#Yusuf ADS
yusufads · 1 year
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Day one of creating KoH stickers for the stickerpack✅
(I'm posting two pictures since I forgot to post the first Baldwin sticker yesterday. And yes, he's without leprosy - I forgot about that, ahhh)
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More stickers will appear in my reblogs, don't miss out😉
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chicken-blitz13 · 3 months
AHHHHH this was a little big project I had in a while- I used to do these types of art sgdgdsg but anyway, it's been awhile since I've drawn these two.
I decided to give Baldwin a helmet-crown for ✨safety purposes✨
I tried to make the horse tack semi accurate for the time but umm I forgot to do a proper bridle so funny time traveling horse tack are my favorite genre in medieval documentaries and movies hehehe
I have to crunch the quality for this so DA link.
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So I saw a comment by @aurianavaloria in @somethingstrangeishere post (who is also drawing them playing polo together, I'm so excited to see this one!)
Also i used a reference
(Also fun fact, medieval horse saddles can injure or kill you, if you're unlucky)
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 2 months
Ok another request..
Saladin is coming back from a battle, absolutely tired, probably grumpy, the reader comes to cuddle him as he goes to bed hehehe (based on @somethingstrangeishere art hehehehe)
♡ My Comfort - Saladin x Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hey girl, this request is adorable omg I had to do it first. I have been dying to write this one since you sent it in 🩷😭. As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
It was late afternoon when y/n received the news that her husband would be returning from battle that day. His army had been defeated by Jerusalem and word had already begun to spread around the kingdom.
From every corner of the castle, the young queen could hear servants whispering about the defeat. She knew how disappointed Saladin would be and the last thing he needed was to overhear some maid gossiping about his capability as sultan. 
She along with the servants awaited their arrival outside the palace.
As one by one the men and their horses came into view, y/n anxiously scanned the crowd for her husband. Relief washed over her as she watched him dismount his horse, staggering a bit as he did.
The young queen ran to him, tears welling in her eyes at finally seeing him again. The moment he saw her, the sultan's heart relaxed for the first time in weeks as he fell into her arms.
They embraced for a long while as others bustled around, paying them no mind.
Saladin rested his forehead against his wife's shoulder, struggling to keep himself upright from exhaustion. Being back in her presence was what he had craved for the entire time he was gone.
“I'm so glad you're safe” y/n spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
The sultan, being too tired to even speak, simply nodded in reply.
“Let's get you inside” she added, placing a hand on the small of her husband's back to guide him gently into the building.
Once inside the royal chambers, y/n ran a warm bath as Saladin sat down groggily on the edge of their shared bed, removing his dirty clothes slowly.
The queen helped him into the bath and began to wash his hair, gently massaging the tension from his aching temples. The sultan sighed as warm water washed over his face, a few times almost dozing off only to be jolted awake again by the sudden image of the horrors seen in battle.
Each time, his wife would soothe him, reassuring him that he was safe now and there was nothing to worry about. 
Y/n helped her husband out of the bath, drying him gently with a soft towel. She ran the towel over his face, cupping his cheek in her hand.
“You're so beautiful, habibi” the young queen said, gazing into his eyes with only pure adoration in her heart.
Saladin smiled for the first time in what felt like months, his tired eyes looking into hers. He had missed her so deeply, he had yearned for her every second they were appart. The pain he felt from her absence resulted in only a few silent tears as he had stared blankly into a dying fire.
And now she was here, right in front of him. Finally. 
Saladin was more than relieved to finally lay his aching body into the comfort of a warm bed. Y/n tucked him in before climbing into the bed herself.
She opened her arms, gesturing for him to cuddle against her chest. The sultan smiled wearily and eagerly accepted the offer. Y/n stroked his still slightly damp hair softly, running her fingers through his dark curls.
“You need not give up on yourself, my dear” the queen said gently.
“You are a brilliant and powerful sultan, I know how strong you are. Please do not allow this to defeat you” she paused to press a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you so much habibi, never forget that”.
Saladin shut his eyes tightly, fighting back tears at her lovely words.
“You always know just what to say” he whispered, y/n could hear his voice trembling. She smiled down at him as he buried himself against her chest.
Her heart ached for him.
Her powerful husband lying broken in her arms, stifling tears like a frightened child trying to appear strong.
“You do not need to be strong for me, my love. Allow yourself to let go of your pain” y/n whispered.
Almost as soon as the words left her lips, Saladin’s silent tears turned to broken sobs. The young queen held him as he cried, rocking him back and forth gently all the while stroking his hair.
A few minutes passed before the sultan’s sobs died down. It wasn't long before he was deeply asleep, worn out completely.
Y/n smiled at her husband's form. She missed the feeling of him laying beside her at night. The room felt so cold and quiet without him. She would never admit this out loud but he looked adorable when he slept.
Buried comfortably into the soft of his wifes nightdress, snoring a little with his lips parted. It was rare that y/n saw him at such peace.
Pretty soon, the young queen joined her husband in rest. Neither of the two left each other's embrace for the entire night.
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magnetoapologist · 8 months
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The Last Day of Pompeii (detail) – Karl Bryullov // Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16, 1581 – Ilya Repin // The Old Guard (2020)
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revvlation · 11 days
"I am not those men. I am Salahuddin. Salahuddin."
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rosaline-ayguldin · 20 days
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non-un-topo · 1 year
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He, Dreamless by nizzuto
Part 1 of I don't see the sun (I know it's there)
Through the tear-away of waves and the vastness of oceans and the separation of the three of them, there remains the legend of true love and the infinite fight to get back to it.
A gift for the incredibly talented @guarncre, whose gorgeous fic (and every single fic since) I adore so much. Few fics have so effectively simultaneously ripped me apart and put me back together, and swallowed me up with every word. These drawings have been a long time coming, but I really wanted to show my love for the fic by attempting to capture its evocative storytelling and imagery. And this is my call to everyone to go read it, now! Right now!
[Image description under cut]
[I.D.] Two digital drawings of Joe and Nicky, respectively, depicting scenes from nizzuto's fic He, Dreamless.
Joe is standing alone in a dark brick tower, visible down to his waist. His head is tilted down, his eyes closed, and he has a melancholy expression on his face. Only one of his arms is visible, his hand gently curled over his chest. His hair is long and loose, a few curls lit by moonlight. A deep red garment is draped over his shoulders. Behind him is a small arched window with bars, where a bright moon attempts to shine through. He is half-lit and half in shadow. A small signature in the bottom left corner reads, "Siggy, '23".
Nicky is sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest and his head tilted up and painted with bright, almost heavenly moonlight. He is in a hole underground, and the dark ground can be seen surrounding him. He is wearing a tattered uniform, the details of his clothes mostly hidden in shadow. His hair has been cut short and uneven, as has his beard. He is reaching up with one hand, the tip of his finger poking through the bars above his head. He wears an expression of longing. The moonlight is casting streaks through his fingers onto his face. He's looking at the same moon as Joe. The same signature as the first image is written on the bottom right corner.
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ournextdoorneighbor · 2 years
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two sides of the same coin ⚔️
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dark-raven-666 · 1 month
"Under the moons light"
Salahuddin x reader.
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Tags: fluff, romance, poetic
Warnings: none
( this is about the Salahuddin from the movie "Kingdom of heaven" it has no relation to the real Muslim warrior)
Under the watchful gaze of a luminous moon, the night whispers its secrets to the sleeping world. Majestic mountains rise like silent guardians, their snow-kissed peaks glowing faintly in the cool light. The forest, a sea of dark silhouettes, stands tall along the shore, cradling the still lake that mirrors the moon's silver face. Stones rest quietly at the water's edge, half-submerged in the tranquil embrace of the night. The air is hushed, filled only with the soft murmurs of nature, as if the earth itself is holding its breath in awe of this serene, celestial beauty.
A small blanket lays by the shore, a single woman sitting upon it.
Everyone in the Muslim camp is enjoying their dinner of rice and dates. All gathered in groups yet this only woman sits far by the lake, all alone
The Sultan approaches the woman and asks of her loneliness. She says she is the only woman in the camp and it has caused her great sadness.
The Sultan upon hearing this sits down beside her and gives her half of his bread.
He speaks understandingly, saying he knows of loneliness and sadness unlike any other.
They lay on the blanket and she looks up and whispers "did you know that the words the moon is beautiful tonight have another meaning? "
The Sultan gazes st her and asks her the meaning of the words. Which to she whispers "It means I love you."
The Sultan smiles and says "That is a beautiful meaning. So very romantic and poetic. "
The woman gazes upon him and says "another secret word is the sun will be beautiful tomorrow which means the person is leaving and never returning again. "
She then gazes at the man who is her Sultan and says, her voice hushed "I don't want the sun to ever be beautiful if it means losing you. "
The Sultan can only smile and ask her "How come? " with the same hushed tone.
"Because the moon is beautiful tonight, and it will be forever so" She responds a small smile upon her face.
The Sultan leans in and lays his lips on hers, then moves back and whispers "we can agree on that, forever. "
He then leaned back in and laid his lips on hers.
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yusufads · 1 year
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Make way for Sultan Saladin!
(Please tap on the image for better quality)
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‼️The outfit is NOT historically accurate‼️
There are also various options for you to choose from:
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chicken-blitz13 · 2 months
Facts about the historical Saladin but it gets progressively more unhinged
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He played polo Now, this is common knowledge that he was an avid polo player and encourages a lot of people in his court to play it.
He assassinated two times and survived Order of the Assassins, I could talk all about it but to make it short, they tried to kill him and he survived, he was stabbed in, i think, the 2nd attempt
Told a guy to get out when he was dying I forgot where I read this but when he was dying (?) he was talking to his younger kids and some guy was there and just told him to get out
TW: FOR RACISM chronicler or poet either joke or mocked one of Saladin's Egyptian official and got exiled. "The writer Ibn Unain mocked Saladin's Egyptian officials, particularly the black Sudanese: 'If I were black with a head like an elephant, bulky forearms and a huge penis, then you would see to my needs.' Saladin exiled him for this impertinence."
Had a nephew that almost fucked himself to death "The royal doctor wrote Saladin's nephew a special work titled 'on sexual intercourse'" "Saladin's nephew Taqi Addin was his most talented general, but the most ambitious and debauched of the princes. His hobbies were so notorious that it was said his words were 'sweeter than a beating with a prostitute's slipper'….such were his priapic overindulgences that that he started losing weight, energy and erection….such that he cunsulted the jewish doctor maimonides…."
He had a giraffe So he had a giraffe and gave it to his nephew as a wedding gift, after that going straight to the crusades
Last 3 facts were from a book called Jerusalem: the biography by Simon sebag montefiore and thank you @gaudybaudy for sharing the book in the server!!
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Hey dear, how are you?👋🫶🧡
I had an idea for a short fanfic, and as I like, it has to do with the theme of Saladin's friendship with Baldwin. Anyway, the idea is related to the drawings that @chicken-blitz13 and @somethingstrangeishere created, specifically the ones where Saladin and Baldwin are playing polo. How about a fanfic in which Baldwin and Saladin meet for diplomatic negotiations (on not too global, but relatively small territorial issue, let's say) and during these negotiations one of the rulers casually drops the phrase "If only disputes were solved by games instead of battles...". (Or something like that). And then they get the idea that it's actually not a bad thing. As a result - Saladin and Baldwin decide by lot who chooses which game to play. As a result, they play polo. And then it's up to you, it'll be interesting to see who wins!😉
Always love you, thank you in advance💕
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Credit @chicken-blitz13 and me
♡ Mallets And Hooves - King Baldwin & Saladin ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: HELLO GIRL!!! I am soooo sorry that it has taken FOREVER to get to this i've been so busy 😭. I loved writing this so much, I always enjoy writing these two as besties (they deserve it for real). I did change it up a little i'm sorry but I hope you like it anyway! I really hope you enjoy my friend! As always, this is based off the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
P.S. THIS IS NOT A SHIP FIC RAHHH!!!! I also really love the art 🤭and thank you to @chicken-blitz13 for coming up with the fic name 😭
TW: Leprosy
It was a warm evening in Jerusalem when the diplomatic negotiations first took place.
Earlier in the day Saladin had arrived at the castle with his own royal officials to begin the trade route negotiations and after a few hours of rest, the men were ready for the discussions.
Baldwin had been nervous about the affairs prior to the sultan's arrival, mostly because this was their first meeting since his victory all those years ago and he was yet to decide on how the other man would react after seeing him again.
Fortunately, the two had become acquainted quickly and soon the tension was all but gone. If only the same could be said for the other royal officials who had quickly taken to bickering about the affairs while Baldwin and Saladin exchanged glances of empathy and apologies for their counterparts behavior.
They had been at it for hours, so much so that the sun had grown low in the sky and due to the insistence of the other men, a conclusion had yet to be reached.
The sultan rubbed his eyes and sighed as Baldwin yawned behind the iron mask that covered his bored expression. It was truly draining for the both of them and the end seemed nowhere in sight.
Baldwin had not been paying attention for the most part but his attention was grabbed as one of the smaller rulers mumbled, “if only disputes were solved by games instead of battles…”.
The idea of a game of polo lifted the young king's spirits immensely, “alright, enough for now. Meeting dismissed, we shall continue tomorrow” Baldwin said loud enough for them all to hear.
He turned to the sultan for approval and was met with a tired nod.
The officials grumbled in annoyance and stood to leave, collecting their papers as they went.
Baldwin stood and approached the chair next to Saladin who seemed hesitant to get up just yet. The young king sat down and sighed.
“If only he were right..” Baldwin mumbled.
“Sorry?” the sultan replied.
“If only disputes were solved by games instead of battles!” 
Saladin chuckled. “Yes, that would certainly make things much easier” he said, looking out into the distance.
“Would you like to play a game of polo before the food is prepared?” Baldwin offered, a small smile creeping onto his face.
A similar smile came to the sultan at the kings strange request, “that would be wonderful”.
The two left for the stables, talking about what they would discuss tomorrow and complaining of the behavior of their own men.
“Children! I swear that's all they are” Saladin said, throwing his hands in the air as Baldwin mounted his own horse.
The young king laughed, “yes it definitely seems that way" “I will speak to all of them tonight about their behavior. We are here to make peace, not war” the sultan said honestly as he mounted his own horse. 
So the two set off with the sun casting an orange glow over the desert.
They began to play as the sun got lower and lower in the sky until it was near impossible to see the ball in front of them. The game came to a perfect tie, the two of them laughing about that as they rode back to the stables.
Baldwin's body ached but it was worth it. As of that evening, he considered Saladin a good friend and not somebody to bicker about stupid things with as their officials and advisors did.
When the two arrived back at the castle, dinner for most was prepared in the dining hall and Baldwins in his chambers.
When Saladin saw the young king walk past the table and to his rooms, he followed.
“My friend! Are you not going to dine with us?” he said, confused.
Baldwin simply tapped his mask with a gloved finger in reply.
“I can assure you, nobody would want to see what's under this” that statement made the sultan's heart ache for the young man. He must be so lonely, eating alone in his rooms every night.
“Well in that case, I shall take my food and go with you” he said returning to the dining room before Baldwin could protest. 
The two walked to Baldwin's chambers in silence with Saladin trying his best to concentrate on balancing two plates and a cup in his hands after the refusal of a servant's help, insisting that he did not wish to waste her time her.
Once inside, the two sat down at the small table on the royal balcony.
Baldwin hesitated at removing his mask in front of the other man and Saladin noticed this right away.
“I can assure you my friend, your appearance could never bother me. I admire you for your leadership and respect you as a friend. Nothing could change that” he said with a small, reassuring smile.
The young king sighed and pulled back the head covering to reveal his hair before slowly peeling off the mask, exposing his bandaged face to the cool night air.
Saladin grinned, “ah, you see! Nothing but the face of a brilliant leader, and a good friend”.
He raised his glass to Baldwin. The young king smiled and raised his glass in return.
“To peace between our people, as peace has come between us” the sultan said happily.
“To peace between our people” Baldwin repeated, equally as happy as his new friend.
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hirunoka · 1 year
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Incorrect Inception Quotes: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11
Big mistake, Arthur.
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revvlation · 7 days
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i don't remember where i saw this, but i've decided that our small koh fandom needs this
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