#Y. Ivanov
antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Let's Draw and Paint Book. Designed by Y. Ivanov.
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reshinless · 7 days
Maybe I'm blind but I don't see a list of chars you write for so I hope it's okay to assume you write for any char from the series! Can I request Anton from ZZZ confessing to his crush headcanons or drabble? If not thats okay I understand! 🧡
──── put your head on my shoulder..
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𝜗𝜚 synopsis. how does it go when anton confesses?!
𝜗𝜚 pairings. anton x gn!reader
𝜗𝜚 director's notice. HIIIII AND TY FOR YOUR REQUEST!! i also just don't write for minors if its romance, other than that i write for everyone!!
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anton doesn't even realize it at first. but you're his favorite person. as soon as you entered his life, he always felt so fuzzy with you. so why was he feeling like this now? or was it always like that?
anton who now each time you both are so close to each other gets so easily flustered. your touch didn't always feel this nice, or maybe he just never noticed it before.
anton who decides to ask ben and grace about this. before he could to you so fluently, but ever since recently it's like his tongue is holding back!! even you noticed, teasing him with "cat got your tongue".. something along those lines.
grace was the one that told him that he had feelings.
"..anton.. you like them, have you realized each time you mention them, you start to ramble nonstop about random facts about them?" (ᵕ—ᴗ—) "WHAAAAAAAAAT." ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
probably takes a lot to convince him he likes you. like... like likes you. you know what i mean?
heating whenever he sees you so close to him.. he can already imagine the proposal i mean who said that
ben and grace (plus koleda when she can) definitely help him try and impress you. finding stuff out about you (not in the stalker way, just looking through social media profiles, or asking anton about you.) just so his confession goes well
his confession probably goes pretty smoothly, until you hear a crash in the tree nearby to find all three of his companions helping him on what to say, how sweet
if you do reject him after this though, he'll offer to still be friends, not wanting to ruin the relationship you already established with him. but it would definitely hurt his pride greatly.
(and same day if you rejected him his hair kinda deflates.)
oh but when you accept it he's over the moon. oh but he totally knew like definitely (was so anxious and scared about it he almost passed out while rehearsing, ben pretending to be you, grace and koleda in the background with a speakerphone)
probably does NOT wanna rush this process with you at all.. but i'll talk about relationships another time
( ˶°ㅁ°) (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ) you n anton :3
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thanks for reading, request something while they're open (while i have motive)
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teabiscs · 1 year
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Just some more hair down yuriy.
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killianalistairremus · 2 months
I miss drawing Luka <3
(Left is old art. Right is redraw with different vibes)
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dionis-kaos · 2 years
Mis amados OC❤️💕
Kai x Matt
Ambos son personajes de mi trilogía de libros de fantasía oscura "El Brujo y El Muro" (trilogía de libros gratuíta y en PDF para su deleite 😌✨)
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elcorreografico · 8 days
INIDEP donó muestras de cefalópodos al Museo de La Plata para su exhibición permanente
El INIDEP entregó muestras de cefalópodos al Museo de La Plata, destacando la soberanía en las Islas Malvinas y la biodiversidad patagónica
El INIDEP entregó muestras de cefalópodos al Museo de La Plata, destacando la soberanía en las Islas Malvinas y la biodiversidad patagónica. El Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) realizó una significativa donación al Museo de La Plata el pasado 6 de septiembre, al entregar muestras de cefalópodos que serán exhibidas de manera permanente en la sala de invertebrados…
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takusan-no-ai · 2 months
Your Comfort Bubble
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PAIRING: Anton x Female Reader (Romantic) (Angst)
SUMMARY: (Y/N) is maid at Victoria Housekeeping with a dull personality, and Anton is her (annoying) client.
It was constant bickering with you two; your coworkers and his would avoid doing work together just to keep the peace. For context, you’re a maid at Victoria Housekeeping, and Anton was your first client ever. With his bright personality and sweet intentions you’d think everything would go fine!
Well…it didn’t. He was hard to understand, he kept talking to a machine and calling it his “bro”. Something that made you believe he wasn’t really working for Belobog and was a fraud. Add on to the constant lectures about you needing to “express yourself more” and it all went downhill.
Eventually you had to leave for a moment and call in Corin to help you finish the commission. At first, she didn’t expect anything to be amiss…and then Anton opened his big mouth. “Why are you so dull in personality? People are more willing to be friends with people who wear their hearts on their sleeves! Trust me, me and my bro–”
“ENOUGH ABOUT YOUR STUPID BRO! You’ve been going on and on about my personality for hours! Well what about yours! You’re annoying, can’t speak f*#@% english, and clearly lack the brain cells necessary to comprehend that you’re speaking to. a. damn. MACHINE!”
Corin had never seen you outburst like that. Poor girl was so scared she just tried to finish the commission as soon as possible to salvage this job; even offered Anton a discount to make up for it.
After everything was said and done, Corin went back to the headquarters with you, promising to keep what happened between you two; she understood how scary it can be to disappoint a client…and to disappoint Von Lycaon.
Since then tension has been high between the two of you. And the strange thing was, neither of you were really upset at each other; Anton understands that he was being rude nitpicking your personality, and you understand that all your yelling wasn’t really necessary to get a point across. But both of you were too uneasy about the situation to mend it.
That was, until, Anton had a talk with his bro. A real bro doesn’t leave uncertainty up in the air, nor walks away from the responsibility of being a good person and apologizing. Anton shed tears at his bro’s poetic words. Never before has he felt more ashamed in himself as a bro!
(Y/N) was waiting outside of Coffe Cafe on Lumina Street for her client. Since the…incident…she began working on her anger, and has since had more of a tolerance towards even the more headache inducing clients.
“Ah, (Y/N), I’m glad you made it!” That voice was all too familiar to her, and in an instant, it was like all her hard work was slowly diminishing. Anton sat down in the seat across from her, coughing awkwardly into his hand.
He took a deep breath before puffing out his chest and bowing at a perfect ninety degree angle. “I’m incredibly sorry for what I said all those weeks back! I don’t ask for your forgiveness, only that we can start anew! My name is Anton Ivanov, I work for Belobog Heavy Industries, and my bro is a machine! I’m rough around the edges and have a hard time reading the room! Nice to meet you!”.
Never before had (Y/N) seen a more earnest apology. She couldn’t bring herself to hold a grudge against him after hearing all that. “You’re forgiven. Oh! My name is (Y/N), I work for Victoria Housekeeping, and I have some anger issues! My personality may not be the most enthusiastic, but…I want to be friends with more people.” She tried to fight back a few tears from falling, but failed.
Anton scooted closer to her, wiping away her tears. They both gazed into each other’s eyes, the sudden close proximity causing them both to blush.
“I’ll be your friend…,” he mumbled.
- Fin
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Royal Comfort : Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
Description: 2.1k wc sick!reader fic where reader is Nikolai’s wife and becomes sick after not heeding advice to rest her voice.
Warnings: illness/sickness, mentions of eating and drinking/soup and tea, mentions of Nikolai being shirtless (just fluff though, I promise), Nikolai bring a protective!simp for reader. 🖤
Note: full disclosure this wasn’t a WIP but rather to help my little sis @ell0ra-br3kk3r feel better 💜
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“I thought you agreed to take it easy today” Nikolai sighed, walking into his office and seeing his wife y/n tidying up.
She turned to him with a guilty smile.
“How’s your throat?” He questioned, stepping to her.
“It’s gr-“ she coughed, “great”.
Nikolai gave her an incredulous look.
“Milaya, I heard you singing to yourself again” He informed her, reaching for her hand.
“Habit” she mumbled, shuffling her feet against the wood floor.
He grinned softly, “I know. And it’s precious, truly. But, you have to rest your voice”.
“Are you telling me to sh-“ She coughed again and groaned, “to shut up?”
Nikolai smirked, “If that’s what gets you to rest your throat, then, yes”.
She gave him a weak glare before spinning around to resume her cleaning.
“My beloved wife, we have people who can do that, you mustn’t fuss over it” He reminded her.
“You want them going through your documents?” She questioned softly, holding up one of his more confidential notes.
Nikolai hummed and took it from her, “Fair point Darling. I’ll handle this, you should see if Genya or someone can aid your throat”.
Y/n shook her head and took the paper back from Nikolai before setting it on the desk.
Nikolai watched her silently as she guided him to the lounge chair across the room.
She popped down and signaled for him to join her.
Once he sat down beside her, he moved to pull her to his chest and placed a tender kiss on the top of her head.
—— Time Skip 1 Day ——
“Darling” Nikolai scolded, arms crossed as he stared down his wife.
She winced slightly and covered her mouth.
He signed and walked to her before lowering her hand with his.
“I’m just worried you’ll make yourself worse” Nikolai explained.
She nodded, “I’m not trying to be difficult, it’s just so routine”.
Nikolai pulled her to him, resting his chin on her head, “perhaps you should stay in bed where you don’t have a reason to sing?”
Y/n looked around the room she’d been painting in and frowned.
As she turned back to Nikolai she shook her head with a pout.
He chuckled softly, “alright, but then the signing has to be put on hold hmm?”
She sighed but nodded reluctantly.
—— Time Skip 1 Day ——
“Your highness?” Sentinel Ivanov whispered, standing behind the King as Nikolai attended yet another boring meeting.
Nikolai nodded in response to his wife’s personal guard member, but respectfully kept his eyes on the meeting’s current speaker.
“It’s the Queen,” Sentinel Ivanov began, stepping back when Nikolai’s head whipped around instantly.
“What is it? Where is she?” Nikolai questioned, diregarding the meeting he was in.
“She’s fallen ill, she hasn’t left your shared chambers but has requested your-“ Sentinel Ivanov explained cautiously.
Nikolai stood from his seat and quickly walked to the exit.
“I have a family matter to attend to. General Nazyalensky will take over” he breathily rushed out before exiting the meeting room.
Nikolai ignored the way his staff in the hall turned to watch him speed down the hallway.
Upon reaching their bedroom door, he impatiently waited for the guards to part from their blocking of the entrance and then dashed inside.
Nikolai frowned so deeply his forehead wrinkled as he saw the state his wife was in.
Y/n lay there wrapped up in the comforter in the middle of their bed, tissues scattered across the sheets, head slightly hung, and sad eyes.
He nearly choked when she glanced over to give him a weak smile.
Her nose was red and stuffy and the smile didn’t reach her eyes.
“Moya tsaritsa” he whined, rushing to her bedside.
She pointed wordlessly to her neck and frowned.
Nikolai sighed as he took her hand in his, “your sore throat worsened?”
She nodded and then paused as a shiver took over her body.
Nikolai felt her forehead with the back of his hand and let out a sigh of relief.
“No fever, let’s keep it that way, hmm?” He advised, scanning the room.
“It’s just a stuffy nose and re-“ y/N’s voice cracked, “really bad sore throat”.
Nikolai nodded and gently moved the pillows behind her before scooping her up in his arms.
He delicately placed her back down on the bed, closer to the head of it this time.
“Let me change and then we’ll cuddle and get some rest okay?” Nikolai offered.
“You could get sick Kolya” she whined followed by a small coughing fit.
He raised an accusatory eyebrow, “you expect me to care about that?! Especially when you’re ill?”
Y/n smiled softly at him but nodded.
Nikolai chuckled softly as he removed his uniform top.
“Your guard informed me that you requested my presence “ Nikolai grinned, although he was inferring that information as he hadn’t let Sentinel Ivanov finish before he rushed to come to her aid.
Y/n coughed loudly, making Nikolai’s head whip around to look over her.
As she lowered her arm from her mouth she sighed, “I’m okay”.
He shook his head and resumed changing his clothes.
“I didn’t think about it when I asked for you” she mumbled, “but I don’t want you to get-“
“Enough of that y/n,” he warned, “I won’t have it. You are my one true love and I’m not leaving your side until you’re well”.
“Bu-but you don’t have time to-“ she argued weakly.
Nikolai turned to her, his robe hanging open around his torso as he stared at her.
“Y/n/n, I always have time for you. I love you” he cooed as he made his way back to her.
“Even when I’m sick?” Y/n questioned, followed by another cough.
Nikolai pouted and softly pulled her arm away from her face after she finished coughing, “especially when you're sick. Sick people need even more love and time than usual, you know."
Y/n whimpered quietly as she reached to her husband, “…… I love you immensely”.
He smiled and slid into the bed beside her, his arms instantly closing around her frame.
“I love you too moya tsaritsa, now how can I help?” He questioned, kissing her forehead.
She shrugged, desperately clinging onto him, “don’t know. I’m fine”.
Nikolai sighed, moving one hand from her back to her chin and tilting her face upwards, “what’s the matter?”
“This is humiliating” she pouted, eyes darting anywhere but his face.
“There's nothing humiliating about needing help once in a while, my love” he promised, smiling tenderly at her.
She finally made eye contact with him and sniffled, “but you have more important-“.
“No” Nikolai stated, his hand placed over her mouth.
She gasped and then giggled against his hand, making him smile as he pulled his hand back.
“Don’t make me risk you having to cough because I had to cover your mouth. You’re not permitted to finish that sentence” Nikolai alerted her.
“Per-permitted?” She coughed and rose her eyebrow at him.
“You know I’d never restrict you milaya, but this is one exception. I will not stand for you insinuating that there’s anything in this world I would find more important than you” he affirmed, holding her closer to his bare chest.
Y/n laid her head against his torso with a smile on her lips.
“You’re sitting though” she teased quietly.
Nikolai chuckled loudly and tickled her sides.
As her laughter turned into coughs, he abruptly stopped and held her still as his eyes scanned her face.
“I’m terribly sorry love, that was a bad idea” he apologized frantically.
“Moi tsar, Moi Kolya, it isn’t y-your fault” y/n assured him, her voice cracking slightly.
Nikolai bent his head down to place a kiss to her stuffy nose.
“Shhh y/n/n, you don’t need to talk love” he advised, shifting so she could rest on his chest again.
A few calm moments passed before y/n pulled back to glance up at her husband again.
Nikolai smirked at her inability to stay still and nodded for her to explain what was on her mind.
“You’re not mad at me?” She questioned in a breathy whisper.
Nikolai’s eyes nearly crossed as he tried to figure out where she’d get such an idea from.
“Course not, why would I be?” He wondered, staring deeply into her eyes for an answer.
“I..” she sniffled and rubbed the tip of her swollen nose with the side of her palm, “I didn’t listen when you said to stop singing”.
Nikolai let out a gust of air as he broke into a smile, “it’s okay milaya, I love your singing. Just didn’t want you to hurt is all”.
“You love my singing?” She whispered.
He cupped her cheek and guided her head back to his chest, “I am in love with your singing, y/n”.
She hummed softly but stopped as she rubbed her throat in pain.
Nikolai pursed his lips before he began to slowly moving out from behind her so he could set her against the pillows.
“I’m going to get you some tea” he informed her when she frowned at his movement.
She pouted and shook her head as she tightened her grip on the edges of his robe to try and hold him down.
Despite the fact he could very easily escape her grip, he didn’t want to; and she clearly didn’t want him to either.
So, he placed a tender kiss to the top of his wife’s head.
“Sentinel Ivanov” Nikolai called out, his hands placed over y/n’s ears.
There was a firm knock on the doors of their bed chambers as Sentinel Ivanov responded, “Korol Lantsov?”
“You may enter” Nikolai confirmed, lowering his hands from his wife’s ears.
“Korol, Koroleva” Sentinel Ivanov bowed as he reached the end of the couple’s bed.
“Ilya, please rise” Nikolai said at the same time y/n said, “you don’t need to do bow”.
Ilya smiled and nodded at them as he waited to hear why he’d been called.
“Would you please have the kitchen fetch some warm tea, and perhaps honey if there’s any, for my loving wife?” Nikolai requested, rubbing y/n’s shoulder that wasn’t pressed against his chest.
“Of course moi tsar, anything else for Koroleva Lantsov?” Ilya replied with a nod.
Nikolai glanced down lovingly at his wife, “anything else you think will help, darling?”
She shook her head and then pulled her shirt over her nose as she coughed again.
Nikolai frowned, glancing between his wife and Sentinel Ivanov.
Ilya gave Nikolai a sympathetic look, knowing full well how much y/n’s discomfort was impacting the King.
“Has anyone brought her food today?” Nikolai questioned Ilya upon remembering it was nearly noon.
Ilya shook his head, “no one other than yourself has left nor entered these chambers today. Well, and now myself”.
Nikolai nodded, sighing as he looked back at his wife.
Y/n lifted her head to make eye contact with Nikolai as she felt his gaze.
“It hurts too much” she whispered.
Nikolai pressed his lips into a fine line as he thought of how to make sure she still ate.
“Perhaps there’s some soup or broth in the kitchen?” Nikolai asked as his eyes snapped to Ilya.
“I can certainly check sir” Ilya agreed.
Nikolai hummed and nodded, “that’ll be all. Thank you”.
—— Short Time Skip ——
“You must love me a lot” y/n croaked a Nikolai lowered the spoon back to the bowl of soup.
“Obviously, you idiot” Nikolai smirked, bringing up another spoonful of warm broth.
She squinted at him but sipped the broth from the spoon in his hand.
“Now you’re insulting a sick person?” Y/n huffed.
He chuckled, “only when you say such obvious things”.
She smiled and softly pushed his hand back down to the dish has he brought up another spoonful.
“You’re full?” He questioned warily.
She nodded and he grinned as she let out a yawn.
“Fair enough, but you’re going to have some more tea before we go to sleep” he ordered as he set the bowl on the bedside table.
—— Short Time Skip ——
“Don’t” y/n whispered, eyelids blinking slowly.
She yawned and snuggled into Nikolai’s embrace even more, “don’t stop.. your fingers…”
Nikolai hummed tenderly, his fingers still moving through her hair.
“Your fingers” she repeated lowly, “feel so nice in my hair”.
He smirked to himself before lowering his head to press a kiss to her head.
“So cozy Kolya” y/n mumbled, her eyelids closing.
Nikolai watched her closely until he saw the rise and fall of her chest.
Once he noticed her eyelids and facial features relaxed, he let out a satisfied sigh.
“Rest well my dear Koroleva” Nikolai hummed, letting his own eyes close.
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danvolodar · 5 months
Pathologic and the Town's Russianness: 1
For part 1, let's explore the naming conventions Pathologic uses, and whether its Town characters have Russian surnames.
The names of the townsfolk are remarkably non-Russian
The Kin, of course, have their names in their own Steppe language, which is a conlang that Ice Pick Lodge conscructed based on Mongolic and Turkic (mostly Buryat) tongues. So, no questions with that.
But what about the Town itself, and the names of the people living in it?
For starters, it must be noted that the foundational workings of surnames in Russian are pretty much the same as in most European languages: a surname denotes someone's ancestor's relation to craft (such as the most common surname both in English - Smith, and in Russian - Kuznetsov, meaning exactly the same), kin, appearance feature, or other such concept.
As an inflected language, however, Russian adds special suffixes to its usual roots to arrive at surnames. The most well-known of them is, of course, -ov. In the example above it turns kuznets (smith, as an occupation) into Kuznetsov (Smith, as a surname). It is also used to form the archetypical Russian surname: Ivanov, that is, related to Ivan. It is, however, by far not the only suffix used, and there are multiple others: -in, -tsyn, -shyn, -ev, -tsev, -y, and more.
Most of these allow to construct feminine forms by simple addition of the ending -a (Saburov - Saburova); but some are more complex (Olgimsky - Olgimskaya). Such complexity usually marks suffixes used in other Slavic tongues: -y in particular is often seen in Belorussian and Polish.
With all that in mind, let's explore the names we find in the Town-on-Gokhon. And the thing immediately striking is just how little surnames formed from Russian roots and Russian suffixes there are.
First, there are obviously non-Russian surnames, such as Ravel, Block, Longin, Feugel, Yan, Croy. Most of them appear to come from other European languages.
Is that probable for a Russian Empire stand-in? Yes. It was a multinational state, and there were enough Europeans among the elite for Vyazemsky to bemoan in mid-XIX century that "the Russian God" is "God whose favour falls on Germans". (Then again, hardly surprising under the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty, ethnically German and only taking German wives for generations, despite ruling Russia).
Then, there are the surnames with Russian suffixes: Saburov, Stamatin, Lyuricheva, Olgymsky, Dankovsky. But the thing is, none of these have Russian roots! Saburov is based on Tatar (patient, hardy); Stamatin on Greek (persistent, stable); Lyuricheva, Olgymsky and Dankovsky are Slavic-sounding, but appear to be unique to the game's characters. As a side note here, Dankovsky is apparently based on a name from Gorky's Old Izergiel (Danko, a brave who ripped his own heart out to light the way for the rest of his peope).
Now, is that probable? It's stretching the suspension of disbelief a bit. Yes, there had been Tatars among the Russian elite since before the day Kazan was conquered by Moscow, which reflected in their surnames. Yes, priesthood surnames could include Greek roots. And yes, the Western Slavs were also in the Empire. But it's hard to imagine all of these coinciding to entirely drown out the surnames based on Russian roots!
All in all, this distribution sounds like a conscious artistic choice, making such an assemblage less likely for historic Eastern Europe rather than Central one.
As a sort of postscript, for these who could be bothered to read this far down. There's an interesting quirk about the female surnames in the game: in Russian, unless a surname ends with one of the Russian suffixes, it retains its basic form (same as the masculine) even when women use it. Thus, Lara's surname is Ravel, same as her father's; same thing with Croy. But there's a curious exception: the Kains. Their surname is obviously based on the eponymous Biblical character, Cain. The only thing is, Cain is not a Russian word, and thus the women of the family should apparently still have the surname Kain. Yet they do not, they use Kaina - which suggests that their surname uses the Russian suffix -in: just someone related to something called Ka-, perfectly normal, totally a word, no primordial killers in sight.
Whether that is simple wordplay, a way to show the lineage deeply assimilated, a way to take the focus off the Biblical relation, or anything else, is up to the reader to decide.
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frozenprincess · 1 year
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Búsqueda de PJ para el foro: https://1920-ny.foroactivo.com/
El medio hermano bastardo de Irina y Andrey, el mayor de los tres. Ellos jamás han escuchado hablar de su hermanastro, pero él sí conoce quién es su padre. Criado muy lejos de los lujos y la vida palaciega que sí han tenido sus hermanos, Dmitri Ivanov es el hijo de una campesina a la que un hombre de la alta sociedad rusa dejó embarazada antes de casarse con la madre de Irina. Aunque lo mantuvo siempre en secreto, Alexandr Ivanov ayudaba económicamente a su bastardo y a la madre de éste, pero negándose a reconocer al hijo como suyo o a tener contacto alguno con él. Dmitri es de los primeros soldados en alistarse en el Ejército Rojo, siendo un ferviente bolchevique a pesar de sus raíces aristócratas, de las cuáles reniega, ocultando quién es su padre a sus camaradas comunistas.
Es un hombre despiadado, no duda en eliminar a cualquier objetivo que sus superiores designen, incluidos sus medio hermanos o su propio progenitor si fuese necesario. De hecho, es enviado a Nueva York en busca de Irina, con el objetivo de asesinarla y dar así por terminada la dinastía Ivanov, siendo ella la única miembro que se conoce viva, ya que Andrey sigue desaparecido. 
La idea de esta búsqueda es que Dmitri cambie de opinión sobre asesinar a Irina al conocerla, detalles por privado, pero se baraja el incesto :)
Datos sobre Dmitri: ♡ Es un hombre frío, que rara vez muestra sus sentimientos o sonríe. ♡ Asesino despiadado, carga más muertes de las que puede contar a sus espaldas. ♡ Ha sido entrenado por el Ejército Rojo para ser un súper-soldado completamente letal. ♡ Solo habla en ruso, desprecia el inglés y a los Estados Unidos por encima de todo. ♡ Tener que ir a Nueva York le incomoda, pero no cesará hasta encontrar a su media hermana. ♡ Ostenta el rango de Teniente en su división. ♡ Orientación sexual: heterosexual. ♡ Tiene un sentido del humor oscuro, que casi nadie comprende. ♡ En Nueva York está metido en peleas ilegales por mera diversión. ♡ Lleva tatuajes que se hizo durante su tiempo en el frente. -Se requiere prueba de rol para este personaje. -FC negociable, aunque prefiero que sea Tom Wlaschiha y daré prioridad a quién escoja este FC. -Rol en tercera persona. -La historia del PJ así como su personalidad etc pueden discutirse y adaptarse al gusto de la persona que ocupe la búsqueda. -Mínimo dos post a la semana (excepto si se postea ausencia por algún motivo) -Cualquier duda, pregunta o lo que sea me podéis mandar MP para hablar por Discord.
Enlace a la búsqueda: https://1920-ny.foroactivo.com/t5964-busqueda-fire-blood-a-little-mouse-1-4#25526  
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pheleszev · 3 months
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Mi aporte al día 7 del BeyFest:
✔️Topic: Triste
✔️Personajes: Yuriy Ivanov y Rei Kon
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Let's Draw and Paint Book. Designed by Y. Ivanov.
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alexa-mwll · 2 months
This is the OC fairy 🌼🧚‍♀️ When you get this in your ask box, please tell us three facts or trivia about one of your OCs, then pass it on to someone else 🩷 Let's learn about each other's OCs! 💛💐 (no pressure to do this if you'd rather not!)
For Anastasia please 😎
Hola Aly! ✨
Aquí te van algunos facs de Anastasia ✨❤
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Anastasia Ivanov
-She idolizes the people who managed to make a change within the War.
-She is really shy, but when she gains confidence, no one can stop her. 😆
I based a small part of his personality and way of thinking on a former special forces soldier from Mexico (I met him and he told me many things, everything he saw, did and felt since he entered the Army. , until departure). The rest is mere coincidence.
She only had one mission in presence with Adler, she saw how professional Adler was and took him as an example to follow, and secretly once she dropped Adler's glasses in the mud, she just silently cleaned them. and gave them to Adler without him knowing 🤫😅
Ella solita trae su desmadre me cae 😡
Y perdona por no contestar, según yo había publicado esto y al final estaba en borradores 😫
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tokachithewarrior2 · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
I think I just posted this but I'll re-do it
1. Baking and cooking: One of the happinesses that reaches the hearts of many people! 🩷💜
2. Swimming: I am a good swimmer but I have few advantages of being able to go to public pools.
3. Singing: There is not a day where I do not get a melody out of my mouth, from these songs to memes to trending ones. XD hasta unos cuantos de mis amigos dicen que soy una radio viviente. Porque mi papá me llama "Cabeza de rocola"
4. Hablar con mis amigos(deste americanos hasta latinos(más aún ellos que son mis panas >;3)
5. Leyendo fanfics(recuerden que soy multi-fandom): Deste los "Ships con Y/n" hasta "Wholesome ships" vi de todo 👌🏼👌🏼
@kayakin064 @deexharmony @shortnessangel @vanetheglitchfox @prometeo1170 @3lm4nz4-danzv @alek-ivanov @ta-loca-kimixd @mel-loly @kimquatz
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mr-clow · 10 months
Ensemble 1: Humanity conveys. Part 1:
I stood as the representatives entered the room. There was an eerie silence as they took in what they were seeing. Several emotions flashed through their faces, while most of them were offended, angered or just incredulous, at first everyone settled with the idea that they were going to lose time and that I was crazy. They slowly took their seats, took data pads or paper notes out or serve themselves some water, until one of them spoke.
Nakamura – General Iceni, we are ready to start, how long do you plan to stand there?
Boudica – The amount of time necessary for all of you to pay respects as expected and introduce yourselves, Chief Nakamura. I did something you should have done and was expected of you all, and that is to at least have the minimum information of whom you will be meeting with. We are not here to drink tea, and none of you are inexperienced in politics.
Nakamura – We are here to talk about your insubordination general Iceni, don’t think for a second about using your position as an excuse for this drama.
Boudica – Chief Nakamura, firstly, you and all the people present here will address me as Boudica. And you are here not to judge anyone but to negotiate what will be our relationship from now on, as you are afraid to touch me given the support I have from humanity. So I will say this again, you will pay the necessary respects and introduce yourself formally, and those that choose not to will not leave this room alive. Did I make myself clear enough, or earth governments sent envoys with cognitive issues?
Nakamura – HOW YOU DAR...
Blood splattered across the table and Nakamura body fell over his own brains now spread over the surface. The seven dignitaries gasped and push themselves off the table, trying to get as far as possible from the bloody remains. The gun went back to Duarte’s belt, and silence took over the meeting for over a minute. After that, all the remaining guests stood and started presenting themselves.
Boudica – You may seat. I am glad to receive every one of you. Please, don’t be frightened about what just happened, you are allowed to convey any idea or question it may arise as long as you do it with the appropriate respect the situation calls for. I will clarify one more issue, for me, Jeanette Iceni died on the attack to Amanitore station. Now I have taken the identity of Boudica and the people in this station have declared me their Queen, as I have not asked for these clothes or the throne but rather they gave it to me. I wish only for one and only goal, revenge of the treacherous attackers that killed millions of humans, KalHal and Sanari. I do not wish to drag in this endeavour people that wish not to fight, and I will not go against anyone wishes or opinions as long as they do not intend to stop me and those who follow me. So now, as Queen Boudica, I declare this session started. Please, speak.
Mikhail – Your Majesty, I am the chief strategist for war councils Mikhail Ivanov, and as you already know, now the second in command for this envoy. I will explain the orders given to us as an envoy for you to understand our situation, and we will move from there to look for a solution that suits everyone present.
Boudica – Please, continue. I need that information to know what my standing is for the governments of earth, even if I already have an idea.
Mikhail – Our task was to negotiate with you for the command of this station, the cease of military actions and a public apology to deny the broadcast that was emitted two days ago. In exchange for that, you would be removed from your position as general and given a new identity to start a new life.
Boudica – Lady Sofia Al-Mansoori, if I remember correctly, you are a declared specialist in interstellar conflict resolution. Since your arrival at this station, you saw not only that the station did not stop its operations, but that the social climate of the people here was not the one you were expecting. I had read your studies several times in my previous life and I am sure you can respond to chief Ivanov why everything that you were told now holds no value.
Sofia – Yes, your majesty. Let me clarify the situation for all the guest here and if I am mistaken please feel free to correct me. Earth government started with the assumption that a rouge general tried to single-handedly take military resources to start a suicide crusade against any alien ship crossed its path. This said general, to gain time and support from local sources, made a speech while being mentally unstable and proceeded to guide a revolt, halting all the station activities, destroying the chain of command and should now be trying to flee on a ship to start its personal war with a selected few. Sadly for chief Nakamura, who took this information as the only plausible situation, thanks to the outstanding media control that was exercised from the beginning we could not have been more mistaken. Now, taking into account historical events, I am prompted to say that we are in front of a self-appointed leader, with a strong support from humanity, a common enemy to use as a justification, an emotional goal to unite her supporters and enough charisma to avoid a strong rejection from those who don’t support her. As I personally see it, the correct course of action for this envoy is to retire and establish a communication channel with the earth government.
Boudica – I am flabbergasted with your response, lady Al-Mansoori. Even if you lied in your explanation. You know as well as I do that having a Spec-Ops team eliminate me is the fastest and economic solution for earth government, given that you realized that my mental state does not allow you to use me as a political puppet. Even more, sir Rajesh Patel, as a chief of strategic alliances for earth, I should assume that the plan to use me to unite the public opinion should have come from you.
Rajesh – Your majesty, what you said is true, but the profile we had for this operation was not even close to reality. As for what you said about the assault team, I must say that you are mistaken in that point.
Mikhail – Your majesty, it is understandable that you need to think in the worst outcome possible, but that might be a little too much.
Boudica – Please, please, let me stop you right here. Sir Knight Silva, have you received any reports from the situation outside this room?
Duarte – Yes, your majesty, we are ready to deliver.
Boudica – Please, let them in then.
Mikhail stood quickly. — Deliver what may I…
The doors opened completely and a lifter, loaded with forty corpses in different states of disarray, entered the room. All the corpses had assault uniform and were still armed. Sofia and a couple more of the delegates stood up, and the real negotiations started there.
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compneuropapers · 9 months
Interesting Papers for Week 2, 2024
Amblyopic stereo vision is efficient but noisy. Alarcon Carrillo, S., Hess, R. F., Mao, Y., Zhou, J., & Baldwin, A. S. (2023). Vision Research, 210, 108267.
When knowledge hurts: humans are willing to receive pain for obtaining non-instrumental information. Bode, S., Sun, X., Jiwa, M., Cooper, P. S., Chong, T. T.-J., & Egorova-Brumley, N. (2023). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290 (2002).
Active inductive inference in children and adults: A constructivist perspective. Bramley, N. R., & Xu, F. (2023). Cognition, 238, 105471.
Normative and mechanistic model of an adaptive circuit for efficient encoding and feature extraction. Chapochnikov, N. M., Pehlevan, C., & Chklovskii, D. B. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(29), e2117484120.
Having multiple selves helps learning agents explore and adapt in complex changing worlds. Dulberg, Z., Dubey, R., Berwian, I. M., & Cohen, J. D. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(28), e2221180120.
The perception of silence. Goh, R. Z., Phillips, I. B., & Firestone, C. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(29), e2301463120.
Statistical learning across passive listening adjusts perceptual weights of speech input dimensions. Hodson, A. J., Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., & Holt, L. L. (2023). Cognition, 238, 105473.
Acetylcholine‐sensitive control of long‐term synaptic potentiation in hippocampal CA3 neurons. Kassab, R. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(8), 948–969.
Learning the Vector Coding of Egocentric Boundary Cells from Visual Data. Lian, Y., Williams, S., Alexander, A. S., Hasselmo, M. E., & Burkitt, A. N. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(28), 5180–5190.
Blocking D2/D3 dopamine receptors in male participants increases volatility of beliefs when learning to trust others. Mikus, N., Eisenegger, C., Mathys, C., Clark, L., Müller, U., Robbins, T. W., … Naef, M. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4049.
Flexible specificity of memory in Drosophila depends on a comparison between choices. Modi, M. N., Rajagopalan, A. E., Rouault, H., Aso, Y., & Turner, G. C. (2023). eLife, 12, e80923.
Memory and attention: A double dissociation between memory encoding and memory retrieval. Mulligan, N. W., Spataro, P., & West, J. T. (2023). Cognition, 238, 105509.
A functional logic for neurotransmitter corelease in the cholinergic forebrain pathway. Nair, A., Teo, Y. Y., Augustine, G. J., & Graf, M. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(28), e2218830120.
On the Functional Role of Gamma Synchronization in the Retinogeniculate System of the Cat. Neuenschwander, S., Rosso, G., Branco, N., Freitag, F., Tehovnik, E. J., Schmidt, K. E., & Baron, J. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(28), 5204–5220.
From Motivation to Action: Action Cost Better Predicts Changes in Premovement Beta-Band Activity than Speed. Pierrieau, E., Berret, B., Lepage, J.-F., & Bernier, P.-M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(28), 5264–5275.
Circuit coordination of opposing neuropeptide and neurotransmitter signals. Soden, M. E., Yee, J. X., & Zweifel, L. S. (2023). Nature, 619(7969), 332–337.
Reinforcement learning establishes a minimal metacognitive process to monitor and control motor learning performance. Sugiyama, T., Schweighofer, N., & Izawa, J. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3988.
Natural statistics support a rational account of confidence biases. Webb, T. W., Miyoshi, K., So, T. Y., Rajananda, S., & Lau, H. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 3992.
Subspace partitioning in the human prefrontal cortex resolves cognitive interference. Weber, J., Iwama, G., Solbakk, A.-K., Blenkmann, A. O., Larsson, P. G., Ivanovic, J., … Helfrich, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(28), e2220523120.
Trait anxiety is associated with hidden state inference during aversive reversal learning. Zika, O., Wiech, K., Reinecke, A., Browning, M., & Schuck, N. W. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 4203.
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