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World Food Day 2023
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Food Day
Hunger and starvation is dangerous, respect food for your survival.
World Food Day.
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Celebrating World Food Day and the power of food to nourish, unite, and inspire change. Let's work together towards a world where everyone has access to safe, nutritious, and sustainable food. Join the movement and make a difference today! 🌍🍽️
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Every year on October 16th, the world celebrates World Food Day to raise awareness about the importance of food and promote action to combat hunger and malnutrition. It's a time to reflect on the crucial role food plays in our lives and highlight the need for sustainable food systems. While we enjoy an abundance of food, millions suffer from hunger every day. Let us commit to working towards a world where everyone has access to nutritious and affordable food.
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Every year on October 16th, the world celebrates World Food Day to raise awareness about the importance of food and promote action to combat hunger and malnutrition. It's a time to reflect on the crucial role food plays in our lives and highlight the need for sustainable food systems. While we enjoy an abundance of food, millions suffer from hunger every day. Let us commit to working towards a world where everyone has access to nutritious and affordable food.
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Join us in celebrating the joy of wholesome cooking and healthy eating on this World Food Day!
Use Code OCT10 on your orders to avail of a 10% discount.
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Every year on October 16th, the world celebrates World Food Day to raise awareness about the importance of food and promote action to combat hunger and malnutrition. It's a time to reflect on food's crucial role in our lives and highlight the need for sustainable food systems. While we enjoy abundant food, millions suffer from hunger every day. Let us commit to working towards a world where everyone can access nutritious and affordable food.
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Every year on October 16th, the world celebrates World Food Day to raise awareness about the importance of food and promote action to combat hunger and malnutrition. It's a time to reflect on the crucial role food plays in our lives and highlight the need for sustainable food systems. While we enjoy an abundance of food, millions suffer from hunger every day. Let us commit to working towards a world where everyone has access to nutritious and affordable food.
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Every year on October 16th, the world celebrates World Food Day to raise awareness about the importance of food. It's a time to reflect on food's crucial role in our lives and highlight the need for sustainable food systems. While we enjoy abundant food, millions suffer from hunger every day. Let us commit to working towards a world where everyone can access nutritious and affordable food.
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Remind yourself before every meal -
“I am a wise being… I prioritize self-care.
My body is my temple… I eat right… I eat for health…
not for taste… I eat for nurturing… not out of temptation…
my body & mind are disciplined... I am healthy.”
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உலக உணவு நாள்
உலக உணவு நாள் ஆண்டு தோறும் அக்டோபர் 16 ஆம் நாளன்று உலக நாடுகளில் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது. 1945 ஆம் ஆண்டில் இதே நாளில் ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் நிறுவனத்தின் ஐக்கிய நாடுகளின் உணவு மற்றும் வேளாண்மை அமைப்பு ஆரம்பிக்கப்பட்டதை நினைவு கூர ஐநா இந்நாளைச் சிறப்பு நாளாக அறிவித்தது.
#moringapowder #worldcottonday #moringaoil #moringabenefits #moringa #moringaoleifera #WorldFoodDay #worldfoodday #worldfoodday2023
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#QuoteOfTheDay (20231016):
“Air adalah kehidupan, air adalah makanan. Jangan tinggalkan seorang pun.” (Tema Hari Pangan Sedunia 2023)
Tema ini bertujuan untuk menyoroti peran penting air bagi kehidupan di bumi dan air sebagai sumber makanan kita. Juga bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran global mengenai pentingnya pengelolaan air secara bijaksana seiring dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk, pembangunan ekonomi, urbanisasi, dan perubahan iklim yang mengancam ketersediaan air.
“Dan Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang hidup berasal dari air; maka mengapa mereka tidak beriman?” (Al-Anbiya: 30). Atas dasar ini Syekh Yusuf al-Qaradhawi dalam makalahnya “Al-Biah fil Islam” menekankan pentingnya menjaga air sebagai sumber kehidupan. “Sering kali pendayagunaan air tidak tepat guna. Bahkan Rasulullah ﷺ pernah mengingatkan Saad bin Abi Waqash agar berwudhu dengan air secukupnya. Tidak usah berlebih sekalipun berada di lokasi dengan air yang melimpah.”
#Water #life #food #Leave #noone #behind #important #role #earth #wise #management #WorldFoodDay2023
Telegram channel: https://t.me/x_QoTD
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