#yaz come get your gf
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thinking a lot of thoughts
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
6 days until JWCT
In this post I'm gonna talk about the extended trailer that came with the premier yesterday. Some people have put it on youtube so it is available to watch separately.
So first, my initial thoughts and observations:
There's a scene where Ben, Darius, and Sammy are in Darius's cabin or perhaps it's Kenji's RV.
Darius slips during rock-climbing
Yasmina frozen moment? There's a scene where she's sitting/frozen in the dark looking at something in fear maybe
Sammy's kick is by far my favorite part of this entire trailer. Like damnnn girl <3<3 The sweet harmless Sammy we saw in CC has definitely changed and I love that for her.
The dinosaur free island is so interesting to me and I'm so talking about it.
The scene where Sammy gets into the van and she's holding onto Yaz <3
Darius crying at the crime scene...
Now let's get into the substance of it.
The main thing I want to talk about is the dinosaur-free zone and Yaz living on it. I find it really interesting how people made a DFZ in the aftermath of dinos on the mainland. It makes sense, especially if you consider it a sort of apocalyptic scenario that there will be communities in order to get away from the chaos. The place seems really pretty and cool enough and I can for sure see why Yaz chose to live there and also why she doesn't want to leave. It's the same place that we see in the released clip so let's get into my first theory:
Brooklynn's death is what caused Yasmina to move into the DFZ. From the mock interviews that were released we know that before the events of CT and Brooklynn's death, she and Sammy were living together on the (dinosaur ranch). Perhaps Yasmina was managing well enough with living with the dinosaurs on the ranch but when Brooklynn was killed by a dinosaur it caused all of the progress she had been making with her trauma to regress. Maybe seeing Brooklynn die at the dinosaurs they had evaded on Nublar reinforced the idea that they aren't invincible just bc they survived Nublar and that dinosaurs are still dangerous. And I'm going to assume that Sammy is ranching herbivores so maybe that made it easier for Yaz at first but after Brooklynn's death, all dinosaurs were off the table so she moves to the DFZ.
Now the clip that was released earlier with Yaz and the hologram, it either takes place before or after they try to get Yaz to come with them. Now, assuming that the clip takes place before, here's my next theory. And I'm going to assume this bc I feel like the mood and the pace of the released clip is not one that would happen after being told they're being hunted.
Obviously with Yaz's PTSD and such they probably don't want to freak her out with the whole being hunted thing (shout out to Ben who failed at the "I don't want to freak you out" with Darius) and want to drop it on her delicately. But Yaz gets side tracked/really wants to show them what she's been working on so it's making it more difficult for them and of course Sammy wants to be a supportive gf but also needs Yaz to leave her comfort zone because of the rising circumstances. Like Yaz's "give me a second" along with Sammy's elbowing and "help me out here" leads me to believe this. Sammy's trying to break the news to Yaz and seeks out Ben's help who's like, 'hey she's your girlfriend."
I've also seen a couple of people say that maybe they had an argument after which I agree with. We see Sammy alone, possibly cooling down, when the van comes through the tunnel and being chased by a dinosaur.
That'll be it for today's post because I do want to get it out today when we have 6 days left.
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risingsh0t · 15 days
hi alyssa i hope your well !! i was thinking L and Y for the oc initials asks if ur still taking these!!!! 🥀💌☺️
thank you leg!! <333
logan campbell: tlou. a mess of a person! he was married to his high school sweetheart, but after she was bitten he attempted to keep her around in hopes that a cure would be created. she managed to escape and (he thinks) killed someone. he's so ashamed of this that he literally tells no one and becomes a closed off soldier in the WLF. however, his mentorship of cyrus (my other oc) softens him Slightly, as he comes to see him as a lowkey son...and falling for olga (your girlie 💕) when he's given the job to protect her, softens him even more. he's still a difficult man to talk to and frankly, a pain in the ass. i have so much respect for the people that put up with him lmaoo, but they make him try harder <3
liana rahayu: dbd. a mortician from ferndale, ca. she worked at her family's funeral home before she was swept away to the realm. before the entity took her, liana had just been responsible for her father's body after he suddenly died (unfortunately they're the closest funeral home around), so that makes it even more difficult to say the least! it gets complicated in the realm bc she crosses paths with an alternate version of herself, one who packed up after her father's death and met danny johnson. but it's not all bad bc she also meets toby 💕 (@auricfog :3)
yaz scarlet: scarlet hollow. very adventurous and outgoing (maybe to a fault, considering the circumstances). she runs an online crochet business that she put on hold to visit her cousin in scarlet hollow. she's a big reader which has made her naturally curious and she can talk to animals! her curiosity and new friends have made it hard to leave, bc she's determined to get answers, but genuinely she'd just love to leave and be safe with kaneeka.
yvaine dibra: vtm. brujah embraced in albania in the mid-1800s. never knew her sire and it fueled her anger that she had to figure out her situation alone. she eventually meets aurelie (@auricfog again 🫶) and becomes her bodyguard (and gf hehe). this pretty much becomes her main priority. she associates with others only to the extent that's needed. through aurelie she does form a begrudging respect and bond with arthur (yours again 🫶), but that's about it. but she has developed an interest in studying biodiversity. she has a pet tortoise and toad.
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Doctor’s Care (13th Doctor X Fem!Reader)
Characters: 13th Doctor X Fem!Reader
Universe: Doctor Who
Warnings: Sickness
Request: Inspired by me being sick today and feeling like shit but my girlfriend not being able to come over cos of COVID and lockdown and whatever, can I have some gay shit 13 x fem reader where the doctor comes to pick the gang up after they've been visiting home for a couple of weeks but when reader doesnt show she goes to check up on her and it turns out the reader has the flu so the doctor tells Yaz and the others they have to postpone their trip, and she stays with the reader to look after her (I am but a hopeless gay longing to be cared for by my gf 😂😂😂)
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The doctor paced back and forth outside the TARDIS, whistling and looking up at the sky as she waited for her companions to come and meet her. Despite the fact that she had been the one to give the time and location and also knew she was early arriving, she couldn’t help but be impatient, not wanting to wait a second longer to show her friends the stars once again.
Luckily, it wasn’t long for Yaz to show up, jogging over to the TARDIS, the Doctor beaming when she saw one of her companions, spreading her arms wide, accepting a hug from Yaz. Not far behind her was Graham and Ryan, who also received an infamous Doctor hug, the four sharing a quick laughter, before the Doctor was looking around, mostly in the direction that her companions had come in. Well, the directions most of them had come from. “Where’s Y/N?” She asked. The four looked at each other to see if anyone knew the answer, before Ryan pulled his phone out.
“They never responded to you texting us the meeting point.” Ryan confirmed, checking the group chat he had set up for the 5 of you. It had come in handy, especially when you guys go separated. It especially soothed the Doctor’s anxiety of something happening to you guys when she wasn’t around to keep you safe. They had also noticed that she was particularly protective of you… they knew she had a crush on you, and you had confided in them about your own feelings for the timelord, and the group were looking for any chance to let you guys have some alone time.
With your lack of presence, the entire group saw the doctor’s excited grin turn into a concerned frown, with a hint of fear in her eyes. When was the last time someone saw you? What if something happened to you? “Let’s go check if they’re home, they might have just slept in or something.” Graham told the Doctor to try and calm her down. The doctor nodded, but instead of going into the TARDIS to get there in record time, she started to run down the street towards your home. 
“Well, they do say love makes you stupid.” Ryan joked before the three started to follow after the Doctor.
She arrived at your door far ahead of her companions, knocking repeatedly on your door, calling your name and trying for a response. Eventually the other three caught up, and Yaz was thankful that you had actually given her a key to your place beforehand as she breathlessly pushed past the Doctor to unlock the door for her before she flew in to search for you. At this point, Yaz, Ryan and Graham stood in the entryway of your home, watching the Doctor rush between each room, until she opened a door, and sighed with relief. “There you are! Why are you on the floor?” She asked, going into the room. That alerted the three waiting in the entrance, rushing after the Doctor, finding her knelt on the floor of your bathroom, you curled up against the wall, the Doctor rubbing your back. 
“You okay?” Graham asked, getting a groggy groan from you. The doctor made you look up at her, the group able to see your sickly complexion, and it became clear you weren’t well. The Doctor felt your head with the back of her hand, before going into her pocket, scanning you with her sonic screwdriver before checking the side of it. 
“Aw Y/N, you’ve got the flu, that’s no good.” She pouted, putting the screwdriver back into her pocket, and lifting your arm to put it around her shoulder. “Can you guys help me get them to bed?” 
Ryan had stepped forward to help get you up, Graham going to the kitchen to get a warm drink and search for any medicine, and Yaz walked ahead to prep your bed for you, Ryan and the Doctor talking to you as they got you to your room, laying you down, and the Doctor once again checking your temperature, before she stood up straight, hands on her hips, looking down at you worriedly. Graham arrived with a tray of soup, buttered bread and a hot drink as well as water. “Here you go Y/N, I’ll put this here.” Graham told you, laying it on your bedside. You smiled weakly at the group before resting your head down and seeming to fall asleep almost immediately. “Guess no travelling today?” 
“Yeah, it doesn’t feel right to go without them.” Ryan agreed. Yaz hummed in agreement, before turning to the doctor, still stood watching over you. 
“Doctor, someone should probably stay to keep an eye on Y/N. They might need someone to go buy more medication and make them food and stuff. We can switch shifts?” She offered, though she already knew how she’d respond, and it was why she had offered it in the first place. 
“No it’s alright, I’ll look after them… I am a doctor afterall.” She assured, sending the three a quick smile before starting to move around the room, tiding it up for you. “You three enjoy your dat off, I’ll have this one up and thriving by tomorrow, don’t you worry.” She assured.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Yaz told her, before not so subtly pushing the two men out the door and out the house with her. With it just being you and the Doctor, she relaxed a little, coming and sitting no the floor in front of you, gently stoking the side of your face, confirming you had fell asleep. 
“Don’t worry Y/N, I’ll look after you.” She whispered, reaching over and giving your temple a little kiss, before returning to her spot to watch over you until you needed her.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @ssa-uglywhore27​ @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000​ @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible 
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seokmatthewz · 4 years
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hello!!! it is ur resident woojong-loving fool, irida!! 💕💕 2020 was a shitty year but thank you for following me throughout it!! i am very annoying and bad at talking to people but i hope tht someday i can befriend as many of the wonderful people below as i can (if i haven’t already!!) below the cut are my wonderful mutuals (+some people who i don’t know if we are mutuals but ily!) thank you so much for all your wonderful content, and i hope 2021 is great to you!! mwah!!!
beloved moots if there’s a ‘☆’ beside your name there’s a lil note for you at the end!! but thanks again to all of you for making 2020 a little bit better!!
# - g
@99yh ☆, @absix ☆, @aka-ika, @alltoateez, @angelhyunjin, @ateezartblog, @ateezgf, @atinyz, @baejoonyoung ☆, @berryjaellie ☆, @choi-san, @choisanii, @choisans, @city127, @creker, @dreamboydongmyeong, @dumbbelle, @glossiers, @gncds, @go-saeng ☆
h - k
@haknew, @halahala, @hanbinist ☆, @hanbotaged, @heartsbang ☆, @himeaegyo ☆, @hongjoonim, @hongjooong ☆, @honjoong, @hoyoungy, @hueningkais, @hwisgf, @hwiyyoung, @hyunsung, @jaemtens, @jinlix, @johnni, @johntography, @jongupseyeliner, @junhee, @jwy, @kdongyoung, @konjoong, @kqtiny
l - r
@ladymaysworld, @leeseungjuns, @lilacwoo, @lkeonhee, @lovehui ☆, @mnkyeung, @nkamotoyuta, @oceanofaurora, @ongnielkangs, @park-seonghwa ☆, @prettyseonghwa ☆, @punksand ☆, @re-ika, @renjvn, @rotigf ☆
s - z
@san-hwa, @sanshine-on-a-cloudy-day, @seongshwa, @seonqhvva, @seungyoune, @shuhuas, @songmingki, @songmingkis, @sonqmingi, @subaek, @taeks, @taenho, @toaction, @ultchris, @wabisaba, @woo-san ☆, @wriggleygutz ☆, @wuuyoung, @xiaocity ☆, @yejiis, @yooyongha ☆, @youngjo, @yunhc, @yunhohs, @zangse, @zero-fever, @zhxngcl
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
nini - missus nini my sweet fairy pal!!! it was nice chatting with u a bit more this year!! we continue to b bad at msging each other KLFDKL but it is always nice when we do nd it was nice to complain to u nd bicker a bit!!! hopefully 2020 gets us the cute fairy/nymph/witch gfs we deserve!! lysm madam !!
han - han!!! my favourite clown ever ik i say this lots but i rlly cannot believe it’s only been a few months since we became friends bc i talk to u constantly KJFLDSJK it’s been so much fun talking to u and getting to kno u this past year!! our convos are always so entertaining and funny whether it is clowning u abt ur taste or us mutually bonding over ppl we don’t really like or me trying to get u to stan a group i always love to chat with you!! excited to watch more iconic dramas like mr. heart with u in the new year i love you!!!
alice - alice madam!! one of my most talented moots ever u r so cool nd all ur sets nd gfx are so gorgeous!! its so fun to interact with u from time to time (be it to clown u or get clowned), love u lots ma’am and i hope 2021 is fantastic for u!!
millie - MISSUS MILLIE!! my beloved pal nd wonderful hypewoman u are so cute and wonderful and iconic and it always makes me happy to read your tags and send you asks!! you are so funny and sweet and great and i’m so happy we r pals!! hope we can chat even more in the new year i love you the most!!! mwah!
kashi - kashi we have been moots for only a little while but i had 2 include u bc it was such a good time sending u asks for the stay secret santa!! u are so talented and sweet and i hope i can get to kno u more in the new year, esp since we seem to have so many fandoms in common!! u have impeccable taste mwah!! luv u!!
tori - tori u haven’t been on tumblr as much recently nd i miss u!!! hope tht u come back occasionally when ur a bit less busy bc ur always a nice nd funny presence on my dash!! love u the most i hope ur rats nd ur chickens are doing well as well as ur other pets!! mwah!!
karen - my beloved funky canadian pal!!! i am GOING TO MESSAGE YOU SOON I SWEAR I AM JUST SO BAD AT IT FJDKLKL missus karen we have been thru lots together and i trust you a lot and i’m really happy to have a friend like you who i can just say shit to without judgement!! you really are such a kind and wonderful presence even when we don’t interact for a while!! you sweet funky gal i love you!! i hope we can meet up again sometime when things are safer!! mwah!! happy new year!!
bia - wifey!!! my sweet beloved fellow jongho enthusiast i hope u are doing super well always even when we dont msg as much!!! seein u on my dash is always a good time and i am always wishing u well!! i hope we can talk more in the new year ily sosososoooo much!!! (also r u watching hyunjun’s drama JFKDSK i saw u talking abt it nd if u are we shld chat bc i am watching it too mwah!!)
lyna - LYNA MY OLDEST MOOT!! i love u sm nd i luv tht we still follow each other even tho we aren’t really in the same fandoms anymore!! u are always so kind and sweet whenever we interact and i always hope you are doing well and staying healthy!! i love u!!!
natali - nat!!! we haven’t interacted too much but we bonded a bit more this year and that is progress!!! ilusm madam all of ur sets are so pretty and wonderful and u are such a nice presence on my dash i hope we can talk more sometime soon!! mwah love u!!
yaz - yaz ik u dont use tumblr anymore but it feels wrong to make one of these and not include you in it FJKLDSKSL you know i love u more than anyone ur my beloved sweet wonderful platonic soulmate and i am always wishing you well i love you the most ever and i hope we are friends forever and always!! mwah mwah mwah!!
wren - king thank u for following me for yet another year when all we do is put random men on each other’s dashes DSKJKLD hope ur staying safe and hydrated and that u are doing well ilu !!! mwah !!!
sim - SIM MADAM MY BELOVED ANGEL PAL!! we don’t talk as much but i can’t pass ur url and not write u a lil note!! whenever we talk it’s always so fun FSDKLJSJDK even tho we are not in the same fandoms anymore i love u lots and ur presence on my dash is so pleasant and sweet!! hope we can talk more in the new year and even if we dont i hope ur new year is fantastic!!
vivi - vivi!!!!! it was so fun to chat with u a bit throughout this year and send u anons!!! u are such a pleasant and lively presence on my dash and ur gifs are so wonderful and pretty i hope we can chat more in the new year mwah!!
kurtis - bro so sorry u r still following me in the year of 2020 heading into the year of 2021 JKLFDSKL thank u for putting up with all the random kpop boys i put on ur dash i absolutely love u nd i hope ur always doing well and staying healthy!!!
siya - madam!!!! ilu!! ik we haven’t chatted much but i wanna talk to u more!!!! u seem so neat nd funky and ur always so funny when i see u chatting nd interacting w ur other moots!! hope we can become good friends and clown together some more ilu!!!
damian - my beloved fellow playm boys (or like. whatever they are now KJFDLK) stan!! we do not interact all that much but i am always hoping tht ur doing well and i hope we can interact more in the new year!!! all of our boys debut 2020 pls!!!
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mw-draws · 5 years
Praxeus rewatch time BABEY!
Jodie Whittaker narrate my life challenge
also, how did I miss that this is set in like,, 10 years in the future ldjdkd
smh jake, you can't go round tackling kids
omg gf's
jesus fucking christ, that poor girls face got clawed right off
love how when we first see 13 she's a complete disaster
Gabriela checking out Ryan's abs - bi rights
oh god, this bits so gross
mans just fucking exploded, holy fuck
"despite the fact that was overly alarming.... don't be overly alarmed" yeah, don't think that's gonna work doc
"and a talking cat" y'know, casual
Ryan Sinclair, the great bird detective
I really love this look on Ryan? Big coat is a good look on him
that operating room bit gave me mad World Enough and Time flashbacks
who are we kidding, it's probably the same set skfjkfjfkf
that Praxeus shit looks so gross wtf
I love Gabriela with my entire being
people fucken explode and 13's like "okay"
"unplug him and get him out!"
"you said that wasn't safe!"
"situation's changed! get out!" why is this so funny to me
lshskd 13 just appearing like "👁️👄👁️hello"
"haven't factured you into this. too busy thinking about that cat" ldjfkfhf
wishy coat wishy coat wishy coat
omg, conflict
Yes. Yaz and Gabriela are now girlfriends
I don't make the rules
the Doctor has no time for this guys surprise
like "wtf is going?" "stfu, I'm concentrating. be surprised somewhere else"
13's hair is so fucking prettyyyy
the tardis has got a fucking Nokia ringtone. I love this bitch
graham's like "can we not have a marital spat right now?"
"that's why you smell of dead bird! I thought you changed your shower gel" ksbdkdj bitch you can talk, you don't even wash your clothes
"doc! Adams in a bad way in there, I think we made a mistake unplugging him from all that stuff in Hong Kong. or maybe you just wanna stand out here watching birds" lmao graham's having NONE of it
I love Gabriela's wee theme, omg
"Ryan, could you dissect this bird for me?" nbd
Graham and Ryan dumbasses unite
"do you have any idea what it's like to be married to someone that impressive" OH NO GRAHAM'S FACE. HE'S THINKING OF GRACE. STOP THIS. THIS IS BULLYING AHHHDHFHHF
"didn't teleport into an active volcano! result!" yaz, you say that as if that's happened before.
"autons?" oh my heart
"did she say brains? plural?" ldjdldj
"hey, doc, that's not a thought - that's a random phrase" graham's so sick of her shit kdjfkjfj
"excuse me. I'm not full of plastic."
"you're full of something" KDHDKDBDKNC RYAN
"hey, doc, let's get rid of this bird cause it really, really smells"
"no." dkdjjd
"see what the bird's natural enzymes are doing?"
"oh yeah. clear as mud!" dkjfjf
everyone is so sick of each others shit, I can't deal with them dknfkfjf
"oh, I'm a sucker for a scientist" 13 out here being a massive lesbian
"thanks for coming for us, eventually" okay yaz, I know she's got a Time machine but she didn't take t h a t long ldjdkfn
"look at you going off on your own and not getting killed" the Doctor's had too much experience with companions going off on their own and dying and that the bar is on the fucking floor
yaz is so disappointed that she didn't find a planet, bless
"ooh, wait, I'm having half a thought" me
suki just fucking explodes and 13's like "fucking, goddammit, not again"
"tiny flaw" *explains quite a massive flaw*
"that's a bit more than a tiny flaw, doc" Graham really is having none of it
"what can I say? I'm a romantic" THEN MENTION YOUR WIFE OR SOMETHING >:(
I can't believe the gays got to live, well done Chibnall
omg I love Jodie's voice sm
I really liked that ep, wasn't as big and surprising as fotj obviously, but still v good. I'd give it an 8/10
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
Yaz hi hope your day is going well. I know you’re mostly a Ziam blog but I had a question about Larry. We all know that infamous day with Lou and el in the airport. So like a lot of people say it was a stunt. Do you think so ? Also like I didn’t think so cause Lou sounded legit scared for el. Like I know a lot of larries don’t like el. But I feel bad for her too ya know ? Cause she has to go through all that too. Like I think el and Lou might be friends @ this point. What do you think ?
so i have to admit nonnie i’d never actually seen the video mostly cause i don’t really concern myself with anything related to that whole farce of a relationship (even with ziam and harry i rarely pay attention to what goes on with the beards unless i’m forced to either b/c literally everyone i follow on here is talking about it and i can’t escape it or b/c an anon like you asked my opinion on it, neither of which was the case for this cause most of the ziams and larries i follow were either largely ignoring it/not commenting on it when it happened or were just like it’s bs don’t even bother giving it your time and that’s what i did lol) but anyways b/c you asked i finally went and watched the video and i have to say even trying to look at it with unbiased eyes it…still looks like such bs lmao.
like louis’ been (or had been) a public figure for going on 7 years at this point. yes he’s allowed to get pissed off at paps but regardless of that i’m sure he knows how to act in public in such a way as to avoid/to not cause a scandal. and yet he’s going after this particular pap HIMSELF while blatantly staring back every so often at the camera that’s filming this all (almost as if to check are you getting this? because there doesn’t at all look to me like there’s any concern in his eyes/on his face that this whole altercation is being filmed like you would expect a celeb in his situation might be worried about, knowing it’s gonna cause a scandal). also why go after this pap at all? louis’ at a public airport, he knows/should expect that he and e are gonna get papped, and yes this pap got kinda invasive but so do pretty much all of them at one point or another, this is nothing new, so why is this particular pap suddenly special? why, out of any of the other million times he’s been papped with e or a pap’s been particularly rude/invasive, does this particular pap get him so riled up that he feels he has to physically assault him and take his camera instead of just taking hold of e and leaving with her? (and side note: where tf was his bodyguard? the boys almost always have a bodyguard nearby, esp in airports or places they know they’re gonna be heavily papped or in a crowd so why was there none here? and also if they’re supposedly leaving the airport together why was louis not with her/nearby but all the way across the other end of the hallway when this pap came at her*?) 
then we have e who just…keeps on walking through all this like nothing’s fucking happening? i’ll give you that she might have been freaked out/scared and just wanting to get away from the guy but she doesn’t even look back to make sure her bf is okay or to see what louis’ doing or ask him to stop (b/c tbh as the 6-year gf of a public figure she should be aware of the scandal this is gonna make too, but even on top of that as a gf i would think if your bf is getting in a fight for you you’d instinctively wanna look back to make sure he’s okay at least or more likely to ask him to stop so he doesn’t get himself hurt too)? but more importantly - and this is my main question in all of this - why was this pap even hounding her in particular and not louis? because lbr louis’ the real celeb here, not her. louis’ the one whose pics are gonna bring in money, not a non-famous gf who’s face 99% of the gp wouldn’t even recognize. and yet this pap is on her? fucking why? that makes no sense, she’s not worth anything and her pics alone don’t bring him any kind of real money or notoriety. then ofc we have e just conveniently at a point past where the view of where the phone/camera is filming so you don’t actually know/can’t see what happened with her and these alleged attackers. but why would two random girls attack another random girl they see in the airport? because realistically that’s would e would most likely be to them because again, 99% of the public don’t know her face/who she is. so two girls see another girl walking through the airport and just…decide to attack her out of the blue? and conveniently what happened right before that could’ve explained or provided context for what led up to the attack is just not caught on camera by anyone else?
i’m sorry but the whole thing is just really weird and fucky and makes no sense to me and, more than that, the sequence of events just feels way too convenient and coincidental. maybe it’s legit but it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me. that said, if it was in fact planned it’s possible that either not all of it was planned (like maybe the first bit was and the rest just unfolded unexpectedly) or that it was orchestrated by some of tptb as an ambush type thing to cause a stunt but that louis (and maybe even e) wasn’t aware of/didn’t see coming, either of those could explain some of the concern on louis’ part but it could also be that he’s just that good an actor idk lol (i mean we know how good they all are at lying and pretending so)
as for them being friends it’s possible, i mean she has been around a long time so if nothing else i would think there’s at least to some degree a cordial working relationship, though whether that necessarily extends to an actual friendship who’s to say, but it’s possible and i’m not one for totally dismissing it as a theory
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theclash · 6 years
ok here we go!!
2. Are you outgoing or shy?pretty outgoing but I tend to keep to myself by choice in like school and stuff because I usually just dont have the energy
4. Are you easy to get along with?other than like with close friends… probably not. Like I think I’m easy to get along with when it comes to ppl who dont know me but if ur at the point where you know me vaguely but arent a good friend of mine I think I’m kind of abrasive idk
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?I’ve never rly had a type when it comes to girls idk!!! all the girls I’ve been attracted to have all been rly different from eachother
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?lil wayne
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?gf!
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?oh god ummmWorld In My Eyes - Depeche Mode, Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order, Space Age Love Song - Flock Of Seagulls, Don’t Go - Yaz, ALWAYS Wild West Hero - ELO
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?hmmm… sort of?? not in a super Deep way
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?1000000 times
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?no
20. Do you like your neighbors?some of them
22. Where would you like to travel?Italy, Norway, Japan mainly, plus other places of course I just wanna see where my ancestors lived (first 2) and actually use my 5 years of Japanese class for something
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?chilling in bed for hours because thats my life. also coffee
26. What do you do when you wake up?check notifications, text gf (unless its a day I work at like 7am cuz shes usually sleep still)
28. Who are you most comfortable around?Will and Em
30. Do you ever want to get married?some day
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?what the!!!!!!!
34. Do you play sports? What sports?no pensive emoji
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?many times
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?bro do people rlly walk around with a dream image for the person they wish they could be with regardless of whether they rly exist or not
40. What do you want to do after high school?lolllll
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?probably depressed or having a borderline panic attack or something
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?oh god neither
46. What are you paranoid about?losing people, illness, injury, ppl I care about being put in danger whether its due to emotional states or the situation theyre in
48. Have you ever been drunk?no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?grey
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?less paranoid
54. Favourite store?hi voltage
56. Favourite colour?blue, red, yellow
58. Last thing you ate?english muffin
60. Ever won a competition? For what?won a bid in engineering for a proposal to Boeing about ways to solve the water crisis
62. Been arrested? For what?tax evasion
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?LOOOOOL so Em and I were hanging out before her birthday thing later in the day and we went to the beach, we were just walking around n stuff then sat on a log and she asked if she could kiss me and I was like “yea sure” then she did but I didnt know what to do so it was like 2 seconds long and she was like “that wasnt a real kiss” hgfjkdhg very awkward sorry babe
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?no sry queens and legends
68. Twitter or Tumblr?tungle
70. Names of your bestfriends? Will, Sonny, Em (counting u as a best friend even if you are also my Gf)
72. What colour are your towels?dark grey
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?idk how many are put away but I have one (1) Stuffed Broccoli named Broccobama
76. What colour is your underwear?black
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?tillamook chocolate mudslide
80. What colour pants?none LOL
82. Favourite movie?the wall or yellow submarine
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?mean girls
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?gil or whatever the edgy fish with the scar. Duh
88. Last person you talked to today?texting Em rn but in person, my mom
90. Name a person you love?Em
92. In a fight with someone?the fucking weirdo anon about Joe Strummer I guess but like real talk no
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?like 5? idk
96. Favourite actress?Carrie Fisher :( Marilyn Monroe too
98. Do you tan a lot?no lol
100. How are you feeling?ok I guess
102. Do you regret anything from your past?yes
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?miss people I was once close to but I dont miss anyone who is completely cut from my life
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?probably not
108. What should you be doing?sleeping maybe??? idk
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Em
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?yes
116. Are you listening to music right now?surprisingly no
118. Do you like Chinese food?i dont dislike it but its not a favorite of mine
120. Are you afraid of the dark?honestly sometimes i get on edge 
122. Is cheating ever okay?no.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?not really
126. Are you currently bored?sorta
128. Would you change your name?I wanna change it legally yeah
130. Do you like subway?yea
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?it already asked this LOL Em
134. Can you count to one million?I sure hope so?
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?closed and only closed
138. Curly or Straight hair?curly
140. Summer or Winter?summer
142. Favourite month?August
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Dark
146. Was today a good day?6 out of 10
148. What’s your favourite quote?“It’s Gucci time” - Dee Dee Ramone/Dee Dee King
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 42 is just a picture of MCA and 43 says “Adam served as a great example for myself and for so much of what determination, faith, focus, and humility coupled with a sense of humor can accomplish”
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