#X-Manson Annotated
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x-manson-annotated · 6 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Master Post Master Post
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four + Supplimental
Chapter Five
It's all over, the X-Manson annotations are over, and now I can relax and maybe read and analyze a pleasant fanfiction that doesn't make my head spin. I hope that this ends with me getting all of my thoughts out.
Thank you @darkfiremaster and @rei-ismyname for your contributions to the discussion.
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 1 year ago
X-Manson by Doctor Benway - Annotated by Tsar
X-Manson or X-Mansion is an X-Men fanfiction written by someone under the username Dr Benway; because there is no discussion of it online, I have decided to annotate it piece by piece to dissect it via Tumblr. If you are interested in helping, please message me with things that i have missed or questions. My text notes will be like this but in pink, while Benway's story will be written in white. I will mark text with the story in red like this to drive attention to narration points that will be important later.
The annotations begin underneath the keep reading break.
Part 2
Her room is very small. It is 12 feet by 10 feet, not including the bathroom that was once a closet. Along one wall there is a steel kitchenette unit that was once lime green. It contains a sink and a refrigerator that is so small that it puts the place in violation of the building codes. Next to the kitchenette is a small table with a kitchen chair. There are papers on the table, neatly stacked. They are the weekly problem sets turned in by 231 first year physics students at the University of Saskatchewan, where she works as a teaching assistant. There is a cheque on the table as well, still in its envelope. It is for a very small amount of money, less than half of what the alcoholic prostitute downstairs collects on Disability.
The "she" in question is Kitty Pryde of the X-Men. The sets of 231 first year physics papers are in reference to how Kitty was portrayed as exceptionally bright, gifted even in her earliest appearances.
She also sleeps in the room. There is a small bed in one corner that she sits on. There is a plastic milk crate in one corner. A 13 inch colour television and a VCR sit on the crate. The remainder of the room is filled in by bookcases. There are two that block the two windows, nailed into place with two-by-fours. The bookcases are filled with expensive books on physics that were borrowed or stolen from a number of prairie university libraries. There is another bookcase and a file cabinet blocking the door, which is also sealed off by two-by-fours. None of this stops her from getting in and out. Her landlord could care less, as long as he gets his cheque each week. Not that he would complain if he did enter. The entire room and its attached bathroom are spotlessly clean from the orange shag carpet to the offwhite spackled ceiling.
She sits on the bed. She is of average height for a woman, 64 inches tall. Her brown hair is cut short, very short. She is slight, the kind of slightness that comes from potential fatal illnesses of psychological origin. She stares. It unnerves people, drives them away. The only ones who don't notice are the ex-psychiatric patients who live in her house and her street. She is the only person who is not living there because she has no other choice.
No-one is upset now by her staring, because she is alone and staring at the television. It is tuned to the local CBC affiliate. The National has just finished, and now there will be a documentary. She is going to watch the documentary. On her table is the receipt from the counselling centre, where she went when she discovered that the documentary was going to be shown uncut.
The credits come on, indicating that the film had been produced by Film Four International, Canal Plus, RAI, ZdF, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. It is a film about the United States of America.
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a-roguish-gambit · 8 months ago
In the 2000 X-Men fanfic, X-Manson. I think Remy is mentioned offhand as being a used car salesman.
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This is either referencing either Remy or The Shadow King. The new Orleans of it all makes me think of Remy.
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Thats all I have to say to this.
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x-manson-annotated · 9 months ago
Three of the original five X-Men. You can learn more here:
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oh… my god
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ultrabadbish · 8 years ago
March 3rd
Tianna Marshall English 2010 Professor Smith 03 March 2017 Annotated Bibliography Blair, R.J.R. “The Roles of Orbital Frontal Cortex in the Modulation of Antisocial Behavior.”Brain and Cognition, 1st ed., vol. 55, Elsevier, Canada, pp. 198–208.    In the book “Brain and Cognition” R.J.R Blair addresses the roles that the orbital frontal cortex has on the human brain in relation to antisocial behavior. The orbital frontal cortex has an effect on a person's reactive aggression either increasing or decreasing it. They provided lots of studies about whether or not this may cause a person to have antisocial behavior but it can not be made clear. They provide pictures of a neurological study of people who have described having sociopathy.    I can use some of the studies from the article to show that if there is an abnormality is the function of the orbital frontal cortex that it can cause people to be more aggressive and/or violent. Bonn, Scott A. “Serial Killer Myth #1: They'Re Mentally Ill or Evil Geniuses.” Psychology Today, N/a, 16 June 2014, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wicked-deeds/201406/serial-killer-myth-1-theyre-mentally-ill-or-evil-geniuses. Accessed 28 Feb. 2017.    In the article, “Serial Killer Myth #1: They’re Mentally Ill or Evil Geniuses” Scott Bon argues that serial killers are not mentally ill not are they evil geniuses. Bon says that serial killers are more likely to have antisocial personality disorder which they claim is not a mental illness rather a mental health condition. He argues that there are very few serial killers who suffer from a mental illness. He claims that the stereotype that killers are evil geniuses is wrong but the media has portrayed them as very intelligent. He blames the deranged actions of a serial killer on obsession and psychopathic personalities.    This article could be used against the argument that psychopathy and sociopathy are a mental illness and serial killers do not kill because they have a mental illness. KENDELL, R. E. “The Distinction between Personality Disorder and Mental Illness.” The British Journal of Psychiatry, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1 Feb. 2002, bjp.rcpsych.org/content/180/2/110.full. Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.    The article, “The Distinction between Personality Disorder and Mental Illness” R.E Kendall clarifies the issues regarding personality disorder and psychopathy as a mental illness. He provides the definitions and differences between mental illness and personality disorders. He claims that personality disorders are more severe than any mental illness and often the mental illness is actually a worsened personality disorder. Personality disorders should be regarded as risk factors. Personality disorders are a lot harder to treat than a mental illness and there is not as much information on them. The conclusion made is that personality disorders and mental illness are different things and proved by genetic and clinical evidence. This article can be used to describe what personality disorder is and how it differs from mental illness. It provides a legislative background and includes studies on personality disorders and mental illness. Kiehl, Kent, and Julia Lushing. “Psychopathy.” Scholarpedia, N/a, 2010, scholarpedia.org/article/Psychopathy. Accessed 2 Mar. 2017. In the article, “Psychopathy” by Professor Kent Kiehl and Ms. Julia Lushing provides information on psychopathy. They provide a lot of information on psychopathy including the history of psychopathy and the founding father of psychiatry, Philippe Pinel. Kiehl and Lushing also address the differences between psychopathy and sociopathy. They discuss symptoms and traits of someone who is a psychopath. The causes of psychopathy can be genetics and environmental factors. They also give a study of people who may suffer from psychopathic behaviors and the crime rate in those people. This article will provide me with all the information I need about psychopathy. It will backup my claim that psychopathy is a mental illness. It allow me to express the serial killers do indeed suffer from a mental illness with the studies that the authors provided. N/a. “Dangerous Minds: Mental Illnesses of Infamous Criminals.” Forensics Colleges, Sechel Ventures, 2013, www.forensicscolleges.com/blog/resources/dangerous-minds-criminal-mental-illness. Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.    In the article, “Dangerous Minds: Mental Illnesses of Infamous Criminals” the author provides a list of serial killers who suffer from mental illness and information on the mental illness they suffer from. Three of the most ruthless killers in America Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and Charles Manson suffered from antisocial personality disorder. This article is addressing personality disorders as a mental illness. Schizophrenia is the most common among serial killers. It provides a short definition of schizophrenia and a list of serial killers who suffered from this. Schizophrenia is considered a mental illness with no argument.    This article can be used to argue that serial killers do suffer from mental illness. I will be able to use the examples of killers in my paper. It can also backup the argument that personality disorders are a mental illness. N/a. “Mental Disorders/Mental Illness Are Not Medical Conditions.” CCHR International, N/a, 7 July 2014, www.cchrint.org/psychiatric-disorders/no-medical-tests-exist/. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.    In the article, “No Medical Tests Exist” by the website CCHR International, argues that mental disorders are not a real medical condition. They backup their claim by saying that there are no tests that can prove they have a mental illness. The argument that “real diseases” like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and etc can be proven by genetic tests, blood tests, x-rays or chemical imbalance tests whereas mental disorder can not. They even claim that the brain scans that prove a mental condition are wrong and invalid research. They also believe that mental disorders are just made up.    I will use this article for my argument. I will argue against it saying that they are wrong and mental illness can be just as serious as cancer.         N/a. “Mental Illness and the Family: Recognizing Warning Signs and How to Cope.” Mental Health America, N/a, 8 Dec. 2016, www.mentalhealthamerica.net/recognizing-warning-signs. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017. In the article, “Mental Illness and the Family: Recognizing Warning Signs and How to Cope” by Mental Health America, it explains that mental illness is a disease and results in the inability to do everyday functions. It provides background information on mental illness including that there is over 200 classified forms of the disorder. There is a list of warning signs to look for in young adults, adolescents, and adults so you can know what to look for and how to help someone with a mental disorder. It also provides coping mechanisms for the people who have a mental disorder as well as the ones who are close to someone who may suffer from this. I can use this article to better explain mental illness and use the warning signs to provide basic answers on what to look for in someone who may be suffering from a mental illness. N/a. “The Relationship between Suicide and Mental Illness.” Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto Branch, N/a, toronto.cmha.ca/mental_health/the-relationship-between-suicide-and-mental-illness/#.WLo-EYWcHIU. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017. In the article, “The Relationship between Suicide and Mental Illness” the Canadian Mental Health Association addresses the role that mental illness can play in people committing suicide. The article talks about a handful of different mental illnesses and the possibility of suicide with the given illness. It also addresses how to tell the difference between someone who is just grieving and someone who is depressed for a long period of time. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa have the highest suicide rate. It also provides information on substance abuse and how to deal with people who suffer from both substance abuse and mental illness. This article can provide me with information on mental illness and suicide. It can help prove just how serious mental illness is and should not be taken lightly. Robinson, Kara Mayer. “Sociopath vs. Psychopath: What's the Difference?” WebMD, WebMD, www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/sociopath-psychopath-difference#1. Accessed 2 Mar. 2017. In the article “Sociopath vs. Psychopath: What’s the Difference?” Kara Robinson provides the differences between sociopath and psychopath. A psychopath does not have a conscience whereas a sociopath does, even though it is very weak. Both lack empathy but they are not always violent. Psychopaths are very smart and will often pretend to be interested in you and your life, they are very good actors. Sociopaths make it obvious that they're not interested in anyone but themselves. Sociopaths act without thinking and psychopaths really over think things. This article will be able to provide me with useful information on the differences between sociopath and psychopath since many people confuse them as the same thing.   Rueve, Marie E., and Randon S. Welton. “Violence and Mental Illness.” Psychiatry (Edgmont), Matrix Medical Communications, May 2008, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686644/. Accessed 28 Feb. 2017.    In the article, “Mental Illness and Violence” Marie Rueve and Randon Welton address the issues between mental illness and violence. They bring in research about the population of people with mental illness and criminals. They also bring in biological factors that can play into violence like genetics, neurotransmitters, neuroimaging, and psychophysiology. This article contains multiple studies on groups of people with mental illness and acts of violence. They propose a plan to eliminate the stigma between violence and mental illness and realize that other things may be playing a factor. I may use this article for my argument to backup my claim that people with mental illness are not always dangerous. Sansone, Randy A., and Lori A. Sansone. “Borderline Personality and Criminality.”Psychiatry (Edgmont), Matrix Medical Communications, Oct. 2009, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2790397/. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.      In the article, “Borderline Personality and Criminality” Randy and Lori Sansone present facts about borderline personality disorder and crime rates. They say that borderline personality disorder is more common in females. There was a study among females and males in prison and the results were high for both men and women. BPD is very high in prisons, 25-30% and they are very underrated. The study also took into account what kind of crime the person had committed and if they had any sexual offenses. The factors of BPD among criminals include gender, history of sexual child abuse, domestic violence, impulsive and violent crime, and antisocial traits.    I will use this article for the argument that there is something wrong in the brain of a serial killer. They have to suffer from some sort of mental illness in order to commit such a horrific crime. Pemment, Jack. “What Would We Find Wrong in the Brain of a Serial Killer?” Psychology Today, N/a, 5 Apr. 2015 www.psychologytoday.com/blog/blame-the-amygdala/201304/what-would-we-find-wrong-in-the-brain-serial-killer. Accessed 2 Mar. 2017. In the article, “What Would We Find Wrong in the Brain of a Serial KIller?” by Jack Pemment, argues that there is obviously something wrong in the brain of a serial killer in order for them to commit horrific crimes. He addresses some of the features of a serial killer such as charm and lack of empathy. He brings up some mental disorder that have the symptoms that serial killers have. The disorders that have some of the symptoms that a serial killer has are borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and schizophrenia. With each of these disorders he provides background information and also supporting evidence of serial killers who had those disorders. I will use this article to back up my claim that serial killers suffer from some sort of mental disorder. I will use the disorders listed for support of my claim.        
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x-manson-annotated · 9 months ago
X-Manson Annotations Chapter 2 - Part One - JEAN GREY
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The first hints towards the past of Jean Grey. She first fell into a coma in 1969. In the comics, Jean fell into a coma at a younger age, right after her friend, Annie was struck by a car. This caused her to manifest her powers and link with her as she died. You will have probably seen this scene in the recent X-Men '97 cartoon.
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Here we see another hint. She was covering for Jean when Jean was twelve onward. So, perhaps the incident with Annie still happened, but Jean didn't fall into a coma immediately after. The drug use kicked it in later.
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In the rest of her speech, I'm reminded of an attitude common in small towns all around the United States. As long as you maintain appearances and pretend that everything is hunky dory, your family will remain willfully ignorant. This is a fairly common occurrence among the WASP-y population.
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Notice how short Sarah and Jean's parents' responses are to the interviewer's questions, especially in comparison to Sarah's. They're deliberately holding themselves back with short and clean answers. Meanwhile, Sarah's are long and detailed, but riddled with chunks of missing information. this isn't to say that Sarah is lying or withholding anything. She just probably isn't aware of the full context of everything around Jean. They all are.
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We see the first instance of Telepathic types in the form of slang:
Read: Meaning seeing and comprehending other's thoughts.
Write: Meaning the ability to insert memories. Communicate telepathically and alter memories.
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Here are a few more details:
Warren is a prick. Warren's father is bankrolling the school. He's also one of the members who survives the ordeal unscathed like Hank. Warren is possibly more willingly involved in the cult/school than the text shows.
Scott, shy as hell. Autistic king even in this shitty au.
They were "In Love" I don't know how much of that is true in this au. Scott and Jean are being set up to create a kind of mutant messiah by this cult. I don't know if them falling in love came first or if they were set up to be together by Xavier. This is before Cable is introduced when that plot point really falls into place.
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x-manson-annotated · 9 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter Two - Part Seven - CAPE CITADEL
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The following section discusses the Cape Citadel incident as portrayed in the X-Manson AU. It's something of a retelling of the events of X-Men #1 (1963). By this point, The Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and the cult surrounding it have existed for a year. 
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Okay, here he's placing it after the death of Kennedy. In our universe, John F. Kennedy died on November 22, 1963, meaning the incident most likely took place in December. Below is a list of presidents in chronological order provided by Doctor Benway's notes.
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This section doesn't merit its own post, but I will bring this up as details become relevant. Here we notice two things: 1. JFK's death resulted in Johnson becoming president as per usual. 2. The Vietnam War ended in 1964. Earlier on Erich mistakes the year this took place as being in '64. 
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I mean, You all saw the cover of X-Men #1, you know they don't not look like bumblebees a little bit. The whole thing would be incredibly goofy if they weren't actively doing a terrorism to Erich.
You'll notice in the next section that the entire o5 are intact and Henry is with them. So his statement of not being close with them often is a lie. A great, big, goddamn lie.
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Right here, Erich makes an error in his internal continuity. He ended the war in 1964, the year he mistook it for initially.
If Xavier was influencing their minds, maybe the version of the events in X-Men #1 that play out are what the military men believed themselves to be experiencing.
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1. Jean attacking with psionics. 2. Scott attacking with force beams. 3. Bobby attacking with ice. These are three now that we can say definitively were at the scene of the attack. Bobby is dead, Jean has had her mind hollowed by Xavier, and Scott was executed by the state.
I think that that perhaps Erich doesn't recall Warren or Hank is either because he genuinely doesn't remember them or because they're the only ones alive who could pursue legal action for unverifiable claims. Then again, the documentary doesn't seem all too worried about being sued by Hank, so it's possible that his ass wasn't too useful in the attack.
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This is the real USS Philadelphia. I'm not entirely sure why it was used in this story like this, because it wouldn't have existed at the time of the story. But, maybe this is just a minor example of the timeline being far different from our own.
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I like that John is surprised by this. it paints the picture of a well-meaning, but kind of stupid liberal. John's failure to recognize how this, coupled with America already not trusting Erich as a foreigner would inflame people's prejudice.
Xavier hoping it would cause anti-mutant backlash is interesting, it serves two purposes:
1.It promotes his insane idealogy of believing that there's going to be a race war between humans and mutants where mutants will come out on top. 2. This will draw more mutants to his school, hoping to find refuge from the resulting bigotry. The soldiers for his race war and a farm of mutant organs to harvest and study. This is where the Manson aspect of the title really comes into full display.
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x-manson-annotated · 6 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 5 - Part Seven: "CLOWNSHOES"
How do you publicly execute a man who cannot be killed?
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*As far as I can tell, I think Angela Baez might be a mix of Angela Davis and Joan Baez. Who are known for their anti-death penalty activism.
**FART-P isn't a real act. Any search for it will result in the Patriot Act.
*** They don't have to reveal any charges that reveal informers or compromise national security...So, what weird dirt did the cult have on the government? SHIELD stuff?
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*also not a real law as far as I can tell.
**No kidding.
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*I don't think Scott was ever psychically controlled. I think from everything that we've seen his brain and body were bent to the will of the cult the old-fashioned way, by completely depriving him of anything outside of it and actively punishing him for seeking it out.
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*could someone from the cult have found her and messed with her head to make her go crazy?
**Or so you thought? What made you think it?
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**She wasn't pursued at all. These mental breakdowns were normal ones from the stress of the situation.
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*Scott killed Sean?
**Also, she wasn't fucking joking about it being a lynch law, jesus christ.
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*i don't know why that is the description Benway chose to use here. This is meant to be Kitty's semi-internal monologue and it's supposed to reflect some of her thoughts on things, so why is she thinking of George Washington Gein is an Irishman's impression of a Texan?
*George Washington Gein is nobody, i think his name is a reference to Ed Gein.
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*They paid to watch a public execution. Like when people used to pay to watch someone getting fucking hanged.
**The bold blue text indicates their method of executing logan. This is why I've entitled this post "CLOWNSHOES".
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*Circus Music Plays*
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So, to recap:
Scott gets shot. That's done.
Then they try to shoot logan with hollow point bullets while he's attached to an adamantium frame that's held up in the air by a crane.
They try again, bullet bounces off and hits a civilian.
I forgot to highlight it, but then they decided to drop the frame logan is in several times in the parking lot of the courthouse.
Drove a truck over logan.
People are screaming and puking looking at his torn up, but not dead body.
a doctor tries to test and see if he's dead and gets hurt
to "finish it quickly" they decide to roll him over with a steam roller.
God. Fucking damn.
It probably would have just been easier to throw his ass in a cell forever than to do all this shit. Everyone seems incompetent from the neck up.
Also, how did they get their hands on an Adamantium Frame and why use it for this? Just because Logan can't cut his way out of it?
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x-manson-annotated · 9 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter Three - Part 9 - THE ACCUSATION
I'm going to level with you. If you weren't already put off by this story, this section might seal the deal for you. This section deals with Emma Frost being placed at the center of a scandal where she is accused of sexually abusing her students. It's awful, but it is integral to understanding the world of this story. This will be the last section of Chapter 3.
tw for that, and tw for mentions of attempted suicide.
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I'd like to know who this "Weedy Looking Man" is. My assumption is it is the X-Manson version of Trevor Fitzroy.
Like i said, this section isn't pretty. I am of the mindset that nothing happened, but this section will bring to the mind of some people the Satanic Panic and Q Anon conspiracy theories popular among the right wing.
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Shinobi Shaw, the son of Sebastian Shaw.
*also, Doug and Marie-Ange are insufferably cute.
**Pot's legal in the United States as of 1990.
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This feels like an outlandish parody until you realize that conservative media is exactly like that.
"She knew what could happen to teenaged girls" What the fuck does that mean? That feels close to "Well, you saw what she was wearing. She probably wanted it." It's a cryptic, weird thing to say.
This feels like a reflection of something you would see a lot of later in the 2000s. Ultimate Marvel used to do this thing where psychics would read minds and there would be a joke of "Oh, stop thinking about me naked." or "I wasn't thinking about it until you told me not to think about it." Shit like that. This feels like a more realistic take on how that might feel with someone with psychic powers. It isn't some kind of fun jokey thing for them. It's horrifying.
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*I'm detecting a reoccurring argument between them with this line from Marie-Ange.
**That's an incredibly strange way to speak about someone, Douglas.
***She's not wrong for thinking that.
But let's focus on the thirteen students who put forward accusations against Emma.
I can't imagine who they might be. Possibly this world's version of the Hellions, sans Marie-Ange?
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What were they arrested for?
Holy shit, Disney is not pissing around when it comes to copyright in this universe.
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This makes sense about why Xavier kept his class sizes on the smaller end. Easier for him to be more personable and manipulate the students.
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I wonder how much of that is coincidental and how much of it was orchestrated by Xavier.
The system failing to work.
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She finds it difficult to maintain romantic connections if she doesn't have access to her psi-ablities? Difficulty reading the emotions of others? Autistic Emma Frost?
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A full lobotomy with a gun killed her psychic abilities?
It's interesting that there are still mutant education systems in place in public schools.
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I have no idea who this man is meant to be.
Also the "Roy Cohn Professor of American History" Roy Cohn? like the lawyer and all-around bastard who adored Joe McCarthy.
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The Hinckley Law. This immediately puts me in mind of the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr. Reagan was never Presiden in this Au, so is it possible that Hinckley attempted to assassinate him when he was running for Governer of California?
Furthermore...Did Ronald Reagan destroy Hinckley's personality?
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You can tell this is fantasy because the American Left is presenting a unified front against Conservatism.
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Mary Jo Kopechne was a mutant with gills!
The pear-shaped man is Sebastian Shaw. This feels like an accurate way to describe the man.
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I feel like the molestations stopped around when Emma took over the school. Good god.
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Sebastian, his nose heavy with clotted phlegm and coke: how can any red-blooded American man learn in the company of disgusting WHEMEN!
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This feels like something from the McMartin Pre-School Scandal where kids were essentially coerced by law enforcement into making up bigger and bigger lies about satanic ritual abuse.
Example Below from the McMartin Preschool Trial's wikipedia page:
Some of the abuse was alleged to have occurred in secret tunnels beneath the school. Several excavations turned up evidence of old buildings on the site and other debris from before the school was built, but no evidence of any secret chambers or tunnels was found. There were claims of orgies at car washes and airports, and of children being flushed down toilets to secret rooms where they would be abused, then cleaned up and presented back to their parents.
The Cuban cigar angle feels like a nod to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.
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*This reads like a modern day Trumper losing his shit.
**If you cared about your family's "Good Name" you wouldn't have named your son "Shinobi" you insufferable goddamn weeaboo.
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Sebastian: the rich of america are entitled to live as kings! We are not unlike gods!
The mad philosopher Scalia. Is Antonin Scalia a supervillain in this universe?
*Again, you can tell this is a fantasy because we have the misfortune of having had Scalia on the Supreme Court.
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"That he knew of". I want to know more about what kind of Anti-Psi protection exists in this world.
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All this kind of bums me out. I mean, i guess i'm happy about an au where Doug's doing kind of alright after a tragedy. But him becoming this big tech bro kind of sucks to me.
It's kind of cool that he turned Apple into a co-op. I guess.
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 11 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter One
Hello, I've tried these other places. And I've tried it on here. I'm trying to find anyone who has any thoughts on this. X-Manson was a fanfiction written for the X-Men fandom in 2000 by Doctor Benway. I'm trying to uncover all of its secrets so if you can, please help me. This will be the shortest annotation page because this chapter is the shortest, i'll probably break up the next into multiple chunks. If you have any thoughts please message me, comment on, or reblog with your thoughts and I will reblog it in turn.
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The she of this is Kitty Pryde. I don't know how old she's meant to be here. As of this moment, this little slice of the present. She has been on the run for ten years (probably).
The Balding Emaciated Man is #ScottSummers, one of the "Oriental" women is Betsy Braddock and the other, I cannot identify, but I speculate one is probably Jubilee or Karma. One of the other women is confirmed to be Jean Grey.
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(The story Vanderbylt was sold by Xavier is true to comics Xavier. Xavier is directly descended from the Graymalkin family who are dutch in origin. Though, here Xavier's history is a mystery. That's a rhyme, so you know it's fun.
The Roster Stands at seven by Miss Grundy's count:
Charles Xavier
Bobby Drake
Hank McCoy
Scott Summers
Warren WorthingtonIII
Jean Grey
I think she is exaggerating about the nature of her being manipulated psychically by Xavier. Pay attention to the Pate Line.
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Another reference to Tangiers.
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(Erich, the more correct spelling of Erik. He has this name because it was written in 2000 before Magneto was given the name Max Eisenhardt. We see Tangiers again. Why was holocaust survivor Gabrielle Haller in Morocco? Cain Marko is referenced here, which is odd. Any thoughts on that?)
(Warning if you haven't read it yet, there is a description of S.A. This presents a darker version of the conception of David Haller.)
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(I have no idea who Georg is, i googled his name and I was presented with Jörg Haider, former leader of the Freedom Party of Austria.)
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Anti-Zionist Magneto
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Worldbuilding shows how Erich Lehnsherr has changed the world by existing within it.
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x-manson-annotated · 7 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 5 - Part One: INFILTRATORS.
Holy shit, the final chapter. This is where I really like a lot of concepts. The Avengers make a proper appearance and everyone's favorite sapphic Carol Danvers has a shitty time. See the reblogged version for the rest of it, since Tumblr has a limit on only 30 images.
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If i'm not mistaken, this places the year that Kitty is watching the documentary as 2000 whereas before it said "Present Day" or "Today" . This places Kitty and Dani at probably 23 and 26 respectively.
**Dwight Hammer, like all cops is a goddamn moron.
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Paid Schill.
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1999 the y ear of the raid? Xavier's psychics forcing people to confess to murders that they didn't commit?
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*I'm not sure if Dolores is a reference to someone special or just a filler character.
**I don't know why the spelling of her name with the 'e'. I've looked at multiple versions of the story and that detail remains in all of them.
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Motherfucking Carol Danvers!
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*I'm not totally sure if that's something Supergirl used to be like.
** Rogue. I'm not sure who the intelligence agency is, since SHIELD seems to be a known quantity in the world.
*** That isn't really a thing she's known for either.
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*Carole uses that very insistent phrase "the Kree that fucked me up". In the comics, she gained her abilities from an explosion that mixed her DNA with Mahr-Vel. So, is it possible in this au the Kree intentionally experimented on her?
**Pretty green eyes convince Carole Danvers that Rogue isn't a tech. Gay as hell behavior, champ.
***Further gay behavior. Much less traumatic loss of her powers as opposed to what happened to her in the comics.
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*This is referencing her lesbianism within the story. I don't know if this is Benway's potentially homophobic perspective on Carole's sexuality, or if it's meant to be a purely in-universe sense of present homophobia.
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Rogue's Mom, Destiny is being a cryptic old biddy. She's present twice the story, but Mystique isn't. Maybe she died a while back after some encounter with the cult, resulting in Rogue being sent in as an agent. But, that's just my headcanon.
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**Rogue gave Carole a type.
**Why didn't she decay? Because of Carole's powers?
***Destiny was able to see that Carole was going to fuck her shit up by kissing Rogue's corpse, but not that Rogue would get murdered? Like, c'mon, that's your daughter.
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*I might be right.
**I'm so fucking sick of Vance taking every single incorrect lesson from his life. Of course, she was angry, Vance. She was in near-constant pain, you unbearable prick.
***Probably doesn't help that she was being cryptic about what happened.
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*I still love how angry he is with American spy agencies.
*Possibly this universe's version of Freedom Force?
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Xavier loaning out cult members for odd jobs?
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*Sorry HOXPOX fans, Moira isn't a mutant.
**So that's where they're potentially filling up their ranks?
***My immediate thought was Gambit both because of the title and the New Orleans connection. This might also be Amahl Farouk, who has a history of employing pickpockets, but he was based in Egypt. Though, I don't want to discount him totally because of my biased headcanon.
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*Tracking the cult's activity from the ground up. But, how is the cult going to all of these places constantly? How far spread are they outside of Westchester?
** Nice to know that Black Tom exists in this au. Hope he and Cain have a summer cottage together somewhere on the coast where they can grow old together, far away from any of this cult horseshit.
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Westchester, New York.
So, Sean was likely trying to infiltrate them after making contact in Yugoslavia and then ended up being inducted into the cult, proper.
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That is so goddamn scary it's unreal.
*was their a psi on the isles manipulating the local Interpol agents? Can Xavier or Cable stretch their influence that far?
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*Rahne Sinclair
*I just now noticed that Terry in this story is eleven. My god. That's an especially horrifying ordeal at that age.
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*if Sean was pleading, it's possible that either they didn't have him under psychic control yet (not coring him) or the distance allowed the connection to break. But who else is with Logan that's coercing Sean into action?
*She could tell almost immediately that Rahne was a mutant and not some kind of freakish dog.
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The river to confuse Logan's tracking ability?
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*Rahne's home in the woods.
*They don't see her transform in the dark, but she can take on a human or at least human adjacent shape. Rahne Sinclair is a saint.
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First Voice, Unknown.
Second Voice, Logan.
*My first instinct was that this is Sean, but Moira would have clarified if it were. Maybe it's Cable or Piotr?
**Rahne can take on a human shape, but is functionally feral and cant understand human language.
*Logan's voice again.
**Cars everywhere. Some of them look burned. Sunfire? Is the second voice Sunfire?
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*Christ alive, they massacred ten whole police officers and special forces agents.
Logan sticking around to threaten the family by leaving shreadded vehicles around? Why not murder them?
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x-manson-annotated · 9 months ago
X-Manson Chapter 2 Annotations Masterpost.
This will be the first of several master posts. If you're following along I will post this, then at the end of Chapter 3 I will post another. After this project there will be a masterpost that links to all of the different masterposts of annotations.
Jean Grey
Scott Summers
Warren Worthington III
Bobby Drake
Hank McCoy
The Kelly Amendment
Cape Citadel
I really hope you all continue with reading along with this project and helping me notice more details so we can together paint a complete picture of this AU starring the Merry Mutants X-Men.
Please message me in an ask or a direct message if you notice something or have any commentary. Your interaction with this will cause me to write more about a fanfiction that I care about showing to more people, because I also want to hear others thoughts on everything.
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x-manson-annotated · 7 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 5 - Part Five: Scott Summers...
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It's not as fun as this gif. I'm sorry everyone.
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*Gross as fuck
**Probably Karma. Goddamn.
***Jesus fucking christ.
****Ororo, Mistress of the Elements, Cult Leader extraordinare, is stopped by a court order.
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*Not totally sold on that.
**Also I wonder if some of these kids are cult au version of comics children or outright stolen from other places like illyana
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*Askani? some variation?
**This leads me to suspect that "Cable" is actually an au version of Stryfe. Cable in the comics isn't particularly fixated on Scott and Jean being his parents, he just knows.
***Clearly not true, Jimmy.
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*Since they're concussive blasts, that means that Scott must have like...pounded his balls until they stopped being solid or something...
**Yeah, that's insanely crude, holy shit. It also now is reminding me of a bit from the Image comic book "Local Man" by Tony Fleecs and Tim Seeley.
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Were they trying to create some version of this? I don't know, the only "The Twelve" i've read is the one with all the golden age superheroes marvel had, but weren't using.
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x-manson-annotated · 7 months ago
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 5 - Part Three: THE RAID.
This section has more worldbuilding and we get to be formally introduced to everyone's favorite guy:
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*Thor and Wonder Man. Shame the poor bastard gets to see the fucked up cult his AU boyfriend is in. @brw sorry, champion. Thor, literal god exists in the cult au too.
**Looking at this, i'm going to take a stab at what he means by this:
Captain America, he's mentioned later.
Iron Man, also mentioned.
Vance Astro, directly recalls being there.
Firestar, also mentions being there.
Wonder Man.
All and all, decent lineup. There's probably more, but i'm basing this purely on who's mentioned later. It's possible Black Widow or Spider-Woman are also there. I choose to think that Sersi and Crystal are also there because then they get to see horrors.
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*Xavier's cult loves Independence Day?
**Damn, i wish i had updated things faster, it would have been slick to drop this on July 5th.
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*Branding moment.
**That makes sense. The other psychics plus Cable probably made the math difficult on how many were present. Dani's absence makes me think that maybe she didn't count as one of the Psi's that kidnapped Betsy Braddock.
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*That's so goddamn weird, what's the utility of that? Is it heating? It can't be.
*They found a bunch of fucking body parts in the school itself.
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*I think that the Throne is the equivalent to Cerebro. Weird, culty, low budget cerebro.
**The Two kids are this Au's version of Nate Grey and Rachel Summers. Aint life grand?
**This only happened in 2021, but reading it now, I'm reminded of Amy Carlson or "Mother God" of the Love Has Won cult. She was also mummified and kept by her worshippers.
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Hulk walk by @librabear . Link to the original post:
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**Hulk taking the "If it fits it works" approach to the situation.
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*I'm not fully sure that tracks, but okay.
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*Twelve Unknown Children.
*Eight Adults.
Jean Grey
Betsy Braddock
Unknown Arab Woman? (someone on the cerebro discord suggested this could be Monet St Croix. I don't buy it.)
Unknown Man 1.
Unkown Man 2.
Unkown Woman 1
Unkown Woman 2
Unkown Woman 3
Why is it the the only unknown woman singled out is the arab woman? The other three women are just hit with the blank "unknown woman" but not her? Who is she meant to be?
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*So horrifying it moves a literal god to tears.
**Vance is such a fucking cop, Scott was helpless and blinded and he hit him.
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*Then it's not solid Gold, Angie. You idiot.
**Vance Astrovik just hates autistic people, i think.
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That's weird, I feel like the money probably came from Warren's companies. New Salem Investments and from people drawn to the cult by anti-mutant hysteria. Real cult shit.
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x-manson-annotated · 9 months ago
X-Manson Annotations Chapter 2 - Part 2 - SCOTT SUMMERS
in the X-Manson AU Scott and Alex were not raised in the orphanage by Mister Sinister and their parents did not get abducted by the Shi'ar. They died when a plane fell on their car. However, other aliens like the Kree do exist in this au. I don't know who Francis and Francine Fagan are, so if any die-hard comics fans know, please reach out to me.
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Notice how similar their dialogue is to Jean's parents. Short, simple answers. But this time, without the aid of the interviewer. Strange.
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Alex Summers is paralleling Sarah here. The timeline shows a brief stint at a psychiatric hospital. Then there's the boy's farm. Nathaniel Essex does exist in this story, but she's completely unconnected to the Summers brothers.
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I don't know if I'm misreading this, but does that strike anyone as an odd thing to say about a child?
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This is interesting. Scott didn't like Xavier's until he met Jean. Does this mean that Xavier wasn't mind-controlling anyone until later? If this is true, how complicit is Scott in the cult?
Alex seeing a picture of Jean will be important later when we get into the Maddie of it all.
This is inconsequential, but I find Scientologist Havok to be the funniest thing and don't know why.
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x-manson-annotated · 2 months ago
Shadow over Westchester Annotated Chapter 1 - Part 1
We're looking at a 2001 fanfiction by Kerrie Smith that fuses the worlds of the X-Men and H.P Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos folks. I know I said that I would be covering a more lighthearted series, but it's been months and I've recovered from the annotations of X-Manson.
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We start off with a flashback and we have Charles and Erik as professors at Lovecraft's Miskatonic University. This is written in the usual prose style of fanfiction rather than the documentary style of X-Manson.
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Pi, a 1998 psychological horror movie about an unemployed number theorist. the quote here is from the beginning of the movie where the protagonist describes suffering from eye damage as a child and the resulting headaches he suffers from in adulthood.
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The ugly pendant that bobby is wearing is some version of the Elder Sign, which can be used as a deterrent against different types of eldritch horrors.
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Even in a world where he created the X-Men using eldritch superscience, Xavier still likes branding and superhero names.
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*Bobby, you're gay and neither you nor the writer realize that yet.
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*Bobby Drake was deeply closeted
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