petnews2day · 3 months
USWNT roster: Cat Macario, Mal Swanson return, and 16-year-old Lily Yohannes gets her first call
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USWNT roster: Cat Macario, Mal Swanson return, and 16-year-old Lily Yohannes gets her first call
COLUMBUS, OH – APRIL 9: Sophia Smith #11 of the United States celebrates scoring with Catarina Macario #20 and Mallory Pugh #9 during a game between Uzbekistan and USWNT at Lower.com Field on April 9, 2022 in Columbus, Ohio. (Photo by Brad Smith/ISI Photos/Getty Images) The U.S. women’s national team on Tuesday dropped its most […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/1T1CA #CatsNews #Arsenal, #CatarinaMacario, #ChampionsLeague, #Chelsea, #DanielYohannes, #LilyYohannes, #MalloryPugh, #NationalTeam, #OlympiqueLyon, #ParisSaintGermain, #PortlandThorns, #SanDiegoWave, #SophiaSmith, #Uswnt, #USWNTRoster, #Yohannes
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yohannesmusic · 4 months
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emeraldbluenb season
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thecollectibles · 11 months
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Big Cat Round Brush by Yohann Schepacz
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“I don’t think i’ve ever seen an environment so embracing, so caring of everyone in it.” — Emma Hayes.
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meazalykov · 6 days
nice to finally meet you
lena oberdorf x bayern!reader
summary: reader discovers that her long time rival will be her teammate-- and possibly more.
warnings: long chapter, not 100% proofread
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you walk into the training headquarters at bayern, excited since this is the first training which will prepare for the pokal round of 16. since this will be your second time in this competition, you hope to win finally. 
as you walked into the locker room, the familiar chatter of your teammates seemed subdued. it was still there, with sydney and sam with their inside jokes– but it was quieter. your mind can't shake the feeling that something is off. 
sitting down on the bench in front of your locker, you change into the training kits then drink a bit of water, since there was still time before you had to head onto the pitch. 
you look up and see klara give you a sympathetic smile, you smile back brightly. this made klara’s eyes widen– did you not know?
as you lace up your boots, you catch georgia, sam, giulia, sydney, and klara exchanging glances before looking back at you. this bothered you. these people are some of your closest friends on the team– are they hiding something?
"alright, what's going on?" you demand, your voice echoing off the walls of the locker room as you crossed your right leg over the left. 
your shoulders flinched when you felt lea’s hand rest of your right shoulder. everyone knew about the news– except for you. lea hopes you will take the news well, for the sake of her best friend. 
georgia hesitates, her eyes darting to sydney before she takes a deep breath. she moves to sit beside you. 
"did you hear about who's coming to bayern?," she starts, her voice cautious.
you eyebrows knit together in confusion. usually, transfer news doesn’t occur this early before the summer– so you shake your head. 
“no. who's coming?” you look over at lea, who looks down at your cleats without saying anything.
"lena. lena is transferring to bayern." sydney says. 
they’re all happy for lena transferring to bayern, since they’re all close to her. they knew that you never had a good experience with lena– so they were nervous to see your reaction. 
this news hits you like a punch to the gut. lena, your nemesis on the pitch, the wolfsburg midfielder who always seemed to have the hack for getting under your skin. 
the first time you guys met was in the champions league final in 2020. 
you weren't with bayern. lyon was the club of your life at the time. you were 18 years old during this final and weren’t wise enough to hold back your words. 
being subbed into the final in the 70th minute, you wanted to contribute something. 
when you had the ball at your feet in the midfield, you felt the spike of a cleat smack into your ankle. you squealed as you hit the ground in an awkward position, lucky that your ankle didn’t twist. 
you looked up to see “5 oberdorf” standing up and walking away from you nonchalantly. the medics determined that you were okay, all you needed was a bandage since your ankle started bleeding, but you took her actions personally. 
lena had the ball and before she could pass it to alex popp, you pushed her to the ground harshly before dribbling the ball away from her. you didn’t bother to pass up to sommer before shooting the ball– scoring the third goal in that champions league final. winning against the german club. 
after finishing third in the 2022 ballon d’or ceremony, and lena getting fourth— just below the two spanish superstars bonmati and putellas– the media declared that there was a new rivalry among you and lena.
you remember the friendly between germany and the united states later in the year too, just after your transfer to bayern months before. 
germany won the first game against the united states, but you were out sick with a fever. 
the second game– you were back healthy. you took every opportunity to play aggressively against lena, even earning a yellow card for a particularly hard tackle after she tackled you moments before. 
despite lea, sydney, and klara’s assurances that lena was a sweet person, you could never reconcile that with the competitor you faced. you were stubborn and knew that lena felt the same towards you. 
you force a laugh, trying to mask the mixed emotions inside of you. "lena? lena oberdorf?"
“yeah, she wants to be closer with her friends and family.” lea says. 
“that's surprising, she said that she never wanted to come here. i guess things change.” you say, after tying your cleats quickly, you walk out of the locker room. 
practice didn’t start for another twenty minutes, but the girls decided to leave you alone with the news. 
the reality of the situation sinks in, and you are terrified.
you KNEW you had to be friends with her once she joined the club in july. there was no way you would sacrifice your professionalism over lena oberdorf. 
but– how are you supposed to get along with lena after years of arguments, yellow cards, and on-pitch battles? the thought of sharing the same locker room, training together, her wearing the same colors as you working towards the same goals—it all feels overwhelming. it's a thought-process you don’t know if you’ll get used to. 
the rest of the day passes in a blur. on the training ground, your mind isn't on the drills or the tactics; it's on lena. 
what if she hasn't changed? what if the friction between you only gets worse? what if she tries to take your spot in the midfield? you knew that last question was ridiculous, since you’re an attacking midfielder and she's defensive. 
and yet, a small, nagging voice in the back of your mind wonders if maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance to turn this rivalry into a duo that would terrify the future opponents. 
a few days later, you saw a post made by lena. yes, you both followed each other on instagram. you didn’t know why, but it just happened. 
she confirmed her transfer to bayern after receiving many hate comments about an old interview she did. 
in your mind, you felt bad for her. It's not just about football anymore; it's about finding a way to exist together, to move on from the years of competition that have been created. she will be your teammate soon and you have to accept it.
over the next few months, you focus on your training. the reminder of your rival coming to bayern disappeared from your mind for a while. 
until july 1st. you woke up that morning and you did everything that morning to delay your route to the training grounds. 
however, you still arrive on time– walking into the locker room, you see all of your friends and greet them for the new season.  
today was just performance diagnostics, which requires a lot of running, balancing, and strecthing– but that wasn’t the only thing on your mind. 
sitting down in the locker room, you avoided your eyes from looking at her. 
she sat in the locker right next to yours– with lea on her other side. 
little did you know– the coaches and captains wanted it this way so you both could try and get along after years of only knowing each others competitive side. 
you take a quick glance at her when you put on your adidas running sneakers. you say to yourself that she looks different in bayern's red and white.
standing up, her eyes meet yours. 
“hey.” lena speaks. 
for a moment, you pause. at first, you thought she might’ve said hey to someone walking in the locker room– but no. 
she is looking right at you. 
the expression on your face is unreadable, “hi.” 
“we're teammates now." is all lena could say. she looks awkward just as much as you do. this is a hard watch for your teammates in the locker room. 
you nod, trying to keep your emotions in check. "yep, we are."
neither of you knows what to say– so nothing else was said. the rest of the team still watches– knowing what will happen. 
your teammates know that lena and you will get along and become friends. the two of you are very similar in terms of personality, passion, and hobbies. 
obviously, years of hard feelings don’t go away in a day– but they hoped that you guys would accept that you’re teammates and it's okay to be friendly now. 
the performance diagnostic goes well, everyone is happy. you forget about lena for a while when you, giulia, sydney, and klara are fooling around in one of the rooms. you’re happy to be back with your teammates for a new season. 
as you’re running on the treadmill with a breathing tool over your mouth– sydney, klara, and georgia clap around you in encouragement. you want to smile– but you’re focused. you move your eyes to see that lena is staring right at you. this didn’t throw your running off– but you’re curious about what she is thinking. 
as much as you hate to admit it, having her on the team might actually be good for everyone involved– including yourself. you hope that she feels the same about playing with you. 
the next week, after receiving advice from lea and the coaches– lena approaches you. 
"can we talk?" she asks, her tone earnest as you take off your boots from your tired feet after a day of training on the pitch.
you hesitate, looking at her, but eventually nod. "sure."
you find a quiet spot away from the rest of the team, knowing that they’re all eavesdroppers. 
choosing a media room, where the tables are empty with no outside presence, the both of you sit down in chairs beside each other. 
you chose to not speak first, since you weren’t the one that wanted to be here. 
lena takes a deep breath, clearly gathering her thoughts. "i’m sorry if i have made you feel some type of way over the years," she begins, "i feel like we would both be great together in the midfield. you’re a very good player and i don’t like how we are avoiding each other. "
you study her, searching for any hint of insincerity, but find none. "yeah i agree," you admit. "i’ve built a bias about you and i need to push it away for the sake of bayern. i don’t want the team to be affected by what we went through.” 
“i agree, i’m sorry again.” lena frowns.
“don’t apologize. i’m glad you finally chose the right team.” i smirk as lena rolls her eyes, playfully, at my remark.
“this isn’t going to be easy though.” i mumble as i cross my feet together. 
lena nods. "i know. but I'm willing to try if you are."
“i will oberdorf, its nice to finally meet you.” i hold my hand out and smile. 
“es ist auch schön, sie kennenzulernen.” lena smirks and shakes my hand.
weeks turn into months and the season is in full-swing.  
the oberdorf, stanway, and y/s/n midfield is an extreme combination. no opponent can walk into the midfield with you three.
for the first goal of the season– it was scored by you against essen. something unexpected happened. 
lena had the ball and dribbled it around a few defenders from essen. she looked forward and saw that you were free from a marked opponent, so she passed the ball up to you. your feet dribbled around the last defender before you launched the ball past the goalkeeper. goal!
processing the golozo you scored, you ran to the corner and did a knee slide. lea jumped on your back which made you both fall onto the ground– but you were happy to provide the first goal for bayern this season. 
standing up after receiving hugs from your teammates, you saw oberdorf standing with a smile on her face.
lena wasn’t sure if she could hug you– yes you’re her teammate now, but that doesn’t mean that you’re friends. 
however, you were high off of the joy from the goal. knowing that lena assisted your goal, you launched your body onto her– giving her a hug that was unexpected from her and your teammates. 
“what an assist oberdorf!” you yelled as you released your body from her arms and ran back into position. 
she didn’t know what to say– but lena did want to hug you again and she didn’t know why. 
a few weeks later, bayern had to play a game which determined if they'll be in the champions league group stages.
remembering mistakes from last year, you didn't want another repeat of that.
during the match, bayern was up 2-0. thanks to a goal from giulia and madga.
in extra time, you had the ball and looked around to see if anybody was free to accept a pass. before you looked back to pass the ball to stanway-- a midfielder from the other team pulled your shirt before throwing you onto the ground.
the opponent wasn't going for the ball, so it was a yellow. many of your teammates argued that it should've been a red.
you didn't have a chance to argue for yourself. you hit your head off of the grass and pain struck throughout your upper body.
you couldn't move, as the quickness of it all had you overwhelmed.
"y/n, y/n! are you okay?" you opened up your eyes slowly to see lena kneeling beside you. you closed your eyes again and held her hand that was on your head.
"I think?" you mumble.
"the medic is coming. can you breathe?" lena asks, just to keep you talking.
"I can yes. my head hurts though." you mumble again.
gently, lena moves her hands to the back of your head- laying it there as a block between the hard grass and your head.
you didn't think too much about the gesture at the moment-- but it hits you later in your living room hours later.
over the months-- you started to see glimpses of the person your teammates always insisted lena was: kind, dedicated, and sweet.
lena's actions from earlier replayed from your mind and your heart started to flutter as your stomach felt tingly.
"lena, I just want to say thank you for helping me last week before the end of the game. i didn't forget about it." you sat down beside lea, who was talking to lena across from her in the lounge room at the training center.
lena smiles slightly, "it's no problem-- the opponents were playing dirty and that wasn't right."
"I agree, usually I'm fast but I didn't see her coming." you say as you giggle at the memory.
you had to skip out on a few training practices and most of the next game-- since the head slam on the grass could've gave you a concussion, but you felt fine after two days.
lena and you talked more, which caught the interest of a quiet lea. she sat back and let you guys talk while she observed.
the blonde saw a look on lena's face that she hasn't seen since she was with her ex. a look of happiness and desire.
as she turned to look at you, she saw the same look in your eyes. this made her eyebrows knit together-- she knew she had to tell the other girls. there was no way that this could be ignored.
the next morning in the gym rooms-- lea tells the girls about her observation before you or lena arrived.
"wait I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed their behavior towards each other!" georgia yells. klara covers her mouth and looks towards the doors, uncovering it when she realizes that lena and you aren't nearby yet.
"yeah, they're giving each other the same googley eyes that sydney gave sam last season." giulia comments.
"hey?" sydney says, pretending to be offended.
"at least they're getting along-- well, a little too well. I knew they were gonna be friends once they pushed their old rivalry aside but a potential relationship? I didn't see that coming." ana joins into the conversations.
"you didn't see what coming?" you say, walking into the door seeing your teammates surprised at something you were unaware about.
some of the girls exited the conversation and pretended like they were doing their workouts the entire time-- others look to find an excuse to your question.
"we were talking about the champions league group stages that come out this morning. we are grouped with paris fc, real madrid, and ajax." sydney says.
pernille rolls her eyes,
"lets not lie-- yes those are the group stages that came out but we were talking about you." pernille says. your heart drops at her words, what were they saying?
"about me?" you question as you sat down on a workout mat.
"you have a crush on lena and its starting to become obvious." ana says.
your heart skips a beat as you shake your head in denial, "no way! I don't have a crush on her. you guys aren't used to seeing me getting along with her that's it!"
"we are, and you're getting along with her just a tad more than with us. we see the blush on your face and the twinkle in your eyes with you see her, love." georgia squeezes your cheeks as goes she sits beside you.
"I don't know what to say."
"you can say that you have a crush on her-- but its fine since she might have a crush on you too." Sydney says.
"no she doesn't."
"well you didn't deny that you have a crush on her!" sydney smiles.
you playfully roll your eyes.
"it hasn't been that long you guys-- I need to wait a bit." you say.
"and you can-- but you can't hold it in forever." sydney replies.
another week goes by when lena and you are sitting outside a cafe in amsterdam. the first group stage match between bayern and ajax occurs later that night and everyone is excited.
originally, everyone was going to go to the cafe.
little did you and lena know, everyone was going to back out of the cafe plans. just leaving lena and you to go by yourselves.
neither of you minded that nobody else was going. in the middle of the hangout while you were talking-- lena slips up.
"this a nice date, i mean when-" lena cuts herself off when she processes her words. you smile at her as she goes to rub her eyes in frustration at herself.
"a date?" you tease.
"i'm sorry it just slipped out." lena mumbles as she takes a sip of her coffee.
"don't apologize. I can see this as a date with you obi." you smirk. lena's eyes widened, in shock, before she smiles back at you.
after winning against ajax 3-0, thanks to a brace from you and a goal from franz, lena and you switched jerseys.
"well, hello #8 ms. oberdorf?" an ajax player and your friend from the national team, lily, walks up to you as your back was faced towards her.
you wore the number 16, and oberdorf isn't your last name (yet haha), so the swapped jersey confused her at first.
"omg lily!" you turn around and embrace the younger girl in a hug when you notice her. she holds you with confusion on her face as you pull away.
"I was going to ask if we could swap jerseys but I see you already have someone." lily smirks. you playfully roll your eyes, knowing what your fellow american friend is hinting at.
"oh be quiet! I'll give you my jersey when you play us in munich next time ok?" you smile.
"is oberdorf the girl you were talking about back at camp?" lily says.
back in the united states, you might've told the girls on the national team that you had a crush on someone from your club team. all of them begged for you to tell them who, but you refused.
"maybe..." you say.
lena and you grew extremely close throughout most of the season, and all of the fans were starting to notice.
all of your teammates did too-- and they were sick of lena and you cutting corners and not confessing your feelings to each other.
in march 2025, sometime before the start of the pokal games, lena and you sat in a media room, trapped thanks to pernille, ana, giulia, sydney, and georgia.
neither of you were allowed to come out of the room until you both confessed your feelings to each other.
three minutes of silence in the room passed by before lena had enough.
"I love you, y/n" she spoke up.
your heart flutters and your dimples appear on your face as she stares at you. she's sitting right beside you and you could see that she was nervous.
"gosh-- the dimples on your face are so cute. you've been my number one since I've arrived at bayern and if I told myself a year ago that I'd be falling in love with you or that I'd be here right now-- I'd laugh at myself. your laugh replays in my mind all of the time and the way we connect on and off of the pitch mad me realize how much I miss you when you're away for international camp. y/n If you don't feel the same--"
you knew what she was going to do. she was going to invalidate herself and start the whole "if you don't like me back" part of her confession.
she didn't have to though. you pulled your body on top of hers and kissed her. as if this happened a million times before, lena held onto the outside of your thighs and pulled yourself on top of her lap.
still kissing, five minutes ago by before you pull away.
"lena, i love you. i feel the same way about you. please be mine and let me be yours." you whisper against her lips.
you didn't give her a chance to respond before you made out with her lips again. she kissed you back and slipped her tongue into your mouth after you moaned slightly. the tension building up over the months was a lot.
"I'm yours." lena says as she forces herself to pull away from you. forgetting that the two of you are still at bayern training grounds.
"and I am yours." you repeat, starting a new relationship with your once old rival.
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archiveofillustration · 2 months
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BCRB NIGHT OWLS by Yohann Schepacz
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uswntpoc · 1 month
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uswnt A DREAM DEBUT!!!
@lily.yohannes becomes the third youngest player to ever score for the #USWNT!!!
#USWNT x @vw
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gebo4482 · 7 months
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"Big Cat Round Brush" by Yohann Schepacz
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sandmandaddy69 · 4 months
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Yohann Schepacz
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gamergirl929 · 1 month
Everyone was so proud of Lily Yohannes and it makes my heart so happy. 🥺🥺❤❤
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thecollectibles · 7 months
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Art by Yohann Schepacz
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incorrectnwsl · 2 months
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Camp Roster dropped!
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itsallmadonnasfault · 9 months
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Come on, Vogue! This weekend, Madonna kicked off her global Celebration World Tour in London, where she treated fans with a career-spanning performance of some of her greatest hits. Almost better than the setlist, however, was the Queen of Pop’s epic new outfits for the stage—well, new in a sense. All of them riff off of her most iconic looks over the years (including, yes, that signature Jean Paul Gaultier cone bra). In honor of the tour’s kickoff, Vogue caught up with tour costume and creative designers Eyob Yohannes and Rita Melssen to get a closer look at Madonna’s one-of-a-kind, custom-made looks.
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Fremen vs Sardaukar by Yohann Schepacz
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