#Wendy Testaburger imagines
sp-by-april · 28 days
ONE SHOTS for characters without a master list.
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SMUT A THON Gary x F!Reader [Parking] Clyde x F!Reader [Soft Dom] Professor Chaos x F!Reader [Hero/Villain] Sub!Clyde x F!Reader [Mommy kink] Craig's Gang x GN!Reader [Slumber Party Fluff] Butters x F!Reader [First Time] Butters x F!Reader [Mating Press] Damien x F!Reader [BDSM] Clyde x F!Reader [Public Sex] Michael x F!Reader [Face Sitting] Michael x F!Reader [Sex @ Work] POV!Pip x F!Reader [Pip's Revenge] Pete x F!Reader [Cheating on Michael] Bebe, Wendy x F!Reader [Roommates] Tolkien x F!Reader [Cheating on Stan] Damien, Pip x F!Reader [Good Cock, Bad Cock] Kyle, Eric, Stan (& Randy eavesdropping on their convo) [Misc Scene in Warm Blood AU]
SMUT CAFE [EMOJI LEGEND] Nichole x Wendy [💖💓👅⚡️] Wendy x F!Reader [🍒💓👀🐾] Professor Chaos x F!Reader [💛🍒🐕‍🦺♾️]
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violaeuphoria · 9 months
Looks like our winner is Kyle!
I will be posting all of the characters social medias within the next few days.
Also, I’m currently in between having them in high school (17-18) or in college (20s). So, here’s a new poll! Please vote on which one you prefer! <3
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
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Chatgpt 4 > 3 > 5
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fartfieldrising · 2 years
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something something south park digimon au doodles
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viva-la-jackass1 · 1 year
South park stranger things au idea
So since I’ve gotten back into writing and have a huge fixation on South Park and stranger things, I thought I’d make the best of it and write this fic I’ve had in my head for a while.
This fic will be the South Park Character (plus reader) in the stranger things season 4 universe. The past seasons of stranger things will be cannon in this universe with a few exceptions. I will also be changing a lot so bare with me well I try and make it make sense💀
So here’s what I’m thinking for the casting, again, it’s not going to be perfect but this is who I’m seeing in what roles:
Reader: max
Kyle: Lucas
Eric: Dustin
Kenny: Eddie
Stan: Steve
Wendy: Nancy
Shelly: Robin
Bebe: Chrissy
Clyde: Jason
Tolkien: Patrick
And there’s probably more that I’m missing. Again, still working out the details
But if anyone wants me to actually write this pleaseee lmk bc I totally want to!!
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Yoo hoo !! I’d like to request Butters, Craig, Wendy, and/or Tweek with a reader who is their older sibling. The reader is in their late teens & has the sarcastic older sibling thing going on, like the same vibes as Rodrick Heffley, Kat Stratford, or Daria. Thank you ^^
butters, craig, wendy, and tweek with a stereotypical older sibling reader
A/N: i'm the youngest out of 4 and my brother was very rodrick coded so this is based off that also i love this gif
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butters stotch
honestly being raised by the same parents it's a miracle you didn't turn out exactly like him LMFAO
he is constantly getting noogies from you and whenever you high-five or pat his back you do it way too hard and he goes "owie" and then giggles. or cries idk
if you drive him around or pick him up from school he's always asking if you can stop at mcdonald's and gets all sheepish when you deadpan at him
looooves piggy back rides. put him on your shoulders or back and like pretend you're an airplane and he loves it. and then like throw him onto the bed and he gets all giddy and tells you to do it again
he's always knocking on your door and asking you to play or draw with him. he gets sad if you ignore him or tell him to go away
always dragging you into his games!!!!! like you don't want to but he does puppy eyes to get u to roleplay as professor chaos' enemy (or sidekick!) and if he makes you play with the rest of the kids too they all cry super hard when you destroy them😭😭(esp cartman)
he would forever think ur awesome if you got payback on cartman for him. like idk beat eric up or threaten him and butters thinks you're the coolest person in the world
craig tucker
lots of middle fingers. lots of them
when he flips you off you tug his middle finger up and slam it under his nose (like the 'you have something on your shirt' thing but with his middle finger LOL) and he gets all pissy after
you had to put a 'fuck off' sign on your door to get him to stop annoying you whenever he's bored. you two are always competing for your parents to take your side
you love to tease him about tweek. like you twirl your hair and giggle and kick your feet on his bed talking about how he's finally getting bitches while he's trying to do homework
you keep hiding his hats but somehow he always has another. he's like charlie brown but with blue chullo hats
lots of punching. you punch his arm all the time or swat his head and at first he retaliates but then you hit him even harder and he stops (albeit angrily)
trolls you all the time by messing up your room and fucking idk. he seems like the type of dude to set up a treasure hunt to find like your phone he hid or something LOL he sets up riddles and everything
you beat him up for it
calls you emo when you go through a phase and bullies you for it. you call him a homo and he shuts up
wendy testaburger
you're always ruffling her hair and flicking her forehead. like just in normal conversation it's a habit to flick her head or nose to emphasize a point
she definitely comes to you a lot about her problems, like socially and stuff. always ranting to you about stan in your bed and you're just praying that she shuts the fuck up
you have helped her with a lot of her issues though!!!!! like it's reluctant but you give her a lot of good advice about boys and friendships. even if you gag whenever she brings up her boyfriend
i imagine you listening to like. hard rock or metal when you're going through an edgy phase and wendy either makes fun of you for it or comes into your room and starts headbanging with you. probably both
always wants you to play games and do stuff with her. like she gets barbie and the twelve dancing princesses and is scratching and begging at your door for you to try it with her
and she LOVES just dance. you're like flopped on the couch out of breath because you're old as shit and she's like happily dancing away without breaking a sweat
if you're a girl, she's always making you sleep in her room and do skincare and girl stuff. she calls it 'girls night'. if you aren't a girl she still does it but she doesn't call it that LOL. makes fun of you if you don't want to do it because it's 'for girls'
tweek tweak
if you hit him he hits you back. hit him harder he hits you harder. he gets his ass beat but he is determined not to go down without a fight!!!!
when you work the same shift at tweek bros you're constantly slacking off and blackmailing him into doing all the work and not telling ur parents LMFAO. it annoys him so much
you spook him with like scary stories and stuff because you know he freaks out over it. and you regret it when he comes into your room at 2 am with a blanket asking to sleep in your bed tonight
he tells all his friends how you 'torture and bully him' and how much he hates your guts. but he really can't deny that he appreciates you when you're helping him with a panic attack
asks you how to be cool. you tell him you were just born that way and that he'd never be as cool and awesome as you are. he got sad
he isn't the type of sibling to tattle to your parents, but he will if he's trying to blackmail you or get you to do something for him. and he gets all smug about it too
tease him about craig and he gets super defensive. you pick him up by his collar like a kitten and he flails around all angry. it's hilarious but he forever holds u to a grudge for it
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rxptdevil · 1 year
Wendy testaburger relationship headcannons (small oneshot)
Plot:The title:> female reader
Warnings:Implied sexual content,threesome,making out,small sexual content
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She's such a girl boss, bro she won't hesitate to kick someone's (aka cartman) ass for making fun of that you guys are lesbians.
She just loves you so much,showing affection, and not afraid of pda.
"You look like Penny wise,"
you said as you pointed out her smudged lipstick mixed with yours.
"You too!" She said, giggling
SOMETIMES stan would ask you guys for a threesome because he was drunk and horny and he missed her.
Loves when you guys give him a blowjob at the same time
Not only stan bebe too, you guys would have sleepovers with her and one thing led to another.
Imagine sending her seductive poses of yourself to her during cheerleading practice after school
She definitely gonna punish you and praise you at the same time
She’s the type of of person to tease you during class by playing with your skirt and brushing her finger’s against your panties
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tiniedemon · 1 year
— ♡
dating headcanons
wendy testaburger & bebe stevens
— ♡
— probably loves going thrifting with you
— super sweet to you all the time
— but is also insanely protective and possessive
— will threaten anyone and everyone who looks at you in a way she doesn't like
— a physical touch and acts of service girly
— loves holding hands and cuddling
— also really loves kissing you but prefers to do it in private because it's more intimate for her
— good morning and goodnight paragraphs are a regular from her
— she also writes you love letters for no special reason other than she loves you
— she's pretty insecure after her longterm relationship with stan so she's constantly asking for and giving reassurance
— i imagine the two of you probably went to protests after roe v wade
— you made a date out of making protest signs
— probably dragged bebe, nichole, and red along
— dates are usually a nice dinner followed by a night walk around town
— wendy is a big spoon
— shopping dates all the time
— she ended things with clyde but still got the discount on shoes since they were still friends
— she loves online shopping for things you might like
— bebe is the type to spoil you rotten
— it helps that she has pretty wealthy parents to fund her
— she probably got a part time job just to buy you pretty things that her parents wouldn't pay for
— she loves holding hands and kissing you in public
— her love languages are physical touch and gift giving
— if she's not connected to you in some way she feels panicked
— she loves taking you out to fancy dinners
— but her favorite dates are nights in with rom coms and takeout
— the two of you probably have a joint social media account
— it's pretty much just pictures of the two of you being cute
— she prides herself in being the most desirable couple in south park
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Hello! May a request a Wendy x fem! Reader cuddling hcs! Like how would she react, or what position she likes to cuddle/be cuddled in. I really haven’t seen much of her :(
Cuddling headcanons with Wendy🖤💖💖
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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🖤 Wendy Testaburger 📱
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She has been in a relationship with Stan, but their relationship wasn't really going anywhere and it's always on and off.
Not much contact or physical affection has been given to Wendy when she was dating Stan, so I imagine that she would be touch starved for affection.
She is a switch when it comes to cuddling, she doesn't mind it if she's the little spoon or the big spoon. She just wants to be able to cuddle you no matter what❤️
She likes to cuddle with calm music playing so it can make your cuddling sessions more special.
You both mostly cuddle in the bedroom or the couch, just basically you guys cuddle somewhere that is soft and peaceful.
Instead of her asking to cuddle you, you're always the first one to ask to cuddle with her. Not that she minds it of course, she loves giving affection to her s/o <3
She closes the windows and locks the doors just in case Eric "fartman" tries to spy on you both and start ripping on you for cuddling with a girl.
She is glad she is able to have a cuddling sessions with her s/o💖💖💖💖💖
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I'm sorry for the wait 😓😓😓😞
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lulu24784 · 2 years
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washing machine heart | part 3
"I know who you pretend I am."
[AO3 Link]
previous chapter | next chapter
synopsis: | You're absolutely infatuated with Stan Marsh and have even started dating him! It should be a dream come true, but the truth is, he's only with you to make Wendy Testaburger jealous. To help you work through your emotions, you turn to Kenny McCormick, your best friend.
pairings: | kenny mccormick x fem! reader ; stan marsh x fem! reader ; wendy testaburger x stan marsh
cws: | angst, drug use/drug mentions, explicit language, sexual content, unrequited love, mental health themes / sh
everyone is aged up to be 18+
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Kenny McCormick was South Park High’s biggest playboy.
Girls would drop their panties just at the sight of him! ... Not really, but a boy could dream. There was no disputing, though, that he had a way with women. Everything was great, and he enjoyed dating different girls occasionally, but for some reason, every time he caught a glance of you, his heart would race.
He had never felt this way before, despite the fact that you two have been friends since fifth grade. It was pretty new, only starting within the last... Two years? If that could be considered “new.” He would occasionally catch himself thinking about you while in class and would find himself staring at you for much too long. Hell, he couldn’t stop thinking about you even when he was with another girl.
The way you’d laugh along with his lewd jokes while seeming adorably shy. How much you genuinely cared about him and wanted to make sure he was always doing okay. How you’d share your lunches with him or bring him and his sister, Karen, over for dinner.
That was another thing.
How nicely you got along with his younger sister. That was a feat in itself.
Kenny thought you were the cutest thing imaginable, which didn’t help either. Typically, he was drawn to confident party girls with rocking bodies... But something about you drove him wild. He figured you had a gorgeous body beneath your oversized sweaters and skirts.
Not that... That was all that mattered, of course! You have a lovely personality as well! Your entire being was perfect.
Kenny was completely enamoured. There was no denying it at this point.
There was just one problem.
Stan Marsh.
Although it was difficult to accept, Kenny had come to terms with the fact that you would never feel the same way about him as you did about Stan. He had heard how you spoke of him, your words practically dripping with adoration. He’d seen how you’d react when Stan simply grabbed your hand.
Kenny wished it were him instead.
For the time being, he would just have to settle for being the best friend. It was still okay! In all honesty, the fact that he was present in your life was all that mattered. Yet, he would beat the shit out of Stan if he ever caused you any hurt. He would do it whether or not it destroyed your friendship.
He was furious that Stan was effectively using you to get even with Wendy. Stan’s actions were plain to see. It was obvious to everyone. The fact that the idiot had to drag you into his tumultuous, drama-filled relationship with Wendy made Kenny livid. Stan could have picked anyone, so why you? You made it clear that you were madly in love with him, so of course it was because of that.
It has to be a good ego boost.
Kenny strolled along the street, towards your house. Following your “date” with Stan, he had bugged you to visit. The blond was giddy. He would have some quality time with you—alone. Just the two of you. His sigh was dreamy. Surely, thoughts like these couldn’t be healthy for his heart.
He approached your door and gave it a gentle knock. After a moment, the door slowly opened. You were looking up at him with the prettiest fucking smile he had ever seen when he looked down to see you.
God dammit.
Kenny made his way inside as you let him through the door. He couldn’t help but notice that all the pillows and blankets in front of the television were arranged to resemble a small blanket fort. A few lit candles were placed by the windowsill.
The atmosphere felt romantic.
You smiled at him endearingly.
“I figured we could eat snacks and play some games!” You spoke, full of excitement, as you made your way over to the blanket fort.
Kenny was awestruck. This was bad. Oh, so bad.
Throwing his orange parka off to the side, he moved over to the blanket fort and sat down next to you, nervously swallowing. His senses were overwhelmed by the scent of you; patchouli and vanilla. He saw some chips and a few soda cans as he took a look around the blanket fort. A Gamesphere and a couple stacks of movie cases were also there in front of the television.
“I picked out some movies too, in case we get bored. Oh! And if you want more to eat, I can order a pizza.” You spoke, setting up the video game console.
Kenny leaned back, grabbed a controller, and nodded.
You two spent a couple hours playing games and chatting about random topics like school.
“I’m surprised you didn’t have a booty call tonight,” you flashed the blond a mischievous grin.
Kenny just chuckled and poked your nose, “Nah, you’re more important.” He winked.
It wasn’t a lie. He would have cancelled any plans he had with another girl the moment you texted him back, even if he’d previously planned them. You were the only one he actually cared about.
Taking a sip of his drink, Kenny slowly averted his gaze to the television; Not wanting to look at you.
“How was your date with Stan?” He inquired, feeling slightly more anxious. A joint would be good right about now. Why did he even have to ask? He felt like an idiot.
“Um... It was alright.” You shifted awkwardly. “Just the usual.”
You were visibly upset, and Kenny could tell. It’s pretty apparent that the anticipated date didn’t pan.
He scowled as he fiddled with the drink can tab.
“A quick fuck then?”
His words were filled with venom. He hadn’t intended for it to come out that way, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He turned to face you, seeing your shocked expression.
“Kenny... What the fuck?” You glared. “He’s not like that.”
He gave an eye-roll. “Yeah... I saw him with Wendy when I skipped class. They seem like they're getting pretty close again.”
Kenny saw as your expression began to wane and become dejected. He was such a scumbag. What a great way to sour the occasion.
He exhaled and drew you close to him by wrapping an arm over you.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I just don’t want him fucking you around, y’know?”
With tears starting to form in your eyes, you gazed up at him.
“You’re my best friend... I just want what’s best for you.” In an effort to cover up his feelings, Kenny fluffed up your hair.
You knew he was just looking out for you, but his words stung.
Stan would abandon you for Wendy as soon as he could. That much was obvious. Why couldn’t you get that through your head? You knew, you knew, you knew... And yet... When you had that notion, your chest tightened, and you hugged Kenny. He held you in his arms and caressed your hair as you sobbed against his chest.
“I-It’s not... It’s not fair.” You cried. “Why can’t... sniff... I be good enough!?”
Your head was pounding, and your heart hurt. All of your feelings of inadequacy flooded back into your mind. Even though you weren’t sure if Stan would actually leave you, your insecurities convinced you that he would. It felt like you were spiraling.
“You’re more than enough. He’s just an idiot.” Kenny muttered, resting his chin on top of your head.
“He wouldn’t even fuck me.” Feeling ashamed of what you had admitted, you clung to Kenny’s shirt and covered your face.
“Oh, well, he’s an even bigger idiot than I thought.” He laughed, “I woulda fucked you on the first date. No hesitation.”
Your cheeks turned red, and you shoved Kenny while giggling a little at his vulgar comment.
“You’re such a perv.” You sat up, wiped the tears from your face, and sniffled a little. “It’s really embarrassing, though. I feel like there’s something wrong with me.”
Kenny squeezed your cheeks in his hands while huffing a little and grinning. “You’re perfect, shuddup!!” He groaned.
As you gave him another big hug, you giggled.
You were already used to Kenny’s flirty remarks by this point. None of it actually meant anything. He was just trying to cheer you up! Right?
A part of you couldn’t help but feel a little sad at the thought, but you weren’t sure why.
“Hey, why don’t we watch a movie now?” he softly pulled away from you and shifted towards the television, pointing to the stack of movie cases.
“It’s getting kind of late though, hey?” You checked the time on your phone and saw that it was already eleven o’clock.
Kenny grinned a little and pressed play on the film. “Whaaat? You’re not gonna let me stay the night?” He teased.
You gave him a long look before exhaling dramatically, “Well... I guess my parents won’t be home... Yeah, whatever. You can stay.” You crawled out of the blanket fort. “I’ll go get s’more pillows.”
You walked over to one of your house’s storage closets and grabbed a couple of extra pillows your folks had stored away.
“Don’t you have plans for tomorrow, though? With the guys? Stan mentioned gaming or something.” Throwing the pillows into the fort, you then crept back inside where you nestled up next to Kenny and laid down, making yourself at home.
“Oh, yeah. It’s whatever. It’s not ‘till later, anyway,” Kenny shrugged and sank down next to you. “You wanna come?” Even though he wasn’t really paying attention to what was on the television, he continued to stare at it.
“Won’t Stan be upset?”
“Who cares? You’re my friend. He can suck it.”
You nodded while smiling. “Yeah, I guess I’ll go with. But if Stan gets mad because he wanted guy time, it’s on you.”
“Yeah yeah.”
The two of you laid in the fort, watching the movie. Eventually you fell asleep, curled up next to the blond. As he cast a quick glance your way, Kenny smiled gently. He softly moved the strands of hair that fell over your face and gave you a little kiss on the forehead. His sunny smile grew saddened as he wished he could do this all the time. Another thought filled his head; He couldn't believe Stan hadn't had sex with you yet.
What a dumbass.
Slowly, he drifted off as well.
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Half Of My Soul - Girls Twitters!
Authors Note - Hi friends! Here are the Twitters for the girls in my South Park! band AU! that is Kenny Mccormick x reader. I'm so excited to bring this story to you all. I think its a lot of fun. Please see here for the master list and for all the parts of the story. For now, enjoy these silly little Tweets between the lead girls of my story. Also, side note, I am in no way shape or form a song writer, and so none of the lyrics are put to music, they are just poems, so use your imagination.
Content Warnings - Crude language, sexual mentions (just Bebe being Bebe) (please LMK if I missed anything)
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stardust-sunset · 4 months
Imagine if Wendy Testaburger was Jewish
i dont want to imagine that because if she was and if the fandom gave her the combined treatment of what they give her now and what they give kyle i would leave the fandom.
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pyr0x10n · 1 year
I found motivation under the trash can beside the Walmart and I stole it so 😈
Wendy Testaburger x F!reader
Synopsis: Wendy x reader who is a romantic goth
Genre: Fluff but a bit of smut at the end lolz
-When she first met you, she did find you interesting.
-overtime you two became friends, and then it turned into lovers.
-She honestly found you so adorable. You wrote such romantic yet dark poems for her. I can imagine you two being like:
“You pierced my deep dark heart, and gave the it color it needed.” (Don’t judge I got that out of my ass bro😭) and she’ll just be like “aww babe, that’s so sweet but- make it a bit less dark next time..”
-she loves your style! She honestly wants you to do her makeup. She even matches with you if you ever wanted to.
-you made a playlist for the two of you when going on dates, and she was ECSTATIC. She fell harder for you honestly.
-she likes teasing you so she can see your little pout and you just saying “I’m not emo Wendy!” And she’ll laugh it off.
-one time the goths were eyeballing you all like ‘is she a poser… or a goth?’ And Wendy literally glared at them. Yeah make sure you don’t encounter the goth kids when you’re with her.
-oh, and the music part? Yeah, she loves to hear you sing, your soft voice just calms her down. She might even wanna fuck while listening to your music<3
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masochisticdevotion · 3 years
Here me out Yandere Wendy Testaburger Headcanons.
I love it she literally is in canon
Sorry this is late I’ve been catching up on schoolwork and getting my sleep schedule back <\3
Yandere Wendy Testaburger Headcanons
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It’s literally the episode Don’t Fuck With Wendy Testaburger but instead of Stan she’s after YOU
She’s very socially Intelligent and she knows how to use it to her advantage. She knows exactly what to say and do to make you doubt your friends and people you know
If people still insist on trying on getting close to you she uses her girl group to start a bunch of rumours about them, by the time they have the courage to ask you out they can’t even show their face around school anymore
Also remember the breast cancer where she beats the SHIT outta Cartman? She can fight and even though she prefers not to get her own hands dirty if she absolute HAS to she will throw hands
She’s great at gaining your trust, she’s so kind and protective you don’t even realise how she’s distancing you from everyone else half the time
She’s very affection and loving, as long as you don’t try and leave her she’s honestly a good yandere to be with, she won’t hurt you just slightly emotionally manipulate you
She’s not afraid to put people in their place for you, she’s very headstrong and confident, if she feels someone’s overstepping their boundaries she’s will call them out
I also hate to say it but I feel like she’d use Stans feelings for her as an advantage as well, all she has to do is bat her pretty eyelashes at him and he’ll do whatever she wants
She loves PDA, not only does it let people know you’re taken it lets her be close to you! And she loves that always hanging onto you she can’t help it, she just loves her darling so much
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mychemicalimagines · 3 years
Steal Their Clothes&What They Think Part 2
Requested by: @foulobjectdelusion “ Can I please have a headcanon for Professor Chaos, Call Girl, Fastpass and Captain Diabetes with a tomboy fem S/O with short hair and wears vintage suits and sometimes steals the characters clothes but she still wears lip-gloss, lip balm, and lipstick? Please tell me if that is too much”
Pairing: South Park Characters x Female Reader
Warnings: Probably come language. Guys are pervs so some sexual talk XD
Tag List: @elskinner45 @nocturnalherb16 @buckysforeverprincess @diyunho @negans-womam @deepobservationcherryblossom @fangirl1029 @thelostallycat @scarletmeii @fandomsstolemylife00 @brithedemonspawn @sinofbisexuality @chuckbass-love @lyn-g @paigeem96 @kyky9103 @mzmusic92 @booknerd-3000​
A/N: Here’s Part 2! I hope you enjoy! SPOILERS TO THE GAME!!!
To be tagged in future south park stuff: Message Me, Comment, Tag Yourself in my bio, or submit an ask!
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Butters Stotch (Professor Chaos)
Steal Their Clothes 
Butters is a very nervous kid and overthinks everything!.
He would search around his room for hours thinking he lost his very hoodie!
He would sneak out of his house so his father wouldn’t see him going to school or parking with his friends without his jacket. 
He would be battling someone from the “Coon Friends” and see you fighting one of his minions in his hoodie.
‘Y/N, is that my jacket?’
‘Why, yes, Butters! It is!’
‘How-How did you get it?’
‘I stole it from your locker yesterday!’ 
‘I-uh-As much as you look great in it, Y/N, I-uh-I’m going to need it back before I get grounded.’
And you’d just walk away.
He does think you look amazing in it so he never asked again.
He’d blush every time you walked around in it and reveal it was is. 
What They Think of Your Outfit
He couldn’t help but stare.
He loves the way the pants fit you.
He compliments you all the time, making sure you know you look beautiful!
When he convinces you to join ‘Chaos’, he wouldn’t let you change it!
The only thing he would let you do is adding some tinfoil to your hat, proving you’re a part of Chaos
‘Y/N, you don’t need any more aluminum foil! You look great!’
‘But Butters! If-’
‘Sorry, Y/N but no!’
Wendy Testaburger (Call Girl)
Steal Their Clothes
You don’t have to steal any of her clothes.
She willing hands them over!
‘Hey, Y/N. Here’s that shirt you wanted to borrow!’
You are the one person she would never backstab or be two-faced with.
You use that to your advantage.
Always showing up to her house, letting her pick out outfits for you.
‘This green would go great with your eyes!’
She would randomly hand you clothes throughout the week.
‘Y/N, this shirt doesn’t fit me anymore and I think it would be perfect for you!’
She lied. It fits her perfectly. She just wants to see you in it.
What They Think of Your Outfit
Wendy was the one that actually helped you with your Superhero outfit!
After you told her your ‘powers’, she took you to the Sloppy 2nds to get your outfit.
She wouldn’t let you pay for anything.
When you guys battle together, she always brings up how well your outfit goes together.
On every single one of Call Girl’s phones, your picture would be as her background.
Smiling, laughing, or even hanging out at her house for a sleep-over.
Too nervous to tell you why, she would say it was because she was also in the photo and that she looked amazing.
It was really because she loved how you looked!
Jimmy Valmer (Fastpass)
Steal Their Clothes
Jimmy would not let you borrow any of his sweatpants.
This is because since he can’t walk without his crutches, he rips his pants a lot. 
His shirts and hoodies though, you steal on a regular basis
The first time he saw you wearing his hoodie, he stuttered more than usual. 
‘Y/N, you look a-a-a-a-a-amazing.’
‘Thanks, Jimmy!!’
You stole his Fastpass shirt once and he had to ‘zoom’ around in his normal yellow shirt. 
He felt naked and weird but it was worth it!
What They Think of Your Outfit
The first time he saw it, you clicked the button for one of his Fastpass Travels.
‘W-w-w-w-wow, Y/N.’
You didn’t know what to say so you just blushed and looked away.
You notice every time you’re in the Coon Lair, Jimmy is staring at you. 
Mainly staring at your chest. 
The shirt showed your boobs perfectly so he was staring at them.
He couldn’t help it.
You looked so damn pretty. 
Scott Malkinson (Captain Diabetes)
Steal Their Clothes 
Scott is one of those nice guys.
You ask for a jacket, he’d take the one off his back and hand it over.
When you steal his jacket from his house, he didn’t care one bit. 
But when he sees you wearing it, his lisp stuck out more.
He wasn’t sure what to say. 
Actually, he’s not sure what he DID say.
It came out a jumbled mess but he knows you blushed and hid your face.
He told Butters later that he doesn’t mind you wearing his clothes.
What They Think of Your Outfit
When he died outside of the Italian restaurant, you saw and ran over from your hiding spot.
When Douchebag farted and turned back time, Scott said that he saw an angel running toward him.
It was you, of course.
He will forever remember that and how beautiful you looked running to his side.
After the whole Mitch Connor thing, he told you...
‘Y/N, your outfit is the best one here!’
(He’s not just saying that because your ass looks GREAT in tight pants.)
He also asked to borrow your hat once. 
‘Super secret mission!’ He said.
It was just to take selfies  
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Cool! Could you make a Yandere Wendy Testaburger 👉👈
Yandere Wendy Testaburger Headcanons (general)
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Wendy is definitely someone who knows how to get what she wants, when she wants it, and her darling would be no exception. Once she sets her sights on them there is no getting rid of her. Her darling is already hers from then on, they just don’t know it yet but that’s fine cause Wendy can be a very, very patient girl. That is if she knows the prize in the end will be worthwhile and you’re very worthwhile.
She’s very attentive in how she treats her darling, as well as how she goes about her overall obsession. Wendy makes herself as readily available as possible for them, going out of her way to deal with and take care of things for her darling. Whether they know or not. She just wants to make sure her darling is thoroughly taken care of.
Wendy has no problem interjecting herself into her darling’s life. How else is she supposed to get close to you if she doesn’t take the initiative? She’ll be whatever she has to if it means being in your life. She’ll be your seat mate. She’ll be your partner for school projects. She’ll be your best friend. Hell, she could even be your new next door neighbor. Wendy would go to whatever lengths to ensure she has some part in her darling’s life.
As much as she prefers to go about her more extreme behavior in regards to her obsession behind the scenes that doesn’t mean Wendy isn’t willing to get her hands dirty. On the contrary, she is more than willing to do just that. When Wendy’s had enough of someone getting too close to her obsession she decides it’s time to ruin them. She’ll ruin their social status; whether that be in school or in town it makes no difference to her. If that isn’t enough then she’ll just have to fly them off into the sun. Or some other solution just as creative and permanent.
Wendy desperately craves her darling’s attention. She wants it all the time but when she doesn’t have it then she gets jealous of whoever or whatever does. And Wendy’s jealousy is not something to be taken lightly. She’ll try and gain her darling’s attention through showing off how smart she is and doing things that she thinks would be worthy of their attention. If that doesn’t work then she’ll just buy their attention back. Wendy will spoil her darling by any means if it meant they just looked in her direction again.
If she has to then Wendy will through hands. She doesn’t care whose ass she has to beat. If it’s for you then she’ll do it. But she isn’t opposed to having others do her dirty work either. It just depends on the situation and whether her jealousy has gotten the better of her.
She’s not against monopolizing her darling whatsoever. But Wendy doesn’t want to outright monopolize you. No, she wants it to gradually happen. Wendy wants you and the people around you to be the ones to make it happen. All she has to do is plant the seed and pull some strings, watching and waiting.
It’ll start with an off hand comment about your friends. Maybe how they act without you around? How they talk about you behind your back? Wendy wants to build a sense of mistrust with you and those around you. She isn’t ashamed to make her darling out to be someone they’re not if it means she can have you to herself. After all she knows who you really are and that’s what matters. If everyone else is dumb enough to believe the rumors about you then they weren’t really your friends, were they? But that’s okay, at least you have her.
There’s just one thing and only one thing to remember; Don’t fuck with Wendy Testaburger.
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