#fic: what we do in the shadows
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Pairing ➪ Yoonji x Y/n | Jimin x Y/n | Yoonji x Jimin x Seokjin
Word count ➪ 4.4k Words
Warnings ➪ authors horrible attempt at humor; mentions of blood and feeding; mentions of edible; not beta read;
Summary ➪ Y/n needs a place to stay as of yesterday. Her roommate bailed on her, she’s too far from her grandmother, and her boyfriend lives in a box with his best friend. The place she seems to find has everything; space, low rent, a short commute to her job, and seemingly nice roommates. But there are some things that are kinda weird. Like how her female roommate is up at all hours, and her male roommate mumbling about his plants yelling at him in the middle of the night. She can get through this, right?
A/n: Hey besties. I was meant to post this last month, but due to some things regarding my dad I couldn't really focus on much. Regardless though I am happy to get this out as an early present for Festa and for my own birthday. I'll continue 'Oh,baby' and should be posting a new part by the end of the month, at least I'm hoping to. As always feedback is appreciated, and if you would like to be added to the taglist please let me know.
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It hurt. Everything hurts. Namjoon could feel every last one of his nerve endings screaming in agony. His head was burning, and it was getting harder to think rationally. What was happening?
It felt like he was being moved in slow motion. He could feel the early fall breeze on his face, but also stiffness on his left side. Something was clawing at him, and he wanted it to stop.
Namjoon could hear muffled sounds, and felt a sudden warmth enveloping his chest. His heartbeat was slowing down; he was scared.
There began to be gaps in Namjoon’s awareness. When he would come to, sounds were still muffled, but he could feel and smell. The young man could no longer feel his favorite indigo blue set. A sweeping warmth on his skin was quickly followed by the bite of the cold room. He could smell damp earth, incense, and Jimin’s mellow fabric softener.. Jimin.. Yes, it smelled like Jimin. It smelled like his sweet friend. Namjoon started to feel like he was floating, the pain had stopped. He no longer felt scared. Jimin was here.
“What the fuck are we going to do,” Yoonji hissed. Jimin’s spell hadn’t worked to it’s perceived potential, they had a vampire fledgling in the younger’s work room, and they found out their newest roommate is potentially one of them. Shit was hitting the fan, and it was hitting hard.
The female vampire was having conflicting feelings about their current situation. While Yoonji was grateful for the small moment they got, she was petrified of the inevitable conversation they would be having; being sires, and that none of them were human. The elder vampire had contingency plans, having a few emails drafted if her current life would implode. Her parents taught her to be diligent, always being sure she had backups to her backups. If Yoonji, and her friends, had to hide in her Black Forest estate until this blew over, then so be it. But a small, hopeful, part of Yoonji wanted Y/n to accept them. She hoped their newest roommate wouldn’t be afraid of them.
They liked their lives here; she loves her life here. Yoonji is teaching pupils that are as passionate as she is. Seokjin is doing more of what he wants, while doing the bare minimum with the council. Jimin was still relatively new, but he had quickly gained loyal regulars that kept him busy. Things had finally set into place, and it’s dissolving in front of them. Yoonji watched as Jimin paced around their small island, and Jin was slouched forward, laying his upper body on the cold tile of the island.
If Yoonji focused enough she could hear the hissing of the hot water, and the clattering of Y/n’s products. The elder vampire could hear the shower stopping, and the clicking of nails to screen.
Jin slightly perked up, “I think..we should be truthful.”
Jimin halted, “Truthful, of what? Of us, what we are, are you insane?”
Seokjin slightly nodded, “She’s going to find out, one way or another. Your friend will wake-up within the next 36 hours confused, scared, and starving. As a new fledgling, everything will be amplified. Y/n has the right to know, to choose whether she wants to stay and witness that, or leave. The first few days of any newborn fledgling are brutal because of the thirst, and immense feeling of overstimulation. It’ll be frightening, even for you.”
The witch scoffed, “I’ve been around fledglings, they’re not scary.”
Seokjin narrowed his eyes at Jimin, highly unamused, “A newborn is different, they’re transitioning and everything is overwhelming to them. He won’t be the same person you remember him to be for a while. He’ll be constantly feeding, and losing control of himself. The slightest thing could set him off. If you’re not frightened by his unpredictability, then you’re a fool.”
Yoonji knew Jimin was aware of the changes that would be happening with Namjoon, she’d gone into detail of every fledgling transition she’s witnessed. Only one thing remained constant within those memories, fledglings were unpredictable. The female vampire saw as the tips of Jimin’s ears turned pink from Jinnie’s scolding, clearly embarrassed at being corrected.
Their witchy roommate sighed, “Are we telling her everything? What we each are, and what’s going on with Joonie?”
“I think we should,” Yoonji said. Jimin nodded, busying himself with cleaning up the bag of O negative from their sink. He sighed deeply, “What if she freaks out..what if… What if she tells someone? Hunters are still a thing. What if they find you, or Seokjin? I wouldn’t be able to live if anything would happen to either of you.”
Seokjin rose from his seat, “Min..” He enveloped the witch from behind, gently tightening his hold to comfort him. Jimin sniffled, hesitantly turning around and reciprocating Jin’s hug. The older vampire wrapped an arm across the witch’s back, and another was cradling his friend’s head into his chest. Jin delicately played with Min’s hair, “Jimin, I know you’re scared, we’re scared too.”
Jin redirected them towards the couch, clearly wanting to be comfortable during this stressful moment. Yoonji and Seokjin took the ends of the couch, not really giving Jimin any choice in arrangement. They settled in before the older vampire could continue. “A lot of things are happening too quickly, we can’t let ourselves be frightened,” Seokjin said.
He gestures towards Yoonji, asking her to say something. “I can’t say nothing won’t happen, because it will, but we will work through it. Hunters..are an unfortunate consequence of our existence. We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“But what about Joonie,” Min asked, “what if anyone saw Jin jumping on him?”
“What happened with Namjoon was an accident, Jinnie didn’t attack him maliciously. He was trying to help, and an accident happened. If, for some reason, a hunter saw him we’d deal with it,” Yoonji responded.
Jin nodded along, “We’ll be okay, we’ll work through it Min.”
The trio is huddled together, whispering, when Y/n walks into the living room. Seokjin signals Yoonji to turn towards the kitchen. She panics, stuttering a quirky greeting, “Hey, Y/n, um.. How’d you, uh, sleep?”
Y/n shrugged, “Eh, I guess, I don’t remember falling asleep.”
Jimin nudged Yoonji to keep talking. She shook her head, too unsure how to carry this conversation. They watch the human make a cup of iced coffee, looking around for any piece of the witch’s pastries. Yoonji notices Y/n is in lounging clothes, and not in her regular jeans. She’s barefaced, and is allowing her hair to air-dry into their natural waves. Her cheeks are still pink from her morning shower, and she’s wearing her glasses today.
The trio watches as their human roommate goes back and forth with each of her breakfast items to join them in the living room. She sits on the sofa chair on Jin’s side of the living room.
Y/n sighs as she adjusts into place, takes a big sip of her coffee, and looks towards the trio, “Guys, I had the weirdest dream last night.”
“Weird dream? Like what,” Jimin asked.
Y/n’s face scrunched up, “I dreamt that Jin got hurt. He was covered in blood, and he wouldn’t respond to me. There was a man at the doorway. I didn’t know him, but he was next to Jin and I was getting scared. I ended up passing out in-dream. Next thing I know, my alarms are going off, and I’m freaking out because I think I’m late for work, but I’m not late because my manager thinks that I’m sick and I don’t know what’s going on.”
Yoonji looked at Y/n in mild terror, she clearly remembered. The vampire gave her friends a look before she spoke, “Y/n.. we need to talk.”
The human looked at the trio worried slightly tilting her head. “Oh, fuck. Did I do something last night,” she rambled. “I mean, I ate an edible that’s probably why I passed out, but if I acted out of line I need you guys to tell me.”
Yoonji sat stunned, struggling to contain her laughter. The vampire dug her nails into her thighs to keep herself from bursting, “You acted no weirder than you usually do on edibles.” Jimin bursted in a small fit of giggles. Seokjin looked between them, confused as to what an edible was. He gestured his confusion to Jimin, who gestured back that he’d explain later.
The vampire covered her escaped chuckles with swift coughs. “No.. um.. That dream that you mentioned happened.” She watched as the human stiffened in her seat. “Last night Jinnie came home a bit.. Flustered. There was an accident, and he came home to get help..but there’s more to it.” Yoonji was starting to get uncomfortable, and she could see that Jin was staring at their carpet. “Please, listen to what we have to say.”
Yoonji took a moment to collect her thoughts, when Seokjin took over, “Last night, I was walking around to waste some time, then I smelled something. I walked deeper into the park trail, desperate to find it. It smelled so good, I just had to see what it was. I thought it was a fox, or a small deer, they’re especially delicious this time of year, but instead I saw a human. He was bleeding from his knee, he said he was fine. Next thing I know my shirt is wet with blood, and the man is passed out. I’m freaking out because I’ve never done anything like this. I bring us back to the house. Yoonji, and Jimin try to help, but I can’t hear them because everything sounds muffled, and my skin feels clammy. I smelled when you came near me, and all I could think about was blood and how yours smelled good enough to be my next meal. I was scared, and Jimin was able to sedate me.”
The elder vampire released a large sigh, as if a weight had been lifted from him. “When I bit the man, I accidentally released some venom in him. He’s currently transitioning into a vampire.”
Y/n looks at the trio, analyzing them. She takes a small bite from her breakfast sandwich, confusion riddling her face. The human gestured at them, “Are the three of you vampires?”
Jimin shook his head, “No, I’m a witch. I just moved here a couple years ago, and moved in a year and a half ago. Yoonji, and Jinnie are vampires. They’re currently part of a small group of vampires that pre-date the Joseon dynasty.”
Yoonji grumbled, hating being reminded of her age. She watched as the human continued eating her breakfast with a vacant look. To Y/n’s left Jin was trying his hardest to control his shaking leg, and was slightly chewing at the sides of his thumb. Next to him, Jimin was turning pink from the pressure of the situation.
They watched as Y/n finished her breakfast, leisurely drinkin the last of her morning coffee. She turned to them, face slightly scrunched. “So let me get this straight, Yoonji and Seokjin are vampires. Jimin is a witch. Seokjin accidently got himself a vampire kid, and I almost got eaten until Jimin knocked out Seokjin.” The trio nodded, Y/n continued speaking, “Did I get knocked out too? Where’s the new vampire? I assume since you guys are, you know, you..that there’s more of you guys? I don’t know what to call you. It feels weird to call you supernatural, because what you are is normal to you guys, and oh my god, why am I making a big deal out of this?”
Jimin was intrigued, “Like Jin said, you got a little too close to him while he was a bit overwhelmed. You didn’t know, it’s no one’s fault. We didn’t know how to explain what happened, even when we didn’t fully know ourselves.” The witch watched the human nod along to what he was saying. “The new vampling is in my workroom, he’s transitioning in a safe environment, and will be properly supported by Jinnie and Yoonji. As for the umbrella label, that's fine. In our world we just call each other by our species names, humans wouldn’t know every one of us so it’s fine.”
Seokjin stared at the human with curiosity, he couldn’t decipher any emotions from her. He was perplexed and needed to know why she was so calm. “Are you not afraid,” he blurted out, “I confessed to wanting your blood as a meal, and you’re indifferent.”
Y/n was startled by Jin’s harsh statement. “As ridiculous as it sounds, yes and no. Yes, because of course with anything unknown, fear always accompanies it. No, well if you’d had wanted to hurt me, or worse eat me, you would’ve done so the first week of me living here. Maybe not even the week. Of course the possibility that you could’ve bit me frightens me, but you didn’t and I’m here now without any harm. At this point I just wanna ask questions about your species. As well as figure out who contacted my manager.”
Jimin looked at Y/n mildly guilty, “I called her after we had settled you into your room, and made sure both Jinnie and Joonie were sedated.”
“Who’s Joonie,” she asked.
Jimin shifted in his seat, “Namjoon is the man that is currently in the workroom. Jinnie didn’t know who he was, it was a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The human turned towards the elder vampire, “Why’d you attack him?” Yoonji could see Y/n was angry and confused. They had just spent time establishing they would never harm her, just to say an innocent human was attacked by one of theirs.
Seokjin looked at their human roommate in shame, “I didn’t mean to.” He took a moment to take a few deep breaths, collecting himself back up. He looked at Yoonji, trying to gain courage from his longest friend. “Yoonie, is it okay if I talk about what happened a few weeks ago,” he asked. Yoonji nodded her consent, urging Jin to continue. “A few weeks ago Yoonji was sick, she was starving. I drank from a few donors to help her. Came home, helped her, then two days after I left for Mongolia to help with a territory dispute. During my two week stay there was a limited amount of blood we could consume, therefore only took what would keep us functional. When we came back I was denied entry to our donor wing. I called up my blood supplier, and while I waited for him to arrive, I found Namjoon. I didn’t attack him for fun, I attacked him because I was starving. For almost three weeks I was kept at the verge of hunger. I haven’t attacked a human since I was a small vampling.”
Y/n waved her hand at Jimin’s direction, “You called him Joonie.. Jimin, do you know him?”
The witch nodded, “I’ve been friends with Joon for about a year, he doesn’t know about what we are and our world. When Jin brought him home, I was so scared. I knew what happened just by looking at them. I’m upset that an innocent person is caught up in this, but I’m not upset at Jinnie. He was starving, and I know he wouldn’t have attacked anyone on purpose.”
The human sat in her chair stumped, “Damn, and now your friend is a vampire? Seokjin mentioned venom, does that make you guys like the Twilight vampires? Do y’all sparkle in the sun, because I’ve never seen you guys in direct sunlight.”
Yoonji can feel an overwhelming feeling of ick consuming her. “No, no, no, no, please,” she pleaded. “Anything, but that. First off, in Twilight they aren’t vampires, they’re blood sucking Fae that give real vampires a bad name. Vampires don’t need to exchange blood to transform a human into a fledgling. Much like werewolves, vampires have a venom they can inject into humans to turn them into vampires.”
“Okay, cool, cool,” Y/n replied, “You still didn’t answer if you sparkled.”
Yoonji grew a little infuriated with the little query, “No, we don’t sparkle, only the Fae sparkle. We’re not Fae, we’re vampires! Real vampires, dammit!”
Y/n clicked her teeth in disappointment, “Man, I was really hoping someone would say ‘this is the skin of a killer Bella’ for me.” The female vampire could feel her eye twitch in annoyance. ‘Twilight this, Twilight that. We’re way better than some snobby Fae,’ she thought.
“What do you know about vampires,” Seokjin asked their human roommate.
“I mean the pretty common tropes: aversion to holy objects, sunlight, garlic, mirrors, werewolves, silver, anything sharp that could strike the heart, decapitation, fire. ‘Think that’s it,” she answered.
Seokjin chuckled, “I don’t know when that rumor of religious items started.”
“Probably when that Irish author wrote the Dracula book,” Yoonji piped up.
“We tend to have light sensitivity in our early years,” the elder vampire explained, “Everything about us is more sensitive to help us catch prey.” Yoonji nods in agreement, continuing for her friend, “The garlic myth is just that a myth. Back when people were discovering spices they tended to go heavier, and let me tell you people weren’t as hygienic as they are now. Mix that with a sensitive nose and we made sure to keep ourselves away.”
“We also didn’t have an aversion to mirrors, some were just so horribly made lots of us didn’t bother,” Seokjin added. “You can still see our reflections on surfaces, and we film well. To keep ourselves safe is why we avoid any form of documentation via film and why the mirror and reflection myth started.”
“Werewolf bites are, unfortunately, deadly to us. Decapitation is kind of obvious, no one could survive that. As well as a stake to the heart,” Yoonji continued. “No silver aversion, again started by some old fart that considered himself a monster hunter.” She sighed trying to remember all of the things Y/n had asked about. She snapped her fingers, urging herself to remember. “Oh, fire obviously hurts, but it is not deadly to us.”
Y/n nodded along, “Alright cool, cool. Uh, so, what exactly is going to be done about the man/newly turned vampire.” Yoonji could tell their human roommate was trying to handle the onslaught of information with humor. “I don’t know about you guys, but this is my first time with a fresh out of the oven vampire. I don’t know what to expect. Should I even be here?”
The human gestured towards Jimin and herself, “Should we even be here? I mean, I know Min is a witch, but still, he's still edible, right?”
Seokjin could no longer hold in his laughter, and neither could Yoonji. The vampires found amusement in the human’s worries. Jin could feel small tears forming at the corners of his eyes, and the worry he was carrying himself has started to melt away. “If you wanted to get technical, yes Jimin counts as being edible,” Yoonji says. Jimin scoffed, clearly unamused.
Y/n mumbled in acknowledgement, she readjusted herself to be laying across the couch. She had a calculating look on her face, Yoonji could clearly see the human was trying hard to understand them. The vampire knew it was a lot, hell the small incident that was currently happening wasn’t even the worst in her and Seokjin’s long friendship. There was always a clusterfuck of things happening around them to the point they have agreed that come with the territory of being who they are within their society.
Jimin excuses himself to check on Namjoon in the other room, Seokjin offering to go with him, just in case he says. The two women are left alone in the large living room. Yoonji doesn’t know if she should keep talking about what they are, or stay quiet as Y/n is clearly overwhelmed.
Yoonji lets the human be, cleaning up the remaining dishes on the coffee table into the dishwasher. She fixes herself another blood infused coffee, happy she no longer has to hide her coffee cup. She goes back to the living room, settling back into the corner she was formerly in.
Y/n doesn’t make a movement, or a noise for 25 minutes. She’s overwhelmed by the information given to her. Her roommates aren’t human, that much was established. There’s a man in the house currently turning into a vampire, and she almost got turned into a meal. What was racking her brain the most was, how did she never notice.
Y/n always thought Seokjin was eccentric, lots of people these days love dressing up in vintage clothing. He’d be working at odd times of the day, but she chalked it up to it being the runner of the family business. He loved taking pictures of himself, and he always ate dinner with them. He always complained about the sun being too harsh, even on overcast days. He was always the first one up in the mornings, more times than not being the house’s wake-up call. She could never tell when he slept, and he never showed signs of being exhausted. He wasn’t that up to date with current pop culture, sometimes having to explain what a certain joke or meme meant. He didn’t use social media, only using an email that Yoonji had made him create. He still used a flip phone, because newer phones were too complicated, he had said. That was until his infamous pink flip phone officially bit the dust. Seokjin was a big eater, there had been days where he had ordered enough takeout for three. He traveled all the time, and never spoke of anything preventing him from going.
Yoonji was the complete opposite. She was a bit of a night owl, and a reluctant early riser. Y/n would catch her drinking iced coffee from a large tumbler every day. The female vampire was sluggish, like she didn’t get enough sleep. She’s always avoided the sun, preferring to stay her pale shade, because she claimed to tan unevenly. She would spend hours working on rearranging pieces to her pupils playing level, as well as creating her own. Yoonji would eat meals with them, but she was more of a watcher than an eater. She’d always say she’d get full watching them eat their meals so well. She’s always up to date on memes due to her pupils, some days even repeating some of the new slang to them. Y/n had found out Yoonji likes to upgrade her electronics every couple years, funnily enough the female vampire had taken Jin to finally join them in the modern world with a brand new phone. Yoonji was always vocal about her distaste for Seokjin’s eccentric way of dressing. “Jinnie you’ve been using those pants since the first industrial revolution, please let them go,” She’d heard her say, now thinking back it could’ve been literal.
Jimin reminded Y/n of her grandmother. She was a bit of an herbalist, and practiced small rituals that her mother used to do in her home. The little things would start to tip her off. Jimin was big on making his own tea blends, and enjoyed gifting a small amount to his returning customers. She’s seen Jimin read tea leaves, and tarot for his customers. He had done a big ritual with the change from summer to autumn. Hell, she remembered that Jimin had knocked her unconscious without so much as touching her. Everything had a purpose, even when one would think otherwise. She’s caught him talking to their plants more times than she can count. Jimin liked to keep the house safe, and she’d see him draw protective sigils around the property. The witch loved to bake, and insisted his pastries could cure anything. Y/n could feel the love, and care Jimin would fill his creations with. He always left the house with a small kit for foraging in his satchel, along with a notebook, and various small drawstring bags.
More than anything she felt slightly guilty. She’d been basing her knowledge on vampires from ‘Twilight’, and ‘The Vampire Diaries’. How was she supposed to know vampires apparently live in the outskirts of the city? With roommates? Maybe Taika Waititi was right, vampires are weird and a little reclusive.
Y/n had a ungodly amount of questions for them:
How long have you been vampires?
Have you ever been dormant?
How long have you owned your current home?
Are you paying off a mortgage?
How is your skin still so silky smooth?
Do you sleep in a coffin, if so do you air it out?
Yet every question she came up with somehow felt more, and more like her brain running on fumes. Y/n would try to sneak glances at Yoonji, but somehow they kept making eye contact, must be vampire instinct.
Upon having more of a look, Y/n realized the little things gave them away. Yoonji, and Seokjin always had claws, not human type nails. A few times a month she’d see Yoonji fixing her nails, and Jin’s. The permanent dark eye circles that gave away their lack of need for sleep. Yoonji had gone weeks without eating, but still looked relatively healthy when Y/n saw her again. They also carried themselves differently. Both vampires always seemed regal in the way they moved. Yoonji’s extensive knowledge in music should’ve been a dead give away, as well as Seokjin’s very extensive closet.
But as much as she racked her brain, the more she thought of how they resembled people their age. Yoonji was in love with Kuromi, and had a whole corner dedicated to her collectibles. Seokjin might not be social media savvy, but he was always in the know about the trending restaurants and cafes. The eldest vampire would game for hours, if he had no responsibilities, while Yoonji was a big fan of the local aquarium. Even with the complaints about sun sensitivity, Seokjin was always a nice tan color that made him even more handsome. Though Yoonji looked scary, she actually hated horror movies, or anything of the horror genre. She was terrified of large bugs, and always had to ask Y/n or Jimin to get rid of the creepy crawlies.
Nothing could’ve tipped her off.
Fic Masterlist
#bts#bts imagines#bts fics#bts non idol au#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts crack#bts supernatural au#bts poly x reader#bts vampire au#bts x reader#reader x bts#min yoonji#jimin x reader#yoonji x reader#jimin x yoonji x seokjin#bangtan#bangtan fluff#fic: what we do in the shadows#fic: WWDITS#bangtan imagines#bangtan fic#bangtan fanfic#bangtan non idol au#bangtan supernatural au#bangtan vampire au#bangtan crack#bangtan poly au
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Pairing: Thanos (Choi Su-Bong) x Fem!Reader
Summery: what if you stumbled upon your fucking ex boyfriend in a squid game toilet?
Triggers: SMUT, oral (both receiving), fingering, a bit of a dirty talk
A/N: first squid game smut, second smut fic in almost 10 years from me 🫡 English is not my native, so please, bear with it if you find a mistake, cause I'd die from embarrassment
A/N #2: dialogue formatted like this said by Thanos in English
Word count: 4k
Once you gave yourself a word that you will never meet him again in your life. You'd been trying to support him through his, not to say the list, pretty feeble rapping career, keeping him hyped up when his new tracks didn't hit the numbers he hoped for yet again. It was before he started investing his money into the crypt. You were the first one to say that this cryptocurrency shit was definitely a scum, but Su-Bong couldn't care less to listen, he had too much fun getting the first money back, doubled in number.
"This is all scum, Su!.." you once rattled at him, seeing Su-Bong changing yet another thousands of won to that crypto shit.
"We're gonna be fucking rich can't you see, señorita???" He grabbed the multicolored cash in his hands, throwing the money up in the air like a confetti. "I'm gonna win this life, baby!"
You only rolled your eyes at him, grabbing one 5000 won bill and making your way out of the room. "I'll look at your dumb ass when you invest all of your stupid money in this and they'll fuck you up, señor."
Now, you wandered how low did he fall to appear in this fucking shit hole. How many layers of buttom did his smoked, stoned ass broke to land on that pile of cow shit. How much debts did he have now? Definitely more than you, but how much more? Though after hearing some players' debts, you thought of your own to be a mild inconvenience.
You saw his head popping out from the crowd, the tallest guy in the group, as he always has been, with his head glowing purple in the dull green room. Thanos. You only prayed for him to not notice you, cause above all else, you would not stress his pathetically comical attempts into being not only a rapper, that you've already learned to stomach, but a comedian.
You were led out of the room, up and up and up by the pink strais that looked as if it have been snatched straight out of the psych test picture. Once you were high enough, you were instructed to go though the huge, massive doors leading to the open playground.
You saw him clinging to the pretty girl immediately after all of the players entered the playground, it didn't really sting, but it tugged on something buried deep down beneath the layers of indifference you've grown throughout the last year and the half.
"Hey, señorita."
You turned your head instinctively on the word. It was your word. You didn't know why, but when Su-Bong called that random girl señorita, you felt that string snapping inside you, that definitely did sting. It stinged even more, when you saw Su-Bong getting all turned on when the girl sent him off, rolling her eyes in a sheer annoyance.
Fuck him. Fuck him. FUCK HIM
You shouldn't have felt anything. Not for him, not after all of this hardships of getting him off of your mind after you two broke up.
Somehow, the thoughts of your past relationships overstaffed your head, you were running and ceasing on autopilot while you brain suffered the memories of you and Su-Bong having the time of your lives.
You didn't register how you crossed the finish line, slithering further away from the doll through the panicking players right until you felt two big heavy palm on your shoulders. The heaviness that was too familiar, and the fingers that clawed your bones with such familiarity you haven't felt for far too long.
"Babe!" The loud shriek Su-Bong forced to come out sent shivers down your body. When you looked up at him, his face was gleaming as he was laughing and studying you head to toes. "My fucking Nebula baby is here, like damn bro we're gonna be unstoppable!"
"Don't fucking call me that..." You shook his hands off you, turning on the tips of your boots, trying to get closer to the pink soldiers standing next to the doors.
"Babe, don't you want to ask me how I've been?" Purplehead grabbed you by the wrist, motioning you to swirl back to face him once more. He bent untill he somewhat leveled to your height, his face perfectly positioned in front of yours, eyes on the same level. You hated to admit that he still was as handsome as you remembered, face so fuckable the only look at it made your stomach swirling.
"What point in asking if you're here?" You tried to maintain the annoyance, but felt your voice cracking just fairly a bit, which was enough to catch a sardonic smile on Su-Bong's face, right before the words settled in his head and his face tensed with thinking.
The metal dome covered the sunlight and the pink soldiers opened the doors, making all of the remaining players to walk back to the main room, dumbfounded. Some rat looking guy snatched Thanos from your side and walked him to their beds once you entered the room. Thank you, you thought, sighting out in relief.
From your bed you saw Su-Bong and this guy from across the room. The rat guy pointed in your direction vaguely, and Su-Bong almost punched him, you could read his expression saying "shut the fuck up, man". You spent a few more minutes staring mindlessly into Thanos' direction, not exactly registering what was going on in the room, but at once you thought that the effect of the pill he swallowed during the game wore off, the comic bravado wanished from Su-Bong's face as he stared equally mindlessly into the emptiness in front of him.
After the voting you all had a little meal prepared, it felt all too close to your heart with the school like lunch, as if they tried to put you all at ease. You saw Su-Bong starting a fight with that damn Coin man, the one you knew from Su-Bong's crypto problems, but it didn't take much time before the player 001 beat the shit out of him for interrupting the meal time.
You didn't quite recognize your own feelings seeing Su-Bong lying on the floor half dead as the man was having him in a chokehold, Thanos whimpering and squirming under him. You felt the corners of your mouth lifting in some manic rushing tide, but when the man finally stood up and you saw Su-Bong's face, corrupted with both fear and anger you suddenly felt pity for him. How miserable of you.
The night crippled in, but the slumber decided not to show you any signs of life. To be fair, you could find at least twenty more people who couldn't sleep that night, and well, you had more questions for those who could.
You jumped down from your bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom. It was when you have done all of your things and was splashing your face with the spring cold water you heard some muted grumbling over the wall.
"Fuck man, c'mon!"
You creeped out of the female toilet room, tiptoing to the male one, hearing the grumbles more clearly, as well as the slapping sounds. You opened the door only for a few inches, when you saw Thanos standing in front of the mirror with his pants lowered to his knees, trying to jerk off.
"Stupid fucking shit, just fucking work!" His low voice was on the verge of growling, he never looked as pathetic and lost as now, standing half naked, trying to bone his dick up. Having sex, or at the very least jerking off, was his second to favorite activity to relieve the stress. The first one was getting high as fuck.
"Stressful day, huh?" He jerked his head into your direction seeing you leaning on the doorframe, smile completely roasting him.
He gulped, looking at you, detecting your gaze that was focused on his slumber dick in his hand.
"My señorita, do you want to help?" The desperation and anger in his voice washed away as soon as he saw your mocking face. He he let go of his dick and took a step forward to you, shaking his legs in the air to free them from the pants. "You always knew how to get it going, my fucking love."
He wrapped his fingers around your wrists, tugging you closer untill your body was pressed fully to his, then he unclasped his palm and put one of his hands on the crook of your back, lowering it untill he was able to grab your ass cheek and squeeze it.
"Why should I?" You didn't move away, nor did you shake his hand off your ass, but you also moved your face to the side when he tried to kiss you. "There's a nice, pretty guy in that room, I'd rather fuck him."
You knew that stupid cunt had a rejection kink. The seconds you said those words you felt his dick starting hardening, pressing against your inner thigh.
Su-Bong chuckled lowly, his voice vibrating through your skin as his lips were in mere inches from your ear. "Cause you still fucking love me." He squeezed your ass harder, pressing you flat into his groin. "You know none of these suckers can outdone me in fucking, right? I'm a fucking hump legend."
Too miserably for you, he fucking was. You never met someone who fucked your better than Thanos did, especially when he was under the influence of his stupid pills. You hated it, the pills, but loved the ferocity with which he thrusted into you or eated you out untill he could feel your soul on his tounge when he was on the pills.
"C'mon, my señorita, I want you so bad, just suck my fucking dick, please."
You didn't even know why, but you gave in. Maybe because you didn't know if any of you would live to see another day, or cause you knew he had his pill again and the mere thought of what he could do to you made you shiver. Or maybe because his dick was already hard enough it could leave a bruise on your thigh if you had kept staying still like this for another minute.
You slithered your hand down between your bodies, finding his dick pressed to your leg, and carefully wrapped your fingers around it. Making just a few tugs, your ear felt arousingly hot from Su-Bong's slow breathing. When he got too comfortable with you jerking him off, you relocated your hand further down his shaft, barely touching his balls, as you lifted up on your tiptoes, brushing his ear with your lips.
"If I hear you calling other bitches señoritas, I'm gonna kill you myself." You heard him mewl pathetically into your shoulder as you squeezed your fingers around his balls, practically digging into them with your nails till Thanos hissed and digged his fingers into your ass cheek in return, surely leaving some nicely framed bruises on your skin.
"You gave this name to me," you pulled your hand with his balls in it to the side slightly, stretching the tender skin almost painfuy, winning the muffled whimper from Su-Bong, as he sucked hectically on your neck. "it's fucking mine to bear."
"Done, baby, you won't hear it." He wheezed into your shoulder bucking up his dick against your thigh. You laughed, the sound was barely a whisper tickling Su-Bong's ear, but boy did it make him shiver, biting the skin on your shoulder?
"Atta boy." You bit his earlobe and let go off his balls, hearing him growling into you as his balls got back to their rightful place.
Finally for him, your tore your body off his, feeling the stinging warmth where his fingers were nailed into your ass even after you tore his hand off it, and kneeled down, finding the eye contact with Thanos before even getting close to his dick. His eyes were reminding you of boba balls, just a huge black circles amidst the white eyeballs, he was so high on his pills it drew you crazy and made you feel wet between your legs.
"Make me cum, my señorita." Once you sat down on your knees, Thanos placed his hand on your head, sliding it down to your cheek and finally your chin, leaving the trail of goosebumps on your skin as he went.
You touched his dick with your finger, pressing it up to his belly and got closer to the shaft. Su-Bong saw your tounge swirling inside your mouth, and when you stuck it out completely soaked in saliva, he squeezed your chin with his fingers, tugging your face closer untill he felt the watery tip of your tongue touching the base of his dick and shivered, snickering lowly.
You pressed your tongue flat to his very base starting to slide your way up to the very tip of it, slowly and tormenting, hearing Thanos grunting though his teeth, his hand moving back to your nape, controlling your every move.
You were sliding up and down, rolling to the tip of your tongue and touching Thanos's dick just so lightly it sent waves of shivers down his body, and then rolling it back flat, polishing his shaft with your tongue.
"I missed that so much." Through the muffled whimpering Su-Bong almost moaned, tugging on your nape to make you lick him higher. "No one's sucking the way you do, babe, my fucking slut queen."
You couldn't still the smile forcing on your face. That one thing keeping the bond between you two - you both were each other's best fuckers. And that was such a huge problem. That wasn't something that's easy to get off your mind. Every man you had after Su-Bong was intrusively compared to him while being in you, and let's be honest, none of them had the high ground. Every time you were fucking someone, at some point your head started getting clouded. Su-Bong would have already made me cum twice.
And without wandering, you knew this sucker had the same problem having every single girl compared to you.
"You'll make me cum yes?" Thanos placed his free hand on your finger that was pressing his dick to his stomach and pulled it off, making his dick fall, bouncing up and down right next to your lips. "I'll pay you back, you won't be disappointed."
You knew you wouldn't. You were sitting on your knees, thighs squeezed together in an attempt to stop your lube running down as you looked up at Su-Bong, his wide stoned pupils studying every inch of your body, lips framed in a manic smile and purple hair catching the light of the lightbulbs sent another wave of swirling down your stomach. The things he would do to you...
You wrapped your palm around his shaft, directioning the tip of his dick into your mouth and started circling it with the tip of your tongue, barely touching it. You made a few circles clockwise, a few counterclockwise, you licked it up and down and left and right, hearing Thanos' breath became loose and rapid. While you were circling his head slowly, your hands were working up and down his shaft.
"I've dreamt about thi- fuck-..." He muttered, his hand jerked automatically, sticking you on his dick deeper. Thanos didn't give you the time to adjust, starting shoving his dick down your mouth, deep into the warm tender mouth of yours, feeling your tongue sliding flat on his shaft until he felt the tip of his dick pressing into the back of your throat, you gagging, spasming over his shaft, only making Thanos moan gutturally, watching your head bob a little with a rythm he controlled. "My fucking sweet paradise. Fu-uuck!"
You felt his precum sliding down your throat, almost tickling making your insides jolt, as you started loosing your breath. The bolt of panic shattered though your chest as you started gagging without any air in your lungs, but, at this point, your desire to finish Thanos dry made you collect yourself. You started breathing though your nose, letting him guide your head in a timing that was perfect for him. You would make him cum and he would eat you out afterwards.
You felt his finish was close enough, so you grabbed his balls again, squeezing them gently, tickling and caressing them with your fingers, feeling them hardening under your touch and his dick trembling in your mouth as Thanos let the guttural moan into the air, his dick spurting semen into your mouth, nearly choking you.
"My señorita." He took his dick out of your mouth, tilting your chin up to look up at him, wiping with his finger the mix of his own cum and your drool that was soaking through the corners of your lips. "That was so fucking hot"
The way you swallowed Thanos' seed maintaining the eye contact visibly brought shivers on him, it awakened something animalistic in him as he pulled you up by the chin untill you stood up firmly and kissed you, ravaging your mouth completely. His tongue wasn't waiting for invitation, he slide it between your lips and you opened your mouth instinctively, feeling how his tongue slid deeper into your mouth over your own. At this point, you could only whimper into his mouth, thighs pressed to each other in order to find at least a bit of satisfaction.
Your kiss was interrupted by the two voices down the hall, two male voices that were creeping closer to the toilet.
"Fuck babe!" Thanos rattled, grabbing you by your pants and tugging into the closest stall, closing the doors behind you shut. The adrenaline got into him, his pupils, thought you thought it's impossible, got even bigger, as he untied the laces on your pants and tugged I'd down, along with the panties. He bent just a bit, to be able to press his lips to the side of your face and whisper gravely, "you thought it's gonna stop me?" His hand slid down your body, forcing you to open your legs. "Fuck no."
And you felt two of his digits sliding into you roughly. He didn't give you a chance to gather your scattered thoughts together, or adjust to his fingers, when he curled them, one at a time, shoving then up your cunt.
Thanos growled softly into your ear, you didn't even grasp what was the reason of your airy moan - his fingers or his voice, vibrating though your skin, but with two people outside your stall you did your best to still your vocals, only letting the little weep escape your lips and then shutting them together in panic.
"Good fuck, good day, huh?" His voice sent goosebumps running down all over your body, making you squeeze your thighs around his hand, your hips volunteerly moving down on his fingers.
"Okay, children's games, done" Thanos said, suddenly making your cunt uncomfortably empty, greening down on you, his body, towering high over yours squeezed the little whimper out of you which you bit down, almost bloodying your lip. "Want it?" He snickered jittery before bringing his soaked fingers to your lips, sliding them lightly on your bottom. You lips fell open as on a command, but as soon as you craned your neck forward to embrace his digits with the warm hug of your lips, Thanos yanked his hand back, his fingers in his mouth now and sucked them viciously, testing you before sliding down to his knees.
For a second, you forgot about all the people in the toilet and slammed the wall of the stall with your flat palm, trying to redirect your frustration and agony out of your mouth to your hand, while Thanos was sliding his hands up your inner thighs, spreading them without any effort. He pressed his face to your pubic area and breathed you in vigorously before sighing out.
The proximity of his face to your cunt sent a tugging pulsation through your body, making you squirm on your toes, hips bucking up. You want to face fuck him untill his mad soaked in your cum, just as in old good times.
In a second, you put your free hand on his head, fingers threading through his purple hair. You tugged on his nape, angling his head up untill his chin was on your puffed, soaking wet folds, and you moaned though the bitten down lips.
"That's so fucking beautiful." He said as he lowered his head, sliding down your folds with his chin and slurped you for the all the miserable desires you had. He eated you vigorously, the sound of him sucking your lube messy, letting his drool drip down your thighs mixed with your wetness turned you dazzlingly dizzy. Thanos was rubbing his tongue flat up and down your clit, pulling it in and out of your tight hole, your walls clenching hectically desiring something more. Something bigger that just a tongue. It wrecked your insides. It warmed up your cunt and made you even wetter, and you tugged on Thanos' hair to tear him off you just to see how wet his face was, covered in your slime.
"Fuck..." Was the only thing you could moaned out, looking at his absolutely deranged smile and his tounge framing his glossy lips. Thanos' eyes were nothing but pupils, two black buttomless holes staring back at you with manic desire, the previously dried blood on his cheek got soggy again and was smeared all over his jaw. Damn, that stupid señorita girl from before died in from of him and now you fucked your man with her blood on his face and for fuck's sake that almost turned your insides upside down.
Thanos wrapped his palms around your wrist and freed his hair from your grasp, pressing your hands to the wall on the both sides of you. "Let me finish my meal, babe."
He fell back into your cunt, licking you dry and biting you clit just enough for it to teeter on a slightly painful side, making you wriggle, your ass catching on a wooden wall of the stall.
"Su-.." You caught your breath as a heat wave slammed down at your nether regions, curling your toes and fingers as Thanos kept slurping the juices your body rewarded him with for his work. "-Bong..." His name finally left your lips as you collapsed on his face, your feet too weak to hold your body up.
You barely registered how he snickered, one sound on his lips - lust. He pressed his lips back to your folds and slurped all of your cum at once, his tongue circling around your cunt gathering the juice.
"My señorita..." Thanos put his hands under your quivering thighs as his head appeared in front of yours. He kissed you roughly, letting you taste yourself from his tongue, salty and sweet. "I told you I'll pay you back."
He sat you down on a toilet, opening the door slightly enough to check if anyone was still there. No one.
"We live another day, babe, and I shove it up your cunt." Thanos looked at you, cupping his dick in his hand and smiling like a demented junkie he was. "Let's go, you first."
You tugged on your panties and pants, action was rather challenging with your whole body still trembling from your climax, and popped your head out of the stall. The path was clear. Walking out of the stall you threw the pants Su-Bong left laying on the floor under the sinks to him and was about to left the room, when he wrapped his hand around your waist, slamming your body into his. "Please, babe, don't die, cause I'll need it again." Su-Bong murmured into your ear before leaving a wet kiss on your neck.
You trotted back to your bed, people were still mostly sleeping. Barely making your way up, climbing the ladder to your bed, you sat, knees pressed to your chest, and watched Thanos walking jauntily across the dormitory. His fucking cheeky ass would absolutely run his mouth to his new friend when he wakes up, no chances Thanos would keep his tongue behind his teeth about having the blowjob of his life.
You clenched your jaw on the thought of it, but, ugh. That would be a problem for the future you. Now, you had to fall asleep with the warm pleasure between your thighs, praying for Su-Bong's name not to slip out of your lips in a dream.
Tags: @verdantsecretgardens @wintaemoonjen
#hooray to everyone who get 'what we do in the shadows' thing in the name of the fic lmao#thanos x reader#choi su bong x reader#choi su bong smut#thanos smut#squid game thanos x reader#squid game thanos#squid game x reader#squid game smut#squid game 2#squid game season 2#x reader#x reader smut#i need him to wreck me so f bad#just please 🥵🥵🥵🥵
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This is my favorite dynamic! Hey go read Wormwood by @ferulacommunis!!
Support me on Patreon!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: chest up of Guillermo in the foreground, eyes closed and fist raised to steel himself as a brave little tear pools in one eye. He thinks to himself, "Nandor may not care about me at all, but I will prevail!" Cursive text nearby reads "dignified pining". In the background stands Nandor, staring at Guillermo back with big wet pleading eyes, hands twiddling together at his waist. A swirling blue aura surrounds him, projecting the words "yearning, longing, mooning, aching" in huge font. /End ID
#wwdits#nandermo#mlm#guillermo de la cruz#nandor the relentless#fic rec#wormwood#my art#fanart#image described#what we do in the shadows#what we do in the shadows fx#shadowsart
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i am FASCINATED by the fact that these are nandor’s only interactions with derek. i highly doubt they’ll address this on the show, but i think it could fuck nandor up if he realizes he was cucked by a guy who he sentenced to death (and who guillermo subsequently rescued and invited to nandor’s wedding). i NEED someone to examine these dynamics in a fic!!!!
#wwdits#nandermo#wwdits spoilers#wwdits s5#wwdits season 5#what we do in the shadows#nandor the relentless#wwdits derek#guillermo de la cruz#video#calling all wwdits fic writers
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highly unlikely, given the fact that it's not intended as a comedy, that there'll ever be any iwtv crossover episodes even though there definitely should be because I love crossover episodes especially when it's only referenced in one episode and then never again
But I would give my left arm for Daniel to ask Lestat, during the interview, where he was and what he was doing between his attempted murder and the trial and his answer to be a nonchalant "Hm? Oh, I was just visiting some friends in Staten Island, we've known each other for over a century now. I've invited them to the next show on the tour actually, they should be arriving soon," and then the doorbell rings and it's Guillermo struggling to carry a comically large amount of suitcases with Nadja, Laszlo, and Nandor standing behind him.
The rest of the episode is just Daniel trying to keep the interview on track and slowly losing his mind when it keeps getting derailed, and then they leave at the end and it's just never talked about again.
I would like to see it.
#yes i know it wont happen but i can dream okay#because you look me in the eyes right now and try to tell me that nadja and lestat wouldn't be besties#you can't#because they would#btw if there's fics like this please send me the links#interview with the vampire#amc interview with the vampire#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#lestat de lioncourt#lestat iwtv#guillermo de la cruz#nadja of antipaxos#laszlo cravensworth#nandor the relentless
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Obviously and rightfully everyone is going insane about the Nandermo stuff in the new WWDITS episode, but something I would like to briefly talk about is the Laszlo & Colin Robinson & The Monster plotline and the way it mirrors Season 4. Because like, the way Laszlo was treating the Monster -- viewing him as a science experiement first and foremost, forcing him to rotely memorize and recite facts instead of doing things that actually interest him, making him dance for the entertainment of others -- is the way that he treated Baby Colin! Baby Colin was a scientific experiment! He made him dance on the nightclub stage! He took away his fairytales and replaced them with dusty historical tomes!And while we can all see that this is terrible parenting, that was never something the show was seriously interested in reckoning with. I mean, Guillermo was there to say "hey this is fucked up," but that's his job on a good day, and in the end the plotline more positions Laszlo as a loving but misguided parent than an outright shitty one. Which, for the record, I do think is fine -- it's a comedy show about weirdo vampires with a weirdo vampire moral code, the show wouldn't be better if it cancelled Laszlo and I can sort of pretend that Laszlo and Baby Colin's relationship was healthy because it makes for better drama, y'know? (I mean, I literally just posted fic about their relationship that Kind of Ignores the fact that from a normal person's perspective Laszlo wasn't a very good father, lol)
But suddenly in this episode, Colin Robinson is there mediating that relationship and pointing out all the ways it is harmful to Laszlo's dependent. He looks at the way Laszlo treats the Monster and says, "Hey, this guy is not a dancing monkey. This guy is not a regurgitator of fun facts. This guy is not a scientific experiment. He is a person, and he loves you, and you're hurting him." And, of course, though neither the show nor Colin Robinson are capable of pointing it out, Colin Robinson would be the one to know these things better than anyone else, because he has quite literally been in the Monster's position before. Colin Robinson, as Laszlo's (former) son, is uniquely positioned by the narrative to call out the way Laszlo is treating his current son. And the fact that, in the end, Laszlo came to see things Colin Robinson's way feels quite meaningful to me -- he has been saved from continuing to make the same mistakes he made with the Boy as with the Monster, and can now more forward as a better, more caring parent. If "Laszlo's Father" was sort of relitigating Season 4 from Laszlo's perspective, "The Promotion" is doing the same from Baby Colin's, though much more implicitly. Good shit!!!!!
#also if u want to read my laszlo & colin robinson fic it's called “Daddy's Turn” its on ao3.org and I think it's good#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#wwdits spoilers#laszlo cravensworth#colin robinson#cravensworth's monster#meta#sorry I'm not normal about the dadszlo arc I have many thoughts about it. Head full#thank you for reading you may now return to your regularly scheduled Nandermo Screaming#astral posts
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nandermo truly is a third more sinister thing
#just watched the new episode#uhhhhhhh#fascinating#uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#nandermo#wwdits#wwdits spoilers#spoilers#what we do in the shadows#what we do in the shadows spoilers#wwdits tv#don't worry#when the show ends#i am gonna write a HELL of a fic#i'll fix it#i'll fix everything#personal ramblings#nandor the relentless#guillermo de la cruz#nandor wwdits#guillermo wwdits#txt
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in the morning, you would be gone
i'd be mourning, trying to hold on to the memory of your lips
god, i'm so lovesick, what have you done to me?
#gif fic#my guidja playlist is hitting hard tonight so…#guidja#my sweet guide is lovesick :(#nadja of antipaxos#the guide wwdits#natasia demetriou#kristen schaal#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#guidja gif#song lyrics#laufey music#Spotify
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Reblog to stray further from gods light

#tumblr poll#poll#poll time#tumblr polls#my polls#polls#ao3#ao3feed#fanfic#gay#writers on tumblr#writerscommunity#ao3 writer#fic authors#writerblr#ao3 tabs#ao3 things#supernatural#good omens#hannibal#our flag means death#dead boy detectives#911 abc#911#buddie#hannigram#destiel#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#ofmd
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Hey y’all! How are y’all liking the new update? Lemme know your thoughts. 💕
#bts#yoongi#bts imagines#bts fics#bts non idol au#bts social media au#bts fluff#bts fanfic#bangtan#fic: oh baby#fic: what we do in the shadows#fic: WWDITS
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Another AU because they're the only thing keeping me sane rn
#swap aus are so fun actually#i would write something for this (i have lore) but tbh multichapter fics scare me#and i can't think of a plot for a oneshot#wwdits#what we do in the shadows#nandermo#nandor the relentless#guillermo de la cruz#swap au
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Commissioned for @kristylime 's CUTEASS fic “A Prescription for Love”!!! This is a snippet from chapter 4! ;)
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Full body of Guillermo, dressed in a pink tee shirt, grey sweatpants, and socks, sitting up on his bed with one arm propped behind him and the other petting a gray kitten named Beaker who is happily arching and rubbing into the attention. A window nearby shows a gray sky outside, and his laptop is open in front of him on the bedspread, covered in various vampire and pride related stickers. Guillermo looks sadly down at the cat and sighs, saying, "I just wish I had some kind of sign..." 1b. Close up of Guillermo with a tear forming in his eye, glancing over as his phone, sitting on the bed nearby, begins to ding with multiple incoming texts. His phone has a black case with a rainbow bat pattern. 1c. Shoulders up of Guillermo sitting up and holding his phone with his right hand, his left taking a moment to rub the tear from his eye. The phone continues to ding with more texts. 1d. Repeat. Guillermo opens his eyes to look down curiously at the phone, swiping his thumb across the screen to unlock it as it dings twice more.
2a. A series of texts from human Nandor appear on the left with reactions from Guillermo on the right. His message reads: "Hi, Guillermo. I hope you had a nice time today. I had a really great time at brunch and showing you the farm. And I’m glad you got to meet Dr. Baron and Dr. Sirus. And all my animals. I think Rajah misses his pal, Beaker, though. He seems a bit glum this evening. I must confess that I’m still on Cloud 9… from the kiss. Though I am looking forward to Taco Tuesday. Unless you’d consider seeing me tomorrow? Maybe just some takeout from my parents’ restaurant at your place? LMK." This is followed by a text with a photo of a blue merle Australian Shepherd named Rajah laying on a large plaid doggy bed with his head on his paws, looking up at the camera with big sparkly sad blue eyes. On the right, a close up of Guillermo huffing out a small laugh through his nose as he reads, looking fond. 2b. Repeat. Nandor sends another photo of himself, half in frame, wearing a flannel shirt over a black tee and his hair in a loose braid grinning and holding a strip of bacon out between his teeth. Rajah appears from the other side and excitedly chomps down on the other end of the bacon strip. Nandor writes, "I have determined how to chase his blues away at least temporarily. BACONNNNN!!!!!" On the right, Guillermo's smile grows helplessly, looking more amused and more fond by the moment. 2c. Repeat. Nandor sends another photo, clearly taken moments after the previous one, showing himself snorting with laughter as Rajah licks all over his face. He writes, "How is Beaker doing?" and then "Sorry for all the text messages. I just realized this might be creepy." On the right, Guillermo finally dissolves into laughter, tipping his phone as if to cover his mouth.
3a. A text reply from Guillermo that reads "Not creepy at all. Beaker is settling in well. He seems to like me, air conditioning, and/or movies. He’s nice to cuddle with and talk to. Thank you again. I was also thinking about our kiss. That it was a long time coming and that I’d like you to kiss me more, if you’d like that. Tomorrow, I work until 7PM, but I would love for you to come over for dinner. Persian Delight would be wonderful, but I would like to cook for you at some point, too. 7:30PM tomorrow?" Nandor immediately replies "Sure, it's a date," with a winking kiss emoji. 3b. Close up on Guillermo's eyes shining with excitement above blushing cheeks as Nandor's last text echoes in pink around him. 3c. Full body of Guillermo, sun shining on him from behind as the sun pours through the window, grinning happily as he holds Beaker up to his cheek with one hand and holds his phone out with the other to take a selfie. He says, "I guess as far as signs go, it doesn’t get a lot clearer than that." Beaker mews in reply. /end ID
#wwdits#nandermo#mlm#guillermo de la cruz#nandor the relentless#human nandor#a prescription for love#kristylime#what we do in the shadows#what we do in the shadows fx#commission#fic rec#my art#fanart#image described
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Did some doodles for a finale-rewrite fic I’m working on :)
#luca’s art n stuff#fanart#wwdits season 6#what we do in the shadows#the guide wwdits#nandor the relentless#nandermo#nadja of antipaxos#laszlo cravensworth#guillermo de la cruz#colin robinson#wwdits djinn#fix it fic#wwdits fanfic#laszlo x nadja
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do you have a moment to talk about my lord and savior
#baron afanas#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits fanart#baron posting#fanart#vampire art#digital illustration#I FINISHED SOMETHING HOLY SHITBALLS#this one how do you say… got away from me#like i literally did not know from one moment to the next what was going to happen#when did the og show up i have no idea somewhere between vyvanse and 17 lollipops#this is kind of brain-fic inspired because it’s from the “old country” wherever the fuck that is#no that isn’t the sun it’s just that everything is on fire#except the baron for once#.mine
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OK it's never been more over for nandermo but at least we got an all timer Laszlo episode
#I will never be normal about Laszlo and his relationship to Colin Robinson#THEY FINALLY FUCKING REFERENCED THE EVENTS OF SEASON 4!!!!! IT ONLY TOOK FIFTEEN EPISODES!!!!!#this episode was 50% me having Laszlo Feelings and 50% me going "oh god no they're doing guidor. oh god no they're doing guidor. oh god no#but you know an episode got you bad when ur having fic ideas\#wwdits#laszlo cravensworth#Laszlo's Father#wwdits laszlo#what we do in the shadows
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Do you remember that night on the doorstep before you left to pursue your happiness away from me, I told you, “Can you please, please turn me into a vampire before you leave? So that after all these years, you and I both can be happy.”
I think you thought I had wanted vampirism at the cost of losing you forever. Maybe that’s why you told me, “Vampirism is a curse. And I care for you too much to burden you with that.”
You were right. Vampirism is a curse. But only if it comes to you when you’re the most lonely. Only if it takes the one you love the most away from you because you were so scared to lose him forever that you lost him anyway.
But I was right, too. If you’d turned me, you and I both, right now, could’ve been happy. And your eyes instead of looking at the distance between us, would’ve lifted to see the love in mine and your hands wouldn’t have hovered over my heart like you could’ve never had me.
#wwdits#nandor the relentless#nandermo#guillermo de la cruz#what we do in the shadows#kayvan novak#harvey guillen#wwdits fic
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