#YoYo Can 22
scopophilic1997 · 25 days
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1071 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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fandomshatefatpeople · 6 months
Hey so I get that this mainly a blog about media but I have no one fat-positive in my life and I need help. I’ve been fat all my life and now I’m on a mood stabilizer that makes me consistently gain weight and like I’m at the point where even plus size stores don’t carry clothes that fit me. Everyone keeps wanting me off the pills but I need them right now.
I worry I’m doomed to never like how I look again because I won’t be able to wear the clothes I want. And with how many health problems run in my family I just don’t have time for the world to get more accommodating.
I don’t know what to do to or how to be happy
I'm so sorry you're having people fat shaming you in your life. I've personally gained like 100 pounds from different psychotropics over the last 22 years. Some of it was really fast (like when I got put on lithium and gained 50 pounds in 4 months). I've done my fair amount of yoyo dieting as a result and let me tell you please start curating your online presence to feature fat positivity. A lot of the fat positivity of the last decade or so is just... it would make teenage me feel a whole lot better honestly. There's tons of resources like @fatphobiabusters and the tag #fatshion if you want to see other fat people who are wearing whatever they want.
I personally gained a lot of weight with my knee injury 2 years ago and its been very comforting to see so much more in the way of options now.
I'll give you a few tips for shopping. 1) only shop sales and clearance on popular retail sites like torrid or lanebryant. (I've gotten so much cute stuff from Lane Bryant that I don't see in their stores and like everything in their stores is for rich people I swear). 2) Shop with different occassions in mind. Pick one fancy dress for things like weddings and parties or clubbing. Lots of chic cocktail dresses can be dressed up or dressed down depending on your accessories. Get some work outfit staples (black pants or skirts are a must have for everyone but as long as you don't shop impulsively and recklessly at the last minute you should find a few things on sale now that will wow people when you finally debut them) 3) I know its hard to shop online but it can get easier if you do a few things. First of all is know your measurements. Get a measuring tape and measure your chest/bust your hips and your tummy where you want your pants to be. (this totally depends on whether you're looking for like high waisted pants or jeans btw).
Ok that's all I can think of right now but I might do a post that highlights my recent shopping sprees.
mod laina
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fouryearsofshades · 9 months
Some online Chinese fics that I like 2023
I had made a similar post in 2022. For 2023, there didn't seem much that I am following until the end of the year.
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed 《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP 《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP BL
《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed 《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP 《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
《我的爷爷��十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed
2018年,他们已经是古稀之年 一夜之间 他们回到了22岁,腰不酸了,腿也不疼了 正当他们以为重回青春年华,可以改变各种轨迹走上人生巅峰的时候却发现 ——这里依然是2018年 于是他们变成了——没身份证、没银行卡、没户口的穷光蛋+黑户 嗯???这可怎么玩???
It was a fic from 2018 but I only read it now. I like the little moments of life that are very touching.
《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP
  *古代奇幻轻小说      坏消息:许烟杪穿越回古代了,而他本人四肢不勤五谷不分,专业还是对古人没用的网络空间安全。      好消息:他绑定了一个系统。      坏消息:系统名叫八卦系统,不是算命那种八卦,是包含别人私人信息和猛料的那种八卦。屁用没有。      坏消息二:这个系统还坏了,产生的BUG未知。      坏消息三:这具身体是个能混到参加朝会的小官,而他这个穿越者……不通四书五经,不会毛笔字,目测有被检举揭发科举舞弊的风险。      许烟杪:“……”      算了,躺平吧,等死吧,赶紧死了说不定还能穿越回去。      ……      朝堂之上,皇帝因政事雷霆大怒,臣子们瑟瑟发抖。      许烟杪假装认真听,实则专注翻八卦系统。      【哇哦,皇上昨天刚纳了十六岁的贵人诶!一树梨花���海棠!老当益壮!而且被翻红浪一整晚没睡,现在声音还能这么激昂有力!厉害了!】      【这贵人居然还曾经是皇太孙的外室,哇哇哇!太孙还懂掐腰红眼文学!】      【哇哇哇哇!皇太孙闯进爷爷后宫……嘶——趁着老皇帝上朝的时候搞上了!搞快点搞快点!怎么没视频……】      【诶?怎么没声音了?】      许烟杪小心翼翼抬头,偷瞄四周。      【发生了什么?怎么跪了一地?皇帝呢?】      ——皇帝去后宫捉奸了。      *      “科举舞弊”这个炸弹终于爆发了。      许烟杪没办法解释自己为什么笔迹和答卷上的笔迹不一样,也没办法回答自己为什么不通四书五经。      痛失外室的皇太孙准备的证据直中要害,其贴身侍卫虎视眈眈,扑上来就要把许烟杪拖走打入大牢,秋后问斩。      许烟杪捏着证明清白的八卦,却十分头疼:      要怎么解释我的信息来源啊……      【说我在科举前三天晚上私见主考官礼部侍郎?怎么可能,那天晚上礼部侍郎男扮女装,夜宿将军府,和大将军……】      大将军虎躯一震,当场打断:“陛下!!!!”      “虽说科举舞弊证据确凿,但臣认为此事仍有蹊跷,应当重审!尤其是许……许……许烟杪他衣冠整洁!如此重视衣冠的人,怎么会弄脏自己名声呢!”      没办法听到心声的皇太孙:?      【还有啊,说什么考官假装打哈欠和困倦是在特意给我留出抄袭的空档,他科举前夜还在母猪圈里呆一晚上不睡觉,第二天能不困吗?不过,堂堂翰林侍讲居然还会相信猪的奶……】      翰林侍讲脸色一白,扑将出来:“陛下!!!”      “臣……臣赞同大将军的话!许郎怎么会科举舞弊呢!他……他……他在考试前特意喝了一杯纯净的水,相信只有善良的人才能使用清净之物,如此善良的人,又怎么会去科举舞弊呢!”      以为稳操胜券的皇太孙:??      许烟杪感动坏了。      【都是好人啊,哪怕脑子不好使,也努力帮我找理由找借口。】      【但是我真的没办法翻盘了,唉,可惜我追的连续剧没追完,老皇帝昨晚惹皇后生气,灰溜溜地被赶出寝宫,我还没看到结局就要死了,他今天回去好像打算要往脸上涂墨水假扮猫咪哄皇后开心……】      “砰——”      老皇帝一拍桌子,强行打断那源源不断的心声:“朕相信许烟杪没有科举舞弊!无罪释放!”      满朝文武迫不及待附议,生怕慢一步许烟杪就能抖出其他八卦。      “对对对!无罪释放!”      “陛下圣明!”      “陛下快下朝吧!快让许郎回家歇歇!都把他站得累坏了!”      皇太孙:???      许烟杪给你们灌迷魂汤了吧?
A crack fic that started this new trope of "everyone can hear what I am thinking". It was very successful that the author was cyber-bullied and now it was updated irregularly. 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP
  在那一天,浓雾封锁了一切。   在那一天,他成为了一艘幽灵船的船长。   在那一天,他跨过浓雾,直面了一个被彻底颠覆而又支离破碎的世界——昔日的秩序已经荡然无存,奇诡的异象主宰着文明社会之外的无尽海域,孤岛城邦与挑战大海的船队已然成为文明世界仅存的灯火,而旧日的阴影却仍在幽邃深海中蠢蠢欲动,等待继续吞噬这个将亡未亡的世界。   但对于失乡号的新船长而言,只有一个问题是他首先要考虑的——   谁知道船咋开啊?!
This is a post-apocalyptic fic but I think it had been written for so long that the author seemed to forget some original setting like the "rule-based horror" trope. I am reading it on and off.
《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP
【注意:本小说内容纯属虚构】 李锐带着他新装修且能链接2022年网络的网咖回到1950年。 一百二十台超越当时最先进电脑的现代电脑会给一穷二白的华夏带来什么呢? ps:纯爽文,不要考据,考据就以本书设定为主。谢谢。
This is a fic of the genre "援共文" (aiding the CPC). which generally involves someone went back in time to the founding of new China and helped developing the country on the side of the CPC party. It is a sensitive topic so they are usually found in smaller sites. Bigger sites like jjwxc actually banned fic sets from the period around maybe the First World War but definitely the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Sino-Japan War) to about the sixties, and also the War to resist US aggression and aid Korea (Korea War). 《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed
乐忱——爱豆里最会杀猪的,兽医里最会唱跳的。 作为一个养成系男团的小糊豆,小姜同学感觉自己不是在逐梦演艺圈,而是来军训拉练的。 周一到周五,他挣扎在大学早八的课堂上,为了出勤率和绩点拼死拼活;下课后,立刻奔去公司报道,学舞蹈、学声乐、学表演;周六日呆在宿舍,等待着虚无缥缈的舞台机会。 他自我定位是个兼职爱豆,别人可以为了舞台放弃生命,而他只想混两千元保底工资。 朋友劝他,反正解约费不高,实在不行就退团当素人吧! 姜乐忱:“不!我觉得我还可以再挣扎一下,庙里的大师说了,我是命里带红的!” 没想到一语成谶,姜乐忱……居然真的红了! 只是红了之后,怎么霸道总裁、顶流前辈、高冷舍友、同团弟弟、知名导演(演员表按照汉语拼音首字母排序)……都想要深夜约他看荧光剧本呢? —————————— “如果你喜欢在盛夏时节的傍晚,穿着人字拖、坐在巷子口,看下班的人流在暮色里匆匆而过; 如果你喜欢去公园里给下棋的大爷出谋划策,又认真地和每一只路过的小狗打招呼; 如果你喜欢在路边小店的冰箱里掏出来一瓶橙汁饮料,一口气喝完,再打一个橙子味的嗝儿…… ……那你一定会喜欢姜乐忱。” —————————— 本文最终cp桂桂子。
A funny light-hearted modern university + entertainment industry fic.
《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP
这是你穿越异世界的第三年。 在一开始语言文字不通的情况下,经过万般努力的你通过了审判庭考试,成为了一名有保险有退休金的公职人员。 这个世界的人类龟缩在地下城中,威胁他们的不只有逼仄、缺氧与饥荒,还有黑暗中的邪神教徒与魔物。 而审判庭是与邪神教徒对抗的第一线。 加入审判庭十分危险,辛苦中只有守护人类的荣耀能够慰藉,但你不是为荣耀而来,你需要的是高薪。 还好,虽然你目的不纯,但你干得不错,大家都称你为审判庭的明日之星,就连你的顶头上司也很欣赏你。 你同样敬佩你上司的能力和为人,你觉得你和他在工作之外也是很好的朋友。 今天他又请贫穷的你一起吃饭,你却第一次食不下咽。 因为奔走在升职加薪大道上的你,刚发现了一个令人绝望的事实。 ——什么!邪神竟是我自己?!! —————— 请吃请喝好上司(对抗邪神最前线)×蹭吃蹭喝穷下属(新生邪神本神) 在我的诸多锚点中,你也是最闪耀的那一颗 公告:本文将于8月21日入V,届时三更,请多多支持~
This is also a post-apocalyptic fic and it is about a journey of a person becoming a god... or an elder god/evil god. The world-building is very solid and the discussion is very active. There are even PWP fanfic on AO3 inspired by an author's note.
《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
凌不渡,惨从殡葬业连锁继承人穿成贫民窟帅哥。 系统:【为补偿宿主损失,特奖励金手指一个!只要收割惊吓值,就能商城购物,从此荣升富一代,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰!】 凌不渡大喜,按照教程去街上随便抓了个杀妻凌子的赌狗。 然后回家取出系统专用沙盘。 只见一平方米的沙盘小黑屋中,十厘米高的赌狗正在麻将馆大杀四方,同样十厘米高的赌友们一边给钱,一边骂骂咧咧重新开局。 凌不渡用塑料袋装水,放冰柜速冻,搞出迷你鬼手,狠狠抓在赌狗脚脖子上! 赌狗:嗷(!!! ○ Д ○)!!! 自此以后,无数法外狂徒们有难了,被天外黑手按住狂薅羊毛。 凶残家暴犯:打老婆的时候有人敲门,以为老婆又报警,结果居然是纸人?? 连环鲨人犯:抛尸的时候尸体居然爬起来了,嗷嗷追我,老子鞋都跑丢一只啊啊啊! 作恶无数的人贩子:晚上醒来,几个泥捏的小鬼把我吊起来当球踢,当场吓出了尿分叉。 杀妻骗保专业户:我几个死去的前妻……又回来了。 地窖囚禁案变态:谁tm给我把地窖门锁上了?来人啊我出不去了救命呜呜呜! 他们看不到沙盘上空的无边巨手,但生活已变得多姿多彩起来。 凌不渡:我容易吗?还得亲手做纸扎、捏泥人、化诡妆、做道具……开马甲装老天师骗钱埋人……多累啊! 而且最苦恼的是,隔壁可怜小孩被他养的,怎么越来越凶残了呢? — 【幕后黑手流爽文】【唯我独法】【不掉马】【对cp也不掉马】 【年下养成】 又帅又浪年上受VS又野又疯年下攻
A fic with an old-fashion "evil will be rewarded with evil" idea and the MC had killed so many people with the aid of the "system" (as in the computer/game system). The only thing with this author is that they tended to put the fic on long hiatus and then came back months later as a changed person and shifty completed the work. It is so good so far.
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spiderh0rse · 4 months
felix's mind notes part 5, e21-22 + dreams/ytps and Felix's Mind Forever
Barney's calling over the radio
Felix's vision is kind of all over the place right now
Felix is panicking big time. Saying advice to himself about how to stay alive
just rambling honestly
jumping over hoppers i can only assume
his HEV suits medical systems kick in the instant he's done killing the strider
kind of surprised to see his blood all over the wall
he's in Bad Shape physically and knows it too
finally remembers Alyx's name!
and that's s1 done with!
Felix please we do not need more recap. We do NOT need all the recap this show has given us
well this is excellent cinematography for a no-budget machinima but. but we don't need it
oh he remembers everything!
dramatic pan over the crashed train
Felix's legs! And the rest of him! He's in once piece he's just very very bloody
season 2!
Gordon flashback,, he seems to have helped Felix get a job at Black Mesa. Was not present when their parents died though
"Some wounds never heal."
blood loss hittin Felix HARD
he's stumblin down the train. The HEV suit insists he's about to die and kicks in the EMERGENCY MEDICAL SYSTEMS
Loud electric whine and discharge right as Felix lands facefirst in some water
the HEV suit fixes up the wound as best it can, but Felix still passes out. Alyx wakes him up
one of Felix's worse mornings! Even worse than the one he woke up with the batman ass tattoo
"I live to die another day."
apotheosis, huh...
Felix you're making so many references
"yeah I'm fucked up but I'm up" me every single day of my life
Felix seems. More somber. Odd. Unlike him.
the rain is cold :(
wait for it...
this seems to be an oddly re-edited version of a Barney's Mind episode. Which i have seen but don't remember
Felix rides by on the tram
they're out of sun chips,, AND doritos. Soda time :>
Pepsi, put it in a water bottle, people will just think it's Doctor Pepper! This gets Barney fired
Barney left to Maine and changed his name to Riley Ian
CHELL. you're not my beloved knockoff rychotech Chell but you're fine you're nice
serious injuries are the idea of these tests but fun and learning may occur
ring of fire!! I love this song
Chell can FUCK
Chell was forced to watch whinefield
oh hey Adrian! Most qualified to fight Klondike bars even without his waterproof suit or a high powered vending machine
Klondike bar will not leave his hand
this is just mindrian
"I'm gonna go in without a labcoat cuz I'm a sneaky fuck >:]"
Adrian makes it to the surface. Giant bomb! Survives the explosion! Fights it! Wins! Cuz he kicks ass!
complicated shit made uncomplicated
I can't tell mindversers apart by voice from time to time but I think that's mindrian
stuck in infinite I hope there's another one purgatory
threatens to squeeze his dick at someone
the return of Klondike bar!
doesn't know how to drive a vending machine
"can you taste the delicious klondike bar? it tastes like ass!"
many words here are cut out and replaced with a very deadpan "dick"
Adrian now fights a mortar ass and moves on to bigger and better things
now stars as batman!
mountain dew plus swiss cheese Felix smell...
destabilizing a yoyo!
meep meep in Canada,,
one million dollar flashlight
background music engaged
Chell. "I'm like cereal"
Chell fiddling with words and being goofy
that is how we burn it black mesa style
bouncing puzzle to get that mountain dew pumping
the wall could be waffles
letter q,,
very nice lullaby followed by Felix noises. Adrian noises??
Felix's Mind Forever
UAGH flashing images
Felix's first words are contemplating throwing himself off a cliff
bemoans that the sand would break his fall just enough to not let him die instantly
anticipates the guy who lost his. Pal. Will immediately kill himself
Felix says he's had enough of edginess for now
knew someone named Chad once
not killing himself because he's on an adventure!
his bloodlust is sated from all this murder.
not his regular lust.
"tada! :)"
wants to die by firing squad
just glad his weapons are easy to pick up and understand
seesaw puzzles :(
used to find the physics puzzles novel but not anymore
he's HUNGRY. hasn't eaten anything in roughly twenty years. Heehee.
wants lasagna
he's very good at the floor is lava.
uncontested champion, even, since pushing Gordon off the roof. Was stuck on the roof for 13 hours.
got punched in the balls by a rock em sock em
FINALLY beat no nut november
so excited about the new prospects for things to have sex with
BIG xenophilia fan
could go for a vortigaunt, an antlion...
considers humans very horny animals
thinks he's thought about his penis long enough for now. Says he'll do it more later.
doesn't like engineers but respects architects
huh. Well I guess this is slur count one.
squeaks at the antlion queen
"don't get too close you'll make me horny! You wouldn't like me when I'm horny!"
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fourlittlebubbles · 3 months
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Welcome to our syskid blog! You can find our main blog here @bubblyaquarium
This is a SFW blog for our syskids, whose introductions will be below. Please do not interact with this blog if your account isn't child friendly. We will block as needed. We are pro endo and ask that anti-endos dni.
We are bodily 22. This blog is monitored by the older members of our system, though they will not be posting often. The littles will never post on here without supervision.
✤ Amy ✤ she/her ✤ 6 ✤ little / soother ✤
✤ Fig ✤ hey/they/she ✤ 6 ✤ little ✤
✤ Molly ✤ she/her ✤ 10-15 ✤ little / swankid ✤
✤ Yoyo ✤ she/her ✤ 10 ✤ little / lambkid ✤
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Today's episode of Hirogaru Sky was a real banger!! I like how the writers didn't pull any form of mood whiplash a la Healin' Good (if you know what I mean, you know) and actually treats the fallout of episode 22 and its' impact on Sora with respect and dignity. in addition to how her absence affects her friends, especially Mashiro We also get to meet Sora's little brother and contrary to what she mentioned about him being a baby prior, he seems to actually be around 4 or so. The scene and talk between Sora and her father, Shido gives weight to what Sora's gone through. Yoyo returning to Sky Land and giving Sora a heartfelt letter from Mashiro is what finally gives Sora the resolve needed to return to Cure duties. The fight against Ranborg Shalala was well done plus showing the Color Action Mix Palette can work on other people besides the Cures proves to be what saves Shalala in ine end. The role reveral with Sora carrying her idol was *chef's kiss*! While Shalala now on a slow road to recovery, the Cures can now heal the Sky Land King and Queen which means we're inbound for another trip to the floating kingdom in the sky! What exactly is Ellee-chan hiding in the next episode...? It better be some interesting lore and not some expected age up and Battamonda still needs to die.
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tsuki-chibi · 1 year
Ladynoir July 2023 Day 22: Entangled
Read all the entries on AO3
“This is the best day of my life. Nothing will ever top this.”
Looking somewhat offended, Chat Vert folded his arms over his chest. “I’m beginning to think this is a bad idea,” he muttered. “Our wedding day isn’t even going to compare to this moment.”
“Yeah, I’d say you’ve effectively screwed yourself, my dude. Sorry.” Turtle Noir patted him consolingly on the shoulder. “On the plus side, you can tell your kids someday that their birth didn’t even measure up to this moment. Start up a complex nice and early.”
Chat Vert groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “That is not comforting.”
“Seriously… doesn’t this just fit me perfectly?” A smile stretching from ear to ear, Coccinelle spun around to face them with her hands spread wide. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement, and she was practically bouncing on her heels, like she was so happy that she couldn’t stand still.
“You look amazing, Babe,” Chat Vert said, apparently giving in.
“Not as good as My Lady, but great,” Turtle Noir said.
“You’re just biased,” Coccinelle said to him.
“Well duh,” Turtle Noir said, shrugging. He turned towards the last member of their group, who had also been looking at herself in the mirror – though with considerably less enthusiasm than Coccinelle, and more wonderment for what she looked transformed with the Fox miraculous.
This whole thing had been Alya’s idea. Turtle Noir suspected she’d been thinking about it for a long time, but just hadn’t been sure how to bring it up in a casual way. Finally, she’d just blurted it out during their last patrol. It had taken a little time for Marinette to get on board, but at last she’d agreed. And that’s why, on this sunny Saturday morning, Adrien and Nino had swapped miraculous, and so had Marinette and Alya.
“What do you think?” Coccinelle asked, somewhat nervously.
Lady Fox smiled. “I think you look wonderful,” she said sincerely. “You’re right. It does fit you perfectly.”
Coccinelle let out a squeal at a volume that had both Turtle Noir and Chat Vert wincing. She bounded across the room and threw her arms around Lady Fox in a bone-breaking hug. Lady Fox squeaked in alarm as she lost the ability to breathe.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Coccinelle shouted. “Okay, I gotta try out this yoyo!”
“Wait,” Lady Fox wheezed, but Coccinelle was already up the steps to Marinette’s bed and hauling herself outside. Chat Vert went after her.
“Are you okay?” Turtle Noir asked, concerned.
“I’m fine,” Lady Fox said, taking a deep breath. “Whew. Alya’s really enthusiastic.” She gently rubbed her midsection.
“I think it’s cute that she idolizes Ladybug so much,” Turtle Noir said, smiling. “Now come on. We only have a few minutes to test these babies out. I wanna see what the Turtle miraculous is made of!”
“Me too,” Lady Fox admitted. “Let’s go!”
They clambered up onto Marinette’s balcony only to find that Coccinelle and Chat Vert were gone. They exchanged a look and then shrugged, figuring they would catch up with their teammates shortly. In the meantime, they wanted to do some experimenting of their own.
And in the end, they did run into their teammates…
“Oh my god,” Turtle Noir said before cracking up.
“Shut up and help us!” Coccinelle hissed. “We’ve been this way for fifteen minutes.”
“This takes me back,” Lady Fox said, making an effort not to laugh. Somehow, Coccinelle and Chat Vert had become completely entangled within the string of the yoyo. They were at least on the ground, which she thought was a step up from when it had happened to her and Chat Noir, but there was no way they were getting free without help.
“Some things never changed,” Turtle Noir said fondly, giving her a little wink.
“Stop flirting and do something!” Coccinelle practically wailed.
Laughing, Lady Fox went to do just that.
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priokskfm · 11 months
#FREEDOWNLOADS #FREEPROMO #RADIOCHART Defected Radio Show Hosted by Sam Divine in Partnership with Shelter 03.11.23 Sam Divine back on your airways this week in partnership with Shelter. In England, one household becomes homeless every four minutes. Defected’s ‘From House To Home’ campaign is raising funds to help Shelter support people at risk of homelessness. Here’s how you can help... Bid on exclusive experiences and artist memorabilia: https://ift.tt/PVlS4fF Make a donation online: https://ift.tt/6GyirDl or by SMS: Text HOUSE5 to 70800 to donate £5 Text HOUSE10 to 70800 to donate £10 Text HOUSE20 to 70800 to donate £20 *Texts cost the donation value plus your standard network rate. 100% to Shelter. **To donate and opt out of future contact end your text with NO. 1. Selace - So Hooked On Your Lovin (Mousse T.’s Disco Shizzle) [Defected] 00:00 2. Dam Swindle - That’s Right [Heist Recordings] 05:13 3. Skepta - Can’t Play Myself (A Tribute To Amy) [Universal / Island] 10:56 4. Sam Divine feat. Josh Barry - Take My Hand [Defected] 16:32 5. Gershon Jackson - Take It Easy (Sonny Fodera & Mat.Joe Remix) [Defected] 20:58 6. Dames Brown X Eddie Fowlkes – Do It (Zach Witness Remix) [Defected] 24:17 7. Masters At Work feat. India - To Be In Love (MAW99 Mix)[Defected] 27:35 8. Audiojack - Coloursound [DFTD] 33:22 9. Darius Syrossian - E Soul [Defected] 37:09 10. Shelter Selects: David Morales - Needin’ U [Manifesto] 41:57 11. N.Y’s Finest - Do You Feel Me (City Soul Project Remix) [Bass Line Records] 45:26 12. Black Motion feat. Xoli M - Rainbow (DJ Spen & Michele Chiavarini Remix) [Defected] 50:17 13. Peven Everett & Deetron - Evermore [Character] 56:15 14. Homero Espinosa - The Message [Moulton Music] 1:01:20 15. Dusky - Hawthorn [Running Back] 1:05:23 16. Wolfram & Josh Ludlow - YoYo Disco [Defected] 1:09:58 17. Mark Knight, Green Velvet & James Hurt - The Greatest Thing Alive [Toolroom] 1:14:44 18. CASSIMM - LOVE DESIRE [Golden Recordings] 1:19:02 19. Loofy - Last Night [Nervous Records] 1:23:44 20. Louie Vega & The Martinez Brothers with Mark E. Bassy - Let It Go [Defected] 1:28:45 21. Ede - Your Love [Innervisions] 1:34:22 22. Dennis Ferrer feat. Danil Wright - Church Lady [Defected] 1:37:53 23. Soulfreq - Bass 4 Love [Dobar House Gruv] 1:42:49 24. Jame Starck, Yvvan Back, Zetaphunk feat. Alfreda Gerald - He’s Alright (David Penn Edit) [Urbana Recordings] 1:45:45 25. Julie McKnight - Home (Knee Deep Club Mix) [Defected] 1:50:11 26. Candi Staton - Hallelujah Anyway (Large Vocal) [Defected] 1:56:00 Скачать: https://ift.tt/igQM13E https://ift.tt/rpwMI7L
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nicohischier · 1 year
thoughts on nolan patrick induced brainrot
Oh so many thoughts. All the thoughts. Too many thoughts.
Here’s the thing with Nolan, okay? His story so far has always been fairly synonymous with tragedy. You can argue with that statement if you want, but so much of his career so far just points in the direction of a tragedy, at least in my eyes.
Let me first start this off by telling you that Nolan Patrick can be and has been described by three characteristics: injury prone, second overall, and draft bust. They’re not his only characteristics, but they are the ones used most frequently to talk about him since 2017.
(by the way. this is 2000 words long. so. open with caution?)
Injury Prone  – Juniors Version
In his first season after being drafted by the Wheat Kings in the 2013 WHL Draft, he was called up because the Wheat Kings had a lot of their own injuries but he wasn’t able to play during that call up because he had a shoulder injury. In his rookie year the following season, he missed a dozen games with an upper body injury. At the end of his 2015-16 season he revealed that he was suffering a sports hernia he had been playing through. In 2016-17, his draft season, Nolan only played a few games before the Wheat Kings announced that he wasn’t fully healed from the sports hernia and he was out for most of the season (he ended up playing 33 games that season) and missed playing in World Juniors. 
Then, after he was drafted, he missed his first development camp with the Flyers because he was recovering from a surgery he had gotten done before the draft. 
Despite all the injuries haunting him, he still was a top rated prospect and, fun fact, was actually rated higher than Nico. 
Unfortunately, however, the injuries didn’t stop following him just because he switched from the WHL to the NHL. 
Injury Prone – NHL Version
He was actually fairly healthy for his first two seasons in Philly. He missed some games in his rookie season after a rough hit, but those were the only games he missed. Again, in his sophomore season he missed a few games but there was nothing super drastic. And then the 2019 offseason came around. 
Some time before the 2019-20 season Nolan was officially diagnosed with chronic migraines and he ended up missing the entire season. He might have made a return late in the season, but COVID ended the season early, so we’ll never know. He did play when the 2020-21 season started up but he didn’t perform very well (which isn’t entirely shocking considering he was coming back after a year and a half (?) of not playing NHL hockey and he himself admitted to taking his return a bit more tentatively because he was worried about his migraines).
Then, before the 2021-22 season started Nolan hired a new agent and got himself traded to Vegas (with a pit stop in Nashville for all of five minutes or whatever). He got injured a few games into that season, played a total of 25 games, and hasn’t played a game since the end of that season. Presumably that fact has something to do with injury or recovery but don’t quote me on that.
The point is that while Nolan didn’t deal with the constant yoyoing of injured-healthy-injured-healthy that he was dealing with while in juniors, what he was dealing with after coming into the NHL is ultimately a lot more serious and will have a much larger impact on the future of his career. 
Second Overall – The 2017 Entry Draft
I know we were just talking about the NHL but we actually have to drop back to the 2017 Draft and the time just before the draft because this is obviously the keypoint for the ‘second overall’ characteristic. 
So, I mentioned that prior to the draft, Nolan was technically rated higher than Nico, which is true. Granted, Nico was rated the second top prospect, so not that much higher, but still. What the important takeaway from this is that the 2017 Draft was genuinely a toss-up between Nico and Nolan. Nico going first generally came down to what the Devils were looking for from their selection (and maybe Nolan’s injury history played a part in the Devils picking Nico instead but I can’t be certain). 
Some drafts are more-or-less a guarantee for which prospect is going first (see: 2015, 2016, the upcoming 2023) but 2017 was very much a ??? until the lottery when people could start making speculations about who would most benefit the Devils’ needs.
Anyway, the point is that Nolan was the highest rated prospect going into the draft. 
For a solid while before the draft Nolan was considered THE top pick. But then Halifax brought this kid over from Switzerland and he tore up the QMJHL and all of a sudden there was another prospect breathing down Nolan’s neck when it came to FOA consideration. 
Ultimately, as we all know now, Nico ended up going FOA and Nolan went SOA to the Flyers.
Obviously going SOA isn’t a tragedy in and of itself but you do have to consider the “what could have been?” if Nolan had gone FOA or if Nico had never come over from Switzerland. 
But, to be honest, I’m a huge fan of the general tragedy that haunts SOAs so maybe I’m just focusing way too hard on the SOA part of his story. The reality is that him going second is only a minor blip in the tragedy that is the Nolan Patrick narrative. Him going SOA is just a stepping stone toward the ‘draft bust’ part of his tragedy. 
Draft Bust 
The facts: Nolan went SOA. He has played 222 games. He has scored 32 goals. He has 77 points. He is prone to injury. He has missed two seasons and is not a guarantee to ever come back.
The other facts: there are some incredible players who are having incredible careers who were selected after Nolan. Just some of those players are Miro Heiskanen, 3rd, Cale Makar, 4th, Elias Pettersson, 5th, Nick Suzuki, 13th, Jake Oettinger, 26th, Jason Robertson, 39th, Stuart Skinner, 78th. And that’s just some of the superstar names. I could’ve also mentioned guys who aren’t superstars for their teams but are almost definitely going to make a career out of being Good and Useful.
(and can we take a minute to appreciate how well the dallas stars drafted in 2017? holy shit.)
Disclaimer: I am not saying that Nolan is never going to come back and turn into a superstar or become Good and Useful. I can only work with what I have in front of me, which is what I’ve presented you with.
The tragedy of this, beyond the fact that he is, at least currently, a draft bust, is that the sheer amount of talent behind him will always be tied to his name. He is never going to be Nolan Patrick anymore and the guys behind him (especially Heiskanen, Makar, and Pettersson) are never going to be themselves. They’re all always going to have their draft order tied to their name. The only difference is that when they speak about Heiskanen or Makar or Pettersson people are going to say they should have gone higher. When they speak about Nolan, they’re going to say he should have gone lower.
I could say more probably (definitely) but I’m already at 1200 words and I did actually still want to talk about the poem even though I don’t expect ANYONE to have read this far LMAO. But on the off chance someone is here because they ALSO have super intense nolpat brain rot… hello. It’s just you and me baby. 
The Poem – Frame by Frame (except for the ones I skip)
Frame Two: “it’s the same when love comes to an end” with Nolan facing the camera and the rest of the Flyers facing away, in the background. 
Fairly self-explanatory I think, but sometimes OP places the text in specific locations that make my brain explode and I needed to emphasize the importance of specifically putting “when love comes to an end”  over the Flyers. 
Once upon a time, the Flyers were Nolan’s team and Nolan was supposed to be the Flyers’ future. Their highest draft pick since 2007. Things fell apart and the organization fell out of love with him (did they ever have enough time to fall in love with him?) and he fell out of love with the organization. 
Frame Three: “or the marriage fails and people say they knew it was a mistake” over an aerial shot of Nolan over the Flyers logo.
I mean. All you have to do is change some words, right? The draft fails, people say they knew it was a mistake. 
Draft bust.
Need I say more?
And the solo aerial shot… because who bears the emotional pain of being a failed top prospect? That former top prospect and no one else. He is alone in his knowledge that he wasn’t good enough and he alone must face the words people say about him in the aftermath. 
Frame Six: “like being there by that summer ocean on the other side of the island while love was fading out of him” over a shot of Nolan and some other Flyers on the bench, waiting to give high fives to their teammates.
If I want to overanalyze this I could talk about how ‘the island’ is the Flyers as a team, ‘on the other side’ refers to how he felt distanced from the team or like he was never truly a part of them (because he felt like he was a disappointment?), and ‘while love was fading out of him’ could refer to the fact that Nolan very probably requested his trade out of Philly.
On the other hand, if I wanted to break my own heart, I could talk about how the person whose love was fading out of them is actually the Flyers organization and fans as a vague entity who, once full of love and hope for their first SOA in a decade, were now turning sour on the failed top prospect whose future will probably never stop being shaped like a giant question mark. 
But I don’t want to do either, so let’s pretend I said nothing, okay?
Frame Eight: “the stars burning so extravagantly those nights that anyone could tell you they would never last” over a shot Nolan in a celly with the team.
I actually included the lines on Frame Seven to provide context because I, once again, just want to talk about OP’s placement of the words. Specifically the “they would never last” that sort of outlines Nolan’s figure. 
If I think too hard about it I will get sad so just take a second to think about how bright a SOA must shine for a fanbase and a team and how much everyone always expects from a high draft pick and then just take a moment to appreciate the beauty and pain in OP outlining Nolan with the words “they would never last” and let’s just all agree to move on so I don’t get even more sad.
Frame Nine & Ten: “I believe Icarus was not falling as he fell, but just coming to the end of his triumph” over a shot of Nolan leaving the bench with TK still on it (9) & Nolan in a celly with the team. 
I lumped these two frames because they’re important to go together, right? Not just to keep the full quote intact, but also because it shows that Nolan’s time in Philly wasn’t just a tragedy.
He had guys like TK, who became like a brother to him (at least from the way they portrayed their friendship to the fans) and he had his team who loved him, regardless of the expectations the organization had laid out that he was failing to meet. 
I call his story a tragedy, and I genuinely think it is one, but it is probably wrong to reduce it to solely a tragedy. Maybe his time in Philly contributes to the overall tragedy of his story, but on its own? How can I reduce the love he found in Philly to only a footnote in the overarching tragedy?
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darkershining · 1 year
Just watched episode 22 of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, in which the Cures learn that Captain Shalala has supposedly been spotted in Skyland.
The episode begins with Tsubasa playing with Ellee, while the other three Cures and Yoyo are checking in on Skyland. Beryberie enters the call, informing the group that Captain Shalala has recently been spotted in Skyland. Despite multiple eyewitnesses, there’s little information, as the Captain would suddenly disappear just as quickly as she appeared. Mashiro encourages the guard to continue investigating matters.
Later, Mashiro notices Sora writing in her notebook and asks what she’s writing. Sora explains that she’s copying over the message Captain Shalala left for her into her notebook, having not felt confident enough to do so earlier. Sora admits that she’s been having doubts, noting she isn’t sure if she could keep going as a hero if something had happened to Shalala, and thanks Mashiro for always being there to support her.
Sometime later, the Cures are returning from shopping for dinner ingredients, when Sora spots Captain Shalala and chases after her. Sora eventually catches up to Captain Shalala at a construction site, before Shalala suddenly turns around and points her sword at her before vanishing.
Battamonda appears, revealing the Shalala that Sora was chasing was just an illusion. Sora demands to know what motivated Battamonda to play such a cruel trick, with Battamonda admitting he’s been holding a grudge against Cure Sky ever since their confrontation at the Skyland Castle.
A Ranborg emerges from underground, and Sora transforms. Cure Sky asks Battamonda why he doesn’t just confront her directly if he really wants his revenge that badly, but Battamonda seems unfazed. Cure Sky initially seems to do well against the Ranborg, but then Battamonda decides to reveal what he used to make this particular Ranborg. A familiar cape appears on the Ranborg, and along with the sword it is carrying, Cure Sky is horrified to realize that Captain Shalala is trapped within the Ranborg. Battamonda also informs her that any damage the Ranborg takes will also harm Shalala, leaving Cure Sky unable to bring herself to act.
The other Cures come to Cure Sky’s rescue, with Cure Butterfly using another combination of colors from the Mixing Palette to heal Cure Sky’s wounds. As Cure Sky comes to, she stops the other Cures from attacking, informing them of the situation with Captain Shalala. Cure Prism comforts Cure Sky as she tearfully admits she doesn’t know what to do. Cure Wing and Butterfly figure that all they need to do to free Shalala is purify the Ranborg, and try to get it into a position to do that. They’re about to try it when the Ranborg gets its sword stuck in the ground, but Ellee suddenly realizes something and screams at them to stop.
Battamonda comments that she seems to have seen through his ploy. Battamonda explains what happened right after his and Cure Sky’s confrontation at the castle. He discovered Captain Shalala, badly wounded, but still alive. He infused her with Undergu Energy, trapping her in the Ranborg, but also keeping her alive. If the Cures purify her, her wounds will re-open and she probably won’t make it. With the Cures shocked by this revelation, Battamonda decides he’s done enough for now and he’ll come back to finish them off later, leaving and taking the Ranborg with him.
After the battle, the Cures try to figure how they can possibly save Shalala, with Ageha suggesting maybe if she uses the healing power of the Mixing Palette immediately after the Ranborg is purified, then maybe that’ll work. However, Sora is unconvinced, asking what will happen if they don’t act quickly enough in such an event. The Cures try to convince Sora to help find other solutions, but the incident has shaken Sora so badly she can’t bring herself to think about fighting against Shalala. Her spirit broken, Sora’s Mirage Pen fades away, while her Sky Tone turns gray...
Well, that was quite the episode! Poor Sora. The Cures have a difficult fight ahead of them. I’m certainly curious about how they’ll tackle this situation. Also, we got a new ending theme. It was nice.
Looking forward to the next episode!
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jonreytrevino · 1 year
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The Only Yo-Yo Trick I Can Do.
pixel_dailies : yoyo : 6/22/23
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I posted 122 times in 2022
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#i hate been so busy that i had to get through the entire work day to finally watch the episode
My Top Posts in 2022:
Exaltation literally revived me. I am literally sitting in front of my computer, furiously writing. I’ll be damned if I don’t have at least 90% of this chapter done!
18 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
“Yes!” Ladybug punched the air. “We still have ten minutes left!”
Chat Noir landed behind her, barely catching his breath.
“We missed a whole block back there,” he panted.
“We did?”
“Uuugh, we need to go back.” Chat Noir threw his head back as he said it. “I don’t wanna.”
“Wait!” Ladybug had grabbed his tail, right as he had turned around to take a running jump.
Chat Noir looked over his shoulder, giving her a stare that sent goosebumps down her spine. She bit her lip, trying to think of a justification for her decision, but couldn’t find one.
“Let’s stay,” Ladybug resolved to say. The truth was easier anyway. “I don’t care right now. Paris will survive one night we don’t do a full sweep of the city. I wanna rest. With you.”
Chapter 6 of Rattled is up. Check out my contribution for the @mlbigbang, updated every Saturday.
20 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
I have so many questions about the trailer. Like, is Master Fu DEAD? Did she just find the earrings on the FLOOR? Why does the yoyo have a mind of its own? How does it fly? Did they just break a centuries old window?
25 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
You are the Music in Me: Lukanette Fan Zine
We can finally share our pieces! The Lukanette Fan Zine has finally been shipped and we are allowed to share our pieces. I had the honor to write a story in art collaboration with the awesome @edendaphne, who made gorgeous artwork depicting a scene from it. Show her some love! And thank you to the team behind @youarethemusicinme-lukanette for letting me be a part of it. Enjoy some Lukanette goodness!
Wedding Magic
No one said seeing Luka in a well-tailored tux would make life—and a confession—so much harder than it already was. But alas, there Marinette was, doing her best to not drool on her own sparkly Maid of Honor dress. Just as she let out another wistful sigh, said man tucked a stray hair behind his ear.
Oh yeah, because the handsome suit wasn’t enough, he also had his hair slicked back. For the first time in his life, according to Juleka.
The sigh turned into a noise more akin to a whimper. When did Luka become so handsome? How long had she been away for? How long had she been fantasizing with confessing her feelings for him, that he suddenly seemed ten times more attractive?
“You’re doing it again,” a voice sang next to her.
“I can’t help it,” Marinette whined, turning to Rose. “I’ve never seen him like this before. He looks so good. And the way he’s laughing…” Her eyes turned soft. “I’ve never seen him so happy.”
“He better be,” Rose laughed. “He would be a terrible Best Man if he wasn’t happy for his own sister.”
“That would make him a terrible brother,” Marinette agreed, gaze still locked on those irresistible silky strands that made her want to brush her fingers through it.
“Marinetteeee,” Rose sang again.
The lovestruck woman whimpered once more. “I need a distraction. Yup, that’s what I need.”
Marinette pushed her way through the crowd until finding a waiter carrying glasses of wine. She grabbed one and made a round around the room, stopping to chit-chat with several old classmates.
But in less than ten minutes, she was already back merely three meters away from the Best Man. She watched for a moment, as Luka laughed at something Mylène had said. Marinette let out a resigned sigh, ready to give up and leave it for another time. Yet, just as she was turning, Mylène left her spot, leaving Luka on his own.
This was it. It was the perfect moment. Marinette stood straight, squaring her shoulders, chin up high. A deep breath filled her lungs, giving her the needed confidence to take large strides to him.
“Luka, I—”
Marinette slipped on the skirt of a table, tripping her enough to spill some of her wine on the very man she was calling. Her eyes almost shot out of her eyes, as the shirt and vest of the gorgeous suit became tainted in plum.
“Marinette, are you okay?” Luka asked, his hands holding her elbows.
“Your suit,” she breathed.
“My suit is fine,” he insisted, attempting to catch her gaze, which was focused on his chest. “I’m more worried about you. Do you need anything?”
“I-I…” Marinette sighed in resignation, all confidence gone. “I’m fine. Let me help you with that.”
She lightly pulled on his arm to lead him to the doors next to the bar, into the kitchen. Once inside, Marinette sought out the first aid kit her parents always took to events they catered. Something they had learned to do after one too many accidents that ended with several scrapes on Marinette’s knees.
“I’m not hurt,” Luka said, brows furrowed.
“It’s for the shirt,” Marinette clarified. “I can mix this with dish soap to clean it up.”
She took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, along with a teacup, a spoon, and the soap. As she did a small chemistry experiment, her eyes remained focused, refusing to look at the object of her current embarrassment.
“Marinette,” Luka said quietly, lightly touching the hand that was furiously mixing the ingredients, making it stop. “I know I never ask you to tell me what’s wrong, but I can’t help but feel this is about me.”
Her lips pressed together. How is he always so perceptive, she thought. Shoulders slumping, Marinette let go of the spoon.
“I was gonna talk to you about something. But I lost my nerve,” she admitted. “And now I can’t find it again.” The hand that was on the spoon moved to pick up a cloth napkin instead, and dip it in the mixture. “This should help with the shirt.”
When Marinette was about to start scrubbing away the stain, Luka’s hand was back on hers, this time with more strength. As she looked up, she was startled to see how close he was. So close, she could make out the light pink color on his cheeks.
“You know you can trust me with anything, right?” he said, with a husky voice she had never heard come from him. 
See the full post
249 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what the craziest part of Elation is? Suddenly, a whole lot of the people I have been following for years, who had moved on to other fandoms, suddenly just showed back up. Screaming Marichat at the top of their lungs.
265 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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adviserbabycom · 9 months
Babyzen YoYo² VS Bugaboo Butterfly Comparison
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In this review, I provide a detailed comparison of the Babyzen YoYo² and Bugaboo Butterfly strollers, focusing on their design, functionality, and suitability for different parenting needs. Babyzen YoYo² vs Bugaboo Butterfly: Main Features Comparison Table Babyzen YoYo² Analysis of Performance: - Design & Build: The YoYo² is a compact and lightweight stroller but is reinforced efficiently, making it sturdy. - Ease of Use: Features like steering with one hand and an integrated shoulder strap make it convenient for daily tasks and traveling. - Travel Compatibility: With IATA compatibility and the ability to fit in most overhead compartments, the YoYo² is ideal for parents on the go. - Durability & Maintenance: The stroller is designed to be low maintenance and can stand up to regular use by multiple children. Bugaboo Butterfly Analysis of Performance: - Design & Build: Designed with a growing baby in mind, it offers extra space for a toddler's comfort and has a rigid construction to ensure longevity. - Ease of Use: Comes with added features like an adjustable leg rest and a rain cover for the baby's comfort and protection. - Accessories Compatibility: Can be accessorized with most Bugaboo products. - Durability: It is meant for all-day usage and has a solid construction ensuring it lasts without any issues. Babyzen YoYo² - Lightweight & Portable: Weighing around 6 kg (13 lbs), and folding down to compact dimensions, it's quite travel-friendly. - Load Capacity: While it's lightweight, it can comfortably hold 22 kg and even has additional storage for essentials. - Material & Build: Made of sturdy materials, its overall design has proven to be durable, at least for the duration I've used it. - Wheel Design: The front wheels may feel a bit lose initially but offer decent stability, especially for urban environments. Bugaboo Butterfly - All-day Readiness: Designed for rigorous everyday use, this stroller can handle your day-to-day journeys with ease. - Rigid Construction: It's built to last, ensuring there's no breaking or shifting, providing a sense of reliability. - Additional Features: Comes with an adjustable leg rest and rain cover which, in my experience, has been more essential than the YoYo²'s travel bag. - Off-road Capability: Its standout feature is its ability to handle off-road situations effectively. So, which stroller should you get? In most common situations, if you're a parent always on the go and require something lightweight yet durable, especially for urban settings, the Babyzen YoYo² might be your pick. However, if your lifestyle demands a stroller that's both sturdy and versatile, suitable for a variety of terrains and daily rigorous use, the Bugaboo Butterfly could be a better choice. Remember, the right stroller should cater to your specific needs and the environments you frequently find yourself in. Always consider factors like your daily routine, travel habits, and how often you'll be using the stroller when making a choice. Comparative Analysis: Babyzen YoYo² vs Bugaboo Butterfly - Decoding Performance Metrics for the Best Buy Babyzen YoYo²: - Weight: Approximately 6 kg (13 lbs). - Load Capacity: Designed to hold up to 22 kg in the seat. - Dimensions when Folded: Compact enough for easy travel. - Backboard Height: Not specifically mentioned but might be an issue for taller kids. - Wheel Design: Suitable for urban environments but with some initial looseness. - Price Point: More budget-friendly for parents, offering value for money. Bugaboo Butterfly: - Seat Space: Features an extra spacious seat with a high backrest and extra padded inlay. - Backboard Height: Longer than the YoYo², catering to taller toddlers. - Base Width: 34cm wide, providing more room for your child. - Handle Height: Stands at 102.4 centimeters. - Basket Size: Designed for easier access to stored items. - Price Point: A bit more, but offers longevity and durability that could lead to cost savings over time. Personal Opinion: Upon analyzing the specific measurements of both strollers, it's evident that the Bugaboo Butterfly offers a more spacious design tailored for growing children. It may come at a slightly higher price point, but its durability promises a longer lifespan, which can be a cost-effective choice in the long run. The Babyzen YoYo², on the other hand, shines in its compactness and affordability, making it ideal for parents who travel frequently or are on a budget. Both strollers have their merits; it boils down to what specific features align with your personal needs. Comparing Babyzen YoYo² and Bugaboo Butterfly: A Deep Dive into Parental Experience Babyzen YoYo²: The Compact City Walker Impressions and Strong Points: The Babyzen YoYo² is impressive when it comes to its lightweight and compact design. Living in a bustling city and having to frequently hop on public transportation, a stroller that can be folded up with ease and doesn’t eat up a lot of space is a godsend. Plus, its stability and sturdiness surprised me! The harness system and deep recline feature offer both comfort and safety, which are paramount when choosing products for our little ones. Room for Improvement: The sun coverage is good, but I've been in situations where I wished for just a little more shade for those peak sunny hours. Maintenance is minimal which is great, but you should always be on the lookout for wear and tear just to be safe. Bugaboo Butterfly: The All-Day Companion Impressions and Strong Points: The Bugaboo Butterfly is quite the marvel when it comes to the space it offers. It ensures that toddlers have plenty of room to grow into it, which is crucial for longer usability. The 34cm wide base, adjustable 19 cm leg rest, and long backboard show how much thought has gone into ensuring children’s comfort. And let's not forget the textiles - they feel luxurious and offer a gentle touch which is ideal for sensitive baby skin. Room for Improvement: Even though it's lightweight compared to many models out there if you’re frequently on the move or traveling, you might find the Babyzen YoYo² more portable. Final Thoughts: Both strollers offer something unique and choosing between them boils down to what suits your lifestyle more. If you’re an urban dweller always on the go, Babyzen YoYo² is your pick. But if you're someone who enjoys long walks in the park and needs a stroller that can keep up day in and day out, the Bugaboo Butterfly might be the one. Exploring Brand Resources for Better Decision Making - Bugaboo's Official Website (https://www.bugaboo.com): Offers detailed product specs, videos, and even user guides. But what I personally appreciate the most is the transparency – they list out not just the features, but also address some of the common concerns users might have. They've got a dedicated section for customer reviews as well, which gives you genuine insights from parents who've been there, and done that. Oh, and don't miss out on their blog. They share some pretty neat tips and tricks there! - Babyzen's Official Website (https://www.babyzen.com): For those leaning more towards the YoYo², Babyzen's website is where you should be heading. It's user-friendly, and sleek, and provides in-depth details on their stroller range. One feature I found super handy is their comparison tool, where you can directly compare different models and see what suits you best. Plus, they've got a plethora of tutorial videos. For someone like me who's more of a visual learner, this is a boon. And guess what? They also have a dedicated section with real-life stories from other parents, which adds that personal touch and trust factor. Essential Accessories for Babyzen YoYo² and Bugaboo Butterfly: A Detailed Comparison Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Babyzen YoYo² VS Bugaboo Butterfly Comparison Read the full article
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2021 Interview with John Schuck
I found an interview with John Schuck dated Aug. 9, 2021 on "Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast". I transcribed the parts related to "Holmes & Yoyo" below, but can listen to the whole interview at this link:
Gilbert Gottfried: Now-- Now we can't be nice to you any longer.
Frank Santopadre: Uh-oh.
GG: Talk to us about "Holmes and Yoyo".
FS: Also created by Leonard Stern!
John Schuck: Created by Leonard Stern… Well, it wasn't… [laughs] I must say…
[GG and FS laugh]
JS: All right guys, it was a crap show. Come on…
[GG and FS laugh]
JS: It was well-intended. It was an-- It was an attempt by Leonard to get back to two-man comedy like Abbott and Costello.
FS: Mm-hmm.
JS: I mean, you name your duo. Of course, it never turned out to be that. But several interesting things happened. The craftspeople that could make something funny no longer existed in Hollywood. For instance, if you wanted to take a phone and water squirt and some guy pours water in at one end it comes out and hits them-- the other guy in the face-- those gags, they didn't know how to recreate.
FS: How interesting.
JS: Um, we had a-- a radio that was supp-- I forget what it was. Um, and I remembered that it was-- it couldn't-- it couldn't do that-- there were a number of things… I'm-- I'm babbling here… um, maybe that was one of the problems with the show. But, we worked hard at it. John Astin directed most of them. We re-- we did a lot of naughty things. We rewrote, uh, Richard Shull, a wonderful actor, um, and an interesting man. Uh, we worked 18, 19-hour days for that show, and it just was definitely a dud. Interestingly enough, the previews for it were shown on ABC during the Super Bowl, and so, for our first night, we had the highest-rated show [chuckles] of the year!
[GG laughs]
FS: Oh, interesting!
JS: An-- And it went quickly down.
[GG laughs]
JS: I mean, by today's standards, with so many s-- We-- We went down like from a 22 to 16, you know.
FS: I always thought of it as Leonard trying to take Dick Gautier's Hymie the Robot from "Get Smart" and spin it off into-- into his own series.
JS: Uh yeah… no?…
FS: Although, you had th-- "The Six Million Dollar Man" and "The Bionic Man--
JS: no
FS: Uh, "Woman" were going strong at that time, so--
JS: That's right.
FS: You could understand the thinking.
JS: I also think we made a-- and here I had my-- my argument with Leonard.
[clearing throat]
JS: In the pilot… uh, there's an accident and I'm-- I fall apart on the street and, as a result, Dick Shull knows that I'm a robot. And I said that should never have happened. He shouldn't know that I'm, uh, a robot that way there's much more conflict about why can't I act like normal people and blah, blah, blah and all that kind of stuff. But, um, it-- it was what it was, and we did our 18 shows and… uh, I did have the honor that year, though, with it of being the first actor to be on two tele-- national television series on two different Networks.
FS: There you go! Oh, "McMillan & Wife" and "Holmes & Yoyo".
JS: Right.
FS: Very good. You know, we joke about it because it's easy to-- it's easy to poke fun at-- at-- at-- shows--
JS: I joke about it.
FS: Yeah, of course!
[GG laughs]
FS: But you-- you have to applaud Stern for trying to bring back that kind of classic comedy form to prime time.
JS: Yeah. And you know, we never made a pilot for it. [clears throat] Uh, Jackie Cooper directed the-- we had a-- a scene and Jackie Cooper directed it, and we went up into Sid Sheinberg's office and moved all his furniture away, and Dick and I did the scene. And on the basis of that performance, he-- he let the show go on the air. So, we never made a pilot which was unusual.
FS: Why did the r-- Why did the android have a Russian name?
FS: Why was he Yo…yo…
JS: Gregor Yoyonovich?
FS: Yoyonovich.
[GG laughs]
FS: Why wasn't he just "Yoyo"?
JS: I dunno. They couldn't find a Scandinavian one?
[projector starting up sound effect]
[The "Holmes & Yoyo" opening credits play.]
[Polaroid ejecting sound. Brass music sting]
Capt. Sedford: You've got four partners in the hospital! Come on, Alex! You're a good cop!
Alex: By the way, who's my new partner?
[Sounds of Polaroid ejection, typing, and typewriting bell]
Narrator Paraphrasing Dr. Babcock: We call him Yoyo. He weighs 427 pounds. He's a completely mobile computer specially programmed for police work.
Capt. Sedford: Is he indestructible?
Narrator: We think so.
Capt. Sedford: Send in Holmes.
[peppy funk theme music]
Narrator: This is top secret. No one, including Holmes, must know his identity.
Yoyo: Alex, no! Don't!
Alex: You're not a person!
Yoyo: You're not going to tell them?
Alex: In my book, you got the makings of a good cop. That's what I put in my report.
FS: One episode was directed by, uh, Jack Arnold. I don't know if--
JS: Yes.
FS: --you'd remember this, Gilbert, the director of "Creature from the Black Lagoon", "Incredible Shrinking Man", and "Tarantula".
FS: By the way, Richard Shull-- I was talking to John, by the way, who, uh, who starred with Richard Shull in "Holmes & Yoyo"-- By the way, you worked with Richard Shull and Richard Stahl.
JS: Yep.
FS: But possibly not Richard Schaal--
JS: No.
FS: --who was married to Valerie Harper…
JS: To Valerie, yeah.
FS: Okay, okay but there you go. But he told me, what? He was a throwback who drove a car from the '40s? Richard-- Richard Shull?
JS: He-- He and his wife, Marilyn, lived in the '40s.
[FS laughs. GG laughs.]
JS: They bought u-- all their clothes from the '40s. It's-- it's various stores. He would write only with a-- a fountain pen. He had a 1940 Chevy or something. A Buick or Chevy. He had-- He was a railroad aficionado, and he owned his own railroad car.
FS: Wow!
JS: And for the opening gift, uh, because he knew of my affection for, as a kid, of-- of taking the train from Buffalo, New York to New York-- to New Jersey to see my grandparents, and I had remarked on the-- on this doeskin type, uh, blankets that they used to have, he gave me one of those blankets numbered so you could find out where it came from. Which compartment on which-- which train.
FS: That's cool.
JS: Very thoughtful, but he was-- he was eccentric. And their-- their house was all, um, from the '40s. All their furniture. Everything.
FS: He was like a-- sort of a-- a-- a-- a curmudgeonly actor. A little bit like a Matthau.
JS: Yes.
FS: In some ways.
JS: Yes, he had this wonderful, unusual, mobile rubbery face, and, uh, very distinctive and--
FS: Loved him!
JS: Um, he was doing a Neil Simon play, went home between shows in New York, and never c-- you know, the break, never came back.
FS: Oh.
GG: Ohh.
JS: It was a bit of a shock. I hate to end this on such a downer but…
FS: All right then, sing us a little more from "Annie".
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foulunknownllama · 2 years
Camila teacher
1 Yuri Yamazaki
math's teacher
she often scolds her students if they make big mistakes she smokes secretly she loves camila because she is the only one in the class who listens to the lesson and gets good grades she also gets sad seeing camila all alone with her yoyo
2 jessica Oliver
Portuguese teacher
loves to be with children and teaching, she has been home for 4 weeks in the shock of losing a child while in class
3 Yumeko Nakamura
geography and history teacher
she is often criticized by her co-worker for being a young teacher of 22 but she doesn't care what her co-worker sey she likes to work and teach children she sees Camila as a special girl because she knows everything and can build something with rubbish
4 Yuna Yamaguchi
English and Japanese teacher
stern woman often scolds children for little she does random tests and gives difficult homework in English and Japanese one day she called Camila's parents about her red hair and was disgusted to see that Camila have two mothers and a delinquent older sister often take away the yoyo and screem at Camila to make some real friends
5 aoi Aoki
teacher of gymnastics and physics and technology
peaceful woman turned 30 and still working loves children so much and often protects Camila from yuna and restores the yoyo and suggests to hide it well despite the trials of Camila tries to hide her friend but the teacher finds it and takes it away
0 notes
fiftytwotwentythree · 2 years
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Wellness Wednesday:
So Long January - Hello, February
1 month down - 11 to go and I feel like I can do it.
I still haven't plateaued but I am waiting for it to come. I made huge strides/gains in short amount of time - my fear is I will let my gaurd down early in the race - like have cheat day revolved around food and spiral out of control or procrastinate on my workouts - and then I lose everything I worked for.
The goal is to be 52+ pounds lighter on New Years Eve - not by March and then gain it back by July
Why so cynical?
It has happened before. My weight/health is notorious for yoyoing.
Hopefully blogging keeps me honest... kind of sad.
Other news, I feel great... besides joint pain and dreading workouts.
Stats from January:
Leftover Meals: 19
Oranges: 12
Bags of Popcorn: 11
Cans of Soup: 7
Take Out: 0
Candy/Sweets: 0
Total Jumping Jacks: 6,200
Squats: 3,050
Push-Ups: 1,550
Assisted Push-Ups: 2,175
Reverse Leg Lifts: 900
Leg Kickbacks: 900
Sit-Ups: 200
Plank (mins): 1
Weight Loss
Average Weightloss per Week: -4.4 lbs
Total Weightloss: -22 lbs
Movies Watched: 15
Favorite from the Month: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
Hours of Television Watched: ~ 8 hours (Modern Family, How to with John Wilson)
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Current Goals:
Lose 52 lbs
Avoid "Junk Food"
Minimize Take-Out / Fast Food Consumption
Meal Tracker:
Progresso Chicken with Herb Dum0ling Soup
- 8 Saltine Crackers
(2) Beef Sticks
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
(1) Medium Orange
Small Plate of Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken & Broccoli
- Crushed Red Pepper
(1) Glass of Milk
Annie Chun's Yakisoba Noodle Bowl
- Cashews
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
Small Plate of Leftover Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken & Broccoli
- Crushed Red Pepper
Annie Chun's Teriyaki Noodle Bowl
- Cashews
(2) Beef Sticks
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
(1) Medium Orange
Bag of Orville Redenbacher Ultimate Butter Popcorn
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(2) Small Pork Tacos
- Salsa
- Shredded Fiesta Cheese
(1) Orange
(2) Small Leftover Pork Tacos
- BBQ Sauce
- Shredded Fiesta Cheese
Buffalo Cauliflower Wings
- Ranch Dipping Sauce
(1) Beef Stick
(1) Glass of Milk
Parmesan Garlic Cauliflower Wings
(1) Beef Stick
Chicken Cesaer Salad
(1) Medium Orange
Small Plate of Leftover Chicken and Wild Rice
(1) Beef Stick
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
Small Plate of Leftover Chicken and Wild Rice
(1) Glass of Chocolate Milk
(1) Medium Orange
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [1 Set]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
(200) Jumping Jacks [4 sets of 50]
(100) Squats [4 sets of 25]
(50) Push-Ups [5 sets of 10]
(100) Assisted Push-Ups [2 Sets of 50]
(50) Reverse Leg Lifts [5 sets of 10]
(50) Leg Kickbacks [5 sets of 10]
Starting Weight (Noon, 1/01/2023): XXX.X lbs
Weight at Last Check-In, 1/25/2023: -3.2 lbs
Weight As of Noon, 2/01/2023: -3.8 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -22 lbs
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Closing Thoughts:
The Good:
22 lbs pounds and falling!
Finally able to wear a shirt that was previously deemed too small/tight
The Bad:
Did socialize at a restaurant with family - Didn't Eat! - but was very tempted. Amped up some cravings. I now have new cravings that I didn't know existed.
The Ugly:
Squats are killing my knee - Currently have to where a knee brace during workouts.
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