#You know that had to make cave insanely jealous
professorofcosplay · 3 months
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Live laugh laboratory sketch part 2 electric boogaloo! White woman who lived through 50s AND the 90s’ farmhouse chic? She owns no less than one of those live laugh love signs, even as a white woman that’s now an evil menacing robot. I’ll be honest, I loved this sketch so much, I just HAD to render her, even though I haven’t rendered in a year; she’s just so pretty!!!
I love me a silly evil ‘puter! Drawing a super goofy AM and GLaDOS comic next while I finish up my portal cosplays! If I could draw humans at all, I’d do a little piece of Doug giving this to human Caroline and Cave trying to figure out where the hell the painted panel came from, pissed as hell. 😂
(If anyone wants any edits for a fanfic cover/custom wording to make reaction memes/reddit reaction posts/just to be silly/etc, just shoot me a DM! I’d be happy to! If you want to repost it, please ask first and give credit! Reblogs, comments, and likes, on the other hand, are always appreciated! 🧡)
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Let's Talk About How Book 3 Ruined Aang
If you've seen any of my prior ATLA posts, you know that I don't hate Aang. In fact, I quite liked him in Books 1 and 2. He was flawed, as all characters should be, but the show didn't shy away from those flaws or justify them. He was called out for burning Katara and rushing his firebending, Sokka and Katara were rightfully upset when he hid Hakoda's letter, he willingly owns up to the fact that his actions helped drive Toph away, and his entire arc after losing Appa and finding hope again in The Serpent's Path was beautifully done.
(Hell, even in The Great Divide Katara says what Aang did was wrong and he agrees. It's played for comedy, but the show still makes the effort to point out that what he did wasn't the right thing to do. You're just meant to understand that he was fed up and acted off of that)
Those flaws and mistakes were addressed and improved upon and helped Aang to grow as a character.
But for some reason, that aspect of Aang's character was completely flipped in Book 3.
The best examples of this are in both TDBS and EIP. Both the show and the fandom are too quick to brush off that Aang kissed Katara twice without her consent, one of which after she explicitly said she was confused about her feelings.
(And yes, she is angry in response and Aang calls himself an idiot. But after this, it isn't really addressed. They go on like nothing happened for the rest of the episode. Aang's lamentation comes from screwing things up with her romantically, not that he violated boundaries)
The show never really addressed why what he did was wrong. Not only because he wasn't given consent, but also because both times he isn't thinking about what Katara wants. In both instances, Aang is only thinking about himself and his feelings. This is something that persists through a lot of the third book. And by Sozin's Comet it ultimately ruins any character development he had built up in the second book.
One thing I feel was completely disregarded was the concept of having to let go of Katara in order to master the Avatar State.
For me, the implication wasn't that he had to give up love or happiness necessarily. He was emotionally attached to and reliant on Katara, to the point where she was needed to stop him from hurting everyone around him and himself. This is obviously detrimental to his functionality as the Avatar. And the point of him "letting her go" wasn't that he had to stop caring about her, it was that his emotional dependency on her was stopping him from being the Avatar he needed to be and that was what needed to be fixed. I don't even think it's about the Avatar State itself, it's about being able to keep your emotions and duty as the Avatar separate.
(If you look at Roku, he loved and had a wife. It wasn't his love for her that messed everything up, it was his attachment to Sozin. He wasn't able to let Sozin go and not only did he lose his life for it, the world suffered for it. It's the unhealthy attachments that seem to be detrimental, not love itself)
And Aang realizes that in the catacombs, which is how he's able to easily enter the Avatar State and seemingly control it. He let Katara go.
So then why does it seem like his attachment to Katara is not only stronger, but worse in mannerism? He liked Katara in Books 1 and 2- obviously- but he was never overly jealous of Jet or Haru. He only makes one harmless comment in Book 2 when Sokka suggests Katara kiss Jet.
But suddenly he's insanely jealous of Zuko (to the point of getting frustrated with Katara over it), off the basis of the actions of actors in a clearly misrepresentative play. Katara showed a lot more interest in Jet and Aang was completely fine with it.
(Speaking of EIP, Aang's reaction to being played by a woman was interesting. He wore a flower crown in The Cave of Two Lovers. He wove Katara a flower necklace. He wore Kyoshi's clothes and makeup and made a funny girl voice. He willingly responded to Twinkle Toes and had no issue being called that. And for some reason he's genuinely upset about being played by a woman? Aang in Books 1 and 2 would have laughed and enjoyed the show like Toph did. His aversion to feminity felt vastly out of character)
I guess my point is, why did that change? Why was Aang letting go of Katara suddenly irrelevant to the Avatar State? It felt like him letting go was supposed to be a major part of his development. Why did that stop?
Myself and many others have talked about The Southern Raiders. The jist of my thought process about it is his assumption that he knew what was best for Katara. And the episode doesn't really call out why he was wrong. Maybe sparing Yon Rha was better for Katara, maybe it wasn't (the only one who's allowed to make that choice is her). Pushing forgiveness? That was wrong. But the episode has Zuko say that Aang was right when the course of action Katara took wasn't what Aang suggested.
Katara's lesson here was that killing him wouldn't bring back her mother or mend the pain she was going through and that Yon Rha wasn't worth the effort. That's what she realizes. Not that she needed to embrace forgiveness. How could she ever forgive that? The episode saying Aang was right wasn't true. Yes she forgives Zuko, but that wasn't what Aang was talking about. He was specifically talking about Yon Rha.
And that was wrong. Aang can choose the path of forgiveness, that's fine. That's his choice. But dismissing Katara's trauma in favor of his morals and upbringing wasn't okay.
I know it sounds like this is just bashing Kataang. But it's not simply because I don't like Kataang, in my opinion it brings down Aang's character too, not just Katara's. But let's steer away from Kataang and Katara for a minute.
The one thing that solidifies Aang's character being ruined in Book 3 for me is the fact that he- at the end of the story- does the same thing he did in the beginning.
He runs away when things get hard.
Aang couldn't make the choice between his duty and his morals. So he ran. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but subconsciously he wanted an out. And this is really disappointing when one of the things he was firm about in Book 2 was not running anymore. His character went backwards here and that's not even getting into the real issue in Sozin's Comet.
There's been contention about the Lion Turtle intervention. For many- including myself- it's very deus ex machina to save Aang from having to make a hard decision. And that in turn doesn't reflect kindly on his character.
Everyone- Sokka, Zuko, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen (who was another Airbender and was raised with the same beliefs he was and would understand which was the whole point of him talking to her)- told him he had to kill Ozai. They all told him it was the only way. And he refused to listen to any of them, rotating through his past lives until he was given the answer he wanted.
And before anyone says that I'm bashing Aang for following his culture, I'm not. Ending the war peacefully, in my opinion, wasn't the problem. In a way, I think it allowed the world to heal properly. However, that doesn't make up for the fact that Aang refused to make a choice and face the consequences of that choice. Instead, he's given an out at the very last second.
Even if he couldn't kill Ozai and someone else had to deliver the final blow, that would have been better than the Lion Turtle showing up and giving him a power no one's ever had before. It would have been a good compromise, he doesn't have to have blood directly on his hands but what needs to be done needs to still get done. It would also show that being the Avatar isn't a burden he has to bear alone. That when things get hard, he can't run away but he can rely on the people closest to him to help him through hard decisions.
All these issues aren't necessarily a problem with Aang. Aang prior to Book 3 didn't have most of these problems. This is a problem with the way he was handled
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Something exactly like this.
Here we start a new series, at last I regained my love for writing n' reading 🥰
I have no idea how to write Hobie's accent, so apologies for that in advance. Any input and advise is well welcomed ☺️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mention of blood, injuries, fighting, cursing, anxiety.
Words: 2022
Chapter one: What else you got?
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"When will you ever grow up?! Going against our path, is going against the family!" My father yelled, speaking about his religion and how I refused to believe in his insanity while punching the table to accentuate his anger.
"Then maybe I was never really a part of this shit family!" A smack on the face, it came from across my step mother that had entered the conversation, "Never come back, insufferable brat" she spit at me.
I had had it with them, so I flipped them off and left with a duffle bag on my shoulder.
As soon as I arrived to the train station and took seat inside the train, my heart broke, tears streamed down my face, like a wild river I tried to hold back when I looked the disappointment in my father's eyes.
Let's start from the beginning, my name is Y/n L/n, and it's been two weeks since I moved to the big city. A friend got me a job on a coffee shop and a small flat near it, without her I would've slept on the streets probably, so I owe her a lot.
Every day is the same! It's going to drive me crazy. I make the minimum for attending crazy fucked up people! Every day is the same compalints, some about the damm prices, the ice cream flavors, the fact that not always we have cash to break a 20, bitch come on, who buys a two dollar coffee with 20 or 100 bucks?? Seriously, people are crazy, and they take it on me just because I'm on the counter almost all the time.
I'm fucking tired.
Then one night, I was doing inventory when Jess, on the subject that I owe her a lot, she practically begged me to accompany her to a very illegal show downtown, on a sketchy bar no less. "I don't know Jess, those shows aren't really my thing, neither is a lot of people on a confined space" you shrugged, "Come on Y/n, my boyfriend is playing the bass, but I don't wanna go alone, maybe I could even present you to a few people, so you have friends, other than me" I looked at her with a stern look, that was the least of my concerns.
"It's just...you look so lonely and sad all the time, maybe you could have some fun, ya' know, to loosen up the stress from work" before she could keep blabbering reasons to go, I caved. "Fine" she yelled a high pitched "Yay" and hugged me.
It's amazing how easy is to get killed in the city nowadays, my first couple of days working I got shocked with how many corpses I encountered as soon as I opened my apartment door, but then I got used to it? I don't throw up as much as before, so that's a start.
But everything is so messy right now, with V.E.N.O.M tasks forces roaming the streets, people instead of being scared, they've become violent. I have no idea how Jess can be so hyped about a show when there's like an 80% chance we'll get killed in the process.
But hey, YOLO right?
Since it was a punk event, she wanted me to "blend in", as to not dress as a total nerd like I always do according to her. So we stopped at her apartment to get ready.
She lend me a plaid mini skirt, mid thigh stockings, a learher jacket that ended mid torso, a dark red shirt with a weird spider logo, a spiky choker and did a very goth or punk-like work on my face.
I didn't recognized myself, but I didn't quite hated it either.
Black boots with chains completed the look according to her, "Ya' look stunnin', honey" she squealed, coming out of the bathroom ready herself, wearing all things similar to mine, with the addition of a oversized denim jacket filled with band related pins and patches.
"Your boyfriend's, I suppose" she turned back to me, blushed slightly, "He gifted this to me, he's so cool and corny, I love him so much".
I am jealous of her. Her boyfriend has stopped by work a few times, he's tough but nice and very likeable. I could tell he would go to hell and back for her.
I was so fucking jealous of that.
The place wasn't really far from my apartment, which would allow me to slip away in case I needed it, oh boy, not even two seconds inside and I already wanted to run away.
It was a mess of all kinds of black dressed people, like the pride parade but goth, punk and violently weird. Jess seemed to be fine around the mess, she was a natural, totally in her element.
There was this feeling climbing up my spine, weakening my knees and my lungs, anxiety making her debut.
"C'mon let's get to the front before they start playin', otherwise we won't be able to see shit!" She pulled me across the sea of leather and spikes, I sensed a lot of stares and wolf whistles, probably not for me, but it felt so alien to me.
The group made its introduction, the crowd wildly started screaming and jumping, shoving us against the fence that kept us away from the stage. The amps to the limit, and the people jumping and shoving, everything begun to spin, in a haze I believed myself to be drunk but totally sober, "Jess! I wanna leave" I tried to scream but she couldn't hear me. Couldn't move either, trapped in between the fence I could only close my eyes in hopes the pain in my ears and my chest would end soon.
A hand took mine, out of a sudden I was on the other side of the fence. Due to the momentum I clashed against a bunch of pins and chains, "Follow me" He said, not ever letting my hand go, he lead me backstage, where the sound of the still going music and cheering was a bit muffled, barely bearable.
"Better?" I looked up to him, he had a wild black mane, piercings on his brows and his lower lip, stunning factions and he was built amazingly. "Yeah, sorry about the trouble" he chuckled at my embarrassment, "S' nothin', stay here all you need" he winked and rushed back to the stage, the screaming intensified as soon as he did.
A while later, Jess got to the backstage by the arm of her boyfriend, "Oh, honey I'm so sorry, are you feeling okay now?" I shook my head, hugging myself in absolute embarrassment. "'m gonna head back, sorry" she held me as soon as I was about to leave, "First, your knight in denim armor, Hobie I can't thank you enough" she thank him.
So that was his name, Hobie.
"No problem, that was a bad edge" his accent was so thick that's all I got to hear him say. "Hobie we need to scram, they are on their way, get the explosives" said none other than Jess's boyfriend, "Another raid? But babe" she whined, not caring about the sudden violence about to be unleashed apparently.
"Jess we need to leave, now!" I tried to take her away, but she resisted and shoved my hand away from hers, "I'm actually gonna stay for this one, Spider-Man might actually appear this time" She excitedly left with her boyfriend.
How could she just left when there was going to be another raid outside?! "Why today, I knew I shouldn't have come to this stupid thing!" Searching routes, but nothing came to mind, the sound of the tasks forces was loud, and the one from the rebellion was even more so.
Everything went down because of Oscorp taking over, then Spider-Man showed up to shake up the masses into a furious rebellion, it bothered me tat the rebels acted as if the destruction, the purchase of weapons from gangsters, and the eternal bustle, would change the fact that V.E.N.O.M had almost completely taken over the streets. The rebellion regained territory in the last assault, but in that hell several young people died, and not even Spider-Man could do anything about it.
Usually I don't get into that shit, because for fun I rather go dancing at the club, though I admit I threw a Molotov at a task forces's car, once the opportunity presented itself.
When I got out, everything was smoke, explosions, people running, crying and shouting with hate. The alley that led to the passage where I would hopefully make it to my apartment was across the fire. I plucked up my courage and ran, a little difficult because of the platforms on my shoes, the damn mini skirt, and because of the shooting that started when I managed to jump over the puddle of burning gasoline.
I fell and hit all the cement on my legs and arms, I got up quickly because the adrenaline was stronger than the bullet that grazed my knee, so I managed to take refuge in the back of the building.
"Where you think you goin' bitch" A cop grabbed my arm, seeing that I resisted him the baton on his other hand hit the back of my knees and then I had no other choice but to fall, the cut on my knee bleeding even more, but I couldn't feel it yet.
He rises the baton to hit me again, but it got swooped off his hand, in about a second that same cop was literally mummified to the wall, all covered in spider webs.
"You okay?" Red and blue suit, spikes on the head of the mask, denim jacket and boots, yeah a hero alright. "Peachy" He just saved me, but the bitterness from my friend bailing on me, the recent anxiety attack, the raid, the pulsing wound that I made the mistake of acknowledge, and the posible bruise from the baton, got to me pretty fast.
"Go save the others, I'm fine" he didn't moved, instead he stretched his hand towards me, "Let me take you some'ere safe first" normally I would've sent him to hell itself, but taking everything into consideration, I ended up agreeing.
As soon as I took his hand, he pulled me up and into his arms. He secured my waist with his arm, "By the green building is alright" he nodded then fired his web, without warning he took flight, taking an even firmer grasp on my waist.
Meanwhile I hid my face on his neck and yelled a bit.
As soon as we landed I shoved myself off of his grasp, clinging to the fire stairs railing for dear life, "Bit nauseous there love?" He joked, "A warning would've been appreciated" I swallowed the bit of puke that threatened the back of my throat, "But thanks, I'll take it form here".
My knees quivered when trying to make a decent step, the pulsing hurt behind my legs, "Ya' sure?" He asked, getting at a safe distance from my pathetic state, "Yeah, now aren't you needed elsewhere?" He slightly laughed at my embarrassment, "That can wait, they were holding it up, a'right" I could hear his smile under that mask.
"Need help there, love?" He offered, making it sound more like a tease, his hand reaching towards me once more, "I'll be careful" He promised. I caved again, after all, I lived in the eighth floor.
"Now we're good, night spiderman" I tried to close the door but he stopped it with his combat boots, "What" he stayed silent for a second, "Not even a kiss?" He joked? I couldn't tell because of the mask, then he just leaned on the doorframe. I genuinely laughed, like I haven't in a while, "Thanks for the laugh, maybe next time you save me, I'll give you that kiss, how's that?" He tilted his head a bit, like thinking, then just nodded.
I think he was about to say something, but an explosion on the raid site got to his attention, "I think you're needed" When I turned my head around he had already left.
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the-algid · 5 months
I’ve been going crazy for this idea. I knew I had to wait until part 41 “The Windmill” came out before I could post this (I am a patron). But now I can!!
First off John is narratively a wolf, but from my knowledge he is behavior wise more doglike. I am not an animal or dog or wolf behaviorist, but that would be sick.
Analysis, and some screenshots of the transcript below :3
So for narratively a wolf: he's one of the first wolves. He was enthralled by the campfire, he wandered closer, he found a human and a human found him. And through necessity he was softened, and tamed. He is no longer the viscous, cruel, arrogant wild thing he was, but a loyal, devoted, sometimes kind, curious thing. He isn't a sweet obedient pup and he won’t, he's in the process of being tamed. He's becoming a domestic wolf.
Now dog behavior: He acts alot like a dog that hasn’t been thoroughly trained yet. Acting out when pushed into a corner, being desperate for attention. He behaves exactly like a dog that doesn’t understand the world. He’s pampered aggressive lap dog, never learned no to bite. Now Arthur is showing him the consequences, he’s teaching him how to behave.
My friend made a good point on fear aggression (I would at then but they don't have Tumblr). Some dogs react really badly when scared, biting and barking. This seems the exact reason he used Faroe against Arthur when he brought Emily up. He wa scared of the consequences so he bit back, and made it worse. He fell back on his violent ways because he doesn’t know anything different.
He’d do anything for his keeper (calling Arthur his owner is weird) make a deal with the devil to come back to him. He’d draw him to safety by his teeth, even if that meant dragging Arthur by the neck. He could never see him loose himself, or die. He’d even give up the luxurious life he used to live to be by his side, and keep him safe.
He latches to ideas and will not let go until satisfied, like a particularly stubborn dog. Even if hi assumptions are childish, especially if they’re childish. He sees a movie advertisement like a dog sees a squirrel. At the same time he’s quick to jump to killing, he sees a threat and bites first ask questions later, ho many times has he seen a threat and immediately demands Arthur kill it?
Like alot of dogs I know he only wants Arthur, he’s slow to trust, and feels jealous easily. Like a dog using their muzzle to get you to pet them, especially after petting another dog. (this is targeted) He doesn’t like Lily, or the bright bug like creature in the caves, he only appreciates Lily after he found kinship. He only trusted Noel after he was able to be known.
In some ways in season 4, John is akin to a dog with owners who don’t understand dog behavior. He has no voice no matter how loud he barks, only getting a reaction when he gets really loud or physical. Arthur doesn’t understand his needs, because they don’t have the means to communicate (a place where they won’t look insane talking to each other)
Just like a child being new to the world, he’s a dog abandoned on the streets after living in pent houses. He’s gonna be clueless and misguided.
Now some specific moments that helped me form this theory/metaphor/symbolization: there's more, but I either can't remember them or they're overarching stuff that can't be simplified with one screenshot
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ultra-raging-ghost · 6 months
Sending you this because your takes on cucuhalo are interesting/pos:
The scene where cucurucho hysterically laughs as sipi tries to break bad's armour is meant to be bunny but also.....Q!Bbh first instict when Sipi was reporting him was to call cucurucho. He's definitely attached to him.
But when fighting sipi while bad desperately screeched for cucurucho, whom was laughing his ass off... I just wonder what you felt about that
(I'm all for the Bad needs attatchements and Cucurucho needs control theory)
OKAHY i need to stop screaming ok listen i think that that was such a MOMENT
Cucurucho has obviously been SOOO jealous today and yesterday over bad hanging out with ollie, i have a feeling that thats why he let sipi do that and was gleefully laughing while it happened (I think he let it happen for a MULTITUDE of reasons, one being to let out that jealousy and once again hear bad screaming his name(hehe)(suggestive but also it reestablishes bad's dependence to cucurucho), another to cover his ass since ollie immediately clocked cucuruchos attachment when she heard theyre roommates, and another because hes an evil little shit who thinks thats funny. Lowkey also think he was into watching bad run around terrified but thats a different thing to talk about......). It was such an INTERESTING moment to me hehehe i had so many thoughts about it, at some point i put myself in cucuruchos shoes (and my shipper shoes) and felt immense satisfaction hearing bad call for cucurucho, calling for his protection, like that was THE reaction cucurucho was looking for and hearing it was just so perf
I also found it super interesting that, despite having two witnesses who would point out bad's lie, bad felt comfortable enough to lie to cucuruchos FACE about what happened!!!! Most islanders are NOT about that life but bads one of few who know cucurucho favors him in some way and thinks/knows he can use it to his advantage!!!! like ollie and Sipi were RIGHT THERE and both called out his lie but bad had absolutely no problem confidently turning around and crying to cucurucho about how sipi had been mean to him and how cucurucho needs to punish them!!!!! I was expecting him to tell cucurucho sipi was being a jerk or biased or something but like THAT??? CRAZY!!!! I think it woulda worked too if cucurucho hasnt been on his absolute JEALOUSY streak!!!
I found afterwards very telling too!!! Cucurucho obviously got the reaction he wanted from bad in that chase, bad was screaming for him, he wanted cucuruchos safety, cucuruchos protection, cucuruchos validation in his accusations and that goddamn bear obviously wanted that because you can see how protective and less jealous he was afterwards!!!
Like first off, bro basically kissed bad goodbye when he was walking out of that office lets get that one straight.....
But second off when bad went afk on that carousel????? PERF!!! you could tell he was trying to make himself sit there and watch bad get bit (trying to keep himself mad, iykyk) but eventually he caved, saved bad, and EVEN GUARDED HIM!!!! He got protective and jealous when ollie sat next to bad and i think ollie knew it too!! She laughed at him all cheeky when cucurucho got jealous and asked what she was doing, and when she laughed at the question he went, and i quote "no, answer the question, what are you doing?" and then proceeded to SHOOT AT HER UNTIL SHE GOT OFF THE CAROUSEL!!!!!! AND THEN KEPT SHOOTING AT HER!!!!!! CRAZY!!! CRAZY!!!! INSANE!!!!!
ANYWAY can you tell im so normal about them
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tragedycoded · 7 days
ah, shit, here i go talking to myself about dmls again.
Chat, I think I have to write draft 6 in chronological order. Like actual chronological order. Like the whole fucking thing. The original iteration + seven fucking loops.
Usual warning about heavy spoilers and low probability of this shit making sense.
And if I do that, then I need to reframe the Bad Ending's purpose as a plot point. It shouldn't be the climax of Book 1.
Powell and his party's purpose is totally lost where it currently is. I could be doing a lot more with the time loops/memory as a sacrifice if I showed what information was gathered when Sullivan and Hofer went down there alone.
Deep cut: in the run immediately preceding the one I show you in Book 1, Sullivan left Royston in the stockade and Hofer ended up going after him because he and Turner didn't come back. Hofer had to go down into the cave after them. I don't know if Turner opened the door that time. He might have. Which sucks that his fate that run is to open a creepy-ass door against his will.
I think if I follow a 5-act structure, and I end the first three four acts with them ending up there, then it won't feel super repetitive to keep looping. They end up in the City the very first time, and then they don't even make it that far the next three times because everyone is so fucked up.
The fucked-uppedness also allows me to give Gott a ton more time on the page than she currently has. She fucking deserves it. Having her be actively involved as a supporting character enables her to steer the plot so it isn't fucking her quite as hard as it is in Book 2.
Exposing more of what the conversations they had during previous loops look like in flashbacks, I'm doing her a huge disservice not giving her a few thousand words to establish that she is trying to help Royston. And showing how much bullshit she's had to put up with yet still considers him her friend.
Contrasting the men's responses to either knowing they're in a time loop but thinking they're insane and keeping it to themselves (Hofer and Royston) vs. the one fucking time Sullivan can remember anything, he's like "No. I'm making different choices and getting us out of this"--I think that would hit way harder if I made the reader endure all of it with them.
Not to a degree that we're beat-by-beat going through it, you know? Conservative endurance. The run that Sullivan has autonomy in, the other two can't remember what's going on. It's the ultimate fucking trust fall. Showing how Sullivan broaches the existence of the time loop vs. the other two being too chickenshit to say anything (if Royston isn't manipulating it for some reason) I think would only make Sullivan stronger as a protagonist. I also think there's an opportunity to show Royston trying to figure out who Hofer is way earlier. Like, show you guys what a jealous piece of shit he is. (Or else show the time loop was causing him actual psychological distress due to his blatant ADHD coding.) I love him, he's my awful son, but Sullivan had to be patient to get him into the state he's currently in. He was going to bring him to meet his mother the very first fucking iteration of events, knowing what a shitbag he was. That's something that doesn't change regardless of what happens. That needs to be on the page.
Like I know there's people who would read that much of it. Y'all are insane. It's just dawned on me that jesus christ, this isn't the best way to tell the story, I have to unfold the time loops.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
I'M ALIVE (BARELY) !! Work is kicking my ass. Also, lots of things went wrong for me this morning, but they all worked out in the end ?? Like I forgot to set my alarm, had to bring my mom's phone to her job bc she forgot it, my bus ended up running late because the doors would get stuck at stops. But I woke up on time, caught the bus after taking the phone, and made it early to work because the bus forgot to take the detour? My luck is insane (thanks Mammon.)
ANYWAY, i can no longer contain my thoughts about Mammon x Solomon x Mc. I'm just imagining my mc and Solomon who are both very curious, and love messing around with potions at purgatory hall, and finding alternatives to rare ingredients. This has definitely gone wrong a bunch of times (most days without a potion incident: 4)
and I'm imagining Mammon tagging along bc he misses mc and is jealous that Sol is taking up their time, but denies all claims - "I'm assigned to protect ya, ain't I?" "From Solomon?" "W-Well, he's a shady sorcerer!"
He sits on the floor by mc's feet, and will fetch them things because he can't say no to them. But he spends so much time listening to them brainstorm, he starts learning and will chime in randomly. Mc and Sol who are stuck on what to add, Mammon drops something in there, and they're both horrified until they realize the potion is perfect now. He just has a little database in his mind of what to add to something, and rare ingredients that the two wish they could get their hands on.
Thinking about Mammon doing a favor for a witch and she tells him to pick anything in her collection since she's low on money. He was about to be angry when he saw an ingredient that they've both been complaining is rare and hard to find. He asks the witch for that and then brings it to the two. He acts all nonchalant about it, trying to brush it off. Mc tackles him, meanwhile Solomon is in awe and staring with a twinkle in his eye.
Now Mammon starts requesting trades with witches, for a lower portion of grimm. Gets ingredients he knows they dream about, because the way mc and sol will get all giddy after he presents them with his earnings makes his stomach flip (he will never admit this)
"This is missing something" Solomon
"Yeah but I can't figure out what" MC
"Have you tried *insert seemingly common ingredient that doesn't work for most things*" Mammon
"But no one uses that, it's why we're always stuck with it" MC
"Couldn't hurt to try. See, watch." Mammon.
"Dunno, got it from a random witch. Said she didn't need it. *spent two hours haggling with said witch*"
"...am I in love?" Solomon, reevaluating life
"Eh? What are ya mumbling about? If you're gonna thank me, I want it loud and clear!"
my crack ship <3 they mean everything to me. I caved and hunted down the plushies of them on ebay too. ALSO I GOT TWO OF MY COMMISSIONS BACK AND I'M 😭 they're perfect !!! I'm so so happy with them. Literally the lock screen is beautiful bc it's me and mammon cuddling (HIS MUSCLES CC!! IM DYING) and it looks like it was taken by like asmo or something who walked in to wake us up.
i think I'm also a hopeless romantic, I'm just scared of confronting my feelings lol (you're right in that it is worth it, I just need to figure out how to be brave </3). I throw myself into romance books and fanfics. Vaguely related, thinking about coffee shop au with barista!Mammon and college student!Solomon.
- ✨ anon
Wow that does sound like a crazy morning!! I'm glad it all worked out, though~ Mammon is totally watching out for you!
OKAY but all of that sounds exactly like Mammon! I mean, he's super smart, he just doesn't usually bother to apply himself to anything. So it totally makes sense that he'd just pick up things because he's spending time with MC and Solomon. And then of course he's gonna end up seeing rare ingredients and being like, okay yeah I'm taking that. That all sounds absolutely adorable~
I'm curious about whether or not Solomon and Mammon would make a pact in this situation? I mean, if it's both of them and your MC that are in the relationship, do you think they would? Do you think Solomon would move past his obsession with getting a pact with Lucifer and end up in one with Mammon instead?
I always felt like Solomon doesn't really get Mammon, you know? But that doesn't mean he can't learn. And oh man, Solomon is such a tease and Mammon is so not good at being teased lol. That idea is giving me so many entertaining images, I can't even handle it.
Anyway, I'm totally here for it! It sounds really cute~
I'm so glad you're happy with your comms!!! They sound amazing!
And don't worry, you'll figure it out. I don't know how old you are, but I suspect you have plenty of time! It's a balancing act, you know? It's important to be honest with yourself about your feelings without letting them control you. But it's easier to decide what to do about them if you know what they are. Anyway, not to get all philosophical over here lol. I think the key is to find someone you want to be brave for, you know?
AUGH I love coffee shop aus sooooooo much!!! I was very obsessed with the idea of barista!Mammon for a while, mostly because of a daily chat where he was working at a cafe and then got into a fight with customer. He's good at finances, so I think he could be pretty business minded if he wanted to be. So I was thinking about a situation where he owns his own cafe, but when the customers get rude with one of his fellow baristas, he gets into a fight with them lol. I hadn't really considered who that other barista was, but it could be MC.
Anyway, I could ramble about coffee shop aus all day because I love them aklsdlkfjdfjkl
I hope you have a lovely day/night, too!!
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What do you think would happen to Ron if he wished Ginny away to the labyrinth because he had a crisis over not being the youngest sibling
This seems like a write the fic moment to me.
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(gif credit @franzias-cave)
I don't think Ron had a crisis over not being the youngest sibling canonically.
Ron's sibling rivalry problem was in part because he was one of the youngest siblings, he got everything second hand from several brothers down the line, he didn't even get his own wand, and then he went into Hogwarts and had no way to distinguish himself compared to his brothers who'd already done everything better than he ever could.
Charlie's that cool brother who works with dragons now, Bill's off in exotic places breaking curses, Percy's prefect then head boy, Fred and George are extremely intelligent lunatics who make Ron's life a living hell (yes, guys, they beat his pigmy puff to death with bats, remember this), and there's Ron who gets in and immediately starts self-sabotaging because that way if he fails he's not really failing/was doomed to failure to start with.
Ginny's probably the sibling Ron least has a problem with/pays the least attention to/only occasionally remembers that there's also this nebulous sister hanging around.
Fred and George are getting wished to the Labyrinth far before Ginny ever would be by Ron.
The other caveat being I don't think Ron would. Ron's actually a very reasonable guy and usually the voice of "I think we shouldn't do that" canonically. With the exception of the Ford Angelina incident we have things like Ron not wanting to follow the spiders into the woods because that's insane, in Deathly Hallows being terrified for his sister in Hogwarts and also very concerned about Hermione having them live on a diet of magic mushrooms. Ron gets angry, insulted, and jealous but he's not usually doing anything extreme/fanciful such as wishing someone away to the goblins (that's a Hermione move right there).
So, I a) don't see Ron doing this to Ginny and b) don't see him doing it period.
Fred and George Wish Ginny to the Goblin King
But alright, we'll say Fred and George cursed their sister and sent her to the goblins. Somehow, because Ron's life is what it is, he's the one who gets the blame and has to deal with the Goblin King and get his sister back.
"Oh, tough luck, Ronniekins," George and or Fred hisses.
"Have fun in Fantasy Hell," Fred and or George adds.
Ron then has a terrible time trying to navigate the labyrinth to save Ginny, knowing he's not cut out for this, and because of that self-sabotage and lack of confidence... I imagine he does fail and now Ginny and Ron are both goblins in another dimension.
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gurggggleburgle · 1 year
throwing my hat into the should bingqiu be parents ring to say No. Neither of these adults should be parents but for wildly different reasons until they've had like 10 years post cannon to work shit out.
This is because these idiots have so much shit to work out between them and if you threw a kid in there any point before the story ends and well after I can't see this going well.
Reason 1) Have you ever met someone in their early 20s who has been in an on and off again mess of a relationship that clearly needs couples therapy? I have. Don't
reason 2) Everyone keeps being all Luo Binghe would be absolutely jealous of whatever baby ends up in their acquisition and I would like to say FALSE. Binghe's hatred of any babies is tangential to age and adoption vs weird mpreg vs where in the timeline. For example if Shen Qingqui acquires a baby pre abyss at 17ish and said child is in an age range of 7-15ish he's gonna be jealous because that's an age range where this kid could potentially compete with him any younger and you're bordering toddler territory which is about in the same range as literal baby. Where this kid could get his room. If it's a baby tho he doesn't hate the baby. It poses no threat. It's a bonding experience.
If anything he's absolutely more worried about the kid being a secret love child with Liu Qingge or some other threat.
The same applies also minus that last caveat if he ends up teen pregnant. This version of child snatching is weirdly the one I think they'd be the best with even tho they absolutely should not be doing that.
Meanwhile if Shen Qingqiu acquires or has Luo Binghe's kid while their in the abyss then Qingqiu is gonna be a mess of a parent if it is full straight up baby. The man has the domestic skills of a boiled potato. He probably is leaving most of this baby's care to Ning YingYing and Ming Fan by virtue of having to actually do his own paperwork now and other tasks. Like he loves the kid but.... like let's be real liking children and being nice to them does not a good parent make. He's probably panicking and demanding help every five minutes driving them all insane. Meanwhile if Binghe finds out about this kid and it's not his specifically he's gonna lose his shit because it means Shizun's got himself another malewife and he bets it's that whore Liu Qingge. And if Cucumber man let's it slip then Lou Binghe is never letting that child leave his sight. He is acquiescing that kid. And if that child is not a baby he will go into panic mode because that's his REPLACEMENT. Shizun got a new fluffy child to dote on.
Again if Luo Binghe somehow ends up pregers when he falls into the abyss I will say he will become the most disturbingly devoted parent possible and both cherish and resent the child and be absolutely feral about it. If he finds one down there he probably takes care of them and is kind because like Luo Binghe is a fucking orphan. He knows what it means to suffer without parents. If he sees a small demon kid named 4 balls (the long lost brother of 6 balls) or something he's not gonna abandon them to die.
Meanwhile if it's like new item obtained: small child! about water prison and after or one is found out to be mpreg.... I mean Luo Binghe would triple on his imprison Shen Qingqiu for the sake of the baby if it's him. For himself I think he would either tragically walk away and say the baby is all he gets as a piece of Shizun's love or it's like more desperately clinging and waiting for SQQ to cave. Any adopted child at this point is a threat. Our boy's brain is too far gone for that. Child's must be acquired before this point or risk softlocking your game. Also side note depending on where in the timeline Yuan gets pregnanté you can make an incredibly angsty but also comedic argument about abortion as that is certainly one way to take care of it.
Post cannon children can be acquired and this will not make Luo Binghe jealous. Man will see any kid as an extension of his and Shizun's love immediately post cannon. He's not jealous of the baby. If anything they're vetting the baby's playmates. He insists on breast milk long past it being required. You have to get a daypass to even look at this child. The baby has nappies worth more than your house. Man would be a disturbingly protective parent. He would be the one to spoil the kid rotten.
Our trust fund protagonist would have to be the moral compass on this and that is funny and terrifying
Reason number 3) they would be those hoa and pta parents. their kid would be the asshole child in the school who everyone knows they can't bully.
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chiffaust · 2 years
*slides into your request* may i request a scenario of reader comforting and treat ritsu after he got into a fight with a person who confess to reader? btw i love your writings mwuah pls take care of yourself 🫶
— 𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔'𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌. s. ritsu
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— SYNOPSIS he feels a slightly jealous now knowing that he's not the only one who's romantically interested in you.
CONTENT , mentions of abandonment issues, ritsu fighting (not really), ritsu and reader are in an established relationship, fluff at the end.
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Ritsu simply didn't like the person. It was not a big deal, he had disliked lots of people in his lifetime too; for example, Rei.
But he might just dislike this "friend" of yours more than he does with Rei. Firstly, how dare they take your attention from him like that. You've been hanging out with him less and less because of them. Aren't you two supposed to be dating? Or are you dating them?
What's even worst is that he knows that person has a crush on you. The lovestruck expression they have whenever they see you, the undivided attention they have only meant for you whenever you talk.
And how does he knows? Because he has experienced the same, silly. And they aren't making it quite less obvious either. He absolutely has no idea how you haven't realized this yet.
He doesn't like sharing, so he really hopes that they'll back off or else he'll literally go insane. It's especially terrible since there's this voice behind his head that tells him you'll leave him for them, but that can't be the case, right...?
You can't leave him! You're his everything!
He'll become more whiney and clingy once that intrusive thoughts gets the best of him; he might not even allow you to go to the bathroom during your cuddling sessions if he feels like so. He doesn't even tell you why he's acting more clingy than usual, he feels that you might ridicule him for thinking that way so he'll simply whine in response.
He'll become clingier in public too, especially whenever they're around. He won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but his hug will tighten whenever they're around. Maybe a kiss or two if he feels that threatened.
And when they finally did confess, Ritsu was near the point of breaking something. Let it be a pen or someone's hand; he was ready to commit violence.
Now everything was going haywire inside his mind. He was too panicked, seeing that perhaps his intrusive thoughts were correct and you're about to leave him for them, so his first flight or fight instinct was to fight.
In fight, I mean scratching and hitting the person while throwing insults at them like a wild cat. You have to forcefully drag him away from them and apologize for he will not do so. In fact, he was 100% proud of it.
Even after all of that incident, he will not fully admit that he was scared that you might leave him. Even if you were to scold him, he'll simply stay silent which is concerning knowing that he's Ritsu Sakuma. Especially with that sad look on his face.
He's such a bastard, really. You hate how he can literally make you feel so bad just by giving you that sad look.
You sighed, finally caving in. You softly at him before you pulled him into a hug. He was quite shocked, he did not expect you to hug him like this all of the sudden since he thought you'd stay mad, but all worries soon melt when he feels your fingers running through his hair—he just melts at the feeling whilst he rests his head on your shoulder, visibly happy.
"There, there. I won't leave you, alright? So you don't have to go and fight people over it, you silly." You said in a comforting tone as you kiss his forehead. "You should really apologize to them."
"Bleh. I hope they trip and fall." Ritsu said, enveloping you in a tighter embrace.
He soon falls into silence as he inhales your scent. Finally, he can put his silly worries to rest and he feels so happy for it.
"You almost never spoil me like this, maybe I should get into fights more from now on..." Ritsu chuckled at his own joke. "Just kidding, I won't do it ever again. As long as you give me the most attention at the end of the day."
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professorofcosplay · 4 months
okay but she would definitely have one of these
just a silly little GLaDOS doodle because I just KNOW she’s got that white woman interior design taste in the part of her that’s still Caroline… like she was his assistant in the 50s and lived through farmhouse chic in the 90s of course she has white woman decorating taste
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astriddestelle · 7 months
Another old show rewatch rant. This is more generalized but we as older watchers need to be mindful of the fact that these are KIDS shows.
Like I’m not saying a kids show can’t have substance but some of yall be taking scenes that are literally made for rule of funny or rule of cringe way too seriously.
Like omg yes Danny’s parents are hilariously incompetent and lowkey neglectful but to apply real life abuse to a cartoon about halfghost please be for real. If they were attentive parents you wouldn’t have a show, like the only reason Danny is able to get away with idk being a ghost superhero is cause his parents are oblivious it’s made for plot.
Aang kissing Katara without consent isn’t some makings of a future pedophile. My dude is 12 and about to possibly die tomorrow like- and it’s not like a stranger, they’ve kissed before in the cave of two lovers, had multiple moments of flirting and what not. Was it dumb yeah the whole point is to show how jealous and stupid Aang was being and people take it way more than it is.
Same with Katara saying you didn’t love her the way I did to Sokka, like bruh it was written for shock and to showcase how much her moms death effected her vs Sokka. Just because you didn’t see her apologize doesn’t mean she didnt. You don’t seem them go to the bathroom do you?
Total Drama is fictional the characters do insane challenges why are yall so up in arms about characters getting hurt (not including Zeke cause wtf) like by the next season everyone is back to normal. People never heard of toon logic.
Adrien and Marinette being idiots and come on. If they were smart the show wouldn’t exist. Same logic can be applied to the rest of the class. Bro if her class was smart there'd be no drama with Lila.
When it's being used for fanfic sure go crazy but when its used as a the end all and being taken as canon facts I'm like did we watch the same show?
I know it’s frustrating but relax a little guys. It's all just for fun.
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bellysoupset · 6 months
OKAY HI IM HERE (finally)
going chronologically so that i don’t go insane
Vince being sooo protective of wendy even when she isn’t there?? best bf in the world frrr!! he’s so sweet :)
and jonah asking luke and vin for help picking out an engagement ring🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 he’s such a softie actually
and him being determined to buy the ring before he passes out 😭 that’s so on brand for him😭😭
why was luke casually buying the ring lowkey so hot and!! they’re brothers your honour 🤼‍♂️👈
loved how you showed it from jon’s pov btw. the confusion and disorientation really came through, because we as readers had no idea what was going on as well (but also it wasn’t worrying because he’s safe with luke and vin :) )
and!!! vince’s room having a pink wall🥺🥺😭 the wendy effect!!!! it’s sooo sweet
i’ll send the rest in another ask so that this one doesn’t get too long 🍄
shfaskdl 🍄 babe i'm gonna put your asks under the cut 👇
leo is such a dumbass😭😭 my sweet little idiot 😭 like i see why he was pissed but also he has No Patience at all when it comes to being jealous about jonah😭 jon sobbing broke my hearttt. he was already so exhausted from the day he’d had and then leo went and ruined his proposal😭😭 he made up for it in the end with all the always yes and proposing to jon btwww this proposal was so on brand for them!! they’re soo chaotic all the time so this just Makes Sense ykwim ooh and the leo being competent as hell at helping jonah was soo hot and exactly what i meant !! i’m so honoured that one of my requests was one of your fav fics btw!! it’s one of mine too because HELL YEAH THWYRE ENGAGED <333333 ps. luke and vin are so sweet but so stupid i love them soo much😭 and now i NEED to see everyone’s reaction to their engagement!! angies gonna be so excited?!?🍄
was re-reading it and the little kisses at the end😭😭😭😭 they have my whole heart🍄 oh and the jewellery is soo close to what i had pictured!! the ring especially!! it’s so pretty :)🍄
I KNOW (i think?) LEO IS YOUR FAVE OC so I was very intrigued what you'd think about the second half when he decides to be a total dumbass.
OKay in order:
Vince being protective of Wendy was overdue, lets be real here!! And you're the only one who brought up the pink wall!!! For a sec thought I was being too subtle there lol. I think Vince misses Wendy like hell and he also wants her to feel comfy when she comes over, not like this is a man cave. Hence the pink wall (I cover this in some upcoming story).
We're on the same page about Luke buying the ring lol, I too would swoon.
I felt really bad for Jon at the end, with Leo ruining his proposal. This boy has some making up to do!!
And finally just -
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me whenever I get your asks!!
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tera-starstorm · 2 years
who wants an utterly insane miipost. this is rhetorical you are getting one anyways. initiate miitopia themed madness
let me be clear that this is about my personal canon and only rly makes sense in that context but like Still erm. let me speak
so. some of you fine folk may remember streetpass mii plaza. you may recall the minigames. specifically, you may recall find mii and find mii II.
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this is the main antagonist. what is he called, you may ask? the dark lord/the dark emperor. so may i propose to you the idea i had the other day that will be applying to my utterly mental personal MT canon.
find mii and it's sequel are actually old folktales in the MT universe that have been paased down through time — details have been lost, and the story is much more simplistic than it once was, often told as a bedtime story to children. the message, however, remains; the power of friendship (cheesy as it sounds!) is what defeated the dark emperor and sealed him away; people coming together from across the land to defeat a great evil and rescue the captured royal beloved by their people. in this case the emperor was sealed away within a peculiar eye-shaped amulet.
this story is believed to be nothing more than a work of fiction. however...! one of the heroes who helped to defeat the emperor had the amulet remain in the family. it has been passed down for centuries, guarded by them lest it falls into the wrong hands. with so many generations having passed, they don't really know what the amulet contains — just that it is cursed and needs to be kept sealed away.
that is until the person who ultimately became the dark curse, in my case skyla, becomes overwhelmed with the negative feelings that lead her to become the curse. the emperor feeds off of that negativity, and she can hear the amulet speaking to her — offering her help, saying it can help control her unruly magical abilities and become "worthy". she caves. she's desperate to prove her worth to her closest friend, the great sage (which she never needed to do in the first place. that was never what their long standing friendship was based on to him at all), and to his new friends who she is secretly jealous of as well. obviously this was uh. Not well intentioned on the emperor's part. sky goes nuts and that leads to her casting away her face and becoming the curse!
anyways uh this is literally just the very basics. do not even get me started om the rest of the mii plaza and how the tomodachi collection island, tomodachi life island, and new lumos are the same island just developed further and further over time. i am so normal about miis and funny mii games
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anunnamedhero · 8 months
[what is known about the origins of skulk]
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Ender/abyssal mesmur is always this violet color of sorts, abyssal mesmur lines the entirety of the end realm (the alchemical material i use to define enderborns is the omen, or the symbol of death.)
For someone to travel from the overworld to the end, it isnt as simple as jumping the realm, as the three primary realms are THE AETHER, THE OVERWORLD, and THE NETHER. Between these three realms, theres the concept of ‘in between realms’ you travel through before getting spat out in the either aether or nether.
The END was not made out of the three primes when the eons first created existence, it was made after as the juxtaposition of all three of those realms:
aether, overworld,nether / end
to travel to any other realm, you pass through whats called THE TWILIGHT, which is a sort of limbo or the in between realm.
The twilight is depicted alot with these kind of, corrupted trees.
in the overworld, with the first round of people that were made, there was a group of people that believed greatly in the idea of ‘the end’ or ‘the place after death’
(Side note: the end while originally made for pandora, the goddess of death—isnt really ‘an afterlife’, so souls dont go there when they die but people worship it as the afterlife)
These groups of people were shunned out from kingdoms and villages for rejecting the eons or the other gods as their gods in favor of a ‘banished dragon’ that they dont even know actually exist.
These people were cursed by the jealous sun god who turned these peoples skins gray under the sunlight and made them kinda burn in the sun (lol). These people would be later reknowned as THE PILLAGERS.
The pillagers retreated to caves and the underground, creating a society beneath the crust and within the dark and worshipping it as the closest thing theyll get to ‘the end’. They were OBSESSED with trying to become endermen themselves or obtain ender mesmur of their own. All the gods had their own subjects they gifted attributes too— (like mooshrooms who inherit mooshroom-like physical attributes and abilities, or water ppl ect, im assuming u know abt the origins mod yeah that)
The pillagers wanted to be blessed by the ender dragon
Like a little too desperately it was kind of insane like they are literally a cult it was CUHHRAAAZYY.
theres alot i could go into depth abt with the pillagers but the biggest thing u gotta gather is they figured out alchemy because the alchemy god alchaeus is a bitch and wanted to piss the sun god off so he showed the pillagers how to kind of do things they thought was only possible with mesmur. Like turning stone to gold. Or water to lava. Or how to jump realms with alchemy.
They grew so obsessed w their discovery, they first figured out how to travel to the nether without a gods aid by making a portal with obsidian*.
THE OVERWORLD [salt] , THE AETHER [sulfur] , THE NETHER [mercury]
-the three alchemical primes are: salt, sulfur, and mercury.
-when the eons created beings, they created them from the according materials of each primes. So netherborns are made up from the alchemy of mercury, aetherborns with sulfur, and the overworld with salt.
It’s ineresting to note that in alchemy, it was highly believed and thought that mercury could be used to traverse from between life and death.
They wanted to be ‘enderborn’ really badly and they thought assimilating themselves with ender mesmur would help them achieve that, bc they found out with mesmur, you can actually
Rewrite someones biological alchemy
through alchaeus’ teachings, they found out how to literally turn like, a person from the overworld into a netherborn—which will be one of the first travesties to happen from pillager experiments.
when some of the pillagers travelled to the nether, passing through to another realm doesnt come without consequences.
For a being of another alchemical race, they arent MADE for the mesmur properties of other realms. For example, endermen are not made to thrive in the overworld, and they literally burn in water.
Or water literally cant exist in the nether, and in people they ARE like 70% water, but also salt stays absolutely separate from mercury
And i could go into depth explaining this more, but a bunch of the pillagers that came to the nether eventually brutally turned into netherborns by being turned into hoglins.
obviously this was an issue, but the pillagers/pillager cult was desperate to find a passage to the end somehow, and so they kinda got more insane and tried doing more freak ass human experiment stuff and errr alot of the hoglins they experimented on ended up turning into what are now known as the zombie piglins.
But they find a breakthrough and figure that maybe they can find their solution in the inbetween of the overworld and the nether —the twilight
and here comes: steve.
When steve was a teen and growing, he was known for being this like amazing hero type of guy that was great at adventuring and exploring and fighting ect— (steve is LITERALLY the player character, or in this universe ‘a prophecy’ who had everything stolen from him)
Steve, like every other wives tale preaches abt, had a goal to find the ended dragon. (Like vanilla minecraft haha)
While exploring the caves, until he ventures into the deep dark, he stumbles upon the pillagers. The pillagers offer him the world,
“We can help you kill the ender dragon”
‘But why would they want to KILL the enderdragon? Wasnt their whole purpose and being made from worshipping it?’
Theres a strange psychological fixation, where incredibly mentally unwell people will develop the idea that they need to kill the being or person they are most infatuated with to be closer to them.
[A real example of this is the guy who tried to kill bjork and then himself bc he though theyd genuinely be together that way, honestly the best analogy i could think of ]
The pillagers, through their adoration and obsession began to feel even more obsessive and just straight up mad.
Sometimes, not often—pillagers would be seen above ground to be ransacking and killing villages for materials and fresh bodies for experimenting ect, but whats obviously shown is that theyre incredibly bloodthirsty, non amicable and dangerous people
Steve, knows all this and has also killed so many of their people, but at this point hes so young, being only like 19-24 and blinded by a glory hes been told all his life was deserved.
This ‘blackout’ was the day the ‘ritual’ took place where the pillagers attempted to essentially shove steves body through the twilight to the other side of the three primes all the way to the end.
It somewhat works,
Steve reaches the end. He does his business and slaughters the enderdragon Kh’oer and in agony grew horns from atop his head,
Steve is the first ever mortal to kill a god. The fucking ENDERDRAGON no less. (This in theory should be impossible but i can explain this event another time.)
When steve smirks to himself and looks down at his hands to try and use ender mesmur, they shine violet and he knows hes succeeded. He goes through the portal again, but the issue is: the intense ritual it took on the other side to get him through,
There was no way to perform the ritual here to get him back. So it goes wrong,
when steve travels back through the twilight, the mesmur and battling alchemy in his body panics and mutates, the two primes already mixing was a hydrogen bomb waiting to happen—but the stress of also passing through two realms that are absurdly incompatible with enderborn alchemy
(The end and enderborns were made separate from the three primes with no intention of mixing over. The eons and pandora banished the enderdragons to the end because and so they can never cross over and cause chaos, so steve isnt doing too hot rn)
His body begina to ‘corrupt’ in a way,
the game itself never clarifies exactly what ‘skulk’ or the deep dark is. Its notable however, that the ‘skulk’ blocks seem to be tied somehow with souls being embedded in it, explained by how skulk drop exp when you mine it, and the catalysis enchantment turns the ground around you into skulk,
The way i describe it, is a type of mesmur that CORRUPTS the mesmur in life. This new corrupt mesmur, looks like a blue-ish teal. The nethers mesmur is red, while the ends is violet—this new mesmur is a strange halfway mix of the two.
this corrupt mesmur—later called ‘skulk’, FFUUUUUCCCKKKSSS up steves body, like his stomach bursts open because his body cant handle everything happening at the moment, and his face bursts too, his horns and arms and legs and everything else looks something akin to a rotten tree, or a mutated alien-like corpse being outgrown by rotting plants.
When steve—now AHRIMAN, comes back through the other side of the portal, all hell breaks loose.
He begins killing like wild and ‘stealing the souls’ of the pillagers (the inside of the wardens stomach is seen to be filled with souls)
And corrupting everything else around him, everything in that cave, in the DEEP DARK of the cave becomes a cesspool of people dying left and right.
This pillager kingdom, now abandoned and left in ruin is called ‘the ancient city’ in the centuries after, but until the time of heros descent into the overworld, this is the cataclysmic origin of the warden and the ‘blackout’ which is the birth of the deep dark.
But theres also another story to this—i forgot to mention, while ahriman is also a technical dragon, he wasnt the only ‘dragon’ to come from the deep dark.
The other dragon, while not as renarkable or anything as Ahriman, would be the ouroboros: the failed dragon experiment
before meeting steve, the pillagers found out they could shove through the twilight because of the ouroboros human experiment.
They wanted to know if they could in theory, fuse a person, from all three primes together to make them ‘mediate’ through whichever realm they wanted.
[A pig head, a birds head, and a cows head. ]
They created an aetherborn, a netherborn, and kidnapped a random bloomborn (overworld ppl born in forests and fields, like mooblooms or mooshrooms)
And kinda 💀 human centipeded them…… together………….. and pushed them back and forth through realms and the result was a horribly mutated abomination that all fused into one being with three conciousnesses in agony.
this being, filled with hate and agony and a product of three kinds of mesmur coursing through it was able to kill one of the dragons residing in the twilight
And the creature itself is now known as the ouroboros, a freak of nature and existence itself
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[ALSO!! Later on, ahriman or the warden is sought out by the court of swords bc theres been an epidemic of finding skulk on the surface and when eirene finds the warden she puts a bunch of enchantments on him to make him more ‘human’ esque looking and dumb down his powers a whole deal and make him more concious but not quite as to when he was ‘steve’]
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nysus-temple · 2 years
Hey, I am asking about Pan's and Dionysus' relationship lol. Doing this based on your recent incorrect quotes post! What is their relationship with each other like?
The tags, i bet xD in any case, i do have some few details about them i was saving in case i had to explain the quotes. It's not much, but that's due to Pan becoming, kind of forgotten, mixed with other gods, or just turned into a common satyr.
Pan was a rustic god, his worship wasn't done much outside of caves, because, yes, his santuaries were inside caves. And he just ended up becoming a normal satyr who was with the rest of satyrs that vibe around Dionysus. With the exception of him being the father of an specific race of satyrs, according to Nonnus of Panopolis. I don't have their names, they didn't do anything that any other satyr couldn't do, nothing new.
According to the Homeric Hymn XVII to Pan, he was liked by many of the gods when Hermes took him to Olympus because he was funny. And it is specified that Dionysus was the one who liked him the most. But... This is pretty much it. Guess he just saw him and thought "oh he looks like a satyr, but at least he's funny, i'll keep him." and moved on. The Orphic Hymn XI to Pan doesn't mention Dionysus actually, the god it mentions is Zeus, when comparing Pan to another god, calling him "the authentic horned Zeus".
Now, the funny part in which i decided to base the incorrect quotes... Nonnus of Panopolis, again.
In his work, Pan is compared to Dionysus a lot, like a lot, literally most of the times that he's mentioned is just to say "lmao why can't you be like Dionysus", even in the one in which it's actually Pan himself the one who keeps complaining about not being able to be like Dionysus. In one part, Pan complaing about not being able to make people go insane, or the ability to use wine to do that thing as well, drive people mad. I guess knowing how Pan's characteristics are like, it makes sense that he was jealous of Dionysus' scarier side, since he did want to be able to drive people mad.
Or that one other part of Nonnus' same work in which Pan laughs at Dionysus being rejected by a nymph, saying "hey, we are actually very alike! We are both miserable right now!" and Dionysus just stares at him, while picking up wine, with a "please shut the hell up" look. It's a very funny part for me, since Pan is just letting out a monologue of "oh we're both so mistreated by everyone!" and Dionysus just keeps and keeps doing whatever he can to stop people from comparing them.
The last thing i can share from Nonnus' work regarding this two, is Dionysus mocking Pan regarding the last thing i explained: Dionysus tells him "you shouldn't complain, you have it better than me, at least Echo (the nymph who Pan loved) returns your voice" which is mockery, since the reason Echo repeats what the other says is because Hera cursed her, not because she loved Pan. So. Yeah. Mockery.
In general, i think the conclusion we can achieve is that... They're in decent terms, but Pan is growing closer and closer to make Dionysus actually want to kill him. Pan is like the boomer who keeps telling the young dude "back in my days this wasn't like this" and annoying him wth the shenanigans.
That's to be taken with a grain of salt, though. Since we're talking about Nonnus of all sources. It's simply not good to use him as a source without further evidence for the stuff he writes about. So. Let's say they're good buddies according to the Homeric Hymn-
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