#Yeah this AU was made soley for me
louellaby · 11 months
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May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass @kaiserkisser @hhurric4ne @amberheavendremurr @yu-ulda @bk-4-trash-fire
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「 Happy Birthday, Dear Lady Soley 」
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The day arrived when everyone was to surprise Soley for her birthday. It became a huge surprise indeed when an unexpected storm came to greet her as well. The winds were lashing; trees were almost to the point of snapping in half. The rain kept pouring. One could barely see through it.
Needless to say, the lady was not happy.
"I'm sorry we couldn't hold your party outside just as we planned, Soley.."
"Yeah, we even set up a treasure hunt since you love those... but I think all the clues are now either soaked by the rain or blown away by the harsh wind."
"They're definitely gone by now if the trees could barely keep themselves grounded."
The girl was standing near the window, back faced towards the brothers who worried about her continued silence. She pressed her hand against the glass, eyes never leaving the scene outside. The brothers noticed the scowl on her face from her faint reflection. It seemed like she was cursing the rain, the wind, and everything else. Including them.
"Soley?" Lucifer took the steps none of his brothers dared, and he placed a hand on the girl's head. She slowly looked up at him after a minute, frown gone and replaced with a teary expression.
"Lucifer," she croaked, "... is my birthday ruined now? Are we not going to celebrate it anymore?"
The demon's brows twitched before he stroked her head ever so gently; just as he did to someone else all those months ago.
"I will speak with Diavolo and see what we can do. Don't worry, Soley. We will make sure you get your special day."
Soley wiped away the tears from her eyes and showed the eldest a slight smile.
"Thank you, Luci."
Some of the brothers exchanged glances, which Soley didn't pick up on. Lucifer was hiding them well from her view. He smiled back at her with a nod before giving orders to his brothers to behave themselves and take care of Soley until his return from the castle. No one argued with him about going through the storm despite its severity. They all knew it needed to happen.
"A faraway mansion?!"
Lucifer has returned from the Demon Lord's Castle to the House of Lamentation, bearing good news for Soley, who jumped in surprise upon hearing them.
"Yes, that's right," Lucifer nodded his head in response as his brothers offered him a towel to dry himself off. "Diavolo has built a vacation mansion months ago at the edge of the Devildom where he frequently tampers with the environment. There, he can guarantee that no foul weather will spoil your day."
"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go now before my birthday is over!"
Lucifer turned to his brothers and told everyone to pack their bags and meet back in the entrance hall. There was no arguing. Everyone did as they were told.
Upon arriving at the mentioned mansion, Soley was in awe. It wasn't enough for the building to be called a mansion as it looked more like a castle. The walls were made of bricks of the darkest colour, yet they give off a pearly shine when basked in the moon's glow. The moat around the structure was surprisingly clear and filled with rare fish that had the same hue as the moon. The inside of the building was beautifully decorated with banners, flags, and different kinds of flowers from all three worlds.
Soley loved every bit of it.
Except for a specific bloom displayed as the main theme of the beautiful arrangements in each and every vase. Its blue-ish hue irritated the lady for reasons unknown to her and the rest of the group.
"Lucifer," Soley called out to the demon. They were all walking around the halls to get themselves familiar with the layout. The six youngest brothers were walking ahead, talking amongst themselves.
Lucifer, with his arms crossed, turned his gaze from the beautiful paintings on the walls to the girl whose stare made him raise his eyebrow. "What is it?" He asked in wonder.
"While we were on our way here, you told us Lord Diavolo had the place decorated especially for our arrival, right?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"I'm quite certain I previously gave you a list of my favourite things, including my beloved types of flowers— and let me tell you, forget-me-nots are not one of them."
The Avatar of Pride looked to where the lady was pointing. He was about to open his mouth in reply until everyone stopped in their tracks when they reached the great hall. They all heard footsteps coming from the balcony just above the doors they had entered.
"Oh my, it's not polite to complain about decorations someone else worked on, my lady. Especially at a place you don't even own."
"But you seem to be satisfied with everything else, so you don't know how happy I am to know how much you're enjoying yourself."
The birthday girl's eyes widened in horror as soon as she heard the very same voice she dreaded ever hearing again.
Quickly spinning on her heels, she met the mocking gaze of another human. You.
"I wish you a happy birthday, dear Lady Soley."
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unfried-mouth-wheat · 4 years
Okay! First things first! FUCK PAKKU, HE’S OUT, KANNA AND HAMA ARE IN!
The White Lotus is a formerly famous band. There are still some hardcore fans but they’re pretty unknown as of late
Jet’s still a radical about Fire Nation, just not it’s people. I’ve decided that in this AU, all the kids’ outlets for their trauma and emotions is music, so they’re NOT child soldiers! This means that Jet is chill with the Fire Nation but DRESPISES they’re music. He likes The White Lotus cuz two out of three of the Fire Nation members agree (Jeong Jeong and Piandao). Anyways, Jet is one of the hardcore White Lotus fan. Cuz yes.
Azula is a goddess when it comes to stage makeup. Like, she makes everyone look so good that Zuko still gets a lot of fan girls, boys, and pals despite the Ponytail
Yue!!!!!!!!! She is a fairly small YouTube channel that does Lullaby covers of songs. Azula will deny any claims, but she 100% listens to every cover and lowkey has a crush on her
There’s this big Music Competition that’s being held in Caldera City. Winner gets their own album deal and considering that all of the three groups I’ve made so far are pretty small, this is a big deal. The album deal is being run by The White Lotus. They’re the judges.  (Plot twist, they all get officially endorsed albums)
Sokka and Suki are 100% dating and this is all great irl, but that means that a lot of the songs Momo and the Air Bison make sound like Momo and Appa are in love. Aang finds this hilarious and goes along with the narrative cuz love is love
Smellerbee got misgendered a lot after one of The Freedom Fighers larger shows, so Longshot and Jet responded by writing and preforming an entire song called “Fuck Ya Gender Norms” in dresses. It was a pretty bad song cuz they were just cramming all of their angry emotions into it but it is VERY popular with the girl they wrote it for.
As mentioned in the last Band AU post, Longshot does backup vocals. He’s not used to using his voice so much and one day made a post about how sore his throat was after any performance. Fans quickly started leaving different beverages and water bottles backstage with hand written notes for him. He appreciates it very much
Yue makes a guest appearance at one of the Flaming Oh’s shows and Azula almost cries (She gets her leather jacket signed by Yue. She never puts on a performance without it now)
A lot of people said that Toph was faking it when she played cuz ableism. In response, Momo and the Air Bison put on an entire performance where Toph was playing an acoustic guitar and was the only one playing any instrument.
Toph always gets a solo in almost every song, but each time it’s different, even if it’s the same song. It’s just how Toph rolls. This makes showing up to multiple performances very enticing for fans.
Katara wrote and preformed an entire song using nothing but her water bending. It’s the most popular song Momo and the Air Bison have ever released. 
Aang absolutely introduces himself as Katara’s Boyfriend first and Leader of Momo and the Air Bison second. He’s her forever boy
Katara posts combat videos on her YouTube channel. She get’s recorded doing a particularly strong suplex on Hahn after a sexist comment with Sokka cheering her on.
Kanna and Hama are a couple, btw
So are Jeong Jeong and Piandao cuz this is MY AU and I get to add whatever ships I want
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
so yes, I will be posting all of my old wips as they are (which is terribly written and unfinished) seeing as I don’t really write for svt anymore there doesn’t really seem to be any point in letting them rot in my google docs so I will be queuing them to post all throughout today. there are 8 of them, and they will all be tagged as ‘#wip.svt’ if anyone wants to blacklist it. thank you to @thepixelelf for the idea hehe
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
I don't know If you watch brooklyn 99, but Levi so much like Captain Holt? 😂😂
What about a crack funny scenario where the pregnant!reader is from levi squad and instead of going to the infirmary when her water breaks she just keeps working?
(Not necessarily romantic! levi x reader)
haha I love Brooklyn  99 and Parks and Rec and the office, all some of my faves. Pls send me more requests like this I adore these au’s/ comparisons  I find them so very hilarious and endearing. (This includes How I met your mother and Malcom in the Middle as well ) 
Summary: Even when you’re pregnant you work your tail off and it annoys the fuck out of Levi. 
Word Count: 1.3K
Levi had tried everything. He tried taking your keys from you, getting the whole office to stop drinking coffee, giving you easy assignments that could be done at home. All of this just to keep you out of the damn office. You had taken every obstacle thrown at you in stride, something he knew that you were capable of, since that was one of the reasons that he had picked you for his squad in the first place. So Levi peeked through the blinds of his office, Hange was sitting in his desk chair, spinning like a maniac behind him. 
“I’ve tried everything Hange, she just won’t fucking leave.” Levi growled as he watched you bounce on the exercise ball that Connie had gifted you a few months prior. 
“Yeah well she’s never going to listen to you. She’s weird about attendance you know.” Hange said as she swiveled in the chair. 
“I know I know.” Levi groaned, leaving the window to come shove Hange from his desk. 
“Go take her home.” Levi said as he shooed Hange from his office, fed up with the mutiny that was occurring within the office. 
“Nah she already ate like half of the break rooms supply. The beast is satisfied for now.” Hange objected as Levi pushed her to the door. 
“Then make something up I don’t care, just get her pregnant ass out of here.” He said pointing at the woman in question as she bounced on the ball. 
“Fine okay, just quite shoving me.” Hange huffed as she opened the door and fled to her own desk that was in the next room over, being a captain of her own squad, they had shoved both of them into the same bull pen. Forcing them to work closely together. Levi returned to his place at the window, where he could see the entire bull pen, it was only eleven in the morning, and you looked exhausted. He was sure that part of the reason that you were still even coming to work almost nine months pregnant was to prove a point to Eren, who had started a bet that you wouldn’t make it past five months. So now here you were looking miserable as you bounced on that stupid exercise ball. Mikasa was watching you like a hawk over the top of her computer screen. She had been one of the few officers to not partake in the bet, only focusing on your needs and how to best help you. Sasha was pawing through her desk drawer, where Levi knew that she kept contraband, aka snacks that were located outside of the break room. Connie was balancing a pencil on his upper lip as he stood by you, his hand held on your shoulder, clearly asking for your attention. Jean and Eren were starting to get rowdy, taking turns shoving one another as they argued. Hange came over to you and clearly asked you a question and you shook your head almost as soon as she opened her mouth. 
This was the first of many hints that something was wrong, you were a very patient person, even when it came to Hange. Levi began to pace as he considered how he could get you out of the office, he cared for you deeply. Even though he cared for all of his team he cared for you the most secretly. He had been surprised when you made the announcement that you were pregnant, having saved up to invest in a sperm donor, the office had been ecstatic with the news of a new baby. Levi was yanked from his daydream when a bellow echoed through the bull pen. He yanked his office door open and stood at the threshold, you were doubled over with your hands on your knees. Connie as holding your shoulder, having abandoned his pencil to attend to you. Hange took a step back, eyes wide with shock at the sudden noise that you let out. 
“Wasn’t me!” Jean yelled, earning a high five from Eren as you whimpered, gripping your swollen stomach. 
“Jean, shut up.” Mikasa deadpanned as she rounded her desk and placed a soothing hand on your back as you began to do your breathing exercises. 
“Sorry Mikasa.” Jean said, also straightening up at the sight of his captain. 
“What the hell is all the racket about?” Levi growled, his grey eyes focused soley on you. 
“I’m fine. Just go back to work everybody.” You said dismissively, waving your wrist to play off the pain you were obviously in. 
“Stop lying. You’ve proved your point, just go to the damn hospital already.” Levi said, pushing Connie off of you to stand in his place. Connie looked at him in offense before going to grab your hospital bag that Eren had prepared for this very situation. 
“Captain’s orders.” Mikasa said sternly, looking up at Levi who couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pride in finding one of his officers who wasn’t out for blood today. 
“I’ll order a pizza!” Sasha said, standing up from her desk and snatching up the phone that was on her desk and pressing the speed dial, where she kept the pizza place’s number. 
“No, don’t it’s too early I think that-” another deep groan wracked your body. Levi growled and shooed Hange and the others away as he looked to Jean and pointed a finger at his chest. 
“Wheelchair. Now.” He said sternly and the young man whirled around and raced off to find you a wheel chair. You groaned and shook your head, breathing becoming more erratic by the minute. 
“It’s fine Levi, I’m okay, it’s not time yet.” you protested as he placed a firm hand on your shoulder. 
“Stop being so damn stubborn and just fucking go to the hospital.” Levi scolded as he helped you to your feet as Jean raced back into the room with the wheelchair. He helped you sit down, his nerves on fire at the pinched expression on your face and the beads of sweat rolling off of your temple. 
“Will you come with me? My mom won’t be able to fly in fast enough.” You said, catching his wrist in your clammy hands. After a beat of considering, Levi turned to Hange and pointed at her. 
“You’re in charge while I’m gone, I’ll call in with updates soon.” He said to appease the crowd as he pushed you out of the door and towards his car. Even if the baby wasn’t his and you weren’t his girlfriend, Levi vowed to care for you and the child as if that were the case. You sill held his hand as he pushed the wheelchair, and Levi knew then, that there would be no getting over you. 
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
The Warners and Angelina the First
sooooooo- somebody asked me how i thought Angelina the First (my version) and the Warners would get along in my little au of Wakko’s Wish. However, I do have her dead before Angelina the Second and William are even married (her death is the reason why they’re allowed to get married, after all), but it did get me thinking about an AU of sorts- an AU in an AU if you will. 
For the moment I’ll just be referring it as the “Angelina the First Lives AU” (not to be confused with @madelynartz ‘s Angelina Lives AU). If anyone comes up with a better idea, I’ll update the post with a better title, but for now the hour is late and my brain is very full of angsty and over the top dramatic ideas I must release onto the public. 
For simplicities sake, I’ll be reffering to them as Angelina 1, Lena, and Dot
Before I start though, I must thank @madelynartz and @imbeccablee bc they helped bounce off ideas and stuff so yeah ^^
Trigger warning for a lot, a lot of abuse
So the way this would work is if Angelina 1 never got ill, and as the likelihood of Lena being forced to marry a suitor was growing stronger and stronger, her and William decided to elope so that wouldn’t happen. 
The conversation went something like “boom, divorce is forbidden for royals, I’m no longer ‘pure’ by your and societies stupid standards, and I’m already with child- suck it mom”
As you can imagine, Angelina 1 didn’t take that well, and was outraged, abuses the frick out of her, and locks Lena away for at least a month (William joins her later)
Lena and William did genuinely consider running away several times, but Lena knew she was too recognizable, and a bounty would be placed for her safe return, but not William’s and he’d be more likely to be killed if they escaped than if they stayed- plus, being pregnant and running away is hard
Eventually Yakko was born, and Angelina 1 made it clear that she would be an influence and figure in his life, and that Lena and William had no say in the matter, or else.
So William and Lena did their best to teach him morals and how to be a decent person and never leave him alone, before Angelina 1 would swoop in and teach him what she thought made a good king
“A good isn’t so emotional” “A good king puts his people above all else” “A good king listens to and respects his elders”
For awhile, he didn’t know whether or not all of her advice and wisdom was good or bad, as it didn’t sound wrong to his impressionable ears
Yakko didn’t exactly like Angelina 1 per se, but since she was family, and he was taught to at least show common decency to people- even those he disliked- he did listen and never got mad at her 
“Good- at least you’re a little bit smarter than your mother already”
Angelina 1 couldn’t have cared less when Wakko was born- however his “feral”ness and his clinginess to Yakko often got in the way of her “lessons”
One time, when Wakko was four, he got upset and raised his voice a little bit to talk over her, and she smacked him across the room
Yakko was furious, and bit Angelina 1 in anger and protectiveness over his little brother
This also forced Yakko to realize how awful his grandmother was, and how he was becoming a bad person, and after that he never gave her advice a chance ever again
Lena nearly went feral and full on attacked her mother when she heard that she hit Wakko, and William had to physically restrain her from going to kill her mother (not because he didn’t also want to kill her, but because he knew it was treason, and that Lena would have to be killed too)
Howevere, despite the fact that he fricken bit her, Angelina 1 doesn’t stop trying to shape Yakko into what she wants, and she just got crueler and more forceful with her lessons (however, they’re much less effective bc Yakko knows how much she sucks and refuses to listen and instead just sasses and “smart asses” her (like with Ms. Flamiel in canon)
She does try isolating him away from the rest of his family, but that never works, as he always found a way to escape and William would then protect him and make sure he made it out of his lessons alright (he is a knight after all)
Again, Angelina 1 didn’t really care when Dot was born, focusing her energy on trying to make Yakko listen to her by any means possible
Though she would refuse to call her Dot and would only call her Angelina 3, which Dot and Lena would loathe
I’m not quite sure what Angelina 1 would think of Dot outside of that, but I do imagine her trying to make her a proper lady, but Dot is very similar to her mother and has her infamous wit, and so she wouldn’t get far
However, Angelina 1 probably continued to try anyway, constantly pulling her away from playing with her brothers and giving her lessons in manners, which would irritate Lena and she and her mother would have long arguments about Dot which wouldn’t end pretty
At the end of the day though, they did have each other, and when Angelina 1 wasn’t around, they’d spend time together as a family, and the kids would often pretend they were over throwing the evil queen (which Angelina and William made sure they weren’t actually going to do- but didn’t discourage them from imagining-)
I’m not sure whether or not the assassination/attack on Warnerstock Castle would happen in this au, or whether or not Angelina 1 would die in that or if William and Lena would be the only ones to die in such attack, so I’m taking suggestions on that
My thoughts on if only their parents die, then the Warner sibs would be placed soley under their grandmother’s care and the protection they had with their parents would evaporate, and Yakko, Wakko and Dot would need to think of an escape plan bc they probs wouldn’t last long (sanely speaking) if they stayed. 
If Angelina 1 also dies, then Wakko’s Wish continues on like normal, with added childhood trauma for fun
So... yeah
I probably left things out, but these are my main thoughts. I might add more, who knows. 
If you’re going to request fics in this seperate universe, I humbly request you specify so in your ask, please and thank you ^^
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
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study group: a social media au where you work at iroh’s boba tea shop with zuko, try to keep up with your college courses, and stir up an irresponsible amount of chaos with the gaang
prev. / part three / next
((author’s note: this update is a little bit different; instead of just screenshots, i’ve written out a scene for this one! hope you guys like it!!))
“HEYYYY THE PARTY’S FINALLY ARRIVED,” Sokka shouts the second you walk through the door, Zuko trailing behind.
“High schoolers are the worst,” Zuko grumbles under his breath, and you toss your bag to the floor with an exasperated sigh.
“But,” you force a smile, “we’re here now! What’s the plan for the night?”
“Wellll, I figured we’d start out with a good ol’ fashioned game of King’s Cup, if everyone’s down?” Sokka asks the group.
“Oh HELL yeah,” Toph runs off to the kitchen to start preparing drinks, and Katara calls after her,
“Don’t make mine too strong!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know how you like it, sugar queen.”
“Wait, is that Sonic?” you ask, watching the screen for a moment. With the amount of colors swirling around the screen and Jim Carrey playing Robotnik, you find yourself almost entranced by the wild image.
“Yeah! But, I guess now that you’re here, we should turn it off.” You can hear the pout in Aang’s voice as he speaks, and laugh before joining him on the couch.
“Nah, we can let it play a bit longer! This scene looks pretty climactic anywa— holy shit, did they just blow up the pyramid?’
“Oh, yeah, there’s this whole thing where Robotnik got one of Sonic’s quills, which apparently are capable of “infinite” power, whatever that means, and now he’s as fast as Sonic— oh! And they use rings to teleport to different places! That’s why they were in Egypt, Sonic was going to all the different landmarks he could remember to try and shake off Robotnik—”
“Aang, shh,” Sokka covers the younger boy’s mouth as one of the characters begins monologuing.
Zuko sits on the floor in front of the couch, leaning against the space between you and Aang. “That is… a lot.” His tone is a mixture of confusion and what sounds like a headache, causing you to laugh.
“Jeeze, Zuko, you don’t know about the deep Sonic lore??”
“I said, shush!!!”
“Yeah, jeeze (y/n),” Zuko mimics you, barely holding back a laugh, “don’t get in the way of Sokka and his one true love, Sonic the hedgehog.”
“Will you guys PLEASE keep it down??”
“You are the worst King’s Cup partner,” Zuko groans before taking another drink alongside you. “You have to keep your hand on the table.”
“I know, I know, it’s just— Katara made that rule eight rounds ago, that’s such a long time…” You draw the next card, laughing as you slap down a jack. “Aha! My rule is that Katara’s rule is GONE, no more hands on the table.”
The entire group lets out a sigh of relief, including Katara.
“Man, that rule SUCKED,” Sokka shouts, resulting in a shove from his sister.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you guys are dumb enough to keep falling it for it!”
While they continue to bicker, Aang shouts, “Seven!”
The rest of you point to the ceiling immediately, staring at the two siblings until Katara finally notices and raises her hand as well.
“No fair! Katara distracted me!”
“Rules are rules, Sokka,” Toph says, pointing at him with a laugh. “Now drink up!”
After finishing off the last of his drink, Sokka stands up, losing his balance for a few moments before righting himself.
“Where are you going?” Katara asks. “We’re in the middle of a game!”
“I need to find Appa!!!” he shouts as if it’s his life’s mission, sprinting off to Aang’s room, only to stop in the middle of the hallway. “…running...bad idea…”
“You know, for such a tough guy, he sure is a lightweight,” Zuko laughs, taking another drink.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re surprised to find you don’t have much of a headache. While you definitely remember most of the night, you know you overindulged yourself, making the memories a bit jumbled…
“Come on, you’ll thank me in the morning,” Zuko holds the bottle of water in front of you. “At least drink half of it.”
“But I wanna go to sleep…” you curl up around yourself in the recliner, covering your face to block out both the light and Zuko.
“I know,” he laughs under his breath, pulling your hand away from your face and placing the bottle in it. “Just drink this first, and then you can sleep in as late as you want.”
You groan, but sit up nonetheless. “What are you being so nice for?”
“Hungover (y/n) is no fun.” He walks away once he’s sure you’ll finish the water, lying across the couch. “Besides, we have a shift tomorrow afternoon, and I’d prefer it if you didn’t complain the whole time.”
“Like you don’t complain about every customer.”
“Is it complaining if we both agree?”
“…points were made. Those fucking kids that came in at close oh my GOD I was about to lose my mind.”
“And yet you still put on that customer service smile— ‘Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon! How can I help you today?’”
His impression makes you burst out laughing, “That is not what I sound like!”
He continues, “‘I totally care how your stupid day is going! Please, tell me all about your kid and your cat and your shitty job!’”
“I’m trying to get tips, Mr. ‘Look At Me Wrong and I’ll Grab That Decorative Sword Off The Wall and Fight You.’”
“Oh, so you’re telling me you’ve never wanted to do that? Not once?”
“…okay, honestly, it would be kind of badass to just flip over the counter like, ‘hyah!’” You swing your hand around lazily, pantomiming the sword toward Zuko.
“With that form?” he laughs. “Nothing badass about that.”
You let out a yawn before replying, “Yeah, like you know— wait… you do know all that stuff, huh.”
“Go to sleep, (y/n).”
Maybe it’s because you’re about to pass out, but you swear you can hear a smile in his voice.
Oh. So that’s what happened.
You immediately sit up and look over to the couch, blush rising to your cheeks. Thankfully, Zuko is still asleep, one arm resting across his face while the other dangles off the side of the couch. He looks… 
“Morning!” Katara calls out from the kitchen, thankfully cutting off your train of thought. “I’m making eggs, do you want some?”
The rumble of your stomach is answer enough, and you laugh as you reply, “Definitely!”
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lesbijkas · 4 years
love the Tim comes back as an avatar post s3 AUs soley based on the whole "keep thotting it up in heaven king!" cause yeah, it tracks that Timothy Stoker would thot it up in heaven (the end) so hard that Oliver Banks would kick him out because FUCK if he's having competition in the 'hottest man not alive' catagory.
"Tim you're back, it's a miracle!! what happened????"
"some sexy skull dude told me to shut up, an eleven was speaking, before kicking my ass to the curb. anyways, Sasha says hello and check it out- since I'm made of wax I can take my arm off!" *detaches arm with a squelch*
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SINCE ALL THE FICS ARE SAD im going to go ahead and make a happy one. (Well... its bullet notes so maybe more of a fic outline?). Can be consider as Free Day or AU Day since its canon divergence
Ive been dying to see a Tai comes to Atlas fic so im making this one a reunion in Atlas fic
Qrow isnt in Atlas when Tai arrives. Hes out on a Amity Tower mission with Clover
Qrow and Clover are actually in the middle of flirting with each other when Qrow gets the call
Its Ruby and shes talking so fast Qrow cant understand a single thing. "Woah Ruby slow down. Whats going on" theres a deep gasping breath and then "DAD IS HERE. DAD IS IN ATLAS"
Qrow is stunned. Tai made it to Atlas?
Clover is thinking about how on Earth he could of gotten into the Kingdom.
Qrow finds out through Yang (she had to take Ruby's phone away since she wouldnt stop screaming) that the girls are waiting for Tai since Ironwood is having Winter personally escort him (Qrow figures that either he got arrested on arrival like they did or that Ironwood wants to know everything Tai knows about Salem despite being removed from the situation since STRQ fell apart)
Clover notifies him that they wont be able to get back to the city for another three hours, and then Qrow tells the girls, who are disappointed but tell him theyll "let Dad know when he gets here"
Most of the way back Clover is trying to get information out of Qrow about what Tai is like. Its both friendly small talk and adding to what Clover knows about this group of children + Qrow. The group is part of Ironwood's inner circle now which makes them important
Qrow briefly wonders how his reception will be. These days hes always the one coming to see Tai, and its 50-50 on if Tai's happy to see Qrow. Qrow considers running away from the encounter entirely but hes trying to be a better man now and that means sobriety and facing his problems. Besides he'll have to see Tai eventually
So lets backtrack a bit. Tai and Qrow used to be a thing wayyyy back in the day. Defining their romantic relationship is complicated. They tried dating before Tai ever got with Raven and it only lasted a few days because they realized the attraction was just sexual so they went back to being teammates who makeout when theyre drunk (thats how they decided to start dating in the first place). So through the early years they were Friends With Benefits. After the dark years of Raven and Summer they became Friends With Benefits That Only Get Together When Theyre Feeling Heartbroken. Its sad sex and half the time one of them is crying. Their friendship is good while the the girls are young. They disagree on a lot of things when it comes to the girls as they get older. That animosity plus arguments about Qrow's  espionage job plus Qrow's worsening alcoholism are the reason theyve drifted far apart today. Theyve still been through so much together so that history and Qrow's dedication to being a uncle are the only things holding their friendship together.
So anyways lets get to the good stuff. The reunion:
Tai is actually waiting for Qrow at the garage
The girls are with him because they missed him. Ruby has her arms around him while talking and Yang is standing besides them smiling
Qrow gets a little scared. The fact Tai is waiting for him doesnt bode well. Him and Tai try to have their disagreements when the girls arent present. Qrow thinks its fair to assume that Tai is so absolutely pissed at him that he cannot wait another moment to yell at him. Clover goes "i guess you wont have to hunt him down after all. He mustve really missed you all" and Qrow really hopes thats the reason
Qrow decides to break the ice before it forms by insulting Tai as he's getting out of the truck
"Two and a half continents away and i still cant escape the sight that is your hideous cargo pants" "says the man who's idea of fashion is a 25 year old ripped cape"
As soon as Qrow gets close enough Tai puts his hands on his shoulders, takes a deep breath, and yells "YOU GOT POISONED"
Turns out Tai was just worried about him after Ruby explained what happened on her trek through Mistral
After answering his questions they hug and its the kind of hug where you sway a little bit
For the next few hours Tai yells at Ruby for running away, Tai yells at Qrow for going sober and not telling him, and Qrow goes with Tai to meet Ironwood (and stop Ironwood from asking too many questions. Hes actually soley focused on Salem and he doesnt even ask Tai how he got through his military blockade)
That night in Qrow's room Tai explains to Qrow how he got there. He lied to the girls. Made up some story that had plenty of holes in it. It was Raven. She opened her portal to Yang as far away as she could and Tai landed there. She had come to him after Haven, told him a few things but clearly left most of it out. Tai managed to get her to promise to take him to the group whenever they got to Atlas and had adjusted.
He came for two reasons. 1) to see exactly how close his children were to Salem. 2) to see if he could protect his kids any way he could, knowing they wouldnt back out now. But the reason he was telling Qrow all this (instead of sticking to his if-it-involved-Raven-i-dont-talk-about-it mentality) was because of one of the few things she mentioned about Haven: the disowning.
Tai wanted him to know that despite all their problems that Qrow was still his family. Not because Raven is still legally married to Tai, not because hes Yang's blood uncle, but because Qrow has been apart of Tai's life and chosen family as far back as STRQ.
Qrow's felt like a outsider to Tai ever since (and every time) things got serious with whoever Tai's dating. Qrow felt like a third wheel when Tai was with Raven, and Qrow was to raw from the increasingly strained relationship with Raven to let go of Summer and Tai when they got together. And ever since Qrow has felt like he was there in Tai's life but no longer apart of it. Even after Tai recovered from his depression, Qrow felt like a visitor in the house he still considers his home despite being called "uncle".
And Tai knows Qrow broke ties with Tribe soon after Beacon, and Raven hadnt truely been his sister in 20 years, but to have what you known from literal birth taken from you still hurt. And now Tai knows Qrow isnt drinking so the only way he can cope is by not thinking about it.
So Tai had to tell Qrow what he meant to him
And when he found out about Tyrian he realized Qrow couldve died not knowing Tai still loves him
Tai ends up ranting about all the things he loves about Qrow, about how he regrets that almost every word said to Qrow in the last 15 years has been unkind
Qrow is now confused to if this is a fixing my mistakes kind of thing or a love confession
So he asks
And Tai gets a little sheepish because it was a fixing my mistakes because i love you thing but a little past halfway into his rant he realized hes IN love with Qrow and has been for a while now
And Qrow decides f it. Tai is doing his embarrassed thing Qrow still finds cute even now when theyre middle aged adults getting their first gray hairs. So Qrow gets up from the cheap academy table theyre sitting at and kisses Tai
"After the world stops ending do you wanna try that dating thing again?" "You think we'll make it past one week this time?" "I actually meant since you havent gone on a date in about 15 years." "Oh. Well im pretty sure you havent been on a proper date since Beacon" "Are you gonna take me on a proper date then?" "Yeah"
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israltale · 4 years
Moon’s Calling
Killer sighed, playing with his Knife. Genocide after Genocide, so many Deaths, so much dust, before Killer changed drastically. 
His soul was now a Target in front of him, his emotions non existent, at least he made everyone believe that. All he wanted was kill the Children falling in the Underground, before they could start kill others.
But at some Point… Nightmare had found him, offered him some things in exchange for his raising of Negativity. Killer had accepted with a smug grin, he always was a Master with words, easily talking others to do what he wanted. Nightmare had praised him for his ‘Silver Tongue’. But now his Boss, the King of Negativity, has called for him.
Killer moved lazily to the Boss’s Office, wondering a bit what the Goop covered Skeleton may want from him. Killer grinned and pushed open the Door. 
“You wanted to see me, Boss~?” He cooed, while entering. 
“When will you finally learn to KNOCK?” Nightmare growled at him. 
“Maybe, Someday~” Killer chuckled. 
“It would be more likely to my Brother falling to Negativity as for you to learn how to knock.” Nightmare commented. 
“Possible~ so what can i do for you, Boss?” He said, walking closer to the Desk in front of him, watching the Tendrils move behind Nightmare.
“I found a new AU hidden away in the furthest Parts of the Multiverse.” Nightmare said, watching Killer come closer. 
“I want you to go there and loot out if there is any good Monster to collect for us AND if it is easy to raise Negativity there.” He said coldly. 
“Oh~I will gladly check it out for you, Boss.” Killer said sweetly, of course Nightmare knew he didn’t mean anything with it. But Killer was his right hand Man, so perfect for this Job. The Deity of Negativity opened a Dark Portal for his right Hand Man. 
Killer grinned, before leaving to this new AU. Nightmare couldn’t give him much information, the more Killer was shocked to see a bright blue Sky. 
“What? This is… not the Underground?” He rarely saw something like that…. Not even in the normal Pacifist Routes they sometimes attacked. This was far more different… Healthy tree’s with lots of strange looking fruits, animals everywhere… but then deeper into the forest there was something changing. different Tree’s. It seemed like a different Area. 
It interested Killer, if he would find potential Servants for Nightmare, then there. So Killer went deeper into the strange forest, it was even more weird to see the green leaves suddenly turn purple. Killer grinned, he somehow liked it there, felt immediately familiar. He wanted to bet that he may find here someone close to his Boss, like an Alternate, but he was so Wrong. 
He went along in the strange Forest only to suddenly spot an Area with light? Why would there be a Place with more sunshine in all that strangeness? But then again, this whole Place was out of the ordinary, so he went deeper, to the Spot of Light, maybe he would find something there. 
Alure was sitting close to the Lake, a Book in his Lap while he was captured by the Story. Killer stopped dead, seeing this small version of his Boss former self. The Knife Maniac moved a bit in the shadows of a Tree. Seemed like the little Fella didn’t notice him. The little Fella had brown pants on and a light blue shirt, but there was a big purple crescent Moon on his Back. 
Killer blinked, the little purple tail was wagging in delight, happy about the story probably, but he also had purple horns. Killer was sure that this was the passive Version of his Boss, but he was still so different.
“Alure! Stop reading this Book and pay attention to MEEEEE!” Killer couldn’t believe his tar leaking Eye Sockets… There was a Version of the little, disgusting Light. Like the Passive Fella with horns and Tail. 
“Alure, huh?” Killer mumbled. So he had not the Name Nightmare here. 
“Solei… Its getting good now.” Alure answered. Solei started to Pout. 
“But… BUT! I am more important than this damn Book… you can read it laaaaaaater.” Solei whined. 
“I’m reading it now… You had your chance, i waited an hour for you…” Alure said sharply. Killer wanted to laugh. This Version of his Boss had guts, he gave him that. Solei pouted even more. 
“Aluuuuuuure.” He whined, scooting closer to his Brother. 
“Solei stop it.” Alure grumbled, interrupted while reading his precious Book. It was fun to see, how Alure wanted to read his Book in peace. Solei finally gave up, seeing how unaffected his Brother was to his demise. Sitting quietly next to his Brother now. 
“Alure, Solei.” A deeper Voice reached Killer and the Two Children. 
“Sir Cobra!” Solei jumped up, running to the other in glee.
Killer was slightly impressed seeing the other Skeleton. He was taller as normal sanses, but still had some Sans features, there were three massive scars across his Skull, so that one went through something. But his Colour choice was a bit to obvious in those Woods. 
The other, Cobra, wore dark brown pants, a teal long sleeve and a dark purple coat. Damn he stuck out like a sore Thumb… but then again, Killer hasn’t seen much People around here. 
“Is it time for Solei to go back?” Alure asked. Cobra nodded slightly. 
“Yes, it is slowly getting Dark so he needs to go now.” Solei sighed deeply. 
“Man… i just got here because they watched me so long…” Solei nuzzled his Brother. 
“Tomorrow all your Attention will be MINE!” He said, before running away. Alure sighed deeply. 
“Exhausted?” Cobra asked. 
“Yeah… his Greed streaks getting heavier the less Attention he gets… I fear he may do something stupid soon.” Alure said carefully to Cobra. The Skeleton nodded, even he feared it and that could mean great danger for the still weak Chaos Area. 
That was actually interesting, so the little, disgusting Light was not part of this Area, but a frequent visitor. Cobra smiled at Alure.
“Curfew in about an hour.” Alure nodded. 
“Yes, Sir.” He said, turning back to his Book. Killer waited for the other Skeleton to leave, but once Cobra was out of sight, alure actually closed his Book. 
“How long are you going to watch?” The Maniac blinked, that little Boy noticed him? Well it only showed him how close this Boy was to his Boss. Killer came out of hiding, stepping closer to Alure. 
“So you noticed me~.” Alure sighed. 
“Yes. Seeing that you are Similar to Sir Cobra… you are from the outer Areas.” Killer blinked. 
“You mean the Multiverse?” Alure chuckled a bit and damn it felt so pleasant for Killer to hear him. 
“How ever you may call it. But what leads you to this Place?” He looked up to Killer, if the Maniac had Emotions he would fall for this Boy. Doing everything he wanted, like he did for his Boss. 
“I… actually don’t know how i got here or how i can go home~” Killer lied to him. Tilting his head suddenly, did he actually… feel bad? Alure looked to the Lake close to them. 
“I see.. I may be able to speak with Guardian and see if she is able to send you where you belong.” Killer blinked. 
“Your Friends surely miss you terrible.” Killer wanted to laugh, this Version of his Boss was so adorable, he would never guess that he will turn into a soulless being, thriving for nothing more as negativity and grief to grow stronger. 
“Heh… Nice of you, but i can find my Way home, myself~.” He whispered, close to Alure.
 “As you wish.” Alure got up slowly, dusting off his clothes. 
“Then, save Travels.” He said, bowing slightly to Killer before leaving, letting the Skeleton sit alone near the Lake. 
“What the FUCK was that? It fucking felt like i would sit close to the disgusting Light in my AU…” He grumbled at himself. It was so strange being close to this passive Version of Nightmare. It was even more strange to hear him worry that his Boss may miss him. He looked down to his Target soul, almost expecting it to be an Upside Down heart, but it wasn’t, it was still the same Target. 
“Fucking weird shit is going on in this crazy Place.” He mumbled. 
Killer walked through the Forest, found a cave and went inside to have a Place to rest for a while. 
“Fuck this Place is like a Trip… A Annoying Light and this damn adorable Version of Boss… I don’t have much sanity left, but the longer i will stay here the more i lose that little i still have… I check out that other Skeleton tomorrow and make sure to disappear…” He mumbled. 
There was no Way to actually raise Negativity here, especially because Killer felt a stir in his Soul… The thought alone to walk in here and kill any and everyone this Boy might care and cherish for made Killer want to throw up.
Normally he enjoyed seeing People cry for their lost friends. He would laugh and taunt them, but… he froze into Place at the thought of seeing those purple eye lights flicker in grief. Maybe if one of the others… He shook his Skull, no… he doesn’t want the others to meet Alure. 
“Alure huh… Fitting… He really is alluring…” Killer whispered, before trying to catch a bit of sleep. What would Boss think of him, to actually doubt himself for a weak version of Nightmare? That was his last thought before drifting off into Sleep.
Alure went home. “Oh? You are faster home as i thought, did something happen?” Millenia asked, braiding her hair. 
“Actually… Yes.” Alure came over to help her braiding her long her. 
“I met a skeleton… his Sockets where empty and tar was leaking from them.” Millenia listened as Alure told the Story of his encounter with Killer. 
“Well it is not that uncommon to find your way here…” Alure nodded. 
“Yes… but as i talked to him i looked to the Lake… Guardian you know that sometimes i see things there.” Millenia nodded slightly. 
“Yes, it is similar to my ability. What about it?” Alure stopped a second.
“I saw Solei… a pure Blood… and him.” Millenia sighed. 
“What else?” She figured Alure may have trouble to talk about it. 
“That’s it… i only saw that before it just went… to a snowstorm of kinds?” He bound her hair.
“I… don’t have a good Feeling…” He said, fidgeting with his Fingers. 
“I will send Cobra to scout the borders.” She promised him.
“Thank you, Guardian.” He bowed before hurrying to get ready for bed. Millenia sighed softly, once he was out of hearing reach. 
“A Snowstorm… This is not a good sign, my Sweet boy… This means there will be deaths…” 
Solei went to his normal way to the Vicinity of Chaos, fully aware of the Pure Blood Red Dragon following him.
“Can you stop?” He turned around to face the Other.
“Solei, dear. I only want to accompany you, you are one of our precious Pure Bloods.” Solei hated it, he was save in the Order Area for them believing he was a pure blood Dragon only choosing a Skeleton as disguise and not Human like. 
“I only want to collect some Moon Fruit.” Solei pouted, he hated that Dragon for following him, he stole his precious Time he wanted to have Alure pay attention to him. 
“Yes, but you always take so long and the Area of the Tree’s are not safe for Children.” Solei growled at him. 
“Piss of!” He hissed at the Pure Blood Dragon, probably not a good Idea. 
Killer woke to the shouting of the little Twink. The Pure Blood drew closer to Solei, while Killer got out of the Cave. Using his Knife to throw at the Dragon. 
“Hey, back off a little.” Killer said casually, but it made the Dragon roar in Rage. 
“Outsider…” Solei blinked, then smiled, running to Killer. 
“Thanks for helping me out again…~” He said sweetly before running away. Why felt it like Killer was now in for a BAD Time. Killer got his Knife again. 
“Well… Sorry Boss… Seems like i won’t… come back home.” He whispered, there was little to no Chance he would beat that dragon and survive long enough to escape. A shame that he would betray his Nightmare like this, just dying on a Mission he had trusted him to fulfil. The Dragon went Mad already, angered by the Fact an outsider was here and even had something to do with a Pure Blood Dragon Child.
Alure was as always at the Lake, it was his meeting Place with Solei and he loved the calm, fresh air around the water. 
“ALUUUUUURE~~” Solei ran up to him. Alure sighed. 
“Finally… what took you so long?” Alure asked, only for Solei to nuzzle close to him.
“One of that damn Pure Bloods was following me, but i got rid of him thanks to an outsider.” Alure stopped dead. Outsider? The only outsider Alure knew of was… 
“Solei… How did the Outsider look like?” He asked carefully. 
“Strange, he was a skeleton and some weird stuff was coming out of his Sockets.” Alure felt himself grow colder. 
“Did… did that outsider have a Target in front of his Chest?” Solei was surprised. 
“How do you know?” Alure felt his soul clench in distress. 
“Solei… you… you left him with a PURE blood?” Solei nodded. 
“Yeah… he is only an outsider.” That was the tipping point. 
“HOW CAN YOU DO THAT!” Alure shouted. It alarmed the Guardian, of that the little Negativity Dragon was sure of. 
“YOU WILL SIT HERE AND THINK OF WHAT YOU DID!” He growled at his Brother. Solei looked at him in pure shock. 
“Alure? What is wrong, dear?” Millenia hurried to them, only for Alure to fall into her Embrace. 
“Guardian… The Outsider… Solei sold him off to a Pure Blood.” He whined. Millenia couldn’t believe it.
“Let’s hurry, Alure… We have to arrive before it is to late.” She said softly. Alure nodded, only to bolt of in the Direction Solei came from. Hopefully he wasn’t to late… Someone was waiting for Killer after all!
Killer wiped the Dust off of him. He never would have guessed to actually win against a Dragon. Seemed this one wasn’t as strong as people wanted someone to believe. There was a huge Pile of Dust and a Red soul floating where the Man was once. 
Amazing how the Soul can sustain after the dusting. 
“Hehe… Didn’t disappoint you, Boss…” He said, walking over to the Pile of Dust. 
“Really thought i was done for after that Fucker left me.” He said, only to feel his Target soul to grow warmer. Pain shooting through his Body as the Dragon Soul hit his Target. He felt like he would Burn, while the Dragon Soul settles into his very own Soul. He hissed in Pain, not allowing anyone to hear him. But he also felt immense Power, his Soul wanted it. 
“NO! You have to Push the Dragon away!” He heard the little purple Dragons Voice, but his sight was Hazy. 
“Please, you have People waiting for you! Push the Dragon out!” Alure begged Killer, but the Process of Changing already started. Alure looking in shock. 
“Dear… There is no stopping it anymore.” Millenia said, kneeling next to Alure. 
“But Lady Millenia! He has People waiting for him! He… He…” Millenia nodded, softly pulling Alure closer to her. 
“Listen to me well. The Process you will go through is painful, i will calm it with my magic… but sadly enough… there is no way for me to stop it.” Killer could hear her voice faintly. 
“Will… will i die?” Millenia softly stroked his Skull, while holding Alure, who was crying into her Shoulder. 
“No, but you will never be able to return to your former life.” Killer laughed dryly. 
“So I disappointed Boss after all.” Alure sobbed louder, hearing the others faint Voice. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry.” Alure sobbed. Killer chuckled painfully. 
“Hey… stop crying.. I’m not dying.” He tried to move his Hand, but his Body felt so heavy. He couldn’t see them, his sight to hazy and their voices slowly faded away, but there was still something warm wrapping around him, easing the burning of his Bones. Cobra had found them after Killer has drifted to a somewhat calm sleep. Alure was still crying. 
“Solei did what?” Cobra asked in disbelief. 
“Made sure the Dragon would target this Skeleton and ran.” Cobra sighed. 
“This little piece…” He didn’t finish. 
“We should bring him to your House, Arisa.” Millenia nodded.
“Yes. Alure, calm down, Sweetie.” She cooed softly. Alure sniffled slightly. 
“Lady Millenia… can you… send solei home… i don’t want to see him right now.” Millenia smiled softly. 
“Of course, dry your tears and accompany Cobra.” She said calmly. Alure nodded, wiping his Skull with his shirt, before following Cobra. Millenia sighed, making sure the dust scattered with Sister Winds help, before she returned to the Lake. 
Solei still sat there. “Guardian? Where is Alure.” Millenia sighed.
“He doesn’t want to see you for a While, Solei… You brought your brother great sadness.” Solei starred at her. 
“W… what?” Why would Alure do that? 
“The Outsider you used to make your escape… luckily for you he survived… but he was caught up with the Mans soul.” Solei blinked slowly. 
“Alure is saddened by the fact you took away this Outsiders Friends and home in selling him to a Pure blood.” His Head slowly sunk lower. 
“Give your Brother some time, once he want to see you again you should apologise to him and the outsider.” Millenia knew her words had reached him, he slowly made his way back to the Order Area. There was no words from him, nothing that indicated how deeply it hurts him.
Once Millenia returned to her House, she checked on Killer and Alure. The little Boy was sitting next to the pained skeleton. 
“It’s all my fault… I should have searched for him after seeing what i saw.” He sniffled. 
“Alure.” Millenia went to him. 
“Even if you would have told him, there is a high possibility it still would have happened.” She said, softly drying his Tears. 
“But he didn’t deserve this!” Cobra brought a bowl with Water. 
“All we can do now, is helping him through this.” He said, looking at the little Boy. 
“I know it’s hard, Alure… but you know the Pain he is going through.” He nodded slowly. 
“I will tend to him!” He said determined. Alure did exactly that, only napping slightly to not worry the others, but listening closely to any indication of Killer being in Pain or needing anything. 
Millenia was worried about him but a few days later, Killer finally opened his sockets. 
“Wh…where?” Alure gasped, almost about to Cry again. 
“Lady Millenia! He is awake!” He screamed, making the Woman come over to them. 
“You are finally awake, how are you feeling?” Killer blinked, touching his face slowly, there was still tar coming from his sockets, but he felt something on his Head. There were two Horns coming out of his Skull! He sat up in shock. 
“Don’t move so fast!” Alure hurried over to him. 
“Shit… what happened?” Alure looked at him in a Panic. 
“What can you remember?” Killer rubbed his skull.
“I saw that Twink… a Man bugging him… threw a knife at the man and the Twink ran.. Then everything is going Hazy.” Killer sighed as he saw the pained look on Alure’s Face, only to notice that he was Taller now! And he had a fucking TAIL! 
“Woah!” Millenia nodded. 
“You killed that man, but accidentally absorbed his soul. You are now a Dragon Hybrid.” Killer blinked, looking down at his Soul, there was a little Dragon in his Target now. 
“Meaning?” Alure wanted to cry again. 
“You lost your Home.” Killer looked at the Woman. 
“Theoretically you can try to go home, but it is most likely they won’t accept you anymore because you changed.” Killer sighed softly. 
“I see… Hey… can i.. still go there and try to explain it to Boss?” Millenia nodded. 
“Of course.” 
Killer got ready to go Home, explaining Nightmare what had happened. Alure wanted to accompany them, but Millenia had refused. She wanted him to sort things out with Solei. Killer huffed. 
“I don’t know how well you will take his negativity.” He warned her. 
“I’ll be fine.” She answered softly, stepping through the Portal she had created. Killer followed, he wondered if Nightmare would be disappointed.
Alure on the other Hand went to meet with Solei. 
Nightmare was shocked to see Killer drastically changed, especially seeing him with a Woman, who looked somehow familiar. The Female, introducing herself as Millenia, explained what had happened to Killer. 
Nightmare wasn’t disappointed in his Right Hand Man, but rather impressed he could take on a Dragon. But there was something with that Woman bugging him, where did he saw her?
“He can’t stay with us anymore, can he?” Millenia nodded. 
“Sadly, that is the truth… if any Dragon Hybrid would stay outside of our AU then there is a high possibility that this Timeline he is living in will be completely eradicated. But he can visit, if he wishes.” She said carefully. Nightmare had guessed that already, seeing that there never was any of Killers Kind anywhere in any Timeline.
“I see… it is sad to hear… but it will be for the Best.” Killer had feared that, but at least he was now sure that Nightmare was not disappointed in him, it calmed him somewhat down. After some more words they returned to his now new Home. 
Alure already waiting, together with the little Shit who was at fault. 
“Listen well to me now, Little Shit… I don’t care what your reason was, but you better be careful to not pull this again, or i will make sure you have some Cutting fun.” Alure blinked, before he almost snorted. Solei nodded slowly and carefully. He better not make this new Hybrid mad. 
“The Vicinity is still in Building, but you are more as Welcome.” Millenia said. Killer smiled at her. 
“As long as i get a Place to sleep i don’t mind any still in process Place, Flower~” Alure smiled a bit, glad that Killer took all things better as guessed. 
Killer walked the Path down to the Lake. He got used to this rather calming life they had, while he still got used to his new form. But there was still something not right, so far they all called him Killer. 
“Alure.” The smaller looked up from his Book. 
“You coming here again?” Killer sat down next to him. 
“Yeah, i can understand why you are here so often.” Alure chuckled, scooting a bit closer to the Red Hybrid. 
“Did you thought of one yet?” He asked softly. Killer chuckle. 
“No.. i don’t seem to find one… oh? This is not one of your Novels you normally read.” Alure smiled brightly. 
“Yep! I saw how you started collecting various Knives, so i thought i could make a little marking on the ones you have.” He said softly. Killer chuckled. 
“That’s nice of you… Wait.” He bend closer. Alure blushed a bit, as Killer was so close to him. 
“What is that?” Alure blinked.
“Oh! This is a Kirosaku Knife.” Killer blinked. 
“That’s it!” He said with a huge grin. 
“Kirosaku?” Alure asked. Killer grinned. 
“Kiros.” Killer announced proudly.
“Kiros? Oh! It sounds so good! I like it!” Alure said, before Killer looked up. Alure wondered why, but it was fast explained, as Kiros started to drag Alure away from the Lake. 
“Kill…” The taller put his Hands over the smaller ones mouth. Alure was shocked, but that changed, once he saw Pure Bloods walking to the Lake. He haven’t even heard them. It was impressive how Kiros detected them fast.
He calmed down, while Kiros watched the Pure Bloods, but after they didn’t find anything, they left… Kiros waited a little longer, it seemed like he heard them disappear, before he released Alure. The Smaller petted his Skull. 
“Thank you, Kiros.” He said softly. Kiros smiled at the smaller one. 
“Your Welcome, Nightlight.” He said softly, making Alure blush softly. Kiros never would have thought, that the Night would call him like this. It was as he was not a Dragon Hybrid but a Wolf, who followed the Moon’s call.
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balencia · 7 years
Hope Burns Bright
A BMC Green Lantern Jeremy AU fic for @monsterunderthefedora. This takes place sometime prior to their fic here
“Out of my way… loser.”
The phrase still stung in Michael’s mind as he watched his best friend walk away. He could feel tears budding but wiped them away before they could fall. You aren’t Jeremy… he thought angrily. And I’m gonna get my player one back. Everything’ll be okay…
Light-minutes overhead, an odd sight was passing through the Sol system: a brilliant sapphire blue ring. The ring flashed once with an inner light and made a hard turn sunward before rocketing off.
Michael’s thoughts bubbled in his head as he walked outside to his car. Driving home, he barely registered walking into his room and opening the window wide until a bright blue light streaked down from the sky straight at him. Michael stepped back as the light stopped in front of him and dimmed to reveal a sapphire blue ring bearing a symbol that looked like a lantern with wings.
“Michael Mell of Earth,” The ring said in a soothing tone. “You have the ability to instill great hope. Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.”
“But-but I haven’t inspired hope in anyone,” Michael replied, nervous. “P’sure there are more hopeful people on Earth than me.”
“Yet this ring chose you. Sometimes, the only person you need to inspire hope in… is yourself. So long as you never keep that hope soley for yourself and never give up.”
A little awestruck, Michael nodded and stretched out his right hand, flinched back for a moment, then held it out firm. He watched as the ring slid smoothly onto his middle finger. Flashing again, a wave of blue light spread down his arm and across his body. He closed his eyes as the light passed over his head.
As the light faded, it revealed a black and blue bodysuit was now covering his body. "Umm… can I change this?” Michael asked aloud. “I really liked that hoodie.”
“Of course, bearer.” The ring replied. “One moment.” Another ripple of light generated a baggy hoodie emblazoned with the same symbol as on the ring. “Would you like to set this as your default outfit?”
“Yeah sure, that’s much better,” Michael sighed. “Now, I need to help my friend’s SQUIP out.” He glanced out the window… then did a double take at an orange flickering from the house he had just left. “Oh my god. I gotta get over there now!”
“Activating high speed flight.” The ring intoned, shrouding Michael’s body in a blue aura as he launched himself out the window.
Within seconds, he arrived just as a fire truck pulled up. “I’m with the Blue Lantern Corps.” Michael explained, projecting the symbol from his ring. “I’m here to help.”
The firemen nodded and focused on containing the growing blaze and escorting people out. Michael didn’t see Rich, Jake, Brooke, Chloe, Christine or Jeremy in the crowd.
Michael swooped down and concentrated. “Ring, can you find any lifesigns and mark them on a map?”
In response, a film of light appeared in front of him. On it, six circles appeared, all in various states of duress, judging from the labels. Without further hesitation, Michael homed in on the marker most in need.
Using hand-shaped constructs to push burning objects out of his way, glad that the aura around him filtered out the smoke and heat, he made his way to the person who was curled on the ground, who turned out to be Rich. Michal almost called out to him, before remembering that he now had a secret identity. “Hey!”
Rich barely noticed the yell, but Michael quickly surrounded him in a blue sphere, carefully maneuvering him out of the house and transferring him to an ambulance. “There’s still more people in there,” he explained, before zipping back in.
In short order, he rescued Brooke, Chloe, Jenna, and Christine, all of whom looked rather worse for wear, before a loud CRACK split the air. One of the remaining two markers began flashing urgently.
“Oh god… please don’t be Jer, please don’t be Jer!” Michael muttered as he zipped back in. To his simultaneous relief and horror, it wasn’t Jeremy, but Jake, who been pinned under a fallen bookshelf.
With a carjack construck, he lifted the shelf off of Jake’s legs, before gingerly picking him up. Jake hissed and yelled out in pain. “Oh god it hurts!”
“I know it hurts, but you’re gonna be okay! We just need to get you outta here!” Michael replied, hurrying back the  way he came to the waiting ambulance. “I think his legs are broken, he needs help bad!” Michael relayed. The paramedics nodded in understanding and began talking into a radio as Michael headed for the remaining life sign.
Turned out the remaining sign was Jeremy, and he had secluded himself in the bathroom. Carefully opening the door, he looked at Jeremy, and saw the other boy look at him and register his presence for the first time in weeks. Of course, Jeremy didn’t know it was Michael, but Michael couldn’t help but smiling fondly. “Party not go as you expected?” he quipped. “C’mon dude. Let’s get you outta here.” Without futher ado, he slung one of Jer’s arms over his shoulder and walked him out, producing a shield over their heads. “He listened to the brunet’s ramblings until they got out. “That’s everybody!” Michael proclaimed proudly, lifting himself off the ground.
“Wait-” Michael paused and looked down at Jeremy, who had grabbed his sleeve. “Who are you?” Jeremy asked.
“I’m a Blue Lantern, dude.” Michael answered. “Now I gotta jet ASAP.” With that, he shot off into the sky, purposefully heading in the wrong direction before shutting his aura off and going home.
“… In other news, last night, a fire broke out at a Halloween party last night at the Dillinger house.” the newswoman reported as Michael sat at his desk, doing research on the SQUIP. he paused and looked over at the TV as she continued. “Loss of life was was prevented by the appearance of a person who identified themselves as a “Blue Lantern”, who saved six teenagers trapped. His association with our world’s four known Green Lanterns is unknown. Midleborough thanks you, Blue Lantern.”
Michael smiled and glanced down at his ring, which shown in the light. He turned to a piece of paper where a short oath was written down.
Sitting on the floor was a large blue old-fashioned looking lantern, which he pressed the ring to. As both ignited into light, he recited the oath.
“In fearful day, in raging night,
”With strong hearts full our souls ignite.
”When all seems lost in the War of Light,
Look to the stars for hope burns bright!”
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israltale · 3 years
Black Flower calls
Reaper was devastated. After so long he had managed to go back to the Save Screen, but Geno was gone. Reaper had searched so many Timelines in order to find at least ONE Geno, but they were gone, no Geno in any Timeline. Reaper feared that he was completely deleted from any Timeline. 
Then he found a Save Screen that was weird. 
“What?” The Screen looked like it was shattered to Pieces, but there was something else. Black Flowers growing out of the Cracks. 
“What is this? What happened here?” He kneeled down, touching one of the Flowers, expecting that it will just wither away, but the Flower still stood strong, as if his Touch did Nothing to it. He picked one of the Flowers. 
“I should ask Life about this.” Reaper packed away the still healthy Flower to hurry back home and ask Life about this. Maybe it was the only Clue he had to find his beloved Geno Life was in her Area hidden away from the others, only Death and his Brother could visit if they wanted. 
“LIFE!” Reaper yelled as he entered. 
“Reaper? Weren’t you on your way to your Lover?” Reaper nodded. 
“Yeah, but i can’t find him. It’s like he is gone forever.” Life blinked. 
“What?” Reaper told her what he had found, after that showed the Goddess the Flower. 
“This is…” She took it Carefully. 
“It didn’t wither from my Touch.” He said, still amazed about the Fact. Life nodded. 
“This is the Chaos Flower, a very sturdy Flower.” Reaper blinked. 
“Chaos Flower? But why would it grow in Geno’s broken Save Screen?” Life pondered about it. 
“Well seeing that they are growing there, it could be that he is in this AU.” Reaper looked at her. 
“What AU?” Life put the Flower next to her. 
“There is only one AU where this grow Freely. IsralTale, maybe they know what happened to your Darling.” Reaper nodded, it was at least a Clue, but then he thought of Something. 
“Life… Why did i never heard of that AU? Don’t they have a Reaper?” Life chuckled a bit. 
“Their Life and Death system works a bit Different.” Reaper was on his Way to IsralTale, after a long Talk with Life about the AU and their Life and Death Circle. 
Thanks to his Magic he could enter undetected, walking through a bright Area unseen, all thanks to him being Death. People were walking around, no one seeing him, which was good, but something was Odd. They seemed full of Arrogance, some even having Servants that were more Slaves as everything else. 
“I wonder when our King finally gets rid of those Pesky Hybrids.” One Man said, carrying his Nose up to the Sky. 
“I hope soon, they pest our Air with their Existence.” Reaper didn’t like that talk at all. 
“How arrogant.” He whispered, but in this Area was no sigh of his beloved Geno, so he needed to look somewhere else, but where? 
“I can’t believe our beloved Princess is taking those THINGS under her protection… Even the Forest is darkening for them.” Reaper grinned. So he just needed to get where it turned dark, while still bright daylight. Shouldn’t be that hard, especially with his Powers, so he floated over the Forest to Find the Place, where it was Dark. 
Reaper blinked, he had searched the whole forest, but no signs of Darkness. How was that possible? Death had no Answer for that, so he slowly descended down, but once he was close to the Trees, then it happened, the Sky darkened as if Magic had suddenly grew stronger. Reaper stopped, floating only a bit up again, the Magic disappearing and the bright blue Sky greeting him. 
“Wow, that is some serious Magic here.” Reaper went down once again, the Night taking over, while underneath him a bright City in all different colours of Jewels and Gemstones appeared. The Trees growing in this forest were huge, otherwise they never could hide two large Cities with Castles just like that. The Magic throbbing in this Place was serious business. 
Reaper landed on the golden Tiles, close to the Marketplace, where People walking around happily. This was far different as the first City he was in. People of different size, colour and race walking around, talking and laughing with one another. It reminded him more of his AU as the previous city. Some People were walking around with beautiful and complicated designs of Flowers. 
“Syo is such a wonderful Flower Seller. His Bouquets are so beautifully made.” A Woman swooned over her Basket. Maybe he should get one for Life as well? Reaper stopped dead, there was a Skeleton walking not far from him. His clothes different but Reaper would recognise those dark Bones and creepy red eye sockets everywhere. 
“Error.” He whispered. How? Reaper wanted to know, but for that he needed follow the other. Death decided to keep distance, because Error could always sense him. 
Eriol went to a Shop with Flowers in front and all around, before he entered. Reaper looking inside the Window. 
“GENO!” A Man stood there with a greenish long Jacket, red and blue horns and the all present Pixels over his Eye. But the Death Mark was gone and he looked healthier and happier. Error seemed to talk with him, before their Tails intertwined in a loving gesture. Reaper couldn’t take it anymore. He opened the door, wanting to be reunited. 
“GENO!” Eriol growled at him, standing protective in front of Reaper. 
“Error… Please let me to Geno.” Reaper sounded so desperate, he finally had found Geno again, but Error was blocking him of. 
“Who are you.” Reaper stopped dead, his one eye light slowly moving to Geno. 
“Geno… Love.. this is not Funny… It’s me… Reaper.” Syo looked at him, before he slowly shook his Skull. 
“I… Don’t know you.” Reapers Soul sunk at that. Geno forgot him? Was it because he left him so long alone? Eriol watched him. 
“How did you find this Place anyway?” Was he another soon to be Victim of that Someone? Reaper looked at Error. 
“I searched for Geno in the Save Screens… But he was gone. No matter what Timeline i looked, they were all empty.” He said, while Eriol was listening. 
“Then i found a broken one. It looked shattered, but it was full of Black Flowers.” Eriol and Syo stopped a second. 
“Black Flowers?” Syo hurried away. 
“Like those.” He showed him different sorts of Black Flowers. 
“THIS ONE!” Reaper said as he found it again. Syo looked to Eriol. 
“These are the Guardians Flowers.” Eriol nodded. 
“I’ll contact the others. Can you close the Shop?” Syo nodded. 
“Yes, give me a bit.” Reaper watched them. 
“What… is going on?” Eriol looked at him. 
“Well, those are the Flowers of our Guardian, so maybe we can clear this things out.” Eriol explained, while using the Dragon connection to inform the others in the Castle. Syo closed the shop in the Meantime. After that they went to the Castle, there was stuff they needed to clear out. 
Narish looked at the Deity of Death. 
“Unexpected.” He said. Eriol grumbled. 
“He said Geno to Syo…” He said, sitting down. Millenia entered together with Cobra and Kiros. 
“Well we are all together now.” Narish said. Reaper nodded. He then proceeded to tell them what he had told Eriol and Syo already. 
“My Flowers?” Syo nodded. 
“Yes, i showed him some local Black Flowers together with the Chaos Flower. It’s impossible for him to know them if they wouldn’t grow there.” Millenia nodded. 
“True, they are only local to this AU and nothing else.” Reaper watched them. 
“Life knew about them.” Cobra looked to Millenia. 
“Seems like there are still some who remember that.” The Guardian nodded. 
“Seems like that.” Reaper blinked. Narish looked to Syo. 
“But what is the Meaning of it? All other Geno’s Missing?” Millenia leaned back. 
“Well, Geno turns at some Point to Error, getting insane in loneliness and the Black Void of the Save Screen.” She said. Eriol growled at that. 
“In the other Timelines at least. It could be that the ones Reaper looked in were already at that Point.” Fracture sighed. 
“But that doesn’t explain the broken one… the Timelines we all originated from either vanished or reseted.” Millenia nodded to that. 
“Yes, but seeing that he brought Flowers from there, means that he entered not long after Syo left.” Syo starred at her. 
“But how? IT has been MONTHS since i came here.” Syo exclaimed shocked. 
“It is not that weird, Time is flowing different in all kinds of AU’s.” She said calmly. Croma blinked. 
“Wait that would mean, that those who got directly thrown in here could have been thrown only mere seconds or minutes apart?” Kiros growled. 
“While arriving Months apart.” Fracture sighed deeply. 
“This is confusing.” It was really confusing.
“Possible, we can’t say exactly, but from what i can clearly say. Alure entered first, while Solei was brought from their AU only Hours apart, it took Weeks for him to arrive here.” Alure nodded. 
“True, i saw our AU fall apart, it was about to turn day, so it had been about 8 Hours, but he arrived almost two Months later.” Solei was with him. 
“Yeah, Alure was already settled in his new Life and the Area of Chaos a good way builded.” Reaper listened to their Explanation. 
“Can i ask something? Can’t he really remember?” Narish sighed. 
“Syo came here after twins gave their Soul to him, he remembered where he was and how he met them, but all what was before was already foggy to him.” Syo nodded. 
“I know my little slice of Soul had throbbed for someone… But i can’t remember at all.” Reaper shrunk in his Chair. 
“I’m so sorry, Ge… Syo… I never meant to leave you alone for so long…” Syo sighed. They all were aware that no one was able to Touch Reaper, or rather that he avoids it. Eriol sighed. 
“So… What now with him? I don’t think he will just go Home and life his normal life?” Reaper shook his Skull. 
“Forget it… i won’t leave Geno again!” He insisted. Narish sighed. 
“Well. It is possible for you to life as one of us.” The others starred at the Leader. 
“You can’t just go and leave as you please, this would destroy the already feeble Balance in here and we normally don’t have a God of Death here like you know it around other AU’s.” Fracture said. 
“Is there a way then?” Both Leader were nodding. 
“Your Timeline will reset with a new Reaper once you turn into a Hybrid.” Death listened to them. 
“Before you make this Decision.” Millenia spoke up. 
“How about you three life for a few days together, see if it works out for you, if Syo remembers anything at all.” Syo nodded, it was possible that it wouldn’t work out for them, then Reaper would have turned and would still be alone. Eriol agreed as well, he was Syo’s Mate after all, so he had to accept Reaper as well. It wasn’t that bad of an Idea.
Reaper started this Idea after that, but he was worried to touch them. He just talked and watched them. It was actually pretty nice and he learned so much about the Hybrids. Apparently turning into one brought some neat stuff with them, but it was very painful. 
“Your Slash disappeared?” Syo nodded. 
“Yes, after absorbing Finn and Quinns Half Souls my Slash disappeared and my melting Skull was repaired as well. Only my Socket was to damaged, but Lady Millenia made this magical Pixels for me so i can hide it.” Reaper was really impressed. 
“And it made your glitches go away?” Eriol nodded. 
“Was painful, but all the glitches disappeared, i grew and i don’t crash anymore…. I still am uncomfortable with Touch, but it’s easier since i life with Syo.” Reaper blinked. 
“I make sure that all my moves are detectable for Eriol. No hugging from behind, no surprises. All nice and clear for him and if he shows Signs to be uncomfortable i step a way.” Death was impressed by that. 
“This AU is really impressive.” He said. Eriol chuckled a bit. 
“Yeah but sadly the City you were first is… against us.” Reaper remembered. 
“Their King hates Hybrids?” Syo sighed, while Eriol tapped the Table. 
“From what we heard it wasn’t always that way, only since the current King rose to Power.” Syo said. 
“I was about to be sold as a Slave there as i was still Error.” Reaper starred at him. 
“Reeve, Cobra’s Brother bought me out of it, trying to help me to this Vicinity so i could return home… It didn’t play out like that.”  the Skeleton couldn’t believe what he heard. 
“It wasn’t always that way, so i heard. As the late King, King Niles was still on the Throne… there was no racism, no Slaves… It all came with the current King.” Eriol told him.
Reaper shook his Skull, while they told him how things Changed once Lysander got his Butt on the Throne. 
“But why?” Reaper asked. 
“We think because people believed he is not the Royals Child… We know from Lady Millenia that their Parents died very early, but she clearly said that the King is truly her younger Brother.” The Skeleton nodded slightly. Syo stood up to get more Coffee and Tea, while Eriol told more about the other City. 
“This sounds so fucked up.” Reaper said, as Syo brought more Tea. 
“Yeah, far as we know, the Vicinity of Order has a resistance going on. They make sure that Hybrids or halfblooded Creatures either get away from the Realm or be safely brought here.” He placed the Coffee in front of Reaper and Eriol, while he had Tea. 
He was already a few days with them and it felt so nice. They were fine with him as well, while he still refused to touch them without gloves. He doesn’t want to accidentally kill them, while they still try to tell him that he wouldn’t. 
“It has been almost a week now.” Syo started. Reaper nodded. 
“True.” Eriol nipped on his Coffee. 
“Did you made a decision?” Reaper smiled, looking into his Cup with steaming hot Coffee. 
“Yes, i want to turn.” Both watched him curiously. 
“It is Painful.” Syo warned him again. 
“I know… but here with the both of you.. this nice time… i don’t want to give it away.” Eriol looked to Syo. 
“Then we should tell the Guardian…. it is safer for you to turn under her surveillance.” Reaper nodded. He also had already picked a new name for him, for the Time he changed completely. Reaper was eager to change. A new Life was on the horizon and he wanted that so badly.
The next day was finally the Day Reaper wanted. They were once again on their Way to the Castle. Millenia told them to come over today, so that Reaper could pull through his decision. Pulvis was already waiting for them. 
“So you wanna join us?” He said as they went to the Front Door. 
“Yeah i had a bit of time to Think this through.” Death followed Pulvis into the Castle, they would go to the Infirmary, the best Place for him to Change. Millenia had a Crystal in her Hand, as Pulvis brought him in. 
“Are you Sure about this?” She asked, as he sat down on the Bed. 
“Yes, never was more sure of anything.” Millenia nodded softly.
“Alright, try to relax as best you can, this will be very painful.” She warned him, giving him the Crystal. 
“I know, Syo and Eriol warned me over and over again.” He said softly, taking the Crystal in his Hand. He could feel the Beat of the Soul inside. Once he was comfortable enough, he broke the Stone to devour the Soul. 
The Pain started the second he broke the Crystal. His bones felt like burning, while his Soul throbbed in Pain. Reaper knew nothing bad would happen, after all he was in safe hands. Reaper felt the Change slowly creep into his Bones and Soul. 
Syo and Eriol waited in the Meeting Room, while they knew it will take a long time. Reaper had the Chance to decide for himself, unlike most of them one of the few, the other was Geno, who could have refused the last wish of those Kids. It took a while before Pulvis came into the Room.
“He is resting now.” Pulvis informed them. 
“Did… Did he Manage alright?” Pulvis nodded. 
“He did pretty good, after some Rest he should be fine.” 
Reaper woke up, he didn’t even know how long he was out. 
“How are you feeling?” Millenia asked softly. 
“My body feels sore…” He answered, already feeling the Tail and the Horns. Millenia sat down close to him. 
“It’ll take a while, till the Soreness is gone, after all you changed considerably.” Reaper nodded, watching his Tail. 
“Swirls?” He said looking at her. 
“Yes, the Soul i gave you is one that will help you control your Touch of death.” Reaper starred at her. 
“Wh… Really?” Millenia nodded, before she got a little Box, inside was a small rabbit, it looked sickly and ill. 
“I found this one at the Lake, its mother probably long gone.” Reaper looked up at her. 
“It will die either way, sadly enough i couldn’t safe it… But this little one will help us with this Test.” He nodded slowly. 
“Seeing the swirls littered other your Tail and Horns, means you never intend to kill.” She said carefully. Reaper slowly sat up, as she place the Box close to him. The new born Hybrid slowly moved his hand to the little dying creature. He stopped close to it, looking afraid to actually touch the little Rabbit. 
“You mean it… That i can’t kill someone with those Swirls visible.” He looked so lost as he levelled his Eye Light on the Guardian. 
“Yes, i mean it.” Finally he moved his hand to the small rabbit, carefully petting it. The swirl in his Eye light started to rotate, as his soul was filled with happiness. The little Thing didn’t die because of his Touch. 
“I can… touch… i can finally… touch people.” Millenia nodded. 
“Now… i want to ask you to but this poor thing out of its Pain.” Reaper looked at her again. 
“It can’t be saved anymore… all we can grant this poor thing, is a painless and fast death.” Reaper looked at the Animal again. 
“You’re right.” He could do this for the rabbit. Slowly the swirls on his Tail melted into the same colour. Reaper touched the Bunny with a frightful gulp.
Reaper had followed her into the Garden behind the Castle, where they buried the Box now. 
“This is great responsibility.” She said softly. 
“I know but… Eriol and Syo said i should contribute something.” Millenia nodded. 
“True, they all do.” She said with such a soft Smile. 
“What about your Name?” He chuckled a bit. 
“I want to be named Scylla now.” Millenia nodded.
“Alright. Then Scylla, you shall be the Guide to the next Life and take care of the Graveyard.” Scylla’s Tail whipped in happiness. He will miss Life that was sure, but now he had Syo and Eriol as lovers, a new Job and perfect control over his Touch of Death. 
Millenia got up, dusting off her Clothes, as Fracture approached them.
“Already on your Feet again?” Scylla nodded. 
“Yes, i feel pretty good actually.” Fracture nodded. 
“I see, i also heard your new Name, Scylla.” The other chuckled a bit. 
“Eavesdropping?” Fracture sighed. 
“We are very careful, where our Guardian is.” Millenia walked over to him. 
“Oh yeah Eriol and Syo told me about the Trouble of the other Area. I was shocked to hear them Talk badly about this Place.” Fracture growled a bit. 
“Most of the Pure Bloods turned so arrogant… The Late King would turn in his Grave, if he would see what his Grandson is doing.” Scylla nodded. 
“I would if i was the Late King… From what i heard, he tried so hard to remove so much and have creatures life peacefully together.” Millenia nodded. 
“King Niles was sometimes Harsh, but a righteous King. There was no Race difference in his Kingdom.” They slowly walked back to the Castle. 
“So you actually try to found the same rights as King Niles had?” Fracture smiled a bit. 
“Yes, we try to. We are Hybrids, something between the Skeletons we once were and the Dragons we aren’t fully.” Millenia had intertwined her Arm into his. 
“There is no thing as race Difference. We are equally in the Eyes of Mother Earth, only how we make our Decisions define our differences.” She stated. Scylla agreed with her. 
“It doesn’t matter if you have a Cat Tail or a Dog Tail.” Fracture moved his four Tails. 
“It only Matters if you want to harm others because it is fun and joy for you, barely Entertainment, or if you treat them as you want to be treated.” The new Hybrid couldn’t agree more on that. 
He could understand that the others wanted to Protect her with all they have, because she had the Believes of the former King still inside her Soul, not seeing people for what they are in her Eyes, but what they have in their Soul. Scylla had still no regrets for his decision, and with those Rulers and her as their Guidance Light, he was sure this Kingdom will thrive to what the other Realm had long lost. 
Syo and Eriol were waiting for him, as he tackled them in a soft hug. 
“R..Reaper?” Syo gasped in surprise. 
“It’s Scylla now and i can finally Touch people without Fear!” He sounded so incredibly happy. 
“Really? That’s great, Scylla!” Syo said happily. He needed to tell them, once they returned home. 
“Thank you for everything, Lady Millenia.“ Eriol bowed to her. 
“Not for this, Eriol. It was his Decision, something a lot of you never had.” Fracture smiled at her. 
“Still you do so much for us, without trying to get benefit out of it. Your Soul is truly Kind and big.” She chuckled softly. 
“I only try to bring my Grandfathers Teachings close to everyone.” Eriol nodded. 
“This Kingdom will become a great Beacon of those Teachings.” With that the Three returned home, there was a lot of Cuddling to do, now that Scylla could do that without the great Panic to kill his Lovers on accident. 
Fracture and Millenia watched them walk to their House, before they returned to the Castle. They all gained new Lives, new chances to do what they never could before.
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