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VĚZNICE v Uherském Hradišti: Místo, kde se píše historie
Věznice je důležitou součástí naší historie. Díky muzeu si budeme pamatovat, co se v minulosti stalo. Snad pak budeme činit vše potřebné, aby se to nikdy neopakovalo.
ILUSTRAČNÍ FOTO | Chcete mít svůj článek zcela ZDARMA ? UHRESKÉ HRADIŠTĚ | Představ si, že bys žil v době, kdy byla v Uherském Hradišti věznice. Jak by to asi vypadalo? Bylo by to místo plné tajemství, smutných příběhů, ale také míst, kde se lidé snažili o změnu. Dnes se tato věznice mění na muzeum, kde se můžeš dozvědět víc o naší minulosti. “Areál hradišťské věznice v sobě koncentruje osudy…
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An Interview with Zilla Novikov
People tell me I’m funny, or at least, that my writing is funny. My goal is for the reader to laugh through the tears.
Dawn Vogel from History that Never Was interviews Zilla Novikov on her blog. DV: Tell me a little about yourself and your writing. ZN: I’m Zilla Novikov (she/her), a depressed millennial who is very tired of late-stage capitalism. Turns out, that’s an endless font of story ideas. People tell me I’m funny, or at least, that my writing is funny. My goal is for the reader to laugh through the…
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Hi :) I would love to participate in your latest game if your still taking requests.
My initials are: ZN
And my Venus is in Capricorn
I would love to know about what’s in store for me this April!
Hello , sure, sorry for the delay i got kinda caught up
You might be roaming around , i heard bikes , might even move out .
You get into history of something you like for example music .
You'll do some trauma healing.
Might go your grandmom or mom's house .
You might weep and ask God to remove a bad memory.
I hope this helped
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De oprijlaan naar Buitenplaats Schoonoord met Huize Schoonoord, 1913-1917
Tot de 17e eeuw werd het gebied waar de tuin Schoonoord nu ligt als weiland gebruikt. Het lag nog buiten de stadsgrenzen. Door de regelmatige overstromingen van de Maas was het onveilig terrein. Na indijking rond 1700 ontstond een veilige polder: de Muizenpolder.
De schone lucht en het groen trokken welgestelde families aan om buitenplaatsen aan te leggen. Al deze tuinen hadden hun entree aan de Parklaan. Schoonoord gaat in de historie terug tot een van de eerste buitenplaatsen in de Muizenpolder: het in 1706 aangelegde ‘Rust en Lust’. In 1729 werd er een herenhuis op gebouwd. Het lag aan de Nieuwewerksdijk, nu Parklaan 15. In 1816 kreeg het de naam ‘Schoonoord’ en omvatte een herenhuis, koetshuis, stalling, kassen, theehuis met koepel en de tuinmanswoning.
In 1823 werd het Schoonoord van toen, gekocht door Cornelis van Vollenhoven. Na zijn dood nam het echtpaar Jean Joseph Marie van Heel, scheepsreder en assuradeur, en Hendrika van Hoboken de buitenplaats over. In 1860 werd, in opdracht van Hendrika, het huidige ontwerp voor de tuin gemaakt en grotendeels aangelegd in Engelse landschapsstijl. De keuzes die zij toen maakte voor de onder andere Libanonceders, vijver en beuken zien we vandaag nog steeds terug in de tuin.
Het aangrenzende terrein van buitenplaats Stroomzigt werd in 1872 bij Schoonoord gevoegd. Het echtpaar Van Heel-Hoboken bleef kinderloos en na het overlijden van de weduwe in 1916 werd het huis na een periode van leegstand gesloopt. De snoepwarenfabrikant Henri Jamin kocht een deel van de grond en liet op de plaats waar huize Schoonoord had gestaan in 1926 een villa bouwen.
Het grootste deel van de tuin werd echter gekocht door Dhr. Jacob Mees, firmant van het bankiershuis Mees&Zn. Het oude toegangshek, met de woorden ‘schoon’ en ‘oord’ verplaatste hij naar de Kievitslaan.
De fotograaf is Cornelis Vreedenburgh en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van tuinschoonoord.nl
Bericht van 2021
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The 1st battery: Voltaic Pile
Alessandro Volta demonstrated that the contact of 2 metals soaked in Brine-solution (concentrated NaCl solution >5% up to 26%) produces electricity.
He used Copper and Zinc thus creating the famous Zn-Cu pile.
In practise series of disks was needed to achieve perceptible current flow. These were alterned with brine soaked cardboard.
The main parts of a battery are Cathode (➕), Anode (➖) and electrolite 🌊.
Therefore, in the voltaic pile the Cathode is Cu, the Anode is Zn and the electrolite is brine-solution.
How does it work?
The key factor is the standard reduction potential E°.
As the name says, the standard reduction potential indicates the tendency of a reduction reaction to happen in standard conditions. The higher the value, the higher the tendency.
You do not know what a reduction reaction is or how E° is measured? worry not! you will find deepening on the topic in other posts, I will link them as soon as I make them. For now accept that Elements can gain or lose electrons and that you can measure their tendency to do so!��😃
The “force” of a battery is the electromotive force ΔE that is expressed in Volts (named after Alessandro Volta).
A rough description of this force is the difference between the reduction potentials of the two metals separated by the electrolite.
Zn2++ 2 e−⇌Zn(s) E°= -0.7618 Cu2++ 2 e−⇌Cu(s) E°=+0.3370
E° of Cu is much higher than that of Zn therefore the reactions taking place are:
Zn(s) ⇌ Zn2++ 2 e− oxidation : loss of electrons Cu2++ 2 e−⇌Cu(s) reduction : gain of electrons
Such exchange of electrons is called RedOx reaction, a combination of reduction and oxidation reactions. The standard electromotive force of this RedOx is:
ΔE°=E° Red - E° Ox = E° cathode - E° anode = E° Cu - E° Zn =
= 0.337 - (-0.7618) = 1.0988 V
In practise, copper is already solid (Cu(s)) thus there is no copper in solution ( Cu2+).
Therefore, copper acts in the cell as a noble, inert metal, conducting the eletrons from the circuit to the electrolite where the reduction takes place.
2 H+ + 2 e−⇌H2(g) E°=0
Then, the cell can be rapresented as:
Zn | Zn2+ || 2H+ | H2 | Cu
in which a vertical bar represents an interface. The double vertical bar represents the interfaces corresponding to the electrolyte impregnating the porous cardboard disk.
The corresponding electromotive force is ΔE°=0.76.
The Pile in the image above consists of 6 Cells for a total force of 4.56 V
#Alessandro Volta#volta#voltaic#voltaic pile#pile#Cu#Zn#copper#zinc#current#first#battery#electric#flow#electrolite#history#redox#reduction#oxidation
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Here's an incomplete list of things that I would miss if I lived in a world without zinc:
-Hair Dryers
-Car batteries
-Suspension bridges
-galvanized iron fences
Wow, I sure am glad that zinc-rich world. Thank you zinc, for always being there for us
#zinc#zinc appreciation thread#zn#atomic number 30#first element in group 12 on the periodic table#elements that are chemically similar to magnesium#Aeagan Sea#that's the region that invented zinc#Bronze Age#Chalcolithic#yeah they had zinc back then#lucky folks#for millennia humans had the pleasure of living in a world with zinc#imagine how world history might have changed without zinc#probably not much#zinc stan gang
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Stan Talent, Stan LABOUM
#laboum#zn#yulhee#soyeon#astro#bigbang#bts#d holic#dholic#dgna#d unit#dunit#exid#exo#group#girl group#girl#history#kpop imagines#ioi#kpop reactions#kpop#kpop scenarios#korean#momoland#mamamoo#onf#pop#stan#seventeen
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Omega Speedmaster: Storia del Moonwatch
Omega Speedmaster Ref. 310.
Sono stati progettati molti orologi, alcuni hanno avuto successo, altri sono stati apprezzati per la loro bellezza o accuratezza, altri invece, hanno scritto la storia. Oggi, noi di Florense Watch Club, vi parliamo di un orologio intramontabile: l’Omega Speedmaster Professional; o se preferite, The Moonwatch.
L'Omega Speedmaster Professional è un orologio sportivo da polso a carica manuale, che fu prodotto a partire dal 1957 dalla maison di orologi svizzera Omega. È divenuto celebre per essere stato l'unico orologio da polso a superare i severi test effettuati dalla NASA, che necessitava di fornire agli astronauti del programma spaziale Apollo un cronografo affidabile. Così l'Omega Speedmaster cal.321 Ref. ST105.012-65 indossato da Buzz Aldrin divenne il primo orologio a segnare il tempo sulla Luna e gli venne attribuito cosí il titolo di “Moonwatch”.
L’astronauta Buzz Aldrin con il nuovo Speedmaster
La storia dello Omega Speedmaster inizia nel 1943 quando Omega lancia il movimento "27 CHRO C12" dove CHRO sta per Cronografo, 27 il diametro in millimetri, e C12 per il contatore delle 12 ore. Il movimento è disegnato da Albert Piguet. Dal 1946 è disponibile con un sistema antiurto ed un bilanciere amagnetico. Il movimento viene battezzato "321", è montato in diversi tipi di cassa. La cassa dello Speedmaster viene disegnata negli anni cinquanta da Claude Baillod, con inizio della commercializzazione nel 1957 con referenza CK2915-1.
Programma Gemini e i test NASA
Nel 1962, la NASA decide di equipaggiare gli astronauti del suo futuro programma Gemini con un cronografo da polso estremamente accurato, leggibile, resistente e affidabile. Donald K. Slayton, capo delle operazioni di equipaggio in volo, selezionò una serie di cronografi. Ai fini del test di confronto, la NASA acquistò diversi marchi celebri: Elgin, Benrus, Hamilton, Mido, Piccard, Omega, Bulova, Rolex, Longines e Gruen. Di questi, solo 3 sono stati selezionati per le prove di valutazione comparativa: Longines, Omega e Rolex (movimento Omega: Omega 321, movimento Rolex: Valjoux 72, movimento Longines: Longines 13 ZN). I test studiati dalla NASA consistevano in una serie di prove molto dure a cui ogni orologio doveva essere sottoposto per aver il riconoscimento flight qualified by nasa for all manned space mission. Di questi, l’unico ad aver superato egregiamente tutti i severi test Nasa fu l’Omega 321.
Luna piena scattata con fotocamera D3400, Alaska, USA
L’uomo e la luna: Missione Apollo 11
Il momento più memorabile della storia dello Speedmaster fu l 20 luglio 1969 alle 02:56 GMT quando, dopo Neil Armstrong (che aveva lasciato il suo Speedmaster a bordo della navicella a seguito della rottura del cronografo di bordo) Buzz Aldrin sbarca sulla Luna, portando con sé l'Omega Speedmaster in dotazione. La missione Apollo 11 rappresenta una svolta storica, e lo Speedmaster diventa il primo orologio ad essere andato sulla Luna. Questa impresa memorabile gli vale un soprannome altrettanto memorabile: Moonwatch, l'orologio della Luna.
Omega Speedmaster: History of the Moonwatch
Many watches have been designed, some have been successful, some have been appreciated for their beauty or accuracy, and some have written history. Today, we at Florense Watch Club, tell you about a timeless watch: the Omega Speedmaster Professional; or if you prefer, The Moonwatch.
The Omega Speedmaster Professional is a hand-wound sports wristwatch, which was produced from 1957 by the Swiss watchmaker Omega. It became famous for being the only wristwatch to pass the stringent tests carried out by NASA, which needed to provide the astronauts of the Apollo space programme with a reliable chronograph. Thus, the Omega Speedmaster cal.321 Ref. ST105.012-65 worn by Buzz Aldrin became the first watch to mark time on the Moon and was thus awarded the title "Moonwatch".
The story of the Omega Speedmaster began in 1943 when Omega launched the "27 CHRO C12" movement where CHRO stands for Chronograph, 27 the diameter in millimetres, and C12 for the 12-hour counter. The movement is designed by Albert Piguet. Since 1946, it has been available with a shock-resistant system and a non-magnetic balance. The movement is christened the '321' and is fitted in different case types. The case of the Speedmaster was designed in the 1950s by Claude Baillod, with marketing starting in 1957 with reference CK2915-1.
Gemini programme and NASA tests
In 1962, NASA decided to equip the astronauts of its future Gemini programme with an extremely accurate, readable, durable and reliable wrist chronograph. Donald K. Slayton, head of flight crew operations, selected a series of chronographs. For the comparison test, NASA purchased several famous brands: Elgin, Benrus, Hamilton, Mido, Piccard, Omega, Bulova, Rolex, Longines and Gruen. Of these, only three were selected for the comparison tests: Longines, Omega and Rolex (Omega movement: Omega 321, Rolex movement: Valjoux 72, Longines movement: Longines 13 ZN). The tests studied by NASA consisted of a series of very tough tests that each watch had to undergo in order to be flight qualified by nasa for all manned space missions. Of these, the only one to have successfully passed all the tests was the Omega 321.
Man and the moon: Apollo 11
The most memorable moment in the Speedmaster's history was on 20 July 1969 at 02:56 GMT when, after Neil Armstrong (who had left his Speedmaster on board the spacecraft following the failure of the on-board chronograph) Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon, taking his Omega Speedmaster with him. The Apollo 11 mission was a historic turning point, and the Speedmaster became the first watch to go to the Moon. This memorable feat earned it an equally memorable nickname: Moonwatch.
Sources: Omegawatches.com, Wikipedia.it, Pinterest.com
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On This Day In History . 3 May 1152 . Matilda of Boulogne died . ◼ Matilda I (or Maud) (born around 1105 in Boulogne, France, the daughter of Eustace III, Count of Boulogne, and his wife Mary, daughter of King Malcolm III of Scotland and Saint Margaret of Scotland.) was suo jure Countess of Boulogne. . 👑 She was also queen consort of England as the wife of King Stephen, married in 1125. . Matilda was also first cousin of her husband’s rival, Empress Matilda. Through her maternal grandmother, Matilda was descended from the pre-Conquest English kings. . . ◼ Matilda was a supporter of the Knights Templar. She founded Cressing Temple in Essex in 1137 and Temple Cowley in Oxford in 1139. Like her predecessor, Matilda of Scotland, she had a close relationship with the Holy Trinity Priory at Aldgate. She took the prior as her confessor and two of her children were buried there. . ◼ In the civil war that followed, known as the Anarchy, Matilda proved to be her husband’s strongest supporter. When England was invaded in 1138, she called troops from Boulogne and its ally Flanders, and besieged Dover Castle with success and then went north to Durham, where she made a treaty with David I of Scotland in 1139. . ◼ After Stephen was captured at the Battle of Lincoln in 1141, she rallied the king’s partisans, and raised an army with the help of William of Ypres. While the Empress Matilda waited in London to prepare her coronation, Matilda and Stephen’s brother Henry of Blois had her chased out of the city. The Empress Matilda went on to besiege Henry of Blois at Winchester. . ◼ Matilda of Boulogne then commanded her army to attack the besiegers. There was a rout in which the Empress’s half-brother, Robert of Gloucester, was captured. The two Matilda’s then agreed to exchange prisoners and Stephen ruled as king again. Under the agreement that settled the civil war, her children did not inherit the throne. . ◼ Matilda died of a fever at Hedingham Castle, Essex, England, and is buried at Faversham Abbey, which she and her husband founded. . . . (at Hedingham Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CObGJb-j-ZN/?igshid=1tpfbvmqr0pnt
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We're not actually mutuals but I really wanna say hello one day, but may as well ask, what do you think of/know about Fate/?
I really, really enjoy the franchise.
Apparently, it’s a thing in my family to have a passion for history, so I can actually talk to my family about certain aspects of the series, and all that jazz.
I had seen screenshots of the 2004 fate/stay night and thought it looked interesting (tho I still have not watched it yet, oops). And that was about it for a couple years. I later came across fate/zero, and it is still standing as my favorite storyline of the fate series.
Since then I have been very into the series.
Also, even if we aren’t mutuals I’m totally open for talking! I’m a super-shy doofus, and I don’t bite!
#ooc#I went on a ramble#but i deleted most of it and put a tl;dr sentence there instead#I've watched f/z f/zn ubw#all of the episodes currently out of fate/apocrypha#I watched the fate/grand order movie since i couldn't get the app#and now i do indeed have the app#by this point i'm planning to watch kaield prisma and the 2004 one#so I'm a lil obssesed#but not enough to try and get the playstation games tbh#...k maybe one#also i am super-determined to cosplay Berserker of Black/Frankenstein's monster#I'd love to make an RP blog for a character of it#but it takes a lot of research into history and legends and commitment which i'm not fully sure I wanna do#Anonymous
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H.Witting and Sohn Groningen
For over 140 years #hat and #cap shop H.Witting & Zn. has been a household name in both the town and the province of Groningen. Nowadays hatlovers from all over the country and even from abroad visit regularly at this remarkable shop. Established in an age-old characteristic building on oosterstraat 51 in the centre of the convivial University city of Groningen, H.Witting & Zn. radiates a courteous air. Not only the front of the hat shop is worth looking at, but the interior of the shop will also bear inspection. While entering the shop, the old bell greets you in the exact same manner it welcomed customers more than one hundred years ago. Much of the old interior has been preserved: shelves stretching up to the ceiling, oak counters and a huge antique cashregister. The whole hatshop breathes history (and tradition). Fortunately the hats and caps collection is totally up-to-date. Every season the most trendy headwear is delivered from all parts of the world. When you take a look in this splendid shop, it will give you an excellent impression of the large choice that H. Witting & Zn. has to offer. More than 140 years experience in the field of #hats, #caps and fashion accessories make H. Witting & Zn a dependable address. A hat of Witting looks good on everyone.
#Witting#groningen.hatshop#netherlands#hats#hat#cap#caps#flatcap#flatcaps#peaky blinders#fedora#porkpiehat#tophat#derbyhat
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De oprijlaan naar Buitenplaats Schoonoord met Huize Schoonoord, 1913-1917
Tot de 17e eeuw werd het gebied waar de tuin Schoonoord nu ligt als weiland gebruikt. Het lag nog buiten de stadsgrenzen. Door de regelmatige overstromingen van de Maas was het onveilig terrein. Na indijking rond 1700 ontstond een veilige polder: de Muizenpolder.
De schone lucht en het groen trokken welgestelde families aan om buitenplaatsen aan te leggen. Al deze tuinen hadden hun entree aan de Parklaan. Schoonoord gaat in de historie terug tot een van de eerste buitenplaatsen in de Muizenpolder: het in 1706 aangelegde ‘Rust en Lust’. In 1729 werd er een herenhuis op gebouwd. Het lag aan de Nieuwewerksdijk, nu Parklaan 15. In 1816 kreeg het de naam ‘Schoonoord’ en omvatte een herenhuis, koetshuis, stalling, kassen, theehuis met koepel en de tuinmanswoning.
In 1823 werd het Schoonoord van toen, gekocht door Cornelis van Vollenhoven. Na zijn dood nam het echtpaar Jean Joseph Marie van Heel, scheepsreder en assuradeur, en Hendrika van Hoboken de buitenplaats over. In 1860 werd, in opdracht van Hendrika, het huidige ontwerp voor de tuin gemaakt en grotendeels aangelegd in Engelse landschapsstijl. De keuzes die zij toen maakte voor de onder andere Libanonceders, vijver en beuken zien we vandaag nog steeds terug in de tuin.
Het aangrenzende terrein van buitenplaats Stroomzigt werd in 1872 bij Schoonoord gevoegd. Het echtpaar Van Heel-Hoboken bleef kinderloos en na het overlijden van de weduwe in 1916 werd het huis na een periode van leegstand gesloopt. De snoepwarenfabrikant Henri Jamin kocht een deel van de grond en liet op de plaats waar huize Schoonoord had gestaan in 1926 een villa bouwen.
Het grootste deel van de tuin werd echter gekocht door Dhr. Jacob Mees, firmant van het bankiershuis Mees&Zn. Het oude toegangshek, met de woorden ‘schoon’ en ‘oord’ verplaatste hij naar de Kievitslaan.
De fotograaf is Cornelis Vreedenburgh en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van tuinschoonoord.nl
Bericht van 2021
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1. Властелин колец. Братство кольца (The Lord of the Rings. The fellowship of the rings) 2001
2. Властелин колец. Две крепости (The Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers) 2002
3. Властелин колец. Возвращение короля (The Lord of the Rings. The Return of the King ) 2003
4. Рэтчет и Кланк: Галактические рейнджеры (Ratchet & Clank) 2016
5. Константин: Повелитель тьмы (Constantine) 2005
6. Лара Крофт: Расхитительница гробниц (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) 2001
7. Операция „Шаровая молния“ (Entebbe) 2018
8. Миссия невыполнима: Племя изгоев (Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation) 2015
9. Голодные игры (The Hunger Games) 2012
10. Идентификация Борна (The Bourne Identity) 2002
11. Превосходство Борна (The Bourne Supremacy) 2004
12. Ультиматум Борна (The Bourne Ultimatum) 2007
13. Эволюция (Evolution) 2001
14. Убить гонца (Kill the Messenger) 2014
15. Одержимость (Whiplash) 2013
16. Обещать не значит жениться (He's Just Not That Into You) 2008
17. Железная хватка (True Grit) 2010
18. Влюбиться в невесту брата (Dan in real life) 2007
19. Лучшее предложение (La migliore offerta) 2012
20. Зелёная книга (Green book) 2018
21. Чёрный клановец (BlacKkKlansman) 2018
22. После прочтения сжечь (Burn After Reading) 2008
23. Опасное расследование (Shock and Awe) 2017
24. Алита: Боевой ангел. (Alita: Battle angel) 2018
25. Призрак в доспехах (Ghost in the Shell) 1995
26. Призрак в доспехах 2. Невинность (Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence) 2004
27. Середина 90-х (Mid90s) 2018
28. Любовь, смерть и роботы. Сезон 1. ( Love, death + robots. Season 1) 2019
29. Чёрное зеркало. Сезон 1 (Black mirror. Season 1) 2011
30. Внутри Льюина Дэвиса (Inside Llewyn Davis) 2012
31. Союзники (Allied) 2016
32. Мы (Us) 2019
33. Человек на луне (First man) 2018
34. Прочь (Get out) 2017
35. Шазам (Shazam) 2019
36. Бархатная бензопила (Velvet Buzzsaw) 2019
37. Шедевр (Mi obra maestra) 2018
38. Американские боги. Сезон 1 (American Gods. Season 1) 2017
39. Мстители. Финал (Avengers. Endgame) 2019
40. Основано на реальных событиях (D'après une histoire vraie) 2017
41. Капитан фантастик (Captain Fantastic) 2016
42. Последствия (The Aftermath) 2019
43. Пятый элемент (The Fifth Element) 1997
44. Последний портрет (Final Portrait) 2017
45. Настоящий детектив. Сезон 1 (True detective. Season 1) 2014
46. Настоящий детектив. Сезон 3 (True detective. Season 3) 2019
47. Игра престолов. Сезон 8 (Game of thrones. Season 8) 2019
48. Джон Уик 3 (John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum) 2019
49. Чернобыль (Chernobyl. Season 1) 2019
50. Люди в чёрном. Интернешнл (Men in black. International) 2019
51. Люди икс. Тёмный Феникс (Dark Phoenix) 2019
52. Человек-паук. Вдали от дома (Spider-man. Far from home) 2019
53. Миллионер поневоле (Mr. Deeds) 2002
54. Мёртвые не умирают (The Dead Don't Die) 2019
55. Молчание ягнят (The silence of the lambs) 1990
56. Ветрянная река (Wind river) 2017
57. Очень странные дела. 2 сезон ( Stranger things. Season 2) 2017
58. Боль и слава (Pain and Glory) 2019
59. Вице-президент. Сезон 1 (Veep. Season 1) 2012
60. Порок на экспорт (Eastern promises) 2007
61. К праху (To Dust) 2018
62. Да, возможно (Definitely, maybe) 2008
63. Трамбо (Trambo) 2015
64. Мартовские иды (The Ides of March) 2011
65. Предел риска (Margin Call) 2011
66. Жертвуя пешкой (Pawn sacrifice) 2014
67. Охотники на гангстеров (The gangster squad) 2012
68. Страшные истории для рассказа в темноте (Scary stories to tell in the Dark) 2019
69. *Свидание в 2025 (A date in 2025) 2017
70. *Бесконечный (The endless) 2017
71. *Стратегия отступления (Exit strategy) 2017
72. *Прохождение (Passage) 2009
73. *Запрещенный человек (L'uomo proibito) 2018
74. *Аноним без проблем (The problemless anonymous) 2016
75. *Капли луны (Moon Drops) 2018
76. *Товарные войны (Product wars) 2018
77. Как я встретил вашу маму. Сезон 1 (How I met your mother. Season 1) 2005
78. Очень странные дела. Сезон 3 ( Stranger things. Season 3) 2019
79. Однажды в Голливуде (Once upon a time in Hollywood) 2019
80. Маньяк. Сезон 1 (Maniac. Season 1) 2018
81. Джокер (Joker) 2019
82. Тихоокеанский рубеж (Pacific rim) 2013
83. К звездам (Ad astra) 2019
84. Паранормальное (The Endless) 2017
85. Светлячок. Сезон 1 (Firefly. Season 1) 2002
86. Миссия Серенити (Serenity) 2005
87. Отпетые мошенницы (The Hustle) 2019
88. Вице-президент. Сезон 2 (Veep. Season 2) 2013
89. Бешеные псы (Reservoir dogs) 1992
90. Мистер Робот. Сезон 3 (Mr. Robot. Season 3) 2017
91. Форд против Феррари (Ford v Ferrari) 2019
92. Вице-президент. Сезон 3 (Veep. Season 3) 2014
93. Власть (Vice) 2019
94. Хранители. Сезон 1 (Watchmen. Season 1) 2019
95. Звёздные войны. Скайуокер. Восход. (Star Wars. The rise of Skywalker) 2019
96. Ведьмак. Сезон 1 (The Witcher. Season 1) 2019
97. Тёмные начала. Сезон 1 ( His Dark Materials. Season 1) 2019
98. Малхолланд драйв (Mulholland drive) 2001
99. Мистер Робот. Сезон 4 (Mr. Robot. Season 4) 2019
100. Боже мой! (Roubaix, une lumiere) 2019
101. Я худею (I am losing weight) 2018
102. Мандалоре��. Сезон 1 (Mandalorian. Season 1) 2019
1. 2084 ("2084". Boualem Sansal) 2015
2. Короли Жути ("Kings of the Wyld". Nicholas Eames) 2017
3. Американские боги ("American Gods". Neil Gaiman) 2001
4. "Петровы в гриппе и вокруг него" (Алексей Сальников) 2018
5. Sapiens: Краткая история человечества ("Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind". Yuval Noah Harari) 2011
6. Синяя борода ("Bluebeard". Kurt Vonnegut) 1987
7. Князь Света ("Lord of Light". Roger Zelazny) 1967
8. История Земли. От звёздной пыли к живой планете. Первые 4500000000 лет ("The story of Earth. The First 4.5 billion years, from Stardust to Living Planet" Robert M. Hazen) 2012
9. История ("The Histories". Herodotus) 440 BC
10. Козий остров ("Delitto all’isola delle capre". Ugo Betti) 1946
11. Короткая фантастическая жизнь Оскара Вау ("The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao" Junot Diaz) 2007
12. Дни Савелия (Григорий Служитель) 2018
13. Конструктор космических кораблей (Александр Романов) 1969
14. Малый не промах ("Deadeye dick". Kurt Vonnegut) 1982
15. Ведьмак. Последнее желание ("Wiedzmin. Ostatnie zyczenie" Andrzej Sapkowski) 1993
16. Ведьмак. Меч предназначения ("Wiedzmin. Miecz Prezeznaczenia" Andrzej Sapkowski) 1992
1. Дон Кихот (Театр балета им. Л. Якобсона, Санкт-Петербург)
2. Молодость (Тюменский драматический театр)
3. Мы (Камерный театр Воронежа)
4. Три сестры (Театр Базеля, Швейцария)
5. Стойкий принцип (Электротеатр Станиславский)
6. Вакханки (Электротеатр Станиславский)
7. Буря (Театр "Талия", Гамбург)
8. Суперкнига (13 МЛТШ)
9. Рукопись найденная в Сарагосе (13 МЛТШ)
10. День мёртвых. Ожившие ретаболо (13 МЛТШ)
11. Семь (13 МЛТШ)
12. Перелетный спектакль (13 МЛТШ)
13. Степной цирк "Байконур" ( Театр ARTиШОК, Казахстан)
14. Гроза (Электротеатр Станиславский)
15. Грибоедов. Двое (Проект Алексея Размахова и Филиппа Виноградова)
16. Вся сладость жизни (Архангельский мо��одёжный театр)
17. Гробница малыша Тутанхамона (Псковский академический театр драмы им. А.С.Пушкина)
18. Конармия. Тёмная версия (Молодёжный театр Ижевска "Молодой человек)
19. Овраг (Центр искусств "Театр+Кино", театр "Вымысел", г.Верхний Уфалей)
20. Фантазии Фарятьева (Бийский драматический театр)
21. Пять лёгких пьес (International institute of Political Murder)
22. Цинк (Zn) (Государственный молодёжный театр Литвы)
23. Пыль (Театр "Старый дом")
24. Why? (Bouffes du Nord Theater)
25. Пер Гюнт (Театр им.Евгения Вахтангова)
1. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. 2018
2. Marvel's Spider-Man. 2018
3. Call of duty. Modern warfare. 2007
4. For honor. 2017
5. Dauntless. 2019
6. Divinity: Original Sin 2. 2017
7. TerraGenesis. 2018
8. Dakar 18. 2018
9. Killzone. Shadow fall. 2013
10. Dishonored. 2012
11. Control. 2019
12. The Outer Worlds. 2019
13. Death Stranding. 2019
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I almost referred to myself as a super super super old url I'm dying
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Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children between 3 months and 6 years of age.
Symptoms of amebic dysentery (or colitis) to some extent may mimic symptoms of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Usually, the illness lasts about 2 weeks, but it can recur without treatment. The general symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, passage of 3 to 8 semi-formed stools per day, passage of soft stools with mucus and occasional blood, fatigue, excessive flatulence, rectal pain during bowel movement (tenesmus), and unintentional weight loss. Severe symptoms include abdominal tenderness, bloody stools, and passage of liquid stools with streaks of blood, passage of 10 to 20 stools per day, fever, and vomiting. Amebic colitis is the result of invasive infection of the colonic mucosa by Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica).
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (ZES) presents with marked gastric acid secretion, ulcer disease of the upper GI tract including the stomach and duodenum, and non-beta islet cell tumors of the pancreas, but it does not normally affect the Islets of Langerhans. Zollinger-Ellison is commonly associated with tumors of delta cells of the pancreas. However, the tumors are also commonly located in other areas such as the duodenum and abdominal lymph nodes. Note that hyper-acidity in the duodenum inactivates pancreatic enzymes and results in diarrhea. Differential diagnosis of ZES includes gastroesophageal reflux disease, MEN1 (Wermer syndrome), peptic ulcer disease, helicobacter pylori infection, gastric outlet obstruction, pernicious anemia, achlorhydria, and pancreatic cancer. Note that hyalinization of the Islets of Langerhans is associated with Diabetes mellitus.
I didn't know that MEN1 is also called "Wermer syndrome." Now I know.
Hepatoblastoma is the most common malignant primary liver tumor in children. I only got that right because I remember Dr. Plummer saying that blast tumors are associated with kids.
Most esophageal varices are located in the lower third of the esophagus.
Apparently, phytate exerts the most profound inhibitory effects on the absorption of zinc (Zn) from the lumen of the small intestine. Never heard of phytate. When I googled it, this is what came up:
Phytate, or phytic acid, is a naturally occurring compound found in all plant foods like beans, grains, nuts, and seeds. In the past, there were concerns that foods high in phytates might reduce the absorption of minerals.
Zinc deficiency has been found in some populations that consume large quantities of unrefined foods. The phytate in these foods may decrease zinc absorption. Note that picolinic acid is the body's prime natural chelator. It is the most efficient chelator for minerals such as chromium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, and perhaps molybdenum. Zinc picolinate is actually readily absorbable.
Never heard of picolinic acid either.
The most common bacteria linked to ascending cholangitis are gram-negative enteric bacteria, in particular Escherichia coli, followed by Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Treatment consists of antibacterial therapy and removal of gallstones. Note that the presence of antibodies against hepatitis B surface antigen will rule out a hepatitis B infection, and interferon-alfa or ribavirin administration is mostly indicated for hepatitis C treatment.
Unresolved PUD can cause perforations. Perforated ulcers are the most commonly encountered dreaded consequence. Note that common symptoms of perforation include: (1) sudden development of sharp abdominal pain; (2) rigidity and tenderness of the abdomen; (3) symptoms of shock (fainting, hypotension, excessive sweating, and confusion); and (4) bloody vomitus or tarry stool. Also note that demonstration of “free air” on radiological examination is highly indicative of a perforated viscus organ. An erect chest x-ray or an upright abdominal x-ray is by far the best initial diagnostic screening test.
GERD and Barrett’s esophagus are related to inappropriate relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
Hiatal hernia predisposes to GERD and may causes herniation of the stomach into the thoracic cavity.
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome patients are unable to conjugate bilirubin. Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia quite often causes death due to kernicterus.
The body and tail of the pancreas are situated posterior to the stomach. The quadrate lobe of the liver and gall bladder are both anterior to the stomach. The right kidney is situated posterior to the duodenum and small intestine. The right crus of the diaphragm is posterior to the liver.
An anal fissure is a small split or tear in the mucosa lining the anus. Anal fissures are extremely common in young infants, but they may occur at any age. Studies suggest that 80% of infants will have had an anal fissure by the end of their first year. The rate of anal fissures decreases rapidly with age, and fissures are much less common among school-aged children. I didn't know that they were common in infants.
Cryptosporidium = acid-fast protozoan that produces voluminous watery diarrhea without blood or mucus. It is very common in AIDS patients. Entamoeba histolytica (causes amoebic colitis), shigella, enteroinvasive E. coli, campylobacter, and cryptosporidium cause bloody diarrhea.
This question was about a woman who clearly had H. pylori infection and they asked what kind of cancer she had. I chose lymphoma but then switched to adenocarcinoma, finally changing back to lymphoma and got it wrong. I thought H. pylori causes MALToma, which is a type of lymphoma. Yes, the gastric cells are secretory cells, so if they became cancerous, it would be cancer of glandular cells (the "adeno" in "adenoma" = glandular cells), but H. pylori causes MALToma. So I don't think lymphoma is necessarily the wrong answer. I was stuck between lymphoma (my initial answer because the pt clearly has a history of H. pylori infection) and adenocarcinoma. The explanation:
Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with adenocarcinoma (accounts for almost 90% of stomach cancers). Note that adenoacanthoma is an adenocarcinoma in which some of the cells exhibit squamous differentiation.
The vagus nerve passes inferiorly from a plexus associated with the hilum of the lung. Injury to the vagus nerve--> decreased gastric motility. In the mediastinum, the vagus nerves pass immediately posterior to the roots of the lungs, while the phrenic nerves pass immediately anterior to them.
Dietary long chain fatty acids (more than 12C) are transported from the intestine to the adipose tissue in the form of chylomicron triglycerides. I remembered that from learning about cholesterol. Pretty sure they get transported across the intestines. I really have to review cholesterol. Ugh.
In a question, the pt had polyuria, pruritic skin rashes that appeared in one place and then disappear and showed up elsewhere, erythematous plaques and vesicles on her thigh, anemia, hyperglycemia, and increased ACTH. I wasn't sure what it was.
The patient most likely has necrolytic migratory erythema (NME) due to glucagonoma.
Glucagonoma is a rare pancreatic alpha-cell neoplasm that is mostly seen in pre-and post-menopausal woman. Patients present with marked increase in serum glucagon level, hyperglycemia, polydipsia, and polyuria. During the early stages, the condition may mimic symptoms of mild diabetes mellitus. A characteristic skin finding in these patients is necrolytic migratory erythema (NME). The majority of these tumors are malignant, and metastasis to the liver is not uncommon. Note that glucagonoma is often associated with MEN I, and serology of the patients often show increased plasma ACTH, MSH, serotonin, and epinephrine. Treatment includes insulin administration and surgical removal of the tumors.
The mechanism of NME is not well-known but it is postulated to be due to (1) direct damage of glucagon to skin that causes necrosis; (2) serious metabolic deficiencies that cause deficiency of epidermal proteins; and (3) autoimmune conditions that damage the skin. Glucagonoma is by far the most common cause of NME. Deficiency of zinc, fatty acid, and amino acids, liver diseases, hypoalbuminemia, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac sprue, and malnutrition conditions may also be associated with NME. Given that pancreatic alpha-cell neoplasm is by far the most common cause of NME, the non-pancreatic causes of NME (e.g. liver disease or zinc deficiency) are collectively known as pseudoglucagonoma.
#Intussusception#amebic colitis#wermer#wermer syndrome#hepatoblastoma#esophageal varices#zinc#phytate#picolinic acid#zinc deficiency#ascending cholangitis#PUD#Crigler Najjar Syndrome#cryptosporidium#diarrhea#adenocanthoma#adenoacanthoma#anatomy#NME#glucagonoma
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