#starcracker(rp meme)
oathofpromises · 1 year
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Like this post if you would like me send you a few rp starters either from memes you reblogged or ones I write on the spot. Please state which muse you’d like it from. I need get in habit of reaching out more when I can and sometimes don’t know who is interested in writing;; I know I am slow at replying lately but I promise things are being worked on when I can.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
💖 please see last reblogged post;; again not forcing anyone send anything just if you would like to.
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oathofpromises · 9 months
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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ooc: I want to apologize for the silence on my end lately..work has been pretty exhausting, and I barely have any energy to do much of anything when I get back home. It's hard but been trying to queue stuff when I can but falling behind on that too. I promise things are being worked on slowly but my motivation to write has also been a little low.
This is just let you all know that I am not ignoring anything owed or messages just my social battery has been nonexistent lately. I do hope you all are doing okay. Please remember to take it easy when you can.
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oathofpromises · 2 years
🐻 see linked post. Just kind of in a mood lately.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
        Tag drop: Out Of Character Tags
—  ❛❛  // STARCRACKER  ¦ Rp memes・
—  ❛❛  // STARFIRE LETTERS  ¦ Out of Character・
—  ❛❛  // REFLECTIONS IN THE CRYSTAL  ¦ Stella Graphics・
— ❛❛ // Crystal Mirror¦ Dashboard Games・
​—  ❛❛  // HEART OF A PRINCESS  ¦ Answered Memes・
​—  ❛❛  // HISTORIES UNSPOKEN  ¦ Final Fantasy XIV Spoilers・
​—  ❛❛  // SONG OF FIRE & ICE  ¦ Final Fantasy XVI Spoilers・
— ❛❛ // Crystal Heart¦ Dashboard Commentary・
— ❛❛ // Crystal Oath¦ Commissioned Art・
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oathofpromises · 2 years
❛   i felt your absence.  ❜  [ for kairi ! ]
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Kairi froze for a second, not because she didn't believe Riku's words. She knew the older boy was always honest, especially when it came to Sora or her, but there was a tiny part inside the young girl's heart that felt like maybe he hated her. After all, it was only because of her that Sora ended up fading from this world, who wouldn't blame her...she hated herself for it. Her hands slowly tightened at her skit, as so many thoughts filled her head. 
Ever since the journey had started, the two of them had hardly gotten a chance to talk. Some people probably even wondered if they still cared for each other. Maybe the red-haired girl felt like all of this was her fault. Xehanort had used her to find the keyblade wielder, and thus this whole adventure started with their islands falling to darkness. It didn't seem fair that Riku and Sora both suffered because she was unable to keep them safe. 
"I missed you too, Riku..I know I probably wasn't the best at showing it.." whispered Kairi, as her blue eyes looked sad. She truly cared for both Sora and Riku so much. Those two had shown nothing but kindness to her since landing on the islands. They never once treated her badly, but thinking back on it. Maybe she had hurt Riku. Not that the others would ever out rightly show it. He was too good sometimes at hiding those deeper emotions, but the more she reminisced about their childhood days. It was starting to piece together that perhaps she had made RIku feel unwanted at times. 
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"Riku..did you ever hate me?" Her voice seemed to break slightly at the question. It wasn't easy to ask, nor did she ever believe he truly did, but past memories made her feel like maybe she had hurt him. It was something they certainly needed to talk about. To finally have that heart to heart conversation. 
Kairi paused before continuing, " I don't think you did..you're not that type of person, but when we were kids..at first it felt like I was maybe hurting you. You and Sora were so close and when I arrived it felt like maybe I was getting in the way of that. Please be honest with me Riku..I know we haven't had a chance to talk but I missed you just as much as Sora. I don't want you to feel like I hated you or that maybe didn't care as much." 
That wasn't the case at all. The young girl had written Riku plenty of letters too, but she never had a chance to let the others read them. It seemed like something she wanted to let them read but also each letter was written during the time Sora and Riku were away from the islands. The two already had enough to worry about. If anything, the young girl wanted the two to lean on her more. 
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"I know that I still have work to do..to catch up to both of you, but I am right here. I just wish you both would understand that it's hard to be the one always left behind...trying so hard to catch up but feeling like no matter how hard I try, the result always turns out the same. I know you've been worried about Sora too, and because of that, we haven't had time to really talk to each other..Riku, I care about you as much as I do Sora. You're both my best friends...that hasn't ever changed and I'm sorry if it ever felt like that wasn't the case. "
Did it hurt to say all those words..a bit but it felt like it was needed. Riku had gone so long trying to handle stuff on his own. Kairi just wanted him to know that she was also here for him. That nothing had ever made her look at him differently. Slowly her hand reached over to touch his, a gentle smile forming across her face. This was hard on both of them and all she wanted was get past whatever they had weighing on their hearts. Even if it took time, she was willing to wait. 
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oathofpromises · 2 years
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
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This is a topic that I know people have vastly different views on and maybe I don't know what the exact definition of reblog karma is, only what I've seen others discuss on here or online. From what I've seen it's basically where people ask that if your going reblog a meme from them that they require you to send at least one in first.
I know from experience that it can hurt when you take time to find a really good rp meme to reblog and use. Only have a bunch of people that follow you but haven't once sent anything in also reblog it. It does kind of hurt tbh..makes you feel like your blog is only a resource for some people. Which don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing resources and stuff but it just rubs me the wrong way when I take time find really good rp memes reblog but hardly get anyone that sends in an ask for it yet I see someone reblog it from me directly and get a bunch. It does kind of sting..makes you feel unmotivated to really reblog rp memes if all most are going to do that follow you is reblog it themselves. This is how I felt when I first started writing on here.
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Like I said I don't mind if people really want use same meme that I reblog just reblog it from the source instead of from my reblog. I'm at the point I don't really care about reblog karma. If people want to write with me they'll make some kind of effort back. I'm just here to have fun and write for characters that mean the world to me.
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oathofpromises · 2 years
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
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This one depends on a few things, the first is usually if the character I'm writing for is even old enough be in relationship. I usually tend to write purely platonic with those types of characters since I'm only comfortable writing fluff at a certain age and both muses need be close in ages too. I do have rules for shipping with me in my google document that I ask people to respect and follow so, I won't get too into that here.
I also think it depends on the relationship that has been built between the two characters. I prefer have dynamics where it just feels like the characters really click. Rather that be purely Platonic or romantic etc is really up to both me and the other writer. I never force a certain dynamic with anyone. It's something we both have to feel comfortable writing.
The other thing is even if I do like a particular ship with a character I write doesn't always mean I'm up for shipping with just anyone that writes that character. Like I stated before, it's something that is slowly built on. I've had too many people in the past try and force me into a ship with their muse and it's made me extremely uncomfortable.
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So, in terms of which dynamic I tend to write the most it varies between Platonic and Romantic. The only time I go into antagonists is if I'm writing a character like Young Xehanort or the Master of Masters. Which to be fair they aren't necessary what some would call bad guys just people who perhaps took the wrong path. However, some of the actions they took are certainly more leaned towards bad guy side. I personally have written both in antagonist role and it's actually fun. A chance of pace from writing characters that are lawfully good.
Anyway, my favorite dynamic depends on the amount of work put into a relationship between two characters. It's just being comfortable with it and how much I trust the other writer. If we talk outside Rp and are friends I'll be more willing write fluff and such. However, if we only ever interact in character and I don't see our characters being anything more than friends. I just ask that boundary be respected is all.
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oathofpromises · 3 years
♬ - Our muses slow dance together
————— @reverent-dreamer
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I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
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Fingers intimately intertwine, two visible silhouette's brilliantly illuminated under the glorious moonlight. It precious was a memorable moment just for the two of them...their small sanctuary from the never-ending chaos. 
Violet blue eyes looked up into those gorgeous turquoise hues as Kairi found herself speechless at just how beautiful Riku truly was. She never once saw a monster even if the other believed he was such a thing. In fact, it had taken quite alot of effort for her to convince the other to hold her hands let alone dance with her so intimately like this but he didn't seem to be complaining about the signs of affection.
"Hey Riku..would it sound cheesy if I said I dreamt of dancing with you like this? That a part of me always hoped that one day you would openly return these kinds of affections." the princess muttered, as a faint flush ran across her face.
It wasn't something she was new at but it still felt so embarrassing to put your feelings out there like that. The genuine fear that perhaps the other would reject them and it was that very thought that made Kairi recall just how often Sora and Riku had both come to her aid. How they toss themselves into danger willingly just to shield her from any harm.
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do
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Their bodies moved in rhythm to the lovely melody of their hearts something that only Sora, Riku and her were able to hear and each different to the other. It was safe and comforting. A beautiful harmony that echoed in both their hearts and undoubtedly reached their very souls. Maybe it seemed silly to dance under the stars, but it felt like the two of them needed some time away from things. Sora was missing and gradually the worry was promptly tearing them apart. It probably didn't help that for a year Kairi was put into a coma like state just to search her memories. It truly must've been so hard for Riku to be alone. Her hands reached up and cupped his face as they continued moving with the melody. "I'm sorry Riku, it must've been so hard...I promise I won't leave your side again. As long as we're together...I know we can find Sora and bring him home. Then the three of us can be together again." She leaned up and instantly pressed a chaste kiss to the side of the older boy's face before stepping back and giving him a gentle smile.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
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Riku was never a monster to her; he realistically was like her gallant knight even a noble prince. Someone that always put his whole heart into everything he does and she'd never fault him for the mistakes from the past. After all, part of the reason he had fallen to darkness was in an attempt to save her. Which she never did properly thank the other for yet. They hadn't really had time for it considering everything that's happened. They came to a stop as the red head turned and plucked two papou fruits off the nearby tree. She gave a cute tilt of her head before holding one out towards the platinum haired male. If she recalled the other did mention wanting to try this and what better way to connected their destinies further. The princess would've to remind herself to get Sora and Riku to share one too. When it came to those two they could be a bit stubborn with such things.
It looked like RIku was a bit taken back by the action so she gently placed the fruit into his hand. The smile never leaving her face as she took a deep breath. 
“I want to remain apart of your life too..no matter what. Riku, maybe you always thought I only deeply cared for Sora but that is far from the truth. I love you too..more than words can say and I want to always be connected to you both.”
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oathofpromises · 3 years
Kairi gets a phone screen kiss today.
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Kairi giggled, as she saw Data-Sora lean towards the screen and gently kiss it. Perhaps it seemed like such a small thing, but the gesture truly warmed the red-haired girl's heart. How long had it been since the two of them talked? It seemed like a while, considering the girl had been focused so much on her training.
"You are so cute, Jellybean." She couldn't help but smile as she leaned down and kissed the screen too. Data was like a younger brother to Kairi, and while he may look similar to Sora. The young program was his own person, possessing dreams and goals of his very own. At first, Kairi admits, it took some getting used to with how much he did resemble a younger Sora, but never once did she ever view him as just a copy. Data possessed more heart than so many people she knew, and that's why the girl wished he could stay outside the datascape. To experience all the things he wanted to try and be surrounded by those that loved him.
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"It's been a while, how have you and Data-Riku been?" she asked, as the young girl gently stroked the screen, thus giving Data some head pats.
Leaning against the wall, the red-head stared down at her gummiphone. A part of her wanted to actually hug Data, but another knew just how much that would tire him out, so she didn't ask. It seemed too selfish to ask for and he had already done so much for her. The years without Sora and Riku had been lonely, something Kairi had gotten used to over time, but it was still hard. She could still recall the day Data appeared on her phone. How late they stayed up talking with each other. The entire thing felt nice..it made her feel cared about. 
Not that Sora and Riku didn't care about her, quite the opposite. It was just hard being away from people you love so much. This was something Data seemed to share when it came to Data-Riku. How hard it was whenever they were apart, and Kairi could relate on that so much. 
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oathofpromises · 3 years
の - Your muse gently kisses mine on the nose
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It had taken more than a year to find any clues to where Sora was and during that time the redhaired maiden missed the brunette terribly. It felt like ever since he had faded from this world that someone had stabbed her right in the chest. It hadn't been an pleasant journey but nothing with them was ever simple, at least that is what it felt like every time they were inevitable torn apart again. 
However, that was in the past now and things were better now or at least it felt like they were. Sora was back home and everything just felt more at peace. Even if they both had so much going through their minds.
Gradually Kairi gently took some deep breathes, an conscious attempt to soothe the ache inside her heart. She was beyond delighted that Sora and Riku were back and maybe they could've a rare moment of profound peace but inside she could tell the brunette was hurting. He was so good at helping everyone else but when it came to his own health, it was always last on the list. It was something that Kairi loved about the other but it also caused her great worry. The two of them were laying down on the sandy shores of the familiar beach the three of them grew up on. It was first time since Sora returned that the two of them had a chance to just relax or at least it was Kairi's attempt at trying get the other to rest for a bit.
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"Sora..you know I love you, right?" The statement came out gentle, as her hand had subconsciously reached over to gently place her palm against the side of his lovely face. It didn’t surprise the brunette, as he was used to such signs of affections from both Riku and her at this point. It did console her that perhaps Sora was more accepting of such things. Leaning forward she pressed her forehead against the others. Their hands intertwining together coming to a rest between the two. “I know you do.” whispered Sora, as he let out a genuine laugh. it sounded exhausted, and Kairi could tell how the other hadn’t been sleeping much. It did worry her a lot and lately she just felt helpless at times like all she could do was be here. “Kairi, is there something wrong?” asked the brunette, as he could notice the familiar look of concern in those violet blue colored eyes. There was a moment the red head hesitated before she bestowed upon the other a reassuring smile. How could she put into words the amount of genuine concern she naturally had for Sora. That it tore apart inside how much he was made to invariably suffer and how she wished more than anything that she could promptly take away his unimaginable pain. To allow the other to be happy even at the cost of her own happiness.
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“I know there are things that you go through every day and sometimes I’m not always the one you can talk to about them but I’m here for you, always. Even if their times you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders...I’ll always be right beside you.” It looked like the maiden was going to cry a bit, her heart calling out for the others. It was the gentle peak against her nose that made Kairi blink in surprise, as the action caught her off guard. Slowly the brunette wiped away some small tears before nuzzling into Kairi. “Kairi, I know how much you genuinely care that’s never in doubt. If it wasn’t for you, Riku..I won’t still be here. The two of you give me something to fight for and without that I wouldn’t know what to do. I love you always and yes, I’ve alot of things that I think about daily but in the end you always bring me back. The light in the deepening darkness.”whispered Sora, as he gave Kairi another kiss on the nose.
It was such a tender moment under the starry night sky, the two leaning close to each other with their forehead pressed together. The only sounds they could hear were the beating of their hearts, a melody that they always longed to hear.  My dearly beloved Starlight, what I wouldn’t give to take away the things that make you hurt. To make it so you could enjoy a normal life away from everything.
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oathofpromises · 3 years
" hey... who did this to you? "
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Kairi looked away, as she held her bleeding arm. It was a long story and she realized that he would probably overreact and possible haunt down the person responsible. Slowly the red head shook her head side to side. The blood dripping down her arm onto the ground. “I’m okay, it’s not that bad plus I know you too well. If I told you exactly, who did this...you’d probably try and find them. It’s not that bad and I think some healing magic will fix it right up!”
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It was clear that whoever did this to Kairi, the girl, wasn't going to tell Sora. Mostly out of concern for the brunette and the maiden honestly didn't see it as being a huge deal. She was okay and safe that's what mattered, right?
Truthfully, the red head had recently been away training with Aqua. It was a long process but the girl felt like she’d finally caught up to Sora and RIku. 
She was hoping the brunette would drop the question of who hurt her and simply talk about something else but Kairi also realized just how stubborn the other could be. Especially when it came to situations where the people he cared about were hurt. 
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The truth was, Kairi couldn’t really recall who it was and that concerned her. It was like for a brief moment, all she saw was darkness and boom...woke up with a wound on her arm. It probably should’ve made her more concerned but for some reason it didn’t. 
Green aura surrounded her hands, as the girl attempted to heal the scratch. Normally it should’ve returned to normal within a few seconds but nothing changed. 
“Huh..that’s odd.’ mumbled Kairi, as she tilted her head and looked at the wound. It felt like it was rejecting her magic. To be honest, the girl was starting to freak out. 
“I..don’t know who did this to me..” she mumbled, before turning her face away from the boy. Her body shaking a bit, as Kairi tried to make sense of what had happened to her. Everything was simply a blur.
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oathofpromises · 4 years
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Like for a Song Lyric Starter! The songs will be chosen at random off my Spotify playlist! So the theme of the thread could be anything. Just saw some friends doing this and it seems fun~
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oathofpromises · 3 years
NOTP(s) for your muse?
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Hm, that's a tricky one since I like so many ships with each of the characters but if I had to pick one it would be Ventus and Kairi ship. I understand why some would find it cute but I haven't seen it enough to really like it. I feel like because it's such a rare ship that there's hardly any content and that works against it.
Personally, a ship to me needs to have a solid ground and if it doesn't it just leads to me not really liking it or having interest. I also am not the biggest fan of any ships that pair Kairi with someone who is older. It just makes me extremely uncomfortable and I try to avoid any content like that as much as possible.
Overall I do like so many ships in this fandom so this question took me a bit to find words to answer.
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oathofpromises · 3 years
3. Which canon muse(s) do you currently ship with?
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
Anddddd 10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
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3.The only ship I have currently is with @asorableisms Sora on both my Riku and Kairi accounts. I adore them and their Sora to pieces. It was a slow burn which we both prefer and the dynamics we have going for both ships is just so beautiful. I love writing threads and banters with them and even outside of rp stuff we both talk about Au’s and just how much we love our muses. 
However, I am open to shipping with others so long as they communicate with me and understand I want a relationship to form first before a ship is made. Which means even if the characters know each other in the series that doesn’t mean automatic ship. I need to know that people respect me and my muse boundaries first. To make attempt get to know her and who she is. It also doesn’t hurt when people actually make effort to talk to me outside rp too.
8.No, my Kairi doesn’t get jealous easily. She understands that Sora is the type who has so much love in his heart. The girl never expects him to put her above everyone nor does she ask him to. She knows full well how he feels about her and that’s all that matters to her.
10.Does Soriku count even though I’ve a Riku account because that’s like my favorite pairing tied with Sokai and Rikai. I love all three dearly and each means the world to me. If not then I do love the Sora and Namine ship too. I think that’s also pretty cute. 
I do also adore the Terraqua ship too. I got too many Kh ships but my top three are Soriku, Sokai and Rikai. 
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