#You're My Starlight(Sora)
Starlight Symphony
Word Count: 676
Warnings: None
Headcanons: Sora x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
In the heart of the world that never was, where light and darkness blend into a twilight of possibilities, Sora found a companion unlike any other—a friend, a confidant, a partner in every adventure. She was a beacon in the ever-shifting shadows, her laughter a melody that could cut through the deepest gloom.
Their bond was unique, woven from countless shared moments and small acts of tenderness. Whether it was the first bite of a sea-salt ice cream under the radiant skies of Destiny Islands or the last piece of a star-shaped fruit as they watched the sunset from the clock tower in Twilight Town, Sora always insisted she taste the magic first. It was his unspoken vow, a promise of shared experiences and a life intertwined.
And then there were the kisses—soft, affectionate pecks on the tip of the nose that spoke a language of their own. Whether given or received, each was a whisper of affection, a fleeting touch that said more than words ever could. In these gentle exchanges, they found comfort and a reminder of the love that guided them through every battle.
"Sometimes, I wonder what lies beyond even the stars," Sora mused, his gaze lost in the celestial sea above.
She smiled, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "Wherever it is, I'm sure it's filled with new friends and adventures. Just like the worlds we've visited."
Sora chuckled, turning to her with a soft expression. "You're right. As long as we're together, there's no limit to the skies we can explore." 
"Have you ever thought about what it means to share a paopu fruit?" Sora asked, his voice a soft murmur against the backdrop of the universe's vast expanse.
She turned to him, her eyes curious. "Isn't it meant to intertwine our destinies forever?"
He nodded, his spiky hair catching the starlight. "Yeah, but it's more than that. It's about sharing everything—the good times, the tough battles, and even the quiet moments like this."
A comfortable silence settled between them, filled with the unspoken understanding that had grown over their journey. It was a bond forged not just in the heat of battle but in the peace that followed. 
Suddenly, a meteor streaked across the sky, its tail a blaze of glory that momentarily lit up the night. "Make a wish," she whispered, squeezing his hand.
Sora closed his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. "Done. What about you?"
"I wished that no matter where we go, we'll always find our way back to each other," she confessed, her voice barely audible.
Opening his eyes, Sora leaned in, his breath warm on her cheek. "That's not just a wish. It's a promise," he said, sealing it with a gentle kiss on her forehead. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a paopu fruit, its star-like shape glistening in the dimming light. "Here, you should have the first bite," he offered, holding it out to her.
With a gentle nod, she accepted, taking a small bite. The sweetness of the fruit seemed to encapsulate their shared journey—a blend of joy, challenges, and unspoken promises.
"Thank you, Sora," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "For sharing this moment, for sharing your heart."
He grinned, his eyes crinkling with delight. "And thank you for always being my guiding star." Leaning forward, he placed a tender kiss on the tip of her nose, a gesture that felt as natural as the bond they shared.
She laughed, a sound that danced with the wind, and returned the gesture, her lips brushing against his nose. "I guess we're just two stars drawn together, aren't we?"
"In every way," Sora agreed, his hand finding hers.
They stood up, hands still clasped, as they prepared to return to the Gummi Ship. "Ready to explore more worlds?" Sora asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
"Always," she replied, her heart full of anticipation for the adventures that awaited them, knowing that whatever worlds they would discover, their shared moments would be the true treasures they would cherish forever.
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valorxdrive · 1 year
❝ my deviousness has finally rubbed off on you. ❞ [ from kairi! ]
Is this how she describes it with all her playful pride? That impulse to let his voice ring in welcomed and amused laughter was poorly stifled, even in a situation that normally demands high seriousness. The presence of someone so dear to him never failed in stirring this lively vigor, as if a celebration was taking place in his very own body. Outside they remain on the scattered ruins of a castle amidst collapse, the heinous screams of their foe tucked inside, screaming damnation, curses and any visible voice of venom that hoped to elicit harm.
Sora could only laugh.
Belly deep and energizing, waving away all forms of inkling fatigue as a fresh wave of power crashed upon the coast of his soul. Oh would those cerulean eyes glimmer with challenging gratitude, swept over with a brand of tenderness always reserved for her. "And here I never would've thought this was your style of saving worlds here. Talk about someone gettin' creative here Kai!" In the midst of their joy upon incoming calamity, the immediate idea to sling an arm around her shoulders was obeyed, that closeness being an ache balmed with the spontaneous action.
"I.. wouldn't be so sure it's all yours. You're talkin' to the infamous cookie thief who got in trouble with your old man only.. now and then." He mentions with a wink, seizing the moment to lurch their bodies forward, to let the twist of weightlessness capture them as their forms descend, the night's sky and the ruined infrastructure surrounding them, all in tune to the dangerous tremor of darkness pulsing within life in the castle's innards. This despot they were clearing away was now greedily embracing any risk to salvage this situation.
To ensure that their heads would be the prize his dangerously borrowed could grant. Once again, the unfulfillable promises of that insidious, primal force would gorge upon its newest feast.
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"How did you even find out the guy hated being treated like a joke this much?" To the point where even all jesters were banned from the castle no less? An appreciation for Kairi's particular approach was blossoming anew, only adding to the feverish excitement of a perilous situation at their doorstep.
As the ground level finds itself readily more visible, the instinctive stir of his Heart tapped into belief, allowing for glimmers of starlight to swirl about their figure as a radical change of trajectory takes place, flight allowing them to cast away the shackles of gravity and ascend on high! That same gallant grin is freshly adorned on his lips as he pivots within mid air, just in time for a poisonous maw to erupt through the castle's side. Debris such as shattered glass and foundational stone found itself being lunged as a mere side effect.
As the momentum filled attacks came barreling towards them, the slit like draconian vision peers at them from the shadows within, the sight of a new Heartless being birthed as those poisonous claws tore at the infrastructure, refusing to be within that 'egg' any longer.
The Kingdom Key would sing alongside Destiny's Embrace.
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What looks like two useless slashes upon the sky before them would be much more within a fleeting second. Arcs of vivid light, seemingly multiplying within a solidified second would tear the incoming stone into dusted ribbons and mere pebbles, shredding them away as his arm reluctantly eased away from holding onto her. Such simple selfishness could wait, the eve of this certain universe's darkest day was afoot.
And as starseekers? They triumphed over their unnatural armies, slain their strongest guard, and tore through every manipulation that aimed to plague doubt and futility into the hearts of the brave.
Now all that awaited them was the false king, thrust into delusion and allowing those tainted wings to spread in the promise of a threat. Sora's heart had never felt so calm in a situation like this.
Kairi is simply magical like that.
"Looks like he doesn't want to play any games anymore. If they're gonna be that pouty about it, how about we close this chapter for 'em? Once and for all!"
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herocarved-a · 2 years
Some of their nights are good & calm, full of plenty of sleep ; then there's nights like this, where either or both of them are feeling too much & they can tell, clinging to each other all the more tightly for it.
He's been circling rhythmic patterns into Sora's hip for a while now, listening to the soft breaths puffed against his collarbone, when he eventually speaks. It's small, quiet, a murmur in the dark, but it's loud amongst the silence.
"I love you."
It's only the beginning of his feelings for Sora, in a statement like that ; thinking on it makes his heart swell in his chest more than he can explain, but he knows that Sora knows it, too.
"You're the most amazing person I've ever known. You're strong & clever, beautiful & brave, no matter what anyone or anything else might say. & I love you with all my heart, always."
He’d feel guilty Riku being awake long after they’ve turned off the lights (all save for the fairy lights lining the headboard and walls for his secret comfort) --- but it’d been Riku to remind him that his thoughts, and feelings matter. And, perhaps, that’s why the young man he’s pressed into so completely, so thoroughly, that it’s hard to know where his limbs end and Riku’s begin, knows exactly what to say to get to the heart of the current sleeplessness.
Sora smiles a faint little thing, a quiet gladness and relief, that doesn’t need to be spoken to be understood. Others would surely roll their eyes at the gentle words and even gentler touches.
And, in the face of that knowledge of playful condemnation they’d receive from their friends, the young man tilts his head to press a feather light kiss against Riku’s jawline. He hears the rebellion in his dearly beloved’s words (nobody else matters, but you and me) and his heart glows with that reminder --- even if all the worlds told him to just smile, and even if everyone turned away in the face of his anger, his sorrow, his jealousy, his insecurities, Riku would remain. 
“I love you, too.”
He sits up further, to better reach the silky soft strands of starlight, so that his fingers might wander through them. He’s soothed by the gesture, and hopes that Riku feels the same. A full year apart...
“There’s nobody’s opinion I trust more than yours.... even if you were wrong about Santa Claus.” Would he ever let that one go? Probably not. He can’t help the gasped laughter when he feels those fingers pinch at his hip in silent complaint, but they’ve returned to those calm circles by the time he’s slapped the palm of his hand over them.
“Riku!” Comes the complaint, chased closely by a fleeting kiss, and a murmured, “I hope you know I feel the same about you. I love you so much, Riku.”
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oathofpromises · 3 years
Swipes a few strands of hair behind her ear and presses his forehead to hers. ❝ I miss you , ❞ he whispers gently.
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It wasn't such a new thing for the brunette to display such sincere affections to her. Sora was well known to be quite loving especially towards his shooting stars.A gentle smile appeared across the princess face, as she gently closed her kind eyes and leaned gracefully into the forehead touch. "I missed you, Starlight." whispered Kairi, as their hands started intertwining between them. It was such a soft moment for just Sora and her, nothing to interrupt the two of them. It felt like they hadn't had time like this in years considering how often the two were torn apart from each other.
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It felt like it truly had been a long time that they got to have secluded moments. No obligations to focus on just being right here with one another. Just having the other hold her hands and be so sweet made Kairi's heart ache with such a yearning. 
 "I'm sorry I was away for so long.." muttered the maiden, as she turned slightly and instantly pressed a chaste kiss against Sora's tanned cheek. 
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Where could Kairi even start by explaining why she had suddenly disappeared. Not even leaving a handwritten note or letting Riku or him naturally know where she was going. The two were probably worried sick about her. It just wasn't like the redhaired girl to just leave like that but there was alot on her mind. Everything had happened so suddenly but ever since her past memories, before the Destiny islands, had slowly started invariably appearing in her mind. The girl was afraid of the things she could accurately recall and thus needed considerable time away to try and properly sort through everything.
However, all that all could wait till later. The young girls focus was solely on Sora right now. She knew just how much the boy had been through. The number of things he sacrificed to not only save her but the worlds too. If anyone needs this soft moment, it is Sora. The boy who undoubtedly remained an eternal healer. One that would always give up everything just to make someone else happy. Even if he didn’t know them as well..Sora would always put others first. It was one of the many things Kairi loved about the brunette.  "I missed you so much..to the point my heart ached to see you again.” whispered Kairi, as she pressed her face into Sora’s chest. The young girls hands clenching at his shirt, a part of her afraid if she let go he might vanish on her again. 
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It took Kairi a second to compose herself, now wasn’t time to get so emotional. Slowly her arms wrapped around Sora. Allowing the boy to rest his head against her chest. It was such a innocent thing as the brunette could hear the steady beating of her heart. It was prove that his Starfire was back. 
“I’m here and I promise that I’m not going anywhere again.”
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jcndeukies · 5 years
new tag dump; pt.2.
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crosbyce · 4 years
Sora: What's this?
???: It's a mobile game! With YOU in it!
Sora: Wait, me?
???: Yeah! And your friends are in it, too! Take a look, you look great!
(Sora plays KHUx and sees several medals of many people he saw.)
Sora: Ugh, this queen....
(He sees medals of his friends and himself.)
Sora: Did I really smile this bad? Okay, there's Roxas. Riku. My good old half-pints. Wait...
(He sees Kairi medals, all lined up in one row.)
Sora: T-These are... all Kairi medals... I love them.
(Soon, he plays one level with the starlight keyblade.)
Sora: What the hell? I gotta touch her... face?
(As he plays the game, he has a weird feeling. He can't quite describe it, but he still feels it.)
Sora: Wow. I can't believe she was this strong in this game... No, this is just a game. I can't think this is actually her... But I can't resist it!
(He gets too addicted to the game. At some point, all he does is playing KHUx in his gummiphone, using the same Kairi setup and avatar over and over again.)
Sora: Hehehe, I got you now! Don't worry, Kairi, you'll get him soon. Here, I upgraded this keyblade just for you. Aww, you're so happy.
(More time passes by. He's not even interested in playing the game. He just stares at the Kairi medals. He puts his finger on the screen as if he's rubbing her hair.)
Sora: Ah, Kairi... You're so beautiful...
(Kairi enters Sora's room to investigate the noise.)
Kairi: Sora?
Sora: K-Kairi!
Kairi: What are you-
(Kairi sees Sora's screen where his player showcase is displayed. The avatar is holding onto Starlight with all Kairi medals and saying "You're all mine" in the chat box. Sora tries to cover up, but Kairi already saw too much.)
Kairi: ...What is this?
Sora: Look, it... It's not what it looks like.
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strictomiles · 4 years
Rissa loving hours?! I THINK SO! Hi yes. You're amazing. You are kind, talented, sweet, funny, and an all around gem whom I love! Your writing is a G I F T and it is brilliant and I am so honoured that i get to experience it everywhere that I also write. I love you to bits, you little Starlight you! Keep being amazing and being the most amazing ducky everyone should have the pleasure of knowing! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THERE ARE STARS IN THE UNIVERSE!
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|| I will allow Rissa loving hours on this blog ONCE.
You’re absolutely crazy but, I love you my sunshine! I’m just as much if not MORE honoured that I get to continue to write with you across fandoms and of course out of character as well. I’m forever going to be thankful that you’re in my life and that I get to call you one of my best friends.
Any time you send one of these, it’s also Taea loving hours and I don’t make the rules. I just follow them.
Throughout life you will meet one person who is like no other. You could talk to this person for hours and never get bored, you could tell this person things and they will never judge you. This person is your soulmate, your best friend. Don’t ever let them go.
I hope that everyone finds that person like I did in you. The Riku to my Sora, My sunshine, the person I can’t go a single day without talking to. Keep being incredible. keep shining and when it’s hard, i’ll be there to bring back your glow.
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
Hoshi Aizawa: A beautiful woman with long straight black hair, Constellation Orion Freckles with glowing yellow points across the bridge of her nose, and dark silver eyes with dark silver flashlight 🔦 lens pattern eyes, and a Short Slim build and medium sized bust. Quirk: Flashlight-she can create beams of light from her eyes like a flashlight it allows her to see in the dark in the dark. Personality: Kuudere, soft spoken, calm, logical, always sleepy. Occupation: Police Officer (part of the reason Aizawa wanted to be an underground hero is because of her)
Adohira Aizawa: a man with shoulder length unruly brown hair like Shota's, dimples, Shota's scruff, laugh lines, red eyes, and a tall medium sized build. Quirk: Switch-he can switch the quirks of anyone he touches it doesn't work with mutant types and only lasts 15 minutes. Personality: Rambunctious, loud, always cracks jokes especially dad jokes, sensitive, always laughing, enthusiastic happy ball of sunshine, terrifying when angry or disappointed. Occupation: famous Show Host of Switcheroo Jokes on You (he's loaded *slams hands* Aizawa is a rich kid and his father is part of the reason Ms. Joke likes him Kaminari would explode if he knew)
Akira Aizawa: a girl with a straight dark brown almost black bobbed hair, dark silver eyes, Constellation Canis Major Freckles with the points glowing across the bridge of her nose, and a short small build and small bust. Quirk: Starlight-she can create beams of light from her glowing freckles like a flashlight🔦. Occupation: Astronomer (Aizawa's younger sister they are 5 years apart they like to watch the stars together)
Adohira's Mom: Sora Aizawa: a elderly woman with long unruly white hair, blue eyes, and a Short medium sized build with a Small sized bust. Quirk: Float-she can make anything around her head float including her hair. Personality: Kind, friendly, sarcastic, intelligent, the typical grandma. Occupation: Owns an Inn acts as hostess (Shota took his class and Vlad's class there in second year along with Mic, Eri, Midnight*in my version she is alive*, Vlad, and all might for a treat vacation)
Yutaka Aizawa: An elderly man with shoulder length straight grey hair held in a top knot, red eyes, a small grey pointy beard, and a Tall Stocky Build. Quirk: Multiply-he could Multiply an item but only 4 times for each item (Died in his sleep from old age)
Hoshi's Parents: Hiroto Amano- an elderly man with Short black sleeked down black hair with pale grey sideburns, Constellation Ursa Major Freckles with glowing yellow points across the bridge of his nose, dark silver eyes, half moon glasses, an average height and a slim build. Quirk: Flash Hypnotism-he can flash his glowing yellow freckle points different colors and hypnotize anyone who sees them. Personality: Calm, logical, A little eccentric, polite, and wouldn't hurt a fly. Occupation: Retired Therapist
Akio Amano-a Woman with long straight silver hair in a braided bun, Silver Flashlight 🔦 lens pattern, and a Short Average build, with a medium sized bust. Quirk: Flashlight 🔦 Personality: Bubbly, Kind, a tad ditsy, and the kind of grandma that shoves food down your throat when if you're full.
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disneydreamlights · 7 years
So, while you're on vacation, I think I'll drop off these ideas: You would get one Jewel for every leftover Event, Raid, Coliseum, Trial, and/or Union Coin you have at the end of the event. That way, nothing really goes to waste. The Item Shop's "Premium Keyblade" Banner would be unlocked after you get Moogle of Glory, and would work like the Spirit Blind Box Banners: You'd see how many Keychains you have left, and you would always pull a new Keychain from them.
ANYTHING THAT WOULD GIVE MORE JEWELS WOULD BE AWESOME GIVE ME THAT. Like yes plz I would kill if that was a mechanic.
That said, Cross Coins would be in the game as Union Coins for the Weekly Union Boards. You'd earn them by completing Party Objectives and by decreasing the revive counts of other Players. At the end of each month, the Five Unions would be ranked against each other in the Coliseum according to each Union's Number 1 Player. The five representative players would each receive and Illustrated Moogle while the Unions are rewarded according to Coliseum Rank.
(This one was before I died for two weeks so let’s scream) MORE FREE JEWELS YES. Although the fact that it goes to top rank means it’s probably given to somebody who’s pay to play but meh.
One Skill that would be present in the MMO AU is "Counter". It sometimes triggers when the Player is attacked by the enemy, and has the Player use the Medals normal attack on the Enemy that triggered it. NPC Companions would automatically attack any time one of the participating Players finishes their turn. Shared Medals would earn double EXP in order to simulate the fact that they're getting extra use in Single Player Portals. All of Hades' quests would reward Guilt upon completion
Counter would be hella awesome if we had that. I also like the idea of more frequent NPC attacks some of those honestly saved my ass before EX medals broke me. 
MMOAU Boosters: Booster U (Sun Gem, Upright Medals), Booster R (Moon Gem, Reverse Medals), XIII Booster (Organization Insignia, boosts Medals depicting Organization Members), Sora Booster (KH3 Sora, Boosts Medals with Sora and Data-Sora), and Art Booster (Illustrated Chirithy, Boosts Key Art, Anniversary Art, Illustrated, and Toon Medals). The Extra boosters beyond "U" and "R" are inspired by the canon "Mickey Booster" that you sometimes pull from Medal banners, apparently.
The unique boosters are honestly really cute. I’d hope they’d release more, there are so many medals and I’d cry if I had something like “Xion booster” or “Foreteller booster” or anything like that since that could very much help my Keyblade.
Each Quest in the Game would have a description, a picture of the current target(s), your progress, and the prize you'll earn upon beating it (or a question mark in the case of Story Quests that either unlock portals or reward Key Items such as the Power Bangle, Light Bracelet, and Keychains). Once you've met all the requirements, you'd be able to hit the "Complete" button. Story Quests would automatically prompt you to "Complete" them once you've met the prequisites
That’d actually be pretty useful to keep track of stuff, at least. I like it. Plus it’d probably mean more of the daily quests type of things.
Okay so, upon creating their Avatar, and getting rescued from a Darkside, the Player's first quest would be a movement tutorial, which tasks the Player with collecting the Quest Item: "Medals" (small items containing power from the future). As soon as you walk into the Green Sparkles you'd activate the cutscene where the Moogle snatches them up and tells you his "First come, first serve" motto before offering to sell them to you. "Complete" your Quest for the needed Jewels.
Your SECOND quest would be to pull from the "Keyblade Wielder's Starter Kit" Banner, which would grant you your first 3 Medals, and I'm not sure whether to go with the canon starting kit from the mobile game or whether to start you off with KH1 Sora, KH1 Donald, and KH1 Goofy (Sora being the default friend Medal). After doing that, push the "Complete" button on the Quest Menu to turn in your quest and get a Cheshire Cat and 10,000 Jewels to start. Story Quest 3 would be the combat tutorial.
So yeah, Quest #3 is the Combat Tutorial, Quest #4 would have you opening 3 treasure chests (one small, one medium, one large, each one costing more AP to open than the last), Quest #5 would ask you to upgrade your Keyblade (with Starlight Materials spawning on the ground to accommodate), Quest #6 would pit you against your first Raid Boss (a level 1 Darkside, with 6 NPCs helping you out), and Quest #7 would send you to Dwarf Woodlands to fill your Quota. Quest #8 is where your journey begins.
Fuck u Moogle.
Anyways in all seriousness I do like the idea of the medals being Sora/Donald/Goofy and all of those are Story Drops. So share medal Sora alongside Donald and Goofy. And maybe that first forced draw still gives you Mickey so you can swap off that useless Donald pretty quickly. Xp
This definitely does sound like a good way to get the players to start off strong, not to mention the potential drop of the 10k jewels early would cause players to go nuts over the ten medal draws early and get really strong really quickly. Or at least I’d hope it would.
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oathofpromises · 3 years
の - Your muse gently kisses mine on the nose
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It had taken more than a year to find any clues to where Sora was and during that time the redhaired maiden missed the brunette terribly. It felt like ever since he had faded from this world that someone had stabbed her right in the chest. It hadn't been an pleasant journey but nothing with them was ever simple, at least that is what it felt like every time they were inevitable torn apart again. 
However, that was in the past now and things were better now or at least it felt like they were. Sora was back home and everything just felt more at peace. Even if they both had so much going through their minds.
Gradually Kairi gently took some deep breathes, an conscious attempt to soothe the ache inside her heart. She was beyond delighted that Sora and Riku were back and maybe they could've a rare moment of profound peace but inside she could tell the brunette was hurting. He was so good at helping everyone else but when it came to his own health, it was always last on the list. It was something that Kairi loved about the other but it also caused her great worry. The two of them were laying down on the sandy shores of the familiar beach the three of them grew up on. It was first time since Sora returned that the two of them had a chance to just relax or at least it was Kairi's attempt at trying get the other to rest for a bit.
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"Sora..you know I love you, right?" The statement came out gentle, as her hand had subconsciously reached over to gently place her palm against the side of his lovely face. It didn’t surprise the brunette, as he was used to such signs of affections from both Riku and her at this point. It did console her that perhaps Sora was more accepting of such things. Leaning forward she pressed her forehead against the others. Their hands intertwining together coming to a rest between the two. “I know you do.” whispered Sora, as he let out a genuine laugh. it sounded exhausted, and Kairi could tell how the other hadn’t been sleeping much. It did worry her a lot and lately she just felt helpless at times like all she could do was be here. “Kairi, is there something wrong?” asked the brunette, as he could notice the familiar look of concern in those violet blue colored eyes. There was a moment the red head hesitated before she bestowed upon the other a reassuring smile. How could she put into words the amount of genuine concern she naturally had for Sora. That it tore apart inside how much he was made to invariably suffer and how she wished more than anything that she could promptly take away his unimaginable pain. To allow the other to be happy even at the cost of her own happiness.
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“I know there are things that you go through every day and sometimes I’m not always the one you can talk to about them but I’m here for you, always. Even if their times you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders...I’ll always be right beside you.” It looked like the maiden was going to cry a bit, her heart calling out for the others. It was the gentle peak against her nose that made Kairi blink in surprise, as the action caught her off guard. Slowly the brunette wiped away some small tears before nuzzling into Kairi. “Kairi, I know how much you genuinely care that’s never in doubt. If it wasn’t for you, Riku..I won’t still be here. The two of you give me something to fight for and without that I wouldn’t know what to do. I love you always and yes, I’ve alot of things that I think about daily but in the end you always bring me back. The light in the deepening darkness.”whispered Sora, as he gave Kairi another kiss on the nose.
It was such a tender moment under the starry night sky, the two leaning close to each other with their forehead pressed together. The only sounds they could hear were the beating of their hearts, a melody that they always longed to hear.  My dearly beloved Starlight, what I wouldn’t give to take away the things that make you hurt. To make it so you could enjoy a normal life away from everything.
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oathofpromises · 4 years
' I often wake up thinking of you ' ( affection suggestion )
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Kairi smiled as the two of them were laying down on the beach. Their hands intertwined as they observed the stars shining up in the night sky. “I think of you every day I wake up, there’s not a moment I don’t think about you.” she whispered, as the red head leaned in and kissed the boy. It was the absolute truth, Kairi adored Sora more than anything. The boy likely perceived all of this by now but still she loved spoiling him with so much affection.
I need more affection than you know
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The thing that affected the red-haired girl heart the most was the fact someone was thinking about her. The specific person she would give her heart and soul to protect. Just as he had given so much to defend her. The girl found herself moving to sit on his lap while the bronze haired boy looked up with her. The attractive smile he offered her on his face. He sat up a bit to hold onto her better as this moment of peace was enough. There was always plenty of time to tell those you care about your feelings. Sora and Kairi knew that better than most people. Fate had always found a way to tear them away from each other but it never stayed that way. Ultimately, they would always find a way back to one another. “My Sanctuary...” she whispered, in a gentle voice as Sora slowly moved some hair out of her face. The girls hands cupping his face as she just cherished any moment with him.
Her starlight
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“You may not think you deserve love, but you do, Sora. The one who deserves all the love in the world has always been you.” Kairi felt like she might cry a bit but held back the tears. The light from the moon reflecting down on the two of them. It had taken so long for them to find the time to relax. After everything they’ve all been through, this was deserved. “I believe in you more than anyone and that won’t ever cease. I promise I’ll always protect you and keep you safe, my dearly beloved.” All her feelings were always laid out in front of the boy. His reactions were always so cute too. He would either get a bit flustered or modestly smile at her. Sora wasn’t used to such signs of affection so, it was understandable he believed the way he did. Besides, Sora cherishes all his friends. His heart so generous and bright and that was one of the things Kairi adored about the boy. “Sora, you remember when I told you to never change. I meant your heart. Never let anyone tell you how to be. Consistently just be Sora...” she whispered, as her hand rested on his chest.
You are my first true love
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oathofpromises · 4 years
❝Stop doing that — Stop trying to hide your emotions from me.❞ (type of brand ships i forgot the meme you literally posted it hi i love you)
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How the brown haired boy words made her heart ache with such a profound sorrow. One that the girl believed she had buried deep within the walls of her heart. However, it seemed Sora was inevitably the one to pull such emotions out of her. There was a moment pause as her hands started to shake. “What good would it be to share my feelings? Ultimately I’m easily abandoned.”she replied, a bit more harshly than the maiden intended. Sora and Riku never recognized what it was like to be the one overlooked so much. The person that hardly anyone ever had faith in. It hurt so much to be treated like a fragile doll. How often the princess pondered how much of this was all her fault. The number of scars that littered Sora’s body both physically and mentally. One of the people she wanted to protect the most was the one that seemed to suffer the most.
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“Sora, that’s unfair to say those words to me when we both know you act the exact same way.” Kairi felt her body continue to shake as her breathing seemed to become more labored. It was like the entire part of her that she fought so desperately to keep hidden was starting to all come back. How could Sora pull these deep feelings out of her? When the red head knew how much the boy hide from both her and Riku. The pain he felt suppressed too and here he was trying to get her to share all these negative emotions with him. Everything that happened was her fault. That much the maiden was sure of and it didn’t seem like she would ever genuinely believe that it wasn’t all because of her and how weak she was to stop it. A few memories seem to flash through her mind. The younger her running to catch the falling Sora and the boy fading away in an instant. The utter helplessness she felt back than to save him. Even if he did come back because of her belief and powers as a princess of heart, Kairi still couldn’t let that go. How it felt to feel Sora’s hand fade from hers, as the two had witnessed the sunset that day. The agonizing pain that expanded her heart, as again the boy she cared so much for fading away. Fate always seemed to separate the two of them. It’s too cruel... The young girl eyes were red and puffy as the tears continued to fall down the sides of her face. Kairi felt so vulnerable around Sora. How easily he could make her reveal all these hidden emotions. The red head cherished that about the boy, how he could reach so many people’s hearts but it was also something she found herself not enjoying during times like this.
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“You can’t ask me to share all these feelings with you when you hide so much from me!” the girl shouted, as her hands quickly reached up and gripped her head. It felt like the entire world was spinning around her. Images were blurred thanks to the tears that stained her face. Even if she wanted to share all these emotions with him, the girl doubted he was ready to hear every one of them. Sora and Riku would always say none of this was her fault but how could she believe their words, when the girl didn’t believe in her own strength. How could they not blame her for the number of times they both placed their lives on the line to save her? “A part of me knows...that none of this would’ve happened if I completely faded into the darkness. Riku and you would both be living a peaceful live and...you won’t have suffered. You don’t think I can’t recall all the memories where I felt you fade in my arms?! WHERE I LOST YOU OVER AND OVER!!!”she felt her voice get louder and louder.
The two of them made an oath to one another, a vow to always return to each other but how many more times could Kairi see her starlight disappear before the sorrow consumed her very soul. 
“P-please...I can’t..” she stuttered, as the princess felt like she could no longer form sentences. Every single hidden emotion she felt for years was now laid out in front of the boy. How it frightened Kairi that she had no idea entirely how the boy would react. 
Her hand slowly reached up and rested against his chest. The place that now was home to a scar. A sign of how Sora gave up everything to bring her back. 
“This...is because of me..” she whispered, as her voice sounded broken.
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oathofpromises · 4 years
💏 oop
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Type of Kiss:…to distract.
It was rare to ever see the brown haired boy shed tears. It wasn’t he was incapable of showing such emotions but it was more the fact that Sora tended to suppress his own feelings so much. He never wanted Kairi, Riku or anyone he cares about to worry about his well being. How often the red head could tell when he wasn’t being completely honest with how he was feeling. She recognized the reasons why he did this so much but it still bothered her that he was consistently putting others first. How often she wished the boy would express such emotions around her.
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Gradually the scarlet haired maiden allowed her hand to extend up and gently wipe away some stray tears. He seemed to break out of his thoughts for an instant at the mere touch of her hand against his face. The number of emotions that this single boy was feeling were beyond measurable. How Kairi wished she could take away all the pain he experienced and allowed him to remain happy and at peace. However, she knew better and realized that showing such emotion truly showed the amount of hardship Sora had been through. Kairi didn’t think she could ever fully understand every single thing the boy went through but still...a part of her longed to support the boy. Someone who never judged her, the person who was inevitably such a massive support for her. Hands caressed the sides of Sora’s face as Kairi leaned in and softly placed her lips against his. Even if it was for a solitary moment, the red head wanted to distract him from all the bad thoughts. Anything that was currently tearing him up inside. A inner battle that she couldn’t fully help with and that fact made her ache.
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“I may not understand every single thing you go through but...that doesn’t mean I don’t notice. You always put others first..so let me put you first, my beloved Starlight.”she whispered, as the boy eyes were red and puffy from crying. It was only around her and Riku that Sora allowed himself to break down like this. To expose things that hurt his mind and heart. Sora leaned into her embrace as the red head just allowed him to cry into her chest. It was just one of those times she would hold him and whisper gentle words to him. He deserved to portray all emotions he experienced and never for a moment did she wish for him to bottle anything up. 
“I promise.I’ll keep you safe.” 
Her hand ran through his spiky brown locks as she slowly started sing a gentle lullaby. Even when it felt like the whole world was against him, they would always be there to pick each other up. Never would Kairi let Sora feel alone or unloved. He deserved so much love and support. 
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oathofpromises · 4 years
❝Your life is far more precious than mine.❞ (misc prompts)
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“Sora...” she whispered, the tone of her voice filled with such sadness at his words.How often had Kairi heard Sora say those exact words to her or anyone he cares about? Too many to count at this point. It was relatively apparent to anyone who genuinely knew the boy just how little he valued his own life. This in itself made the girl very sad, and it broke her heart. To the maiden, his life was far more precious than her own. After all, he wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for her being used to find the keyblade wielder. Sure, at the time she was just a child, so protecting herself wasn’t anything she could really do. However, that didn’t prevent the waves of guilt she felt for the pain Sora, Riku and others had been put through. Everything seemed more distant and blurry to her as the red head ran into Sora’s arms. Kairi face was pressed into his chest her hands gripping onto his jacket. It felt like no matter how much she trained, that in the end someone would always get hurt safeguarding her. “No...you’re wrong..my life isn’t precious at all. Sora, you are far more precious than anyone. You may not believe that but so many people have been touched by your heart and smile.”
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If only the boy could see just how dear he is to her and others. How him jumping into danger for the people he cared about was something that sacred many of them. Kairi knew however, that this was inevitably going to be a part of who Sora is. There was probably nothing she could do to convince him how precious he is to so many people. Even words didn’t seem enough to properly convey how she felt. “I...care about you more than anything. You’ve always been one of the most important people to me. Sora, you may not believe your life is precious or that mine and Rikus is far more important than you’re own but in the end you are precious to me. I won’t let you jump into danger just to protect someone else or me again. I can’t lose you again...I refuse to let you go on in life thinking my life is more precious than yours.” Kairi felt her forehead drop down and lean against his chest. It might sound like Kairi was upset with Sora but in reality she was angry at the world for making the boy really believe his life wasn’t as precious or that he had to sacrifice so much for the good of the worlds. How tired the red head was of all of it.
None of them asked to be apart of this and ever since their journey started it seemed like they were drifting further and farther apart from those peaceful days. What’s even more sad is the fact that they couldn’t be ordinary teenagers even for a day. It seemed like fate was consistently trying to make them give up something else. That thought was what finally caused the scarlet haired maiden to shatter. Tears slowly escaped her violet colored eyes as the grip she had on Sora’s jacket tightened. So many emotions were flowing throughout Kairi’s entire body that it felt like she might burst. “Why...why can’t we be happy without all the sacrifice? What I wouldn’t do to go back to those peaceful days...”she whimpered, as the girl almost felt her knees give out. How tired she was of bottling up every negative emotion she had.
However, those seemed to be pushed to back of her mind, as Kairi needed to prove to Sora just how precious he genuinely is to her. Gradually she looked up at him. Everything seemed so blurry but the girl remained strong as she leaned up on her toes and felt her lips gently touch his own. Every singular moment in their life so far hadn’t been the easiest and it didn’t seem like it would ever get any easier. However, the one fact that remained was how much she cherished him. The kiss contained every single deep emotion Kairi felt towards Sora for years. How with a single smile he could touch so many people’s hearts. A gift that not many people are able to do and that was something that just made Sora special. He could pretty much become friends with just about anyone he met. Even people they once considered enemies. Ultimately, the boy’s heart was the brightest of any she’d seen and one she would cherish and defend. Slowly the girl pulled away as the kiss seemed to last longer than those brief moments. Tossing a smile up at him, the red head grasped up and stroked a hand to the side of Sora’s face. “Sora, please don’t ever think you’re life isn’t as precious as someone else's. To me, you mean absolutely everything to, and that won’t ever change.” 
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oathofpromises · 4 years
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Song Lyric Starter for @asorableisms​ Song: All the King’s Horses by Karmina
I knock the ice from my bones Sora was gone. That was the truth of the matter and no matter how much she cried or begged for it to change there wasn’t anything Kairi could do. The brown haired boy had become one with the stars themselves. Her starlight was gone, and no amount of trying alter his fate could change that. Sora's fate was set in stone the moment he was left behind. The last Phantom to be collected but ignored. He was utterly isolated and that very decision would cause the boy to suffer. The stars constantly calling the boy back home. Try not to feel the cold “Starlight...” her voice called out, but it was shattered and horse. How many nights had she spent holding his necklace to her chest and crying her eyes out? The girl had barely stopped eating properly. The toll this was taking on her body was pretty clear to Riku and the others. Kairi was killing herself gradually, the fire in her running out. Regardless how much Riku begged the maiden to eat. She refused. A part of her felt lost and empty without Sora here, and the worst part was she blamed herself for this too. Caught in the thought of that time
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‘Kairi, he wouldn’t want to see you doing this to yourself!!’ The red head could recall the specific words Riku shouted her recently. The whitehaired boy was hurting too and seeing another of his friends slowly kill themselves wasn’t soothing the growing pain in his heart. She knew how hard this was on the others but the agonizing pain of losing her starlight just broke her. They can take her heart, capture her world but taking her Starlight away would remain the thing to shatter her. Sora was her home and that was something that would never change no matter what fate tossed at them. However, knowing nothing she could do would bring him back to her just destroyed every ounce of hope she had left. When everything was fine, everything was mine Clenching the crown necklace close to her heart, the girl curled up and sobbed her eyes out. Kairi had been crying so much that her tears had turned to blood. How often had she pushed herself like this? She had honestly lost count ever since the day Sora disappeared in her arms. None of them got how it felt to feel him fade away. The utter pain she feels to know that perhaps she could’ve saved him if only she had noticed sooner but fate always had a way of being cruel. “The moment I believed the two of us could be together...fate takes him away again..” Everything was fine, everything was mine
All the king's horses and all the king's men
The red head found herself looking up to see a star shining up in the sky. The very star she had named after Sora. For the longest time she thought it had faded with him but, now it was clear as day shining down on her. 
“Is this your way of telling me to fight...it can’t be. You’re gone..” She whispered, as her love was gone. The person she gave her heart and soul to was no longer apart of this world. Kairi found herself slowly sitting up despite how much her body was aching and shutting down. 
Her hand reached out her window and towards the star, as if she hoped to touch it and bring it close to her heart. However, her arm slowly dropped as the tears started to fall again. It didn’t how many things they tried. Sora was in a place that Kairi couldn’t follow. 
Couldn't put me back together again
“I love you...Starlight. Please don’t leave me...” She whispered, as the last ounce of strength left her body and she fell to the ground. Red strands of hair covered her eyes as her hand still held the crown necklace close. However, there was a faint glow coming from the necklace. A sign of hope...his heart reaching out to hers no matter the distance. 
A starlight calling out to his starfire princess. 
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oathofpromises · 4 years
❝If it snows, wake me up.❞ (cold weather sentence starters)
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Kairi managed to smile a bit as Sora ask her to wake him if it started snowing. The brown haired boy enormously enjoyed this time of year, and it was sad that so far they hadn’t seen any snow. Than again, the islands rarely got cold weather so it would be surprising whenever it did start snowing. “Sure, I’ll wake you if it starts to snow.” she stated, honestly glad the brown haired boy was going to relax a bit. It seemed like such a long time since the last time Kairi had seen Sora in fact take a moment to relax so, this made her a bit less worried about him passing out from exhaustion.
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The girl started to write in her journal when she suddenly felt a weight press against her shoulder. Kairi turned to see that Sora had fallen asleep with his head laying there. She couldn’t help but smile at how precious the boy looked. The red head looked around before she slowly leaned in and placed a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth. She didn’t want to rouse him but Sora seemed in such a deep slumber at the moment. What surprised the girl next was when Sora fall, he had slumped over so now his head was resting on her lap. The red head wasn’t bothered by this at all. It was actually quite cute how adorable he was even when asleep. It practically seemed like the boy was a bit more honest at times while asleep.
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Kairi’s fingers slowly ran through his spiky locks as the girl hummed a soft lullaby. It was one that the red head had constantly sung to Sora and Riku, a tune that connected their hearts to each other.
However, the adorable moment soon ended when the girl spotted a few white flakes start to fall. Kairi swayed her head slowly before she gently shook Sora. The boy seemed to rise a bit before he sat up. “Starlight, look.” she stated, as she nudged him to look out the window. The brown haired boy seemed to pause a moment as he turned to stare out the nearby window. A smile formed on Sora’s face, as he literally looked like a kid again. Your smile truly does reach so many hearts. It’s one thing I want to cherish and protect more than anything.
It was at that moment that Kairi realized the two of them were sitting under some mistletoe. A faint flush covered the young girls face as she smiled before gently turning Sora’s face towards her. 
“Merry Christmas, Sora.” she whispered, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips. So much about him warmed the girls heart.
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