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yaksha-garden · 2 months ago
[unreasonably proud of the mecha au tags tbh. i learned just enough sanskrit to make stupid compounds and you WILL be subject to them.]
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laifromthecosmos · 4 months ago
Bharani Nakshatra and Fertility: The Cycle of Life under the rule of Venus
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When watching films or plays that take place in the Middle Ages, you notice that some of them have the figure of the “herald”, those messengers who arrive at the location and open the letter (which looks like a parchment) and read the message aloud. The Heralds carried announcements and messages from the kingdom to the population, made solemn proclamations, verified titles of nobility, announced war and proclaimed peace. They were a preform of diplomacy. When they were going to announce something to the people, they would stand on a platform in the middle of the public square and shout the real news, usually wearing clothes that differentiated them to attract more attention.
Bharani Nakshatra (Aries 13º20' - 26º40') are the heralds of the energy of Venus, as they act as messengers or representatives of the essence of Venus in the world, carrying Venusian qualities, manifesting them in their lives and behavior. Venus is advocacy, seeks equity and is a peacemaker, devoid of aggression, but when it joins Mars, aggression and anger can be used as a tool of diplomacy (description by mike sleeping dog). In the eyes of Vedic elders, the star of this nakshatra forms the female sexual organ and thus became its symbol. This organ symbolizes the fertility aspect of life and a portal between two different worlds. In the Vedic point of view, it is described as death and birth, transformation and regeneration. It also represents restriction, care, jealousy, sacrifice, sexuality, nurturing and maternal love. Bharani carries all these attributes. It is the star of restriction that has the power to cleanse and remove impurities.
The main deity of Bharani is Yama, the god of death. Yama had a twin sister named Yami, who is considered the lady of life. Yama and Yami are a divine pair of creative deities. Yama is what connects mortality and immortality that carves mortal paths through death. In it is time and through time it describes a course for life, after the course life is absorbed into time. Yami is moved by Maya's emotions and love. Yama is mortal, but Yami is not. The procreation of mortals was granted thanks to the sacrifice that Yama made in annihilating himself, thus creating a debt (cyclic yajña). Through debt, exchange is created, and it is through exchange that the world moves forward.
There is a story that Yami fell in love with her brother Yama and wanted to have sex with him, arguing that this would not break dharma. She wished Yama to induce the embryo in her womb. It was a natural instinct that awakened in her mind and body after she reached puberty.
"She offered many arguments as to why this would not break dharma, but he knew that sexual intercourse with his own sister would go against dharma in the mortal world, where every action provokes a seen or unseen reaction. His reward for such self-control was to become chief justice of the universe." - Mike Sleeping Dog.
Bharani is a 16-year-old girl about to deflower, a baby in the womb or a person who faces the Yamadutas (heavenly angels whose task is to guide souls in the afterlife process) after death. Because of its childlike quality, Bharani is one of the most eager nakshatras. Just like a child wants to experience the entire environment, Bharani natives want to experience the environment to the fullest. There is a primal innocence in the way they experience things, people and places. They may go by instinct instead of reason. Most of your feelings and desires are so overwhelming that very little can be done to contain or calm them. Once again, the evolutionary status of the soul in question comes into play. All Bharani natives have a creative impulse within them. Females generally express this creativity through bearing children, while males attempt to be creative on stranger levels. Bharani is a nakshatra where interaction between man and woman takes place. This makes it one of the most sexual nakshatras in the zodiac. Bharani is representative of the force of nature that creates attraction between opposites. Bharani natives experiment, surrender, become victims and try to understand this force.
Bharani is the nakshatra that belongs to the first sign of the zodiac and is the first nakshatra ruled by Venus, this symbolizes the entry of the initial energy of creative feminine energy into the zodiac. Therefore, it is a feminine nakshatra. This is no longer a surprise, as Bharani represents everything feminine. It is the second nakshatra and the first female nakshatra. Just like the number “2” in numerology, it is the initiator of the feminine principle at all levels of existence. It is the beginning of duality and maya, and in it lies the essence of the complex functioning of the feminine principle. Bharani is considered a balanced nakshatra. Bharani is actually an extreme nakshatra, but it is classified as 'Balanced' due to its tendency to balance opposite extremes like birth and death. Bharani natives often lead double lives, reaching two different extremes. So, overall, their lives can be seen as balance. It is part of the Rajas Nakshatras (rajas is action to get desires fulfilled. It is the passion that drives one to action, often not getting the expected results, which leads to more actions), this can be easily accessed from the govt. of Bharani by Venus. Venus is seen as the most rajasic among the planets. Its relationship with terrestrial life processes is very strong. In a way, you could say that it is only Venus that makes life worth living. As Bharani heralds Venusian energy, its expression here is primordial, highly concentrated and explosive (all rajasic expressions). Venus is the planet of fertility, creativity and pleasure. In Bharani, these qualities manifest in the idea of ​​giving birth, both literally and symbolically. Fertility here is not restricted to procreation, but also the ability to create and nurture ideas, projects and new phases of life. Bharani, governed by Yama, also remembers that every beginning is accompanied by an end, a continuous cycle of renewal. Bharani represents the phase in which the seed is planted (the creative act that precedes growth. Being the first nakshatra of Venus, Bharani symbolizes fertility in its primordial state, the impulse to generate life. Fertility is linked to the feminine receptive nature, the ability to sustain life, something that Venus dominates. Bharani, with her association with the uterus, also speaks of the importance of gestation, essential elements of fertility. All goddesses, especially fertility goddesses, are linked to Venus.
Bharani is the nakshatra of karma and reincarnation, one of the least understood concepts in modern times, especially in the Western world. Bharani is the name of the stage where the masculine and feminine, which have arisen from a single genderless source, copulate and, in doing so, carry forward the process of creation.
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talonabraxas · 6 months ago
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Lord Surya (Sun god) on his Chariot Talon Abraxas
The Horses of Sun God’s Chariot
In general, the Sun God is envisioned in the form of a person sitting on a chariot drawn by seven horses with its reins in the hands of charioteer Aruḍa (who is devoid of thighs). However, to clear the doubts and various questions that arise in our minds with regard to the Sun God, His chariot with seven horses and others, one has to do an in-depth study of Vedic scriptures, Purāṇas and other literature.
It is customary to praise the Sun god with the mantra ‘saptāśva rathamārūḍham pracaṁḍam kaśyapātmajam śvēta padmadharam dēvam tam sūryam praṇamāmyaham‘ – Meaning ‘my salutations to the Sun God, who rides on a chariot with seven horses, the brightest of lights, son of Sage Kashyapa, and who holds the white lotus flower’ (Sūryāṣtakam 2nd Mantra).
1. Let us now study the interesting features of portion of the above mantra, the ‘saptāśva rathamārūḍham’. Transmitting (emitting) is the ‘characteristic feature of the light’. The source of this light is Prabhakara, prabhām prakāśam karōti, means Sūrya; He who provides light. ‘Aśva‘ means ‘ray of light’. Like a ray of light, a horse also has the ‘characteristic feature of speeding’. This is the reason the rays of the Sun are depicted as horses. Aśnute vyāpnōti sarvatra, means spreading itself, wave, Agni, Sūrya and others. Also, it is typical to the nature of light.
2. Sapta yuṃjaṃti rathamēkacakramēkō aśvō vahati saptanāmā – This is a Ṛk revealed in the Ṛgveda Saṃhita (1-164-2) and also in the Taittirīya Āraṇyaka [3-11(27-28)] that ‘the chariot of the Sun God is with one wheel drawn by a single horse having seven names viz. Ārōga, Bhrāja, Paṭara, Pataṃga, Swarnara, Jyōtiṣmān, and Vibhāsa [Taittirīya Āraṇyaka 1-7(1)] providing illumination to heaven and earth and yielding vigor and power’. Sapta diśō nānāsūryāḥ, Sapta hotāra ṛtvijaḥ [Taittirīya Āraṇyaka 1-7(24)] – This can be opined that the Sapta Sūryas constitute Sapta Ṛtviks or priests to perform yajñas.
3. The movement of the Sun is also related according to astronomy. The chariot of the Sun is drawn by seven horses. This can be symbolized with a rainbow. It is the appearance of chromatic light. The saptavarṇas are the saptaśvas. The twelve leaves on the chariot can be related to the twelve months or twelve constellations in a year.
4. We consider both sunrise and sunset for a day, which are bracketed into weeks, months and years for basic calculations (source: Sūrya Siddhānta). Āditya, the timeless form, is a deity who goes around the universe with emitting light. The body and the mind are energized by assimilating Sun’s rays.
5. According to Purāṇas, the names of the seven horses of the Sun are: Jaya, Vijaya, Ajaya, Jitaprāṇa, Jitaśrama, Manōjava and Jitakrodha (source: Bhaviṣya Purāṇa). These names are different phases of light transmission in a day by the Sun, which are the epitome of power.
6. The Sanātana dharma considers Āditya/Sūrya/Bhānu as a form of the Vedas, the Ṛgyajussāmapāragaḥ (Āditya Hṛudayam, 13th Mantra). The seven horses pulling the chariot of the Sun God are the Vedic meters (chandas) viz., Gāyatrī, Triṣtup, Anuṣtup, Jagatī, Uṣnik, Paṅkti and Bṛhati as revealed in the Veda Saṃhitas and later in Viṣṇu and Sūrya Purāṇas. Hanuman and Yājñavalkya seer became the Vedic students under Guru Sūrya Bhagavān due to their devotion.
7. In the astrology, it is mentioned that different rays of Sun are responsible for empowering the Sūryamanḍalam, viz., the ray ‘Suṣumna’ empowers the planet Moon, the ray ‘Sampadvasu’ (another name udanvasu) for Kuja, the ray ‘Viśvakarma‘ for Mercury, the ray ‘Udāvasu‘ for Jupiter, the ray ‘Viśvavyacassu‘ for Venus, the ray ‘Surāṭ‘ is for Saturn and the ray ‘Harikēśa‘ is for all-pervading stars (source: Sūrya Siddhānta).
8. The essential seven elements that constitute the human body are the skin, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and semen, and this body chariots these elements. Āditya Paramātma is the in the form of consciousness that manages these elements (Garuḍa Purāṇa 15 (27, 62); Śārṅgadhara Saṃhita 1-5-12).
9. The five sense organs (jyānēndriyas) in the human body namely, the skin, the eyes, the ears, the nose and the tongue (Garuḍa Purāṇa 15 (25-26) are driven by the conscious intelligence, the Āditya, is in the form light that resides in the heart in the shape of a paddy grain end part – (source: Taittirīya Āraṇyaka – Mahānarāyanōpaniṣad).
10. The Sun God is in the form of Arka in kunḍalinī (snake shape) that stretches from Mūlādhāra to Sahasrāra and the seven horses form the seven chakrasthanas in the path (source: Devī Bhāgavata Purāṇa).
The magnificence of pratyakṣa Bhaskara is neither escapable nor ignorable at any time or Season; yet, like the ‘kāla māna’ or the time cycle, one’s age might wither and memory might dry up in the struggle for existence! But He is There Ever and Ever!
The Vedic scriptures state that the movement of the seven horses is the Sun rays dispensing light waves. The solar energy that emanates from the Sunrays takes the shape of hiraṇmaya pure appearance.
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kaal-naagin · 8 months ago
Dashavatara Stotra
pralaya-payodhi-jâle dhritavân asi vedam In the waters of deluge, to preserve the knowledge of Vedas,vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam You held the Vedas like a vessel undeflected from its course.
kes'ava dhrita-mîna-s'arîra O Kesava, in the form of a Fish,
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare
Hail Hari, Lord of the universe!
kshitir iha vipulatare tishthati tava prishthe On the wide expanse of your back as a pivot for churning
dharani-dhârana-kina-cakra-garishthe rests the world, the mountain, creating round marks.
kes'ava dhrita-kûrma-s'arîra O Kes'ava, in the form of Tortoise,
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare  
Hail Hari ! Lord of the universe!
vasati das'ana-s'ikhare dharanî tava lagnâ The earth once submerged at the bottom of the ocean,
s'as'ini kalaìka-kaleva nimagnâ sits fixed on your tusk like a spot on the moon.
kes'ava dhrita-s'ûkara-rûpa  O Kes'ava, in the form of the Boar! .
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe!  
tava kara-kamala-vare nakhamadbhuta-s'rîngam The sharp nails on your hands became wonderful claws
dalita-hiranyakas'ipu-tanu-bhrîngam that tore up the body of Hiranyakasipu
kes'ava dhrita-narahari-rûpa  O Kes'ava, of body Man-Lion,
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare  
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe
chalayasi vikramane balim adbhuta-vâmana Skillfully You defeated Bali, the mighty king of the world, o Vâmana!
pada-nakha-nîra-janita-jana-pâvana and from your toe-nails came the Ganga, the purifier of the world.
kes'ava dhrita-vâmana-rûpa O Kes'ava, in the form of a dwarf, Hail Hari! Lord of the universe!  
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare  
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe
kshatriya-rudhira-maye jagad-apagata-pâpam freeing us of the tyrannous rulers, thus cleansing out the sin,
snapayasi payasi s'amita-bhava-tâpam You destroy the anguish of the world
kes'ava dhrita-bhrigupati-rûpa O Kes'ava, as Lord of Bhrigus  !
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe!  
vitarasi dikshu rane dik-pati-kamanîyam To uphold dharma, You scattered Râvana's ten heads
das'a-mukha-mauli-balim ramanîyam splendidly in the four directions, to the splendour of the guardians
kes'ava dhrita-râma-s'arîra O Kes'ava, as Lord Sri Râma!
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare  
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe.  
vahasi vapushi vis'ade vasanam jaladâbham wearing on your radiant body a garment of the color of the cloud,
hala-hati-bhîti-milita-yamunâbham blue like the Yamuna river, flowing as if afraid for your plough!
kes'ava dhrita-haladhara-rûpa O Kes'ava in the form of Balarâma. Hail Hari! Lord of the universe.  
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe.  
nindasi yajña-vidher ahaha s'ruti-i-jâtam Decrying slaughter according the rules of Vedic sacrifice,
sadaya-hridaya dars'ita-pas'u-ghâtam You are compassionate of heart with the poor animals.
kes'ava dhrita-buddha-s'arîra O Kes'ava in the form of Buddha!
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare  
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe!  
mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavâlam For the destruction of the wicked, with a comet for a sword,
dhûmaketum iva kim api karâlam You're trailing a train of disaster to them.
kes'ava dhrita-kalki-s'arîra O Kes'ava!, in the form of Kalki!
jaya jagadîs'a hare,  jaya jagadîs'a hare, jaya jagadîs'a hare
Hail Hari! Lord of the universe!  
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devotoharekrisna · 10 months ago
In the Age of Kali, Saṅkīrtana-Yajña and Kṛṣṇa Consciousness
Śrīla Prabhupāda: – In the Age of Kali, the saṅkīrtana-yajña (the chanting of the names of God) is recommended by the Vedic scriptures, and this transcendental system was introduced by Lord Caitanya for the deliverance of all men in this age. Saṅkīrtana-yajña and Kṛṣṇa consciousness go well together. Lord Kṛṣṇa in His devotional form (as Lord Caitanya) is mentioned in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam…
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prabhupadadasi · 9 months ago
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iti — thus; mūrti — representation;abhidhānena — in sound; mantra-mūrtim — form representation of transcendental sound; amūrtikam— the Lord who has no material form; yajate — worship; yajña — Viṣṇu; puruṣam — the Personality of Godhead; saḥ — he alone;samyak — perfectly; darśanaḥ — one who has seen; pumān — person.
Thus he is the actual seer who worships, in the form of transcendental sound representation, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, who has no material form.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.38
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authorkoushik · 2 years ago
Protection From Snakes - The Sanatana Dharma Way
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We as Hindus do not believe in unnecessary violence, we are allowed to fight to defend ourselves but we do not invite battles, this is true even with venomous creatures. You may probably already know that there is a tale about the sarpa yaaga - a sacred sacrifice for killing all kinds of serpents, demonic, mortal and divine, hosted by the great king Janamejaya the son of Pareekshit.
His intention was to avenge his father’s killer - takshaka the serpent king. in this post I wont be narrating the whole story in detail. May be that's for another day. Today I received a question regarding protection from serpents and i Remembered this chapter of Mahabharata. ‘
With the help of powerful sages like utthanga and others, King Janamejaya conduction this sacrificial fire ritual for days and months, yet his anger did not come down as he still couldn't attract Takshaka and push him into the holy fire and finish him off  . Meanwhile, The divine serpent kings requested Astika a sage who was born to Jaratkaaru rishi (male) and Jaratkaaru devi (female) . Jaratkaaru devi is one of the great serpent mothers (naaga maatas)
Astika went to janameyajas yagya and praised him with poetry. pleased by the praises janameya offered to grant anything he wanted. Astika wished that this sarpa yaaga should stop. bound by the vow, the honest and noble king janamejaya stopped the sacrifice ritual. There sage astika also made a promise  that if he astika and this incident is remembered by humans and they request serpents not to hurt them, they will have to leave silently without causing any harm and the humans shouldnt kill the snakes unnecessarily.
Whenever a human encounters a snake this pact is reminded to the snake in the form of 2 shlokas. this shloka is a part of sandhyawandanam (daily morning and evening prayer rites to the sun) of some sects the verses are : सर्पापसर्प भद्रं ते दूरं गच्छ महायशाः |
जनमेजयस्य यज्ञान्ते आस्तीक वचनं स्मरन् ||
sarpāpasarpa bhadraṃ te dūraṃ gaccha mahāyaśāḥ |
janamejayasya yajñānte āstīka vacanaṃ smaran ||
O snake, please move away quickly, me there be good fortune to you , blessings to you. O glorious one please go far away , remembering the promise given by sage āstīka  during the end of janamejaya’s yajña.
जरत्कारोर्जरत्कार्वां समुत्पन्नो महायशाः | आस्तीकः सत्यसन्धो मां पन्नगेभ्योऽभिरक्षतु ||
jaratkārorjaratkārvāṃ samutpanno mahāyaśāḥ | āstīkaḥ satyasandho māṃ pannagebhyo'bhirakṣatu ||
May the truthful and greatly glorious āstīkaḥ  who was born to jaratkāru through jaratkāru protect me from snakes. 
This shloka is the shloka 22 from chapter 53 of adi parva (the first canto) of Maharbharata.
These two shlokas are prayer verses to protect ourselves from snakes. if you notice the nature of the verses they show no hate for snakes , they respectfully request the snakes to move away to avoid mutual harm.
Its said that when anyone sees a snake in reality or in dream ,  chanting these shlokas and requesting the snake not to cause any harm and to go away. is followed since the time of janamejaya
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sankirtan · 26 days ago
ŚB 3.13.13 yeṣāṁ na tuṣṭo bhagavān yajña-liṅgo janārdanaḥ teṣāṁ śramo hy apārthāya yad ātmā nādṛtaḥ svayam Synonyms yeṣām — of those with whom; na — never; tuṣṭaḥ — satisfied; bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; yajña-liṅgaḥ — the form of sacrifice; janārdanaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa, or the viṣṇu-tattva; teṣām — of them; śramaḥ — labor; hi — certainly; apārthāya — without profit; yat — because; ātmā — the Supreme Soul; na — not; ādṛtaḥ — respected; svayam — his own self. Translation The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janārdana [Lord Kṛṣṇa], is the form to accept all the results of sacrifice. If He is not satisfied, then one’s labor for advancement is futile. He is the ultimate Self, and therefore one who does not satisfy Him certainly neglects his own interests. Purport Brahmā is deputed as the supreme head of universal affairs, and he in his turn deputes Manu and others as charges d’affaires of the material manifestation, but the whole show is for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Brahmā knows how to satisfy the Lord, and similarly persons engaged in the line of Brahmā’s plan of activities also know how to satisfy the Lord. The Lord is satisfied by the process of devotional service, consisting of the ninefold process of hearing, chanting, etc. It is in one’s own sell-interest to execute prescribed devotional service, and anyone who neglects this process neglects his own self-interest. Everyone wants to satisfy his senses, but above the senses is the mind, above the mind is the intelligence, above the intelligence is the individual self, and above the individual self is the Superself. Above even the Superself is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, viṣṇu-tattva. The primeval Lord and the cause of all causes is Śrī Kṛṣṇa. The complete process of perfectional service is to render service for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is known as Janārdana.
(via Srimad Bhagavatam Text - 3.13.13 Speaker - H.G. Jayagauri Devi Dasi - YouTube)
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 1 month ago
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In 1975, when we established a large Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma temple in Vṛndāvana, we were obliged to have Vedic ceremonies performed by brāhmaṇas because the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana, especially the smārta-brāhmaṇas, would not accept Europeans and Americans as bona fide brāhmaṇas. Thus we had to engage brāhmaṇas to perform costly yajñas. As these yajñas were being performed, the members of our Society performed saṅkīrtana loudly with mṛdaṅgas, and I considered the saṅkīrtana more important than the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. The ceremonies and the saṅkīrtana were going on simultaneously. (Prabhupada purport SB 6.3.25) 
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bhagavatdharmasamaj · 2 months ago
Saphalā Ekādaśī Vrataṁ
Del libro "Ekādaśī, el día del Señor Hari" por Su Divina Gracia Mahāmaṇḍaleshwar Mahant Kṛṣṇa Balarām Swami Prabhupād Fundador-Āchārya de Bhāgavat Dharma Samāj
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Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja dijo: «Oh Śrī Kṛṣṇa, ¿cuál es el nombre del Ekādaśī que ocurre durante la quincena oscura del mes de Pauṣa [diciembre-enero]? ¿Cómo se observa y qué Deidad se debe adorar en ese día? Por favor, relátame todo esto, oh Janārdana».
La Suprema Personalidad de Dios respondió: «¡Oh, el mejor de los reyes!, ya que deseas escuchar, te describiré completamente las glorias de Pauṣa-kṛṣṇa Ekādaśī».
«No me complazco tanto con el sacrificio o la caridad como lo hago con la observancia de Mis devotos de un ayuno completo en Ekādaśī. Por lo tanto, en la medida de lo posible, uno debe ayunar en Ekadasi, el día del Señor Hari.
Oh Yudhiṣṭhira, te insto a escuchar con toda tu inteligencia las glorias de Pauṣa-kṛṣṇa Ekādaśī, que cae sobre Dvādaśī». «Como expliqué anteriormente, uno no debe diferenciar entre los muchos Ekādaśīs. Oh rey, para beneficiar a la humanidad en general, ahora te describiré el proceso de observar Pauṣa-kṛṣṇa Ekādaśī».
«Pauṣa-kṛṣṇa Ekādaśī también se conoce como Saphalā Ekādaśī. En este día sagrado, uno debe adorar al Señor Nārāyaṇa, pues Él es su Deidad regente. Se debe seguir el método de ayuno descrito anteriormente. Así como entre las serpientes, Śeṣa-nāga es la mejor, entre las aves, Garuḍa es la mejor, entre los sacrificios el Aśvamedha-yajña es el mejor, entre los ríos la Madre Gaṅgā es la mejor, entre los dioses el Señor Viṣṇu es el mejor, y entre los seres de dos piernas los brāhmaṇas son los mejores, así mismo, entre todos los días de ayuno, Ekādaśī es el mejor. Oh, el más importante de los reyes nacidos en la dinastía Bharata, cualquiera que observe estrictamente Ekādaśī se vuelve muy querido para Mí y ciertamente adorable por Mí en todos los sentidos. Ahora escucha mientras describo el proceso para observar Saphalā Ekadasi».
«En Saphalā Ekādaśī, Mi devoto debe adorarme ofreciéndome frutas frescas según el tiempo, el lugar y las circunstancias, y meditando en Mí como la Suprema Personalidad totalmente auspiciosa. Debe ofrecerme fruta jāmbīra, granada, betel, coco, guayaba, nueces, clavo, mango y diferentes tipos de especias aromáticas. Él también debe ofrecerme incienso y brillantes lamparillas de ghee, porque tal ofrenda de lamparillas en Saphalā Ekādaśī es especialmente gloriosa. El devoto debe tratar de permanecer despierto toda la noche».
«Ahora, por favor, escucha con toda la atención mientras te relato cuánto mérito obtiene aquel que ayuna y permanece despierto durante toda la noche. Oh, el mejor de los reyes, no hay sacrificio o peregrinaje que produzca un mérito igual o mejor que el mérito que uno gana ayunando en Saphalā Ekādaśī. Tal ayuno, particularmente si uno puede permanecer despierto y alerta durante toda la noche, otorga al devoto fiel el mismo mérito que la ejecución de austeridades durante cinco mil años. Oh, león entre reyes, por favor escucha la gloriosa historia de este Ekādaśī».
«Había una vez una ciudad llamada Campāvatī, que estaba gobernada por el santo rey Māhiṣmata. Tuvo cuatro hijos, el mayor de los cuales, Lumpaka, siempre se dedicaba a actividades muy pecaminosas: relaciones sexuales ilícitas con las esposas de otros, juegos de azar y asociación continua con conocidas prostitutas. Sus malas acciones redujeron gradualmente la riqueza de su padre, el rey Māhiṣmata. Lumpaka también se volvió muy crítico con los semidioses y los brāhmaṇas, y todos los días blasfemaba contra los vaiṣṇavas. Finalmente, el rey Māhiṣmata, al ver la condición de su hijo, lo exilió al bosque. Por temor al rey, ni siquiera los familiares compasivos acudieron en defensa de Lumpaka, tan enojado estaba el rey y tan pecador era Lumpaka».
«Desconcertado en su exilio, Lumpaka pensó para sí mismo: 'Mi padre me ha desterrado, y ni siquiera mis parientes pusieron objeción. ¿Qué debo hacer ahora?' Tramó pecaminosamente y pensó: 'Regresaré a hurtadillas a la ciudad al amparo de la oscuridad y saquearé su riqueza. Durante el día me quedaré en el bosque y por la noche regresaré a la ciudad'. Pensando así, Lumpaka entró en el bosque oscuro. Durante el día mataba muchos animales y por la noche robaba artículos valiosos de la ciudad. Los habitantes de la ciudad lo apresaron varias veces, pero por temor al rey lo dejaban en libertad. Pensaban que los pecados de vidas anteriores le habían hecho perder sus privilegios de nobleza y actuar tan pecaminosamente».
«Aunque carnívoro, Lumpaka también comía frutas todos los días. Residió bajo un viejo árbol baniano que resultó ser muy querido por el Señor Vāsudeva. De hecho, muchos lo adoraban como el dios de todos los árboles del bosque. A su debido tiempo, mientras Lumpaka cometía tantos pecados y actos condenables, llegó Saphalā Ekādaśī. En la víspera de Ekādaśī, Lumpaka tuvo que pasar toda la noche sin dormir debido al intenso frío y la escasa ropa de cama. El frío no sólo le privó de toda paz, más aún, casi lo mata. Cuando salió el sol, le castañeteaban los dientes y estaba casi inconsciente, y durante toda la mañana del día de Ekādaśī no pudo salir de ese estado».
«Cuando llegó el mediodía de Saphalā Ekādaśī, el pecador Lumpaka finalmente volvió en sí y logró levantarse de su lugar debajo del árbol baniano. Pero a cada paso tropezaba y caía al suelo. Caminaba como un cojo, lento y vacilante, padeciendo mucha hambre y sed en medio de la selva. Tan débil estaba Lumpaka que no pudo matar a un solo animal ese día, y en su lugar se vio obligado a recoger los frutos que habían caído al suelo. Cuando regresó al árbol baniano, el sol ya se había puesto».
«Colocando las frutas en el suelo junto a él, Lumpaka comenzó a lamentarse, '¡Ay de mí! ¿Qué puedo hacer? Querido padre, ¿qué será de mí? ¡Oh, Śrī Harī, por favor, ten misericordia de mí y acepta estos frutos!' Nuevamente se vio obligado a permanecer despierto toda la noche, pero mientras tanto, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, Madhusūdana, se había complacido con la ofrenda de frutos del bosque de Lumpaka, y las aceptó. Lumpaka, sin saberlo, había observado un ayuno completo de Ekādaśī, y por el mérito que obtuvo ese día, recuperó su reino sin más obstáculos».
«Escucha, oh Yudhiṣṭhira, lo que le sucedió al hijo del rey Māhiṣmata cuando sólo este pequeño mérito brotó dentro de su corazón».
«Durante el hermoso amanecer del día siguiente a Ekādaśī, un hermoso caballo se acercó a Lumpaka y se paró junto a él. Al mismo tiempo resonó súbitamente una voz desde el celeste cielo: '¡Este caballo es para ti, Lumpaka! ¡Móntalo y cabalga rápidamente para saludar a tu familia! Oh, hijo del rey Māhiṣmata, por la misericordia del Señor Vāsudeva y el gran mérito que obtuviste al observar Saphalā Ekādaśī, tu reino te será devuelto sin más obstáculos. Tal es el beneficio que has obtenido al ayunar en este auspicioso día. Ve ahora con tu padre y disfruta del lugar que te corresponde en la dinastía».
«Al escuchar estas palabras celestiales, Lumpaka montó el caballo y regresó a la ciudad de Campāvatī. Por el mérito que había acumulado al ayunar en Saphalā Ekādaśī, había vuelto a ser un apuesto príncipe y podía mantener su mente absorta en los pies de loto de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, Hari. En otras palabras, se había convertido en Mi devoto puro».
«Lumpaka ofreció a su padre, el rey Māhiṣmata, sus humildes reverencias y aceptó nuevamente sus responsabilidades principescas. Al ver a su hijo decorado con adornos vaiṣṇavas y tilaka, el rey Māhiṣmata le entregó el reino y Lumpaka gobernó sin oposición durante muchos, muchos años. Cada vez que venía Ekadasi, adoraba al Señor Supremo con gran devoción, y por la misericordia de Śrī Kṛṣṇa obtuvo una hermosa esposa y un buen hijo. En su vejez, Lumpaka entregó el reino a su hijo, tal como su propio padre, el rey Māhiṣmata, se lo había entregado a él, y luego se fue al bosque para servir al Señor Supremo con la mente y los sentidos controlados. Purificado de todo deseo material, dejó su cuerpo y regresó al hogar, de vuelta a Dios, obteniendo un lugar cerca de los pies de loto del Señor Śrī Kṛṣṇa».
«Oh, Yudhiṣṭhira, quien se acerque a Mí como lo hizo Lumpaka se liberará por completo de lamentaciones y ansiedades. De hecho, cualquiera que observe correctamente este glorioso Saphalā Ekādaśī, incluso sin saberlo, como Lumpaka, se hará famoso en este mundo, se liberará completamente al morir y regresará a Vaikuṇṭha. De esto no hay duda. Además, quien simplemente escuche las glorias de Saphalā Ekādaśī obtendrá el mismo mérito de quien realiza un Rājasūya-yajña, y como mínimo irá al cielo en su próximo nacimiento».
Así termina la narración de las glorias de Pauṣa-kṛṣṇa Ekādaśī, o Saphalā Ekādaśī, del Bhaviṣya-uttara Purāṇa.
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swamibhoomanandatirtha · 2 months ago
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A Sannyaasin leaves his home and family not to avoid any worldly burden, activity or involvement. It is rather to embrace the whole world as his family and to plunge into ceaseless activity for the benefit of the world.
In fact, Sannyaasa is the greatest yajña that man can perform or think of.
Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Click here to read the article by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha 'What is Sannyaasa': https://www.bhoomananda.org/writings/what-is-sannyaasa/
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itsrameshvenkatraman · 4 months ago
VINAYAḤ {विनय:} Bhīṣma had closed his eyes for a moment… Just then, a fly buzzed by passing close to his ear causing him to open his eyes. The buzzing sound also jolted a long suppressed memory from the archives of his mind – an incident that showed to him the nature of this Nārāyaṇasvarūpa. Yudhiṣṭhira was conducting the Rājasūya yajña at Indraprastha. Kings, Princes, and Ṛṣis had assembled…
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laifromthecosmos · 4 months ago
Bharani Nakshatra e a Fertilidade: O Ciclo da Vida sob a regência de Vênus.
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Ao assistir filmes ou peças que se passam na Idade Média, percebe-se que alguns deles possui a figura do "arauto", aqueles mensageiros que chegam ao local e abrem a carta (que parece um pergaminho) e lê em voz alta a mensagem. Os Arautos levavam anúncios e mensagens do reino para a população, faziam proclamações solenes verificavam títulos de nobreza, anuanciavam a guerra e proclamavam a paz. Eles eram uma pré-forma da diplomacia. Quando iam anunciar algo ao povo, subiam em plataforma em meio a praça pública e aos gritos anunciava a notícia real, geralmente com roupas que os diferenciavam para chamar mais atenção.
Bharani Nakshatra (áries 13º20' - 26º40') são os arautos da energia de Vênus, pois agem como mensageiros ou representantes da essência de Vênus no mundo, carregando as qualidades venusianas, manifestando-as em suas vidas e comportamento. Vênus é advocacia, busca equidade e é pacificadora, desprovidada de agressividade, mas quando se une a Marte, a agressão e a raiva podem ser usadas como ferramenta de diplomacia (descrição de mike sleeping dog). Aos olhares dos anciões védicos, a estrela deste nakshatra forma o órgão sexual feminino e assim ficou sendo o seu símbolo. Este órgão simboliza o aspecto da fertilidade da vida e um portal entre dois mundos diferentes. No ponto de vista védico, é descrito como morte e nascimento, transformação e regeneração. Também representa a restrição, cuidado, ciúme, sacrifício, sexualidade, nutrição e amor maternal. Bharani carrega todos estes atributos. É a estrela da restrição que tem o poder para limpar e remover impuresas.
A principal divindade de Bharani é Yama, o deus da morte. Yama tinha uma irmã gêmea chamada Yami, que é considerada a senhora da vida. Yama e Yami são par divino de divindades criadoras. Yama é o que conecta a mortalidade e a imortalidade que esculpe os caminhos mortais através da morte. Nele está o tempo e através do tempo descreve um curso para a vida, após o curso a vida é absorvida no tempo. Yami é movida pelas emoções e pelo amor de Maya. Yama é mortal, mas Yami não. A procriação de mortais foi concedida graças ao sacrifício que Yama teve em aniquilar-se criando assim uma dívida (yajña cíclico). Através de uma dívida, a troca é criada, e é através da troca que o mundo segue em frente.
Há história que Yami ficou apaixonada pelo seu irmão Yama e desejava fazer sexo com ele, argumentando que isso não iria quebrar o dharma. Ela desejava que Yama induzisse o embrião em seu útero. Era um instinto natural que despertou em sua mente e corpo depois que ela atingiu a puberdade.
"Ela ofereceu muitos argumentos sobre por que isso não seria quebrar o dharma, mas ele sabia que a relação sexual com sua própria irmã iria contra o dharma no mundo mortal, onde cada ação provoca uma reação vista ou invisível. Sua recompensa por tal autocontrole foi se tornar o chefe de justiça do universo." - Mike Sleeping Dog.
Bharani é uma menina de 16 anos prestes a deflorar, um bebê no útero ou uma pessoa que enfrenta os Yamadutas (anjos celestiais cuja tarefa é guiar as almas no processo de vida após a morte) após a morte. Por causa de sua qualidade infantil, Bharani é um dos mais ansiosos nakshatras. Assim como uma criança deseja vivenciar todo o ambiente, os nativos de Bharani desejam vivenciar o ambiente ao máximo. Há uma inocência primitiva na maneira como eles vivenciam as coisas, as pessoas e os lugares. Eles podem passar por instinto em vez da razão. A maioria dos seus sentimentos e desejos são tão avassaladores que muito pouco pode ser feito para contê-los ou acalmá-los. Mais uma vez, o status evolutivo da alma em questão entra em cena. Todos os nativos Bharani têm um impulso criativo dentro deles. O sexo feminino geralmente expressa essa criatividade através da geração de filhos, enquanto o sexo masculino tenta ser criativo em níveis mais estranhos. Bharani é um nakshatra onde ocorre a interação entre o homem e a mulher. Isso o torna um dos nakshatras mais sexuais do zodíaco. Bharani é representativo da força da natureza que cria atração entre os opostos. Os nativos Bharani experimentam, entregam-se, são vítimas e tentam compreender esta força.
Bharani é o nakshatra que pertence ao primeiro signo do zodiaco e é o primeiro nakshatra regido por Vênus, isso simboloza a entrada da energia inicial da energia feminina criativa no zodíaco. Por isso, é um nakshatra feminino. Isso não já não é nenhuma surpresa, já que Bharani representa tudo o que é feminino. É o segundo nakshatra e o primeiro nakshatra feminino. Assim como o número “2” na numerologia, é o iniciador do princípio feminino em todos os níveis da existência. É o início da dualidade e de maya, e nele reside a essência do funcionamento complexo do princípio feminino. Bharani é considerado um nakshatra equilibrado. Bharani é na verdade um nakshatra extremo, mas é classificado como 'Equilibrado' devido à sua tendência de equilibrar extremos opostos como o nascimento e a morte. Os nativos Bharani muitas vezes levam vidas duplas, chegando a dois extremos diferentes. Assim, no geral, suas vidas podem ser vistas como equilíbrio. Ele faz parte do Rajas Nakshatras (rajas é ação para obter os desejos realizados. É a paixão que leva alguém à ação, muitas vezes não obtendo os resultados esperados, o que leva a mais ações), isso pode ser facilmente acessado a partir do governo de Bharani por Vênus. Vênus é visto como o mais rajásico entre os planetas. A sua relação com os processos de vida terrestre é muito forte. De certa forma, pode-se dizer que é apenas Vênus que faz a vida valer a pena. Como Bharani anuncia a energia venusiana, sua expressão aqui é primordial, altamente concentrada e explosiva (todas expressões rajásicas). Vênus é o planeta da fertilidade, criatividade e prazer. Em Bharani, essas qualidades se manifestam na ideia de dar à luz, tanto literal quanto simbolicamente. A fertilidade aqui não está restrita à procriação, mas também a capacidade de criar e nutrir ideias, projetos e novas fases da vida. Bharani, regido po Yama, também lembra que todo o começo vem acompanhado de um fim, um cíclo contínuo de renovação. Bharani representa a fase em que a semente é plantada (o ato criativo que precede o crescimento. Sendo o primeiro nakshatra de Vênus, Bharani simboliza a fertilidade em seu estado primordial, o impulso de gerar vida. A fertlidade esta ligada à natureza receptiva feminina, à capacidade de sustentar a vida, algo que Vênus domina. Bharani, com a sua associação ao útero, também fala da importância da gestação do cuidade, elementos essenciais da fertilidade.Todas as deusas, especialmente as deusas da fertilidade, estão ligadas a Vênus.
Bharani é o nakshatra do carma e da reencarnação, um dos conceitos menos compreendidos nos tempos modernos, especialmente no mundo ocidental. Bharani é o nome do estágio onde o masculino e o feminino, que surgiram de uma única fonte sem gênero, copulam e, ao fazê-lo, levam adiante o processo de criação.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 5 months ago
విష్ణు సహస్ర నామ తత్వ విచారణ - 981 / Vishnu Sahasranama Contemplation - 981
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🌹. విష్ణు సహస్ర నామ తత్వ విచారణ - 981 / Vishnu Sahasranama Contemplation - 981 🌹 🌻 981. యజ్ఞాన్తకృత్, यज्ञान्तकृत्, Yajñāntakr‌t 🌻 ఓం యజ్ఞాన్తకృతే నమః | ॐ यज्ञान्तकृते नमः | OM Yajñāntakr‌te namaḥ
యజ్ఞస్యాన్తం ఫలప్రాప్తం కుర్వన్ యజ్ఞాన్తకృద్ధరి�� । వైష్ణవర్క్ఛ్య ఫలప్రాప్తిం కుర్వన్ యజ్ఞాన్తకృద్ధరిః ॥
యజ్ఞం కృత్వా స యజ్ఞ సమాప్తిం విష్ణుః కరోతి సః । వేతి యజ్ఞాన్తకృద్విష్ణుః ప్రోచ్యతే విబుధోత్తమైః ॥
యజ్ఞమును యథావిధిగా అంతము అనగా పరిసమాప్తమునొందినచో, దానివలన కలుగునది ఫలమే కావున, యజ్ఞాంతము అనగా యజ్ఞ ఫలము అని ఇట శ్రీ భాష్యకారులచే అర్థము చెప్పబడినది. కనుక యజ్ఞమునకు సంబంధించిన అంతమును అనగా ఫలప్రాప్తిని కలిగించువాడు శ్రీ విష్ణువు. యజ్ఞములనాచరించుటచే కలుగు ఫలమును యజమానునకు ప్రాప్తమగునట్లు చేయు యజ్ఞఫలదాత శ్రీ విష్ణువే!
లేదా వైష్ణవ ఋక్ సంశమనము అనగా ఉచ్ఛారణము చేసి పూర్ణాహుతిని ఆచరించుటతో యజ్ఞమును ఏ కొరత లేని పూర్ణముగా చేసి యజ్ఞసమాప్తి చేయు యజమానుడును 'యజ్ఞాంతకృత్‍' అనబడుచున్నాడు. అట్టి ఆ యజమానుడును పరమాత్మునితో అభిన్నుడే!
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🌹. VISHNU SAHASRANAMA CONTEMPLATION- 981🌹 🌻981. Yajñāntakr‌t🌻 OM Yajñāntakr‌te namaḥ यज्ञस्यान्तं फलप्राप्तं कुर्वन् यज्ञान्तकृद्धरिः । वैष्णवर्क्छ्य फलप्राप्तिं कुर्वन् यज्ञान्तकृद्धरिः ॥
यज्ञं कृत्वा स यज्ञ समाप्तिं विष्णुः करोति सः । वेति यज्ञान्तकृद्विष्णुः प्रोच्यते विबुधोत्तमैः ॥
Yajñasyāntaṃ phalaprāptaṃ kurvan yajñāntakr‌ddhariḥ, Vaiṣṇavarkchya phalaprāptiṃ kurvan yajñāntakr‌ddhariḥ.
Yajñaṃ kr‌tvā sa yajña samāptiṃ viṣṇuḥ karoti saḥ, Veti yajñāntakr‌dviṣṇuḥ procyate vibudhottamaiḥ.
The anta or conclusion of a Yajña leads to fruition in the form of its result. Thus Yajña anta means the final step of realizing fruits at the end of a Yajña; this elucidation is provided by Śrī Bhāṣyakāras. Since Lord Viṣṇu gives the fruit of vedic sacrifices at the end of their complete performance, He is called Yajñāntakr‌t.
Or by uttering the vaiṣṇava R‌k sound in the final oblation, the yajamāna i.e., performer of the vedic sacrifice, concludes the Yajña. The yajamāna, thus, is non different from paramātma Himself.
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यज्ञभृद्यज्ञकृद्यज्ञी यज्ञभुग्यज्ञसाधनः ।
यज्ञान्तकृद्यज्ञगुह्यमनमन्नाद एव च ॥ १०५ ॥
యజ్ఞభృద్యజ్ఞకృద్యజ్ఞీ యజ్ఞభుగ్యజ్ఞసాధనః ।
యజ్ఞాన్తకృద్యజ్ఞగుహ్యమనమన్నాద ఏవ చ ॥ 105 ॥
Yajñabhr‌dyajñakr‌dyajñī yajñabhugyajñasādhanaḥ,
Yajñāntakr‌dyajñaguhyamanamannāda eva ca ॥ 105 ॥
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lux-paraclitus · 5 months ago
"Os dois ombros (do altar) ele carrega ao longo de ambos os lados do fogo. Pois o altar é feminino e o fogo é masculino; e a mulher deita abraçando o homem: assim, uma cópula produtiva é obtida. Por esta razão, ele carrega os dois ombros ao longo de ambos os lados."
abhito'gnimaṃsā unnayati | yoṣā vai vedirvṛṣāgniḥ parigṛhya vai yoṣā vṛṣāṇaṃ śete mithunamevaitatprajananaṃ kriyate tasmādabhito'gnimaṃsā unnayati
- Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa,
No paradigma Śaiva-Śākta, Śiva simboliza Agni (Fogo) como o Yajña (Sacrifício que é realizado com fogo), Śakti simboliza Vedi, o Altar:
रुद्रो यज्ञ उमा वेदिस्तस्मै तस्यै नमो नमः
"Rudra é Yajña, Umā é Vedi. Saudações a Eles!" (Rudrahr̥dayopaniṣad, XX).
O simbolismo sexual tântrico é encontrado mesmo no paradigma védico no ritual mais importante para os brahmaṇa-s, o Yajña. A cópula (mithunam) de Agni (Śiva) e Vedi (Śakti) gera o fruto do ritual.
Um paralelo interessante que alguns sādhakā-s já devem ter percebido é no nível macrocósmico. É pela união (yamala) de Śiva e Śakti nos Bhairavāgama-s que todos os mundos são emanados. Assim como os brahmaṇa-s emanam os bons frutos pela ação ritual do yajña.
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the-hem · 7 months ago
"The Destroyer." From the Bhasma Jabala Upanishad, "The Exploration of the Mysteries of the Son of the Ash Heap."
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We continue to discuss vidya, “to bring knowledge into oneself.” The Upanishads and their founders, the Vedantins, reject all manner of rituals and superstitions for the purposes of the divine understanding. We do not like gods or strange stories, fantasy figments and bizarre things.  We prefer what is readily apparent, which according to the scriptures was all made by God for the purposes of holiness. Understanding of this simple cause and effect is the key to self-determination in this lifetime.
To bind the mind to itself is the key. Within the mind one is the master, one can select the right habits, decisions, the right way to convey oneself through all difficulties and enjoyments alike. We do not pray about these things or resort to magic spells like baptism, or odd concoctions like perfection in the afterlife. What can be done correctly in the here and now for the sake of righteousness is always done for its own sake.
This is what is meant by “unity” or Sandhya. There is “nothing out there”, look for it and you shall not find it, all one has is the mind, a gift God gave man and not the animals. Kusa grass is used to stuff meditation cushions. The verses mentions with unity in mind and the stuff needed for the seat, one should sit and contemplate this highest instruction:
Then the devotee should observe Sandhya with the Kusa grass in his hand. He should do Japa of either Siva-Shadakshara or Siva[1]Ashtakshara. ‘Om Namah Sivaya’ and ‘Om Namo Mahadevaya’ are the two Mantras. This is the highest truth and the greatest instruction.
I myself am that Great Lord Siva, God of all gods, the Supreme Controller of all the universes. I am that Impersonal Brahman, I am Omkara, I am the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of all.
Through My terror only, all are working properly. I am this world and the five elements. I am the Highest Truth that exists, the Brahman of the Upanishads. This is the greatest Vidya.
So now you know why we call Shiva the Destroyer. Contemplation upon reality destroys all nonsense. What is real destroys what is not real. What is legal destroys what is not legal, what is ethical and proper destroys all corruption. This is how one performs life in search of the Vidya.
The terror mentioned above is fear that all the stuff one has been told or has been doing in search of the Holy Spirit has been in vain. So long as truth exists it must be found else vanity will be the result and of this we should all experience fear.
As for the role of rituals such as Holy Communion and Holy Baptism, the Agni Hotra and so forth, Krishna says it is the motive of any religious practice that determines if it will lead the soul to greater levels of observation of the Spirit or lead it away into more opaque levels of vanity:
Those who are inclined to the fruitive activity described in the Vedas worship Me through ritualistic sacrifices. Being purified from sin by drinking the Soma juice, which is the remnant of the yajñas, they seek to go to heaven. By virtue of their pious deeds, they go to the abode of Indra, the king of heaven, and enjoy the pleasures of the celestial gods.- BG 9:20.
Ritualistic ceremonies are considered good deeds, but they are not counted as devotion.  The performers of ritualistic ceremonies do not get released from the cycle of life and death.  Only unity between the Spirit and the Self can accomplish this.
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