#yandere wendy testaburger x reader
sunny-ssunset · 3 days
Pretty in pink!
Yandere South park x Girly! F! Reader Headcanons
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What kind of yandere they are!
Includes Kenny, Stan, Kyle, Wendy and Bebe
TAGLIST: @giyusdarling
♡Sorry if this is really scary you don't have to read it, its not important to pretty in pink as of now, just depth into the characters. AGED UP
TW: SLIGHT NSFW, panty stealing, mentions of m*sturbation and s*x, Perverted Kenny, Stalking, Mentions of zaza, Slight hints to Body horror/gore
♡Poor little Kenny.....
♡Such an unfortunate situation
♡Addict parents...
♡Little to no money...
♡I mean, He didn't really care though
♡He didn't care the minute he spoke to the Y/n L/n.
♡Before He met you, he thought you were hot.
♡But he didnt really care to much about you until you had your first conversation with him.
♡You complimented his 'beautiful ocean eyes' as you called them.
♡No one compliments him
♡To put it nicely he stinks and he cant afford new clothes
♡He didnt realise how kind you were
♡Or how pretty you were
♡He was in love instantly
♡No, He was obsessed.
♡Now. Kenny is the type of yandere to steal pretty much anything you had.
♡From used bottles and Applecores to.... Underwear
♡And you do not want to know what he does to that stuff....
♡You being the sweet angel you are let him stay around some nights
♡Sometimes with Karen, Sometimes without
♡He is so fucking obsessed.
♡He obviously needs to protect his precious Y/n....
♡So wherever Y/n walks, Kenny follows
♡Sometimes He'll take pictures of you without you knowing
♡He cant help it.... You look so beautiful when you bendover....
♡He has a shrine of you
♡Kenny is just so lucky to walk on the same planet Y/n does
♡Now, Stan doesnt believe in god.
♡But the minute he saw you, He prayed you'd talk to him one day
♡And your pretty little self did!
♡God you were so perfect
♡He tried turning Wendy into you
♡I mean if he cant have the real thing why not just force her to be you
♡Now Wendy is already trying hard to be you
♡So Stan had a headstart
♡But Wendy could never shape up to you
♡He was so obsessed with you to the point where the only thing that got him off was you
♡Once he was having s*x with Wendy, He accidentally moaned your name and got really embarrassed. little did he know Wendy was into it
♡He was very obvious about his crush on you, with out even knowing it
♡Plus you're THE Y/n L/n! You knew everyone was obsessed with you, and you knew how to use and abuse it!
♡So when you figured that Stan had like unlimited access to a certain dr*g you liked
♡You were all over him!
♡Hooking up in the janitors closet, Or his truck, pretty much anywhere you can
♡Stan loved you so much, He started making his own Y/n.
♡Only to fufill the time being, He's planned to capture the real thing soon!
♡Unlike Kenny, He'd ask outright for your stuff, using the excuse
♡"Y/n you should leave some of your clothes here, For when you stay over"
♡When you obliged, He'd put them on to he doll and try gaslight you into thinking you never left your clothes there
♡Stan doesnt think you'd take lightly to doll Y/n.
♡I think Kyle's the most normal out of everyone here, but even he's still a Yandere soo
♡He thinks bacause he knew you first, He deserves to have you
♡Kyle gets extremely insecure, He knows alot of his friends have a 'crush' on you.
♡And He gets really fucking jealous
♡Like He takes it out on you, and gets into fights with his friends
♡He doesnt care how many people he has to get rid of to be with you
♡He is so fucking lucky you're so kind
♡You forgive him every fucking time he acts up
♡You are just so kind
♡Your both meant to be
♡So so kind
♡Y/n and Kyle forever
♡You help him when he gets mad
♡And you love his attention
♡He cant wait until he can take you for his own
♡I mean Kyle loved you before anybody else did
♡He loved you before anybody else did
♡He was the first and only person to see you for what you really are
♡A God.
♡Wendy Testaburger.
♡Your best friend
♡She knew almost everything about you
♡I mean she thinks she does
♡She likes to believe she does
♡She also knows about everyone liking you
♡Everyone except maybe Stan, I mean Its not like she'd care if you liked him
♡But she'd hope you'd tell her
♡Wendy thinks you are perfection
♡You and her have been very close for a WHILE
♡She's helped you through your ups and downs
♡She loves the fact your comfortable enough to be some what indecent around her
♡Like once you asked her if your boobs looked weird, Wendy almost fainted
♡She wants to see more of you like that....
♡Wendy wants to know everything about your body
♡So she can try replicate it on herself
♡Mutilate her hips into the correct shape
♡She doesnt care how much it hurts
♡She wants to become you so fucking bad
♡She picks up every habit you have
♡Wendy is your shadow
♡Bebe is your typical Yandere
♡She adores you
♡Y/n does no wrong in her eyes
♡She hates the fact Wendy is your best friend not her
♡Or how you flirt and cuddle Kenny so much
♡Why can't it be her?
♡She acts like the others do
♡But you treat her no different to how you did before
♡What will it take for you to love her!!!!
♡Until, the perfect oppurtunity came to light
♡You were hooking up with Stan.
♡If She told Wendy
♡Wendy would hate you
♡Leaving you all to Bebe
♡It was the perfect plan
♡No more Wendy
♡Just Y/n and Bebe
♡Y/n and Bebe forever!!
♡And ever
♡Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever Forever
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Dividers by @k1ssyoursister
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southangel · 7 months
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Stan Marsh
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader Younger Sibling HCs (platonic)
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader Their Child HCs (platonic)
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader Twin Sibling HCs (platonic)
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader Kid In Fights HCs (platonic)
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader Younger Sibling HCs (platonic) (POST-COVID)
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader Scared of the Dark HCs (romantic)
Stan Marsh x GN!Reader NSFW Alphabet (romantic)
Stan Marsh x Fem!Reader Touch Starved HCs (romantic)
Kyle Broflovski
Kyle Broflovski x GN!Reader Their Child HCs (platonic)
Kyle Broflovski x GN!Reader Twin Sibling HCs (platonic)
Kyle Broflovski x GN!Reader NSFW Alphabet (romantic)
Kenny Mccormick
Kenny Mccormick x GN!Reader Their Child HCs (platonic)
Kenny Mccormick x GN!Reader Twin Sibling HCs (platonic)
Kenny Mccormick x GN!Reader Kid In Fights HCs (platonic)
Kenny Mccormick x GN!Reader Scared of the Dark HCs (romantic)
Kenny Mccormick x GN!Reader NSFW Alphabet (romantic)
Kenny Mccormick x Fem!Reader Touch Starved HCs (romantic)
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman x GN!Reader Younger Sibling HCs (platonic)
Eric Cartman x GN!Reader Their Child HCs (platonic)
Eric Cartman x GN!Reader Twin Sibling HCs (platonic)
Eric Cartman x GN!Reader Kid In Fights HCs (platonic)
Eric Cartman x GN!Reader Younger Sibling HCs (platonic) (POST-COVID)
Butters Stotch
Butters Stotch x Fem!Reader Adopted Sibling HCs (platonic) (POST-COVID)
Craig Tucker
Craig Tucker x GN!Reader SFW and NSFW HCs (romantic)
Craig Tucker x GN!Reader SFW and NSFW HCs (romantic) (Yandere)
Tweek Tweak
nothing yet..
Clyde Donovan
nothing yet..
Wendy Testaburger
Wendy Testaburger x Fem!Reader Touch Starved HCs (romantic)
Poly Relationships
nothing yet..
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Cool! Could you make a Yandere Wendy Testaburger 👉👈
Yandere Wendy Testaburger Headcanons (general)
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Wendy is definitely someone who knows how to get what she wants, when she wants it, and her darling would be no exception. Once she sets her sights on them there is no getting rid of her. Her darling is already hers from then on, they just don’t know it yet but that’s fine cause Wendy can be a very, very patient girl. That is if she knows the prize in the end will be worthwhile and you’re very worthwhile.
She’s very attentive in how she treats her darling, as well as how she goes about her overall obsession. Wendy makes herself as readily available as possible for them, going out of her way to deal with and take care of things for her darling. Whether they know or not. She just wants to make sure her darling is thoroughly taken care of.
Wendy has no problem interjecting herself into her darling’s life. How else is she supposed to get close to you if she doesn’t take the initiative? She’ll be whatever she has to if it means being in your life. She’ll be your seat mate. She’ll be your partner for school projects. She’ll be your best friend. Hell, she could even be your new next door neighbor. Wendy would go to whatever lengths to ensure she has some part in her darling’s life.
As much as she prefers to go about her more extreme behavior in regards to her obsession behind the scenes that doesn’t mean Wendy isn’t willing to get her hands dirty. On the contrary, she is more than willing to do just that. When Wendy’s had enough of someone getting too close to her obsession she decides it’s time to ruin them. She’ll ruin their social status; whether that be in school or in town it makes no difference to her. If that isn’t enough then she’ll just have to fly them off into the sun. Or some other solution just as creative and permanent.
Wendy desperately craves her darling’s attention. She wants it all the time but when she doesn’t have it then she gets jealous of whoever or whatever does. And Wendy’s jealousy is not something to be taken lightly. She’ll try and gain her darling’s attention through showing off how smart she is and doing things that she thinks would be worthy of their attention. If that doesn’t work then she’ll just buy their attention back. Wendy will spoil her darling by any means if it meant they just looked in her direction again.
If she has to then Wendy will through hands. She doesn’t care whose ass she has to beat. If it’s for you then she’ll do it. But she isn’t opposed to having others do her dirty work either. It just depends on the situation and whether her jealousy has gotten the better of her.
She’s not against monopolizing her darling whatsoever. But Wendy doesn’t want to outright monopolize you. No, she wants it to gradually happen. Wendy wants you and the people around you to be the ones to make it happen. All she has to do is plant the seed and pull some strings, watching and waiting.
It’ll start with an off hand comment about your friends. Maybe how they act without you around? How they talk about you behind your back? Wendy wants to build a sense of mistrust with you and those around you. She isn’t ashamed to make her darling out to be someone they’re not if it means she can have you to herself. After all she knows who you really are and that’s what matters. If everyone else is dumb enough to believe the rumors about you then they weren’t really your friends, were they? But that’s okay, at least you have her.
There’s just one thing and only one thing to remember; Don’t fuck with Wendy Testaburger.
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vikkirosko · 3 years
So I have watched Andy's Apple Farm, so I got this idea
What if Yandere Videogame Kyle,Stan,Kenny,Wendy,Bebe,Gary feel in love with Y/N
Basically the game for this fic is your a student and you go crazy adventures and you start to notice strange creepy things and they get pulled inside the game
Headcanons Andy's Apple Farm
💙 Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
When you were a child, you often played different games that were in the arcade room. When you grew up, there were no such halls left, but one of your friends, knowing about your love for such machines, gave you an old slot machine for your birthday. According to your friend, there was a game that was never released into mass production. This gift delighted you
The game was in beta, so you didn't expect to be able to go far along the plot. At first it was an ordinary children's game that reminded you of games from your childhood. When one of the characters named Stan started constantly walking next to the character you controlled, you didn't attach much importance to it, believing that this was how it should be, but the longer the game went on, the more oddities you began to notice
Quite often, frightening things appeared in the game that clearly should not have been in a children's game. But the most frightening thing was that everything looked too much like real people. You told one of your friends about it and it seemed to him that he had already heard about it. It was on that day that Stan began to behave even more strangely. He often looked at you through the screen, as if he saw you, sometimes his remarks did not correspond to what was happening. It was starting to scare you
When Stan addressed you directly in one of the phrases, you were very scared and turned off the machine from the socket. You were scared. You called your friend and in a panic started telling him what had happened, but he didn't believe you, but he told you something that made you completely terrified. As it turned out, there wasn't supposed to be a character named Stan in this game. Stan was the name of the son of one of the developers of this game who died under unknown circumstances. It was at this moment that the music from the game started playing in the living room where the arcade machine was standing. You were scared. You were afraid to leave the room. You knew for sure that you turned off the arcade machine from the socket
💚 Yandere! Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
You've been out of work for a long time. After graduating from college, it was difficult for you to find a job, but a miracle still happened. You found a job in a newly opened slot machine room. The owner of this place wanted to revive the spirit of old games there, and you had to repair arcade machines and test them. The job didn't seem very difficult to you, so you immediately took it up
Everything was fine for the first few days, but then you found an old arcade machine in the back room. An old note with the inscription do not turn on was glued to the screen. It seemed strange to you, but you had to do your job. As it turned out, it was an old game that wasn't even completely finished. You've never even heard of this game before, so you were wondering what this game is. The arcade machine itself was in perfect order, so all you had to do was check out the game itself
The game was pretty quiet at first. Of all the characters, a character named Kyle stood out. He was a minor character but was different from the other characters in the game. It was as if he was just a pixel model of a person, unlike the rest of the characters who were like cartoon characters. It was impossible to talk to Kyle and he didn't give any quests, but he appeared at every location and it was a little strange
At first, Kyle appeared from the edge of the screen, but then strange, frightening images began to appear in the game, some strange newspaper clippings in which it was almost impossible to make out the words. Kyle got closer and closer to the center of the screen, until eventually, instead of one of the locations, a black screen appeared in the center of which Kyle was standing. The text appearing on the screen scared you. The font seemed to be damaged, but you could clearly distinguish your name and that you would not be able to escape. You didn't know why he was targeting you, you didn't even know what he was, but you knew one thing for sure. Kyle may not have meant to hurt you, but he was dangerous
🧡 Yandere! Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
You were genuinely surprised when you received a parcel in the mail without a return address. It seemed strange to you, but the package was addressed to you. In the box was a disc with the logo of some game. The disk was old and scratched, so you were not sure that it would work, but to your surprise, the disk really worked. The game that was on this disc was unfamiliar to you, but curiosity got the better of you and you decided to play this game
The game seemed vaguely familiar to you, as if you had played it once, but when you tried to remember that you couldn't do it. The game was weird. Sometimes dialog boxes appeared during the game, although there was no dialog. All the phrases that appeared there were frightening, as if someone or something was addressing you personally. You tried not to think about it, believing that it was just a bug, a flaw, because as it was said in the menu, it was a beta version of the game. But the feeling of anxiety still did not leave you
The further you went through the plot of the game, the more often old photos appeared on the screen. Most often, the photos depicted a boy who for some reason seemed familiar to you. You couldn't remember if you knew him, just like you couldn't remember much of your childhood. But every time you saw these photos, you felt uneasy. It's like you forgot something very important. Something that made you uneasy. And this anxiety had something to do with this game
When phrases addressed specifically to you began to appear on the screen instead of game dialogues, you were scared. You didn't understand what was going on. You were scared. You tried to turn off the game, but nothing happened. On the screen, someone was addressing you by name. He asked to stay with him. He asked not to leave him. Those photos flashed between the phrases again. You didn't know what to do with it. The only thing you were sure of was that what is in this game is not going to leave you alone
📚Yandere! Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
When your friend suggested that you try to work as a computer game tester, you were glad. It seemed like a pretty easy job, so you agreed. Your main task was to check the work of an old game that the new owners of the studio wanted to finish and start releasing for PC
The first thing that caught your attention was a cute character named Wendy. She was a character who taught you the basic mechanics of the game and helped you complete various puzzles. Her friendliness and smile endeared the player to her and you were no exception. You liked to look at her pixelated figure and liked to read the phrases she said. Sometimes you even jokingly answered her out loud, even though you understood that it was just a game and she couldn't hear or answer you
At some point, Wendy started saying strange things. Her hints did not help, but on the contrary complicated the game. She was pointing you in the wrong direction. At some point, you got angry about it and were outraged about the fact that this clearly shouldn't have happened. At that moment, messages from Wendy began to appear on the screen. She said it was the only way you could stay together even longer and that she didn't want you to leave. It scared you and you hurried away, not going to even get close to this game anymore
You turned down this job, hoping that it was all just a nightmare of your imagination. You couldn't explain to your superiors the reason why you can't continue working anymore. But even at home you couldn't feel safe. First, letters from Wendy started coming to your email, which scared you, and then in the middle of the night your home computer turned on and she appeared on its screen. Wendy wasn't going to let you go
💄Yandere! Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
You spent a lot of time playing computer games. You liked to find unusual games about which little was known, and that's the kind of game you were able to find. The game was quite old and resembled old arcade games, but it was exactly what you were looking for. You were hoping to see something interesting in this game, without even knowing what kind of game it was
A character named Bebe quickly caught your attention. She was a very bright character and seemed to have been created to attract the attention of the players. Bebe gave the player quests that were supposed to help in moving the game along the plot. Even her dialogues were pleasant and sweet, as if you were communicating with a real girl and not with a character from the game
When you returned to her after the next quest, the game began to behave strangely. You couldn't leave the location where Bebe was, as if the game was frozen, but Bebe was walking around the location, so you assumed it was a bug and restarted the game, but when the game turned on again, you were still there and a dialog box appeared in which Bebe told you that you couldn't escape from it
Dialog boxes appeared one after another and in each one Bebe addressed you. She said she didn't want to let you go, she said you'd always be together. You were more than sure that this should not be in the game. You tried to turn off the game again, but this time you didn't succeed, as if something blocked all possible actions. As if you really couldn't escape from her
👔 Yandere!Gary Harrison x Reader 📖
You found an old computer game at a charity sale. You didn't know what kind of game it was, but you were interested. From the very first minutes of the game, your character was accompanied by a character named Gary. He was friendly and sweet, so you didn't mind this character being around at all
At first, everything was quite normal. There was nothing strange about the game. But at some point Gary started mentioning strange things. He mentioned religion, talked about his family, but all this did not correspond in any way to the world of the game. It seemed strange to you, as if they were from the real world and not from the world of the game. However, you weren't completely sure. You assumed that the game developers decided to make such a small surprise for attentive players
The longer you played this game, the more strange the dialogues with Gary became. But when photos of a boy very similar to him and old newspaper clippings began to appear, you were really scared. You didn't understand what was going on and why it all seemed too real. You decided to turn off the game and look for information to make sure that this is just a game
When you turned on the game again, your hands were shaking. You found the information you were hoping not to find. Gary was a real person and went missing. But it shouldn't be in the game, you were sure of it. However, this time Gary was talking about something else. He talked about how you shouldn't have done it, that now you're scared and he didn't want that, he just wanted you to always be together. You didn't know what to do. You were really scared. But you couldn't just turn off the game
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masochisticdevotion · 3 years
Here me out Yandere Wendy Testaburger Headcanons.
I love it she literally is in canon
Sorry this is late I’ve been catching up on schoolwork and getting my sleep schedule back <\3
Yandere Wendy Testaburger Headcanons
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It’s literally the episode Don’t Fuck With Wendy Testaburger but instead of Stan she’s after YOU
She’s very socially Intelligent and she knows how to use it to her advantage. She knows exactly what to say and do to make you doubt your friends and people you know
If people still insist on trying on getting close to you she uses her girl group to start a bunch of rumours about them, by the time they have the courage to ask you out they can’t even show their face around school anymore
Also remember the breast cancer where she beats the SHIT outta Cartman? She can fight and even though she prefers not to get her own hands dirty if she absolute HAS to she will throw hands
She’s great at gaining your trust, she’s so kind and protective you don’t even realise how she’s distancing you from everyone else half the time
She’s very affection and loving, as long as you don’t try and leave her she’s honestly a good yandere to be with, she won’t hurt you just slightly emotionally manipulate you
She’s not afraid to put people in their place for you, she’s very headstrong and confident, if she feels someone’s overstepping their boundaries she’s will call them out
I also hate to say it but I feel like she’d use Stans feelings for her as an advantage as well, all she has to do is bat her pretty eyelashes at him and he’ll do whatever she wants
She loves PDA, not only does it let people know you’re taken it lets her be close to you! And she loves that always hanging onto you she can’t help it, she just loves her darling so much
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jewbeloved · 2 years
South park Masterlist💖
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2nd South Park Masterlist
3rd South Park Masterlist
4th South Park Masterlist
Blog Introduction/request rules
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🎂 The Main Four 🎂
🐶 Stan Marsh 🥞
Stan at the beach with his s/o
Being y/n's bodyguard (Art Photo)
Giving y/n attention (Art Photo)
Having a neko s/o
S/o who can scare off the 6th graders
Stan with a tall s/o
With a streamer s/o
POV kiss with Stan (video)
Stan with a s/o who has wings
With a Rich s/o
Vampire Stan with his s/o headcanons
Stan with a tall and strong s/o
Stan with a prankster s/o
Stan confessing to his s/o
How to piss off Stan
Stan of many moons with his s/o (Art Photo)
Stan with a black s/o
Stan with a sleepy s/o
🍄 Eric Cartman 🍎
Cartman yandere alphabet
Being y/n's bodyguard (Art Photo)
Having a neko s/o
S/o who can scare off the 6th graders
Cartman with a tall s/o
With a streamer s/o
POV kiss with Cartman (video)
Cartman with a s/o who has wings
With a Rich s/o
Vampire Cartman with his s/o headcanons
Cartman at the beach with his s/o
Cartman with a prankster s/o
Cartman confessing to his s/o
How to piss off Cartman
Kiss surprise with Cartman (Art Photo)
Cartman with a food addict s/o
Cartman with a black s/o
Cartman with a sleepy s/o
💚 Kyle Broflovski 💐
Having a neko s/o
Being y/n's bodyguard (Art Photo)
At the beach with y/n (Art Photo)
S/o who can scare off the 6th graders
Kyle yandere alphabet
Kyle fluff headcanons
Making fun of Kyle's height (Art Photo)
Kyle with a tall s/o
With a streamer s/o
POV kiss with Kyle (Video)
With a painter s/o
Kyle with a s/o who has wings
With a Rich s/o
Kyle playing fnaf with his s/o
Vampire Kyle with his s/o headcanons
Kyle with a strong and tall s/o
Yandere adult Kyle alphabet
Vampire Kyle and Y/n (Art Photo)
Kyle at the beach with his s/o
Kyle with a prankster s/o
Kyle confessing to his s/o
How to piss off Kyle
Kyle with a food addict s/o
Kyle with a black s/o
Kyle with a sleepy s/o
🎃 Kenny Mccormick 🧡
Having a neko s/o
Being y/n's bodyguard (Art Photo)
S/o who can scare off the 6th graders
Kenny fluff headcanons
Kenny with a tall s/o
With a streamer s/o
POV kiss with Kenny (Video)
With a painter s/o
Kenny with a s/o who has wings
With a Rich s/o
Vampire Kenny with his s/o headcanons
Kenny at the beach with his s/o
Kenny with a prankster s/o
Kenny confessing to his s/o
How to piss off Kenny
Kenny with a black s/o
Kenny with a sleepy s/o
🪩 Craig and those guys 🪩
💛 Craig Tucker 💙
How to piss off Craig
Cuddling with y/n (Art Photo)
Loving day in the park with Tweek (Art Photo)
Craig with a strong and tall s/o
Craig with a black s/o
💛 Tweek Tweak ☕
Tweek with a prankster s/o
Spending the night at the coffee shop (Art Photo)
Loving day in the park with Craig (Art Photo)
Tweek with a strong and tall s/o
🌟 Clyde Donovan ❤️
Clyde with a food addict s/o
Begging tacos from y/n (Art Photo)
🪩 Jimmy Valmer ❤️‍🔥
Jimmy with a female s/o
Jimmy x Kyle Headcanons
💘 Token Black 🧸
With a painter s/o
💎 Other Characters 💎
🧈 Leopold Butters Scotch 🦋
With a Rich s/o
Butters with a strong and tall s/o
💓 Wendy Testaburger 🪷
How to piss off Wendy
💛 Bebe Stevens 🧸
🌟 Phillip Pip Pirrup ☕
Phillip x male reader Headcanons
🔥 Damien Thorn 😈
🌱 Heidi Turner 🍇
🧇 Timmy Burch 🧻
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sunny-ssunset · 9 days
Pretty in pink!
Yandere south park x Fem girly reader
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divider from pinterest
Chapter five
♡I'm gonna start getting a bit dark with this, like nothing too bad but i think it'll fit the story yk so if you dont wanna read that scroll away, I'll always add warnings for each chapter though. Reminder you are all beautiful and although Y/n is insecure doesnt mean you should be aswell.
TW: Hints to a deceased character, Stalking.
"Y/n wanna go shopping with us later?" Bebe asked Y/n as they all got in her car, Wendy insisting on driving, Y/n getting in the passangers seat? Carelessly flinging her purse on the back seat, Not realising her phone and makeup bag fell out and onto the seat beside Bebe. Bebe being the kind considerate soul she is, decided to pick them both up and put them in Y/n's- Oh.
Y/n when are you gonna get here
I miss your touch
Y/n I need you
What the actual fuck.
Bebe wasn't supposed to see that. Wendy wouldn't like to hear this. Bebe was smart. She'd been friends with Y/n since 3rd grade. So She knew Y/n would get away with it if she mentioned it there and then. But, If She were to mention it to Wendy on the walk from Y/n's house. Maybe she'd have a chance at being the new Y/n....
"Thanks for driving Wendy...." Y/n looked at Wendy sheepishly, "Its okay. Better me then you!" Wendy laughs, parking up Y/n's car for her. The girls got out, Bebe giving Y/n her bag. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, Message me on the groupchat about the party!" Wendy beamed walking away with Bebe clinging onto her arm.
"Y/n's hooking up with Stan." Bebe blurted out as soon as Y/n was out of sight. "What." Wendy stopped. Like completely fucking stopped, catching Bebe off guard. "Y/n would never, she's kind I'd know her better than everyone I'm her best friend." Wendy giggled, trying to convince herself otherwise. "I saw the messages Wendy."
Bullshit. No way her precious Y/n would be so snakey, She doesnt even like Stan. There is no way. Bebe must be bullshitting her.
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divider by @k1ssyoursister
Seen 4:03
I can't wait any longer
Seen 4:19
Come over
Seen 4:22
I need you
Seen 4:36
Baby please dont leave me on read
Sent 5:07
God he's needy.
I just got out the bath calm down
Seen 5:36
When will you be done?
Seen 5:36
I'm doing my makeup idk
Seen 5.44
Can I come pick you up now?
Sent 5.58
Stan took no replies for another hour as a sign Y/n wanted to be picked up. So he got in this truck and drove to Y/n's
Y/n on the other hand was death staring herself in the mirror, eyeing her ugly fucking face and fat arms. And weight. And nose, god she hated her nose. After all the criticism Y/n decided to go downstairs to wait for Stan.
You can come pick me up now.
Sent 6:57
"Darling! I was waiting for you to come down!" That was weird. She hadn't heard that voice for a while- Oh for fucks sake.
"Daddy!!!!!" Y/n's expression couldnt be told between excitement or confusion, actually maybe less excitement. She didnt really like her Dad. He was away most of the time, And He tried to take the place of Y/n's mother aswell, Bless her soul. He ended up being pretty overbearing when he was there instead. "I missed you dear. How about I take you out for a nice dinner! Just us?" He cooed at her, "Sorry Daddy, If i had any Idea you were coming I'd have not made plans," That was a lie, "But I'm going out with Stan now."
"Oh Alright dear, How about tomorrow?" He stepped closer to her. "I'll think about it." Y/n smiled as she left the house abruptly, going outside to sit on the stairs outside of her Mansion.
"For fucks sake Stan." Y/n mumbled to herself before calling him, not wanting to be at her house any longer, Just as she was about to call him for the 3rd time, Stan pulled up in his Red beaten up truck. "Stan!" Y/n beamed as she ran up to him, getting in the passanger seat, The two unaware of the girl who was waiting in the bushes outside Y/n's house. Unaware of the pictures She'd been taking of the two's exchange.
This. This was all she need. All Bebe needed as proof, To become the new Y/n. The new Queen bee. The new Saint.
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Divider by @k1ssyoursister
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sunny-ssunset · 2 days
Choose your soulmate!
Yandere South park x GN! Reader
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Divider by some random website on google
Level three!
TAGLIST: @giyusdarling @mikkies
Go to class?
Heading through the halls you bump into Craig, Who is death staring you.
>Walk past<
>Start crying
Suddenly, He grabs your arm.
"Watch your back Y/n L/n. Its not what it seems." He mumbles, staring into your soul through the screen.
what the fuck?...
He lets you go, and you head into class. Taking your seat beside a black haired girl.
"Hey! You must be the new kid Nichole has been raving about!! I'm Wendy!" She gives you a toothy grin, putting her hand out for you to shake.
"I'm sure we can be great friends, Hey heres my number, I can help you learn about some other students." Wendy smiles at you.
You obtained Wendy's number!
Skill acquired!
The ability to know anything about anyone by a name or a picture, One of the perks of being one of the most popular girls in school!
The english teacher rambled on about the psychology behind the Macbeth's emotions for about an hour.
Skill acquired!
-I'm an Empath.
Level one: The ability to tell peoples emotions by looking at them, The accuracy might not be that good however....
You decide to head to your next class, bumping into a tall boy on your way there though "Hey! I missed you!" Kenny pops up out of nowhere, "Wanna go for a walk with me?"
"Great, Let me show you my secret hideout" He grabs your hand gently interwining it with his. Kenny's face turns a little red, maybe he is embarrased? In the corner of your eye you see Craig.
Seeing him, you decide to message Wendy.
You: Can you give me some info on Craig.
Almost immediately, She replies.
Wendy: Oh... Him. Craig really fucking weird. He's horrible to everyone and always bangs on about how "No one is to be trusted except me" and "I know everyones true colours." Moral of the story, all he does is lie. Stay. away. from. him.
"Who ya texting?" Kenny asks, Smiling down at you.
>No one.
>Wendy, Do you know her?<
Kenny's grip tightens on your hand, "Ohh yeah.. Who doesnt, She dated my friend for a while. I dont know what happened to them." He seems a bit uncomfortable talking about this, maybe he doesn't want to talk about this.
"Oh! Looks we are here... Wanna chill with me for a bit?" He rubs him neck sheepishly.
>I should head to class....
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dividers by @petal-pxl
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southangel · 7 months
Request Status: CLOSED
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•About Me•
Hello! My name is Rina, and i’m starting a South Park writing blog!
This is my first time actually writing without going anonymous, so bear with me!
Depending on how busy I might be, requests might be fulfilled either quickly or late. (Please don’t rush me!)
I am an adult in college, so just keep that in mind!
Of course, I will be saying MDNI but there’s no way I can for sure get rid of all minors, so read at your own risk.
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•Requesting Info•
Of course there are going to be rules for requesting, so please read these and keep them in mind when Requesting!
What I write:
South Park (Aged Up)
Angst (Maybe)
Dark Themes etc. (Some only, some requests might make me uncomfortable!)
Both South Park Games (FBW & SOT)
Alphabets (NSFW, Yandere, etc)
Max 4 Characters on a request. (Make a separate request for more characters please!)
Who I write for:
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny Mccormick
Eric Cartman
Butters Stotch
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Wendy Testaburger
More added soon!
What I don’t write:
Extreme Non-con, Rape, etc.
Piss & Scat kinks, food kinks, knife play, pregnant sex, phone play, toys (Thin ice), mommy & daddy kinks, etc.
Extreme Gore (Gore is Allowed!)
Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, etc.
Male Reader (Sorry! Gender Neutral and Female is what i’m comfortable with.)
Specific Characteristics (Some are okay, but I want everyone to be able to read my work!)
Character x Character (Poly with Reader is fine!)
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•Links & Extra•
Masterlist (lmk if it takes you out on mobile!)
Yandere Alphabet (not my work, credits to original writer)
Smut Alphabet (not my work, credits to original writer)
Prompts (WIP)
Anon Claims: ⚡️anon
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Yandere Kyle,Stan,Kenny,Bebe,Wendy with a YouTuber Y/N?
Headcanons YouTuber
💙 Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
Stan found out that you're a YouTuber when he found your YouTube channel. He wasn't looking for it on purpose, but when he saw your first video, he was surprised. In the video, you behaved completely differently from in real life. In the video, you smile much more often, emotionally talking about the topic of the next video. Stan, who has spent a lot of time with you, has never seen you smile so happily before
You've never told anyone that you're a YouTuber. This was the part of your life that you wanted to keep secret from your classmates and especially from Stan, who constantly imposed his company on you. Even though he didn't realize it, his behavior bothered you. That's why you wanted to hide at least this part of yourself from others
Stan didn't tell the others that you were a YouTuber. Even though he was offended that you didn't tell him about it, he considered it your shared secret. He felt a thrill every time he thought that he knew something about you that others didn't. He was looking forward to each of your new videos to see your sincere smile that he could not see in real life
You've seen the way Stan looks at you. You were afraid that he might accidentally see one of your videos. You had no idea how often he watches your videos. You had no idea how obsessively he is waiting for your new video and hopes that someday you will smile just as sincerely to him alone
💚Yandere! Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡️
Kyle found out about your YouTube channel shortly after he fell in love with you. He was looking for any information about you and your YouTube channel did not become a secret for him. You didn't hide it much yourself, your friends knew that you were a YouTuber and supported you. Kyle carefully watched each of your videos, remembering how you feel about certain things
You were surprised when a lot of people started writing positive comments under your videos. You were happy about it, not even suspecting that all these comments were left by Kyle. You didn't even know he'd seen your videos. Usually your classmates who saw your videos would tell you about it, but Kyle wasn't going to do it. It was his trump card that he was going to use in order to get closer to you
Kyle quite often began to communicate with you on topics that you were interested in. You were happy to talk about what you were interested in, but sometimes you wondered how Kyle found out about what you like. You didn't talk very often, but despite this, he always knew what you wanted to talk about. At some point it even started to bother you
For Kyle, your videos have become another source of information about you. You told him about yourself without even knowing it. However, there was something that made Kyle angry. With each of your new videos, the number of views grew, which means that the number of people who looked at you grew. He didn't want that. He didn't want to share you even with those people who looked at you through the monitor screen
🧡 Yandere! Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
Kenny found out that you are a YouTuber directly from you when you asked him to help you with shooting a video. He was the only one you could turn to. You were willing to pay him money for help, provided he didn't tell anyone about it. Kenny promised you he wouldn't tell anyone about your secret. It was a chance for him to spend time with you and get to know you a lot more. He was even ready to give up the money, but he understood that then you might suspect something was wrong
Kenny went to your house several times a week after school, where you told him the plan for shooting another video. He didn't always listen to you, justifying himself by saying that he would quickly understand everything when he got down to business. He wasn't interested in how the video would turn out, but he liked to listen to your voice and look at you. He felt a thrill. Sometimes he even managed to watch your videos. He couldn't take his eyes off you
Several times Kenny deliberately ruined the recording to be able to spend time with you again. He was willing to do anything to spend as much time with you as possible. He understood that you could understand that he was doing this on purpose, but he still continued to spoil your videos. He couldn't afford to miss a single moment with you
Kenny didn't care that you were a YouTuber. His obsessive feelings for you wouldn't change even if you were just his classmate. He was ready to become your obsessive fan but always follow you. He was madly in love with you and was ready to do anything to achieve his goal
📚Yandere! Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
Wendy was your friend and she was the first person you told about your decision to become a YouTuber. Wendy was genuinely surprised by this, but to support the image of your friend, she portrayed joy. On the one hand, she wanted you to be happy, but on the other hand, she didn't want anyone to see you on the Internet. However, she quickly came up with a plan to please you and not let anyone encroach on you
She helped you create a channel and helped you figure out how to upload videos correctly. However, she didn't mention that she copied your username and password. She wasn't going to let anyone upset you, much less get your attention too much
She carefully watched what comments were left to you, she edited each of your videos, she made sure that the number of your subscribers and views increased. She did all this secretly from you, realizing that you might consider it abnormal. You had no idea that in fact it was she who controlled your channel
Wendy listened with a smile as you happily told her about how much you like making videos for your YouTube channel. She was happy to see you happy, even if she had to break the rules to do it. She was ready to do anything to make you happy and stay with her no matter what
💄 Yandere! Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
Bebe found out about your YouTube channel by accident. She found some of your videos and was outraged that you didn't tell her about it. She wanted to express her displeasure to you, but restrained herself. She understood that this could alienate you, so she decided to offer you her help instead
She honestly told you that she found your videos on YouTube and offered to help make them better. You were glad of her help, sincerely believing that she was doing it out of a desire to help. You didn't realize that her goal was to control what you do
At first, she helped you write scripts for your videos and apply makeup before shooting. But after that, she started participating in the filming of your video. Each of your videos, she sat very close to you or hugged you around the waist. She wanted to show your viewers with all her might that you belong only to her
Bebe understood that in order for her to be calm, she had to either force you to delete the channel, or show not only your classmates but also your viewers that you belong only to her. Bebe was willing to do a lot to prevent anyone else from taking you away from her, even deceiving you
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vikkirosko · 3 years
What if Yandere Kyle,Stan,Kenny,Bebe,Wendy,Heidi had a S/O with a golden magic hammer that can fix anything? hes or her first name is Fix It Y/N
Okay i have got inspired by Wreck It Ralph,
Headcanons Magic hammer
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
Stan often saw you at school. You were cheerful, smiling. You had a lot of friends. Stan liked you. But one day, when he came to your house so that you could do your homework together, he accidentally dropped his phone on the tile in the bathroom, and his phone screen cracked. He was upset about it, but when you said you could fix the screen, he was surprised
You brought him to your room and with a serious expression on your face told him that what you are about to show him is a big secret and he should not tell about it. Stan didn't understand what you were going to show him, but he felt anticipation. The realization that he would find out your secret excited him. You took a strange golden hammer out of a drawer. Stan watched in horror as you hit his phone with a hammer, but to his surprise, his phone did not break completely, but on the contrary. The phone was whole again
You told him that you've had this hammer for as long as you can remember. It was your superpower, like you were a superhero. You couldn't hurt anyone, but you could fix anything. You didn't tell anyone about it so you wouldn't have any problems. Stan promised he wouldn't tell anyone, and he was serious. He felt that your secret brought you closer. It was the first step to ensure that you were always together. Stan really wanted you to be together
The thought that you were connected by a common secret that you voluntarily told him made Stan think that you cared about him. After all, otherwise you wouldn't have told him such an important and personal secret. He was obsessed with the idea that this secret made you closer and this obsession only became stronger every day
💚Yandere! Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
You and Kyle were in the same class. You rarely talked because you were in the company of your friends all the time, but Kyle felt a strong interest in you. He was in love with you to the point of obsession, but he never showed his feelings. He knew that people around him might perceive his feelings for you as something frightening, but most of all he was worried that you might think so. You were kind and sincere. He didn't want you to be afraid of him
One day, Kyle saw you accidentally break a shelf in the library closet. No one else noticed it. He assumed that you would tell the librarian about it, but instead you took out a strange golden hammer from your backpack and lightly hit the broken shelf. Kyle was shocked when he saw that the shelf was whole again. It was hard for him to believe what he saw
Kyle didn't know what to do with the information he received. He knew that no one but him knows about this secret of yours. It was like the magic power or ability of a character from a video game. Kyle understood that you were hiding it for a reason and he wasn't going to tell others about your secret. But he couldn't let that information go to waste
The first time you received a frightening letter after your first date. An unknown person threatened to reveal your secret to everyone if you continue to go on dates. You might have thought it was someone's evil joke, but you couldn't let everyone know about your unusual ability. Kyle was glad to see that you fulfilled his condition. Maybe the fact that he found out your secret wasn't so bad
🧡Yandere! Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
You met Kenny thanks to his sister Karen. When you moved to South Park, you helped her find the doll she lost. You've been friends ever since. It didn't bother you that she was younger than you. Kenny was happy that you made friends with his sister, because now you had another reason to see each other outside of school
One day when he came home he heard sobbing from his sister's room. He immediately went there, assuming that someone had offended Karen, but when he came to the door, he heard you reassuring her and said that you could fix everything. He came into the room at the moment when you lightly hit the broken doll with a strange golden hammer, after which the doll became whole again
Karen was glad that her doll was whole again, and Kenny asked you to talk to him alone. You were very nervous, and you didn't notice Kenny's eyes on you. He looked at you enthusiastically. He felt that you were special, but that you could fix things as if by magic. You honestly confessed to him that you have this strange ability and asked him not to tell others about it. Kenny promised he wouldn't reveal your secret, but he asked you to tell him more about your powers. Kenny was the first person you could really be honest with. You had no idea that this was all part of his plan
Kenny wasn't going to tell others about your secret. Sometimes he asked you to fix some things. You've been spending a lot of time with Kenny. He found a huge number of reasons just to be with you as long as possible. He didn't want to share you with someone else. The fact that he found out your secret only made you closer. Kenny was sure that two people with unusual abilities should be together
📚Yandere! Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
You and Wendy lived next door, so you knew each other for a very long time. When you were kids, you told her about your unusual ability and about a magic hammer that can fix anything. She was the only one besides your parents who knew about it. At first she thought it showed how much you trusted her as a friend, but when she fell in love with you, this trust became even more valuable for her
Wendy thought that since you trusted her so much that you revealed your innermost secret, it means that she is closer to you than everyone else. You were the whole world to her. She hid her feelings from you, but she always tried to be close to you. As promised, she didn't tell anyone about your secret, but she remembered it
Sometimes she asked you to fix her broken things, but she didn't abuse your ability. She knew everything about your ability that you knew about it. You told her everything, not knowing with what trepidation she treats everything she learns about you. You had no idea about her obsession
Wendy knew you couldn't hurt anyone. Your hammer could only fix things, but not break them. She knew you couldn't hurt her if her feelings got too strong. She was waiting for the moment when she could finally tell you about her feelings and how strong they are
💄Yandere! Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
When you just transferred to the South Park School, no one could have imagined that the first beauty of the school, Bebe Stevens, would be interested in you. You didn't even know what attracted her attention. However, Bebe was the first one who started communicating with you. To the others, you were just a new kid, but for some reason she was interested in you. You had no idea she was in love with you
She helped you get used to your new school. She was genuinely interested in your hobbies. You were very worried when you told her that you like to fix things. You remembered how people reacted to your hobby, so you were worried. But Bebe is genuinely interested in your hobby. So you plucked up the courage and invited her home. You decided to show her your magic hammer that can fix anything
You thought she was really interested in what you were doing. Bebe has shown genuine interest in you. She hid her infatuation perfectly. She hid behind a wide smile a wildly pounding heart that beat so fast every time you were near. She hid behind a calm expression the anger she felt when looking at how other people communicate with you. She didn't like the fact that others were talking to you. She didn't like the fact that you were smiling at them. She wanted your smile to belong only to her
Bebe didn't find her feelings strange. She didn't see anything strange in the fact that she wants to be closer to you than the others. To the others, you were ordinary, but to her, you were special. She was the only one who knew about your ability. She was sure that you should be together and she was ready to go to a lot for this
🌸Yandere! Heidi Turner x Reader 🧣
You and Heidi have been studying together since you started going to school. She fell in love with you when you were children, but did not dare to tell you about her feelings. She kept these feelings for several years, without noticing how they became more like an obsession. She was constantly watching you, she was very jealous when she saw that you were communicating with someone else. She wanted to get as close to you as possible
She understood that you probably only saw her as a friend, but she didn't despair. She took every opportunity to spend time with you. That's why every time you were asked a group project at school, Heidi was the first to come to you. You never refused her, so when she offered to do a physics project together, you agreed
Heidi enjoyed the time that you spent together, but when you finished the project, she realized that she had to do something so that you could spend even more time together. That's why, while you weren't looking, she dropped the model that you were making together. When you returned to the room, she sincerely apologized and claimed that she did it unintentionally. You didn't get angry and said you could fix the model, which caused her surprise. She didn't understand why you needed a strange golden hammer, but when you hit the broken model with it, it became whole again
You told Heidi about your special ability and about the magic hammer. She promised you she wouldn't tell anyone about it and you were sure she wasn't lying. When Heidi came home, she couldn't help but smile happily. Knowing that she knew something about you that other people didn't made her happy. The very thought of you sharing your secret with her made her heart beat faster. She understood that it made you closer and she wasn't going to miss her chance
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vikkirosko · 3 years
What if Yandere Kyle,Stan,Kenny,Wendy,Bebe,Heidi, had a Gen S/O who doesn't know how to summon there weapons?
Headcanons Gem
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
Stan found out that you were a gem by accident, but he didn't want to tell you that he found out your secret. It became his secret that he wanted to keep from everyone. As well as the fact that you didn't know how to summon your weapon
You hid the truth about yourself from everyone, training every day to finally summon your weapon, but every attempt you made ended in failure. Stan knew about it. He wanted to protect you. He loved you and wanted to be your protector so that you didn't have to think about weapons
You had no idea that Stan was constantly watching you. He justified himself by saying that he just wanted to protect you and that his obsession with you had nothing to do with it at all. You quite often felt someone's eyes on you, although you were sure that you were alone. You trained in the woods to make sure that no one would find out your secret, not even suspecting that Stan was watching your every move
He felt that he should tell you that you no longer need to train and try to summon your weapon. He wanted you to know that he is always there and always ready to help you. He had no idea how much you'd be scared of it
💚Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
Kyle found out that you're a gem pretty quickly. He knew everything about you, and this feature did not hide from him. The fact that you couldn't summon your weapon didn't escape him either. Deep down, it pleased him. He understood that it was much more profitable for him that you could not summon weapons, because then you would have much less opportunity to resist him if you accidentally mistook his feelings for something bad
Through the cameras that he hid in your room, he saw you looking longingly at the gem in your body. You were upset because you couldn't summon a weapon. Kyle wanted to comfort you. He wanted to tell you that you don't need to summon weapons, but he couldn't do it, because then you'll know that he knows your secret
When Kyle kidnapped you, you tried to hide that you were a gem, but he said there was no point in hiding it. He told you that you are beautiful to him no matter what. He knew perfectly well that you were trying to summon your weapon to free yourself, but you couldn't do it, which made you despair
Kyle wasn't going to let you go. He was going to protect you and protect you, because you were his jewel. And it doesn't matter if you could use a weapon or not. You were perfect for him
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
Kenny found out that you're a gem by accident. He found out that you were staying in the locker room after gym class and couldn't resist peeking. It was then that he saw that there was a gem in your body. This caused him surprise and misunderstanding
He understood that you were special and this was just another proof of that. He saw that you were trying to do something, but you couldn't do it. He didn't know what exactly you were trying to do, but he realized that it had something to do with the gem
Kenny felt the thrill of knowing that he knew your secret. It seemed to make you closer. Just the thought that he was keeping your secret, even without your knowledge, made his heart beat faster. He wanted you to know that he would keep your secret
You noticed more and more often that Kenny was constantly looking at you and smiling. You couldn't understand the reason for his behavior. He called you a jewel, which confused and strained you even more. You suspected that he found out your secret. You were afraid that he might tell about it, so you decided to talk to him. The realization that Kenny really knows your secret scared you. You couldn't summon your weapon, so you were defenseless against it. But all he asked was for you to start dating him. You didn't have feelings for Kenny, but you had to agree, for keep your secret. Kenny was willing to do a lot to make you fall in love with him. Even blackmail. He wasn't going to reveal your secret, but you didn't need to know about it
📚Yandere!Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
You and Wendy have been friends for several years, but you had no idea that the feelings she had for you were not friendly. All these years you kept your secret, but finally decided to entrust this secret to your friend. You told Wendy that you're a gem
Wendy suspected that you had a secret from her, but she couldn't even think about something so important. She was glad that you decided to trust her and even showed the gem that was in your body and told her that you could summon weapons, but despite a huge amount of training, you never managed to do it
Wendy supported you and said that you will definitely be able to learn how to summon your weapon, but her words were not all sincere. She didn't want you to learn how to summon weapons, because that would mean that she would have fewer opportunities to get close to you
Wendy tried to convince you that there is no need for weapons, because you are already safe. You trusted her and stopped your training. You were uneasy at heart, but you sincerely believed her. You didn't know that you really had someone to defend yourself from. You needed protection from Wendy
💄Yandere!Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
Bebe has noticed strange things about you since the day you met. Despite the fact that you were friends, you were obviously hiding something from her. It made her angry, but she didn't show it. She didn't want you to hide anything from her. She loved you and couldn't let you have secrets from her
She thought for a long time how to find out the reason for your secrecy. She understood that it would not be possible to just find out from you. That's why she invited you to her house for the night. She planned to learn all your secrets from you when you were alone
She talked to you for a long time until she found out your secret after all. You were a gem. You hid it from everyone, afraid that people would think you were a freak. You couldn't even summon your weapon. Because of this, your self-esteem was quite low. But Bebe claimed that it didn't matter to her and that the fact that you revealed your secret to her made her happy
She wasn't going to tell you that she was going to reveal your secret to the others if you tried to distance yourself from her. She didn't want to blackmail you, but if it was the only way that you belonged only to her, then she was ready to go for it
🌸Yandere! Heidi Turner x Reader 🧣
You and Heidi spent a lot of time together. You were friends and it would seem there were no secrets between you. But you both had secrets. You were hiding the fact that you were a gem, and she was hiding the fact that she was in love with you. But if you didn't know about her feelings, then she suspected that you were hiding something
She didn't want to destroy the relationship that you had now, so she didn't ask you if you were hiding something from her. But one day she accidentally saw what you've been hiding for so long. She saw the gem in your body and couldn't resist asking about it
You were very confused and worried that she found out your secret, but you told her the truth. You told her that you are a gem, and also that you were never able to summon your weapon. She listened to you and promised that she wouldn't tell anyone your secret. For Heidi, your secret became a jewel that she wanted to keep from everyone. It has become your common secret
Heidi really kept your secret. She began to spend even more time with you, because now you didn't have to hide anything from her. You had no idea how her heart fluttered from the realization that she could now be with you all the time. She didn't want anyone else to know your secret. She couldn't let that happen
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vikkirosko · 3 years
What if Yandere Kyle,Stan,Kenny, Wendy, and Bebe Y/N owned a Animatronic restaurant one day they died and now they own it, and it turns out Y/N is now haunting one of the animatronics.
Headcanons Animatronic restaurant
💙 Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
You and Stan have known each other since you were kids. You went to the same school, but you weren't sure that you could be considered friends. Stan often tried to communicate with you, but sometimes he bothered you with his behavior. When you grew up, Stan got a family restaurant with animatronics from his parents. You liked this restaurant even though you met Stan there quite often, who seemed to be waiting for you there on purpose. You didn't even realize that it really was like that
When there was an accident at the restaurant, Stan fell into despair. The reason for this was that you were the victim of an accident. He couldn't believe that you were no longer alive. The restaurant was temporarily closed and Stan stayed there every day and every night. He drank a lot and sometimes it seemed to him that he heard someone's voice. His family tried unsuccessfully to get him out of there, but he refused to leave. It seemed to him that staying in the restaurant would bring him closer to you. He was sleeping in the security room. It was on one of these nights that he woke up to strange noises. At first he thought he had imagined it, but the sound was repeated again. When he looked at the monitor, he saw that one of the animatronics was walking down the corridor from the security room to the stage where it originally stood
Stan couldn't believe exactly what had happened. At first he thought it was hallucinations due to alcohol. But when the animatronic started moving on his own again the next night, he realized that it wasn't a hallucination. In the afternoon, he examined the animatronic, but did not notice anything strange. However, at night it seemed to him that he heard a voice again, only now he was able to recognize this voice. It was your voice. It was then that the thought came to him that maybe your soul never left the restaurant. And that meant that now you will always be there for him, even if not exactly the way he wanted
You've seen Stan constantly walking around you, talking to you. He was talking about how much he loves you. In those moments, you were even more scared than when you woke up in the body of an animatronic. At first you just wanted to come to terms with your new existence, but then you saw the state he was in and you felt sorry for him. You wanted to take care of him at least a little, but your desire went sideways for you. Now you didn't even have the silence that you had before, but the most terrible thing was that you couldn't escape from him no matter how much you wanted to. You weren't human anymore and you couldn't ask for help. All you had to do was stay with him. However, you didn't have any other option
💚 Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
Since childhood, Kyle has been preparing to take over the family business and run a restaurant with animatronics. The only reason he was distracted from it was you. He has been in love with you since childhood and spent a lot of time and effort to follow you and learn as much as possible about you. He wanted you to belong only to him. You had no idea about his feelings and didn't know about it until he kidnapped you and locked you in one of the office rooms of the restaurant. No one would have suspected him of kidnapping, because to the rest he was a good guy. His plan was flawless. At least that's what he thought
When he came to you again, he saw that you were dead. You committed suicide, having lost all hope of salvation. This infuriated Kyle at first. He couldn't believe that you chose to die rather than accept his love. Then the rage was replaced by pain. The pain of realizing that the person he loved with all his heart is no longer alive. He couldn't even give you a decent funeral because then everyone would know about where you disappeared. He buried your body in the basement of a restaurant that only he knew about. His parents had long forgotten about this room, so he was sure that no one would come there. He made an altar there to somehow honor your memory, but the pain did not go away. He thought he'd lost you forever until one day he was forced to stay in a restaurant at night
He couldn't sleep because of insomnia and was sorting out documents when he heard crying. He had to find out what had happened. The sound came from the side of the stage. It was there that he saw one of the animatronics sitting and crying. It was something abnormal. It just couldn't be. However, he saw it with his own eyes. It wasn't an optical illusion or a hallucination. He took a few steps towards the animatronic and only he was noticed. The animatronic was looking at him in fright, as if he was a living person in front of him. But when the animatronic spoke, Kyle froze. The animatronic asked him not to hurt him. Kyle recognized the voice. Even though the voice was changed by the machine, it was your voice
Kyle never believed in mysticism or ghosts. But looking at the animatronic in which your soul was imprisoned, he could not help but believe. But pretty quickly he realized that it wasn't so bad. You had nowhere else to run. Now you could spend eternity together and nothing could separate you. Kyle locked you in the basement, lying to your parents that the animatronic was badly damaged and had to be disposed of. He won't let anyone take you away from him again. He won't lose you again
🧡 Yandere! Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
As a child, Kenny dreamed that when he grew up he would be able to live without needing anything. He did not expect that his dream would come true, but he became the owner of a famous restaurant with animatronics. The only thing he lacked for complete happiness was you. He's been trying to get your attention since you were in school, but you haven't given him a chance. However, when he began to manage the restaurant, you began to see each other much more often because your family supplied parts for animatronics. It made Kenny happy because he could see you very often
You came once a week to diagnose animatronics and test new features. Every time Kenny tried to be close to you, but one day he was forced to leave to talk on the phone and when he returned, he froze in horror. You were dead. You needed to take a closer look at the mechanism inside the animatronic, but something went wrong and the mechanism slammed shut, breaking your neck. Kenny was terrified. He blamed himself for what had happened. If he had stayed with you, you would have been alive. Unable to cope with his grief, Kenny closed the restaurant. He wanted to be reunited with you again, but he couldn't even die. He was doomed to live without you. It was driving him crazy
Kenny spent a lot of time trying to find a way to get you back. He was sure that if there was a force that brought him back to life every time, then there must have been a force that could bring you back to life. He was even willing to give up his immortality just to have you with him again. However, it was all in vain. This method simply did not exist. In a fit of desperation, he decided to destroy the animatronic that took your life, but when he came to the restaurant at night, he saw that the animatronic was not in place. He went in search of an animatronic and was shocked when he saw that the animatronic was repairing himself, muttering something to himself. After listening, Kenny realized that the animatronic was mumbling the same thing that you usually mumbled while working
Kenny didn't give himself away. He couldn't let you know that he found out about your secret ahead of time. That's why he moved the animatronic to a place where no one would find it. He moved you to a place where only he can see you. This place has become a prison for you. Kenny was always there. He didn't care that you weren't human anymore. For him, you were still the same person he fell madly in love with. Even if you no longer have a human body, his feelings for you will not disappear even after his death
📚Yandere! Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
You and Wendy have been friends since childhood. She was your only friend, but not by your choice. It was Wendy who was the one who drove people away from you in a variety of ways. The reason for this was her obsession with you. Even when you were growing up, Wendy convinced you to go to the same university as herself, and then convinced you to work with her at her restaurant. She tried her best to keep you as close to her as possible and she succeeded
One day during the working day you disappeared somewhere. Wendy tried to call you, but you didn't pick up. It bothered her a lot. She was worried that something might have happened to you. She was able to track your phone and found your phone in the pantry, but you weren't there. You just disappeared. The police have been looking for you for months, but they haven't found anything. However, several more people had disappeared during this time, but Wendy didn't care about them. She wanted to find you. It wasn't until a few more weeks later that one of the restaurant workers found your body in the basement. No one went there for a long time, so even the police forgot about this room. You were killed
This really upset Wendy. She couldn't believe you were gone. She was completely immersed in her work, trying to ease the pain, staying in the restaurant even after closing. It was during one of these nights that she heard strange noises. These were sounds like an animatronic walking down the corridor. She was sure they should have been turned off, so she was shocked when she met one of the animatronics in the hallway. She was even more shocked that the animatronic, as if crying, asked her to help and called her by name. It took her a couple of seconds to realize that the animatronic's voice is similar to yours
Wendy was shocked that your soul was trapped inside an animatronic, but she quickly realized how she could use it to keep you close to her. She was able to take you away from the restaurant to her home. She lived alone, so no one could see you there. You had no idea that even after your death, she wasn't going to let you go. She said she was doing it all for you, but it was all a lie. All she wanted was for you to always be there for her, no matter human or animatronic
💄Yandere!Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
Bebe has been spoiling your reputation secretly from you since childhood. It wasn't about hatred, but just the opposite, she was in love with you to the point of insanity. She didn't want anyone else to take you away from her. That's why she deprived you of all your friends except herself. She became your best friend, dreaming of more, but she couldn't reveal her feelings so quickly, even though she flirted with you. When you grew up, she convinced you to work in a restaurant that belonged to her family, and therefore to her. In this way she wanted to always keep you in her field of vision and she succeeded. You worked as a night security guard in a restaurant and you were alone most of the time. You were with Bebe during the day and at work at night
One day you didn't come back from the night shift. This greatly worried Bebe, but when she came to the restaurant in the morning, she saw an ambulance. As she soon found out, you had a heart attack from which you died. She didn't even know that you had heart problems, and apparently you didn't know about it either. But now it was too late. Bebe didn't want to accept the fact that you died. She secretly came to the restaurant from everyone and stayed in the security room. Her parents hadn't had time to hire a new security guard yet so she spent time there all alone
Bebe stayed in the restaurant sitting in the security room and clutched your jacket from the guard's uniform to her chest. She was scrolling through all her memories of you in her memory when she suddenly heard some strange sounds. She was sure that no one else should be in the building, but the sounds were heard quite clearly. Fearing that it could be thieves, she checked on the cameras what was going on. But as it turned out, they were not thieves, and she could not explain something. It was one of the animatronics who for some reason walked from one corner of the room to another. It was strange, but Bebe understood that it needed to be turned off. But when she got to the room, she heard muttering. The animatronic walked around the room and repeated the same phrase. The animatronic said that all this could not be
Bebe watched the animatronic until she realized that the voice seemed familiar to her. Although the voice was changed, but it was your voice, she was sure of it. Bebe hurried to the animatronic and hugged it. She couldn't believe it was really you. However, when the animatronic called her name, she became sure that it was really you. She wasn't going to lose you anymore, even if she had to spend the rest of her life in a restaurant to do it
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vikkirosko · 3 years
this is another idea for the Porcelain Doll AU what about yandere Porcelain
Okay, there are too many characters now...
Headcanons Porcelain Doll
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
You moved out of South Park a few years ago. You tried not to think about your hometown, but today you received a package from there. It did not specify the sender or the exact address. In the package you found a porcelain doll that was very similar to the boy you knew. The doll was very similar to Stan Marsh
You talked to Stan when you lived in South Park, but since you moved and your phone got lost, you've lost all contact with him. You didn't regret it. Stan has been annoying you quite often with his behavior. It was like he was obsessed with you. When you left, you were able to breathe easy, but now every time you looked at the doll, you remembered Stan and felt unpleasant. It's like you did something bad
Unable to stand the doll's gaze, you called Stan, but his mother picked up the phone instead. When you asked about Stan, his mother tearfully told you that he committed suicide. When you found out the date of his death, you were horrified. Just a few days later you got the doll
You decided to get rid of this doll. You threw it in the trash, but in the morning you found a doll on the bedside table. You had a real panic. You couldn't understand how the doll could come back. It was impossible. But when you found the note, you were completely scared. It was Stan's handwriting. The note said that he loves you and that he begs you not to leave him again
💚Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
You've been living on the other side of the country for several years now. You escaped from Kyle's captivity and haven't returned to South Park since. You visited a psychologist who helped you recover from a difficult event. Your rehabilitation was going well until one day you received a doll in the mail that looked exactly like Kyle
You were afraid to leave the house. You were afraid you were being followed. You were afraid that Kyle found out where you live and that he would come after you. You called your doctor and asked him to come. You were on the verge of hysteria. Your doctor arrived as soon as he could. The doctor calmed you down for a long time and even agreed to stay in your apartment for the night. He left the doll in the box, not thinking that something could go wrong
When you woke up in the morning, you saw that your doctor was dead. He was stabbed right in your apartment. You're having a tantrum. You were crying and shouting at the doll. You were sure that it was Kyle in the doll's body who killed your doctor. You didn't know how it was possible, but you were firmly convinced of it
You decided to run away again. You wanted to escape to another city, as far away from here as possible. You hurriedly packed up and left. You just wanted to get as far away from this place as possible. You had no idea that Kyle's doll was hidden in your stuff. He won't let you leave him again
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
You've lived in South Park all your life. You and Kenny were in the same class, you were friends, although sometimes what he said bothered you. But when he died, you were upset. You attended his funeral. But that same evening you found a strange box on your doorstep with your name written on it. There was a doll in the box that looked a lot like Kenny
You decided to keep the doll as a reminder of Kenny. You kept a doll in your room, but every time it seemed to you that someone was looking at you. The longer the doll stayed in your room, the stronger this feeling became. You even started changing clothes in the bathroom, feeling embarrassed, as if someone is in your room
You've often seen how sad Karen was without her brother and decided that you can't let this go on. You gave her the doll, saying you had no idea where it came from, but she needed it more than you. The girl was very grateful to you. But when Karen told you the next morning that the doll had disappeared, you were shocked. Karen said that when she went to bed, the doll was in place, and in the morning it was no longer there
You had no idea where the doll could have disappeared. You had no idea that the doll had returned to you. The doll was hiding among your things. Kenny didn't want to leave you. He loved his sister, but you were much more precious to him. Even as a doll, he will stay with you. He will always be with you
📚Yandere!Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
You left South Park to go to college. You didn't have any friends in South Park except Wendy. You've been friends with her since childhood, but the older you got, the more frightening her concern for you became. You didn't specifically tell her that you were leaving, because you knew that she would try to dissuade you. In a new city, you felt free
The first few months you lived quite calmly. You've made new friends. You felt much more confident than before. You believed that your life would change for the better. But when you received the package from Wendy, you were surprised. In the box was a doll very similar to Wendy and a letter in which she wrote that she hoped this doll would remind you of her
You thought a gift from your friend was cute and left the doll in your room. But from the day this doll appeared, changes began to occur in your life. Some of your friends have started moving back to their hometowns. Some people have started avoiding you. As if they were afraid of you. You didn't know the reason for it, but it reminded you more and more of your life in South Park. A life in which Wendy tried to control everything. You had no idea how close you were to the truth
Your life has become the same again as it was in South Park. You're alone again. You didn't understand the reason. When Wendy's mom called you, you were surprised. But when she asked if you could come to the funeral, you were even more shocked. As it turned out, Wendy died. No one knows the cause of her death, but the strangest thing is that the day of her death coincided with the day when, according to the inscription on the parcel, the doll was sent. You couldn't believe it, because if Wendy died, then who could have sent you a doll. You wanted to ask Wendy's mom about the doll, but the connection was interrupted. Your phone was broken. When you looked at the doll, you saw that she was looking right at you. At that moment you realized that there was no way out
💄Yandere!Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
You moved out of South Park as soon as you had the opportunity. There was nothing keeping you in the city. You didn't have any friends there. Many openly hated you. There were a lot of false rumors around you and you really wanted to escape from the city. Your only friend was Bebe, but her friendship seemed hypocritical to you. You knew she was the one spreading rumors about you, even though you didn't understand why
You have started a new life in a new city. You started studying, got a job. You've made friends. It would seem that your life has started to get better. That's what you thought, until one day someone left a box under your door. In this box was a doll very similar to Bebe and a note. You recognized her handwriting right away. In the note she wrote that she did not understand why you left without telling her anything and that she hoped that the doll would help you not feel lonely without her
You didn't want anything to remind you of life in South Park, which is why you decided to send the doll back. But a few days after you sent the doll back, it reappeared at your house. You got scared. You began to fear that someone had broken into your house. You stayed the night at a friend's house, unaware that you had only made it worse
When you got home, you saw that many things were broken and on the bathroom mirror it was written in lipstick that you can't leave her alone like that. It was Bebe's handwriting and her lipstick. The doll was sitting on the sink with the lipstick. It was at this moment that you realized that she would not let you leave quietly
👒Yandere!Estella Havisham x Reader 🪵
All your life you have dreamed of traveling. And when at last you were able to fulfill your dream, your first stop was England. You spent a lot of time traveling around the UK until you found a small village where an old lady gave you a beautiful doll
You tried to refuse such a gift, but the old lady insisted. She said that this doll is the last thing left of the young Estella Havisham who died in a mansion that used to stand near the village. According to the old lady, the doll was very similar to a girl
When you got home, you put the doll on the shelf in your room. At first, the doll seemed cute to you, but the longer it was in your room, the more it bothered you. It began to seem to you that the doll moves when you turn away. You understood that this was nonsense, but the feeling of anxiety has not gone away
You had no idea she was watching you. Estella did not know care and feelings of love during her lifetime. She did not expect that after death and imprisonment in a doll, she would be able to fall in love. You were so kind and bright. She couldn't let anyone take you away. Let her be just a doll now. She will find a way to free herself so that you can always be together. Even if you're against it, she won't go anywhere.
🗡Yandere!Gregory of Yardale x Reader⛸
When Gregory moved to South Park, you were one of the first people who started communicating with him. He was interesting and friendly. It was nice for you to talk to him. But when he suddenly disappeared, you didn't understand what had happened. None of your classmates knew where he had gone. It came as a surprise to you when you found a box on your doorstep with your name on it. There was a doll in the box that looked very much like Gregory
You decided that Gregory was forced to move urgently and could not say goodbye to you, so he left the doll as a gift to you. You put the doll on the table in your room to remind you of your friend. But with the appearance of the doll, strange things began to happen in your house that you could not explain
Some of your things were missing and you couldn't find them. Some messages from your friends also disappeared. But the strangest thing was that in some incomprehensible way the doll began to fall into your school bag. You were sure you didn't put the doll in the bag. You couldn't figure out exactly how the doll turned out like this, not even assuming that it was all Gregory's fault.
Gregory didn't want to leave you. He loved you too much, even though you didn't know it. He found a way to always stay with you. He didn't care that he had to die to do it. It was a low price to always be with you
👔Yandere!Gary Harrison x Reader 📖
Gary has been trying to be friends with you ever since he moved to South Park. However, the more you talked, the more he scared you. But when he got seriously ill and died, you were upset. You attended his funeral. That's when his sister came up to you and gave you a doll that was very similar to her dead brother. She said that Gary asked me to give you this doll if something happened to him. You couldn't refuse this doll, especially on such a day
The doll caused you anxiety. It always seemed to you that the doll was looking at you. Quite often it was not where you left it. You didn't believe that the doll could move around the room. It was complete nonsense. But you had to believe it when one day a doll attacked your friend
You left to answer the phone and when you came back, you saw that your friend was injured and the doll was lying on the floor. Your friend claimed that a doll did it. You treated your friend's wounds and he went home. Only then did you take the doll in your hands and try to understand how this is possible. You put the doll back on the shelf and wanted to leave, but you heard a voice. It was Gary's voice
The voice said that he does not understand why you are looking for a replacement for him, because here he is, very close to you. You were scared. You were trying to find the source of the voice, and when you realized that the voice was coming from a doll, you were scared. It couldn't really be. You took a chance and asked if it was really Gary. When the doll said that he stayed with you even after death, you were even more scared. You ran out of the room and locked the door. You didn't know what to do. But you'll have to go back. You had to deal with the doll and Gary
🇬🇧Yandere!Pip Pirrup x Reader 🎀
Pip spent a lot of time with you. You were the only one who didn't treat him badly. He was in love with you. He gave you flowers, wrote you poems. His feelings for you were like an obsession. One of his gifts was a doll that was very similar to him. This gift was his last. Soon after, Pip died
You were upset about his death, but after Philip's death, your life became calmer. He was very intrusive, but you didn't want to offend him, so you didn't say anything. You even managed to forget about the doll he gave you, until one day you found a sheet of poetry on your desk. You were sure it was his handwriting, but you didn't understand how it was possible
At night you woke up from a strange sound and saw that the window was open. You turned on the light in the room and saw that the doll was moving. It tried to bring flowers to your room. You got scared and hit the doll, which caused it to fall into the street. You slammed the window but couldn't sleep. You couldn't believe what you saw
In the morning, your father threw away the broken doll. You couldn't explain the reason why you threw the doll out of the window. You were hoping that the strange events would stop. But you started seeing Pip's voice everywhere. You had no idea that breaking the doll set him free. Now he will never leave you. Now there is nothing holding him back
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Okay its the same idea Five Nights At Treasure Island
What if Yandere Costume Kyle,Stan,Kenny,Wendy,Bebe,Gary,Gregory,Estella,Pip, went Yandere for the Nightguard?
Headcanons Mascot
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
Your family had money problems, so you got a job at a research center. You were supposed to go to one of the abandoned attraction and spend a few nights there. There were terrible rumors about this place, but you had no other exits
You spent the whole day wandering around an abandoned amusement park. This place was pretty creepy, but you tried not to think about it. When it started to get dark, you went to one of the buildings to spend the night there. A variety of things were stored in the building. You were able to find a rest room in which you stayed overnight. But your peace didn't last long
You woke up at two o'clock in the morning from strange sounds and went to check what was going on. You thought it could be some animal that lived in the woods near the park. But it turned out not to be so. In the corridor very close to the room in which you stayed overnight, you found something similar to mascot. You weren't sure if it was a costume or an animatronic. You recognized it from the photos they showed you when they told you about this place. But unlike the original, the mascot seemed to be photonegative
You were sure that the mascot wasn't there when you arrived. You put it down to fatigue and went back to the room. You had no idea he was watching you. Stan paid attention to you from the very first moment he saw you. He won't let you leave him. He still has a few days so that you will always be together
💚Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
All the way to the abandoned amusement park, you regretted that you had agreed to this at all. Your friend had to go to an abandoned amusement park for work and asked you to go with him. You couldn't refuse him. And when you arrived, your regrets only got stronger. The park was really creepy. You were hoping that these few days that you were supposed to spend there would fly by unnoticed
While you were wandering around the park, your friend told a lot of creepy stories that he had heard about this place. You didn't believe him. You doubted that ghosts could live there. You just didn't pay attention to anything that could scare you. When you came to one of the buildings, your friend tried to scare you with one of the strange mascots that were there. But you weren't scared. Mascot Kyle seemed nice to you and you didn't hide it
At night you woke up screaming. You jumped up sharply, not understanding what was happening. But your friend wasn't around. You hurried to search, clutching the flashlight tightly in your hands. You were afraid that something might happen to him. But when you found your friend, it was already too late. He was dead and there was a mascot Kyle standing in front of his dead body, but he was different from how you remembered him. He was a photonegative. When he started moving towards you, you felt panic and ran away, hoping that you could escape. You heard him running after you. You couldn't let him catch up to you
Kyle won't let you escape. You and your friend were far from the first to come to this park, but unlike other people, you were not disgusted by him. Your words have awakened long-forgotten feelings in him. He realized that he fell in love with you. He won't let you leave. He knew this place much better than you and will catch you. He won't let you escape
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
When you arrived at the abandoned amusement park, you had to collect as much information as possible. That was the main reason you came. But you couldn't miss the opportunity to spend a few days in such a quiet and beautiful place. The only thing you needed was someone to talk to. But even here you were able to find a solution. When you got lonely, you started talking to one of the mascots. You spoke to Kenny
You had no idea that the ghost who lived in mascot was happy. It had been so long since he had seen living people, and even more so those who would like to talk to him. You acted like you were old friends and he was thrilled about it. He fell in love with you in a matter of minutes. He wanted to be as close to you as possible
When you went to bed at night, you had no idea that he was around. He sat next to you while you were sleeping. He admired your peaceful expression. He knew that if he had a living heart, it would be pounding wildly in his chest right now. He regretted that he was dead. But he didn't want to kill you. He was sure that next to you he would feel alive again
When you woke up, you saw that a photonegative mascot was sitting next to you. You were scared and wanted to leave, but the door wouldn't open. It was as if the lock had been broken. There was no other way out of the room. You struggled to open the door until you felt like you were being hugged. There was no one in the room except mascot and you. You felt your consciousness begin to leave you. Before you lost consciousness from fear, you saw that there was some guy next to the mascot. But you were sure of something for sure. There was not a single living person on the whole island except you
📚Yandere! Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
When you were a teenager, you heard many stories about an abandoned amusement park. Almost all of these stories were about the ghosts of people killed in this park. You've always been curious to find out how true these rumors are. So when you had the opportunity to go to the same park for work, you immediately agreed
You explored the amusement park with undisguised enthusiasm looking for something unusual. But there were no signs of any murders. The most ordinary forgotten park. You had to spend a few days there, so you turned on the electricity in the main building so that you could safely spend the night there. But late at night you woke up to strange and incomprehensible sounds
The electricity was turned off and there were rumblings somewhere in the building. You decided that it was some kind of animal and went to the electrical panel to turn on the electricity. But in the basement, right next to the dashboard, you saw something that scared you. One of the mascots, as if he had changed all his colors, stood and looked at you. You pulled yourself together, deciding that you just didn't notice it last time, and tried to turn on the light. But your hand was grabbed by the hand of a mascot
The ghost inhabiting the mascot didn't want you to leave. Wendy has been alone for many years and she didn't want you to leave. She didn't want to be alone again. She was ready to lock you in the dark with her, but she won't let you go
💄Yandere! Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
When you arrived at the abandoned amusement park, you just wanted to finish work and go home. You didn't feel afraid, but the atmosphere of the place put a lot of pressure on you. One of the mascots bothered you the most. You felt the eyes of the mascot on you, although it could not be. You were sure that you were alone on the island and understood that no one could look at you. But what scared you the most was that when you turned on the electricity, the mascot was talking. A woman's voice asked who is the most beautiful in the world. It caused you a lot of irritation and anxiety
You passed by the mascot quite often, and its words irritated you more and more. You tried to ignore it. You even went to sleep in one of the rooms, having turned off the electricity before that. But at night you woke up to the fact that you heard the same annoying voice
You went to turn off the electricity, but to your surprise it was turned off. You decided that there was some kind of problem with the mascot itself, so you decided to look for the problem there. But the longer you stood next to the mascot, the more irritated you felt from the constant identical phrases. Finally you couldn't stand it and shouted that she was the most beautiful here. At that moment mascot fell silent
You decided that the breakdown due to which the mascot did not turn off was eliminated, so you went back to the room where you slept. In the dark, you didn't see that the colors of the mascot are different from the original ones. You didn't see the gaze. You didn't know how long Bebe had been waiting for these words. You were the only one who didn't run away screaming. You were the only one who told her that she was beautiful. There's no way she's going to let you go
👒Yandere! Estella Havisham x Reader🪵
You've been a pretty weird kid since you were a kid. You've never been interested in amusement parks or other children's entertainment. You were serious beyond your years. But it so happened that your job forced you to go to an abandoned amusement park. You were not afraid, and only one thing in the park attracted your interest. A mascot looking like an English aristocrat
You were wondering why such an unusual character was created. You left your sleeping bag in the room where this mascot was. When you finished your work in the evening, you stayed in the room with the mascot and drew a strange mascot in your notebook. You fell asleep with a notebook in your hands, unaware that you were being watched
Estella was watching you and trying to figure out why you were so interested in her, but she was flattered by your attention. She liked your interest and she didn't mind talking to you. She didn't want you to leave, which is why she decided to take advantage of the fact that you were sleeping and hid you
When you didn't get in touch, people from your job started to worry. When you didn't come back after your stay in the park ended, they decided to go in search of you. They found your things, but you were nowhere to be found. They found a notebook with your notes and drawings among your things. But the mascot that you drew and wrote about, no one found out. They were all sure that such a mascot simply did not exist
🗡Yandere! Gregory of Yardale x Reader ⛸
When you arrived at an abandoned amusement park, one of the mascots attracted your great interest. He reminded you of a knight. Every time you passed by the mascot, you smiled and curtsied, as if you were really a knight in front of you. You had no idea that your behavior greatly excites him
You were the first to show interest in him. Other people who came to this park were more interested in other things and only you showed sincere interest in it. Gregory was watching you while you were in his field of vision. He wanted to follow you further, but he couldn't afford it, knowing that he would scare you. He came up with a plan with which he can always be with you
At night you woke up to strange noises. After listening, you realized that it was someone crying. You were not sure that no one could arrive at the park, so you decided to go in search of someone who could get lost in an abandoned park. But when you found the room from which the crying came, you didn't find anyone there, but the sound didn't disappear
Crying came from a room whose door was filled with boxes. You took a little time to put away the boxes and open the door. Behind the door was a staircase that led to an unknown part of the building. You weren't even sure that this room was on the building plan. However, there was no one in the room. You went inside, but the door slammed behind you. You tried the door handle several times, but it had no effect. You felt someone's eyes on you behind your back. You were afraid to turn around, even though you understood that there could be no one there. But the voice greeting you proved otherwise
👔Yandere! Gary Harrison x Reader 📖
When you first arrived at an abandoned amusement park, you expected it to be little different from the places you visited when you were a child. However, when you examined one of the buildings, you found one that was not very suitable for an amusement park. The room was more suitable for some kind of religious meetings. However, unlike the other rooms, it was quite clean. It was in this room that you decided to stay the night
To your surprise, the first few nights passed quietly. You've heard rumors from your colleagues that something inexplicable is going on in the park. But you've never encountered anything paranormal. You even got bored, but on the last night that you were supposed to spend in the park, really strange things started happening
You woke up from an unfamiliar voice that seemed to be reading something. You felt fear. You were sure that no one else could have been there. After listening, you realized that the phrases were clearly religious. You didn't know much about religions and weren't sure what exactly was meant. You sat down and turned on the flashlight, but when the beam of light hit the source of the voice, you froze in fright. There was a photonegative mascot in the same room with you
Fear has bound your body. You were afraid to move. You were sure this thing wasn't there before. The Mascot looked at you and then started saying something. You couldn't make out his words. You could hear your heart pounding wildly, drowning out all other sounds. The mascot was blocking the only way out of the room. You hoped that when morning came he would disappear. You were hoping it was just a bad dream. You've never been so wrong in your life
🇬🇧Yandere! Pip Pirrup x Reader 🎀
When you were informed that you would have to go to an abandoned amusement park, you were impatient. You know that there was supposed to be a mascot of a not very popular character in this park that you liked since childhood. You were hoping that you would have the opportunity to see it
You spent almost the whole day wandering around the park, but you couldn't find your favorite mascot. You were upset about it, but you tried not to be discouraged. There was a lot of work waiting for you that you had to do during these few days that you had to spend in the park
In the evening you stayed in the old archives that you had to look through. Among the documents you found a plan of the park and thanks to this you found out that there is a warehouse in the far part of the park. He wasn't on the plan that you received from your superiors, so you decided to go there. You doubted that there would be something that could scare you. But in the warehouse, you had the feeling that you were being watched. You could not understand the reason for this feeling, not even suspecting that you are not alone there
The ghost has been in this warehouse for a very long time together with the mascot about whom everyone has forgotten. He was attached to the mascot and could not leave with all his desire. But now you're in the warehouse. He understood that it was stupid to fall in love with someone so quickly, but watching you and how you enthusiastically examined the mascot, he felt like he was falling in love with you. He didn't want to be alone again. He won't let you leave
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vikkirosko · 3 years
Okay since we did the horror Au for Camp Camp about South Park basically all the students inside the school are dead abour a Yandere Horror Wendy,Bebe,Heidi,Kyle,Stan,Kenny headcanons
So many characters...
Headcanons Horror
💙Yandere!Stan Marsh x Reader 🐶
You've always been interested in everything mystical and paranormal. So when you found out about an abandoned city where something inexplicable was going on, you decided to find out what was the matter there
The city was really abandoned. Strange symbols were painted on some walls, doors, tree trunks. You've never seen such symbols before. You assumed that the strange events that were happening here were connected with some kind of cult, but you weren't sure for sure
You decided to walk through the forest near the city, but when you got there, you felt that you were being watched. You couldn't understand where this feeling came from, because when you looked around, you didn't find anyone. You wandered through the forest until you found a clearing. There was a guy you didn't know sitting in this clearing. It wasn't until you took a couple of steps towards him that you realized he wasn't human. He had horns and the whites of his eyes were yellow. He looked at you and smiled. You realized that you had to run, but strange animals blocked your way back. This guy smiled at you
"I've been waiting for you. I knew you'd come. And finally you're here. You don't have many options. You can stay with me of your own free will, or I'll have to force you. What do you choose?"
💚Yandere!Kyle Broflovski x Reader ✡
You were sitting in a bunker in the light of a single light bulb. You've been living in this bunker for several years, ever since something terrible started happening in your hometown. There were no living people there except you right now. You didn't know what exactly happened to all the residents of the city, but you knew for sure that you couldn't escape from South Park
You left the bunker only to get supplies. Sometimes you thought about leaving, but each time you still returned to the bunker. You knew he wouldn't let you go. He never let you go
You were sitting in a bunker and tried not to pay attention to anything. It was cold in the room, but no matter how much you tried to keep warm, you couldn't. Every time he was around you were very cold
Looking down, you saw ghostly arms hugging you. It was Kyle. He was always there. He wouldn't let you go. After his death, he was always there. At first you were afraid of him, but now you didn't care. You knew there was no salvation for you anymore. He'll never let you go
🧡Yandere!Kenny McCormick x Reader 🐀
You didn't remember your childhood well. You knew that you were forced to leave your hometown, but you didn't know for what reason. But when you got older, you decided to find old photos and decided to visit those with whom you were friends as a child
You've been driving for a long time in search of South Park. You couldn't find the city using GPS or a map, so you had to follow the old road signs. But when you arrived in the city, you saw that it was abandoned. You didn't understand what happened there, but you weren't going to leave until you found out exactly what happened there. That's why you went looking for your old house
You wandered around the city until you found the house of your childhood friend. The old photo was of you and him against the background of this very house. You knocked on the door, but no one answered. The door was open. The house was a complete ruin. There was no one in the house. But you found a photograph in one of the rooms. It was the same photo as yours. It stood on the bedside table and, unlike everything else, was not covered with dust. It was as if someone had kept this photo very carefully. You picked up the photo when you heard the door creak. Turning your head, you saw something that horrified you. In the doorway stood the one who had once been a human
You recognized this person as your childhood friend. He was older, his skin was covered in dirt and dried blood, and some of his wounds were hardly compatible with life. You stepped back in fright. He started moving towards you. His lips stretched into a smile. He was saying something, but his voice was so quiet that you couldn't make out what he said. You doubted he was alive, but he wasn't dead either. It was as if he was between life and death. Only when he got close enough to you could you make out what he said
"I still waited for your return..."
📚Yandere!Wendy Testaburger x Reader📱
You were going to visit relatives in another city, but because of repair work on the road, you were forced to take a detour through a creepy abandoned city. You didn't know why the city became abandoned, but you didn't really want to find out either
Luck was far from on your side. Your car broke down near one of the houses. You tried to figure out what happened, but you couldn't figure it out. You didn't find any obvious reasons for the breakdown. You were forced to call a tow truck because it was quite far to the nearest city and you wouldn't have walked. In order not to wait on the street, you went into one of the houses
You decided to look around the house, but found nothing special there except a photo of a girl who apparently lived there before. You didn't know what exactly happened to her. Suddenly, a message came to your phone. It was from an unknown number. In these messages, you were asked not to leave. You couldn't understand what kind of joke it was and decided to write a message in response. But when the sound of a message came next to you, you felt a chill in your chest
The phone from which the messages were sent to you was lying on the table, covered with a layer of dust. They couldn't send messages from it. You were right in this room. You decided to get out of the house as soon as possible, but the door to the room slammed shut and a call came to your phone. You picked up the phone. A woman's voice came out of the speaker and said that she wouldn't let you go for anything. When the tow truck arrived, they found only your car. You yourself were nowhere to be found
💄Yandere!Bebe Stevens x Reader 💞
You traveled around the country with your friends. You didn't have any special purpose, you just wanted to see beautiful and interesting places. That's how you arrived in the abandoned city of South Park
You didn't know the reason why the city was abandoned. You spent the whole day exploring the city, but you didn't find anything interesting. You decided to stay overnight in one of the houses and go further in the morning. You fell asleep pretty quickly without feeling anything strange
You woke up in the middle of the night from strange noises. It was like someone was humming a song. You opened your eyes and sat down. There was no one in the room but you. Your friends have disappeared somewhere. You went to the first floor and saw that your friends were lying on the floor. They were dead. You were terrified. You were supposed to get out of there, but the door was locked. The singing began to approach. You ran into the room and locked the door. You huddled in a corner and closed your eyes. You prayed, hoping to live until morning. Perhaps the dawn will help you to escape. But suddenly you felt cold female palms on your cheeks. Your heart stopped in fright
"My love, open your eyes... Now we will always be together... Open your eyes... Look at me... Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you... Look at me... Am I not beautiful?.."
🌸Yandere!Heidi Turner x Reader 🧣
You've often heard stories about ghostly fellow travelers, but you've never believed in these stories. So when one day you saw a young girl on the road, you decided to give her a ride
Heidi, that was the girl's name, asked you to take her home. She was pretty quiet and upset. You asked her what happened to her. She cried sitting in the next seat and told you that her friends often bully her and classmates think she is stupid and unfunny. It was very hard for her because of this. You tried to support her. Your words were able to calm the girl down
Her house was in a small town that you've never heard of before. But the strangest thing was that the house, like the city as a whole, looked abandoned. When you asked if she really lives here, she nodded and asked you to go with her. You couldn't understand the reason, but you agreed, fearing that someone might offend her
Everything in her house was covered in dust and cobwebs. There was no one there but you two. You didn't understand how she could even live here. You had no idea how she looked at you. She was glad she met you. She was glad that after her death she met someone who genuinely cares about her. She won't let you go
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