#Yielding to the Holy Spirit
garymillar · 11 months
When we let the Holy Spirit in, yield to Him, and let Him work in us according to Scripture, there is a tremendous richness and variety in our prayer life. This is what God wants for each one of us.
Derek Prince
The Holy Spirit in You
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bishopfgnl · 2 years
This is Part 2 of the Message Series Titled "Hindering The Holy Spirit." Please listen intently to see if you are hindering (quenching) the desired move on the Holy Spirit in your life.
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faithful-diaries · 1 year
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Dear Allah,
I pray for my future husband. I pray for his heart. May you continue to mature him and reveal yourself to him in mighty ways. I pray that he would love you passionately. May you and him have an incredibly deep relationship. I pray he is willing to open his heart to you. I pray he comes to you in prayer and is vulnerable about the things he is facing in his life. I pray he relies on you for help and guidance. Fill him with your wisdom. I pray a blessing over his heart. I also pray for protection. Please remove any temptation or evil that is attempting to make him fall, get hurt, or turn from you. Guard his heart and cover him with your peace. If there are any situations or circumstances that cause him pain, I pray that you would heal him. Make his heart whole. I pray my future husband would have a strong understanding of who you are and how you are moving in his life. I pray his heart is full of discernment and is sensitive to your holy spirit. I pray he is willing to address his emotions and doesn't push them away. Soften his heart so that he is always willing to yield to you in humbleness. I also pray that he would embrace all that you have for him and that he is passionate to serve you joyfully. May you continue to experience intimacy with him. I pray he loves you with all of his heart, all of his soul, all of his mind and all of his strength. May you unite us in the best way and make each other a way of getting closer to you.
Allahumma ameen💌
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nerdygaymormon · 28 days
Dude, being trans is not natural. Get over yourself and stop being an apostate.
"For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man..." - Mosiah 3:19
According to the Book of Mormon, I guess being "natural" makes you an enemy, and makes trans men allies of God.
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lovergirlforjesus · 1 month
my posts are not sexual, they are about love and if you have a porn/borderline nudity blog interacting with my account, please seek Jesus. (He loves you and He is Lord.)
i believe in waiting until marriage and the biblical truth that lust is a sin. lust is the counterfeit for love. i believe in traditional, innocent love that becomes additionally sexual with marriage. i do not believe women are sexual objects within traditional love. just wanted to clear that up.
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on lust:
Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22)
But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:28-30)
Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.(1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity, as you would your own sisters. (1 Timothy 5:2)
on sex within marriage:
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:3)
on love:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
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robo-milky · 4 months
Sometimes, you feel like you’re being watched.
The burning gaze of a person unknown, drilling its way into your back, staring into your very soul. It used to make you uneasy, wary, even. Yet you tried your very best not to show it.
Turning around discreetly around every corner, peeking from the corner of your eye. Stealing glances at shadowed nooks and crannies, trying to pinpoint the source of your unease. Remarkably, you’ve never seen anyone, even after all this time.
Not even the smallest glimpse of fabric, or a wayward footprint. Sighing to yourself, you resume your journey. Most stalkers tend to get conceited by now. They think they’re ever so sly, that they let down their guard. They get a little cocky, if to put in it such crude terms.
Unfortunately this stalker seems to be rather skilled in their profession. Despite your annoyance, you find yourself grudgingly admiring the ability of your wonderful little “friend”. Musing to yourself, you hum softly to yourself. A sweet little tune from the depths of your memory. You’ve heard it, somewhere before, but the memory seems determined to evade you.
“À la claire fontaine m'en allant promener
J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle que je m'y suis baignée.”
(As I was walking by the clear fountain,
I found the water so lovely I had to bathe.)
You pause, struggling to remember the next line. Only to hear another voice humming softly along with you. The same sweet little tune in a deep, passionate voice.
“ (refrain) Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublierai”
((refrain) I've loved you for so long, I will never forget you)
The voice had the richness of fine wine, yet there was something gravelly about it. It intoxicated you, creeping deep into your heart. A siren’s voice, you mused. A wonderful sound that was simply music to your ears.
You could curl up right next to the singer and listen forever, until your body rotted away. It was mesmerising, enchanting… spiriting you away from the present like a prince in a fairy tale.
While you were lost in your thoughts, you felt a warm breath, waft against the nape of your neck. Before a pair of soft lips pressed against it, gentle and tender. A kiss, like one a gentleman would yield towards a fine lady.
A soft chuckle was laughed as your skin flushed pink, before another kiss was pressed into your skin. But like the meek light from a sunset, the sensation was gone all too soon.
A weight pressed into your shoulder. Turning around, you see a flash of blonde, before those soft, gentle lips press against yours, capturing them in a lovely kiss. A greedy one, where he took every last bit of your air from your lungs like some depraved beast.
Yet the feeling… wasn’t totally unpleasant.
In the middle of it all, you catch a raspy whisper, words spoken ever so softly, just for your ears alone.
“Happy Birthday, Cloche dear.”
Anyways happy birthday from the mage of misery🫶 wishing you a great one!!!!
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash]
UWAHHHHHH CERUUUUUUU WHAT IS THIS- CLOCHE SINGING ONLY FOR ROOK TO CONTINUE AT THE RIGHT TIME??? THE PECKS BEFORE THE MAIN EVENT?? AND THE FACT THAT THEY FINALLY KISS ON THE LIPS- I’M GONNA LOSE IT- Oof this feels like watching those really long TV shows and finally getting to watch the will-they-won’t-they couple finally get together 😭😭
Ig it’s canon now that Cloche has French nursery songs drilled into her head from Canadian elementary- they pop in there at the worst times (as someone who was once in a half French immersion school- the war flashbacks are real-) But in all seriousness I just love this detail??? I will never not be salty that we were robbed of Rook singing more
Ofc Rook goes out of his way to tail Cloche instead of going to the party like normal people 😩 What is so special that it just can’t be shown to others??? Show off PDA, cowardly huntsman- assert dominance like an alpha— 👁️👁️ /j
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this!! This will now forever be my brainrot- Like holy— I can feel this in my soul, hear it, see it-
Schedule’s tight now but one day….
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trustinsighters · 6 months
Aymeric's Actions & Battle Quotes
Support NPC Name: Aymeric
Expansion: 3.X (Heavensward)
Job/Class Name: Lord Commander
Roles: Tank and DPS (both listed as Gladiator)
Duty Support: Yes (Patch 3.3 Lv.60 Sohr Khai)
Trust: No
Tank & Dps
Fast Blade: deals single target damage.
Riot Blade: deals single target damage; Combo action: Fast Blade.
Rage of Halone: deals single target damage; Combo action: Riot Blade.
Glory of Halone: deals single target damage; uses Royal Authority animation.
Circle of Scorn: deals split AoE damage (circle); Executed after: Glory of Halone.
Dull Blade: deals single target damage; uses Goring Blade animation.
Spirits Without: deals single target damage; uses Spirits Within animation; Executed after: Dull Blade.
Phoenix Down: revives the support NPC healer if they have been incapacitated; out of combat use only.
Iron Will: tank stance.
Feral Charge: rushes to target; increases enmity.
Provoke: increases enmity.
Noble Blade: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity; uses Total Eclipse animation.
Wrath of Halone: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity; Combo action: Noble Blade.
Sentinel: reduces damage taken; Duration: 15s.
Rampart: reduces damage taken; Duration: 20s.
Reprisal: reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies; seems to use it only during boss fights; Duration: 10s.
Noble Spirit: deals single target damage; uses Holy Spirit animation.
Excellence: invuln; uses Hallowed Ground animation.
DPS Only
LB1 Braver: deals single target damage.
LB2 Bladedance: deals single target damage.
Battle Quotes
Feral Charge
[EN] There! [JP] 隙ありッ! [DE] Hinfort aus Ishgard! [FR] Encaisse donc ça !
Excellence / Low Health (1)
[EN] We must stand together! [JP] 押されている!? [DE] Langsam wird es eng .../ Nichts aufgeben! (2) [FR] Nous perdons du terrain!/ Aide-moi, Halone. (3)
Rage of Halone
[EN] You underestimate me! [JP] 甘く見るなよッ! [DE] Seht euch vor! [FR] Tu me sous-estimes !
Glory of Halone
[EN] It ends here! [JP] 受けてもらおうッ! [DE] Noch nicht genug? [FR] C'en est fini !
Spirits Without
[EN] Down with you! [JP] 仕留めるッ! [DE] Nun ist Schluss! [FR] Venez vous battre, pleutres ! (4)
LB1: Braver
[EN] This knight does not yield! [JP] これが騎士の意地だッ! [DE] Nun ist Schluss! [FR] Tu l'auras voulu !
LB2: Bladedance
[EN] For Ishgard! [JP] 我が友のためにッ! [DE] Für einen wahren Freund! [FR] Pour Ishgard !
Battle Sounds
[DE] Nimm das! [FR] Prends ça !
Pain Sounds
[JP] チィッ… [DE] Verflucht!
[EN] Damn it all... [JP] 腕が落ちていた…か… [DE] Ich habe versagt. [FR] J'ai failli...
Revived (5)
[EN] It isn't over yet! [JP] まだ、終わりにはさせない…! [DE] Ich werde es nicht hier enden lassen ... [FR] Je ne tomberai pas aussi facilement !
Aymeric hasn't any Character Selection quote.
(1) Low Health line is the same as Excellence line with the exception that the voice doesn't play. Speech balloon only.
(2) Audio and speech balloon text don't match. Audio: "Nichts aufgeben!"; Balloon: "Langsam wird es eng ...".
(3) Audio and speech balloon text don't match. Audio: "Aide-moi, Halone."; Balloon: "Nous perdons du terrain!".
(4) Audio doesn't play.
(5) Revived quote isn't dubbed. Speech balloon only.
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orcboxer · 2 months
The holy trinity is actually one entity that rapidly cycles through 3 forms. If you match the shutter speed of a camera to the length of the trinity cycle, you can take a video that makes the body of god appear to remain in one form continuously, which some monks find humorous.
Due to the body of God being "wicked bright" (Moses et al), the trinity has a sort of stroboscopic effect that can cause epileptic seizures. The Holy Spirit has also been known to cause seizures of a divine nature, however, making exposure to the trinity an unreliable diagnostic method for epilepsy.
Applications for timekeeping remain dubious, as minor fluctuations in the cycling rate have been recorded, each documented case noting that the changes occurred at irregular intervals. Explanations for this behavior range from anomalous temporal distortions, to minute changes in the laws of time, to God "just fucking with us." Prayers to the entity regarding the fluctuations have yielded predictably vague responses, the most helpful of which being, "Nobody shall know the day or the hour," which was strangely presented not as a prediction related to the second coming of Christ but rather as a moral commandment. Research is ongoing.
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dvchvnde · 2 months
excerpt. Father John Price x the hapless anti-Catholic he plans on wife-ing in the name of the lord.
bad touch with a rosary. distorting bible passages to snag himself a wife. blood of the sacrament. warrior of god John Price. Bastardized religious imagery. catholic corruption. catholic: guilt trauma horror despair
“You're wrong,” you're saying, but it's behind glass. Stuck inside of a snow globe. There's cotton in your ears. Your conviction is shaky. “You can't just do this—”
He seems to consider the weight of your words, pressing them flat between his teeth. Testing their hardiness. Their resilience. 
Then: Price bites down. They crack. Shatter. 
“I can,” is his decisive reply, entrenched so deeply in his own hubris it sounds like a full sermon in two syllables. “Because this is the will of God—”
He trails the beads of the rosary up your thigh. His knuckles are blanched white. Palm clenched so tightly around the metal cross that it digs into his skin, making him bleed. 
Something wet, molten, falls on your skin. You try not to shiver. The beads drag his blood along your flesh. A stain. A smear.
He sees it and hums. “the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and the three agree as one.”
You scoff to hide the tremor under your skin, and rake your nails across the thin membrane of your memories, your loose knowledge of the bible and its apocryphal stories until they are torn, shredded. It's there, in the harsh press of your desperation, the words he once rasped in the quiet of an endlessly black night, broken and shattered beyond repair, brim. 
Vindictively, you grab at them with broken fingers. 
“But God said to me, 'You shall not build a house for my name, because you are a man of war, and have shed blood.”
Price doesn't still in the way most might when having their own, broken vulnerability thrown into their face. Hot oil to fragile flesh. 
He has too much pyretic energy inside of him for that. 
But he does slow. 
The hand crawling up your thigh becomes rigid. Glacial. The same frigid bergschrund in his stormy eyes. For a moment, brief and fleeting but so terrifyingly tangible, you think he might just strangle you. His hands twitch. The Rosary beads clang together.
He doesn't. Price's eyes flutter shut. He takes a deep, shuddering breath through his nose, nostrils flaring. 
And then—
Peace. Calmness. Docile waters. 
When he opens them again, you see the eerie glow of a predator lurking below the surface. 
When he speaks, you know it's over. 
“Praise be to the lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” And if only for your benefit, he leans in close, lips brushing your cheek, and growls: “Blessed is your discretion, and blessed are you, that have kept me this day from bloodguiltiness, and from avenging myself with my own hand.”
It's a promise. A warning. A threat. 
The perfect panoply of this strange egotheism that gives him the right to shepherd you into a disciple. His saviour-god complex when he looks at you bleeds through. Unquenchable, and burning with the fever of obsession.
He will save you. This is absolute. 
But his version of salvation is having you beneath him, worshipping the human flesh he proffers like a gift for you to kiss. 
Consumption, you think, suddenly. Ravenous desire. He wants to feast on your sins until they fill his barren stomach, turning the weight of their perceived evil into permanent scripture, holy and good, on his flesh. Until you're devoured whole, and regurgitated into his most devoted idolater. 
You fight a shiver when the beads drop into the valley of your legs, squeezing them tight when they pool in the basin where your thigh meets cloth-covered mons. 
Above you, he rumbles. “There’s a simplicity to war. Attacking is the only secret. Dare—and the world yields. How quickly they forget that all it takes to change the course of history is the will of a single man. I fought hard to make a difference and realised one thing: the only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes is someone to light the match.”
You’re not sure where he’s going with this, but considering the nature of his bastardised soliloquy, you can only guess. That night, when he revealed the nature of his sudden piousness following a life chasing wars in countries unknown to you. Places buried in smoke.
Found god in those trenches, he said. 
And you wondered what sort of god would set foot in a place like that. 
“Spent a long time in war. A lifetime.”
His hand drops, bloodied fingers pressing against the seam where his Rosary beads rest. 
When he looks at you, you find madness coloured blue. 
“But dove?” He rasps, swallows down a groan when your thighs tremble under his heavy hand. He looks at you with a renewed vigour. A purpose. “My war ends with you.” 
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mk-oc-imagines · 9 months
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Pairing: EvilTitan!Bi-Han x Johnny Cage | ColdStar
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1
Rating: Mature
Tags: Major Character D*ath, Angst, Hurt & Comfort, Non-Consensual touching and marking, Implied character d*ath
Parts: One-Shot
His frozen minions bring the struggling actor into his own personal quarters, the actor spitting obscenities and cursing them to Netherrealm and back, being unceremoniously thrown down on the floor, his minions leaving and shutting the door behind them.
This, Johnny Cage, stares at him defiantly, brown eyes full of life and emotions and a warm dagger of pain twists in Bi-Han's ice cold heart, slowly walking towards his captive, taking off his gloves and mask. Sub-Zero circles his captive taking in every visible detail, cold finger tips touching a warm cheek and Johnny flinches away, but Sub-Zero is undetered, trailing over exposed skin, running his fingers trough hair that are not deathly white.
Sub-Zero's white yes meet brown ones - there's still the steely defiance but now there's fear - and Johnny Cage tenses, awaiting whatever is coming in next.
Sub-Zero picks him up by the collar of his uniform, presses him against the wall and kisses him. Johnny Cage fights, bucking his body to try and shove him off, turning his head away to escape the unwanted kisses, but it only gives Sub-Zero more warm skin to map and when Bi-Han finally captures Johnny's lips in a kiss, Johnny fights harder, biting at Bi-Han's lips until he draws blood, trying to knee Bi-Han anywhere he can.
But eventually....Johnny finds out that fighting is futile and Bi-Han's heart sings.
Although the previous alternation between them didn't go without a fight and Johnny found out that it did not matter how much he fought, it did not amount to anything.
But his fighting spirit was not broken.
A bruise was forming on Bi-Han's jaw from the punch he had recieved from Johnny when he untied his hands to tie them at the front and to take off his upper armor, but was quickly subdued with an ice dagger to the throat and a believable threat whispered into his ear.
They were laying down on the sheets of Bi-Han's king sized bed, the two of them spooning, Bi-Han having a nice view of Johnny's near perfect back, running his fingers over them, his arms and neck, rewarding Johnny with gentle love bites and kisses, for being good to him but all the good thinks must come to an end.
Bi-Han felt his powers stirring, the slight tingling sensation alerted him to an upcoming danger. Tilting Johnny's head towards him, Bi-Han seals their lips in a slow, languid kiss - Bi-Han didn't mind that Johnny was unresponsive to it. He would make him his soon enough.
On his way out of the room, Bi-Han collected his gloves and mask, picking up the discarded Johnny's discarded armor, freezing it and shattering it against the wall.
Johnny won't need it in the future after everything is done.
Sub-Zero walks past his lined up minions, his Johnny Cage at the front, blue eyes staring into nothing, skin frost bitten. Sub-Zero takes off his mask and presses his lips to Johnny's - they no longer yield.
Johnny can hear the commotion outside, rolling over onto his other side to face the door, Johnny waits for his captor to come in, to snatch him up once again and take him somewhere where his friends won't find him.
The door pursts open and Johnny flinches, looking up at -
Johnny bursts into tears, covering his face with his hands, too overwhelmed to do anything. He can't look at himself, how he looks to Syzoth, hiccuping out a sob.
Syzoth is by his side in a second, breaking his chains and wrapping him in a thin sheet. "Johnny, we have to go, quick, quick!"
Syzoth is pulling out of the bed and Ashrah is there too - when did she come into the room? - helping him up and they guide him trough the corridors, thankfully not encountering any of Titan Sub-Zero's minions.
Ashrah is silent, Syzoth is telling him that everything will be alright and Johnny wants to just shut his brain off.
Sub-Zero is defeated.
Johnny feels as if a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders and he ugly cries in the safety of Wu Shi Academy, trying to muffle his wailing into a pillow.
A concerned monk enters his room, checking over his injuries, thinking that it got worse and trough gentle words, soft 'May I's, guides him to the hot spring and trough hazy mind, Johnny sinks into the water, mind going a mile a minute but at the same time not, after a while, Johnny finds himself relaxing into the water and against better judgment, Johnny closes his eyes.
A shocked gasp is what wakes him up, Raiden standing there with a tray of food intended for him, Raiden's eyes looking over his marked body and Johnny covers himself, sinking into the water, feeling violated in more ways than one.
"Johnny, I apologise, I-"
"Get out!"
Raiden murmurs an apology, leaving the tray near the hot spring and scurrying out without a second glance, looking down on the ground.
And Johnny weeps, sobs muffling into his hand, mind not comprehending why it was him.
"When we defeated Titan Sub-Zero, it was your name he called, Johnny Cage." Ashrah says softly as she checks over his healed marks.
"Mine? Or my frozen counterpart."
Ashrah pauses and Johnny looks at her. "I saw my other self, Ashrah. I looked...dead."
"Johnny Cage..."
Ashrah pulls him into a hug, Johnny resting his head on her shoulder. "Did you see yourself too?"
"No, I did not. And for that, I am glad. But for you-"
"I don't want pity, Ashrah. I'm doing mostly fine now, thanks to therapy and great support system." Pulling back, Johnny collected his shirt, sighing softly.
"I just want to leave that event of my life behind."
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its-avalon-08 · 8 months
lando norris x reader part3
part 3 guys <3 themes- enemies to lovers flirty interactions female Formula1 driver
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Chapter 3 - Champagne and Shadows
The lights went out, and the world exploded. Screams ripped through the stands as 20 machines clawed for supremacy, tires shrieking and engines roaring in a symphony of chaos. Y/N's heart hammered in her chest, a metronome keeping time with the frenetic dance of the race.
She fought her way through the pack, adrenaline sharpening her instincts. Max, unsurprisingly, took the lead early, pushing the RB19 to its limits. Y/N hung on, her car a shadow mirroring his every move. Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz followed, forming a fierce Ferrari duo.
Lap after lap, the battle raged. Overtakes were executed with surgical precision, defenses held with gritted teeth. Y/N felt the car sing beneath her fingers, responding to her every command. She pushed, defying expectations, refusing to yield.
But Max was untouchable. He crossed the finish line first, the roar of the crowd a deafening victory chorus. Y/N followed mere seconds behind, a grin splitting her face despite the bittersweet taste of second place. "HOLY FUCK L/N! P2!! P2 BABY!! WE LOVE YOU, WE FUCKING LOVE YOU". The RedBull team was going crazy over her headset. As she pulled into the pit lane, she was met with a wave of euphoria. Mechanics cheered, engineers patted her back, and Carlos Sainz, ever the gentleman, sprayed her with a celebratory shower of champagne.
Charles joined the revelry, soaking Y/N in fizzy congratulations. Max, still strapped into his car, winked from across the pit lane. In that moment, Y/N felt a surge of warmth amidst the adrenaline. This wasn't just a race; it was a shared experience, a camaraderie forged in fire and asphalt.
Then, from the corner of her eye, she saw him. Lando. He stood amongst the crowd, silent and sullen, a dark cloud of jealousy swirling around him. His fists were clenched, his jaw tight with suppressed frustration. Y/N's smile faltered for a moment, a shard of ice piercing the celebratory warmth.
She knew Lando's competitive spirit ran deep, but this… this was something else. It was a darkness she hadn't seen before, a flicker of something she couldn't quite place.
The podium ceremony followed, a blur of flashing lights and champagne showers. Y/N stood beside Max and Charles, the three of them basking in the adulation of the crowd. As she held the sparkling trophy, she couldn't help but glance towards Lando again. He was gone, vanished into the shadows of the stands, leaving only a lingering unease in his wake. "Where
The first race was over, a victory for Max, a triumph for Y/N, and a silent storm brewing in the heart of her childhood rival. The season had just begun, and Y/N knew, with a chilling certainty, that the real battle was yet to come. It wouldn't just be on the track; it would be a fight for hearts and minds, a clash of ambitions fueled by something darker than mere competition.
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Beatrice and Ava return to the Swiss Alps often over the many years they spend together. It’s where they fell in love, and the snowcapped mountains remind them of what life was like back then, what they were to each other, what they were on the cusp of becoming.
They buy a house there, barely bigger than the apartment they shared on their first visit (the incognito one), an old mattress dipping under two sets of weight. They go back in every season, in any weather.
In the winter, Beatrice teaches Ava to ski, and Ava looks like Bambi on ice, legs akimbo and knocking knees – but full of breathless laughter and a tireless, dogged spirit that yields an impressive learning curve, that Beatrice adores her for.
In the spring, they hike through the mountains and smell fresh life bursting in the air, sweet relief after all the love and loss and holy wars.
In the summertime, they reminisce: Those hazy nights at the bar, sweet as lemon drops and long after closing, stacking chairs and wiping tables and giggling at one thousand and one kinds of inside jokes. Those sharp blue days lying lazily by the pool, or running through the pines with exhilarating winds in their hair.
In autumn they watch the changing leaves with spicy mugs of hot mulled wine and their fingers interlaced.
And Ava gushes (how lucky are we?) because she’s been to hell and back more than once, but now she gets to visit beautiful places with her beautiful girl. And Beatrice marvels (how lucky we are) at all the twists and turns that led them here, not God’s plan but a plain and simple truth: That she would one day have the good fortune to call Ava Silva her wife.
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pampanope · 10 months
Graves Headcanons from Shadows’ POV (Part 2):
Part 1
((hello hello again, more written stuff~))
7-11 sat in his quarters trying to decide which polaroid of the Commander he’d donate to the Graves Manual.
Would it be one of him mid-stretch, wearing knee-high compression socks and thigh length shorts? Maybe.
Or maybe the one with Graves slumped over his office desk, hair askew, drool leaking out of a parted mouth? A lot of potential there, a sleeping Graves is always cute appreciated.
How ‘bout the closeup of the Commander’s face, hair mussed by the wind, head tilted down, one side of his mouth quirked up playfully to expose a prominent canine, piercing steel eyes staring dead on at the camera full of challenge and—
Actually, fuck, no, 7-11’s keeping that one.
But also…
Did Graves know i was up in that tree? From that distance? The whole time? Or was it coincidence and he just happened to look in that one tree’s direction? What the fuck—he’s never—he looked at me—
7-11 took a deep breath and shuddered (out of fear or excitement?).
Right, probably just a coincidence; no way he’s caught on to my personal game, a game that’s been going on for months.
He would’ve said something by now, right?
Deciding to make a choice at a later date, he turned to his most pressing matter of the evening.
Zorro (9-24) had cornered him after evening chow, his brows all furrowed and mouth pursed in displeasure. He shoved a handful of stained loose leaf paper into his chest and said:
“Rewrite, retype, I don’t care, redo your coffee stained shit, sleepy cachorro, or I’ll let the new recruits know that their favorite, cool, mysterious Lt. is actually a slob of the highest degree.”
7-11 could only blink lazily as he was booped in the snoot with more force than called for, before the Brazilian swiftly power walked down the hallway.
That was hours ago.
Now those entries sat there on his desk and taunted him.
Well I can’t have the adorable receuits go around spreading that slander, he thought, knowing he thrived on their regard as much as he craved the Commander’s attention.
Sighing, 7-11 grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and began to write.
• The Commander had a gift for people in general that was uncanny.
• Graves, after spending just enough time with someone, knew which buttons to push, what switches to pull, and which gears he’d need to grease or sabotage within that person to get his desired outcome.
•He can easily gauge the emotional state of his Shadows as individuals or as a whole. His pre-mission pep-rallies (for there is no better word for them) got their spirits up and blood boiling. Graves effortlessly grabs their attention and holds it in a tight grip.
(It was, 7-11 thought, so nice to have a boss who made an effort for you and from the scribbles along the margins, other Shadows agreed)
• This gift for people offered other advantages in the Commander’s line of work.
• He can get a basic grasp of a person’s capabilities or weaknesses through observation and intuition and decide if they’re worth his time. And his estimations were accurate far too often (Extremely useful when ‘recruiting’ in the field…)
(What does Graves see when he looks at me)
• it was akin to having a faded map that showed how best to navigate negotiations and dealings with adversaries, whether in business or combat; Graves intuitively knew when to apply pressure, how to bluff effectively, when threats were necessary, and if honeyed words wrapped in his southern drawl would yield better results.
(That last one was quite effective. Unfairly effective.)
• It’s always a goddamn pleasure to witness the Commander leverage his cards over the target. The smug, triumphant look he wore if his efforts were met with success was exquisite.
•As sure as the Commander’s grin hides a pair of wicked canines, so, too, does this empathy of his. It’s been honed into a weapon that, when turned on his enemies, can be deadly.
• Weaponized empathy.
(Holy hell, the Commander turned a typical Piscean trait into a weapon
Yeah I bribed a newbie in HR for that bit of info so ssshhhhh
Lil shit wont give me the Commanders bday. Yet.
Lemme at ‘em, I’ll make ‘em talk ;))
• It makes him a master manipulator and it’s an oft overlooked skill of Graves; most would look first at his experience in the USMC, MARSOC, and the weapons on his person to determine weapon proficiencies (haha tough luck, he’s proficient at multiple types of firearms and yeet-able objects).
•It’s allowed him to claw his way to success, tango with the rich elite that made up his client base, negotiate contracts with governments, traverse the murky waters that was life as a mercenary
• and safely guide his Shadow Company through it all.
(and always be ready to have the Commanders back should shit go pear shaped because NOTHING is ever certain)
• The Commander maxed out his Charisma stat
7-111 chuckled softly at the surprise addition because yeah, Graves certainly did.
The officers in the D&D club gave after action reports that read like epic campaigns. Fucking beautiful.
7-11 decided to keep the little addition.
With that finished, he stacked the newly revised manual entries, shredded and dumped the originals, and swore to himself he’d apologize to Zorro in the morning for making the other Lieutenant spend some of his personal time tracking him down in the first place.
Hopefully he won’t send Peaches after his ass.
His ass and dignity haven’t yet recovered from the last session with that massive brute.
After shutting off the light, 7-11 flopped into his mattress, nuzzled into his cool pillow and drifted off to sleep to dreams of sharp teeth and steel eyes.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 2 months
Drought Of Itchy Ears
+ 1 Corinthians 6:14 And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.
+ 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
READ TIME: 9 Minutes & 54 Seconds
  This week, we glazed over the topic deceit: what is deceit? Webster's Dictionary says it means behavior deliberately intended to make people believe something untrue. One morning, while praying, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me this is one of the many spirits sweeping across this earth: deceit. He said people want pastors and teachers who will misrepresent the truth; they don’t want people who are grounded in the word. They want people that look or play the role, but that’s it, and when people meet people that won't misrepresent it, they don’t care to listen to it because you're in the last and evil days; people want teachers that will give them things for their itchy ears.
 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
    He said when these people hear the truth of what they are doing, they get angry because they know the truth is there, but they don’t want to hear it. They either pretend like it's not there or yield to God. He said people in this world yield to a lie, quicker then to the truth. He said Lui walked in the truth and teach the truth.
  2 Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
   It says here , that there will be lovers of themselves. They will love themselves so much that they won't care about what's happening in their lives, whether right or wrong. Many of us know we are wrong and need God's strength, but some people feel that no matter what, they're right, and everyone else is wrong, including God. The Bible even says that some of them will have a form of godliness.
   That means they will be lukewarm Christians or not believers at all; they have their agenda. They will walk around thinking they know what is right, but they aren’t; they have no power and no access to God because they are too busy making themselves feel correct; the bible says don’t dabble around with these people; don’t be friends with them don’t talk to them don’t try to correct them beware if they aren’t listening to God why would they listen to you, so leave them be,
  Verse 7: always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.
     These people you will see will always be reading, studying, and seeking things of knowledge, but knowledge won't be given to them because they don’t want the truth. They want a form of knowledge to seem like they are seeking Christ, and they are seeking another opportunity, another door to open that isn’t the truth; these same people will have a veil over their eyes; we talked about the veil, this veil is placed over the eyes of people that are not ready to accept the truth.
 2 Corinthians 3:14-16 But their minds were made dull, for the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed because it is only taken away in Christ. Even today, when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts.  But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
    See, their minds are dull, and the only way it's removed is by Christ, but when they turn to God, the veil will be taken away; God isn’t going to reveal himself to anyone who won't accept the truth; the deceitful person is always going to deny the power of God because they don’t want anyone telling them they are wrong with their mindset, their that they are wrong with their actions because if they listen and obtain the power of truth just for a minute, they will be offended, the people of this world is very offended quickly.
   That’s why if you ask some people if they have read their bible and not just GLAZE-OVER IT BUT TRULY READ over it. They’ll tell you no because we won’t find any error when we just read over it, BUT when we genuinely study the word. There's no room for maybes. There is no room for nothing because the bible doesn’t give us any wiggle room, and when we proclaim to be the sons and daughters of Christ, we must accept what Jesus says and what he's saying today. Deceit is something that is sweeping this country because people either accept something they don’t understand or listen to someone that doesn't make sense because then they DON’T have to accept the word of God.
 Verse 17: Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
   Friends, it is freedom in the word of God. There is truth in it, and when we put on the armor of God or read the word of God, we will see that we can be set free from our sins. Many people want to be told it is okay to do this, it is okay to do that and blame this for this sin, but sin is sin. If you dabble in sin, you must let go of it or confess it quickly. When we don’t do either, we will stay deceived by everyone who tells us it is okay to do this, and they define it as okay to sin, and it is not okay to let sin stay active in our lives. We must deny the power of sin has over us and accept the truth of God!
    This week, we talked about how anything will slow down the anointing, and one of the reasons is that we have sin in our lives; the anointing won't flow in our lives with sin. We can think he will let it remain, but friends; he won't. God will remove this. He doesn’t have to let us keep it. Look at Saul; Saul had the kingdom snatched from his hands because he was disobedient. He was stripped of God’s anointing, and if we are going to continue in the lifestyle of sin, we will be stripped of it.
    We will have moments in our lives that we will go through, and sometimes, God wants us to be silent. Many of us can't be silent for 5 minutes, but God calls us to sit and wait for him to tell us when to speak and defend ourselves. We can't get so offended that we start talking when God says silence; the bible says, "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” The Lord will fight for us. All we must do is sit silent. God doesn’t want us to be a punching bag or a doormat, but he does want us to remain quiet in some situations so that he can protect us and make the situation right. If we are fussing, fighting, and doing everything else, we will permanently lose until we sit silent.
   One last thing we will discuss this week is vows or oaths—our no needs to be a no. We must live a lifestyle where people know we are telling the truth when they hear us speak. They don’t have to say to us do you swear; we should be at the place in our lives if we say no; people know we mean it, and if we say yes, they know we mean that too. To live this way is to live in a way that professes God. Don’t allow what people do or say to taint what you represent with God; our mouths need to be the salt of the earth, not the destruction of words.
 ***Today, we learned about deceit and how when we want to hear half the truth or no truth at all, we are trying to protect our feelings, but the Bible is meant to hurt your feelings; it’s meant to penetrate your heart and change us, and show us what we DON’T need in our life, have you ever had a plant that plant only grows when we pouring water and fertilizing it, but when we over water a plant we can also kill the plant see sometimes we don’t have to use poison to kill anything sometimes it’s the small thing we don’t realize that can kill it.
  A lot of times, what keeps people in sin, whether have someone pour deceit into their lives or want someone to give them what they DON’T need, than to hear they DON’T need it, but every time we read the word, it’s pouring what we need into our lives, it’s pouring more joy into our lives, it pours more knowledge into our lives. Still, when we refuse to accept it, we die spiritually. Don’t let your itchy ears lead you to spiritual death. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you for today; thank you for life, health, and strength; lord, forgive us if we whether hear the falseness; then your truth helps us accept the truth and your will and way. Lord, we love you so much for everything; we ask you to give us strength and your love. Lord, help us to be more like you every day in Jesus Name, amen
+ Galatians 4:16 Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
+ Luke 6:26: “Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.
+ Jeremiah 5:31 the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priest’s rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?
Proverbs 10
Leviticus 10
Joshua 22
2 Samuel 19
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wisdomfish · 1 year
By the Holy Spirit He forms in us His own life, leading us to walk in the way that pleases Him best, not following our own desires and wishes, but His; yielding to Him our will and obeying His instruction.
F.B. Meyer
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walkswithmyfather · 8 months
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‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:18‬ ‭(NIV‬‬). “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16‭-‬18‬ ‭(NIV‬‬). “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭(NIV‬‬). “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:8‭-‬13‬ ‭NLT‬‬). “...your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.”
“Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Spirit, for such things as God has promised.”—John Bunyan
Friend, keep praying! Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌!
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