zu-is-here · 6 months
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Not the full cast (Struggle for Cake team xd) but they're celebrating tonight ;D Happy Underversary! <3
[3/23] xtaleunderverse by jakei95
Now other credits let's go—
Fresh, Error & Geno by loverofpiggies
Epic by yugogeer012
Cross & XTale team by jakei95
Ink by comyet
Killer by rahafwabas / rahaf-wabas / rahofy-sketch
Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
Core!Frisk by dokudoki
Undertale by Toby Fox
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thestrongestjewel · 18 days
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wikkart · 2 months
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No sé si verás esta publicación, de cualquier modo quería dedicarte un pequeño dibujo para ti.
Yo te conocí desde que estabas en progreso de animar el capítulo 0.2 de Underverse, y desde entonces jamás he dejado de seguir tu trabajo.
Así como otros fans te lo han hecho saber en los últimos días, en todos estos años que has permanecido en este fandom has sido una de mis mayores inspiraciones en mi vida, es por ti que yo creé mis primeros OC's por allá de 2016 e incluso mi cabeza empezó a soñar con una sola cosa, ser un animador profesional. Créeme que al ser latinoamericanx no me había planteado la idea de vivir y trabajar de algo así, o al menos hasta mi pubertad pensaba que un sueño de ese calibre sólo era posible para personas de otros países o que tuviesen una mejor estabilidad económica, pero luego llegaste tú, una colombiana animadora super talentosa que me demostró todo lo contrario en un pequeño blog de Tumblr y canal de Youtube. Y ahora, 8 años después, he estado cumpliendo esa meta al estar estudiando una carrera de animación en mi estado.
Desde 2020 entré a la universidad y con ello he tenido un viaje complicado, la animación es un trabajo muy difícil que de a ratos me ha desmotivado lo suficiente como para querer abandonar ese sueño. Pero luego llegabas tu anualmente entregando un nuevo capítulo de tu hermosa serie en la que todxs nos podíamos deleitar de tus magníficas habilidades, y hasta ahora eso a sido suficiente para que pueda levantarme una vez más y seguir adelante en cumplir mi meta de vida.
Con todo esto descrito, sólo quería darte las gracias por todos estos años de esfuerzo creando algo que sé que lo has hecho con todo el amor del mundo. Para ti sólo seré un random más del internet, pero para mí tu existencia misma a sido un pilar de mi vida.
En serio lamento tanto que por malentendidos de otras personas tú y tu esposo han recibido un montón de maltratos y odio injustificado, al punto de quitarles la grata felicidad de crear y compartir su arte al mundo. No merecen ni una fracción de todo ese desprecio tan corrosivo que ha invadido sus mentes y corazones.
En este instante lo único que deseo es que ustedes 2 sean tan felices como me han hecho a mí y a millones de personas más con sus creaciones, y si eso implica dejar de animar Underverse por un buen rato o incluso por siempre entonces lo aceptaremos. La salud mental de uno mismx siempre va primero antes que cualquier otra cosa.
Y sin importar la decisión que tomes te seguiré usando de ejemplo para seguir adelante con mi arte y mis estudios, cada que necesite un boost de energía para motivarme revisitaré tu canal.
Así lo he hecho siempre, y este dibujito que hice para una portada de una libreta de secundaria en 2017 lo puede comprobar 💜
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Te queremos mucho Jael, en verdad gracias por todo. Cuídate mucho, te mando un fuerte abrazo 🌼
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little-noko · 1 year
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We had a small mishap with out Xtale shipping where some of the clients didn't get their button bundle, while the issue was resolved, we decided to make this wallpaper as compensation for the clients who didn't receive their full package without an issue.
And now that this wallpaper is done, it is now available on the loading crew craft for whoever who wish to purchase it for themselves!
Art(c) @little-noko & @alainaprana Xtale/Underverse(c) @jakei95
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midnighttheroies · 4 months
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papyrus is the only one that can pick up and hold cross without getting attacked
asriel dared chara to try
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redssketchbook · 6 months
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
I’ve been thinking about ways Killer might’ve been instrumental in furthering Nightmare’s goals of widespread negativity, and I think he probably encouraged Nightmare to engage a lot more with mortals in Universes that aren’t aware of the Multiverse as a whole.
Universes that don’t know either Killer’s or Nightmare’s reputations or faces, but also don’t know anything about the Star Sanses, or Dream or Ink.
Reminding Nightmare that human mortals have their uses, and their souls are often stronger than most of monsterkind, reminding the Boss that cases like himself, Dream, Ink, Error, and even Killer are basically outliers. Not typically considered the norm.
I think Killer probably came up with the idea of creating cells inside those universes, secretly training and manipulating both human and monster agents to serve Nightmare’s goals, regardless if any of them are fully aware of that or not. Targeting any dumb or desperate fool, especially those who have any political power or authority over a certain place like a country or an army.
Encouraging wars, gang wars, revolts, territory spats, and acts of mass terror in these universes that could give Nightmare all the negativity he needs without anyone being all the wiser.
With everyone being too busy pointing guns and fingers at eachother to notice that they’re being used for something bigger. And Killer will keep the guns of war going by discretely turning everyone against their own groups, spreading rumors and propaganda.
Assuming Killer targets people who aren’t exactly important to that universe’s script, he may even be able to evade Ink’s attention for some time.
So while the Star Sanses might think that Nightmare only has himself, Killer, and possibly also Horror, Dust, and Cross/XChara doing his bidding.
He actually secretly has both deals & agreements with certain Multiverse-Aware universes—supply Nightmare and his Gang with resources & they’ll leave you alone—but thanks to Killer’s idea, he also has billions of regular Joes working for him and they aren’t even aware of it.
And, of course, Killer would be the one out recruiting people. And I think that the information about the operative cells would likely stay classified strictly between Nightmare and Killer, even if Horror and Dust are very likely suspicious.
But if any of them try to confront Killer about it he of course plays the fool, acting loud and annoying so all they’ll want by the end of the questioning is for him to just shut up and go away and they’ll completely forget what they were even asking in the first place.
(Not Dust though. Cuz while I get the vibes that Horror and Cross just wouldn’t want to deal with Killer, I think the similarities Dust sees between Killer and the anomaly only prompts Dust to pay closer attention to Killer’s actions and less his words.)
I think Nightmare’s Gang can be pretty cool if the rest of the Multiverse sees them as mostly a group of ragtag criminals causing mayhem and negativity wherever they go, but it’s just a front for a more numbered, highly structured and functioning organization with bigger, long term plans.
You could walk past a member of Nightmare’s organization and you wouldn’t even know it. The member themself may not even be fully aware of what they involved themself in.
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yael-things · 4 months
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06.06 !!!!!!!!!!
simple xchara birthday doodles !!!!!
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cahar-cocoin · 6 months
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Yupiiii, new art with X-Chara. I am very pleased to see that my creativity is noticed and some kind of asset is shown, it motivates me to create more!
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neverniko101 · 5 months
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There was a tie so I picked the funnier option
Introducing Reaper, The Voice of the Cheated
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toffeebrew · 1 month
you said that drawing humans is refreshing? (understandable cause it is)
then c3 for X!Chara
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I always struggle to draw XChara but I think this is alright?
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bones-on-skin · 5 months
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Finished all my traditional commissions today!
3 new slots are open which I will start working on after the preorder ☺️🫶
This one was for Rae💕 Thanks for the support!
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midnighttheroies · 19 days
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redssketchbook · 6 months
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howlsofbloodhounds · 22 days
First time sending an ask to ya….. greetings!
Cross wouldn’t get rid of XChara the moment an option presented itself. Because in a sad way, they are both of what remains of Xtale. Even if they don’t get along. Cross wouldn’t have it in him to kill XChara.
It would take a long time for them to form a genuine bond with each other. But I think they would eventually get there. It’s a very rocky road considering their circumstances.
Maybe, XChara could even see Cross as a potential father figure. Despite being older than he is.
I dunno. My apologies, I am not the best at stringing my thoughts together.
I just think the Monochrome Duo is extremely underrated. And I’m upset the fandom rushes to remove XChara from Cross’ story.
That’s their duo name?!?! Monochrome Duo! That’s so cute I love that.
And I completely agree! I think people are missing out on a lot of potential and opportunity by finding a way to get rid of XChara, and not considering XChara as a character either—rather than just some big bad or obstacle in Cross’ story.
It’s similar to the way people don’t do much with Something New!Chara, either. Because even if they may just be living in Killer’s head in endings where he turns on them and is then taken by Nightmare, they are still a huge part of his life and reasons for why he does or says things and behaves certain ways.
Especially whenever he attempts to or even considers trying to hope for a better life, his Chara keeps him in line and feeling scared and uncertain in Stage 1–which in turn keeps him stuck in Stage 2 and all of its dreaded apathy, unable to care or bother to hope.
Even in endings where Killer is supposedly free, he still isn’t—because he believes his abuser is inside his head and watching him. That shit is scary, and no one does anything with the potential! Imagine all the internal flashbacks and memories and potentially triggered sensations.
Ughhhh. I need to see more of Sanses with their Charas, it’d be so interesting. Especially with XChara and Cross, they can try to find family in eachother and heal from everything they suffered from!
{ @twinribbonz }
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fateswind0wseat · 10 months
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I miss him, don't you blame me?
That boy went stone cold crazy
Sorry I haven't been doing requests and stuff I feel unmotovated
redraw of this!! (by jakei)
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i love him
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