#Dearly Beloved King(Soaringcrowns)
oathofpromises · 3 years
の - Your muse gently kisses mine on the nose
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It had taken more than a year to find any clues to where Sora was and during that time the redhaired maiden missed the brunette terribly. It felt like ever since he had faded from this world that someone had stabbed her right in the chest. It hadn't been an pleasant journey but nothing with them was ever simple, at least that is what it felt like every time they were inevitable torn apart again. 
However, that was in the past now and things were better now or at least it felt like they were. Sora was back home and everything just felt more at peace. Even if they both had so much going through their minds.
Gradually Kairi gently took some deep breathes, an conscious attempt to soothe the ache inside her heart. She was beyond delighted that Sora and Riku were back and maybe they could've a rare moment of profound peace but inside she could tell the brunette was hurting. He was so good at helping everyone else but when it came to his own health, it was always last on the list. It was something that Kairi loved about the other but it also caused her great worry. The two of them were laying down on the sandy shores of the familiar beach the three of them grew up on. It was first time since Sora returned that the two of them had a chance to just relax or at least it was Kairi's attempt at trying get the other to rest for a bit.
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"Sora..you know I love you, right?" The statement came out gentle, as her hand had subconsciously reached over to gently place her palm against the side of his lovely face. It didn’t surprise the brunette, as he was used to such signs of affections from both Riku and her at this point. It did console her that perhaps Sora was more accepting of such things. Leaning forward she pressed her forehead against the others. Their hands intertwining together coming to a rest between the two. “I know you do.” whispered Sora, as he let out a genuine laugh. it sounded exhausted, and Kairi could tell how the other hadn’t been sleeping much. It did worry her a lot and lately she just felt helpless at times like all she could do was be here. “Kairi, is there something wrong?” asked the brunette, as he could notice the familiar look of concern in those violet blue colored eyes. There was a moment the red head hesitated before she bestowed upon the other a reassuring smile. How could she put into words the amount of genuine concern she naturally had for Sora. That it tore apart inside how much he was made to invariably suffer and how she wished more than anything that she could promptly take away his unimaginable pain. To allow the other to be happy even at the cost of her own happiness.
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“I know there are things that you go through every day and sometimes I’m not always the one you can talk to about them but I’m here for you, always. Even if their times you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders...I’ll always be right beside you.” It looked like the maiden was going to cry a bit, her heart calling out for the others. It was the gentle peak against her nose that made Kairi blink in surprise, as the action caught her off guard. Slowly the brunette wiped away some small tears before nuzzling into Kairi. “Kairi, I know how much you genuinely care that’s never in doubt. If it wasn’t for you, Riku..I won’t still be here. The two of you give me something to fight for and without that I wouldn’t know what to do. I love you always and yes, I’ve alot of things that I think about daily but in the end you always bring me back. The light in the deepening darkness.”whispered Sora, as he gave Kairi another kiss on the nose.
It was such a tender moment under the starry night sky, the two leaning close to each other with their forehead pressed together. The only sounds they could hear were the beating of their hearts, a melody that they always longed to hear.  My dearly beloved Starlight, what I wouldn’t give to take away the things that make you hurt. To make it so you could enjoy a normal life away from everything.
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