#Yoonji x reader
whatifyoulivelikethat · 4 months
ep 1. but i’ll miss you | myj, jjk
sugar, spice, and everything nice ep 1. but i'll miss you.
pairing(s): yoonji (fem!myg) x reader x jungkook
summary: Sugar? Min Yoonji. Spice? The woman at the park. Everything nice? Jeon Jungkook (he is freaking annoying, though). The accidental chemical X? Well, the woman in the park that Min Yoonji finds incredibly attractive is kinda-dating-definitely-fucking Jeon Jungkook. And he's very obviously in love with her.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; Yoonji is pansexual and still in the closet; internalized homophobia + moments of gay panic; ft. best friend group, OT6 (specifically Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung during the bowling hangout), best friend!Jung Hoseok is at military service (sad); f/f/m love triangle? slow burn; there will be smut in the future; non-idol!AU - Yoonji's POV
set in South Korea, Karrot is resale app for clothing, furniture, etc
“What does it taste like?”
That mere smile sent chills down her spine.
There was nothing to say to that. She looked away, not wanting to look into those eyes anymore. Didn’t ask for a bite. It wasn’t hers. It seemed to be a homemade dessert of soft silken tofu and heavy ginger syrup. The kind of sugar syrup that was heavier than the tofu. The dark viscous liquid dripped between the cracks of puffy white, seeping into the decadence, similar to the way those scorched eyes seemed to see past any defense Min Yoonji had.
She didn’t know how she got into this position, yet here she was.
Inwardly, she wished her best friend Jung Hoseok was here. He wasn’t because he was busy fulfilling his service of being a Korean man. Hmph. Well, Yoonji could have come alone. She had done it before. She was tough enough. But something about this this had given her a bad feeling, so she had asked if a friend could accompany her to help pick up the light fixture that she had found on Karrot.
That friend being Jeon Jungkook.
Shit, Yoonji really fucked up asking Jeon Jungkook.
“I’m sorry, noona, but something came up! I messed up my knee. I’ll send my friend instead. Don’t worry. You’ll be safe!”
Now she was sitting here on this park bench with the…
Really, Yoonji didn’t even know her name. She knew her face, of course. Seen it enough times. Had never once thought to ask her name, mostly since Yoonji only saw her from a distance, said woman now often leaving Jungkook’s side whenever their friend group made time to meet up. Everyone teased him, your girlfriend? And this young, tall, tattooed punk would grin and not say anything. Jungkook was incapable of lying.
Just “keke,” and that was that.
Yoonji didn’t like it.
She was the only girl in her friend group. Probably equated to some internalized discourse if she bothered to go to therapy about it. But, during the time that she had been able to talk to a professional, she had kept the conversation about other people gender-neutral and without names. At the time, her relationships with others were all affected by her disconnected and toxic relationship with herself. She had to fix that first before moving forward. Back then, she had been suffering from the common syndrome of being depressed, stressed, and well-dressed.
Those rough years were not that funny, but at least Yoonji could joke about it now.
Anyway, about this woman.
This woman had actually showed up before her, sitting gracefully at the agreed-upon public park bench that Yoonji would soon encounter some stranger for an industrial-looking black chandelier that may or may not be real. The replies had been in broken Korean. Probably a foreigner using a translator. There was probably nothing to worry about, but the messages had been… weird. Asking about what Yoonji was doing after and such. No, she didn’t like it, and so she had asked Jungkook to accompany her. Dude looked like a tiger, his stripes being his multiple tattoos and facial piercings, but he had the soul of an adorable and vigorous bunny. Wouldn’t hurt anyone. Looked the part just in case anyone got the wrong idea. Boxed as well, for fun. But, instead of Jungkook, Yoonji was sent this woman who came with her snack of sweet tofu, silently and unashamedly eating it with a foldable spoon at the opposite end of the park bench.
Jungkook’s woman?
Who cares.
Was this worse or better than that punk? They dressed similarly, to be honest. The spoken-of woman was wearing all black. A baseball cap with an upside-down smiley face, leather jacket with matte-black metal spikes, charcoal baggy jeans, and a tight crop top with some kind of insane, probably satanic pattern on it. Yoonji snuck a peek. Circles and runes and horned devil heads, glossy print on fabric. Yup, downright hellish.
She abruptly realized she was staring at another woman’s tits and looked away immediately.
Clothed, but still.
This woman also sat like an insane person. Legs wide open compared to Yoonji’s crossed ones. Relaxed stance with a completely straight back. Refined and uncouth at the same time. It made no sense. Her hair curled around her shoulders and chin, loose and messy and intensely sexy.
She adjusted her cap and Yoonji darted her eyes around the park.
Looking for the seller.
Yoonji came dressed as she normally did. Comfortably, in a loose beige hoodie and similarly baggy slate blue jeans with rips in the knees. She wasn’t going to dress up for some musty dude and his lighting fixture, and definitely not for Jeon Jungkook. And not for Jungkook’s, uh…
There was a strange shiver fluttering in her ribcage. Unease of being underdressed somehow, even though they were simply meeting up for this very specific task. They had not agreed to go anywhere after. Perhaps she would help carry the chandelier. Presumably it was broken down and in its box. Allegedly. Still, the box could be heavy. Yoonji checked her phone. Not time yet. Five more minutes. She had the brief thought that it could be possible for the seller to be late due to transporting a larger package. Awesome. Couldn’t wait for this continued awkward silence with her soft tofu devourer.
She sensed movement by her side.
The woman capped the now empty glass cup with a black plastic lid, foldable spoon inside it, and slipped the whole thing into her small backpack. She shoved it back to her side. Yoonji noticed there was photocard holder attached to it. She couldn’t see the artist since it had flipped around. The other side was black with some grey text on it. There was also a black strap with a grey flame hanging off the photocard holder. Huh. Seemed like she liked idols. At the very least music in general. Yoonji wanted to ask, but that seemed weird to bring up now.
“Jungkook tell you how he busted his knee?”
She almost jumped at the throaty, silken voice. Stopped herself. The other woman cleared her throat, her brows furrowing. It must have been due to the ginger syrup. Even with the slight distance, Yoonji had been able to smell the intense strength of the spice.
“Uh… no, he didn’t.”
The cap bobbed. “Hm. Good.”
Yoonji frowned. “What do you mean, good?”
Light shrug. “I can help you carry the box back to your place. I gotta head that way to go to the fitness store.”
The fucking one-eighty in topic didn’t throw Yoonji off in the slightest. She said enough by saying nothing. Yoonji watched the way those shaded eyes remained forward, not lifting her shoulders from the bench. Then those dark orbs shifted and suddenly Yoonji was stuck in a penetrating gaze with faint smile, feeling as if she knew something but didn’t really know it.
Those full lips were beautifully shaped.
Anyone would think that.
She bit her lip. Say something. “Why do you need to go to the fitness store?” Yoonji asked, chewing the dead skin off. It was a bad habit. Didn’t usually happen unless she was stressed.
The woman raised her hand. Graceful fingers. Neatly manicured nails. Dark purple with a cobalt blue shimmer. Could be a pianist’s hands, if it wasn’t for the almond-shape of those nails. Yoonji felt her own fingers tuck into the sleeves of her hoodie. She didn’t usually paint them. Kept her nails short due to her job, repairing and selling guitars. Of course, she was no poser and played them too. Sometimes, though, she thought about trying those fancy manicures girls had.
Then she remembered that wasn’t like her at all.
“I have carpal tunnel, so I have wrist compression braces. They’re getting kinda ratty. I wanted to buy some new ones.” She laughed, in a naughtily cheerful, almost bratty way. It was stupid attractive. “The people in the shop probably think I’m lifting weights but, nope. Just feeding my gaming addiction.”
Her eyes flickered up and down, checking out the other woman’s frame. Yoonji couldn’t tell the size of her arms but a vague assessment could be made from those thin pretty wrists and previous knowledge when viewing from afar. “You don’t look like you lift weights.”
“Hey, I’ve got some muscle.”
And much to Yoonji’s surprise, the woman brushed off the right shoulder of her leather jacket and flexed her arm, showing off the small hard lump of a bicep with a laugh. Not much there at all yet undoubtedly defined. She even smacked it with her left hand for sarcastic emphasis, and then pulled her jacket back on smoothly with a smirk.
“Only got that from jackin’ dick though.”
It was pretty funny, but Yoonji wasn’t laughing.
She was slack-jawed at the ease of vulgarity and the shameless confidence oozing out of every pore, suddenly realizing the reason why Jungkook was with this woman. Her rapid heartbeat choked her throat as her brain mentally replayed the swift, seamless movement of black leather falling off that slim shoulder. That accompanying playful smirk. The devious mirth in those scorched eyes.
That aggressive smack that did… something.
At that second, there was a cheery jingle that sounded from the woman’s jeans.
“That’s the time you said the seller is supposed to be here,” she said, fishing out her phone and turning off the alarm. “Where is he?”
Grateful for having an excuse to look away, Yoonji aimlessly swiped at her phone screen to keep her hands busy. “Let me check my messages.” Not getting flustered about it. Definitely not.
She had to face reality.
She’s straight.
At any rate, this woman and Jungkook were undeniably fucking. There was no question about that. Too many times it felt like Jungkook was arriving at the gatherings with a big grin and better mood after being seen with her. That was the face of a man getting laid, for sure. Whatever. Yoonji didn’t care about her friends’ dating or sex lives. It wasn’t her business. Most of the time the girls weren’t even her type.
Most of the time.
Not that she had a type. Or anything.
In this current season of life, she had already come to terms with her sexual orientation. Yoonji had known all her life that she was who she was. There had been no internal struggles about if it was true or not. It was. Still, there was no reason to directly say anything to anyone about it. After all, so far she had only dated and had sex with men. Most of her friends were men too. Status quo could remain since there was no good reason to challenge it. She also wasn’t the type to act on impulse. Not with the delicate line that was this. Yoonji had mentioned it to Hoseok at some point. Being the smart man he was, Hoseok had advised that her sexuality was something she didn’t have to broadcast if she didn’t want to. But, if she needed to do that to feel like herself, then he assured her that their friend group would be accepting of whatever choice she made.
And if not, he would kick them out.
She had felt very appreciative about that. However, the topic of her sexuality never came up in conversation with her friends, so Yoonji had never voiced or alluded to anything about it to the other guys. It wasn’t necessary, so she remained in her comfortable little bubble. She had not yet felt compelled to search for a community or meet specific people. It seemed troublesome. She was content with her current friends and her daily life kept her busy. Besides, there was no one to risk it for.
Certainly not for Jungkook’s…
“What did he say?’
Yoonji jumped as the woman scooted closer, indicating her screen with the open Karrot app. She looked down, the realization setting in.
“The… The profile is deleted?”
The sudden annoyance and rage overpowered any uncomfortable feelings. Listing disappeared. Profile deleted. Even the in-app messages erased because the seller didn’t exist. The fuck? Ugh, that deal was too good to be true. It didn’t even exist. Must have been a cowardly creep that was watching them right now and lost his nerve since Jungkook’s friend was here perched like a bird of prey. Yoonji felt a growl boil in her chest. All this for nothing.
“Aw, man, it was fake? That sucks.”
Holy fuck, she smells good.
Like warm coffee with a sensual depth.
Wait, what?
“Hm, well, I won’t bother you any more then. I’ll go some other time to the fitness store. These things happen,” the woman sighed in disappointment, standing up and stretching, her small backpack and photocard holder swaying. Some guy in a leather jacket. At the moment, Yoonji was too furious to note who the idol was. “Get yourself something nice to eat, Min Yoonji. You’re already out.”
She frowned.
“Hey, I never caught your name.”
Those predator eyes flickered back. “Oh? I figured Jungook would tell you.”
Why is she playing games? “It never came up,” she snapped back.
That fucking smile.
Yoonji hadn’t known it then, but she had already fallen down the rabbit hole at this point.
“Ah, don’t get mad at me. I just thought it was kinda funny Jungkook would keep it from you. Wonder why.” Light shrug with her thumbs slipping into her pockets. “I should teach him to have better manners. My name is…”
“Come hang out with us, noona. It’s okay.”
“No, no, I don’t want to intrude. I would only be in the way.”
“But I’ll miss you.”
A small, coy smile. An elegant hand reached up and tucked a bit of black hair back under the beanie. The smile grew wider as those manicured fingers lingered by an ear adorned with five lobe earrings. A chain connected the first and last in the line. Flashy for someone who didn’t have a flashy personality – at least, not to strangers.
Min Yoonji watched Jeon Jungkook wiggle childishly, tugging on the sleeve of a black denim jacket covered with gothic patches. Skulls and cats and devils. Shit like that. When the woman stood next to Jungkook, they visually suited each other well. The younger man wore a grey beanie, a loose black silk shirt patterned with flourishing white text tucked into baggy, ripped jeans, and a simple black belt. Chunky black boots that matched the chain-covered heeled ones his companion was wearing. Underneath the patch-covered denim jacket, she wore a tight-fitted, dark grey jersey minidress that showed off her attractive and clearly feminine figure.
She knew she shouldn’t, and yet Yoonji still lingered by the other side of the bus stop LED advertisement, eavesdropping on the conversation between Jungkook and his mystery-title friend.
The stop was located right outside the brightly-lit bowling alley that she was supposed to be meeting her friend group at. Uncharacteristically, Yoonji had ended up late due to a train delay. She had skipped the bus ride and had run to her destination. There had also been reports of a minor road accident and Yoonji wasn’t going to wait any more. Besides, she had worn sneakers, jeans, and a white hoodie, along with a black ball cap with some distressed detailing. Nothing fancy.
Or ladylike.
She was meeting a bunch of dudebros anyway.
“You know, most guys would be happy to ditch an annoying girl to hang out with their friends,” the woman was saying, chuckling as Jungkook swung her arm in an arc.
“But you’re not annoying,” he was saying, spinning her around as if they were dancing. “Ah, I don’t even wanna go bowling anymore…”
The woman poked Jungkook on the side of the head, still letting him tug her around. How bothersome was that? But she acted as if he was being totally normal and not causing a bunch of passerby stares. “Don’t be like that. Besides, you have an addiction.”
And then, much to Yoonji’s surprise, Jungkook dropped the woman’s hand and reached out to hug her.
Except his hands were on the woman’s ass.
Yoonji frowned.
“Mhm, I do…”
“Get off me,” the woman laughed, her hands cradling his head. Yoonji got the impression that she didn’t mean it in a cruel way, especially since she was feathering kisses over Jungkook’s cheeks. Or it sounded like that. Her current angle wasn’t great. “If your friends see, they’re gonna tease you.”
“Who cares? They’re just jealous.”
No, I’m not.
She hadn’t said it out loud and yet Yoonji tensed, feeling heat rush over her cheeks.
Never mind.
“Aww, okay, okay, I’ll go now. I can come over tomorrow night, right?”
A wonderful, exasperated laugh. “Don’t you have work? You need to sleep.”
“Sleep is for the weak,” Jungkook huffed, detaching himself and backing up. “I’m gonna come over.”
“And I’m not gonna stop you. See you, silly boy.”
She yanked her body back behind the advertisement as Jungkook grinned and ran off into the bowling alley. He wasn’t the type to walk like a normal human being. But who cared about that? What did Yoonji just witness? Of course, she had seen her friends in relationships before. The handsome and elusive Kim Taehyung had maybe one or two serious relationships. The ever-so-flirty Park Jimin was notorious for dating around. Educated literary fiend Kim Namjoon had a girlfriend for a long while. It had ended badly. Her best friend Jung Hoseok had friends of all genders and various stages of depth in those relationships. Hoseok himself was protective of his heart but not opposed to giving love. As far was Yoonji knew, goofy and well-off Kim Seokjin hadn’t dated yet, however, she wouldn’t be surprised. That worldwide handsome face constantly attracted people.
And Jeon Jungkook?
He had the bad boy look, but never got close to anyone. He flirted, relentlessly, but always backed out when it got serious. All that looked pretty damn serious to Yoonji, though. That was good. Right?
It was early evening, but Yoonji felt strangely cold.
Shouldn’t I be happy for him? What’s wrong with me?
The gasp cut through her thoughts and she jumped back, startled, snapping her head up to…
“Min Yoonji?”
Oh, shit.
Her lips were moving. Nothing was coming out. That was very unlike herself, what is wrong with me, her cheeks blaringly warm, and Yoonji finally got her name out, bluntly, instinctively tipping her head in respectful greeting while also feeling the dire need to hide her face.
“Oh, shit, my bad. I freaked you out, huh? Sorry. I didn’t expect to see you on the other side of the bus stop. Did you only just get here? Jungkook already went inside,” the woman was saying, and Yoonji found she couldn’t look her in the face for some reason.
I know. I mean, what?
“Sorry, again. Uh. You’re standing in front of the schedule. Huh. Looks like there’s a delay.”
What the fuck is wrong with me?
“My bad,” Yoonji quickly mumbled, sliding to the side. “You came here with Jungkook again, huh?”
A pause.
Why did I say it like that? Yoonji winced, resisting the urge to slap some common sense into herself. She lifted her head, realizing the way her tone must have sounded, searching for the woman’s expression under the brim of the cap. Something flitted over those features. As soon as it was faintly visible, the unknown emotion was gone, replaced by a faint smile. Wisps of wild hair casted shadows over those cheekbones due to the oncoming sunset. People were rushing past. Conversations, purposes, desires, but suddenly all Yoonji could see was the endless darkness of those scorched eyes framed by smoked lashes.
“Do you like Jungkook romantically, by chance?”
The word shot out of her mouth with such force that Yoonji backed up, shocked at her own reaction. The other woman looked taken aback, tilting her head, and there was no way to save this situation, stuck, frozen in this mortifying moment, completely forgetting her previous engagement.
Those plush pink lips looked like they had been kissed all night.
By Jungkook?
A sting dug deep into Yoonji’s heart.
“Oh, I thought…” An awkward laugh, and the woman readjusted the black strap of her bag over her chest. “I got the impression you didn’t like me because I’ve been stopping by with Jungkook lately. My bad. Didn’t mean to ask so bluntly like that. It was on my mind, though. I should get going. Have a good evening, then.”
A gentle wave.
A turn.
And before she knew what she was doing, Yoonji reached out and grabbed that denim sleeve.
Those scorched eyes full of shadows returned and she found herself breathless at the sight of them.
She had to force herself to speak.
“You should come bowling with us. I’m always the only girl. It would be nice if…”
The goosebumps danced all over her skin. It was like asking someone out of a first date, except this person actually made her nervous and there was going to be a bunch of other people there, including the one was she probably actually dating.
“Would be nice if you hung out with us too, sometimes.”
Yoonji knew she should have added, Jungkook would be happy to see you. She didn’t for some reason. No, she knew the reason, but she bit back those thoughts and let go of that sleeve, not wanting to be too pushy about it. Chewed on her lip, peeling away at dry skin. The other woman seemed to contemplate for a second and shrugged, chuckling.
“Yeah. Okay. I’ll go with you.”
It was at this moment that Yoonji knew.
She fucked up.
Too late now.
It wasn’t that bad.
There was some confusion, yes. Introductions, casual banter. Yoonji noticed that Jungkook seemed both surprised and a little hurt. What for? But then the woman went to stand next to him and whispered in his ear. He seemed much more satisfied after that. Yoonji busied herself with paying and picking out the right size for her bowling shoes. It was dark in here. Minors were no longer allowed since the bar was opening. The alleys were lit up with scattered color. Mood lighting. Jungkook loved that shit.
Yoonji noticed that they didn’t hold hands.
The women paid and was handed the beige and black bowling shoes. Their group was smaller today, just Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seokjin. Honestly, Yoonji would have dropped out if Seokjin wasn’t coming with. The other three were younger and they were noisy. Kim Seokjin was loud as fuck too, but he was reasonable and matched Yoonji’s energy when she was feeling drained of the other three. The woman was chatting with Seokjin. They seemed to know each other to some extent. Why does everyone seem to know you but me? That wasn’t a fair assessment. Taehyung and Jimin were jostling Jungkook around, teasing him probably. They didn’t seem as familiar with her.
The next notable moment was when they were sitting down and changing shoes. Yoonji glanced over, seeing her unzip her boots. Normal. Shifting line of vision. The hem of that tight dress was hiking up those soft thighs. Well, she hadn’t dressed to go bowling, after all.
Yoonji paused, wondering if she should say something.
Then, all of a sudden, Jungkook’s jean-covered butt was blocking her vision.
Clicked her tongue, busying herself with the shoes. He didn’t have to do that. Nothing was happening here. The music was so loud that Yoonji found she couldn’t hear their conversation. Annoying. Until…
“Oh! You have Gengar socks!”
“They’re cute! Is Gengar wearing a pumpkin? Haha, it’s not Halloween though!” Taehyung was laughing.
“Aw, who cares.? You can’t see them anyway,” Jungkook’s lady was chuckling, yanking on the bowling shoes. “It’s Halloween every day in my heart.”
“I didn’t know you liked cute stuff, noona,” Jimin teased. “You seem so tough, but you’re a big softie, huh? Of course, you must be if you like our Jungkookie!”
“Bleh, shush,” came the exasperated sigh and hand wave. “The real tough one is Seokjinnie over here for putting up with you guys.”
Yoonji frowned. The two of them must be somewhat familiar for her to address Seokjin with such familiarity. It came up in conversation later, after a few strikes and pleas with a higher power to give Jimin better aim (no higher power answered but Taehyung did accidentally bowl for Jimin, uh huh). Apparently, Seokjin and Jungkook’s friend had met online through an online team-based game. Yoonji didn’t play video games because she wasn’t good at them. At least, compared to her friends. She was fine with watching though.
“You’re doing great today. You must have eaten something good.”
Yoonji gave Seokjin the side-eye. “Or maybe you’ve gotten worse. Online video games aren’t the same as a physical sport.”
“Hey! It’s all hand-eye coordination. Same, same!”
“At this rate, even Jimin will overtake you.”
Seokjin’s handsome face twisted in indignation. He had the kind of facial features that were model-envy if he wasn’t contorting them to some ridiculous expression. Like right now. “He cheated and made Taehyung bowl for him!”
“I did not!”
“Oh, really?”
She ignored their squabbling, only to freeze up once she realized who was sitting next to her.
“I’m pretty sure I’m doing the worst right now,” came the wry chuckle. “Thankfully, Jungkook shielded my pride and typed in Gengar instead of my name.”
“You’re doing okay,” Yoonji said quietly, glimpsing to her left. She caught the scent of something warm and tangy. Perfume.
O… Oh.
“That’s very nice of you to say, but I’m fifty points behind Jimin.” A sigh. “I think it’s my manicure. I should cut my nails a bit. They’ll grow back.”
Then, much to Yoonji’s surprise, the woman leaned over and unzipped her bag, moving things around.
“W-Wait, really?” Turned and she really was pulling out a small silver nail clipper and a cerulean blue glass nail file. “It’s just a bowling game. It’s not that serious.”
The other woman craned her head and lined up her the nail of her middle finger with the clipper. “Yeah, but I’m not really trying,” she was saying. Snip! “I don’t really like that. if I’m gonna lose, I should at least lose trying my best.”
Yoonji watched in stunned fascination as the woman trimmed down her black cherry manicure on three nails on what seemed to be her dominant hand. Middle finger, ring finger, and thumb. Only those. She left the index and pinky in their pointed almond shape. She held up her hand after, graceful fingers spread out.
“I… I’m going to the bathroom for a sec.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll–”
But Yoonji didn’t stop to listen, walking away quickly, quickly, into the women’s bathroom and closing the stall door, doing nothing but immediately pinning her back to the door and exhaling hard. Ragged. Rough. What is wrong with me? She knew what was wrong. Yoonji placed her palms over her mouth and forced out another breath. There was flushing and water splashing and currently popular pop music drowning out the more unpleasant noises, but Yoonji was too busy trying to calm down the screaming in her head. This was bad. This was really bad. She had watched enough girl-on-girl porn to know… No. Obviously, Jungkook’s friend was going to clip the nails of her middle and ring finger. Those were the ones to hold the bowling ball. There was nothing more to it.
Just a coincidence.
Don’t be delusional.
This would be much easier if it was a man. Yoonji knew how to be cool and calm when it came to guys. Besides, the male mindset was too airheaded to pick up on subtlety anyway. But, what if a woman could…? She had already caught on to Yoonji acting weird earlier. Even thought she had romantic feelings with Jungkook. Pfft. Absurd. That kid was grown up now, but he was still only a bright-eyed eager bunny. No amount of tattoos or piercings would ever turn Jeon Jungkook from prey to predator, although he could look the part with enough working out. Jungkook was certainly her type when it came to looks but as far as personality, Yoonji was sure she would be worn out by Jungkook.
Yoonji froze.
She pushed her hair back. Another tick that happened due to her nervousness. Ha. Haha. I did not just think that about Jeon Jungkook. No. No, no, she was simply confused. That was all. Confused and working though who-the-fuck-knows-what. No. This had to stop. You have to compartmentalize this shit. This couldn’t keep happening. Stop acting weird. Pull yourself together. When it came down to it, Yoonji had to step out of this stall and chill the fuck out.
She couldn’t let it show.
Nobody is stopping you from getting off to her later.
Yoonji told her brain to shut up and left the stall.
Once their bowling game was over, the adults moved on to bigger and better things.
“You want the Gengar, right?”
“I don’t want anything. I don’t trust these things. Don’t waste your money.”
“Don’t be like that, noona. She totally wants the Gengar,” Taehyung talked over her, shoving in tokens so Jungkook could attempt the claw machine. Jimin stood at the far corner of the machine and pointed animatedly, calling to move a little more left, no, right, no, back more. Seokjin snorted at him to shut up. Yoonji watched as Jungkook failed, his broad shoulders dropping heavily as the round bright purple plush slid out of the metal claw and plopped back into the mound of colorful plushies, face-first onto its teasing red eyes and big grin.
“One more time,” Jungkook insisted.
“You don’t–”
She watched the younger man turn to the woman and pull a big pout. There was an exchanged glance between them. A muscle in Yoonji’s face twitched. This had been Jungkook’s third time trying to get something from the claw machine. Their group was crammed in a corner of the arcade in the bowling alley, a couple drinks in, squabbling for a damn Gengar plush for their newcomer. It wasn’t the situation that was bothering Yoonji, but rather how adamant Jungkook was that it had to be him winning it.
This guy is so freaking annoying.
Yoonji reached between their bodies and jammed her own tokens in.
“Go ahead, then.”
She shoved Jungkook’s shoulder and broke the shared gaze between him and his lady friend. Jungkook snapped his head to the machine, startled as the lights flashed and the red timer came on, letting out a surprised yelp as he fought to move the clunky claw back to the faceplanted Gengar.
He had never tried so hard before for his other friends.
“Oh, shit! YAH!”
“Taehyung, stop yelling!”
“Well, shit. You did it.”
“I told you I would,” Jungkook roared triumphantly, yanking out the purple Pokémon plush and holding it up like a prestigious award. “Da-dang!”
“Fourth time’s a charm?” she laughed as Jungkook grabbed her hands and spun them palm up to delicately rest the incredibly round Gengar plush on them. Yoonji noticed he didn’t linger and pulled away quickly. “Thank you, then, haha.”
Seokjin, Jimin, and Taehyung were acting like Jungkook had just won a damn rice cooker on a prestigious game show, crowding around him and giving him high fives. Yoonji shook her head, glad it was over, and felt a hand on her shoulder. Froze as she looked up to scorched eyes twinkling brightly in neon lights of the arcade machines.
“Here. Sorry you had to use your tokens for me.”
Yoonji tried to push back to the coins suddenly placed in her palm. “No, it’s fine, I don’t–”
“I wouldn’t want to owe you.”
Then she froze, realizing her hands were clasped around the other woman’s right. Holding the Gengar plush in her left, tucked underneath her breasts. The naughtily cheerful grin was aimed straight at Yoonji, silently laughing as if it had seen and knew everything. Before she could react, a handful of coins was dumped in her palm and her fingers were closed around it, pinned by a dark cherry manicure. Middle, ring, and thumb trimmed short.
Her heartbeat shot up to her throat.
“Yoonji-noona, come play this one with me!”
Her head snapped up. The other woman smiled at her calmly. Park Jimin grabbed Yoonji’s sleeve and dragged her to a racing game. That didn’t mean anything. It didn’t. I wouldn’t want to owe you. Why not? What was wrong with her? What was so much better about dork-ass Jeon Jungkook who was sucked into playing Tekken versus Kim Taehyung without a second thought? The other woman turned away and went to stand behind Jungkook, next to their consistent heckler Kim Seokjin, still holding onto the Gengar plush. Yoonji turned to sit down next to Jimin, suddenly mad she didn’t think of the claw machine first, why, she could have done it in less tries, she was sure of it.
“You alright?”
“What?” she snapped.
Jimin raised his eyebrows at her. Yoonji stilled. Somehow, Jimin always knew something was up. Oh, he did care if his friends were having a hard time. He also low-key lived for drama. High-key, even. He was a sneaky bitch behind an innocent face. Instead of answering, Yoonji jammed tokens into the machine, both for Jimin and herself, and cocked her eyebrow back at his suspicious, searching expression, placing her hands on the steering wheel.
“I’m gonna smoke ya,” she declared.
“I haven’t yet – HEY!”
Yoonji absolutely demolished him in the virtual race. Twice. Get rekt, Jimin-ah.
Well, no. Not really.
A little bit.
Ugh, fine.
Min Yoonji silently admitted she was sulky.
Just trying to figure out what was so great about Jeon Jungkook. She flicked through his Instagram, not impressed. It was a pretty dead account, as Jungkook had been very into keeping an aesthetic layout for a few months and then promptly abandoned the account when he got tired of it. He had commitment issues. The aesthetic he had chosen was the digital photo, found film vibe that had been popular when the kid was literally in elementary school and probably had no idea what social media even was. His TikTok was somewhat similar, with lots of effects and editing in the short videos. Also mostly abandoned, although Yoonji suspected his accounts were more for lurking and liking stuff than displaying himself.
Jungkook had a few candid, artsy photos of him shirtless that Yoonji wished she hadn’t seen.
Hah, why post that if you can’t even provide a decent picture?
She found that she was lingering on a side profile photo of him for a few seconds. Black and white. Ghost of a smile on his lips and his short black hair messily over his crinkled eyes. From this angle, one could see the definition of his jaw and the mole on his neck, plus the three piercings on his left ear. His shoulder was bare, a medium-weight linked chain loosely hanging on his neck.
Abruptly, Yoonji swiped away.
He doesn’t have a single photo of her on here.
There were occasional photos that included Jimin and Taehyung, (including one of Jimin’s hand photobombing a seriously poised Taehyung, Yoonji could recognize that tiny pinky anywhere), but not really anyone else. This didn’t surprise Yoonji too much, as over half of the photos were scenery shots, but surely a photo of a pretty woman would get likes? She frowned, then froze. There was a reel posted way down there, towards the beginning of the account’s creation. At first, it hadn’t caught her attention since the photo was a black screen, but then she clicked on it and listened to the audio. It was someone playing guitar.
But not just anyone.
After about ten seconds of black screen, the camera lifted from its spot and it showed Min Yoonji several years ago, leaning over a black acoustic guitar, playing a melody she had made up on the spot. She remembered that night. She had been at Kim Namjoon’s house, they had gotten drunk, and Jeon Jungkook had shown up at three in the morning for who-the-hell-knows-what reason. She had brought her guitar that night on a low-key depressed whim. Namjoon dabbled in music too, sometimes, not just produced it, so Yoonji occasionally brought her guitar to play for fun. They were longtime friends.
She hadn’t noticed that Jungkook had filmed her.
The caption read, music that makes you fall in love.
“… What?”
It had startled her so much that she hadn’t even realized she spoke out loud.
Ah, what was she thinking? This was years ago. Past was in the past. There wasn’t anything else interesting on here. Funnily enough, the specific melody Jungkook had complimented, Yoonji had turned into a breakup song. Sure, she had never really published her music past her SoundCloud, but she still made songs for fun even though she wasn’t trying to become an idol or anything of the sort. Would be cool to be a producer though.
It was only a damn reel.
There was no serendipitous shit going on here.
Yoonji rubbed her eyes. They were close, yes. Jungkook often came to her for practical life advice when Namjoon was a bit too philosophical. His words, although Yoonji could agree. She was known as the pragmatic one in the group. Something she learned in therapy, actually. Focusing on what could be done right now instead of fixating on the what-ifs of the future. The youngest did exasperate her sometimes, however it was an endearing kind of exasperation that she welcomed. He, unlike some other young people, expressed his gratitude often.
He called her cute often, too.
Not that… Not that other people didn’t. Hoseok did all the time. Well, Yoonji did go to Hoseok a lot for outfit opinions when she had an occasion. Jungkook also expressed skinship, usually resting his head on Yoonji’s shoulder or putting a hand on her back, even though he didn’t usually imitate with other people. Physical touch was not something Yoonji liked. She tolerated it if it was Jungkook, but he really hadn’t been touchy since…
Why the fuck was she thinking about Jungkook?
This ain’t about you!
Right. So, anyway, since Jungkook had started seeing this woman, he hadn’t posted her on his social media, hadn’t initiated physical touch with Yoonji, and expressed neediness when the two were alone but treated the lady like a friend when in front of his friends. He didn’t even invite her to their gatherings despite having many opportunities, yet also specifically made them all wait for him to win her a plush prize that directly related with her interests.
Which all equated to Jeon Jungkook sending the most confusing batch of mixed signals Yoonji had ever analyzed.
A muscle in her face twitched.
Yoonji chewed on her lip. She wondered if she should scroll through those Jungkook was following to maybe find the woman’s account. Was that going too far? Sure, social media profiles were generally public, but actively looking for someone for dubious reasons seemed wrong. Not that her reasons were dubious.
She looked back to her phone screen.
It was somehow displaying a photo of Jungkook’s naked back. Again, black and white. Standing in a gym. The background was slightly blurred, but the hint of Jungkook’s toned front was unmistakable. Yoonji frowned and swiped it away, scrolling distractedly. She didn’t think about him like that. He was a dork. The woman he was dating was smoking hot. Were they dating, though? That was the whole point of this investigation. For fuck’s sake. Although Jungkook gave the impression he was a playboy, Yoonji knew he wasn’t. He didn’t have the damn attention span to be a player and he was obviously scared of hurting other people’s feelings. Still, there weren’t any telltale signs of them dating-dating. Which shouldn’t bother Yoonji anyway, because she didn’t get involved in her friend’s dating lives, so why the fuck did she care?
Plus, she’s probably straight.
Jungkook was a pretty manly man.
But what if she’s not?
There was literally nothing Yoonji could work off of in that regard except for the look in those dark scorched eyes when she closed her hand around Yoonji’s hand, holding her tight and within direct eye contact. There was literally not a single reason for her to believe that look meant anything other than what was said.
And yet.
I’m being delusional.
Jungkook and her looked good together. Yeah. They were probably gonna work out. Uh huh. It was just rough for her because this was one of the first few real moments that Yoonji felt strongly attracted to someone outside of purely sexual reasons.
Woah, hold on there.
She knew for a fact she liked women sexually. Her porn history was enough evidence of that. She had been attracted to women she had met over the years, sure, but never had Yoonji pursued a woman, both because of the social stigma and also because she figured only doing it for the sexual desire seemed wrong. If anyone found out, Yoonji didn’t want to feel like it was for nothing.
So why am I stalking Jungkook on Instagram just for a glimpse of her?
And Yoonji couldn’t like her. She barely knew her. Right? They couldn’t have developed any emotional connection in their very minimal interactions. Yoonji placed her phone down, backing away from it like it was a bomb. These impulses… She couldn’t stop thinking about the woman holding the Gengar next to her chest. Couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook dancing her around on the sidewalk. Couldn’t stop thinking about the woman casually eating her dessert in the park as if she owned the whole damn world.
Did Yoonji want to be her?
Or did she want to be with her?
Yoonji hadn’t allowed herself to fantasize yet because fantasizing about a real person felt much more abhorrent than a total stranger. It was a door she couldn’t bear to open yet. And, worse.
She didn’t know if she could stop if she started.
ep 2. what a shame. (see you friday) sugar, spice, and everything nice
min yoonji masterpost | masterpost
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Can I request a drabble with Yoonji? If so, could it be a fluffy flower shop/tattoo parlour au with "I don't think anyone could ever be as lovely as you.", please? Thank you! 💜
summer mornings and strawberries:
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pairing: tattoo artist! yoonji (yoongi) x f. reader
genre: fluff || non-idol au || cisswap || established relationship
summary: sometimes it's hard to put your love for someone into words
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: fluff, wlw, goth gf yoonji x pastel princess m/c (you know that’s right), minor suggestive content but no real smut
notes: women <3 this one felt harder to keep in the 1k boundary because they’re both just so cute :( i might write a short sequel for mommy yoonji since it wouldn't fit into this part if people are interested
drabble requests are closed
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。��☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“Over here, baby” 
You perk up, Jimin long forgotten as your girlfriend waves you over from her office. 
“Sorry, Minnie” you brush him off as you skip into Yoonji’s arms, completely ignorant to the fact she keeps eye contact with the receptionist as she presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
Jimin snorts, eyes flickering down to your skirt that barely covers your ass. 
Your mouth falls open into a gasp as Yoonji grabs the meat of your thigh, teasing in the way she knows has arousal slicking up your panties. You always had been easy to rile up. 
“You’re late” she murmurs, hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as her breath tickles your cheek. 
“The shop was quite busy today,” you tell her as she kicks the door to her office closed, tattoo equipment already set up for you. 
“You should really tell your boss you can’t do overtime” 
You frown, “But she says I’m the best at bouquets” 
“I’m sure you are the best, my love. Now take a seat, I canceled my next appointment so we can spend the afternoon together” 
“You didn’t have to do that” you giggle, sweater shucked off on the floor somewhere that she picks up, folding it over the back of her chair as you settle down. 
“I don’t wanna hear any of that” 
“Yes ma’am” you mock salute. 
Her eyebrows furrow, silent offer to be a brat, though by now she knows you’re aware of the consequences. 
Her chair kicks backwards as she leans down for a kiss. Purposeful as her lips mold with yours, barely enough room for either of your to breathe until she’s pulling back, and your pink blush is hiding the red that coats your cheeks rosy. 
You’d always found something so utterly mesmerizing about Yoonji, her beauty that of a black dahlia, though you think she was more of a pink rose; gentle. 
Someone you aspired to be, so confident in her own skin, she knew exactly what she wanted, and made sure she got it. 
Sometimes it felt like you couldn’t word exactly how you felt about her, ‘love’ perhaps an umbrella term for all the little things you adored about her mere existence. No amount of flowers with lovely meanings, or poems about undying love that you write in little notes for customers (that had definitely been stolen from the internet), is never truly enough. 
Your friends had drilled the idea in their heads that Yoonji was reserved, and didn’t know how to show her love the right way, ‘cold’ even. A word you had never, and will never use to describe her. 
Because it seemed like she knew how to show her love for you, better than you did for her. 
The world had always had a split view on the term ‘opposites attract’, that you’re good for each other until you’re in a relationship, and then it all goes to shit because you’re two very different people. 
Yoonji never minded how you blasted your music over her speakers, the music she would overwise despise if it weren’t you. Just like how you never liked the hard-hitting rap she absolutely loved, though hummed along as she cleaned the house. 
She never minded how your clothes had split up the blacks of her hoodies and jeans in the closet, or the cute little bedspread you insisted on having because you didn’t like her grey one.
Or how the counter in the bathroom had been permanently doused in glittery eyeshadow. Where shampoo smelt of warm summer mornings and strawberries, instead of muted and never-really-there comfort. Your existence now a permanent fixture in her, no, your home.
It felt as though Yoonji worshipped your very existence, held you in her hands, delicate like you were a daisy, or a gentle buttercup. 
Your person that you couldn’t imagine a future without.
Her art is forever inked into your skin, art that no one else in the world will ever have because maybe tattoos were one of her love languages. Something in your heart squeezing, emotions mushy, that make you want to gush like you were in high school again when you catch a glimpse of her work etched into your skin in the mirror. The work she had spent hours designing specifically for you. 
Yoonji didn’t mind initiating physical contact, something you’d always shied away from, something she’d taught you was okay to want, that yearning wasn’t bad. That touch is just many of the languages of love that the both of you shared.
She liked to cook or take you on picnics in the summer, watching you twirl in dresses made of satin, or smudge your lipstick with a kiss before she helps you reapply it. Only to kiss you again. 
She calls you pretty and loved your body in ways that showed you self-love wasn’t selfish. Because if she could love you, then it shouldn’t be impossible to love yourself.
Yoonji kissed you under the stars and liked how the moon made you shine like a delicate fairy, always so beautiful in her eyes. She held your hand while you ordered food, and visits you during her lunch breaks with coffee and cakes or little sandwiches cut into triangles. 
Every little brush of her fingers over your bare skin had been etched into your mind, hours spent apart missing her even though you knew you’d be going home to your apartment, greeted with a kiss that always has you melting into her chest. 
Over the years your love language had morphed into your job just like hers, and Yoonji found it endearing how you’d come home with flowers for her, test runs for the shop's new theme though you seem to always keep her in mind as you hone your craft. 
And as much as you worried that you were never enough, always so consumed by thoughts she knew were pointless, Yoonji loved you nonetheless. 
“I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you,” she tells you one evening, your head resting on her thighs, careful as she brushes your hair after you’ve both taken a shower together. 
You blink up at her, tongue wetting your bottom lip, “You’re a lot lovelier than I am” 
“Not true” she laughs, thumb rubbing over your jaw, “Besides, you’re the only one that sees me like this” 
“Is it selfish that I like it that way?” 
She hums, tucking her hair behind her ear, sharp eyes never straying away from yours. “It’s okay to be selfish, you know” 
“When it comes to you, I don’t mind” you smile, rolling onto your stomach. 
You blink up at her through your lashes. 
Her lips quirking upwards, always finding it hard not to smile when she’s with you, “I love you, flower” 
“I really love you too” you smile, “And I think I’ll love you forever” 
She tilts her head, “That’s a long time. Think you can put up with me for that long?” 
“As long as you can put up with me for that long, then I don’t mind” 
“You act as though you’re hard to put up with” she pushes your hair out of your face, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips, then your cheek, nose, then each eyelid as you lean into the palm of her hand that cups your cheek. 
“Forever, then” you whisper, eyes barely open as you chase her lips for another kiss. 
She hums, “Forever it is”
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seacharms · 1 year
Hii bestieeee!!! Could I have a "BTS reaction to when you stan skz" thxxx luvs yaaa
ok ofc... btw- IM A STARMY TOO!!!!! AHHHHH BEST FANDOM COMBO EVER! Anyway- here you go...
BTS reaction to when you're a STAY (SKZ stan)
He would be a little surprised but would respect your music choice, he would even jam with you to Stray Kids' songs sometimes. OOOHHH but every time God's menu came on, he would see a side of you that he's never seen before.
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"Yah! Isn't my handsome face not enough?! Let's watch a BTS mv instead" He said. After making him forcefully watch an SKZ mv, he was trying not to show his enjoyment but after a few more mvs, he officially became a STAY and stole your bias.
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He didn't care about what you listened to or watched because he believed that everyone was allowed to have an opinion. Lowkey rapped Changbin's part in Miroh to impress you.
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"Wahhh baby, they dance well, especially that Lee Know guy. I should collab with them next! They're songs make me jam. Who is your bias by the way? I think I like all of them." You both watch Stray Kids practice videos all night and enjoy together. XOXO Hobi
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Watches the dance practices and music videos with you. "Wow, they're so talented! I'm going to practice this dance, can you teach me?"
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"Their music is nice but it's not something I would listen to every day, they're amazing though. Their dance is outstanding, vocals are great, rap is next level, visuals are superb!"
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Shook. "You stan them? I'm friends with Bang Chan- if you ever wanna meet him just tell me." Legit gets you excited and starts telling you random stuff about how he likes SKZ too.
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~Oki everyone... THANK YOU!!! byeee~
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honey-boyyoongi · 2 years
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 6k Words
Warnings ➪ cursing through out; authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood; mentions of anxiety attack; description of an anxiety attack;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Damn it took me months to update this one huh. Sorry for being so quiet lately, I’ll update my Yoongi au soon. I hope yall enjoy this update. As always feedback is appreciated and if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know 💕
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Yoonji runs towards the front door; Seokjin’s eyes are wild and dilated, his usually pristine white blouse is stained deep red. His mouth is covered in blood, his cheeks stained with tears and dirt. His usually styled hair is messy and unkempt. “Oh, my god, Jinnie what happened,” she pleads, “Who did this? Was it Choi? I swear to the gods I will drag him out in the sun myself if he-,’ Yoonji stops when she looks over Seokjin’s shoulder, “Jin, what the fuck did you do?”
Seokjin shudders, “I didn’t mean to, I was- fuck. I haven��t fed since I gave you blood. The council refused to let me into the donor wing, even though it's my side of the Kim clan that created it in the first place. To punish my gluttony they said. I asked Jaeyoung for bags, but he never got back to me. I was walking home, taking my way through the park. I smelled blood, coming from the bushes. I thought it was an animal, but the smell got stronger and sweeter, it was fresh human blood. I couldn’t help it, Yoonie. I’m sorry.” Seokjin struggled to hold in his sob. Yoonji needed to figure out a plan and fast, but it seemed the universe had other plans. 
Yoonji turned at the gasps that echoed in between Seokjin’s harsh breaths. Y/n stood wide eyed, frightened. She knew.
“Oh, shit,” Yoonji mumbled. “Y/n.. I need you to breathe slowly. Please.” The older woman walked slowly towards her younger roommate, hoping that she didn't do anything irrational. 
Y/n evades her, running towards Seokjin, “Holy shit, Jin, what happened?” 
Seokjin sobbed harder into the tile, struggling to find his voice, “I-fuck! I..I was walking..and.” Yoonji could feel her friend’s desperation, she rubbed Jin’s back in an attempt to soothe him.  “I didn’t know.. I swear I didn’t, kitty.” 
Y/n stopped in front of Jin, taking in the chaos that he had brought with him. “Fuck, “she grumbled. She joined Jin on the floor, scanning him for any potentially fatal wounds, “Jin, were you stabbed? Shot? You’re covered in blood, fuck.” Seokjin stared at her, shocked that she would get so close. Their roommate scooted closer to a still Jin, Yoonji watched, frozen. She didn’t want to scare Y/n by trying to pull her away, but she also doesn’t know in what state of mind her best friend would be. There was a large chance Seokin could attack her, if he saw her as a threat. 
“Jimin,” Yoonji hissed, “Jimin, hurry, Y/n is getting too close to Jinnie.” 
Jimin cursed, he hurried from his pantry with their first aid kit, “I’m trying, I have delicate jars in this thing.” 
Yoonji could see Seokjin’s figure tense, his pupils were dilating with every centimeter Y/n crawled closer. “Jimin, please,” she begged. With the wave of a finger and a grunted curse, Y/n fell to her side, they were able to narrowly avoid another incident in their home. The elder was able to catch her roommate, preventing any injuries. 
Jimin anxiously made his way towards Seokjin, “Yoon, take her to her room. The spell I used should keep her asleep for a while, let's hope she doesn't have to work a shift tomorrow. We can’t have more people involved.” He carefully lays the aid kit on the ground, hastily trying to find what he needs. 
Yoonji takes Y/n into her arms, working fast to get her out of the upside down living room. Once Yoonji settled their sleeping roommate on her bed, she skimmed for any bumps or bruises. The female vampire released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, nothing seemed bruised or in need of attention, thankfully one less thing to worry about tonight. 
Yoonji finds her roommates, and a stranger, still stationed in their living room. Seokjin was lying on the couch, his blood-soiled shirt on the floor next to him, dried blood in sporadic places, sweat glistening on his brow. Jimin had finished checking over Seokjin, deeming him free of any detrimental injuries. He was happy to confirm his friend was healthy, but there was still the matter of the man on the carpet. He was tall, and had dark hair. Yoonji was sure he was tan, but the lack of blood is causing him to look sickly. The man was wearing a dark blue matching t-shirt and pants set, with detailing on the hems. 
She makes her way to the middle of the room to help Min out. The elder looks around trying to find something to clean up the dirt and blood stuck on her best friend. Yoonji spots and picks the wet wipes Jimin stashes in their first aid kit. While she hastily wipes down every visible stain of blood, Seokjin doesn't move. He’s silent, attempting to control his breathing. 
“Jinnie what happened, “she whispered. Jin grumbled, slightly shaking his head, “Mmph.. kitty… I’m tired.” 
“I gave him a sedative,” Jimin said, “It’s catered to vampires, so he’ll sleep for a couple of hours.”
“Was that necessary, “Yoonji asks worriedly.
“He was bordering on a feral state; he hadn't been feeding. The overwhelming emotions of fear, guilt, confusion and panic were pushing him to a frenzy,”  he answered. “The last thing he needed was to go into a frenzy, hurt anyone else, and turn feral from the grief. Along with a sedative, I gave him something to keep him settled emotionally after he wakes up. Hopefully his body doesn’t purge it.” Jimin organized the items back into his kit tensely, “Please take the man on the carpet to my work room. I still need to treat him, plus, the smell of blood could set off Jin.” Jimin urgently rose from the floor, speed walking deeper into the house.
Yoonji finished the last of her clean up of Seokjin. Her stomach was less twisted seeing her longest friend safe. She fixed his hair back into place, and makes sure he’s comfortable for his rest. 
Jimin was fixing a variety of creams and tonics when Yoonji came in with the living room stranger. She lays him on the futon Jimin keeps in his work room, for the days he has too many commissions. She closes the door, wanting to keep any noise from reaching Y/n down the hall. Jimin stripped the stranger down to his underwear, wiping him down with a warm cloth to rid him of any grime and blood. Yoonji takes the remaining cloth, assisting Jimin with cleaning the stranger. They work in silence, neither too sure what to say. 
“Excuse me?”
“Namjoon, “Jimin mumbles, “That’s his name.”
The elder stared at her younger friend with surprise. “Did you find a wallet with his ID in it, “Yoonji asked.
“I know him,” Jimin whispered. Yoonji stood shell shocked, “Jimin.. Oh gods, I’m sorry.” They continue to clean Namjoon in uncomfortable silence, until he is free of any grime. “He’s the friend I go on the trails with. He’s always at a park, or working at the plant nursery he co-owns with his roommate. I know Jin didn’t mean to, but I’m so angry.”
Yoonji didn’t know how to comfort her younger friend. She understands why he would be upset, Namjoon was a victim of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. “I know Min, I’m sorry. I understand why you would be upset. Jin didn’t mean it. He must’ve been more blood deprived than we realized, but he would never attack a human on purpose.”
“I know Yoonie. It’s just frustrating to see an innocent person getting caught in the crossfire, especially one that you’re close to, “Jimin sighs. “He’s not hurt, at least from what I can tell. No stabs, claw marks, cuts, or bullet wounds, but that’s not our biggest worry.”
“What is it then? He’s not a werewolf, is he, or a demon?”
“No, since Seokjin was starving, and went into some form of bloodlust. He injected Namjoon with venom,“ Jimin explained. Yoonji cursed, “Fuck! Are you sure?”
Jimin ushered Yoonji to the left side of Namjoon, he carefully tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck. He pointed to the very prominent bite marks, “When I was cleaning around his neck, the blood had a cloudy look to it. I knew he wasn’t sick; if Joon was a werewolf, Seokjin would’ve died within minutes. Namjoon’s body would kill itself trying to purge the vampire venom, if he was a wolf. If he was a demon, Jin would be sick, at worst he would have a stomach ache that would last for a few days, and Namjoon wouldn’t have been affected.”
“So he’s human, “Yoonji says. 
“Was, “Jimin answers, “Jin released enough venom when he bit him to start the transformation. If I’m correct, the transition should be finished within 48 hours, maybe less.”
“Less,” Yoonji croaked, “How?”
“Born vampires are the only ones that can turn humans into vampires, correct,” she nodded, “Well, Seokjin is part of an aristocratic family, he’s also ancient. If I'm not mistaken all of that would make his venom more potent. Namjoon is a healthy human, add a potent venom, and boom you have a newborn.”
Yoonji’s mind was going into overdrive, what were they going to do? They had never sired a vampire. From a very young age they’re taught about how serious sire and fledgling relationships are. Sires can be parental figures to their fledgling, if they weren’t romantically involved before being reborn. Fledglings can easily go feral if they’re not guided correctly, or worse their sire’s reject the bond. Things can go to shit so easily. They’ve heard about newborns going feral hours after their finished transition. Seokjin has had to unfortunately, get rid of a fair amount of feral fledglings in his time in the council. It never gets easier.  
“Yoonie,” Jimin whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispers back. 
“Jin, won’t abandon him will he, “he asked. “Yoon, I know to you two he’s the human that got caught in the crossfire, but he’s my friend. Joonie has been a constant presence in my life for the last year. I don’t want to lose him to this. It might sound selfish, but it feels nice to be treated as normal, or at least be perceived as human. I don’t get envious looks for being the grandson of Park Hyejin. I can talk about plants, and not be told ‘I didn’t ask’. I’m not asked about spells, potions, or favors. I’m not asked about how granny and momma are so powerful, and why I’m not like them even though I’m the first born. I don’t have to take inventory of my greenhouse, or my workroom when he comes over. I’ve never had to use charms around him to keep myself safe. I’ve never had to scour myself, or gifts from him for peeping spells. It’s nice not having to watch my back.”
“Jimin.. I’m sorry. I didn’t know things were getting that bad. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this by yourself. I know nothing I say will make it okay. Seokjin will be responsible for Namjoon. Our families have taught us to guide, protect, and love those that we sire. If, for some reason, Seokjin decides to not take responsibility, I’ll become his sire. Namjoon shouldn’t be allowed to go feral, for his mistakes.”
“Will you really, “Jimin asked.
“Yes, I will,” Yoonji said matter of factly. “I might not know him like you do, but I can see you care about him. Like I said he’s innocent in all of this.”
They quietly finished cleaning Namjoon up. Yoonji is beginning to see subtle changes; he’s losing color, his claws are starting to grow out, he’s starting to become free of any blemishes. Namjoon is also starting to breathe more raggedly, she knows soon he’ll stop. The transformation always started physically, while the venom slowly killed the body. Young vamplings were always told the transformation was painful. She’s heard stories of sires sedating their fledglings with all types of concoctions. Most burned through the drugs or alcohol during their transition, or any concussion given to knock them out, was healed. Yoonji doesn’t know how Jimin’s friend will react once he’s woken up after the last breath, but she hopes he’s at least grateful that Jimin sedated him with a spell. 
Being a newborn is hell, she’s seen it. Her favorite auntie was turned by one of her father’s younger brothers when she had just turned 14. She remembers the hunger, the sensitivity, the mood swings her auntie experienced. They were lucky to have had resources back then to ensure her auntie hadn’t gone on a rampage.  There weren’t blood banks back then, and donors were a new concept that few clans had taken up. Yoonji still remembers her auntie complaining about her new fangs aching months after the transformation, and the sunlight sensitivity. It’s not all bad, at least from what she remembers. Her auntie was happy she didn’t have to ask for help with carrying heavy loads, she would spend hours gardening with no complaints of being tired, and surprisingly took on lumbering. Of course being immune to every human disease imaginable was also a plus. 
They finish off the last of the grime on Namjoon’s legs, double checking on his bite wound, to make sure it's healing properly during the transition. Everything is looking good, well as good as the transition from human to vampire can be. Jimin struggles to put some clothes on Namjoon that look a bit small, but it will have to work. Jimin likes tight clothes, and Seokjin would be horrified if anyone caught him in anything less than his finest. Yoonji is significantly smaller than everyone in the house, even her largest garments would fit like doll clothes on her roommate's friend. They wouldn’t even dare going through Y/n’s closet to find anything worthy of his size or any stray pieces from Jungwoo. 
Yoonji helps Jimin clean up the towels they used, putting away the different jars that belong in the first aid kit, and collecting the remnants of Namjoon’s clothes. They continue to work around each other, Yoonji ensuring she stays out of Jimin’s way as he reorganizes to stay calm.
“Min, “Yoonji whispers, “You said Namjoon had a roommate, what are we going to do about that?”
“Fuck, you’re right,” Jimin grumbled. “Hoseok will be worried if Namjoon isn’t home. He’s probably worried sick right now, they make a habit of trying to eat dinner every night. I don’t even know what to do, or what I’ll say to him. As long as I’ve known Namjoon he’s never been gone for more than a few days on his own. Him, and Hoseok always travel together.”
“What should we do, “Yoonji asked.
“I’ll text him from Joon’s phone. I don’t want to, but I’ll just say that I invited him on a last minute camping trip, “he responded. “We’ve been talking about going to the Black Bear Lake campsite for some mushrooms that I’m hoping are in season.”
“Will that work? Do you think he’ll believe it?”
“I’m hoping it will, we’ve been talking about it for a couple of weeks since I gave Joon some samples of my mushroom seasoning, and dried mushroom medley. Hoseok isn’t much of a camper, so we had planned it with only the both of us in mind. Hobi knew we’d leave at any moment, “her roommate explained. 
Yoonji nodded, pleading to the gods that his friend wouldn’t come looking for the fledgling. 
Hobi, Jiminie and I went ahead to the campsite.
We’ll be back by the weekend.
Okay! Be careful and don’t bring back anything that can make us burn or itch.
Or is poisonous. 
No promises
Three hours later Seokjin woke up less filthy from what he remembered. He’s free of any grime, and caked blood. The elder assumes Yoonji was the one to freshen him up. Jin didn’t remember much past trying to find his way home with the park stranger. 
The stranger…
Seokjin knows he bit the stranger, being withheld from feeding caused him more stress than he anticipated. Checking his surroundings, there’s a lack of blood. He cannot smell, nor see a trace of it. The vampire takes a deep breath to ensure everyone in his home is safe; he can smell Y/n, as well as Yoonji and Jimin, but the slight stench of death is sticking to them. Seokjin frantically makes his way to Jimin’s work room, forgoing any form of cover up. 
Seokjin bursts into the room, frightening the duo. The elder vampire sighs in relief. Yoonji runs up to him, embracing tightly, “Jinnie, oh my gods.” Jimin joins next to them, whispering that he’s grateful Seokjin is okay. 
Seokjin can hear Yoonji struggling to keep it together. He knows he worried her into an early grave. “Kitty it’s okay, I’m fine I promise,“ Jin coos. Yoonji lets out the small sob that had been stuck in her throat. “Don’t ever do that again, “she demanded. “Fuck the council, and fuck their donors. I can ask my dad to send us blood packs or have donors come to the house. Don’t ever go that long without blood.” Jin soothed Yoonji, he feels terrible for frightening her, and Jimin. The last time he was in this much of a distressed state was a century ago, but Yoonji wasn’t around to witness it. 
Jimin guided them to a small loveseat at the corner of the room. It’s a tight fit, but Seokjin will make it work. They pile onto the couch; Jimin on his right, and Yoonji on his left. One has their head on his shoulder while the other is on his chest. Seokjin enjoys the warmth Jimin exudes, and Yoonji draws soft patterns on his stomach with her fingers. He further relaxes by humming a small tune, a lullaby his mother used to sing to him in his youth. 
Jimin is the first to speak up, “What happened tonight Jin?””
Seokjin sighed deeply, “I didn’t realize how much time had passed. One day I’m helping Yoonji out of the brink of starvation, the next I’m being sent to Mongolia to aid with a territory dispute.” He paused momentarily. “They had humans.. But they weren’t donors.” Yoonji whipped her head up towards him, “The Mongolians are still taking humans?”
Jin shrugged, “This particular clan did. The Ganbolds are the oldest clan in Mongolia, as well as the most secluded. They’re.. Traditional, at least they claim to be. Anyway, they were fighting with a small vampire village on the border of their shared territory. It took a few days to get there, and even longer to mediate a compromise. I couldn’t even get a decent amount of animal blood.” 
Yoonji furrowed her eyebrows, “Were the Ganbolds not sharing blood? Did none of the other elders have any blood to spare? I know for a fact that Na and Suh have a stash they bring everywhere with them.”
“Please, Na and Suh have made it well known how much they dislike my side of the Kim clan,” he answers. “The Gandbolds were not having the best season, to say the least. They had to ration whatever supply they had. I could survive with a little bit of blood. Also I’d set myself on fire before I asked any of those old bats for any form of help. When we came back I booked a couple donors, but when I had showed up they refused to let me in. Apparently Choi, Suh, and Lee have banned me from the donor wing because of the little binge I had.” 
“How much is a little binge,” Jimin asked.
“It was three,” Seokjin answered. “It wasn’t even a lot. I’ve heard of Lee drinking from at least five donors at times when he feeds, just because he can. They said ‘Kim, your gluttony is unbecoming of a council member. You are now banned for a fortnight.’” The elder vampire could feel his tension returning, he took a couple of calming breaths, just like Jimin taught him. “I texted Jaeyoung to have a case ready for me. I knew I needed blood for the both of us. He didn’t answer me within the hour like he usually does. So, I decided to walk for a bit while I waited for him to respond. I was taking the long way, cutting through the trail by the park. All of the sudden I got the smell of blood. I ignored it at first, but it got sweeter the farther I walked up the trail. I thought it was a deer, or a fox… but it was him. The man had fallen… scraped his knee. He looked up at me, and he smiled.” 
Seokjin swallowed the lump that was growing in his throat. Jimin scooted closer to him, molding himself to fit onto Jin’s side, Yoonji followed his lead. Jin readjusted himself, he pulled Jimin’s legs onto his right leg, and Yoonji onto his left leg. They were practically sitting on him, and the pressure felt relieving. “I was just trying to help him up. But the smell of blood… was too much. I blacked out for a second, when I came to we were full of blood. I freaked out. I couldn’t leave him there, so I brought him home and now we’re here. I didn’t mean to feed on him. I didn’t mean to attack him. I..” The vampire let out the sob that he was holding, “I never wanted to hurt him. I felt disgusted by how much his blood affected me.” 
Yoonji reached up and dried his tears with the cuff of her soft cardigan, “I know Jinnie, you’d never hurt anyone.” She gently caressed the side of his face to comfort him, taking in how much regret he was feeling. Jimin stood up hastily, Jin furrowed his brow in worry. “Min, what’s wrong?” The young witch began to pace, murmuring to himself, “Breathe, two, three. Out, two, three.” He repeated this four times. 
Seokjin gently removed Yoonji’s lower body from their current position, and he approached his younger roommate. “Hey, Min, I know you’re worried and I-” Jimin paused, visibly collecting himself, “I- fuck. Jin, I knew him.”
The vampire visibly tensed, “You knew him. Fuck, Min, I’m sorry. I.. I didn’t mean it. I swear. It was an accident, I swear Min.” Seokjin could feel a tingling sensation on his nose, he started to feel his face heat up as well as his ears. His breaths became shorter and he was struggling to take deep breaths. Jin could feel his chest tightening, and his head got lighter. He could barely hear Yoonji and Jimin trying to calm him down. Seokjin could hear the witch searching through his jars for anything that could help him calm down. 
“Jinnie,” Yoonji whispered, “Tell me five things you see.”
“What,” he mumbled.
“Tell me five things you see,” she repeated. 
“Uh, Jimin’s vine plant.”
“Good, what else?”
“Your fuzzy red polka dot socks.”
“Good job Jinnie, what else, “his friend asked.
“Jimin’s sunset lamp, my black hoodie that I’ve been looking for, and Min’s overflowing bookcase,” he answered. 
“Okay, tell me four things you smell,” Yoonji said.
“I..uh..smell,” he paused and took deep breaths. “I smell your Eucalyptus body wash, Min’s peach deep conditioner, Y/n’s chocoflan, and burnt candles.”
“Three things you can hear,” Yoonji continued.
“I can hear Y/n’s heartbeat on the other side of the hall, I hear the ‘Alexa’ speaker still playing in the kitchen, and I hear Jimin’s boots,” he responds. 
“Two things you can feel.”
“I can feel… my black trousers, and Min’s wooden floor.”
“One thing you can taste.”
“I can taste lavender, from the calming candy Jimin gives me,” Seokjin mumbles. 
Jimin comes back to Jin, lavender gummy in hand. “Hey,” the witch said, “Jinnie I’m not mad at you. Eat the gummy, once you’re calm we’ll talk.” The elder vampire nodded, chewing the gummy quickly. 
Yoonji guides them back onto the loveseat, arranging him and their roommate back to their prior positions. She fixes Jimin’s legs to go across Jin’s lap, and adjusts herself across both of them. The younger vampire tucks herself under his chin, quietly humming Mrs. Kim’s lullaby. 
When Seokjin wakes up again, his roommates are clinged to him. Jimin is humming a tune of his own, and Yoonji is tracing the tattoo on the witch’s arm. He closes his eyes, enjoying feeling cared for by his friends. The older vampire tries to stall talking about their predicament, but he knows Jimin is aware that he’s conscious. 
“Jin,” Jimin says, “I’m not mad.” He sits up, looking straight at him. Seokjin actively avoids meeting his friend’s eyes, he refuses to see how much he’s hurt him. The witch sighs, “I’m not mad Jinnie, I was scared. Terrified.” Yoonji gestures for him to listen to what their younger roommate was saying.  He nods for Jimin to continue, “Do you know how horrifying it was to see two of my friends covered in blood? I thought someone attacked you both.” 
Jimin paused, taking a moment to find the right words to say. “When I saw the bite marks.. I knew that it was yours. I know that you didn’t mean to. I know that you’d never attack a human on purpose, but..,” he sighed. “But I was still angry. I know that to you, and Yoonji, he’s a stranger, but to me he’s Joonie. I meet him every Wednesday without fail. I’ve met his roommate. I’ve eaten dinner with them multiple times. His roommate, Hoseok, has commissioned work from me for personal use. I’ve been a part of his life for the last year. I’ve never told him about the magic, and spells, and all that supernatural part of my life. It was nice not having to worry about keeping myself protected from any form of hexes, peeping bugs, or befriending him without second thoughts that he was trying to learn about my family magic. I was just Jimin. When I saw him all bloodied and pale, it felt like my bubble burst.” 
Their younger roommate hesitated, “I’m sorry for thinking that you would purposefully hurt anyone unprompted. I was so worried when you were growing closer to being feral.” Jimin sniffled, struggling to keep his tears in. Jin reached out to his friend. He takes a hold of Min’s smaller hand, intertwining his longer digits with his shorter ones. The gesture brings comfort to the witch, and he continues. “It’s one thing to have strangers come up to me with different afflictions, but it's another to see your loved ones in trouble. All I kept thinking about was, ‘What if Joon isn’t human?’ ‘What if Jinnie’s body doesn’t react well to the blood? What if a hunter saw you?’ I thought about a lot of ‘what if’s’. But seeing you hysterical with regret, and grief, I couldn’t stay upset at you. I’m sorry Jinnie.” 
Seokjin pulls Jimin with a gentle hug, swaying just a bit as he rubs his back in comforting motions. Jin knows his younger friend is trying his hardest to keep it together. This evening hasn’t been the kindest to them, and he’ll hold no grudges towards the high emotions that ran. The elder vampire gives Jimin one final squeeze. As they’re pulling apart, without thinking, he leans in and plants a kiss on the crown of his friend's head. “It's okay Min, I understand.”
Jimin pulls the elder back into a hug, hiding his face on Jin’s chest. He can hear Min’s soft sobs, and feel the fresh tears falling on his skin. Jin pulls him in for a tighter hug, laying his head on top of his to further comfort his friend. They stayed wrapped in each other until Jimin had cried himself exhausted. The elder guided Jimin back onto the loveseat, tucking him into the corner with one of the many blankets the witch has stashed. 
The elder vampires decide to take turns monitoring their roommates. Jimin and Y/n were still asleep, while Min’s friend was in the midst of the transition. Yoonji had to be the one to tell Seokjin about Joon’s condition. Jin was nothing short of horrified, not even when he was a young vampling had he accidentally released venom into a human. Animals, maybe, but it paralyzes them. He felt ashamed, completely unworthy of his family’s trust to represent them in the council. Jin knew how important it was to not only be a dutiful sire, but full consent of the transformation was something that was repeatedly brought up. Forever is a long time, no one knew that more than them. 
Seokjin felt horrible taking away Namjoon’s choice. He knew he’d have to tell the man about their world; how they live, the council, who to avoid regarding blood, the sensitivity to everything around them. It would be overwhelming to the new fledgling, but he was determined to be the best sire he could be. 
It’s around the early AM’s when the vampires decide they want to rest. Namjoon’s breathing had evened out, and he was no longer struggling, they felt they could step away to drink some O positive coffee. Yoonji had convinced Jin to change into his most comfortable clothes, dark joggers and the black hoodie in Min’s workroom. They worked together to get a small breakfast going. Jin made their coffees, while Yoonji made them toast; Jin’s with nutella and strawberries, Yoonji’s with butter and mixed berry jam. They make extra coffee in case Jimin wakes up soon, or gods forbid, Y/n wakes up. 
The older roommates stood by their kitchen island, enjoying the quiet in their home. Seokjin took a long sip of his cup, “Did Jimin say how long it would be until his friend finished the transition?” Yoonji nodded as she chewed a large bite of toast, “He said it would take 48 hours, give or take.”
“That soon,” Seokjin murmured, “It usually takes a few days.”
“True, but Jimin said that since not only are you old as shit-”
Yoonji chuckled, “You’re also an aristocratic born vampire, according to him that all factors into the potency of the venom.” Seokjin grimaced, “Who knew my amazing pedigree would be my downfall.” His best friend giggled a bit at that one, “Right, here I thought your lack of filter would be the one to take you out.”  Jin guffawed at his younger friend, but joined in with her laughter. 
In the midst of their carefree moment, they hear the clanking of bottles in Jimin’s workroom. Seokjin gestures for Yoonji to stay in the kitchen. If the new fledgling has finished his transformation he has to ensure his home, and the people in it are safe. The elder vampire carefully made his way into the hallway; he can hear three heart beats, and that instantly lowers his defenses. Jin knocks lightly on the door, opening it slightly, “Min, are you up?”
Seokjin was able to hear the rustling of a blanket being folded, and pillows being arranged. He hears Jimin’s steps being muffled by his piggy slippers, slightly sliding once he’s walking on the hardwood floor. The smell of Dragons Blood incense, and something muskier bleed out from the cracks. Jimin hurriedly squeezed himself out, carefully closing the door to his room. “Sorry, sorry, I had to clean up.” Min gestures for Jin to follow him towards the kitchen, waving at Yoonji as he walks in with Seokjin. She visibly released a sigh she was holding in, relieved it was their younger roommate making a ruckus so early in the morning. 
The roommates finished the rest of their breakfast in silence. No one wanted to pop their little bubble of normalcy. They share their small spread, Jin refilling their drinks. For a moment he can pretend that he doesn’t have a fledgling in the other room. He can pretend that Y/n is sleeping in from how often she turns off her work alarms. They can pretend it’s a slow morning, but reality is never that forgiving. Yoonji is the first one to slightly perk up, she tells them she heard Y/n’s alarm go off and be turned off. Seokjin heard the muffled ‘fuck’ from their roommate’s room, he could also hear the slamming of drawers and the creaks of the closet door hinges. The three of them sat still as Y/n walked out of her room, carefully closing her door and entering the hallway bathroom. 
Yoonji waited until they heard the shower start to say anything. “Min, I thought you said she would be passed out for the next day,” she hissed. Jimin looked at his roommates with just as much confusion, “She should’ve been knocked out until tomorrow, at the least. I already texted her boss that she had been sick all night. What are we going to do?”
The elder vampire vampire was scared shitless, to say the least. “What spell did you use,” Yoonji asked. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, “It was the spell I use on Jungkook when he’s having one of his energy bursts. He’s a werewolf so it only lasts so long on him. Y/n is human, she should’ve stayed asleep for days.” Yoonji visibly grew tense, “She must be one of us. Maybe she has a charm or some form of glamor. I mean you used a spell for a fucking werewolf, she should’ve been sleeping like the dead.”
“That’s impossible,” Jimin answered. “I have powerful spells that remove any form of glamor; spells, potions, or charms. Y/n wouldn’t have been able to take a step across our doorstep if she had done any of that.”
As his roommates were trying to solve their current conundrum, Seokjin tried to go through the list of their kind that could have possibly bypassed the witch’s protection barriers. Every humanoid he thought of could easily be detected by Jimin’s spells, even the weakest of witches. “Have there been any humans that are probably immune to that form of magic,” the vampire asked. 
“I’ve personally never seen it, maybe my granny or mom have, but they’ve never told me about it,” Jimin answered. 
Seokjin thought back to his mother telling him stories about different creatures and humanoids. The only other of their kind that it could possibly be was a magic sensitive, but as far as his mother told him no one in their world considered them supernatural. “What about a magic sensitive?”
“Huh,” his roommates exclaimed. 
“A magic sensitive, “Jin repeated, “It makes sense. Think about it, she’s easily bonded to Kookie, Y/n hasn’t had any form of reaction to Tae, and we all know how hard that is for humans.” Both his roommates nodded in agreement. “She’s mentioned seeing sprites around Jimin’s greenhouse, but he was able to make her think they looked like flies.”
“I remember that,” Jimin says, “I had to say they were fruit flies from my compost.” 
Yoonji crosses her arms in thought, “Y/n is always able to find anything I lose, comes in handy when I essentially lose my house keys on the regular.” 
“I think she has premonitions,” the witch adds. “She’s talked to me about some heavy deja-vu she’s had since moving here.”
Seokjin took in all the information, “Then she’s a magic sensitive. That’s the only logical explanation. She doesn’t have any form of power like Jimin does, and if she was some form of creature she wouldn’t be able to walk into our home unscathed.” 
“What should we do,” the female vampire wondered aloud. Their normalcy was falling apart, and there was no way to stop it.
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Fic Masterlist
82 notes · View notes
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pairing: Min Yoonji x Female Reader word count: 656 warnings: fluff, established relationship AO3 A/N: Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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"I changed my mind," you said hastily, stopping in your tracks. "Let's just go back to your house and cuddle."
Yoonji sighed, rubbing her temple. It was the third time this month that the both of you were going to your house with the intention of introducing the black-haired girl as your girlfriend, and thus revealing your sexuality, to your parents.
She knew this was a big step for you and she wanted you to feel comfortable when talking about such a big part of your life that was, more likely than not, going to change the relationship with your parents.
She didn't want to force you to come out when you weren't ready, that would cause more trouble and pain than it was worth, but she couldn't stop the thought that maybe, the reason you kept delaying it was because you were ashamed of being seen with her.
It was a stupid thought that circled her mind, she knew that, and she also knew that you felt that you had disappointed her by never going through with it.
Like right now, you were hugging yourself, your eyes welling up with tears focused on your feet, probably scared of the disappointed or angry look you thought Yoonji was giving you.
But she would never look at you like that, especially because you were scared that your parents would hate you once you were honest with them about that part of your life.
She pulled you by the waist, one arm holding you closer to her while the other petted your hair, trying to calm your nerves.
"It's okay baby," she took your face in her hands, wiping your tears away. "We don't have to do this today. I want you to be 100% sure that this is what you want." she pressed her lips against your forehead.
"I'm scared they'll hate me…" you sobbed, looking at your girlfriend's eyes, you saw nothing but love and understanding.
"Angel, if they hate you just because you prefer a girl between your legs then it's their loss."
"You didn't have to put it that way!" you screeched, eyes wide and cheeks red at your girlfriend's lewd words.
And Yoonji loved seeing how flustered she could get you using nothing but her words. "And miss a chance at seeing how bothered I can make you?" the black-haired girl smirked, pecking every corner of your face, always missing the place you wanted to feel her the most.
"I hate you." you whined with a pout. Cute, Yoonji thought to herself as she finally pressed her lips against yours.
It started off slow and innocent, your lips molding against one another until the black-haired girl felt your hands on her neck and took that as her cue to deepen the kiss. The two of you stood there, her grip on your hips tightening as your tongues intertwined, oblivious to the world around you as if you were the only two people in it.
You felt so safe in her arms.
Once you separated for air you pecked her lips two more times before looking at her, one look into her eyes told you everything you needed to know which made you bit your lower lip - this would be finished at her place.
"I'm ready." you said breathlessly, trying to calm down your heartbeat.
"You sure? I don't mind waiting until you're comfortable enough to go through it."
You nodded, holding her hand and kissing her cheek, making them red in the process. You giggled at Yoonji getting flustered over something so innocent, especially compared to the show the two of you probably put on in the middle of the street.
With a deep breath, the both of you walked towards the door, confidence suddenly feeling your entire being.
Because you knew that no matter your parents' reactions, Yoonji would always be by your side.
And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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joonmon · 7 months
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Day 26 w yoongi's favourite hobby, sleeping😴😆
83 notes · View notes
Yoongi x fem!Reader
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A/n: Tried writing something for the first time based on this prompt. Let me know your opinions.
Warnings: Angst, non-idol au, first love, second chance trope, fluffy ending, mentions of sex, no smut
Word count: 1.5k
The cold winter air cuts through my thoughts like a newly sharpened knife and it takes everything in me to not turn back and run to... where do I run back? I just walked away from the only home I've ever known, only to realise it was all in my head.
I walk along the brightly lit festival-ready Manhattan streets. Fairy lights turn into hazy lines across my eyes as I feel the sting from the tears forming at the back of my eyes. I will not cry, not about this... not about him. Funny how life comes full circle, almost an entire decade ago I walked back from school refusing to shed a tear about the boy who shredded my heart into a million pieces and here I am, all the way across the world and a decade's worth of pain to my name, still walking back to an empty house with tears threatening to fall... all because of him, again.
Exhaling a deep breath, as if to tell myself I have breathed out the pain, I walk with more speed. Fumbling with the keys at the door to the house I refuse to call home. My legs give out the second the door locks behind me as I drop to the floor by the foyer, head on my knees, too many thoughts and emotions floating around.
After what feels like a lifetime of staying in that state I hear the door's locks turn around, and my head drops even further into my knees as I already know who is on the other side. I stay there, crouched down with my head bent, clenching my fists, as I hear the soft thuds of his footsteps. I stay still as I feel him crouch down next to me, knees lightly brushing each other.
"Just please talk to me...please" I hear his voice cracking and once again it feels like I'm being punished for giving my heart to him.
"What do you want me to say" It comes out more bitter than my heart intended and I can feel him flinch at my tone. Do not look at him, it will make things worse. "I don't know what I did wrong... I am trying to understand but I don't know and now-" he exhales a shaky breath, out of the corner of my eyes I see him rub his palms on his knees. "Now I feel like I'm losing you." My heart gives out for a second and I look up to see his tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes, his long black hair falling on his face, he looks wan and sweating in the middle of December.
"You're not losing me, I was never yours to be lost." My voice sounds alien to me as the words come out. The look on his face, as he takes my words in, feels like a dozen swords were stabbed right through me repeatedly. He looks distraught, scared and everything I am sure is mirrored in my own face.
"What do you mean by that, of course, you are mine. You are the only thing that's ever been mine" He pleads, tears rolling down his eyes as he reaches to hold my hands.
I move slightly away, "Please... You couldn't even tell our friends we are together. But then what are we really? We met two years back after all those years, started 'afresh' and ended up best friends who accidentally slept together once... that's all right. It was purely physical... at least admit that dammit!" I know I am being brutal, but I cannot be the one falling alone anymore. He is at a loss for words and I continue with a bitter laugh, "I've been asking for your acknowledgement since we were sixteen. Last time you let me go so fast... for what? because you wanted to look 'cool'. You came back and said you wanted to be friends... that night, you made out with me and told me we'd be fine no matter what. You promised not to hurt me again... but you never told me what we are. And then we slept together and you disappeared on me for two whole weeks... do you have any idea how fucked up that is. I don't think you even thought about it. You always escape when this arrangement became slightly complicated for you because I acknowledged my feelings and you couldn't deal with that. Actually, I was so sure you'll go running away the first chance you get... I kept myself in check this whole time just to not scare you away, but when it came out in a moment of passion you left me... without a single fucking word- only to return two weeks later for the school reunion. You were so fucking busy you couldn't even call me but today I find out you helped plan a part of that shindig... the cherry on the cake was when you pretended as if we haven't practically been living together for a whole year and you just screwed me and ran away... but of course, other people always mattered more to you right- back at highschool and now...."
By now the traitorous tears are streaming so fast down my cheeks, burning my face up. I don't even have the energy to reach and wipe them away. He puts his head down in defeat, and I see more tears fall down his cheeks too. He slowly wipes them away
"I know I messed up... I'm sorry" he sounds so little I almost miss it. I cannot get in myself to accept the apology but I hold myself back because I'm done explaining myself, it is high time he does it. Taking my silence as approval, he continues "You are right you know... about me being a coward who can't accept what this is." He lets a bitter deep chuckle, his face reeking hatred for himself.
"This is so messed up because I finally found the answer..." He looks at me eyes full of hope, a bitter smile still spread along his lips and my stomach flips on itself at the first ray of hope. I need to remind myself that the answer could be the end of us too. I just gulp down the bile rising to my mouth and look at him, this time he reaches to hold my hands in his and I let him- too tired for this fight.
"I ran away the other night, I got scared... scared that I messed up the only thing that was going right in my life. I wanted to do everything right this time around. You have no clue how much I hated myself for letting you go the last time around, high school was messed up." I let out a sarcastic chuckle, my heart still beating in my ears and my stomach tumbling with anxiety. He holds my fingers delicately as if it will break if he holds on tighter.
"I actually went home the next day-" my eyebrows shoot up at the new information, "- I was there last week, to talk to my parents. That night when we... after you went to sleep, I got a call from my mom saying she wants me to get settled- in a typical arranged marriage, she was being serious enough that she had already set up a blind date with someone she knew. I freaked out... and went to have a talk with my parents."
"That still doesn't explain the radio silence I received..." I am ashamed at how little my own voice sounds, there's so much new information spinning in my head and the anxiety keeps getting worse by the minute. "Yeah that was stupid on my part, I was very confused. I left and got on the first plane home, all through the plane I wasn't even sure what I was going home to do. I spent the entire 14-hour flight trying to understand everything and it clicked only as I reached home... I don't want anyone else but you. I realised I went there in that hurry only to convince my parents about you.."
He finally releases a breath after saying all that in go, my head is still spinning but I look at him with wide eyes, more tears threatening to fall down- this time with a glimmer of happiness. I was still unsure of how this will end and I hear myself say, "Andd..?"
He holds my hands tighter, clearing his throat before continuing, "And they eventually agreed. After 3 very hard and long sleepless days. I did not want to text you until I knew what I was doing for sure. When I did try to text you the day I was leaving to come back home... you had apparently blocked me.." It's my turn to look guilty, as my stomach does happy flips and I feel my heartbeat everywhere.
"I don't really blame you, from your point of view it made sense. When I couldn't reach you even after coming back, I helped plan the reunion in hopes you will be there. I hope that I can talk to you... make you mine officially..." At this point, I am sure my heart has given out, and it is getting harder to hide the smile creeping up my face, so I bite down hard on my lower lips. Involuntarily my fingers wrap around his, holding on for dear life.
"What are you trying to say... I'm tired of all this back and forth" I say, my nerves reaching new levels of high and hopes high up to the sky.
He moves close enough that there is only an inch between our faces and I try to protest but it gets lost in my nerves when he uses one of his hands to pull me on his waist and I see how sincere and scared his eyes look. I lower my face unable to manage all the emotions raising up my gut and he uses his other hand to make me face him again.
"I am sorry for being a dick, now and then. But this time... I am not letting you go. I waited 8 years in agony to meet you again, and another year having you so close to me yet out of reach. So... this is me saying I love you, with all my heart and soul. This is it for me... you're it. I love you and I'm never letting you go again."
By now my face is entirely wet and I'm sobbing loudly as he reaches to wipe my tears away with his thumbs. I just lay my head on his shoulder and cry for what feels like a good half an hour. He keeps patting my head and lets me cry. Eventually, I gather myself and wipe my tears and look at him, he smiles at me earnestly.
"Well... are you going to say it back or ?" He asks and although his lips are in a smirk I can see the fear behind his eyes. I smile myself and reach to hold his face in my hands before leaning in and closing the distance between us.
We've shared a couple of kisses before- some passionate, mostly hesitant; but this time it is reassuring. This is the kiss of love, of comfort and it is the kind of kiss that feels like home.
"You really are not gonna say the words anytime soon are you?" he asks in between the kisses. I look at him in thought for a minute before shaking my head in negative defiantly.
"You are going to have to work hard for it lover boy."
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pinkyqil · 8 months
Best dance trio
Vouging,wacking and hip hop 😭 am not familiar with che che dance style
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auliisflower · 9 months
funky y/ yeo eunji brainrot SHES SOOSJSJAKAKAKAKKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAK imagine her being ur gf and taking her out on dates, buying her tanghulu and flowerssss ughh i could just die 🥹🥹🤭🤭
Flowers and Tanghulu
Y/n and Eunji were the epitome of a picture-perfect couple. Their love was like a delicate dance, with every step bringing them closer together. They were inseparable, going on romantic dates filled with laughter, joy, and endless memories.
But today, their love story hit a bump in the road. A misunderstanding led to a heated argument that left both Y/n and Eunji feeling hurt and distant. The once vibrant bond between them was clouded by tension and sadness.
Realizing the gravity of the situation, Y/n knew they had to make things right. They wanted to remind Eunji of the love and happiness they shared. With a determined heart, Y/n set out on a mission to mend their fractured relationship. Y/n knew Eunji's heart was easily won with the simplest gestures of love.
They remembered Eunji's obsession with tanghulu, those delectable sweet and sticky fruit skewers. Y/n decided to surprise Eunji by buying a box of tanghulu, knowing it would bring a smile to her face. But Y/n didn't stop there. They wanted to make the moment even more special.
Y/n made their way to the flower shop and carefully handpicked a bouquet of Eunji's favorite flowers. Each bloom held a message of apology and affection. As the evening approached, Y/n nervously knocked on Eunji's door, holding the box of tanghulu and the bouquet in trembling hands.
Eunji opened the door, her eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and longing. Without saying a word, Y/n extended the offerings of peace and love. Eunji's eyes sparkled with tears, knowing that Y/n had gone above and beyond to make things right. She reached out and took the tanghulu, savoring the sweet taste that reminded her of their shared
memories. With the bouquet of flowers in hand, Y/n gently took Eunji's trembling fingers and brought them to their lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles.
In that moment, the tension melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of love and understanding. As they sat together, tanghulu and flowers surrounding them, Y/n and Eunji realized that their love was stronger than any argument. They promised to communicate better, to cherish each other, and to never let trivial matters come between them again.
From that day forward, Y/n and Eunji continued their romantic dates, but with an even deeper appreciation for the love they shared. And every time they enjoyed tanghulu or caught a glimpse of the flowers, they were reminded of the power of forgiveness and the strength of their love.
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bobaandasiandramas · 4 months
I have fallen into a pit and I apologize.
I honestly don't know when I'll be updating The Truth Untold or Find Rest For Your Soul.
I have written a prologue and a first chapter to a Paul X F.OC fic. (Twilight for those who don't know) and I plan to work on chapter 2 soon.
I've also started watching Criminal Minds again on top of always reading. Maybe I'll revisit my old Criminal Minds fic and edit it and actually finish it?
I'm a mess. And the worst. Or the best. Who knows?
Anyway, I'm not abandoning the Fics I've been writing but for now they're on hiatus.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 3 months
ep 5. trust that i trust you | myj, jjk
sugar, spice, and everything nice ep 5. trust that I trust you.
pairing(s): yoonji x reader x jungkook
summary: After confessing to Jeon Jungkook that she likes his girlfriend, Min Yoonji thinks she knows what happens next. Arguments. Tears. A slap to the face, maybe. None of these things happen. Ah, sweet, innocent (ha!) Yoonji knows how to pick 'em.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; pan!f!reader; pan!Yoonji; internalized homophobia; gay panic; further confessions; f/f/m love triangle; threesome smut (heavy wlw focus, JK and his lady match each other's freak, so much kissing, voyeurism, slight hair pulling, nipple play, dry humping, fingering, cum eating / sharing, striptease, spit kink, handjob, edging, m/f missionary, f-receiving oral); non-idol!AU - Yoonji's POV
“Do you remember… when I said that there was someone I had fallen in love with, but never got to tell?”
“I remember that conversation.”
“Um, well… it’s Yoonji-noona.”
What was more bizarre – listening to Jeon Jungkook confess his previous feelings or Min Yoonji actually being able to witness the placid reaction of his current lover as he admitted to falling for and possibly still in love with Yoonji? Trick question. The entire situation was all fucking weird. For her part, the other woman listened rather than reacted.
“You did say it was difficult because it was an important friendship that you didn’t want to risk.”
The two of them really had talked about this, then.
“Y-Yeah.” Jungkook chewed on his lip. Still, his nervousness seemed to be fading as he stared into those scorched eyes. They did not immediately denounce him, so he continued. “Uh… It was more than that. Because… When I realized it, Yoonji-noona was dating another guy. This guy ruined everything. I didn’t seem much of it, but even I could tell it was bad. Really bad. She always seemed sad even though she was angry all the time. As the months went by, she became sadder and angrier. All closed up. Even after they broke up… It never seemed like the right time to say anything. I don’t know exactly what happened, but I do know that was when she started becoming dismissive and cagey about love stuff. She became an anti-romantic.”
Yoonji interrupted with a scoff. “You’re exaggerating.”
“Nuh uh. And you even told Jimin relationships weren’t for you,” Jungkook insisted.
Unperturbed by her outburst, the other woman replied with, “That explains a lot for me.”
He became strangely quiet at that. Damn. Yoonji wondered what that comment meant but neither elaborated. They both seemed to already know. You said you don’t want to be my boyfriend. Part of her wanted to ask. However, their relationship was not her place to comment. It was obvious, though, that this was more than simply benefits-with-friendship. A splinter of envy gleaned in her ribcage. Instead of hostility or displeasure, Jungkook had been met with acceptance for something that most would find unacceptable. She was even smiling comfortingly at him.
Yoonji frowned.
And she glared at her.
“Why are you sitting so close anyway?” she snapped.
The other woman raised her eyebrows at Yoonji.
They were sitting in a triangle, with Yoonji and Jungkook on the sofa. One of Yoonji’s dining room chairs had been dragged up to barricade their knees in front of the instigator of this discussion. Her legs were spread, her hands at the front of the chair, clasping down the front flap of her dark red slip dress. False modesty, though. The leg slits were hiking all the way up to the tops of her bare thighs. Yoonji was trying not to stare. Jungkook was staring hard. Said woman was also his fuckbuddy, so Yoonji wasn’t surprised, but she was jealous. What? Anyway, at the very least his dick companion was still wearing her bomber jacket. The large size was covering most of her indecency.
The younger man was fidgeting in his seat awkwardly. Yoonji smacked his arm and didn’t look. She would most likely see something that would not help her concentrate.
Jungkook spoke to the other woman directly.
“I… I want to be with you, noona.”
Inexplicably, the splinter in Yoonji’s chest turned into a full-blown knife at those words.
The charming half-smile reached to those burned eyes.
“You are with me, Jungkook.”
The knife twisted. Either in pain or morbid curiosity, Yoonji chanced a look in his direction. He was shaking his head, chewing on his lower lip again. “No… No, I don’t think it’s supposed to be this way. You’re so sure and I… I’m scared. I’m scared I’m doing this all wrong. I don’t want to hurt you. And I’m hurting you. I know I am, even if you are too tough to tell me.”
He looked so lost that Yoonji’s internal ache subsided a bit. She hated how those big brown eyes seemed to have lost their stars. She wanted to reach over, pat his shoulder, something, but was beaten to it. The other woman’s hand rose, her palm brushing against Jungkook’s cheek. His expression brightened, just like that, his lips parting as they looked at each other, not saying anything. The correct response would have been indignance for being the third wheel. Instead, Yoonji realized she was fixated on Jungkook’s double lip rings and immediately diverted her eyes to a random spot on the wall. She certainly couldn’t look into inquisitive dark eyes surveying them both. She couldn’t look down either. Because reasons.
“So, what’s your opinion?”
She was aware she was being spoken to. At the moment, Yoonji was wondering why she had never bought more artwork to put on the walls so she actually had something to look at when she was avoiding eye contact. “About what?” she absentmindedly answered.
“About Jungkook’s admission of wanting to fuck your holes.”
Yoonji jerked and scowled. That smirk grew.
“Don’t be crass.”
The hand retreated from Jungkook’s cheek. A light tilt of her head as she calmly regarded her. “Well, you and me both can see that he loves you. Being in love with you is the same thing, but with naked privileges.”
Her cheeks burned again. Yoonji ignored it. “What?” she snapped.
 “Ah, noona…” Jungkook was aghast, floundering a bit, his ears bright red.
The other woman raised a finger. Cherry red nails with iridescent orange-yellow flakes. They looked like points of fire. She placed her left index finger onto his lips and tapped lightly, silencing him.
“He doesn’t love me. He has confused proximity to convenient attraction. I happen to be the closest woman to him since we are in the same friend group,” Yoonji pointed out flatly.
An exasperated, languid sigh as the other woman shook her head. “You are surprisingly stubborn,” she remarked cooly. The finger left Jungkook’s parted lips and hovered in between them. “He always tells me when you’ve released something new on SoundCloud.” Another finger popped up. “He’s always talking about how good you are at guitar.” A third finger popped up. Like a goddamn daisy. “He has a picture of you on his bedroom dresser that he always smiles at when he passes it.”
Yoonji was sure that if she dunked her head in lava, it would actually cool down.
Jungkook was sputtering. “I don’t–”
Those dark eyes narrowed with an even darker glint flashing within. “I believe he said it was the only solo gig you ever did. At a small, underground bar. You are holding a black acoustic guitar, wearing torn blue jeans and a white crop top under an unbuttoned baseball jersey. The mic stand is in front of you and your eyes are closed.”
She had forgotten about that. A friend had desperately needed someone to cover for an act that dropped out. Job on the line and shit. Yoonji had to get very drunk to even muster the courage to sit on stage. It had been an almost impossible task, but Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had been there, crammed into a corner booth. She had pretended no one was there except for those six huddled heads. She turned to stare at Jungkook. He was trying to hide his face with his sleeves, attempting to sink into the couch, avoiding her gaze at all costs.
“You took a picture?” she croaked.
“I thought… Thought you might want it later,” Jungkook mumbled to his arms. His ears were so red that they might as well have been glowing neon lights. “There are other pictures on my dresser too. One of Namjoon accepting that award he got last year. Jimin and Taehyung meeting the pandas at the zoo–”
“Who knows, maybe you’d bonk them all if they batted their eyelashes right.”
And then Yoonji felt two fingers on her chin, turning her stunned face. Woman to woman, eye to eye. What is with this intense visual shakedown? One of those eyebrows rose. She could feel her heart beat faster because it was in her damn throat. That fucking smile grew, laced with wicked mirth.
“Come on. Pretty obvious he could see himself with you.”
Yoonji didn’t want to give in just yet. “So what? He can see himself with you too. Great. He’s a slut.”
“Hey!” He sounded indignant. Couldn’t blame him.
That sly smirk didn’t disappear though.
“Oh, yeah. I know.”
The two women stared each other down.
One was enjoying it more than the other.
“And yet I don’t think Jeon Jungkook’s horny is the reason why we are sitting in your apartment talking about this, Min Yoonji.”
Fuckity fuck. She must be stupid. A certified idiot, letting herself be cornered again by that teasing expression and manicured hands. I hate women. Those dark eyes sparkled in triumph. Why couldn’t dummy Jungkook attract another dummy that was only hot, not this smartass that was also a grandmaster at mental chess? Fuck. Maybe it was Yoonji’s own fault for having a type. Dammnit. Fuck.
“You must have confessed to him first.”
She cast her eyes down, then back up.
“Yeah. I did.”
A careful nod.
“Okay,” Jungkook’s woman said softly.
Yoonji took in a deep, shaky breath and came clean.
“I told him I’m attracted to you,” she finally admitted.
The other woman straightened.
Yoonji frowned. “The fuck you mean, oh?” She felt a tendon in her neck tense. “Oh?! What kind of reaction is that?” She couldn’t stop the rising panic in her voice. “I – you!”
A quick teasing smile. Yet, her cool demeanor seemed almost ruffled, in a way. “Ah, wait.” A slight chuckle. Yoonji noticed the dusting of pink on her cheekbones. Then again, maybe that was her desperation delulu playing with her vision. “Give me a moment. Huh. I wasn’t expecting that of all things.”
Yoonji wanted to throw this whole conversation away. Her cheeks were going to fall off her face with how mortified she was. “Hah, on second thought, who ca–”
“Ah, wait.”
An impatient, manicured hand seized her sleeve and yanked her back down onto the sofa before she even realized she had gotten to her feet. Yoonji fell back unceremoniously, knocking into Jungkook, who braced her stumble and steadied her. He solidly held her up. She pulled away quickly, gripping her knees through her pants.
The other woman retracted her grip as well in a gesture of peace. “Okay, sorry. I’m taken aback, is all. My thought this entire time was that you were in love with Jungkook, which was why you were behaving the way you were. I didn’t fathom–”
“I’m pansexual,” Yoonji heard herself interject.
She said it.
Those mauve pink lips parted mid-sentence, then pivoted. “Me too.”
“I…” Yoonji swallowed hard, feeling the guilt of knowing such a personal detail. “I know. Jungkook told me." She tried to absolve him of any crime. “He was asking me for advice. Because he… he trusted me.”
Clearly, that ended up well.
A half-laugh. “It’s fine. I didn’t tell him because I was hiding it,” that playful voice soothed. She didn’t seem troubled at all. Amused, even. “I told him because it was true. But, to me, it doesn’t matter who knows.”
She felt a twinge of unease. The pause in Yoonji’s words wasn’t the embarrassment. It was more that it finally hit her that she declared such a thing so directly. It felt so real, suddenly. “You’re the first person I’ve actually… The first time I’ve said that word out loud. I’ve only alluded to it to two other people. My best friend, Jung Hoseok, and Jungkook here.” She looked up, unsure of how to feel.
That soon-to-be-usual mischievous smile greeted her in return.
“Thanks for telling me.”
Yoonji frowned slightly. “Well… I kind of have to so you get that I…” She trailed off.
The other woman said what she could not. “Want to see me naked?”
She felt her eye twitch. “I might be reconsidering.”
“I mean, I’ll show you if that’s all you need to figure out where you are on the spectrum.”
This–! Her open palm smacked the couch, almost forgetting Jungkook was there as she bristled at such a keen suggestion. “Hey. Don’t look down on me. I don’t need any confirmation. I’ve already had enough sex dreams about you and Jungkook.”
Ten full seconds passed.
That was about enough time for Yoonji to realize that she must be drunk. Or in a dummy. Or both. Actually, she would have preferred to be drunk and dumb instead of the alternative, which was spewing truths simply because she had been provoked. It wasn’t like her to get worked up like this. She didn’t need to prove anything to anyone, and certainly not the validity of truths she had been diligently – until now – cramming away into the denial box shoved into the back of her mind. She was highly aware of Jungkook and his girlfriend staring at her with a mixture of shock and amusement, respectively.
She snapped her head to him and raised her hand.
“This is your fault.”
Her wrist was caught out of the air.
“Don’t hit our man.”
Yoonji froze.
She looked at her. Wild hair, full lips, dressed in shades of darkness. Scorched eyes that saw right through her. Every defense she had, torn down from day one, and yet Yoonji hadn’t known it then. She hadn’t known the trouble that had walked into her life that day in the park. She hadn’t known how that day in the bowling alley and a moment in the arcade would lead to this. She hadn’t known a reckless smirk would lead her to do reckless things, and, even more recklessly, make her want to do more.
Or maybe she had known, and just didn’t want to admit it.
“You’re not serious,” she breathed out to that shadowed gaze.
A tilt of the head. “Well, I’ll admit he does like a bit of a spank. But not like that.”
Even that obtuse comment didn’t deter the sudden welling of tears brimming under the surface.
“He… He’s yours.” Yoonji tried to breathe. It was difficult. “I can’t.”
That flame-tipped manicure let go of her wrist.
Those dark predator eyes revealed nothing while implying the impossible.
“Jungkook is definitely mine. The latter remains to be seen.”
It happened in slow motion.
The whisper had barely ended and that body moved like liquid darkness.
The grip on her wrist gone, tracing the air from Yoonji to a frozen Jungkook who could only gawk, open-mouthed, wide-eyed, as those graceful fingers descended onto his thigh. He tensed up when she made contact, and now Yoonji took a partial breath, inhaling perfume that made her head spin with memories. Alluringly sweet with a kick of caffeine and warmth, the fragrance wafting off of her like smoke, and that seductress kept her eyes on those big brown ones that could only witness her advance, sliding between his legs, tipping her face towards his, their dark lashes lowering in unison as he leaned in.
Yoonji watched them kiss.
For a picturesque second, it was demure.
Then the grip on Jungkook’s thigh tightened. His right hand lifted to sweep back wayward strands, their heads tilting, the kiss deepening, and flame-tipped fingers shot out, gripping the front of his hoodie and dragging him closer, earning a whimper of desperation and a low moan vibrating deep in his chest.
Those burning eyes opened and slid to Yoonji.
She couldn’t move.
What could she think? What to think? What to do in this situation she had dreamed far too many times and still she wasn’t prepared for? She didn’t know. Jungkook’s left hand pushed down the shoulders of the bomber jacket, exposing beautiful shoulders adorned with thin silk straps, and Yoonji watched with perverse fascination as his fingertips glided down the dark red silk, his moan tainting the air as teeth nicked at his lower lip.
A hot chill crawled up her back at the sight.
The kiss broke. Jungkook shuddered, his eyes closed, his forehead against her temple, breathing in her hair. Yoonji couldn’t stop staring at her face. Those eyes were melting her insides. The juxtaposition of Jungkook’s angular lines and those softer but no less dangerous curves etched into memory. Her full pink lips mouthed her name. The sound came after, barely registering. His lips pressed to that cheek, surrendering to her power.
She wanted to do that too.
“What was that you said?”
The other woman bent towards her and licked the air.
“You can’t?” that husky voice echoed with a teasing smile.
Before she could waver, Yoonji gripped Jungkook’s thigh and pulled herself forward, pressing her lips to that teasing smile. She was surprised by how solid he felt under her hand, but even more surprised as the smile under her morphed into sensual tenderness, catching her off guard. She had kissed a woman before, but only in jest and after many drinks. Mediocre because it was meaningless. She hadn’t thought it too different from kissing a man, or anyone else for that matter. But this. This made her whole body freeze up and burn hot, highly aware of every sensation all at once. The sound of a faint inhale. The scent of wicked perfume settling into her nose. The sight of lashes and dark hair curling around her periphery. The feel, so pillowy it was dreamlike, not much pressure but just the right amount of thereness. The taste of a another, so faint it was almost undetectable and yet so desired that she could feel her pulse race.
It didn’t feel wrong.
That scared her.
Those lips, that poisoned holy grail, pulled away.
Yoonji opened her eyes slowly, realizing at some point she must have closed them.
Jungkook’s darling smiled at her.
“Kinda gay.”
She narrowed her eyes at the comment.
“I hate you.”
The grin widened.
“Makes for good sex.”
But then she held up a hand.
“I’m calling a time-out, though. I need to talk to loverboy here.”
And so she pulled Jungkook aside as Yoonji remained on the sofa, her lips tingling.
“Look at me. No, my face.”
She tried not to listen out of respect for both of them. He was kneading the other woman’s breasts with glazed-over eyes throughout the entire hushed conversation. Still, Yoonji knew why the woman had asked for a time-out. It was necessary so as to not take advantage of his impulsiveness. Reality was reality. Before her, there was Jeon Jungkook. It seemed that she was trying to get through to him and, from the looks of it, she was, just barely. Yoonji watched Jungkook be shaken a little. Still, she waited patiently. After all, she had to decide too.
Not that she needed too much time.
She had kissed her fair share of people. This time was different. Was it selfish? Of course. Did Yoonji want what Jungkook had? She was no fool. From one single kiss, she could tell that he had chosen someone who treated sex not only as a physical act of pleasure, but truly as an act of respect and integrity. So, yes, she wanted that. She wondered if he had any clue about how lucky he was. He must. He has never risked so much for someone else before. Not even me. That was her fault. If anything, perhaps it would be best to back out now. But that would be a stupid thing to do with how fucking horny she was getting.
“I’ll follow you no matter what.”
“No. Really.” He shook his head in a flurry of black. “I am yours. I’m done jerking your chain. Whatever you wanna do… Besides… It’s not just anyone. It’s Yoonji-noona.”
Two sets of eyes flickered towards her. In instant and panicked response, Yoonji began to inspect her coffee table as if it was the most mesmerizing art piece known to man. Her cheeks flushed hotly.
“Do you know what you’re saying?”
“That I wanna walk through fire with you? I do. I will. Take me, please.”
Goddamn, Jungkook was such smooth talker without even trying.
A gentle sigh. “You might get hurt. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“Yeah, but you do.”
“I don’t. I wish.”
“Trust that I trust you.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Crazy for you.”
Still, that answer seemed satisfactory enough. Yoonji nearly jumped as silk and lace settled down in front of her. She was vaguely aware of the scraping sound of Jungkook picking up the dining chair to put back to its place, but she was too transfixed by the exposed shoulder of walking sex.
“We need to establish some ground rules.”
“Ah… what?” She cleared her throat, forcing herself to look into scorched eyes. “Rules?”
A brief nod. “If you actually want to follow through, that is.”
She paused. Then she straightened up, frowning slightly. “You still don’t believe my intentions?”
There was a telling silence. She wondered what the other woman was thinking. One arm on the sofa, the other extended, the flouncy ruffle of the bomber jacket lowered to her elbow, her hand on the crossed-over knee of delectable legs, dark red silk skimming over the soft curve of her breasts. Yoonji didn’t let her gaze linger though. They held eye contact for a moment longer.
“Moving forward will change your life in more ways than one,” that husky voice promised.
Yoonji answered the inquiry with question. “What about you?”
A half-smile. “Me? Don’t worry about me. I thrive off this.”
She considered that.
Sparks in the embers of that gaze.
“Because I am not gonna die boring.”
It was said with such conviction that it was hard to argue against. Yoonji stared into those eyes, trying to find the lie behind those smoked windows. And yet, she realized she was only doing so because she thought she had to. She already knew what she wanted. It was already being offered. Be reckless. Yoonji felt herself smile.
“Tell me the rules.”
Her smile was returned with a wink.
“We try what we want to try. One time. After that we can go from there.” A pause. Yoonji nodded. “We stop whenever it becomes uncomfortable or not fun anymore. I’m not interested in this becoming a source of resentment or regret.”
“Do you mean you?”
A light shake of the head. “No, Yoonji,” she said, causing shivers to erupt within. “Sorry, I don’t feel like being formal.” Another nod, terse. She found had to force herself not to watch those plush lips moving and keep her sight upwards. “I can exit this equation any time. It is not me who has a deep friendship extending to an entire group. Sex is just sex. Until it’s not.”
She opened her mouth to say it wasn’t that serious, but couldn’t. Wouldn’t. The other woman knew. There was profound understanding in that expression. Yoonji exhaled. She could feel her heart beat fast and the want tingle in her fingers. However.
“Please don’t leave him because of me.”
She took in a shaky breath.
“No matter how I feel,” Yoonji said, and meant it. “I know it is unfair for me to say this, but I would rather be sad and lonely than know that I was the one to ruin something worthy.”
She raised her head. It was hard to tell what was going on in the darkness of those eyes, and yet Yoonji could sense a plethora of complex thought behind them. The word worthy had revealed more than intended. She could tell the other woman was shifting though responses and knowing that gave her a delicate sadness. She could relate. She could understand why Jungkook admired her so much.
And just like that, the mischievous spark returned.
“I won’t.”
Yoonji felt relieved.
“So, let us discuss the distribution of attention.”
At this, Yoonji didn’t hesitate. “I would prefer to focus on you. And for you to lead.”
She started as she noticed Jungkook was leaning against the armrest of the couch, right behind the other woman, one hand playing with her hair and patiently waiting. He perked when he heard attention, turning to listen in. He didn’t seem to have any reaction to Yoonji’s proposition other than interest. No anger or disappointment. Maybe that was one of the things they talked about. Or maybe he was staring down the top of the slip dress. Yoonji felt annoyed that he was the only one getting the show.
Raised eyebrows. “Why?”
She felt her face heat again. “Well, I don’t want to feel like I’m under the spotlight. And… It just makes sense. You are the experienced one.”
Mild surprise. “You’re not?”
Her eyes shifted away. “I’ve had sex. It… It was a means to an end. There was no elegance in it,” she muttered. She didn’t include that she had had only heterosexual sex. It didn’t matter though, because it was very fucking obvious.
“Well, shit. Way to put on the expectations.”
Yoonji raised her gaze, seeing a wicked smirk.
“I better get to work, eh?”
The three of them stood in the bedroom.
This part was awkward. Mostly for Yoonji, and she rented this apartment. She almost suggested the living room instead. Then again, the comfort of a bed seemed necessary. At least, Yoonji wanted the bed. Thankfully she wasn’t ashamed of her room. In fact, she was quite proud of her decor, including her vinyl collection and her guitars on display. Jungkook had been in here before, more to be annoying than for any other reason, however it suddenly became clear to her that he was about to… see things.
He seemed on edge himself, big eyes still big, biting his lower lip, keeping close to them rather than his natural tendency to poke around. She saw his hand graze against the other woman’s lower back for comfort. It now occurred to Yoonji that she had once used to be that source of physical grounding for him, although it had been more in the respectful hand-on-shoulder realm. Even head-on-shoulder. But, no more, clearly.
Jungkook turned around, noticing that she had stopped in the doorway.
She raised her eyes, painfully slow, and made eye contact. Looked away.
His voice faltered. “Uh…”
His partner stopped too, turning as well. Yoonji shook her head, crossing the line into her bedroom and trying to slide past them in a hurry. Her bed was still unmade from getting up this morning. Bad manners. The dark grey sheets and duvet were askew, the left side flipped open.
A hand grabbed her arm and spun her around.
Yoonji nearly tripped but was yanked up against another body.
Not a hard, muscular one. A softer, slimmer one. She sucked in a breath. Scorched eyes looked down at her, pinning Yoonji’s arm behind her back and holding her to her. A breathless freeze-frame.
That hot gaze burned right through.
“Do you not want him here?” she asked Yoonji.
Her eyes flickered to a withdrawn Jungkook and then back. “It… It’s fine,” she heard herself saying.
“That isn’t what I asked.”
Yoonji clenched her jaw and felt her temper flare. “I…” Her head flicked, spitting it out with rougher Daegu intonation seeping into her speech. “Tch. It dawned on me that I coulda been in your position right now. Tough girl in charge and shit. That’s fuckin’ all.”
The other woman’s head tilted. It was a brief but tense stare down. She smiled.
It was predatory.
“So, why isn’t it?” she purred.
Her previous anger deflated. Yoonji frowned, not yet relenting. She looked away, saying, “Don’t mistake me. I helped raise Jungkook into the person he is today. He doesn’t intimidate me,” not quite believing what was coming out her mouth.
An eyebrow raised in reply.
“Okay. I only need him for myself, then.”
Then Yoonji stiffened, realizing the free arm of her captor was rising, slipping out of the bomber jacket, and then she was staring at a graceful hand fanning out. Arm rising, reaching back, an action brimming with sexual power that was unapologetically feminine, and then Jungkook’s lover grabbed him by the hair and dragged his head to her shoulder. His mouth opened in shock and he stumbled forward, pressing his chest against that back, gasping as he was forced to turn his face to her ear, and, with a practiced movement, latched his teeth to that neck right in front of Yoonji’s face.
Her breath caught in her throat.
She watched. Tongue, lips, teeth. Claiming, patterning bites up previously perfect skin, marring it with lust, kissing up her neck and to the ear, his pink tongue sliding out and circling the curve. His eyes closed in blissful service. The sound of his low moan caressed her ears, so wrong but so right, and Yoonji stiffened as she sensed his hands moving, slipping between their bodies, moving upwards, cupping the other woman’s breasts and squeezing them, hard, and it was unbelievable, insane, hot as fuck as she realized the other woman wasn’t wearing a bra since she could clearly see prominent, hard nipples straining against the slinky fabric pulled taut by Jungkook’s large, strong hands.
Right there.
A hair’s breath away.
She jerked her head up, alarmed, meeting the lowered gaze darkened with sin.
One of Jungkook’s eyes was barely visible, shifting, searching for Yoonji’s reaction to his obscenity.
“Let me ask again.”
She looked so fucking smug that it was annoying. Yoonji didn’t even care.
“Do you want Jungkook here?”
She tried to lie and her mind didn’t keep up.
“Y… Yeah…”
The hand behind her let go.
She beckoned Yoonji to her with two fingers.
As if spellbound, she stepped forward and tipped her face upwards, rising, feeling Jungkook’s knuckles even through her sweater, and pressed her lips to another woman’s.
Everything she was taught told her it was wrong. All of such nonsense burned in that instant, set aflame by that kiss, soft and hot and intense. A pesky little inner voice scolded her to stop but then another’s hand pressed into her hair to deepen the kiss further, and then there was no stop, there was only go, go, her head spinning, realizing that inner fear was there because she knew she couldn’t stop once she started.
Didn’t want to.
Her breathing hitched as tongue touched tongue.
It happened with such precision, such leisure that it almost didn’t register. Dreamlike, surreal, hypnotizing as her tongue skimmed against Yoonji’s, stealing her breath with each slow thrust, building a frenzy in herself that Yoonji couldn’t even recognize, her skin tingling all over, her head tilted and held in place.
Somehow her hands were gripping those lush hips.
She gasped, realizing Jungkook’s hands were adjusting. Her sweater did not hide the movement of his fingers pushing down the low neckline of the slip dress, exposing naked breasts against her still-clothed chest, and Yoonji was shocked to feel another woman’s hard nipples against her. Barely, through the layers, but still. Her heart raced as she pressed chest to chest, aching to feel more. Her eyes opened, vision hazy through lashes, and then she realized the soft mewl was coming from her own throat, begging.
A chaste kiss skimmed the side of her lips.
“What is it?” she murmured.
Yoonji bit her lip and glanced down.
Jungkook had shoved his hands under those perky breasts and pressed the other woman’s nipples to the top curve of her chest. She gasped at such profound, shameless, absurd sexuality, damp heat pooling between her legs, looking back up to lust incarnate.
“You could get anyone,” Yoonji whispered, convinced it was true.
Those full lips were darker, flushed from kisses.
“But not anyone can withstand me,” was the purred answer.
This was an insane situation.
Yoonji breathed out her name and those scorched eyes burned with delight.
Her head was pushed down to those naked breasts. And, like a pleased puppet, Yoonji let it happen, closing in, tasting sweet skin, oh my god, and it was incomparable. It wasn’t a means to an end. It was a display. It was an action for its sake and its sake alone, a charged instinct, skin-to-lips, Yoonji kissing down her neck, her collarbones, relishing in her efforts being rewarded by a wispy, content sigh, and she placed the flat of her tongue in between those breasts and licked up, leaving a wet trail of possessive saliva.
Their eyes locked.
That devious smirk could bring a nation to its knees.
She caught Jungkook’s curious peek. Watching her. Watching them. She lowered again, kissing down, feeling the softness lifting, and Yoonji circled her tongue around one hard nipple before covering it with her mouth. She did it just as she would have liked it, with a slow close of her lips, rubbing the tip with her tongue, electrified by the taste, the feeling, the firm softness, sucking on her nipples as Jungkook held up her breasts, his index finger against Yoonji’s chin. She reached up with her other hand, delicate, experimental, pressing the pad of her fingertip against the other hard nub and rubbing. Gently at first, but then wanting more friction, needing it, her own nipples trapped in her bra aching for that pressure.
She pinched.
The woman’s head tipped back and she heard a throaty moan. Yoonji watched as Jungkook kissed her mouth, tongue to tongue, tangling. Carnal and pornographic and violently arousing. She teased her nipples as Jungkook kissed her, switching sides, nicking with her teeth, craving each moan and sigh that she could create, striving for the fingers in her hair to tighten, encouraged by it, the heady taste and delectable smell draining blood from her mind and going down, down, the throb between her legs becoming uncomfortable. Undeniable.
Standing, removing her mouth even though she didn’t want to, reaching out and taking the other woman’s hand. Yoonji pulled her touch to her, breathing ragged, pressing that palm into her jeans, cupping another’s hand around her covered mound and pushing it up, closing her eyes as she felt the hardness of the seam grind against her soaked slit. Shuddering. Opening her eyes in a daze, witnessing the break of the kiss. The calm redirect of focus drenched her further.
She let her do it.
Wanted her to touch her.
Yoonji stared into the other woman’s eyes and rocked her hips into the hand she had trapped between her legs, panting as she saw Jungkook’s hands, one tattooed, one not, cover those exposed breasts. His fingers separated, flicking those hard nipples, pinching, tugging on them, and Yoonji wanted to ask if it could be her but also she didn’t want to stop thrusting her hips into the seam of her jeans, so disturbingly close from the sight alone and yet.
She let the hand go.
Her body felt like it was on fire.
Her desire observed her carefully.
Yoonji swallowed hard.
“You don’t have to take anything off,” those kissed lips softly reminded. “Not unless you want to.”
Her cheeks were burning.
“I’m…” Her hands lingered by the front of her jeans. “I’m afraid you won’t think I’m womanly enough. I’m not… I don’t look like you.”
A faint smile.
“I will like anything I get to see, Yoonji.” She inclined her head. “Or touch. Let me.”
Her fingers balanced on the metal button of her jeans as she drew closer. She couldn’t look at Jungkook right now. Strangely enough, she wasn’t that worried about him. Maybe it was due to their previous rapport. But, her, the one he chose, the intense being that radiated sexual prowess, all sublime lines and half-exposed with the delicate straps of her dark red silk dress fallen down her slender arms.
She lightly kissed Yoonji on the lips.
She placed a hand on the waist of her jeans and held it upright as Yoonji unbuttoned. Unzipped. Bit her lip, not looking down, but instead lifting it slightly away from her body. Those lashes lowered. Yoonji watched her face. Gasped as she felt a slim hand glide inside. Warm. Gentle. Those burning orbs flicked up, paying attention to her reaction. Light fingernails scratched against the thin fabric of her panties. She held her breath. They traced the hem. Lower. Nails digging into her thighs, lightly at first, and then harder as Yoonji whimpered, her eyelids fluttering at the sensual pain. Closer.
She implored, staring into the fire.
Fingertips pressed solidly into her damp heat.
Yoonji moaned, shivering.
Her body prickled all over. She could feel it, the pressure, back and forth and slightly shoving her panties into her pussy, molding wet fabric to her inner lips. A fingertip grazed upward. She gasped, drenching herself further, going rigid lest she pass out from the mounting pleasure.
The other woman circled her engorged clit, intrigued by Yoonji’s reactions.
She said nothing.
Nothing crass. Nothing scalding. Nothing to break this haunting reverie. Yoonji almost wanted her to, please, anything, but she was suspended into slick friction, the blood in her veins simmering with the cusp of wanton ecstasy. Slow strokes gradually built up to more, more intensity. Yoonji knew that she couldn’t get herself off this way, perhaps due her own recoil of heightened sensitivity or the mental block during masturbation, but being at the mercy of another was completely different, stuck, forced to chase the high as it was given, closer. Unlike her previous partners, she did not speed up or become impatient. The deliberate pace was constant, focusing only on her throbbing clit, like she could do this to her all day.
Through her haze, Yoonji realized Jungkook was watching too, grinding his hips into the other woman’s ass, his heavy exhale indicating that he, too, was getting off.
That made her feel powerful and, in turn, even more horny.
And so Yoonji bit her lip and leaned her head back, closing her eyes, feeling the tightness in her chest, the tension in her legs, closer, her orgasm nearing, hovering, and then her brazen moan rose, tainted by another woman’s name.
The hot pleasure melted into her, the wave colliding with such ferocity that her legs clamped tight, an uncontrolled flinch pulsing through her torso. Her eyes rolled back as her swollen clit pulsed, her panties buried inward, her juices leaking out and dripping down the insides of her thighs. The movement ceased but the pressure remained. Each throb against the solidness of her hand sent another jolting surge of blinding pleasure. Air was a luxury. She gasped, reeling, lowering her chin.
Her trembling fingers tugged at the waist of her underwear.
“P-Please…” Her voice was raspy with want. “Touch me.”
Those shadowed eyes narrowed.
“Put your fingers inside me,” Yoonji begged again.
Her other hand raised, reminding Yoonji of her almond-shaped nails. She didn’t care, taking the hand cupping her and pulling it inside, further, skin-to-skin, oh god, and two fingers slid inside her, fuck, throwing her head back and moaning, not from the fullness but from triumph. The smirk was back again yet Yoonji didn’t even care, whining as she felt wet fingers retreat, massaging her quivering slit, then slide back in, listening to a satisfied hum as she did her best to clench around them.
“From here.”
She looked back. Flame-tipped fingers tapped her lower belly.
“Imagine pulling yourself together right here.”
Yoonji frowned but did was she was told. Ah.
“Mhm. Like that.”
She clenched, shuddering as those expert fingers continued to slowly sink in and out, tracing her soaked pussy, her sensitive clit, brushing her thumb knuckle against those nerves and making Yoonji hiss. The other woman smiled, coaxing her again to a blissful climax. Not as forceful this time. A half-orgasm, sort of, and yet it was an eye watering pleasure that she didn’t deny. 
The hand backed off.
Yoonji let out a contained exhale, her chest tight and her heart racing.
Elegant fingers, glistening, covered in her cum came into vision. She held her breath as the other woman brought them to her lush lips. Opened her mouth. Pink and hot and wet, her flexible tongue snaked out, placing two fingers onto the slick surface and circling.
Licking Yoonji’s orgasm off her fingers.
Her pussy throbbed at the lewd image.
“W… What does it taste like?”
That smile sent lustful anticipation down her spine.
She smirked around her fingers.
Then she pulled them out and held them above her shoulder.
Yoonji watched as Jungkook paused, his dark eyes flickering to hers. Her pants shallowed. She ticked her chin towards the raised hand. A somewhat familiar sly smirk graced his lips. The small mole underneath them peeked out in naughty glee. The two silver rings at the edge raised in salute.
Jungkook leaned forward and sucked on those fingers drenched with Yoonji’s cum and his lover’s saliva, cleaning it off while gazing at them through lashes.
He groaned, and it seemed that he was still rubbing his erection into the other woman’s ass. In fact, the dress was hiked up, exposing a little sliver of a black panty. His left hand enveloped the slim wrist as his tongue traveled down her palm, back up, through her fingers, around them. Yoonji had the distinct impression that he was showing off. To her, specifically.
He cocked an eyebrow.
This brat.
But two could play at this game.
“I want to watch you fuck him.”
It was with great amusement that Yoonji saw Jungkook seize up from her words. Yeah, fuck you. Actually. His human candy seemed unfazed though. Rather, she seemed on the border of laughter. She pulled her hand down, trailing it over her chest while casually agreeing, “Sure.”
Not even an iota of embarrassment.
Jungkook, though, was stuttering. “U-Uh… but…”
Their eye contact broke as the other woman turned her head to him. A flame-tipped hand settled over his wrapped around her waist, caressing his knuckles. Yoonji found it to be a more intimate gesture than seeing the naked body, transfixed by their interaction.
“You don’t wanna fuck me?”
“O-Of course I do! You can feel my hard dick, can’t you?” His ears turned scarlet when he realized what it was blurting out. “Um.”
His gaze was moving down. His reluctance was distracted by naked tits. Yoonji tried not to snort. You’re so easy. But then she stopped upon seeing their fingers interlock. Sucked in a breath as she saw their bodies fit together, curves and contours, and she watched the other woman’s hips sway, mesmerized, faces close, sharing breath, and Yoonji felt the same as Jungkook, melting into the fire of desire.
“O-Okay, I g-get it, noona, ah…”
Yoonji spotted a teasing wink shot her way.
You bitch.
But her cheeks flushed anyway, her returning smirk uncontainable.
If there had been a list of things Min Yoonji hadn’t expected to happen twenty-four hours before, number one on the list would have been sitting in her desk chair watching Jeon Jungkook and his girlfriend prepare to fuck on her own bed. If she had a genuine list for what she really wanted to happen in her life, truthfully, number one would probably be watching Jeon Jungkook and his girlfriend fuck on her bed. Funny how the universe wasn’t against this depravity. Maybe the gods had thought it was arbitrary enough twist of fate to keep in as some kind of horny joke.
Not that Yoonji was complaining.
Jungkook was, though.
“Uh, w… what am I supposed to d-do…?”
“Be pretty.”
His handsome face contorted to an annoyed pout. “Noona…”
Yoonji didn’t say anything. She stayed in her rolling desk chair, facing the bed, sitting with her legs open because her panties were a sopping mess. Still wore her open jeans and sweater however. She couldn’t bear to take her clothes off yet. It was definitely fuckin’ irrational, yup, to feel like a pale untouched creature next to Jungkook’s lady. But it was the truth. Yoonji watched the other woman shed her jacket with casual ease, reaching back and pulling the dark red slip over her head, giving a great view of perky breasts and shapely ass. Even the force of shaking her head out and tossing the dress to the floor held an air of practice.
Arrogance, too.
Stupid hot, honestly.
But she didn’t hate it. Yoonji had never liked the strict divisions that had been imposed onto her upbringing. She had always thought the lines between male and female were a lot more blurred than society was willing to admit. She liked the idea of traits melding together into a layered enigma. Right here, too. She stilled, realizing. Yes, right here too. Someone, who was so clearly woman in every sense of the world, circling Jungkook, who was so clearly man in every sense of the word. The roles reversed despite appeared vulnerability and personal presentation. A paradox right before Yoonji’s eyes. During her personal revelation, Jungkook sat at the side of the bed, still fully clothed, probably wondering what the fuck was going on.
“Noona, um–”
Feminine hands crossed and yanked the hem of Jungkook’s hoodie upwards, exposing his tan, toned torso in a flash.
Yoonji sucked in a breath.
Had Jungkook been shirtless around her before? Of course. Not intentionally – or at least not that Yoonji let herself notice – but the group had gone to the beach and stayed in a vacation home before. He also had an obsession with working out. More than once Yoonji had walked in on Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook working out in various states of toplessness. She had not let herself care a single time in the name of respect. Did she always say Jungkook looked good as a man? Yeah. But she was not going to objectify a friend without provocation.
This was provocation, though.
He gasped, tossing his head back, and Yoonji appreciated her fly-on-the-wall status at this moment. He was just so… him. She remembered when people outside their friend group told Jungkook not to ruin himself with inked flaws, not to make himself ugly with facial piercings, and she also remembered telling him all that was bullshit. He made his body what he wanted it to be. His right arm was heavily tattooed, even his elbow and hand, and she could see it all since he had raised his hand to pull those heavenly lips to his, his torso twisting, his chest rippling. He wore a few wooden bead bracelets on his left wrist and a thin gold chain on his neck. He had really built up his shoulders recently. And he had those big dreamy eyes that gave him the look of eager-to-please.
She did appreciate that he had grown up well, becoming confident enough to fit the daring lifestyle he had previously been afraid to chase.
Yes, Yoonji had always felt Jungkook was just her type.
Fuck, how sickening.
Somehow her hand had drifted to her thigh. Her fingers were oddly clenching her jeans, her knuckles pressing down, trying to ground herself despite her shallow breath. She couldn’t believe this guy had the insane luck to bag the hottest woman Yoonji had ever seen. She was fine to admit that, because, well, it was easier to admit when she wasn’t constantly interacting with her. She watched one of those graceful hands slide down Jungkook’s abdomen, those pointed nails creeping forward, finally reaching to knead his hardness through his pants. This wasn’t a surprise either. Although Jungkook had dated nice girls before, it was pretty damn obvious that what he really wanted to do was date the dangerous ones. He simply didn’t, for whatever reason. The nice ones never worked out. How he got to where he was now was a mystery. Then again, the two hadn’t been dating in the normal sense of the word.
So, perhaps both of them had been seduced in the same way by the same trickster.
He said her name, desperate and demanding, and Yoonji wondered if he would ever say her name like that. She saw the hand around his neck, the force tugging his head back, and the other woman leaned down, her hair swept to one side, circling his lips with her tongue.
Spitting into his mouth.
Jungkook moaned, reaching back to grip her soft thigh.
A surge of want throbbed in Yoonji’s core.
The woman raised her head and licked her free hand while lightly choking him with the other. His chest flinched, back arching, and his other hand slid between his spread legs, stretching the fabric taut and molding around his erection.
“Noona, p-please…”
She had never known his size. Sure, Yoonji had seen probably a hint in her lifetime. It was pretty impossible to never have a hard-on, ever, especially in a group of twenty-somethings sprouting inappropriate sexual nonsense now and then. Jungkook, however, usually wore baggy clothes. It was never obvious. Well, Yoonji wasn’t a fool either, he was most likely…
“Take him out.”
Possessed, because why else would he unzip himself that quickly and pull out his hard cock without hesitation? It was hard to know where to look, at his face tipped to the ceiling as flushed lips kissed hickeys all over his neck, or down at, holy hell. She shouldn’t. Damn. His agile fingers hooked around his balls and the thick girth bobbed in the air, dark with arousal, tip glassy with pre-cum, fuck, he had a pretty dick. Pretty everything. Nah, Yoonji had to be lust-drunk. Or something.
Her fingers dug into her jeans as long nimble fingers wrapped around Jungkook’s twitching length. Heat pooled to her center. Tongue against his skin, up his throat. Yoonji didn’t know if she wanted to be in his position or on him. Those burning eyes observed her while the other woman stroked his cock between his open legs. Her other hand was cradling his throat. His low groan filled the air, his head falling back, roughly tugging at his balls for more simulation.
“Y… You’re turning m-me into a m-masochist, noona…”
The sadist in the equation kept her gaze on Yoonji even though she was speaking to Jungkook. The corner of her beautiful lips curved upward.
“You were always a slut.”
Yoonji badly wanted to touch herself but she did not. Maybe she was a masochist too. She held eye contact and let her pussy gush out another spasm of wetness.
“N-No, I’m not…” His deep whine was interrupted by being forced to hold his own cock with another’s hand around his, gripping him to further hardness. His hips jerked, his inhale cut short, and then their joined hands moved in unison again.
She was edging him.
A sultry, challenging taunt. The hand on his neck moved up. Up. Fingernails tracing his lips, his mouth opening. Two fingers slid in. Wet. Noisy. Messy. Flashes of pink tongue as Jungkook thrust into his hand, harsh and rough and fast, the swollen head of his cock turning purple-red, shiny with pre-cum.
She wanted to lick it.
Yes, Yoonji wanted to lick it and shove Jungkook’s cock in her mouth.
I must have lost my mind.
Then Jungkook let out a muffled wail as his hips locked, his wrist stopped by a tight grip, his unspent cock twitching, snapping upward in the air. She sucked in a breath. Staring at it. Thinking about what it felt like. Wondering how it would feel being stretched out by him.
“Could you grab the condom in my jacket, Yoonji?”
She froze, suddenly remembering she was there. Her right hand was grasping a fistful of her jeans so hard that her knuckles were white. Her other hand was between her legs, molding her panties to her pulsing clit and circling it at the same pace she was witnessing. Her gasp caught in her throat.
Hadn’t even realized how close she was.
That self-satisfied minx simply smiled.
Yoonji moved her hands before Jungkook could gather two brain cells to realize what was happening. Without a word, she knelt and picked up the bomber jacket, feeling around the inner pockets. Wallet. Phone. Right front pocket. Keys. Left front pocket.
Two condoms.
She didn’t watch Jungkook undress the rest of the way even though Yoonji was sure it was happening. Instead, she held out the condoms when the other woman approached her. Wearing nothing but seamless black panties and a persistent smirk. She did not immediately reach down to take what was asked for. Her hands skimmed by her hips and hooked fingers along the top of her underwear, sliding then down her legs as she bent over.
Jungkook gasped probably at the same time Yoonji did.
Those dark eyes glittered with devilish joy.
She plucked the condoms out of Yoonji’s outstretched hand and stepped out of her panties.
The scent of her sex was potent, deep, and sweet. Different from herself, although Yoonji couldn’t quite describe why. Some of her juices stuck to the inside of her thighs in glossy smears. A lick away. I’m losing my mind. She was shaved. Glistening lips exposed, round ass bouncing as she walked, begging for hands to squeeze, and Yoonji stood up, staring, vaguely aware her jeans were sliding down. She could tell Jungkook snuck a glance at her, but then all of his attention was elsewhere, utterly distracted by lips that claimed him. She couldn’t blame him. Me too. Her entire body was violently hot.
Hands all over.
Legs wrapping around his thigh, grinding, leaving wetness behind on hard muscle.
Cool air washed over her burning skin when Yoonji shoved her jeans down as she watched another woman slide down her sheets, lifting her legs as Jungkook rolled the condom down his hard cock. His hands gripped those delicious hips and dragged her to him, pressing against her and pushing in.
“Ah, fuuuck…!”
Soft thighs flush to his narrow waist. He fell forward, panting, looking down at her, the thoughts in Yoonji’s mind racing, that could be me, snapping his hips into hers with a loud smack, she’s so fucking beautiful, and manicured hands caressed his arms, teasing her nails against his taut muscles.
“Fuck me,” his lover breathed to his open mouth.
It was as if they forgot they were being watched.
Or they knew, and liked it.
Whatever the case, Yoonji was content with being the witness. He thrust with power, back and hips as one. Hard, steady, loud slaps of connected bodies. She moved against him with art, her back arched, hard nipples pointed upward, soft breasts bouncing firmly with each snap, her ass lifting off the bed to meet him. Her nails dug into his forearms, anchoring themselves to each other, their moans colliding into the silence of the air, saturating it with insatiable, carnal desire. It was obscene. It was pornographic. It was hunger, greed, and so very intense that it was hard to focus.
Her fingertips tingled.
Yoonji’s hands moved in a daze.
Over her thighs.
Under her sweater.
It was simply too fucking hot.
She couldn’t breathe and yet felt too alive all at once. Nerves singing, gasping at the sensitivity of her skin, pushing fabric out of the way. She saw Jungkook’s hand get pulled off the bed, lifted and pressing between those breasts, mirroring Yoonji as she touched herself under the grey-and-black stripped knit, his fingers sinking into those pliable curves, running his touch over those hard nipples that flicked back into place when he backed away.
“You’re so… so sexy…”
He might have said more than that, but Yoonji had no idea. Sanity was in short supply. Her whole body trembled in pleasure. Somehow her bra up was to her collarbones, her fingers running over her own nipples, her breasts, exploring the lines on her own, her other hand dipping to her dripping pussy, her underwear slipping down her legs. The scent of sex so strong she could almost taste it, seeping into her throat, her veins, her nerves, commanding her hands, more, irresistible and unbearable.
It hadn’t even occurred to Yoonji that the angle of the couple was tilted towards her. She had a clear image of Jungkook’s shoulders, chest, cock sliding in and out, and a substantial view of the woman beneath him. Her wild hair hung over the bed. By force and lust, her head was veering off the side. Her left hand was interlocked with his right, the elbow digging into the mattress. His hips snapped forward, deep, but slower, his free hand all over her breasts, pinching and tugging on her nipples as he thrusted.
Suddenly, those scorching eyes were on Yoonji.
The other woman viewed her upside down, grinning. Like some kind of deranged succubus entangling an innocent victim, and Yoonji froze, caught.
A deft, pink tongue slid out, wetting those pillowy lips before extending out invitingly.
She couldn’t be serious.
And yet, somehow possessed, Yoonji was stepping forward. Her legs shook, highly conscious of Jungkook being right there, so obviously right there fucking the owner of that tempting tongue. Rather than acting any amount of sane, Yoonji abandoned her panties and positioned her dripping pussy in front of another woman’s open mouth.
By minor miracle or surefire sin, she bent her neck even more to accommodate.
Yoonji lifted her knee to balance on the edge of the bed and stood on tiptoe, gasping as hot tongue touched with her soaked heat. It was instant bliss and inescapable overwhelm all at once, electricity from the contact creeping up her spine, her hips flinching as the flat wet muscle pressed and spread over her aching clit, over her slit, back up, sending a fresh wave of tingling over her thighs and ass.
Then she made the mistake of looking up.
Jungkook was staring at her, slack-jawed.
“S… Shut up,” Yoonji hissed, almost losing her balance as she felt lips press to her clit.
He hadn’t said anything but he didn’t defend himself. A mixture of emotions flashed through his eyes, paralyzed in the impossibility of now. Short-lived, because in the next second Yoonji nearly doubled over with a breathless moan. She wasn’t usually interested in oral sex; most men’s tongues were not only unpracticed but also lacked texture. Perhaps that was a strange observation. Still, a true one. They also lacked sucking power and precision. Right now, she was getting all of that along with the rubbing tip against her quivering bundle of nerves, insistent, brutal, invading her with devastating pleasure from the combination of sensations. Something similar must have happened to Jungkook because he too faltered, his hands flattening onto the mattress, his hot gasp washing over Yoonji’s cheek, the tendons in his neck suddenly standing out.
Then her hands grabbed Yoonji’s thigh and ass, binding her into place.
The short-lived moment of indecision was broken.
Her eyes fluttered closed, and Yoonji lost herself to that tongue, those lips, to nails digging into her skin, awed at the deliberate pressure. From her own lips, h-harder, believing she had only thought it, and she was wrong. The magic between her legs responded. The measured suffocation became more intense, the wet friction harder, stronger against her throbbing clit, hotter. Unbelievable control. Yoonji’s hands gripped the elbows against her hips. The desire layered, higher, heavier, her legs tense, her core tight, catching flashes of Jungkook’s hips ramming forward, feeling the movement of shoulder colliding with her thigh.
Somehow, the mouth below did not lose any suction or stability.
This is insane.
With the speed of a lit match to dry kindling, Yoonji hit her limit.
She whined, back going rigid, her orgasm gripping her insides and sending a frenzy of ecstasy throughout her veins, wildfire to blood, and she would have fallen over if it wasn’t for her locked muscles, enduring wave after wave, her resolve collapsing, her eyes rolling back in bliss.
At the same time, Jungkook moaned in her face and slammed his hips forward, freezing, the name of their deliverance tumbling from his mouth, smokey and raw. Yoonji felt his strong hand grab her upper arm, stilling himself and her, the flinches of each other radiating from one to the other.
Oh my god.
Panting. That skillful tongue continued to lazily thrust into her dripping, pulsing pussy. Her eyes opened, seeing Jungkook’s sweaty forehead. Strands of his black hair stuck to his temples.
I just let a girl eat me out while she was getting fucked by one of my best friends.
His eyes were unfocused, dark and intoxicated.
Yoonji saw her own shocked face reflected in them, noticing the suppleness of his pink lips and his dazed tongue lolling in the depths of his mouth.
She closed the distance and kissed him.
Jungkook’s eyes closed immediately, sighing, pressing his lips to hers, kissing her back deeply.
The only reason Yoonji broke it so fast was to back up, not wanting to hurt the woman under them. He seemed to come to as well, gasping, carefully lifting her by cradling the other woman’s head and shoulders. There was little need to worry. The devil of a woman was grinning, licking her lips, her nose and cheeks shiny from Yoonji’s juices.
She rose, pushing herself up with the heels of her palms and kissed Jungkook.
With cum all over her face.
Reached up and redirected his mouth by pulling on his hair. Not that he needed guidance. His tongue was instantly all over her, sliding over her skin, tasting, moaning. Cheeks, chin, neck, even kissing her nose.
“H… Holy fuck…”
She stood there, half-dressed, her heart racing as she watched Jungkook lick her cum off another woman’s face. Making out with her messily, desperately, consumed by passion.
They’re freaks.
In shock and arousal, Yoonji realized she wanted to be part of it.
Needed to be part of it.
ep 6. people. sugar, spice, and everything nice
min yoonji masterpost | masterpost
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proudahgase-exol · 1 year
Your Rihanna song - bts
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“You Da One” - he used to sing this song a lot at the beginning of your relationship he said this song reminds him of you. This song is one of your guys favorite songs it haves a lot of meanings it makes the guys laugh that this song could have such deep meanings to you guys but they just don’t understand.
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“Only Girl (In The World)”- to you this song describes how you feel around yoongi he does make you feel like your the “only girl on the world” you had told him that and when his not with you and misses you he play the song and it reminds him of you and understand why you love this song so much.
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“Bitch Better Have My Money”- you were drunk and eveytime your get drunk you pay this song start to sing this song well pointing at him well you sing as if you were singing it to him. He found it so funny and eveytime you got drunk he did play this song just to see you sing to it he just love to hear you drunk sing.
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“love On The Brain”- you always have mini concerts when you take showers and this song will sometimes be playing like 4 times in a row. Namjoon new how much you love singing in the shower but also found out that this song it’s your favorite so he ask if you did like to sing it with him and have it recorded just for the two of you and your agreed because why not.
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“ Diamonds”- karaoke nights are your favorite specialty if you get to sing Diamonds with jimin you guys get in character and started to sing it like your life’s depends on it you did sing this multiple times until you guys get bored of singing it and at this point you guys know this song by heart.
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“Love the way you lie pt2”- eveytime you guys had a big fight you did go and seat in the balcony of your shared apartment and but your headphones on with this song playing on full volume it just calm you down and relaxes you and one day after a huge fight you fall asleep on the little couch you guys had in the balcony with this song playing in repeat when he found that you always put this song when you fight he took it the wrong way but than understood why you loved it so much.
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You guys love this song specifically when you guys went for a drive at night you obviously sing Rihanna���s part and be sings Mikky Ekko’s part. You love singing this song with Jungkook it’s one of your favorites because you love how your voices sounded together even if you didn’t know how to sing good JK never made fun of you he only smile and uses his fist as the microphone when you both sing.
Sorry if it’s bad I’ll try my best next time 😆 but I hope you liked it
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francenemolove · 1 year
Mated To You
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I think you need to get here Y/N, she’s been acting violently! No one can come near her. We all tried but she kept mumbling want her – want her. You were the one that took her here so I believe you’re the one she’s asking for muttered Jisoo exasperatedly.
Thanks for telling me Soo, I’ll be there in five with that said she took her keys and ran to her car to get to the sanctuary.
Warnings/Tags: Hybrid Universe, Snake hybrid Yoonji, Shemale Reader, Female Yoonji, Blood, Violence, Trauma, Angst, Tsundere Yoonji, Baby girl Yoonji, Caring and loving Reader, Fluff, Explicit Smut.
The room smelled of booze,cigarettes and sweat. Oh what will Yoonji give for her to breath fresh air than smelling the same old shit everyday. She should get use to it since she’s been in this place ever since she was 14, and yet she can’t. Her human nose can’t tolerate much of the smell, then how much more her animal side?
Hey! Snakey! Get up! Your turn to make us money the man said grossly towards her cell. What a disgusting piece of shit she thought.
Without a word she got up from where she was and went through her cell door. The moment she stepped out she held the man’s hand and hissed. He attempted to slap her ass for a long time now, but given she was a hybrid her instincts and reflexes were much more keen making her alert in situations such as this one.
The man chuckled while he ripped his hand away from her and said You’re still saving yourself for someone that doesn’t exist? What made you think that your gonna get out of here Slut!? If I were you, you reserve that hostility of yours and finally accept the fact that this was home, this is home and this will be home forever until you die. then left while laughing maniacally.
Hearing that from him made every hair in Yoonji’s body rise, she’s not stupid and that she knows she will not be leaving this hellhole soon but at least she still hopes that someday by what miracle and mercy the God’s above will finally let her live in peace.
Ever since Yoonji was bought from the black market she was brought to a world so cruel. Her new owner is notorious for his multiple chain of underground fight clubs and drug and sex den. He’s in this business for so long and no matter how vile this man was, he wasn’t taken away specially since his clients are elite people wanting to waste their money on shitty things. She actually don’t know who’s much worse, her owner for operating and managing this shit or those rich snobs just wanting a good time from other people’s suffering – oh wait a hybrids suffering. There were so many nights that she thought and hoped of just being an animal than being half man and half freak. Then maybe people will be kinder to her. Because she’d heard people loving her kind but of course when they only eat, sleep and slither. Not someone like her who needs to eat, sleep, talk, think, be cared for and most of all loved.
It’s the third round and there was only a minute left. A lot of people were getting frustrated because they bet a lot of money on the dog hybrid that she was fighting with. Well for the record they should not have underestimated Yoonji. She was the most prized hybrid by her master for a reason. People always expected her to be a joke whenever they send in big and bulky hybrids as her opponent just to be surprised that with just a couple of punches and kicks they are knock out (Well she can’t blame them. She is tiny, only around 124 cm). This always make her opponents chuckle, they always mistake her for a cat hybrid because of her small face, cat like eyes and tiny nose but a quick look at her back and see her slim, scaly and tiny tail they will know. A lot wanted to have her as their pet but Yoonji always shows them that she can’t be messed with. She is feisty and lethal, as she is part snake and not just any normal snake she’s a Namaqua dwarf adder. This kind of snakes are known to be the smallest yet the most venomous of all snakes. They have retractable fangs that they use to trick their prey into thinking that they are harmless, but bites them when they have locked on their target. Yoonji on the other hand despite how deadly her venom is, never used that on any of her opponents because at the end of the day they are all just being used in the underground arena for rich assholes satisfaction. They are all just willing to do everything to survive.
 The sound of her opponent knocked out on the ring was the only thing she heard and then the burst of shouting and applause filled the place. She won once again making that her 36th win.
You never fail to amaze me Ji he whispered on her ear.
She was sitted in the corner of her cage. You might think that since she was the champion and the boss's favorite money maker, she was treated like royalty. Wrong, she was treated worse of all worse. The man made an agreement with her the first time she won. The agreement was about her being his regular fighter and his slut. He promised to give her all the money and pleasure she can ever ask for but Yoonji didn't like the idea of it and the next thing the man knew was pain and a bloody nose. Yoonji broke his nose. She was beaten near to death, but he realized that he can't get rid of her right away since she can make him a lot of money. She was not given food for a week. Her cuts were infected. Only after a week of her being kept in her cage did he made her Crack and obey him that she was going to be his Ultimate fighter. Because no matter how badly they wanted to fuck her and make her his slut he learned that it was something Yoonji can never give. In Yoonji’s mind her chastity was the only thing she can offer her mate. If ever she meets them someday. It was silly, she knows but a tiny part of her hoped that she will get out of this place and live her life free and happy with her mate.
 Can I clean up now? she queried.
Sure, sure sweetheart, a moment. I just wanted to say that .. since you're a lady now, I believe that it's about time that you get breeded so that you can produce champion fighters in the future too.
What an imbecile, she thought.
And what made you think that all throughout the years that you've asked me to be your slut did I say yes? she hissed.
You were this close bitch. He snarled nearing her. (Telling her how close she was to loosing the fight that happened awhile ago). This close to loosing, I can't afford that. I can't afford having a dead hybrid. So sweetheart, if ever you die and you gave me your children then at least I have something to sell and tell people that their fucking mother was a freak but at least she was a fucking great fighter. He persuaded.
Do you get me? he questioned.
Maybe you really lost your brain a long time ago that's why you can't comprehend the bullshit you just told me. She spoke coldy.
Raising his hand he slapped her hard that made her head face the other way.
You bitch! not because you've been making me money it means that you can just talk shit about me!. I think you need to remember that I'm the only one keeping you alive. He said while rolling his sleeves.
Y/N can you hear me?
Yes. She whispered.
We have our men inside the building now, they've seen the cages where they keep all of them. But the other one, we can't find her.
You mean the one who just fought? she whispered once again.
Yeah, but don't worry. Jimin's going to look for her and we're going to take care of her.
Alright, she sighed.
Her vision was spinning, everything was painful. After the beating she got from him, she was left in her cage again with no food, water or things to disinfect her wounds. She wanted to just keep her mouth shut at least that way she was given the things she needed first before being locked up again. But if she didn’t talk, then her master might assume that she’s going to agree to be a breeding machine.
She laid down and thought about the scent she smelt a couple weeks ago. The smell made her feel so relaxed it smelt like mint with a hint of citrus. Oh what she can give to smell it again, she thought. It was the reason why she have so much hope these days because she smelt her mate. And the moment she stepped on the ring, she smelt her again.
Overwhelmed with the pain she felt from being beaten, she closed her eyes and slept.
Big Man Choi is notorious. He’s known all over Korea, since he owns a lot of drug den and underground fighting rings. He’s someone that the T.A.L.R.H (The Association of Legal Rights for Hybrids) are so eager to imprison. No matter how vile and cruel he was the government took a blind eye on his case. Well, people are fickle minded. They are shown an ample amount of fortune that Big Man Choi has, and they cave in right away. Years gone by people became humane and understood that hybrids are not to be treated unfairly. People grow to care, love and fight for hybrids ever since the first human was bound and mated to a hybrid did they learn that we are all equal. Living in this world hoping and yearning to have a happy, satisfying and peaceful life.
And with this change, The Association of Legal Rights for Hybrids was made. It was made by the President because he wanted to prove to his daughter that he accepted the hybrid mate his daughter was given. It was a joke at first since not a lot of people was open with the idea of being mated to a hybrid but when this movement was created a lot of human – hybrid couples were brave enough to show that they are happy with their lives and that they should really make a change.
The Association was also headed by an intelligent, charming and respectable man named Kim Seokjin, who’s sole goal was to make Hybrids be part of society without fear for their future. Just a couple of years a lot of hybrid breeding facilities, drug dens, pleasure houses and underground fighting rings were shut down. Their owners and every man that partake in hybrid injustice was sent to prison. All hybrids that were rescued were rehabilitated, given the resources to have proper education, documents to prove their identity. Most hybrids now are living their best lives, working in their field of expertise. It’s such an amazing thing really but despite all of the great things happening, that’s just half of the population of hybrids and there are more yet to rescue.
After so many years, the T.A.L.R.H have intel about Big Man Choi. They will finally bring this man down. There was even a warrant that this man should be killed on sight if ever he tries to escape. Lawyer Kim Namjoon, did a great job in persuading the government and almost all people to want this man to finally perish.
An agent was assigned to gain more intel about the biggest underground fighting ring that Big Man Choi owned. It was difficult to get in because ever since humans learn to love hybrids, Choi’s people have to be meticulous and investigative about every client they will have. But there will always be a way through it.
Y/L/N Y/N was the person assigned. Other than the fact that she was an Elementary Teacher she was also the Captain of the H.P.F (Hybrid Protection Force). The moment she gained intel on how to enter the grounds, she made sure that she fits in with the rich snobs who are all looking for a fun time. She made them trust them, made friends and made unbreakable bonds as what they thought. They didn’t know that it will bring them to their demise.
The place was so loud, everyone cheering and betting on the hybrids fighting in the ring. It’s not a new scene specially in Y/N’s line of work. With her disguise she got in acting like one of the elites. It’s her second time in this specific underground ring and it’s her second time seeing the petite hybrid won another fight. The first time she saw her she won without any scratch on her but this time her opponent was unfairly larger than her, bulkier too. Despite how big and strong the other hybrid was, you can see that the petite one was an experienced fighter. She won again of course but she got of the ring with a bloody eyebrow and a busted lip. Y/N was expecting to see the petite hybrid fight like she was born to do it, because most of the hybrids they have rescued already embraced the lifestyle forced on them but not her, all her moves are calculated to effectively hit and disable her opponent for them to give up. Whenever her opponents tap out, she makes sure she let them go right away. She doesn’t abuse the power she has and just let them accept defeat in a professional way.
She’s still good, still humane. Y/N thought.
At least it will be easier to help her and give her a new life, she thought.
Everything was chaotic before the last fight started. While everyone was busy betting on the next hybrid, the guards were stupid enough to leave their posts that made Jimin and his team’s life easier. They had access on the cells where they keep all hybrids. With a lookout giving Jimin a signal that everything was clear, they freed all hybrids in their cell to the back exit where the H.P.F were. Once all hybrids were safe and secure, Jimin radiod Y/N to tell her that they got all of them except for one. The legendary Yoonji.
No worries Chim, I think I know where she is. While looking at a narrow hallway leading to whatever room Yoonji and Big Man Choi went to.
Y/N stared at Jungkook from across the room, she nodded and Jungkook understand what to do next.
Pretending to be drunk she stumbled upon the hallway and made her way there checking and making sure no one noticed. At the end of the hall she met face to face with the man himself.
This is a restricted area Ma’am, I suggest you go back to where the people were. He stated coldly.
Oh-my! Apologies darling, I was trying to look for a place to rest. I feel uncomfortable with the tight space and chairs you gave us! She scoffed.
The man didn’t respond right away, he saw this woman twice already. He recognized that she’s one of those wealthy elites who are in incognito so that their reputations won’t get ruined specially since hybrids have rights now. He also remembered that she’s one of those who made a bet on Yoonji, spending a huge sum of money on that Scaly slut! Not wanting to displease her he said “ Oh, my apologies Ma’am, what can I do to make your experience better here? He queried.
Well unfortunately, there isn’t anything you can do, I just needed to walk around since my feet are all stiff now she glared.
Not wanting to displease her anymore, he just nodded, bowed his head and walk away.
Annoying piece of shit she gritted.  She turned her head subtly looking around to make sure no one’s watching her. She isn’t stupid though, she knows that the asshole, despite not being able to see him around, will still be suspicious of her. But her time was limited, she only have one hybrid to rescue. So with a deep sigh, she turned around and entered the narrow hallway. Making sure no one was tailing her. She reached the end of the hallway, she’s standing in front of a shabby looking door. Looking at it, she reached out and jiggled the door knob and of course it’s locked. Y/N was thinking of a way to open it when someone grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her so hard, gasping from the pain. She felt hot breath close to her ear saying:
What do you think are you doing sweetheart?
Craning her neck, she saw Big Man Choi’s disgusting grin. He smirked when he saw how she was looking at him with all disdain.
Why? What do you got in there? Something of importance?! She grit.
Yeah, you can say that, so no snooping around unless? He looked at her up and down and licked his bottom lip making Y/N shiver with how gross this man was.
She made an effort to shake off the annoyance she was experiencing with the man. She fumbled inside her thigh for her gun, which was fastened there. She grabbed it and gave the man an elbow to the stomach. He lost his balance and fell to the ground because he was hurt and startled by the attack.
 Y/N shot Big Man Choi's right leg after seeing the man on the ground and becoming furious. The pain caused the man to shout. The remaining guards in the area were informed by it. She heard Jungkook's voice on her radio as she got ready for a gunfight.
Find the missing hybrid now! I have your back! He gave a command.
She fired twice at the doors' locks while remaining silent. Kicking the door open, she hurriedly scanned the room as she entered it and noticed a small lump in the position of a fetus on one of the room's corners. She approached her and made an effort to rouse the hybrid.
Hey, wake up, we have to leave right away.
When she saw the hybrid's condition, her voice lost its urgency and became hushed. Yoonji only sustained a busted lip and a few bruises before leaving the ring, but how? She appeared to be on the verge of dying. Y/N didn't have anytime left. So she put her arms underneath her and lifted her gently. She heard Yoonji hiss. So Y/N tried to comfort and assure her that she's safe. That she will be taken cared off and that starting from now, she will live a peaceful and happy life, away from all the abuse and violence she experienced.
Kook? I’ve got her, is the coast clear? She said on the radio. Waiting for a couple of minutes he responded.
The coast is clear, were all waiting for you outside!
While these was happening Y/N failed to see that the hybrid on her arms open her eyes briefly and released a sigh. Yoonji felt safe, happy and most of all she felt a tingly sensation throughout her body that made her want to giggle.
Opening her eyes, she was blinded by the bright lights that greeted her. Blinking a couple of times, she roused from the bed and scanned the place. Where was she? Why are there things on my arm? She thought. Unsure of everything, she whimpered… N-no! this can’t be! Her breathing getting heavy, W-what! T-take this o-of me! Don’t – d-don’t want this! D-don’t n-need this!!! She screamed on the top of her lungs. The door on her left slammed open and people in white rushed in to contain her.
Calm down sweetheart, you’re safe … you’re no longer there. A soft yet sad voice reach Yoonji’s ears.
G-get me o-out of this! I I don’t want this! Take it o-out please! She wailed.
You need it sweety, it will help you ease the pain from your bruises. Jisoo persuaded.
I-I DON’T NEED THEM! GET THIS FUCKING THING AWAY FROM ME!!! after letting out a loud scream, she felt a sharp pain from her neck. Her vision getting blurry despite that she still kept mumbling Pl-please, st-stop, want her. Please! N-need her, I-I need her! N-need her …
Waking up from the ringtone of her phone. Y/N picked it up right away.
H-hello? She yawned.
Y/N it’s me! I’m sorry for waking you up this late but, the hybrid you brought in is very aggressive! Says Jisoo exasperatedly.
Uh, Soo aren’t all hybrids that we rescue specially from underground dens aggressive? She queried with an eye roll.
Of course I know that! What I meant was the reptile hybrid you rescued, Yoonji? She’s so out of it. We already sedated her but whenever it wears out she goes back to being violent! Throwing things around, screaming and crying. B-but she was screaming only one thing. Jisoo’s voice turning into a whisper.
I think you need to get here Y/N, We all really tried but she kept mumbling want her – want her. You were the one that took her here so I believe you’re the one she is asking for muttered Jisoo.
Rubbing the sleep out of her face she responded. Thanks for telling me Soo, I’ll be there right away. With that said she took her keys and ran to her car to get to the sanctuary.
The scene that Y/N came upon was chaotic. The moment she saw the situation she got angry. Stepping inside the room, she saw that guards and nurses were on one side of the room and a scared but hostile Yoonji was pressed up against the corner of the room. Of course the hybrid will be like this given the situation that they are in: she’s in a new environment, with strangers who are ganging up on her. She will definitely feel defensive.
I know, what we are doing right now isn’t ideal, and I will allow you to get angry at me later but we didn’t have a choice. Jisoo said frantically.
Still looking at the hybrid, Y/N whispered. What do you want me to do then?
Before Jisoo can respond, Yoonji looked at Y/N. Her eyes dilated and her body automatically relaxed.
Y-you? She whimpered.
M-mate please. Please. Yoonji muttered, her lips quivering. She doesn’t know what she’s feeling. If she’s supposed to be happy to finally meet her other half or angry that her mate was not on her side protecting her and was still talking to the beautiful looking human beside her.
Y/N’s eyes doubled in size when she heard what Yoonji just uttered. Ma-mate? I’m your- you think I’m your mate? She mused.
Not leaving her eyes on the hybrid Jisoo nodded and said Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Still feeling overwhelmed with the situation but wanting to de escalate it. Y/N walked slowly towards Yoonji. The guards and nurses made way for her while she approaches the hybrid. As soon as Yoonji sees her walk towards her, her face lit up. She lifted her hands and reached out to her. When Y/N was a centimeter away from Yoonji’s outstretched hand she took it and held her hand so delicately. Her hand was rough, a lot of cuts and calluses from her years in the underground ring but despite that she felt so warm the moment their hands touch, like as if she was filled with something she didn’t know was missing before. Y/N looked up to finally look at Yoonji and the moment their eyes met she knew that Yoonji was not making up the mate thing. Y/N pulled Yoonji close, there was no resistance from Yoonji. She just melted from the hug that Y/N gave. She nuzzled on the crook of her neck and wrap her arms around her. After a few seconds of them hugging. Yoonji looked up at Y/N and whispered It’s you, it’s really you? I thought I’ll never get to meet you. After saying this the tears that were pooling finally fell. Gripping Y’N’s shirt tight Yoonji added ‘m happy to finally meet you. Y/N was left looking at her with all the love and affection she can ever give. She squeezed her, not tight enough just to assure Yoonji that she heard and acknowledges what she said. Lowering down her lips, she gave the hybrids head a soft peck and also whispered Me too.
I c-can’t believe this. I always knew that some part of me was missing, but I-I never thought that it was this? You know. Y/N whispered to Jisoo who was across from her. They are both in the room where Yoonji is in. The hybrid was fast asleep. After meeting Y/N, Yoonji felt safe enough to rest but given that she should be holding her mates’ hand. She’s been cuddling her hand for half an hour now, and whenever Y/N tries to take her hand back Yoonji will hold it in a vice grip so she just let it be.
And I believe you’re relieved with the situation?. Jisoo asked her while arching her brow at her friend. Y/N nodded and smiled while looking at her Yoonji.
That’s great then. I think you have to stay for a bit longer since she wont let you go huh? Jisoo mused, while Y/N giggled like a school girl. Don’t worry Soo, I’ll take care of her. Jisoo nodded and told her that if she ever need her, she should just give her a call. After Jisoo left, Y/N is still staring at the hybrid with a small smile. She’s feeling all tingly inside. Looking back now, the first time she saw Yoonji in the underground ring she felt a pull. Like as if her mind, heart and body was telling her that she should be near the hybrid, but she didn’t dwell on it that much since they were supposed to assess the situation of the underground ring. She’s happy now though, no more cold nights without a lover keeping her awake. She can’t help herself to imagine what her future will be like now that she’s with her mate.
Being glared at was far from all of the things Y/N imagined when she went back to the sanctuary to see Yoonji again. After a couple of hours last night, when Yoonji was in deep slumber she was able to pry her hand from hers to finally rest in one of the many vacant rooms in the sanctuary. As much as she wanted to just lay with Yoonji, her rational side told her that she was just rescued from an abusive life and having to wake up to a new place and a stranger next to her despite being her mate was not ideal. So, with a light peck that she gave on Yoonji’s forehead she stepped out of the room. Back to the present, she was so excited to see Yoonji again after taking a rest on a fairly decent bed. She was a bit taken a back when the hybrid that had clung to her yesterday was staring daggers at her.
A-uhm- Good morning! I brought breakfast?
Raising the plastic bags with food. Y/N was hesitant to come near her so she stayed glued on the doorway. Expecting a response she waited for a couple of seconds when Yoonji looked the other way. Deeming its okay to be near her Y/N walked towards her and before she can let out another sentence about the food she ordered. She froze when she heard a loud hiss coming from her. Looking up from taking out the boxes of food, she saw how dilated Yoonji’s eyes were. She knew that the Yoonji from yesterday was different to the Yoonji today. She stopped just a few feet away from Yoonji’s bed and said
D-did I do something wrong Yoonji?. Looking Y/N up and down she hissed.
Who the fuck are you?! Are you one of those assholes again, trying to persuade me in drinking that nasty shit! I don’t want you! And your friends, just get me out of this fucking place!. Y/N’s eyes doubled in size.
W-what do you mean who am i? yo-you? Don’t you remember what happened yesterday? She asked anxiously. What happened yesterday was a complete surprise to her but she accepted the idea of having Yoonji as a mate right away.
Yesterday? Yoonji scoffed
Yesterday you assholes cornered me and injected me something that made me drousy! Whatever the fuck you were talking about, I DON’T REMEMBER. AND I.DON’T.GIVE.A.FUCK! she gritted while enunciating each words.
Please tell me Soo, did I just imagine all that happened yesterday? Y/N asked her friend.
Jisoo sighed and responded, No Y/N, everything that happened yesterday were real, I and everybody inside Yoonjis room saw it. We’re your witnesses.
Then why? She asked again confused.
I think that Yoonji can be right and wrong at the same time. What she said about us sedating her was true and that she can all just said those things but Y/N the moment she woke up, it was you she was asking for. Jisoo explained.
Still lost in her thoughts, she didn’t show any reaction.
Hey, she said softly. I believe that you and Yoonji are really mates. She was asking you to get out of the room so bad, but the moment you stepped out her eyes turned glassy, I even saw her hands clenching so hard as if she was forcing herself not to reach out for you. Thinking back to her going to check what was happening in Yoonji’s room since the hybrid was yelling on the top of her lungs.
Aside from Yoonji, how about you? I didn’t have the time to ask you yesterday. Her friend queried.
What about me? she raised her brow to her.
I mean, what do you feel? I know that you’re surprised about the revelation of having a mate, but what do you think?
Y/N’s face lit up while thinking about the events that happened yesterday, she said Well, I-I was surprised of course but happy…I thought I was going to spend my life alone given you know, my past experiences. But hearing that from her made me feel, content and assured that there was someone out there who was just for me. I-I’m really happy Soo, and you know what! She yelled making her friend flinch in surprise Whatever is her reason for pretending that she said all those stuffs yesterday will not stop me from being with her. I-I want to be someone that can keep her safe, loved and cared for no matter what she thinks.
Jisoo was surprised with her friends declaration but at the same time she knows that she shouldn’t because being friends with Y/N she learned that when she says something, she means it and that she will do everything in her power to be able to achieve it.
Alright, I totally support you in this but do remember that she’s still recovering from all the abuse and trauma she have experienced. It will take time but I believe that if you prove to her that you are someone willing to wait and endure for her then she will open up to you.
Feeling confident and supported she smiled brightly towards her friend and thought of things she needed to do to prove to Yoonji that she will be with her as her mate forever.
This can’t be real, all my life I’ve hoped for a mate. My mate that will set me free from everything that I’ve endured. But now that she’s here, she’s within reach. I feel like I can’t fathom the idea of having her near me. Yoonji thought.
The day after being dismissed by Yoonji, Y/N kept coming back. It’s been two weeks straight and the hybrid is just getting restless and irritated.
A hiss was heard the moment Y/N entered Yoonji’s room.
Good morning Yoonji! I brought you some flowers since the flowers I brought last week have completely wilted she said while gesturing to the flower vase near her desk.
A cold stare was Yoonji’s response to Y/N’s cheerful greeting. Not letting it sour her mood, she continued walking towards the vase while talking about her morning. Ever since Y/N’s first visit she was the only one talking, at first it was to get rid of the awkwardness that she felt whenever Yoonji just raise her brow at her but now it’s just automatic that the moment she enters her room she will talk about anything under the sun. She was cut of though mid sentence when Yoonji said…
Quickly turning her head to face Yoonji, she have both her brows raised since she wasn’t sure if it was really Yoonji who spoke when
Stop doing whatever it is you’re doing here. After saying those lines Yoonji looked at her dead in the eye and continued I don’t want you here, I don’t need you here so for your sake get the fuck out and never come back. Then she laid on her side and covered herself with the blanket.
Letting her face fell, Y/N responded. I know you don’t trust me and that you’re scared right now but will do the best that I can for you to open up for me. I-im your mate Yoonji, I won’t just abandon you, Im with you for life I—
You’re HUMAN!!! What do you know about fucking mates!? This thing doesn’t even exist for you guys, so stop pretending that you know what being a mate is! It’s making you more stupid and pathetic Yoonji greeted.
Not wanting to push further Y/N just bowed her head and nodded. Leaving everything on the desk below her she quickly left her room.
She really was trying. Yoonji was right though, soulmates are not a thing for humans but after a couple of years that hybrids are being in a relationship with humans the concept came about and a lot of humans do claim that the idea of being mates with a hybrid is a real thing and that all of those humans who are mated claims that as if the hollow feeling that they get is no more because of having their other halves. That’s what Y/N feels, but apparently it’s not something Yoonji wanted to accept.
Yoonji expected that after her outburst yesterday it will deter Y/N and she won't be visiting her for awhile but of course it didn't. She's still there the next day talking Yoonji's ear off. Y/N is determined as she was stubborn. While in the middle of Y/N's non stop talkathon she failed to notice that one of the laces of her shoes were untied, and as she spun around to look at Yoonji she tripped on it and stumbled. Frantic to gain her balance she grabbed whatever in her reach to steady her and unfortunately that something she grabbed something slim, scaly and tiny but before Y/N was able to look at what she was gripping hard on, her face was smacked hard. Loosing her grip on what she was holding onto, she completely slumped on the floor. A stinging pain was what Y/N felt now that she's on the floor. She raised her hand to hold her cheek and after giving a soft swipe on her left cheek, she brought her hand to where her vision and was surprised when she saw red liquid on her fingertips. Furrowing her brows she swiped her left cheek once more and still saw that she was bleeding, after realizing she looked up to where Yoonji was and saw a blank face. She looked like as if she didn't claw her face with her long nails that weren't cut because she refused to. Understanding dawned in Y/N's face and she stood up and left her room one more time. Whenever Yoonji sent her mate out of her room, she always know that she will come back right away it's just her instincts telling her that she didn't upset her mate enough to make her abandon her. But now, this time a chill went down her spine when she saw a glimpse of Y/N's expression before she left. A face of someone who finally gave up on her.
She shouldn’t feel this way, actually she doesn’t have the right to feel this way. It was her own doing that drove her away. Three days have passed after the incident that happened in Yoonji’s room. The morning after she already felt her heartache when Y/N didn’t show up as soon as the sanctuary was open. She waited for a couple more hours because maybe she just have something to do before bursting into her room and apologizing about being late. It already happened a couple of times so maybe, that’s what she kept telling herself.
Yoonji was under Jisoo’s care. The human was in charge with everything medical related for Yoonji. The moment Jisoo entered her room, she was surprised that she wasn’t hit by a pillow courtesy of Yoonji. Whenever Jisoo do her daily routine check up with the hybrid the first thing that will greet her won’t be a hello, not even a hiss. It will always be a pillow. She remembered the first time Yoonji yeeted her pillow towards her, how scared and scandalized she was. But after a couple of months she learned to dodge all of them. It’s been two days that Yoonji didn’t bother to throw her pillow at her. Whenever Jisoo give her a long look, the hybrid just looks more depress than ever.
She’s just busy.
Hearing another phrase other than Hello? How do you feel? From the Doctor made Yoonji whip her head fast to face her.
I didn’t say anything she hissed.
Yeah? you didn’t but you look like you needed some answers. Jisoo defended.
Looking away the hybrid didn’t reply. She didn’t even want to talk about it in the first place. But deep inside, she really wanted to see her again.
She’s a teacher, thought I can share something about her since I know you never asked her anything. Jisoo said, wanting to coax Yoonji to talk a little.
Apart from being a teacher, she’s also part of the T.A.L.R.H –
What the fuck is that? Yoonji interrupted.
It’s The Association of Legal Rights for Hybrids. She’s one of the thousand volunteers and one of the bravest too. She praised.
Since when did that been a thing?
It’s been 10 years now, since the association came to be and it’s been years now that Hybrids are living free. She added.
Yoonji doesn’t want to believe what she was saying, humans are bad and cruel to her kind so why change? She thought. She can’t deny that she’s actually witnessing the things that her Doctor is talking about. The nurses that assists her are cats and dog hybrids. She remembered that the police officer who interviewed her about her life then was also a hybrid and a wolf hybrid at that. She remembered how humans wanted to kill wolf hybrids because of their fear but now it’s one of the protectors of the city. Did people really accepted them? Then why did it took so long for them to rescue them from Big man choi? Why did she suffer for so long. With that remaining thought, she removed the idea of finally accepting her mate and living life freely because no matter what happens she’s still different from them.
Get out, she whispered.
Yoonji—Jisoo tried to comfort, but before she can even finish, the hybrid looked at her menacingly and Jisoo released a huge sigh and left her in her room.
How is she Soo? Does she –
Yes, she does. She misses you a lot. Jisoo confirmed.
When are you coming to visit her again? Its been a week you know?!
I know, it’s just … I’m in love with her but I’m also kinda petty. I also want her to miss me. I think she have to feel that after being mean to me and all. Y/N mumbled.
You are both stubborn and prideful. I don’t know what will happen if you get together finally. Her friend responded.
Just for a couple days and then I’ll go see her again. Y/N promised.
It’s up to you Y/N. I have to go anyway I have a lot of things to do. Jisoo dismissed.
Of course. I’ll talk to you then Soo. Bye love you.
Take care, love you too.
So, she talks to you but she doesn’t come and see me? said Yoonji in a cold tone.
Hearing and seeing her out of her room and in her office surprised Jisoo that made her shout.
My gosh! Please don’t do that, and why are you hiding here with all the lights turned off. She scolded.
You didn’t answer my question Doctor. She replied.
Well, yes I talk to her since she’s my friend and all our conversation revolve around you since she’s not visiting you lately.
Yoonji nodded her head in thought and hummed.
I came here because I wanted to ask about the conversation you and my mate--I mean Y/N was talking about … she blushed when Jisoo gave her a smirk when she unconsciously mentioned Y/N as her mate rather than human before.
Which was? Jisoo queried.
About being adopted and cared for by her. Yoonji said with seriousness and finality in her sentence.
All Jisoo did was to nod.
Soo it’s freaking early in the morning, and why are you calling me on a Saturday when you know I sleep in! Y/N mumbled trying to wake herself up.
Good morning to you too. I guess you were busy last night and wasn’t able to read my message.
What message are you talking about? She yawned.
About me taking Yoonji to your place since she will be living with you because she agreed to have you as her care taker. She said nonchalantly.
1 …
          2 …
                   3 …
Yep, so get up, get dressed and make us breakfast because we are on our way to you.
Jisoo ended the call, but she saw the smirk that Yoonji had on her face after listening to the conversation the two had and how panic Y/N was.
Yoonji feels excited, giddy yet nervous to see her after 2 weeks but she knows she had to try. That’s what Jisoo told her, she had to try and if she feels uncomfortable she can just run away never to be seen again. But she hopes that it won’t get that way.  
Y/N didn’t know what to do first. Does she wash her face, brush her teeth? Or maybe just take a bath. Yeah … that’s what she’s going to do. She noticed how Yoonji wrinkles her nose whenever she smell her so to be safe, she needs to take a quick shower.
Y/N was in the middle of making another batch of pancakes when she heard her door bell ring.
Hold on a second! She yelled from the kitchen. Putting down the spatula and turning off the stove. She walked briskly towards her front door, reaching the door handle. She paused and composed herself. She wanted to make a good impression, no wait … she wanted to act nonchalant towards Yoonji when she meets her again, yeah that’s what I’m going to do she mumbled to herself.
She finally opened the door and before she can say another word.
My gosh what took you so long? Questioned Jisoo and walking past her with Yoonji in tow.
Y/N couldn’t even start with the persona she thought of because of how her friend interrupted her, so she instead followed them both to the kitchen.
Thanks Y/N for cooking, we’re sooo hungry Jisoo said while chewing some pancake.
You’re welcome she whispered and looked at the beautiful girl across from her friend.
Yoonji was sat on a stool eating her fair share of pancakes, when she looked up at Y/N saying thanks.
Despite how cold she said the word, it still made Y/N’s heart flutter. This was the first word that she heard from her other than the yelling and cursing.
And as if Y/N was able to move on from hearing Yoonji say something good towards her she nearly broke down from what she heard from her next.
So? You just gonna stand there and look stupid? Sit down and eat. You made this anyway. Yoonji said irritated from pushing a plate with pancakes and syrup she prepared for Y/N.
Before she can say anything stupid, she just nodded and sat down. Only the noise of the cutleries scraping the plates were heard from the kitchen.
So here are her papers proving that you will be Yoonji’s guardian from now on or whatever Yoonji chooses after the 3 months mark. Jisoo said while passing the documents to Y/N.
If ever you have questions just call me. Alrighty. She hugged Y/N and waved Yoonji goodbye and finally shut the door.
It was only her and Yoonji in her living room.
The moment she turned around to speak to Yoonji, she was already heading to the guess bedroom that Y/N hastedly prepared before she got here and immediately shut the door.
Y/N just let out a huge sigh and headed to her home office to keep the documents and files she received from her friend.
When Yoonji decided to accept the offer of living with her mate. She was sure she was going to finally open up to her and accept that she’s mated to a human, but alas no matter what she tried she always take one step back. Her life in Y/N’s home was just about her sleeping, staying in her bedroom and occasionally watching TV in the living room. She wasn’t oblivious about all the things that her mate was trying to do. From small talk, to cooking different kinds of food just to see which one Yoonji likes to even buying Yoonji a phone because she said that it’s something she can use if ever there was an emergency. Yoonji felt guilty that despite how rude and such a bitch she was she was still so stubbornly nice and respectful towards her. If it were any other owner or human she might be beaten to a pulp. That’s why she couldn’t for a life of her understand why she said such horrible things towards Y/N when all she wanted was to be a great mate.
Earlier …
Yoonji? A soft knock was heard from the other side of Yoonji’s bedroom. Yoonji ought to reply but she just feels annoyed all day, she thinks that maybe after a very long time that she haven’t felt it, it’s finally time.
Instead of responding to her like a normal being. She opt to swung the door open and gave the most nastiest scowl she can give her. Y/N was a bit surprised to how Yoonji opened the door, but eh? It’s what Yoonji always do. Yoonji’s living with her for nearly four months already so she’s used to her outbursts from the sanctuary to now so she just shrugged and continued on to what she originally wanted to show her.
Sorry to bother you Yoonji, but if you have a minute I just wanted to show you something. Y/N said with enthusiasm that made Yoonji cringe more but followed after her anyway.
Of all things that Y/N could give Yoonji, Yoonji didn’t expect to see such beautiful thing.
Sitting in the middle of the living room was a brand new electric keyboard. It was the one that Yoonji had added in her kart in an online shopping app that she registered in. She dreamed about owning one ever since she watched people on Youtube play it. The sound of a piano or music really made Yoonji feel so relax and at ease. It makes her feel like despite everything that she’d been through there’s always calmness and hope. So why is it making her angry seeing it in the house before her very eyes? … She can’t even understand what Y/N was talking about. The anger, guilt, joy and remorse she was feeling made her snap at Y/N.
Yoonji shouted at the top of her lungs. She really was fuming, why do you have to be so nice. It was much easier to have you be an evil person than this.
I-I th-thought this will make you happy, you always have a smile on your face whenever I see you listen to music. I even saw you move your fingers in the air like you were playing a piano so I thought it was best to give you one … I’m not giving you these things because I want you to submit to me. I-I just wanted to make you happy. That’s all I wanted to do for you. You deserve it, specially after everything you’ve been though.
With Yoonji’s rampage, she failed to see the hurt and the sorrow written all over Y/N’s face. While Yoonji was in the middle of mumbling profanities towards her she stopped when …
So why stay? Y/N whispered.
What the fuck did you say? Questioned Yoonji.
I said, why are you staying with me when you loath me Yoonji. She said now cold dark eyes staring right at her.
What Y/N said made Yoonji gulp and take a step back. She was speechless, she didn’t know what to say.
Why do you continue living with me when I just remind you that you are tied to someone so disgusting, so horrifying, so perverted, someone intolerable huh? She questioned slightly raising her voice to her.
What made Yoonji’s heart break was when Y/N said.
They said that having a mate will make you feel euphoria. All I wanted was to love my mate and be loved back. I didn’t know that until now I will never be worth it enough to love and be loved.
She tried. She knows in her heart that she tried but it wasn’t enough. It wasn���t always enough. When she was young, wanting the love and the attention of her parents. Giving her all in relationships be it friendships and romantic partners. It was Jisoo who stayed and loved her platonically and made her realized her worth and find her passion in looking after hybrids too.
Soulmates are a huge thing in society, even though having a soulmate as a human was rather rare than for hybrids. It’s not taken lightly. When you are given a soulmate you will be considered one of the lucky ones. Someone truly blessed with a partner mind, body, heart and soul connected to each other. So when she found out that she was one of the lucky ones given a soulmate she thank God for her. Y/N knew that it was going to be difficult to win Yoonji over, specially given that Yoonji had a rough life from cruel people before. When they first saw each other in the underground ring, Y/N instantly felt something deep inside of her, she knew that Yoonji felt it too, but Yoonji didn’t want to hope, since she thought that her mate was one of the people enjoying torturing their kind. But when she was rescued by Y/N and was treated as someone special, someone that was truly loved she didn’t how to react hence her lashing out on her every chance she get. Despite her bitchy attitude, Y/N was patient, understanding, caring and dare say loving too. Yoonji thought that Y/N will always stay like that, but today she pushed her too much to the point that all the fight that Y/N have for her seemed like it was gone now. Like Y/N has given up on her completely.
After the exchange that Y/N and Yoonji had in the living room, Y/N excused herself and went to her office. The time reads 12:13 am, and Yoonji never saw or heard Y/N go out of the office. Releasing a huge sigh, Yoonji tried to go to bed and told herself that in the morning she have to make things right with her.
The smell of coffee permeates the air. Yoonji always loved the smell of coffee, so flicking her tongue out she head out her bedroom. She slowly went to the kitchen when she was greeted by Y/N’s back. She’s cooking breakfast. There are two plates on the table and two mugs of coffee which made Yoonji believe that Y/N doesn’t hate her enough to just make breakfast for herself.
H-hey. Yoonji called out softly. She saw how Y/N tensed up but decided not to comment on it and just sat down on the stool in front of her.
Y/N acknowledge Yoonji with a side glance and continue cooking them some eggs. After she was done she placed their food on each of the plates. Sat down and gestured to Yoonji that she can eat. Yoonji felt how awkward and tense the atmosphere between them was. She wanted to say something, she doesn’t know but she knows she has to say something. When she was about to open her mouth and speak up, Y/N beat her to it.
I’m sorry Yoonji. I didn’t know that keeping you with me made you feel so caged up. I thought that us being mates was enough to make you feel at least okay with me, but I-I guess I was wrong. She told her.
Yoonji felt her stomach twist with how Y/N was still able to apologize when all she did was be a good human, a great mate. It was Yoonji who was supposed to apologize but Y/N continued and say …
So, I sent your papers back in the sanctuary. Don’t worry. I didn’t say anything bad about you. I told them that you need to make your own choices from now. And that you should be able to live your life the way you want it. And if being tied with a mate was something you hate don’t worry because I told them that we aren’t compatible and that you are free to do whatever you want right now.
Hearing those words from Y/N made Yoonji pale. She felt so lost, she knew that Y/N’s patience with her was running thin and that one day she will finally kick her out because she realized that she wasn’t worth it.
You don’t have to worry about money or housing because the sanctuary is willing to help you start a new lif--
Y/N was startled.
I-I don’t want that! I-I. Yoonji stammered.
Then what the fuck do you want Yoonji! I show you how much I’m happy and in love to have you as my mate, you hate me. I give you a way out, and you don’t want it too. Make up your mind! Y/N yelled.
It was the first time that Y/N ever yelled at her. The first that she showed a different emotion other than being in love with her. It scared Yoonji because Y/N might really think that Yoonji didn’t want this, didn’t want her. So she calmed herself and tried to speak up one more time. But she didn’t know how to say it so instead of talking she raised her arms and yanked Y/N close and wrapped her arms around her. She buried her head on the crook of her neck and stayed their. Y/N visibly stiffened, she wasn’t sure if she was even allowed to reciprocate the skinship Yoonji was giving. Sensing Y/N’s mental dilemma Yoonji whispered.
I’m sorry Y/N, I’m so sorry. I was afraid. I still am. All my life I’ve been looking forward to meet you but now that your really here. I-I’m afraid that one day you’ll realize I’m not someone worth having, keeping and loving. Yoonji said all these with tears streaming down her cheeks.
Y/N was surprised that Yoonji finally opened up to her. She knew how hard it was to think all these things but she’s so proud of Yoonji for pouring her heart out to her. Now she knows what Yoonji felt and she’s hoping for Yoonji to at least give her a chance to try. So, Y/N brought her hands to Yoonji’s cheeks and cup them. She was awestruck, it’s the first time that she’s seen Yoonji up close. She’s so so beautiful, despite having tear stains on her cheeks and having a flushed face. It made her look so adorable.
Thank you baby, thank you for finally telling me how you feel. Y/N said with love and adoration written on her face.
Yoonji feeling Y/N’s hands on her face made her feel so relaxed and comforted. She nuzzled one of Y/N’s hands and pouted. Yoonji sniffed Y/N and let herself finally sink in that her mate smells good and that she’s good. That she’s going to have a wonderful life with her.
You’re so beautiful and cute my baby. Y/N smiled at her.
Hearing those words from her made Yoonji feel shy so she wiggled out of Y/N’s hold and instead nuzzled back on the crook of Y/N’s neck. Y/N chuckled softly and wrapped her arms around Yoonji and started swaying them both slightly from side to side.
There were a lot of things that they have to talk about, they both knew that but it can wait for later. They just wanted to be in each other’s arms for now.
Logging out of her online classes. She stretch her arms and let out a big yawn. Yoonji just finished presenting her thesis in class and she received amazing feedback from the panel of professors listening to her. Her thesis took so much of her time and energy and now that’s finally out of the way she can finally relax.
Yoonji head out of her small studio room where she practically lives in because she attends online University and also where she works on her music. She went straight to their bedroom and laid in bed and was fast asleep.
She woke up when she felt pleasure between her legs. Opening her eyes, she looked down immediately and wasn’t shocked at what she sees. It’s what she loved waking up to. Being eaten out by the love of her life, her best friend, her mate.
Y/N looked up and their eyes met. She dragged her tongue from her slit to her clit where she suckled it, and released it with a pop.
Hi baby, you always taste so good. Y/N purred.
Feeling overwhelmed with arousal Yoonji tried to grind her pussy on Y/N’s face wanting to feel the pleasure her mate was giving her. She whined when Y/N stood on her knees and was far away from Yoonji’s aching pussy.
Mo-mommyyy pl-pleaassse, Yoonji needs you, my pussy needs you please. She begged her.
Looking down at Yoonji, Y/N can’t deny how beautiful, sexy and intoxicating her Yoonji was. Her cute nipples hard. Her legs spread wide open, giving her an amazing view of her glistening pussy. How smooth, flawless and pink her pussy was. But looking at Yoonji’s face was a stark contrast of her body. Her cheeks pink because of embarrassment and arousal. Her eyes are teary, which shows how needy she is with Y/N’s touch.
Y/N was taken back to reality when Yoonji whimpered and begged again to be filled up by her cock. Who was Y/N to deny such a request from her angel.
Quickly taking out her length. She aligned it at her lips dragging it up and down to get some of her juices on her tip. When Yoonji felt Y/N’s tip on her clit she shuddered, she wants to be full so she whined one more time and cried out when Y/N’s cock was shoved deep inside of her without warning.
Y/N took hold of Yoonji’s hips and started thrusting in and out of her fast.
Yeah, baby you want Mommy fucking you like this huh? Want Mommy pounding her baby’s tiny pussy. Y/N said while fucking her.
The only words coming out of Yoonji’s mouth were slurred words of yesses and Mommy.
With the intense pleasure that Yoonji feels she came right away without warning Y/N. She squirted when she came and the force of her orgasm pushed Y/N’s cock out. So, Y/N just decided to watch her Yoonji’s pussy squirt non-stop because of her orgasm. After a couple of seconds she shoved her cock back in again. Not wanting to let her baby rest. Yoonji loved being fucked multiple times. Because of that Y/N always made sure that Yoonji orgasmed at least three to four times so that she can finally be satiated.
After a couple of rounds later, heavy breaths were only heard in their bedroom as the couple looked up at the ceiling. They were a total mess. When Y/N was finally settled she got out of bed and went to their bathroom to wipe her cock and bring a cloth dipped in warm water so that she can finally clean Yoonji up. Her pussy was oozing with a mixture of her and Y/N’s cum. The bedsheet was also wet because of her squirts from their intense love making. Y/N nearing her she sat down at the bottom of the bed and gently drag the cloth to Yoonji’s pussy which made her whine from the overstimulation.
Mommy ‘sensitive she whined.
I know baby, Mommy’s sorry for going rough on you. Mommy just wanted to have her baby girl again after a couple of weeks of us being busy. I think we needed that. Y/N explained.
Yes Mommy. No worries, it wasn’t rough for me. It felt so so good. Always good whenever you fuck me. She said while grinning at her lover.
That’s great to hear baby. Now, come let’s take a shower. We need to clean up so that we can have dinner and rest for tonight. Y/N told her and Yoonji just nodded her headed.
Yoonji was being lifted up on Y/N’s arms towards the bathroom.
In the closed shower room, the sound of water falling and moans were heard once again.
4 years later …
Yoonji and Y/N were sitting on a picnic blanket surrounded by the food that they both prepared for their picnic. Whenever spring comes around it has been their tradition to go to a meadow deep inside a mountain trail near their place. This is where the couple just surround themselves with the sweet scent of wild flowers blooming and feeling the cool air on their skin as they laugh and talk about things happening about their lives.
It’s nearing sun down and both was just sitting in comfortable silence. Content to be together and just reflect on what their lives have been after the couple of years they’ve been together. When Yoonji was just staring at the horizon she always made sure to compliment how beautiful the sky was. While Yoonji does so, Y/N’s gaze remains on Yoonji alone, looking at the side profile of her mate. How cute her button nose crinkles when she smiles, how adorable her gummy smile was and her hair being blown by the wind. Yoonji looks ethereal, and Y/N feels so lucky to have her as a mate.
She’s so in love with her that’s why while Yoonji was so distracted she pulled out the ring inside her jacket and called Yoonji’s name.
Yoonji’s eyes grew big when she saw the diamond ring her mate was showing her, she shouldn’t be surprised because Y/N always hinted that she wanted to marry her mated or not but witnessing the scene before her surprised her a lot. Yoonji was so overwhelmed that she can’t say anything and just let the tears on her eyes flow freely down her cheeks. Seeing this made Y/N cup her cheeks and cooed at her.
Baby, why are you crying? Do you not want to marry me? Y/N queried.
Yoonji shook her head immediately and looked up at her mate and stuttered.
O-of c-course, I w-waaannnt too. She sobbed louder.
Hearing her response made Y/N relaxed so she chuckled at Yoonji’s reaction and just cradled her in her arms.
Then will you wear my ring baby? She prodded.
Yoonji offered her left hand and Y/N put the jewelry on her ring finger and kissed her temple afterwards.
T-thank you M-mommy for everything you’ve done for me. Yoonji said.
You don’t need to thank me baby, Y/N chastised.
No, I-I just want to tell you how happy and grateful I am for you. Thank you for rescuing me back in the underground ring. Thank you for being patient and lovely towards me the first months I was out, I know how rude and bitchy I was but instead of giving up on me, you stayed and proved how much you love me. Thank you f-for helping me live my life by going to school, now I’ve graduated and have an amazing job doing music. I c-can’t thank you enough but I will live my life showing you how much I love you. Yoonji proclaimed.
Thank you for telling me all of this my angel, I’ll do the same then too. I’ll live my life showing you how much I love you. Y/N responded.
The couple looked at each other and their lips met, the kiss then became more passionate as the lovers wanted to prove to the other how grateful they are to have each other. Yoonji then whimpered and say Mommy please make love to me. Who was Y/N to deny her mates request so she asked Yoonji to lay down on the picnic blanket they were sitting on. Yoonji looked so beautiful with her hair spread out above her head, one of the strap of her sundress down and she spread her legs wide to show Y/N that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Seeing that made Y/N chuckle.
My angel’s naughty, not wearing panties under her dress she said while going down on her.
Yoonji released a soft moan when she felt Y/N’s tongue lick her clit and suckle it.
Wanna be ready for you always Mommy, she claimed.
That’s my good girl Y/N responded and continued eating her out, within minutes Yoonji came with a gasp. Not letting her recover Y/N immediately released her cock from her underwear and shoved it in her wet pussy. Yoonji whined at how sensitive she was, but didn’t complain once Y/N started thrusting in and out of her.
Your so wet baby, so tight no matter how many times Mommy fucks your tiny pussy. She growled near Yoonji’s ear.
Yoonji just nodded, couldn’t speak up because of the intense pleasure she was experiencing.
Y/N couldn’t get enough of her so she took hold of Yoonji’s legs and brought her knees to her chest. When Yoonji was folded in half, Y/N started fucking her fast and hard. Yoonji started sobbing because with this position she can feel her Mommy deep inside of her, and with that she came with a squirt and despite how she was cumming hard Y/N still rammed her until she came inside her hard. Y/N thrusted a couple more times to ride out her orgasm and when both came down from their high’s they looked at each other and giggled. Y/N kissed Yoonji just because she looked so adorable with her gummy smile and told her I love you. In which Yoonji replied with an I love you too Mommy, so much.
Author’s note: Hello there darlings, I hope this story made you fall in love with Min Yoonji, Because I did. If you want to read more of my works, do comment and like the stories I have in this blog and I will write soon – Love Francene Molove.
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honey-boyyoongi · 1 year
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 4.4k Words
Warnings ➪ authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood and feeding; mentions of edible; not beta read;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Hey besties. I was meant to post this last month, but due to some things regarding my dad I couldn't really focus on much. Regardless though I am happy to get this out as an early present for Festa and for my own birthday. I'll continue 'Oh,baby' and should be posting a new part by the end of the month, at least I'm hoping to. As always feedback is appreciated, and if you would like to be added to the taglist please let me know.
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It hurt. Everything hurts. Namjoon could feel every last one of his nerve endings screaming in agony. His head was burning, and it was getting harder to think rationally. What was happening?
It felt like he was being moved in slow motion. He could feel the early fall breeze on his face, but also stiffness on his left side. Something was clawing at him, and he wanted it to stop. 
Namjoon could hear muffled sounds, and felt a sudden warmth enveloping his chest. His heartbeat was slowing down; he was scared.
There began to be gaps in Namjoon’s awareness. When he would come to, sounds were still muffled, but he could feel and smell. The young man could no longer feel his favorite indigo blue set. A sweeping warmth on his skin was quickly followed by the bite of the cold room. He could smell damp earth, incense, and Jimin’s mellow fabric softener.. Jimin.. Yes, it smelled like Jimin. It smelled like his sweet friend. Namjoon started to feel like he was floating, the pain had stopped. He no longer felt scared. Jimin was here. 
“What the fuck are we going to do,” Yoonji hissed. Jimin’s spell hadn’t worked to it’s perceived potential, they had a vampire fledgling in the younger’s work room, and they found out their newest roommate is potentially one of them. Shit was hitting the fan, and it was hitting hard.
The female vampire was having conflicting feelings about their current situation. While Yoonji was grateful for the small moment they got, she was petrified of the inevitable conversation they would be having; being sires, and that none of them were human. The elder vampire had contingency plans, having a few emails drafted if her current life would implode. Her parents taught her to be diligent, always being sure she had backups to her backups. If Yoonji, and her friends, had to hide in her Black Forest estate until this blew over, then so be it. But a small, hopeful, part of Yoonji wanted Y/n to accept them. She hoped their newest roommate wouldn’t be afraid of them. 
They liked their lives here; she loves her life here. Yoonji is teaching pupils that are as passionate as she is. Seokjin is doing more of what he wants, while doing the bare minimum with the council. Jimin was still relatively new, but he had quickly gained loyal regulars that kept him busy. Things had finally set into place, and it’s dissolving in front of them. Yoonji watched as Jimin paced around their small island, and Jin was slouched forward, laying his upper body on the cold tile of the island. 
If Yoonji focused enough she could hear the hissing of the hot water, and the clattering of Y/n’s products. The elder vampire could hear the shower stopping, and the clicking of nails to screen. 
Jin slightly perked up, “I think..we should be truthful.” 
Jimin halted, “Truthful, of what? Of us, what we are, are you insane?”
Seokjin slightly nodded, “She’s going to find out, one way or another. Your friend will wake-up within the next 36 hours confused, scared, and starving. As a new fledgling, everything will be amplified. Y/n has the right to know, to choose whether she wants to stay and witness that, or leave. The first few days of any newborn fledgling are brutal because of the thirst, and immense feeling of overstimulation. It’ll be frightening, even for you.” 
The witch scoffed, “I’ve been around fledglings, they’re not scary.” 
Seokjin narrowed his eyes at Jimin, highly unamused, “A newborn is different, they’re transitioning and everything is overwhelming to them. He won’t be the same person you remember him to be for a while. He’ll be constantly feeding, and losing control of himself. The slightest thing could set him off. If you’re not frightened by his unpredictability, then you’re a fool.”
Yoonji knew Jimin was aware of the changes that would be happening with Namjoon, she’d gone into detail of every fledgling transition she’s witnessed. Only one thing remained constant within those memories, fledglings were unpredictable. The female vampire saw as the tips of Jimin’s ears turned pink from Jinnie’s scolding, clearly embarrassed at being corrected. 
Their witchy roommate sighed, “Are we telling her everything? What we each are, and what’s going on with Joonie?”
“I think we should,” Yoonji said. Jimin nodded, busying himself with cleaning up the bag of O negative from their sink. He sighed deeply, “What if she freaks out..what if… What if she tells someone? Hunters are still a thing. What if they find you, or Seokjin? I wouldn’t be able to live if anything would happen to either of you.”
Seokjin rose from his seat, “Min..” He enveloped the witch from behind, gently tightening his hold to comfort him. Jimin sniffled, hesitantly turning around and reciprocating Jin’s hug. The older vampire wrapped an arm across the witch’s back, and another was cradling his friend’s head into his chest. Jin delicately played with Min’s hair, “Jimin, I know you’re scared, we’re scared too.” 
Jin redirected them towards the couch, clearly wanting to be comfortable during this stressful moment. Yoonji and Seokjin took the ends of the couch, not really giving Jimin any choice in arrangement. They settled in before the older vampire could continue. “A lot of things are happening too quickly, we can’t let ourselves be frightened,” Seokjin said. 
He gestures towards Yoonji, asking her to say something. “I can’t say nothing won’t happen, because it will, but we will work through it. Hunters..are an unfortunate consequence of our existence. We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But what about Joonie,” Min asked, “what if anyone saw Jin jumping on him?”
“What happened with Namjoon was an accident, Jinnie didn’t attack him maliciously. He was trying to help, and an accident happened. If, for some reason, a hunter saw him we’d deal with it,” Yoonji responded. 
Jin nodded along, “We’ll be okay, we’ll work through it Min.”
The trio is huddled together, whispering, when Y/n walks into the living room. Seokjin signals Yoonji to turn towards the kitchen. She panics, stuttering a quirky greeting, “Hey, Y/n, um.. How’d you, uh, sleep?”
Y/n shrugged, “Eh, I guess, I don’t remember falling asleep.” 
Jimin nudged Yoonji to keep talking. She shook her head, too unsure how to carry this conversation. They watch the human make a cup of iced coffee, looking around for any piece of the witch’s pastries. Yoonji notices Y/n is in lounging clothes, and not in her regular jeans. She’s barefaced, and is allowing her hair to air-dry into their natural waves. Her cheeks are still pink from her morning shower, and she’s wearing her glasses today. 
The trio watches as their human roommate goes back and forth with each of her breakfast items to join them in the living room. She sits on the sofa chair on Jin’s side of the living room. 
Y/n sighs as she adjusts into place, takes a big sip of her coffee, and looks towards the trio, “Guys, I had the weirdest dream last night.”
“Weird dream? Like what,” Jimin asked. 
Y/n’s face scrunched up, “I dreamt that Jin got hurt. He was covered in blood, and he wouldn’t respond to me. There was a man at the doorway. I didn’t know him, but he was next to Jin and I was getting scared. I ended up passing out in-dream. Next thing I know, my alarms are going off, and I’m freaking out because I think I’m late for work, but I’m not late because my manager thinks that I’m sick and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Yoonji looked at Y/n in mild terror, she clearly remembered. The vampire gave her friends a look before she spoke, “Y/n.. we need to talk.”
The human looked at the trio worried slightly tilting her head. “Oh, fuck. Did I do something last night,” she rambled. “I mean, I ate an edible that’s probably why I passed out, but if I acted out of line I need you guys to tell me.” 
Yoonji sat stunned, struggling to contain her laughter. The vampire dug her nails into her thighs to keep herself from bursting, “You acted no weirder than you usually do on edibles.” Jimin bursted in a small fit of giggles. Seokjin looked between them, confused as to what an edible was. He gestured his confusion to Jimin, who gestured back that he’d explain later. 
The vampire covered her escaped chuckles with swift coughs. “No.. um.. That dream that you mentioned happened.” She watched as the human stiffened in her seat. “Last night Jinnie came home a bit.. Flustered. There was an accident, and he came home to get help..but there’s more to it.” Yoonji was starting to get uncomfortable, and she could see that Jin was staring at their carpet. “Please, listen to what we have to say.” 
Yoonji took a moment to collect her thoughts, when Seokjin took over, “Last night, I was walking around to waste some time, then I smelled something. I walked deeper into the park trail, desperate to find it. It smelled so good, I just had to see what it was. I thought it was a fox, or a small deer, they’re especially delicious this time of year, but instead I saw a human. He was bleeding from his knee, he said he was fine. Next thing I know my shirt is wet with blood, and the man is passed out. I’m freaking out because I’ve never done anything like this. I bring us back to the house. Yoonji, and Jimin try to help, but I can’t hear them because everything sounds muffled, and my skin feels clammy. I smelled when you came near me, and all I could think about was blood and how yours smelled good enough to be my next meal. I was scared, and Jimin was able to sedate me.” 
The elder vampire released a large sigh, as if a weight had been lifted from him. “When I bit the man, I accidentally released some venom in him. He’s currently transitioning into a vampire.”
Y/n looks at the trio, analyzing them. She takes a small bite from her breakfast sandwich, confusion riddling her face. The human gestured at them, “Are the three of you vampires?”
Jimin shook his head, “No, I’m a witch. I just moved here a couple years ago, and moved in a year and a half ago. Yoonji, and Jinnie are vampires. They’re currently part of a small group of vampires that pre-date the Joseon dynasty.”
Yoonji grumbled, hating being reminded of her age. She watched as the human continued eating her breakfast with a vacant look. To Y/n’s left Jin was trying his hardest to control his shaking leg, and was slightly chewing at the sides of his thumb. Next to him, Jimin was turning pink from the pressure of the situation. 
They watched as Y/n finished her breakfast, leisurely drinkin the last of her morning coffee. She turned to them, face slightly scrunched. “So let me get this straight, Yoonji and Seokjin are vampires. Jimin is a witch. Seokjin accidently got himself a vampire kid, and I almost got eaten until Jimin knocked out Seokjin.” The trio nodded, Y/n continued speaking, “Did I get knocked out too? Where’s the new vampire? I assume since you guys are, you know, you..that there’s more of you guys? I don’t know what to call you. It feels weird to call you supernatural, because what you are is normal to you guys, and oh my god, why am I making a big deal out of this?”
Jimin was intrigued, “Like Jin said, you got a little too close to him while he was a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t know, it’s no one’s fault. We didn’t know how to explain what happened, even when we didn’t fully know ourselves.” The witch watched the human nod along to what he was saying. “The new vampling is in my workroom, he’s transitioning in a safe environment, and will be properly supported by Jinnie and Yoonji. As for the umbrella label, that's fine. In our world we just call each other by our species names, humans wouldn’t know every one of us so it’s fine.”
Seokjin stared at the human with curiosity, he couldn’t decipher any emotions from her. He was perplexed and needed to know why she was so calm. “Are you not afraid,” he blurted out, “I confessed to wanting your blood as a meal, and you’re indifferent.”
Y/n was startled by Jin’s harsh statement. “As ridiculous as it sounds, yes and no. Yes, because of course with anything unknown, fear always accompanies it. No, well if you’d had wanted to hurt me, or worse eat me, you would’ve done so the first week of me living here. Maybe not even the week. Of course the possibility that you could’ve bit me frightens me, but you didn’t and I’m here now without any harm. At this point I just wanna ask questions about your species. As well as figure out who contacted my manager.”
Jimin looked at Y/n mildly guilty, “I called her after we had settled you into your room, and made sure both Jinnie and Joonie were sedated.”
“Who’s Joonie,” she asked. 
Jimin shifted in his seat, “Namjoon is the man that is currently in the workroom. Jinnie didn’t know who he was, it was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The human turned towards the elder vampire, “Why’d you attack him?” Yoonji could see Y/n was angry and confused. They had just spent time establishing they would never harm her, just to say an innocent human was attacked by one of theirs. 
Seokjin looked at their human roommate in shame, “I didn’t mean to.” He took a moment to take a few deep breaths, collecting himself back up. He looked at Yoonji, trying to gain courage from his longest friend. “Yoonie, is it okay if I talk about what happened a few weeks ago,” he asked. Yoonji nodded her consent, urging Jin to continue. “A few weeks ago Yoonji was sick, she was starving. I drank from a few donors to help her. Came home, helped her, then two days after I left for Mongolia to help with a territory dispute. During my two week stay there was a limited amount of blood we could consume, therefore only took what would keep us functional. When we came back I was denied entry to our donor wing. I called up my blood supplier, and while I waited for him to arrive, I found Namjoon. I didn’t attack him for fun, I attacked him because I was starving. For almost three weeks I was kept at the verge of hunger. I haven’t attacked a human since I was a small vampling.”
Y/n waved her hand at Jimin’s direction, “You called him Joonie.. Jimin, do you know him?”
The witch nodded, “I’ve been friends with Joon for about a year, he doesn’t know about what we are and our world. When Jin brought him home, I was so scared. I knew what happened just by looking at them. I’m upset that an innocent person is caught up in this, but I’m not upset at Jinnie. He was starving, and I know he wouldn’t have attacked anyone on purpose.” 
The human sat in her chair stumped, “Damn, and now your friend is a vampire? Seokjin mentioned venom, does that make you guys like the Twilight vampires? Do y’all sparkle in the sun, because I’ve never seen you guys in direct sunlight.”
Yoonji can feel an overwhelming feeling of ick consuming her. “No, no, no, no, please,” she pleaded. “Anything, but that. First off, in Twilight they aren’t vampires, they’re blood sucking Fae that give real vampires a bad name. Vampires don’t need to exchange blood to transform a human into a fledgling. Much like werewolves, vampires have a venom they can inject into humans to turn them into vampires.”
“Okay, cool, cool,” Y/n replied, “You still didn’t answer if you sparkled.”
Yoonji grew a little infuriated with the little query, “No, we don’t sparkle, only the Fae sparkle. We’re not Fae, we’re vampires! Real vampires, dammit!” 
Y/n clicked her teeth in disappointment, “Man, I was really hoping someone would say ‘this is the skin of a killer Bella’ for me.” The female vampire could feel her eye twitch in annoyance. ‘Twilight this, Twilight that. We’re way better than some snobby Fae,’ she thought. 
“What do you know about vampires,” Seokjin asked their human roommate. 
“I mean the pretty common tropes: aversion to holy objects, sunlight, garlic, mirrors, werewolves, silver, anything sharp that could strike the heart, decapitation, fire. ‘Think that’s it,” she answered. 
Seokjin chuckled, “I don’t know when that rumor of religious items started.”
“Probably when that Irish author wrote the Dracula book,” Yoonji piped up. 
“We tend to have light sensitivity in our early years,” the elder vampire explained, “Everything about us is more sensitive to help us catch prey.” Yoonji nods in agreement, continuing for her friend, “The garlic myth is just that a myth. Back when people were discovering spices they tended to go heavier, and let me tell you people weren’t as hygienic as they are now. Mix that with a sensitive nose and we made sure to keep ourselves away.”
“We also didn’t have an aversion to mirrors, some were just so horribly made lots of us didn’t bother,” Seokjin added. “You can still see our reflections on surfaces, and we film well. To keep ourselves safe is why we avoid any form of documentation via film and why the mirror and reflection myth started.”
“Werewolf bites are, unfortunately, deadly to us. Decapitation is kind of obvious, no one could survive that. As well as a stake to the heart,” Yoonji continued. “No silver aversion, again started by some old fart that considered himself a monster hunter.” She sighed trying to remember all of the things Y/n had asked about. She snapped her fingers, urging herself to remember. “Oh, fire obviously hurts, but it is not deadly to us.”
Y/n nodded along, “Alright cool, cool. Uh, so, what exactly is going to be done about the man/newly turned vampire.” Yoonji could tell their human roommate was trying to handle the onslaught of information with humor. “I don’t know about you guys, but this is my first time with a fresh out of the oven vampire. I don’t know what to expect. Should I even be here?” 
The human gestured towards Jimin and herself, “Should we even be here? I mean, I know Min is a witch, but still, he's still edible, right?”
Seokjin could no longer hold in his laughter, and neither could Yoonji. The vampires found amusement in the human’s worries. Jin could feel small tears forming at the corners of his eyes, and the worry he was carrying himself has started to melt away. “If you wanted to get technical, yes Jimin counts as being edible,” Yoonji says. Jimin scoffed, clearly unamused. 
Y/n mumbled in acknowledgement, she readjusted herself to be laying across the couch. She had a calculating look on her face, Yoonji could clearly see the human was trying hard to understand them. The vampire knew it was a lot, hell the small incident that was currently happening wasn’t even the worst in her and Seokjin’s long friendship. There was always a clusterfuck of things happening around them to the point they have agreed that come with the territory of being who they are within their society. 
Jimin excuses himself to check on Namjoon in the other room, Seokjin offering to go with him, just in case he says. The two women are left alone in the large living room. Yoonji doesn’t know if she should keep talking about what they are, or stay quiet as Y/n is clearly overwhelmed. 
Yoonji lets the human be, cleaning up the remaining dishes on the coffee table into the dishwasher. She fixes herself another blood infused coffee, happy she no longer has to hide her coffee cup. She goes back to the living room, settling back into the corner she was formerly in. 
Y/n doesn’t make a movement, or a noise for 25 minutes. She’s overwhelmed by the information given to her. Her roommates aren’t human, that much was established. There’s a man in the house currently turning into a vampire, and she almost got turned into a meal. What was racking her brain the most was, how did she never notice. 
Y/n always thought Seokjin was eccentric, lots of people these days love dressing up in vintage clothing. He’d be working at odd times of the day, but she chalked it up to it being the runner of the family business. He loved taking pictures of himself, and he always ate dinner with them. He always complained about the sun being too harsh, even on overcast days. He was always the first one up in the mornings, more times than not being the house’s wake-up call. She could never tell when he slept, and he never showed signs of being exhausted. He wasn’t that up to date with current pop culture, sometimes having to explain what a certain joke or meme meant. He didn’t use social media, only using an email that Yoonji had made him create. He still used a flip phone, because newer phones were too complicated, he had said. That was until his infamous pink flip phone officially bit the dust. Seokjin was a big eater, there had been days where he had ordered enough takeout for three. He traveled all the time, and never spoke of anything preventing him from going. 
Yoonji was the complete opposite. She was a bit of a night owl, and a reluctant early riser. Y/n would catch her drinking iced coffee from a large tumbler every day. The female vampire was sluggish, like she didn’t get enough sleep. She’s always avoided the sun, preferring to stay her pale shade, because she claimed to tan unevenly. She would spend hours working on rearranging pieces to her pupils playing level, as well as creating her own. Yoonji would eat meals with them, but she was more of a watcher than an eater. She’d always say she’d get full watching them eat their meals so well. She’s always up to date on memes due to her pupils, some days even repeating some of the new slang to them. Y/n had found out Yoonji likes to upgrade her electronics every couple years, funnily enough the female vampire had taken Jin to finally join them in the modern world with a brand new phone. Yoonji was always vocal about her distaste for Seokjin’s eccentric way of dressing. “Jinnie you’ve been using those pants since the first industrial revolution, please let them go,” She’d heard her say, now thinking back it could’ve been literal. 
Jimin reminded Y/n of her grandmother. She was a bit of an herbalist, and practiced small rituals that her mother used to do in her home. The little things would start to tip her off. Jimin was big on making his own tea blends, and enjoyed gifting a small amount to his returning customers. She’s seen Jimin read tea leaves, and tarot for his customers. He had done a big ritual with the change from summer to autumn. Hell, she remembered that Jimin had knocked her unconscious without so much as touching her. Everything had a purpose, even when one would think otherwise. She’s caught him talking to their plants more times than she can count. Jimin liked to keep the house safe, and she’d see him draw protective sigils around the property. The witch loved to bake, and insisted his pastries could cure anything. Y/n could feel the love, and care Jimin would fill his creations with. He always left the house with a small kit for foraging in his satchel, along with a notebook, and various small drawstring bags. 
More than anything she felt slightly guilty. She’d been basing her knowledge on vampires from ‘Twilight’, and ‘The Vampire Diaries’.  How was she supposed to know vampires apparently live in the outskirts of the city? With roommates? Maybe Taika Waititi was right, vampires are weird and a little reclusive. 
Y/n had a ungodly amount of questions for them:
How long have you been vampires?
Have you ever been dormant?
How long have you owned your current home?
Are you paying off a mortgage?
How is your skin still so silky smooth?
Do you sleep in a coffin, if so do you air it out?
Yet every question she came up with somehow felt more, and more like her brain running on fumes. Y/n would try to sneak glances at Yoonji, but somehow they kept making eye contact, must be vampire instinct. 
Upon having more of a look, Y/n realized the little things gave them away. Yoonji, and Seokjin always had claws, not human type nails. A few times a month she’d see Yoonji fixing her nails, and Jin’s. The permanent dark eye circles that gave away their lack of need for sleep. Yoonji had gone weeks without eating, but still looked relatively healthy when Y/n saw her again. They also carried themselves differently. Both vampires always seemed regal in the way they moved. Yoonji’s extensive knowledge in music should’ve been a dead give away, as well as Seokjin’s very extensive closet. 
But as much as she racked her brain, the more she thought of how they resembled people their age. Yoonji was in love with Kuromi, and had a whole corner dedicated to her collectibles. Seokjin might not be social media savvy, but he was always in the know about the trending restaurants and cafes. The eldest vampire would game for hours, if he had no responsibilities, while Yoonji was a big fan of the local aquarium. Even with the complaints about sun sensitivity, Seokjin was always a nice tan color that made him even more handsome. Though Yoonji looked scary, she actually hated horror movies, or anything of the horror genre. She was terrified of large bugs, and always had to ask Y/n or Jimin to get rid of the creepy crawlies. 
Nothing could’ve tipped her off. 
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Fic Masterlist
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pairing: Min Yoonji x Kim Namjoo x Female Reader word count: 1313 warnings: angst, fem!myg, fem!knj, polyamory, sexting, explicit language, dirty talk, mommy kink, brat reader AO3 A/N: Hope you like it and that you have a wonderful day wherever you are💜
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What does one get when combining two girlfriends who spend the large majority of the day at work, so much so that sometimes you go weeks without seeing them, with a girl who spends the large majority of her time at home and gets bored easily? You get a needy you.
Sure, it wasn't a first-world problem, and you were probably making it a bigger deal than it actually was, but you couldn't help feel the way you did.
In the beginning, when you first heard that both Yoonji and Namjoo had gotten the job of their dreams you had extremely excited, giving both girls long hugs and insisting that a celebration was a must. In the beginning, they would invite you into their studios for the simple reason of wanting to spend time with you, sometimes while in the studios you would even sit on their laps. In the beginning, the older women would try their damnedest to be with you, no matter how tired or overworked they were, and you were more than happy to take care of them.
But it wasn't like that anymore.
Now, they barely made an effort to see you, much less talk to you. Now, whenever you were at their studio Yoonji and Namjoo didn't acknowledge your presence. One time you had even left without warning after hours of sitting on the couch in the studio, bored out of your mind and annoyed that they had invited you only to act as if you weren't even there.
The worst part about that day was that they hadn't even checked in on you until hours later, and it was only to know if you had had dinner and were already in bed.
You also didn't want to be that person who made everything about sex, but your relationship has been like that for a couple of months now and it was leaving you incredibly frustrated.
At first, whenever you felt horny you simply took care of it yourself, not wanting to disturb the girls, but slowly you stopped doing, there was only so much usage you could get out of your hands and toys before you started to miss the human touch you so desperately needed.
At one point you even felt jealous because you started speculating that Namjoo and Yoonji actually did fuck each other when they needed a break from the frustration of producing all day, something that made sense to you since they had been together for a couple of years before you had joined them and worked together, but that didn't stop the feeling of hurt that attached itself to you.
You missed everything about them, from their kisses to the way their skin felt against your fingertips.
You took all of this but yesterday had been your breaking point, you had tried again and again for them to at the very least talk to you but nothing had worked, so you had come up with a plan that would hopefully work in your favor.
As soon as you had woken up you got out of bed and strolled around the apartment, wanting to confirm that neither of your girlfriends were around.
Afterward, you went back to the bedroom, put on a white babydoll, their favorite on you, Namjoo would sometimes even say that it was because it gave you an air of innocence, and then you grabbed your phone and lay on the bed, doing various tantalizing poses.
You waited until you were eating breakfast - read brunch - to finally sent everything through the group chat the three of you shared, choosing the best pictures, the final one being a close-up of your clothed pussy with your hand inside your panties, giving the impression that you were fingering yourself before recording yourself where you gave your best pornstar moans.
Afterward, you resumed eating, a smug smile appearing on your face with every notification ping that came out of your phone.
Once you were finished you finally decided to check your messages and the grin on your face couldn't have been wider.
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After letting a couple more minutes pass you finally decided to answer them.
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Namjoo's dominating voice could be heard through the words, making you feel the familiar sting between your thighs just from reading them. You took a few minutes to recompose yourself before answering, the replies coming not long after.
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At the mention of work, you felt as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped on you, but you weren't ready to throw in the towel just yet. You still had a trick up your sleeve, a somewhat old picture that you never to them.
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You almost let your phone fall out of your hands at the disappointment you felt. You knew that your girlfriends had worked hard to be where they were now but after being pushed to the side over and over again for the last couple of months, your anger and frustration spoke louder than any reasonable thought you had.
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You tapped on the voice message, already knowing what to expect from Namjoo. "Listen closely little one, either you stop this shit right now or I'll make sure to spank your ass so much and so hard that you won't be able to graze it on a chair, much less sit on it. Am I clear?" You simply rolled your eyes, knowing the words were nothing but empty promises.
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It was a loaded question you asked, you knew that which is why you had taken a deep breath before asking it, but as the anger you felt inside was replaced with sorrow, the tears streaming freely down on your face, you couldn't stop yourself, you wanted to know if their feelings for you had changed but they were too stubborn to admit it.
The whole polyamory thing had been entirely new to all three of you, all previous relationships had been monogamous, but after meeting them you had fallen for them very quickly, a sentiment that had been reciprocated, so, not long after, all three of you had decided unanimously to take a plunge and see where this new type of relationship would lead.
The beginning had been amazing but it wasn't like that anymore.
Yoonji and Namjoo have known each other and have been dating for far longer than either of them have been with you, that's why, in your mind, if the relationship was to fall apart, you'd be the one to leave, a thought that had been slowly growing in the back of mind that started taking over every cell in your brain once it started to feel like they were pushing you away.
You had been wallowing in misery for quite some time that you didn't have the strength to reply to any of their messages, simply staring at the screen as message bubble after message bubble kept coming.
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As you read through Namjoo's words more tears streamed down on your face, almost as if it were spring water. You cried so much that you started to feel a continuous pain in your head, leaving you with barely any energy to do anything else other than wanting to sleep for as long as possible until it disappeared.
You sent a final message to them, not wanting to worry your girlfriends with more of this conversation, one that left everyone hurt in the end.
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You ignored Yoonji's message and turned off your phone, leaving it in the kitchen as you moved towards the bedroom the three of you shared.
You threw yourself on top of the sheets, not bothering to get under them, you just wanted to forget this day had even happened in the first place.
As the drowsiness started taking over your bones, your last thought turned towards Namjoo and Yoonji, making you wish even more that they were with you.
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min-suga-genius-02 · 2 years
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