#Yom Kippur
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miss-fit · 1 day ago
As a Jew who wasn't significantly raised with Jewish culture, I was wondering, do you use like family recipes for holidays and all or are y'all pulling recipes from online/cookbooks/etc?
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jellybeanium124 · 1 year ago
Hello gentiles I come bearing another announcment!
Do not wish Jews a "happy Yom Kippur." Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year and the Day of Atonement. It's a day where we fast (if we choose to and are able), and ask for forgiveness from God and those around us for our wrongdoings of the past year. Saying "happy Yom Kippur" is inappropriate due to the nature of the holiday. If you know someone fasting, wishing them an easy fast is appropriate and traditional.
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disgruntled-detectives · 5 months ago
Tonight-pur is Yom Kippur.
To all my fellow Jews, If you are fasting tonight and tomorrow, I wish you a meaningful fast.
If you are not fasting for any reason, I wish you a meaningful mitzvah of eating and taking care of yourself.
To everyone, I wish you all a meaningful day of prayer, introspection, reflection on the holiest day of the year.
Love you guys.
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penguicorns-are-cool · 2 years ago
I think it would be cool to see a Jewish redeemed villain character where part of their redemption is asking for forgiveness on Yom Kippur
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gay-david-tennant · 1 year ago
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[Image ID: A meme of Bugs Bunny in a tuxedo which says 'i wish all Jews a very meaningful Yom Kippur'. /End ID]
גמר חתימה טובה
gmar chatima tova (a good final sealing)
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lioryaakov · 1 year ago
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magnetothemagnificent · 1 year ago
Why we wear white on Yom Kippur (wrong answers only):
-As a fuck you to people who say you can't wear white after Labor Day
-Because it's the one day of the year we're not worried about getting food stains on our clothes
[Jews feel free to add to this list!]
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honeysuckle-venom · 2 years ago
The Shofar Breaks Your Heart
by Dane Kuttler
When you give a girl a shofar –  no, not a proper instrument of G-d, but a rough-cut horn with no real mouthpiece her aunt brings back from a trip to Jerusalem, don’t make it easy.
Put it up on the shelf in the living room where its curled promise of a shout will tempt her until she can reach it on tiptoe.
Tell her no one has ever found its voice, that she will only make it grunt, bray and sputter like the animal it came from.
Then give her a few years.
Give her an empty garage and a neighborhood Jewish enough to understand what it’s hearing so she can practice until tiny tekiot burst forth from the scrap of ram.
She will be the only one who can ever shape its sounds, can bend the call to tekiah, round off nine drops of t’ruah wailing, fling the anguished cry of a sh’varim from its mouth.
Let her brag about this.  Remember that children are not humble creatures, that the simple act of being heard is their great triumph.  Let her be heard.
Bring her to Hebrew school. Teach her the story of the rabbi who told his students that he would put the words of Torah on their hearts; that the words would only find their way in when the students’ hearts broke. Let her sit with that tale for as long as it takes for her own heart to shatter, for torah and poetry and forgiveness  find their way inside,
play her Leonard Cohen. Let him croon about the cracks in everything, that’s how the light gets in, let her begin searching for light, ask her where she thinks the cracks come from, give her Auschwitz, give her Torquemada, give her pogrom and quota and blacklist, the ashes of all her burnt bridges, give her avinu malkenu, ashamnu, ashamnu, ashamnu, 
watch her break  her heart with her fist.
Give her the shofar.   Let the horn steal her breath, let her begin to understand that she’s not holding a dead piece of animal, but a living prayer.
Teach her: after every blast you can hear the echo of the still small voice.
If you listen for it, you can hear the calls for the wild cries they are; salute them with a straight back when they yank you from your amidah; and should you hear a shofar blower struggle and gasp and strain for each call, imagine yourself a trapped animal, desperate to be heard.
When it’s over, Close your eyes.
Be. Broken. Here.  Before G-d and your people. Be. Cracked.
feel the light and the words come in.
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girlactionfigure · 5 months ago
Ten Tips for an Easy Yom Kippur Fast
Fasting doesn’t necessarily mean suffering. There’s quite a bit we can do to alleviate the bodily and mental stress that normally accompanies a fast. The day before the fast, follow the following guidelines:
1. Cut down your caffeine intake to minimize headaches. That means stop drinking coffee, tea, and cola at least eight hours before the fast, and preferably twenty-four hours before the fast.
2. Avoid salty, spicey, and fried foods on the day before the fast.
3. Avoid white sugar, white flour, and white rice. Eat whole-grained foods such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread or challa.
4. Drink a lot of water all day long.
5. Eat a good breakfast that includes fruits, veggies, eggs or sardines, and whole grains.
6. The pre-Yom Kippur meal (se’uda mafseket) should include baked or broiled fish, a veggy salad, consomme, a small portion of chicken or turkey, and a side dish of complex carbohydrates. Substitute sweet deserts with watermelon or other water-retaining fresh fruit, and a cup of herb tea with a whole-grain cookie.
On Yom Kippur:
7. The more you immerse yourself in prayer, the less you’ll think about food.
8. Rest between prayers. Don’t run around outside, especially in the hot sun. Save your voice for prayers. Idle talking will make you thirstier, and will detract from the holiness of the day.
After the fast:
9. Drink two glasses of water, and then eat solids gradually, so as not to shock the digestive system. Begin with fruit, like plums or grapes. The worst thing people do is to consume pastries and soft drinks, or “lekach un bronfan” (cake and liquor) right after the fast (these are unhealthy anytime, all the more so right after the fast when they give your body a shock of glucose).
10. Forty-five minutes to an hour afterwards, one can eat a balanced meal with protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables. After eating, relax for an hour with your favorite book (preferably Gemara of the laws of Succoth from Shulchan Oruch) and your favorite beverage, then begin constructing your Succa.
Attention diabetics, heart patients, folks with high blood pressure, and people whose health depends on regular medication - you must be especially careful to ask your doctor if you are capable of fasting, and then consult with your local rabbi, giving him the doctor’s exact opinion. For many such people, it is a mitzva not to fast on Yom Kippur.
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koshercosplay · 5 months ago
accidentally misspelling yom kippur as yo kippur like
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orannotoren · 5 months ago
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Yom Kippur Miku 🚲🩹📯
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notaplaceofhonour · 5 months ago
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swordsoprano · 5 months ago
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did someone ask for yom kippur memes? no? too bad, you’re getting them anyway
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 1 year ago
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#Jews On Every Jewish Holiday Be Like
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zebratoys · 5 months ago
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גְּמַר חֲתִימָה טוֹבָה אָמֵן שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם עֲדַת יִשְׂרָאֵל Gmar Chatima Tovah A good sealing May we will be sealed in The Book of Life for a good and blessed year 🤍✨בְּסִיַּעְתָּא דִּשְׁמַיָּא
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months ago
Your relationship with HaShem is found in your relationships with each other
-Kol Nidre today
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