lavb-b · 4 months
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2020 >> 2024 Redraw!!
Old art below the cut 👇👇
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tenebriism · 3 months
// Alright, now that I've calmed down from that Triforce-Covered victory, I suppose I'll get some stuff done here ( and perfect timing, too. The maintenance guy showed up as soon as the Direct was over. He knew not to come ANY earlier, lmao. )
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minty-mumbles · 24 days
LU Survey 2024 Results
The long awaited results of the survey. Thank you guys for being so patient with me :)
There were 350 responses to the survey this year! Not as many as there were last year, but still impressive. If you want to look at the raw data for this, you can do so here
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General Questions
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Favorites and Least Favorites
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Blank Space Question (Select Answers)
I'm so normal about Legend (the biggest lie I've ever told)
Remember that fandom is a community! Reach out to each other and learn something new! Give someone a compliment! Ask them a question! Encourage new artists and writers who are still learning! Thank you Mint for doing the survey again, too!
The fact no one has thought of calling Warrior's Zelda, "Areia" hurts me deeply "Hyppolita" even, please, with how much shipping there is between them, people sure are eager to name her after goddesses who have vowed to never have romantic relationships.
I dont think the fandom talks about it but i really love that every single piece of sky clothing is embroidered, because unless skyloft has embroidery machines thats all hand done. Which means either someone he knows makes a lot of them and gives them out freely (i give most of my projects to friends and family) or he would have paid someone for it, which means that either someone on skyloft lives of decorating clothing (and likely other fabrics) or someone just uses it to get some extra money (both are amazing since in the modern day people dont want to pay for handcrafted works what its actually worth)
Shark skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. 🦆
FOUR SUPREMACY🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥💚❤️💙💜💪💪💪💪🔛🔝💯💯💯💯💯
No but the Athena/Artemis thing is so real. What’s up with that. Why did we pick Artemis? Why did we do that?
I find it so funny how the fandom has decided to call Dark Link "Dink" because whenever I play a Zelda game I name my character Dink or Dinkus :D I started doing this waaaaay before I knew about LU
Im so excited for Echos of Wisdom! I find it really funny that Nintendo keeps making it harder for JoJo to stick to the plan, I'm pretty sure it's Legend and Fable but I'm not certain any ways Im really happy!
I love how LU is a culmination of so many of my favorite tropes from other fandoms! It’s been really comforting and nostalgic for me despite the fact that I only got into it this year. Especially since so many creators I liked have been getting revealed as problematic, it’s nice to be able to fall back on fictional characters who can’t ruin the lives of real people. :)
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abra-ka-dammit · 27 days
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Here I am again to beg for help paying for my (remaining) cats. Just when I thought I managed to get out relatively-cheap and easy with Zeppelin's quickly solved crystal scare the other week, Zelda cat started having severe difficulty breathing the night before last.
Her lungs look pretty wack on xray and ultrasound, with things that could indicate stuff like cat asthma or long term chronic airway disease, and theres a little air around one lung and under the skin of her chest somehow(???), but she's not presenting in a way that matches up to anything well enough for the doctors to know what's going on. Simply put, while I managed to squeeze the ER visit and 12 hour ICU stay into what had been cleared off my carecredit along with a little overflow on my near-maxed credit card, i cannot afford anything else. I managed to convince my mom* to loan me the $1653 and change in order to bring home a buster kennel and oxygen condenser along with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds: basically, I'm home-treating her for the Recover-From-able potential issues this could be. If this treatment plan ends without getting her back to a state where she can breathe "room air" again, the other things it could be are all things that would be irreversible, require serious surgery, or would otherwise ruin her further quality of life, so... you know. Let's hope this works, or once more euthanasia will be added to the bill.
Any help is greatly appreciated, especially since I'm inevitably going to need to go in for a follow up appointment whether this (seems to me like it) works or not, and unfortunately this all happened literally right before rent hit and I don't get paid again until friday of next week (9/13) so i have. no idea how im doing that yet.
*Part of the money my parents paid is refundable upon return of the kennel and oxygen machine but my father has already sent me long guilt trippy texts about how i'm ungrateful (apparently sobbing and thanking them as i continue to live in poverty to avoid further burdening them about my own human needs doesnt count) and essentially need to pick myself up by the bootstraps and afford my own cats (as though this freak timing, the ever worsening economy, or whether better jobs actually hire me is somehow totes under my control) so, yknow. yay for bonus stress
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the-depths-au · 6 months
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Zelda never returns after the battle with the Demon King. Link is determined to bring her back, no matter what it takes or where it takes him. So when the Light Dragon starts to dive into the Depths, which have remained dark and uncharted since the Gloom faded away, he prepares to descend as well.
the depths
a post-totk bad ending au.
Rated M: CW for mature themes, violence and blood.
Thank you @zeldaelmo and @cooking-with-hailstones for beta-reading ❤️
chapter 3
It’s impossibly cold on the Great Sky Island.
Link’s grateful for the snowquill gear, but not even Rito down can stop the wind from biting his face raw if he lingers out in the open for too long. He’s careful to keep his back to it while he waits for the steward construct to return, arms folded across his chest to warm his core.
He looks around slowly and thinks about the first time he stepped out onto the island after he woke up. Wearing nothing but the thin archaic set he found in the caves, it's a miracle he survived that day. Then again, he’s no stranger to miracles. Much of the life he can remember sprouted from a pretty extraordinary one.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Imo I’d suggest writing it bc some people haven’t read everything (me tbh) and so idk who ur guys r or what their personalities r etc, but most importantly for u, if u wanna write it then u totally should, no matter what u think other people will think❤️
Anon, thank you LOL, I was going into quite the silly spiral. Anyway, I have A LOT of things to say about blorbos, so I’ll just talk about two who probably won’t get much fleshing out because I write piecemeal for them and their story isn’t really something that’s gonna be on AO3 or anything because they’re backstory characters.
Rambles under the cut :D
Orik/Link, Hero of Power – Born of a Hylian mother and a Sheikah father, Link lost his mother to childbirth and his father to illness shortly after. He was raised in his father’s culture, collectively raised by multiple families that pitched in to look after orphans after the illness that killed many in their tribe. Link went by the name Orik during his childhood, as Sheikah viewed the name Link as sacred, and not to be given to Sheikah children. He liked the name Link, though, and wanted to have something of his mother’s. He kept a shawl she wore and used it as a blanket when he was little, and later as a scarf when he was older. The cloth and the name were all he had of her.
Throughout his childhood, Link could tell that while he was considered part of the tribe, there were some who viewed him as being beneath the others. He once heard his father’s best friend say that Orik was his father’s greatest mistake, and it stuck with him. Link naturally seeks the approval of others (he is a MAJOR people pleaser), and he wants to prove himself to his people, so he strives to be the best warrior in the entire tribe. He makes a name for himself by becoming the youngest to pass the trials into adulthood, doing so at the age of 12. Once he does, this, he basically has to fend for himself now.
When Link turns twelve, his entire life changes. He has earned some respect from his elders, and he’s eager to continue doing so. He was always a quieter boy, and when he becomes a guard, he’s dutiful, obedient, and generally a little shy and not talkative. It makes him come across as either incredibly stoic or unnervingly/annoyingly lifeless. Despite his quiet, demure nature, though, Link is very keen and observant. He’s vigilant of his environment, and is pretty good at getting a vibe for people. However, he’s now forced into a position of responsibility given to adults, and he kind of just… skips over the development he should get in adolescence. Link has spent a good portion of his childhood trying to prepare himself for adulthood before he even became a teenager, so he’s internalized a lot at this point. He keeps his emotions to himself. He bows and obeys. He doesn’t argue, even if he doesn’t like something. It isn’t until Hemisi drags him out of himself, and until the war forces him to step up, that he really starts to come into his own.
As such, Link’s entire life centers around and stops at the war. He was so stifled as a kid, self-imposed but very much affected by his environment, and so the war is both horrible and freeing. He finally stepped forward to make his own decisions when he saw the casualties at the Battle of Hyrule Field, despite King Ozen’s orders for all the Sheikah—his best warriors—to remain at the castle. Link chose to join the war, and when he was going to sneak off to do so, acquiesced to Princess Zelda’s wish to sneak out with him so they could investigate something. What she sought was the Master Sword, as she suspected Link was the Hero, and he only drew the sword because ordered to. Being the Hero to him is a privilege, and granting him the approval and attention he sought as a child, but he really doesn’t know what to do with it once he has it. It does give him something he isn’t used to having: agency. While he obeys his queen, his status as Hero gives him the ability to befriend her as well, not just follow her orders. While he has a heavy destiny on his shoulders, he chooses to fight against Ganondorf, despite his feelings for him, because he wants to do what’s right. His agency slips through his fingers as the war progresses, as he loses himself to the constant fighting, and it isn’t until the war’s end that he feels like he finally has a chance to make his own life in marrying Hemisi, someone he is madly in love with, and rebuilding together.
And it’s all taken away when he has to marry Zelda instead.
Link’s marriage to Zelda… basically destroys him for a long time. He lost Hemisi, someone who treated him like a person and didn’t bother with the formalities and protocols that plagued his life, someone who made him feel like he could break the rules and have fun and be himself, someone he had just gotten back in the war after losing her initially to it, someone who shared his pain in losing a father figure, in having to kill said father figure. He feels like he shackled himself to the throne, having to obey every whim of the queen to make Hyrule look strong. More than anything, though, he feels like he finally did what he’d been trying to do his entire life: the Sheikah were more proud of him than ever, Hyrule adored him and recognized him and his abilities, Zelda needed him… and he felt completely powerless. He finally got the approval he sought and then realized it was pointless.
This, in turn, leads him to completely spiral. What’s the point of his life, if everything he sought was for nothing? He’d never had a father figure in his life until Ganondorf, only to lose him and have to kill him. Hemisi was his entire world, helping him discover himself and he adored her, only to have to abandon her. He’d tried again and again to make the Sheikah proud, and when he finally did he felt like he’d enslaved himself more than ever. And more than anything, it was his choice – Zelda didn’t force the matter. But he’s always done his duty, and really, why wouldn’t he try to help? He wasn’t going to abandon his entire country for his own needs and wants. That’s selfish. He can’t possibly put himself first like that. It’s wrong. It’s wrong.
So why the hell does everything feel so wrong now?
Link spends years trying to figure out his life after this, to figure out who he is and whether he even has freedom or not. He feels like he doesn’t, and given that he never really had a full childhood, he does not know how to cope with it. Despair, confusion, loss, hopelessness and frustration brew into bitterness and anger, and he does not know how to stop it. He’s prone to melancholy, usually being depressed and sluggish, until he’s pushed to a point of rage, because he doesn’t know how else to express his emotions anymore. He was trained to fight and kill. It’s all he knows. And now he’s stuck in a position where that isn’t entirely needed, and he’s not sure what he’s supposed to do aside from bow his head and do everything Zelda says.
He tries to pick himself up. If nothing else, for the sake of the children he made with the queen. They deserve better than what he’s doing. But it takes him years, and a lot of his anger and hurt is focused on the queen since she, buckling under her own pressure, orders him around expecting him to be okay with just obeying blindly since he agreed to the marriage.
Someday, Link learns to live with everything. Sort of. For the most part. At the very least, he learns to live. He focuses on helping the Sheikah, on developing their technology. He gets Terrako as a gift from the scientists for all the effort he puts into it. He tries to rekindle a healthy relationship with Zelda, though that takes much longer as they’re both hot messes with too much baggage to know what to do with. He tries to be a good father for his children. But he struggles hard, and sometimes he gets angry at himself for doing so - he’s not a child anymore, why can’t he just deal with this? (Because you never learned how, Link. You moron.)
Link loses himself when the war ends, what little he’d managed to find. It takes him over a decade to get that back. He doesn’t entirely succeed… not in time for his early death. But he does try. And he looks out for his family and his kingdom as best he can.
Queen Zelda, the Sacred Diplomat – Zelda spent her childhood mostly in solitude. Her father, King Ozen, was the second son of the previous monarchs, and watched his older brother get assassinated because his claim to the throne was viewed as weak both due to his weak magic and the fact that he was a man. As such, when Ozen had Zelda, he flaunted her existence like a badge of honor and a certification of authenticity. Zelda, however, wasn’t really given any leeway to do anything as princess. She was kept in the castle, like a bird in a cage, to be admired and viewed but not touched or spoken to. Her mother died when she was little, leaving her entirely under her father’s rule. While her father was weak and paranoid, though, Zelda has an inner strength that is not to be trifled with, and she dreamed of gaining her birthright and becoming queen.
During her childhood, Zelda really wanted to make sure she was ready to rule, thinking that her father would of course give her the throne when she came of age. She tried to seek his approval as best she could, and while she seemed to get it in some ways because she’s the princess, it never felt completely genuine. So she stepped up her game to be the best princess ever, learning everything of the politics of Hyrule, learning especially how to wield her magic as best as possible. She dreamed of becoming queen, of being the best queen there was, and of protecting and taking care of her people. Her family history and responsibilities were seen as stories of heroes to her, and she wanted to add to that story, proud of being able to take care of so many.
As the years went by, Zelda saw her father systematically tear Hyrule apart by allowing anyone who sweet talked him to gain power. She tried arguing to no avail, and by the time she was in mid adolescence she started to realize that maybe her father did not have the kingdom’s best interests at heart. She tried to hold on to hope, though, until she saw him fumbling the war and not taking Ganondorf’s threat seriously.
She took matters into her own hands. On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, fueled by confidence over the fact that she bore the Triforce of Wisdom, she overthrew her father with the help of Impa and half the Sheikah. Zelda regrets to the end of her days how her relationship with her father unraveled, as he wasn’t always particularly bad to her (they had plenty of good moments, but his paranoia outweighed everything), but she still thought the duty of her family was more important than her father’s approval.
Because of her mostly isolated upbringing, Zelda is very naïve to the emotions of others. She learns how to manipulate people quickly, but can sometimes lack empathy – she will 100% trample someone’s feelings if she thinks she needs to in order to accomplish a goal. She has a compassionate heart, but it hardens if the objective and the emotions clash. Most of the time, it isn’t even on purpose – she’ll order Link to bring their daughter and accompany her on a tour of Hyrule because she knows the people of Hyrule will want to see the royal family, because marrying Link and creating a family was for the benefit of creating stability and bringing hope to her people. She doesn’t bear in mind that Link’s suffering—she doesn’t even realize it for a long time, too caught up in her own stress and duties—or that showing their daughter off to the world to make people happy is exactly what her father did to her. She doesn’t understand why Link is so melancholy initially, and as for her his relationship with Hemisi, Zelda knew they were close, but clearly they couldn’t have been that close if Link chose to marry her anyway, right? Duty comes first anyway.
Zelda struggles in being a mother. She wants to be there for her children but she doesn’t know how – her parents were never there for her, after all. She spends time with them, nourishes them, loves them, but sometimes the best way she shows she cares is to drag her daughter into politics to teach her so that the nobles can’t take advantage of her, and Link hates that.
As for her personal feelings for Link, he’s one of the first people around her age to ever act normal around her. She loved his friendship during the war, and she doesn’t understand why it’s changed – she knows she isn’t necessarily in love with him, and that he isn’t in love with her, but he agreed to the marriage, so why is he acting like he doesn’t like it? It was his choice, after all. This frustrates her, and sometimes she can’t help snapping at him when he seems to be slacking off. After all, she’s got nobles nipping at her heels trying to take back the power she’s slowly siphoning away from them, given to them foolishly by her father. Sometimes Link helps her out, but most of the time he’s still struggling with his own issues and trying to raise their children while she’s consumed by her desire to take care of everyone. Zelda finds her happiness through protecting others, and she really enjoys the satisfaction of seeing her plans work, and it can make her enjoy manipulating people a little too much sometimes. Despite this, she genuinely wants what’s best for Hyrule, and she wants to make her husband happy too, even if she’s not sure why he isn’t already. (Talk to him, Zelda. Talk to him. Oh, wait, they both suck at expressing their emotions.)
Zelda is not a trusting person. She has too many enemies for that. So she keeps her thoughts and feelings close to her chest, which can cause hiccups with Link. However, she trusts Impa implicitly, considering the Sheikah chief literally had to overthrow the king and her own people in aiding Zelda’s coup. Impa fills the void of a mentor and mother figure for Zelda, and she is eternally grateful for her counsel, but sometimes, having been told her entire childhood that she knows nothing and should keep her head down whenever she tried to advise/talk to her father about matters, she gets fairly defensive. She does not appreciate being corrected by anyone aside from Impa, and she can get a bit dicey about it even with the Sheikah chief sometimes. But she tries to recognize that wisdom means knowing when one doesn’t know something – it’s just a sore spot for her.
Despite her not trusting easily—at all—and despite her having a difficult time figuring out what’s wrong with Link, she does try to reach out to him multiple times to extend an olive branch. Sometimes she rescinds it with her own mistakes, and sometimes he smacks it out of her hand with his own flaws. But eventually, they rebuild a friendship, partly with the help of Impa being injured in an attack organized by Ozen’s loyalists (nobles who know he’ll give them power if he’s back on the throne) – Link and Zelda both love Impa dearly, and they’ll put aside any differences to protect her (Link will burn the world to the ground if he has to, Zelda will temper that but inadvertently cause emotional damage, Link will temper her lack of empathy in turn).
In the end, Link and Zelda have similar backgrounds with very different results. Both wanted to prove themselves, one to his culture by becoming the best warrior and a dutiful servant, the other to her father and herself. They both have a lot of grit. Link’s far more sensitive, basing his identity on the approval of others, while Zelda bases her identity on her ability to take care of her people. This means Link was drowning when he got married and realized that the approval of others only left him feeling more enslaved than ever and unable to make decisions for himself, while Zelda was thriving when she got married because she was doing everything to save everyone. The roles reversed as time passed, when Zelda started to wonder if her efforts truly were worth it when problems continued to arise and she saw Link suffering, while Link started to step up and try to take advantage of the situation he was in and help Zelda.
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hurricane105 · 1 month
💋 Friday Kiss Tag 💋
Rules: From your Story/WIP, share a kiss. It can be any kiss—from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead kisses, platonic smooches, to full-blown makeouts. Spread the love! ❤️
Rules: Share a snippet of your writing!
Thanks for the tag @drsteggy! I'm tagging @demiboydemon, @zeldaelmo, @mrslrigtar, and anyone else who wants to play, no pressure!
This is from the TP Zelink marriage of convenience fic that wasn't supposed to be a longfic but is going to be anyway. It's currently titleless - usually titles come to me pretty early, but not for this one. This snippet is from their wedding (I had a LOT of fun figuring out what a Hylian royal wedding would look like):
The priests finally finish the vows and lift the cord, coiling it into the shape of the Triforce. Nayru's priestess lifts a loop and settles it over her shoulders; she can here Farore's priest do the same to Link. Din's priest holds the third loop up, draping it over a giant golden bird - the same bird that is on every shield, every banner, every piece of parchment on her desk - to represent the kingdom of Hyrule, and the people they have both promised to protect.
The priests prompt them both through their lines, and then it's time for the exchange of earrings. Auru hands Zelda the new set for Link - double hoops on a stud. She's putting them on Link's ears, careful not to poke him, and she can tell he's watching her. If they weren't in front of a crowd, she'd ask him what he's thinking, but as it is, all she can do is slide the backs on the earrings and give him a polite smile.
Rusl and Uli hand Link her earrings - ones that match his new ones - and then he's fumbling with the earring and her ear. She can tell that he's being as careful as he can to avoid poking her too. She wants to tell him that she's less sensitive than she looks, that he doesn't need to be quite so careful, and then it occurs to her that maybe that's what he wanted to say earlier.
Zelda takes a deep breath, leaning forward, and Link's lips touch hers, soft and warm, and the thought goes through her mind that it feels better than she expected. It feels like he's really promising to stay with her and help take care of Hyrule, like it's not just for show.
Or maybe she's reading far too much into a kiss that only lasts a few seconds, before they break apart, and turn together, to lead the procession to the ballroom.
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bandnerdlevel43 · 3 months
Reverse LU Character Designs
This au has been simmering in my brain holes for a while, so I thought I'd share some designs!
(If you didn't know, Reverse Lu is my linked universe au where various characters from each Link's adventures are zoinked into a traveling party together. Think of it as Hyrule Warriors the sequel)
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Here's Tetra! She's mostly the same from her original design- just a little older with freckles and an earring.
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Shadow! He's also similar, but now an adult with scarring like a broken mirror.
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This is Spirit. He's wearing similar clothes to the original Spirit Tracks design, but he's a little messy and grumpy after working on the trains and forgot to do his hair :) He has curls, freckles, and he's a lot older too, around 18-19. I thought it would be pretty funny if Wind's successor was older than him so he got aged up hehe.
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This is Spectre, she's Spirit's girlfriend Zelda, also aged up! I fixed her so she has Tetra's skin tone. She likes wearing plate armor and using huge swords like she did when she possesses phantoms. Honestly she looks pretty cool :)
*note, I did not come up with the name for her. If anyone can find who did it, please tell me who did so I can credit them.
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And this is Aurora! And uhhh has anyone here seen The Princess and the Swan? Um. I may have made her Odet by accident. good luck unseeing it now muahaha
Also older. The others found her a small bit of armor because she is not the best at combat and must be protected! I loved drawing her hair because it's so floofy.
Also adding a Ravioli doodle I drew on my phone to tag it as such and scare away Ravioli haters. They are married here. Cry about it. (/j please don't cry)
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Feel free to ask me anything! I'm also up for ideas about character dynamics/designs if you want to share, just throw me an ask! I'd love to see what people think of the silly guys that run around in my microwave of a brain ❤️
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Unnamed Heroes
💚❤️ Minish Cap and Four Swords Prologue Headcanons 💙💜
There are other heroes mentioned in the prologues of Minish Cap in Four Swords who remain unmentioned outside of these stories. I got to thinking about it and decided it would be fun to expand on them! So here they are, the Hero of Men and the First Hero of the Four Sword.
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The First Hero of the Four Sword is shrouded in mystery, which I decided I actually really like and wanted to maintain somewhat. All that is known is that when Vaati began causing trouble after being reborn in a monstrous form, he appeared from the woods and simply said he would defeat Vaati. Then, he split into four with the blade he somehow already was in possession of and sealed Vaati inside of it. Then, he disappeared. None of the people who he rescued had any idea how he did what he had, and many believed it didn't happen at all! I headcanon that he was born in the woods and lived there alone for most of his life. He never minded it, and he surely didn't want that peace disturbed. However, when his childhood friend Zelda- who met him when she snuck out of the palace when they were younger- became one of the people taken to Vaati's new palace, Link set out with the Four Sword Zelda had told him was hidden away (likely in the Castle) prior with only the goal of rescuing her in mind. He never took much recognition or credit, preferring to stay distant from things as before.
The Hero of Men, the first holder of the Picori Blade, is given slightly more depth than the first Hero of the Four Sword in the way that he is actually given a design. It is implied he is a knight of Hyrule, as he is seen among them in the stained glass depicting the rise of monsters. We also know he knew Zelda in some way, as he gave the Light Force to the princess of his time. I like to headcanon that he met her during the worst of the Era of Chaos, and in his quest to help her restore Hyrule was given the Picori Blade and Light Force by the otherworldly visitors. Like the Hero of the Minish, I imagine he's pretty short.
Time Elapsed (slightly less lazy doodle page): 2 hours, 54 minutes
Time Elapsed (old lazy doodle page): 1 hour, 20 minutes
Program: Ibis Paint X
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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nell0-0 · 28 days
Hi Nell0! How are you? Well I’m pretty good as of late and part of it is that I can walk perfectly fine again. I didn’t even have to do physical therapy for it. But still that whole thing was agonizing and I don’t recommend it at all. Come to think of about it it’s been a while since I did a question here since I been so busy. Hmm this isn’t a question if I don’t ask one so I’m going to ask it. My brain keeps coming up with a scenario where Ingo had his own Light Dragon AKA Dragon! Zelda arc where yeah it sounds exactly how it sounds. He turns into a immortal(ish?) Pokémon to let say go home but he ALMOST lost his humanity completely like what happened with BOTW/TOTK Zelda but nope they both turned back human after all so happy ending. But what would you Legendify him into? Other than Zekrom, I keep seeing him turn into a Shiny Giratina because ghost type and the silverness of the helmet thingy can be read as his gray hair, Suicine and possibly a Hisuian one too at that because he can basically run on any body of water and basically kind of becomes a Cryptid in Unova and finally Lunala but a black and silver one because I seen a theory he got to Hisui because of the Ultra Wormholes plus Lunala can open up one anytime it pleases. Ok this was fun to ask because I don’t have anybody to talk about this to! Ok have a good day/night and I catch up with you later! Thx! ❤️
It's been some time, anon! Glad to hear that and that you didn't have to go to rehabilitation, since it can be kinda painful sometimes depending on the injury. Still would be a good idea to try and get a bit more strength in the muscles to avoid a repeat or pain in the long run, but happy to hear all's good.
The thought of Ingo becoming a dragon that would last until his original time wasn't one I thought about until now, but the potential??? To be honest, there's a lot of legendaries or mythicals that could fit. I'm not sure which one I would choose because my guilty au preference is the twin dragons au, but that wouldn't really work here. I mean, it would, but there's the chance to make up something unique and it would be such a waste to let it go by. I really associate Irida with Hoopa because of the Pearl Clan, so a mythical or a legendary of the sixth generation could work as well.
Having said all that, my favorite still has gotta be Kyurem Ingo. It just fits, dunno how to explain it but it does. I saw the Ultra wormholes theory around a lot some time ago and it could be, but I'm still not sold on the idea. Could be a situation of the same thing being called different things on two very different points of time, but pokemon world is strange enough for the rifts to be their own thing. Or be Giratina related, mostly because of what happened in one of the pkmn movies (the one with Shaymin).
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coffebits · 3 months
AAAHHH OMG YOUR ART IS SO PRETTY AND ABSOLUTELY AMAZING AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH I CAN ONLY ASPIRE TO BE LIKE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!! i love your princess bride au, and your art is convincing me to play legend of zelda bc i haven't before anyways take care :) 🫶🏼
JAJDJJD ANON THANK YOUUU I’M LITERALLY SO HAPPY TO KNOW THIS!!! If someone is getting into the fandom because of my art, I have done something right 😂❤️
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gummy-sharks666 · 8 months
Hi there, sweetie!! 💫❤️
I've seen you make random hcs about bakugan characters.
Can you do for Linus, Rafe and Paige? Pretty Please 💖🥺
AAAAAA Hello!!! <3 I will do my best but I haven’t watched thru season 4 so idk much ab Paige and Rafe ;-; so I’m sorry if I miss the mark completely w/ them lmfaooo
Sexuality: tbh I could see him being ace but either pan or homoromantic, he needs a handsome prince to sweep him off his feet 😌
Gender headcanon: once again, I think Neathians have a different view of gender, but in terms of human gender hes probs a little more masculine leaning
A ship I have: ok hear me out,,, Sid- HEAR ME OUTTTT. I think the way they’re connected in loss fuels this ship mainly also I’m thinking a sort of beauty and the beast type thing with Linus and Sid omgggggg you guys LET ME COOK ;-; I actually kind of like him with Fabia too, mainly bc Zelda has converted me to the badass Princess and her most trusted knight agenda.
BROTP: honestly… rubanoid. I think once again through their losses they’re able to become very close partners together. I also like the idea of Elright being like someone he looks up to/a mentor figure
NOTP: AJAJSJSSH I honestly can’t think of anything just bc there’s so much of nothing for this character I’m willing to listen to anything
Random hc: I love the idea of him being from a small town/modest life (again, like Link) but he ends up being hand picked for knighthood. I’m sure he had to be amazed by the Neathian capital
General opinion: I feel similar to him the way I feel ab fabia,,, held back by the writing. I always felt like he’s just like the typical good knight character who they don’t really delve more into as a person, other than the backstory/moments of him and Neo. Both him and Fabia are characters I’ve had to force myself to see more into bc upon first and second viewing I just really did not care much for them. I’d say I have a bit more appreciation for them now tho
Sexuality hc: pan, wants a hot goth partner to step on him
Gender: what we would consider gender nonconforming for sureee
A ship I have: going off the goth thing what if him and Sellon 👀👀👀👀 (once again I know almost nothing ab these characters I’m just going solely based on first impression lmfao) also him and Linus could be cute 😳
BROTP: Marucho?? I was gonna say either him and Shun would get along well or they would butt heads idk
NOTP: Paige lmfao
A random hc: I’m honestly surprised he’s not related to Fabia in some way I could see him being a cousin or something
General opinion: he looks like a pathetic twink (very affectionate)
Gender hc: definitely masc, a he/him lesbian for sure
A ship I have: hear me out,,, Paige and Julie would be cute 😳 Subterra coupleeee
BROTP: if Sid lived they would be besties for sure. I think she’d get along with Mason and Ren pretty well
NOTP: I have not seen her shipped with anyone honestly maybe Dan lmfao 💀
Random hc: Shes an oldest sibling, definitely comes from a big family that we’re probably hella traditional but she ended up being the cool lesbian sister
General opinion: I know almost nothing about her but I love her 10/10
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iridescentgleam · 1 year
Here with my final notes for the Four Swords Manga! I made 84 notes, give or take (because I've probably missed a few).
# of notes I made about: - Green (or other unrelated characters): 23 - Shadow: 17 - Red: 16 - Vio: 16 - Blue: 12
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(You can't see them all here, because a lot of them are kind of hidden behind one another lmao)
Here are anecdotes of a few of them:
They call Link the "Left-Handed Hero" at the beginning of the manga before he splits, and I just think that's interesting!
Red just casually loses his Four Sword in the middle of the manga after the four of them split up and then is promptly chased by a mob of angry people after accidentally committing arson and I would just like a moment of silence for this boi. He's been through so much and doesn't deserve any of it lmao.
Blue gets frozen and Red eventually finds him and just immediately mourns his death, but also just drops a subtle "You were kinda mean to me ngl, but still." Love these two ❤️💙
ZELDA SLAPS SHADOW RIGHT IN THE FACE????? HELLO????? (Anyway, wonderful, he lowkey highkey deserves it)
Them having a little moment after they get Vio back where they all talk about what they've learned from being separated is pretty cool! I know some people don't like it when stories outright have the characters recognize how they've addressed their flaws and have them reflect on it, but I think it's a nice moment to include!
Love Green taking up the role as the leader but also letting each of the other colors have their little moment to shine too, and taking their ideas into account equally. Just a little thing I noticed that I liked 💚
Anyway, one last thing I want to mention before I finally conclude this final post and that is this picture:
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Like, damn Vio!!! Get it, I guess! Lmaoooo
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linkbetweenlinksau · 1 year
Minish! Yes, you! Tell me a bit about yourself, I know so little about you (I haven’t played minish cap 😅). Favorite food? You really good friends with your Zelda or something more? I suppose you’re only 17 so that isn’t a huge concern to you. Can you still see the Minish and talk to them and shrink down to their size?
Twilight: oh my, uh, thank you! That’s awfully sweet!
Sky: cookies!!! Hugs!! Milk!! Wait… milk?
Twilight: you know, from a cow?
Wild: or a goat.
Sky: … animals can make milk?
Wild: ??? Yours don’t???
Minish: oh! Uh, hi. My name is Link but the guys here call me Minish. Um, favorite food… the bakery has a pie that I really like. Me and Ezlo used to eat it together. It was always a nice break from… you know… I still go and get the pie, just reminds me of him. And Zelda… oh! Uuuuh… well we ARE friends but uh… um… she’s my best friend of course hehe. She’s very nice and pretty and strong… she’s also very thoughtful and…. Well… I DOUBT she’d want to be something more. I mean look at me! I dunno… its… complicated. Uh… anyways! I cant shrink down anymore Without Ezlo’s magic. I miss the Minish villages so much. You can eat one blueberry and be stuffed, that was always really nice, and everyone was so kind…. It was just magical. Though I may not remember things correctly. I was 8 years old after all. I can still see the Minish though! I don’t see the villages since they’re all well hidden, but the lone Minish I see and talk to all the time! I’m glad that… even though I’m grown up, I can still talk to them. Dunno if that means that I’m still a child or… if I’m pure of heart? Psh, but I’m not that, that’s ridiculous haha… um… thanks for the questions? And the cookies and milk! Very good!
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Finished, Peg! ❤️❤️❤️
Please be careful with the merchandise (auction, Hyrule POV) - 3400 words
Warnings same as the original: stabbing, blood mentioned, torture, a bit of dehumanization
Hyrule felt uneasy.
He knew, better than most, what powerful magic in the wrong hands was capable of – trying to keep his cursed blood out of the hands of his era's monsters had repeatedly taught him that – so when the Chain landed in Legend's Hyrule and received Zelda's letter concerning the black market that dealt in rare and dangerous magics, he was more than happy to join Legend in working to root it out.
The uneasiness only increased as the Chain split up to look for information, and he stuck very close to Twilight's side as they wandered the crowded streets. Never comfortable with crowds, he let Twilight do the talking, simply trying to listen and observe while simultaneously trying to quell the itch that something wasn’t right. Shortly after they'd stopped for lunch, they'd found a man – fairly well dressed, with enough jewelry to put Legend to shame – who claimed to have information about the market. He'd asked them to follow him through an alley so they could, “discuss this in a more private location,” but before they could make it to the other side they found themselves closely surrounded by large, heavily-armed men.
Hyrule's senses went haywire, magic gathering at his fingertips, and he felt Twilight bristling beside him. Somehow, the men seemed to draw even closer at the faint glow around his hands.
“You boys look a bit lost,” one of the men sneered, looking directly at Hyrule. “Anything we can help you with?”
Hyrule tried to project confidence, despite how he continued to press close to Twilight's side. “We don’t want any trouble.”
The man's sneer turned to a smirk, and he laughed softly. “Fairies never do.”
Hyrule froze, feeling as if one of Wild's bombs had gone off too close, ice instead of shrapnel in his veins. How did they know?!
The men lunged for him, tearing him from Twilight's side before either hero could react. Twi shouted and tried to get him back, only to collapse in a heap as one of the men clubbed him roughly over the head.
“No! Twi!” Hyrule struggled to free himself, magic sparking frantically, but all he got was a hit to his own head for his trouble, knocking him down to the cold stone of the alleyway. He felt manacles clamp firmly around his wrists, then rough hands lifting him to his feet.
His magic fizzled out as his consciousness wavered. The last thing he heard before fading entirely was from one of the men holding his arms. “He's a strong one. He’ll fetch quite a pretty sum, once we break him a bit.”
It was very dark when Hyrule finally woke, head aching, though a faint light flickered in the distance. For just a moment, he wondered if he was back in one of the caves in his own era. However, when he moved to rub the ache out of his head, the chains shifting around his wrists brought everything back into sharp, terrifying focus. A chill settled over him like a shroud as he remembered the words spoken by what must have been some of the black market dealers. Somehow, they knew about his fairy blood, and they intended to sell him off, like he was no more than a fancy pot, to be used at will. The imagery of a pot made his stomach flip and his head spin as he recalled they’d mentioned breaking him.
He had to get out of here, wherever here was.
With a burst of energy born of fear, Hyrule tried to get to his feet, only to stumble dizzily back to the ground as his vision turned fuzzy and he tripped over the chain around his ankle. Placing his head between his knees, Hyrule tried to breathe through the wind rushing in his ears.
Once he felt settled again, Hyrule took a moment to take stock of where he was. By the barely visible torchlight he looked around, finding himself inside a small, barred cell, more like a cage than anything. With his ankle chained to a ring in the center of the cage floor, he could reach out and touch all four sides of the cage, and the ceiling looked a little low. Probably would have bumped my head again if I’d managed to stand up. He couldn’t see much besides open hallway to either side, and the mustiness in his nose could have belonged to any dungeon.
With a general idea of his surroundings, dismal as they were, Hyrule turned his attention to himself. The mercenaries appeared to have taken all of his adventuring gear, leaving him with little more than his clothing and his magic. Aside from the bump on his head, he also had several bruises forming on his arms where the mercenaries hadn’t bothered to be gentle when kidnapping him, as well as a few small cuts that were slowly weeping blood. He reached up to heal those out of habit, an ingrained defense after years of being hunted by the monsters of his era. His magic was a little lower than he would have liked in a situation like this, but by no means was it depleted. He still had enough to make an escape attempt.
As Hyrule began to contemplate how he could escape – the Fairy spell uses a lot of magic, but it would certainly get me out of this cage – he heard a door open in the distance, and the torchlight steadily grew brighter.
Weaponless, but not helpless, Hyrule again gathered his magic to his fingertips and rose to his knees as several sets of footsteps drew closer, prepared to cast any spell that might give him a winning chance of escaping alive. When the footsteps stopped outside his cell, however, all thoughts and intents fled his mind.
The well-dressed man with the jewelry they had been following through the alley stood in front of him, mouth leering and eyes bright with greed. The armed guards from the alley stood behind him.
“You!” he gaped, desperately trying to jump-start his brain. “You're-"
“The ringleader of this little operation, yes.” The man's voice oozed, and Hyrule shuddered as the man's greedy eyes looked him over, stopping intently on the places that still showed remnants of his blood. “You certainly made it easier on us, following me into that alley. I honestly thought we’d have to work harder to capture you.”
Hyrule shuddered again, but through the fear and discomfort his mind was starting to move once more. He rallied his magic but didn’t make a move just yet, hoping to gain some insight as to what was going on. “Where am I? Where’s Twilight?!”
“Your friend?” The man waved a bejeweled hand, dismissing the question entirely. “He doesn’t matter. What does matter,” at this, the man's predatory smile grew even wider, “is you, and the magic you possess.”
Hyrule's heart dropped into his boots, his fears confirmed. They knew he was half fairy, they knew about his magic, and they had absolutely every intention of keeping him here until their opportunity to sell him in the black market.
Determination welled within him, his gathered magic begging to be used, but before he could so much as snap his fingers for the Thunder spell a spear was shoved through the bars of the cage, ripping through tunic and flesh alike. A near-silent scream left him as he clutched at his wounded side, offensive magic forgotten. A second and third spear were thrust through the bars in his distraction, one making painful purchase against his upper arm while the other came to rest, gleaming in the torchlight, at his throat.
Pink healing light leaked from Hyrule's fingertips, habit again surfacing as he tried to stem the flow of blood from his wounds. He knew he needed to conserve his magic, but he also needed to stay alive if he was to have any chance at escaping. Through it all, the man watched him intently. Soon enough, he pulled a ring of keys from his pocket, inserting one into the lock as the light of healing magic faded. Hyrule gasped in left-over shock, spear still at his throat.
“Try anything,” the man warned, turning the key in the lock, “and we’ll hunt down the men you were with. A few of them had rather promising magics as well.”
Outrage flared in Hyrule’s heart alongside concern for his brothers. He didn’t want to do as the man asked, wanted to let the Thunder out and escape with magic blazing, but he couldn’t risk his brothers' safety. He remained still as the man crouched in front of him, seething as his bloody tunic and freshly-healed wounds were scrutinized.
“Fascinating,” the man murmured delightedly. “This is powerful magic indeed.” He withdrew just a bit from Hyrule's space, but remained close due to the size of the cage.
A knife appeared in the man's hands, spinning mindlessly as calculating eyes narrowed, clearly weighing options, risks, costs, and statistics. At some unknown signal, the spear was withdrawn from the cage. Hyrule’s small sigh of relief collapsed into a shout of agony as the knife was suddenly thrust into his stomach. The man left it there for a few moments, gauging Hyrule’s reaction, before pulling it out again, blood dripping on the floor between them.
“Do it again,” he commanded as Hyrule curled protectively around the wound. He shook his head frantically, but screamed anew as the knife again found a place inside his body.
“Do. It. Again,” the man demanded, but Hyrule again refused. The man's eyes narrowed in anger. “Potion!” he barked, and a bottle of red potion exchanged hands. The man reached out and forced Hyrule to drink the potion, struggling weakly and trying not to choke.
The moment the bottle was empty, the knife streaked forward again. Faster than Hyrule's dazed mind could track, several cuts bloomed across his arms and torso before the blasted knife again found purchase in his abdomen. The knife was mercilessly twisted as it was removed, and Hyrule collapsed to the floor with a broken cry, shivering weakly, blood dripping though his fingers and staining his tunic, the potion he’d been given effectively made useless.
“Heal yourself.” The man sounded bored, as if he was talking about the weather, not actively torturing a teenager. This time, shaky hands welled with pink magic, rapidly decreasing reserves straining to heal the grievous wounds. By the time he finished, Hyrule knew his magic was dangerously low. He would not have enough to heal himself again, never mind attempt to escape.
The man seemed to realize this as well, for he stood, unconcerned, and locked the cage behind him, leaving Hyrule to his trembling exhaustion and the overwhelming scent of his own blood. He and his goons left without a backwards glance, taking the light with them.
Hyrule was left to the dark and the cold, curling weakly around his still-aching stomach, a plea to the goddesses on his lips. He hoped his brothers found him soon. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take.
Hyrule’s time in the cage – he had no idea how long they kept him there – progressed in distressingly similar fashion. Sometimes it was the man and his knife, others it was a pack of the goons with nothing more than their fists. Every interaction left him bruised and bleeding, ears ringing with the taunts and jeers of the men as they loudly wondered exactly how much they could get for him.
Every attempt to regain a semblance of magic naturally was interrupted and drained by another cut, another beating. They never brought him food, and only twice brought him water. He tried again to refuse to heal himself maybe two days in, only to be force-fed another red potion and stabbed again, and again, and again, until every scrap of magic he possessed was wrung dry and they had to give him a bit of green potion – carefully measured out to be exactly just enough – before he passed out from blood loss.
They left Hyrule alone for a while after that, and he gratefully fell into fitful slumber, too exhausted to dream. He was woken what felt like mere hours later by another beating, and the stubborn hope he’d held onto that his brothers would find him began to wane as he tried to protect his head. Where were they? Wolfie, if he was around, should have been able to find him, right? He knew now that he’d never regain enough magic to escape on his own, so he placed his faith and hope in his brothers, desperate for rescue.
An indeterminate amount of time and pain later, Hyrule was roused from semi-consciousness by a none-too-gentle boot in his ribs and a key in the lock of the chains around his ankle. He found himself roughly dragged out of the cage and upright, feet stumbling and head spinning at the change in elevation. The mercenaries dragged him up several flights of stairs and into dull moonlight.
For the first time in an age, fresh air graced Hyrule’s nose and lungs, and he sucked it in greedily. Somewhere he found the strength to try and break free, but he only made it a few steps before the mercenaries caught him again. Still, he struggled with everything he possessed, aching for freedom. The men kicked his unsteady legs out from under him, and he crashed to the ground, dazed. One of the biggest men bundled him into a tarp, then picked him up as if he were no more than a misbehaving child.
Hyrule felt himself carried up some steps, then heard the detestable voice of the ringleader – auctioneer, he realized with a jolt – as he was set down on a hard surface, the chain still around his ankle secured tight once again. “A truly one-of-a-kind rarity, our most valuable piece this evening, I give you...” The tarp was ripped away from his body, and he winced at the harsh light suddenly surrounding him, “a half-hylian, half-fairy!”
Murmurs of awe erupted through the crowd of auction-goers as he tried to blink the room into focus. Hoping against hope that his brothers had learned about the auction and were somewhere in the crowd, Hyrule started scanning faces. He felt his heart lift as he saw Sky standing close to the stage, and it absolutely soared when he saw Legend next to him. He fought hard to keep the elation and relief off his face, ears ringing with the single thought whirling through his mind. They’re here. They came!
A horribly familiar pain suddenly ripped through his stomach, and Hyrule though he heard Legend cry out as he curled instinctively around the newest stab wound, weakly trying to keep from bleeding out, not a drop of magic left in his body. The auctioneer let him cringe for a few moments, then thrust a ridiculously small amount of green potion at him. “Now heal,” he said, face calm but voice laced with warning.
Hyrule spat out a now familiar glob of blood, then glared at the auctioneer with every bit of fire, determination, and courage he could muster. He didn’t care that he could feel himself paling from blood loss. He didn’t care that the auctioneer was beginning to anger. His brothers were here, and he would not perform for the sake of the crowd.
The auctioneer drew closer, growling just loud enough for Hyrule to hear. “Heal or I’ll shove a red potion into you and stab you as many times as it takes for you to use your magic. I honestly thought you’d have learned by now.”
Hyrule's determination blazed for a minute or two longer, but at the thought of his brothers watching him be stabbed again, his resolve crumbled. He took the bottle of potion, closing his eyes as he swallowed the single sip.
Pressing his hands back to his wound, he gathered his weak magic to pool in his gut, closing the wound. The magic faded to nothing again as the wound sealed itself shut. Weak from blood loss and exhausted by his ordeal, he slumped forward, barely even twitching as the auctioneer grabbed his tunic and yanked, exposing the bloody but completely healed skin underneath.
“That proof enough?” the auctioneer crowed, and a roar of assent rose from the crowd. A smile bloomed in his voice, “Bidding starts at 30,000 rupees.”
Awareness faded as Hyrule collapsed to the floor, head floating and semi-conscious. He vaguely heard the buzz of numbers being called out, but he couldn’t bring himself to listen. He was just so tired.
One number, or rather, one voice, pierced through the haze of his mind. “60,000 rupees!” Was that…Wind? The white noise of the crowd died immediately.
One voice gasped loudly, dramatically, then a voice declared, “63,000!” Warriors?
The crowd as a whole gasped as Wind and Warriors continued their bidding war. Hyrule suddenly felt something moving near his ankle, twitching the chain around. Confused, he pried his eyes open. “…Four?” he mumbled, disbelieving.
“Hey, traveler. I’ve almost got this chain free, just give me a minute,” Four murmured, fiddling with the lock, eyes seeming an odd mix of blue and red to his hazy vision.
Screams of shock and pain suddenly rang though the crowd, sounding like they originated from the auctioneer and his goons. Four finished with the chain on his ankle and moved to the handcuffs on his wrists as the rest of the crowd erupted in panic, no doubt caused by the rest of his brothers.
Sky was suddenly at Hyrule's side, raising him to a sitting position and brushing his hair out of his face. “Hey ‘rule,” he said gently, eyes ablaze with concern as he took in the leftover cuts and bruises littering Hyrule's body. “We’re getting you out of here, okay?”
Relief and exhaustion fought within him, and it’s was all Hyrule could do to give Sky a weak smile and nod. A small, triumphant noise from Four heralded the release of the cuffs from his wrists, then Hyrule found himself bundled carefully into Sky's warm, safe arms.
Four in the lead, they started to run down the stage, but they found themselves surrounded by mercenaries as the auctioneer shrieked after them. Fighting broke out between the guards and the heroes, and Sky shifted Hyrule to one arm, determination shining clearly from his eyes.
Sky jerked and swayed as he balanced Hyrule in one arm and the Master Sword in the other, taking blows himself to keep Hyrule safe. Through the queasiness fogging his brain, Hyrule saw a sword aimed for Sky's head, and he yelped a warning, Sky ducking just in time.
The move jostled Hyrule even further, and suddenly there was a guard grasping his arm, trying to rip him from the safety of Sky's arms. He and Sky both struggled against the man, until a winged boot entered Hyrule's vision, kicking the guard in the jaw and sending him reeling.
With Legend's arrival, the remaining guards fled, giving the heroes some room to breathe.
“That scum-of-the-earth that stabbed Hyrule escaped,” Legend growled, glancing back at Sky. Hyrule shot him a weak grin at the familiar and so, so welcome ire, and he watched as the vet’s face softened, worry pinching at the corners of his eyes.
“I’m so sorry we didn’t get you sooner.” Legend said, guilt heavy in his voice. “Are you okay?”
Hyrule nodded. “Yeah...” he murmured, exhaustion and relief finally beginning to overwhelm him. “‘been using a lot of magic. Tired.”
Legend nodded, and ruffled his hair. “Probably the blood-loss too. You can sleep all you want once we get out of here, okay?”
Hyrule hummed in contentment and rested his head against Sky's arm, consciousness fading as the heroes rushed from the building.
Hyrule awoke a short time later as he was gently lowered to the ground, still resting against Sky's side, the other heroes gathering around them. Sky gently helped him sip a red potion until the bruises and cuts he’d sustained had healed some and the fog began to clear from his head. Hyrule took the potion bottle in his own hands and finished it, gratefully accepting the bottle of green potion – a FULL bottle, thank Hylia! – Four handed to him.
Vitality and magic finally rising inside him, Hyrule took Legend at his word, leaning into Sky's lap and quickly falling asleep, surrounded at last by safety and his brothers' care.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *zooms around in circles and rereads this a dozen times*
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THANK YOU SO MUCH SILV 💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖💚💖
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 days
Since I see you've asking lots of people this, I'm throwing the love right back at ya!
It’s “appreciate yourself” hours! Pick five pieces of writing/art that you’ve done that you love and talk about them! ❤️❤️❤️
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aowhebfofhsnwowuwbe AHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MADE ME ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for asking ❤️❤️❤️😭
Well, let’s see…
I know this isn’t a popular AU of mine, but I really love the Imprisoning War AU (and, consequently, Golden Mercy as well) with my whole heart. Also it has invaded my brain so freaking much I might actually explode LOL. Idk, my mental health and life in general have been not as optimal as I would like, and this AU has been my outlet for that, which is why it’s far more hurt and less comfort than most people like. But I relate to the characters in different ways (people pleaser Link my beloved haha dude I get trying to make everything work for everyone and trying to say yes to everyone and burning yourself out; forever alone and somehow the most rational one Hemisi I feel you girl; everyone relying on you and you have to do it because when you don’t the world falls apart Zelda keep up the good fight girl), I like exploring what happens when you really push the “Zelink has to happen every time, even at the expense of other relationships” agenda that sometimes is tossed around (no hate to Zelink or its shippers, I enjoy some Zelink ships and I know many Zelink shippers who are wonderful. I just hate the idea of forcing them together all the time when there are other relationships that are clearly there lol, I’m salty about how Hyrule Warriors handled it but it was fan service so whatevs. ANYWAY. It creates great drama), and I like showing a realistic depiction of the absolute, if you’ll pardon the expression, shit show that would be left behind in the wake of such a disastrous war that Ganondorf created. It also sets up Ganondorf’s expectations, worries, and views really well for Golden Mercy, and I’m pretty excited to write a Hyrule Warriors long fic and try to redeem that giant jerk while still making it realistic and recognizing he’s a complicated guy. :) They’re all complicated, and I love characters so it’s just so much fun for me. Also, making anybody turn into a good Dad is obviously a passion of mine LOL. I’ll shut up now, but I really love this AU. ❤️ (technically I lumped two stories together for this but they’re all part of the same AU so… there lol)
Blood of the Hero is probably my current favorite long fic that I’m actively updating. The LoZ fandom is sorely lacking good parental figures (and I understand part of that is because Link just doesn’t have parents in his games and partly because people are projecting and that’s understandable), so I wanted to fix it dang it. LET LINK HAVE PARENTS WHO LOVE HIM. BOTW TALKED ABOUT HIS FAMILY. Anyway, I also love letting adults actually have a role in saving the world instead of always leaving it to the poor overwhelmed kids LOL, making them middle aged parents is an absolute bonus. And Abel being constantly tired and burnt out and done with the world speaks to my soul, and Tilieth being the one to hold on to hope despite everything and still have sensitivity and femininity to her while still being a strong character also speaks to my soul. I love them both, and I love showing how determined they are to protect their kids, as any good parent should be. They’re heavily inspired by my own parents, as well as myself, and what I would interpret Link’s parents to be like based on his upbringing and personality, so it was really fun creating their personalities. :)
I have so many Sky-centric stories that I love, but I think my favorite is probably Paradox, I had such a fun experience writing it and loved the idea of giving Fierce Deity an origin story while creating a sense of urgency and confusion and mystery and wrapping it all in a sickfic. :) I cranked that sucker out in thirty minutes and I still think it’s one of my best one shots.
I can only take partial credit for this since @nancyheart11 came up with the original premise, and because @smilesrobotlover has contributed so much as well, but I do love Dad Squad with all my heart. They’re such idiots, I adore them and their quest to save their sons who already technically saved themselves because they’re heroes. Also, the latest development in my brain of including TotK Ganondorf as the main villain from Hero of Shadow seems appropriate in making the big baddie a Bad Dad in a Dad Squad story LOL. Having Majora’s Mask in the hands of Kohga gives me life, though, and I will forever be grateful to Nancy for coming up with that premise HA. I haven’t written much for it lately, but I do love it so much. Also props to her for publishing it on AO3, I could never LOL, I’ll just throw random things on tumblr hahaha. Also, just all the fun we’re all having - the fact that multiple people have written/drawn for this AU makes it all the more precious to me, they’re our collective characters and we all get to play in the sandbox. ❤️
I don’t do much art, I’m not very good at it, but I do want to share one since I’ve shared a bit of it. I have a few pieces I’m actually really proud of, and it’s equal liking for all of them, but I’ll share just one so I don’t talk too much.
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I really like this one because for once I kind of drew a face well?? And it’s at an angle I don’t usually draw and it turned out ok?? Also I’ve never drawn rain or wet hair, and I think it turned out well. And I just like Power’s design, especially at this stage in his life where his war attire/design is mixing with his royal attire/design, even if I can’t give it justice. :) Also, I think his tired expression turned out pretty well? Like he has an actual expression?? Anyway. I think it’s decent, I like it. :)
Thank you for this ask, it made me really happy and I couldn’t wait to answer it! :D But I have like 60 works on AO3 and even more here on tumblr, so there was no way I could narrow it all down, but I think I’ve listed most of my absolute favorites. :)
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