haruharuz · 2 years
Hot girls do in fact floss and blast early to mid 2000s pop and hip hop while they get things done babe
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yuwuta · 2 months
Wow I have been nonstop thinking about tennis king yuuta and his little baby boy I’m going to kill you (affectionate) - @yuutito
teeheeeeeeeee….. here’s some more, aleks :’) enjoy :))))))
“Everybody thinks he looks like me, but I don’t see it that way. Maybe it’s because every time I look at him, I see my wife and I’m reminded of her […] I’m a little biased so I see her in everything.” 
You find yourself with tears welling in your eyes the more you read into Yuuta’s latest magazine interview. Between his sweet quotes and the pictures of him with your son, it’s taking everything in you not to burst into full-blown tears. 
Your boys look so handsome. You and Yuuta shared your concerns with publicizing your child at such a young age, but you two came to the conclusion that you’d rather have the control in the narrative than to let private family pictures be leaked uncontrollably. As another point of reassurance, Yuuta’s career provided him with just enough lime-light to be a household name without the crazy fame and criticism that came along being a true celebrity. Besides—Yuuta talked enough about you and your son in press conferences and interviews that it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. 
The article wasn’t entirely about you, or your family—or at least, you’re sure it wasn’t intended to be; you knew your husband had a knack for rambling about his loved ones, even where work was concerned. As you continue to read, you find a segment where the author compared Yuuta’s current statements with something similar he’d said about you twelve years ago—at the very start of his professional career: “If I owe this [winning Gold] to anybody, it’s my girlfriend. She’s always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I wouldn’t have qualified or even thought to qualify if it weren’t for her.” 
It feels like you and Yuuta were just two kids in love back then. You didn’t think it could be more than that—you didn’t think you could love Yuuta more than you did all those years ago, but somewhere along the way just being in love wasn’t enough to describe it; Yuuta became your partner, someone you loved fundamentally, but also because you couldn’t stand to see yourself without him. And just when you thought you couldn’t love anyone nearly as much as you love him, you turn the page to a picture of your husband and son peeping through the holes of a racket and your heart feels full. 
When you scan the image more closely, you realize that it isn’t just any racket—it’s an old one, one you’d given to Yuuta as a gift probably back in high-school. You had no idea he’d kept it, but you suppose you shouldn’t be all that surprised; Yuuta is nothing if not sentimental. 
“Ah, there she is~” Yuuta’s voice cuts through your thoughts. When you turn, you see him, with your baby boy on his hip, sliding the back porch door closed. 
Both boys approach you with a smile on your face, and you set the magazine aside to sit up in the lounge chair to greet them. Yuuta presses a kiss to your forehead, then your lips before you do the same to your son. Immediately after, he reaches his arms out for you, and Yuuta chuckles, “You wanna be with your mama? Can’t blame you, I missed her, too.” 
He hands the baby off to you, and takes a seat on the other end of the chair, reaching over to coo at his son as you smother his face in kisses. 
“How was the farmer’s market?” you question, letting the baby settle into your lap. 
“Good, he picked out some very bright peppers, and we got some more strawberries, know you’ve been craving them,” Yuuta smiles, reaching over to pat your son’s head, when the closed magazine catches his eye, and he reaches for it, quickly flipping through, “Ah—I guess that interview’s out. He’s grown so much, even though it was only a few months ago.” 
You find the blush on his cheeks beyond endearing. Yuuta always finds room to be bashful no matter how many times he’s waxed poetic about his love for you, or his family—his cheeks always stain pink like the first day you met him. 
“It’s sweet. You’re sweet,” you smile, sparing a hand to run through Yuuta’s hair, charmed by the way he leans into your touch, “I didn’t know you still had that racket.” 
“Of course, I keep everything you give me,” he says, earnestly. He closes the magazine and scoots a little closer, taking advantage of the proximity and of your touch to lay his head on your shoulder, “Did you… read all of it?” 
“Almost, but no, why?” you question, with a light-hearted grin, “Did you say something that would lead the world to believe you’re somehow even more in love with me? Because you might already be past the threshold, dear.” 
Yuuta hums. He reaches to take you son out of your lap and carefully shifts himself to that he’s laying down, his head on your lap, and the baby in his arms, happily giggling and cooing as Yuuta holds him up. He lowers and raises him back and forth a few times, nuzzling their noses together when their faces are close, before sitting him up on his chest.
Then he tilts his head up to look at you, wide, love-filled eyes blinking slowly before he says, “Maybe… depends on if me saying I want more kids is past the threshold or not.” 
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theshadowrealmitself · 2 months
I love imagining what it’s like for people meeting Peter Parker for the first time
Peter: *long impassioned speech on how people who have the power to do right have the responsibility to do so and how being good is an active choice that anyone can make etc etc etc*
Peter: Okay, I gotta go take some embarrassing photos of heroes now and sell them to a newspaper
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doomed2repeat · 1 month
I need some of you to realize that Luke didn’t do anything wrong by wanting to celebrate his work and his premiere with his friends and loved ones. The entitlement some of you have over his personal life is too much. Saying that he shouldn’t have invited her is entitled. Saying that her being there ruined part 2 is nonsense. You’re absolving yourself for the fact that you can’t separate the character he is paid to play from the life he is free to lead. He did not betray Nicola by inviting HIS girlfriend to HIS after party for HIS work.
If the narrative shifted its because YOU were focused on his business. But most people were just busy watching the mirror scene and not even paying attention. Because honestly WHO CARES. 99% of the audience are not invested in this, it’s not actually big news.
If the show is only good to you if you think Lukola are a thing IRL, if you can only be a fan of Luke if he’s being a fantasy version of Colin for the friends to lovers narrative you’ve created for him and Nicola IRL (against her will and against every assurance she’s said that while it’s cute that fans ship them she’s been clear that they are JUST FRIENDS), then that is your personal problem that you’re projecting onto Luke. The problem with his girlfriend is literally YOU having the inability to allow him to live his life and be happy with his work.
Are future Bridgerton leads all expected to never be seen with their loved ones to maintain your fantasy in their off time? Are all actors? Or is it just because you wish his girlfriend was somebody else?
I have never seen someone’s “fans” move like haters and antis like Luke Newton “fans.” The way y’all shit on him “for his own good” is wild. Y’all don’t actually like Luke, you like the idea of Luke as an accessory for Nicola. And maybe it’s because you got something out of the PR tour that you didn’t get out of the show, and you’re taking it out on Luke for “ending” the PR tour by having a girlfriend, especially when (as far as we know) Nicola is single. But the PR tour was over. You have the show, take it or leave it.
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pandoraroid · 6 months
milo loves taking pictures of sweetheart and posting them (w/ their consent ofc). he'd say something like "while your ability to go invisible and creep up on me comes in handy a lot, a cute face like yours needs to be shown off"
"but neither do i mind keeping you to myself"
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fayegonnaslay · 5 months
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Marlene Dietrich in Monte Carlo, 1956; Photo by Mario de Biasi
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simvanie · 3 months
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7 Sins Legacy - generation 4 (pride)
Supriya is now a two star celebrity!
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thinking a lot of thoughts
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slowpokedragon · 8 months
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inspired by @starsnores and their Vogue cover with feferi and gamzee. its literally haunting my brain at all hours
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ngl smile for the paparazzi is a genius song and I'm tired of pretending that cobra starship wasn't a genius band at times
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Mengjie Jiang in The Atelier Couture at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival
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lordbettany · 5 months
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Interlude in Prague (2017)
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louroth · 1 year
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this is exactly how the clergy scene with id went in the latest chapter, no? 💀
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Johnny: You know Spiderman better than I do??
Deadpool: I guess I do! Makes sense, since we’re a part of Team Red
Johnny: “Team Red”?
Deadpool: Ya know, me, Spidey, and Daredevil
Johnny: Well I wanna join, I should be on a team with him
Deadpool: Oof…sorry Bluey, but there’s no red in your costume, so you can’t really be a part of “Team Red,” ya dig?
Johnny: I’m fire!
Johnny: Fire is red !!!
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see-arcane · 5 months
Re: your tag about "Minerva" preening for the cameras... how do we feel about vampires and photography when they're in beastform? Like we all know you can't capture the image of a vampire, but does that apply when they have taken on some other image? Could the Whitby RSPCA have photographed Dogcula had they caught him?
My money is on the local photographers pulling their hair out because they all swear on their lives that they got quality shots in the moment, but every time they develop with this strange blurring haze effect. There's an animal shape, but no animal--certainly nothing to turn in to a prospective newspaper or biology text. Even when the unique critters are perfectly still! The eyes are certainly crisp enough, almost lambent, but ugh, not a single clear photo out of the whole roll. Curses.
Unrelated, I think Quincey himself can probably take a decent photo. The eyes are still a bit brighter than they should be, but if Lu were to haul him into a photo booth they could come away with a nice memento that doesn't just have her sitting with a Quincey-shaped patch of fuzz
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