#Yandere Bebe stevens
sunny-ssunset · 3 days
Pretty in pink!
Yandere South park x Girly! F! Reader Headcanons
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What kind of yandere they are!
Includes Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Wendy and Bebe
TAGLIST: @giyusdarling
♡Sorry if this is really scary you don't have to read it, its not important to pretty in pink as of now, just depth into the characters. AGED UP
TW: SLIGHT NSFW, panty stealing, mentions of m*sturbation and s*x, Perverted Kenny, Stalking, Mentions of zaza, Slight hints to Body horror/gore
♡Poor little Kenny.....
♡Such an unfortunate situation
♡Addict parents...
♡Little to no money...
♡I mean, He didn't really care though
♡He didn't care the minute he spoke to the Y/n L/n.
♡Before He met you, he thought you were hot.
♡But he didnt really care to much about you until you had your first conversation with him.
♡You complimented his 'beautiful ocean eyes' as you called them.
♡No one compliments him
♡To put it nicely he stinks and he cant afford new clothes
♡He didnt realise how kind you were
♡Or how pretty you were
♡He was in love instantly
♡No, He was obsessed.
♡Now. Kenny is the type of yandere to steal pretty much anything you had.
♡From used bottles and Applecores to.... Underwear
♡And you do not want to know what he does to that stuff....
♡You being the sweet angel you are let him stay around some nights
♡Sometimes with Karen, Sometimes without
♡He is so fucking obsessed.
♡He obviously needs to protect his precious Y/n....
♡So wherever Y/n walks, Kenny follows
♡Sometimes He'll take pictures of you without you knowing
♡He cant help it.... You look so beautiful when you bendover....
♡He has a shrine of you
♡Kenny is just so lucky to walk on the same planet Y/n does
♡Now, Stan doesnt believe in god.
♡But the minute he saw you, He prayed you'd talk to him one day
♡And your pretty little self did!
♡God you were so perfect
♡He tried turning Wendy into you
♡I mean if he cant have the real thing why not just force her to be you
♡Now Wendy is already trying hard to be you
♡So Stan had a headstart
♡But Wendy could never shape up to you
♡He was so obsessed with you to the point where the only thing that got him off was you
♡Once he was having s*x with Wendy, He accidentally moaned your name and got really embarrassed. little did he know Wendy was into it
♡He was very obvious about his crush on you, with out even knowing it
♡Plus you're THE Y/n L/n! You knew everyone was obsessed with you, and you knew how to use and abuse it!
♡So when you figured that Stan had like unlimited access to a certain dr*g you liked
♡You were all over him!
♡Hooking up in the janitors closet, Or his truck, pretty much anywhere you can
♡Stan loved you so much, He started making his own Y/n.
♡Only to fufill the time being, He's planned to capture the real thing soon!
♡Unlike Kenny, He'd ask outright for your stuff, using the excuse
♡"Y/n you should leave some of your clothes here, For when you stay over"
♡When you obliged, He'd put them on to he doll and try gaslight you into thinking you never left your clothes there
♡Stan doesnt think you'd take lightly to doll Y/n.
♡I think Kyle's the most normal out of everyone here, but even he's still a Yandere soo
♡He thinks bacause he knew you first, He deserves to have you
♡Kyle gets extremely insecure, He knows alot of his friends have a 'crush' on you.
♡And He gets really fucking jealous
♡Like He takes it out on you, and gets into fights with his friends
♡He doesnt care how many people he has to get rid of to be with you
♡He is so fucking lucky you're so kind
♡You forgive him every fucking time he acts up
♡You are just so kind
♡Your both meant to be
♡So so kind
♡Y/n and Kyle forever
♡You help him when he gets mad
♡And you love his attention
♡He cant wait until he can take you for his own
♡I mean Kyle loved you before anybody else did
♡He loved you before anybody else did
♡He was the first and only person to see you for what you really are
♡A God.
♡Wendy Testaburger.
♡Your best friend
♡She knew almost everything about you
♡I mean she thinks she does
♡She likes to believe she does
♡She also knows about everyone liking you
♡Everyone except maybe Stan, I mean Its not like she'd care if you liked him
♡But she'd hope you'd tell her
♡Wendy thinks you are perfection
♡You and her have been very close for a WHILE
♡She's helped you through your ups and downs
♡She loves the fact your comfortable enough to be some what indecent around her
♡Like once you asked her if your boobs looked weird, Wendy almost fainted
♡She wants to see more of you like that....
♡Wendy wants to know everything about your body
♡So she can try replicate it on herself
♡Mutilate her hips into the correct shape
♡She doesnt care how much it hurts
♡She wants to become you so fucking bad
♡She picks up every habit you have
♡Wendy is your shadow
♡Bebe is your typical Yandere
♡She adores you
♡Y/n does no wrong in her eyes
♡She hates the fact Wendy is your best friend not her
♡Or how you flirt and cuddle Kenny so much
♡Why can't it be her?
♡She acts like the others do
♡But you treat her no different to how you did before
♡What will it take for you to love her!!!!
♡Until, the perfect oppurtunity came to light
♡You were hooking up with Stan.
♡If She told Wendy
♡Wendy would hate you
♡Leaving you all to Bebe
♡It was the perfect plan
♡No more Wendy
♡Just Y/n and Bebe
♡Y/n and Bebe forever!!
♡And ever
♡Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever
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Dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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jewbeloved · 2 years
South Park Masterlist 5.0 🌠
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Blog Introduction/Request Rules
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🌈 The Main Four 🌈
💙 Stan Marsh ❄️
Stan with a bunny s/o
Stan playing fun run 3 with his s/o
Stan with a s/o who's parents that owns a bakery
Stan with a s/o who has heterochromia
Yandere Stan with a scared s/o
Stan with a s/o who S harms
Stan with a s/o who is good at videogames
Christmas Day with Stan
Stan with a suicidal mother like s/o
Stan with a non talkative s/o
Stan with a clingy s/o
Stan with a fallen angel s/o
Stan with a sleepy s/o inside a ball
Stan taking care his sick s/o
Stan with a s/o who's into PDA
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🧃
Kyle with a bunny s/o
Kyle playing fun run 3 with his s/o
Kyle with a s/o who's parents that owns a bakery
Kyle having a crush on his s/o
Kyle with a s/o who has heterochromia
Kyle watching Bluey with his s/o
Kyle with a s/o who S harms
Kyle with a s/o who is good at videogames
Christmas Day with Kyle
Kyle with a suicidal mother like s/o
Kyle with a non talkative s/o
Kyle with a clingy s/o
Kyle with a fallen angel s/o
Kyle with a Hispanic s/o
Kyle with a sleepy s/o inside a ball
Kyle with a s/o that is affectionate to Ike instead of him
Kyle taking care of his sick s/o
Stealing Kyle's hat
Kyle with a s/o who opens up because they're comfortable around him
Kyle with a s/o who's into PDA
❤️ Eric Cartman 🍁
Cartman with bunny s/o
Cartman playing fun run 3 with his s/o
Cartman with a s/o who's parents that owns a bakery
Cartman with a s/o who has heterochromia
Cartman with a s/o who S harms
Cartman with a s/o who is good at videogames
Christmas Day with Cartman
Cartman with a non talkative s/o
Cartman with a clingy s/o
Cartman with a fallen angel s/o
Cartman with a sleepy s/o inside a ball
Cartman taking care of his sick s/o
Cartman with a s/o who's into PDA
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🧀
Kenny with a bunny s/o
Kenny with a s/o who's parents that owns a bakery
Kenny with a s/o who has heterochromia
Kenny watching Bluey with his s/o
Kenny with a s/o who S harms
Kenny with a s/o who is good at videogames
Christmas Day with Kenny and Karen
Kenny with a family rich angel s/o
Kenny with a suicidal mother like s/o
Kenny with a non talkative s/o
Kenny with a clingy s/o
Kenny with a fallen angel s/o
Kenny with a sleepy s/o inside a ball
Kenny with a s/o that is affectionate to Karen instead of him
Kenny taking care of his sick s/o
Kenny with a s/o who's into PDA
🍰 Craig and those guys 🍰
💙 Craig Tucker 💛
Craig playing fun run 3 with his s/o
Craig with a cuddly outgoing male s/o
Christmas Day with Craig
Craig with a suicidal mother like s/o
Yandere Craig with Tweek alphabet
Craig with a sleepy s/o inside a ball
Craig with a s/o that is affectionate to Tricia instead of him
Craig taking care of his sick s/o
Craig with a s/o who opens up because they're comfortable around him
Craig with a s/o who's into PDA
💛 Tweek Tweak 🌼
Tweek with a cuddly outgoing male s/o
Christmas Day with Tweek
Yandere Tweek with Craig alphabet
💜 Token Black 🍏
Token with a cuddly outgoing male s/o
🤎 Clyde Donovan 🎁
Clyde with a cuddly outgoing male s/o
Clyde with a suicidal mother like s/o
💛 Jimmy Valmer 📀
Jimmy with a cuddly outgoing male s/o
🔆 Other Characters 🔆
💛 Butters Scotch 🌽
Butters watching Bluey with his s/o
🖤 Wendy Testaburger 🍧
Wendy playing fun run 3 with her s/o
💛 Bebe Stevens ⚜️
❤️ Damien Thorn 🍂
Damien with a ftm s/o
💛 Phillip pip Pirrup 🍍
Pip watching Bluey with his s/o
Pip with an outcast s/o
💚 Heidi Turner 🪷
🧡 Timmy Burch 🪑
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Pairing: Yandere!servant!Steven Grant x Royal!fem!reader
Warning: long as hell, ooc!Steven, suggestive theme, blood, dead people
A/n: pls send help lol
Summary: I am devoted to you my queen
Taglist: @missbeeentertainment @sleepyamaya @renee834729
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Once upon a time, far away in the mist of cloud, there was a kingdom ruled by one powerful queen named Y/n. She is adored by all the civilians due to her kindness and humble nature.
Just when everyone thinks the queen herself will continue to thrive, an old man who claimed to be a fortune teller knocks on the kingdom's gate, wishing for a place to sleep.
"Your grace, I have no money, but I possess a thing everybody craves to get a taste of: the future. If you let me stay in your kingdom for one night, I will let you see a glimpse of your future. Do we have a deal?" The old man speaks in a groggy voice; his teeth are all yellow and rotten.
All the guards hid their faces in disgust when the foul smell hit their noses, but unlike them, Y/N never batted an eye; she demanded the guard to open the gate and let the old man in.
"Yo-Your grace, my apologies for interrupting, but please think carefully about your decision. That old man is nothing but a scam." The counselor spoke
Y/n let out a long sigh before continuing. "He might be...but my oh my... It would be great to see the future. I hope there will only be good news".
Unfortunately, the old man had different news for our queen the morning after.
"Your grace, you're about to face a terrible fate, one that could cost you your crown and this kingdom. When I look into your future, I see blood and people screaming for help. The color red is everywhere. Your grace-"
Before the old man could continue, a silver sword swung at him, only stopping a few centimetres from his neck. "SILENT! How dare you speak nonsense to the queen? You- " Y/n's personal knight has lost his temple and decides to act on his own.
"Let him speaks"
"I said...let him speaks"
And so, thanks to the queen's kindness, the old man can finish his words. "Your grace, I see...a man standing tall in the chaos."
Y/n raised her eyebrows in curiosity. Could this be the sign of a new king? Will she be dethroned?
"...I also see love, very intense love"
Perhaps this is her true love, the one whom she will fall in love and rule the kingdom with her? Y/n continues to wander off with her thoughts. She doesn't see the old man has stopped speaking and wishes to leave the kingdom.
And when the queen finally noticed, the guards had gone to send off the man miles away, leaving her with many uncertain questions about the future.
=== 5 days later ===
"Please-please..." Another man calling for help outside the kingdom gate, but unlike the previous old man, this guy is fairly young with brown curly hair and dressed in clothes that have big holes in them.
"Hey! Get out of here! " The guards yell at him to leave; they don't want to deal with another stinky person; that old man from last week is more than enough!
"What are you guys doing? How rude... Let him in, and leave me be" Y/n furrows her eyebrows when she sees her own guard harassing a poor guy. It seems like it's time to replace some people in the kingdom.
"Ah! Ah-.. I...thank you" The man kneels down to show respect when he gets in. There isn't much that he knows about the person in front of him, but he is smart enough to know that jewelry and sparkly clothes are meant for royal people, things that poor people like him can only dream of seeing and touching.
Y/n crouch down to make the man feel more at ease. Their eyes touch for a moment, and the world seems to stop turning.
The queen's eyes widen in surprise. Despite all the dirt spots littering his face, he is such a handsome man with bright round eyes that shine like stars in the night sky.
And she is not the one who is amazed by the other person here. The poor man is in awe of Y/n's beauty too, to the point where he has to quickly look away, afraid that a man like him doesn't have the privilege to look at her.
"What's your name?" Y/n asked but only received an incoherent noise from the young man.
He appeared to be confused too. That's when the queen realized he had very little vocabulary. It's not unusual for people like him to grow up without proper learning, but usually they teach themselves from time to time. In this case, the man must be neglected for a long time and only get to interact a few times.
"Me. Y/n" The queen points to herself and says her name, she hopes the man understands this.
Luckily, his face lights up and he excitedly points at himself. "Me. Steven!"
"Steven..." Y/n repeat the name, unknowingly sending a chill down Steven's back. The way you say his name is so sweet, like honey even.
He wants to hear you say it more...and more...and more. Please only say his name from now on. Steven feels hot all of a sudden. His brain controls him to grab your arm, eyes full of lust.
"Ah...Ah name, name Steven" He wants you to say his name again, but he still doesn't know how yet. All he could do was mutter out a few words.
Before Y/n could even process what was happening, her counselor ran up with a few guards, yelling at Steven. "Hey you! Touching the queen is strictly forbidden! "
One of the guards yanks Steven back from Y/n, forcing him to stay away from her.
"AGHHH NO NO" Steven thrashes around and tries to fight back, it is almost insane how much strength he has despite his looks. It took another guard to jump in to pin Steven on the ground, completely overpowering him.
It all happened so fast Y/n could only stare at the poor man, watching his hand get tied behind his back, his face smashed into the ground so hard there was blood running from his nose. "Y/N! Y/N!" Steven called for help from her but received another hit in the head from the guard, almost knocking him unconscious.
The absurd scene makes Y/N want to vomit. The queen decides to turn her head away, which only makes Steven more furious and depressed.
"What will we do with him, your grace? May I say... execute the man! " The counselor speaks. It is not that he hates Steven, but rules are rules, unless the queen decides differently.
"No...let him be a servant, also..."
"Yes my grace?"
"Find someone to teach him how to read and speak. Now, run me a bath; I feel like having a headache from all of this" Y/n rubs her temple and begins to head back to the kingdom. Her counselor escorts her on the left.
As time flies by, the Steven we used to know now turns into a well-mannered man, but the curly hair and his big round eyes still stay the same. Many maids in the kingdom fight each other just to talk to him, they fix their hair and clothes as he passes by, hoping to attract his attention.
But Steven only has his eyes on the queen and the queen only. Ever since they first met, he has known she is his true love. For Y/n, he has been studying and working hard on everything, all for "the picking" day.
It is an event that only happens once every 7 months. The queen will pick out her new maid, king, counselor, anyone she feels the need to replace; Steven is looking forward to being Y/n's personal servant.
She will picks him right? After all they had been through, Steven knew Y/n would pick him because she loved him as much as he loved her.
Y/n loves Steven, that's the truth, she-
"You can be my new personal servant, go change your clothes"
Steven looks to the side in disbelief. His queen has walked past and chosen another man. A man that looks nothing special or unique, a man that has nothing better than... him.
"WHY DON'T YOU CHOOSE ME?" Steven yells out loud. He doesn't care about how everyone is looking at him in shock. At this moment, only Y/n exists in his eyes. He devoted his life to her. He has done everything for her and yet she still doesn't love him.
Giving him no attention? Fine, but having another man as her personal servant? No... Steven won't allow that. He feels his blood boiling the more he thinks about you, it gives him a weird feeling, more like a rage.
"I can choose whoever I want....Steven"
You say his name again. Steven knows he wishes you to say his name more and his name only. But this is not what he meant, he wants you to say it with love and adored expression, not hate and irritation. No... No, what had he done?
"NO NO NO YOU WILL CHOOSE ME, YOU WILL LOVE ME". Steven sprints at Y/n, he has had enough.
"GUARD! STOP HIM BEFORE HE HURT THE QUEEN" Someone yell out in horror.
To be honest, Steven doesn't know what he was going to do. He just wants you to look at him differently. He is no longer the dirty boy you met in the past Y/n, so why won't you look at him? Why are you acting so scared? Why are you crying?
People start to run away in panic. They don't care about the queen anymore. They just want to flee away, putting their lives first. One moment, Steven is being held down by many guards. The next moment, he finds himself holding a sword, warm blood hitting his face.
'Don't touch her, GET AWAY, GET OUT' Steven's thoughts run wild when he continues to swing the sword, hitting people in their chests, arms, and maybe even heads like a machete cutting down grass. He wants to get to Y/n as soon as possible, and these people are blocking his way.
It was almost like a fever dream mixed with a nightmare. Y/n felt like she was experiencing déjà vu the closer Steven got to her. 'A man stands tall in the chaos, red blood everywhere'
"Please...please don't hurt me" The queen cried out in fear, overstimulation from the smell of iron filling her lungs.
Steven drops the sword on the marble ground and hugs you tightly like he is your knight in shining armor. In his mind, you're the princess in danger and he just killed all the monsters to save you.
"Don't cry, it hurts me when you cry." Steven whispers, his hot breath fanning over Y/n's ear. "I haven't given you a reason to cry yet."
The queen who once seemed to be so powerful, now shakes like a leaf in the arm of a lowly servant. She gulped, trying not to cry while mustered out a few words. "What...do you want from me?"
Steven doesn't say anything back. He gives Y/n a sinister smile before holding both of her wrists in place and smashing his lips onto her, devoring her like a beast.
"I want....everything".
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halliestinks · 5 months
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✧.* Rules ✧.*
what i will write; oneshots, headcanons, fluff, angst, romance (aged up!!), platonic, afab & gn reader (I struggle with writing accurately for a male reader)
what i won’t write; yandere, deep topics (sh, ed, etc),
requesting guide; my requests are usually open however if there’s too many then i will close them, i try to get as many requests done as quickly as i can but it may take a while depending if i’m busy irl, i will choose which requests i will and won’t write for
if you do submit a request, please make it clear. for example; “Can i request headcanons for ______, how would they be with a clingy s/o”
characters I will write for;
stan marsh
kyle brovfloski
kenny mccormick
eric cartman
leopold “butters” stotch
craig tucker
clyde donovan
tolkien black
tweek tweak
jimmy valmer
wendy testaburger
bebe stevens
main characters siblings (platonic only)
all of the characters are aged up for any romantic requests!!!
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What if Kyle Wendy and Bebe had a Bakadere Y/N? There very clumsy and foolish and they lack any common sense.
Kyle Brovlofski
Honestly speaking, Kyle is surprised that he was even your friend, let alone your partner. When did he start getting attracted to complete and utter idiots? His type was completely the opposite of you, but I guess opposites really do attract.
Kyle felt a weird sense of entitlement to you. You were so dumb, you couldn't do anything on your own, so of course, you needed Kyle.
"Don't worry your pretty head about it, I'll do it for you."
Cooking? Don't even try, unless you want to burn the house down? Homework? Yeah, he'll do it for you. Driving? Why do you need to go anywhere when he's here?
Kyle is your whole life, and he won't let you change that anytime soon.
"you better be appreciative because nobody would ever love an idiot like you, besides me, anyway."
Bebe Stevens
Honestly speaking, the relationship with Bebe is probably the healthiest of these three. She finds your stupidity pretty adorable and just wants to spoil you and look at your confused face when she asks what's two plus two.
Bebe is a bit patronizing, but it's okay as it's not like you really understand what that means or mind how she treats you. You know you aren't smart, so you're happy to have such a cute girlfriend.
"Aww, babyyyy! I love you too, you big thembo!"
Bebe loves to give you physical affection, and kiss you. You are her little dummy and she will not let you escape from her.
She tries to teach you to do things but finds it so adorable when you are unable to do even the most basic mathematics.
"Aww, did I tell you I love you, dummy?"
Wendy Testaburger
Wendy loves you and she is probably one of the worst people to date from this group. She will use your foolishness to gaslight and manipulate you. She will make you feel like any issue in the relationship is your fault.
You're crying? If you weren't so stupid, Wendy wouldn't need to remind you that you are. Wendy breaks up with you? Well, she wouldn't leave you if you stopped looking and making new friends!
"It's all your fault, idiot!"
Things would break when Wendy notices you getting closer to someone else while you two are on a break. How dare a stupid whore to try and seduce you? Use your stupid little mind to their advantage?
Let's just say, they went away for a long time. Very. Long time.
"Baby, they wanted to hurt you..."
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vikkirosko · 3 years
this is another idea for the Porcelain Doll AU what about yandere Porcelain
Okay, there are too many characters now...
Headcanons Porcelain Doll
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
You moved out of South Park a few years ago. You tried not to think about your hometown, but today you received a package from there. It did not specify the sender or the exact address. In the package you found a porcelain doll that was very similar to the boy you knew. The doll was very similar to Stan Marsh
You talked to Stan when you lived in South Park, but since you moved and your phone got lost, you've lost all contact with him. You didn't regret it. Stan has been annoying you quite often with his behavior. It was like he was obsessed with you. When you left, you were able to breathe easy, but now every time you looked at the doll, you remembered Stan and felt unpleasant. It's like you did something bad
Unable to stand the doll's gaze, you called Stan, but his mother picked up the phone instead. When you asked about Stan, his mother tearfully told you that he committed suicide. When you found out the date of his death, you were horrified. Just a few days later you got the doll
You decided to get rid of this doll. You threw it in the trash, but in the morning you found a doll on the bedside table. You had a real panic. You couldn't understand how the doll could come back. It was impossible. But when you found the note, you were completely scared. It was Stan's handwriting. The note said that he loves you and that he begs you not to leave him again
💚Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
You've been living on the other side of the country for several years now. You escaped from Kyle's captivity and haven't returned to South Park since. You visited a psychologist who helped you recover from a difficult event. Your rehabilitation was going well until one day you received a doll in the mail that looked exactly like Kyle
You were afraid to leave the house. You were afraid you were being followed. You were afraid that Kyle found out where you live and that he would come after you. You called your doctor and asked him to come. You were on the verge of hysteria. Your doctor arrived as soon as he could. The doctor calmed you down for a long time and even agreed to stay in your apartment for the night. He left the doll in the box, not thinking that something could go wrong
When you woke up in the morning, you saw that your doctor was dead. He was stabbed right in your apartment. You're having a tantrum. You were crying and shouting at the doll. You were sure that it was Kyle in the doll's body who killed your doctor. You didn't know how it was possible, but you were firmly convinced of it
You decided to run away again. You wanted to escape to another city, as far away from here as possible. You hurriedly packed up and left. You just wanted to get as far away from this place as possible. You had no idea that Kyle's doll was hidden in your stuff. He won't let you leave him again
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
You've lived in South Park all your life. You and Kenny were in the same class, you were friends, although sometimes what he said bothered you. But when he died, you were upset. You attended his funeral. But that same evening you found a strange box on your doorstep with your name written on it. There was a doll in the box that looked a lot like Kenny
You decided to keep the doll as a reminder of Kenny. You kept a doll in your room, but every time it seemed to you that someone was looking at you. The longer the doll stayed in your room, the stronger this feeling became. You even started changing clothes in the bathroom, feeling embarrassed, as if someone is in your room
You've often seen how sad Karen was without her brother and decided that you can't let this go on. You gave her the doll, saying you had no idea where it came from, but she needed it more than you. The girl was very grateful to you. But when Karen told you the next morning that the doll had disappeared, you were shocked. Karen said that when she went to bed, the doll was in place, and in the morning it was no longer there
You had no idea where the doll could have disappeared. You had no idea that the doll had returned to you. The doll was hiding among your things. Kenny didn't want to leave you. He loved his sister, but you were much more precious to him. Even as a doll, he will stay with you. He will always be with you
📚Yandere!Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
You left South Park to go to college. You didn't have any friends in South Park except Wendy. You've been friends with her since childhood, but the older you got, the more frightening her concern for you became. You didn't specifically tell her that you were leaving, because you knew that she would try to dissuade you. In a new city, you felt free
The first few months you lived quite calmly. You've made new friends. You felt much more confident than before. You believed that your life would change for the better. But when you received the package from Wendy, you were surprised. In the box was a doll very similar to Wendy and a letter in which she wrote that she hoped this doll would remind you of her
You thought a gift from your friend was cute and left the doll in your room. But from the day this doll appeared, changes began to occur in your life. Some of your friends have started moving back to their hometowns. Some people have started avoiding you. As if they were afraid of you. You didn't know the reason for it, but it reminded you more and more of your life in South Park. A life in which Wendy tried to control everything. You had no idea how close you were to the truth
Your life has become the same again as it was in South Park. You're alone again. You didn't understand the reason. When Wendy's mom called you, you were surprised. But when she asked if you could come to the funeral, you were even more shocked. As it turned out, Wendy died. No one knows the cause of her death, but the strangest thing is that the day of her death coincided with the day when, according to the inscription on the parcel, the doll was sent. You couldn't believe it, because if Wendy died, then who could have sent you a doll. You wanted to ask Wendy's mom about the doll, but the connection was interrupted. Your phone was broken. When you looked at the doll, you saw that she was looking right at you. At that moment you realized that there was no way out
💄Yandere!Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
You moved out of South Park as soon as you had the opportunity. There was nothing keeping you in the city. You didn't have any friends there. Many openly hated you. There were a lot of false rumors around you and you really wanted to escape from the city. Your only friend was Bebe, but her friendship seemed hypocritical to you. You knew she was the one spreading rumors about you, even though you didn't understand why
You have started a new life in a new city. You started studying, got a job. You've made friends. It would seem that your life has started to get better. That's what you thought, until one day someone left a box under your door. In this box was a doll very similar to Bebe and a note. You recognized her handwriting right away. In the note she wrote that she did not understand why you left without telling her anything and that she hoped that the doll would help you not feel lonely without her
You didn't want anything to remind you of life in South Park, which is why you decided to send the doll back. But a few days after you sent the doll back, it reappeared at your house. You got scared. You began to fear that someone had broken into your house. You stayed the night at a friend's house, unaware that you had only made it worse
When you got home, you saw that many things were broken and on the bathroom mirror it was written in lipstick that you can't leave her alone like that. It was Bebe's handwriting and her lipstick. The doll was sitting on the sink with the lipstick. It was at this moment that you realized that she would not let you leave quietly
👒Yandere!Estella Havisham x Reader 🪵
All your life you have dreamed of traveling. And when at last you were able to fulfill your dream, your first stop was England. You spent a lot of time traveling around the UK until you found a small village where an old lady gave you a beautiful doll
You tried to refuse such a gift, but the old lady insisted. She said that this doll is the last thing left of the young Estella Havisham who died in a mansion that used to stand near the village. According to the old lady, the doll was very similar to a girl
When you got home, you put the doll on the shelf in your room. At first, the doll seemed cute to you, but the longer it was in your room, the more it bothered you. It began to seem to you that the doll moves when you turn away. You understood that this was nonsense, but the feeling of anxiety has not gone away
You had no idea she was watching you. Estella did not know care and feelings of love during her lifetime. She did not expect that after death and imprisonment in a doll, she would be able to fall in love. You were so kind and bright. She couldn't let anyone take you away. Let her be just a doll now. She will find a way to free herself so that you can always be together. Even if you're against it, she won't go anywhere.
🗡Yandere!Gregory of Yardale x Reader⛸
When Gregory moved to South Park, you were one of the first people who started communicating with him. He was interesting and friendly. It was nice for you to talk to him. But when he suddenly disappeared, you didn't understand what had happened. None of your classmates knew where he had gone. It came as a surprise to you when you found a box on your doorstep with your name on it. There was a doll in the box that looked very much like Gregory
You decided that Gregory was forced to move urgently and could not say goodbye to you, so he left the doll as a gift to you. You put the doll on the table in your room to remind you of your friend. But with the appearance of the doll, strange things began to happen in your house that you could not explain
Some of your things were missing and you couldn't find them. Some messages from your friends also disappeared. But the strangest thing was that in some incomprehensible way the doll began to fall into your school bag. You were sure you didn't put the doll in the bag. You couldn't figure out exactly how the doll turned out like this, not even assuming that it was all Gregory's fault.
Gregory didn't want to leave you. He loved you too much, even though you didn't know it. He found a way to always stay with you. He didn't care that he had to die to do it. It was a low price to always be with you
👔Yandere!Gary Harrison x Reader 📖
Gary has been trying to be friends with you ever since he moved to South Park. However, the more you talked, the more he scared you. But when he got seriously ill and died, you were upset. You attended his funeral. That's when his sister came up to you and gave you a doll that was very similar to her dead brother. She said that Gary asked me to give you this doll if something happened to him. You couldn't refuse this doll, especially on such a day
The doll caused you anxiety. It always seemed to you that the doll was looking at you. Quite often it was not where you left it. You didn't believe that the doll could move around the room. It was complete nonsense. But you had to believe it when one day a doll attacked your friend
You left to answer the phone and when you came back, you saw that your friend was injured and the doll was lying on the floor. Your friend claimed that a doll did it. You treated your friend's wounds and he went home. Only then did you take the doll in your hands and try to understand how this is possible. You put the doll back on the shelf and wanted to leave, but you heard a voice. It was Gary's voice
The voice said that he does not understand why you are looking for a replacement for him, because here he is, very close to you. You were scared. You were trying to find the source of the voice, and when you realized that the voice was coming from a doll, you were scared. It couldn't really be. You took a chance and asked if it was really Gary. When the doll said that he stayed with you even after death, you were even more scared. You ran out of the room and locked the door. You didn't know what to do. But you'll have to go back. You had to deal with the doll and Gary
🇬🇧Yandere!Pip Pirrup x Reader 🎀
Pip spent a lot of time with you. You were the only one who didn't treat him badly. He was in love with you. He gave you flowers, wrote you poems. His feelings for you were like an obsession. One of his gifts was a doll that was very similar to him. This gift was his last. Soon after, Pip died
You were upset about his death, but after Philip's death, your life became calmer. He was very intrusive, but you didn't want to offend him, so you didn't say anything. You even managed to forget about the doll he gave you, until one day you found a sheet of poetry on your desk. You were sure it was his handwriting, but you didn't understand how it was possible
At night you woke up from a strange sound and saw that the window was open. You turned on the light in the room and saw that the doll was moving. It tried to bring flowers to your room. You got scared and hit the doll, which caused it to fall into the street. You slammed the window but couldn't sleep. You couldn't believe what you saw
In the morning, your father threw away the broken doll. You couldn't explain the reason why you threw the doll out of the window. You were hoping that the strange events would stop. But you started seeing Pip's voice everywhere. You had no idea that breaking the doll set him free. Now he will never leave you. Now there is nothing holding him back
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chaoticautvmn-old · 6 years
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responses this time around
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jewbeloved · 2 years
South Park Masterlist 6.0 🦴
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Blog introduction/request rules
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💒 The Main Four 💒
💙 Stan Marsh 🥤
Stan getting pantsed by his s/o
Stan with an actor s/o
Yandere Stan with a s/o like mikan
Stan with a genderfluid s/o
Taking a shower with Stan
Stan's reaction to you being a worm
Stan with an Insomnia s/o
Stan with a tall rich gf
When you feel left out (Stan)
Werewolf Stan with a piglet s/o
Stan with an artist s/o
Stan with a flirty s/o
Stan being comforted during a panic attack
Stan with a s/o who has a pet dragon
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🌲
Kyle getting pantsed by his s/o
Kyle with an actor s/o
Cuddling with Kyle
Yandere Kyle with a s/o like mikan
Kyle with an s/o who gets excited around him
Kyle with a s/o who is close with his mom
Kyle with a genderfluid s/o
Kyle with a crying s/o
Taking a shower with Kyle
Kyle's reaction to you being a worm
Kyle with an Insomnia s/o
Kyle with a tall rich gf
When you feel left out (Kyle)
Kyle with a memory loss s/o
Kyle when his s/o parents hate him
Kyle with a s/o who likes to make flower crowns
Werewolf Kyle with a piglet s/o
Kyle with an artist s/o
Kyle with a hockey player s/o
Kyle being comforted during a panic attack
Kyle with a s/o who has a pet dragon
❤️ Eric Cartman 🍲
Cartman getting pantsed by his s/o
Cartman with an actor s/o
Yandere Cartman with a s/o like mikan
Taking a shower with Cartman
Cartman with an Insomnia s/o
Cartman with a tall rich gf
Werewolf Cartman with a piglet s/o
Cartman with a s/o who has a pet dragon
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🐁
Kenny getting pantsed by his s/o
Kenny with an actor s/o
Yandere Kenny with a s/o like mikan
Kenny with a crying s/o
Taking a shower with Kenny
Kenny with an Insomnia s/o
Kenny with a tall rich gf
Kenny with a memory loss s/o
Werewolf Kenny with a piglet s/o
Kenny with an artist s/o
Kenny with a flirty s/o
Yandere Kenny with a s/o who loves him
Kenny with a s/o who has a pet dragon
🧼 Craig and those guys 🧼
💙 Craig Tucker 🐹
Craig with a genderfluid s/o
Craig's reaction to you being a worm
Craig with a memory loss s/o
Craig with an artist s/o
Craig with a flirty s/o
💛 Tweek Tweak 🙀
Tweek with a genderfluid s/o
🤎 Clyde Donovan 🌮
Clyde with a timid s/o
Clyde with a s/o who likes to make flower crowns
Clyde with a flirty s/o
💜 Token Black 💐
Token with a s/o who likes to make flower crowns
💛 Jimmy Valmer 🃏
Jimmy with a s/o who gets excited around him
🥏 Other Characters 🥏
🖤 Wendy Testaburger 🌺
Wendy with a s/o who gets excited around her
💛 Leopold Butters Scotch 🍔
Butters with a tall rich gf
Butters being adopted by the reader
💚 Heidi Turner 🌾
Heidi with a streaming s/o
🧡 Timmy Burch 🧑‍🦼
💛 Bebe Stevens 🖼️
Bebe with a streaming s/o
❤️ Damien Thorn 🔥
Damien with a genderfluid s/o
💛 Phillip Pip Pirrup 🍨
Phillip with a goth s/o
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burnt-wat3r · 2 years
SOUTH PARK X READER REQUESTS (closed rn, sorry!)
➛ Please specify if romantic or platonic!
➛ If there are multiple characters, please specify whether they are seperate or poly
➛ All characters will be aged up in romantic headcanons
➛ If a character you’d like isn't on the list, ask anyways! I’ll try my best <3
➛ My default writing is for gender-neutral readers, but I'll do specific genders upon request!
➛ For now, I’m only writing headcanons
➛ No NSFW, or yandere, but anything else I’m free to write for!
➛ Go check out the fic 'Not so Boring' by Nyana, AND 'Welcome Home' by Hails! They're both great friends of mine, and inspired me to start writing in the first place :D (read them now 🔫...please)
*All rules are subject to change (Whatever! I do what I want!)
Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, Butters Stotch
Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Jimmy Valmer, Clyde Donovan, Tolkien Black
Christophe Delorne, Gregory of Yardale, Trent Boyette, Dovahkiin
Nichole Daniels, Bebe Stevens, Wendy Testaburger
Damien Thorn, Thomas (Le Petit Tourette), Pip Pirrip
A/N: Sorry I haven’t posted in a while! Hopefully, your requests will get me outta this writer’s block :) TY FOR EVERYONE’S SUPPORT!!! <3
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cartmankisser · 3 years
please let me know if a link is put under the wrong spot or is broken!! :)
reblogs are highly appreciated!!
last updated feb 23
please read the full masterlist in my pinned!!!!! i traced the limit for links in a post so i had to make a new one :')
Kyle Broflovski
fluff alphabet
plus size reader
charlie charlie + try not to laugh
reader has sensory issues
if his crush confessed first
reader who gets bullied
reader comes out as bi
clingy reader
reader taking care of him when he’s sick
hearing reader speak native language
supportive but mean looking s/o
asking reader to be his valentine
post covid kyle reacting to reader confessing first
angry brit reader
entp reader
cuddling headcanons
if his crush drew him
jealous reader
constantly cold reader
comforting reader having a panic attack
Kenny McCormick
E, F, J alphabet prompt
charlie charlie + try not to laugh
if his crush confessed first
reader comes out as bi
clingy reader
hearing reader speak native language
asking reader to be his valentine
asking reader out
entp reader
mysterion nsfw
if his crush drew him
shy reader
Stan Marsh
charlie charlie + try not to laugh
if his crush confessed first
reader comes out as bi
clingy reader
reader taking care of him when he’s sick
asking reader to be his valentine
with a DJ friend
reader afraid of vomit
entp reader
if his crush drew him
Eric Cartman
charlie charlie + try not to laugh
if his crush confessed first
reader comes out as bi
hearing reader speak native language
fluff alphabet
asking reader to be his valentine
entp reader
if his crush drew him
Butters Stotch
if his crush confessed first
fluff alphabet
hearing reader speak native language
supportive but mean looking s/o
angry brit reader
reader who is always smiling
Tweek Tweak
E, F, J alphabet prompt
clumsy reader
reader taking care of him when he’s sick
constantly cold reader
Craig Tucker
E, F, J alphabet prompt
clumsy reader
with a DJ friend
asking reader to be his valentine
reader who is always smiling
constantly cold reader
Clyde Donovan
fluff alphabet
general headcanons
reader with sensory issues
clumsy reader
reader taking care of him when he’s sick
how he would spend valentine’s day
when reader beats someone up
Tolkien Black
clumsy reader
angry brit reader
general headcanons
comforting reader having a panic attack
Jimmy Valmer
clumsy reader
cooking and baking with reader
asking reader out
reader who is always smiling
reader always goes to his shows
comforting reader through a panic attack
Scott Malkinson
fluff alphabet
asking reader out
Wendy Testaburger
reader being her older sister
being wendy’s girlfriend
general headcanons
comforting reader having a panic attack
when reader beats someone up
goth reader
Bebe Stevens
when reader beats someone up
Scott Tenorman
yandere scott headcanons
grunge reader
asking reader out
short reader
dry and awkward reader
sick reader
Randy Marsh
being his friend as a minor
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Hello! I’ve sent requests in for your blog before but I never can tell if tumblr ate them or not. What South Park requests have you received?
So far I’ve gotten;
Yandere Kenny McCormick (platonic)
Yandere Platonic Cartman Family (platonic)
Yandere Bebe Stevens (general)
Yandere Gary Harrison (general)
Yandere Mole
Yandere Stick Of Truth au!Princess Kenny w/ Elf!Princess!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Stick Of Thruth au!Elf King Kyle vs Yandere Wizard King Cartman
Yandere Eric Cartman w/ Kind!Older!Reader who is friends with Scott Tenorman
Yandere Stan/Kyle/Cartman/Kenny (platonic)
Yandere Stan/Kyle/Cartman/Kenny w/ Teen!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Stan Marsh (general)
Yandere Goth Kids (general)
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Yandere Victim Wendy, Heidi,Bebe with a Bully Y/N?
Wendy Testaburger
* If you think that Wendy is just going to sit down and take whatever you're giving her, then you are very wrong! Wendy is not the type of person that would sit back and take whatever is thrown her way. * Whatever you do to her, Wendy will do something twice as bad to you. You are nothing compared to her and she will make sure that you finally understand your place. * If even after all that she did to you you wouldn't leave her alone, Wendy would start to physically get involved with you. You are just a Ruthian while she's one of the most popular girls in school. * After being sent to the principal and being forced to work together on school projects to make up, Wendy stopped harassing you when you stopped harassing her. * Like this, a new dynamic was born between you two. A love-hate relationship. As much as she hated you, you were smart and knew exactly what you were doing at school. * Wendy wanted to get into your brain and find out why you decided that it was a good idea to go and harass her. What sort of insanity passed through you. * Finding out about your rough home life made Wendy pity you, at least a little bit. She didn't know why, but you started to look like a hurt puppy to her. * All you needed was someone to take care of you and luckily for you, Wendy was willing to take that role upon herself.
Heidi Turner
* Heidi hated you with all of her might. How could you be harassing her like this? Was Eric not enough? Why were you doing this to her too? What did she do to you? * Heidi would probably end up trying to kill you at some point, because she simply can not take it anymore. You are driving her completely insane. She can't take it anymore. She needs you to leave her alone or she will really kill you. * If you think that Heidi is joking, then you are completely wrong, because she really isn't. The amount of days she sends dreaming of killing you is insane. * Things start to change when Heidi would see you with your little sibling. You both always had bruises on you all the time, and Heidi thought it was from your other fights but... It seemed that she was wrong. * Heidi felt confused. Unsure on how to feel. You were... Being hurt at home and now, all of your hate was being pushed onto the others. * You were jealous of the good life that Heidi was living... And she hated how she felt sorry for you. You hurt her so bad, yet she... She wanted to help you. Take care of you. Nurse you back to health and happiness. * Heidi hated you for making her feel like this. For making her fall in love with the concept of helping you.. She hated you so much she wanted to keep you to herself.
Bebe Stevens
* Bebe would honestly be unsure on what to do in this situation. She has always been one of the popular girls, so now that she was being hurt so badly and taken advantage off, she was ashamed to tell anyone. * I mean, how would it look? Bebe Stevens, one of the popular girls, being made fun off and hurt by none other than you, a lowly nobody who had too many anger issues. * Bebe didn't care about protecting you or your reputation. She just wanted to protect her reputation. That's why she kept silent. That was what she kept telling herself. * But sometimes, she would still think back to that kiss you both shared when you were teasing her and threatening to hurt her even worse than you already do. * Was it wrong that Bebe wanted you to do worse things? Was it bad that she started to fantasize about you? She would be lying if she said you weren't attractive... * Bebe started reading books where the bully would end up falling for their victim. What did the victim do to seduce the bully? Bebe wanted to know... * The idea of this forbidden love awoke something in her. Not only did she want you to ravage her, but she wanted you to claim her as yours...
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Okay its the same idea Five Nights At Treasure Island
What if Yandere Costume Kyle,Stan,Kenny,Wendy,Bebe,Gary,Gregory,Estella,Pip, went Yandere for the Nightguard?
Headcanons Mascot
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
Your family had money problems, so you got a job at a research center. You were supposed to go to one of the abandoned attraction and spend a few nights there. There were terrible rumors about this place, but you had no other exits
You spent the whole day wandering around an abandoned amusement park. This place was pretty creepy, but you tried not to think about it. When it started to get dark, you went to one of the buildings to spend the night there. A variety of things were stored in the building. You were able to find a rest room in which you stayed overnight. But your peace didn't last long
You woke up at two o'clock in the morning from strange sounds and went to check what was going on. You thought it could be some animal that lived in the woods near the park. But it turned out not to be so. In the corridor very close to the room in which you stayed overnight, you found something similar to mascot. You weren't sure if it was a costume or an animatronic. You recognized it from the photos they showed you when they told you about this place. But unlike the original, the mascot seemed to be photonegative
You were sure that the mascot wasn't there when you arrived. You put it down to fatigue and went back to the room. You had no idea he was watching you. Stan paid attention to you from the very first moment he saw you. He won't let you leave him. He still has a few days so that you will always be together
💚Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
All the way to the abandoned amusement park, you regretted that you had agreed to this at all. Your friend had to go to an abandoned amusement park for work and asked you to go with him. You couldn't refuse him. And when you arrived, your regrets only got stronger. The park was really creepy. You were hoping that these few days that you were supposed to spend there would fly by unnoticed
While you were wandering around the park, your friend told a lot of creepy stories that he had heard about this place. You didn't believe him. You doubted that ghosts could live there. You just didn't pay attention to anything that could scare you. When you came to one of the buildings, your friend tried to scare you with one of the strange mascots that were there. But you weren't scared. Mascot Kyle seemed nice to you and you didn't hide it
At night you woke up screaming. You jumped up sharply, not understanding what was happening. But your friend wasn't around. You hurried to search, clutching the flashlight tightly in your hands. You were afraid that something might happen to him. But when you found your friend, it was already too late. He was dead and there was a mascot Kyle standing in front of his dead body, but he was different from how you remembered him. He was a photonegative. When he started moving towards you, you felt panic and ran away, hoping that you could escape. You heard him running after you. You couldn't let him catch up to you
Kyle won't let you escape. You and your friend were far from the first to come to this park, but unlike other people, you were not disgusted by him. Your words have awakened long-forgotten feelings in him. He realized that he fell in love with you. He won't let you leave. He knew this place much better than you and will catch you. He won't let you escape
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
When you arrived at the abandoned amusement park, you had to collect as much information as possible. That was the main reason you came. But you couldn't miss the opportunity to spend a few days in such a quiet and beautiful place. The only thing you needed was someone to talk to. But even here you were able to find a solution. When you got lonely, you started talking to one of the mascots. You spoke to Kenny
You had no idea that the ghost who lived in mascot was happy. It had been so long since he had seen living people, and even more so those who would like to talk to him. You acted like you were old friends and he was thrilled about it. He fell in love with you in a matter of minutes. He wanted to be as close to you as possible
When you went to bed at night, you had no idea that he was around. He sat next to you while you were sleeping. He admired your peaceful expression. He knew that if he had a living heart, it would be pounding wildly in his chest right now. He regretted that he was dead. But he didn't want to kill you. He was sure that next to you he would feel alive again
When you woke up, you saw that a photonegative mascot was sitting next to you. You were scared and wanted to leave, but the door wouldn't open. It was as if the lock had been broken. There was no other way out of the room. You struggled to open the door until you felt like you were being hugged. There was no one in the room except mascot and you. You felt your consciousness begin to leave you. Before you lost consciousness from fear, you saw that there was some guy next to the mascot. But you were sure of something for sure. There was not a single living person on the whole island except you
📚Yandere! Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
When you were a teenager, you heard many stories about an abandoned amusement park. Almost all of these stories were about the ghosts of people killed in this park. You've always been curious to find out how true these rumors are. So when you had the opportunity to go to the same park for work, you immediately agreed
You explored the amusement park with undisguised enthusiasm looking for something unusual. But there were no signs of any murders. The most ordinary forgotten park. You had to spend a few days there, so you turned on the electricity in the main building so that you could safely spend the night there. But late at night you woke up to strange and incomprehensible sounds
The electricity was turned off and there were rumblings somewhere in the building. You decided that it was some kind of animal and went to the electrical panel to turn on the electricity. But in the basement, right next to the dashboard, you saw something that scared you. One of the mascots, as if he had changed all his colors, stood and looked at you. You pulled yourself together, deciding that you just didn't notice it last time, and tried to turn on the light. But your hand was grabbed by the hand of a mascot
The ghost inhabiting the mascot didn't want you to leave. Wendy has been alone for many years and she didn't want you to leave. She didn't want to be alone again. She was ready to lock you in the dark with her, but she won't let you go
💄Yandere! Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
When you arrived at the abandoned amusement park, you just wanted to finish work and go home. You didn't feel afraid, but the atmosphere of the place put a lot of pressure on you. One of the mascots bothered you the most. You felt the eyes of the mascot on you, although it could not be. You were sure that you were alone on the island and understood that no one could look at you. But what scared you the most was that when you turned on the electricity, the mascot was talking. A woman's voice asked who is the most beautiful in the world. It caused you a lot of irritation and anxiety
You passed by the mascot quite often, and its words irritated you more and more. You tried to ignore it. You even went to sleep in one of the rooms, having turned off the electricity before that. But at night you woke up to the fact that you heard the same annoying voice
You went to turn off the electricity, but to your surprise it was turned off. You decided that there was some kind of problem with the mascot itself, so you decided to look for the problem there. But the longer you stood next to the mascot, the more irritated you felt from the constant identical phrases. Finally you couldn't stand it and shouted that she was the most beautiful here. At that moment mascot fell silent
You decided that the breakdown due to which the mascot did not turn off was eliminated, so you went back to the room where you slept. In the dark, you didn't see that the colors of the mascot are different from the original ones. You didn't see the gaze. You didn't know how long Bebe had been waiting for these words. You were the only one who didn't run away screaming. You were the only one who told her that she was beautiful. There's no way she's going to let you go
👒Yandere! Estella Havisham x Reader🪵
You've been a pretty weird kid since you were a kid. You've never been interested in amusement parks or other children's entertainment. You were serious beyond your years. But it so happened that your job forced you to go to an abandoned amusement park. You were not afraid, and only one thing in the park attracted your interest. A mascot looking like an English aristocrat
You were wondering why such an unusual character was created. You left your sleeping bag in the room where this mascot was. When you finished your work in the evening, you stayed in the room with the mascot and drew a strange mascot in your notebook. You fell asleep with a notebook in your hands, unaware that you were being watched
Estella was watching you and trying to figure out why you were so interested in her, but she was flattered by your attention. She liked your interest and she didn't mind talking to you. She didn't want you to leave, which is why she decided to take advantage of the fact that you were sleeping and hid you
When you didn't get in touch, people from your job started to worry. When you didn't come back after your stay in the park ended, they decided to go in search of you. They found your things, but you were nowhere to be found. They found a notebook with your notes and drawings among your things. But the mascot that you drew and wrote about, no one found out. They were all sure that such a mascot simply did not exist
🗡Yandere! Gregory of Yardale x Reader ⛸
When you arrived at an abandoned amusement park, one of the mascots attracted your great interest. He reminded you of a knight. Every time you passed by the mascot, you smiled and curtsied, as if you were really a knight in front of you. You had no idea that your behavior greatly excites him
You were the first to show interest in him. Other people who came to this park were more interested in other things and only you showed sincere interest in it. Gregory was watching you while you were in his field of vision. He wanted to follow you further, but he couldn't afford it, knowing that he would scare you. He came up with a plan with which he can always be with you
At night you woke up to strange noises. After listening, you realized that it was someone crying. You were not sure that no one could arrive at the park, so you decided to go in search of someone who could get lost in an abandoned park. But when you found the room from which the crying came, you didn't find anyone there, but the sound didn't disappear
Crying came from a room whose door was filled with boxes. You took a little time to put away the boxes and open the door. Behind the door was a staircase that led to an unknown part of the building. You weren't even sure that this room was on the building plan. However, there was no one in the room. You went inside, but the door slammed behind you. You tried the door handle several times, but it had no effect. You felt someone's eyes on you behind your back. You were afraid to turn around, even though you understood that there could be no one there. But the voice greeting you proved otherwise
👔Yandere! Gary Harrison x Reader 📖
When you first arrived at an abandoned amusement park, you expected it to be little different from the places you visited when you were a child. However, when you examined one of the buildings, you found one that was not very suitable for an amusement park. The room was more suitable for some kind of religious meetings. However, unlike the other rooms, it was quite clean. It was in this room that you decided to stay the night
To your surprise, the first few nights passed quietly. You've heard rumors from your colleagues that something inexplicable is going on in the park. But you've never encountered anything paranormal. You even got bored, but on the last night that you were supposed to spend in the park, really strange things started happening
You woke up from an unfamiliar voice that seemed to be reading something. You felt fear. You were sure that no one else could have been there. After listening, you realized that the phrases were clearly religious. You didn't know much about religions and weren't sure what exactly was meant. You sat down and turned on the flashlight, but when the beam of light hit the source of the voice, you froze in fright. There was a photonegative mascot in the same room with you
Fear has bound your body. You were afraid to move. You were sure this thing wasn't there before. The Mascot looked at you and then started saying something. You couldn't make out his words. You could hear your heart pounding wildly, drowning out all other sounds. The mascot was blocking the only way out of the room. You hoped that when morning came he would disappear. You were hoping it was just a bad dream. You've never been so wrong in your life
🇬🇧Yandere! Pip Pirrup x Reader 🎀
When you were informed that you would have to go to an abandoned amusement park, you were impatient. You know that there was supposed to be a mascot of a not very popular character in this park that you liked since childhood. You were hoping that you would have the opportunity to see it
You spent almost the whole day wandering around the park, but you couldn't find your favorite mascot. You were upset about it, but you tried not to be discouraged. There was a lot of work waiting for you that you had to do during these few days that you had to spend in the park
In the evening you stayed in the old archives that you had to look through. Among the documents you found a plan of the park and thanks to this you found out that there is a warehouse in the far part of the park. He wasn't on the plan that you received from your superiors, so you decided to go there. You doubted that there would be something that could scare you. But in the warehouse, you had the feeling that you were being watched. You could not understand the reason for this feeling, not even suspecting that you are not alone there
The ghost has been in this warehouse for a very long time together with the mascot about whom everyone has forgotten. He was attached to the mascot and could not leave with all his desire. But now you're in the warehouse. He understood that it was stupid to fall in love with someone so quickly, but watching you and how you enthusiastically examined the mascot, he felt like he was falling in love with you. He didn't want to be alone again. He won't let you leave
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Platonic Yandere Moon Knight
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Warning - Yandere, implied kidnapping, captivity
You were sitting in Steven's chair working on a drawing when you heard the door open.
You looked up to see Jake entering with his hands covered in blood.
"Papa?" You questioned as he took his hat off and smiled.
"Mi precioso hija." He whispered as you returned his smile.
He grabbed a dish cloth and walked over to where you were begining to wipe away the blood.
"Daddy said you can't use the dish cloths for blood." You said making him chuckle softly.
"He isn't here bebe and I know you won't tell him." He said making you smile.
"I won't." You replied before he leant down and kissed your forehead.
"I'm going to go wash up, you stay here." He said before you nodded and went back to drawing.
You continued until Jake came back in his pjs, not a spot of blood on him.
"What would you like for dinner, mi amor?" Jake asked running his hand through your hair while you drew.
"Pizza?" You asked making him chuckle.
"I think you've earnt it. I'll order some." He said as you nodded and smiled.
"What do you say?" He said tilting your head up.
"Gracias papá." You replied making him smile again.
"Good girl. Go take a shower while I order." He instructed as you nodded and got up to go get your clothes ready for the shower.
You had finished and you came out to see one of them sitting watching TV. You knew it was either Marc or Jake because they had a drink in their hand.
" Hey, sweetheart." You heard them say recognising it was Marc.
You ran up and jumped up on him hugging him tightly as he chuckled.
"I missed you, darling." He said making you laugh a little.
"I missed you all too." You said pulling back and looking at him.
"Do you have to work tomorrow too?" You asked grabbing his hand and playing with it in your smaller hands.
"No, sweetie. We'll be home for three days now baby." He said making your eyes light up.
"Really!? Can we go out?" You asked as he sighed softly.
"Sweetheart, you know you're not allowed to go out. It's too dangerous." He said as you pouted and looked away from him.
"But people even younger than me go out. It's not fair." You muttered as Marc reached up to brush your hair behind your ear.
"I know, baby. But you're different, we have to keep you safe." He said as you grumbled and stood up before you ran to your bed and covered yourself.
If you had your own room you would've slammed the door.
But this had a similar affect.
Marc sighed and put his drink down and went over to you and sat on the side of the bed.
"Baby, what have we said? If you're angry you need to communicate that to us and we can understand better." He said playing his hand on your shoulder under the blankets.
"I really want to be normal." You whispered as Marc sighed.
He walked over to the otherside and crawled under the blankets so he could see you. He laid on his side and watched your face.
"I know it's hard, baby." Marc whispered as you looked at him.
"I just don't understand. Is someone trying to hurt me?" You whispered as he smiled sadly.
"Well, when we met you and you came here with us the people they had you before that didn't want to let you go. People still know that you're missing and if they were to find you, you'd be taken away from us. Do you want to be taken away?" Marc asked as you shook your head, he could see you were holding back sobs.
"No...I don't want to go." You whispered as a fear tears escaped.
Marc opened his arms and you shuffled into his arms and cried while he held you.
"I've got you, sweetheart. You're safe baby." Marc whispered holding you tightly in his arms.
"Love you." You muttered making Marc smile.
"I love you too, baby."
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sunny-ssunset · 9 days
Pretty in pink!
Yandere south park x Fem girly reader
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divider from pinterest
Chapter five
♡I'm gonna start getting a bit dark with this, like nothing too bad but i think it'll fit the story yk so if you dont wanna read that scroll away, I'll always add warnings for each chapter though. Reminder you are all beautiful and although Y/n is insecure doesnt mean you should be aswell.
TW: Hints to a deceased character, Stalking.
"Y/n wanna go shopping with us later?" Bebe asked Y/n as they all got in her car, Wendy insisting on driving, Y/n getting in the passangers seat? Carelessly flinging her purse on the back seat, Not realising her phone and makeup bag fell out and onto the seat beside Bebe. Bebe being the kind considerate soul she is, decided to pick them both up and put them in Y/n's- Oh.
Y/n when are you gonna get here
I miss your touch
Y/n I need you
What the actual fuck.
Bebe wasn't supposed to see that. Wendy wouldn't like to hear this. Bebe was smart. She'd been friends with Y/n since 3rd grade. So She knew Y/n would get away with it if she mentioned it there and then. But, If She were to mention it to Wendy on the walk from Y/n's house. Maybe she'd have a chance at being the new Y/n....
"Thanks for driving Wendy...." Y/n looked at Wendy sheepishly, "Its okay. Better me then you!" Wendy laughs, parking up Y/n's car for her. The girls got out, Bebe giving Y/n her bag. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, Message me on the groupchat about the party!" Wendy beamed walking away with Bebe clinging onto her arm.
"Y/n's hooking up with Stan." Bebe blurted out as soon as Y/n was out of sight. "What." Wendy stopped. Like completely fucking stopped, catching Bebe off guard. "Y/n would never, she's kind I'd know her better than everyone I'm her best friend." Wendy giggled, trying to convince herself otherwise. "I saw the messages Wendy."
Bullshit. No way her precious Y/n would be so snakey, She doesnt even like Stan. There is no way. Bebe must be bullshitting her.
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divider by @k1ssyoursister
Seen 4:03
I can't wait any longer
Seen 4:19
Come over
Seen 4:22
I need you
Seen 4:36
Baby please dont leave me on read
Sent 5:07
God he's needy.
I just got out the bath calm down
Seen 5:36
When will you be done?
Seen 5:36
I'm doing my makeup idk
Seen 5.44
Can I come pick you up now?
Sent 5.58
Stan took no replies for another hour as a sign Y/n wanted to be picked up. So he got in this truck and drove to Y/n's
Y/n on the other hand was death staring herself in the mirror, eyeing her ugly fucking face and fat arms. And weight. And nose, god she hated her nose. After all the criticism Y/n decided to go downstairs to wait for Stan.
You can come pick me up now.
Sent 6:57
"Darling! I was waiting for you to come down!" That was weird. She hadn't heard that voice for a while- Oh for fucks sake.
"Daddy!!!!!" Y/n's expression couldnt be told between excitement or confusion, actually maybe less excitement. She didnt really like her Dad. He was away most of the time, And He tried to take the place of Y/n's mother aswell, Bless her soul. He ended up being pretty overbearing when he was there instead. "I missed you dear. How about I take you out for a nice dinner! Just us?" He cooed at her, "Sorry Daddy, If i had any Idea you were coming I'd have not made plans," That was a lie, "But I'm going out with Stan now."
"Oh Alright dear, How about tomorrow?" He stepped closer to her. "I'll think about it." Y/n smiled as she left the house abruptly, going outside to sit on the stairs outside of her Mansion.
"For fucks sake Stan." Y/n mumbled to herself before calling him, not wanting to be at her house any longer, Just as she was about to call him for the 3rd time, Stan pulled up in his Red beaten up truck. "Stan!" Y/n beamed as she ran up to him, getting in the passanger seat, The two unaware of the girl who was waiting in the bushes outside Y/n's house. Unaware of the pictures She'd been taking of the two's exchange.
This. This was all she need. All Bebe needed as proof, To become the new Y/n. The new Queen bee. The new Saint.
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Divider by @k1ssyoursister
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jewbeloved · 1 year
South Park Masterlist 7.0 🎲
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Request Rules are here
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🥞 The Main Four 🧀
💙 Stan Marsh ❄️
Stan with a s/o who has a phobia of vomit
Stan comforts his male s/o from a nightmare
Stan playing rainbow friends with his s/o
Stan getting used to a British school system
A little edit with Stan
Mysterious Orphanage
Stan hanging out with his s/o at night
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🍀
Kyle with a s/o who twitches
Kyle comforts his male s/o from a nightmare
Kyle with a s/o who is always hungry
Kyle playing rainbow friends with his s/o
Kyle getting used to a British school system
Kyle with a s/o who gets flustered at his actions
Kyle with a autistic s/o who uses communication cards
Kyle with a albino s/o
A little edit with Kyle
Kyle with a Christian s/o who's parents forbid him from seeing them.
Mysterious Orphanage
Kyle hanging out with his s/o at night
❤️ Eric Cartman 🍣
Cartman with a s/o who is always hungry
Cartman playing rainbow friends with his s/o
Cartman getting used to a British school system
Cartman with a s/o who gets flustered at his actions
Cartman with a autistic s/o who uses communication cards
A little edit with Cartman
Mysterious Orphanage
Cartman hanging out with his s/o at night
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🐁
Kenny with a s/o who twitches
Yandere Kenny with an emotional s/o
Kenny playing rainbow friends with his s/o
Kenny getting used to a British school system
Kenny with a albino s/o
A little edit with Kenny
Mysterious Orphanage
Kenny hanging out with his s/o at night
🍈 Craig and those guys 🍇
💙 Craig Tucker ✨
Craig seeing his s/o in a guinea pig onesie
Craig dating a s/o who is popular
Craig with a s/o who is always hungry
Craig with a autistic s/o who uses communication cards
Craig with a s/o who can make flowers bloom like Isabella
Craig with a s/o who has tourettes syndrome
💛 Tweek Tweak 🍵
Boxer Tweek with his s/o (Art)
Tweek with a gnome s/o who steals his coffee
Tweek with a albino s/o
Tweek with a s/o who can make flowers bloom like Isabella
❤️ Clyde Donovan 🌮
Clyde with a s/o who can make flowers bloom like Isabella
Clyde hanging out with his s/o at night
💜 Tolkien Black 💰
Tolkien with a s/o who can make flowers bloom like Isabella
💛 Jimmy Valmer 🃏
Yandere Jimmy with an emotional s/o
Jimmy with a s/o who can make flowers bloom like Isabella
🧁 Other Characters 🍪
🖤 Wendy Testaburger 📱
Wendy comforts her male s/o from a nightmare
Cuddling headcanons with Wendy
💛 Bebe Stevens 🧭
❤️ Damien Thorn🏮
Damien with a s/o who gets flustered at his actions
Damien with a autistic s/o who uses communication cards
💛 Phillip "Pip" Pirrup ⛲
Yandere Pip with an emotional s/o
Pip playing rainbow friends with his s/o
Pip with a s/o who gets flustered at his actions
Pip with an orphan s/o
💚 Heidi Turner 🍑
Heidi with a albino s/o
🧡 Timmy Burch🪑
💛 Leopold Butters Scotch 🍜
Yandere Butters with an emotional s/o
Butters playing rainbow friends with his s/o
Comforting Butters during his panic attack
Butters with a s/o who can make flowers bloom like Isabella
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