4; Hebrews 11:37
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mt-nynj-queer · 11 months
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beauh · 1 year
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art I made for the zealous demon twitch channel at twitch.tv/zealousdemon
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jellyfishgold · 1 year
Thank Allah
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khakilike · 2 years
The “ZEALOUS” MV is great, but “Tick Tick Boom” is a masterpiece! I loved My Teenage Girl while I was watching it, and I thought seeing CLASS:y debut with “SHUT DOWN” was the happy ending everyone deserved ... but this surprise epilogue just feels so good!
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sebfreak · 2 years
Schau dir "[MV] CLASS:y(클라씨) _ ZEALOUS" auf YouTube an
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inthewindtunnel · 3 months
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kwasibility · 4 months
No zealot is more zealous than a convert.
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s-o-a-p-ing · 5 months
Tuesday, 4/16/24
As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline.  So be zealous and repent. ~ Revelation 3:19
According to Webster:
Many - a large number, an uncounted number, 
Love - feel deep affection for (someone), like or enjoy very much...
Rebuke - express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions...
Discipline - the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience...
Zealous - showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective:..
Repent - to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life...
I need to remember I am...
...among the many He loves...
...loved - enjoyed - by Him...
...in need of rebuke because of my sin...
...in need of discipline - His discipline because I can't do it myself...
...not as zealous as I should, could, can be...
...not as repentant as I know I could, should be...
Remember I'm among the many...
Be zealous...
Loving Father - thank You for Your discipline and love - I ask forgiveness for my constant need of Your Spirit's reminder - rebuke - for failing to live as zealously for You and Your kingdom as I know I ought, for being distracted by the here and now instead of keeping my eyes on what's to come - for failing to completely turn from my selfishness and to live as Jesus taught and showed - for Your glory and for those around me... In His Name, by His example, and for Your worship and praise in all things...
For Him... for you... and for yours...
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tom4jc · 6 months
Zechariah 1:14 God Is Zealous For You
So the angel who spoke with me said to me, “Proclaim, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: “I am zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great zeal.” Zechariah 1:14 Being zealous for something or someone means that one has extremely great enthusiasm for that something or someone. One will pursue something with a cause to great lengths, not being deterred by anything else. There can be many…
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flingmetothemoon · 7 months
Febenuary prompt 7-11 for the last day of Febenuary
One day, Ben Schwartz was resting, but then he got bored and then felt zealous for an adventure, so he went to his wardrobe, put on the most wackiest outfit imaginable (Use your imagination on what it might look like😉) and then went outside and ran to the nearby theater and tried to perform funny stuff, but the audience booed at him and threw tomatoes and banana peels at him and he slipped on a peel, fell off the stage and bonked his head. And then, he saw his WORST. NIGHTMARE. EVER! It's an unhappy Sonic, Dewey Duck and Leonardo holding up signs that says "Quite leeching onto iconic 90s blue characters like us and turning us into your personal self-inserts >:C"! And then he ran back home crying waterfall tears. Never have he been so "publicly humiliated" in his life since having his marriage proposal declined. ("Publicly humiliated" my butt dude! Who had a guy propose to you on NATIONAL TELEVISION with good amount of viewers watching? Yeah, his crush! Imagine the pressure and possible backlash if she declines yet Josh somehow gets shocked when she says no?) Yep, TOTALLY not dramatic at ALL.
The end C:
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
FitzRoy would not be cornered:
It is impossible at this distance to give particular instructions as to the course Mr. Walker is to pursue in the performance of his duties . . . He must be guided by his own discretion and I have no doubt that the zeal and ability which he has undoubtedly displayed in the management of the Native Police will be so tempered by that most essential quality as to merit no further cautioning on my part.
"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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lucidknight-blog · 8 months
ACTS‬ ‭5‬:‭12‬-‭42‬ ‭‬‬
”The apostles were performing many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers were meeting regularly at the Temple in the area known as Solomon’s Colonnade. But no one else dared to join them, even though all the people had high regard for them. Yet more and more people believed and were brought to the Lord—crowds of both men and women. As a result of the apostles’ work,…
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