#Womens Work Shirts
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hotdogmchiggin · 2 months ago
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Company Mandated Fancy Fits on the Tulpar 😏
Also had to include the REAL star of the show (and a bonus)
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Based off of this and this. Thank you very much joetastic for being inspirational 👍
The REAL reason this is late
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sluttyambitions · 4 days ago
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The Presentation
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stupid-ass-username · 2 months ago
Idea: Vi, but she's in that Very Nice Shirt that jayce was wearing 👀👀👀
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divinebunni · 2 years ago
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- design available for purchase! -
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qourmet · 1 year ago
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another AU no one asked for
i've been listening to the promare ost & gave in to watch the movie. been thinkin a Lot about a promare/wangxian AU but all i could really focus on was MianMian in Aina's clothes & i was kinda Gone
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but also, consider: yiling found family as Mad Burnish
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batsplat · 8 months ago
let’s be shallow and objectifying, who’s the most handsome/attractive motogp rider, current grid and from the past, in your opinion??
so, an important caveat here is. I am a lesbian. obviously that means I'm the best-placed to give an accurate assessment on these matters and in many ways am the definitive authority... but there is perhaps a little bit of a tendency to just rate blokes highly if they meet the 'if you squinted could you trick yourself into thinking they were a woman' criterion. also not to get into the ins and outs of how sexuality works too much, but it does become more about persona for me when you've not got the same instant physical attraction? like how much are you into how they behave, into the vibes, into the complete package...
all of this obviously means that valentino automatically has a leg up as certified evil lesbian. everybody knows about the 125cc dyke years, but honestly if I squint I can still see it for much of his career (which btw is why personally the least attractive I think I've ever found him aren't any of the haircuts that everyone hates but his 2002 where he looked like 'just some guy'). shout out to his early yamaha years, definitely could pass as a lesbian. also even when he's got the sideburns I can dirtbag lesbo him in my head. without getting too much into valentino hairstyle rankings, I do also actually like his shaved head eras, it's very lean and mean. very butch realness, if you will. he's in the mancrush territory for me like he is actually quite hot
other retired riders... there's like a very specific time period where casey looks quite nice, in his early ducati years where he's wide eyed and surly and has a good camera smile but is also kinda grumpy a lot of the time. not necessarily attractive but sort of like a doe? skittish. like you kinda want to pat him on the shoulder and tell him to chill out? I think his face is quite nice to look at, but it kinda fades when he goes to honda and falls prey to 'just some guy' syndrome. he looks quite nice post retirement though, *gestures vaguely* rugged but in a nice way. I'm struggling to think of a single other retired rider I find attractive... chris vermeulen in the suzuki leathers looked kinda appealing actually. pre-valentino the sport really was 'just some guy' all the way unfortunately... maybe crivi deserves a shout out
from the current grid... uh. there's some guys I know are objectively attractive but also do nothing for me 99% of the time. marc does sometimes fall into this category unfortunately, like he's got a very compelling face but it's also too perfect? he does more for me these days!! a few more lines, bags under the eyes and all that... back in the day he did just look too much like a cross between a barbie doll and a literal toddler. I WILL SAY he's deeply attractive specifically at misano 2019 when he's got that massive grin while being booed (jerez 2005 important sister moment where valentino looks fantastic too). in general, every time he looks a bit psychotic I go 'yeah I get it' I think? like the motogp unlimited moment where joan is kinda terrified of him and marc looks like he's trying to figure out whether he can muster the energy to eat him, that really makes me go 'OH yeah now I understand'. luca I think is also clearly good looking, but again just a bit too much, he's very ooh look I'm a walking sculpture, good for him and all but also too much. I don't think pecco is attractive, but also his sister clearly does just look like the female version of him and she's INCREDIBLY hot, 12/10 girl call me, so I guess pecco probably is too? might do more for me if he got rid of the facial hair, but he does look quite... idk, soft, like I'd pat him on the head. aleix has a very firm jaw, he can definitely get it. also could be a lesbian without too little adjustment. not that this is the metric, but just saying! uh... fabio looks quite nice? when he had the bisexual leathers earlier this season he moved me, also he's got a nice voice. vinales occasionally has his moments, but it really depends on what he's doing with his hair and facial hair situation at any given time. um. that's it
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living-la-vida-lesbian · 11 months ago
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they're judging you
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lesbianaelwen · 1 year ago
“camaraderie in the toxicity” REAL
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hanzajesthanza · 9 months ago
today is a dandelion kind of day
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bluedesignwall · 9 months ago
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Well that was a funny ol Monday. A bunch of us have lost our jobs, it makes for a funny ol Monday for sure. In brighter news I did some good work in the tiny gym after the funny ol Monday in the office. I also ironed a couple of shirts I bought for Hubs on the weekend. He said he didn't really like them, probably because they have some colour in them, so if he does not wear them I will definitely cut them down and make some shirts for myself out of the fabric. How could you not like a tiny hexie shirt? Our big trip is approaching and there are decisions and admin to do around that too so this evening I am working on trip admin and trying not to think about work.
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dropoutfailure · 3 days ago
nobody in film criticism ever talks about Mikhail Kaufman's faggy high boots in Man with a Movie Camera (1929)
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avilionea · 8 days ago
the politics of birthing sons between Queens/ Cheiftain's wives, mistresses, and bondswomen(slaves) in Ireland/Briton between the 5th and 7th century is so wild and I am so here for it.
For example there's folklore around this Chieftain Killian O'brian and his wife Alainn, who was a witch but also couldn't give him any kids, so she would take his mistress's children right after birth and present them herself to be able to claim them as hers and secure her position as his wife, therefore kicking his mistresses out once they were legitimized as hers.
he takes a fancy to this newly traded bondwoman (who worked outside chores) in his house, sends her one of his white shirts ( how to summon a whore of the lowest caste apparently! gold and silver cups were for women of status asdfghj, ) and she gets pregnant, but wore his shirt while giving birth, and uses the shirt as reason enough to keep his wife out of the room so that she can keep hold of her son.
Alainn had ordered the midwife to walk out of the room with the son since she wasn't allowed to enter because of the boon invoked on her husband's shirt. Whelp, the bondswoman, covered in her own blood rose from the birthing bed and ran with her baby to Killian's hall, falling at his feet with their son. He's so moved by this display that he offers her the grace of confinement with her baby for a month and half before bringing her services inside the house, and gifting her a set of silver needles as a promise never to be beaten, sold, or looked upon lowly. She was then henceforth placed behind his wife at his right at his table. The shirt was blessed and she gave him seven more sons.
So favorites were given shirts , could invoke a boon within a set guideline on the men in power in their lives and were considered to be protected henceforth with a notable higher status as well as could be freed to be a wife as long as they could provide another son.
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starlooove · 22 days ago
When ppl talk about customer service workers being dehumanized it’s not even the insane freakouts it’s the lack of personal space that pisses me off
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neproxrezi · 1 year ago
reason 846 i hate job interviews: just had a mock interview at a training place and part of the feedback was that i could have dressed smarter for it, by which they meant 'a shirt and trousers' and like. i was wearing womens smart office wear that i have worn to office jobs before so i have to assume they meant 'wear mens office wear', and i just think im gonna have to ask them what they think i should do toward that end because that just does not have an easy answer
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curiosity-killed · 5 months ago
Im not going to say anything coherent here but there’s something about the way presentation at work is so blatantly and unequally split down gender lines* and how women are often (in my experience) the ones who reinforce those expectations when you don’t perform them and often reinforce them through the guise** of care which, in itself, is an expected and rewarded trait of femininity
*its not just gender and i know it gets even messier when you get into how “professionalism” is defined and policed wrt POC
**guise isn’t quite the right word because it implies a little too much malicious intentionality and I don’t think it usually is but the impact is annoying as fuck
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starredfishing · 2 years ago
Tell me more about the way the new superman show portrays Lois and her heritage, Starry.
thank u for sending me this ask so i can go insane. also disclaimer: i am korean american but i was raised by white ppl so i cant be an entirely accurate source! slappin a read more on this bc oh boy. i say words
so just in the first 4 episodes i think they do a spectacular job of making her heritage subtle yet noticable. in the first episode she does the lil heart hands thing, which is the way i've seen kpop idols do it but my brother told me its just kinda the korean equiv of heart hands
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and then in the 4th episode she wears a jeogori, which is the top of a hanbok (korean traditional wear)
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(image taken from the 'jeogori' wikipedia page)
i also wanna note the little top shes wearing under her jacket looks like a traditional viet top (source: my friend who is viet) so double slay
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and then beyond that, i really like the way she's designed visually. she doesn't fall under the classic tropes and stereotypes that most animation companies do when designing east asians. she isn't pale (which is a colorism issue, i actually have the same skin color as her), she doesn't have long flowing black hair or on the flip side she doesn't have a purple streak or anything, and she isn't drawn with stereotypical slits for eyes. she's just a normal korean-american woman!!! she's also voiced by a korean, which is super nice to see! i know people joke about her looking and sounding like luz but, yknow.
and then in episode 4 she goes to this fancy high-rise party where she isn't taken seriously and is even insulted on her mannerisms and looks. she's the only woman there wearing something that isn't 1. a dress and 2. western-styled. so they're ostrasizing her based on her heritage as well as her class, though it's interesting that all the women ivo points to as 'classy women' are woc so it is more abt classism. jimmy, a black man, gets disrespected as a photographer and people ignore lois entirely even though some people are willing to speak to clark, who is white. its subtle but like ive been there. she also strays away from the model minority myth--she refuses to take the safe route.i think its a rlly nice and subtle way to show classism and racism without it like, just telling you. i could go on forever abt clark being a jewish immigrant adoptee too he's part of the group even tho he's white (passing). i like the way the show kinda plays around with "but hes not like us/hes dangerous!" no matter how nice he is-- its the same model minority stuff nimona touched on with no matter how nice you are people will still see your worst. but i digress
and just generally abt how they portray lois: i really like her!!! bc it's a younger version of her (superman origin story), it makes sense that she's super spunky and peppy since she's an intern rn. but she's still the kind of woman who runs headfirst into danger without thinking. i like that her character is 'i hate being lied to' because of her past with her dad which then in turn makes her a super nosy reporter who wants the truth. cant wait 2 see what happens next week now that she figured out clark is superman
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