#Your Horoscope for Today
sed4906 · 1 year
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milfweirdal · 7 months
Handsome Yankovariant Bracket
Round 1, Match 2: The Animated Matchup
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This person is a great inspiration to me.
this is so cute!!
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levnixattorney · 1 year
my only significant flex is being able to sing that really fast part in your horoscope for today in one breath
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In honor of Mortal Kombat 1 releasing tomorrow, since team horoscopes mascot is Cyrax, a character who will be starring as a Kameo in said game, I am releasing this poll a little early. As a treat.
'Weird Al' Yankovic Song Tournament
The Bad Bitches Era Round 7
TW: Possible epilepsy warning with the Dare To Be Stupid music video, this also miiiiight apply to the your horoscope for today music video too? not sure but better safe than sorry
Music Video
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Team DEVO/Autobots Mascot:
VEE NOCEDA from 'The Owl House'
Music Video
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Team Horoscope Mascot:
Cyrax from 'Mortal Kombat'
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rainydetectiveglitter · 11 months
I saw an anon ask this and was wondering if you could help me? I’m an
Sun Aries
Ascending libra
Moon Leo
Venus Aquarius
Ty in advance!!
Thank you for sharing your astro details! With Aries Sun, Libra Ascendant, Leo Moon, and Aquarius Venus, you've got an intriguing mix. Here's my thoughts
Bold and Energetic Presence (Sun in Aries)
- Your core is filled with fiery energy and a go-getter attitude. Initiating and leading come naturally to you.
Harmonious Exterior (Ascendant in Libra):
- Your outward persona is likely charming and diplomatic. People might see you as someone who seeks balance and harmony.
Dramatic Emotions (Moon in Leo):
- Your emotional landscape is vibrant and theatrical. Expressing feelings with flair and passion is part of your emotional style.
Unconventional Love Approach (Venus in Aquarius):
- Love and relationships for you may have a unique, unconventional flavor. You might be attracted to those who stand out from the crowd.
- Leverage your Aries energy for exciting ventures but consider the impact on those around you.
- Embrace your diplomatic side, navigating relationships with the finesse of Libra's charm.
- Express your emotions creatively; let that Leo flair shine in how you share your feelings.
- In love, appreciate the quirks and individuality of your partner.
Remember, these are general insights. Your unique experiences paint the full picture! 🌈
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rastronomicals · 1 year
7:36 AM EDT June 11, 2023:
"Weird Al" Yankovic - "Your Horoscope for Today" From the album The Essential Weird Al Yankovic (October 27, 2009)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Accordion Crimes ---
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Weird Al's 1999 'Your Horoscope for Today' gets its first music video and it's a beautiful animation Weird Al Yankovic released "Your Horoscope for Today" way back in 1999, so why is it just now getting a music video? Well, Augenblick Studios in Brooklyn worked on the song's illustrations for Weird Al's new graphic novel The Illustrated Al and, in Al's words, "decided they wanted to keep going & turn it into a music video!" — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/01/20/weird-als-1999-your-horoscope-for-today-gets-its-first-music-video-and-its-a-beautiful-animation.html
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dead-n-cide · 1 year
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geeta1726 · 22 days
What does Venus in the 6th house mean?
Venus in the 6th house has specific implications. Here are the key points:
Focus on Service: Venus in the 6th house indicates a strong emphasis on service, work, and daily responsibilities, often bringing harmony to the workplace.
Health and Wellness: This placement can lead to an interest in health, wellness, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, though it may also bring challenges related to indulgence or overwork.
Relationships with Colleagues: Venus here often creates pleasant and cooperative relationships with coworkers and subordinates, promoting teamwork.
Potential Conflicts: There may be challenges in personal relationships, as Venus in the 6th can sometimes lead to conflicts or misunderstandings, particularly in love matters.
Financial Stability: The focus on work and service can lead to financial stability, especially when the native is engaged in Venus-related professions like art, beauty, or finance.
If you want to know the result of Venus in the sixth house or any other planet, that too on the basis of your horoscope. So there is a very good software. In my opinion, it can give you very good information on the basis of your horoscope. Which is Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software which can give you better information.
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gagsolineoilrefinery · 7 months
I'm cooking... something in the studio tonight chat, heres a wip because I'm tired already oops
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academic-vampire · 9 months
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𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔦𝔢𝔰 ♈︎
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astrorakesh1726 · 10 days
What is the significance of Saturn and Jupiter conjunct in Sagittarius with a Capricorn ascendant?
Balanced Idealism and Discipline: The conjunction blends Jupiter's optimism and expansion with Saturn's discipline, creating a grounded, yet expansive approach to life goals and beliefs.
Structured Growth: The Sagittarius energy drives a thirst for knowledge and adventure, but Saturn ensures it’s pursued with responsibility and long-term planning.
Ambitious Worldview: With a Capricorn ascendant, there’s a focus on achieving practical success, integrating broad philosophical ideals into tangible, real-world efforts.
Slow but Steady Progress: Capricorn’s influence tempers the fast-moving energy of Sagittarius, resulting in patient, steady growth and development.
Harmonizing Freedom and Structure: While Sagittarius seeks freedom and exploration, Saturn's presence ensures that any expansion is done methodically and within structured boundaries.
If you want to know the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Sagittarius in Capricorn ascendant on the basis of your horoscope, then you can use Kundli for Android - Astrology application. Which can give you good information based on your horoscope for free. If you want to know more information, then you can also contact us (91 85956 75042).
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Nurturing, loving, and honouring your inner child (or in this case; 14 year old inner wolf-girl) all seems like such a good and healing time until she starts having Ideas.
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tara-girl · 10 months
Will you have Eyesight Issues? Can this be Predicted through Horoscope ? Find out, here!!
This is going to be a detailed answer and a simple analysis technique explained through example of Great Indian Revolutionary freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose.
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Scientifically, In the process of seeing an object, the following steps occur:
Light from a source like the Sun, falls on the object.
The object reflects light in all possible directions.
The reflected light from the object reaches our eyes.
Our brain receives the information from the eyes making us see the object.
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As per Medical Vedic Astrology,
Sun represents eyesight.
Mercury represents neurons which passes message to brain.
Saturn represents organized structure of whole.
As per my studies, follwing are the conjunctions which can afflict eyesight of a person:
If Mercury is sitting with or aspected by Saturn and Rahu/Ketu, then eye sight may suffer.
When Saturn and Mercury aspect or conjuct Sun aspected by Rahu/Ketu also afllict eyesight.
Saturn, Mercury and Sun conjuction also afflict eyesight sometimes.
For example: Birth chart of Great freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose
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As you can see in his birthchart, his Sun is conjuct with Rahu and Mercury aspected by Saturn also.So from his childhood, he had problems related to eyesight and to wear glasses.
Note: Depending upon the strength of the planet(Sun, Saturn ,Mercury, Rahu and Ketu) according to its degree , results for eyesight afflict may vary from mild to severe.
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discerndiary · 11 months
What is the Zodiac?
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The Zodiac is a circular band in the sky that is divided into 12 equal parts, each representing a different astrological sign.
The 12 signs of the Zodiac are:
1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
These 12 signs are based on the position of the Sun relative to certain constellations as observed from Earth.
The Zodiac circle is used in astrology to interpret the positions and movements of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies in relation to the 12 signs, which are believed to influence human affairs and terrestrial events.
Each part, or 'sign,' spans 30 degrees of celestial longitude and corresponds to a constellation.
Constellation: an unplanned formation of stars perceived as a figure or pattern
Let's Break Down What This Means:
The Zodiac, a band of the celestial sphere, is divided into 12 equal parts, each associated with a specific constellation.
These parts are the 12 signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.
When it's said that
"Each sign spans 30 degrees of celestial longitude"
This means that each of these 12 divisions covers 30 degrees of the sphere (because 360 degrees divided by 12 equals 30 degrees).
So, if you were to visualize the sky as a complete 360-degree circle, each Zodiac sign occupies its own 30-degree slice of that circle.
This is what astronomers refer to when they talk about the position of celestial bodies, they're often discussing where these bodies are about these 30-degree divisions.
Celestial Longitude
The term "celestial longitude" is analogous to how we think of longitude on Earth — it's a way to measure location, but in the sky rather than on the ground.
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Each 30-degree section of the Zodiac is associated with a specific group of stars that, from our perspective on Earth, form a specific pattern in the sky.
These patterns are what we call constellations.
The zodiac is an imagined belt in the sky that extends approximately 8° north and south of the Ecliptic.
Ecliptic: the path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year
The region 8 degrees north or south of the ecliptic is significant in astronomy and celestial observations.
This region corresponds to the band where the paths of the planets are located in the sky. It is within this area that astronomers track and study the movements of celestial bodies, including planets, asteroids, and comets.
The position of these objects relative to the ecliptic provides valuable information for astronomical research and observations.
The orbital paths of the Moon and major planets are within the belt of the zodiac.
Orbital Paths: An Detoured Motorway for energy to travel on
In Western astrology, the zodiac is divided into twelve signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Each sign occupies 30° of celestial longitude and roughly corresponds to the astronomical constellations with the same name.
The term 'zodiac' also refers to the region of the celestial sphere that includes the paths of the planets. This region extends approximately 8 arc degrees above and below the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky throughout the year. It is within this band that the orbital paths of the planets are located.
The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future and determine a person's physical characteristics as well as intelligence and personal traits.
The twelve signs of the Zodiac include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
The belt-like region of the celestial sphere is approximately eight degrees north and south of the ecliptic which include the apparent path of the sun, moon, and visible planets.
The twelve equal divisions of the zodiacal region into signs or houses, each named for a prominent constellation in the region.
The ecliptic: the belt-like region of the celestial sphere corresponding to the apparent path of the sun over the course of a year.
Any of various astrological systems considered similar to the above.
A circle decorated with the signs of the zodiac.
ZODIAC - Where Did The Word Come From? ETYMOLOGY-
The word zodiac comes from Latin zōdiacus... Which comes from the Greek ζῳδιακός křklos, meaning "circle of little animals".
In ancient Greek, ζῷον (zōion) meant "animal" or "living being" and δεκατέσσαρες (dekatesseres) meant "twelve".
When combined, ζῳδιακός κύκλος (zōidiakos kýklos) literally meant "circle of twelve animals" and referred to the twelve constellations along the ecliptic through which the sun, moon and planets appear to travel.
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