#Workplace analysis
knight-in-sour-armor · 6 months
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imrovementcompany · 2 years
Gemba Walk. A Powerful Tool for Improving Processes
Gemba Walk is a simple yet powerful tool that organizations can use to improve their processes and increase efficiency. The term “Gemba” is a Japanese word that means “the actual place” or “the real place.” Gemba Walk is a process where managers and other leaders go to the “Gemba,” or the place where work is being done, to observe and gather data about the processes and identify areas for…
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jubileemon · 6 months
The Sad Truth About Moxxie
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As frustrating as it is, Moxxie's behavior in "Unhappy Campers" makes a depressing amount of sense when you consider the circumstances of his life. From childhood to early adulthood, he was kept isolated and under Crimson's thumb, which implies that he had no friends growing up, with the only person showing him genuine affection having been killed by his father when he was barely out of toddlerhood.
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In the present day, he still receives verbal and physical abuse and humiliation from his own boss Blitzo, Loona and other people alike, not to mention that his in-laws clearly don't like him, but just tolerate him for Millie's sake. In other words, even after meeting Millie, he's clearly not received much in the way of platonic love and appreciation in his life. The poor man must be so starved for affection and approval that he overcompensates when he sees a chance to get it, as he just wanted to make Blitzo proud of him and that desire most likely bled into his attempt at a "stereotypical popular girl" persona to get the kids at the camp to like him.
Moxxie doubles down on trying and failing to act like a "popular girl", despite it clearly not working out for him. Why doesn't he change tactics or even try to be himself when he sees that it works wonders for Millie?
A) The first one is that, as somebody who is a fan of theatre and movies, he knows about the the "popular girl" archetype, so he probably tries to apply movie logic to his situation despite being unable to pull it off.
B) As for the second one? Well, it's not like he's received much in the way of appreciation for being himself before, has he? And while it doesn't excuse or justify his behavior, it might explain why he gets jealous of Millie instead of happy for her: He sees her effortlessly blending in and becoming loved by all simply by being herself whereas he seems to end up becoming a pariah or a punching bag no matter where he is and what he does. It must've done a number on his self-esteem.
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Blitzo calling Moxxie a "disgrace" in the end is harsh and cruel enough, especially since he baited him with supposed praise first. But it manages to become even worse when you consider that Moxxie has likely heard similar sentiments before from Crimson. Since there are some implications that Moxxie might see Blitzo as a bit of a parental figure, that's one more session of verbal abuse from somebody who he's tried so hard to gain the approval of. Combined with the humiliation, it's not surprising if Moxxie walks away from all of this with his self-esteem worse than ever.
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irenespring · 7 months
May try to break my writer's block for Serious Writing by writing some pointless domestic fluff nonsense of House and Wilson watching Selling Sunset because the show is delightfully insane, we know canonically House watches reality TV, and they would both have thoughts.
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terrence-silver · 9 months
Had a dream about getting food eaten off of me (non-sexually) and now I can’t stop imagining Terry having human furniture
Definitely seems like something 80’s Terry would have
It’s as though he views those lesser than him as not even human
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But, honestly, c'mon, lets be real. Lets take the pink goggles off for a second: Try and imagine being this guy's ⬆️ employee at the height of his prime and just the absolutely debauched and downright freaky stuff you'd witness while working for him in the 80's.
It's the type of thing that puts Succession to shame, I feel.
Because, I do envision him coaxing people through the ringer of fire for his own sick pleasure, elaborately hazing them and having them take near goddamn ritualized amount of tests to progress anywhere in the hierarchy he's created; envision being a Dynatox employee, for example? A young Intern or someone wanting a promotion? Someone wanting to get ahead in Terry Silver's world? Nothing's for free, right? So, what would you be willing to do to get ahead under him? Don't even necessarily think it's about sex for Terry, but rather, more so about power. Ways he can perversely abuse it without consequences. Perhaps that ambitious secretary gets to stand behind his work desk for hours with their stack of papers because he's ordered them to, acting out the role of an elaborate human...shelf. Maybe if the fancy strikes him, he orders them to do it on one leg to fuel his own sadism and make it more difficult for them. Shift positions and hold up his ashtray for him as he dabs the residue of his cigar into it. Maybe get under his work table so he can place his feet over their back while they're on the floor, on all fours, and conduct a meeting, nobody even suspecting what's going on beneath the desk and even if they do, can you really confront the CEO of a conglomerate? Terry Silver, of all people? He might do it shamelessly in open view of everyone, acting entirely unfettered, nonchalant and all smiles, penalizing someone who's failed him and the strict NDA's all his workers sign render their lips sealed in sight of such measures. He can be an immensely kind boss after all. Truly. He rewards good effort by the tenfolds and punishes failure unscrupulously without you initially even knowing you're punished; he could be all kindness even as he puts you through the worst trauma of your life. Shocking what people are willing to overlook if you bribe and buy their silence with enough money and Terry would've loved testing and pushing that boundary each and every time.
Yeah, someone failed to dispose of a toxic waste delivery in Thailand.
Got to pay the ultimate price of being Mr. Silver's footstool for a month.
For all he's concerned, they got off lucky.
Imagine if they were a Whistleblower. You dread to think what happens to those.
Does he just have them dangled above a vat of toxic acid like he's a supervillain?
Does he maniacally cackle while he has his henchpeople do it?
What about the parties he attends and organizes? Company events? There's a naked woman (or a naked man) in front of Terry Silver's exclusive table in the VIP lodge and he's dining off of her and talking business with Firm Directors, Big Wigs and Fat Cats like it's no big deal, being as cool as a spritzer and you're not certain if this is a prelude to Caligula's orgy island on Capri you've just wondered into working for him and having earned your place here or any actual black tie all-personnel and special guests gathering, a stern faced Intern still standing behind Terry perfectly still and you could be left in equal measure confused if they're just that dedicated and professional and strictly no nonsense even at a party or if they too have been punished to act out the role of a disciplined human ornament in public while Mr. Silver gorges on the import Sushi plucked off of a pair of nipples and talking sums and numbers with great gusto. It's barely just 11 PM. You almost dread to think what'll take place after midnight, as you overhear Mr. Silver jokingly say something in the vein of 'If you want it that badly, what are you willing to do for it?' to a fellow Company Chairman from Japan as the honorable guest of the hour and it has you shivering in your skin because you'd just rather not know. You're not supposed to know, even though rumors fly and they come in any shade and variety of insanity right before disappearing as if though no gossip never existed and until all the remains is Terry Silver's squeaky clean image, leaving you wondering what working for him in his own private accommodations might be as a member of personal staff, up in that big mansion in LA, if working out at HQ is this unhinged. Your devotion is meant to be absolute and your silence total. After all, it is finely specified in your work contract; breaking any of Mr. Silver's requirements will result in the assurance you'll never get serious employment anywhere ever again; his reach goes shockingly far.
And all because you might've peeped about something off you saw or heard.
Who would believe you anyway, though? When Mr. Silver is all charm?
Only just the most loveable, entrepreneurial guy out there.
But, how deep does the rabbit hole really go?
When we put all of this into perspective, it is easy to understand just why Season 4 Terry Silver was so keen on wildly alerting and rehabilitating his image for a short blip. With the amount of skeletons this dude undoubtedly had in his closet, it is no wonder.
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captaingimpy · 2 months
Mythic Quest: A Heartful comedic look at the games industry
Initial Thoughts:“Mythic Quest,” created by Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, and Megan Ganz, is a comedy series that delves into the chaotic and eccentric world of video game development. The show offers a humorous yet poignant look at the inner workings of a fictional game studio, blending sharp wit with deeper themes of creativity, ambition, and the dynamics of workplace relationships. Character…
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tackledkey · 1 year
Finished Portal 2 again. weeps
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gunstreetgrl · 2 years
Weird how women are out here romanticizing the housewife/domestic lifestyle bc we fail to have a robust anti-capitalist critique of patriarchy as a system that fundamentally exploits women as a class
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trendtrackershq · 23 days
How Are Recent Trends Transforming the Workplace Safety Market in 2030?
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The Workplace Safety Market is undergoing a profound transformation as it responds to evolving trends, emerging technologies, and shifting workforce dynamics. Recent developments highlight how organizations are adapting to new challenges and opportunities, driven by innovations in safety practices and a heightened focus on employee well-being. This article explores the latest news and trends reshaping the workplace safety market in 2030.
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1. How Is the Integration of AI Enhancing Workplace Safety?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the workplace safety landscape by improving risk management and incident prevention. Recent advancements in AI technologies are enabling companies to implement more effective safety measures.
Recent Developments:
Predictive Analytics: AI-powered predictive analytics are being used to forecast potential safety hazards and prevent accidents before they occur. By analyzing historical data and real-time conditions, AI systems can identify patterns and anomalies that signal potential risks.
Automated Safety Inspections: AI-driven robots and drones are increasingly used for automated safety inspections. These technologies can efficiently survey large areas, identify hazards, and ensure compliance with safety standards, reducing the risk of human error.
Impact: The integration of AI in safety protocols enhances the accuracy of risk assessments and improves the overall effectiveness of safety programs.
2. How Are Remote and Hybrid Work Models Affecting Workplace Safety?
The shift to remote and hybrid work models, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has introduced new challenges and opportunities in workplace safety.
Recent Developments:
Remote Work Safety Guidelines: Organizations are developing comprehensive safety guidelines for remote work environments. This includes ergonomic assessments for home offices, cybersecurity measures, and protocols for managing remote work-related stress.
Hybrid Work Safety Solutions: For hybrid work models, companies are investing in flexible safety solutions that accommodate both in-office and remote employees. This includes implementing technology for monitoring health and safety compliance across various work settings.
Impact: The evolving work models are driving the need for innovative safety solutions that address the unique challenges of remote and hybrid work environments.
3. What Role Is Mental Health Playing in Modern Workplace Safety Programs?
Mental health is increasingly recognized as a critical component of workplace safety. Recent initiatives reflect a growing understanding of the link between mental well-being and overall safety.
Recent Developments:
Mental Health Support Programs: Many organizations are now offering mental health support programs, including counseling services, stress management workshops, and mental health days. These initiatives aim to reduce workplace stress and prevent burnout, which can contribute to accidents and injuries.
Integration with Safety Protocols: Companies are integrating mental health considerations into their safety protocols. This includes training managers to recognize signs of mental health issues and creating supportive environments that promote psychological well-being.
Impact: Addressing mental health as part of workplace safety programs enhances overall employee well-being and contributes to a safer and more productive work environment.
4. How Are Sustainability Trends Influencing Workplace Safety Solutions?
Sustainability trends are influencing workplace safety by driving the adoption of environmentally friendly practices and products.
Recent Developments:
Eco-Friendly Safety Products: There is an increasing demand for eco-friendly safety products, such as recyclable PPE and sustainable safety equipment. Companies are prioritizing products that minimize environmental impact while maintaining safety standards.
Green Certifications: Organizations are seeking green certifications for their safety programs, incorporating energy-efficient safety systems and reducing waste in safety operations.
Impact: The focus on sustainability is encouraging the development and adoption of environmentally responsible safety solutions, contributing to a more sustainable approach to workplace safety.
5. How Are Regulatory Changes Shaping the Workplace Safety Landscape?
Recent regulatory changes are shaping the workplace safety market by imposing stricter standards and requirements.
Recent Developments:
Updated Safety Standards: Governments and regulatory bodies are continually updating safety standards to address new risks and improve protection for workers. Recent updates include more rigorous requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment, and safety training.
Increased Compliance Costs: Companies are facing increased compliance costs due to the need to meet updated regulations. This includes investing in new safety technologies, training programs, and risk management solutions to ensure adherence to the latest standards.
Impact: The evolving regulatory landscape is driving market growth as organizations invest in safety solutions to comply with new standards and avoid penalties.
6. How Is the Rise of Digital Transformation Impacting Workplace Safety?
Digital transformation is impacting workplace safety by introducing new technologies and data-driven approaches.
Recent Developments:
Digital Safety Platforms: Companies are adopting digital safety platforms that integrate various safety management tools, such as incident reporting, risk assessment, and compliance tracking. These platforms provide real-time data and analytics to improve safety performance.
Virtual Reality (VR) Training: VR technology is being used for immersive safety training experiences. VR simulations allow employees to experience and respond to potential hazards in a controlled environment, enhancing their preparedness for real-world situations.
Impact: Digital transformation is enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of safety programs through advanced technologies and data-driven insights.
7. How Are Employee Expectations Driving Changes in Workplace Safety Practices?
Rising employee expectations are influencing workplace safety practices, with a focus on creating safer and more supportive work environments.
Recent Developments:
Enhanced Safety Measures: Employees are demanding higher safety standards and more robust safety measures. Organizations are responding by investing in advanced safety technologies, improving training programs, and enhancing communication about safety protocols.
Employee Involvement: Companies are increasingly involving employees in safety decision-making processes. This includes seeking feedback on safety practices, involving employees in hazard identification, and creating safety committees to address concerns.
Impact: Meeting employee expectations is driving improvements in safety practices and contributing to a safer and more engaging work environment.
The workplace safety market is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifting workforce dynamics. The integration of AI, remote work models, mental health support, sustainability trends, regulatory updates, digital transformation, and rising employee expectations are all contributing to significant changes in workplace safety practices.
As organizations continue to adapt to these trends, they are investing in innovative solutions and comprehensive safety programs to enhance employee well-being and ensure a safer work environment. Staying informed about these developments is crucial for companies looking to maintain a competitive edge and promote a culture of safety in the workplace.
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tsic-tata · 2 months
Explore innovative HR management solutions tailored for industrial excellence at Tata Steel Consulting. Discover how our expertise enhances workforce efficiency and organizational performance.
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mitalipingale · 2 months
The Workplace Stress Management Market in 2023 is US$ 10.41 billion, and is expected to reach US$ 16.75 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 6.10%.
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techtoio · 3 months
Wearable Technology: The Next Generation of Smart Devices
Wearable technology has rapidly become a cornerstone in the tech industry, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. These devices, from smartwatches to fitness trackers, are not just trendy gadgets but essential tools that enhance our daily lives. As technology evolves, wearable devices are becoming more sophisticated, offering unprecedented functionalities that go beyond mere fitness tracking. This article delves into the next generation of wearable technology, exploring its features, benefits, and the future landscape of smart devices. Read to continue
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dealsxciting · 4 months
❌Job Interview Jitters? No, more ❌
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About The Interview Answers Included in Your Download: FOR EVERY QUESTION you may face, this download gives you several word-for-word example answers to choose from — AND you'll have the templates for creating own perfect answers — based on your own personality & your own work experience.
Three hundred behavioral interview questions are covered in the training, with over 177 example answers that work for behavioral, competency-based, situational, structured, ATOLA model, & KSA interviews.
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Sample Interview Questions: <@>Describe a situation when working with a team produced more successful results than if you had completed the project on your own. <@>What's the worst mistake you ever made on the job, and what did you learn from it? <@>What did you like best and least about your previous job? <@>Describe a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it.
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aimarketresearch · 5 months
Connected Workplace Market Size, Share, Trends, Global Demand, Growth and Opportunity Analysis
Global Connected Workplace Market business report is the all-inclusive market research report which studies the challenges, market structures, opportunities, driving forces, emerging trends, and competitive landscape of  industry. The report encompasses primary, secondary and advanced information about the global market with respect to status, trends, size, share, growth, and segments in the forecasted period. This Industry report conducts thorough competitive research to provide better market insights. This market report accomplishes comprehensive analysis of profiles of key market players that provides a competitive landscape. Connected Workplace Market research report is one of the key factors used in maintaining competitiveness over competitors.
Market research report execution is becoming very critical for the successful businesses as it provides insights into revenue growth and sustainability initiative. Connected Workplace Market survey report employs the use of latest tools and techniques for researching, analysing and collecting data and information. The statistical and numerical data are represented in graphical format for a neat understanding of facts and figures of market research analysis. Furthermore, Connected Workplace Market business report presents the data and information for actionable, most recent and real-time market insights which makes it easier to even take critical business decisions.
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The connected workplace market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 24.15% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research report on connected workplace market provides analysis and insights regarding the various factors expected to be prevalent throughout the forecast period while providing their impacts on the market’s growth. The rapid digitization globally is escalating the growth of connected workplace market.
A connected workplace refers to the type of arrangement that helps with managing far-off work strategy by getting the correct instruments set up and also, preparing for a comparative circumstance later on. Associations ensure that representatives working from far have the apparatuses they require, such as VPNs, admittance to basic reports, coordinated effort devices and video conferencing arrangements among others.
Connected Workplace Key Benefits over Global Competitors:
The report provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Connected Workplace Market trends, forecasts, and market size to determine new opportunities.
Porter’s Five Forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make strategic business decisions and determine the level of competition in the industry.
Top impacting factors & major investment pockets are highlighted in the research.
The major countries in each region are analyzed and their revenue contribution is mentioned.
The market player positioning segment provides an understanding of the current position of the market players active in the Personal Care Ingredients
Table of Contents: Connected Workplace Market
1 Introduction
2 Market Segmentation
3 Executive Summary
4 Premium Insight
5 Market Overview
6 Connected Workplace Market, by Product Type
7 Connected Workplace Market, by Modality
8 Connected Workplace Market, by Type
9 Connected Workplace Market, by Mode
10 Connected Workplace Market, by End User
12 Connected Workplace Market, by Geography
12 Connected Workplace Market, Company Landscape
13 Swot Analysis
14 Company Profiles
The investment made in the study would provide you access to information such as:
Connected Workplace Market [Global – Broken-down into regions]
Regional level split [North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa]
Country wise Market Size Split [of important countries with major market share]
Market Share and Revenue/Sales by leading players
Market Trends – Emerging Technologies/products/start-ups, PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, etc.
Market Size)
Market Size by application/industry verticals
Market Projections/Forecast
Critical Insights Related to the Connected Workplace Included in the Report:
Exclusive graphics and Illustrative Porter’s Five Forces analysis of some of the leading companies in this market
Value chain analysis of prominent players in the market
Current trends influencing the dynamics of this market across various geographies
Recent mergers, acquisitions, collaborations, and partnerships
Revenue growth of this industry over the forecast period
Marketing strategy study and growth trends
Growth-driven factor analysis
Emerging recess segments and region-wise market
An empirical evaluation of the curve of this market
Ancient, Present, and Probable scope of the market from both prospect value and volume
The major players covered in the connected workplace market report are Accenture, NTT DATA CORPORATION, Cisco System Inc., ATOS SE, LP, Hewlette Packard Enterprise Development, Capegemini, Cognizant, HCL Technologies Ltd., Citirix Systems Inc., Computer Sciences Corporation, Wipro Ltd., Unisys, Tata Consultancy Ltd., IBM, Infosys Ltd., Intel Corporation, Tech Mahindra Ltd., BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT Inc., Adobe Inc., and Jabil Inc., among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
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onemonitarsoftware · 6 months
OneMonitar: Empowering Workplace Oversight
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Unlock comprehensive employee monitoring with OneMonitar. Monitor calls, track messages, ensure productivity, maintain security, and utilize GPS tracking. Enhance workplace efficiency and accountability effortlessly.
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Risk Management Best Practices
In the dynamic field of construction, embracing risk management best practices is not just beneficial; it’s essential. This article dives into the core of risk management best practices in construction safety, exploring how these strategies can significantly reduce hazards and enhance overall project efficiency. Understanding these principles is crucial for every construction safety…
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