#Yandere Bucci Gang
depravitymoon · 7 months
How long would the the Bucci Gang members harras-I mean court their senpais prior to the kidnapping phase? Under normal circumstances, who would be successful in hiding the yan part of their affection, and who would inevitably slip up during this courtship phase?
Oooo, this ask fits well into talk about mental instability.
60% of this will based on their mental stablilty, 10% is how manipulative they are, and another 10% of it will be based on their own personality, 20% is based on how hard or easy it is for them to go yandere. (Sorry for the math lol).
Tldr: For most of the them, it just depends on when you trigger their Yandere side during the courting phase instead of a time frame. Trish is the best at hiding her yan side. Narancia, Mista, and Fugo will slip up the fastest.
The longer version:
Narancia never really hides that he's yandere. You would just end up brushing off his yandere tendencies as being friendly until he crosses some lines, but once he does that, it's too late. Narancia wouldn't kidnap you, but he will not leave your home when asked to. You probably wouldn't know Narancia was courting you being he's always acted like an over affectionate friend within the 3 to 6 months you knew him.
Mista will kidnap you once to show that he can, but he really just wants to have a 'normal' relationship with you. The reason? Because you found out he's a ruthless mafioso and you wanted no part of Passione nor his violent life. When do you find out? I would say within a year. It's going to make for an awkward 1 year anniversary.
As soon as you wont give Bruno the family he wants, he's kidnapping you. Otherwise, Bruno would just use manipulation tactics to keep you close to him. As long as you do what Bruno says, there will be no need for kidnapping. I would say Bruno's one of the more successful Yandere that can hide it, but he'll slip up when his baby fever shows and he gets too overprotective of you.
Trish plans on kidnapping you as soon as she falls in love with you. Well, not kidnapping. More like ruins your life so feel compelled to only rely on her. She's very good at hiding how yanderu she is thanks to Spice Girl. In fact, it's mainly Spice Girl pulling the strings while Trish can focus on courtship you properly.
For Abbacchio's yandere side, it really depends. Ultimately, as soon as he thinks you're in danger. What makes him yandere is his paranoia of losing such a good person like you to some tragedy. He refuses to lose you like he lost his partner. Abbacchio might be too tsundere to properly court and just stalks you with Moody Blues. You most likely didn't even know he had a crush on you at all.
Yandere Giorno is someone I imagine is successful hiding his Yan tendencies. However, he'll slip up because he does have a power trip thanks to being Don and having GER. You can date Giorno for years and not know what he's really like.
As soon as you piss Fugo off, his Yan colors show. This one I truly have no timeline for because it all depends on what type of darling you are to Fugo. However, Fugo will definitely screw up and will be forced to use yandere tactics to keep you near.
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sk3tch404 · 16 days
Normalize drawing what u enjoy
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This is canonically how he got into photography /j
Am I blanchin girl we blanchin, I live up Inna mansion 💃💞🗣
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noaltbruh · 9 months
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@multifandom-hcs Hope you're having a good day too! :))
Bruno and Hermes dating hcs ❤️
Hermes 💋
Chaotic gf. I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but she will most definitely be more hyped than you for anything.
Loves to try new things with you and go on all sorts of date! From carnivals, to road trips, to that one random place you saw and you're not quite sure if it's a restaurant or a sex shop, but you'll find out together!
Wakes you up at three am. because she just got an idea for what you could do together and you have to do it NOW.
Big on PDA, she's constantly touching you or holding you near her even when you're in public, HECK ESPECIALLY when you're in public.
Loves to show you off to the Stone Ocean gang and can't shut up about how great her partner is.
Definetely teases you and gets even mushier with you if she sees you getting shy.
She'll speak up and stand up for you in any situation, whether that is a stand battle or someone cut in line in front of you.
Always has the biggest grin on her face as soon as she sees you.
Loves to drag you in troubles, but she honestly just wants to have fun with you. Don't worry, if things get out of hand, she knows how to handle policemen.
I think her kisses would be a bit rough, like you can just feel how eager she is to feel her lips on your body.
Is literally always complimenting you and your look, calling you hot, beautiful, handsome, pretty...Whatever you prefer!
"Breath taking as usual, caro/cara!" "I'm...Literally in my pajamas" "Your point?"
Shoplifts for you, I'm sorry. Like- maybe you just saw a cool jewel in a shop and told her you liked it, without really thinking much about it. The next day, you find that exact jewel at your front door.
Opens up about her past and how much she misses her sister, it's one of the few times she genuinely seems sorrowful.
Would love you even more if you accepted to visit her sibling's grave with her. She might cry on your shoulder, so please comfort her.
On a more optimistic note, if she visits her on his own, she even talks to her and you and how awesome you are.
She lets you keep your stuff in her tits without even having to ask her, it's just routine for you two by now.
Loves to do your makeup. Alternatively, if you don't wear it, she still asks you if she can try it on you because she's fully convinced you'd look great with it.
VERY flirty and completely shameless about it, no matter who is watching.
Can't cook lol, but she will gladly take you to any restaurant you like and she'll offer to pay for both of you!
...Yeah, pay.
Bruno 🤐
The boyfriend ever.
He's so romantic and gentle he literally makes me want to cry because he's so perfect and VSGABCAHZCSS.
Just being near him makes you feel safe, you'll never have to fear being judged as long as this man is your partner.
He's calm and understanding. No matter if something is troubling you or you're simply in a bad mood just because, he'll never lose his patience with you.
Encourages you in everything you do, whether that is a small task or a lifelong goal you're trying to pursue, Bruno will always be ready to support you and help you in any way possible.
Might be a bit busy from time to time due to his job, but he makes you to call and text you anytime he gets the chance too. He loves hearing your voice and he wants to be sure that you're doing alright.
He never closes a phone call without an "I love you, tesoro" at the end.
Will make up for the time he missed once he gets back home. He'll do whatever you want to and there aren't limits to how much he's willing to spend for his love.
Do you want to go on a trip to France for the weekend? He already has two tickets and a reservation in the best hotel of the city.
Remember that very fancy restaurant in the city center? Guess who has already reserved a table for two with a beatutil view on the entire city?
Truthfully, however, Bruno enjoys anything as long as he gets to spend it with you. Despite his role in the mafia, he also loves simpler, everyday life with his partner.
Even just going to the local market to buy something together makes him so incredibly happy, and gives him a sense of normality in the mess that's his life.
Not super big on showing affection in public, at least not as much as Mista or Narancia- but he always maintains even a small touch between you.
He loves to hold your hand as you walk, lets you hold on to his arm, or he wraps his arm around your waist.
Way more touchy and flirty in private. Bruno is smooth and knows excabtly where to provoke you or what to tell you to make you blush.
He puts his hand under your chin or on your cheek if you were to look away from him. You can see his proud, little smirk on his face.
The best cook in the gang, male wife material. His fish dishes are the best you'll ever try in your entire life.
Speaking of that, he'd love to go fishing with you. It reminds him of the time he spent with his father and sees it as a way to continue his family traditions. After all, you are his future wife/husband.
He has the kindest look on his face while explaining to you how to fish and it makes me want to explode.
He loves to massage your shoulders, for some reason. Maybe because it helps you relax, but it just feels very intimate to him.
He rubs your back and kisses you on the forehead whenever he hugs you. His embrace is warm and you wish you never had to let go.
Gives you flowers or any sort of gifts on the most random occasions. Don't worry, buddy, you didn't forget and important date, he's just a sweetheart and wanted to give you a present to make you smile.
Also, since you're dating him, you'll now have to take care of five children, aka the gang. I'm sorry, but you did this to yourself the moment you became his partner.
Don't worry, Abbacchio will help you... Perhaps.
On a more serious note, Bruno would love to have a family with you in the future. This man is MADE to raise children, adopted or not, anything is fine for him.
He thinks you'd be a great parent, but of course, if you don't want to be, he'll never force it on you :)
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 11 months
Hello, I did not want to disturb but I wanted to know how the stands of Bucci-Gang + Trish and Diavolo would behave in front of their beloved?Since they are manifestations of his soul, they would also show his Yandere side, sorry if it is a lot of work and I love how you write
*just so everyone knows I keep a lot of asks and hope to eventually write them later if I really like the concept…even if it may literally take an eternity to get to them*
So since this is Yandere focused I’m going to lean on that, but you’ll get to see the expressions of obsession as I write.
Yandere Bucciarati Group + Diavolo and Trish’s stands reacting to their darling
Bruno Bucciarati
Generally speaking Sticky Fingers particularly seems to “stand guard” around you. It’s fingers sometimes float across your skin, gentle touching. But at a moments notice is quick to use its ability if Bruno even suspects you trying to escape or pull something. There are times where you feel it grab your arm and drag you closer to its master.
Leone Abbacchio
Since his stand doesn’t really have offensive capabilities, it tends to like also hanging around you. Though if Abbacchio really insists on you not leaving his side, Moody Blues will do its best to keep you still. If he decides to use his ability depending on where you’re at, it does it relatively quickly and quick to pause with precision if it’s something like seeing your face sleeping at night. Simply watching you seems to be one of its favorite things to engage in.
Guido Mista
The Sex Pistols pretty much adore you, even the troublemaking number stops being a nuisance when you’re around. If you can see them, they insist on you feeding them when mealtime comes around. They may slightly pester Mista saying you’re better at doing so simply for holding food a certain angle. He enjoys this as much as the pistols do, and even if you can’t see them and feed them they still generally cheer when you’re around. if anyone outside the gang and Mista himself, they’ll end up reacting somewhat hostile. Snide or sarcastic remarks if someone tries to romance you.
They’ll also pester Mista if he hasn’t seen you in a few days due to a job or something he had to take care of on his own.
Narancia Ghirga
Aerosmith’s flight patterns seemingly change course a bit when you’re around Narancia. Out of protective instinct, it seems to fire it’s bullets/weapons more aggressive if you’re in any sort of immediate danger. Or if Narancia is tracking, Aerosmith seems to get a quick reading on you, fast. For some reason if the stand was used casually, the way it would fly around would be akin to something at an air show. Presenting the way Narancia may be excited to be with you.
Pannacotta Fugo
Purple Haze is interestingly affected by Fugo’s obsession for you. It stops obsessing over its arms, drooling minimizing to almost nothing. It’s aggression in battle nearly quadruples, out of getting rid of anything that Fugo considers a threat. So there’s times things may or may not get out of control or on the other end of the spectrum killing something with almost unusual precision . But it settles once knowing you’re safe, this may or may not exhaust Fugo occasionally. Under the surface Purple Haze would be pleased if you came to check on Fugo out of concern.
Giorno Giovanna
Gold Experience and Giorno are pretty much in sync almost constantly. It generally likes to express certain flowers that evidently have deep romantic meanings as a gift. It’ll daze you in a heartbeat if you try to sneak off somewhere, giving way to its stand master taking care of you for a few hours. Generally it seems to enjoy kissing your hand, and occasionally turning an object into a small animal for you. It doesn’t hesitate to turn something that you own into an animal to track down either if it means being in your presence again.
Aromatherapy is another thing it seems to do with plants, especially after Giorno figures out what your likes, dislikes, (and potential allergies) are.
Requiem is basically game over for any escape attempts with a stand, and even if you’re hesitant takes some effort to try and comfort you. Caresses and touches that would be comforting in a normal context that’s not having you run in terror from a mafioso.
Due to his violent tendencies and tactics, King Crimson is intense in presenting Diavolo’s dark desires. It’s touches are tight and unbelievably strong, that it tends to leave bruises on your body. Erasing time is smooth and precise, inducing confusion from trying to escape Diavolo. The stand is of course as impulsive as it’s stand master, your legs are broken or are knocked out as quick as your thoughts to wander.
Trish Una
Spice Girl has some impulsive traits that King Crimson does, as much as Trish probably doesn’t want to admit it. This stands intensity shines through sitting on your lap, arms around your neck. Not caring in the slightest if you can see it or not. It gives faint phantom kisses on your cheeks, and certainly uses its abilities to keep you in place no matter the area. It tends to also enjoy having you match Trish someway, even the smallest accessory it enjoys seeing Trish put on you to coordinate. Like you and her were meant to be.
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princelylove · 5 months
Hello, Prince! I’ve been following (and indulging into) your blog for a while now and this is my first time submitting a question/request 🥹 but before I jump into that, I must take a moment and tell you how much I love your perspectives, especially on the Bucci gang (biased, but they’re my favs). Sometimes, while reading your answers, I forget that you’re technically writing them as yanderes. Your characterizations, although yandere, feel very close to their canon selves, imo. Just exaggerated scenarios, sure; but the human psyche is so complex, and yet so simple at the same time - one “right” trigger and everything can go wrong. Especially when you’re dealing with characters coming from such, let’s say, vulnerable backgrounds…
Anyway. I’ve just seen your answer on Leone and Mista’s submissive natures. How do you view Bruno? What I get from your writings is that he is this man who absolutely needs to have a certain control in creating the perfect family he wants. But sometimes I’d like to think he might not be that when it comes to more intimate stuff. After all, he’s someone who has the control in everything. He’s a leader in a mafia organization, first of all. Wouldn’t he also be a little submissive behind closed doors? Just letting himself go?
I’m so curious to read your perspective on this, Your Highness. Thank you for taking your time. Your writings are always a delight.
What I love most about human psychology is the fact that every single individual in the world has the capability to do something bad, but doesn't. Free will is both humanity's savior and tormentor. Why do some individuals snap when others in the exact same position do not? What sets them apart, why do they act the way they do?
You can't know, because we haven't come far in psychology at all! We have no idea what we are or why we do what we do! It's fascinating, it's the best part of humanity. Medical studies are different, you learn objective facts about your body, what do you learn in psych? Theory! Lots of theory, and you go your entire study learning more and more theory! It's so fun.
Some say that our personalities are predetermined based off of our biology, others say it's our environment that shape who we are. Logic dictates a bit of both- you can inherit traits from your parents (possibly from observation, possibly from genetics) and certain disorders from them, but you are but a mere mold of your loved and loathed ones. I supposed I'm a bit biased in this aspect, I'm very, very interested in why we do what we do. But human nature is faulty, and it looks like I won't be getting an answer in my lifetime. It's such a shame.
I've said this countless times, but I value accuracy above my personal preferences. Not every character is going to be absolutely perfect for me, and that's alright. There's attractive characters that I am just not compatible with, I'm sure you feel the same. Straying too far from the source material produces an entirely different person wearing said character's likeness- and, honestly, that's really upsetting. It's just not them. Why say you love a character if you're bending them to the point where it's just someone else?
The same goes for making a character a yandere. Stereotypical yandere doesn't work for every single character, but what does 'yandere' really mean? There's lots of different types! Not every yandere is super overly affectionate and totally head over heels in love. It doesn't work for every character because, well, how many characters do you know that read exactly like that? Why would you make someone like Bruno suddenly become a stalker that trips over himself to please you? Be serious.
Bruno longs for control, and expects himself to play into the typical expectation of the man being both the top and dominant one. There isn't a lot of comfortable opportunities for men to explore their sexuality in the way women do, especially considering his position as a mafioso- or, eventually, as a capo. You kind of lose respect for your boss if you find out he takes it up the ass while you're stressing over getting jobs done.
It's vulnerable to submit. It's uncomfortable. For a man, control is all he has, and if you lose it for even a second, you never really get it back again. Bruno is 'a bit' obsessed with his image- he's not too keen on the idea of his home life thinking he's too hard, or his work life thinking he's too soft. It's like a switch- there's no middle ground for Bruno, he's just one or the other.
He's just not comfortable bottoming, not until you tell him that it's what you want. Bruno is significantly more you-oriented than Guido and Leone, if you want it, you'll have it. Good husbands provide absolutely everything that their spouse could possibly want, it's not a problem- ah. Except it actually is a problem. Wouldn't you rather he takes care of you for the evening?
Bruno likes to think of himself as a very gentle, but firm, dominant man. He wants to guide you through it, really (literally and metaphorically) hold your hand. Doesn't that idea sound so much better?
When you softly tell him no, he'll budge. A good husband wouldn't force you into doing something you don't want. He'll try bottoming, if that's what you'd prefer. He'd do absolutely anything for you- it's just... going to take him a bit to adjust. He's never submitted before, he doesn't know what to do, and that's the one thing he truly hates.
But God does he get addicted. It's good. He'll fully admit the sensation was fantastic for him. Bruno may consider himself a top and to be more on the dominant side, but I think it's obvious that he's a true switch, depending on the relationship. He's a bit shy to ask for it again- he rarely initiates sex, although he flirts with his darling very, very often.
Love is about keeping the flame going. It's wrong of him to not flirt with his spouse even after you've been married for so long. He just doesn't want to accidentally pressure you into sex with him- he's just a man, he can misread you, sometimes. Although, he has a knack for telling when someone isn't being truthful, you know...
As for specific fetishes, I think Bruno doesn't really know what he wants just yet. All he's thought about prior was being a good husband, and eventually, a good father. He kind of already has children, so... it's just more of a fantasy than a real need to get his darling pregnant, if they're even capable of it. A breeding kink doesn't necessarily mean you would like children- it just means you're very, very into the idea of pregnancy. Finishing inside your partner, being finished in, it's hot. Some may enjoy the children aspect, but for most, it's just a fantasy. Bruno's more into the idea than the actuality.
But he later discovers he has a bit of a shoe fetish. That one takes him a little while.
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icerisotto · 6 months
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ about ⟢ me !
☆ i am kero, a huge fan of vento aureo!
★ although i like jojo in general, my heart lies with vento aureo characters, hence why i made this blog.
☆ my ships are very... uncommon (in an unpopular way, of course). i have rare pairings and 90% of the jojotwt community doesn't know about these, so i decided to create a special place to keep in touch with anyone else who likes rare pairings!
★ if you're interested in knowing more about me, consider reading my carrd or visiting my twitter and ao3 profile!
☆ this blog is meant to be a way to communicate with other vento aureo fans, make fans and entertain myself with my writing hobby.
★ i have a brumis only blog with a friend of mine!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ likes !
☆ favorite characters: bucciarati, mista, abbacchio, risotto, ghiaccio and formaggio.
★ favorite pairs: brumisabba, brumis, misabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ characters i really enjoy: narancia, trish, pesci, prosciutto and polnareff.
★ shipps i really enjoy: brupros and formapros.
☆ characters i slightly enjoy: giorno, melone, illuso, fugo, tiziano, squalo, secco and cioccolata.
★ shipps i slightly enjoy: meloghia, formailluso, seccolata, ghiasecco, formaghia, brupros, and formapros.
☆ characters i don't care about: doppio, carne, zucchero, sale, scolippi, sorbet and gelato (at least not enough to write anything with them alive, sorry).
★ shipps i don't care about: every other ship (including those involving bucci gang members, risopros, bruabba, sorlato and risabba).
☆ characters i hate: diavolo.
★ shipps i hate: anything involving minors with adults or relatives.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ new ⟢ commissions !
☆ lately, i've been quite busy with uni and struggling with mental health issues, so writing has been heaven and hell to me.
★ that doesn't mean i'm not willing to write if i get any suggestions! my current issue is creativity, since i've been lacking of new ideas.
☆ so, if you checked my profile and felt like making a request, feel free! as long as you follow my rules, of course, which are:
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𖤐 ִֶָ no-go! 𓂃 🧷
☆ incest, rape, sexual harassment, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, ableism, animal abuse, or any type of prejudice and sex-related crimes.
★ age regression, yandere, furry, vore, vomit or feces eating, knife or needle play, cuckold, wound fingering.
☆ extreme crackfic (example: risotto shoves a hydrant up his ass and dies), non-angst infidelity, arranged marriage, fake dating, self-insert (y/n or character x reader stuff).
★ stereotyped or fetishized trans people, mpreg, dead dove: do not eat.
☆ bruabba without mista, risopros without ghiaccio, mista + anyone aside my personal ships, any ship with giorno or trish, -18 with +18, any character who isn't from vento aureo, any ship with diavolo or doppio.
★ fics without risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno or leone.
☆ mom bruno, rapist melone, dumb narancia and any other unfunny, overused, offensive or inaccurate joke/stereotype.
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𖤐 ִֶָ maybe! 𓂃 🧷
☆ infidelity plot (angst/tragedy only).
★ sad ending (depends on my mood).
☆ what if settings (depends on the plot).
★ non-romantic oneshots.
☆ longfics (keep in mind that i have personal projects in production, so there's a slight chance i won't be able to do longfic requests </3 but you'll be contacted and/or credited if your idea gets used).
★ weird kinks (unless they don't fall on any of my previous no-go restrictions).
☆ random pairs (if they don't go against my personal tastes and look interesting to write about, i'll give it a try!).
★ age gap (+10 age gaps only if both parts are +24 adults).
☆ age changing (years passing? fine. characters with no canon ages getting a defined age? fine. turning minors into adults for pairing purposes? hell nah...).
★ solo/centric fics of anyone aside from risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno and leone (depends on the character).
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𖤐 ִֶָ yes! 𓂃 🧷
☆ smut.
★ gore and violence.
☆ fluff.
★ light crackfic.
☆ domestic settings.
★ polyamory.
☆ alternative realities (example: bucci gang as lawyers).
★ horror (ghosts, vampires, werewolves, serial killers, etc).
☆ la squadra headcannons (i'm in need of ideas!).
★ brumis, misabba, brumisabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ scenarioss, hc and opinion posts in here.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ schedule !
☆ i am a student with a busy household, so please understand that external factors may cause delays in my response to your requests. be patient.
★ oneshots may take a week or more to write, but scenarios or drabbles will be posted within 24 hours after you send me your request. <3
☆ if you need to contact me or have any questions, send me a message via inbox or twitter!
★ i always make update or divulgation posts whenever a request or original work has been written. follow me to check if your request has been posted; if not, contact me!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ good ⟢ bye !
☆ please like and reblog.
★ consider following me.
☆ i'll appreciate any feedback on my works, especially positive ones!
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i-am-a-fraud · 2 years
Bucci gang as Harley Poe songs with s/o
Grusome themes
All are yander themes
Corrupting my better half by Harley poe
A man has got to do what a man has got to do
He will take you as his wife as a civilian but confess to everything on your wedding night
You will love him anyway he is still the man you love.
Running from the boss and living on the edge together
You are an easy target for the boss. You died in his arms, and he had to leave
Meaningless by Harley poe
If he wants something he will take it if he doesn't need it he will break it
If he is good to you or bad to you, it won't matter anyway because you both will die like everyone else
Death is the end and the only certain thing so why do we love? Why do we do anything?
What is the point you him and you?
Prom night by Harley poe
You where a hottie the thing that caught his eye he wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you
You don't feel the same way?
Can't you see he is for you and your for him? You will have a white fence and little dog and maybe even a family and a family with the sex pistols
Still here by Harley poe
Doesn't care if the world just fucking ended he is gonna be with you
- ignore the do drugs part in the song but we can ignore that-
It will be fun! He is still with you and always will be!
Ima killer by Harley poe
-maybe minus the sexual themes-
Will threaten to kill you if you try to leave.
Hates when you lie
He hides a dark side to him. He really does love you but what gives you the right to say that "we are through?"
He needs you he loves you he needs you he really needs you
Isn't satisfied until you are his
Maria by Harley Poe
Will want to keep you around no matter what you say or do
Loves you no matter what
Even if your a bitch even if you are going crazy
You will still be the love of his life
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
Out of everyone in the Bucci Gang, I see Narancia and Fugo as the two members who have the highest yandere potential.
I can see it. Narancia is textbook manic violence. And Fugo is violence and attachment issues personified.
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Hello beautiful people! After thinking about it for a while ( and i thank my bestie @dark-side-of-passion for all the love and support) i’ve decided to officially open my askbox to make headcanons for Jojo part 5!
I’ll write for The Bucci Gang and La Squadra Esecuzioni at the moment, but if i see that you all enjoy my writing i’ll consider more characters and fandoms.
Some rules cause i think i need to specify  what i can and can’t write....
I will write: - gn reader x character -Fluff - some spicy stuff but nothing too explicit -angst
I will not write: -         Anything related to non/dub con -         Yandere stuff -         Everything outside of my comfort zone (stuff like inc*st, p*ss k*nk, n*cr*ph*lia...)
Again i’ll only write headcanons for now, thank you for understanding! And as we say in Tuscany “ Gnamo nini ‘he si parte!”
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tangytiramisu · 2 years
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General Rules
🎀 I write mostly headcanons but will take fic requests too! 🎀 I write both SFW & NSFW, so feel free to send in thirsts as well! 🎀 All characters are of age in my works 🎀 I have no limits aside from extreme gore, scat, cheating scenarios, discrimination, politics 🎀 Yandere content is allowed! 🎀 Do not send multiple requests at a time; please wait until I have finished the first one you sent 🎀 Only 5 characters max in one ask unless you ask for a group (Azuchi suitors, Bucci Gang, Obey Me Bros, you get the gist 😉) 🎀 I will do my best to answer your requests soon but if it takes time, it is likely that I'm busy. However you are free to reach out to me if you suspect that Tumblr ate it 🤭 🎀 PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH MY NSFW POSTS IF YOU ARE A MINOR!!!! They are tagged #NSFW🔞
Fandoms I Write For
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1-7 (current obsession) #JJBA⭐
Obey Me #ObeyMe😈
Ikemen Sengoku #IkeSen🌸
Ikemen Vampire #IkeVamp🍷
Death Note #DeathNote📓
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depravitymoon · 8 months
Yandere Bucci Gang by Yanderu
((This replaces Brutality because I thought this was more simplified for everyone.))
Just how intense is their Yan side:
1 is a soft yandere that's more harmless.
5 is a wild card or something in between.
10 is extremely harmful and very Yanderu (sick, unstable).
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4/10 - Abbacchio - If he wasn't insistent on kidnapping you he would be much lower. Would never hurt you, and prior to the kidnapping he would just stalk you using Moody Blues. Afterwards, he would just drug you to calm you down.
5/10 - Giorno - He is more of a wild card. Depending on the situation and people involved, he can be as docile as just stalking you or he can be as ruthless as sending people on deathloops.
6/10 - Narancia - Outbursts, guiltrippings, threatening people with a knife, and using Aerosmith to track you or others down. He also wants all your attention or will cry loudly about it.
7/10 - Fugo - He wont break your bones on a whim; that's after the 5th warning. Other people are fair game and Purple Haze will be called out. He's not a 10 because he leaves darling alone with their own life to live.
8/10 - Mista - Brings out his gun and things it's funny people freak out. And yes, he does fire it. If you try to flee, he wont hesitate to pull the trigger.
9/10 - Trish - Will ruin all your close bonds and your reputation just so you have no one else to turn to, but her. It's non-violence, but does far more damage to your life.
10/10 - Bruno - Forces you to have kids, will unzip your limbs off, willing to harm others to keep you in place. He'll micromanage your life to an extent the others wouldn't do.
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umbrawitchsimmer · 11 months
More info on my day
Hello! I am in bored very lazy and I think it's about time I ramble to motivate myself to get up and GTFO my bed.
I have completed 2 weeks worth of posts. I have already started on the 3rd week's post.
I want to really write some 50 to 100 word stories of Yandere Bucci Gang with Darling's family.
Now to do what my mom asked of me at 7am (it's 1pm now, smh)
Write more for my NaNoWriMo story.
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falloutjuli · 2 years
Rules for Requests
So you wanna make a request? Thank for you reading the rules first! Very kind of you. SOOOO anyways what are my rules?
Might update this as I go along
Wanna know which Characters I write for? Search no further!
Be kind. 
Self explanatory. Aint it?
Please dont request too many characters. 4 at max, except if you wanna request a HC List for 1-8 JoJos or the Bucci gang. Thats the ONLY exceptions im willing to make.
When I actively wrote for South Park, people came with requests and wanted 16 Characters. Thats simply too much and makes me dread your request, so if you dont go crazy, Illl be able to write it quicker. Cool? Cool.
NSFW is fine, but please specify the Readers gender so AFAB or AMAB. If no gender is given, Ill go with AFAB.
I am AFAB, so its more comfortable for me to write. Im fine with AMAB, but in the face of no specification, I’ll go with a AFAB reader.
No Gore, incest, Loli/Shota, Noncon, and no glorifying of bad themes.
I write about darker topics, yes, but I never intend to glorify them. Hard drugs, suicidal thoughts/actions, EDs, etc. my appear in my works (with proper warnings and all) but only on my terms, since I use writing to deal with stuff that’s affecting me. And I certainly don’t wanna write anything that would romanticize any of those topics.
No Yandere.
I know some people like to write these and they seem to be popular but its not my cup of tea and dont like it personally so please do not request it from me. 
If I take a longer time to write your requests, please do not come into my DMs to constantly ask me about it. 
Hey, I get it. Asking once after a few weeks is fine, but please refrain from asking multiple times and demanding my attention. I am a person too. I am not the mentally healthiest person and have a busy life, so please keep that in mind! This is my hobby, not my work.
If my requests are stated as closed, but you send one in anyways, I will delete it. 
I wanna leave my ask box open for funny shenanigans, so please check if Im currently allowing requests. 
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yanderememes · 2 years
Hey It's me again!
I got another question for bucci gang...
How would they react to us pampering Narancia? But only Narancia not them
Pamper him like the baby he is like he is our baby boy, a sweet child 🥺(HAHA I bet them going to get jealous real quick)
I bet in their heads we picking favorites.
They would definitely be jealous LOL
Narancia would be in a weird place about it. Apart of him LOVES the attention but he doesn't like being treated like a baby by darling. He wants darling to see him as a man, not a baby!
Bucciarati and Abbachio make attempts to separate Narancia and darling. Bucciarati may put them on separate missions or even have them sit across from each other at the restaurant table.
Abbacchio scolds Narancia for being such a needy child and gives darling the silent treatment.
Mista is openly angry with the amount of attention Narancia is receiving from darling. It'll cause Mista to want to pick more fights with Narancia and it doesn't help how Narancia edges him on saying how darling loves him
Fugo is more prone to anger when tutoring Narancia. If you thought he had a short temper with him before, he surely has one now. Poor Fugo is just taking out his frustrations and jealously on Narancia.
While all this is going, Giorno is secretly plotting something against Narancia. This is his villain origin story.
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princelylove · 2 months
Good day to you, Your Highness! I've been reading your work for a while and I must say, I really like the way you write the characters! Thank you so much for giving us good content!
As for my question, I've been rewatching Golden Wind recently and playing a lot of Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines (good game, highly recommend it). It made me remember that vampires are pretty much a thing in Jojo. So my question is, how would the Bucci gang (or any characters of your choosing if you don't feel like writing for them) deal with city-vampire darling?
I have some scenarios in my head as how darling could live - perhaps darling could live a reclusive life (maybe somewhere at the outskirts or even in the sewers) or be a hacker/a merc for Passione who can only work when the sun is down or live a very active night life, clubbing their unlife away and doing things they never did as mortal. But I'm mostly curious how you think the characters would handle it.
Feel free to ignore it. Have a good day/evening/night! :)
While I acknowledge the praise, I wonder why you'd send an ask like this to me of all people. I believe I've said this recently, I do not have any interest in writing requests like this. If you'd like to send me a request about a character being a vampire, then alright, I'd indulge the au, but I don't write for specific darlings. I have in the past, and honestly, they're my worst works. I have no interest in making the reader a real character with actual traits. You're not really reading yandere 'content' for yourself, you're reading it for the character you searched the tag of. If you're interested in that sort of thing, you should find a different writer. My works are about exploring the characters, and while you could explore a character by making them react to something, it's just so boring to do it that way.
I understand you're trying to give thanks, but refrain from calling my works "content." I'm not a content creator, I'm a writer. It's an insult to tell me you view my works as content and not something I've put my soul into.
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instantpuppydreamer · 2 years
Yandere cop Abbacchio
•it easily tracks your home and, your friends and,he knows everything about you
•He can easily get a warrant to search the house
•No man will ever be able to touch you while he is around.If he finds out that someone treats you badly, the next day, he will be in the hospita
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