#X Lord fn
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lucilassie · 9 months ago
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Rule the Rust 🤘
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caseykeshui · 7 months ago
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More X-Lord! but his road ready style this time ❤️and bean version- my baby boy rust!! . . . But fr tho I was surprised to see his helmet just chilling in the sand at the start of the trailer- I'm not showing his face just yet- X-Lord - Road Ready style
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rayonago · 8 months ago
just two guitarists hanging out, one of them is definitely not freaking out.
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‘katara would never want to be fire lord she would never willingly associate herself and her image with the fn lol’
Katara as Fire Lord OP here. I agree, I do see this as a dark-ish AU. I think she’d definitely only do it out of a sense of duty for world peace and I’m sure she’d have a really hard time accepting her new reality. I also could see a world where this isn’t torture for her all the way through tho. Like the moment she realises that she’s the only one who actually wants to help the common people and how corrupt all the nobles who benefitted from the war are. I see her as a people’s princess type of FN leader and she’d be ruthless about defending those who cannot defend themselves. The nobility would despise her but she’d have the rest of the population, who are the majority, backing her up.
I also think with Katara leading, the Gaang might not split up as much. Zuko would definitely help out, but obviously so would Aang and even Sokka would be split between being in the FN and the SWT. I could see this as the Gaang ruling the FN together as advisors to Fire Lord Katara is what I’m saying, in the Water Tribes style of governing. Hell, why not throw a redeemed Azula in the pot as well.
And like I said before, I don’t see Katara spending her whole life there, she could lead the transition to democracy, especially with the Avatar’s help. I don’t imagine this happening overnight but it is definitely a possibility, many monarchies fall after big wars.
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isabellawaites · 2 years ago
Marvel oc, crimson
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First name : jackson
Last name : wilson, parker, howlett
Super name : crimson
[Name origin]
Crimson-dark red
Date of birth : august 31, ????
Age : 17 (x-men evolution), 20, (young avengers), 23 (guardians of the galaxy)
Zodiac : virgo ♍️
Nicknames : the crimson spider, little wanderer, not human, the hell hitman, the lost soul, widow red, mr geroy
Gender : male
Siblings : 1, half sister
Sexuality : bisexual
Species : mutant & made being
Thalassophobia-fear of the deep ocean
Thanatophobia-losing someone you love
Dystychiphobia-fear of accidents
Hair color : red
Eye color : blue
Body type : a bit muscular
Origin(s) : ????
Current location : ????
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Portrayed by : eddie redmayne
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Voice actor/actor : mike young/eddie redmayne
Height : 177cm
Alignment : chaotic good
Status : alive
Affiliation : member of the young avengers, member of the guardians of the galaxy, mercenary (formerly)
Physical health : somewhat good?
Mental health : somewhat good?
Likes : science, chimichangas, pancakes, photography, music, acrobatics, sewing, reading comic books & science fiction novels, mechanics, biochemistry, fireflies, sandwiches
Dislikes : deep water, being tired, evil in general, heavy smoking, corruption, war, losing a bet, pain, a type of green, cancer, weapon X program
[Does not have parents]
Family : natalia alianovna romanova/biological mother/russian-american (????)
James howlett & logan/biological father/canada (????)
Peter benjamin parker/biological father/american (????)
Wade wilson/biological father/canada (????)
Eleanor camacho/half sister (????)
Friends/allies : [X men]
Emma frost
Kitty pryde
Henry "Hank" McCoy
Professor X
[The avengers]
Spider man
Black widow
Iron man
Captain america
Black panther
Doctor strange
Wanda maximoff
Johnny storm
[Guardians of the galaxy]
Rocket raccoon
Adam warlock
[Young avengers]
Enemies :
Red skull
Doctor octopus
Green goblin
Norman osborn
Kang the Conqueror
Doctor Doom
Weapon X
Love interest : toxin symbiote, later on spider-man of 2099, miguel o'hara
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Love status : deceased, currently dating
Weapons/accessories :
Webshooters (Only for disguise)
IWI Desert Eagle Mark XIX.
Beretta 92FS Inox.
Beretta Px4 Storm.
Glock 17.
IMI Tavor MTAR-21
Daewoo K3
FN M249 SAW Para
M67 Hand Grenade
Browning automatic rifle, glock 17, 3 grenades
Teleportation device
Powers :
Spider physiology
Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed
Superhuman stamina
Superhuman durability
Superhuman equilibrium
Superhuman reflexes
Psychological awareness of environment
Hibernation healing
Talons and fangs
Master combatant
Super resistant to hangovers
Knowledge of different languages
Resistant to telepathic attacks
Accelerated healing factor
Manipulate reality
Slow aging, and enhanced immune system
Dimension traveling
History : ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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altecisbit · 2 months ago
@AlsMediaNetwork I.S.S.I.I as U.N.S.C in Hague - Extr...powers - x reports - Veto4 - Hague - U.N.S.C - Ban Ki - moon
FIRE - Altecisbit™®©
@AlsMediaNetwork AAP Reuters - U.N.S.C - Veto 5 with Russia with - Mandate for Syria - China to hand its decision to U.N.S.C - x reports
WMD - U.N X4 - R.S.F.S.R - X1 - X5 - U.N - MANDATE - I - * - S - * - I - * - Syria - U.N - MANDATE - S * U.N - N.A.T.O - 3=1+1 - MI11 - C+C - X1 - X4 - X5 - U.N..- VETO - X5 - WORLD PEACE ON EARTH - W.M.D - NON PROLIFERATION - Syria - U.N - MANDATE - S - * - U.N - N.A.T.O - 3 =1+1 - MI11 - C+C - X1 - X4 - X5 - U.N .- VETO - X5 - WORLD PEACE ON EARTH - W.M.D - U.N.S.C - I.H.R.C - I.C.C - Veto - Russian Federation - " China" - U.N.S.C - Mandate - intervention in Syria.
Australian Red Cross- dissident - in detention at Pblock @CMMC ona section 9A -article 6 (circa) 1986 - 2014. - the mental health act -citzen in the hands of I.H.R.C a dual passport holder - considered a spy of Drago's Unit a under cover operative - activities acknowledge by I.SS.I.I - for her bravery admist defeat as she carries a message from klode of the A.I.F - D.F.A.T in relation to our intelligence services as -"we share a good relationship" - Mata Haryi - signed -x communique - Section 8 - of the penal code -chemical weapons - confirmed report - A.I.F - @#CIABlackOp - H.M.S.S +***** - +POTUS ㅤ
@AlsMediaNetwork chemical weapons - confirmed report - A.I.F - x reports CIABlackOP#@ - I.S.S.I.I - H.M.S.S - E:R - Section 6
Aussie jihadist on US hit list http://bit.ly/1N0Y2bw%EF%BB%BF 
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it's profile photo
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it
theaustralian.com.au - Aussie jihadist on US hit list
Aussie jihadist on US hit list
Aussie jihadist on US hit list
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it's profile photo
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it
Iraq sir justice lord butler intelligence wmd clears the fact acting on intelligence in iraq in the early preperations of the manufacture of wmd's
Sir chilcot - justice butler and wmds acting on intel clearing tony blair for intel based on preperations for suddem hussein and the coalition to invade iraq based on intel in the capture of suddam hussein tryed for preperations of genocide -joint cheif of staff -U.S C.E.N.T.C.O.M -intel based on U.N.S.C report based on mr claytons intelligence the invasion was prepared and boots on the ground and the fall of bagdad in shia miltia and sunni civil war wich led to abu grave and the formation I.S
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it's profile photo
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it
Australian Government - press conference - 12:17PM - Wedensday 8th of June 2016.+POTUS ㅤ-"we have bright futures we wll continue to investigate coronial inquiries for the cheif justice - x-ping would you join us in our Anzac Memorial Services in 2017" - reply - "and would you listt synthetic rubidium on the chinese stock exchange"- signed the legal copyright holder - c/s on behalf of the U.S Government. -alex clayton on behalf of Malcom Turnball @POTUS +* -in 2012 the formula's were copied by V.H.D.
Lord Hall - +BBCWorldwide - journalist accused of spieing - comments - as he discredited kim jong il - speech to the world - as he announced the testing of hydrogen bomb the journalists covered the address for H.R.H - E:R - FN: - and the chinese government and the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - treaty - all would be forgiven as the U.N.S.C - is interested in cooperation of the two communist countries and the proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. -pending a ratified deal - world - U.S. Secratary of State.
Convene a special meeting of U.N.S.C and the #irantalks in viennia j kerry a whitewash #nkorea- non nuclear proliferation treaties need to be signed by all parties - "Sir" - and investigate for devulging secret plans resulting in enemey getting plans and the tecnonolgy needed to bulid a atomic weapon 15:35PM 10th of February +***** - save the free world +POTUS ㅤVladimir Puten
Tony Eastlake @JulieBishop the leak by ABC in NZR4A puts us on war footing with china -A.I.F and TAMHR targeted by press to cover#nsbreach
U.N-SECURITY-COUNCIL- VETO - U.N - X - ASSAD - I - * - CCOS - (2+3) - S - * - I - * - I - * - A - P - ? - (2+3) - I - * - WMD - U.N - X4 - X1 - X5 - U.N - MANDATE - I - * - S - * - I - * - NKOREA - U.N - MANDATE - S * - U.N - N.A.T.O - 3 = 1+1 - MI11 - C + C - X1 - X4 - X5 - U.N - U.N - VETO - X5 - WORLD PEACE ON EARTH - W.M.D - NON - PROLIFERATION - NK - * - I - * - S - * - I - X1 - U.N × 5 ? - I - * - 3=1+1 - U.N - Veto - I - * - (2+3) - I.S.L - Mi11 - I - *- WMD DETHCON - ? - I.C.B.M - (2+3) - I.I.S - C-C-OS - I.S.S - * - WMD “E” 24847 - S - * - R - Commander - AHALLA - ^- ALLAH - AHA- ALLAH - S - * - I -*- I - *- A - P - S - * - U.N.S.C - IRAN - EX - order - U.N.S.C - Mi18 - R.S.F.S.R - VP - Commander - k.g.b - colonel - Phase2 -'N.K.?
3:35pm - 8 Mar 16
Press Conference - in other words the ABC covered us on the N.K -
Weapons program -On matters of National Security nothing has changed between our two countries - it would take 3.5 KG to wipe out S.K from what i could see 12mths ago they had 1KG - i 'll amend it to the defense ministers report and mark it for your eyes only -Al says as of 12mths ago they had 1KG - that is why they killed the lab technician - we also know they plan to launch from the enrichment facility's to hide the activities
2:21PM 5th of March 2016 "als the reason we need a misslie defence system in sth east asia" - Operation NZR4A - to send australian navy to keep peace in the region - not to aquire nth korean launch codes as +ABC Australia misreported on @ABCNews24
i recommend a extr... meeting in Hague of the U.N.S.C to Veto China to negotiation and vote on action taken by the U.N.S.C in to the N.K -weapons program - signed C+C - USCENTCOM - U.N.S.C - ruling 2166 chapter 7 - A.I.F
Disclaimer - FN: Leaks in to the North Korean Nuclear Weapons - Launch codes and the cover up by the Dept of Foreign Affairs in to opertion NZR4A
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it's profile photo
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it
The Brexit challenge -Theresa .M the U.K prime minister by in to our lucrative deal leaves u with controlling option with china as by in U.S https://t.co/7ofKDR5CYw H.R.H E:R -H.M.S.S - Brexit the option for the U.K Government is a W.M.D-Energy deal with china and japan -U.S Mi11 -A.U Medical @ABCNews24
FIRE - Altecisbit™®©
@AlsMediaNetwork ruling 2166 chapter 7 - I.C.C - U.N.S.C - Russian Federation - "China" - x1 - x4 - x5 - Veto - south china sea - x 5 - U.N.S.C - Syria- x5
U.N.S.C - china armistace in syria as U.N.S.C peacekeepers as ratified in the heads of state as agenda for geneva -ceasefire in Alleppo V.P
U.S Joint Cheif of Staff plan for Alleppo "Levant'e" to be ratified in geneva Vladimir Putin and President Assad http://mobile.twitter.com - FIRE - Altecisbit™®© on Twitter: "U.N.S.C - china armistace in syria as U.N.S.C peacekeepers as ratified in the heads of state as agenda for geneva -ceasefire in Alleppo V.P"
Vladimir Putin - we have a plan for the Levant'e in Alleppo and plans are safe your copy is with the #jntchiefsofstaff +POTUS ㅤreleased on Altecisbit g+ retired from service. -2017.
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it's profile photo
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it's profile photo
Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it
Vladimir Putin #djt-@POTUS is playing god with our futures
Nuclear non proliferation N.A.T.O on standby in the black sea as vladimir putin changes posture mexican standoff dethcon + terror alert + https://t.co/wpqWfnaNv83d
I.S.S.I.I - U.N.S.C - Veto5 - R.S.F.S.R - ruling 2166 - chapter 7 - review - U.N - SECURITY-COUNCIL- VETO - U.N.- X - ASSAD - I - * - CCOS - Iran
"Under the agreement, Iran’s leaders are permanently barred from pursuing a nuclear weapon and there are permanent restraints and access provisions and inspection provisions to guarantee that. And I underscore: If they try to evade that obligation, we will know it." - Secretary Kerry on #Iran Deal Before House Foreign Affairs Committee, July 28, 2015
@FIRE190766 as Vienna a success for the U.S Secretary of State as the talks establish a non-proliferation a key to an accord - x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork as nuclear non proliferation is the agenda of @Lausanne as deal and sanctions the consequence - x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork" you’re Excellency “the deepening relationship is the outcome of @Lausanne @JB- secretary of state - x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork cold world alliance - VP @ I.S.I.S in to destabilization of Afghanistan @JB- irantalks - x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork Benjamin Netanyahu @Lausanne#IranTalks a success in the eyes of the world @Obama- x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork @Lausanne- nuclear - non proliferation a key to world security @Iran Talks- x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork- White-House - U.S Secretary of State @ADEN- Nuclear Non - Proliferation - x report
@AlsMediaNetwork as U.N.S.C set to see decisions go their way as talks continue @Lausanne-@Aden- x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork#irantalks as talks continue a peaceful solution is expected as the focus shifts to N Korea - enriched - x reports
@AlsMediaNetwork as nuclear non proliferation - to protect our best interest - talks go ahead amidst controversy - x reports @AlsMediaNetwork- report in to presidential race to the white-house - U.S Secretary @johnkerry- Nuclear Non - Proliferation - x report
FIRE @AlsMediaNetwork Netanyahu in congress - as the president decides to continue with deal on the table best chance of deals - x
FIRE verified account @AlsMediaNetwork @BBC Benjamin Netanyahu - republican invitation to the world leader a statement of faith - x reports
FIRE verified account @AlsMediaNetwork @AIPAC Benjamin Netanyahu and the goal in order to get a good deal - sanctioned - x reports
FIRE verified account @AlsMediaNetwork Benjamin Netanyahu - evangelists unite in the second coming of Christ - x reports
FIRE verified account @AlsMediaNetwork Netanyahu. - The Jewish State - talks on the freedom of the free world - x reports
FIRE verified account @AlsMediaNetwork Benjamin Netanyahu and the State Israel - and the Beirut "alliance" - x reports
@#CIABlackOp a task force "cobra" response - +* +POTUS ㅤ ™®© The end of the muslim brotherhood - President SiSi the federation of Arab Republics. "Beirut Alliance"

The Middle East and Egypt role with it's Allies Yemeni and Jordan - and the Aden Report and the instability in Egypt and the role of the Syrian Regime in the bombing of the U.N Delegation in Syria and the "Beirut alliance"" support by Israel and Lebanon in the exodus of the Muslim Brotherhood to the conspiracy by Assad to assassinate the Lebanese Foreign Minister as a result for Lebanon and the "Beirut Alliance" and Israels support for Egypt and the assassination of Head of security Hamas and the assassination of Anwar Sadat in October 6, 1981 to the bombing of the U.S Embassy to the Militia's control of Libya - A.I.F
President - SiSi as you have burdened the responsibility as peacekeepers of the international gateway - to Iraq and the Cross border crossing to the middle east -we would like to acknowledge your contribution to bring peace to your country of Egypt and the region of the middle east +Al Jazeera English and +Altecisbit - altec information systems backup it for clearing the Egyptian Government in miscommunications in the jewish state. +POTUS ㅤ ㅤFN: President SISI would like to thank you from the bottom of his heart for recognising us as International PeaceKeepers and clearing +The White House
0 notes
paragonrobits · 3 years ago
there’s no evidence that the Fire Lady has any political power or influence whatsoever, particularly as the Fire Nation is an imperialist conquering nation that implicitly only allows women to serve in the military (AKA the entire focus of their nation at the moment) domestically and NEVER in the proper armed forces, so the fandom refrain of ‘X would make a great fire lady’ doesn’t really address the point that the Fire Lady probably doesn’t have any actual political power other than what she gains by proxy through the Fire Lord
the fire nation isn’t some exemplar of egalitarian-ness that also happens to be a genociding state fueled by supremacist ideology; there’s no real reason to assume that the Fire Lady has any real power through what we see in ATLA; indeed, we have every indication of precisely the opposite, based on what became of Ursa
and this pans out because, according to creator commentary, the Fire Lord was originally just the head Fire Sage; the Fire Lady (or presumably a different title, if they were married to men or such) was more or less just their spouse, and thus there’s nothing to say they would have any power beyond what they personally accumulate, and going by real life examples, they would have to be very subtle and wield it like a scalpel, presumably working through intermediaries to do anything at all
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aprettyweirgirl · 3 years ago
Izumi going off on Raiko for treating Lin like a slave.
ohh this is a good one
Izumi doesn't like Raiko in general, but she contains herself from call him out for his shitty leadership... that until she sees him treating Lin like shit and threating her with replacing her as the chief, Izumi all like "oh no lil bitch u not messing w my wife" but she doesn't say it, instead, she uses it as an excuse to call him out
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recovery-zine · 4 years ago
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For any of you people on mobile, here is what our site looks like on the desktop! We made it pretty!!! <3 Be sure to check it out and let us know which zine you’re more interested in seeing in 2021 (and send it to all of your Avatar friends, your fellow Fire Nation stans, and any Discord servers you’re in to help make sure this happens)! Thanks @shudesigns for sharing your lovely templates with the world.
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unfriedough · 3 years ago
hi can i order zuko hcs with a waterbender or a forgotten one? sorry if you got confused, it's just that english is not my first language
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‘Watergirl & Fireboy’- Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: GOOD DAY FRIENDS. AHHH. tbh this is my best title yet.
I'm not sure what you meant by the forgotten one, but if you want to resend another ask, I can write you something again <3
(Your english was pretty good tho anon! good job!)
Water bender gf firebender bf, yes. (Fn is fire Nation I used that at some point haha)
Warnings: mild comic spoilers.
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Dating Zuko is super wholesome.
And the dynamic of water and fire is so chaotic
At first, it was a bit of a shocker, as you’re complete opposites
But also made sense
Opposites attract
Honestly nothing interesting happens in the gAang part of this story so I’m going to slide right past it
Fire lord and his lady
Notice the his
You’re not married yet haha
So you’re just his girlfriend for the time being as he’s adjusting
The peeps of the fn are definitely surprised
And not happy
Why is there a water SCUM here 🤨🤚
Some like the idea
Like ‘oooh diversityyy’
But others like the new ozai society opt to say you suck
It’ll be a super new concept
I’m talking a mixed wedding
I’m talking a mixed wedding
For example
The ring or whatever would have aspects from your culture as well as his
For example a blue dragon, pretty cute idea
He definitely had Sokka/Katara’s help with it though
For fighting and stuff, you guys are the dream team.
I mean like
Water and fire
Ugh goals
But yeah
Y’all are a force to be reckoned with yk?
In the palace, water tribe decor would for sure be incorporated
Some blue some red some dragons some penguins etc
It’d be such a vibe
Other rulers now not only look down on him because he is a CHILD, they now also feel superior as he married someone from outside his nation
Katara and Sokka would probably take on your protective siblings role.
So like, Zuko would get lectured anytime he was annoying to you
He’s just a baby-
Sparring would be kinda fun
Cuz like fire v water
Like you do the octopus arms and he’s like shooting at you
All in good fun ofc
And training
You would probably have an important role in his life
Like his advisor
So your next to him in all those boring meeting he has to sit through
You accompanied him on the search for his mom
We’re ignoring the promise comic because that's not my baby, he kinda was weird in that one?
Yikers 😒
Travelling to the watertribe would be so funny because you are more used to it so can like wear less coats but Zuko’s got his AND your coats all piled up and looks like a little marshmallow 😩
The watertribe siblings would 100% make fun of him
Trying each others foods like culture wise would be such a blast
Like he has some water tribe delicacies and you the same with fire nation
He would be evil and give you the ones he doesn’t like too just to see your cute face get annoyed
He’s secretly evil guys
The fact that you’re like always cold and he’s always WARM is funny, because he would heat you up, But you
Being the little gremlin you are
Place your COLD hands on his stomach or arms and stuff and he like shivers.
“Hey Yn did yOU - STOP” literally squealing
Anyways, yall opened up new opportunities for biracial marriages in the fire nation and water tribes. 😌
But yeah, fireboy and watergirl
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An: This was so short and written late at night and yeah okay I’m tired. As always, hope you enjoyed reading, SEE YA! <3
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butterflybuckethat · 3 years ago
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Notes: Gregory Bridgerton x Reader - I made a 🌾moodboard🌾 lol
Request: gregory pls
🦋 Masterlist 🦋
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You pulled open the mahogany double doors of Gregory Bridgerton’s wardrobe as he argued with his mother downstairs. Violet chastised him for overworking her maids with all the tears and stains he returned home with in his white chemises. She wanted him to look presentable this evening for dinner, we were having guests apparently. It was a simple enough request but Greg always found the need to argue back. You were typically amused by these interactions but, when it came to Violet, you preferred he just do what she asked so you took the initiative upon yourself. You paid careful attention to the hems as that was where they were most often torn. You could still hear them exchanging words when you found the right one and were going to rush it down to them when a number of letters, with your name on them, scattered onto the floor.  
“Gregory,” you spat, desperately holding back tears you would only allow to spill once you were alone, clutching the crumpled stack of letters “how could you?” You and Gregory had always been close, him being the Bridgerton closest to your age. Your families frequently summered together. You both resided in England, of course, but you mother felt as thought you could benefit from the camaraderie siblings afford, even for just the summer, as you were an only child. 
You fit in well, slotting right in as Gregory’s twin menace. You ran amuck, the two of you, arm in arm-picking on the Bridgerton siblings and, if they weren’t available, your parents. Though this was the perfect dynamic for you both, it didn’t always mesh with the larger English society. You were always a little too loud, a little too sun-kissed, with muddy hems and bare feet. Gregory was your best friend, your other half, and you could forgive him anything, except this. This was unforgivable. 
A few months ago, you and Francesca had join a little salon of sorts. The women who comprised it were mostly older, treating the gathering as an escape from their familial responsibilities, and politics were seldom spoken about but it was, nonetheless, incredible. They would exchange baubles and gossip as if it were air, playing cards and complaining about their husbands. Sometimes they would give you and Francesca instruction on how to attract a husband, teaching you how to handle a fan, drop your handkerchief, and take a turn about the room. You took to the advice slower than Francesca. A wicked streak ran deep in you both but she was something you definitely weren’t: malleable. She took to instruction like a fish to water, all while maintaining her wit and precocious air, and you were stuck in the mud. 
Your carriage was late one evening. Francesca had offered to drop you off but you were certain it was just around the corner. The salon was in relatively low attendance so the two of you spent the majority of the evening speaking with that nights host, Lady Francis Eve. She was a rather eccentric woman, well adorned and always the first to know all the secrets of the ton. Lady Francis was widowed early in her life and produced no offspring, though she did have a truly incredible number of nephews. You were standing in her foyer, apologizing every so often for the tardiness of you ride, when she tapped her chin and said, “my nephew Peter would simply adore you.”
Three weeks later you received a letter addressed from Viscount Peter Bough containing only two lines: I sincerely hope you are the Lady Y/FN Y/LN my beloved aunt speaks so fondly of. If not, please disregard. You indulged of course, scribbling a little something in return, and so began a months long correspondence. 
“Gregory,” you said again, weaker this time. It had been over a fortnight since you had last received a letter but you did send three. Your were left in something of a lurch. You had yet to meet Lord Bough in person, and he had hinted at perhaps coming to London, “with a ring” Eloise had joked. You thought that perhaps he had fallen ill, or his home had caught fire, or was killed in the ricochet of a duel. 
“Please,” Gregory whispered, his large eyes wet. You felt a pang in your chest but steeled yourself, snatching the letters out of his hands and storming off into the gardens. 
Though the Bridgertons keep their lawns and gardens well-manicured, but you preferred the tall grasses by the creek. That sliver sat between the Bridgerton property and the next, left completely untouched. You lied down, uncharacteristically uncaring of the wildflowers you crushed beneath you, and hid from the world. You couldn’t open the letters, not yet. You had always shared everything with Gregory and he must have hidden the letters for a reason. You stared at the sun until your eyes hurt and all you could see was purple. 
“Y/N,” Gregory cast a shadow across your face, barefoot and collar untucked. He sat next to you, twiddling blades of grass between his long fingers. “My mother wanted me to tell you to get out of the sun.” You looked up at him, deadpan. “She didn’t, actually,” he coughed. 
“You must be kidding.” 
“You haven’t opened them,” he pointed at the stack of white envelopes scattered beside you. 
“I don’t yet know why you hid them.” You still trusted him. How could you not? He was the one who snuck you sweets from the kitchen when you were kids, stood in front of you when the governess would chastise your muddy smock, kept you from feeling completely alone when you were ignored at luncheons and balls. 
“Do you detest me?”
“I haven’t decided yet.”  You knew why you were upset. It wasn’t so much the violation of your property and privacy, but because you felt as if this were your shot. Never had any man in the ton shown you any genuine affection or interest, at least not one you would ever consider marrying, and you did want to marry. Lord Peter Bough was interested. This was the first time you had hope that you weren’t going to die an old maid. Only Greg knew of your guilty pleasure of trading the most ridiculous novels with the maids. 
You sat in silence as the sun set, letters burning between you both. But you could feel him sticking little purple flowers in your hair, across the crown of your head and tucked into the loosened tresses from that morning. “You should read them,” Gregory said. 
“Why?” you turned to face him, “what do they say?”
“I never read them.” 
“Then why did you take them?” 
“It’s been a month,” he shrugged. You waited for him to continue, building the silence until it forced him to speak, “Eloise...” he cleared his throat, “she made that comment,” he did it again, “about the ring.” 
“I haven’t seen you-”
“You have.” 
“Not really, not like before.” He stuck his hands in his pockets, “you’re in your room, writing.”
“That’s how Eloise-”
“Found a husband!” he finished for you. You were going to say ‘spent her summers.’ Your cheeks burned red. What you were too embarrassed to admit, even to Gregory, was that you were hoping that you would. Eloise was also wild and outspoken but she, unlike you, had the cushion of good breeding. Not that you weren’t well bred, but not in any way that was comparable to the Bridgerton name. 
“I am a woman, Greg. It is my prerogative to be married.” This might be the closest you would ever get to admitting your desire. It was embarrassing, craving romance to such a degree. 
“Not you.” Your eyes burned and watered as you stood, so quickly you were likely to fall back down again. Gregory grabbed your wrist before you could run off, “wait.” You yanked your arm but he held tight. “I didn’t mean-”
“How-” you choked. It was as if a dam had broken, all the whispers and disapproving glances from the mamas, scoffs from your peers, disappointed looks from your own mother, just confirmed by the one person you trusted most. “How-” you sobbed. He moved to wrap his arms around you but you pushed him back, hard enough that he stumbled. “Why would you say that to me?” All that fear and pain was replaced by rage. Why not you? What made you less worthy of love than anyone else?
“That’s not-”
“I am deserving of love, Gregory.” You dug your finger into his chest, “is that so hard to believe? That a man would be interested in me? I am funny and kind and well-read...for the most part.” You lost steam pretty quickly. It was always like that, large bursts of emotion that fell just as quickly as they came. Gregory’s face broke, as if he were seeing you for the first time in years. He stepped toward you, snaking his arm around your waist and his hand on you cheek. 
“You are deserving of more love than any one man can offer.” He pulled you close enough that you could feel the warmth of his skin seep into yours. “Certainly more than little Petey Bough can offer.” 
It was dark and you could barely see one another but you knew what he looked like. The only lights were the distant one of the house and the yellow and green flickers of the fireflies that surrounded you. Your hear beat so loud you could hear it in your ears as you tentatively placed your hands on his chest. You could feel it steadily rise and fall. 
“There is not a moment I do not think of you,” Gregory pushed a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. “I took the letters-” he took a breath. “I took the letters because if Peter had any sense in the world he would ask you to marry him the moment her stepped foot in London,” he paused again, “and I don’t think I would be able to stomach it.”
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to kiss him more than you wanted anything in your entire life. But he was all you had and you weren’t sure if you were ready to let go of life as it was. 
“Greg?” Violet shouted from the house. You could make a life with Greg, you knew that, if that’s what he wanted. And you did want love, so so badly, but part of you was terrified, wondering if a future as an unwed maid would really be so bad. 
“Master Gregory,” the deep voice of Smathers the butler startled you both. 
“Smathers!” Gregory had jumped nearly two feet into the air, “make some noise next time, I beg of you.”
“My apologies, sir. Dinner is awaiting your presence.” You walked ahead, not waiting for the two men to catch up.
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fanboyzuko · 2 years ago
How much is a royal title worth in LTF? Dragons Wings seems to imply that it was a really big deal having Lu Ten as a figurehead for the movement, does that importance extend outside of the Fire Nation as well? Outside Ba Sing Se he immediately became a valuable target the moment the wrong person found out his location.
I'm extrapolating from available information mostly to try to figure out how careful the Sazanami needs to be when traveling outside Fire Nation controlled waters with two royals on board. And how dangerous it might be if information about their location and mode of transport were to spread. Would the Earth Kingdom generals consider them a worthwhile target to chase after if that information became known? Would the South Water Tribe fleet?
And depending on the answer to those questions, would the Wings mention having royal backing in any eventual future meetings with other factions? or would they keep it quiet to not risk a repeat of what happened to Lu Ten? (The more I think about it, the more Zuko's Hui-persona seems to offer a vital layer of protective camouflage, allowing him to become insignificant to those who would go after him. How much does Zhao know about the details of that identity? that's the only weak point I can see at the moment.)
TL;DR Royal title has significant political weight in LTF. However, threat levels of being specifically targeted not too high for Zuko&Iroh while sailing about even outside of FN waters. No different than any other FN vessel. Wings will definitely start establishing they have someone suitable to take the throne if they overthrow Ozai, at least to FN allies. To possible foreign allies? Proooobably not after they were burned so hard last time... Hui should be safe from Zhao.
Long rambling answer:
Oh maaan you always ask them hard hitting questions. I really had to think on this one.
So perhaps the first thing I really sat thinking about is how in canon, the political weight the noble class is very... light? Understandably so, as this is a Nick cartoon, not some Game of Thrones style type shit. I feel like that pretty much extends to general fandom perception and content? Like I feel most the time when I see focus on the importance of say Zuko's royal standing, it's to deconstruct it and show him 'breaking norms.' But what ARE the norms?
Zuko may have been banished and (presumably) taken out of the line of inheritance until he found the Avatar, but Iroh still had his title as a prince of the FN. Even disgraced after the siege, he has standing. But it doesn't come off that way at all! And then Azula, Ozai's only heir while Zuko is banished, is sent off to capture Aang. And sure she's a powerful firebender but?? She really had meager guards and protection being IN THE MIDDLE OF ENEMY TERRITORY! And gosh the whole King Kuei running off into the wild with his pet bear is bonkers. No matter how much of a puppet king he was, he's still a whole ass king. Buck wild. But again, kids show lol.
So then turning to LTF... The politics are a litter messier and hold more weight. The Fire Nation royal line 'traces back to the first Fire Lord' and it is a Big Deal. There's probably a lot of nobles who take immense pride in their connections to the royal line. "I'm the great-great grandson of Fire Lord X's youngest sister!" type shit. And it's a big deal who is then brought into the royal family. Hence Ursa coming out of nowhere was such a huge upset in the court.
As far as the commonfolk go, I'd say that ties into the spiritual significance of the royal family. The FN gives off the 'divine right to rule' vibe to their politics, with the original Fire Lord being a Fire Sage and the throne being tied closely to the Fire Sages in its beginnings. Even after the Fire Lords started pulling more power to themselves and from the sages, the Fire Sage clearly still have strong social and political sway. I hinted a bit at it with Ju Long at one point, how the Fire Lord is supposed to be a representative of the FN's spirits of sorts.
So it is important that if there's a faction going against the throne, they have someone from the royal family backing them. No matter how radical the group, they know that if they're going to usurp the Fire Lord and keep someone else on the throne, they need the support of the nobles and commonfolk. Only way to do that is with someone in the royal line. Also touched on that briefly with Bun Ma's conversation with Iroh before she left, about the Fire Lord who was overthrown by the clans who had to marry their candidate to rule to someone in the royal line to secure their place.
Which now gets me thinking, it'd be SO interesting if the Earth Kingdom tried forcing Zuko/Iroh to marry an EK noble and making a claim to the Fire Nation throne.... Oh man that'd be so interesting. Bc honestly, with Zuko's banishment and Iroh basically abdicating the throne, they aren't high profile targets to foreign powers. Lu Ten was targeted because his worth to Iroh was well known, and it seemed like the best move to end the siege. There's no benefit to targeting Zuko or Iroh other than reparations in regards to Iroh (like what almost happened in the show when he was taking his bath lmao), a shot in the dark Ozai isn't as heartless as he seems and would care about a ransom, or the secret third option I just thought of, of trying to upset FN politics from the inside...
I'm losing the thread some maybe... I've been thinking about this all day can you tell haha.
Okay so for the Wings, if they want to have any hope of making significant waves in the FN political sphere, they need that royal backing. So as they start pushing harder, they will need to disclose they have someone suitable to take the throne should they overthrow Ozai. But they'll be playing it safe of keeping it vague just who they're putting their money on. If anyone outside the Wings starts hearing of their movement and mission, they could think it's Iroh or even a noble with direct lines of descent from the royal family.
Coordinating with foreign allies, they'll be keeping their cards even closer to their chest. After Lu Ten they're not going to take any chances. So they'd definitely imply their royal backer isn't in the immediate royal family. Or that they're completely breaking FN norms and saying fuck it. After a century of conflict and isolation, EK and WTs wouldn't necessarily know the political and cultural climate of the FN. They could probably accept and believe a rebel group hoping to overthrow the throne without royal backing, unlike FN allies.
As far as Zhao goes, he definitely underestimates the power of Hui. Even if he did learn Zuko's undercover name, he hasn't remembered it. He just vaguely knows that Zuko's been posing as a scholar. What a waste of time and resources, but go off banished prince, is his mindset. Last he's met Zuko, he went to the library and came back without seeming to have learned all that much. Whoopdeedoo.
If he actually knew just how much shit Zuko's gotten up to as Hui and how many connections he's made, it'd be a different story. But he doesn't, so Hui's safe from Zhao's interference.
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caseykeshui · 8 months ago
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mmmyes I love giving my favorite skins more outfits . . . The face I've designed for him will someday be revealed 🫡 Fortnite skin: X - Lord , Chapter 1 season X (10) Outfits were inspired by FN's current season!...and much Pinterest scrolling was also involved -
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I like to imagine that the reason azula was able to (almost) be crowned fire lord was because Ozai had to lower the age of adulthood in the fn to 14, mostly because it would be really funny to see zuko trying to fix this issue but oh no a bunch of teens have run of with their SO’s and now have to be told that no their marriage wasn’t legal and they have to wait a few more years
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batarella · 5 years ago
The Prince of Gotham (Jason Todd x Reader)
absolutely love love love this one. Thank you again for the suggestions from my dearest friends in the taglist. You are all so amazingly talented. 
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Call him damned, or whatever the tabloids call him as Bruce Wayne’s forgotten son, the son he almost never talks about. Jason Todd will be damned for all that was left of his second life.
The glass was cold on his lips, even colder between his fingers. The Falcones were here again. At least one of them running their mouths at another million-dollar loss. He placed the glass onto a waiter’s tray and placed his firm hands into his jacket pockets.
Miguel came over to him, whispering about a blackjack table with an unruly foreigner throwing the cards at the other players. Surprised it wasn’t of the Falcones, Jason whispered something back. And the next thing he knew, Miguel was taking the culprit into the suite.
No one has crossed him too much. Yet. And not much has happened, either. At least by now, something should have happened. Penguin’s goons. Two Face’s. A worthwhile encounter with any of the beautiful women catching his eye. But there had been nothing. Nothing worth thinking twice about.
A crime lord. In Batman’s fucking city. It’s a death wish not many can escape from, not many can succeed in. The Dark Knight will eventually find some dirt on you, but him? His son? He’ll take it as a free pass. He smiled at a photographer taking a quick photo of him, straightening his jacket. The papers have been all over him tonight, more often than the past week. Just yesterday he saw an article about how he’s now up against Dick Grayson as the most sought-after Wayne bachelor.
The nightly performance should be up soon. He was told they’d bring in a number of beautiful women who usually danced at the bars on the outskirts of Gotham, so it should be something these strip club enthusiast pigs haven’t seen so often. Jason walked over behind the booths.
“Mr. Todd!” A man came to him with a crouched back, ginger hair and freckles that covered half his face. Stretching his hand out that wasn’t holding his camera, Jason firmly shook it. “Jimmy Olsen from the Daily Planet. Is it okay if I ask a few questions?”
“Ask away.”
“Proprietorship over the Iceberg Lounge costs millions of dollars, Mr. Todd. Did you have any financial assistance from Mr. Wayne in your investments?”
He wanted to scoff.
“No. I’m all on my own.”
“Are you involved in any of Wayne Enterprises’ operations, then?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“Then what other means of income did you have prior to the Iceberg?”
Blackmail. Robbery. Decapitating drug lords’ heads. Among others.
“My father taught me how to invest in the stock market with more accurate predictions than the average person.”
“You’re not so often mentioned by Mr. Wayne.”
“Well, I am the second eldest son. And there may have been a falling out at the time I was wrongfully declared legally dead. But now? I assume Bruce will have plenty of good things to say about me.”
“Mr. Wayne has not released any statement about your ownership of the Iceberg, Mr. Todd. The media has gone rampant after the Mr. Wayne’s absence in the Lounge’s opening ceremony.”
He wasn’t invited.
“I’m sure he was busy.”
“And your siblings?”
“They should be as well.”
“Last question, Mr. Todd. Will all eight of Mr. Wayne’s children have an equal share of his wealth?”
Huh. He’s never thought of that. “Perhaps. What are people saying?”
“Mr. Wayne is currently worth eighty billion dollars. That would mean you’d inherit ten billion dollars along with your other siblings.”
Shit. Maybe threatening Bruce with his identity a few days back wasn’t the brightest idea.
“Right now, I’m worth more than any of my siblings,” Jason smiled at the camera. “And if Mr. Wayne does give me an eighth of his fortune, I’d be sure to give you guys a first at an interview as the youngest new billionaire.”
Kylie Jenner can suck it.
The music started blaring out from the speakers. Burlesque music. He took another glass of champagne from a waiter and nodded at Jimmy Olsen. “Thank you.”
“Thank you, Mr. Todd!” he exclaimed.
Jason’s eyes were on stage. Five women with feathers around their arms twirled, moving their legs so gracefully to the music. They only had so much clothes on. Sipping into his glass, he moved closer to the stage.
A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental
On your humble flat, or help you at the automat
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear shaped
These rocks don't lose their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend
You caught his eye more than anyone else in the damn room.
You were staring right at him, then with your soft, lace covered hands, you ran it over the side of your cheek, over your red-stained lips. You were covered in red. And the wig you had, a short blonde one, you had that Marilyn Monroe look he always had a thing for. You reminded him of Isabel, the flight attendant he once dated. But you? On stage with your legs covered in the most intricate fish nets, you were definitely something else.
You looked at him again. Perhaps you knew who he was. Your mouth so slightly parted, and the feathers grazed against your glistening lips. Jason smiled at you. You didn’t smile back. At the next move, you moved to the other side of the stage and faced away from him.
Jason then walked over to your side, standing beside a booth. You were looking at the business moguls drooling over you at their table. But then your eyes darted to him again, this time with the slightest smirk. You turned around, along with the rest of the dancers, and bent over.
Jason’s eyebrow quirked up at the sight of your ass, but he kept silent, drinking his wine. Your eyes were immediately on him the moment you stood back up. He held his glass up at you, smiling, and you ignored him once again.
Biting his lip, he watched you throw out your feather scarf over your shoulder, holding onto another dancer’s waist as you grinded onto her, so slowly with the song changing to something a bit more seductive. You then walked off the stage and continued your choreography holding your scarves over people’s necks.
You walked over to the Falcones, avoiding their grabby hands. You almost kissed the best looking one in the group, your chest so close to the tip of his nose. Rolling his eyes, Jason sipped on his glass.
But then you turned to him, your lips subtly curving up. You were making your way to him, most probably knowing he owned the place, because you walked ever so slowly to his way, cheekily winking at all the other men fawning over you.
And when you’d stood in front of him, smelling like sweet, yet strong rose petals in a garden, the tension was immense. You were absolutely gorgeous. And his eyes were all over you.
Slowly, ever so slowly, you put your face so closely to his while your delicate fingers drew a line across his shoulders, his collarbone, over the muscles on his arms. He pretended not to be so shaken, standing still with the glass between his lips.
You were enjoying yourself just as much as Jason did. But he was practically growling in hunger as you swayed your hips, momentarily pushing your ass to his crotch but not near enough to actually touch it. Jason couldn’t care less about all the other people around him. As far as he knew, you were the only one in the room.
Then you placed your scarf around his neck, your forehead so slightly brushing against his. Your breath was hot, too hot, and your body was glistening under the pale blue light. Jason licked his lips before you left to go back on stage.
Looking down at the red feathered scarf around his neck, Jason walked over backstage just before the number came to an end.
“Mr. Todd!”
A large woman with a fur coat big enough to have been from an actual bear came up to him. “Did you enjoy my girls?”
“I did,” Jason said. “Where are they?”
“They’re just about to finish up at the dressing room. Would you like to meet one of them?”
“Send them all out to the casinos for the night. I’m sure all the guests would be delighted to have them around at the lounge,” Jason said. “If they want to, of course.”
“They would love to. If you can excuse me, Mr. Todd.”
Jason nodded at the woman who then walked into the dressing room. He waited outside, just by one of the slot machines.
The girls walked out of the room, now dressed in long gowns, their backs bare and the slits on their legs high up to their thighs. You no longer wore your wig, but your natural hair looked even better on you, if Jason had to say. You were the last to come out, and the seductive, shameless demeanor you once had was now replaced with a shy, silent, yet beautiful disposition. Your dress was the same color red as his Red Hood mask. He loved it.
You caught his eye, stopping your tracks, then you brought your purse up to your torso as if you were covering yourself from him.
Jason walked over to you, stretching out his hand. You looked at his arms, then at his face. You didn’t smile at him, but slowly, you held his hand for a firm shake.
But he didn’t shake it. Instead, he brought it up to his lips, delicately pressing it against the back of your hand as if you were so fragile. But you sighed at his gesture, and you couldn’t help but step closer.
“Jason Todd,” he said, still not letting go of your hand.
Your voice was sweeter than your scent.
“You were amazing out there, Y/N.”
“I didn’t realize I was dancing for the Iceberg’s new owner, Mr. Todd.”
“Call me Jason. Please.”
So you didn’t know who he was, and still you danced for him like no one else. Interesting.
“A drink?”
You nodded. Jason motioned for a waiter to his direction and he took two glasses from the tray, handing one out to you. “Walk with me, Y/N.”
Your lips stained the glass’s rim with a faint coral. He looked away before you’d catch him staring too much at it.
“How do you find the place?”
“It’s perfect, much better than when Mr. Cobblepot owned the place.”
“So you’ve danced here before?”
“A few times. I didn’t like it as much. Who knew a handsome young bachelor such as you would turn the place so much more interesting?”
Your eyes were piercing. And every so often, as you walked past the crowd, he’d catch you looking at him longer than you should.
“Being one of Bruce Wayne’s wards has its perks.”
“You are definitely different from your siblings.”
“In a good way?”
“In the best way.”
You’ve reached the dance floor, where drunken socialites had a glass on one hand while holding onto some businessman or crime lord half their height with the other. The live band was playing jazz music for now, and with the lights coming to a dim, Jason stretched out his hand for you again. “Dance with me, Ms. Y/N?”
Placing your glasses onto a waiter’s tray, you took it, and he placed his hand on your waist, yours on his shoulder. And with the other, he held your fingers with a slight brush against your thumb.
“You must do this with a whole number of women, sir.”
Sir. You didn’t say it the way you called him Mr. Todd. You said it seductively. Oh, he definitely had that kink.
“On the contrary, I don’t.”
“So the Prince of Gotham isn’t a stud after all?”
“Not at all. But women don’t hate me, that’s for sure.”
His grip on your waist tightened, and you were pulling him closer. “I sure hope you like me, Ms. Y/LN.”
“Call me Y/N, and I think I like you just fine.”
The smell of rose petals yet again. Your faces were so close, and you danced at a slower pace than everyone else in the room. “I’d like to get to know you better. You have a show tomorrow night, Y/N?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Dinner. With me at the rooftop lounge. I’ll reserve a special table with the best view.”
“Just thought you should know, I cannot be reeled in over wealth and gifts.”
“Not that kind of woman, huh?”
You smirked. “I don’t think so.”
“Is that a no?”
“If you weren’t so rich, or if you weren’t so alike to your playboy father, maybe I’d immediately say yes.”
He twirled you around so skillfully you almost squealed. “Then let me prove to you I’m no rich playboy.”
“You have the whole night.”
He pressed his forehead against yours, smirking as you looked into his eyes. You were warm, and even if you weren’t so immensely sexy, he was still so drawn to you, he’ll make sure to make the night worthwhile.
The song ended, and reluctantly, he pulled away from you, but not without a kiss to your hand once again.
“You may not be that kind of girl, but what if I take you up to my room?”
He watched your face, looking for any signs of hesitation. Even at just the slightest bit of pressure, he wouldn’t push it. But the wide smile on your face and the enthusiastic nod reassured him. “Lead the way.”
Jason held out his elbow for you to take, and you wrapped your hand around your bicep as you walked to the back of the room, to the elevators no one was supposed to go into. He heard whispers from socialites left and right, how he was taking a burlesque girl up to his room. They’ll call you cheap, for sure. But even if they had half the charm you had, he’d pick you in a crowd of hundreds in a heartbeat.
You didn’t seem to mind. You walked into the elevator, still holding onto his arm, and you walked out into a hall of glass walls and crystal statues. At the end of the hall was the door to his room. And with no one around, Jason led you inside.
You placed your purse on a console table, marveling over the immensely luxurious bedroom. The walls were still of the same crystal-like glass, blue all over the walls. There was a couch and living area to the left, and right in front was his own liquor bar, which he walked over to immediately after pulling out a seat for you to take. Behind it was a beautiful aquarium, large enough to fill up the whole wall. Walking over to it, watching the fish move around the corals and seaweed, Jason took out a bottle of champagne and poured both of you a new glass.
“You have quite the exquisite taste.”
“I’m hoping that doesn’t turn you off as much.”
Handing you a glass, you clinked it against his and sipped. “Your charm makes up for it. I take it you weren’t born with a silver spoon up your ass?”
He laughed. “No. Glad you should mention that. I grew up in the streets, in fact.”
“You and I both.”
Another lipstick stain on the rim of your glass, and your eyes still on the fish of the aquarium. He had to stop staring so much.
“Where’s your next performance?”
“I’m not so sure yet. Our manager usually tells us of our performances on the day.”
“Call me. I’d love to watch you again.”
Smiling as you walked over to the liquor bar’s stool, Jason put his arm on the bar’s surface. “Why me?”
He was flustered. “Well, other than the fact that your beauty absolutely captivates me, red happens to be my favorite color.”
“A way with words, you have, Jason Todd.”
You both placed your empty glasses on the table, and Jason started to put his face nearer to yours, leaning towards you from the other side of the bar. You were pushing your ass out, leaning towards him in turn. With a brush of his fingers against your cheek, you bit your lips.
“May I take another step at convincing you over that date?”
“Take as many measures as you want.”
You were first to lean in to his lips, and you were warm, so soft, and incredibly addicting. That rosy smell was now mixed with the faint remnants of champagne. He breathed in, walking over to your side at the table so he could roam his hands around your hair, your neck, your waist. He stopped, and you went on to kiss his neck, and he leaned over to push on the lever under your seat so you’d be elevated up to his height. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed him again and you felt his hand snake up your thigh.
“You sure those-“ you breathed. “-socialites downstairs wouldn’t mind?”
“I don’t care.” He smiled at you. Jason took off his suit jacket and you worked him off his tie. His red dress shirt was a shade lighter than your dress, and all you could think about were the thick muscles he had on under his clothes, how huge he was compared to any other man you’ve ever been with. Your hands on his face, you spread your legs so he could settle himself between them.
Shit, this was hot. Your heavy breaths, your gasps, the slight mewl when he’d bite into your neck, he lifted you up on your thighs and carried you to the other side of the liquor bar. Now sitting taller than him, he could nip at your chest easily, biting into your collarbone. Your legs were hooked around his waist and with neither of you fixing the straps of your dress falling down your shoulder, you moaned in delight when his hands squeezed onto your thighs.
With your help, he fiddled with his belt buckle and unzipped his pants, never leaving your lips while he was at it. Hiking your dress up to your waist, he groaned when your hand suddenly started to pump his length.
“You really got it all, Mr. Todd,” you winked.
“Like what you see?”
“Yes, sir.”
He swore his dick twitched.
Then he started attacking your neck, the top of your breast. He pushed your dress down so he could bite into the skin of your now exposed breasts. Of course you weren’t wearing a bra. He didn’t know what he expected. Eyes closed shut, moaning even louder, he tipped over a few glasses when he leaned his weight over you. Your legs were in the air, and you were holding onto him so you wouldn’t fall off.
Kneeling down, your fingers locked onto his hair, Jason looked up at you as he pushed you further toward the edge of the surface, your exposed ass cold against the bar. He kneaded your thighs, so skillfully well you could probably cum just as that, then the cheeky bastard started biting at the hem of your stockings.
Smiling down at him, you watched him pull them down your legs with his teeth, before he’d traced his burning hot tongue up the skin of your inner thighs. Your thongs were thin enough for him to know you’d feel his breath if he ghosted his mouth over you, so that was exactly what he did. And watching your reactions, and the way you pulled even tighter into his hair, he stood back up to pull your lips back to his.
You bit at his lip, feeling the tip of his warm cock play with your folds.
And when he’d slid inside you, your nails raked onto his back, nevermind his shirt to protect him. You weren’t so shy anymore when you suddenly tore his shirt open, the buttons flying to whatever direction to the ground. Smiling as he thrusted inside you, your nails traced the outlines of his abs. So fucking hot…
He probably heard another glass break, but he didn’t care. Jason picked you up once again, turned around, then pushed your back flat against the aquarium’s glass. The fish were frantically swimming around in panic, especially when he started pounding against you and the window shook in loud thuds. You screamed, and with a bite onto your neck, the tip of his cock hit that side of your tight walls clenching around him to hard, he wanted to break the glass.
He moaned into your ear, effortlessly keeping you up with his hands on your thighs. He thrusted into you, gaining speed the more you screamed and moaned his name. He caught your lips, bit onto them even when he didn’t want you to be quiet. This was fucking hotter than anything he’s ever experienced.
And he didn’t want this to end so quickly. Not with you. Something to captivating within you made him want to take his sweet time, enjoy your body he was lucky enough to have at the first night. He didn’t want this to be just for tonight, no. He wanted you to come back, to make you feel so good you’ll have to say yes to that date. So he lifted you up once again, his cock still lodged inside you, and he carried you into bed.
Fuck, you were so hot splayed out on his bed like that, your thighs drenched and your hair a mess. Jason took his dress shirt off, throwing it to the floor, then he helped you slide off of your dress, your thongs, your stockings, and fucking hell, you were beautiful.
Jason took off his pants, and before you could pull him in, he leaned over to the side of the bed and pressed on two buttons. One of them dimmed the lights to a sexy, seductive red glare, and the other put on some music. Some slow rap song he didn’t have the liberty of choosing, and it made you giggle. You obviously didn’t want him fiddling around with more buttons, so you pulled onto his shoulders and hooked both your legs around him.
Moaning, your hands gripping onto the sheets, Jason kissed your breasts and midriff so breathily slow that it made you a writhing mess. He leaned over to your cunt, breathing against it to make you jolt, then he lapped his tongue over you so gently your back arched high up to the air. He inserted a finger, then another, and you were screaming his name over and over, shaking each time he thrusted inside you. “Fuck,” he moaned, before lapping at your clit with the tip of his tongue.
Yes. Moan. Scream. Twitch at his touch. Just watching you would’ve been enough to get him off. The lights, the room, the music, it was all perfect. “Is that a yes on that date now?”
“If you don’t continue fucking me right now, I might never call you.”
He laughed and went back up to your lips, grinding against you so deliciously slow, his shaft grazing up your cunt, he held onto you as you jolted up. Suddenly, he flipped you over, and you squealed as he held your ass up, licking his fingers as he played with your pussy. You buried your head against the soft pillows and moaned as he slid back inside you, hands roughly gripping onto your hips.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!!!” you screamed, and with his arm holding onto your shoulders, he held you up, keeping that sexy arch of your back intact with his other hand, and with your head falling to his shoulder, he pulled you up for a kiss. Hands all over your breasts, skin so flustered and over stimulated, you felt burning. Jason bit your lip too hard when he felt your already tight pussy clench around him. Forehead against yours, he looked right into your eyes and snapped his hips into your ass, making you shriek.
“Fuck! Do that again, sir!”
Fucking hell.
He did it again. And again. And again and again.
He’s never been so intimate with a stranger, never took so much time to make them feel good. And even when he’d just met you, something didn’t want him to make this a single night of quick, meaningless sex to keep him going through the day. Something wanted him to make this more than that.
So he kissed you, long and hard. And with your limbs trembling and shaking hard enough to make you fall, he held you up, holding himself back from the immense pain and pleasure that went with you clenching so hard around him, he hissed and gave in.
He came, and you both fell to the bed, his chest pressed against your back, he sloppily kept up with his thrusts and rode out his high. He shuddered, spilling so much of his load inside you. Fuck, this was too good for him. He kissed your shoulders, your back, then your cheek. You looked amazing, and undoubtably grateful. Jason turned you around, legs around his body, and kept kissing you all throughout the night.
Fucking a stranger, sure. But making love to one? Not exactly what people would have in mind. But somehow, with you, nothing has ever felt better. Nothing felt so right.
And eventually, when the ripe beginnings of sunshine had met his window, you kissed him once again before walking back over to pick your clothes from the ground. “My phone’s over there,” you pointed to your purse. “Give me your number.”
Pinching your butt cheek, Jason took your phone. He then gave you his and you put your number with a little heart next to your name.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a night like that with someone I barely know.”
“Neither have I.”
Smiling, and with your clothes back on, you leaned over to him and kissed him, before walking out of the room. Biting the inside of his gums, he put on his clothes, walked over to the liquor bar, then turned over to face the fish.
A push on the remote he had opened the screens behind the aquarium. His hand in his pockets, he watched as the glass unfolded.
“You alright there, Cobblepot?”
“You. Fucking. Tool,” Penguin growled from behind the glass, his clothes and hair a mess. Probably from almost tearing them out from his skin in frustration.
“Shut up. At least I had the decency to shut the glass and the one way mirror. You didn’t see anything.”
The stout man looked absolutely traumatized. “And you just forgot to turn the sounds off?”
“Oh,” he sipped on his wine. “Whoops.”
  Taglist: everyartistwas-firstanamateur  @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki@everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208@offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal@mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive  @lucy-roo  roseangel013bf @ loxbbg  reclusive-chicken-nuggethttp-cherries shadowsndaisiesriver9noble zphilophobiazannoylinglyaries @knightfall05x​
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kingedwardvi · 3 years ago
29 Octobers 1551 -Richard Dobbes, skynner, Mayor, ye 5 yere of Ed. 6. [5th year of Edward VI’s reign]
..”that vppon ffrydaye, beynge ye 30 of October, a newe proclamacion cum forth for sondrye newe peces of money both sylver & golde of dyuerse valewes, viz. souereignes of fyne gould at xxx. s., angelles of fyne golde at x., & dyuerse other peces of gold of lesser valewes, a pece of syluer v.s, & a pece ii., vj.d., ye sterlynge shillinge of xij.d. & sondry other small moneyes. (fn. 45)
Note also yt uppon ffrydaye, beynge ye vjth. daye of Nouember ye quene of scottes (fn. 46) rode throughe Chepesyde wt a greate companye of englishemen waytynge on her, after she had lyen iiij. dayes in ye byshope of London's palace besydes Poules churche.
Note further yt vppon Tewesdaye ye first of December ye duke of Somerset was areyned at Westmynster hall, & was then & ther acquyted of treason, but he was condempned of felonye by vertue of acte of parlyamente made agaynst conventicles & vnlawfull assemblies. (fn. 47)
Also vppon ye Mondaye after, beynge ye vijth. daye of December was a generall muster of ye horsemen, wh. were in ye wages of ye nobles of this realme, & for ye wh. ye kynges majesty allowed yerely for each man xx.li., the wh. muster was made vppon ye brod cawsey ouer agaynste ye brode causaye ouer agaynst ye kinges place (fn. 48) at saynte James: & as yt was reported ye nomber of ye horsemen was a thousande.
Note yt vppon ffrydaye, beynge ye xxijth. day of January, ye duke of Somerset was broughte vnto ye skaffold vppon ye Tower hyll, & ther was beheaded.
And vppon Satterdaye ye xxiijth. daye of Januarye ye parlyament began wh. ye lordes assembled.
Also about this tyme ye flud of ye ocean & flemyshe sea of ye Temes swelled so hyghe yt yt dyde greate hurte vpon all ye cost of Flaunders, & ouerflowed Lesynge (fn. 49) mershe besydes Wolwytche, & ye mershes beyond saynte Kateryns.
Also aboute this tyme ther was found dead in ye mouth of ye Humber in ye north a greate whale of vij. or viij. cubites.
Note, yt vppon Fryday, beinge ye xxvjth. of ffebruary, one sir Raffe a Vane, & on sir Myles Partryge were both hanged [at] ye Tower hyll vppon ye gallowes, & sir Mihell Stanhope & sir Thomas Arundell were beheaded vppon ye skaffold ther: all wh. foure were condempned by vertue of ye acte of vnlawfull assembles as accessaryes to ye duke of Somerset. (fn. 50)
Note, yt vppon good Frydaye ye xvth. of Aprell ye parlyament was cleane dyssolued & broken vpp, wherin were many goodly lawes & statutes ordeyned & stablyshed.
(fn. 51) The third day of August in a towne called Myddelton Stony in Oxford, there was borne a double child, whiche was two children from ye brest vpwarde, in all partis perfyte wt one body, one navle, & one ishew where out passyd both ordure & water, havynge ij. legges growynge out of ye one syde of ye belye, & one ye other, one lege havynge ij. bones in one skyne, ix. toes, & ij soles of ye foote, callyd & christenyd by ye mydwyfe Johan Joane: thone always slepynge whiles ye othar was wakynge, in August anno 1552. (fn. 52)
Also in ye same monythe of August began to gooe forwarde ye great provysyon for ye poore, towards ye whiche every man was tributorie & gave a certayn wykelye, & also somewhat to begyne ye same on hande: ye first hous which was begon was ye graye fryers in Newgate market, wh. wente forwarde wt all spede. (fn. 53)”
Link: https://www.british-history.ac.uk/camden-misc/vol12/no1/pp17-27#p27
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