#You're out of this world 🛸
eldritchsp00ks · 2 years
Tags on my blog (WIP)
Selfship Tags:
You make sparks fly 🎇: Runa x Megatron
Star crossed lovers 💫: Kyra x Colress
You're out of this world 🛸: Avery x Prowl
Call me maybe ☎: Kaija x Danny Johnson
TBD 🐢: Penelope x ROTTMNT Raphael
TBD: Nera x Shockwave
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dogbites-puppylove · 6 months
Hello! I hope you're well.
Can you do a Damian Wayne x Male reader oneshot? Based on the song "Stacy's Brother" by Mad Tsai.
Damian finds out that Male reader is the little brother of [Big! Sister].
Then Damian decides to approach [Big! Sister], in jobs, projects, etc. All this to get closer to Male reader.
Maybe a sporty, extroverted and clumsy Male reader?
I can't get it out of my head that Male reader is somewhat nervous about being around Damian due to Damian's personality and the fact that he is taller than M!r doesn't help.
Also, Can I be anon 🛸?
Male! Reader x Damian
TW: description of yandere mentalities and actions (obsession, possessive tendencies, stalking, etc)
Tags: Yandere! Damian Wayne x Reader
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Solitude is preferable to irritants for Damian, so to prove useful enough to be a contact of his is difficult. He’s an heir first and a human second,this is fact, every thought he has is spent towards a goal, and every goal to another's gain - this is the natural state of his operations. Much like a king's pristine puppet he is a glorified prize that must maintain itself. If he meets his darling through a sister or really any family member not of his own, the darling has no backing to stand. Simply and utterly he is beneath nothing to Damian - and maybe that's how he got trapped. 
Contacts from his mother provide lethal abilities, contacts from his father are useful and cut throat -expectation and criteria create his world brick by brick - everything has its place of necessity. A contact form outside this world is easy to push off - it's useless and creates nothing but problems for him - but his Darlings sister is needed and to maintain relations he must come to know Darling - so he takes to this as a bat. The Darling is a lesion, a bleeding pus addled wound in his world of rules and he must get you to heal - it's a clinical and medical perspective. He is his own greatest triumph and Darling are the termites that are picking at his puppet strings. 
Diagnosis comes from close observation- and he needs to be perfect to complete his tasks. You are stalked and detailed without mercy - without decorum, for the first few months you aren't even human. Damian takes a while stalking him, perching on the ceiling and staring through windows - devouring every image with curiosity. Like a dog lapping at its bleeding wounds - Damian tends to him with hypothesis and obsessiveness  - laving over him with his tongue until he’s all that he can taste. Every detail is crucial - every twitch of his muscle under his skin and every time his drops of drool on his pillow in the throes of the Darlings sleep. 
It begins with details and ends with praises and reverent prayers - what used to be details of something he needed to heal became the height of his worship. Damian slips from the king's grasp and becomes a tumbling mess of flash and singing blood  - the para social relationship nurses itself into an infection. 
Sporty? Good, keeping himself in shape is the least of the training that his Darling needs to do in order to stay safe in Damian’s own shadows. Not to say he’d ever let anything touch his darling but it's crucial to keep him in good shape. Paranoia runs in his blood - it's how survival is formed, it's passed on heirloom. 
Extroversion is hardly a trait he is foreign to - in fact it's perfect that his Darling seems to seek out others in social situations. As his other half, his humanity given flesh - it's obvious he would have the skills to express it. 
So what if he’s clumsy? It's simply the innocence of untarnished life showing through - Damian has none left - not even in the hollows of his bones - but his darling can make up for it. To him it's an even trade - like heaven and hell to the spirits that pass. 
After sufficiently gathering all he can from the window - it's only so long before he reaches in. He needs you - from the wound is born an infestation and Damian is sick with it - it fills his orifices and body and mind until Darling infect his brain. He won’t blame you for it - how could he - but you’ll have to take responsibility. 
Your sister is a means to an end - from the beginning of her contact to the time he uses her as a ticket into your life. He blows up her phone, her email, her everything - it's intensive and consuming and he won’t stop even if she answers. He needs you awfully, horribly to the point he might bleed out if he doesn't have his hand on your skin. She tries once to pull away - for her youngest brother's sake - she wakes up with a katana and a whispered warning to her ear. She does not try again. Sometimes you can see her eyeing you from the other side of the room with something like an apology on her face. 
Sharing a gender orientation gives him easier access to you - into bathrooms, locker rooms, and a sort of social intimacy that society gives leeway. It's not overly suspicious as he leaves an arm on you - seeks you out - it's what friends do. You're both boys so there's nothing to be shy about Darling. 
Of course he makes you nervous - ha can’t blame you - he's a trained assassin and you're all but a civilian but he’d never harm you. Never dream of it, even, to harm you would be his death. But it doesn't stop his eyes that are far too familiar for a stranger, nor the offsetting way he accommodates you so easily - as if he knows you better than yourself. As if he’s a worm in your brain and was wriggled so far it's made its home - a parasite. It sets you on edge - pulls at your skin until your organs and bones and he still needs to go deeper. 
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Author's Note: Hi anon! I don’t actually have a cohesive list of anons but if you want to identify yourself with emojis i'm all for it :)). Also - my writing in general doesn’t incorporate gender a lot but I hope this is ok. 
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doin-just-fine · 2 months
How it feels to be us.
For questioning systems, specifically those who do not fit the typical DID/OSDD criteria, this will be an in depth dive into how our brain works as we understand it right now!
Bellow is all of us, The Super Fine System. 🛸 DoinFine (23) is on top and from left to right is ☁️ Cloud (~22) , 🌾 Summer (24) and 🧸 Bean (~8).
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This is how we "appear in the head space". Technically, we don't have a visual headspace and we don't literally see each other. For us it's kind of like wondering around a space with the light turned off but we all have psychic proximity so we can sense each other when we're in proximity to each other. Even more technically, only DoinFine has psychic proximity in this way and I🛸 don't actually know what everyone else experiences up here.
🛸 I am a front stuck host. It's like I'm plugged in to the front. We call it being stuck in the chair because it's an easy way to explain it but I don't actually feel stuck in a literal chair. I just sort of feel glued in place. I feel like I am the front. Some systems talk about a control panel. I feel like I am the control panel. All I can really do is experience the outside world, sense when someone else is close to the front with my psychic proximity, and imagine what certain events that unfold in my head look like visually to kind of help make sense of it.
🛸 The thing about being front stuck is that I can never leave so we don't have traditional amnesia. What we do have is difficulty with memory recall but usually we'll get there eventually with enough description from an outside party and Emotional Amnesia. The best way to describe Emotional Amnesia is as if you're rewatching a movie but now the movie has no sound and is in black and white. Or like you're watching the movie from way across the room and through really thick glass.
🛸 The other thing about being front stuck in such a permanent way is that no one else can fully front. They all have to through me. This is why I feel like the control panel sometimes is because everyone has to operate and filter through me. This turns Cloud, Summer, and Bean into this:
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Here are the originals for comparison.
🛸 Like I said before I can't see anybody nor can I hear anybody. But through the psychic proximity I can feel them and I can feel their vibe, emotions, and if their close enough or "touching" me I can hear them. Example: making these picrews was me making them and doing what I think they'd like and then feeling their reaction. It's genuinely fascinating because I will add something that I think looks good and I'll pause and tune in and feel, especially from Cloud, the vibe of "No, I don't like that." and if I'm really not doing a good job I'll hear a "I would never wear that." I don't actually hear another voice it's more of a passing thought and opinion that very much differs from my own. Thats how we figured out what everyone looks like.
Back to the filtered versions of my head mates. Some systems would describe this as being blurry, blendy, or just co-con. We feel blendy would fit this best. we know for some systems, like our partner system, blended alters can be their own solid individuals with unique names, pronouns, thought, and feelings. However, this is not the case for all systems and definitely not for us. The level of blended changes based on how close the person is to DoinFine.
This was particularly hard to navigate at the beginning of realizing we were a system because everyone talks about switching in and out and we don't do that. This fed our denial spirals for a good long while.
DoinFine has only ever not be in the front maybe twice. Bean seems to be the only one able to boot DoinFine to passenger with ease and has only done it once. The other time Cloud was bonding with his friend in our partner's system and DoinFine consciously decided to try and "look around" the head space (still not sure how to translate that literally) to see if they could learn more info. Cloud is our gatekeeper though so they didn't learn much nor did they full achieve disconnect but Cloud found himself front stuck for a second. We think this only happened because he's never co-fronted before and didn't know how to leave.
After writing that here's some information we may have pieced together. The first level of "fronting": Bleed Over and and Passive Influence is what DoinFine gets from the other head mates on our average day. The second level of "fronting": As someone get close to the front the influence becomes stronger which turns it into being blendy. This when someone sits on the bench with DoinFine or, in Cloud's case, standing just behind it. We don't make it past here very often. This is also where we have to give a heads up to those around us incase unexpected mannerism come through. The third and final level of "fronting": is reaching Co-Fronting where DoinFine stops driving but is still up front and can let the other person "have a turn". Typically it will look like the other person is Fronting on their own. This usually because in these instances who ever is co-fronting usually wants their time to exist as a person.
With Cloud getting front stuck briefly, that was DoinFine consciously and willingly taking "a back seat". Bean still holds the title for being the only one of us to kick DoinFine out of the drivers seat and forcing a co-front without anyone realizing until it was already happening. It wasn't even on Cloud's radar that maybe the 8 year old could be that powerful in the front. He was watching the interaction and suddenly DoinFine and Bean had swapped places and he began to panic only a little bit.
When it comes to our internal communication we don't lol. We communicate by verbally talking out loud to each other. Other things we do is use apps to text to each other. DoinFine, psychic proximity only gets us so far. All though they are developing a new technique where they kind of vaguely think about a question or theorize about an answer and then they try to tune into Cloud who's almost always with in proximity and tries to gage his emotions to tell them the answer or if their theory is correct. We have found that Cloud does not mind revealing information in this way. He still won't reveal everything though. For example we were trying to figure out when everyone first appeared in the headspace, when we got to Cloud he wouldn't tell us obviously but DoinFine noticed that when they would try and guess his vibe and emotions would almost play like a hot and cold game. When we were too far back he would almost boast about how, "i've been here way before that" and when we were too far forward we could feel collectively that it wasn't right. We eventually narrowed it down to early on in our time on this earth but when we were starting to get too close to specifics Cloud stopped the game and wouldn't provide anymore information.
🛸 Though I can tune in to vibes, emotions, and sometimes thoughts I can't access anyone completely. I think It's Cloud and he keeps tight tabs on everyone, I can gather information about people as individuals but nothing about the headspace, how this place works, and if anyone else is around. Though this is frustrating I can feel Cloud and trust that his intentions are good despite his rude way of executing them. I can feel that he is very familiar with me, and he knows what I can handle and when I'm ready for it. He is very much an older brother type. And I do trust that I will learn things when I'm ready for them. I also get the sense that he doesn't know EVERYTHING like he says he does and sometimes he just doesn't have the information and pretends like he's just keeping it from me. As for what everyone else knows I can't get a read on them. Bean is rarely around and it flips back and forth for Summer whether or not she knows things that Cloud knows or is just as clueless as me. Only time will tell I guess. I hope this is helpful or at least interesting to someone.
I’ve been trying to map how we work for a year now and this is where I’m at. I'm sure this will all change as I grow more familiar with my new situation. But for now if anyone has any question feel free to ask them, we are more than happy to answer anything. Questions from other people help us figure stuff out for ourselves.
Remember, you are valid in you're experiences!!!
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turquoisetuber · 3 months
"Hey... I was told there was another human here and, you seem to fit the bill? I was kinda curious... Are you from Shiver Star too? Or Old Earth or whatever people call it now?"
"It's just... people there all kind of dress like you and I do..."
Noir awkwardly kicks at the dirt before sighing
"...There's no way to make this next part sound good so..." "Did you...make it out? Intact and...alive...?"
AN: Hi hi! I hope you're still taking asks for Jade...? I'd been wanting to send you something from my own human teen the moment I saw there was another human OC here~! I hope the scope of the question is broad enough, if you want to share a little about what her former life was like...?
🛸 - thank you for the ask!! ive wanted to talk to noir as well!! i enjoyed answering this!! questions are still open, infact i may leave them open permanently since people love her!!
🌟 - Jade took notice of the young man before her, standing up quickly, giving him a warm smile and a wave.
"Hi!- I would probably be the human you heard about, yeah..- I believe I'v heard about you as well.. Noir, right?- I've wanted to introduce myself, but of course I was too shy to say anything."
"But.. On the topic of your question, I'm.. well, to put it simply, as I explained to that... interesting knight, I'm not from that galaxy at all—not even that dimension."
Jade snapped her fingers, and beside her a small portal opened.
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In the view of the rift stool a small field and an old-looking and rather large house.
"This is where I grew up. It's.. Sort of akin to Another Dimension. It's called a Riftal Archipelago, and it's like a series of islands between dimensions. I'm not sure if this is how the story goes in your world, but the people of Planet Popstar—the humans who lived there after they left Halcandra—had left and arrived at this strange between-dimension. So.. They set up camp there. So while I may not have grown up on Popstar or Shiver Star, I have family roots in Popstar."
She sighed quietly—she wanted to answer his whole question, but she was slightly dreading the second bit.
"As for the next bit-"
The portal zipped shut and she grew visibly upset.
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Finally, she spoke up in a quiet—yet audible—whisper.
"I did make it out. Probably not from what you're referring to, but... A conflict started between my family's island and my aunt's island, and... Well, battle broke out and I ran away from home after my mom was killed, and..."
She sighed shakily. "I made it out. But I almost died doing so, and in a moment of panic I opened a portal and.. I wound up in Dreamland, leaving behind my siblings and my dad. And... I had to live with the fact that they were without me and my mom."
She shook her head. "But.. things are a lot better now and we ended the war. So... Life sure isn't easy, but.. I still made it, right?-"
She smiled. "So.. Yeah, there's my sob story. How about you?- What was life on Shiver Star like, if you don't mind my asking?-"
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gallawitchxx · 10 months
hello bee - my offering to you to please speak more on conspiracy theory mickey: 🪴🍉🍫🎶🎷🦇
(hey remember when my ask linked to a completely random post that one time. i hope that doesn't happen again ahaa)
oh hello ray babyyyyy 🖤🖤🖤 ily did you know? thank you for the offerings, your link worked perfectly this time & i would love to chat more about conspiracy theorist!mickey! 👀🔎🕵️‍♂️
soooo, my guy is absolutely a moon landing denier 🌕🚫🧑‍🚀 like, what do you mean a bunch of astronauts went to the moon a few times & then we never went back?? what kind of fucked up science is that? it absolutely could've been faked on a soundstage, those hollywood fucks are always making shit look real!
also! ALSO! aliens! 👽 can't trust the government for shit, but even they're admitting aliens are real now! but mickey was into area 51 waaay before it was cool, ok? if he weren't married to the world's biggest worry-wart, he would've strapped up & joined all those guys that ransacked the place a while back. yippee kay yay, motherfucker! 🛸 we can’t be alone in the universe & to say differently would be ridiculous.
"gotta watch out for the gray, ian." "who are the gray?" "those big gray alien fucks that are messin' with our dna. snatchin' people right up off the ground & doin' all kinds of experiments on 'em & shit." "mick... just because you're turned on by aliens doesn't mean that they're abducting people & changing our genetic code..." "it's called galactic interference, asshole. look it up." ... "& fuck you, it ain't my fault you look like a goddamn freckled freak." "you need to get off the internet."
because yeah. that's where most of this shit gets stirred up. of course it is. when mickey can't sleep, he's scouring reddit boards & weird little sites that nobody's ever heard of, reading post after post by people with usernames like tinfoilhat4life and wakeupsheep69. he's not sure that he believes everything he reads -- he's definitely not into some of the more whack ones that right wingers have been peddling recently about pizza shop sex rings & whatnot -- but look.... he doesn't know.... you know? 👀🔎🕵️‍♂️✨
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maskedteaser · 4 months
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‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎👽 MASTERLIST !
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hello, if you're reading this that means i probably managed to link my masterlist under my intro post, hooray!!!
anyways, let's get started
( if you see any plan that you'd like to read ASAP then send me an ask saying something like "omg please finish (title) faster it sounds so good i want to read it" or something and i will keep that in mind <3)
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[ REQUEST ] . 05.06.2024 .
⎯⎯⎯⎯ JAVIER X MALE READER [ REQUEST ] . 08.07.2024 . READ : HERE
[mutual pining]
🛸 ❝nothing in the world belongs to ME❞
[angst,arthur talks with his guardian angel in his sleep]
🛸 ❝force me and choke me 'til i pass out❞
[hate to friends to love??]
🛸 ❝ :( ❞
[rise up jovier nation]
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[ helping with his ptsd]
[ he's furious, you can calm him down]
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⎯⎯⎯⎯ MIRAGE X READER [headcanons + short fic] [ REQUEST ] . 28.06.2024 .
READ : HERE 🛸 ❝ HOLD ME TIGHT, PLEASE ❞ ⎯⎯⎯⎯ OCTANE X READER [headcanons + short fic] [ REQUEST ] . 16.07.2024 . READ : HERE
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angelthefirst1 · 6 months
Silver Lake Swimteam. 🪞 🧚‍♀️
I AM WHO I AM - The name of God.
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Emily calls herself the name of God - I am who I am 💫🛸
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While focusing this photo on the heavens above...
She's referencing Beth's return and connecting it to a cure.
I AM ♾️ I AM - Beginning and end
WHO - World health organisation. 🌎 which speaks to God's cure.
When Emily first released Swimteam 🏊‍♀️ I struggled to connect the dots on what she was referring to, but I think I have figured it out.
Let's dive into the meaning behind the title of her album Swimteam, the meaning of the silver lake, the meaning of the song B or C for effort, and some other links I've come across...
Firstly, the 💫 returning star from space 🛸 symbolism has a mirrored/inverted meaning.
The star can refer to Sirius the dog star. Dog backwards is god with a little g. This is why i consider the dog star to represent the antichrist (little backward god) and a false light/cure, it's symbolism extends to having a darkened eye. Which is connected to spiritual blindness.
But that same star is also referred to as the bright morning star, which is Christ.
Revelation 22.16
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”
So, it also points to Christ and the real cure/light.
Emily posted a series of photos with the "I am who I am" comment and the returning star from space symbolism.
One of the other photos she linked with the name of God, was this photo from the song B or C for effort from her new album, Swimteam.
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B.C = Before Christ.
The song B or C for effort starts at night time (B.C), with Emily acting like she's just been shot, like Beth was in Coda. This time without a visible bullet.
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Lights out, head thrown back and eyes closed in the dark, on her bed.
We then see a hint of an eclipsed sun (eclipse)
And straight after the eclipse, we see her wake up in the daylight (open her eyes/sight) in A.D Anno Domini or the year of our Lord.
The music video shows symbolism of Beth waking (eyes opened) after being shot, but laying down (lame), and also imagery of looking at an eclipsed sun. Something we saw a hint at in the episode 509.
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We then hear music and see a band playing (music box)
She gets up from the mat/bed she's laying on, joins them, and starts singing about flowers (funerals/new life) and soothing (healing) wounds in another state.
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After connecting the dots, i realised the album Swimteam is about the silver lake of the pool of BETHesda in Israel, in Jerusalem where Jesus was Crucified.
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The Apostle John recorded the healing of a lame man and the healing of the blind man at the pool of Bethesda. The pool is known as the pool of healing and mercy.
The lame man was told by Jesus to get up, take his mat/bed, and walk.
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So Emily is depicting the lame and blind (Beth would have been both after being shot) next to the pool of Bethesda being healed.
I've already written about how Mont Saint Michel in France is a depiction of Israel and Jerusalem. You can read more on that here.
The archangel Michael has many duties but one of his main duties is the protector of Israel.
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Jesus saying that "I am the root and descendant of David, and the bright morning star" connects this passage to the star 🌟 of David.
That's why Emily wore the blue and white swim 🏊‍♀️ suit while next to the pool of "Bethesda" in Jerusalem. While promoting Swimteam. 🇮🇱
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TWD often makes you think you are in one location when in fact they are hinting at an entirely different location when telling the story. Sometimes, it's biblical history, and sometimes it's biblical prophecy (future)
Israel and Jerusalem are called the apple of God's eye, and they are front and center in biblical history and biblical end times prophecy.
I am who i am 🍎 tree
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So, while you think you're watching a story in America and France, you are not.
The pool of Bethesda was associated with healing because an angel was said to stir the water, giving it healing properties.
The silver lake of Emily's Swimteam is the mirror on the music box that the angel with wings "stirs" or "twirls" when the music plays.
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The reason the silver lake is depicted as a mirror is because before the pool of Bethesda was built, that location was just dessert sand. The book of Isaiah 35.7 predicted that the parched land or "glowing sand" of that place would become a real pool, which was later built.
In the desert, this glowing sand can be called a mock-lake or mirage. Heated sand also becomes glass...hence the mirror.
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Isaiah said that the mock-lake of the burning desert sand would become a real lake of refreshment and Joy.
Emily's outfit in B or C for effort is a perfect combination of all the colours seen in the music box shot with Maggie and Sasha. When the "Good news" plays.
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The music box has hints of gold, like the gold frame of the "silver lake" mirror used in the music video.
And Emily posted about rainbows 🌈 in relation to Swimteam.
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The blind man being healed at Bethesda represents spiritual blindness and a darkened mind, seeing a mirage if you will. Christ healed him, opening his eyes.
I would say Leah and even Isabelle are a version on this blindness on Daryl's behalf.
The healing of the blind man is used to show how great the spiritual blindness of man is, which only by degrees, and by successive stages, can come to the light.
Emily's song B or C for effort talks about God and the theme of spiritual growth.
Go listen to the full song here if you like.
Jesus did many other miracles and also walked on water in the region of Bethesda.
If you remember the episode that Jesus (Paul, aka the apostle Paul) was introduced in...
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We saw much of the same symbolism that B or C for effort shows, and symbolism that's around Beth.
First, we see the Silver 🪞 wings 🧚‍♀️ cigarettes... when Daryl comes across the vending machine that's labelled cold drinks.
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The pool of Bethesda is a fresh water 💧 spring and was the main source of water for Jerusalem.
What are cigarettes 🚬
Smokes...smoke and mirrors = mirage of a cold drink or pool. Mock-lake.
The scene where Jesus is introduced also shows a sign for pizza 🍕next to the silver wings sign, the symbolism for which I've shown a lot of lately in relation to Beth.
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Later on in episode 610, we see the "silver lake" or pool of Bethesda as Jesus is passed out on the ground next to the lake.
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Daryl says they should put him up a tree, which is just another way of saying crucifixion ✝️
Lastly, the truck that ends up going into the Silver-lake of Bethesda references Luke 8.41
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Which is a reference to a dying girl restored and a bleeding woman healed.
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You can go read that yourself, but the truck 🚚 that references a dying girl and bleeding woman sank into the healing pool (silver lake) of BETHesda.
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That the angel of God stirs with healing power. 🪞 🧚‍♀️
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Camilip Week 2023 - Day 4 (Nerds) Cosmic Frontier: The Lost Episode
Get ready for some cuisine that's outer this world (get it lol)! 💖 👩‍🚀 🚀 🛸 👾 🛰️ ✨
After parking her car in the driveway, an exhausted Camila exited her vehicle and walked tiredly to the front door, holding her keys in her hands.
The vet clinic Camila worked at was busy today, which led her to do a lot of multitasking with different animal patients.
Due to barely eating the lunch that she had bought on her short break, the veterinarian felt both hungry and tired.
She couldn't wait to head inside and heat up the leftovers from last night's dinner before taking a much-needed nap.
Once she unlocked the door, Camila stepped inside her home and what she saw in the dining room blew her mind, as she let out a small gasp.
The dinner table was set up to look like Captain Avery and Chief O'Bailey's spaceship, as every entrée on the table was a reference to Cosmic Frontier.
Camila couldn't believe it.
This was a nerdy dream come true for her.
Coming out of the kitchen, her bearded beloved was wearing a space-themed apron rather than his usual horse one, and he instantly smiled at Camila.
"Ah, there you are, my love. Welcome home,"
Philip gave her a gentle greeting as he gestured for Camila to have a seat.
She did, still shocked as Philip pushed her chair in.
He then pulled out an alien headband and positioned it in Camila's hair.
As he spoke, his smile persisted.
"I hope you're hungry, because I've prepared this outer space feast just for you."
He gestured towards every dish on the table as he listed them off.
"We have cosmic chicken casserole, rover roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes from Mars, galactic garlic bread, and..."
Heading back into the kitchen, Philip happily returns with lime green gelatin sitting on a stand in the shape of an alien's head, with chunks of pineapple and cucumbers inside.
When Philip sets the stand down on the table, Camila lets out a loud gasp as she stares intently at the gelatin with sparkly eyes.
"The evil emperor Kuvvul's head!" Camila was taken aback by how meticulous it looked.
Philip got every little detail right.
"I hope it's okay," Philip chuckled as he sat across from Camila.
"It's perfect!" Camila quickly told him with glittery eyes.
Her fangirl reaction caused Philip to laugh once more.
He then picked up the serving spoon from the casserole and scooped up a spoonful to place on Camila's plate before scooping up some for himself.
"Oh, Philip," Camila softly began, a bit of dark blush creeping on her cheeks.
"This surprise dinner is outer this world," she says, giggling at her own space pun.
"Thank you for putting so much thought and love into it, mi amor."
Philip understood and valued the geeky love they shared for Cosmic Frontier.
The beardo gave his beloved a soft smile. "It's what you deserve, my love," Philip gently told her as he dipped his casserole spoon into the casserole.
"Cheers?" he asked, holding up his spoon.
With a warm smile, Camila dips her spoon into the dish and holds it up as well.
"Cheers," she replied to the friendly toast as she and Philip both clink their spoons before bringing them to their mouths to eat.
The two hum in unison at the casserole's gooey goodness.
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ediessims · 2 years
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you're out of this world, baby 🛸
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thinkrp · 5 months
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we hope you're all enjoying reserves day, and if you haven't already we recommend jumping into our discord to finish our first challenge and claim your first two reserves! today's previews revolve around our twenty six member groups. some of you may have clocked our theme when joining the server and answering a certain required question, but all of our groups are focused on different cult classic films! while it's nice to match characters up to the general themes of each film, they are also largely for aesthetics and vibes. follow us down the winding path of the films of yesteryear and check out our basic membergroups of which there are twelve in total!
✨ view our basic groups! ✨
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- “I myself am strange and unusual.”
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"As if!"
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ET 🛸
"I'll believe in you all my life."
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"Goonies never say die!"
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"Our love is God. Let’s go get a slushie."
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"I am a God."
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"We are the weirdos, mister."
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"It wasn't over, it still isn't over."
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"Life is pain, Highness."
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“Don't dream it, be it.”
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“I'm in lesbians with you.”
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“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
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amoebamom · 9 months
Dear Journal,
It's the first new moon(in Capricorn♑️)🌚 of the year(2024)🥳 and already, so many crazy things started happening simultaneously everywhere!🫣
Starting with Japan having an earthquake and all kinds of damage😳 (I could only watch in disbelief and pray that it doesn't sink before I go there😢💔🙏). Then there's all sorts of people being exposed for crimes against humanity💀🤝💸😳, videos of UFO sightings, crazy weather, and other scary stuff🛸👽👾🌀❣️😱.
Sometimes, I just want to crawl somewhere and hide forever coz it's too much to bear💔😭😭😭
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But despite all this chaos/fear that's ensuing all around, you can't let it distract you from what's important (youself🫵).
Now is the time to prioritize your needs and get down to business. Set boundaries to protect your evolution (inner child healing or shadow work), so that you give yourself the opportunity to pursue your dreams that's been waiting to materialize✨️ and permission to live your truest and most authentic self🫅🤝👸so that you have the courage to let the hero in your journey shine🌟❤️‍🔥🙌
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because this is the year (Year of the Dragon🐉) to accomplish revolutionary changes🙌 (Pluto is going back and forth between Capricorn & Aquarius in bringing radical transformation), it encourages you to try again, trust your intuition, and take a leap of faith because this New moon marks a fresh start for this new shift😁👌
So whatever it is that you're preparing for this year, it's going to set up the next 20-year cycle, so be prepared☝️😯
Here's to all the dreamers out there, May you receive more than you ever imagined🥂👑💖🙏 (your gift to the world is waiting to be received🤲💝).
Embrace your Dragon energy🐉😜 It's probably safer than flying right now✈️😏
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dateamonster · 2 years
🛸volatile traits masterpost🛸
(last updated 10/8/23)
what is volatile traits?
vt is my own lil oc verse ive been making art and other assorted content for on and off since i was maybe 16? it is primarily the story of a teenager named Wendy, the daughter of a doomsday cult leader seeking escape, and her relationship with Auree, a shapeshifting alien monster who has been separated from her people following a failed invasion.
in their nihilism and teenage angst the pair plan to reject their respective factions in the human/alien conflict and take earth for themselves, but their aspirations are frequently interrupted by day to day distractions, new friends, old grudges, police chases, babysitting, gender/sexuality crises, celebrity cameos, and a blooming romance.
its essentially a scifi slice of life with intermittent wacky romcom shenanigans.
main cast
wendy phillips: after a lifetime of being promised ultimate cosmic punishment, when she realized doomsday might not be coming it was hard for wendy to say if she felt more relieved or disappointed. wendy is curious and scientifically minded. her upbringing has made her sharp, bitter, and prone to apathy, but she's not giving up yet.
auree: far from home, captured, contained, and isolated from anyone who could relate to her, auree's rage transformed her into a monster. only after meeting wendy was she able to find a way out of her destructive survival-mode state. auree is the inverse to wendy's passivity; she feels everything, big and loud and bright and all the time. the two balance one another, but can also feed into each other's worse impulses.
haddie muhammdi: an absolute dictionary definition of introverted nerd. haddie is wendy's former babysitter and occupies a complicated place in her life. her anxious, conflict-avoidant personality caused her to neglect a younger wendy at a time when she really needed her support and ever since they've reconnected she's been trying to make amends and prove herself reliable.
scarlett laroux: an alien of auree’s kind who likewise came to earth as part of a mission claim it for their homeworld, a mission she justifies to herself with the belief that humans are not fully thinking, compassionate beings. finding that humans will basically let you get away with anything if you're rich or famous enough, she's taken the identity of a popular movie star. despite her strong anti-earthling convictions, she starts to feel conflicted when it comes to the exiled auree and her little gang of humans.
henry peck: a middle aged janitor who discovered an abandoned lil goo baby at the hospital he works at and was thus unceremoniously thrust into the role of fatherhood, something he never thought himself capable of. he is awkward, unsociable both by nature and experience, and he is trying his damn best. his stilted, gruff way of communicating belies a meek, somewhat self-depreciating man who wants for a better world but doesn't necessarily believe in it.
bud: little alien blob of a baby. just vibing.
symbols of heroism
auree body horror moment
shapeshifting lessons with bud
this tornado loves you
fisher king
gender blues
funney auree sketches
cast lineup
some gay nonsense
little miss teenage doomsday
volatile traits zine!!
auree/wendy inktober sketch
auree inktober sketch
(any pre-college art im too lazy to dig up and thats probably for the best anyway)
okiedok thats all for now thanks for reading byee :p
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doin-just-fine · 1 month
The People Wanna Know: Dissociation
Q: “How do you tell when you’re dissociating, and what kinds are there?”
A: 🛸 Great question! When figuring out my plurality we had a few questions about dissociating and how to tell the difference between that and being lost in thought and blah blah blah. SO! Here's what we've got for you!
🛸 Many people will describe dissociating as "checking out" which is super vague and leave a lot of questions as to what exactly that means. Not to mention that some people just kind of live in a state of dissociation and don't have a reference of "normal" so I will try to give you both. What does it mean, feel like, look like to dissociate? Meaning: Dissociating happens when there is too much stress for the mind to handle. Things like a traumatic event can cause dissociation or just everyday mundane situations that lead to dissociation like going on auto pilot when you're driving or reading a book. Immediately after a traumatic even it's that feeling where time slows and nothing feels real like you're watching the events around on a tv screen instead of being there in persons. I think what most people wonder about or need clarification on is random moments of dissociation due to an over active trauma response. Most systems experience long term trauma that puts them in a constant state of fight or flight. This causes them to have a very overactive stress response when they are finally in a safe environment. Sometime people feel as though they dissociate for no reason, others over things most would consider minor stressors, on top of the majors stressors that just come with life. Having an over active stress response like this can lead to dissociation disorders like derealization (feeling like the world around you isn't real) and depersonalization (feeling like you yourself are not real). These occur typically when someone lives in a state of dissociation more often than not but can also be used to describe the the sensation dissociation at any given time.
Feeling: This varies person to person/system to system. As previously stated you have the feeling of the world around you not feeling real and the feeling of you yourself not being real. You can also feel both of these at the same time which can be very disorienting. This can lead to struggling to follow conversations or can feel like you're half listening to someone but splitting with out actually splitting your attention externally. It can feel like playing a 1st person video game. It can also feel like not processing information in real time. Dissociation is basically a disconnect from your surrounding, mind, body, emotion, identity, and memories. Dissociation can look like any one of these things on it's own or in combination with another. For us it's typically an emotional dissociation rather than a personal or surrounding feeling. In moments of stress our emotions turn off and we don't really feel things as they happen. If we're lucky, only in hindsight can we break down what we were feeling if at all. This can look like no feelings period or being calm cool and collected only to breakdown later about the stress. For those of us who don't experience a constant state of depersonalization or derealization, dissociating can be easiest to identify after the fact. Dissociation can affect the memories of an event making them difficult to recall or align correctly, something you only notice after the event has passed and you try to recall it, or feeling your emotion switch turn back on and having everything hit you at once but only when you feel safe again, or tuning back into your surrounding and realizing you missed your bus stop. Dissociation can also feel inward. Like you are retreating into you mind. Things may feel far away or even sound far away. If you can hear your headmates talk in your headspace, dissociation can be retreating internally and being pulled into headmate thoughts or conversations. This is one we observe in our partner system. We'll be talking to them and we'll see their eyes glaze over or they don't response and when we grab their attention they'll say something along the lines of "people are being loud" or "people are having big feelings". This kind of dissociating is also what switching can feel like for some.
Look: Not all dissociation is visually identifiable but if it is it typically look like the person not moving, staring off into space, speaking but clearly internally preoccupied, confusion. They may look like they aren't listening or maybe they look a bit lost. They may have a slow response time or may lose track of their thoughts a lot. But for some, like us, they can just look "normal". Looking normal is a survival technique. Some people, like us, were brought up in an environment where fully checking out was not safe. Some people never disconnect from their surrounding because they had to be aware of everything around them all the time. This is valid. The brain is an amazing thing and is capable of multitasking even if that multitasking is being aware of your surroundings while also checking out from them. I do it all the time.
🛸Differences between Dissociating and: - Brain fog: Brain fog is just general confusion and slow thinking and processing. This typically come without feeling like the world or yourself isn't real or difficulty recalling the moments of brain fog or feeling disconnected from your emotions. If one prone to dissociation the feeling brain fog can lead to dissociating. - Being lost in thought: Being lost in thought can be a form of dissociation. However, there is planning your day and then theres dissociating about your day. Planning your day feels like your actively participating in it and dissociating about your day feels like your disconnected from it.
🛸I hope this was helpful! This is what we've gathered knowledge and experience wise on the topic of dissociation. If you have anything else to add pls reblog with your additions so people who need the recourse can see it! If you have any more questions about dissociation or if you need any clarification leave a comment or ask me directly!
REMEMBER: You're gonna be ok. You're gonna figure it out. Be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Asks are open. Have a nice day.
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metaphoric-aliens · 2 years
ok ok ok!! here's my roswell playlist!!
descriptions/lyrics for why I chose each song:
Come a Little Closer: "come a little closer then you'll see // things aren't always what they seem to be" also I get a little kick out of "at first you were my father // now I love you like a brother"
Not Dead Yet: this is a Michael Guerin song. point blank.
Mine Forever: "don't wanna die // but I can't live without you" / "we will always be together //in my mind, you're mine forever" to me this is an Echo song
Love Me Like You Used To: verse 1 is Echo; verse 2 and 3 is Malex
Gold: "I could leave. I know I ought to, but there's gold in them hills." small town vibez
Disarm: "the killer in me is the killer in you" this is a Max song
AM Radio: "long as you run // I couldn't give you up"
You're Somebody Else: "you look like yourself but you're somebody else // only it ain't on the surface"
this is me trying: I’ve always associated this with malex
Survivor: "see I wanted you to stay and show you the world's a better place" this is an Alex song !
She Talks to Angels: somebody used this for a Rosa edit and now I very much associate it with s1/s2 Rosa
Everything and Reckoning: I know Alanis is a Liz thing, but these 2 songs I heavily relate to Isobel
Hanginaround: "I been bumming around this old town for way too long" small town vibez
Rain King: this is a Max song
Alien: bc why not
Wash it Clean: MALEX!!! "all my life I tried to let you go // would you stay?" and "soak my hands in gasoline // I can't wash it clean // bathe my days in revelry // I can't wash it clean"
Dust Settles: this is a pod squad song <3 "here we are now // lonely together"
Unicorn: MALEX all around, like every line - "you came from another star" / "love, love is a cosmic thing"
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femmesandhoney · 2 years
Happy birthday, queen!! Hope you're well and taking care of yourself!! Sending you looooveeeeee💌💌💞💞💞💞🛸🛸🛸🛸💛💛💛💛🧁🧁🧁🎂🎂🎂🎆🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🪅🪅🪅🪅🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩
absolutely in love with this selection of emojis. out of this world. thank you for the kind wishes.
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angelnumber27 · 11 months
You sure you're not an alien? I mean, your beauty is out of this world!
honestly? no babe I am not sure
HHahahaha thank you this is quite the pick up line ☠️☠️☠️☠️ 👽🪐💫🛸
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